Oryzias woworae Blue Neon Ricefish
Oryzias woworae Blue Neon Ricefish
Oryzias woworae Blue Neon Ricefish Mike Drawdy: Imperial Tropicals in Lakeland 1) Male Betta Splenden (single fish) 2) Open Cover Photo: Mike Jacobs 2014 TABLE of CONTENTS Click on Title to Go Directly to Item 3) President’s Stuff Mike Jacobs 4) The Journey of an Angel Mike Jacobs 8) Exchange Articles/Bulletins 10) Patty Talks 11) Random Shots 18) Membership Dues 19) Bowl Show Results Bill Little Patty Moncrief Mike Jacobs TBAS Al Starkey 20) Monthly Bowl Show Categories TBAS 21) Website of Interest TBAS 22) - 24) Sponsors TBAS 23) TBAS Officers TBAS ........................ TBAS February 2014 -3TBAS had a visitor. I am sorry we couldn’t work it out that Jim Cormier could visit TBAS and visit all of you but that just works out that way sometimes. I don’t remember years any more but many years ago Jim moved to Florida from the NE United States and because a quick friend to TBAS . . . so much so he because president of TBAS for two years. Jim was a very, very talented breeder and a good aquarium club “person” as he was also the president of the Coastal club for 2 years . . . then “family stuff” happened and he had to move back up north. Jim’s the second from the left . . . the rest you know! Of course there was some other “activity” at Bill’s house that day . . . . . . yep . . . Bill takes in squirrels when they need the help . . . that’s nifty it!!!! e Mik -4- TBAS February 2015 .................... A Pictorial Essay of an Angelfish The first “trick” is to get a pair to spawn! Then I separate the eggs from the parents. Not everyone does that. To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -5- At about 80 degrees the eggs will hatch in 2 days and hang and “wiggle” from a sticky thread for a couple of days. Then they will start to fall to the bottom and “wiggle” around there for a couple of days. On about the 7th day after the spawn they will come up off the bottom to begin eating. To Table of Contents -6- TBAS February 2015 .................... Then they start growing . . . . . . and growing . . . They finally start looking like angelfish . . . until . . . To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -7- They finally are the “angels” you have been after. The Best Koi Angelfish In The Universe www.angelsplus.com To Table of Contents -8- TBAS February 2015 .................... We are going to try something new to TBAS this month . . . based upon a recent discussion among several TBAS BOD members it was suggested the Exchange Bulletin section of the website contained a wealth of information that was not being utilized by the membership. Each month we post exchange bulletins from more than a dozen clubs around this country and Canada and TBAS has a library of many, many years of bulletins. These publications contain many articles worthy of reading but perhaps our readership just can’t seem to find the time to dig through the information each month. Taking this into account we have decided to do the reviewing each month and provide the readership with a brief description of a few of those items that might interest you the most. For starters, let’s begin with Modern Aquarium the publication of the Greater City Aquarium Society of New York. For most of this year they have been running chapters of a recently yet to be published book “An Aquarist’s Journey” written by Rosario LaCorte, perhaps the senior and most knowledgeable tropical fish hobbyist alive today. Rosario, who is in his 90’s, has been everywhere and rubbed elbows with virtually everybody that was anybody in the hobby for the past 75 years. We encourage you to go back through the issues of the past year and read each of the chapters. Those of you that are relatively new to the hobby will enjoy a little bit of history and for us old timers it brings back may memories and stories long forgotten. FINformation the newsletter for The Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society contains an article by Leslie Ernst on “Spawning the Blue Gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus”. The spawning starts in a tub in the backyard but the fry are rescued and taken inside because of early cold weather. The January issue of the Raleigh Aquarium Society is mostly devoted to turtles. If you are into turtles To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -9you might wish to read through that issue. The Eastern Iowa Aquarium Association (EIAA) reprinted a BAP Report by Jack VanderAa on the “HY511 Tetra” originally published in Aqua antics, the newsletter of the Sarnia Aquarium Society, Sarina, Ontario, Canada. It’s a nice article on breeding this Tetra species. Tropic Tank Talk the publication of The Greater Detroit Aquarium Society published an article on “Spawning Aphyosemion amieti” by Charlie Drew. Charlie’s original article was published in the monthly bulletin of the Hamilton and District Aquarium Society. This month’s issue of Fish Talk the publication of the Atlanta Area Aquarium Association includes a good article by David Ramsey on raising Banana Worms. I always thought banana worms were just another variation of microworms – Dave says NO, not really. Well, that’s a sample of what’s newly available in our Exchange Bulletins this month – check it out!! photo by Mike Jacobs . . . 