The Carillon - Trinity Springfield


The Carillon - Trinity Springfield
The Carillon
Page 1
Our People, Our Church
*Thank yous
*Prayer List
*Altar Flowers
*Electronic Giving
* After School Program
* New Members
September 2015
Volume 87 Issue 9
It looks like we will reach our goal of folding 1,000 cranes before Trinity
Sunday, on September 13th. As we shared when we began the summer,
there is a Japanese legend that the one folding 1,000 origami cranes
would have a wish granted. This legend intersected with the life of Sadako
Sasaki, who at age 2 was living in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was
dropped in 1945. Ten years later, at the age of 12, Sadako was diagnosed
with leukemia. She began to fold 1,000 cranes. Her wish was simply to
live. She died in October 1955.
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Notes
The Newsletter of Trinity United Methodist
The Carillon
Dance/Movement, Block Party
Outreach and Other Opportunities
Preaching, Birthdays Adult Ed
Silent Auction & Capital Update 7
Music Notes & Gratitude
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr
Children & Youth Ministry
Trinity’s Calendar
Back/Leadership Page
Her story is the basis for a historical fiction book, Sadako and the
Thousand Paper Cranes written by Eleanor Coerr. In the book Sadako
only folds 644 cranes before she is too weak. Her classmates step in to
continue the folding. Sadako’s family shares that she reached not only her
goal of 1,000 but surpassed it.
The story of Sadako and the 1,000
cranes is a part of the Hiroshima
Peace Memorial Museum. In
August we marked the 70th
anniversary of the dropping of the
bomb. It is a sobering anniversary
made hopeful by the efforts of
leaders throughout the world to
keep such devastation from ever
happening again.
Hopefully many of you had the
opportunity to try to fold a crane.
While it can be tricky during the
initial learning stage, there comes a
time when the folding allows you to
live completely in the moment. The
rhythm, the concentration, the
folding, they all become almost a
centering prayer.
As we enter into this new program year, let us bring with us the hope of
1,000 cranes – a hope that is not based on wishes, but rather on the love
of God shared with us through Jesus the Christ. On Trinity Sunday we will
be registering our children for Sunday School, a time when they can learn
about God’s love for each of them, we’ll have a wonderful worship service
with Paul Kniskern preaching, we’ll follow worship with a block party
opened to our neighbors throughout Forest Park. And we’ll begin another
year celebrating God’s love, nurturing relationships with God and one
another, and serving our community and our world, as we share the light of
With joy and blessings,
Cathy MacGovern
The Carillon Celebrations & Concerns, Sympathies, Thank Yous, Attendance, Altar Flowers
Marilyn Adamo, David Aharonian, Pat and Tony Ardolino,
Donald Barnard, Michael Carman, Steve Chisholm, Sharon Russell
Klose, Thanhya Cloutier, Jean Cantwell Davey, Jo Anne Decker,
Shirley Demos, Dick Dickson, Judith Dixon, Jo Anne & Ken Evans,
Kathy Finnell, Andrea Fitzpatrick, Deven Girard,
Georgette Hannoush, Marshall Hart, Virginia Hart, Ray Heaton,
Linda Hingston, Lisa Holland, Annie Kapet, Shirley Kibbe,
Jim Kocot, Pat Lindberg, Dorothy MacIntosh,
Chuck & Jan MacLeod, David Mahew, Ruth Mathieu,
Caryl Matusiewicz, Mary Lou McGee, Bonnie Manchester,
Jim McCarthy, Iris & Zaida Mejias, Kaylee Mocek, Bill Morin,
Cheryl Murphy, Michelle Murphy, Karen Newsome,
Bob & Karen Northwood, Donald Notman, Candyce O'Brien,
Jackie Odell, Evelyn Paige, Sue Pegoraro, Shirley Perosino,
Jack Phillips, Rev. Dr. Robert E. Price, Trish Regan,
Suzanne Saalfeld, Lisa Seldon, Elmer Sheffer, Joseph Small,
Janet Stephens, Adam Surrette, Gary Turner, Kathy & Jim Wasilko,
E. McKinnon & Doris White, our service men & women.
We offer our sympathy and prayers to Steve Hays and his
family upon the death of his wife, longtime Trinity
member, Catherine Hays on Tuesday, August 4th.
