Tupper Lake man says Web site wortb fJJrows.h1g


Tupper Lake man says Web site wortb fJJrows.h1g
Tupper Lake man says Web site wortb fJJrows.h1g
er to the editor:
1y name is James Lmthier. r
a businessman, burn and
:d in Tupper Lake. About
:weeks ago a village employ
lid me about an Internet Web
called badbusinessbureau.
(a.k.a. Rip-off Report).
'hen I was shown the article
he Internet 1 realized I was
>f many people who had been
viewed over eight months
.bY some college students
Saranac Lake or Plattsburgh.
tudents said they heard about
leb site when past local resiEd Madgeson was featured
news program. The students
I they were interested in
. a report on corruption.
g their investigation they
how many others, and 1,
victimized by the local court
n and Assistant District
Attorney Jack Delehanty.
The reporters were questioning
how could Jactc Delehanty .be
prosecuting for rranklin County
after he had been repre~enting
these same people as clients for
many years? This clearly violates
attorney, client privileges.
Madgeson said he had steered
the students in that direction when
he told the students what hap_.
pened to him over 12 years ago
did not belong in th is report. Ed
urged them to on ly go after
repm1s of new corruption from the
existing residents. that they were
the important ones to help.
f was personally violated by
being deprived of my 12th and
14th amendment rights afforded
to me as an American citizen.
Because I was challenging local
powers that be, other trumped-up
charges were Jnter filed. I am still
dissatisfiec to this day. l aPt not
alone in this town.
Almost every businessp..:rson
and resident I have shown a copy
· of this report to has said the story
is not only [actual and informative
but amusing as \Veil, sadly.
The most interestjng part of
this whole story is that the ~ctual
owner and producer of this Web
site was created about three vears
ago by a past reside11l fron1 the
Tri- Lakes, Ed Madgeson, past
owner of the ~-l'orthland Hotel,
American liouse, Santanoni,
Franklin Hotel in Malone, <:~nd
many other properlics.
Over the years Ed Madgeson
and countless others who were
'·outsiders" had fallen victim to
the good old hoy netv..-ork.
About three weeks ago, l contacted F.a !V adgeson. Amningly,
he said lte has :teld no gruoges
~w a~~~~~~~~~a.,.fml!W~<
1,;r .~:;
against r!Je people, like police
chief Donald Perryman and Jack
Delehanty, wer~ up to their same
old tricks, then they deserve to be
repor1ed and, hopefully, removed
from their positions.
Ed s~"id that it was his experience with the local conuption of
Tupper Lake and Saranac Lake
that ca u ~ed hin: to :.:reate the badbusiness)u~eau.corn and provide
consumers who were victimized,
includin:s victims of civil and
human rights violation~. i applaud
his work
I urge anyone who does not
have a wrnp~1t-::r, tc go to rhei r
local libnr" or friend's house and
check out "this informative Web
site, bacibu,ines· hure:m com
Very sincer·~l),
James L. L<·nthif·r k
Tupper la.k·:!
;r:!r:n:_ J><'"i H'~' ·
......,.,.~~ ----·
commission on Judicial Conduct
38-40 State Street
Albany N.Y. 12207
James L . Lanthier Jr .
PO Box 541
Long Lake N.Y. 12847-054 1
Dear whomever this may co,ncern:
I , James Lanthier Jr.,
am aggrieved by the following acts
of Honorable Marshal T. Jarvis in the Town of Altamont and
Village of Tupper Lake, NY . . Honorable Jarvis did not play his
par t as a honest judge and played favoritism toward · the police
and assistant district attorney. I have been denied my right
to a speedy trial which is guaranteed by the sixth and fourteenth
a mendments to the U.S. constitution. Clearly the people were
not ready for trial within 90 days of the commencement of my
criminal act as required by CPL section 30.30 (1) (b).
I am a United States Air Force veteran who proudly,
truthfully and honestly served my country and was honorably
discharged . I am concerned as to . why my constitutional rights
were violated as a ~itizen and taxpayer of New York State ,and
the United States .
I was arrested for driving while intoxicated on February
25, 1 994. I plead no t guilty and hired an attorney .I was
scheduled for a suppression hearing on March 23, 19 94 . On March
21 , 1994 I recei ved a letter from the Town of Alta~ont Justice
court indicating recommended sentence and the def e ndant shall
waive his right to a speedy trial pending receipt by th e court
of certificate of successful completion and the people are ready
for trial.
