Methods: young people and adults
Methods: young people and adults
8 436016 731959 C/ Trafalgar, 10, entlo. 1ª 08010 Barcelona - España Tel.: (+34) 93 268 03 00 Fax: (+34) 93 310 33 40 [email protected] Follow us on We are your SFL publishing company When we at Difusión claim that we are your SFL publishing company, it’s much more than just a slogan – it’s a great responsibility and a huge satisfaction. It’s the responsibility of working together with SFL teachers and teaching centres all over the world for the past 27 years, and doing all we can to provide them with the best tools for the classroom by creating materials for them and with them, talking things over with Spanish teachers so as to understand their needs, and growing with them. Did you know that more than 50 teaching centres around the world have participated in the creation of the new editions of Gente and Aula? Our satisfaction, meanwhile, comes from knowing that thousands of teachers every year choose our materials for their Spanish classes, that more than one-and-a-half million students have learned Spanish using Gente, that over 1 million have done so using Aula and Aula Internacional, and that more and more people are using our new Bitácora collection. It’s the satisfaction of being acknowledged by you on the social networks, in the form of a blog that is constantly updated through contributions from teachers and authors from all over the world. We also have 20,000 Facebook followers, while in 2014 our videos on the Difusión SFL Youtube channel received 700,000 views, thus making it the biggest SFL audiovisual material bank on the Internet – and all free of charge! It’s the responsibility of developing in tandem with teachers and schools at a time of great technological innovation and change in teaching and learning habits: from digital books and whiteboards to all the new applications, teachers’ platforms, teachers’ communities, online materials and distance learning. The future is already here, and we want to work together with you to help design it with you. In this respect, our platform is the central collaborative pillar. Go to this platform and you can find thousands of online didactic resources for teachers, evaluations and self-correcting activities for students, our first distance-learning courses and Hoy en clase – a series of journalistic documents on the latest news stories, specially prepared for teaching purposes, and which appear on a weekly basis. But above all, this will be your platform, a place where you can not only find materials to use in the classroom, but also where you can share your experiences with other teachers and get in touch with us. As far as we are concerned, being your SFL publishing company means exactly that – helping you in your dayto-day working lives, learning together with you, listening to your input so we can innovate and create new solutions for your classes, putting you in contact with other teachers from around the world, providing your students with new learning tools and inviting you to take part in the ideas we propose. It’s a great challenge, but we are lucky in that we are passionate about our work – we just love being your SFL publishing company! Agustín Garmendia Director of the Department of Spanish I would be delighted to hear from you – write to: [email protected] 1 Practical Conferences and one-day training sessions Practical conferences for SFL teachers The Practical Conferences (held in several different European cities and organised by International House Barcelona and Difusión) have been unmissable events for SFL teachers for over 20 years. These conferences give you the chance to swap ideas with fellow teachers, share experiences and update yourself on methodology. ELE ROM 15 ELE BER 15 4th Practical Conference for SFL teachers in Rome 13th-14th March ELE BCN 15 2nd Practical Conference for SFL teachers in Berlin 8th-9th May 24th Practical Conference for SFL teachers in Barcelona 18th-19th December Sponsors: SFL one-day training sessions Sponsors: 2 Sponsors: OUT FORMATION AB TO RECEIVE IN ER ST GI RE , TS EN EV OUR TRAINING OM AT DIFUSION.C Department of Training and Communication (DTC) [email protected] A direct channel of communication with the SFL teaching community Our Department of Training and Communication is made up of a large team of professionals who are committed to maintaining a permanent dialogue with all the SFL teachers and schools around the world. Who are we? Amaya Núñez Head of Marketing and Institutional Relations [email protected] Sergio Troitiño Trainer in Teaching and Institutional Relations [email protected] Antonio Béjar Pedagogical consultant and teacher support [email protected] Chus Blázquez Pedagogical consultant and teacher support in Italy [email protected] Carmen Mora Teacher support and events organisation [email protected] Iñaki Calvo Communication and digital marketing [email protected] Edith Moreno Teacher support and events organisation [email protected] Y QUERIES, IF YOU HAVE AN ITH US AT W H UC TO GET IN .COM ON INFO@DIFUSI What do we do? Active presence on the Internet R D idactic advice about our materials R P edagogical support for planning courses R Organisation of training events R T eacher training, both face-to-face and online R I nformative trips to teaching centres 3 Our offices Visit us in Barcelona FORMATION TO RECEIVE IN D ORKSHOPS AN W ABOUT OUR AT ER ST GI S, RE PRESENTATION DIFUSION.COM Editorial Difusión c/ Trafalgar 10, entresuelo 1ª 08010 Barcelona (España) Telephone number for general information: +34 932 680 300 Urquinaona · Catalunya · Arc de Triomf If you visit our offices, you can: R T ake part in face-to-face training sessions R B rowse through our list of publications R R eceive advice and buy materials R … and have a cup of coffee in our new cafe … and at our new office in Madrid Editorial Difusión c/ Sánchez Pacheco, 39 28002 Madrid (España) Tel. +34 682 621 068 Prosperidad · Cruz del Rayo Head of the Madrid office Amaya Núñez [email protected] 4 AND EXCHANTWO MEETING EN TO ALL SFL GE POINTS, OP AIN SP TEACHERS IN We offer a program of webinars that tackle the new challenges and methodological approaches in SFL. You can follow all the information on these virtual meetings at or write to us at [email protected] You can join in with our teacher training sessions, wherever you are! Our course books and the Common European Framework of Reference ADULTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE (OVER 16 YEARS) internacional 1 Nueva edición A1 •• AA ula ula 1 Nueva edición • • • • • • • • Bitácora 1 G ente hoy 1 ¡Nos vemos! 