Stevensons has been a wholly-owned Canadian manufacturer of artists’ fine art products for over 45 years. Shipping; Even with the shipping charge to our customers, we are still paying most of the shipping costs. Because many of our customers work from their homes we are now incurring more costs because couriers are applying surcharges for large shipments to residences because they lack the receiving facilities of commercial establishments. We are not transferring this cost to you, but it is important that someone is always available to accept delivery, because we are charged for repeat delivery attempts. If you can’t be there, make arrangements with a close, next-door neighbour (leave a note explaining where it is to be delivered) or a signed note authorizing the driver to leave the shipment unattended at your delivery location. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. INDEX Page 2-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BRUSHES ACRYLIC COLOURS, MEDIUMS OIL COLOURS, OIL SLICKS OIL MEDIUMS BEESWAX - W ATER COLOURS - DRY PIGMENTS - CANVAS BOARDS STRETCHED CANVAS - PALETTE KNIVES DISPOSABLE PALETTES STRETCHER PIECES - VARIOUS PENCILS PASTELS - CHALK PASTELS - OIL ERASERS CONTE SPRAY FIXATIVES & VARNISHES - TAPE - GUM & MASKING POSTCARDS, GREETING CARDS BRUSH CLEANER BRUSH CASES ARTISTS APRONS PUZZLES STA-W ET PALETTES BRUSHES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - COLOUR W HEEL TUBE SQUEEZER JARS (EMPTY) MANNIKINS CANVAS PLIERS BRUSH WASHER PALETTE CUPS STAPLING GUNS, STAPLES BOOKS - COTTON CANVAS BELGIAN LINEN - PRINTING PAPERS PASTEL PAPER - T.H. SAUNDERS WATER COLOUR PAPER BOCKINGFORD W ATER COLOUR PAPER MONTVAL WATER COLOUR PADS - SKETCH PADS CANVAS PADS - ARCHES W/C PAPERS - SHIPPING & DISCOUNT INFO. LOCATION MAP, MAILING ADDRESS, PHONE & FAX NUMBERS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY Discounts Apply W e supply a full range of brushes for all painting mediums: from quality “Kolinsky” sables to economical school brushes. “A” Series brushes are the best in hair and style that we have to offer. ”B” Series brushes are our “Second Line” quality and are suitable both for the professional or amateur. “C” Series brushes are generally for amateur and school use. The size of the pictured brush for each series is indicated and is actual size. In the oil and acrylic brushes, when a round and a flat are pictured together the dimension given is for the flat only. 2 ACRYLIC COLOURS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY These colours are manufactured with permanent (light fast) pigments and acrylic emulsion. They are quick-drying, non-cracking and compatible with other acrylic emulsion paints. Stevenson acrylic colours - pigment composition list - available on request. SERIES A1 SERIES A2 SERIES A3 SERIES A4 SERIES A5 SERIES A6 TITANIUM WHITE ULTRAMARINE BLUE PERMANENT CRIMSON QUINACRIDONE RED CADMIUM YELLOW LEMON CADMIUM RED LIGHT YELLOW OCHRE PHTHALO BLUE / Red ROSE RED QUINACRIDONE VIOLET CADMIUM YELLOW LIGHT CADMIUM RED MIDDLE RAW SIENNA PHTHALO BLUE / Green AZO RED LIGHT DIOXAZINE VIOLET CADMIUM YELLOW MIDDLE CADMIUM RED DEEP BURNT SIENNA PHTHALO TURQUOISE AZO RED MIDDLE INDIAN YELLOW CADMIUM YELLOW DEEP CADMIUM ORANGE RAW UMBER PHTHALO CERULEAN BLUE CHROMEOXIDE GREEN NICKEL AZO YELLOW CADMIUM GREEN PYRROLE RED MIDDLE BURNT UMBER IRON OXIDE BLACK COBALT BLUE LT (HUE) COBALT BLUE DP (HUE) PHTHALO GREEN/YELLOW GREEN GOLD TRANSPARENT GOLD QUINACRIDONE MAGENTA PERMANENT ALIZARIN (HUE) QUINACRIDONE RED/YEL PAYNES GREY PHTHALO GREEN TRANSPARENT RED OXIDE COBALT BLUE (GENUINE) LIGHT RED HOOKER’S GREEN TRANSPARENT YELLOW OXIDE CERULEAN BLUE INDIAN RED HANSA YELLOW LEMON PYRROLE RED SCARLET SERIES A7 - CHROMATE NAPLES YELLOW LIGHT HANSA YELLOW MIDDLE NAPLES YELLOW DEEP HANSA ORANGE A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 6.65 7.95 9.25 12.30 13.35 15.55 18.50 150ml tube 13.25 16.10 18.55 24.70 26.85 31.65 37.10 250ml jar 17.70 23.95 27.40 38.10 41.95 44.55 58.15 470ml jar 26.25 38.85 44.40 59.45 64.95 72.30 90.05 1.125L jar 47.70 67.55 77.50 104.80 117.60 157.65 163.15 60ml tube ACRYLIC - IRIDESCENT & INTERFERENCE COLOURS These colours are manufactured from coated mica particles, are nonreactive and lightfast. Iridescent paints may be mixed with standard acrylic colours to achieve a wide variety of iridescent hues. Interference paints exhibit a range of shimmering colours when used on light or dark substrates. Applied to light backgrounds they have a subtle, ephemeral sheen; when thinly applied over dark colours they become very vivid. PEARL SILVER GREY LIGHT GOLD RICH GOLD COPPER BRONZE 11.65 11.65 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 150ml tube 23.35 23.35 28.25 28.25 28.25 250ml jar 35.25 35.25 43.65 43.65 43.65 470ml jar 55.90 55.90 68.35 68.35 68.35 1.125L jar 99.75 99.75 123.80 123.80 123.80 60ml tube INTERFERENCE BLUE GREEN GOLD 14.10 14.10 14.10 28.25 28.25 28.25 28.25 43.65 43.65 43.65 43.65 68.35 68.35 68.35 68.35 123.80 123.80 123.80 123.80 ACRYLIC MEDIUMS GLOSS OR MATTE GLOSS OR MATTE GLOSS OR MATTE IMPASTO VARNISH* MEDIUM GEL MEDIUM GEL GESSO MODELING PASTE RETARDER MEDIUM 265ml 11.65 265m 10.85 250ml 13.75 250ml 15.85 470ml 16.10 470M 13.90 265ml 500ml 20.00 500m 16.70 470ml 20.55 470ml 23.55 1.125ml 29.45 1.125 28.00 500ml 12.45 lL 33.70 1L 27.45 1.125L 35.45 1.125L 39.75 4L 87.60 4L 83.05 1L 17.40 469.30 4L 47.80 4L 109.65 4L 23.5L 618.05 23.5L 88.75 4L 500.30 23.5L 98.35 3.75L 555.50 23.5L * Removable varnish. Not to be used as a medium. 