winter 2012 with gratitude, the annual report 2011–2012


winter 2012 with gratitude, the annual report 2011–2012
Wit h gra t it u de , the Annual R eport 2011–2012
WI N T ER 2012
at Shanahan
Fr. John Masson ’04 returned to Shanahan as a newly ordained priest and
presided at the school’s Opening Liturgy.
Deacon John Stokely ’05, center, returned to Shanahan as the homilist for
the school’s Thanksgiving Liturgy. Joining him are left to right: Mark
Cavara ’05, Matt Robinson ’10, David O’Brien ’10, Austin Chukinas ’07, and
Brian Connolly ’94.
at Shanahan
The Shawn Dougherty Scholarship
By Rachel Parker ’15
would like to recognize a family friend, Shawn Dougherty, whom I
consider to be very inspirational. I met Shawn when he, his wife, and
daughter relocated to my parish. To say the least, Shawn was an active
parish volunteer and our families became close friends.
About six years ago, Shawn was diagnosed with sarcoma cancer and
needed to stop doing one of the things that he loved the most—coaching
basketball. Shawn finished out the season then relayed his sad news to
the team. They were heartbroken. For the next three years Shawn kept up
the fight. He retired from his position as a detective for the United States
Postal Service and three weeks later was put on hospice. The following
week God called him home.
Shawn had a positive influence on many people and inspired me to do
my best while facing challenges head on. Shawn loved Disney World and
the slogan “A dream is a wish your heart makes.” From him, I learned not
to adjust my hopes and dreams, but to alter the steps along the way.
Shawn made a big impact on me and my actions. I try my best to
achieve goals and inspire others like he did. He truly stuck to his work,
used creativity, and was kind. Despite his challenges and obstacles he
always had a smile. Each day he woke up and carried his cross along his
journey. Nothing would get him down and his actions exemplified both
inspiration and leadership.
Thank You Shawn for inspiring me to be the best person that I can be!
Previous scholarship recipient Rachel Parker ’15 (left) with the 2012-13
Shawn P. Dougherty scholarship recipient, Allison Lawrence ’16.
The family of Shawn P. Dougherty began a scholarship for a girl from St. Agnes grade school who plans to attend a Catholic high
school. Shawn served as a CYO basketball coach at St. Agnes and passed away from cancer. He loved working, being of service
to others, and coaching CYO basketball!
On the Cover
Main Picture: L to r: Sr. Barbara Burnette, Joe Aquilante (BSHS Religion teacher), Caitlin
McCarry ’11, Mary Beth Devenney ’06, Sr. Rosemary DePaul, Bill Pennewell ’07, and
Meghan Nulty ’12 in Peru (story on pg. 11).
Left Picture: Mrs. Regina Rogasch with her grandson, Robert Bahara ’16, on
Grandparents’ Day. We are grateful for our Shanahan grandparents!
Center Picture: Band members (l to r) Brad Vertigan ’13, Ian Gallagher ’13, Katherine
Sweeney ’13, Rachele Gillespie ’13, Deanna Herb ’14, and Rose Ousey ’14 are grateful for
their new band uniforms (story on pg. 6).
Right Picture: Fr. Kevin McCabe distributes Communion at the Thanksgiving Liturgy.
A letter from our president
December, 2012
Dear Fellow Graduates,
Parents, and Friends of
Bishop Shanahan High School,
Sr. Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64
Sr. Maureen Lawrence McDermott, IHM, Ph.D.
John DeSantis
Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs
Stephen Mickulik
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Dorothy Stranix
Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Advisory Board
Leo Parsons ’78, Chairman
Beth Harper Briglia
Michael Cabry
Joseph J. DellaVecchia III
Francis DiFonzo ’62
Robert J. DiSciullo ’82
M. Kathryn Dulin ’64
Mary Lou Enoches ’66
Anthony Fiorenza ’72
James B. Griffin
Mary Kay Hennessy ’75
Leslie Kelso
Courtney Lofgren ’95
Edward M. Matejkovic, PhD ’65
John P. Morrissey SIOR
Kevin C. Quinn
Rev. T. Christopher Redcay
Cynthia Ryan
Walter Tatarowicz
Louis N. Teti
Gunard C. Travaglini
eace and blessings to you as we celebrate the beautiful Advent and Christmas
Seasons. I pray that each of you be blessed at this very holy time of year as we
remember the birth of Jesus, our Savior. May we open our hearts to the graces He
brings to us as gifts! Count on surprises, too!
St. Paul, in the letter to the Colossians, tells us: “Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness.” (Col. 3:17). What great wisdom there is in taking time to pause in the midst
of so many activities to thank God and to thank each other for blessings given and
received. (Who remembers when we were told with the “advent” of the computer
age that we would have so much more time to relax, to just “be?”)
Let me begin by thanking each one of you for your ongoing relationship with
Bishop Shanahan High School. You may be a graduate, a past parent, a present parent, a grandparent, relative or friend. No matter what the relationship is, by keeping in touch, you are an integral part of a wonderful community that is dedicated
to providing a Catholic Education to young men and women, thus forming future
Catholic leaders for our church and our world. I thank you for your spiritual, moral
and financial support which permit us to partner with parents in the formation of
their children in a peaceful, safe, and happy environment. We thank God every day
for you.
May I take this opportunity to ask you to please be generous as we make our
annual appeal. “The Shanahan Fund” is a major source of financial aid for us. We use
the money received through it for tuition assistance, for new, creative educational
programs, and to offset the costs of our activities and sports offerings. We truly
cannot do it without you and I thank you for your generosity. Our goal this year is
$230,000. Thank you for helping us reach it!
In this “Year of Faith” we entrust our cares to the Lord. Bishop Shanahan High
School is alive and well. Our greatest desire is to continue to be able to offer our students an excellent, faith-filled education second to none. The goal of the Faith in the
Future Foundation is to provide a Catholic Education to all who desire one. May this
goal be realized; this dream come true. We thank the Foundation for all their efforts
on behalf of our students, present and yet to come. There is so much for which to be
grateful. Be sure to thank someone today!
God bless you! We are always happy to see you at BSHS. May the blessings of
these holy days be felt in your hearts and homes.
Thank you!
A Blessed and Merry Christmas to All!
Sincerely yours,
Sister Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64, President
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM, Ph.D., Principal
Maureen Morin, Director of Advancement
Sister Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
Gratitude: The Key to True Happiness
by Fr. Matt Guckin
ne virtue all happy people share is
Think about people you know who are
happy. I PROMISE you they are grateful for
what they have —regardless of what they
have or don’t have.
Just as Newton has his Law of Physics
regarding gravity, Jesus has His Law of
Happiness. And the Law of Happiness is
I always teach my students that trying to
be happy is a moral obligation. That’s simply
because happy people make the world a better place while unhappy people make the
world worse. Consequently we have the duty
to search for happiness. And happiness —
that contentedness of being characterized by
joy and peace —is found through gratitude.
It’s a Law of Jesus because of His invitation to celebrate the Eucharist. The word
Eucharist literally means “to give thanks.”
We don’t simply “go to Mass.” Instead
we’re called to participate in Mass by recalling the many ways God has blessed us and
Fr. Matthew Guckin, Campus Minister, celebrates Mass in the Holy Land
The word Eucharist literally means
“to give thanks.”
respond by saying “Thank You, Lord!”
Do you want happiness? Do you want to
make the world a better place? Think of your
blessings. Think of your gifts. Go to Mass
and give thanks to God for He is good and
His love endures forever! n
Students are grateful for their school
My time at Shanahan has been
the best time of my life.
Jeff Mostyn ’14
Going to Shanahan is a
wonderful experience because I
get to practice my faith with the
community, and the people here
are great!
Michael Davison ’14
I enjoy going to Shanahan
because it is a warm and
welcoming place where all of my
talents are embraced.
Erin McFadden ’14
| Winter 2012
I enjoy Shanahan because all
of the people are very nice and
Cullen Pina ’16
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
“Mrs. C” Honored with 2012 Shanahan Medal
Service, Commitment, and Dedication
n 2002, the BSHS Administration initiated
the conferring of the Shanahan Medal at
Graduation. This medal is awarded to persons whose commitment, dedication, and
contribution to Catholic Education deserve
the recognition and gratitude of the Bishop
Shanahan Community. The three words
engraved on the back of the medal are:
Service, Commitment, and Dedication.
The honor for 2012 was to someone
whose distinguished career as an outstanding music educator has spanned three
decades. Throughout these years, the Bishop
Shanahan High School Community has benefited greatly from her dedication and her
commitment to excellence on behalf of her
students. The students themselves quote
her as often repeating: “I teach life through
The Shanahan Medal for 2012 was awarded on June 8, 2012 to Mrs. Margaret C.
Campbell, affectionately known as “Marge”
to her colleagues and as “Mrs. C.” to her students. Unique and gifted, she shares her talents with the Shanahan community, teaching
her students that music is “of the spirit” and
that they have a ministry to share.
Throughout the years, Mrs. Campbell has
taught Music Theory, Related Arts, conducted Mixed Chorus, Choral Ensemble, Select
Choir and various other choirs as the needs
arose. She has served as chairperson of the
Fine Arts Department, show producer and
director as well. Winning the B101 Choral
Competition in 2010 and having her choir
sing at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York
are just some of the highlights of her career
at Shanahan.
For many years, Mrs. Campbell has selflessly served the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
through her conducting skills and musical
gifts by her participation in diocesan liturgies, concerts and special events, sharing her
talents with generosity and grace whenever
called upon.
Mrs. Campbell is truly a woman of faith
and dedication with a song in her heart! n
Mrs. Margaret “Marge” Campbell receiving the Shanahan medal from Bishop Daniel Thomas.
I am ever so grateful that Shanahan has
afforded me the opportunity to share with
my students the love, passion and personal
growth—both spiritually and educationally
—that can be experienced through Fine Arts
education. These are all gifts from God!
Marge Campbell
Previous Shanahan Medal Recipients
2002 – Mr. Gerald J. Parsons ’70
2003 – Mrs. Barbara Travaglini
2004 – Mr. Edward Torrance
2005 – Mr. Leo Parsons ’78 and
Mr. Justin McCarthy ’64
2006 – Mrs. Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett ’59
2007 – Sr. Helen Rapine, IHM
2008 – Kevin and Barbara Quinn
2009 – Mr. James Hetherington ’63
2010 – Rev. Msgr. Daniel Kehoe
2011 – Bob ’76 and Diane ’78 Ward
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
“Xie, xie, Liu Lao Shi”
Mandarin at Shanahan
or many years, Shanahan has proclaimed that it is a school where
“opportunity abounds and excellence is
the norm,” and any invitation to broaden
and deepen opportunities for student
growth is welcome.
Spring of 2012 brought such an invitation. Through its ongoing cooperation
with the College Board, the Office of
Catholic Education was able to offer a
part-time Mandarin teacher to Shanahan
The opportunity was unique since this
guest teacher from The People’s Republic
of China would not only teach Mandarin
but enrich the students with cultural
This was a double blessing for
Shanahan since one of the Middle States
reaccreditation initiatives is global awareness. Students would not only have an
opportunity to study, research, and listen
to a speaker, but also to interact on a daily
basis. The students’ reaction was most
positive and students from grades 9, 10,
and 11 registered for the course. Mandarin
will also be offered in the 2013–2014 school
year so that Mandarin II may build on the
first year of study.
Mrs. Haiying Liu arrived in early August
and became the house guest of a Shanahan
teacher. She quickly adapted to Chester
County and was eager to make friends with
her new colleagues. The Shanahan teachers
soon found out that there were more similarities than differences teacher to teacher,
but were stunned to learn that the Chinese
school week is six and one half days long.
With the opening of the school year it
was time for Haiying to meet her students.
Like the line from Jerry Maguire, she “had
them at hello.” This instant connection is
best expressed in the students’ own words.
Freshman Anna Baffa comments, “I absolutely love Chinese class!” Another freshman, Mary Kate McCracken, supported the
sentiment by stating, “Chinese is my favorite
class! I look forward to learning new Chinese
words every day and I think that it is so cool
to speak Chinese words and phrases to my
Giving thanks in Chinese
在 Shanahan 教学的近两个月,这里聪明好学的学生,
对我教学予以高度支持的校长 Sr. Maureen 以及在我遇到困
所以我由衷地感到:I am the one who is blessed.
| Winter 2012
Mrs. Haiying Liu teaching with flash cards
family and friends.” Sophomore Rita Shultz
reflected, “I personally feel it’s amazing that
I already can understand Chinese characters,
when just one month ago, it looked like a
form of abstract art to me.”
Mutual admiration developed quickly
between teacher and students. Mrs. Liu was
very impressed by the caliber and dedication
of her Shanahan students. Having prepared
what she considered a week’s worth of material for her first full week, Mrs. Liu had to
Continued on page 6
Mandarin Translation
I am deeply impressed by the smart and
engaged students in Shanahan over the past
two months. I still remember how fast they
grasp all the new knowledge of this new language. It took them only three days to finish
all that had been intended to be taught in
one week. I am moved by their devotion
and desire to learn this language. I am lucky
to meet the principal, who totally supports
my teaching and I am lucky to meet all the
friends around me, who offer their help
whenever I am in trouble. It is their love
that helps me adapt to this foreign country
pretty fast and it is their selfless assistance
that solves all the potential difficulty in my
life and teaching. All these make me feel it
from the bottom of my heart that I am the
one who is blessed!
— Mrs. Haiying Liu
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
No Matter How We Say It—We’re Thankful!
The Language Department Expresses Themselves in Their Respective Tongues
Yo doy gracias por mis hijos, nietos y amigos.
Me encanta viajar—especialmente a España y
I give thanks for my children, grandchildren and
friends. I love to travel — especially to Spain and
Mrs. Mary Lou Meyer, Spanish teacher
Estoy agradecido por….
Sin mi esposa (quien se graduó de Shanahan en
mil novecientos sesenta y ocho), yo no estaría vivo
hoy. Ella me cuidó despúes de mi cirugia a corazon
abierto con bypass cuádruple. Y ahora mismo ella
me cuida con mi cáncer incurable como resultado
de la exposicion al “agente naranja.” En mi mente,
las mejores cosas de la vida no son las cosas. Mi
esposa me ha salvado la vida.
I am thankful for…
Without my wife (who graduated from Shanahan in 1968), I would
not be alive right now. She took care of me after my open heart
quadruple bypass surgery and now she takes care of me with my
incurable cancer as a result of exposure to “agent
orange.” In my mind, the best things in life aren’t
things. My wife has saved my life.
Ciao a tutti,
Io avrei tante cose da ringraziare, ma quella piu’
importante e’ il miracolo della vita. Senza la mia
vita non potrei godere, apprezzare, conoscere,
scoprire e avere tutto quello che ho. Tutto
dipende e parte dal miracolo di una vita che mi e’
stata donata. Quindi io ringrazio I miei genitori
e tutti quelli che combattono e pregono per il
“rispetto per la vita”. Senza una vita non avrei
potuto avere I miei bambini e non avrei potuta
essere qui a BSHS dove tutto e’ testimone di vita,
con 1300 studenti, tanti talenti e tanto affetto.
Greetings to everyone,
I have many, many things to be grateful for, but the most important
one is the miracle of life.” Without life, my life, I wouldn’t be able
to travel, admire new places, learn new things, meet new people.
Everything starts and begins with that little miracle of life. So, I
thank my parents for choosing life and all those who fight, protect
and pray for the “Respect Life” movement. Without life I wouldn’t
have had my children and I wouldn’t have been able to be at BSHS
where I am surrounded by many miracles (1,170
students), many talents and lots of love.
Mrs. Rosina Natale, Italian Teacher
Mr. Chuck Leahan, Spanish teacher
Je suis reconnaissant de la force spirituelle et de la
direction que le don du Saint-Esprit m’a apportées
toute ma vie. Je suis reconnaissant à mes bons
parents qui ont partagé leur foi avec moi. Je suis
reconnaissante pour ma fille et beaucoup d’autres
bénédictions chaque jour de ma vie.
I am grateful for the spiritual strength and the direction that the gift
of the Holy Spirit has brought me all my life. I am grateful to my
good parents who shared their faith with me. I am
thankful for my daughter and many other blessings
every day of my life.
Gratias ago Deo propter entem. Esse bonum est.
Est perfectio omnium perfectionum, id quod facit
omnia bona. Cum ortu ascendo iam ens, et non
possum delinquere esse. Dixit Deus “Ego sum qui
sum.” Dico “Sum Tecum. Incipiat ludus!”
I give God thanks for being. Existence is good. It is
the perfection of all perfections, that which makes
all things good. At dawn I get up already being, and
I’m not able to fail to be. God said “I AM who am.”
I say “I’m with You. Game on!”
Fr. Kevin McCabe, Latin Teacher
Ms. Kathleen Capriotti, French teacher
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
The band marches in the Downingtown Christmas Parade.
Marching Band is Grateful to Foundations
The Connelly Foundation and the Nick Smiles on the Fine Arts Foundation provide funding
t has been a longstanding dream of the
Shanahan Music Department to resurrect
the Bishop Shanahan Marching Band which
disbanded in the early ’70s. The department
already has an outstanding reputation with
its concert band, jazz band, string ensemble,
and pep band, but a major piece was still
missing. Sister Regina Plunkett, Sr. Maureen
McDermott, and Music Director and Fine
Arts Department Chairperson, Mr. Chuck
Keating hoped to realize this dream, as did
the students of the music department.
In 2011, a grant proposal was made to
the Connelly Foundation, who generously
awarded the grant to purchase new computers, software, and instruments, including outdoor percussion instruments. The
Connelly Foundation continues to be a faithful supporter of Catholic education and
Bishop Shanahan High School.
In 2012, the Nick Smiles on the Fine Arts
Foundation generously awarded a grant to
purchase 125 band uniforms. The proceeds
raised from the Foundation’s 2011 and 2012
5K runs funded the grant.
“Nick Smiles” was formed after Nick
Mullin ’08 passed away following a four6
| Winter 2012
performing in a parade band. We were
honored to fund the parade uniform project
because it would benefit so many kids in
the band and give Bishop Shanahan a fullyoutfitted parade band.” n
Mandarin at Shanahan
Mrs. Dee Mullin gathers with alumni at a
fundraiser for the Nick Smiles Foundation.
L to R: Pat Shane ’08, Valerie Conicelli ’08,
Marissa Eldridge ’08, Dee Mullin, Andrew
Rychlak ’08, Amanda Yost
and-a-half-year battle with cancer. Tom and
Dee Mullin, Nick’s parents, wanted to honor
Nick’s positive outlook and his love of
singing and acting with this Foundation
which benefits the Fine Arts Department
at Shanahan. The Foundation has awarded
grants for a new piano, the refurbishment of
an existing piano, hands-free microphones,
an acoustical analysis of the auditorium in
anticipation of a sound system upgrade,
and the new marching band uniforms.
Dee Mullin said, “Nick would have loved
Continued from page 4
scramble to adjust. The students learned so
quickly they were ready for more by the end
of the first class. Through the technology
software program, Pin Yin, students are able
to learn Chinese characters.
Mrs. Liu initially introduced herself to
the class as “Doris” — her American name.
But the Shanahan students were eager to
immerse themselves in Mandarin, and
learned her Chinese name was Liu Lao Shi.
Unanimously, the students now echo their
gratitude to the Office of Catholic Education,
the College Board and the People’s Republic
of China for this tremendous learning experience. Resoundingly, they stated, “Xie, xie,
Liu Lao Shi” which translates, “Thank you,
thank you, Mrs. Liu!” n
W h a t ’ s Ha p p e n i n g a t S h a n a h a n
We’re Grateful for Imaginative Artists
Bishop Shanahan Art teacher, Mary Ann Thompson with her
students, Ian Saboe and Victoria Burns, after receiving certificates
from Pennsylvania State Representative Duane Milne at the
Wharton Esherick Museum’s woodblock competition exhibit.
Gabrielle Walls ’14 recently won 1st place in the Dan Ezzio
Memorial Art Contest for the Tri-State Labor Day Parade. Her
entry was made into a button which was handed out to all who
attended the parade.