1 ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 ¡Nos vemos! Paso a paso 1 y 2 R ápido, rápido S ocios 1 V ía rápida internacional 2 Nueva edición A2 •• AA ula ula 2 Nueva edición • • • • • • • • • B itácora 2 D e tú a tú G ente hoy 1 ¡Nos vemos! 2 ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 ¡Nos vemos! Paso a paso 3, 4 y 5 R ápido, rápido S ocios 1 V ía rápida internacional 3 Nueva edición B1 •• AA ula ula 3 Nueva edición • • • • • • B itácora 3 B itácora 4 D e tú a tú G ente hoy 2 N os vemos 3 N os vemos paso a paso 6, 7, 8 y 9 TEENAGERS (12-15 YEARS) AND CHILDREN (6-11 YEARS) GRAMMAR AND EXAMS SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL • Cuadernos de vacaciones A1 • C uadernos de vacaciones • L as claves del nuevo DELE A1 •G ramática básica del A1-A2 • G ente joven 1 Nueva edición • C uadernos de gramática • • • • • • estudiante de español española A1 • • • • A la una, a las dos, a las tres 1 A la una, a las dos, a las tres 2 ¡Vamos al circo! ¡Vamos al cole! • C uadernos de gramática española A1-B1 D e dos en dos T odas las voces A1-A2 T odo oídos C lase de música L os vídeos de Difusión A1 C omplementos de gramática y vocabulario: - Aula 1 Nueva edición - Aula internacional 1 Nueva edición - Gente hoy 1 - Bitácora 1 • C uadernos de vacaciones A1-A2 • G ente joven 2 Nueva edición • G ente joven 3 Nueva edición • Las claves del nuevo DELE A2 • L as claves del DELE para escolares A2/B1 • Gramática básica del estudiante de español • Cuadernos de gramática española A2 • • • • • • • • Cuadernos de gramática española A1-B1 • G ente joven 4 Nueva edición • Las claves del nuevo DELE B1 • Las claves del DELE para escolares A2/B1 • Gramática básica del estudiante de español • Cuadernos de gramática C lase de cine C lase de música D e dos en dos T odas las voces A1-A2 T odo oídos L os vídeos de Difusión A2 C omplementos de gramática y vocabulario: - Aula 2 Nueva edición - Gente hoy 1 • • • • • C lase de cine C lase de música D e dos en dos T odas las voces B1 L os vídeos de Difusión B1 española B1 • Cuadernos de gramática española A1-B1 • R ápido, rápido • S ocios 2 •V ía rápida banico B2 •• AA ula internacional 4 • Las claves del nuevo DELE B2 • C lase de cine • C lase de música • Las claves del nuevo DELE C1 • C lase de cine • Clase de música Nueva edición • A ula 5 Nueva edición • E xpertos • G ente 3 • M ás que palabras C1 •• EM lásventilador que palabras 6 Contents Methods: young people and adults Grammar and exams Bitácora....................................................................... 8 Aula internacional Nueva edición............................ 10 Aula Nueva edición................................................... 12 Gente hoy................................................................... 14 Complementos de gramática y vocabulario.......... 16 ¡Nos vemos! ............................................................... 18 Todas las voces.......................................................... 19 Más que palabras....................................................... 19 Abanico....................................................................... 19 El ventilador............................................................... 19 Vía rápida.................................................................... 20 Rápido, rápido............................................................ 20 De tú a tú ................................................................... 21 Socios | Expertos....................................................... 22 Gramática básica del estudiante de español......... 39 Cuadernos de gramática española.......................... 39 Las claves del nuevo DELE ...................................... 40 Las claves del nuevo DELE para escolares............. 40 Methods: teenagers and children Gente joven Nueva edición...................................... 24 Cuadernos de vacaciones......................................... 28 A la una, a las dos, a las tres.................................... 28 ¡Vamos al circo!, ¡Vamos al cole!............................. 28 Readers Serie Un día en........................................................... 30 Serie Grandes Personajes ........................................ 31 Serie Perfiles Pop...................................................... 31 Serie América Latina................................................. 32 Serie Marca América Latina..................................... 33 Serie Marca España................................................... 33 Serie Novela Histórica............................................... 33 Serie Lola Lago, detective........................................ 34 Serie Descubre........................................................... 35 Serie Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona.................... 35 Yo que tú..................................................................... 35 Gael y la red de mentiras ......................................... 35 El Camino de las Estrellas......................................... 36 El puesto de fruta ..................................................... 36 Serie El Mediterráneo................................................ 36 Serie Plaza Mayor, 1................................................... 36 Serie Aventura Joven................................................ 37 Colección Hacerse mayor......................................... 37 Supplementary material Clase de música ........................................................ 41 Todo oídos ................................................................. 41 De dos en dos............................................................ 41 Clase de cine ............................................................. 42 Los vídeos de Difusión ............................................. 42 Digital Difusión All our digital materials and services..................... 43 Distributors Difusión around the world........................................ 44 Our books in Spain.................................................... 