7 109.50 23.5L 645.85 494.25 23.5L 8.35 OIL COLOURS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY The oil colours listed as AZO are formulated from monazo & diazo pigments having a mass tone similar to Cadmium Reds and Yellows. However, in mixtures they will react differently than the genuine Cadmiums. They are permanent but not as opaque as the true Cadmiums. The Cobalt Blue Hues are mixtures of various blues, green and white to approximate the mass tone of Genuine Cobalt Blues. All Stevenson colours are rated as permanent (light-fast) and are comparable in quality to other professional artists’ oil paints. Stevenson oil colours - pigment composition list - available on request. SERIES O1 SERIES O2 SERIES O3 SERIES O4 SERIES O5 SERIES O6 TITA N IU M W H ITE ** U LTR A M AR IN E BLU E M IN E R A L VIO LE T IR ID E S C E N T G O LD C A D M IU M YE LLO W LE M C A D M IU M R ED LIG H T ZIN C W H IT E P H T H ALO BLUE/G reen C H R O M EO XID E G R EEN IR ID ESC EN T BR O N Z E C AD M IU M YELLOW LT C A D M IU M R E D MID D L E YE LL O W O C H R E P H T H A LO T U R Q U O IS E P H T H A LO G R E E N /YE LL O W P E R M A N E N T AL IZ AR IN (H U E ) C A D M IU M YE LL O W M ID R A W SIE N N A P H TH A LO C ER U LE A N IR ID E S C E N T PE A R L W H ITE C A D M IU M YE LLO W D P B U R N T SIE N N A C O B A LT BLU E LT (H U E ) TR AN SP A R EN T R E D O XID E C AD M IU M O R A N G E RAW UMBER C O B A LT B LU E D P (H U E ) TRANSPARENT YELLOW OXIDE BURNT UMBER P H T H A LO G R E E N Q U IN A C R ID O N E R E D IR O N O X ID E B LA C K SAP GREEN Q U IN A C R ID O N E V IO L E T IV O R Y B LA C K A ZO YE LL O W LE M O N D IO X A Z IN E VIO L E T P A YN E S G R E Y A ZO YE LLO W LIG H T Q U IN A C R ID O N E R E D /Y L IG H T R ED A Z O YELLOW M ID D LE Q U IN AC R ID O N E M AG EN T A V E N E TIA N R E D A ZO YE LL O W D E E P IN D IA N R ED A ZO YE LLO W O R A N G E N A P LE S YE LLO W LIG H T A ZO R ED LIG H T N A P L ES YE L L OW DE E P A Z O RED MID D LE C A D M IU M R E D D E E P C O B A LT BLU E (G E N ) C IN N A B E R G R E E N SERIES O7 CERULEAN BLUE CHROMATE A ZO R E D D E E P V IR ID IA N G R E E N (H U E ) * * P lease note : G enuine Viridian G reen has been discontinued and has been replaced with Viridian Green Hue. O1 40ml tube 60ml tube 150ml tube 8.50 10.90 21.55 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 10.90 13.40 17.85 19.55 22.05 26.15 14.60 18.70 24.35 27.85 31.40 37.15 29.85 34.40 49.05 55.30 62.50 81.05 ** TITANIUM WHITE - 500ml can - 62.40 OIL SLICKS 1000ml can - 121.15 STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY These “OIL SLICKS” are manufactured from the same high quality pigments and oils found in our paints, with additional waxes. “OIL SLICKS” come in two sizes 1" x 5.5" (80cc) and 3/4" x 4" (30cc). They are fast drying and may be applied to any surface suitable for oil paint. A variety of effects may be created, from transparent glazes to impasto. No palette is required, therefore direct mixing of colours can be achieved on the picture surface using brush, finger or the colourless BLENDER SLICK. This direct application makes them much faster to work with. Their ease of application is one of their most impressive features. It makes them suitable for on-the-spot sketching or studio work. One distinct advantage of “OIL SLICKS” is the ability to complete a painting without the use of solvents. This makes them ideal for use in poorly ventilated areas. Paintings may be completed without using brushes. Our OIL SLICKS are compatible with all oil mediums. SERIES OS1 T IT AN IU M W H IT E SERIES OS2 SERIES OS3 SERIES OS4 SERIES OS5 YEL L O W O C H R E P A Y NE S G R EY PH TH ALO BLUE M IN ER AL VIO LET C AD M IU M YELLOW LT IR ID ESC EN T R IC H G O LD Q U IN . MA G E N TA R A W SIEN N A V E N E TIAN R E D P H TH A LO TU R Q U O ISE A ZO YE LLO W LT C A D M IU M YE LLO W D P IR ID E S C E N T BR O N ZE C A D M IU M R E D M ID B U R N T SIE N N A N AP LE S YE LLO W D P P H TH ALO C E R U LE A N A ZO R E D M ID D LE C AD M IU M O R A N G E RAW UMBER B LE N D E R P H T H A LO G R E E N 30ml stick 80ml stick IR ID E S C E N T PE A R L SERIES OS6 U L TR A M A R IN E B LU E B U R N T U M BE R C H R O M E O X ID E G R E E N PERMANENT ALIZARIN - Hue IR O N O X ID E B LA C K C A D M IU M G R E E N C O B A LT BLU E D P H U E OS1 8.10 14.45 OS2 12.10 21.55 OS3 14.65 26.20 OS4 17.80 31.65 8 OS5 19.70 35.25 OS6 21.35 37.95 Q U IN A C R ID O N E R E D OIL PAINTING MEDIUMS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY MINERAL SPIRITS (Odorless) - for mixing with paints and cleaning brushes - use in place of turpentine. 500ml - 6.50 1L - 12.10 4L - 42.00 ALKALI REFINED LINSEED OIL - 265ml - 6.90 500ml - 9.65 1L - 16.30 4L - 45.70 STAND OIL - thickened linseed oil for glazing, making varnishes, or mixing with oil paints. 