Catherine is the mother and mother-in-law of Amelia
and Rob Hays-Rivest and Abney and Jeff Seyler,
grandmother of Charly and Cally Seyler and Sierra and
Lalia Hays-Rivest. Her memorial service will be in
Trinity’s Sanctuary on Tuesday, September 8th at 5 PM.
Don Notman is very grateful for all the support, prayers, and
beautiful cards. The cards have been placed in a scrapbook by
Beryl so that Don can continue to enjoy the
heartfelt messages. Thank you to Trinity and all
the people that contribute to a faithful Community
of Christ.
Beryl Notman
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your wonderful donation of $100.00 on
May 13, 2015 to the TJO Foundation. Our community’s
neediest animals will benefit from this donation.
Annually, TJO Animal Control and Adoption Center takes in
over 4,000 local abandoned or stray animals, giving them a
second chance at a happy life. Your donation helps those
animals needing extra TLC. Through our TJO foundation a 501
(c)3 non-profit, we fund medical treatments large and small to
heal injuries and cure sickness. Additionally, we provide
training and enrichment programs to help our animals enjoy
their time with us and also become better family members once
Page 2
A super big thank you to ALL the wonderful people who
helped to make the summer series “A Little Night Music” a
HUGE success. Each Thursday morning during July, Delight
Prentice, Gretchen Heath, Caroline Broome, Margo
Sweetland, and Tina Warren showed up faithfully in the HOT
kitchen to chop over a 100 onions, cut up 40 pounds of
potatoes, sauté a 100 pounds of ground beef, dice celery,
cook pasta, wash pots and pans, and the list goes on. Then
every Thursday night a fabulous crew (too many to name
individually) of hostesses, servers, bun babes, grill guys,
grinder girls, chip chicks, salad sallies, super scoopers, soda
jerks, and road runners served between 150 and 250
people….WOW!!! Many of Trinity’s talented people
participated in the 6:00 Sanctuary concerts including
Teri LaFleur, the entire Bakum family, Janet Dixon-Metcalf,
Steve Hays and the Trinity Summer Singers. We set record
attendance and entertained and fed over a 1000 people.
Many, many thanks to all of you for helping to make this
Also thank you to all of Trinity’s singers and instrumentalists
who enriched our summer Worship services every Sunday.
How blessed we are to have so many people willing to share
their talents.
Becky Isaacson
The Boar's Head Committee would like to welcome these
members and thank them for being the new chairs of the
following committees:
Decorations - Ginny Young
Livestock - Charly Seyler
Make up - Emma Redman
Marketplace - Sharon Missino
Meal Service - Becky DePerry
Publicity - Sandy Gingras
Wardrobe - Shannon Frederick
If you would like to serve on any of these committees,
please contact Barbara Hill or the member directly.
August Altar Flowers
2 (OPEN) If you would like this date please call the office.
(Red Rose) In loving memory of Bob Guyotte on his
birthday, from his wife Ann.
9 (OPEN) If you would like this date please call the office.
Foundation Administrator and Social Media Coordinator
(Red Rose) In loving memory of Lucille O. Langrell, from
Tom, David, Lisa & Matthew.
Jill Carra,
Thank you to Scott and Pat Woodward, Arelis Agron,
Sue Pegoraro, Dina and Stella Christopher, Sheila Womble and
Jacki Barden for taking care of me at “Little Night Music”. Yes,
Becky I have seen the Doc. I thank you all for your concern and
Blessings, Dawn
“Live so the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral.”
author unknown
16 In Memory of Dick Carbone, from his sister Midge
(Yellow Rose) In loving memory of Bob Rzewnicki, from his
23 In loving memory of her parents, K. Gordon and Beverly
Spongberg, from Kristin Goold.
