The Voice - Temple Beth Sholom
The Voice - Temple Beth Sholom
TAMMUZ/AV 5773 JULY 2013 VOL. XV – NO. 10 The Voice A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM OF FLUSHING SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE PAGE 2 HIGH HOLIDAYS SCHEDULE PAGE 2 SUMMER EVENTS SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB MEET THE DIET DIVA SUNDAY, JULY 14 SISTERHOOD ANNUAL AUCTION AND LUNCHEON SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 JEWISH HERITAGE DAY AT CITI FIELD SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 COMING IN SEPTEMBER ROSH HASHANNAH LUNCHEON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 From the Rabbi’s Desk Shalom, Summer is a time that many of us take our vacations. Many of us slow down, but things are still going strong at Temple Beth Sholom. We had a wonderful June and celebrated many s’machot (joyous occasions). We also said goodbye to our long time Religious School principal, Geri Weiss. Thank you, Geri, for your many years of service to Temple Beth Sholom. I know that you will still be here at Temple, so it really isn’t good-bye. Perhaps we can use the Hebrew— shalom, and say “hello” and welcome your role as regular congregant [if there is such a thing!]. We also welcome our new Religious School Principal, Karen Feit. She has many years of experience and is very enthusiastic about joining us and meeting all of you. I am hoping that you can meet her in August at one of our Shabbat services and speak at length to her during our oneg. I assure you that this will be a smooth transition and we are in good hands! By the time you read this, I will be away on vacation. In the meantime, Cantor Sandy Horowitz will be around for the first two weeks of July. If there is a rabbinic emergency Rabbi Goldwasser may be available if you need him at (718) 225-4678, and I have also asked Rabbi Ted Tsuruoka of Temple Isaiah of Great Neck to cover any emergencies that might come up during the last week of July. He can be reached at (516)-791-6008. I hope you all have a wonderful summer, L’hitraot, Rabbi Sharon Ballan Summer Worship Schedule Zichronam Livracha Fridays at 8:00 pm, we congregate in the cool, cozy Frank Greene Hall downstairs. There volunteer Temple members lead us in prayer, song and commentary…if they choose to share original ideas. The following is the summer worship schedule: July Robin & Ron Myers July 12 Jennifer Schecter and David Lonborg July 19 The Gandelman family July 26 The Tishcoff/Kettig family August 2 The Galchus family August 9 Jody & Dan Harkavy August 16 Lori & Eric Lustig August 23 Betty Zimmermann Gerald Forman, father of Stacy Hernandez Richard Kosack, brother of Jo-Ellen Kosack Book of Remembrance July 5 August The Temple notes with sadness the passing of: You have received a letter inviting you to have the names of your beloved departed recorded in our Memorial Book that is distributed at the Yom Kippur Memorial Service. Please reply to the letter by July 19th. Summer Temple Office Hours We will be closed on Mondays during July & August. High Holiday Services Calendar Wednesday, September 4 Rosh Hashannah Evening Service 8:00 pm Thursday, September 5 Rosh Hashannah I Morning Service 10:00 am Children’s Service 2:00 pm Friday, September 6 Rosh Hashanah II 10:00 am Tashlich at Little Bay Park 5:30 pm Friday, September 13 Shabbat/Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre 8:00 pm Saturday, September 14 Shabbat/Yom Kippur Morning Service 10:00 am Children’s Service 2:00 pm Afternoon Service 3:00 pm Yizkor/Ne-ilah 5:00 pm Page 2 July 2013 TBS Fund Acknowledgments as of June 15, 2013 PULPIT FLOWER FUND .................................................................................................... TBS Office 718-463-4143 In honor of Janet & Arthur Maur in appreciation of all they have done for Temple Betty Zimmermann In honor of Mathew Fertig becoming a Bar Mitzvah Cathy Sacks Fran Goldman In honor of Geri Weiss Cathy Sacks Fran Goldman In loving memory of Kalman Bamberger Fran Goldman In memory of Steven Joblove Geri Weiss To thank all the young adults who have led Jr. Congregation services since the beginning Geri Weiss In loving memory of Bernice’s husband Alfred Berman Bernice Berman and family In loving celebration of Sadie Adler’s 100th birthday Ruth & Bob Dorfman MOLLIE MEYER TRIBUTE & MEMORIAL FUND ............................................ Diane Shtulman 718-224-3875 In memory of Helen Plotkin Glory & Milton Einbinder In honor of the anniversary of Adele & Al Robbins Glory & Milton Einbinder In honor of Jerry Maurer’s special Birthday Glory & Milton Einbinder CULINARY FUND ....................................................................................................... Wendy Yasgur 718-423-6428 JOSHUA SACKS - OPPENHEIM EDUCATION FUND .............................................. TBS Office 718-463-4143 LT. MARVIN S. ACKERMAN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND .................................. TBS Office 718-463-4143 JEWISH START ................................................................................................................. Karla Bonne 718-631-0374 RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND ................................................................ Rabbi Sharon Ballan 718-463-4143 To celebrate their son Eliot’s special birthday Ruth & Bob Dorfman In honor of the marriage of their granddaughter, Rachel Dorfman-Tandlich, to Hugo Arias Ruth & Bob Dorfman GENERAL FUND ................................................................................................................. TBS Office 718-463-4143 On Father’s Day in honor of Al Robbins, a great and generous man and also a great Dad Mary & Mark Robbins MEN’S CLUB TEMPLE BEAUTIFICATION FUND ................................................ Meyer Marks 718-225-5147 In honor of Geri Weiss for her devotion to the Temple Religious School Bernice Berman MUSIC FUND ........................................................................................................................ TBS Office 718-463-4143 Thank you for donating to Temple funds. Thank you for Supporting Temple Beth Sholom. The Voice| Page 3 Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom Sistergrams: September & October 2013 If you wish to send a greeting to anyone on this list, please check the name(s) and return this list with your check ($.50 per name - made out to SISTERHOOD, Temple Beth Sholom) by July 20, 2013 (no later) to Ann Pesch, 66-28 52nd Drive, Maspeth, N.Y. 11378, or you can mail it to Temple Beth Sholom (marked SISTERGRAMS). September Birthdays Adam Gandelman Bruce Goldwasser Bonnie Bank David Gold Miriam Nives Raymond White Keith Cousin Mark Flug Arnold Morse Seymour Scharf Elaine Larkin Glory Einbinder Linda M. Ramirez Roberta Ng 9/2____ 9/2____ 9/8____ 9/10___ 9/10___ 9/14___ 9/19___ 9/19___ 9/19___* 9/20___ 9/22___ 9/24___ 9/25___* 9/26___ If you see a star next to a name or names that indicates a special birthday or anniversary! October Birthdays Karri Kaufman Isadore Katz Matthew Dulberg Ann Pesch Frieda Mednick Jennifer Schecter Thomas Veltre Arno Heller Maxine Simon Anthony Wansor Pearl Daly Herta Tishcoff Herb Yasgur Iris Bass Amanda Gitkind Caryl Stern-LaRosa 10/1____ 10/3____ 10/5____ 10/9____ 10/10___ 10/10___ 10/13___ 10/14___ 10/14___ 10/21___* 10/22___ 10/22___ 10/26___* 10/27___ 10/27___ 10/30___ September Bar Mitzvah Benjamin Feibert 9/28____ September Anniversaries Charles & Ann Pesch 26 years Allan & Crystal Goldstein 13 years Mitchell & Anne Horowitz 29 years October Anniversaries Barry May & Bari Gold 15 years Marc & Helen Reed 22 years Robert & Ruth Dorfman 63 years Paul & Mindy Anichich 19 years Jeff & Karla Bonne 21 years Frank & Ronna Galchus 25 years Erica & Eric Bernstein 12 years Paul & Jacqueline Ferudi 13 years Jeffrey & Susan Bohrer 36 years 9/6____ 9/10___ 9/16___ 10/4____ 10/11___ 10/15___ 10/16___ 10/18___ 10/23__* 10/28___ 10/28___ 10/30___ Full Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________________________ If you are celebrating a special anniversary or birthday (50+) in 2013 (those divisible by five), please make a note on your return (even if you are a long-standing member). WE WANT TO CELEBRATE WITH YOU! July Anniversaries The Stained Glass Panels In Our Lobby and Sanctuary Bazaar 2013 News Barbara Gandelman & Joy Bobrow (The following is taken from an article by the late Rabbi Herschel Levin) “As you ascend the stairs from the 172nd Street entrance into the Sanctuary lobby, you see the sh’ma panel on your left, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One (Deuteronomy 6.4).” It is the very cornerstone of Jewish belief, inscribed in Hebrew. Above the words is a never ending circle to emphasize the eternalness of God. The bright colors stress the joyous aspect of this proclamation: the soft blues add solemnity. As you enter the sanctuary, go to the center aisle and look up at the high series of panels on