On March 23, 1994 I plead not guilty and requ es t ed a s peedy
trial at the suppression hearing. At th at time my license was
su~pended. On March 24, 1994 I received a l etter from my attorney
stating possible fines, surcharges and jail times if I plead
guilty. It also stated, if I lost my probable cause hearing,
I may wish to consider accepting this plea so that I can obtain
my license after a six month revocation, otherwise I would be
without a license until this matter i s concluded. If I am found
guilty, I will be without a lic e nse for another six months.
On April 25, . 1994 my notice 6f motion per CPL Article 255
was submitted at wh ich there was rio answering affidavit filed
by the people by motion of April 25, ~994.
On June 9, 1994 46 days later , one day late, a response
by Andrew G. Schrader stated, "dear Judge Jarvis, enclosed please
find the peoples response to demand to produce and answering
affidavit in this matter. The people remain ready for trial.
"Also on June 9, 1994 my attorn ey stated to Justice Jarvis,"As
you know I appeared on June 8, 1994 and appears no answering.
affidavit has been filed by the people by my motion of April
25, 1994 . Would you b e so kind as to decide same and schedule '
this matter for suppression, p robabl e cause, and exclusion
hearings as well as trial, as soon as possible . "
On J une 16, 1994 I received a letter from my at t orney
stating, "This case appears to be going to trial." On this same
day my at t orney stated to Justice Jarvis, "I received on June
15, 1994 copies of Andrew G. Schrader's cover letter, and peoples
response to demand discovery and answering affidavit. If the
court is t o accept these documents which appear to be a month
late, I hope that it will extend the same courtesy to defense
council in t he future."
Five months later on November 15, 1994 my attorney wrote
a letter to assistant District Attorney John D. Delehanty
stating, "As you know Mr. Lanthier has been without a license
since March 23, 1994 and the people did not respond until June
9, 1994. To date there has not been a court decision in t his
matter. I spoke with Justice Jarvi~ on November 14, 1994 and
he said that he would schedule this matter for trial next month
and any p l ea bargaining should be completed by that time. As
there was essentially no o ffer made in this matter and given
the peoples tardiness in responding to my omnibus motion and
the courts failure to decide same, and Mr. Lanthier's loss of
lice nse for nearly 8 months, I respectfully r equest that the
people agree to a dismi ssal of this matter for failure to offer
a reasonable r eduction."
On November 21, 1994 my atto~ney stated to Justice Jarvis,
"Irt response to the prosecutors November 17, 1994 letter
responding to mine to him of November 15, 1994 I would ask that
this matter be dismissed for lack of a speedy trial. It has
been nine months since the arrest in this matter, 8 months since
Mr. Lanthiers license was taken away, the prosecutors reply
to the defenses omnibus motion was over a month late and has
been about 5 months without the cotirts decisions on the ~oti6n.
Further, Mr. Lanthi er has been without a drivers license longer
than the six months longer than the DWI conviction. Clearly,
Mr. Lanthier has been denied his right to a s peedy trial which
is gu~ranteed by the sixth aDd fourteenth amendments of the
U.S. Constitution. The prosecution did not supply the state
breathalyzer calibration records until July 5, 1994 and the
certification of the New York State Police chemical test rules
dated June 28 , 1994. Clearly the people were not ready for trial
within 90 days of the commencement of the criminal action on
February 25, 1994 as required . by CPL section 30.30 (1) (b).
The New York State Court of Appeal~ has held the primary
responsibility for assuring prompt · prosecution rests with the
prosecutor and the failure in that responsibility unexplained
by excuse of justification dictates dismissal of the indic tment .
People vs. Staley, 1977, 41 NY 2d 789, 396 NYS 2d 33, 364 N.E.
2d 111. The same court has held that the state initiates criminal
prosecution the state has the duty to see that the defendant
is promply brought to trial , and whether the delay in bringing
the defendant to trial is an intentional effort to hirider the
defen se o r merely the r esul-ts of public ina ttention to the needs
of the trial process, th e r e spo nsibility ulti mately rests on
the state . People vs . Johnson, 1975, 38 NY 2d 271 , 379 NYS
2d 735 , 342 N.E. 2d 525. I t herefor move pursuant sectio n 170 . 30
(1) (e) that the charges against Mr. Lanthi e r f or want of a
speedy trial. I would ask the court to require the people to
respond by December 6 , ·1994 and decide this matter by December
7, 1 994 . I hereby affirm that I am admitted to practice law
before the courts of. New York and believe the above to be true
by the penalties and have served a copy of this l ette r on the
prosecutor at the address below on this date by p l acing same
in a post-pa id envelope in a depository of the United States
Postal Service."