Academic Initiatives
Jesuit Virtual Learning Academy
Grateful to Be 80 Years Young
Sr. Clare Maureen Graven celebrated her 80th birthday September
14th with fellow staff. She has been a valued member of the
Shanahan community for 12 years. We are grateful for the gift of
Sr. Clare and for all of our Sisters —Servants of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary. They unselfishly devote their lives to Catholic education and
our children. Bishop Shanahan is blessed to have nine IHM Sisters!
Over the past four years, I have always
looked up to and admired those older than
me and now that I’m the oldest, I’m excited
to be a good role model and inspire the
underclassmen. I am grateful for choir because
it gives me the perfect way to do that.”
Kristin Kompa ’13
hanahan has recently obtained, through a generous grant from
the Connelly Foundation, a membership in the Jesuit Virtual
Learning Academy (JVLA). At this time, Bishop Shanahan is the
only non-Jesuit high school being afforded this educational opportunity. This means that unique courses taught in the Jesuit tradition
can now be offered to students as an online option. Some of the
online courses include: AP Art History, AP Computer Science, AP
Music Theory, AP Environmental Science, and Beginning Arabic.
Through this virtual learning program, Shanahan can continue
to grow its course selection and offer students the opportunity to
take courses for which they possess a particular passion. Currently,
nine students are enrolled in the JVLA.
Partnership with Widener University
hanahan will partner with Widener University in the Fall,
2013 to bring an Engineering class to its growing curriculum.
Shanahan students will be able to earn college credits by taking
part in this program. This course will be in addition to a PreEngineering/Computer Aided Design (CAD) course which has been
offered by the Mathematics Department for several years.
One-On-One Initiative
egun in 2011-12 school year, the one-on-one program
required that all incoming freshmen have netbook computers
which are used in the classroom environment to enhance the learning experience. Freshmen enrolling for the 2013-14 school year will
be required to have tablets, as Shanahan strives to stay technologically current. By Fall, 2014, the goal is for all Shanahan students to
be using one-on-one technology.
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
alumni news
Blessings Along the Camino de Santiago
By Laura Trusila
Class of 2009 (We’re so fine.)
’ve heard it said that you are blessed if you
can look back on your life and recognize
the moments where your life changed, and
you are even more blessed if you have the
wisdom to see those life changes while they
are happening. My mom, in her motherly
wisdom, saw it, but I didn’t.
“Your trip is going to be life changing,”
she said. I didn’t quite believe her. Sure,
spending most of July 2012 hiking 200 miles
across Spain would have to change me somehow, but I had no clue as to how much. I was
thinking of the Camino as a hike, not as its
true purpose, a pilgrimage.
Saint James the Greater was so on fire
with the faith after seeing his best friend die
and rise again, that he needed to tell anyone
and everyone all about Jesus. The Camino
de Santiago, also called “The Way of Saint
James,” is a pilgrimage throughout Spain
that follows the footsteps of Jesus’ apostle as
he evangelized. For over a thousand years,
pilgrims have been making their ways to the
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela where
Saint James the Greater is buried.
After seeing the movie The Way, I had
wanted to walk the Camino alone. I did a
lot of research and blog-reading to know
that English is a common second language
in Spain, so the fact that I didn’t remember
much past “hola” after years of Spanish at
Shanahan didn’t worry me. It worried my
mom though. She wanted me to find a group
of Americans to go with.
I went to Spain with FOCUS, Fellowship
of Catholic University Students. The ten
people in the group turned out to be the
reason that blisters, heat, language barriers,
more blisters, and hostels were blessings.
They were the most joyous people I had ever
met. Much to the surprise of fellow travelers,
the eleven of us became best friends within a
few minutes of meeting because we had the
deepest possible connection. God was at the
center of our lives and thus, He was also at
the center of our friendship.
Our authentic joy radiated and attracted
| Winter 2012
Laura Trusila (far left) with fellow pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago.
others. We met two atheists along the way
who kept asking about and discovering more
Truth each time we walked with them.
One of my favorite memories took place
in the lobby of a hostel. We were praying our
daily Rosary aloud, with a new leader jumping in each new decade. On the fifth Joyful
Mystery, an unfamiliar voice started the Our
Father. He had heard us praying and quietly
joined us. It was such a beautiful surprise to
hear him lead us in prayer and know he took
a few moments out of his day to praise God
because of our example.
We arrived in Santiago on July 24th,
the eve of Saint James’ feast day. Our hostel
had been reserved months beforehand, but
something went wrong. Turns out our reservations had us leaving the day we actually
arrived. As the celebrations for Saint James’
feast day are bigger than our Independence
Day, the entire city was booked solid with
pilgrims. We resolved to camp out.
But God is good. As if He hadn’t proven
that enough times in my life so far, He came
through for us again that day.
As the eleven of us sat down to lunch,
a lady came up to us asking if we needed
a place to stay. She and her mother ran an
apartment-style hostel just a block away
from the Cathedral. Her hostel had two beds
to a room instead of fifty bunk beds in a huge
room. By God’s providence, she still had five
rooms left and even gave them to us at a discounted rate since it was so late.
I didn’t see it until it was time to say our
goodbyes that God had used my ten fellow
pilgrims to change my life. He was there as
they patiently taught me to view my sufferings as blessings. Aching feet meant that I
had feet to walk on. A bathroom was a blessing and one with toilet paper was a luxury.
A heavy backpack reminded me that buying
useless stuff is weighing me down.
I didn’t realize all the prayer, all the time
spent in silence with God, all the answered
faith questions, and all the laughter we
shared would combine to change my heart.
After a month spent without my phone or
computer, I came home with a better understanding of God’s precious gift of time that I
should be using for His glory, and not to idle
my life away procrastinating.
I’ve noticed that I have grown in patience
and genuine love for others. I now catch
myself before I open my mouth to complain.
I have a long way to go, but I can say with
certainty that the Camino was God’s gift to
me that pointed my life straight toward Him.
¡Buen Camino! n
alumni news
Grateful for a Warm Shanahan Welcome Home
August 2012 Email from Daniel Glass ’07
hank you so much for welcoming Beth
and I with open arms yesterday! The
man I am today is not the boy I was back in
high school, so to return to my alma mater
after five years and be warmly welcomed and
treated so well was a true blessing!
I will be heading out to Wau, South Sudan
on Sunday with the Salesian Lay Missioners
(SLM) program. From what I have heard, I
will be working on a project that aims to give
homeless children the chance at an education and life they otherwise would miss out
on. My personal mission is to love. If I can
make just one kid smile, I will call my time
there a success!
You were talking about the school’s mission to increase global awareness and I
would love to contribute what I can to that. I
feel that awareness of not only international
work, but serving fellow man and recognizing Christ in every human life needs to be a
crucial part of a student’s life in high school.
Peace and Love,
Daniel Glass
Update – Thanksgiving 2012
All is well in Wau! Teaching and working with the children is going great! I teach a few
sections of English and Math to older students who are studying for a vocational trade (such
as auto mechanics, masonry, carpentry etc.). In addition to these students, I teach a handful of
street children who are taking classes at the VTC (I teach math and English for them as well). Grateful for the Shanahan Legacy
Alumni Parents of 2012 Graduates
Michael E. Bizal ’79
Kimberly M. Bizal ’12
Kimberly Murphy Egolf ’87
Ryan C. Egolf ’12
John J. Johnson, Jr. ’80
Benjamin J. Johnson ’12
Kathleen Kelly Pry ’82
Sean P. Pry ’12
Daniel Broomall ’78
Kayla T. Broomall ’12
Janet Trofe Gale ’78
Brian M. Gale ’12
Carrie Hagerty Martin ’92
Samantha R. Hagerty ’12
Michele Alarcon Refford ’84
Rebecca D. Refford ’12
Joanne Viscichini Chilla ’76
Katrina R. Chilla ’12
Elizabeth Schick Gill ’88
Ann F. Gill ’12
Eileen Dowd Matz ’85
Timothy J. Joyner-Matz ’12
Timothy P. Schwarz ’81
Amanda G. Schwarz ’12
Paul J Cosgrove III ’78
Paul J. Cosgrove IV ’12
Catherine Bowman Gillespie ’92
Melissa L. Bowman ’12
Barbara McCormick McGinley ’81
Patrick R. McGinley ’12
Ronald R. Sigismonti ’83
Brooke M. Sigismonti ’12
Thomas F. Cummings ’81
Patrick S. Cummings ’12
Gary M.’78 and
Kathleen Griest Gilligan ’77
Jenna M. Gilligan ’12
Denice Trainor Menna ’78
Elizabeth G. Menna ’12
Julie Wilber Solnosky ’83
Adam J. Solnosky ’12
Richard T. Miller ’77
Lindsay C. Miller ’12
John M. Tipton ’65
Theresa M. Tipton ’12
John P. O’Brien ’80
John J. O’Brien ’12
Dorothy Woods Warren ’74
Emily A. Warren ’12
Andrew P. O’Donnell ’84
Meghan K. O’Donnell ’12
Michael G. Zaccarelli ’81
Jerad M. Zaccarelli ’12
Lizann Moran DeAngelis ’81 (deceased)
Elizabeth M. DeAngelis ’12
Edward M. Delio, Jr. ’80
Maura A. Delio ’12
John E. Desiderio ’81
Kyle J. Desiderio ’12
Michael W. Desiderio ’82
Emily C. Desiderio ’12
Vicki Vitale Eberwein ’79
Lisa A. Eberwein ’12
James A. Hegarty ’79
Kelly E. Hegarty ’12
Karen Cattafesta Holenstein ’81
Paden R. Holenstein ’12
Robert E. Holman ’86
Timothy R. Holman ’12
Lorraine Wysocki Johns ’80
Erika L. Johns ’12
Kathryn Lodge Popiel ’85
Dylan M. Popiel ’12
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
alumni news
Kate and Dave in High School –
cutest couple
High School Sweethearts x 2!
By Kate Conway ’05 and Dave Grady ’05
(pictured above)
ave and I met our freshman year at
Shanahan. We were originally scheduled to
have all eight of our classes together. However,
after switching math classes, we were left with
six periods together. So, we saw each other
quite a bit during the day. Ironically, we really
hit it off in Chemistry. I sat at the lab table in
front of Dave and turned around to talk to him
any opportunity I was provided. A few days after
that first school year ended, I knew I wanted
to see him again. I invited a few of our friends
over to hang out, go to the local pool and come
back to my house for some pizza. We hung out
for the next three days. We went to movies, got
ice cream, and played basketball together. On
the fifth day, he asked me out… on AOL instant
messenger. I said yes. Ten years later, he asked
me to marry him and again, I said yes!
Our time at Shanahan were wonderful
foundational years in our relationship. We were
inseparable. We shared a locker, walked to
classes, ran on the track team and participated
in the bowling league. We had many of our
classes together. One of our fondest memories
is the Halloween costume contest. We spent
weeks brainstorming what our costume would
be. Dave had a great idea—we could dress up
as the men’s and women’s bathroom signs. We
worked on them in his basement: measuring,
drawing, and painting. We won cutest couple in
both the Halloween contest and overall!
My parents Frank ’79 and Beth Simasek
Conway ’80 also went to Shanahan and started
dating early in high school. They went on to
| Winter 2012
date through college and got married soon after
graduating. They had four children, three who
attended Shanahan.
When Dave and I started thinking about our
engagement photos, we both agreed that taking
them at Shanahan would be perfect. It is where
we met and where we fell in love. We contacted
Mrs. Morin about getting into the school and
she worked with us to make it happen. We are
so appreciative. Chris Anderson ’05, Dave’s
best friend, best man, fellow Shanahan grad,
and a photographer for Artistic Difference, took
our photos for us.
Dave and I couldn’t be happier and we can’t
wait to spend our lives together! n
Mom and
Dad (Beth
Conway ’80
and Frank
Conway ’79)
at prom
and now
Silver Medal Winner
erhart L. (Jerry) Klein ’66, won a silver
medal at the 37th annual Snoopy Senior
World Ice Hockey Tournament in Santa Rosa,
CA. Jerry, a goaltender, put together a team
in the 60-and-over division, comprised of
individual players from all over the US and
Canada who wanted to play in the tournament.
It was Jerry’s second year playing in the
Snoopy tournament. He has played men’s
league hockey for 30 years. Jerry lives in
Medford, NJ, with Anne, his wife of 36 years.
Partners in both business and marriage, Jerry
and Anne were featured in the April edition
of South Jersey Biz as successful married
business partners. Jerry has been elected to
a third term as president of the Broadcast
Pioneers of Philadelphia.
Jerry Klein showing off his team’s silver
medals following the 2012 Snoopy Senior
World Ice Hockey Tournament.
alumni news
Grateful to God
Mary Beth Devenny ’06
Alumna and Faculty Member
eptember 2002, I walked through the
front doors of Bishop Shanahan High
School as an insecure, nervous, overwhelmed
freshman girl who had questions, opinions,
hopes and dreams for my future years at this
new school. Who would I become? What
friends will I make? What teachers will I
have and how will they impact me? These,
along with hundreds (at least it seemed like
hundreds) of questions ran through my
mind. Little did I know that my life at BSHS
formed me into the successful, independent,
faith-filled, adventurous woman I am today.
September 2012, ten years after walking
through the Shanahan front doors for the
first time, I roam through the halls on the
“other side.” Memories flood through my
soul and flashbacks overtake my mind each
step I take through this glorious school. Who
knew I would be coming back as a faculty
member at my Alma Mater?
God always has a way to surprise me.
In the summer of 2011, He led me to
Montenegro, Peru for a few weeks to seek
his needy children. The IHM Sisters have a
beautiful mission in Peru and the school I
worked closely with is called Fe y Alegria No.
37. I taught English to the high school children and I fell completely in love and I knew
I would have to return and bring others to
share this indescribable discovery.
In July of 2012, I returned with a group
of friends and these children stole an even
larger chunk of my heart and taught me
an inspiring lesson. The children live in
extreme poverty, yet, they thirst for education and beg not to leave this safe haven they
call school. I had a profound moment while
teaching this summer and started to tear up.
I realized how lucky I was to have grown up
the way that I did. I went to SS. Simon and
Jude School, Bishop Shanahan High School,
and Immaculata University, all excellent
educational institutions. I stood before these
children and realized that most will never
have the opportunity for University education, yet, they do not care. They are so thankful for the education they have and they take
advantage of anything that is offered. As
simple as that may sound, it struck a nerve
inside of me that I cannot let go.
Last year, money was collected during
a charity day at BSHS and the money was
donated to Fe y Alegria. With this money,
Sr. Barbara Burnett, the principal, was able
to build a new library and stock the shelves
with brand new books. The new library was
named “The Bishop Shanahan Library.”
Over the last few weeks, as I walk the
halls of Bishop Shanahan as a teacher, I realize how lucky I am to be back at BSHS. I
have never been more thankful to Our Lord,
for the gift of a great education that includes
the beauty of our Faith. The Holy Spirit is
all over this place and God is at hand. He is
working wonders and opening the hearts of
thousands of the youth that roam through
these halls, whether they realize it or not.
He builds us into courageous beings that are
able to ask Him of His love, seek His love and
knock on the door of His heart. Thank you
Lord, for challenging me to “Seek the things
that are found above.” n
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
alumni news
Save the date for:
The Shanahan Rugby
Alumni Scholarship B&B
Celebrating the 20th Year of Shanahan Rugby
Saturday, January 5, 2013, 7pm –10pm
SS. Philip & James School Cafeteria • 721 E. Lincoln Hwy., Exton, Pa 19341
Rugby B&B
Come join former teammates,
coaches, friends and family
for good food, cold drinks, live
music, silent auction, and
a rugby trivia challenge!
$20 per ticket for recent
Shanahan grads 2008–2012
$30 per ticket for all others
$50 per couple
$225 for a table of 10
L to r: Chris Ponto ’06, Bryan Oteri ’06, Mark Hurley ’06 and Coach Greg Karabin, P’96,
’98, ’00, ’03 holding grandson Blake Karabin (son of Geoffrey Karabin ’96)
For ticket purchase and Scholarship donation information via Paypal, check out the club Website at or please
visit us on Facebook at [email protected]. All proceeds benefit the Shanahan Rugby Alumni Scholarship supporting
four students for four years at Bishop Shanahan High School.
Where’s Shanahan?
Daniel Glass ’07 teaches English to children in Wau, South Sudan.
| Winter 2012
Where are you going? Any place exotic or unusual? Submit a picture holding
Shanahan memorabilia and share it with your Alma Mater. We need your help
in starting a regular feature of “Where’s Shanahan?”
Former faculty members Fr. Charles O’Hara and Bob Degnan
wearing their Shanahan green at Bob’s North Wildwood home.
Sa i n t A g n e s n e w s
SaintAgnes High School
Norbert McDonough ’53 I
Mary Morrell ’56
Mary-Rita Coffey ’55
Shanahan thanks Saint Agnes alums!
n 2004, the Shanahan Fund Leadership Committee was formed
to help Sister Regina Plunkett and the Advancement Department
raise money through the annual fund. This committee attends meetings, helps with phonathons, and decides how to best deliver the
message of the importance of Catholic education and supporting the
Shanahan Fund. Three Saint Agnes High School graduates, Norbert
McDonough ’53, Mary Cosgriff Morrell ’56 and Mary-Rita Coffey ’55
have served as members of the committee and have been an integral
part in getting out this important message to our constituents.
Norbert was on the founding committee in 2004-2005, Mary
served from 2005-2008, and Mary-Rita is currently in her fifth year
on the committee. An important part of their service was/is making
thank you phone calls to those who donate to the Shanahan Fund.
This personal touch is important in establishing and maintaining
Order Your “Walk of Fame”
Commemorative Bricks
good relationships with the Shanahan community.
Norbert, Mary and Mary-Rita, we are grateful for your service to
Bishop Shanahan High School!
— Save the Date —
Saint Agnes Mass & Social
Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
B ishop Shanahan H igh School
Come join the fun – contact Debbie LaPorta
[email protected] or 610-343-6238 if you know of
other graduates who are not on our mailing list.
“Walk of Fame” Commemorative Bricks
$100 Per Brick. Up to 3 lines and 15 characters per line
for each brick
Name _______________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _________________________________________________________
Phone ( )_____________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________________________
Class Year ___________________
Mail to:
Bishop Shanahan High School, Attn: Maureen Morin
In commemoration of the 50th year anniversary “Walk of Fame” bricks have
220 Woodbine Road, Downingtown, PA 19335-3081
been sold to alumni, family and friends of Bishop Shanahan. The bricks have
been placed across the bus loop from the main entrance of the school. Come
Bricks purchased throughout the school year will be placed in the walkway in
see or better yet, if you haven’t already done so order your brick!
the spring before graduation…thank you!
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
Generosity for Years to Come
… it is in giving that we receive …
By Leo Parsons ’78, Chair of the BSHS
Advisory Board
s many of you know, our BSHS Advisory
Board has been very focused on raising our Endowment Fund from $10,000
in 2006 to over $1,000,000. I am happy to
report that we are making tremendous progress through our FACES campaign and our
annual Endowment Golf Outing and, as of
September 2012, these efforts have resulted
in over $973,000 in Endowment dollars! We
are confident that through your continued
support and the work of our Board, we will
surpass our $1M goal this year and with
Sister Regina and Sister Maureen’s prayers,
we expect to hit our goal by Christmas!
Speaking of Christmas, we have
often heard that “…it is in giving that
we receive…” In helping with our FACES
Endowment Fund campaign, I have had the
opportunity to talk with people about our
mission at Shanahan and the need that exists
right here in our beautiful county. Every
year, families are impacted by loss of jobs,
health issues or lack of earning potential
and cannot afford to send their children to
Shanahan. Worse yet, some are forced to pull
their child from Shanahan and find a lower
cost alternative.
Over the past few years volunteering, I
received the gift of getting to know Oscar
and Vivian Lasko more closely. They are a
local, West Chester family of Jewish faith
who just this year made a major contribution to our FACES campaign. Oscar Lasko,
a successful entrepreneur and businessman,
helped his father grow and develop Lasko
Products, a global consumer products business, and learned the value of integrity, honesty, trust and loyalty. He supports Catholic
education and the development of children
with Christian values because of the relationships he has formed with Catholics throughout his life here in West Chester. Some of
those relationships include employees and
suppliers of Lasko Products.