30 In loving memory of his parents, from Ray Stone.
Page 3
After School Program, New Members Classes, and A Trip
The Carillon
New Members Classes
8/2 Adults 135, Children 25, Total 160
8/9 Adults 125, Children 12, Total 137
8/16 Adults 145, Children 15, Total 160border
8/23 Adults 127, Children 27, Total 154
8/30 To Be Determined
Grand total: Adults 532, Children 79, Total 611
Trinity Church offers an After-School
Program for middle school students in
Springfield. The program operates from
3:00 PM until 6:00 PM on Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays during the school
Now entering its 9th year, the program is
a collaboration between Trinity United
Methodist Church and Forest Park Middle School. Activities
include homework support, educational enrichment, fitness,
character development, and a special focus on the arts.
The program was set into motion in 2006 by Trinity's Nancy
Schumann and Ted Dunn and has worked with various
community organizations - YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and
Square One - to provide staffing and oversight. In the fall of
2014, the church began assuming full responsibility for
program funding, staffing and oversight, and we will continue
in that capacity this year.
This is where the church comes in - YOU are "The Church"!
The first day of the 2015 - 2016 program year is scheduled
for September 9th, and there are many needs:
Volunteers to be part of a rotation, helping to check
students in and offer support.
Members with special talents and gifts that they can
share with the students - either on a one-time or
continuing basis.
Donations: (a check to Trinity with "after-school
program" clearly noted)
Non-perishable foods - bring in any time, label and place
in the rear of the sanctuary
Fresh fruit, veggies, etc. - leave in the kitchen, labeled
"after-school program"
Your prayers for a successful program year
If you have questions, or want to be involved with this
exciting outreach program, call the church office or speak
with Vera Baker, Arlene Mackie, or Erica Weida.
Will begin Sunday, October 4th at 9
AM in the Parlor (right near Asbury
Hall where the Fellowship Hour
takes place). Classes will continue
October 11th, 18th, 25th and November 8th, for a total of
five Sundays. Each class will be an hour in length and cover
a variety of topics including a brief history of the Methodist
Church, some history of Trinity Church in particular, a tour of
our beautiful sanctuary, as well as our current ministries and
mission work. There will be plenty of time for questions and
an opportunity to share something of our own faith journeys
as well. If you do feel ready to formally join, the
congregation would love to be able to celebrate this decision
during worship on Sunday, November 15th. If you have any
questions, please feel free to call the church office at (413)
A Trip to Portsmouth NH
Debbie D’Angelo, a longtime Trinity member, recently went
on a vacation to Portsmouth NH. She asked to share some
about her vacation because as a person with a disability
people often do not understand just how many things she is
able to do. Her story gives the reader insight into her many
In July I took the bus from Springfield to Boston, then Boston
to Portsmouth NH so I could have some fun away from it all.
I dropped my luggage off at the Inn then walked to
Martingales Wharf. I had a small salad for lunch with coffee,
but because it cost more than expected I was unable to go
on the Party Ship that night with Rock ‘N Roll. Instead I had
dinner at the soup kitchen then returned to the Inn.
On my second day I enjoyed blueberry pancakes at the B &
B then went to the Steamship Co. and got tickets for the
2:00 boat ride. We got back at 5:00 and someone helped
me call a cab to go to the Gundalow Co. about 7 miles from
the square. I sailed on the Piscataqua for two hours that
On the third day after breakfast I went to Walmart to buy a
new pair of sneakers as mine had worn out. I went by The
Works Bakery afterwards and was treated to some free
pastries as they were closing for the day. Then I went on a
Reggae Cruise that evening and met a couple who asked
me if I was from Springfield ME or Springfield NH. That was
On the fourth day I left the Inn at 10:00AM and went to see
Captain Bell and the Steamship Co. off. When I got on the
Pease Trolley the driver wouldn’t help me lift my luggage so
he put out the ramp. The luggage and I fell and I got a little
scratch on my hand. It’s hard for me to balance both the
luggage and myself like that. I took the bus to Boston then
headed home to Springfield. The next day I was doing my
laundry from my stay in Portsmouth. But I had a good time
on my vacation.
The Carillon
Dance Movement Choir, Block Party, Electronic Giving, BHF
Page 4
You are invited to
Movement / Dance Choir
The Movement/Dance Choir is getting ready for the
fall. If you would like to dance in our choir, or are just
thinking about it, please come join us!
We’re an intergenerational group, ages 6-adult, that
contributes to the worship service through movement,
just as the other choirs do through words and music.