your left. They were inspired by the modern prayer, “O Lord, how can we know Thee? Where can we find Thee? Thou art as close to us as breathing and yet are farther than the farthermost star. Thou art as mysterious as the vast solitudes of the night and yet art as familiar to us as the light of the sun…” The panels attempt to evoke the mystery of God’s presence….. The two tremendous panels on either side of the pulpit represent the traditional Hashkivenu prayer, “Cause us, O Lord our God to lie down each night in peace., and to awaken each morning to renewed life and strength…”The blues, reds, dark greens and purples are suspended in the middle portion of lighter blues, grays and yellows depicting the peaceful night between dusk and daybreak. The panels are meant to evoke the solace and peace one comes to find in the Temple… The right series of panels represent the joyous Psalm 98, “O sing unto the Lord a new song: for He hath done marvelous things.” You may find in these panels the ancient musical instruments mentioned in the psalm:”…..the harp and the voice of melody….trumpets and sound of the horn before the lord…..” The colors of the right series of windows lead you back to the entrance panel, and give a feeling of unity to the entire series. Page 4 July 2013 It is that time of year again when we need to begin planning for Bazaar. This year it will be held the first weekend of December 2013 which is Saturday, Dec 7th, Sunday, December 8th, and Monday December 9th. Your help is urgently needed in obtaining new merchandise for ALL of our booths - children's clothes, women's clothes, men's clothes, health and beauty, toys, the country store, "as is", women's boutique, jewelry, the holiday store, and linens, one of a kind, and the dollar store. The more that is donated to Temple, the less costly Bazaar will be to run. It’s not too early to ask your local merchants for donations when you patronize their stores. Remember, think about all of the shops and restaurants that you frequent and ask for donations of gift certificates and any leftover merchandise. Also don’t forget to check your closets for items you have and know you will never use - bring them on down. We can sell anything! We will also need volunteers to chair some booths. We will need booth chair people to help displaying and setting up and pricing the merchandise. Of course, we also need volunteers to work in the booths when Bazaar is open. Please call the Temple office and let Carole or Rita know that you are interested and “Come on down!” We are already beginning the process of requesting donations from wholesalers and retailers. But your help is necessary to make Bazaar 2013 a huge success If anyone has any ideas for a booth that we may not have had in the past, please let us know – we are very interested in new ideas. Also, shortly after the High Holidays we will be sending out letters of introduction for you to present to your local merchants when you ask for merchandise or gift certificates or…. The sky is the limit!! We will also be requesting your financial assistance in the form of "Angel Money" so that we can minimize the costs to Temple for any merchandise we have to purchase. Let us make Bazaar 2013 the best one yet! Thank you. Barbara Gandelman Joy A. Bobrow ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Bazaar Co-coordinators Notes From The Cantor “We all got a peace to bring, we all got a song to sing, just open your heart and let it out…” (From the song “B’tzelem Elohim”) Summer is a time of transition, and this summer we bid farewell to outgoing Religious School Principal Geri Weiss, as we welcome Karen Feit who is joining us as our new Principal. Heartfelt thanks as well to our youth choir for lending their voices during the June closing ceremonies, when we sang a special song in Geri’s honor – and thank you choir singers young and adult alike, for enhancing so many of our services during the year! Unbelievably, the High Holidays will be in full swing right after the next issue of the Voice is published. The music of the High Holidays sounds different from any other time of year, yet it quickly becomes familiar as certain musical themes are repeated throughout Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur. While some of the music is intended specifically to be listened to, much of it is meant to be enhanced by the community of worshippers – by each of you. I urge everyone to be an active participant this year by singing along with the prayers. As