05-02-1990 - Heritage Avon Lake
05-02-1990 - Heritage Avon Lake
( May 2, -*990 Ipth Year, No. 3Q.. SHEFFIELD LAKE Featuring Award Winning Photography Community Pulse And More... i ^ j a y c o x j r o a d s ^ • , £ • ' ; •.,:-, •"" •_','-•• - ' " v ^'.-'- ,-• • co**vrooKr Avon Lake Set On Hiring Gity Planner by Mfchael Noga AVON LAKE - Couo-JI next Monday is expected to introduce legislation which can create tho position of planner for the cily engineering department. Tfils is a now position which was established as li priority in city council's :^;. Continental Cable Sbould be Asham- 1090 strategic planning session. City -edl Here It Is playoff time for th*j Engineer Thomas Cilia said ha now '^Cleveland Cavaliers and still no Sport- spends about 70 percent ofhia time on ; sChanneL Like I've said so many times planning commission and related items, ,' before "If Avon Leko government would whfch reduce* his ubility to perform :';;have awarded ;t*i|8 franchise to local engineering duties. « « •••*+, • r^-Peop'o lU<e they had tho opportunity to under the sonenil direction ol the city 0%':,${- v•:'. .-we'd all find a more sensitive attitude." unginoer. the planner wojld supor/be ^.jTheyhnvealrefldytriodtombvo'lheirofusaigncd personnel, uct as " ;'-:flTO to Bay.Viilago. Thoso guys have pro- and evaluate commission iccretory, prepare :;-'Veni nothing "ithcQ1 they cnmo to iov.nL. .planning mulurials , far planning comrnLisian ; -Came on Continental, got your, heads meetings, write applications /or state,' /•^/^Jutof your back pockeU-.. federal and private grunts, rovise zon,;:);; In the worki! Over tho past fuw weeks ing, subdivision and athar pertinent or- v ?> U,YvB? mentioned -A the"; numorou*' com-dlnances, plan tho ordorly development «:^:plalnts':alrod around Avon Lake about j;£.the:;traffici conjeatibn at Walter and RJH.Jr. AVON A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LOR AIN COUNTY 35C r: and retlevelopmunt of the city, and •aylanner.',:^ ':^^^^0^^^^l revise planning documents- . „.• When CoundVPresiaratrErniaWavw-^-i^^C',, The planning documents requiring back asked -Engineer:-QfriWIw£bb&W&^ periodic updates include tho future land' mentis If ohy, he hod 01J".the' legislatlott•tfe^V?^; use plan, master thoroughfare plan, , which proposes the c^^p!aiiner|(Cila>;1 comprehensive park and recreation said; ''I'm happy to see that/it's beln^put 0 ^ plan, master storm sewer plan and -Jo^other:Mght.Mwi:rrB\ran^g'^o^tV-'>,-: master snrittsry sewer plan. ?D percent^ of:my .cttm^dn^planning-j-^i Council members indicated they related Items.?,".'; ^C!':^-&ffi^?£$£p?:;f~;:::.,. would like to employ a planner with "Planrifng.ca'mmbwlonv^rlUjbbivory^:^ 5 (Iirve or more years of experience. . pleased ;to-seeVthI»| nurvea"onV,^adiJcdD'yI The human resource committee wits X_buncrtm(tn1;../Greg-^aiW;";"councU!!a"^.;1 informed it sbould consider a starting representative to.thatMBunisfilbiiiv;^^-^ salary rangu between $24,000 and "Accordlng'.tojPlannirigtCbnin^lbn^ $27,000 prr year,'according to CounChairman :Judy-Murray»:pUnOTW;!Jbflve;i^ cilman Viurij Urbin. He wild council's .bnly.'bee'n^itified^'n^ot.'yewC'ShoM^j human resource committee has not. addled tbatsomo "even oppjos«'certnc^fe: ' however, given the salary Issue a lot of tion, particularly in caaea,wherebyitheyi;^f consideration at this point. Council is re* : quiring the individual have nt least 0 • have been planners"for-o'ibiig tlmtf.fin-.i";: ding success without needyforf0. T bachelor's degroo In Urban Planning or certification., ^.