Continued on page 15
| Winter 2012
Vivian and Oscar Lasko
Pictured at the Leadership Council installation September 28th are l to r: Thomas Fullam,
Samantha Fullam ’13, Mrs. Josephine Vellutato (Grandparent) and Maryann Fullam. Along with
Lasko Products, the Fullams have also named Bishop Shanahan High School as recipients of
their companies PA tax dollars from the family owned business Veltak Association, Inc. Veltak
has become a major contributor of scholarship monies for Shanahan families through EITC …
a painless way to donate through state tax dollars!
Come and See!
Visit Shanahan and discover the best high
school experience in Chester County!
hanahan has numerous recruiting activities for prospective students. Visit the
Admissions tab on our website ( The Enrollment Office
welcomes the chance to directly answer any of your admissions concerns. You can
contact Mrs. Carol Dale at 610-343-6206.
Save the Dates:
Come visit Shanahan and
discover the best high school
experience in Chester County!
Shadow program
By appointment
The goal of the program is to assist prospective students in making an informed decision concerning the high school they choose.
Students who were not able to attend 8th
Grade Visitation Day or those who are still
undecided can spend a partial day in actual
classes. Parents can visit
Go to the Admissions tab and then Shadow
Program to request a date. Call Mrs. Dale in
the Enrollment Office for more information at
610-343-6206 or email [email protected].
6th & 7th Grade Open House
Mr. Andrew Newton teaches a technology class to prospective students on Universal
Visitation Day
Thank you to our EITC Sponsors
(Educational Improvement Tax Credit)
Please consider joining these other corporations/foundations who have
partnered with Bishop Shanahan High School directing their state tax
dollars for tuition assistance:
•Austill’s Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
•James B. Griffin, P.C.
•Bravo Foundation
•Lasko Group, Inc.
•Communications Test Design, Inc.
•Life & Legacy Law Center
•DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith, & Boyd
Funeral Home
•New London Auto Repair, Inc
•DNB First, National Association
•The Gilbertson Group
•Enterprise Rent-a-Car/Bridge
•First Resource Bank
•G.O. Carlson, Inc.
•Guthriesville Tire & Service
•HSC Builders & Construction
•Sterling Services, Inc.
•The Mutual Fire Foundation, Inc.
•The Norwood Company
•The Summit Group Associates, Inc.
•Veltek Associates, Inc.
•ViroPharma Inc.
•William P. McGovern, Inc.
•Infinity Benefits Group, Inc.
To learn how you can direct business tax dollars to BSHS please call 610-343-6255
or email [email protected] is a WIN-WIN for all!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Generosity for Years to Come
Continued from page 14
Oscar formed a lasting relationship with
Monsignor Craven, former Pastor of St.
Agnes Parish, for whom he developed a
deep respect prior to Monsignor’s death.
The Laskos have endowed their annual
Monsignor Craven Scholarship through the
Shanahan Endowment Fund in addition to
their generous donation through EITC for
tuition assistance.
I am grateful to the Laskos for their
generosity to Shanahan by providing tuition
assistance and scholarships for generations
to come. Through their spirit and generosity, young men and women will have the
opportunity to attain the Catholic values
and education that will help them to be the
trusted employee, friend and neighbor that
enables our communities to thrive. I thank
Oscar and Vivian for giving me the opportunity to see their goodness and the respect
they place on youth, and for their vision that
transcends religions. Our Shanahan community is blessed to have so many friends like
the Laskos. n
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
Shanahan Sprint Called a Winner
Grateful for runners...walkers...and children!
Master of Ceremonies
Walter Tatarowicz
Thanks to
our Sponsors
Nick Smiles
Stove Shop
La Difference Salon and
Day Spa
Sterling Services
G. O. Carlson
Jackson Cross
Mr. Bottle Beverage
Lou Beverage
Team Concepts
Fabulously Fit
Dulin Construction
Anthony Mascherino
Katie Mac Floral Designs
Toolan and Company
Station Taproom
Keller Williams Real Estate
– Noel Bernard
Thirty – One
Connors Law
Neuro Medic LLC
Magnus Karate
Norwich University/
Chris Plakosh
Goshen Beverage
DeGrandis Automotive
John and Sarah McGovern
Sports Authority
Gift Cards provided by:
(Exton & Lionville)
ctober 13th dawned crystal clear for the first
annual Shanahan Sprint for the benefit of our
endowment program. Volunteers met by the frosty
football field at 6:30 am to prepare for the day. The
5K Off-Road Run/1 Mile Walk and Kids Dash was the
first of its kind — a new endeavor by the Endowment
Committee of the Bishop Shanahan Advisory Board.
Over $7,000 was raised to help toward reaching the
$1 million Endowment goal for tuition assistance. The
Endowment mission is to provide every child with the
gift of Catholic education regardless of their financial
With Endowment Chair Leslie Kelso, P’08, ’11
and Sprint Chair Walter Tatrowicz, P’04, ’11 at the
helm and many hours of preparation by volunteers,
the day was spectacular! Over 300 alumni, students,
parents and their families came to show their support
for tuition assistance. The Bishop Shanahan Parents
Association manned the food tables, and Shanahan art
students painted children’s faces in the children’s tent.
The pièce de résistance was Bishop Shanahan’s band
playing while the run/walk was taking place. Old and
young enjoyed a wonderful day of camaraderie, fun
| Winter 2012
Female winners
Male winners
They’re all winners!
and good will! A priceless moment came as the children all used the microphone to announce their name
and age to all. Thank you to all of the volunteers,
sponsors and donors who donated everything from
bananas to gift cards! We are grateful for the support
everyone gives to enable wonderful young men and
women to attend Bishop Shanahan! n
Please help us with
this easy fundraiser
at no cost to you!!
o you shop at Giant? Do you have a Giant
Bonuscard? Last year, 150 Shanahan families
registered their cards online at the link below. Just by
shopping at Giant, these Shanahan families were able
to earn over $3,300 for Shanahan, which was used to
purchase some much needed equipment. Imagine what
we could do if everyone in the Shanahan community registered their bonuscards online and selected Shanahan as
the recipient of their A+ Rewards?So far this year, 137
families have raised $350.91. Can you help, too?
Register your card online and Bishop Shanahan will begin
receiving cash rewards on your purchases made between
now and March 30, 2013.
1 Click this link to go to the website :
2 Go to the “Customer Zone” section and click on
3 Enter the first 3 letters of your last name, your bonus
card number and Login
4Select Bishop Shanahan
(ID # 05750) as the school
to receive your A+ rewards!
Please ask your family members,
neighbors, and friends to
register, too! Thank you.
The Shanahan Legacy Society
On Eagles’
he Legacy Society membership includes our cherished
alumni, parents and friends who, as loyal visionaries and
generous benefactors of our school have included Bishop
Shanahan in their will or estate plan. Through their Planned
Gift, they have committed to securing the mission and the
legacy of Bishop Shanahan into the future.
Ms. Kathleen Capriotti ’74, P’06, Faculty
Mr. Robert Degnan, Former Faculty
Mr. Eugene Diorio, St. Agnes ’50
Fr. Matthew Guckin, Campus Minister
Mr. Eugene Huston, Jr. ’59
† Msgr. Daniel E. Kehoe, Founding Principal
Mr. Fred Koppenhafer, St. Agnes ’50
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Levasseur, P’05
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morin, P’98, ’02, ’05, ’08
Mr. John Mulgrew ’90
† Mr. Francis Tait ’65
† Kathleen E. Thornton, St. Agnes ’50
Please consider remembering Bishop Shanahan High School in your
estate plans. Contact the Advancement Office at 610-343-6255.
† Deceased
I am a freshman at Shanahan and am
involved in Respect Life Club and
Cheerleading. I am enjoying this school
very much so far not only because of the
academics, but the people as well.
Alyssa Cotillo ’16
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s n ew wi t h y o u ?
What’s New?
The ’60s
Gerhart Klein ’66 and wife Anne were featured in the
April edition of South Jersey Biz as successful married
business partners. They have worked together 30 of
their 36 years of marriage. Jerry has been elected to
a third term as president of the Broadcast Pioneers of
The ’80s
Dori Kelly-Olson ’86 lives in Hillsborough, NJ with her
husband and 2 sons. She continues her career as a
commercial actress and was last seen as the “Glade Lady”
and in a Lactaid Milk commercial.
Patrick Lavin ’87 was recently promoted to Field Specialty
Representative for Forest Pharmaceuticals, which entails
promoting branded pharmaceuticals throughout Chester
and Delaware Counties.
The ’90s
Megan Favinger ’94 works for Macy’s Inc. and is
completely responsible for the Women’s Foundation
merchandise division in the US.
Kevin Favinger ’98 is the Executive Chef for Sullivan’s
Restaurant in Palm Desert, CA.
Gene Hickman ’71
History teacher Jim Hetherington ’63 (above
left) demonstrates new techniques in education for Gene Hickman ’71. The crash
course covered Grade Connect and Moodle.
Gene was visiting town for his mom’s 100th
birthday celebration at St. Martha’s Manor.
(She was born the year the Titanic sank!)
Gene took a tour of the campus and at
every turn remarked “I would love to come
back to high school!” We are grateful for
the beautiful educational facility and technology our donors provide!
Christy Halvorsen-Chipman ’99 and husband Sean
welcomed their daughter, Charlotte Perry, on September
21, 2012. “Charley” was 8lbs 7.5oz, 20.5in. Big brother
Nate is in love with her, as are her mother and father.
Don’t miss out
on the latest reunions,
alumni events, alumni
socials, Homecoming and
more BSHS happenings.
St@y Connected
Make sure we have your current
home and email addresses.
Send us your updated professional and educational information,
achievements or awards, marriages, births, and any other news!
Email your updated information to
[email protected]
| Winter 2012
Martha Forloines ’01 is a teaching assistant and PhD
candidate in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences at Auburn
Brandon Wells ’01 is a Special Education teacher. He
graduated from UNC-Wilmington in 2009 after serving 4
years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was married on May
15, 2010 to Catherine Barber and they have a beautiful
daughter, Iris Catherine, born July 22, 2011. They live in
Roanoke, VA.
Matt Scartozzi ’02 was married to Krystal Beamer
on November 4, 2011. Two of his groomsmen were
Shanahan grads, Sean Stolnis’02 and Ryan Leary ’02. His
sister, Andrea ’04, was a bridesmaid.
The ’70s
Sr. Judith Parsons, IHM ’77 has been appointed
assistant dean of Immaculata University’s College of
Undergraduate Studies. She will continue as assistant
professor of Philosophy. Her new duties as assistant dean
include serving as director of the honors program and
coordinator of the honor societies. Sr. Judith will also
be involved with study abroad opportunities, service
learning program, internship development and planning
honors events and programming.
The ’00s
Sean Wells ’03 took 1st place at the 4th Annual Picket
Fence Auction. His hand-painted picket fence entitled
“Wanted – Dead or Alive” was one of 18 fences created
by local artists. The purpose of the auctions was to raise
money for charity. Sean is the Exhibition Manager at
James A. Michener Museum in Doylestown. He graduated
with honors with a painting degree from Savannah
college of Art and Design in 2007. He has started his own
business, SCWellsDesigns and his paintings and prints are
currently available at
Andrea Scartozzi ’04 was married to John Dwyer on May
18, 2012. Four of her bridesmaids Jennifer Scalia ’04,
Lauren Toolan ’04, Mary Kate Leonard’04 and Jennifer
Simpkins ’04 are Shanahan grads also.
Brittany Kozitzky ’05 graduated from Thomas Jefferson
University in May of 2012 with her Doctorate in Physical
Bobby Zwahlen ’05 is engaged to Ashley Wallace,
Conestoga HS ’05. Both graduated from Drexel University
in 2009. Bobby is employed by, Oakland,
CA. as a graphic designer, along with freelancing designs
for The Gap. Ashley is an Assistant Manager at the Gap
in San Francisco. Both reside in San Francisco. Their April
2013 wedding will take place in San Francisco.
Mary Musheno ’06 graduated Magna Cum Laude with
BS degrees in Biology and Health Services and was an
Outstanding Student in the Department of Physical
Therapy. While at Duquesne University she was President
for the Class of 2012 and deeply involved with many
other campus activities and associations. She was a
member of the American Physical Therapy Assn. and the
PA Physical Therapy Assn. and has attended meetings of
the local Southwest District chapter while in school.
Michael Cabry ’08 is in the U. S. Army and was in boot
camp at Fort Jackson, SC. Upon graduation on November
15th he began his Officer’s training. Michael is a member
of the Pennsylvania National Guard. When his training is
finished he will begin work on his MBA.
Daniel Hart ’08 a 2012 graduate of Elizabethtown
College, majored in Mathematics with a concentration
in applied math and a minor in Computer Science. He
was a Dept. of Engineering and Physics Hager Scholar, a
Casey Scholar and a College Scholar. Dan was involved
in martial arts, dance and music. He is an Alliance for
Catholic Education at Saint Joseph’s University (ACESJU)
teaching fellow.
This is a 2 year service program that enables college
graduates to serve as full-time teachers in underresourced Catholic schools, while pursuing a master’s
degree in education. Dan will be teaching math as a
founding faculty member of Cristo Rey High School in
North Philadelphia.
Maureen Wirshup ’08 is a 2012 graduate of St. Joseph’s
University with a major in English and a minor in
Secondary Education. She also attended Birkbeck College,
London. She just completed her student teaching at
Lamberton High School in West Philadelphia. Maureen
was active in many service organizations, was a regular
soloist in the Chapel Choir, and is involved in Cap and
Bells, SJU’s Theater Company. Maureen is also an Alliance
W h a t ’ s n ew wi t h y o u ?
for Catholic Education at Saint Joseph’s University
(ACESJU) teaching fellow.
This is a 2 year service program that enables college
graduates to serve as full-time teachers in underresourced Catholic schools, while pursuing a master’s
degree in education. Maureen will be teaching fifth grade
at Saint Malachy School in North Philadelphia.
Ryan Lanzalotto ’09 is finishing up his senior year at
Chestnut Hill College. He is a four year letter winner in
baseball and is majoring in Communications. Ryan is
also a staff writer for the school newspaper, a Dean’s
list member, a member of the athletic achievement club
for having a GPA of 3.5 or higher, and a member of the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Keith Schribner ’94 to Nicole Gummel ’94
May 23, 2012
Brandon Wells ’01 to Catherine Barber
May 15, 2010
Melissa Kozitzky ’02 to Stephen Phillips
May 12, 2012
Matt Scartozzi ’02 to Krystal Beamer
November 4, 2011
Christopher Kennedy ’04 to Mary Lyons ’04
June 30, 2012
Andrea Scartozzi ’04 to John Dwyer
May 18, 2012
Mark Beierle ’05 to Brooke Young ’05
June 2, 1012
Sister Judith Parsons
Sister Judith Parsons, IHM ’77, a former chapter member of the BSHS National Honor Society,
was the guest speaker at the NHS Induction Ceremony in October. Sister Judith is currently
the chairperson of the Philosophy Department and serves as Assistant Dean of the College of
Undergraduate Studies at Immaculata University. Pictured L to R: Jacob Sullivan, Sr. Maureen
McDermott, Alexandra Brennan, Sr. Judith Parsons, Aurora Ireland, Sr. Regina Plunkett,
Jonathon Weyand.
To Bill Dawson ’94 and wife Leigh, a son Alexander
Matthew, July 10, 2012
To Meghann Coyne Gumpper ’96 and husband Sean, a
son Michael Patrick, April 12, 2012
To Natalie Avioli DiTullio ’97 and husband Bill, a daughter
Lindsay Capri, April 18, 2012
To Erin Martin Orlove ’97 and husband Scott, a daughter
Caroline Bridgid, October 20, 2012
To Chris DiJiacomo ’98 and wife Katie, a son Matthew
Ryan, May 15, 2012
To Denise Giunta Dawson ’98 and husband Ryan Dawson
’00, a daughter, Georgia Marie, October 9, 2012
To Matthew Snyder ’98 and wife Tricia Egick Snyder ’98,
a son Benjamin Matthew, June, 21, 2012
To Christy Halvorsen-Chipman ’99 and husband Sean, a
daughter Charlotte Perry, September 21. 2012
To Sara Taylor Kenna ’00 and husband Andrew Kenna, a
daughter Sophia Dorothy, July 29, 2012
Will, son of Daniel Karabin ’00 and
Danielle. Shanahan is grateful for new life.
Perhaps Will may someday be a Shanahan
student and rugby player, following in his
Dad’s footsteps!
To Lucia Walinchus Thayer ’03 and
husband Kyle, a daughter Concetta Lois,
October 21, 2012
The Class of 1988 had the largest turnout at the alumni social gathering at Pietro’s Prime in June.
Winter 2012
| Shanahan
W h a t ’ s n ew wi t h y o u ?
Grateful for the
Priceless Shanahan
Sentiments from Mark
and Bernadette Langdon,
parents of alumni
Dear Sr. Regina and Sr. Maureen,
You know the commercial:
Uniforms… $150
School Fee... $100
Music Lessons… $75
Drama Club… $125
Confident, happy, respectful
teenager… PRICELESS!
s recipients of a distinguished Catholic education offered by Bishop Shanahan High
School, graduates will be:
Sharers in the Catholic Identity
That’s sort of how we feel about our
Shanahan experience. We are just
so appreciative of the lessons, the
dedication, the attitude and example
that you set for our children these last
nine years!
Their self-assurance, poise, and
success are due in no small part to
the excellent foundation laid here at
Shanahan. We will always be grateful!
Go Eagles!
Love, Mark and Bernadette Langdon
P’07, ’10, ’12
Our graduates will be socially responsive, ethical and accepting Christian people, who
embrace a commitment to serving others as a result of their formation as “People of God
and People for Others.”
Responsible and contributing members of a global society
Our graduates will be moral stewards who accept their responsibility to create a social
and cultural atmosphere which promotes the common good.
Motivated young adults who are academically prepared, emotionally
mature, and spiritually developed to meet the challenges of the future
Our graduates will be lifelong learners who have the necessary foundation to be
productive members of the Church and society.
Critical thinkers, whose decision making is directed by Christian
Our graduates will be persons of character who are guided by Christian ethics in
meeting the moral, scientific, and technological challenges that will confront them. n
In Loving Memory of Our Deceased
Alumni and Founding Principal
May they rest in peace
Bishop Shanahan
High School
Carol Fiorella Higgins ’65
October 14, 2008
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Kehoe
October 19, 2012
Founding Principal of Bishop
Shanahan High School
Charles J Krallinger ’60
May 23, 2012
James M. Duffin ’78
June 22, 2012
Kenneth E. Gincley ’87
August 4, 2012
| Winter 2012
Kevin Munley ’77
November 2, 2012
St. Agnes High School
Frederick Passante ’51
September 16, 2005
Thomas Francis Hanley ’51
July 15, 2012
Mary Lou Ammon Pertchack ’44
August 1, 2012
Joan Heagney McKenna ’50
August 23, 2012
Jean S. McGrogan ’46
September 8, 2012
Albert C. Cinorre ’52
October 13, 2012
Advancement Staff of
Bishop Shanahan
Maureen A. Morin P ’98, ’02, ’05, ’08
Advancement Director
[email protected] • 610-343-6255
Debbie LaPorta P ’06, ’08, ’14
Director of Alumni Affairs and
Special Events
[email protected] • 610-343-6238
Amy Seifert P ’08, ’10, ’13, ’13
Shanahan Fund Director
[email protected] • 610-343-6256
Eileen Cornell P ’93, ’95, ’98
Alumni Relations Coordinator
[email protected] • 610-343-6219
Sr. Helen Miriam Toner, IHM
Database Management
[email protected] • 610-343-6223
Annual Report of Giving
Honor roll of donors
July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
Students may attend lunchtime prayer services which take place in the Chapel before each of the five lunch periods.
Financial Highlights
he Bishop Shanahan Advancement Office compiles the
Annual Report of Gifts. We appreciate your continued
generosity to Bishop Shanahan High School and would like
to recognize your kindness. This report reflects all gifts
received during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and
ending June 30, 2012.
Although we make every effort to insure the accuracy of
this report, mistakes can occur. We apologize for any errors.