265ml - 9.10 500ml - 12.75 1L - 22.85 4L - 63.95 COBALT DRIER (1-½% active salts) - to speed drying time of oils. Use sparingly. 120ml - 8.45 SATIN VARNISH & MEDIUM - (ELVACITE) - An acrylic resin dissolved in painting solvent. It is fast drying, stable and flexible. Helps prevent cracking and peeling of oil paintings. 120ml jar - 11.60 1lb dry crystals - 31.70 CONCENTRATED DAMAR SOLUTION - (8lb cut) - to use as a varnish thin approximately 50% with painting solvent. 120ml - 13.50 500ml - 25.10 1L - 43.60 1lb dry crystals - 28.15 STEVENSON PAINTING SOLVENT - a more active solvent than turpentine or mineral spirits. Good for dissolving damar and elvacite crystals, cleaning brushes and mixing with oils. 500ml - 8.70 1L - 15.55 4L - 47.75 STEVENSON ALKYD MEDIUM - Fast-drying modified oil medium for use with oil and alkyds. Durable, non-yellowing. For thin applications such as underpainting and glazing. 100ml - 9.10 500ml - 26.65 1L - 47.55 4L - 176.25 STEVENSON ALKYD GEL MEDIUM - As above, in stiff gel form. For impasto work. 150ml tube - 13.65 STEVENSON OIL GROUND - A non-toxic, titanium, calcium carbonate, oil-based ground. Provides the oil painter with a compatible oil ground. For priming sized canvas and wood. 500ml - 16.65 1 litre - 31.10 BEESWAX - White, charcoal-filtered. For mediums or encaustic painting. 1 lb bag - 12.50 This item is non- discountable. FREDRIX OIL PRIMING - Titanium - Non-toxic. Modern formula for priming canvas, similar to white lead in working qualities but free of the dangers. Titanium Dioxide provides a more opaque and brighter tone that doesn’t yellow. 946ml - 25.50 This item is non- discountable. ECO-HOUSE “XTRA” MILD CITRUS THINNER - Extra mild, low toxicity solvent and thinner for thinning and clean-up of oil-based paints, oils and waxes, including most artists paints except products containing resins. 120ml - 5.50 250ml - 9.20 500ml - 13.75 1L - 19.70 These items are non- discountable. 9 WATER COLOURS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY These transparent water colours are supplied as tubes or dry colours in pans. There is no difference in their formulation; to produce the pans we air dry 6ml of wet colour. We use only full strength, light-fast pigments in their formulation. They are comparable to other top-grade artists’ colours. Stevenson water colours - pigment composition list - available on request. SERIES W1 INDIAN RED ALIZARIN CRIMSON PERMANENT CRIMSON ULTRAMARINE BLUE PHTHALO BLUE PHTHALO GREEN OLIVE GREEN LEMON YELLOW INDIAN YELLOW HOOKERS GREEN CHINESE WHITE YELLOW OCHRE RAW SIENNA BURNT SIENNA RAW UMBER BURNT UMBER IVORY BLACK LAMP BLACK PAYNES GREY INDIGO BLUE SEPIA LIGHT RED W1 5.60 11.20 6ml pan 15ml tube W2 7.25 14.60 SERIES W2 QUINACRIDONE RED CHROMEOXIDE GREEN GREEN GOLD QUINACRIDONE VIOLET DIOXAZINE VIOLET SERIES W3 AUREOLIN YELLOW COBALT BLUE CERULEAN BLUE CADMIUM YELLOW LEMON CADMIUM YELLOW LIGHT CADMIUM YELLOW MIDDLE CADMIUM YELLOW DEEP CADMIUM ORANGE CADMIUM RED LIGHT CADMIUM RED MIDDLE CADMIUM RED DEEP VIRIDIAN GREEN W3 8.75 17.45 WATER COLOUR KITS - 55.45 These kits consist of 12 pans (6ml) of colour in a plastic mixing tray, size 7" x 10". (Pictured below) KIT NO. 1 - Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Lamp Black, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Quinacridone Red, Dioxazine Violet, Cadmium Yellow Middle, Cadmium Red Light, Viridian Green KIT NO. 2 - Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Paynes Grey, Phthalo Green, Permanent Crimson, Indian Yellow, Hookers Green, Green Gold, Quinacridone violet, Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Yellow Lemon, Cadmium Red Middle Make your own Custom Kit: choose - 7 colours from W1, Empty Mixing Tray (Pictured below , comes with plastic cover) 10 2 colours from W2, — 7" x 10" — 8.90 3 colours from W3 DRY PIGMENTS STEVENSON PROFESSIONAL QUALITY These high-quality pigments are used in the manufacture of our paints. They are full strength and permanent (light-fast). All pigments are genuine with no fillers or extenders. SERIES P1 SERIES P2 TITANIUM DIOXIDE SERIES P3 ULTRAMARINE BLUE SERIES P4 CHROMEOXIDE GREEN SERIES P5 SERIES P6 HANSA YELLOW LEM CADMIUM ORANGE PHTHALO BLUE ZINC OXIDE HANSA YELLOW MID CADMIUM RED LT PHTHALO GREEN YELLOW OXIDE CADMIUM YELLOW LEM CADMIUM RED MID IRIDESCENT PEARL* RAW SIENNA CADMIUM YELLOW LT CADMIUM RED DP IRIDESCENT RICH GOLD* BURNT SIENNA CADMIUM YELLOW MID IRIDESCENT BRONZE* RAW UMBER CADMIUM YELLOW DP IRIDESCENT COPPER* BURNT UMBER MINERAL VIOLET LIGHT RED (oxide) INDIAN RED (dioxide) IRON OXIDE BLACK SERIES P7 SERIES P8 IRIDESCENT LT GOLD* QUINACRIDONE VIOLET IVORY BLACK QUINACRIDONE RED LAMP BLACK CERULEAN BLUE COBALT BLUE * Pigment coated Mica particles (used in our Iridescent acrylic paints). ALL PIGMENTS - SOLD BY WEIGHT P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 2oz 5.20 7.25 8.50 12.75 21.20 25.15 26.35 34.40 8oz 8.90 15.45 18.20 40.90 64.90 89.65 93.55 121.80 16oz 12.85 23.90 43.60 72.25 118.95 160.70 168.60 219.25 CALCIUM CARBONATE (CHALK) - used to make traditional gesso. 