by Nikki Giovanni
by Nikki Giovanni
l .,:. F L tace 1 to Be by Nikki Giovanni the world is nor a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by a river would stop its flow if only a stream were there to receive it 10 an ocean would never laugh if clouds weren't there to kiss her tears the world is not a pleasant place someone to be without How would you describe the feelings that the speaker expresses in the first stanza? the examples from nature help you understand the speaker's feelings? ttthy do you think the poet chose the word preosontinstead of another word? 2OZ uNtr rrlro pART 1: REACHING our Key Standard Wl_.2 Support statements with such evidence jacts, statistics, examples, and anecdotes. IOther lct.4, Interpretingapoem... From Reading to Writing Some people say that reading a poem is like peeling an onion_with every layer you peel away, there is another underneath. At firs! ,,The pasture,, by Robert Frost seems like a simple poem about chores on a farm. However, if you read it again, you may discover new meanings. Writinl an interpretive essay means going beyond the surface to discover the deeper messages of a work. Great literature always reveals something new. Now is your chance to find it. 238 uNIT Two pART 1: REACHING our Standords Wt.t, Wt.I, W1.4,W2.4, LCr.7 For Your Portfolio WRITING pROMpT Write an essay exploring your understanding of a Po9m. Purpose: To explain your interpretation Audience: your teacher, classmates, and anyone else familiar with the work ninga Student Model Place to Bet' frhe-poern4. Giovanni creates aii aimosphere iS lst a pleasarrtplaee/to be e'.|t|9.wq4d ;i' u"a u" held bvl' sSyl a !o1 4bout he noid ao living in a big' emllY - feelings. As I read this; I pidtuittd ttre poet around trer' and also in the upa.t i"nt. She is alone in the world in the lines "without/ world of feelings ingide her' HOleler' she seems to be.saying that there someone to trotd and be held by"' way' Each living creature can is hope. People don't need to feel this find comfort by feeling connected to others' "a river would stop/its In the seqond stanza' Giovanni writes' it'" The speaker is flow if onty/a strearii-ere ttrere/to receive uses a *:'"ph"1f-l1:1ty expressingthe feeling of longing' She no direction or pulPosg tn The river is a symbol of a person with or boundaries to hold it in' In other words' a w'ith;;t b;undariesil;-ii;;;F and-on forever' to hold' and to be held by may person without ro*6il* t*" fot' I also think she is i"u."h forever in many different directions' away from his or her loved ones saying that the person who breaks It seems to me that the or tries to be free will find only loneliness' the thing he or she is searching thing that person is running from is the river, the person will for_love and a connectioi to others. Like waiting' There is another only stop running when another is there might stop searching so hard if meaning also. That is that people was devoted to them' they knew there was someone who that "an oceaq Yould never The third stanza of the poem says I think Giovanni's h laugh/if clouds weren't there/to kiss htt*un beings connected but message here is ttt"t t"t ottfy *" il;;td";rde i "U wealsoneedeachothertobringjoyintoourlives.Together'we of life' Here' pain, disappointments' and sorrows can get past the O Transitions guide the reader through the interPretation and reveal the stanza -bY-stanza organization of the poem. @ Essay can be built around interpretation of specific images, like this river metaPhor. O Direct quotations from the Poem support the writer's interpretation' Other 0Ptions: . Paraphrase lines to support interpretatlon. . Take images from the poem as support. WRITING WORKSHOP 239 i:1 .r!. ... !'.i,,::i,r:::.:i,l;tij:i'.t.rtri..rrJ=.:It ... ' .'',trt.l-j.4 .;,-.. ;. ..1 : trL.l..;. : . .:. .. r r:Jr tr i ii; li.. : ,.d ':F i , i once again, the cycle of life is shown. The ocean is connected me skl just Fs we are connecred ro each otrrr. -clourlslw"hjCh * .*--L]'_r:_4! __.-! to Orla-;;:-_" giG ff;;filiirg rhe c-o419 rG q"emt fid . _ ___: tg: rv".t * ngt1r4_pleasanrplu" ;;;t-c-rrc!e: t" b_ fuu iepee6t[ firttstilA-rtr !io"r -_._.