If your name is omitted or does not appear in the manner you prefer, please contact Maureen Morin, Director of
Advancement at 610-343-6255.
Thank you from the students at Shanahan!
Summary of Gifts
July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Shanahan Fund .................................................................... $226,319
Scholarship Funds ............................................................... $194,234
Neumann Scholarship (Connelly Foundation) ................... $151,200
Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) ....................... $139,500
Restaurant Fair and Auction ............................................... $54,810
Craft Show ........................................................................... $18,989
Sullivan Scholars Program ................................................... $16,000
Magazine Drive .................................................................... $9,548
Grants .................................................................................. $2,640
Target & Scrip Programs ..................................................... $1,904
Total Annual Gifts................................................................ $815,144
Endowment.......................................................................... $196,378
Endowment Fund — Golf Outing ....................................... $70,222
Total Charitable Contributions ........................................ $ 1,081,744
Planned Gifts ...................................................................... 1
Bishop Shanahan gratefully acknowledges the Planned Bequests from
11 of our constituents. We thank them and all of our many benefactors
for making a commitment and investing in our students and our future.
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Advisory Board 2011-2012 — Front row (l-r): Sr. Maureen L. McDermott IHM, Anthony Fiorenza ’72, Courtney Lofgren ’95, Maureen Morin,
Sr. Regina Plunkett IHM ’64, Leo Parsons ’78, Frank DiFonzo ’62. Second row (l-r): Cyndy Ryan, Gunard Travaglini, Kathy Dulin ’64, Jim Griffin, Mike
Cabry, Kevin Quinn, Lou Teti, Mary Lou Enoches ’66, Bob DiSciullo ’82, Joseph DellaVecchia III, Beth Harper Briglia, Diane Ward ’78.
Not Pictured: Leslie Kelso, John Morrissey, Stephanie McCarthy ’64, Joseph Corcoran, Ed Matejkovic ’65, Msgr. James T. McDonough, Walter Tatarowicz
Bishop Shanahan High School
Advisory Board 2011–2012
Members of our Advisory Board are volunteers that provide invaluable wisdom, expertise and guidance to the administration,
and they are dedicated to Catholic Education. We are blessed and grateful for all their efforts on behalf of our mission.
Leo Parsons ’78 – Chairman
Edward M. Matejkovic, PhD ’65
Athletic Director, West Chester University
Beth Harper Briglia
VP, Donor Services & Grantmaking,
Chester County Community Foundation
Stephanie McCarthy ’64
CPA, Fischer Cunnane + Associates, LTD
Michael Cabry
Magisterial District Judge
Joseph T. Corcoran
President-Strategic Realty Investments,
Joseph J. DellaVecchia III
Funeral Director, President, DellaVecchia,
Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home
Francis DiFonzo ’62
CCIU Substitute Teacher
Robert J. DiSciullo ’82
President, Sterling Services, Inc.
M. Kathryn Dulin ’64
Mary Lou Enoches ’66
Owner, La Difference Day Spa
Anthony Fiorenza ’72
Employee Benefits Consultant,
The Summit Group Associates, Inc.
Reverend Monsignor James T. McDonough
Director, Office of the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith
John P. Morrissey SIOR
Partner, Jackson Cross Partners
Kevin C. Quinn
President, Quinn Wealth Advisors, LLC
Cynthia Ryan
Art Director/Business Owner,
Mellon-Ryan Advertising Design
Walter Tatarowicz
Medical Science Liaison, Affymax, Inc.
Louis N. Teti
Attorney at Law
Gunard C. Travaglini
Chairman & CEO, G. O. Carlson, Inc.
Diane Ward ’78
Accounting Manager,
Whitford Insurance Network, Inc.
James B. Griffin
Attorney, Certified Public Accountant
Leslie Kelso
Independent Marketing Consultant
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM, Ph.D.,
Courtney Lofgren ’95
Marketing Manager, CTDI
Maureen A. Morin, Director of Advancement
22 Annual Report 2011–2012
Sister Regina Plunkett, IHM, ’64, President
Bold Print: Increased donation
+ donated five or more consecutive years
* donated three or four consecutive years
A: Alumni
AdB: Advisory Board
Adm: Administration
The Advancement Staff
Maureen Morin
Advancement Director
[email protected]
Amy Seifert
Director of the Shanahan Fund
[email protected]
Debora LaPorta
Director of Alumni Affairs/
Events Coordinator
[email protected]
Eileen Cornell
Alumni Relations Coordinator
[email protected]
Sr. Helen Miriam Toner
Data Input
[email protected]
A publication of:
Bishop Shanahan High School
Office of Advancement
220 Woodbine Road
Downingtown, PA 19335-3081
Phone: (610) 518-1300
Fax: (610) 343-6220
B: Business
F: Faculty
FA: Former Administration
FAdB: Former Advisory Board
Fdn: Foundation
FF: Former Faculty
The President’s Society Donors
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
he members of the President’s Society are donors from all
constituencies who have made Bishop Shanahan High School a
philanthropic priority by their generous gifts of $1,000.00 or more.
By their commitment to Catholic Education, they ensure that faith
and academic excellence come together in an environment that will
allow the Shanahan students to become moral leaders prepared to
meet the challenges of a culturally diverse world. We are honored to
recognize these extraordinary benefactors whose giving has reached
substantial levels. We are grateful for their continued support.
The Visionary Society
(Gifts of $100,000 and above)
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lasko + (Fr)
The Connelly Foundation + (Fdn)
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
(Gifts of $50,000–$99,999)
The Parsons Family +
Donald & Elizabeth Parsons (PA)
Donald ’66 & Ethel Parsons, Jr. (A)
Robert ’67 & Marilyn Parsons (A)
Richard ’68 & Claudia Parsons (A,PA)
Gerald ’70 & Eleanor Parsons (A,PA,FAdB)
Jeffrey & Elizabeth Parsons Forsythe ’73 (A)
Sister Judith Kathryn Parsons, IHM (A)
Leo ’78 & Maryanne Parsons (AdB,A)
G. Joseph & Christine Parsons Bendinelli ’80 (A)
Communications Test Design, Inc. + (B)
Circle of Honor
(Gifts of $25,000–$49,999)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Celii (FAdB,A)
Patricia Cloud Celii (A)
Veltek Associates, Inc. (B)
The Patricia C. and John Celii, Jr. Foundation
Partners in Mission
(Gifts of $15,000–$24,999)
Dr. & Mrs. James Lottes + (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Gunard C. Travaglini + (AdB,PA)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car * (B)
First Resource Bank (B)
The Foundation for Catholic Education in
Chester County (Fdn)
ViroPharma Incorporated (B)
Fr: Friend
FS: Former Staff
GP: Grandparent
MG: Matching Gift Co.
Org: Organization
P: Parent
Members of the President’s Society enjoy listening to Shanahan’s Chorus
The President’s Circle
(Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999)
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Drury (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Gentile * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. O’Neill (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Travaglini + (FAdB,PGP)
The Norwood Company (B)
The Principal’s Circle
(Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999)
Mrs. Ann B. Cigas + (Fr)
Mr. Robert A. DeFalco * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dulin + (A,PA,GP)
M. Kathryn Dulin + (AdB,A,PA,GP,FS)
Mr. Mario J. Ferroni (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr. + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Folan + (P,PA)
Patricia Lohr Giunta (A,PA)
Ms. Mary D. Hayes + (Fr)
Irene Daley Hutton * (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hutton * (StA)
† Mrs. Linda LeBoutillier + (FAdB,Fr,PGP)
The Doctors Martino + (FAdB)
Dr. JoAnne McAdams (Fr)
Maryfrances Metrick (A)
Nancy McGovern Pia + (A,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pia + (A)
PA: Parent of Alumni
PGP: Past Grandparent
S: Staff
StA: St. Agnes HS
Vend: Vendor
† Deceased
Austill’s Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (B)
BSHS Student Council * (Org)
Citizens Bank + (B)
French Creek Golf Club * (B)
Gentile’s Farm Market Co., Inc (B)
HSC Builders & Construction Managers (B)
P. J. Whelihan’s (B)
Smedley Orthodontics + (B)
The Becket Family Foundation * (Fdn)
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial
Foundation, Inc. + (Fdn)
The Shanahan Rugby Alumni Scholarship +
Leadership Circle
(Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999)
Claire Jasiukiewicz Blair * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Blair * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland, Sr. * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Enoches (PA)
Mary Lou Polito Enoches (AdB,A,PA)
Mr. Edward F. Ford + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorr + (P,PA)
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett + (A,FAdB)
Mrs. Leslie Kelso + (AdB,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelso + (PA)
Ms. Mary Jane Raymond (Fr)
Ms. Kimberly A. Stack + (A)
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr. + (A)
AKD Technologies, Inc. + (B)
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
The President’s society Donors
Leadership Circle
Brendan P. Mailey Charitable Fund (Org)
BSHS Homerooms * (Org)
BSHS Parents’ Association (Org)
Campbell Soup Foundation (MG)
Citadel Federal Credit Union (B)
CSG Global * (B)
DNB First, National Association (B)
Frommeyer Construction Services, Inc. (B)
G.O. Carlson, Inc. + (B)
Guthriesville Tire & Service (B)
Iron Mountain * (B)
Jackson Cross Partners, LLC (B)
Julius “Bud” & Dorothy Elberfeld Foundation
La Difference Salon & Day Spa + (B)
Lebanon Seaboard Corporation (B)
Nick Smiles on the Fine Arts Foundation (Fdn)
(a fund of the Chester County Community
Qdoba (B)
RDS Vending, LLC (Vend)
Roberts Auto Mall (B)
Saints Philip and James Parish (Par)
Vanguard Group + (MG)
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
(Gifts of $1,500–$2,499)
Anonymous *
Mr. Eamon T. Cantwell * (A)
Mrs. Eileen L. Cornell + (PA,S)
Mr. & Mrs. G. Scott Cornell + (PA)
Dr. Melinda A. Cosgrove + (A)
Mr. William J. Dawson + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. DiFonzo + (A,AdB)
Anne Fossity DiSciullo + (P ,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DiSciullo + (P,AdB,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fastuca * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fiorenza + (P,AdB,A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Frick + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Fullam * (P)
Mr. Patrick C. Gallery + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall + (PA,FAdB)
Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Hurtt (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Jensen + (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Krapf + (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Leo + (PA)
Mrs. Lydia Leo + (StA,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levi * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. MacFarland (P,PA)
Mr. Michael L. Miley + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin + (AdB,Adm,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Morrissey (AdB,P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ondrasik + (PA)
24 Annual Report 2011–2012
( continued )
Mr. Bernard A. Perella * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn + (AdB,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Schmitt (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seifert * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Skros (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Smith (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney * (P)
† Ms. Jeanette M. Towers (Fr)
IBM Corporation (MG)
Knights of Columbus-DeLaSalle Council (Org)
Saints Philip and James CYO (Org)
United Way of Delaware * (Fdn)
Victory Brewing Company * (B)
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
(Gifts of $1,000 – $1,499)
Miss Cora K. Alexander (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blosenski * (GP)
Mrs. Beth Harper Briglia * (AdB,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briglia * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chevalier * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ford, Ed.D. +
Dr. Richard Fuller + (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gillespie * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Green * (P,PA)
Mr. Eugene J. Huston + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski + (PA)
Mr. Alvy Kelly (Fr)
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kelly + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Koppenhafer * (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Langdon + (P,PA)
Mr. Dennis S. Marlo + (A)
President’s Society
of Donors
Bold Print: Increased donation
+ donated five or more consecutive years
* donated three or four consecutive years
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. McGarry (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Moran * (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Nardone + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Narisi + (PA)
Brigid Delargey Parsons + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Skahan + (P,PA)
Mr. Kevin J. Small + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Snyder + (PA)
Rev. Thomas Sodano + (FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stevenson (P)
Diane DiSanti Ward + (AdB,A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ward + (A,PA)
Eileen Helm Weaver + (FAdB,A)
Aquilante Gourmet Buffets * (B)
Charles Blosenski Disposal Co. * (B)
Francis J. Snyder Foundation (Fdn)
George Krapf Jr. & Sons Inc. + (B)
Lincoln Financial Foundation (MG)
McGinty’s Landscaping, LLC + (B)
McKesson Foundation (MG)
Target + (B)
United Way of Chester County * (MG)
Wells Fargo Foundation * (MG)
Whitford Country Club * (B)
Young Ambassador Circle
Alumni of past 15 years
(Gifts between $500 – $999)
Miss Sarah C. Beierle + (A)
Gina Mascherino Hennessy + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hennessy + (A)
Mr. Robert E. Hennessy + (A)
Mrs. Carolyn L. McLaughlin (A)
Gift Societies
The Visionary Society
Gifts of $100,000 and above
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
Circle of Honor
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Partners in Mission
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
The President’s Circle
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
The Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Monsignor Schuyler Circle
Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $1,499
Alumni of past 15 years
Gifts of $500 to $999
A: Alumni
AdB: Advisory Board
Adm: Administration
B: Business
F: Faculty
FA: Former Administration
FAdB: Former Advisory Board
Fdn: Foundation
FF: Former Faculty
Honor Roll of Donors
Honor roll of donors
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Legacy Club
(Gifts of $500 - $999)
Mr. Anthony D. Agatone + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Alderman (P,PA)
Dr. Paul F. Barone and Dr. Sharon A. Barone * (P)
Mary Ann Brackin Bassett + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Battagliese * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert K. Becker + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. David Booth * (P,PA)
Regina Olise Brecht + (A)
The Honorable Mark A. Bruno (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Contino (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Coxson + (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D’Amore, Jr. (P)
Mr. James Davis + (StA)
Mrs. Alice Dowling + (FF)
Bridget Devine Doyle (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Forte (A,PA)
Theresa Alonzo Forte (A,PA)
Friend of Shanahan
Mrs. Margaret White Gagliardi * (A)
Mr. Gerard A. Goulet + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hackett (P)
Mr. Michael Hayes (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hennessy (P,PA)
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Holowsko (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Jensen + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Zdzislaw P. Kazimierczyk (P)
Mr. Louis Lanzalotto, Jr. (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr. * (P,S,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Loffredo * (P,S)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lord * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lyons (P,PA)
Ms. Christine M. McCann + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. McDermott (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William P. McGovern (P)
Muffet O’Brien McGraw + (A)
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Munyan (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. O’Connor (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O’Neill * (P)
Mrs. Madeline A. Paiva (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio R. Pera (P)
Mr. Paul C. Peterson + (FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Plucienik (P)
Mr. Michael J. Plunkett (A)
Mr. David J. Prilutski * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Prohaska * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Regan * (P,PA)
Ms. Nancy M. Rooney + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rothstein (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Rowe, Jr. (P)
Mr. Christopher J. Ruggiero + (A)
Mrs. Cynthia M. Ryan + (AdB,P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ryan (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ryan + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Savini * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Scalia (GP)
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seifert + (PA)
Mrs. Marie Skahan + (GP)
Mary McBratnie Swanick + (A,PA)
Fr: Friend
FS: Former Staff
GP: Grandparent
MG: Matching Gift Co.
Org: Organization
P: Parent
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Teti * (AdB,Fr)
Mrs. Josephine Vellutato * (GP)
Mrs. Joanne Wankmiller (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Williamson + (P,PA)
Ms. Beverly Yablin (F)
Mr. & Mrs. August J. Zepka (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Zhun Zhao (P)
A. Marinelli & Sons, Inc. (B)
Ally Bank (MG)
Ancient Order of Hibernians - Chester County (Org)
Bank of America Corporation + (MG)
Brown Brothers Harriman (B)
BSHS Faculty * (Org)
Chester County Community Foundation + (Fdn)
ExxonMobil Corporation (B)
Fischer Cunnane & Assoc. Ltd. (B)
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms + (Vend)
Freedom Valley YMCA at Phoenixville * (Org)
GE Foundation (MG)
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation + (MG)
IMS * (MG)
James B. Griffin, P.C. (B)
John H. Ansley Photographer (B)
Ludwig’s Village Market & Caterers (B)
McGovern Environmental, LLC (B)
Philadelphia Marriott (B)
Saint Cecilia’s Choir * (Org)
Saints Peter and Paul Parish (Par)
IHM Mission Fund * (Org)
Sterling Services, Inc. (B)
Stringer Photography (B)
Susquehanna Bank (B)
The Addis Group * (B)
World Class Vacations * (B)
Eagle’s Nest Club
(Gifts of $250 - $499)
Mr. Lawrence H. Ambrose (P)
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Anderson + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Berghuis * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bertolami * (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Boland (P)
Ms. Kathleen Burns * (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Butler (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Casale, Jr. (P,PA)
Miss Nancy J. Cassel + (A)
Elizabeth Trumpelman Cerritelli (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger M. Cerritelli (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clark (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Connors (P)
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Cosgrove (A)
Ms. Florence I. Crews * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Crouch (PA)
Eileen Caulfield Dalton + (A)
Mr. Peter J. D’Angelo + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. James Daugherty (P,PA)
Mrs. Edith Delio + (StA,PA,PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Delio, Sr. + (PA,PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Delio, Jr. + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dell’Arciprete * (P,PA)
PA: Parent of Alumni
PGP: Past Grandparent
S: Staff
StA: St. Agnes HS
Vend: Vendor
† Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. DellaVecchia III * (AdB,PA)
Mr. Louis DeRogatis (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Detweiler + (PA,A)
Mr. Brian C. Dimick + (A)
Ms. Maureen S. Dougherty * (A)
Mrs. Cecilia M. Duke + (GP)
Mary Donnelly Dumont * (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Ellington (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Elliott * (P,PA)
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. M. Eugene Favinger + (A,PA,FF,FS)
Mrs. Susanne M. Favinger + (FF,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Field, Sr. + (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Findley * (P)
Sharon O’Neill Finnegan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fortunato (P)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gentile * (S)
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Gentile (PA,A)
Mary Hennessy Gentile + (A)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Geraldi (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Giannetti, Jr. + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John Greenwood (P)
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Griffin (AdB,P,PA)
Kathleen Gallery Grismala * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Gubanich + (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gwinn + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Haney + (P,PA)
Mildred Pitt Hoffman (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Hogan (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huber * (A)
Susan Reilly Huber (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hughes (P,PA)
Donna Silvestri Hussey + (A)
Mr. David M. Huston + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Ireland (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Jarrett (P)
Mrs. Bonnie Karabin + (PA,FS)
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Karabin + (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian A. Karlovitz * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Kempinski + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Knezo (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Krause (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Kunzman (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lampe + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Litty, Jr. * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lubker (P,PA)
Mr. Francis J. Lutz + (A)
Miss Corrine L. Macauley (A)
Mr. David E. Madway (Fr)
Ms. Joanne Mancini * (Fr)
Mr. Robert L. Marchand (A)
Dr. Edward M. Matejkovic (AdB,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. McAneney * (P,PA)
Mr. Patrick W. McCarthy + (A)
Stephanie Valocchi McCarthy + (AdB,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCloskey + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. McCullough * (P)
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM * (AdB,Adm)
Mr. & Mrs. John McElvenny + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Melfi (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mignogna + (PA)
Erin McNamara Miller + (A)
Kathryn Parsons Montone * (A)
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Montone * (A)
Mr. John Morgenthaler (P)
Mr. Patrick J. Morley + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mullin (P)
Mr. Charles S. Naber + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Nappi * (P)
Mr. Joseph S. Nescio, Esq. + (FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nulty * (P)
Carol Dougherty O’Leary + (A)
Miss Kelly L. Ousey * (A)
Kathleen Murphy Paleudis + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella III + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Paulus (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pelosi (P)
Mr. Camillo A. Pizii (A)
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM * (AdB,Adm,A)
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter * (GP)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reid (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds * (P)
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger F. Rothenberger * (P,PA)
Mr. John P. Rothwell + (A,PA)
Mr. Kevin J. Rothwell (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Rein Schaper (P,PA)
Margaret Doran Schock + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schwartz (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Schwarz (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Scrocca, Sr. (P,PA)
Mr. J. Patrick Sheehan (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Shumard * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simpson (P)
Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx, Ph.D. + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tran (P)
Mr. Mark W. VanBelle (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Venskytis * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Wentzel + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Zakreski (P)
Baltimore Orioles (B)
Belmont Printing Co. (B)
Beth’s Cuppycakes (B)
BSHS Office Staff (Org)
BSHS Parent Association + (Org)
Cedar Brook Lawn Care * (B)
Comcast Corporation (B)
Family Practice Associates of Exton & Marshallton, P.C.