1lb - 5.20 10lbs -37.60 50lbs - 102.35 TITANIUM DIOXIDE - 5lbs - 54.60 - 10lbs - 96.35 - 55lbs - 383.65 ZINC OXIDE - 55lbs - 383.65 PIGMENT INFORMATION Contrary to popular belief, no manufacturer of artists’ paints manufactures the pigments used in those paints. There are many large chemical houses specializing in pigments. Although none make pigments specifically for artists’ use, each offers a wide selection that are suitable. They must be resistant to fading (light-fast), non-bleeding and have desirable mixing qualities. Only those pigments proven to be suitable for professional-quality works have been chosen by Stevensons. The pigments used in the manufacture of our paints are, in most cases, indicated by the name of the colour. Some exceptions follow. Stevenson acrylic, oil or water colour - pigment composition lists - available upon request. Aureolin - Cobalt Yellow Cadmium Green - Cad Yellow & Phthalo Green Cinnaber Green - Cad Yellow & Chromeoxide Green Cobalt Blue (Hues) - Ultra Blue, Phthalo Blue & Titanium white Green Gold - Azo Yel, Ph. Green/Yel, Dinitraniline Orange Hooker’s Green - Azo Yellow, Ultra Blue & Phthalo Green Indian Red - Iron Dioxide Indian Yellow - Azo Yellow Indian Yellow (Acrylic) - Isoindolinone Yellow R Indigo Blue - Phthalo Blue, Lamp Black & Quin Violet Lemon Yellow - Azo Yellow Light Red - Iron Oxide Mineral Violet - Manganese Phosphate Naples Yellow Lt & Dp - Cad Yellow, Raw Sienna, Zinc Oxide Olive Green - Aureolin, Raw Sienna & Phthalo Blue Paynes Grey - Iron Oxide Black & Ultra Blue Permanent Alizarin (Hue) Quin. Magenta, Quin. Red, Trans. Red Oxide Permanent Crimson - Naphthol Red Phthalo Cerulean - Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green & Titanium Phthalo Turquoise -See Phthalo Cerulean Rose Red - Naphthol Red & Quinacridone Violet Sap Green - Azo Yellow, Phthalo Green & Ultra Blue Transparent Gold - Nickel Azo Yel, Trans Yel. & Red Oxides Venetian Red - Iron Oxide & Dioxide Reds Viridian Green (Hue) - Phthalo Green, Raw Umber, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White 11 CANVAS BOARDS - STRETCHED COTTON CANVAS FREDERIX CANVAS BOARDS Discounts apply. Cotton canvas, sized and primed with acrylic gesso and mounted on 1/8" pressed cardboard panel. Good surface texture. Excellent support for painting in oil, acrylic, casein and tempera. SIZE 5x7 8 X 10 9 X 12 10 X 20 11 X 14 12 X 16 12 X 24 14 X 18 15 X 30 16 X 20 18 X 24 20 X 24 20 X 30 22 X 28 24 X 30 24 X 36 PRICE PER BOARD 2.50 3.00 3.30 5.85 4.25 5.30 7.25 6.10 12.10 8.50 11.40 12.40 16.25 18.75 20.85 25.00 MINIMUM ORDER FOR SHIPPING - 12 TOTAL No minimums when purchased in our store. Inquire about discount for instore purchase. STEVENSON PRIMED STRETCHED COTTON CANVAS Discounts apply. Acrylic gesso primed canvas is mounted on 1-5/8" kiln-dried stretchers stapled on back, individually wrapped. Suitable for use with oil or acrylic. SIZE 8 X 10 9 X 12 11 X 14 12 X 16 12 X 24 14 X 18 16 X 20 18 X 24 20 X 24 22 X 28 24 X 30 24 X 36 30 X 40 PRICE EACH 9.00 10.45 12.65 14.25 17.05 16.25 18.60 23.05 24.90 27.80 31.80 37.35 59.95 MINIMUM ORDER FOR SHIPPING - 6 No minimums when purchased in our store. Inquire about discount for instore purchase. 12 PALETTE KNIVES, DISPOSABLE PALETTES, STRETCHERS STEVENSON PALETTE AND PAINTING KNIVES Discounts apply. Imported directly from Italy. Hand-forged steel blades with wooden handles secured with brass ring. Excellent quality. Illustrations actual size. Nos. 109, 113 and 114 have straight handles, the rest have offset handles. 8.60 SETH COLE DISPOSABLE PALETTES Discounts apply. 50 sheets of treated paper for mixing either oil or acrylic paints. 9 x 12 - 10.45 12 x 16 - 16.70 STRETCHER PIECES Discounts apply. MINIMUM ORDER FOR SHIPPING - 36 PIECES These quality stretchers are manufactured from kiln-dried bass wood. Size 1 5/8" x 3/4". Priced per piece. 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 14" 16" 18" 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.15 2.25 2.55 2.90 3.25 20" 22" 24" 26" 28 30" 32" 34" 3.50 3.65 3.85 4.15 4.30 4.45 4.55 4.75 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" 48" 50" 13 4.95 5.15 5.40 5.60 5.90 6.20 6.70 7.70 52" 54" 56" 58" 60" 8.05 8.35 8.65 9.25 9.65 ACCESSORIES NO DISCOUNT Drawing Pencils Graphite drawing pencil available in 8 most frequently requested grades of hard and soft leads. HB, 2B, 3B, 4B, 6B, B, 2H, H. Please specify. - 1.25 Prismacolor - Turquoise brand Graphite Pencil Set For Drawing 12 hardness grades for sketching and shading. Set of 12 in metal box. (F,2H,H,HB,B,2B,3B,4B,5B,6B,7B,8B) - 15.00 Conte Charcoal Pencils HB, H, B, 2B. Please specify. - 2.40 Erasers Kneadable Eraser - 1.30 Gum Eraser - 0.95 Plastic-Polymer Eraser- small (4 x 1.8 x 0.7 mm) - 0.75 Prismacolor Aquarell These highly pigmented pencils dissolve exceptionally well into water colour washes and offer a smooth, strong colour. Packed in metal boxes with descriptive information including lightfastness ratings. Set of 12. - 25.25 Berol Prismacolor Art Pencils Creamy, smooth textured, extra thick leads, permanent pigments. 