the old commercial goes, “Try it – you’ll like it!” Wishing you a wonderful summer – b’shalom, Cantor Sandy THE THANK YOU GERI SONG (It is sung to the tune of Adon Olam) This song was presented to Geri Weiss on behalf of the students of Temple Beth Sholom Religious School, in appreciation for the many years of dedication, hard work, and sheer joy that you brought to us all. CHORUS: Oh Geri (Oh Geri) we’ll miss you so (we’ll miss you so) We’re so sad (we’re so sad) to see you go (to see you go) Our time with you (our time with you) was lots of fu-un Thank you Geri, see you soon, shalom, shalom! (Verse 1) The model Seder, the Day of Mitzvah, Tu Bishevat and Chanukah-ah- ra-a-ma, You taught us to become good Jews, You’re in our hearts, for all our lives we’ll think of you! (Verse 2) You’ve helped us learn, you’ve helped us grow, When we need you you’ve been there – we thank you so; With apples and crafts, and that ol’ school bell, Wherever you go, we hope you know we wish you well! From Our New Religious School Principal, Karen Feit Shalom, Please allow me to introduce myself: I am Karen Feit, your new Religious School Principal. I have already met some of you in my interviews and visits to TBS, but I am looking forward to meeting each of you and getting to know you and your children as soon as possible. Let me tell you a little about myself and about the journey that has brought me to Temple Beth Sholom. Throughout my working life, I have been one of those who used whatever skills and resources I had to work in multiple venues. I have taught adult basic education and subbed in the public schools. Instead, it would be more accurate to say that Jewish education chose me. I was a graduate student in political science when I became active in Hadassah. I lead a study group on women’s issues including women in Israel, Egypt, and women who believed in Islam or Judaism. That resulted in becoming my local chapter president and attending a Hadassah National Convention, where I had an epiphany. I heard Giora Feidman in concert at the convention. The music stirred something in my consciousness. I wanted to be able to communicate my memories of Jewish family and synagogue life to my son. Music had been my entry point. I came home, joined the local Conservative synagogue, and enrolled my son in the Religious School. When I asked who taught the music program, since there was no cantor, I found out there wasn’t any. I volunteered, but instead the principal hired me. From there I began to teach grade 5, tutor bnai mitzvah, and teach in other synagogues as well. I was thrilled to find that not only could I earn money, but I could also make a difference in people’s lives by using my skills in Jewish communal life. I have been blessed to combine my love of Judaism and Israel with what I do professionally and how as spend my time in the volunteer world. In the 30+ years that have followed, I have worked in Reform, Conservative, Modern Orthodox, and in Reconstructionist congregations all over the New York metropolitan area. I am looking forward now to working with you and your children in the Religious School as Principal. Karen Feit, Principal The Voice| Page 5 TBS Sisterhood Annual Auction and Luncheon When: Time: Where Admission: Gift: Sunday, August 4, 2013 1:00 P.M. Ben's Delicatessen 211-37 26th Avenue (in the Bay Terrace Shopping Center) Bayside, NY 11360 $26 Please bring a wrapped gift (of up to $10 value) for the auction with description of gift (or clue) but not actual name of gift (Or $10) YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! ______________________________________________ To RSVP or if you have any questions, contact Wendy Yasgur at 917-763-8707 (during the day) or 718- 423-6428 (in the evening). Please mail and make checks out to: Sisterhood Temple Beth Sholom, 171-39 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11358 to the attention of Wendy Yasgur. Reservations and checks should be received no later than Friday, July 26, 2013. Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Email___________________________________________________________________________ Number of people in party: Adults______________________ Children_____________________________ I would like to be seated next to: ___________________________________________________________ Sponsored by Sisterhood, with the support of Men’s Club and the Parents' Association From The President The summer is here and I want to wish everyone a safe and healthy summer. Take a moment to enjoy this time with your family. Before you know it, the High Holidays will be right around the corner. I always felt that it was a great honor to participate in any service, especially the High Holiday Day Services. If you are asked to participate in a service, please accept this honor. I would like to thank Geri Weiss for her years of service as our Religious School Principal. For the past thirteen years, Geri has ensured the Jewish education of our children. We are looking forward to seeing her in other capacities at Temple. We will be welcoming Karen Feit as our new Principal. Don’t forget that we still have services during the summer. These services are led by our own congregants and are very enjoyable. I would also like to thank Sisterhood for the successful Rummage Sale in May. As a result, Sisterhood donated $3,000 to the Temple. We also received $1,000 from Men’s Club and $750 from the Religious School. These donations are much appreciated. We are gearing up for Bazaar. If you are able to chair a booth or know of places that might donate merchandise, please contact Joy Bobrow, Barbara Gandelman or myself. I would like to wish Rita a speedy recovery. She will be having knee surgery over the summer. Have a great summer! Adam Gandelman, President May Rummage Sale a Great Success Sisterhood's rummage sale this year was a spectacular success; we raised a little over $3,000. There are so many people to thank who helped to make this a success, all of the Temple members, friends and BBYO members who assisted in Rummage setup and all of the Temple members who assisted at the Rummage sale on Monday and Tuesday. A special thank you to Adam Fertig for being "the man" on Monday, to Jose and Santos whose assistance in sorting the clothes during the year and then setting up the tables always helps to make our events function smoothly, and to o to those anonymous donors who so generously donated their gently used clothing so that we had wonderful items to sell. Remember, our next Rummage sale is Election Day - we need your clean/gently used clothing. Please don't forget to tell your friends and family The following is a list of those volunteers, without whose assistance, we could not have managed: Joy Bobrow, Chair, Paul Veltre, Barbara, Danielle & Joseph Gandelman, Norma Benvenuto, Joe & Dora Althaus, Adison Lemmon, Paul Coburn, Jacob, Matthew & (Continued next Column) Page 6 July 2013 Board of Trustees Meeting June 2013 The Board of Trustees met on Monday, June 10, 2013. The Board passed the May Financial Report. Temple membership remained steady at 159 member units this month. The President and Senior Executive Vice President of the Korean American Association of Greater New York formally addressed the Board in order to introduce themselves and their organization, and to express their interest in our building in order to better serve the large population of Korean Americans concentrated in the Flushing area. They emphasized that they are not in a hurry and they are willing to work with our needs over a period of time. Barbara Gandelman, Religious School Board Chair, presented their candidate for new Religious School Principal, Karen Feit. The Board approved a oneyear contract from 7/1/13 – 6/30/14. The Religious School presented the Board with a check of $750.00 to Temple as a result of the Walkathon on Mitzvah Day. Emily Costa was named as this year’s recipient of the Dr. Josh Kupferberg Crane Lake Camp Scholarship. Sisterhood presented the Board with a check of $3,000.00 to Temple as a result of the Memorial Day Rummage Sale. New Board member, Joe Althaus, has volunteered to work on Use of Building and will team up with Adam Gandelman to learn the contracts, etc. Jim Kettig, House Committee Chair reported the work on the air conditioner to the Ballroom has been completed. Sharon Katz, Long Range Planning Chair reported on the flurry of activity occurring this past month, including a productive meeting with Marathon Jewish Center, and renewed interest in merger talks with Bayside Jewish Center. Fay Schildkraut, Membership Committee Chair, reported on several great ideas for getting the word out about our various free services to local residential communities, and outreach has been made to local colleges to offer free High Holiday tickets to college students. Respectfully submitted, Gail Tishcoff, Recording Secretary (May Rummage Sale Continued) Hannah Fertig, Shari Veltre, Carol Hofer, Meyer Marks, Wendy Yasgur, Adam & Samuel