+ (B)
Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. * (MG)
Naturescapes Landscape Specialists, Ltd. * (B)
Penn Liberty Bank/Exton (B)
Pfizer, Inc. (MG)
PJM Interconnection (MG)
RPM Photos (B)
Saint Patrick Parish + (Par)
Tanzilli Orthodontics * (B)
The Golden Inn Hotel (B)
The Women’s Club of Downingtown (Org)
XL America (MG)
L to r: Mick Dunleavy ’56, ’P’83, ’84, ’90, Sr. Regina Plunkett, IHM ’64 and Mike Treston,
P’02. Mick and Mike present Sr. Regina with $2,000 check from the Ancient Order of
Hibernians - Chester County for tuition assistance. AOH is the oldest and largest Irish
Catholic organization in the United States. Through its charitable arm, Hibernian Charity,
a 501c-3 not-for-profit, the AOH is able to raise money for a number of Irish and Catholic
causes in this country and in Ireland.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Amrein * (P)
Marie Cassel Anderson (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Anderson (A)
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Arena (P)
Mary Jameson Ashwell + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Babin (P,PA)
Miss Molly J. Baldwin (A)
Lt. Timothy J. Baldwin (A)
Ms. Victoria J. Bardsley (A)
Mary E. Barnes (A)
Mr. Robert P. Barnes + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Barnette + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Barry, Jr. (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Beckert * (PA)
Kathryn Lyons Beech + (A,PA)
Dr. Sandra L. Behnam (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Berger + (PA)
Mr. Stephen C. Berger + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Z. Bierly III (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bizal * (A,PA)
Dorothy McMichael Bomgardner (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boncek + (P,PA)
Marie Litz Bowers + (A)
Patricia Dulin Bozarth (A)
Mr. & Mrs. James Breslin + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Brugger, Sr. (PA)
Miss Mary J. Bucci * (A)
Eileen Kain Buoni + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burkey (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Byard * (PA)
Mrs. Suzanne M. Byard * (S,PA)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Byler + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cabry III (AdB,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Caliendo (P)
Mr. James Calista (StA,GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Cancelmo (P)
Mr. Nicholas J. Casale III (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Casciato * (GP)
M. Claire Voigt Cavanaugh * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cecco (P,PA)
Ellen Hayes Cerritelli + (A)
26 Annual Report 2011–2012
Bold Print: Increased donation
+ donated five or more consecutive years
* donated three or four consecutive years
Loyalty Club
(Gifts of $100 - $249)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cerritelli + (A)
Mr. Joseph A. Conahan (A)
Miss Emily R. Connors (A)
Virginia Hoffman Conway * (A)
Mrs. Mary H. Cooper * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cordivari * (P,PA)
Mr. John E. Cosgrove, Sr. + (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Craig * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig * (GP)
Mrs. Regina L. Crum (P)
Mr. Brendan C. Curran (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Czenszak (PA,FAdB)
Mr. Anthony C. D’Addezio (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale + (S,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dameika + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dane * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Davis * (PA)
Rev. Michael J. Davis (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davison * (P)
Ms. Gloria M. DeFalco (A)
Mr. Robert Degnan + (FF,FS)
Mr. William T. DeHaven (A)
Mrs. Joseph J. DellaVecchia, Jr. (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Desiderio + (P,A,PA)
Mr. Domenic L. D’Ginto + (A)
Josephine Talucci D’Ginto + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiBerardinis + (PGP)
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Diehl (P,A)
Mr. David DiMarzio (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Diorio (P,PA)
Mr. Anthony J. DiSanti + (A)
Mr. Peter E. DiSanti + (A)
Mr. Richard J. Dixon * (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Doherty (P)
Mr. James J. Dorazio + (A)
Mr. James M. Dougherty (PA)
Margaret Guie Dunleavy (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dunleavy (A,PA,FAdB)
A: Alumni
AdB: Advisory Board
Adm: Administration
B: Business
F: Faculty
FA: Former Administration
FAdB: Former Advisory Board
Fdn: Foundation
FF: Former Faculty
Honor roll of donors
Loyalty Club
Mr. & Mrs. William Dwyer (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eby, Jr. (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Eckerd (P)
Linda Dudas Edmondson * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Elisii (P)
Mr. Paul J. Endrey (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence G. Esmonde + (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Felder * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. K. Brian Fillippo * (P)
Rev. Lawrence J. Finegan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Forcellini (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Declan Forde (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Frampton * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Ignatious Francis (P)
Mr. Jarrod M. Frawley (Stu)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Fullam (P,A)
Kristin Wallin Gallagher + (A)
Cynthia Vitale Gallo (A)
Dolores O’Neill Gincley + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gincley + (StA,PA)
Ms. Louise Giunta (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Goggin (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gorman * (GP)
Judith McGrogan Green + (A)
Mr. Francis J. Gundy (A)
Mrs. Mary Anne Hague + (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hanlon (GP,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Harrer, Jr. (P)
Mr. Richard J. Hartman + (A)
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hauck * (FF,PA)
Mrs. Elisabeth Hennessy + (GP)
Beverly Caputo Herkins + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Herkins + (A)
Mr. William E. Hochella + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Holenstein * (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hughes + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Terence James * (P,PA)
Dr. John Janasik (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennings + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Johnson + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Johnson (P)
Mr. Michael A. Joyce * (A)
Mr. Richard J. Joyce + (StA,PA)
Mr. Daniel G. Karabin (A)
Mr. Geoffrey G. Karabin (A)
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Karabin (Fr)
Mrs. Joan Kavanagh (PA)
Mrs. Anita K. Keefe (P)
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Kehoe + (FA,FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Kelley (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kelly + (P,PA)
Ms. Elizabeth M. Kelly + (A)
Mrs. Dorothy J. Kelly-Olson (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Kennedy (A)
Mary Lyons Kennedy (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kessel * (A,PA)
Lisa Bannan Kessel * (A,PA)
Lizanne Pezzetti Kile (A)
Regina DiLabbio King (A)
Mr. Zachary R. Kish (A)
Nancy Barnaba Knapp + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Efstratios Konsoulas (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios Kousisis + (PA)
Katherine McCarthy Kraenzle (A)
Fr: Friend
FS: Former Staff
GP: Grandparent
MG: Matching Gift Co.
Org: Organization
P: Parent
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Krempa (GP,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Lamb (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lamb (P)
Marietta Lamb-Mawby + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lanzar + (P,PA)
Mr. Frank A. Lasak * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Lawrence (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. V. John Leary (StA,PA)
Virginia Morgan Leary (StA, PA)
Donna Sieracki Lee (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lenge (P)
Mr. Thomas M. Lenker * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Leporati Jr. (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leppert (P)
Roberta Beamer Levan * (A)
Miss Brenna L. Levi (A)
Mr. Richard A. Lichty + (A)
Mr. Joseph Lloyd & Mrs. Anne Bradley (P,PA)
Courtney Mulvey Lofgren + (AdB,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Looby, Jr. * (P,PA)
Dr. James Lottes + (F)
Joanne Pellegrini Love (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lyons * (PA)
Miss Kathleen M. Lyons (A)
Mr. Jason V. Madden * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Magee * (P,A)
Mr. Joseph E. Maher, Jr. (GP)
Mr. Robert E. Maier (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Manetta * (GP)
Mr. Frederick D. Manning + (A)
Kelly Levan Manning (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Manning (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Marchese (A)
Megan Connors Marchese (A)
Mr. Thomas M. Mariano + (A)
Ellen Klales Markwalter (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martino (P)
Rosemary Campitelli Mascherino + (A,PA)
Mr. John L. Matt * (A)
Michelle Naber Mattson (A)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe, Jr. + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James McCabe * (GP)
Mr. Donald R. McCallin + (A)
Mrs. Diane Stringer McCarraher * (StA)
Mr. Frederick P. McCarthy, Jr. (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McCracken (P,PA)
Mary Walker McCreesh * (A)
Victoria Donnelly McCue (A)
Mr. Stephen J. McCullough + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John R. McDonald (GP)
Rev. Msgr. James T. McDonough * (AdB,Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. McGrogan (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. McHugh (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKeon * (P)
Mr. David W. McLaughlin (A)
Rev. Msgr. Robert T. McManus (Fr,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara (GP,PA)
Mr. David M. McQuiston (F,A)
Janet Ciarlone McShane (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McVicker (P)
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Meenan * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Menna * (P,A,PA)
Mr. Joseph O. Miller + (A)
Ms. Sharon Mills Zalis (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Montgomery * (P,PA)
Mr. Kevin E. Montone * (PA)
Mr. John P. Moran (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran (P,PA)
PA: Parent of Alumni
PGP: Past Grandparent
S: Staff
StA: St. Agnes HS
Vend: Vendor
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Moritz * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Mostyn (P,A)
Margaret Rothwell Mostyn (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Moylett (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueller * (P)
Mr. John E. Mulgrew * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Mullen (P)
Miss Joselyn K. Mullen (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Muller * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mullin * (PA)
Rev. Msgr. Thomas M. Mullin * (Fr)
Mr. F. Tucker Mulrooney + (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Mynaugh * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Newton, Jr. + (PA)
Maureen Sheehan Newton * (A)
Ms. Michele M. Nowlan * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien (A,PA)
Christina Cokonis O’Donnell (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Donnell + (PA)
Miss Kristin J. O’Donnell (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell III (A)
Rev. Charles R. O’Hara + (FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Hara (PA)
Roberta Maier Olliver + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. O’Sullivan (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ottaviano * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Panik * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Pascarella, Jr. * (GP)
Mr. Edgar F. Paski + (GP)
Ms. M. Kathryn Persch + (A)
Mr. Ernest R. Pescatore + (A)
Anne Marie MacNeill Peterson + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Nhan Phandinh (P)
Mr. John J. Piergalline, Jr. (A,PA)
Aileen Dill Pilarski + (A)
Colleen Joyce Pimer + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Barry S. Pine (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Pitt, Jr. (PA)
Ms. Barbara Plucienik (Fr)
Dr. John H. Plunkett + (A)
Mr. Robert A. Pomento + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Poppe (GP)
Ms. Marie J. Postus * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Potance + (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. David Potts * (GP)
Marisa Giunta Powell (A)
Mary McElwee Priest + (A)
Mrs. Aleta Provence (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Purcell * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Quinlan + (P)
Ms. Mary E. Quinn + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Quiroz * (P,PA)
Miss Lily Quiroz (A)
Mr. & Mrs. F. Paul Rauch (P)
Mr. Louis N. Raytik + (GP,A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Redditt + (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Redmond (PA)
Mrs. Harriet Walters Reeser (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reichardt, Jr. * (PA)
Mr. Edward Reilly + (StA)
Mr. William J. Reilly * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William Reilly + (GP)
Anne Dawson Renahan (A)
Mr. Howard F. Riley (A)
Margaret DeAngelis Roberts (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rogowski * (PA)
Mr. Eugene F. Rosadino, Jr. (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Roselli (P)
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Loyalty Club
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Rossana, Jr. (S,PA)
Mrs. Lisa Rossana (F, PA)
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Routh (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Rozelsky (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S. Rule * (P)
Eleanor Finegan Ryan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Saboe (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Saddic (GP)
Samantha Lathrop Santayana * (A)
Rev. Msgr. John M. Savinski * (FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Scamuffa (GP)
Frances Bell Scarborough (A)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schaffer (P)
Mr. Paul M. Schlosser (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Schmidt (P)
Mr. & Mrs. George Schofield (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schubert + (PA,PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Scribner (A)
Nicole Gummel Scribner (A)
Mrs. Amy M. Seifert * (S,P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Seifert (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Seifert + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Sellers (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Shaffer (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shirley * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Short (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Shultz (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Sinclair (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smyth (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Snook * (P)
Kathryn Valocchi Snyder + (A,PA)
Mrs. Sally Solometo * (GP)
Linda Gardner Spinelli (A)
Mr. Arthur Stank (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stine (P)
Mr. Joseph F. Sullivan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Sweeney (GP)
Mrs. Donna F. Tait (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tatarowicz (AdB,PA)
Dr. & Mrs. Marc A. Tecce (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick A. Terra (P)
Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas (Fr)
Mary Louise Kehoe Thompson * (A)
Marisa Burke Thornton (A)
Miss Lindsey J. Todd (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Toussaint + (GP)
Rev. Msgr. James A. Treston + (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Tutin (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Bartholomew C. Tuttle + (PA)
Mr. Albert J. Valocchi * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Vertigan * (P)
Mr. Mark J. Viglione (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wallin + (PA,FAdB,PGP,FA)
Mr. Kevin P. Walsh, Jr. (A)
Mrs. Dorothy D. Warren (P,A)
Therese McFadden Wells + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wendig (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. White (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wisniewski (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Woodward + (GP)
Maureen Fagan Worrell + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Young (PA)
Tristyne M. Youngbluth (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Raafat Zarif Bishai (P,PA)
Air King Limited (B)
28 Annual Report 2011–2012
American Helicopter Museum * (B)
Applecross Country Club (B)
Ascension Press (B)
Asics (B)
AstraZeneca (B)
Baxter’s Saloon & Eatery (B)
Benefit Consulting Group (B)
Blue Moon Florist (B)
BSHS Rugby Club * (Org)
Campli Photography (B)
CG Hogg Carpentry (B)
Coatesville Flower Shop + (B)
Crowne Plaza/Philadelphia Downtown (B)
Delaware Park (B)
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home * (B)
Doubletree by Hilton/Center City (B)
Exelon Corporation (MG)
Exton Driving School * (Vend)
Francis Hall Insurance & Risk Management Services (B)
Fulton Theatre (B)
Hillyard Company (B)
Hilton Garden Inn of Kennett Square (B)
Laserdome (B)
Lubker Distribution (B)
MacElree Harvey, Ltd. (B)
Malvern Prep Swim School (B)
Maureen’s Gallery * (B)
Merck Company Foundation (MG)
Partners in Mission (Vend)
PepsiCo Foundation (MG)
Philadelphia Memorial Park, Inc. (B)
Philadelphia Phillies (B)
Rainbow Dinner Theatre (B)
Raytheon Company (MG)
Saint Joseph Parish + (Par)
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel + (B)
Sixers Camps (B)
Taylors Music Store & Studios * (B)
The Boeing Company + (MG)
The Rock School West (B)
The Summit Group Associates, Inc. * (B)
Upper Main Line YMCA (B)
Waterloo Gardens, Inc. (B)
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. (B)
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign * (MG)
White Memorials (B)
William H. Sadlier, Inc. * (B)
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley (Org)
Zephyr Aluminum, LLC * (B)
Green & White Club
(Gifts of $50 - $99)
Mrs. Frances Anderson + (GP)
Theresa Sweeney Bach (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Baldwin (PA)
Miss Dina N. Bammer + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bammer + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Barbour (GP)
Nancy Eppehimer Barker + (A)
Mrs. Ellen Barton * (StA)
Mrs. Patricia C. Beach-Pepe + (PA)
Mrs. Kathe Becker (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Becker (PA)
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Benjamin * (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Best * (GP)
Mr. Brian T. Blair * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Booth * (GP)
Bold Print: Increased donation
+ donated five or more consecutive years
* donated three or four consecutive years
A: Alumni
AdB: Advisory Board
Adm: Administration
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Brown (PA,FS)
Rita Taliercio Burnett (A)
Mr. James R. Burns + (A)
Mr. David A. Byerley + (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Capista * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Carlin * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Carlin (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Castaldi (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ciarrocchi * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clayman + (PA)
Col. Mary Clementi + (StA)
Mr. James E. Coleman (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Colman (PA)
Patricia Lyons Conboy + (A)
Rosemarie Pomento Connolly + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Conrad (P)
Miss Ashley M. Cooke * (A)
Julia Miller Croce (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Czabator (PA)
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D’Adamo (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Clair Daigle * (GP)
Mr. Jeremiah J. Davis (A)
Ms. Marie F. Dawson + (A)
Marcie Lamb DeCapite + (A)
Patrice Furey Delargey + (A,PA)
Mr. Frank C. Delphais + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey (StA,PA)
Kathleen Durning Dempsey (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis DiSanti + (StA,PA,PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DiStefano (A)
Judy Caulfield DiStefano (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dolan * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd (GP,PA)
Mrs. Kimberly Dreher (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dugan III (P)
Mr. & Mrs. John Eckert * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Egan (P)
Mr. Joseph M. Egan (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Emery (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fairbairn (PA)
Mrs. Dolores DeAngelo Feconda (StA)
Mr. David J. Fenimore + (A)
Miss Margaret A. Fenimore + (A)
Mrs. Barbara Carnathan Finegan + (StA,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Fitzgerald * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Flynn (P,A,PA)
Maureen McDevitt Foley + (A)
Theresa Penderghest Frederick (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Fuller, Jr. (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William Gale (GP,PA)
Miss Diane T. Gallagher (A)
Mr. Joseph G. Gallagher + (A)
Mrs. Doris Gillespie * (GP)
Mary Glah Gillin (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Giunta (A,PA,FAdB)
Nina DiFilippo Giunta (A,PA)
Mrs. Eileen P. Gorman (P)
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gorman (P)
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Green * (P)
Mr. Francis J. Haas + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hammond (P)
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hargraves * (PA)
Kristine McCullough Harris (A)
Mr. & Mrs. James Heller (P)
Mr. Mark E. Helms + (A)
Jean Bruni Henderson (A)
Margaret Hennessy (A)
Mr. Robert Henry and Ms. Nina Malone (PA)
B: Business
F: Faculty
FA: Former Administration
FAdB: Former Advisory Board
Fdn: Foundation
FF: Former Faculty
Honor roll of donors
Green & White Club
Mr. Eugene G. Hickman (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hochella (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Hodlofski (Fr)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Hodlofski (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Holdsman * (P,A,PA)
Mrs. Kathleen Holman + (GP,PA)
Mr. Donald Hufford (F)
Susan Elias Hulton + (A)
Mr & Mrs. Thomas P. Hurley (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Huss, Jr. + (PA)
Mr. Leon W. Hutton (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ivanoski (PA)
Mr. Brian G. Jefferes (A)
Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Johns * (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Johnson, Jr. (P,A,PA)
Jaclyn Levi Joworisak * (A)
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Karcsh (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keane + (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Keefe (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Kelly, Sr. (P)
Mary Moyer Kelly * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelly * (A)
Miss Courtney M. Kennedy (A)
Mr. & Mrs. David Kiefer, Sr. + (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kirner (GP)
Miss Angela M. Knapp (A)
Miss Elise N. Knezo * (A)
Mr. Jason Knezo + (A)
Mr. Zachary E. Knezo + (A)
Mr. John J. Kotanchik (A)
Louise Alexander Kraft + (A)
Mr. Kyle W. Kramer * (A)
Ida Guerrera Labiak (A,PA)
Miss Erin E. LaPorta * (A)
Mary J. Pirri Launi * (StA)
Mr. Patrick O. Lavin (A)
Mr. Charles Leahan (F)
Cynthia Talucci Leahan (A)
Mr. & Ms. James Lentz (PA)
Ms. Marie A. Lentz (PA)
Ms. Kimberly A. Levan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lodge (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lott * (GP,)
Anne Marie Pacinelli Lutz (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lutz, Jr. (A)
Ms. Suzanne Magee (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Makoid (P)
Mrs. Maryanne Malin (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Marks * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marks, Sr. * (P)
Mr. John M. Massimini (A)
Mr. & Mrs. David Mauer * (PA)
Mr. John Maxwell (Fr)
Miss Anita R. Mazzula (A)
Miss Kristina M. Mazzula (A)
Mr. Francis D. McAdams (A)
Eileen Conroy McAnally * (A)
Miss Sarah A. McCabe (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCullen * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. McDonald (P)
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McDonald * (P)
Marlene Madonna McDonough + (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert McDonough + (StA)
Mr. Patrick C. McElwee (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. McGinley (P)
Fr: Friend
FS: Former Staff
GP: Grandparent
MG: Matching Gift Co.