On December 1, 1 994 my a ttorney stated to Justice Jarvis,
in response to the prosecutors November 9 , 1 994 letter which
is presumably in response to mine of Novembe r 21,19 94. Therein,
the prosec utor offers no explanation as to why it was not
ready for trial within three months of the comme ncement of this
case . consequently, according to the
Staley case cited in
my November 21, 1994 letter to the court should dismiss the
subject charges . further, it appears that the prosecutor wants
the courts to schedule trial in this matter even before i t has
decided the omnibus motions pending herein. Obviously, this
would be an error and grounds for . an i mmediate appeal of any
conviction herein. Given the prosecutors misdirection of court
regarding his need to produce rozario material at the rece nt
felony hearing before Christopher Wells , I urge the court not
to rely on the urging of the prosecutor".
On December 20, 1994 I received a phone call from my
attorney who stated to me that the court has scheduled trial
for December 28 , 1994 . However, Ch~istmas Eve I received another
· phone call from my attorney indicat:ing to me that the court
once again is rescheduling my tria~ date for sometime in January.
At this point I am very disappointed in the delay and lack
of communication b~ the courts. I than resorted to writing a
brief letter of my situation to the State of New York Committee
of Professional Standards and found out my attorney was doing
his job and the courts were at fault for the delay.
During the month of January I overheard of a wrong doing
of the trooper that arrested me. Do to all my aggravation and
hardship I wrote a reasonable l etter to State Trooper Keniston
t e lling him I knew of what he had dorie in another DWI situation
I asked him if he could possibly speak to DA John D. Delehanty
and Judge Jarvis . and have my situ ation fairly taken care of
due to this matter.
On January 26, 1995 I rec e ived a phone call from Trooper
Christopher Keniston. At that time the conversation was being
recorded by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The
conversation on my part was non-threatening and cooperative.
Not more than two or three hours later the BCI arrested me for
"Coerc ion" in the first degree , Class E Felony $ 1 500 bail set
by Judge Jarvis in Fra nklin County in the Town o f Altn mont
I ronically, I wro te this letter in the Ham le t of Long Lake,
Hamilton County, where the State Trooper did his wrong doing
of letti ng a drunken d rive r who was invol ved in a n acci dent
go f ree with no consequences. Also, there is no acc ident .report
on file in concerns with this sit~ation. However, during my
conversation with State Trooper Chris Kenniston which was
recorded on tape and in my possession, I fe e l I can prove that
ther e was an accident. I am concerned as to why there is no
re port on the situation. After going to the State Trooper barac,
troop B, Headquar ters in Ray Brook, NY, I was informed by another
trooper there, who the trooper was that was involved in that
in cide nt, however , no report filed.
While I was being arraigned in the Town of Altamont Court
by Judge Jarvis, he made the remark, "I did not realize yo u
made a retainer fee to your attorney, I thought he was your
public defender. I dismissed him from your case due to conflict
of inte~ e st and you wi l l now have to find a new attorney and
you now have two things to worry about."
I found a new attorney and the courts did as they
pleased again and did not listen to her requ est. She encouraged
me to take the charge of DWAI with a minimum fine and a loss
of my license for an additional six months. And for the coercion
charge, I was facing a f our year sentence in prison. I was going
t o be punished and prosecuted for telling the truth and wanting
answers as to why Trooper Keniston can let his friends go . free
f o r DWI and charging me with DWI. So I made a plea of, Coercion
in the second degree, a class A Misdemeanor, with the promise
from Judge Main that there would be no jail times or fines.
To conclude this letter, the court s yst em made judgment
in v iola~ion of my constituti onal rights~ and lacked jurisdiction
and dismissed my defense withou~ my permission, making there
own laws. I would like an investigation and justice in· accordance
to these wrong doings against me. I nave all paper work,
statements, affidavits and other evidences that my rights were
violated. I am very e·ager to hear from somebody in the concerns
of my situation .
- ~.