Holstein, Jennifer Qu, Bingxin Tu, Ivy Yu, Emily Costa, JoEllen Kosack, Karri Kaufman, Carrie Levinsky, Karen Cousin, Sheri Rossman , and Carl Rabinowitz. UPCOMING YAHRZEITS July/August 2013 Week of July 5 Meryl Bartlett eborah Donsky Milton Adler Otto Byrd Erwyn Glanz Benjamin Dash Mark Carroscio Meyer Greenberg Sylvia Feingersh Dorothy Donsky PaulMildred Kahn Haims Elaine Dorfman Gertrude Melvyn OdintzHershkowitz Eleanor C. Eldot Mortimer Kashinsky Martin Feingersh Estelle Opstbaum JackAvrom Rosenberg Mel Feld Katz Joshua Sacks-Oppenheim Gertrude Goldberg Rivfka Katz Laurel Sandler Rose Horenstein Bertha Kozba Tillie Skoble Natalie Hyman Charles Kupferberg Fay Spielberger Grace Kahn Victor Lowenstein Edwin A. Stern Eva Kasserman Herman Malcow Harry Weinstein Bertha Liebman Ostrofsky LillySadie Zeaman Edith Maur Herman Shapiro Janet Messing Week of July 12 Max Shapiro David Nerenberg Martha Ballan Katz Sarah Norflus Elaine C. Wolfgang Ethel Goodman Gussie Peretz Harry Halper Jesse Thomas Fradel Handler Charles Wolf Emil Heller Sylvia Wurtzel Paula Heller Henry Kaiser Week of July 26 Monroe Kreisberg Nechama Alpert Jesse Kupferberg Joan Berg Nathaniel Kupferberg Ida Bickerman Samuel Leon Faye Bueno Lena Meyerhoff Roberta Capone Bertha Newman Lilyan Cohen William Richheimer Zoe Croteau Morris Richman Lena Elzweig Sol Salomon Sam Harris Sadie Stein Abraham Koorse Ng Yuet Dr. Josh Kupferberg Jack Lerner Week of July 19 Jennie Lichtenstein Nancy Ampel Belle Ackerman Luberg Irving Neidich Rose Nerenberg Jerome A Shapiro Week of August 2 David Axelrod Miriam Blatt Ted Chenkin Pauline Friedman Frank Galchus Sr. Edward Handler Louis Wm. Hershkowitz Esther Kaplan Sandra Klur Muriel Koorse Louis Lokomowitz Issik Marcus Doris Meyerhoff Ernest Winkler Week of August 9 Harold Elbaum Max Feld Hattie Frank Rose Ginsberg Elsie Koppelman Helen Krakower Joseph Levine Mollie Meyer Paul Morse Dorothy Rabinowitz Rae Schneckendorf Jacob Schoenfeld Lisa Share Sanford D. Silverstein Joseph Skoble Benjamin Wasserman Max Wolk Sarah Yellin Week of August 16 Dr. Hylan Bickerman Elsa Byrd Robert Graff Sarah Greene Edward Isaacson Anna Langfuss Fannie Liebhoff Selma Needleman Gussie Rakofsky Ruth Seader Jesse Spier Isadore Teren Elizabeth Wiener Week of August 23 Albert Achtsam Isaac Bardavid Judith Barron Barbi Berger Evelyn Feffer Hyman Friedman Shirley Friedman Bernice Gelband Robert Kantor Faye Klansky Gustav Klansky David Klugman Joseph Leon Jack Levinsky Shirley Lindeman Morris Lipshonsky Eva Loeb Eric Lonborg Blanche Maurer David Nives Herbert Sacks David Scharf Miriam Schecter Harry Schwartz Louis Schwartz Roberta Seligman Bernard Shapiro Sol Solarsh Louis Stone Sylvia Vogel Isidore Zaretsky Harriet Zucker Week of August 30 Leon Bartels Adolph Bleier Isaac Bueno Louis Caplan Annette Cavallo Esther Ducor Rachel Feinberg George Feinman Elizabeth Gold Steven Jacobson Anna Kupferberg Arlene Marcus Berta Moss Frances Pancerer Solom Rabinowitz David Robins Edith Thaler Miriam Weingold The Voice| Page 7 JEWISH HERITAGE DAY at CITI FIELD SUNDAY, AUGUST 25TH @ 1:10 P.M. METS vs. Detroit Tigers • Groups that purchase 25 or more tickets will receive a scoreboard greeting. **Welcome Temple Beth Sholom** First 25,000 fans receive a Tom Seaver All Star Bobblehead! **Invite your family and friends to join us at Citi Field **You don’t have to be a Temple member **or Jewish to attend the game with the group! SPECIAL CELEBRATE JEWISH HERITAGE GROUP PRICES Promenade Reserved _______________ @ $22.00 =________ Pepsi Porch _______________________ @ $46.00 =_________ Left Field Reserved _________________ @ $48.00 =_________ Please leave your name and number with the Temple office and Geri Weiss will get back to you. I’d like to get the tickets by July 15. Advertise in The Voice + If you wish to honor the memory of a loved one, or honor a loved one, you can do so by purchasing a plaque to be displayed in Temple or You can purchase a leaf that will be displayed on The Tree of Life if you wish to honor or thank someone. Please call the TBS office for details Do you have a business or professional office? Advertising in The Voice is a low cost way to be known by the Temple families, former Temple members, and friends who receive copies of this newsletter. You will be helping the Temple as well as your business! Just call the Temple office for details on how you can advertise in The Voice! Please patronize our advertisers! Hal Simon General Manager Email: [email protected] Phone: (718) 