Org: Organization
P: Parent
Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award Recipients Daniel Rowe ’15 & Gregory Pera ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McGlone, Sr. (P)
Mr. Joseph P. McKenna + (A)
Mrs. Ann McKeown (P)
Mr. Michael A. McKibben (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams * (P,PA,FS)
Marion Nagy Mento + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Meyer (P)
Susan Cornely Miller (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Minsker + (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Monahan + (PA)
Catherine Bartelmo Moran * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Moran * (A)
Mr. Alexander J. Morin * (A)
Mr. Jonathan P. Morin * (A)
Dr. Nicholas P. Morin * (A)
Mr. Samuel T. Morin * (A)
Mrs. Megan Infanti Mraz (A)
Mr. & Mrs. David Muir (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Mulhern (P,PA)
Mrs. Rachel Cochlin Mullin (StA,GP)
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mulqueen (PA)
Mr. Brendan P. Munley (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Munley (A,PA)
Regina Howe Munley (A,PA)
Mr. James F. Murrison (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Myers, Sr. (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Myles (P)
Lois Dutt Nines + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Malley, Jr. (P,PA)
Phyllis M. Orlando (A)
Anne Marie Bucci O’Rourke (A)
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Ousey, Jr. (GP,PA,FF)
Mr. Glenn G. Peterson + (A)
Mr. George S. Podziomek + (A)
Kathleen Perley Przychodzien + (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Queppet + (GP)
Ms. Barbara Redditt (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Regan (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rescigno (P,A)
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Reto (PA)
PA: Parent of Alumni
PGP: Past Grandparent
S: Staff
StA: St. Agnes HS
Vend: Vendor
† Deceased
Mr. James M. Riley (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Riotto (P)
Mary Dunleavy Rooney (A)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roselli (GP)
Mr. Michael H. Ryan + (A)
Mr. Ian M. Saboe (Stu)
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict A. Scalia (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Schaefer (P)
Mr. Kevin Seifert (Stu)
Catherine McLaughlin Silva + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Singer (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smith (GP)
Elizabeth Hanley Smith + (A,PA)
Mrs. Sonia Smith (GP)
Anne Murphy Sogluizzo + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Sontag, Jr. (P,PA)
Patricia Losito Swiger * (A,PA)
Ms. Lillian M. Taliercio + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Taylor (P)
Mr. & Mrs. William Teel (GP)
Lucia Walinchus Thayer + (A)
Mrs. Eleanor V. Toto (StA)
Mr. John Travaglini * (StA)
Allison Paulachok Treston * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Tronoski (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Truskey * (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tustin * (P,PA)
Ms. Lisa M. Tzanakis (Fr)
Mrs. Diane L. Uleau * (PA)
Patricia Burns Underwood (A)
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Underwood * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Vahey (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vanic (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Versaggi * (P)
Mrs. Marilyn Vertigan * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Wagner * (P,A)
Rev. Christopher M. Walsh (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Walsh (A)
Susan McCrain Walsh (A)
Mr. & Mrs. George Weir (GP)
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Michael J. Cabry IV (A)
Br. Augustine R. Campion (A)
Ms. Kathleen A. Capriotti (F,PA,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Capriotti (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Capuzzi * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carlino (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Carney (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Castaldi (P)
Mr. Thomas Castaldi (Fr)
Ms. Joanna Catanzaro (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Celidonio + (PA)
Ms. Andrea Chowansky (Fr)
Mrs. Mary E. Clark (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Clements (GP)
Kathryn Schmidt Cole + (A)
Miss Caitlin L. Colman (A)
Mr. Jonathan D. Colman (A)
Ms. Donna M. Colsher (A)
Miss Kelly A. Cooper (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cortese (PA)
Ms. Laura L. Cottrel (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Neil C. Coyne * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Crawford, Jr. (A)
Frances Viscichini Crawford (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Criswell Jr. + (A,PA)
Angela DiFrancesco Crognale (A)
Mr. John P. Crossan + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Curran (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Cusick (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Dalton (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Antonio (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D’Auria + (PA)
Mrs. M. Regina Dawson (StA)
Miss Leah M. DeBarberie (A)
Miss Rebekah DeBarberie (A)
Miss Sarah A. DeBarberie + (A)
Mrs. Patricia Raub DeHart + (StA,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Delaney (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. DelGrande (PA)
Michele Kelly Delmarco (A)
Mrs. Muriel DeLorio (GP)
Mr. John M. DiEugenio + (A)
Sr. Carolyn Dimick, IHM + (A)
Catharine M. DiPietro (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Donovan (P)
Mr. Mark J. Dorton (A)
Mr. Daniel J. Dougherty (GP)
Sr. Kathleen E. Doyle, IHM (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Doyle (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka (PA)
Dr. Susan E. Dulka (A)
Sister Kathleen P. Eagan, IHM * (F)
Miss Catherine B. Egan (A)
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Eltringham (GP,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Erdman, Jr. (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fagan + (PA)
Mr. Ryan W. Fairbairn (A)
Mr. Thomas J. Farley (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Federico (Fr,GP)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Ferrigno (PA)
Karen Demchak Ficca (A,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ficca (A,PA)
Mr. Paul Finley (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flynn (GP)
Mrs. Rosemary Ahearn Franciscus (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Freeth III (P)
Mrs. Joan Fullam (GP)
Miss Erin T. Gale (A)
Memories of Shanahan years being shared at the Alumni Social
Green & White Club
Sweet Beginnings (B)
Texas Roadhouse (B)
The Colonial Theatre (B)
The Desmond Hotel (B)
The Office Bar & Grille (B)
Twenty9 Bar & Restaurant (B)
Valley Forge Ristorante Pizzeria (B)
Villanova Theatre (B)
Wendell August (B)
Mr. John M. Williams (StA)
Mrs. Jeannie Conahan Wimble (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wolfington (GP)
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods (PGP)
Phyllis M. Yankech + (A)
Donna Guie Yarnall + (A)
Mrs. Jean Yoder + (StA)
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Center * (B)
Arden Theatre Company (B)
Boscov’s/Reading (B)
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm (B)
Chester County Historical Society (B)
Chestnut Hill College (Coll)
Choo Choo Barn (B)
Cookies by Design (B)
Crane Performing Arts School (B)
Creed’s Seafood & Steaks + (B)
D’Anjolell Memorial Home (B)
Dave & Busters (B)
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre (B)
Eastern State Penitentiary (B)
Flocco’s Discount Shoes & Clothes + (Vend)
G & G Cigar Company (B)
General Electric * (MG)
Home Depot Foundation (MG)
Honeybrook Golf Club (B)
Interstate Resources (B)
Limoncello Ristorante * (B)
Ludwig’s Village Market & Caterers (B)
Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (B)
Mutual of America (MG)
National Liberty Museum (B)
Palace Bowling & Entertainment Center * (B)
Panera Bread/Trevose (B)
People’s Light & Theatre Company (B)
Pepperidge Farm, Inc. + (B)
Philadelphia Flyers (B)
Ryan’s Pub (B)
Scheler & Shifflett, Inc. (B)
Springer’s Homemade Ice Cream, Ltd (B)
Virginia Carter Abbott (A)
Marianne Beam Abdul (A)
Barbara DiSanti Amiro (A)
Mrs. Loretta DiAngelo Anderson (StA)
Mr. Michael J. Anderson (A)
Mr. Roger Arthur * (F)
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Aycock * (GP)
Mrs. Nancy Bachofer * (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Barsa + (PA)
Mr. Richard E. Beam (A)
Deborah A. Bellwoar (A)
Martha Deeney Benanti (A)
Marianne DiSanti Benash (A)
Dolores MacIntire Benson + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bizal (GP,PA)
Mrs. Mary F. Boland + (GP)
Mrs. Marilyn Boncek * (GP,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Borraccini (P,Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braun (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Brennan (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Briglia (P,PA)
Miss Cara T. Brindley * (A)
Miss Elena C. Brindley (A)
Miss Catherine E. Brown (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown + (PA)
Mr. Joseph M. Brown (A)
Ms. Julia Brufke-Wenger (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bucciarelli (GP)
Mr. Charles F. Burns III (P,PA)
Mr. Alexander W. Byard + (A)
Lorraine Androwick Byrd (A)
30 Annual Report 2011–2012
Bold Print: Increased donation
+ donated five or more consecutive years
* donated three or four consecutive years
Friends of Shanahan
(Gifts up to $50)
A: Alumni
AdB: Advisory Board
Adm: Administration
B: Business
F: Faculty
FA: Former Administration
FAdB: Former Advisory Board
Fdn: Foundation
FF: Former Faculty
Honor roll of donors
Friends of Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gale (P,A,PA)
Miss Alexandra R. Garger (A)
Miss Catherine J. Garger (A)
Mrs. Aurelia Naples Garzia * (StA)
Mr. Frank M. Gavin * (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Kris K. Gike * (P)
Ms. Caryle M. Glah + (A)
Robyn Heitzman Gotro (A)
Miss Emily A. Gottshall * (A)
Mr. Ryan J. Griffin (A)
Miss Shannon M. Griffin (A)
Mr. & Mr. Robert Haenn * (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hagenkotter + (GP,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hamilton * (GP)
Bronwyn Zappacosta Hanaway (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison + (PGP,PA)
Jennifer Kallenbach Hart (A)
Mrs. Joan E. Hayes (F,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Heisler, Sr. (P,PA)
Kathleen Mancuso Hirthler (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Hirthler (A)
Miss Emily M. Hoye + (A)
Mr. Mark A. Hurley (A)
Miss Allison M. Huss * (A)
Ms. Kathryn M. Huston (A)
Sister Paula R. Jameson, IHM (A)
Ms. Kimberly A. Kane (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John Kaufmann (GP)
Mr. Charles Keating (F)
Jennifer Hollinger Keller (A)
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Kelly (PA)
Mr. Alexander J. Kelso * (A)
Mr. Austen A. Kelso (A)
Mr. Connor J. Kerns (Stu)
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Kuhn (P)
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lafore (P,PA)
Ms. Teri Lahey (F)
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Langdon (GP)
Mrs. Margaret Lenahen (GP)
Mr. Steven F. Leonhardt (A)
Dolores Massucci Lerch (A)
Julie Prilutski Lisowski (A)
Mr. Edward Lotkowski + (PA)
Mr. Craig J. Loundas (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lukacs (PA)
Pia Taraschi Lutz (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Marion (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin * (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Martin, Jr. (Fr)
Mrs. Rita Martin (StA)
Mrs. Arlene Martino (GP)
Algerinda Avioli Matuson (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McCarron (P,PA)
Miss Sheila M. McCarthy (A)
Lindsay Powell McCauslin + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McErlean (P)
Mr. & Mrs. William McFalls * (GP)
Miss Colleen C. McGovern (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John L. McGovern (PA,FS)
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. McKee + (A,PA)
Cristin Braun McMichael (A)
Mr. William Michnuk (GP)
Doris Krupansky Miller + (A)
Michelle Chelland Milligan (A)
Fr: Friend
FS: Former Staff
GP: Grandparent
MG: Matching Gift Co.
Org: Organization
P: Parent
Meredith Mulvey Minor (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mitchell III * (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mnich * (P)
Mrs. Antoinette Clementi Moran + (StA)
Mrs. Caroline Morgenthaler (GP)
Mrs. Mary Cosgriff Morrell + (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. John Moylett + (GP)
Mr. Ryan F. Muckel (A)
Ms. Molly B. Mulvihill (A)
Mr. Joseph J. Munley (A)
Sr. Francis Helen Murphy, IHM (A)
Miss Kathleen L. Murphy (A)
Moiya Thompson Murphy + (A)
Miss Cara A. Nardone (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Biagio Natale (PA)
Mrs. Rosina Natale (F,PA)
Virginia Dulowski Neumer (A)
Mr. Frank J. Nosek (A)
Kathleen Farrelly Oakes + (PA,GP)
Ms. Michele F. Oakes * (P)
Sr. Regina A. O’Brien (StA)
Sr. Regina C. O’Brien (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. John D. O’Dell * (PA)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Olsen (P)
Miss Shannon M. O’Shea (A)
Mrs. Martina Ossman (StA)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parker * (P)
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Paulachok (PA)
Susan Egan Pealer (A)
Ms. Linda Pellegrino * (P)
Mrs. Kathryn Penderghest (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Perry * (GP)
Mrs. Elizabeth Burns Pitt * (StA)
Miss Angela M. Pozza (A)
Mr. Michael R. Quinn + (A)
Senator John Rafferty (Fr)
Eleanor Walls Ratigan (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Raymond (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Refford (P,A)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reif (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Remaley (PA)
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Riccardo, Sr. (A,PA,GP)
Miss Julie C. Riccardo (A)
Mary McQuiston Ritter + (A,PA)
Mr. Edward R. Robinson + (A)
Mrs. Nancy Roche (GP)
Barbara Still Ruczhak (A)
Kathleen Whalen Russo (A)
Mr. & Mrs. John Rutty (GP)
Mrs. Marie Ryan (PGP)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santoleri (GP)
Ms. Mariel Santos + (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Savastio (Fr)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneck (PA)
Mrs. Nancy Schwemler * (P)
Mr. William J. Scranton (GP)
Miss Allison R. Seifert * (A)
Mr. Matthew T. Seifert (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheplock (P,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Shrader (PA)
Mrs. Marie Sinclair (GP)
Ms. Joan M. Smallwood + (PA)
Mr. Allen J. Snyder (A)
Mrs. Deborah Snyder * (F)
Mr. Evan M. Snyder * (A)
Mrs. Brenda Stank (P)
Mrs. Anna Mae Stanolis * (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Staso (A)
PA: Parent of Alumni
PGP: Past Grandparent
S: Staff
StA: St. Agnes HS
Vend: Vendor
† Deceased
Eileen Murray Stevens (A)
Miss Catherine A. Sticklen (A)
Mrs. Cheryl A. Stolis (P)
Miss Anne T. Sturm (A)
Mr. Benjamin T. Sturm (A)
Mr. Peter J. Sturm * (A)
Dr. Herman T. Tavani, Ph.D. (A)
Mr. Christopher A. Taylor + (A)
Ms. Elizabeth Taylor (StA)
Miss Ellen M. Taylor (A)
Mr. Patrick W. Taylor (A)
Mrs. Mary Ann Thompson (F,PA)
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tokarski * (GP)
Mr. Collin E. Trudan (A)
Miss Laura A. Trusila * (A)
Patricia Conahan Tunnell (A)
Miss Aubrey R. Tuttle (A)
Miss Julianne K. Tuttle * (A)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ursini (Fr)
Ms. Christina M. Valocchi + (A)
Jane Newswanger Ventrella (A)
Cecelia Durning Walton (A)
Mr. & Ms. Harry D. Wein (PA,FAdB)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Westlake, Jr. (P)
Sister Marian William, IHM (FF)
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Williams (GP)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Williams (P,PA)
Louise Bowman Wilson * (S,A,PA)
Mrs. June Woyton (PA)
Eileen McShea Wylie (A)
Mrs. Anna Zebrowski (GP)
Miss Andrea J. Zielinski (A)
American Civil War Wax Museum Complex (B)
Anthony’s Italian Restaurant + (B)
Big League Haircuts/West Chester (B)
Bounce U. (B)
Brandywine River Museum (B)
Build-a-Bear Workshop (B)
Camden Riversharks (B)
Cape May Wicker (B)
Cedar Hollow Inn, Restaurant & Bar * (B)
Clay’s Corner Bakery (B)
Cupcakes Gourmet (B)
Definitely Dance * (B)
D’Ignazio’s Towne House (B)
Doc Magrogans Oyster House * (B)
Frame of Reference (B)
Good Search (B)
Hagley Museum & Library (B)
Harrisburg Senators Baseball Club (B)
Johnson & Johnson (MG)
Knoebels Amusement Park (B)
Lakewood Blue Claws (B)
Longwood Gardens + (B)
Modells Sporting Goods (B)
Mostardi Nursery (B)
National Baseball Hall of Fame (B)
National Toy Train Museum (B)
New Jersey Audubon Nature Center of Cape May (B)
Philadelphia 76ers (B)
Pittsburgh Pirates (B)
Ron’s Original Bar & Grille (B)
Señora’s Authentic Mexican Cuisine (B)
Seven Stars Inn (B)
State College Spikes (B)
The Kitchen Studio (B)
Tyler Arboretum (B)
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
The following special scholarships, memorials and donations have been established by alumni, family and friends to provide tuition for
deserving Shanahan students.
Coxson Family Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Coxson
Dr. JoAnne McAdams Scholarship
Dr. JoAnne McAdams
Krapf Bus Companies Educational Scholarship Award
George Krapf Jr. & Sons Inc.
Lanzalotto Family Scholarship
Mr. Louis Lanzalotto, Jr.
Levi Family Scholarship
Mrs. Jaclyn Joworisak
Ms. Brenna Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levi
Martino Scholar Program
Drs. Rocco & Barbara Martino
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes Bishop Shanahan Scholarship
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Parsons Family Scholarship Program
Donald & Elizabeth Parsons, Sr.
Donald ‘66 & Ethel Parsons, Jr.
Robert ’67 & Marilyn Parsons
Richard ’68 & Claudia Parsons
Gerald ’70 & Eleanor Parsons
Jeffrey & Elizabeth Parsons Forsythe ‘73
Sister Judith Parsons, IHM ‘77
Leo ’78 & Maryanne Parsons
G. Joseph & Christine Parsons Bendinelli ‘80
Shanahan Rugby Alumni Scholarship
Ally Bank
Mr. Eamon T. Cantwell
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Karabin
Mr. Anthony Mattioni
Rugby Alumni and Parents of Alumni
The Shanahan Rugby Club and Families
SS. Philip & James CYO Scholarship
SS. Philip & James CYO
SS. Philip and James Scholarship in Memory of
Nick Mullin ‘08
Saints Philip and James Parish
The Adelyene Kelly ‘54 Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Alvy Kelly
The Anne Hook Memorial Scholarship
Saint Cecilia’s Choir
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Foundation
Mary Kay ’75 and Kevin Hennessy ’00 with Patricia Hagel ’16, recipient of The Mike
Hennessy ’75 Memorial Scholarship.
The Joseph M. Reis Memorial Grant
The Joseph M. Reis Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The Mike Hennessy ‘75 Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hennessy
Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy
Mr. Robert E. Hennessy
The Monsignor Craven Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lasko
The Philip J. Leo Memorial Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Leo
The Robert Stack Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ms. Kimberly A. Stack
The Roberts LeBoutillier Memorial Scholarship
† Mrs. Zelinda LeBoutillier
The Shawn P. Dougherty Scholarship
Mrs. Donna Dougherty
The Sister Constance Logue Nursing Scholarship
Eileen M. Sullivan Marx
Miss Janet A. Sullivan
Tuition Assistance Donors
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland
Mrs. Alice Dowling
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Drury
Dr. Richard Fuller
IHM Mission Fund
Mr. Michael J. Plunkett
Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas
Ancient Order of Hibernians - Chester County
BSHS Community Service Corps
BSHS Parent Association
BSHS Student Council
Chester County Community Foundation
Francis J. Snyder Foundation
Julius “Bud” & Dorothy Elberfeld Foundation
Knights of Columbus - DeLaSalle Council
RDS Vending, LLC
The Foundation for Catholic Education in Chester County
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Travaglini
The Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Foundation, Inc.
The Joey Moran Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Moran
The John V. Mancini Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ms. Joanne Mancini
The Joseph M. Giunta Memorial Grant
Mr. Thomas Castaldi
Ms. Louise Giunta
Patricia Lohr Giunta
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Hodlofski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Hodlofski
Mr. & Mrs. V. John Leary
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Martin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Plucienik
Sponsor-a-Student Donations
Anonymous (4)
Ms. Andrea Chowansky
Dr. Melinda A. Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Parsons
Nancy McGovern Pia
Mr. & Mrs. Barry S. Pine
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Routh
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Smith
† Ms. Jeanette M. Towers
Frommeyer Construction Services, Inc.
Communications Test Design, Inc.
I am grateful to Mrs. Mary Hayes
for her generous scholarship
towards my education. Without
her, I would not be able to
experience the great things that a
Catholic education can give you.