L ~~--c;_Ld
Notary Public, State of New Yorl<
No. 5009229
· Qualified In Hamilton County
My Commission Expires l.'!arch 06, 1g
out it. in legal description,"
mcilor Roger Sturgen.
lah said his firm can han•t chore but the board
have legal counsel apbefore a vote.
m get (the work done) for
soon as you need it," he
atisfied," said Trombly at
::ing his pen from the map.
jlor Maw·ice DeCoste
.d a special meeting for
uing Monday to vote on
:lah suggested waiting
eks to give the attorney
l ook the paperwork over
>et up a public hearing on
cally, the (district forma['ve been involved in,
a public hearing the night
,1't understand the public
r," DeCoste said.
cilor Hilda Danforth
that Abdallah's firm conhe work on the map and
"rombly seconded the mo:tich passed unanimously.
1ste moved the council
wat er district encompass··
· Corners and Depot sub" mandatory referendum.
really can't do that until
a legal description," said
:nth suggested DeCoste
' motion until after a pubing on April30.
,_at time the boundaries
(f ully described )," she
a Rowe, who chairs the
1 Citizens Advisory
'lt has done groundwork
1ler district, said results
t on County Health De·
- .... ... ll
.... ... --1.: ........ ;._
+h ....
operator defendS critical Internet site
Staff Writer
TUPPER LAKE- Former T.riLakes resident Edward Madgeson may have started an Internet Web site that criticizes local
officials, but he says did it as a
public service.
He says he's responsible for
some but not all the comments
posted on badbusinessbureau.com
criticizing Saranac Lake Village
Police Chief Donald Perryman,
Franklin County Assistant District Attorney Jack Delehanty, a
Ray Brook restaurant, Sunmount
State Development Center and a
host of other public officials.
The Press-Repub1ican reported
on Madgeson's "Rip-Off ReporL"
site April 8 but hadn't been able
to reach him for comment. The
site lists a Charleston, West In,
dies, address.
On 1'hursday, Madgeson said he's
actually in southern California,
having just moved from Ari2ona.
"I own the Web site. I don't
know who everyone is who posts
there," Madgeson said.
"I'm striving very hard to be a
success ,with tbis, to make a difft~rence. People who were violated, I'm standing for their civil
and human rights."
When Madgeson lived in
Saranac Lake, he fLied a. lawsuit
alleging Saranac Lake Village
Police pulled him over constantly and without valid cause. It
was dismissed in County Court.
Madgeson said h e disagrees
with Delehanty's statement that
he (Madgeson) had trouble with
everybody when he was in the
"I didn't have problems with
everybody. I had problems with a
few people," Madgeson said.
"l became a target. 1'hese villages did things to me, because I
was an outsider."
At various times from 1985 to
1990, Madgeson was a resident of
Tupper Lake, Saran:ac ~ake and
Malon.a. He owned the Northland
Hotel in Tupper Lake, Santanoni
Apartments in Saranac Lake and
the Hotel Franklin in Malone.
He said he was unjustly arrested for taking a piggy bank
from a tenant, and, although the
case was dismissed, he never got
his $600 bail returned.
"I still haven't gotten it back,"
he said.
"I don't wish any of these people harm, or bad, even Jack
Delehanty," the prosecutor on
the case.
"He basically got run out" of
the ;1rea, Delehanty said in the
April 8 story.
"The comment that I was run
out of town. How was I run out of
town? Did the police tell me to get
out by dawn?""Madgeson said.
"I did have enough of the aggravation. Enough was enough. I
never had a Jot of mon,ey, Jack
Delehanty said, but how did I
get the properties? I lost a lot of
Madgeson also said he wasn't
thrown out of the Tail 0' the Pup
restaurant" in Ray Brook, as owner Edward Yancbitis implied.
"Nobody threw me out," Madgeson said. "' ate and left my wallet.
l was out of the state when I noticed it. They charged my credit
card. How could I eat $99 in food?"
AVCS tax hike eased
~. Staff Writer
Staff Writer
CLIN'rONVILLE - A tax increase under AuSable Valley
Central School District's proposed $15 million budget has been
pared slightly by the recent finding that the disll:ict is eligible
to collect $90,000 in st ate aid.
Auditors from Management Advisory Group went through
AVCS's records in recent weeks and found that the district is
eligible to receive !.hat much money in building aid for an approved multi-million-dollar construction project.
The additional revenue will allow the School Board to reduce the tax-rate increase under the 2001-02 spending plan
from about 17 percent to 15.59 percent, School Superintendent Linda Fiacco said.
The board will adopt the $15,080,185 spending plan at a
meeting to be held 7 p.m. Wednesday in the ~!fiddle-Senior
J:ligh School auditorium.