47 Our materials .......................................................................................... Books on paper format .......................................................................................... CD, CD-ROM and DVD .......................................................................................... MP3 files (downloadable) .......................................................................................... PDF (downloadable) .......................................................................................... Digital packs .......................................................................................... USB sticks .......................................................................................... Digital resources (online and downloadable) 7 SKILLS VIDEOS ST R AT E G I E S FEELINGS GRAMMÁR PERSONALISATION Methods: young people and adults TEXTS BIT EL PRIMER MA EL ENFOQUE PO TASKS VIDEOS GRAMMAR IN TASKS INVOL SIGNIFIC VIDEOS MOTIV bitacora. difusion. com Free resources for teachers and students DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SAMPLE UNIT AT bitacora. Authors: Neus Sans Ernesto Martín Peris Agustín Garmendia Emilia Conejo Pablo Garrido Mª Dolores Chamorro Pablo Martínez Gila STUDENT’S BOOK + CD LEVEL A1 BITÁCORA 1 978-84-8443-746-8 A2 BITÁCORA 2 978-84-8443-805-2 B1 BITÁCORA 3 978-84-8443-808-3 B2.1 BITÁCORA 4 978-84-15620-85-3 CULTURE INTERNET INDEPENDENCE LEXICON TÁCORA ANUAL DE ESPAÑOL QUE INTEGRA OR TAREAS Y EL ENFOQUE LÉXICO TERNET CANCE VIDEOS VATION COOPERATION SIGNIFICANCE VIDEOS CULTURE LVEMENT INTERACTION El aprendizaje de un idioma es un viaje. EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER’S BOOK STUDENT’S DIGITAL PACK TEACHER’S DIGITAL PACK USB STICK DIGITAL RESOURCES 978-84-8443-747-5 978-84-8443-901-1 978-84-8443-720-8 978-84-8443-702-4 978-84-8443-841-0 978-84-8443-806-9 978-84-8443-952-3 978-84-8443-738-3 978-84-8443-721-5 978-84-16057-25-2 978-84-8443-809-0 978-84-15846-00-0 978-84-16057-48-1 978-84-16057-49-8 978-84-15846-01-7 978-84-8443-812-0 978-84-15846-02-4 978-84-16347-06-3 978-84-16347-05-6 978-84-15846-03-1 Methods: young people and adults The action-oriented course thast over 1 million students around the world have used to learn Spanish. Authors: Jaime Corpas, Eva García, Agustín Garmendia, Nuria Sánchez, Carmen Soriano The complete collection is now available! • Rigorously updated, based on teachers’ feedback on their experiences • Clear, attractive, graphic language • Cultural points updated and an introduction to Internet-based activities added • Student’s book, Exercise workbook and Grammar summary, all in one volume • Lots of listening files and a video for each unit New edition updated and revised in-depth, featuring input from more than 30 teachers I would like to congratulate the Difusión team once again for the enormous efforts they have made in producing the new edition, and also to thank them for the close contact they have kept with teachers through the questionnaires, which are so useful for sharing experiences in the classroom." I agree totally with the changes that have been made. In the past, for instance, I used to spend hours creating my own materials and now I can just go straight to the new exercises in the Más ejercicios section." Carmen Bredol, Philipps-Universität Marburg Marisol Villarrubia, Instituto Cervantes, Leeds The truth is that the materials on aulainternacional. are really good, congratulations." Rocío Blasco, University of Hong Kong The Empezar double-page layout in the new edition is really good, because adding an activity means that the introduction is clearer and more specific in its guidelines, both for the teacher and the student. It’s just easier." Juan Francisco Urbán y Silvia López, Instituto Cervantes, Oran DIGITAL MATERIALS 43 VIDEOS LIBRO DIGITAL Can be personalised and displayed, all the resources available with one click Interactive activities and lots more resources and information for teachers and students. LEVEL DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE UNIT AT AULAINTERNACIONAL.DIFUSION.COM STUDENT’S BOOK + EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER’S BOOK STUDENT’S DIGITAL PACK TEACHER’S DIGITAL PACK USB STICK DIGITAL RESOURCES 978-84-15640-09-7 978-84-15846-04-8 978-84-15846-57-4 978-84-15846-58-1 978-84-15640-63-9 A1 LEVEL 1 A2 LEVEL 2 978-84-15640-10-3 978-84-15846-05-5 978-84-16057-73-3 978-84-16057-72-6 978-84-15846-06-2 B1 LEVEL 3 978-84-15640-11-0 978-84-15846-07-9 978-84-16273-31-7 978-84-16273-30-0 978-84-15846-08-6 B2.1 LEVEL 4 978-84-15620-85-3 978-84-15846-09-3 978-84-16273-34-8 978-84-16273-33-1 978-84-15846-10-9 B2.2 LEVEL 5 978-84-15846-80-2 978-84-16273-53-9 978-84-16347-00-1 978-84-16273-99-7 978-84-16273-54-6 Methods: young people and adults The most effective Spanish course for immersion study in Spain. The complete collection is now available! Authors: Jaime Corpas, Eva García, Agustín Garmendia, Nuria Sánchez, Carmen Soriano • • • • • igorously updated using input from over 30 teachers R Compact course book: Student’s book and Exercise book all in one volume Lots of listening files and a video for each unit Más ejercicios section developed and extended Cultural points updated and an introduction to Internet-based activities added The agenda del estudiante and the comic help students to describe and record their experiences in Spain. DIGITAL MATERIALS The digital packs, USB sticks and aula. provide a wide range of material to help teachers and students to prepare and evaluate courses, and for students to work alone. Digital course book Glossaries Worksheets Videos Interactive activities Audios Files displayable on whiteboard 46 VIDEOS Teacher's book Everything a teacher could ever wish for! DOWNLOAD A SAMPLE UNIT AT AULA.DIFUSION.COM LEVEL STUDENT’S BOOK + EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER’S BOOK STUDENT’S DIGITAL PACK TEACHER’S DIGITAL PACK USB STICK DIGITAL RESOURCES 978-84-15640-06-6 978-84-8443-452-8 978-84-8443-411-5 978-84-15846-12-3 A1 LEVEL 1 A2 LEVEL 2 978-84-15640-07-3 978-84-16057-76-4 978-84-16057-75-7 978-84-15846-14-7 B1.1 LEVEL 3 978-84-15640-08-0 978-84-16273-37-9 978-84-16273-36-2 978-84-15846-16-1 B1.2 LEVEL 4 978-84-15620-83-9 978-84-16273-40-9 978-84-16273-39-3 978-84-15846-18-5 B2.1 LEVEL 5 978-84-15620-84-6 978-84-16273-43-0 978-84-16273-42-3 978-84-15846-20-8 B2.2 LEVEL 6 978-84-15846-98-7 978-84-16273-98-0 978-84-16273-97-3 978-84-16273-76-8 Methods: young people and adults The updated task-based SFL foundation course 36 videos Digital packs and USB library Digital book and extra material for teachers and students More free material for teachers and students: gentehoy. Download a sample unit at Join the Gente que estudia español Facebook group! 