Shelby O’Neill ’14
32 Annual Report 2011–2012
† Deceased
Honor Roll of Donors by Class
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Thanks to our Alumni… The character and accomplishments of Shanahan’s many graduates attest to the value of
the Bishop Shanahan experience. We are so grateful to our alumni who value the education and life lessons they received
at Shanahan, and who desire to invest in its current students through their gifts. By doing so, they ensure that Shanahan
preserves its legacy of excellence.
Class of 1958
Total Giving: $1,045.00
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mildred Pitt Hoffman
Loyalty Club
Anthony C. D’Addezio
Dolores O’Neill Gincley
Thomas M. Mariano
Roberta Maier Olliver
Joseph F. Sullivan
Friends of Shanahan
Richard E. Beam
Eileen McShea Wylie
Class of 1959
Total Giving: $7,412.00
Leadership Circle
Kathleen Byrnes Jarrett
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Bernard A. Perella
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Cora K. Alexander
Eugene J. Huston
Eagle’s Nest Club
Margaret Doran Schock
Loyalty Club
Robert P. Anderson
Mary J. Bucci
Margaret Guie Dunleavy
Robert Joseph Dunleavy
Rev. Lawrence J. Finegan
Mary Louise Kehoe Thompson
Green & White Club
David J. Fenimore
Friends of Shanahan
John N. Riccardo, Sr.
Eileen Murray Stevens
Class of 1960
Total Giving: $3,385.00
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Dennis S. Marlo
Legacy Club
Margaret White Gagliardi
Gerard A. Goulet
Loyalty Club
Marie Cassel Anderson
M. Claire Voigt Cavanaugh
Josephine Talucci D’Ginto
Judith McGrogan Green
William M. Herkins
Katherine McCarthy Kraenzle
Joanne Pellegrini Love
Robert E. Maier
Janet Ciarlone McShane
Louis N. Raytik
Howard F. Riley
Friends of Shanahan
Br. Augustine R. Campion
Sr. Kathleen E. Doyle
Class of 1961
Total Giving: $26,030.00
Circle of Honor
John J. Celii
Patricia Cloud Celii
Eagle’s Nest Club
Brian C. Dimick
Loyalty Club
William T. DeHaven
Roberta Beamer Levan
Donald R. McCallin
Frances Bell Scarborough
Legacy Club
Mary Ann Brackin Bassett
Rodger M. Cerritelli
Ms. Maureen S. Dougherty
Edward M. Matejkovic
Patrick W. McCarthy
Eagle’s Nest Club
Peter J. D’Angelo
Loyalty Club
Marietta Lamb-Mawby
Richard A. Lichty
Joseph O. Miller
Loyalty Club
Mary Jameson Ashwell
Frederick P. McCarthy, Jr.
Green & White Club
Frank C. Delphais
Susan Elias Hulton
Green & White Club
Louise Alexander Kraft
Friends of Shanahan
John P. Crossan
Sr. Francis Helen Murphy
Edward R. Robinson
Friends of Shanahan
Virginia Carter Abbott
Sr. Carolyn Dimick
Algerinda Avioli Matuson
Doris Krupansky Miller
Herman T. Tavani, Ph.D.
Class of 1966
Total Giving: $4,805.00
Class of 1964
Total Giving: $22,576.00
Leadership Circle
Mary Lou Polito Enoches
Green & White Club
Rita Taliercio Burnett
Maureen McDevitt Foley
John M. Massimini
Marion Nagy Mento
The President’s Circle
John A. Drury
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Patrick C. Gallery
The Principal’s Circle
M. Kathryn Lewis Dulin
Mario J. Ferroni
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Donald F. Parsons, Jr.
Friends of Shanahan
Kathryn M. Huston
Barbara Still Ruczhak
Legacy Club
Richard G. Forte
Theresa Alonzo Forte
Class of 1962
Total Giving: $8,652.00
The Principal’s Circle
Robert A. DeFalco
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Francis P. DiFonzo
Eagle’s Nest Club
M. Eugene Favinger
David M. Huston
Loyalty Club
Robert P. Barnes
Marie Litz Bowers
Patricia Dulin Bozarth
Beverly Caputo Herkins
John L. Matt
Ernest R. Pescatore
Green & White Club
Lois Dutt Nines
Phyllis M. Yankech
Friends of Shanahan
Kathleen Whalen Russo
Class of 1963
Total Giving: $6,215.00
The Principal’s Circle
John F. Dulin
Eagle’s Nest Club
Robert L. Marchand
Stephanie Valocchi McCarthy
Kathleen Murphy Paleudis
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM
Loyalty Club
Eileen Kain Buoni
Linda Dudas Edmondson
Regina DiLabbio King
Robert A. Pomento
Eagle’s Nest Club
Nancy J. Cassel
John A. Huber
Susan Reilly Huber
Camillo A. Pizii
Loyalty Club
Ellen Hayes Cerritelli
Thomas J. Cerritelli
Francis J. Gundy
Aileen Dill Pilarski
William J. Reilly
Linda Gardner Spinelli
Green & White Club
Frank J. Giunta
Nina DiFilippo Giunta
Jean Bruni Henderson
Green & White Club
Margaret Fenimore
Ida Guerrera Labiak
Mary Dunleavy Rooney
Lillian M. Taliercio
Friends of Shanahan
Lorraine Androwick Byrd
John M. DiEugenio
Cecelia Durning Walton
Friends of Shanahan
Dolores MacIntire Benson
Catharine M. DiPietro
Dolores Massucci Lerch
Virginia Dulowski Neumer
Class of 1967
Total Giving: $,2652.00
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Robert L. Parsons
Class of 1965
Eagle’s Nest Club
Donna Silvestri Hussey
John P. Rothwell
Total Giving: $13,680.00
Leadership Circle
Edward F. Ford
Alfred E. Yudes, Jr.
Legacy Club
Regina Olise Brecht
Eagle’s Nest Club
Elizabeth Trumpelman Cerritelli
Loyalty Club
Ellen Klales Markwalter
Charles P. McGrogan
Mr. David M. McQuiston
M. Kathryn Persch
John H. Plunkett
Maureen Fagan Worrell
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Donors by class
Green & White Club
Mary Glah Gillin
Anne Marie Pacinelli Lutz
Edward J. Lutz, Jr.
Patrick C. McElwee
George S. Podziomek
Friends of Shanahan
Kathryn Molloy Criswell
Craig J. Loundas
Pia Taraschi Lutz
Class of 1970
Class of 1974
Total Giving: $11,517.50
Total Giving: $1,999.00
The President’s Circle
Gerald J. Parsons
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Eileen Helm Weaver
Friends of Shanahan
Thomas J. Farley
Frank J. Nosek
Legacy Club
Michael J. Plunkett
Legacy Club
Christine M. McCann
Eagle’s Nest Club
Eileen Caulfield Dalton
Class of 1968
Loyalty Club
Anne Marie MacNeill Peterson
Loyalty Club
Mary E. Barnes
Dorothy Woods Warren
The President’s Circle
Leo Parsons
Friends of Shanahan
Marianne Beam Abdul
Kathleen A. Capriotti
Andrea J. Zielinski
Legacy Club
Kathleen Holman Jensen
Total Giving: $18,882.50
The Principal’s Circle
Patricia Lohr Giunta
Nancy McGovern Pia
Leadership Circle
Richard M. Parsons
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Kevin J. Small
Eagle’s Nest Club
Carol Dougherty O’Leary
Loyalty Club
Virginia Hoffman Conway
Rosemary Campitelli Mascherino
Green & White Club
Mark E. Helms
Cynthia Talucci Leahan
Eileen Conroy McAnally
James F. Murrison
Kathleen Perley Przychodzien
Patricia Losito Swiger
Friends of Shanahan
Charles F. Crawford, Jr.
Frances Viscichini Crawford
Catherine B. Egan
Class of 1969
Total Giving: $,3350.00
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
William J. Dawson
Eagle’s Nest Club
Florence I. Crews
Francis J. Lutz
Patrick J. Morley
Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx, Ph.D.
Loyalty Club
Gloria M. DeFalco
James J. Dorazio
Stephen J. McCullough
Green & White Club
Jeremiah J. Davis
Mary Moyer Kelly
Timothy F. Kelly
Donna Guie Yarnall
Friends of Shanahan
Mary McQuiston Ritter
Total Giving: $6,501.50
The Principal’s Circle
Maryfrances Metrick
Class of 1971
Total Giving: $3,420.00
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Melinda A. Cosgrove
Legacy Club
David J. Prilutski
Eagle’s Nest Club
James J. Cosgrove
Loyalty Club
Colleen Joyce Pimer
Mary McElwee Priest
Albert J. Valocchi
Green & White Club
James R. Burns
Eugene G. Hickman
Anne Murphy Sogluizzo
Friends of Shanahan
Marianne DiSanti Benash
Class of 1972
Total Giving: $2,485.00
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Anthony J. Fiorenza
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mary Donnelly Dumont
Loyalty Club
Mary E. Quinn
Green & White Club
Marcella Lamb DeCapite
Patrice Furey Delargey
Kathleen Durning Dempsey
Joseph G. Gallagher
James M. Riley
Elizabeth Hanley Smith
Patricia Burns Underwood
William L. Underwood
Green & White Club
Patricia Lyons Conboy
Rosemarie Pomento Connolly
Leon W. Hutton
Friends of Shanahan
Barbara DiSanti Amiro
Deborah A. Bellwoar
Caryle M. Glah
Susan Egan Pealer
Louise Bowman Wilson
Legacy Club
Muffet O’Brien McGraw
Eagle’s Nest Club
John C. Gentile
Class of 1973
Total Giving: $925.00
Loyalty Club
Margaret Rothwell Mostyn
Green & White Club
Theresa Sweeney Bach
Friends of Shanahan
Thomas A. Ficca
34 Annual Report 2011–2012
Class of 1975
Legacy Club
Mary Kay Conahan Hennessy
Loyalty Club
Anthony J. DiSanti
Joann Guerrera Fullam
Richard J. Hartman
Joseph M. Kessel
Lisa Bannan Kessel
Nancy Barnaba Knapp
John J. Piergalline, Jr.
Kathryn Valocchi Snyder
Friends of Shanahan
Sister Paula R. Jameson
Julie Prilutski Lisowski
Class of 1976
Total Giving: $2,660.00
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Robert A. Ward
Legacy Club
Nancy M. Rooney
Loyalty Club
Kathryn Lyons Beech
Cynthia Vitale Gallo
Frank A. Lasak
Jeffrey M. Mostyn
Anne Dawson Renahan
Margaret DeAngelis Roberts
Friends of Shanahan
Mark J. Dorton
Karen Demchak Ficca
Joanne Cummings McKee
Class of 1978
Total Giving: $13,765.00
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Diane DiSanti Ward
Loyalty Club
Dorothy McMichael Bomgardner
Denice Trainor Menna
Paul M. Schlosser
Green & White Club
Brenda Quinn Flynn
Margaret Hennessy
Thomas R. Lodge
Brendan P. Munley
John E. Walsh
Susan McCrain Walsh
Friends of Shanahan
Janet Trofe Gale
Class of 1979
Total Giving: $4,875 .00
Leadership Circle
Claire Jasiukiewicz Blair
Legacy Club
Mary McBratnie Swanick
Eagle’s Nest Club
Kathleen Gallery Grismala
Loyalty Club
Victoria J. Bardsley
Michael E. Bizal
Rev. Michael J. Davis
Frank J. Desiderio
Michael A. Joyce
David W. McLaughlin
Allison Krempa O’Brien
Eleanor Finegan Ryan
Green & White Club
Regina Howe Munley
Catherine McLaughlin Silva
Friends of Shanahan
Christina M. Valocchi
Class of 1980
Total Giving: $3,950.00
Class of 1977
Total Giving: $3762.84
Leadership Circle
Henry C. Blair
Leadership Circle
Sister Judith Kathryn Parsons
Eagle’s Nest Club
Edward M. Delio, Jr.
Sharon O’Neill Finnegan
Eagle’s Nest Club
Thomas G. Detweiler
Mary Anne Sassa Geraldi
J. Patrick Sheehan
Loyalty Club
Peter E. DiSanti
Donna Sieracki Lee
Maureen Sheehan Newton
Green & White Club
Kevin B. Munley
Loyalty Club
Joseph A. Conahan
Kathleen M. Lyons
Green & White Club
Lorraine Wysocki Johns
John J. Johnson, Jr.
Joseph P. McKenna
Glenn G. Peterson
Donors by class
Class of 1981
Class of 1985
Total Giving: $1,655.00
Total Giving: $950.00
Legacy Club
Mark A. Bruno
Eagle’s Nest Club
Erin McNamara Miller
Eagle’s Nest Club
Timothy P. Schwarz
Loyalty Club
Megan Connors Marchese
Michelle Naber Mattson
Loyalty Club
Michele Conahan Byler
Domenic L. D’Ginto
Karen Cattafesta Holenstein
Lizanne Pezzetti Kile
Green & White Club
Marie F. Dawson
Diane T. Gallagher
Kathleen Bizal Holdsman
Francis D. McAdams
Green & White Club
Nancy Eppehimer Barker
Theresa Penderghest Frederick
Susan Cornely Miller
Friends of Shanahan
Theresa Carbo Staso
Class of 1986
Loyalty Club
Tristyne M. Youngbluth
Friends of Shanahan
Michele Kelly Delmarco
Jennifer Kallenbach Hart
Gift Societies
In recognition of and
appreciation for the support
extended from alumni, past and
current parents, grandparents,
faculty, staff and friends, Bishop
Shanahan High School has
established the following Gift
Class of 1990
Total Giving: $430.00
Loyalty Club
Pamela Mehok Diehl
Terrence M. Manning
John E. Mulgrew
The Visionary Society
Friends of Shanahan
Laura L. Cottrel
Gifts of $100,000 and above
The Bishop Shanahan Circle
Total Giving: $1995.00
Class of 1991
Total Giving: $2,480.00
Legacy Club
Anthony D. Agatone
Bridget Devine Doyle
Green & White Club
Kristine McCullough Harris
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Anne Fossity DiSciullo
Robert J. DiSciullo
Eagle’s Nest Club
Corrine L. Macauley
Class of 1982
Eagle’s Nest Club
Charles S. Naber
Green & White Club
Brian T. Blair
Anthony J. DiStefano
Judy Caulfield DiStefano
Phyllis M. Orlando
Friends of Shanahan
Angela DiFrancesco Crognale
Michelle Chelland Milligan
Christopher A. Taylor
Loyalty Club
Laurie Boyce Forde
Dorothy J. Kelly-Olson
Christopher H. Marchese
Victoria Donnelly McCue
Green & White Club
Elisa Myles Keefe
Kimberly A. Levan
William A. Rescigno
Class of 1987
Gifts of $50,000 – $99,999
Total Giving: $50.00
Circle of Honor
Partners in Mission
Gifts of $15,000 – $24,999
Class of 1992
The President’s Circle
Total Giving: $320.00
Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999
Loyalty Club
Kristin Wallin Gallagher
Marisa Giunta Powell
The Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Green & White Club
Francis J. Haas
Friends of Shanahan
Carrie Hagerty Martin
Moiya Thompson Murphy
Jane Newswanger Ventrella
Total Giving: $435.00
Class of 1983
Total Giving: $725.00
Eagle’s Nest Club
Patricia Griest Bertolami
Loyalty Club
Thomas H. Magee
Mary E. McCreesh
Therese McFadden Wells
Green & White Club
Kristine Kelleher Singer
Jeannie Conahan Wimble
Friends of Shanahan
Kathleen Mancuso Hirthler
Kimberly A. Kane
Class of 1984
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mary Hennessy Gentile
Green & White Club
Patrick O. Lavin
Catherine Bartelmo Moran
Peter J. Moran
Christopher M. Walsh
Friends of Shanahan
Bronwyn Zappacosta Hanaway
Class of 1988
Eagle’s Nest Club
Katherine Hanlon Reid
Loyalty Club
Elizabeth M. Kelly
Green & White Club
James E. Coleman
Friends of Shanahan
Donna M. Colsher
Michael K. Hirthler
Joseph J. Munley
Michele Alarcon Refford
Loyalty Club
Brendan C. Curran
Kelly Levan Manning
Eleanor Walls Ratigan
Gifts of $1,000 – $1,499
Young Ambassador Circle
Alumni of past 15 years
Gifts of $500 – $999
Class of 1994
Legacy Club
Total Giving: $1900.00
Gifts of $500 – $999
Loyalty Club
Christina Cokonis O’Donnell
Patrick J. O’Donnell III
Friends of Shanahan
Patricia Conahan Tunnell
Monsignor Schuyler’s
The Shanahan Heritage
Loyalty Club
Stephen C. Berger
Keith M. Scribner
Nicole Gummel Scribner
Leadership Circle
Kimberly A. Stack
Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
Total Giving: $230.00
Total Giving: $275.00
Total Giving: $4645.00
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $1,500 – $2,499
Class of 1993
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Michael L. Miley
Green & White Club
Albert D. Fuller, Jr.
Christina Giunta Hodlofski
Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
Eagle’s Nest Club
Gifts of $250 – $499
Loyalty Club
Green & White Club
Michael A. McKibben
Anne Marie Bucci O’Rourke
Lara Kotanchik Wagner
Gifts of $100 – $249
Green & White Club
Gifts of $50 – $99
FriendS of Shanahan
Class of 1989
Total Giving: $920.79
Legacy Club
Christopher J. Ruggiero
Eagle’s Nest Club
Mark W. VanBelle
Class of 1995
Total Giving: $150.00
Loyalty Club
Courtney Mulvey Lofgren
Gifts up to $50
All reported gifts are cash received
from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
The names listed in this report have
been printed according to computer
If there are any errors or omissions,
please accept our apology and contact
the Advancement Office so that
appropriate corrections can
be made.
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
Donors by class
Class of 1996
Class of 2002
Total Giving: $550.00
Total Giving: $380.00
Eagle’s Nest Club
Kevin J. Rothwell
Loyalty Club
William E. Hochella
Loyalty Club
Geoffrey G. Karabin
Frederick D. Manning
Marisa Burke Thornton
Green & White Club
Brian Gordon Jefferes
Jonathan P. Morin
Michael H. Ryan
Class of 1997
Total Giving: $1100.00
The Shanahan Heritage Circle
Brigid Delargey Parsons
Green & White Club
Courtney M. Kennedy
Megan Infanti Mraz
Class of 1998
Total Giving: $71.00
Green & White Club
Nicholas P. Morin
Friends of Shanahan
Susan E. Dulka
Class of 1999
Total Giving: $105.00
Loyalty Club
Brenna L. Levi
Friends of Shanahan
Meredith Mulvey Minor
Class of 2000
Total Giving: $217.86
Young Ambassador Circle
Kevin M. Hennessy
Eagle’s Nest Club
Kathryn Parsons Montone
Keith E. Montone
Loyalty Club
Daniel Gregory Karabin
Thomas M. Lenker
Green & White Club
Julia Miller Croce
Allison Paulachok Treston
Class of 2001
Total Giving: $3375.00
Monsignor Schuyler’s Circle
Eamon T. Cantwell
Young Ambassador Circle
Sarah C. Beierle
Gina Mascherino Hennessy
Carolyn L. McLaughlin
Green & White Club
Jaclyn Levi Joworisak
Friends of Shanahan
Kelly A. Cooper
36 Annual Report 2011–2012
Friends of Shanahan
Kathryn Schmidt Cole
Jennifer Hollinger Keller
Lindsay Powell McCauslin
Cristin Braun McMichael
Mariel Santos
Friends of Shanahan
Sarah A. DeBarberie
Sheila M. McCarthy
Shannon M. O’Shea
Class of 2006
Total Giving: $175.00
Loyalty Club
Zachary R. Kish
Friends of Shanahan
Caitlin L. Colman
Mark A. Hurley
Steven F. Leonhardt
Colleen C. McGovern
Class of 2010
Total Giving: $245.00
Loyalty Club
Mark J. Viglione
Green & White Club
Elise N. Knezo
Friends of Shanahan
Catherine E. Brown
Catherine J. Garger
Ryan J. Griffin
Matthew T. Seifert
Collin E. Trudan
Class of 2011
Class of 2007
Total Giving: $235.00
Total Giving: $495.00
Total Giving: $245.00
Loyalty Club
Jason V. Madden
Joselyn K. Mullen
Mr. Kevin P. Walsh, Jr.