Q-nT"'rl;n,.., -i n i h P nT'nT\n~t=lN ).... .. ~.3
Yanchitis said the dispt
with Madgeson was over a en:
it-card bill that was mistaken
charged twice, and both charg.
were removed when the ern
was discovered.
Madgeson said Delehanty eve.
sent a rebuttal io criticism o
him on the Web site.
"I didn't change anything,'
Madgeson said. "It ran just as he
submitted it."
The badbusinessbureau.com
Web site lets people who feel
they've been wronged by .a business or local government post
their O.(>inions. Others can then ~
add their comments of support l
or disagreement.
Madgeson said he loved the :
North Country but is glad he ;
left, because of the harassment ·
he received.
"I don't mean any harm to any :
of those idiots there," he said. ''I :
don't want to be their enemy Let :
the chips fall where they may.
"I've been touted as a high-tech ·
vigilante on the trail of bilkers. I ·;
feel that I've helped. a lot of pea- ;
ple. I feel good about what I do." !
Essex County says it's due Medicare refund
spending $5,000, Essex Cowtty
5_hopes to make $66,000.
That's because the auditing firm
working on the books at the County
Public Health Department says it's
uncovered records that show the
county underbilled for Medicare re;imbursement for home visits by
l county nurses in 1999.
1 "They would have to file an ap,;peal, go back and rework those
.!~-numbers, work with the firm that
}did the original report, so w<> ,.~­
. r eclaim >-"~-" - "' - ·
have to process this app~al," Donaldson said.
"He (Vitvitsky) h as asked them
to expedite this,.so we can get this
money in this fiscal year."
The money could be paid to the
county in either a lump sum or
regular reimbursement checks.
As part of the rebate effort,. the
Public Health Department will increase its chru·ges from $100 a visit to $106 a visit for reimbursement purposes.
The reimbursements are requested when the county's traveling nurses s:mrl +t.. •
Dist rict Attorney
\.J >,
TYEREK P. CIIAi\1Pr\L:f..:1-:
"\~s!stant IJ•st•ic• Atlflr'1C'.'
A~l'l 'ORNEY
:...:UH! dOUS~
,V!ALO!';E, NY 12953
Phonc('i i 8) 48 i · 15.14
Fax (518) tl8J-1545
-".ss;stam D1strict i\'!•11 1•::,
Southe, 11
Fr~nkli J J
April 17, 200 l
Bar bara A. Hawes, Director
Sunmount DDSO
Slate Route 30
Tupper Lake, New York l2986
R e:
The W orld Wide Web
lJlU,: www.badbusinessbureau .com
D ear Barbara:
Our Office has been the subject of several negative anonymous postings on the
referenced w ebsite for about two m onths now.
I forward herewith the newest diatribe involving your O ffice, for your
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our
John D . Deleh anty
County \Jflic;;
:i6 Lake Street
Tu pper Lake, New York 129R6
Phone: (51 g) 359-919,
Fax: (518) 159-7311
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MALONE, NY 12953
Phone (518) 48 1- 1544
Fax(5l8)48 i -1545
Email [email protected]
District Attorney
Cl1ief Assistant District Attorney
Assistant District Attorney
Assistant District Attorney
Assistant District Attorney
S outhern Franklin County Office
56 Lakc'Street
Tupper Lake, New York 12986
Phone: (5 18) 359-9191 (Fax: (518) 359-7311
RE -
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v~~- '].___ tL&.tv-),~;6~
Gocl2_ ~
Cflki: ~
'Jhis tele:fax t:::r:cn9Tri.ff is~ arrl IIcrj te p:d:ect:£rl ty the at:ta::rEy--c1. p:i~. Jt Ls .