Dance experience is NOT required, nor is walking. All
that is required is a sense that worship can move,
literally, beyond words and music.
If you would like to participate, we rehearse on
Sundays from 3:30-4:30 pm. (Jubilee Singers stay
later after they sing.) Regular rehearsals will begin on
September 27th.
Please call Amelia for questions or to join.
Save the Date: Trinity’s Craft Fair is
October 17, 2015.
Volunteers are needed to make the fair
The Trinity Table: For knitting, painters, crafts,
photography, etc.. Anything non-food related. Would
you be willing to be our salesperson? If any of this is
your cup-of-tea, please let me know what you would
like to do to help make this table a success at this
year's Craft Fair.
The Kitchen Cupboard: Do you can, bake, make
candy, cookies, etc. Anything food related. This is
the table where it is offered! Jen (Gourinski) Clark
would appreciate some company overseeing all the
goodies offered! Please let me know if you plan to
contribute to this table.
Sandy Gingras, Craft Fair Chair
Vendors Wanted: For information on becoming a
vendor or an application please contact Rondi Amell.
Thank you.
On Trinity’s front lawn
Food! Fun! Games! Music! More!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Noon – 2:30 PM
Drawings every hour for free pies
See you at the party!
Helpers needed – please sign up at the Connection
Point in Asbury Hall following worship on Sundays.
Trinity now has a Twitter account!
Please follow us on Twitter.
Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving
Trinity UMC wants to remind you that we offer electronic
giving as a way to automate your
regular weekly offering. Electronic
giving offers convenience for
individual congregation members and
provides much-needed donation
consistency for our congregation.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds
from your checking or savings account to the church's bank
Online Giving allows you to go to
at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change
your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your
online donation history. Just click on the "Giving and
Donations" link on the left menu.
As you contemplate future contributions, please consider
electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional
information are available from the church office.
You may scan our QR code (on all printed
materials) at any time to go directly to our site
via your smart phone.
Page 5
Outreach, Volunteer & Other Opportunities
Mobile Food Bank
The next Mobile Food Banks will be
Wednesdays, Sept. 2 and 16 from
2:00 to 3:00pm. Volunteers need to be
in the church parking lot at 1:30pm to unload the
truck. Please note that the serving time is now a full hour
(because we are now serving over 200 patrons a week) and
volunteers need to stay until 3:15pm for cleanup. Because
we are serving more households, we are in need of
more volunteers You can come once a month or twice
a month. Any help you can give is appreciated! Please
contact Marilyn at [email protected] to
Fellowship Hour Opportunity
We continue to need individuals to help with
this ministry. Your contribution of any size is
important. If you are willing to volunteer food
or your time, please email Erica Weida at You may also
contact Katherine Lovell. Thank you in advance.
If you can volunteer to deliver flowers on Sundays
following worship please contact Danny Holder.
Thank you.
The Emergency Food Pantry is in need
of many items for our neighbors less
fortunate, such as: canned vegetables,
canned fruit, tuna fish, soups, peanut
butter and jelly, snacks for children,
cereal, crackers, rice, ketchup, mustard flour and sugar.
Items can be brought in each time you come to worship. It is
a good way to remember this important ministry.
Women's Book Club
The first book club meeting of the new
season will be on Tuesday, October 27 at
7 p.m. at the parsonage, in
Springfield. Please join us as we start a
new year of reading together. Our book for the initial
meeting will be "All the Light You Cannot See", a winner of
the Pulitzer Prize from the highly acclaimed author, Anthony
Doerr. The book has been described as "beautiful,
stunningly ambitious instant New York Times bestseller
about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths
collide in occupied France as both try to survive the
devastation of World War II." New members are
encouraged to join us!
Gently used shoes for re-use in Africa are
being collected in a cardboard box located
in the foyer outside Asbury Hall. Needed
are men's dress shoes, casual shoes,
ladies flats and low heels, kids casual and dress shoes,
sandals and sneakers for all ages but NO flip-flops or Crocs.
Damaged or worn out shoes cannot be re-used. In addition
to providing shoes for those without, a donation from an
anonymous donor will be made to Imagine No Malaria for
each pair of shoes donated. Thanks for your help!