12 colours - 16.25 36 colours - 48.00 48 colours - 59.25 72 colours - 85.25 Conte à Paris Pastel Pencils Professional quality, high light-fastness, 5 mm diameter for precision work. 12 colours - 22.30 24 colours - 43.40 48 colours - 84.55 Talens Rembrandt Soft (Chalk) Pastels All colour are based on the purest pigments held in an extremely fine binder, producing a pastel of high purity and optimum softness. Kit 1 - 15 colours full-stick - 48.85 Kit 2 - 30 colours half-stick - 48.85 Kit 3 - 15 colours half-stick - 29.35 Van Gogh Oil Pastels Smooth oil pastel of superior quality. Permanent pigments. 12 colours - 16.50 24 colours - 28.65 Conté à Paris Crayons Thinner and harder than the traditional pastels. The hardness allows for a crisper, more detailed drawing technique. Two stick pkg. as follows; White ( B, 2B or HB); Black (B, 2B or HB); Grey; Earth Reds (Sanguine Natural, Sanguine Watteau, Sanguine XVlll, Sanguine Medicis or Bistre). Specify type. - 4.05 12 stick plastic case in the following assortments. Portrait (2195), Sketching (blacks, browns, grey, white) (2262), Assorted Colours (2157). Specify type and number. - 18.90 24 Assorted colours (2158) - 34.35 48 Assorted colours (2159) - 65.10 Blair Spray Products Retouch Spray Varnish - damar varnish for oil paintings, 100% pure. (304g) - 12.25 Very Low Odour Spray Fix - workable matte fixative spray for drawings, stops smudging.(340g) - 12.50 Gloss or Matte Spray Clear. Protective finishing spray for art/craft projects (333g) Please specify gloss or matte. - 12.25 Matte or Gloss Spray Varnish - damar varnish for oil paintings 100% pure. (311g) Please specity gloss or matte. - 12.25 Glaze Supreme - super gloss protective/enhancing finish for tole painted pieces (312g) - 12.25 14 ACCESSORIES NO DISCOUNT CardBlanks Make your own greeting cards. Envelopes included. Acid free. For all wet techniques. Inkjet/ laser printer compatible. Pre-scored for clean folding. When ordering please specify type, colour, number and size. Clean cuts (80lb cover stock) - White or cream. Pkg. of 10 - 6.25 Pkg of 20 - 10.75 Deckled edges (140 lb 100% rag WC paper) - White or cream. Pkg. of 10 - 7.25 Pkg. of 20 - 12.50 Pitch Black 4" x 5" Pkg. of 10 - 6.85 Pkg. of 20 - 12.00 Pitch Black 5" x 7" Pkg. of 10 - 9.35 Pkg. of 20 - 15.20 Gold Frame On Ecru 3 ½ " x 5" Pkg. of 10 - 6.80 Silver Frame On White 3 ½ “ x 5" Pkg. of 10 - 6.80 Canson Watercolour Postcards Pads containing 15 sheets of water colour paper in postcard format. 4" x 6" Acid free, 140 lb cold pressed. 6.95 Compose-A-Puzzle Draw, paint, colour your own jigsaw puzzles. White assembled puzzles. Use felt-tipped markers, paints, pens. Minimum order 4 puzzles, various sizes. 4 x 5 1/2 ( 9 or 16 piece) - 0.75 5 1/2 x 8 (12 or 28 piece ) - 1.15 8 1/2 x 11 (12 or 63 piece) - 3.10 1 1 10 /2 x 13 /4 (20 or 154 piece) - 3.95 Hearts (measure 6 x 8 outside frame, pop-out heart shape) - 1.40 Masking Tape 3/4" - 2.15 Gummed Paper Tape 1" - 2.80 For stretching water colour paper. 572 ft roll 3" wide. - 8.45 “The Masters” Brush Cleaner & Preserver Comes in hard cake, to be used with water. For cleaning hard oil paint brushes and generally maintaining all your brushes. 21/2 " - 10.90 24oz - 35.00 “The Masters” Hand Soap (Bar) Non abrasive: Removes most grease, spots and stains from hands, clothes, carpets and upholstery. 127g - 4.30 Heritage Brush Roll ups Made of soft black nylon. Waterproof. Velcro closing. Small - 12 short handled brush slots - 4.80 Large - 12 long handled brush slots - 8.00 Alvin Artist Aprons Extra large adult size. Durable 100% cotton twill, with utility pocket divided into two compartments. Adjustable neck strap. 25" wide x 36" long. Denim - 11.30 Canvas - 12.80 Alvin Everything Bag Set Each of 3 bags has a see-through mesh front with private zippered inside pouch. Large bag is 13" x 10", elongated bag is 12.75" x 4.75", small bag is 8" x 6". Each bag in the set is a different colour. - 5.10 Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes These palettes are made of lightweight white plastic that cleans up easily. The palette seal is airtight when closed. Disposable palette film is available for acrylics or oil. The sponge layer creates a damp atmosphere and keeps the acrylic film moist (remove for oils). Sta-W et Painter’s Pal - Includes 5 airtight paint storage cups, 1 special airtight cup for turps /mineral spirits, 1 sponge, 5 sheets Sta-Wet palette paper. 9" x 12" x 1 1/2" - 22.15 Acrylic Film Refill (30 sheets) - 7.70 Cellulose Sponge Refills (1) - 4.05 Sta-W et Premier Palette - includes 5 sheets of Sta-Wet palette paper, 1 sponge. 12" x 16" x 1 3/4" - 26.00 Acrylic Film Refill (30 Sheets) - 11.75 Cellulose Sponge Refills (1) - 6.30 Sta-Wet Handy Palette - includes 5 sheets of Sta-Wet acrylic palette paper and 1 cellulose sponge. Perfect size for small projects or the classroom. 8 ½" x 7' x 1" - 12.30 15 ACCESSORIES NO DISCOUNT Artists’ Choice Color Wheel A guide to mixing colour. Regular - 9.95 Smaller format - 5.50 Tube Squeezer - Squeezit Avoids waste. Pratical and easy to use with most tubes. Get the last drop from tubes of paint, glue, toothpaste and creams. Made of sturdy plastic. Package of 2. 4.10 Plastic Jars With Lids - 4oz - 1.10 8oz - 1.20 16oz - 1.30 38oz - 1.95 Presentation/ Display Book ARTPROFOLIO by ITOYA is perfect for art on paper, photographs, recipes etc. Durable black polypropylene cover with bound edges. Crystal-clear, top-loading pocket sheets with thick-gauge black, acid-free mounting paper. 