Loyalty Club
Timothy J. Baldwin
Loyalty Club
Lily A. Quiroz
Green & White Club
Ashley M. Cooke
Jason Knezo
Lucia Walinchus Thayer
Friends of Shanahan
Leah M. DeBarberie
Ryan W. Fairbairn
Alexandra R. Garger
Emily M. Hoye
Peter J. Sturm
Friends of Shanahan
Michael J. Anderson
Elena C. Brindley
Joseph M. Brown
Rebekah M. DeBarberie
Austen A. Kelso
Cara A. Nardone
Allen J. Snyder
Patrick W. Taylor
Julianne K. Tuttle
Class of 2008
Class of 2013
Class of 2003
Friends of Shanahan
Robyn Heitzman Gotro
Michael R. Quinn
Julie C. Riccardo
Class of 2004
Total Giving: $1295.00
Young Ambassador Circle
Robert E. Hennessy
Eagle’s Nest Club
Kelly L. Ousey
Loyalty Club
Christopher D. Kennedy
Mary Lyons Kennedy
Samantha Lathrop Santayana
Green & White Club
Dina N. Bammer
Joseph Michael Egan
Angela M. Knapp
John J. Kotanchik
Friends of Shanahan
Martha Deeney Benanti
Jonathan D. Colman
Kathleen L. Murphy
Angela M. Pozza
Catherine A. Sticklen
Benjamin T. Sturm
Class of 2005
Total Giving: $465 .00
Loyalty Club
Nicholas J. Casale III
Kristin Jean O’Donnell
Green & White Club
Zachary E. Knezo
Kristina M. Mazzula
Sarah A. McCabe
Alexander J. Morin
Green & White Club
Anita R. Mazzula
Total Giving: $565.00
Total Giving: $250.00
Loyalty Club
Emily R. Connors
Lindsey J. Todd
Loyalty Club
Jarrod M. Frawley
Green & White Club
Erin E. LaPorta
Samuel T. Morin
Friends of Shanahan
Cara T. Brindley
Alexander W. Byard
Michael J. Cabry IV
Shannon M. Griffin
Allison M. Huss
Alexander J. Kelso
Allison R. Seifert
Evan M. Snyder
Aubrey R. Tuttle
Class of 2009
Total Giving: $305.00
Loyalty Club
Molly J. Baldwin
Green & White Club
Kyle W. Kramer
Friends of Shanahan
Erin T. Gale
Emily A. Gottshall
Ryan F. Muckel
Molly B. Mulvihill
Anne Therese Sturm
Ellen M. Taylor
Laura A. Trusila
Green & White Club
Ian M. Saboe
Kevin Seifert
Class of 2014
Total Giving: $10.00
Friends of Shanahan
Connor J. Kerns
Gifts in Memory and in Honor
Gifts In Memory
and In Honor
Education Improvement
Tax Credit
In Memory of
Loretta Cogliano Armstrong ’64
Austill’s Rehabilitation Services,
In Memory of
William Boland, Sr.
Regina DiLabbio King
Bravo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland
Brendan P. Mailey Charitable Fund
Communications Test Design,
In Memory of
Joseph Burke ’64
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith, &
Boyd Funeral Home
Regina DiLabbio King
DNB First, National Association
In Memory of
Lizann Moran DeAngelis ’81
Enterprise Rent-a-Car/Bridge
Margaret DeAngelis Roberts
Prudential Foundation
First Resource Bank
In Memory of
Patricia L. Dodd ’64
G.O. Carlson, Inc.
Guthriesville Tire & Service
HSC Builders & Construction
Infinity Benefits Group, Inc.
James B. Griffin, P.C.
Lasko Group, Inc.
Life & Legacy Law Center
New London Auto Repair, Inc
Sterling Services, Inc.
The Gilbertson Group
The Mutual Fire Foundation, Inc.
The Norwood Company
The Summit Group Associates,
Veltek Associates, Inc.
ViroPharma Inc.
William P. McGovern, Inc.
Regina DiLabbio King
In Memory of
Vera Giunta
Mr. Thomas Castaldi
Ms. Louise Giunta
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Hodlofski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Hodlofski
Mr. & Mrs. V. John Leary
Virginia Morgan Leary
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Martin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Plucienik
In Memory of
Joyce Donnegan Hartman ’64
Regina DiLabbio King
In Memory of
Carol Imperatrice
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Amarant
Mr. Samuel T. Arthin
Mr. & Mrs. William Arthin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Baker Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Brooks
The Brown Family
Ms. Gigi Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bruno
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Capuzzi Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Carnwath
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Carrozza
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Craine
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Curcio
Ms. Christine M. Curcio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Damico, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael De Fino
Mr. Paul DeJanosi
Mr. Christopher L. Dekowski
Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Demaioribus
Mr. Frank W. DiFabio, Jr.
Mr. William J. DiIenno
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Everitt
Mr. Rory L. Everitt
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Flagiello Jr.
Ms. Irene F. Gladstone
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Hassel
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Hill
Ms. Janet K. Himmelreich
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. K. Kirk Karagelian
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Killion
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Lager
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Larovere
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Lorenz
Mrs. Josephine C. Mandeville
Mr. & Mrs. Neil S. Marymor
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Mohn
Mr. Gerald C. Montella, Esq.
Mr. John W. Nilon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. O’Neill
Ms. Charlene M. Ostroski
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Pagano
Ms. Loreta C. Perthes
Mr. William Price III
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Santivasi
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Scardalette
Ms. Maria D. Schulte
Ms. Marie S. Sinnott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sinnott
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Tomoschuk
Mr. Joseph Walsh
Ms. Christine A. Wampole
Ms. Pearl Zucca
Delaware County Bar Association
Downingtown Country Club
Law Offices of Robert D. Charleston
Pennridge School District
Robert Burns Associates, Inc.
Robert DeLong, Esq.
The Residence at Glen Riddle, LP
Widener University
In Memory of
Fr. John Martin, CSSR
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gentile
Gentile’s Farm Market Co., Inc
In Memory of
Maggie Medvitz
In Memory of
Sr. Clair Patrick, IHM
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gentile
Gentile’s Farm Market Co., Inc
In Memory of
Francis Tait
Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Coulson
In Memory of
Liz Vietri
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rozelsky
In Honor of
Leslie Kelso
Mr. Alexander Kelso
Mr. Austin Kelso
In Honor of
Sr. Maureen McDermott, IHM
& Sr. Regina Plunkett, IHM
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morin
In Honor of
Jerry and Eleanor Parsons
Theresa Penderghest Frederick
Mrs. Kathryn Penderghest
In Honor of
Sr. Helen Rapine, IHM
Mr. Michael J. Plunkett
Golf Outing scores perfect record
6 in a Row!
e truly have been blessed! Our 6th Annual
Endowment Fund Golf Outing, held on Tuesday,
September 11th was everything we had prayed for and
more. Thanks to all of our very generous supporters, the
Endowment Fund, created for tuition assistance for students
who desire but cannot afford a quality Catholic Education,
has benefited once again! This year’s golf outing raised over
$62,000. The day would not have been possible without
the hard work and dedication of our Golf Committee: John
Morrissey (Chair), Leo Parsons, Jack Enoches, Brendan
Kelly, Leslie Kelso, Carol Loffredo, Glenn Marshall, Courtney
Mulvey Lofgren, Rich Miller, Mike Parker, Rose Pera, Kevin
Quinn, Rob Reynolds, Larry Skahan, Diane Ward, Sr. Regina
Plunkett, Sr. Maureen McDermott, Maureen Morin, and Deb
LaPorta. This year’s $10,000 raffle winner was Joe Skahan.
Thank you so much for all of your support!
Lisa and Bill Boland, Laurie Davis, and Gary Gilligan enjoy the Golf Outing!
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game’ is Shanahan’s
25th Auction & Restaurant Fair
Thank you for your loyal support!
ver the past 25 years,
Shanahan parents have journeyed from the Serengeti to the
Eiffel Tower. They have been in
gardens and forests and on the red
carpet. They have traveled from
medieval times to the 1950s. They
have gone to the seashore and now
to the ball game.
These are just a few of the various auction themes we’ve enjoyed
over the past 25 years. What began
as a group of parents wanting to
give back to Bishop Shanahan with
their time, talent, and treasure has
grown into our major annual fundraiser by parents for our students.
It takes months and countless volunteers to prepare for each event.
But the effort is well rewarded as
the front lobby and gym area are
magically transformed by decorators’ imaginations. Hundreds of
items arrived for both the silent
and live auctions. The monies
raised go directly towards helping
our Shanahan students.
In addition to the auction,
many local eating establishments supply their “fare” for the
Restaurant Fair portion of the evening. It’s a great way to taste a
wide variety of dishes all arranged
under one roof!
Featured Restaurants
Desserts By
Buca di Beppo
Downingtown Country Club
Ludwig’s Village Market
Mabels Barbeque
Olive Garden
PJ Whelihans
Whitford Country Club
Bakers of Buffington
Beth’s Cuppycakes
Mom Pops
Sweet Beginnings
Auction Sponsors and
Gift-in-Kind Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Alderman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Amicone
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Amrein
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Arena
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Baffa
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Battagliese
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bertolami
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Best
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boland, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Breslin
Ms. Kathleen Burns
Mrs. Suzanne M. Byard
Mrs. Ann B. Cigas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Contino
38 Annual Report 2011–2012
Beverages By
Steve Wallace/
Barefoot Wine
Lou Beverage, Inc.
Victory Brewing Co.
Mrs. Eileen L. Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Czenszak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davison
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dell’Arciprete
Mr. Francis P. DiFonzo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Diorio
Mrs. Kimberly Dreher
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Ellington
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Field, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Fila, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Findley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Fiorenza
Friend of Shanahan
Dr. Richard Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Giannetti, Jr.
Highlights of the evenings
have included music and singing performances by Shanahan’s
various bands and singers, raffles for prizes, and spirited live
auctions with bidders vying for
great gifts. Especially popular items are Shanahan parking
spots and EXTRA tickets to the
Baccalaureate Mass and graduation! If you’ve never been to a
Shanahan Auction & Restaurant
Fair, you are missing out. Next
year’s date is March 23rd—come
out to support Bishop Shanahan
at the Auction. See you there!
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gorr
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg D. Gottshall
Mr. & Mrs. John Greenwood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hackett
Mrs. Joan E. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. James Heller
Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Hurtt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Marino Kaminski
Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian A. Karlovitz
Mrs. Anita K. Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kelso
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. LaPorta, Sr.
Miss Erin E. LaPorta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levi
Mr. Joseph Lloyd & Mrs. Anne Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lubker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Lyons
Mr. John Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. McDermott
Sister Maureen L. McDermott, IHM
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. McWilliams
Mr. John P. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Moritz
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mullin
Rev. Msgr. Thomas M. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Myles
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Nardone
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nulty
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. O’Sullivan
Mrs. Madeline A. Paiva
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pelosi
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio R. Pera
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Plucienik
Sister Regina E. Plunkett, IHM
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Quinn
Senator John Rafferty
Eleanor Walls Ratigan
Ms. Mary Jane Raymond
BSHS Baseball players get
ready to greet auction guests
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Roselli
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Rowe, Jr.
Mr. Ian M. Saboe
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Schwarz
Mr. Kevin Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheplock
Mrs. Marie Skahan
Mr. Kevin J. Small
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Snook
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. Marc A. Tecce
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vanic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wankmuller
Mrs. Dorothy D. Warren
Ms. Beverly Yablin
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr.
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Center
American Civil War Wax Museum Complex
American Helicopter Museum
Anthony’s Italian Restaurant
Applecross Country Club
Aquilante Gourmet Buffets
Arden Theatre Company
Baltimore Orioles
Baxter’s Saloon & Eatery
Big League Haircuts/West Chester
Blue Moon Florist
Bounce U.
Brandywine River Museum
BSHS Homerooms
BSHS Office Staff
BSHS Parent Association
BSHS Rugby Club
Build-a-Bear Workshop
Camden Riversharks
Campli Photography
Cape May Wicker
Cedar Hollow Inn, Restaurant & Bar
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm
Chester County Historical Society
Chestnut Hill College
Choo Choo Barn
Clay’s Corner Bakery
Coatesville Flower Shop
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Cookies by Design
Crane Performing Arts School
Creed’s Seafood & Steaks
Crowne Plaza/Philadelphia Downtown
Cupcakes Gourmet
D’Anjolell Memorial Home
Dave & Busters
Definitely Dance
Delaware Park
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral
D’Ignazio’s Towne House
Doc Magrogans Oyster House
Doubletree by Hilton/Center City
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
Eastern State Penitentiary
Exton Driving School
Flocco’s Discount Shoes & Clothes
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms
Frame of Reference
Freedom Valley YMCA at Phoenixville
French Creek Golf Club
Fulton Theatre
Hagley Museum & Library
Harrisburg Senators Baseball Club
Hillyard Company
Hilton Garden Inn of Kennett Square
Honeybrook Golf Club
Interstate Resources
John H. Ansley Photographer
Knoebels Amusement Park
Lakewood Blue Claws
Limoncello Ristorante
Longwood Gardens
Lubker Distribution
Malvern Prep Swim School
Maureen’s Gallery
McGinty’s Landscaping, LLC
McGovern Environmental, LLC
Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities
Modells Sporting Goods
Mostardi Nursery
National Baseball Hall of Fame
National Liberty Museum
National Toy Train Museum
Naturescapes Landscape Specialists, Ltd.
New Jersey Audubon Nature Center of Cape
Palace Bowling & Entertainment Center
Panera Bread/Trevose
Penn Liberty Bank/Exton
People’s Light & Theatre Company
Pepperidge Farm, Inc.
Philadelphia 76ers
Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Marriott
Philadelphia Phillies
Pittsburgh Pirates
Rainbow Dinner Theatre
Ron’s Original Bar & Grille
Saints Peter and Paul Parish
Senoras Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Senora’s Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Seven Stars Inn
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel
Sixers Camps
Smedley Orthodontics
Springer’s Homemade Ice Cream, Ltd
State College Spikes
Stringer Photography
Tanzilli Orthodontics
Taylors Music Store & Studios
Texas Roadhouse
The Colonial Theatre
The Desmond Hotel
The Golden Inn Hotel
The Kitchen Studio
The Office Bar & Grille
The Rock School West
The Summit Group Associates, Inc.
Twenty9 Bar & Restaurant
Tyler Arboretum
Upper Main Line YMCA
Valley Forge Ristorante Pizzeria
Villanova Theatre
Waterloo Gardens, Inc.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Wendell August
White Memorials
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
World Class Vacations
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley
Committee Chairs
Team Owners
Deb LaPorta
Maureen Morin
Team Manager
Kristina Christman
Pitching Coach
Rose Pera
Rose Sweeney
Computer Entry
Mary Pat Dell’Arciprete
Eileen Cornell
Sharon McWilliams
Deb LaPorta
Monette Fastuca
Sandy Nuernberg
Dan O’Shea
Amy Seifert
Chuck & Eileen Coxson
Bid Sheets
Eileen Cornell
Sr. Helen Miriam
Auction Volunteers
Guest artist Richard Bollinger
displays one of his works at the
Sharon McWilliams
Erin LaPorta
Karen Hoyer
Kristina Christman
Libby Nulty
Marianne Plucienik
Gift Certificates
Carolyn Brown
Gift Acquisitions
Monette Fastuca
Madge Paiva
Homeroom Gifts
Kristina Christman
Mary Pat Dell’Arciprete
Deb LaPorta
Ticket Office
Sr. Helen Miriam
Regina Davison
The auction hit a grand slam with $54,900 raised for technology and extracurricular activities.
Tricia Allan
Margy Arena
Diane Bertram
Lisa & Bill Boland
Amy Boland
Anne Bradley
Dottie Breuer
Carolyn Brown
Inez Burg
Kristina Christman
Krista Ciarrocchi
Regina Davison
Mary Pat Dell’Arciprete
Teresa Dellicompagni
Tracy DeZarate
Joani Diorio
Paul Diorio
Christen & Jeff Dunn
Lynn Eachus
Janet Elliott
Monette Fastuca
Sharon Ferry
Rey Forgione
Barbara Futej
Donna & Fran Gavin
Donna & Kevin Gillespie
Gary Gilligan
Gwynne & Bob Gorr
Bernadette Gurtizen
Judy Hackett
Colleen & Jeff Hall
Joan Hayes
Natalie Hennessy
Suzanne Jamison
Janet Johns
Jeannie Karlovitz
Kim Lamb
Ron LaPorta
Andrea Lee
Sally Lemheney
Mary Litty
Jeannie Longo
Sandy Magee
Lizzanne Makoid
Danusia Marion
Jeannie Mazur
Sandi Nuernberg
Libby Nulty
Madge Paiva
Rose Pera
Rebecca Pine
Marianne Plucienik
Michele & Mark Riotto
Kit Rothenberger
Bridget Rowe
Reema Shair
Karen Skros
Maureen & John Snook
Dorothy Stranix
Rose Sweeney
Caryn & David Vertigan
Dee Warren
Jennifer & David Wilt
Beverly Yablin
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Shanahan
The Shanahan Fund
We Couldn’t Have Done It!
hanks to the generosity of over 1,000 Shanahan Fund donors, the 2011–2012 Shanahan Fund
shattered our previous year’s total and exceeded our longstanding goal of $225,000 — we received
$226,319 by June 30, 2012! Thank you seems SO small for such great generosity! The administration, faculty, staff, and students of Bishop Shanahan would like to thank our faithful supporters who responded to
our “call to action.” You are remembered daily in our prayers.
Last year, four archdiocesan high schools came close to closing their doors forever, but thousands of
donors stepped forward to insure the future of these schools. We in the Shanahan community cannot be
complacent —we must continue to promote and preserve our mission here to spread the Word of God
through education. How can you do that? By supporting the Shanahan Fund!
Our goal for the 2012-2013 year is $230,000. Let’s continue to strive to make Shanahan the best it can
be! May God bless you for your goodness.
Shanahan Fund Giving Since 2002
$193,132 $195,010
2007-08 2008-09
Top alumni classes by
dollar Amount
1965. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1962. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1959. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1975. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1963. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1979. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1968. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1966. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Top alumni classes by
2011-12 Top Classes
number of donors
Shanahan Fund
Alumni Class Statistics
1969. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1966. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1960. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1967. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1965. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1979. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1968. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1962. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1959. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear Bishop Shanahan,
WOW!!!! Between this news, the Shanahan magazine
for 2012, and the letters from Sister Regina, you have
made me a very happy person! I am SO proud of
Mission Statement
the Bishop Shanahan students of today! I am also
PROUD that the alumni support that outstanding
school! What a huge amount of money... which only
indicates that many other alumni, parents and friends
feel the same way. God bless all of you! B
ishop Shanahan High School, a Catholic co-educational
secondary school of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia,
provides its students with a strong spiritual formation,
challenging academic offerings, and rich extracurricular
programs. A vibrant witness to Christian values and a
commitment to academic rigor and integrity prepare all students
to be critical thinkers and moral stewards in a rapidly evolving
Marie Bowers ’62
global environment.
40 Annual Report 2011–2012
Memorable moments
at Shanahan
Sound of Music
Senior Tshirt Day
Homecoming Pep Rally
Homecoming Parade
Amanda Kelly ’13
and Justin Cook ’13
Bumper Cars at Halloween
Bishop Shanahan High School
Office of Advancement
220 Woodbine Road
Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335-3081
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
phone: 610-518-1300 fax: 610-343-6220
Boston, MA
Address Service Requested
Permit No. 55356
Volleyball Senior Night
Events to
Restaurant Fair and Auction
March 23, 2013
6th & 7th Open House 7 pm
April 25, 2013
St. Agnes Mass & Social
May 8, 2013
Spring Concert
7:30 pm
May 10, 2013
All events, activities, school calendar and
Class of 2013
June 7, 2013 (Check the reunion tab or
sports schedules are easily accessed on the
web. For current information visit our website:
Facebook for more information.)
Christmas at Shanahan