mly :fi::r t:tr:! U92 a[ ~ irrli.vid.al cr atity to W1id1 it i..s a:fi::E:B:a:1. If }01 are rrt the acfi::e.s9=e cr i
recipient. of th:i.s t::rcnsnissim, JCU are ~ n::tif:i.Erl t:h3t CflJ dis:ik::s.rc, cx::{¥in:) cr dist:d.b..tim of ·t
its a::nt:enL cr t::h= tc:kirg cf CflJ ac:t::im in~ 01 the infr:rJrat.im anta:ira:J in it is stri.ctly p:dribi.t.a:J <rd
nay re:ril.t in civil li;tlility. I£ p.1 ~ recc:i.~ thlli t::I:alsniss:im in a::rcr, ~call us m1Ject
innroiate.ly to ar:ralJ2 frr t:re J::"et:Jxn of the rrat.eri.al at ox exp:ra2-
Investigation on Edward Magedson
March 27, 2007
At 11 :OOAM deponent an·ived at Saranac Lake, New York and spoke with Sgt. Bruce
Cody who had a judgment on subject, fi·om 1992. Sgt. Cody stated that Edward
Magedson came to Saranac Lake in the early 1990's and bought the Santoni Hotel and
Bar and operated and OTB there. He also stated that several other officers had direct
contact with subject. The officers are: Sgt. Scott Thurber and Sgt Nathan.
At 11:30 PM deponent left Saranac Lake and atTived at Tupper Lake Police Department
at 12:00 PM. Spoke with Chief Thomas Fee who stated that Mr. Magedson moved to
Tupper Lake in the early 1980's and was noted to be a hippie. He started several
businesses and purchased a few apmiment houses and an old hotel he then refurbi shed.
Ylr. Magedson also owned properties in Saranac Lake, New York as well as Malone,
New York. Chief Fee stated that the subject knew David J. Bedore as a young man.
Deponent contacted Mr. Bedore and set up several appointments but he never showed up.
Mr. Bedore works as a carpenter, in the m·ea. Mr. Bedore lives at 83 McLaughlin
Avenue, Tupper Lake, New York with a Karina Jones-Rice-Papineau. Mr. Bedore drives
a 1994 red Ford pickup, 4X4. Ms. Papineau drives a si lver Honda Ridgeline.
At 12:30 deponent arrived at 83 McLaughlin Avenue, Tupper Lake, New York to speak
with Mr. Bedore but Mr. Bedore was not home. Took corresponding video of home and
surroundings. Mr. Bedore lives in a single story home with maroon siding.
At 5:00PM deponent met with James Lavair at 7 Mill Street, Tupper Lake, New York.
Mr. Levair stated that he knew both David Bedore and Edward Magcdson personally and
is in contact with Mr. Magedson via email, frequently; however does not know his
whereabou ts. Mr. Levair stated that Mr. Magedson was in Tupper Lake, New York in
July or August of 2006. Mr. Lavair also stated that Mr. Magcdson has a working and
personal relationship with a James Lathier who works for Whiteface Lodge as a
maintenance worker in Lake Placid, New York and lives in Lake Placid , New York,
address unknown.
At 6: 10 PM deponent spoke with Nicole Bedore on the telephone. Her cell number is
(5 18) 65 J -4157. Ms. Bedore stated that she was unaware of her ex-h usbands affairs and
that she does not talk to Mr. Bedore, except in regards to their children. Deponent asked
her directly if she knew if David Bedore and Edward Magedson were having an ongoing
romantic affair and she stated she was not aware of any of this other than David Bedore
knew Edward Magedson as a young man. Deponent asked if they could meet in person.
She stated she was going on vacation on Friday, March 28 thru Wednesday, April I 1 and
to contact her when she came home on April II , 2007. She also stated that she had her
children that night, March 27, 2007 and it was impossible to talk with her in person.
Nicole Bedore lives on 4 Second Street, Tupper Lake, New York. This is beige modular
home with a paved driveway. She drives a gold 2004 Chevy Blazer, with NY plates DTL
6989. She works as an Aid at Sunmount DDSO on Park Avenue in Tupper Lake, New
York. Her home telephone is (518) 359-3330 and her cell number is (518) 651-4157.
Deponent asked her if she ever acted as an agent of Edward Magedson or the Rip Off
Report and she stated no. Having been divorced from David Bedore. While they were
manied she never acted as an agent either. She does not know if David J. Bedore acted
as an agent or posted things on the Rip Off Repolt, or for Edward Madison.
From 6:00pm to 7:30 PM deponent waited around and during that time deponent also
contacted John (Jack) Delhanty at his office at 5 18-359-9191. His home telephone
number is 359-9818 and his office is with the Franklin Cow1ty District Attorney's Office
and that number is 518-48 1-1544.
Deponent went back and forth from Nicole Bedore's home and David Bedore's home but
found no one home at David Bedore's but did record video. Deponent's conversat ion
with Nicole from 7:00PM till 7:30PM. Deponent also went to her home at 6:30PM and
6:30PM. No one answered the door.