The Carillon
Team Nicaragua 2016
Plans are underway for another trip to
Nicaragua in April 2016. If you are interested
in being a member of the new Team
Nicaragua, contact Sandra Collins
at [email protected].
The Missions Committee will be collecting
backpacks and school supplies for
Springfield Public School students. There will
be a box at the back of the church to collect
these items from August 23-September 13.
Mentors Needed for Sumner Avenue
School Partnership
One half hour can change a life. Please
consider spending a half hour each week
with an elementary school student who
could use a friend. Trinity has a special partnership with
Sumner Ave. School. Last year about a dozen adults
from Trinity were matched with a student from
Sumner. They met once a week during the students'
lunch hour for conversation, sharing books, playing
board games, etc. Please note that background CORI
checks must be completed by the school dept. before
mentoring begins.
Please sign up at the Connection Point or contact Marilyn at
[email protected] if you would like more
information or wish to volunteer.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
to Speak in Springfield
As part of the Springfield Public Forum, Supreme Court
Justice Sonia Sotomayor will speak at the MassMutual
Center on September 9, at 7:30PM. The Forum is
celebrating its 80th year of offering “great speakers, great
discourse” in a series of lectures free to the public. This
event has been moved to the MassMutual Center because
of the large turnout expected.
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice, was born in Bronx,
New York, on June 25, 1954. She earned a B.A. in 1976
from Princeton University, graduating summa cum laude
and receiving the university’s highest academic honor. In
1979, she earned a J.D. from Yale Law School where she
served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal. She served as
Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District
Attorney’s Office from 1979–1984. She then litigated
international commercial matters in New York City at Pavia
& Harcourt, where she served as an associate and then
partner from 1984–1992. In 1991, President George H.W.
Bush nominated her to the U.S. District Court, Southern
District of New York, and she served in that role from 1992–
1998. She served as a judge on the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1998–2009. President
Barack Obama nominated her as an Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court on May 26, 2009, and she assumed this
role August 8, 2009.
The Carillon Preaching Schedule, Rock of Ages, Adult Education, and Birthdays
Page 6
September Preaching Schedule
September 6 Rev. Dr. Bing Scherer
September 13 (Trinity Sunday)
Paul Kniskern
September 20 Nate Olin
September 27 Cathy MacGovern
Rock of Ages will start gathering again in
September. We are trying something new
this year. We will meet only on the first
Thursday of the month, starting with
September 3rd.
The invitation to join us is always open, so if you enjoy
going out to lunch, social games with people who share
your interests or giving a hand when needed at the
church and trips to local places of interest, we do all of
that and much more. The only requirement is that you
be at or near retirement age. Join us, you'll be glad you
The world around us changes daily with each new
scientific discovery. What does this have to say about
our faith? How is science a complement to religion?
These are some of the questions we’ll be discussing in
Painting the Stars, a new adult education offering
starting Sunday, September 20, at 9AM in the Primary
Celebrating the communion of science and faith,
Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary
Christian spirituality. Each week of the seven-week
program will include a brief section of a DVD featuring
over a dozen leading theologians and progressive
Most people who have attended our adult education
classes have found them welcoming, engaging, and an
inspiring way to start Sunday morning. We expect this
topic will provoke a lively discussion. We welcome all
who want to be a part. If you have any questions, get in
touch with Jane Schneeloch,
BHF Meeting
There will be a short informational meeting
held on Sundays, September 20th and 27th
for youth (and their parents), who are
interested in participating in Boars Head,
2016. The meeting is to refresh them on
what their participation entails. You only need
to attend one of the meetings. Thank you.
Silent Auction and Capital Construction Update
Page 7
The Carillon
Autumn Holiday Auction Donations Needed
It is very strange to be thinking of Christmas in August but that is exactly what we are doing to
plan a great event for this November. As part of the celebration for the completion of the
construction and Capital Campaign fund raising, we will be holding an Autumn Holiday
Auction on November 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM. Mark your calendars for this early opportunity to
buy Christmas gifts for others and treats for you.
We are asking for donations to be included in the silent and live auctions. We need your help
with this now.