229-2367 Fax: (718) 229-3066 Catering: (800) 344-BENS Restaurant*Delicatessen Caterer Ben’s NY KOSHER Ben’s Bayside 211-37 26th Avenue • Bayside, NY 11360 Page 8 July 2013 Need Excellent Cleaning Help? Contact Jose at 347-583-9182 Temple Beth Sholom, Flushing, New York LET’S DO LUNCH! IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ROSH HASHANNAH MORNING SERVICES, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 at 12:30 pm Before the CHILDREN’S SERVICE (at 2:00 pm) **** Assorted salad platters, Bagels, rolls, fruit, and cookies CATERED BY BAGELS & CO., Fresh Meadows Adults - $12.00 per person Children – age 10 and younger $6.00 per person ALL CONGREGANTS WELCOME – RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! DON’T DELAY! Return the tear-off with your check, NO LATER THAN SUNDAY AUGUST 25 Checks should be made payable to TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Return to the Temple office – attention Geri Weiss ------------------------------------------------- ROSH HASHANNAH 5774 LUNCHEON RESERVATIONS Name(s)_____________________________________________ Phone#_______________________________________________________________ # of Adults @ $12 each_________=____________ # of Children (under 10) @ $6 each_________=____________ From The Men’s Club Shalom, The Men’s Club would like to thank everyone who continues to support the Men’s Club and Temple Beth Sholom. Without your participation, Temple Beth Sholom would not be as reviving as we currently are able to be. The Men’s Club had some great events this past year including a Shul-In last November and a Bowl-a-thon this past April in which everyone had a great time. This year we will be focusing on events geared for adults: The Men’s Club is looking to organize a Bus Trip to Resort World in the fall. Before we can commit to the Bus Trip, we would need to see how many people would be interested. The cost would be $25 Per Person with a $15 Coupon for slot play and a $5 coupon for food. To cover the cost of the transportation, we need to have at least 30 members attend. If you are interested in participating, please contact Eric Bernstein or e-mail [email protected] Another event that we are trying to schedule is the Fantasy Football League. We are looking for at least 10 guys to participate in the league. The Buy-In would be $36 which would include the Men’s Club dues for the year. The winner would receive bragging rights and the top 3 winners would receive cash winnings. The remaining winnings will be donated to the Temple. We are planning to have the Draft Picks on September 3rd. If you are interested in participating, please contact Mike Shapiro via [email protected]. or (917)482-4717. To accommodate Men’s Club Meetings for everyone, we will be alternating the meetings between weekdays and weekends every other month. The list of meeting dates and times will be included in the September Voice. The Video Project is still in the works and I have collected footage but we are looking to capture more history. If you are interested in contributing footage or an interview, please contact Eric Bernstein at (718) 428-7127 or e-mail [email protected]. The Men’s Club would like to wish everyone a Healthy and Happy Summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in September. Eric Bernstein & Andrew Larkin Sponsor an issue of The TBS Voice Please call Glory Einbinder at (718) 229-4035 Sisterhood Corner It has been a wonderful year! Our Memorial Day Rummage Sale was a huge success. I would like to thank Adam Fertig and Joy Bobrow for helping to ensure the success of Rummage. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers that came out to help with this event. It was wonderful to see so many people come out to volunteer, even the kids! We were able to donate $3,000 to the Temple because of this event. Our Sisterhood Sabbath was a truly special evening. Thank you to Fran Goldman and Rabbi Ballan for putting together a most heartfelt service. We will be having a general meeting and Book Club on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm. The book will be The 10 Second Diet by Merna Lyn. Please come out to meet her at this very special event. We have copies of her book that we will be selling for $20 in advance of the event. If you are interested, please give the Temple office a call. Her book will also be available for purchase on the day of the event. Just so you know, we are receiving a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the books!!! Our