24 pages for 48 views. 4" x 6" 4.15 5" x 7" 4.25 8" x 10" 5.90 8.5" x 11" 6.80 Mannikins 12 “ wood, with articulated arms, legs, torso and neck. Unisex 12" - 12.60 Canvas Pliers - 23.25 Brush Washer Aluminum, with spiral brush holder and strainer. Diameter 102mm. - 13.80 Palette Cups (metal) Single - 1.70 Arrow Stapling Guns T50 - heavy duty chrome plated - 34.25 JT 21 - light duty baked enamel - 21.65 Double - 3.10 Staples T 50 - Staples 5/16" box 5000 T 21 - Staples 5/16" box 5000 - 10.75 10.75 Sandtastik ® Rappit Plaster molding tape. Ideal for masks, crafts, model scenery. Easy to use: add water, form, sets up in 5 minutes. 4" roll - .84 sq. M - 7.40 BOOKS NO DISCOUNT Mayer, Ralph - The Artists Handbook of Materials and Techniques This is the 5th edition, revised and updated (1991), of the book originally published in 1940. It is as American Artist Magazine calls it, the “artists bible”, an invaluable reference for the painter, sculptor and print maker. Since the first publication of this work, new art movements and new research have led to many changes in the technology of artist’s materials. These innovations have been addressed in this edition. 780 pages 60.00 (cloth) Weber, Mark - Bold Strokes Loosen up, load your brush and paint better than you have before. You will see how simplicity is the key to painting thick, exuberant strokes successfully. 143 pages, colour illus. 32.00 (hardback) Barron’s - Creative Techniques OIL This book is intended to inspire serious students to expand their repertory of techniques and explore 14 entirely different approaches to painting. 143 pages, colour illus. 21.45 (hardback) Barron’s Acrylic Painting Books in this series are set up in an instructional format. Topics covered are materials and techniques, special effects and textures and step by step projects. 159 pages, colour illus. 27.65 (hardback) Books can only be returned if found defective. 16 COTTON CANVAS, BELGIAN LINEN See individual items for applicable discounts Unprimed Cotton Canvas Please note: quantity discounts have been calculated in this chart. No additional discounts apply. CUSTOM CUTS PRICED PER YARD FULL STANDARD ROLLS ^ PRICED PER ROLL / YARD 20 - 49 yd 25 yd 1 4.40 4.15 ---- 187.00 (3.74/yd) #12 * 6.30 6.00 ---- 267.00 (5.34/yd) 48" 10oz 1 5.75 5.45 ---- 244.00 (4.88/yd) 60" 10oz 1 6.50 6.15 ---- 276.00 (5.52/yd) 36" 10oz 36" 50 yd ! 1-19 yd WIDTH & WEIGHT 60" #12 * 11.00 10.45 ---- 467.00 (9.34/yd) 72" #12 * 12..25 11.60 275.60 (11.02/yd) 520.00 (10.40/yd) 72" #10 ** 14.65 13.90 328.00 (13.12/yd) 84" #10 ** 16.70 15.85 375.00 (15.00/yd) 705.00 (14.10/yd) 120" #12 * 22.20 20.90 ---- ---- 625.00 (12.50/yd) Please note: Because of the escalating costs of shipping heavy and oversized items, we are unable to continue shipping canvas rolls at our flat shipping rate of $20.00 . Additional shipping charges will apply to most roll purchases. These charges will vary according to the item’s weight, distance travelled and courier accessibility. Purchasers will be advised of these shipping surcharges - for their approval - prior to processing orders. ^ Rolls may not be exactly 25 yards or 50 yards in length, they could be several yards over or under the nominal length. If exact roll lengths are unavailable customers will be advised and the roll price will be adjusted up or down accordingly - but, only with the purchaser’s permission. * Approximate canvas weight - 11.5 oz per sq yd # ** Approximate canvas weight - 14.75 oz per sq yd 1 Canvas weight in oz per sq yd Numbered, canvas-ducks generally have a tighter weave & smoother surface than ounce ducks. Acrylic Primed Cotton Canvas (For oil and acrylic use.) ‘Apollon’ 64" - double primed - 7.5oz (unprimed canvas weight) - 11.30 per yd. Minimum order 5yd. 1-19yd no discount; 20 - 49yd 10% off; 50 -100yd 15% off; full roll (100yd) 20% off. Unprimed Belgian Linen Imported by us from Belgium, this canvas is ideal for the discerning painter concerned with longevity and ideal surface texture. This linen is used by many conservators to repair or remount master works. Note: a light-weight linen has much more tensile strength than an equal weight of cotton canvas. Minimum purchase 1 yd. 54“ 13.50oz - 33.50 86" 8.25oz - 34.60 88" 11.50oz - 36.30 120" 9.50oz - 47.00 1-5yd (no discount); 6-10yd (5% off); 11-25yd (10% off); 26-50yd (15% off). Sample swatches of both cotton and linen available. There are no minimums for any of the above materials when purchased in our store. 17 PRINTING AND PASTEL PAPERS Discounts apply BFK Rives A 100% cotton mould made sheet that is acid free and buffered. Smooth surface, two torn and two deckled edges and registered watermark. Suggested applications: Lithography, Intaglio Etching, Screen Printing, Lino Cut, Collotype and Drawing. 