Suggested items include:
Gift certificates
Time at vacation homes
Team logo items
Gift baskets
Nearly new items in excellent condition
Services such as preparing a dinner
Business products and services
Event or performance tickets
We are unable to accept used electronic items and large furniture. Please drop off or mail your donation to Trinity
UMC, 361 Sumner Ave. Springfield, MA 01108 or contact us to arrange pick up. Thank you for your help in making this
a successful event.
Kris Goold
[email protected]
Tracy Woodfield
[email protected]
Denise Lind
[email protected]
Capital Construction Update
As of August 15th, the construction projects are on schedule. The new community room is coming along very well.
The new doorway has been cut in the back of the building and the crew is working on the hallway and ramp entrance.
There is a cement floor where the pool used to be and the framing for the walls, counters, doors, closets, bathrooms,
showers, office, and kitchenette have begun.
We are also pleased with the progress of the heating
system. All the old piping has been removed and most
of the new piping in the basement has been completed.
The nursery school rooms should be finished by the
time school starts and then the crew will begin working
on the other floors. You will begin, soon, to see new
base board heaters in all the rooms as the installation
Along with the construction on the heating system,
many rooms will need some repair and painting. We
are starting with Vincent Hall and the other basement
bathrooms. These areas will be getting a face lift.
Vincent Hall will get a new drop ceiling, a new floor, and
a new coat of paint. The bathrooms will also get a
cosmetic makeover.
Exciting things are happening at Trinity!
The Carillon
Facebook! Twitter! Instagram! Tumblr!
Page 8
Facebook! Twitter! Instagram! Tumblr! Oh my!
Are you on Facebook? Do you Tweet? Do you blog? How about send pictures via Instagram? If you do any or all of
these, you have become a part of the 1.73 BILLION social media users today. Millions of Facebook posts (2.3M),
tweets (20.8M), instant photos (666M), and blog entries (83K) are generated every single HOUR. MILLIONS!!!
That's a lot of information. Each photo, tweet, post is data that can be farmed for personal information. With enough
little bits of info gleaned from various sources, a hacker (aka a "black hat", aka "the bad guy") can create a fairly
complete and accurate picture of you and your life, often in just minutes.
To be socially responsible for all that data, we must carefully choose what we post/send and where we post it or to
whom we send it. While we can have fun sharing our experiences, posting pictures from camp or of the grandkids,
meeting up with old friends and new ones, we can put ourselves and our information at risk. It's a lot easier than
you can imagine for your technology to be hacked and your data compromised. Here are some hints:
Be aware of all the data you're sharing in your images. Is your house number and/or street name showing up
in the background? Can someone read your car's license plate?
Look for unclear meanings in your posts. It's easy to give out too much info by mistake if you type and send
without previewing your texts first.
Be vigilant when "friending" new people online. Do not give them personal information (i.e., address, phone
number) unless you're absolutely, positively sure about them first.
Don't email your social security number to anyone. Never send an email over an unsecure line listing your
family's birthdates.
Never give out personal information to someone you don't know well (or a company that you contacted personally). If a company claiming to be your bank (or cell company, internet provider, etc.) calls or emails and asks
for information they should already have (or tries to verify it by asking you to give them "the last four numbers on
your account") hang up the phone immediately or block the sender and report the call or message to the authorities. Every bank has a fraud reporting site or phone number. You also can report fraud to the US government via
the FBI website. It's quick and easy.
Be aware of those who might be lurking near you when you're using your computer, iPad, or smart phone in
public places. Maybe they can't see your screen, but with today's technology, thieves can scan your phone, credit
card, or iPad from mere feet (even inches!) away.
When you're done sending a tweet or posting a photo, turn off your phone's Wi-Fi capability. That makes it a
little harder for the bad guys.
Never, ever, ever do your personal banking or shopping while on a free Wi-Fi network (e.g., at McDonald's,
Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, the mall, the hotel). Look into a VPN (virtual private network) account for your phone or
laptop to encrypt and "cloak" the time you do have to send on public Wi-Fi. The trade-off is that a VPN may slow
down your connection a bit. VPN solutions are like anti-virus - free is OK, but you get what you pay for.