1:40 / 4:20 STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A1-A2 GENTE HOY 1 978-84-15620-78-5 B1 GENTE HOY 2 978-84-15640-37-0 B2 GENTE HOY 3 978-84-15640-40-4 Revised and updated featuring input and advice from more than 50 teachers. Ernesto Martín Peris Author Carmen Pastor Teacher It’s a course book in which the important thing is what happens in the classroom. It always focuses on the students; it helps you to work out what they’re interested in, and to base classes around it. Gabriel Frendberg Student Eloísa Monteoliva Teacher I really like the grammar help sections. I learned almost without studying. The course book is like a snapshot of the Spanishspeaking world. The videos and listenings are fun and natural. Emil Philipp Student Sigrid Farker-Deters Student It deals with interesting, contemporary issues. It’s also well organised and the exercises are good. I found learning with this book to be an enjoyable experience. Tim S. Teacher Ángel G. Curbelo Teacher Varied, easy-to-use and with lots of different techniques for learning and practising Spanish. The ideal companion to help you grow as a teacher. EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER'S BOOK STUDENT’S DIGITAL PACK TEACHER'S DIGITAL PACK USB STICK DIGITAL RESOURCES 978-84-15620-792 978-84-15846-21-5 978-84-16057-79-5 978-84-16057-78-8 978-84-15620-80-8 978-84-15640-38-7 978-84-15846-22-2 978-84-16273-94-2 978-84-16273-93-5 978-84-15640-39-4 978-84-15640-41-7 978-84-16057-18-4 978-84-16273-96-6 978-84-16273-95-9 978-84-15640-42-4 Learning a language to use it, and using it to learn it Methods: young people and adults Grammar and vocabulary supplements New fe atur e Support workbooks adapted to the student's mother tongue and specific needs VITY SUPPORT ACTI FOR BOOKS IDEAL E STUDYING ALON Main features R M ore than 100 activities to reinforce the grammatical and lexical content of the course R N umerous contrastive activities that take into consideration the students’ different mother tongues RE xplanations of grammatical, lexical and phonetic points that represent a particular difficulty for the speakers of each language Author: Carmen Pastor R W riting exercises in the Arabic supplement to help students familiarise themselves with the Latin alphabet R G lossaries translated into the students’ language Authors: Sonia Izquierdo, Elena Barcellós, Esther Blanco, Óscar Domínguez R P honetic exercises, downloadable to MP3, free of charge R A nswers to the activities, downloadable free of charge Authors: José Juan Carrascosa, Katya Smirnova LEVEL 16 GENTE HOY STUDENT’S BOOK + DOWNLOADABLE MP3 + PDF FILES A1-A2 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de alemán 978-84-16057-57-3 A1-A2 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para brasileños 978-84-15846-99-4 A1-A2 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de ruso 978-84-16057-05-4 Author German: Ainhoa Bestué Authors Arabic: Davina Ferreira, Silvia López, Juan Francisco Urbán Authors French: José Amenós, Ana Gaínza, Alba Pardina Authors English: Teresa Alonso Cortés, Marina Rabadan Gómez Authors Italian: Carmelo Fernández, Héctor Ríos Authors Russian: José María Cabezas Morillo, Guillem Castañar Rubio, Sergio J. García Tocino, Iban Mañas Navarrete, Cristina Pérez Sevane, Virginia Rapún Mombiela, Óscar Rodríguez García, Leonardo Unda Padilla Authors: Núria Murillo, Sergio Troitiño, Sandra Becerril Author: Zhu Jingtao LEVEL AULA INTERNACIONAL STUDENT’S BOOK + DOWNLOADABLE MP3 + PDF FILES A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de alemán 978-84-16057-52-8 A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de árabe 978-84-15846-87-1 A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de francés 978-84-16057-50-4 A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de inglés 978-84-15846-88-8 A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de italiano 978-84-16057-19-1 A1 Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para hablantes de ruso 978-84-16057-55-9 AULA STUDENT’S BOOK + DOWNLOADABLE MP3 + PDF FILES A1 Aula 1. Complemento de gramática y vocabulario 978-84-8443-967-7 A2 Aula 2. Complemento de gramática y vocabulario 978-84-15846-50-5 BITÁCORA STUDENT’S BOOK + DOWNLOADABLE MP3 + PDF FILES Bitácora 1. Complemento de gramática y vocabulario para chinos 978-84-16347-23-0 A1 A1 17 Methods: young people and adults ¡Nos vemos! The book that adapts to all kinds of courses Main features R C lear, easy-to-use structured units R A wide range of learning ideas on different supports R A systematic review every three units in the Mirador unit R S ummary of communicative and grammar contents at the end of each unit R L evels A1-A2 in one single volume Authors: Eva María Lloret, Rosa Ribas, Bibiana Wiener, Margarita Görrissen, Marianne Häuptle-Barceló, Pilar Pérez Cañizares LEVEL 18 R A vailable in different formats: extensive, intensive and modular STUDENT'S BOOK + CD EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD DIGITAL WHITEBOARD TEACHER'S BOOK A1 ¡Nos vemos! 1 978-84-8443-651-5 978-84-8443-652-2 978-84-8443-757-4 A2 ¡Nos vemos! 2 978-84-8443-653-9 978-84-8443-654-6 978-84-8443-758-1 B1 ¡Nos vemos! 3 978-84-8443-859-5 978-84-8443-860-1 A1-A2 ¡Nos vemos! A1-A2 978-84-8443-787-1 978-84-8443-804-5 A1.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 1 978-84-8443-799-4 A1.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 2 978-84-8443-800-7 A2.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 3 978-84-8443-801-4 A2.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 4 978-84-8443-802-1 A2.3 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 5 978-84-8443-803-8 B1.1 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 6 978-84-8443-968-4 B1.2 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 7 978-84-8443-969-1 B1.3 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 8 978-84-8443-970-7 B1.4 ¡Nos vemos! paso a paso 9 978-84-8443-971-4 Todas las voces RA textbook specifically designed for courses on Spanish culture. 