From 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM deponent spoke with Mr. Jolm Delhanty at his office. He
showed the deponent a fi lc that contained a lot of information on Mr. M agedson that was
around I 00 pages. Mr. Delhantry was Mr. Magedson's lawyer for several closings and
one criminal case. Mr. De1hanty also stated that had a lot of contact with Mr. Magcuson
over the years. Please refer to tape recorded conversations.
At 8:30PM deponent left Tupper Lake, New York and arrived at home at !0:20PM.
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- ----Original Mes sage - - - From : ~hen-ll.u Wan g [mail to : wony shen.ll.u@holmai 1 . com)
Sent : Tuesday , Februa ~y 03 , 2004 8 : 03 PM
To : Stcphane Touboul
Cc : [email protected] ; mmcal [email protected]
Subject: g Days Left Lo Comp }y
9 Days Left to Comply
One day wiLhout response . You should not underestimate me . It will be
wors t roustake and my greatest pleasure . l shoul d now let you know thal
devastation will also include ilnyone who has ever worked for or with you
has helped you in anyway .
Thi:!t will 1n clude not o nly your own employ ees b uL a]so anyone who has
ignored princip les to help yoU , which would include Ti na Whitfield ~nd
Dougherty all t hej_r employees and their fra udulent. inves tlga Lars .
If you choose to ign ore me you have a moral duty to warn them . It will
apparenL Lhat their. devas tation is du0. to their association with you .
Do not rely on your gov e rnment relationships to help you e ither. I have
own Sayerat Mat kal.
Wang Sh en-Liu
- ----Origi n al Message- ---From : Shen- liu v1ang [mail to :wang_shenliu@hotmai l . com)
Sent : Tue sda y, February 03, 200 4 2 : 32 AM
To : stoubo ul @AI,YON. NET
Subject : 10- day Demand for Rep arations from Al y o n Thiev e s
Mr. Touboul ,
I am very personal l y aware of what you have b een doing and the extent of
your activlties. You have no idea who you have offended . Ny wi fe's
has bee n a v ictim of your e x tort i on a nd her f inances have b een s e v erly
impacted . He r pleas for resti tuti on have a l so been unanswered .
am a wa r e of t h e man y investigations on you and your company ' s il l e g al
activi t ies . I have also paid for an very compre h en s ive investigation of
own o n you and your business enterprises . I am a wa r e th a~ you have
r es i sted
th e ef f orts o f the United States Federal Tr ade Commission (FTD) to force
to r epay your victims and y o ur counLeroffens~ ves Lo spread lies.
Wi th the inf o r mation I have galhered on you I a m going to suppo r t
t hose
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oppose . In p<l.r1..r.cular, l am a ware t.h~ lawsuit you have filed <1gainst
St r asbaugh and the lawsuit agoinsc Ripoff Report and th e related
pr. ess .rEdeascs . Th e informallon I am gnlhcrinq wi ll soon be lhcir:s .
1 am a man of some littJe sub~tance and influence and will use that
you and your fa!lllly . Pe r hap s you arc u n fil mlJ i ar: with Lh e orr.ent , but if
plan on dismissing this commun icad.on 1-1ilhout a c.li o n, you will regret
Lh al
decisJ_on . Do not undc r csli m <:~te me. You will be h e l d responsible by your
c l an for their devastation.
Here is what you musl do t o f orestall yo u r destruction which r.s al rea dy
undcrw<ly .
vh thin 10 doys yo u must :
Ackno1·1ledge t o the F'l' C that you a re responsible for t.he losses of your
v i_cLr.ms :tor wh ich t h ey h ave accou nti ng .
Make arrangements to atone for your t heft. Repayment should be
comp letely
paid in 3 mont h s with i n t erest. of 1 2% per annum, compounde d mon lhl y
b<:lsed on
the losses .
Drop your lawsuits of Mr. Strasbaugh and Ripoff Repo r t , and publicly
apo l ogize f o r t h e problems y ou h ave caus ed them.
You wr.ll aJso pa y Mr . Strasbaugh and Ripo f f Report each $10,000 , to
lheir at lorney fees .
Do nol think th at yo u can esc<lpe me by run ning and h iding i n o t her
count.ri es . My network i s expansive e nough to find you , e ven j n Africa .
n othing a nd i t wi ll b e my pleasure to be the source o ± your undoi n g and
utter des truct ion of you , you r family and your fami ly ' s family .
Wa n g Shen-Liu
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