The Tattler
The Tattler
The Tattler March 14, 2016 The Rotary Club of Westerly Meetings held on Monday nights 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. At the Venice Restaurant 165 Shore Road Westerly, RI South County Health Comes to Westerly Rotary We welcomed Lou Giancola, President and CEO of South County Health, to our meeting last week. It was timely in the fact that they will be opening their new facility on May 23. It is located on Route 1 just north of Walmart. Lou mentioned that they changed their name from South County Hospital to South County Health a while ago to reflect the more holistic approach they are taking toward their work. They are a $160 million dollar business. They furnish home health care, nursing services, hospital equipment along with outpatient and inpatient services. Their goal is to be a truly “patient centered” organization. Their first priority is to meet the needs of the patient and try to make each individual interaction as meaningful as possible. They have been doing a pretty good job so far. A few years ago they ranked #1 in patient satisfaction in all of New England. When they made the decision to change their name they also changed both their vision and mission statement. The name South County Health reflects the fact that they are no longer just a hospital. Their mission is rooted in the community. Their goal is to promote health at every stage of life. To accomplish that goal they have to move outside the walls of the hospital. Years ago South County opened a walk-in facility. It was a success. It made healthcare more accessible to the people. (Continued on the next page…) The Rotary Four Way Test Is it the Truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Lorem Ipsum Officers 2015-2016 Rotary International: President: K.R. Ravindran District 7950 Governor: Kristine David Governor Elect: Russell Bertrand Asst Dist Governor: Steve White Westerly Rotary Club Officers President: Robert Elmer III President-Elect : Stephen Cofone Vice President: Chris DiPaola Sec/ Treasurer: Rosemarie A Russo Past President: Douglas Rayner Director-at-Large: Cal Lord & Brian Gerbutavich Make Up Opportunities (Continued… ) It was this kind of thinking that prompted South County Health to move ahead with this new facility in Westerly and also helped in its unique design. It will have space for urgent care, primary care, orthopedic care (did you realize that South Country does over 30% of the hip and knee surgeries in Rhode Island?), physical therapy and several other specialties that will be rotating through the center. They will also have lab, x-ray, mammography, women’s health (South Country had 640 deliveries last year) and dermatology. The building will also have space on the second floor for meetings and events. They want to be part of the Westerly community and it will be open to organizations to use. Their hope is to develop partnerships and collaborations that will increase the overall health health of the region. That means working with and supplementing Westerly Hospital’s mission and creating partnerships that will benefit the whole community. Mystic: Mon. at 12:00 Mystic Hilton 20 Coogan Blvd. Mystic, CT Erin Bacon was on hand to meet with us and to answer questions too. She is the liaison for the new project. She and Lou were gracious enough to stay and answer several questions on the project. North Kingstown: Tues 12:15pm, Duffy’s Tavern, Post Rd. North Kingstown Welcome David Mitchell Chariho: Tues, 6:30pm, Richmond Country Club, 74 Sandy Pond Rd, Richmond E Greenwich: Wed, 12:15, New England Tech, Room 303 (Around back) East Greenwich Wakefield: Thur, 12:15, 300 North Restaurant at Holiday Inn, 3009 Tower Hill Rd, S Kingstown Stonington, CT: Fri, 7:00am, Stonington Human Services 166 South Broad Street Pawcatuck, CT We also got to meet David Mitchell, the Interact Club Vice President, at the meeting. Sunil shared a bit more about the upcoming Installation service for the Interact Club on April 11th. Invitations went out this week. We hope to have a great night with the kids, their parents and our guests. Make sure you write the date on your calendar and plan to be with us. Westerly Rotary is… Meeting community leaders and hearing their vision for our local institutions… It is dinner with friends… It is scholarships for our high school students… It is the eradication of polio… It is financial support of organizations like the YMCA, WARM Shelter, Jonnycake Center and others… It is developing programs partnerships like Reforest the Tropics in our middle schools… It is more than you think. Check us out online at We’d like you to be part of the Westerly Rotary Club 3 “Rotary Presents” – Roy Seitsinger Jr Join us on Monday, March 21st as we hear from our own Westerly School Superintendent Roy Seitsinger Jr. Roy will be speaking about the exciting changes that are happening in the Westerly Public Schools and the ways that we are preparing our children to face the future. The Rotary Club of Westerly Established June, 1958 District 7950 - Club 6706 Invite a guest, your friends and anyone you think might be interested in being part of the conversation with Roy. Mailing Address: PO Box 407 Westerly, RI 02891 The program will include dinner and begin at the usual time of 5:30 p.m. at the Venice Restaurant on Shore Road. In the event of inclement weather, check out our FaceBook page or the website ( for cancellation notices. Tattler editor— Cal Lord Cell:860.917.8320 Upcoming Rotary Programs March 21 - Rotary Guest Night with Dr. Roy Seitsinger Jr, Superintendent of Westerly Public Schools. Invite a potential Rotarian. March 28 - Program TBD April 4 - Board meeting and Club Assembly Save the Dates Monday, April 11 – Interact Club Installation Service Monday, April 25 – International Night @ Whites Saturday, May 21 – Scholarship Auction Saturday, June 18 – Summer Pops Monday, October 3 – Rotary Golf Tournament Check us out on Facebook too! Look up the Rotary Club of Westerly Change of Address? please contact Secretary Rose Russo at 401-315.-5868 Make a Gift to the Rotary Foundation. Become a participant in EREY. The Tattler – The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Westerly March 14, 2016 Mentoring Is A Rotary Goal When Clara Montanez was a student, she never heard the word mentoring. The idea of having a role model help you pursue your ambitions was unfamiliar to her. Yo u a re c ord ially i nvited to atte nd th e in aug ura l din ne r ce rem on y of th e n ew ly form ed Inte rac t clu b of W es te rly H igh S ch ool. th Come be a witness on Monday, April 11 as 18 High school leaders at Westerly High School join this international student service organization sponsored by Rotary International. The students will receive a certificate and an Interact pin. Let’s celebrate Rotary at this very special inaugural dinner. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. Invite a guest and let’s share the vision of Rotary. A Night of Medieval Merriment and Wonder A Night of Medieval Merriment and Wonder: A Kings Feast featuring Dinner, Dancing and Auction to benefit Chariho Rotary and the Wood River Health Services! Saturday, April 2, 2016 6:00 – 11:00 p.m. Lake of Isles 1 Club House Rd North Stonington, CT $100 per person Tickets are available at "You basically chose your career based on personal interest and hoped you could find a job," says Montanez, senior director of investment for Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. "I went the route of getting married and having children first, and started my career later in life. I had no model for how to do that." That changed for Montanez the day a friend invited her to join Rotary. "Frankly, I was dragged into Rotary. I didn't see a connection at first," says Montanez, who's been a member of the Rotary Club of Washington, D.C., since 2003. "But then I met several women, including Doris Margolis, who took me under her wing and started mentoring me on how to get more involved. I began seeing the value in having someone I could count on as a mentor, and I have become more of a leader in our club, in my community, and at work." Montanez says Rotary has given her a platform to mentor young women as they balance career and family, as well as manage the challenge of repaying student loans. "I think Rotary has given me access to young people and they are ready to accept guidance because Rotary is a safe place to reach out and get advice," says Montanez.
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