12 thematic units on different aspects of Spanish-speaking culture and society. Authors: César Chamorro, Matilde Martínez, Núria Murillo, Alejandro Sáenz LEVEL STUDENT'S BOOK + CD + DVD TEACHER'S BOOK A1-A2 Todas las voces 978-84-8443-754-3 B1 978-84-8443-722-2 Todas las voces Más que palabras RA communicative approach to Spanish and Hispano-American literature, including tasks focusing on the various texts. STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL B2-C1 Authors: Giovanna Benetti, Mariarita Casellato, Gemma Messori Más que palabras 978-84-8443-156-5 Abanico Nueva Edición RR evised and updated edition of this popular course book, which focuses particularly on level B2, as well as consolidating previous levels. LEVEL B2 Abanico Authors: María Dolores Chamorro, Gracia Lozano, Pablo Martínez , Beatriz Muñoz, Francisco Rosales, José Plácido Ruiz, Guadalupe Ruiz STUDENT'S BOOK + CD EXERCISE WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-8443-686-7 978-84-8443-687-4 El Ventilador R A flexible course book that meets the different needs of the C1 student. Fosters a balance between the desired fluency, correctness and expressiveness of this level. STUDENT'S BOOK + CD + DVD LEVEL C1 Authors: María Dolores Chamorro, Gracia Lozano, Aurelio Ríos, Francisco Rosales, José Plácido Ruiz, Guadalupe Ruiz El Ventilador 978-84-8443-226-5 19 Methods: young people and adults Vía rápida R I ntensive Spanish course aimed at young people and adults. R E ach unit is comprised of ideas for working on speaking and writing skills, as well as sections of listening and reading comprehension, culture and lexical studies R I ncludes a short novel, a grammar summary and a section on pronunciation and spelling Authors: María Cecilia Ainciburu, Virtudes González, Alejandra Navas, Elisabeth Tayefeh, Graciela Vázquez NAMIC UP-TO-DATE, DY NAL, IO AT AND MOTIV KING IN A OR W R FO L IDEA ING TT SE Y UNIVERSIT R A 1-B1 in one single book LEVEL A1-B1 Vía rápida STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD EXERCISE WORKBOOK TEACHING GUIDE 978-84-8443-655-3 978-84-8443-656-0 Rápido, rápido R F or fast-progression intensive courses Authors: Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans R A n effective, easy-to-use tool R 1 8 units featuring texts, grammatical explanations and communicative activities R A 1-B1 in one single book, with two audio CDs LEVEL A1-B1 20 Rápido, Rápido ONLY-USED THE MOST COMM TENSIVE IN TEXTBOOK FOR ISH AN SP IN S COURSE STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD EXERCISE WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK 978-84-8443-461-0 978-84-8443-083-4 De tú a tú The Spanish course book for private classes Authors: Brian Brennan, Daniel Sánchez ISH COURSE THE FIRST SPAN CLASSES AND FOR PRIVATE PS OU SMALL GR Main features R D esigned for teaching Spanish in oneto-one situations or to small groups R A wide variety of functional, communicative, grammatical and lexical contents R A dapts perfectly to the class-session R F ocuses particularly on aspects from the world of work and business R A flexible book with 50 units organised into 8 thematic blocks LEVEL STUDENT'S BOOK + CD TEACHER'S BOOK A2-B1 De tú a tú 978-84-8443-871-7 978-84-16057-35-1 21 Methods: young people and adults Socios | Expertos Learn to communicate in the world of work Main features R I ncludes videos showing real-life scenes from working situations R T he perfect course book for teaching business Spanish R I ncludes models of letters of introduction, CVs, reports, etc. R F ocuses on communication needs in work environments R T ask-based approach 22 Authors Socios: Marisa González, Felipe Martín, Conchi Rodrigo, Elena Verdía, Lola Martínez, Maria Lluïsa Sabater Author Expertos: Marcelo Tano R P repares students for the Certificado de español de negocios, ratified by the Cámara de Comercio de Madrid LEVEL STUDENT'S BOOK + CD EXERCISE WORKBOOK + CD TEACHER'S BOOK A1-A2 Socios 1 978-84-8443-415-3 978-84-8443-416-0 B1 Socios 2 978-84-8443-418-4 978-84-8443-419-1 B2 Expertos 978-84-8443-586-0 978-84-8443-587-7 DVD A1-A2 Socios y colegas 1. DVD 978-84-8443-091-9 B1 Socios y colegas 2. DVD 978-84-8443-092-6 B2 Expertos. DVD Included in Student’s book All the materials from our methods available in digital packs for teachers and students Your textbook in digital format – it can be displayed on digital whiteboards, and is easily personalised and browsable online! · Digital course book · Listenings and videos ·G lossaries and transcriptions · Teacher’s book ·M aterials can be displayed · Exams and evaluations ·F iles especially for working with videos ·D evelopment files · And much more Ideal for working on: · your PC · your MAC · your Android tablet or iPad And for displaying in the classroom For more information, go to Methods: teenagers and children GENTE JOVEN NUEVA EDICIÓN THE PERFECT COURSE BOOK FOR MOTIVATING PATE, TEENAGERS: YOUR STUDENTS WILL PARTICI GET INVOLVED AND – SPEAK IN SPANISH! EDITION UPDATED AND ADAPTED FOR MS SCHOOL PROGRA RE PROGRESSES MO TS SLOWLY, WITH LO D N A S SE MORE EXERCI IN S EVALUATION EACH UNIT AUTHORS: ENCINA ALONSO MATILDE MARTÍNEZ NEUS SANS Main features • Specifically devised for learning in school environments • Presents topics that can be adapted to teenagers’ interests • Provides students with an introduction to the culture • of Spanish-speaking countries • Gradual progression featuring lots of lexical and grammatical aids • Encourages the use of new technologies • Contains skills-based evaluations in each unit STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A1.1 GENTE JOVEN 1 978-84-15620-75-4 A1-A2 GENTE JOVEN 2 978-84-15620-87-7 A2+ GENTE JOVEN 3 978-84-15846-31-4 B1 GENTE JOVEN 4 978-84-16057-21-4 Lots of supplementary materials available for the student and the teacher! Digital a Digital book for computer and iPad a Interactive activities aVideos with extra activities a Materials displayable on digital whiteboard a Review units a Exams a Glossaries a Maps On paper aTeacher's book a Evaluations a Photocopiable, cut-out work files g o to g e nte difus jo ve n . io n . c o m WITH S FOR STU PECIAL EDITION S D IN FRAN ENTS IN SCHOO CE, ITALY