Posting, tweeting, and sharing pictures is a part of life today and it's literally at our fingertips. It's fun. It's fast. And
it's easy to overshare. Be smart and be safe out there on the web!
If you have questions or comments about using social media, safety on the internet, or internet security, contact
Wendy Freels in the church office.
Music Notes and a Moment of Gratitude
Page 9
The Carillon
Choir Rehearsals Resume
(New members are welcome in any singing choir – just come to a rehearsal and have some fun.)
Chancel Choir (high school – adult)
Thursday, September 10th - 7:00-8:45 PM
Choristers (grades 2-8)
Sunday, September 20th - 4:30-5:30 PM
Chamberettes (girls in grades 7-12)
Sunday, September 20th - 5:30-6:15 PM
Trinity Handbell Choir
Tuesday, September 22nd - 6:00-7:00 PM
Trinity Youth Handbell Choir
Wednesday, September 23rd - 5:30-6:30 PM
Sharing a moment of gratitude:
For those of you who may not know, Trinity has a loosely organized group of people that loves to hike together. Every year
for the past four years, Gary Bingham and Pastor John have organized a huge hike, climbing 4000 foot plus mountains
that reach above the treeline. I was fortunate to join them for two, Mount Washington, after which I could barely walk for a
week and last year, Mount Lafayette- my first overnight--hike up with everything , stay overnight and hike back. This year,
was Mount Eisenhower. As many of you know, Pastor John is on Spiritual/renewal leave, so this would be the first hike
without him. I, for one, was a little nervous because climbing big mountains like these, 4000+ feet and 8 plus miles of New
Hampshire rocks is no small feat. It is a huge challenge. [My first trip to Mount Washington, I signed up, read up about it
online to discover that you can die going up that mountain, tried to back out but fortunately was encouraged by my Trinity
friends to go. I did it. I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards, but I did it.]
So this year, I was especially worried because of our broad range of hiking and climbing abilities. Who would be the glue to
hold us together? I volunteered a prayer for all us to get up and down the mountain safely and return home safely. We
prayed, we climbed, we conquered. I was one of the last three climbers to complete Mount Eisenhower. We started
around 8:30am and finished around 5:30pm. There were times I felt like my lungs were going to give out or my legs were
going to fall off. But I can report that neither happened, thanks to the support of my Trinity Friends. I am especially
grateful for everyone hanging out at the lodge until the last of us three finished descending. I can’t tell you how good that
felt. Hugs around and congratulations as we each made our trip successfully in the way, pace and distance, we felt
comfortable doing.
I think of Pastor John and am thankful he has been and I sincerely believe, will continue to be, a great Shepherd for all of
us sheep. I am sure he has been inspirational to each of us in our own special way, helping each us to become leaders.
That is the sign of a great leader. God calls each one of us to share our talents or lead in some way we didn’t expect. It’s
our role to be open to it and accept it, and we did.
I am so thankful for Gary Bingham for organizing this trip and for all my Trinity hiking friends for their support for each other
and for creating yet another wonderful hiking experience.
Maeleah Carlisle
The Carillon
Children & Youth Ministry
Page 10
The General Conference of The United Methodist Church states that the primary task of youth ministry is to love the
youth where they are, encourage them in developing their relationship to God, provide them with opportunities for
nurture and growth, and challenge them to respond to God's call to serve in their communities.
Our programs are designed to meet the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of children and youth through Bible
exploration, prayer, worship, meditation, discussion, games, outings, arts and crafts, cooking, service projects, mission trips, retreats, and more.
Mini-Methodists (4th & 5th grade)
Sunday, September 20
5:30 – 7 pm, youth room
Junior & Senior High YF (6th - 12th grade)
Sunday, September 27
6:30 – 8 pm, youth room
Trinity offers Christian education and formation classes for children ages 4 – 18. Classes gather every Sunday
morning from 9 – 10 am, in various rooms throughout the church. Ages 4 through grade 6 use a curriculum called The
Best of the Whole People of God. This curriculum is rich with a variety of activities designed to help children develop a
deeper understanding of God and their Christian faith. Grades 7 and 8 participate in confirmation preparation classes.