*. *. . -",---**--,-,.j[[ ocean L lO;rr*rr.lear__.l * b".k;-IJ *:H:T:f writer's | # _ "ff lcssage here is tharwhat w-e give ComeJ t!"qeg ,..;:,t l trre poeqr-,a- | ' _ _ _:-l-- - Writing Your Interpretive Essay O Prewriting To read o poem is to heor with our eyes; to hear it rs to seb ft with our eors. -Octavio paz, poet Go back to the poems you have studied and read each one aloud. which sparks an idea or reminds you of something? which has the most interesting sound devices or imagery? Also tist the poems with unusual structures, powerfulthemes, or confusing lines. see the rdea Bank in the mar_ gin for more ideas. After you serect po"r, foilow the steps on the next i Page. 24O UNIT Trro pART 1: REACHING our IDEA BANK t. Your Workinq- Portloliod Look for ideai in the Writing sections that you comPleted earlier. ear vriter's 2. Many Meanings With a partner, choose a Poem you both like. Discuss your interpretations. Do you agree on the message and/or theme? Use examples to support Your points, 3. Meet the Ghallenge Look over the poetry selections in your textbook. lnterpret the one that is the most difficult for you to understand. Have a question? See the Drafting Writing Handbook Paragraph Unity, p. R39 Ela boration witir Examples, p. R42 it is time to put your thoughts down on PaPer. lnclude all of the See Language Network tions and examples you gathered that help make the poem Prewriting, p.310 ive. You can eliminate less important details later. For help, try Drafting, p.315 in the blanks: moin message of (nome of Poem) bY of author) is . What is my main point about the author's Your Essay. Use your introduqtorY message or theme(s)? to identify the poem and the author -. . What examples best support my point? to briefly state your interpretation. For the .l/Vhat do you disagree with or want to of your essay, decide which idea you to present first. Then use examples and know more about? in the text to support Your main . How could my conclusion be Conclude with a summary of the meanstrengthened? of the poem. r t Paz, ud. Which 'st inter- ual strucr the mar the next VRITING WORKSHOP 241 Need revising help? Review the Rubdc, p. 238. Consider peer reader comments. Check Revising, Ediring, and Proofieading. p. H3b. See Language Network, Elaboration, p. 375. (O Revising b suppORTtNG y0uR REspONsE wrH ExAMptEs tn your interpretation, it is not enough to simply state your point. you must te your reader how you reached that point. you can do this by supporti your point with direct quotes and other examples from thstext itself. help your readers understand, you might nu"d to exprain your thougl process. Gonfused about complete sentences? The speaker is expressing the feeling of longing. She See the Grammar Handbook, p. R71. uses a metaphor from nature. Tlp ruer s a sqmbol of a person wrth no direction or purpose in ltfe,The rrver has uo gaals to follow or boundaries to hold it in, SPELLING From Writins {,r*. A"you revise your V*F1 wort<,,look back *' at the words you misspelled and determine why you made the errors you did. For additional help, refer to the strategies and generalizations in the sKl[[ TARGET _@_ and Proofreading lOiting sKl[L F suBJEcr-vEBB TARGET AGREEMTNT verbs should always agree with their subjects in number. A singular subject takes a ,inguiu, u?rb. * plural subject takes a plural verb. Spelling Handbook, p. R30. The speaker €Sxpressing the feeling of longing. She _/\ SPEAKTNG u*"% m.tuphor from nature. The river €Esymbol of a person with no direction or purpose in life. The river Turn your interpretation into an oral presentation. no goals to follow or boundaries to hold it in. rli"lriril::ai?.-.r,:iii:rW.-n j.-".{nii: Publishing j W 7\ :iffii il :1r4riiiEi?riFii{tr"fi 33::!ry IDEAS o Create a poetry Web site and publish your interpretation as well as those of your classmates. r Work with classmates who interpreted the same poem to prepare a lesson for the class. O Reflecting Y0uR w0RKlNG P0BTF0U0 what did you learn about the poem as a result of writing this interpretation? which step of the process gave you FOR the most difficulty? what will you do differentiy the next time you write an interpretation? Attach your answers to your finished essay. save your interpretive essay in your Working portfotio.ff Publishing 0ptions wwriv. mc 242 douga UNIT II itte I l. c T$(/o om pART 1: REACHTNG our