LS AND TH NETHER E LANDS EXERCISE WORKBOOK TEACHER'S BOOK STUDENT’S DIGITAL PACK TEACHER'S DIGITAL PACK USB STICK DIGITAL RESOURCES 978-84-15620-76-1 978-84-15640-04-2 978-84-8443-740-6 978-84-8443-739-0 978-84-15620-98-3 978-84-15620-88-4 978-84-15620-93-8 978-84-8443-916-5 978-84-8443-819-9 978-84-15620-89-1 978-84-15846-32-1 978-84-15846-25-3 978-84-16347-02-5 978-84-16347-01-8 978-84-15846-33-8 978-84-16057-22-1 978-84-16057-23-8 978-84-16347-04-9 978-84-16347-03-2 978-84-16057-24-5 Lots of free supplementary resources available online for teachers and students. Interactive activi A wide range of self-c activities to help stud monitoring their own Resources for teachers · Downloadable teacher’s books · Teachers’ forums for sharing experiences · Alternative suggestions for class preparation · Exams and evaluations · Materials displayable on digital whiteboard · Printable files · Videos with files for didactic purposes · Listenings, transcriptions and much more Resources for students · Interactive grammar and lexical activities · Listening comprehension activities · Videos · Self-evaluations, glossaries and more New feature! Hoy en clase. Activities based on newspaper texts dealing with contemporary news items, available on a weekly basis. Materials displayable on digital whiteboard. Visual explanations and interactive activities for screening in the classroom and working with a large group. ities. checking dents practice n progress . Methods: teenagers and children Cuadernos de vacaciones R M aterials specially designed for students to study and review their Spanish during the summer break R E ach unit includes a comic strip story about a group of friends Author: Matilde Martínez Sallés R A imed at teenage students between 13 and 15 years STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A1 Cuadernos de vacaciones 978-84-15620-91-4 A1-A2 Cuadernos de vacaciones 978-84-8443-868-7 A la una… a las dos, a las tres R S panish course book for children between 8 and 11 years R C ontains a wide variety of fun, progressive activities R A very useful teacher’s guide featuring photocopiable supplementary material Authors: Marina Russo, Manuel Vázquez STUDENT'S BOOK EXERCISE WORKBOOK TEACHER'S GUIDE + CD A1.1 A la una... 1 978-84-8443-401-6 978-84-8443-820-5 978-84-8443-241-8 A1.2 A la una... 2 978-84-8443-242-5 978-84-8443-821-2 978-84-8443-243-2 LEVEL ¡Vamos al circo! ¡Vamos al cole! R S panish course book for children between 6 and 10 years R I ncludes colouring, writing, cutting out and sticking activities LEVEL 28 STUDENT'S BOOK RF un-based approach fosters learning among young children Author: Begoña Beutelspacher CD AUDIO TEACHING GUIDE A1.1 ¡Vamos al circo! 978-3-12-514-213-8 978-3-12-514-214-5 978-3-12-514-215-2 A1.2 ¡Vamos al cole! 978-3-12-514-216-9 978-3-12-514-217-6 978-3-12-514-218-3 Take a look at our more than 70 readers organised according to level of MCER, topics and ages Download sample chapters in PDF format and audio files so you can listen before you buy You can purchase our readers in electronic or paper format from anywhere in the world SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR REGISTERED USERS SPECIAL PRICES FOR E-BOOKS Readers Un día en... New fe atur e One day. One city. One story. Main features RS tories set in different cities in Spain RC ulture notes in the form of articles or brief reports RL ots of activities for working on lexical areas RS ocial networks are used as an extension of the book: YouTube, Instagram, etc. LP STUDENTS NOVELS TO HE T SPAIN’S MOST OU FIND OUT AB TIES INTERESTING CI Author: Ernesto Rodríguez LEVEL 30 DOWNLOADABLE BOOK + MP3 FILE E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A1 Un día en Madrid 978-84-16273-50-8 978-84-16347-19-3 A1 Un día en Barcelona 978-84-16273-49-2 978-84-16347-20-9 A1 Un día en Málaga 978-84-16273-52-2 978-84-16347-21-6 A1 Un día en Salamanca 978-84-16273-51-5 978-84-16347-22-3 Grandes personajes Biographies of the most interesting characters from the Spanish-speaking world STS AND WRITERS, ARTI HO INFLUENCED W S AN CI TI POLI THEIR AGE RG lossaries on each page of the most difficult words and expressions, translated into three different languages RA ctivities at the end of the book for testing your linguistic and cultural knowledge RC D for practising oral comprehension by listening to all the chapters of the book Authors: Daniel Cabrera (Che), Aroa Moreno (Frida, Lorca), Laura Corpa (Picasso, Dalí), Cecilia Bembibre (García Márquez) LEVEL DOWNLOADABLE BOOK + CD E-BOOK FROM AMAZON 978-84-15620-07-5 A2 Picasso. Las mujeres de un genio 978-84-8443-735-2 A2 Dalí. El pintor de sueños 978-84-16057-33-7 A2 García Márquez. Una realidad mágica 978-84-16057-34-4 B1 Che. Geografías del Che 978-84-8443-767-3 978-84-15620-04-4 B1 Frida Kahlo. Viva la vida 978-84-8443-736-9 978-84-15620-05-1 B1 Lorca. La valiente alegría 978-84-8443-737-6 978-84-15620-06-8 Perfiles Pop D SPORTSMEN MUSICIANS AN ARE FAMOUS & WOMEN WHO E WORLD TH UT THROUGHO The lives of the most popular figures in Spanish-speaking countries RF eatures attractive photographs and lots of things you didn’t know RG lossaries on each page with the most difficult words and expressions, translated into three different languages RA ctivities at the end of the book for testing your linguistic and cultural knowledge Authors: Jaime Rodríguez (Messi), Noemí Monge (Nadal), Laura Corpa (Shakira), Alicia López (Juanes) RC D for practising oral comprehension by listening to all the chapters of the book LEVEL BOOK + CD E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A2 Messi. La grandeza de un pequeño 978-84-8443-734-5 978-84-15620-01-3 A2 Rafael Nadal. Dentro y fuera de la pista 978-84-8443-733-8 978-84-15620-02-0 A2 Shakira. Pura intuición 978-84-8443-732-1 978-84-15620-03-7 A2 Juanes. La fuerza de la palabra 978-84-8443-766-6 978-84-15620-00-6 31 Readers Serie América Latina Landscapes, culture and adventure in Latin America E IN ALSO AVAILABL ! CK PA L VE AN 8-NO Main features RO riginal, entertaining stories that bring alive the culture and language of different Spanish-speaking countries RA ll the novels available in audiobook form, read by people from the countries in which they are set RN umerous cultural, political, geographical and gastronomic notes RC omprehension activities at the end of the book Author: Dolores Soler-Espiauba. BOOK + CD / DOWN. MP3 E-BOOK FROM AMAZON LEVEL BOOK + CD / DOWN. MP3 E-BOOK FROM AMAZON 978-84-16347-26-1 A2-B1 Las nietas de... 978-84-16057-30-6 978-84-16347-28-5 978-84-16057-29-0 978-84-16347-27-8 B1 Taxi a… 978-84-8443-405-4 978-84-15620-19-8 A1-A2 Con Frida en el... 978-84-8443-479-5 978-84-15620-14-3 B1 La vida es un... 978-84-8443-453-5 978-84-15620-20-4 A1-A2 Guantanameras 978-84-8443-402-3 978-84-15620-15-0 B1 Más conchas… 978-84-8443-481-8 978-84-15620-18-1 A1-A2 Pisco significa... 