19.5 x 25.5 - 180 gsm - 6.50 22 x 30 - 250 gms - 8.80 Somerset Papers A 100% cotton mould made sheet developed to cope with the techniques of modern print making. Internally sized and buffered. Water marked with two torn and two deckled edges. Excellent value for an acid free buffered sheet with a pH of 8.5. Suggested applications: Etching, Direct Lithography, Offset Lithography, Typographical Printing, Screenprinting, Relief Printing and Pastal, Gouache, etc. Sheet size 22 x 30, 250 gsm. Soft White Textured (SWT) - 5.35 White Textured (WT) - 5.35 White Satin (WS) (Smooth) - 5.35 Stonehenge Fine Art Paper A 100% rag, neutral pH sheet, excellent as a general purpose paper. Two deckled edges. Suggested applications: Drawing, Etching, Embossing, Screenprinting and some Water Media. Sheet size 22 x 30. 245 gsm White - 4.30 Canson Mi-Teintes Pastel and Drawing Paper Light fast colours, one heavy rough side and one smooth side for detail work. Gelatin sized, 55% cotton. Sheet size 19.5" x 25.5" -98lb/160gms, acid free. Available in the following colours. Sample swatches available. 2.25 No Discount 2315 2326 2333 2317 2318 2308 2321 2335 2331 2336 2228 2330 - white - cream - champagne (yellow-beige) - oyster (brown-beige) - pearl (grey-beige) -pearl grey (light grey) - orchid (mauve-pink) light green (olive-green) ivy (dp grey-green) light blue (lt grey-blue) moonstone (blue flecked beige) steel grey (flecked med. grey) Minimum shipment for papers on this page is 40 sheets. This minimum requirement can be obtained by any combination of the above types. There are no minimums for any of the above papers when purchased in our store. 18 WATER COLOUR SHEETS, PADS, BLOCKS Discounts apply. . T. H. Saunders, Waterford Water Colour Paper Mould made 100% rag, neutral pH and buffered, free of additional brightening agents, two deckled, two torn edges, watermark, and surface gelatin sized. Tested and approved by the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour. Suggested applications: Water Colour, Calligraphy, Lithography, Pastel and Screen Printing. Sheet size 22 x 30. 140 lb Coldpressed - 8.15 300 lb Coldpressed - 17.95 140 lb Hotpressed - 8.15 140 lb Rough - 8.15 200 lb Coldpressed - 11.95 Fierro Water Colour Paper This affordable 260 gms sheet has a cold pressed surface. 100% cotton, neutral pH, buffered. Suggested applications: Water Colour, Acrylic and Gouache. 22 x 30 3.90 Bockingford Water Colour Paper Cylinder-mould made and internally sized for stability and strength, excellent paint removal properties and resistance to puckering. Made of acid-free buffered sulphite from photographic grade wood pulps. An economical paper with the features of more expensive rag papers. 22" x 30" white. Cold pressed surface. 140lb - 5.00 200lb - 8.00 250lb - 9.00 Minimum shipment for Water Colour Papers on this page is 25 sheets. This minimum requirement can be attained by any combination of the above types. There are no minimums for any of the above papers when purchased in our store. Montval Water Colour Pads Natural white, acid-free coldpressed water colour paper. Extremely durable surface, for all wet techniques. 140 lb. 12 sheets. Double Top Wire - 9 x 12 - 14.40 10 x 15 - 18.85 15 x 20 - 30.65 Top Tape 9 x 12 - 13.85 10 x 15 - 18.05 15 x 20 - 29.70 - Montval Water Colour Blocks Paper description as above. 15 sheets. 6 x 9 - 17.75 9 x 12 - 22.95 12 x 16 - 39.60 19 15 x 20 - 50.10 PAPER & CANVAS PADS NO DISCOUNT MINIMUM ORDER FOR SHIPPING - 2 TOTAL. Sizes and types may be combined along with water colour blocks. Mirage Sketch Book - 50 sheets. Double wirebound. Medium tooth 80 lb acid free paper. Heavy, coated cover. Suitable for water colours. 7 x10 - 10.75 9x12 - 15.25 11x14 - 20.45 Mirage Children’s Sketch Books - Medium-tooth, acid-free paper. Excellent for pencil, pastel, charcoal and crayon. 73 lb, 50 sheets. Red, blue, yellow or green cover with crayon holder motif. State colour preference. 5 x 7 - 4.70 7 x 10 - 5.80 Canson Universal Recycled Sketch Book - 100 sheets. Acid free. Double wirebound. 65 lb rough-surfaced sheet, micro-perforated for neat edge. For charcoal, pastel, pencil and pen. 5.5 x 8.5 - 7.80 9 x 12 - 12.10 11 x 14 - 17.05 14 x 17 - 23.05 Robert Bateman, Cover Series - 50 sheets. Wirebound. Sketchbook made of recycled, 110lb, acid free, white paper. 5 x 7 - 6.20 8 ½" x 11 - 10.75 11 x 14 - 16.60 Classic Sketchbooks - 110 sheets. Hardcover, sewn bound. Neutral pH, non-yellowing, archival quality. 65lb paper. 5 ½" x 8 ½" - 12.55 8 ½" x 11 - 20.90 11 x 14 (94 sheets) - 28.00 Canson Canva Paper - 10 sheet pad. Tape-bound, canvas-textured paper for oil and acrylic. 9 x 12 - 11.85 12 x 16 - 17.40 Fredrix Canvas Pad - 10 sheet pad. Genuine artist canvas made of pure cotton primed with acrylic ground for use with any medium. 9 x 12 - 7.15 12 x 16 - 12.05 16 x 20 - 19.80 MINIMUM ORDER FOR SHIPPING - 2 TOTAL. Sizes and types may be combined along with water colour blocks. 20 18 x 24 - 29.15 ARCHES WATER COLOUR PAPERS OUR REGULAR DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY (SEE BELOW) Very popular, high-quality papers. Strong to stand soaking, extra tooth to resist rubbing and erasing. 