Confirmation preparation invites young people to explore their personal beliefs and relationship with God, while building
Christian community. The senior high curriculum is unique in that various topics of faith are taught by a number of
different adults.
Registration: Sunday, September 13
Location: Block Party (front lawn)
Time: 12 – 2:30 pm
First Day of Classes: Sunday, September 20
Time: 9 – 10 am
We are looking forward to seeing you in church school!!!
Christian Education and Formation Survey: Please take time to complete a Christian Education and Formation
Committee survey. There are different versions. One for parents, one for children and youth, and one for adult
non-parents of current participants. They can be found on the information table in the rear of the sanctuary, or a Survey
Monkey link on the church web page ( September 20 is the final date to turn them in.
Family mission opportunity: On Saturday, September 12, the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts invites families to
participate in Family Volunteer Day from 9:00 – 11:30 am. Guests of all ages can choose from several hands-on
activities, such as sorting and packaging food donations, creating healthy snacks, and touring the warehouse.
To register your family or to find out more details, contact the Food Bank at 413-247-9738.
Page 11
Trinity Monthly Calendar
The Carillon
The Carillon
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This Church is committed to providing a
safe place for our children and youth.
Believing that all persons are created in God's
image and are of sacred worth, that Jesus'
message was one of inclusion of those rejected
by mainstream society, and that each member
makes inherent and valuable contributions to
the Body of Christ, we of Trinity Church, welcome into this
congregation people of every age, race, ethnicity, gender
identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition,
family structure, and physical or mental ability.
Music Dir., Organist, & Carillonneur:
Rev. John E. Mueller (x205)
Becky R. Isaacson (x210)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dir. of Children & Youth Ministry :
Coordinator of Community Outreach & Development
Church Administrator:
Administrative Assistant:
Head Sexton:
Full Time Sexton:
Part-Time Sextons:
Monica A. Ardolino (x201)
Marilyn Paul-Lewis (x206)
Wendy Freels (x202)
Doreen B. Bessey-Robbins (x204)
Michael (MJ) McNulty (x207)
Jim Montagna (x207)
Eric Bozenhard, Peter Cymer,
Pierrce Holmes
Brittany-Ann Fox
Caitlin Odell
Maria Cloonan
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected];
Sexton phone number: 413-777-5460
Friday & Saturday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Friday & Saturday
Saturday & Sunday
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Monday -Saturday
Monday -Saturday
Saturday & Sunday
Head Usher & Asst. Head Usher
Investment Committee Chair:
Lay Leader:
Lay Member Annual Conference:
Lay Pastoral Care Coordinator:
Membership & Evangelism Chair:
Membership Secretary:
Mission Chair:
Publicity & Communications Chairs:
Staff Parish Relations Chair:
Stewardship & Finance Chair:
TNSK Advisory Board Chair:
Ways & Means Chair:
Web Master:
Worship Committee Chair:
Ted Gingras, Margo Sweetland
Robert Carroll
David Snyder
David Snyder
Gretchen Heath
Wendy Regan
Don Evans
Lisa Bakowski
Clara Lee & Jim Sharrard
Alan Harwood
Denise Lind
Nicole Smith
Don Evans
Abney Seyler
Al Isaacson
Cathy MacGovern
Bible Story Time Leader:
Nursery Care Supervisor:
TNSK Director:
Acolyte Coordinator
Administrative Council Chair
Altar Guild Coordinator:
Adult Education Coordinator
Board of Trustees Chair:
Board of Trustees Treasurer:
Boar’s Head Executive Committee Co-Chairs
Chapel Kids Leaders
Choir Librarian:
Christian Formation & Education Chair:
Church School Coordinator:
Dance Movement Choir:
Diaconal Minister:
Fellowship Hour Coordinators:
Flower Delivery Ministry Coordinator:
Charly Seyler
Deb Marden
Jennifer Clark
Erica Weida
Diane Mackie
Jay C. Seyler
Barbara Hill, Linda Sullivan
Amelia Hays-Rivest, Joy Mueller
Delight Prentice
Nicole Baker-Cooley
Leslie Hastings
Amelia Hays-Rivest
Cathy MacGovern
Erica Weida, Katherine Lovell
Danny Holder