978-84-8443-480-1 978-84-15620-17-4 B1 Mirta... 978-84-8443-482-5 978-84-15620-21-1 A1-A2 Dos semanas... 978-84-8443-473-3 978-84-15620-16-7 A1-B1 Pack 978-84-16057-44-3 LEVEL A1 Los espejuelos... 978-84-16057-28-3 A1-A2 Ojalá que… 32 – Marca América Latina R T he culture and society of today’s Latin America Authors: Miriam Audiffred, Cecilia Bembibre, Pablo M. Migliozzi R I ncludes audiobook, a video report, glossary, notes and activities BOOK + DVD (AUDIO + VIDEO) E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A2-B1 Los jóvenes mexicanos 978-84-8443-865-6 978-84-15620-71-6 A2-B1 Los jóvenes argentinos 978-84-8443-863-2 978-84-15620-70-9 A2-B1 Cocina mexicana 978-84-8443-866-3 978-84-15620-72-3 A2-B1 Tango 978-84-8443-864-9 978-84-15620-73-0 LEVEL Marca España R T he culture and society of today’s Spain Authors: Clara de la Flor, Noemí Cámara, Gorka Álvarez, José Ángel Gonzalo R I ncludes audiobook, a video report, glossary, notes and activities LEVEL BOOK + DVD (AUDIO + VIDEO) E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A2 Flamenco 978-84-8443-729-1 978-84-15620-10-5 A2 Cocina 978-84-8443-730-7 978-84-15620-08-2 A2-B1 Los jóvenes españoles 978-84-8443-862-5 978-84-15620-74-7 B1 Empresas 978-84-8443-731-4 978-84-15620-19-9 Novela histórica R H istorical literature specially written for students of Spanish Authors: Alfonso Mateo Sagasta, Rosa Ribas, Juan Miguel Aguilera, Rafael Marín R I ncludes audiobook, translated vocabulary, cultural notes and activities BOOK + CD LEVEL B1-B2 El poeta cautivo 978-84-8443-745-1 B1-B2 Las tres muertes del Duque de Ribera 978-84-8443-768-0 B1-B2 El lugar de la garza blanca 978-84-8443-744-4 B1-B2 Las campanas de Almanzor 978-84-8443-743-7 33 Readers Authors: Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans E IN ALSO AVAILABL CK! PA L VE NO 7A HAVE FUN AND LEARN WITH THE MOST FAMOUS DETECTIVE IN THE WORLD OF SFL • Ingenious, exciting tales of detective fiction • Includes audiobook for practising oral comprehension • Also features lexical and cultural notes • Comprehension activities at the end of the book LEVEL MYSTERIES, ROBBERIES, FRAUDS, MURDERS… THE INTREPID LOLA LAGO CAN SOLVE ALL SORTS OF CASES! BOOK + CD E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A1 Vacaciones al sol 978-84-8443-101-5 978-84-15620-40-2 A2 Una nota falsa 978-84-8443-102-2 978-84-15620-41-9 A2 Poderoso caballero 978-84-8443-103-9 978-84-15620-43-3 A2 Por amor al arte 978-84-8443-104-6 978-84-15620-42-6 A2-B1 La llamada de La Habana 978-84-8443-105-3 978-84-15620-45-7 A2-B1 Lejos de casa 978-84-8443-106-0 978-84-15620-44-0 B1 ¿Eres tú, María? 978-84-8443-107-7 978-84-15620-46-4 A1-B1 Pack Lola Lago, detective 978-84-16057-43-6 – Descubre RC ultural journeys through the Spanishspeaking world, with interesting video reports and reading and audiovisual comprehension activities. Authors: Eva Narvajas Colón, Janina Pérez Arias, Lisi Barros-Sehringer, Lucía Borrero, Sabine Segoviano BOOK + DVD LEVEL A1 Descubre España 978-84-8443-592-1 A2 Descubre el Caribe 978-84-8443-593-8 B1 Descubre los Andes 978-84-8443-594-5 B2 Descubre Argentina 978-84-8443-595-2 Pepa Villa, taxista en Barcelona RT he adventures of a funny taxi driver. Includes notes on colloquial language. Authors: Alicia Estopiñá, Neus Sans BOOK + CD E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A1 Fantasmas en la escalera 978-84-8443-589-1 978-84-15620-47-1 A2 Apartamento en la Costa Brava 978-84-8443-591-4 978-84-15620-48-8 B1 Una operación arriesgada 978-84-8443-590-7 978-84-15620-50-1 B1 Cenizas calientes 978-84-8443-588-4 978-84-15620-49-5 LEVEL Yo que tú RA collection of beautiful poems in which the Spanish language and grammar are the main characters. BOOK LEVEL A2-B1 Author: Juan Vicente Piqueras Yo que tú 978-84-8443-999-8 Gael y la red de mentiras R A comic story of mystery and adventure for learning Spanish Author (script and illustrations): Ernesto Rodríguez R I ncludes lexical and cultural notes, 3 language glossaries and activities BOOK LEVEL A2 Gael y la red de mentiras 978-84-8443-742-0 35 Readers El Camino de las Estrellas RA journey along the Santiago Way that combines culture and geography with a mystery story LEVEL B1 Authors: Clara Villanueva, Josefina Fernández BOOK E-BOOK FROM AMAZON 978-84-8443-703-1 978-84-15620-35-8 El Camino de las estrellas El puesto de fruta R 7 short stories in which a foreigner takes a look at Spain that is humorous, ironic and at the same time affectionate LEVEL A2-B1 El puesto de fruta Author: Leo Thoma BOOK E-BOOK FROM AMAZON 978-84-8443-750-5 978-84-15620-56-3 El Mediterráneo RA collection of excitement and intrigue based around the world of journalism LEVEL Author: Jordi Surís BOOK + CD-MP3 E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A1 La chica del tren 978-84-89344-72-3 978-84-15620-36-5 A2 ¿Dónde está Sonia? 978-84-89344-74-7 978-84-15620-38-9 A2 El secreto de las flores 978-84-89344-73-0 978-84-15620-37-2 B1 Trapos sucios 978-84-89344-75-4 978-84-15620-39-6 Plaza Mayor, 1 RA n amusing story about the lives of the local people in this emblematic square in Madrid LEVEL 36 Authors: Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans BOOK + CD-MP3 E-BOOK FROM AMAZON A1 Los Reyes Magos 978-84-87099-70-0 978-84-15620-51-8 A2 El vecino del quinto 978-84-87099-06-9 978-84-15620-53-2 A2 Reunión de vecinos 978-84-87099-72-4 978-84-15620-52-5 B1 El cartero no siempre llama dos veces 978-84-87099-12-0 978-84-15620-54-9 Aventura joven The exciting adventure of reading in Spanish RT he thrilling adventures of a group of teenage friends in different Spanish-speaking countries. Authors: Elvira Sancho, Jordi Surís BOOK + CD / DOWNLOADABLE MP3 E-BOOK FROM AMAZON LEVEL A1 Aventura en La Habana 978-84-16057-27-6 978-84-16347-29-2 A1 Objetivo: Barcelona 978-84-16057-26-9 978-84-16347-30-8 A1 Persecución en Madrid 978-84-8443-272-2 978-84-15620-22-8 A1 Misterio en las Alpujarras 978-84-8443-271-5 978-84-15620-23-5 A1 ¿Dónde está Emiliano Fuentes? 