100% acid free. 100% rag fibres in three textures: Hot Press, Cold Press and Rough. Four deckled edges. SHEETS - 22" x 30" In order to reach the minium quantity of 25 sheets for shipping, you may combine different weights and textures. Minimum order for delivery - 25 sheets - 20% discount 40 sheets or more - 25% discount Arches 90 lb (185gsm) - 8.15 per sheet Available in Hot Press (Smooth), Cold Press (Medium) & Rough. Arches 140 lb (300 gsm) - 10.80 per sheet Available in Hot Press (Smooth), Cold Press (Medium) & Rough. Arches 300 lb (640gsm) - 24.65 per sheet Available in Cold Press (Medium) & Rough only. BLOCKS - Supplied in block form glued along four sides with 20 sheets per block. Convenient and easy to use. No stretching required. Available in Smooth, Medium and Rough. We only stock 140lb (300gsm) blocks. 1 Block - 20% discount 2 Blocks or more - 25% discount 7" 9" 12" 18" x x x x 10" 12" 16" 24" - 42.60 - 52.20 - 75.90 - 139.00 Please note that there is a better discount schedule for Arches papers purchased in our store and sheets may be purchased singly. 21 STEVENSONS THE COLOUR COMPANY D. L. Stevenson & Son Artists’ Colours Mfg. Co. Ltd. 1420 Warden Avenue Toronto, Ontario MIR 5A3 Phone (416) 755-7795 Fax (416) 755-5895 e m a il: paint@ dlsteven w e b s ite : w w w .dlsteven SH IPPING DISC O UN TS ON PAINT AN D D IS C O U N TAB LE ITE M S Please note: New dollar amount - discount schedule. M IN IM U M S - S o m e ite m s s u c h a s c a n v a s a n d p a p e r h a v e m in im u m re q u ire m e n ts . P le a s e s e e c a ta lo g u e fo r s p e c ific s . For orders placed in Canada Up to $150.00 - No discount $150.00 to $275.00 - 20% off $275.00 to $475.00 - 30% off $475.00 and over - 40% off Educational discount schedule available on request. N O T E - A lth o u g h th e re is n o d is c o u n t a p p lie d to s o m e m a t e r ia l s , th e v a lu e o f th e s e m a te ria ls m a y b e u s e d to e s ta b lis h th e d is c o u n t s ta tu s o f d is c o u n ta b le m a te ria ls . F o r e x a m p le , if yo u o rd e r $ 2 0 0 .0 0 w o rth o f p a in ts a n d o th e r d is c o u n ta b le ite m s , a n d $ 2 7 5 .0 0 w o rth o f n o n -d is c o u n ta b le ite m s , y o u r to ta l o f $ 4 7 5 .0 0 w ill a llo w y o u a 4 0 % d is c o u n t o n th e d is c o u n ta b le ite m s . SEE BELOW FOR SHIPPING CHARGES P A Y M E N T - C e rtifie d c h e q u e , m o n e y o rd e r, V is a o r M a s te rC a rd . N o C .O .D .’s . P h o n e o rd e rs w ith V is a o r M a s te rC a rd o n ly . W e d o n o t a c c e p t “c o lle c t” p h o n e c a lls . F o r in s to re s h o p p e rs In te ra c is a v a ila b le T a x e s - All purchases are subject to G S T (5% ). except for the following p ro vin ce s th at are su bje c t to H S T . - N .S . (15% H S T ),. N .B ., N fld , and O n t, (13% H S T ), P .E .I. (14% H S T ). All taxes are calculated on the net value (including any shipping charges) of the purchase m ade. R E T U R N S A N D D A M A G E D G O O D S - A n y m e rc h a n d is e m a y b e re tu rn e d , s h ip p in g p re p a id , in a lik e -n e w c o n d itio n , s u b je c t to a 1 5 % r e s to c k in g c h a rg e . D e fe c tiv e ite m s a re e x e m p t fro m th e a b o v e c h a rg e . N o tify u s o f a n y d e fe c tiv e ite m b e fo re re tu rn in g fo r th e c re d it o r e x c h a n g e . If y o u re c e iv e a n y d a m a g e d g o o d s n o tify th e c a rrie r im m e d ia te ly, th e c o u rie rs a re re s p o n s ib le fo r c o m p e n s a ting S te v e n s o n s fo r d a m a g e d m a te rials a n d c o n s e q u e n tly m u s t c o m p le te a d a m a g e re p o rt. SHIPPING CHARGES: S teve n so n s as s u m e s the gre a tes t pa rt of th e sh ipp ing ch a rg e s. T h e re is a b a s ic s h ip p in g a n d h a n d lin g c h a rg e o f $ 2 0.0 0 p er o rd er. F ro m D e c 1 to M a r 3 1 th e re w ill b e an ad d itio n a l $5 .0 0 ch a rg e for a ll o rd e rs co n tain in g ac rylic p ro d u c ts. T h e s e a crylic p ro d u cts re q u ire h ea te d se rv ic e s fo r w h ic h th e c o urie rs c h arg e ex tra . S h ip p in g c o s ts fo r o rd e rs fro m th e Y u k o n , N W T a n d N u n avu t w ill b e c a lc u la te d on a n in d iv id u a l o rd e r b a sis . S o m e m o re re m o te in te rio r a re a s a n d so m e o ff-s h o re is la n d s m a y also be s u b jec t to e x tra “b e yo n d ” s h ip p in g c h a rg e s . C u stom e rs w ill b e in form e d of th o se co sts p rior to sh ipping . In the ca s e o f a g ro u p o rd e r to o n e ad d re s s , o n e p e rs o n sh o u ld ad d the re le va n t sh ip p in g co s ts to th e ir p a ym e n t. S e e ad d ition a l sh ip p in g info rm a tio n at th e to p o f p a g e 2. N o t e: A ll d es tin atio ns s h ou ld b e a cc e ss ib le b y e xp re ss ca rrie rs b eca use th ere a re ce rta in re strictio ns o n w h at m a y b e tra n sp o rte d by m a il. B e c a u se o f th is , a fu ll a d dre s s (ra th e r th a n s im p ly a P o s t O ffic e B o x n u m b e r) is e s se n tia l. S o m e ru ra l a d d re sse s m a y be req u ired to pick up sh ipm e n ts at th e ne a re st ca rrier de p o t. FACTORY STORE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00-5:00 - SATURDAY 10:00-3:00 PHONE (416) 755-7795 FAX (416) 755-5895 website: email: paint@ IN FACTORY DISCOUNTS In person at our factory outlet there is a 30% discount on discountable items. No minimum. Purchases of over $200.00 list are entitled to 40% off discountable items. M a p n o t d ra w n to s c a le P R IC E S S U B JE C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E