Annual Auction and Luncheon will be held on Sunday, August 4, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Ben’s in Bayside. Please look for the flyers for the details. Thank you to Wendy Yasgur for organizing the event. We hope to see everyone at these upcoming events. I would like to take this time to thank Geri Weiss for all of her support of Temple Beth Sholom and of our Sisterhood. It has been a pleasure to work so closely with her all of these years. I would also like to thank Elaine Larkin for her service as Co-President for the past two years. She will remain on the Board in the position of Corresponding Secretary. I would also like to thank Lyn Dipkin and Irene Rivera for their years of service. A special thanks to Glory Einbinder who always lends a helping hand. I am looking forward to working with the newly installed Sisterhood Board. I would also like to thank each and every one of you that have helped us make these past two years as Sisterhood Co-Presidents a success. We could not have done any of this without all of you. I hope that you enjoy your summer and I am looking forward to our events that are being planned for next year. Sincerely, Barbara Gandelman, Sisterhood President The Voice| Page 9 King Yum Chinese –Polynesian Restaurant Serving our friends for over 58 years 181-08 Union Turnpike Flushing N.Y. 11366 Gluten Free Menu available Wheelchair accessible Karaoke every Friday 718-380-1918 LEO Brothers Collision, Inc. Phone (718) 886-4421 24 Hour towing only 1-888-MGM-TOWS Anthony & Ralph Expert Collision & Painting Insurance Work & Estimates Oven Bake Paint Jobs th 189-12 39 Ave Flushing , N.Y. 11358 FAX (718)353-8161 e-mail: [email protected] N.Y. Reg. # R7075194 ELAINE L. LARKIN Bagel Shoppe Staffing Specialist Catering for all Occasions 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 2100 New York, N.Y. Tel (212) 916-0811 Fax (212) 867-1759 E-mail [email protected] The TemPositions Group of Companies Jeff 215-03 73rd Avenue Bayside, NY 11360 Phone 718 423-6692 Lunch & Dinner La Baraka Restaurant Francais (718) 428-1461 Page 10 July 2013 255-09 Northern Blvd. Little Neck, N.Y. 11363 Personal Touch Tours, Lt. www.PersonalTouchTours 516-223-6203 Senior Group Travel-Day & Multi-Day Trips- 4 convenient pickups in Bellerose, Bayside, Whitestone. Check out our website or call for our Trip-List The Voice Temple Beth Sholom of Flushing 171-39 Northern Blvd Flushing, NY 11358 A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM OF FLUSHING NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE P A I D FLUSHING, NY 11358 PERMIT No. 130 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Temple Office Phone: (718) 463-4143 • Fax: (718) 463-5487 Sharon Ballan, Rabbi Bruce Goldwasser, Rabbi Emeritus Sandy Horowitz, Cantor Karen Feit Principal OFFICERS Adam Gandelman ............................................................................ President Lee Temares ........................................................................1st Vice President Fay Schildkraut ................................................................ 2nd Vice President Fran Goldman ..................................................................... 3rd Vice President Joy Bobrow .......................................................................... 4th Vice President Paul Coburn ........................................................................................ Treasurer Joyce Moss ...................................................................... Financial Secretary Gail Tishcoff ................................................................. Recording Secretary Barbara Gandelman ...................................................Sisterhood President Eric Bernstein ........................................................ Men’s Club Co-President Jody Harkavy ............................................ Parents’ Association President Editor: Carole Cox [email protected] Office Bookkeeper Rita Bellock [email protected] Deadline for the September Bulletin is August 13! Articles should be e-mailed to: [email protected] Please indicate “TBS Voice” on the subject line! DATED MAIL Summer Events Don’t Miss! SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB MEET THE DIET DIVA SUNDAY, JULY 14 SISTERHOOD ANNUAL AUCTION AND LUNCHEON SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Have a Wonderful Summer! JEWISH HERITAGE DAY AT CITI FIELD SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 The Voice| Page 11