978-84-8443-764-2 978-84-15620-24-2 A1 Perdidos en el Camino del Inca 978-84-8443-544-0 978-84-15620-25-9 A2 El fantasma del instituto 978-84-8443-273-9 978-84-15620-26-6 A2 El monstruo del rock 978-84-8443-274-6 978-84-15620-27-3 A2 La chica de Mar del Plata 978-84-8443-543-3 978-84-15620-28-0 A2 Trimestre maldito 978-84-8443-765-9 978-84-15620-29-7 A1-A2 Pack Aventura joven 978-84-16057-45-0 – Hacerse mayor The concerns of young people who are not children any more RF un stories and interesting topics for today’s teenagers: friends, love relationships, the Internet and the social networks, etc. R I deal for learning the vocabulary used by today’s young Spaniards. R I ncludes audiobook and with difficult words explained on each page LEVEL Author: Lourdes Miquel AGE READERS FOR ALL TEEN FINDING OUT INTERESTED IN ISH BOYS AND AN SP E HOW TH EL R AGE LIVE, FE GIRLS OF THEI AND TALK BOOK + MP3 E-BOOK FROM KINDLE A1 Cosas del amor 978-84-16057-31-3 978-84-16347-31-5 A2 Amor por sorpresa 978-84-16057-32-0 978-84-16347-32-2 37 All the videos from our methods, with and without subtitles Interviews with authors and experts in El patio de ELE More than 200 videos! Grammar and exams Gramática básica del estudiante de español The most innovative SFL grammar book R A highly useful tool for understanding and explaining grammar R C an be used by students studying alone or for teacher- guided courses R T he book that is most commonly used by SFL teachers and students R I ncludes a wide variety of examples of how Spanish is really used R M ore than 370 exercises to help learners assimilate grammar R S pecial versions for German, English and Italian speakers R M ore than 470 illustrations to make the learning process easier LEVEL A1-B1 IONS SPECIAL EDIT glish and En , an rm Ge r Fo rs ke ea Italian sp Gramática básica del estudiante de español Authors: Rosario Alonso, Alejandro Castañeda, Pablo Martínez, Lourdes Miquel, Jenaro Ortega, José Plácido Ruiz INTERNATIONAL EDITION ENGLISH EDITION GERMAN EDITION ITALIAN EDITION 978-84-8443-726-0 978-84-8443-437-5 978-3-12-535515-6 978-84-8443-436-8 Cuadernos de gramática española For understanding and practicing grammar IONS SPECIAL EDIT kers ea sp n lia Ita r fo R T he ideal complement for any course book R I ncludes listening activities for reinforcing oral skills R E ach unit includes clear explanations using good examples R M undo plurilingüe section compares Spanish with other languages R A wide range of exercises Authors: Bibiana Tonnelier, Emilia Conejo, Pilar Seijas, Sergio Troitiño R C an be used by students studying alone or for teacher- guided courses LEVEL BOOK + CD LEVEL 978-84-15620-68-6 B1 Cuadernos de gramática española B1 A1-B1 Cuadernos de gramática española A1-B1 978-84-8443-858-8 A1 Cuadernos de gramática española A1 A2 Cuadernos de gramática española A2 978-84-15620-69-3 BOOK + CD 978-84-8443-476-4 39 Grammar and exams Las claves del nuevo DELE How to be successful with the new DELE exams ESSFUL THE MOST SUCC R HELPING FO ON TI COLLEC ARE FOR EP PR STUDENTS THE DELE R 5 units for reviewing the contents of each level R C lear, easily-understandable explanations of the characteristics of the new DELE exams Authors: Emilia Conejo, María Pilar Soria, María José Martínez, Daniel Sánchez R L ittle tricks and advice to help students gain maximum marks in each part of the test R E ach book contains five exam models STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL A2 / B1 Las claves del DELE para escolares 978-84-16273-77-5 or and María José Martínez, auth DELE exam expert Las claves del DELE para escolares The keys to success with the new DELE exams for students between 11-17 years R E ach book contains five exam models R L ittle tricks and advice to help students gain maximum marks in each part of the test R A dapted to the areas, contexts and situations of students between 11 and 17 years STUDENT'S BOOK + CD LEVEL 40 R C lear, easily-understandable explanations for students of the characteristics of the new DELE exams A1 Las claves del nuevo DELE A1 978-84-8443-633-1 A2 Las claves del nuevo DELE A2 978-84-8443-657-7 B1 Las claves del nuevo DELE B1 978-84-15846-291 B2 Las claves del nuevo DELE B2 978-84-8443-659-1 C1 Las claves del nuevo DELE C1 978-84-8443-725-3 Supplementary material Clase de música R A ctivities for working with songs from different genres and Hispanic countries in the Spanish class. STUDENT'S BOOK LEVEL A1-C1 Author: Matilde Martínez Clase de música 978-84-8443-753-6 Todo oídos R 5 0 listening files featuring activities for developing and reinforcing oral comprehension strategies in the levels A1-A2. LEVEL A1-A2 Todo oídos Author: Susana Martín Leralta STUDENT'S BOOK + 2 CD TEACHING GUIDE 978-84-8443-727-7 978-84-8443-728-4 De dos en dos R M ore than 60 activities for working on oral interaction, in pairs or groups; includes games, cultural information and lexical and grammatical notes. STUDENT'S BOOK LEVEL A1-B2 Authors: Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans De dos en dos 978-84-8443-499-8 41 Supplementary material Clase de cine RA ctivities for working with 12 films in Spanish which cover different aspects of audiovisual comprehension. Includes a DVD featuring a carefully-chosen selection of excerpts from the films. STUDENT'S BOOK + DVD LEVEL A2-C1 Authors: Evelyn Aixalà, Gabriela Álvarez, Mariona Anfruns, Claudia Comes, Carmen González Clase de cine 978-84-8443-596-9 Los vídeos de Difusión A complete video library for your classes Main features R A practical USB stick enables you to take the videos everywhere R I deal for supplementing any course book R M ore than 30 videos for each level BLE THE INDISPENSA R ANY SPANISH FO NT ME LE SUPP COURSE R A ll videos accompanied by development activities for classroom use R O perates using either PC or Mac VIDEOS LEVEL 42 A1 Los Vídeos A1 de Difusión 978-84-16057-36-8 A2 Los Vídeos A2 de Difusión 978-84-16057-37-5 B1 Los Vídeos B1 de Difusión 978-84-16347-11-7 All our digital materials and services to help you enhance your experience as an SFL teacher or student WHAT CAN I DO? 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