2015 One of the new strains of Bettas that have come out lately . . . a Koi Betta! To Table of Contents TBAS February 2015 .................... Often the simple basics can mean life or death to your fish. Introducing a new fish to an established tank is a very stressful situation for the fish and for you. The temperature in the bag will begin to drop quickly on the trip home from the store. Or, a fish in a plastic bag can cook in the sun on the seat of a car. The longer the fish is in a bag, the more of a problem this becomes. It is always best to place the bagged fish in a paper sack. This keeps the animal calmer, in a darker environment and adds a little insulation. As soon as you get the fish home, float the bag, still sealed, in the intended tank. Then, after fifteen minutes, open the bag and add water . . . from the tank, of course . . . about 1/4 the amount of water in the bag. Wait about five more minutes and repeat the process. Another five minutes, then net the fish out of the bag. DON’T PUT THE WATER FROM THE BAG INTO THE TANK! There may be medications in the bag water, even if it looks clear. Or, there may be parasites in the free-floating stage, or who knows what. Just don’t do it! If the fish has been in the bag water for several hours, a new problem arises. The pH is dropping and the levels of ammonia are going up. Place the [bagged] fish in the intended tank, let it float for about 30 minutes, then open the bag and net the fish out. Again, don’t use the bag water. When the fish bag is open, the pH begins to go up and that makes the ammonia even more deadly. The fish must be removed at once! I should note that there has been some controversy about floating fish bags, including everything from contaminating your tank with the inks used on the bags to suffocating the fish because the bag is under water and oxygen isn’t getting in. I have found the floating process is less “shocking” to the fish and I would suggest that if you are worried about the ink, then ask your fish dealer not to write on the bag. The less stressful the introduction, the better chance the new fish has. -10 To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -11- Amia calva . . . a young Bowfin . . . Photo by Mike Jacobs 2015 To Table of Contents -12- TBAS February 2015 .................... MEMBERSHIP DUES!!!! Membership Dues for TBAS are due on the anniversary of your sign-up date every year. Please make sure you check the “sign-in” list on the table at every meeting to check your “Dues-Date” . . . Thanks!!! USE PAYPAL ON THE TBAS WEBSITE . . . TBAS1.COM . . . !!!!! To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 NAME John Patterson Kent Sheets Bill Little Ludo VanDem Bogaert -13- January 2015 19 16 2 2 Jan 2015 19 16 2 2 TOTAL 19 16 2 2 Hyphessobrycon takasei . . . Coffee Bean Tetra . . . photo by Mike Jacobs 2015 Did you ever think of KILLIFISH??? Come find out about them at the SKS meetings!!! See the ad to the left! http://www.sks.aka.org To Table of Contents TBAS February 2015 .................... -14- MONTHLY BOWL SHOW January July February August 1) Livebearers 2) Egglayers 1) Male Betta Splenden (single fish) 2) Open March 1) Tetras & Barbs 2) Cichlids April 1) Corydoras 2) Anabantoids no Bettas May 1) Platies 2) Guppies June 1) Arta & Crafts (hand made) 2) Fish “T” Shirt (must be worn) 3) Aquatic Photos (personally taken) 1) Plants 2) Killifish 1) Mollies 2) Rainbows September 1) Swordtails 2) Pleco/Sucker type fish October 1) Angelfish/Dwarf Cichilds 2) Discus November 1) Livebearers - Spawned and Raised 2) Egg Layers- Spawned and Raised December 1) Goldfish & Koi 2) Invertebrates (Fresh or Salt) To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 WEBSITES OF FISH INTEREST -15- American Cichlid Association www.cichlid.org Planet Catfish www.planetcatfish.com American Killifish Association www.aka.org Pleco World www.plecoworld.org American Livebearers Association www.livebearers.org Raleigh Aquarium Society www.raleighaquariumsociety.org Angels Plus www.angelsplus.com Seriously Fish www.seriouslyfish.com Coastal Aquarium Society www.coastalaquariumsociety.com Suncoast Killifish Society www.aka.org/sks Michigan Cichlid Association www.Michigancichlid.com Tampa Bay Aquarium Society www.tbas1.com Coastal meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month on the campus of New College in Sarasota Florida . . . come and spend an evening with us! http://coastalaquariumsociety.com You won’t be sorry you came! Directions are on the website. To Table of Contents TBAS February 2015 .................... -16- 1) 5D Tropical Fish 2) Segrest Farms 1) Amazon Exotics 2) BioAquatix 3) Carter’s Fish Hatchery 4) FishEye Aquatics 5) Golden Pond 6) Imperial Tropicals 7) Lile’s Tropical Fish 8) V-W Tropicals To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -17- To Table of Contents -18- TBAS February 2015 .................... To Table of Contents ........................ TBAS February 2014 -19- TAMPA BAY AQUARIUM SOCIETY OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Jacobs V. PRESIDENT Laura Lee Petrila SECRETARY Ludo Van Den Bogaert TREASURER Patty Moncrief BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hank Darin Joe Gargas Bill Little Darin Gasperson Bill Shields To Table of Contents -20- TBAS February 2015 .................... TBAS Tampa Bay Aquarium Society St. Pete/Tampa, Florida Website: http://tbas1.com FORUM: http://tbas1.com/forum/ To Table of Contents
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