^-^r^^^p^rr^ a related field, and slate certification as ••'••••• • ' - * • • ^ # % - ? Nearly 700 Residents Si^ri r # ^ e n l i l i | | ^ ^ ^^.^IJiit'wBetMiiybr RIi.^-;tl Hausrpfc in-. .;^Xormed. me a solution to the problom has tic ^'•been'ih thewbfk* for somBtirao. Accor- byAlfMSlcker morn In Income tax**." Ifillie ocdltutnco ^ t J^iFfofte /!: (ding to Hausrod,-a. traffic light should tw ; .., AVON A referendum pulition g i g Is uphulcl, it is expociod tO;lirlng:In regUtWed'vTO^M^\Jn5;^T^F&su^r|:|^^ ^'installed sorabtimo In the Unxt six weeks... [residents the right fo decide whether a $353,000 In revenues in tho first year of natorial eloctfan,;'-F«meryiaId they;dm>'r -,,, * *«, |^'eyen.irhe,honl;to bang It himself. That 1, 0.5 percent Income tax credit reduction c o I J c c t i o n . . • ' •"•'• ' " • " • ' . : . • • ' •':•'• . ^ uotV;wofll>fciYcaiw5th'eTc^^ should be Implemented was filed with Mickey Farmer, spokoaporson for thu peMe.byrnbt^tlngunmmyembOT^^W " the clerk 'of council and the city finance group1 Involved In seeking tho referenArconiing id^.cI^chijter^coAradl^^^ ! dum, said, "we're not doing It because directoroa April 24.', ' ••;-•' : ^;bt MMr0^*) WaifcBr roads'arw,about to cabIfriwjB*«A|'l^^i^t(m>iott^ we think ,the , city doesn't; need tho If the Lorain County Board of Elec|$&geYa major'dyvrJuol* VVlth tho recent re-, dinance • within:,3qf daysvoLthetllllna ^p ^ ? tfonsvaiiddtesuSo petition tho question 1 monoy, but.becBuse we want tho'rfght 1o ^^qucftby pi*count Drug Mart to further the; potWdn.fHowew,J|,Faxm'er~hojie«"'^ i0%iaip*n.d their area with more retail ttorca. will appear ontbo Nbvombor 0 ballot. v o t e " - ^ g ^ r ' •::. •;•. '• ,-,'••- •?.,'.;:•'.. this! won't occur; " t ^ H ; ^ S W ^ v & ^ ^ Nearly 700 oignalure* were olitalhdd by j^.-8Jong"with'recent building of dftlcev, tho FartnerSofd the group went .door to '^e're:b^Iug:pioy>ion^;shoSto^ door- arid1'gathered- moro than three; "That waiuit'lh*;MecWe^ust peUlfiiiig^s" a ^.Clty:of Avon'Lake has decided to'keej/V a group of seven or eight Avon residents: {^pfthe hbrao'uifront of tho cart This put', in favor of giving voters tho right to times tho signatures needed to piece tbl ed for, the i l g h t ^ o > b i e . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « ^ P^VcMpntUy,' diy officials (engineer, mayor,: decide on tho measure passed by city' referendum on the ballot. In addltion/.o Daniel Haradem^ Gerad;fphlllipy;rail^%^ Kaiyflm chief* police chief and F.C. member council In the form of ordinance 23-00 getting signatures, Farmer said iiia.: Mildred Gallagher took the petition*to J »:^Judy^Miuny],'>rer^,;obMrved^lobldnB group "registered a lot of -voters at the; dty hill.'Farmer Mid.' on March 2 6 . ' , ; . . . '• : \ *X^X^T 1 , . , •. , . *_ • ;ovw the traffic situation. ..;; The 0.3 p«rcont income tax credit same time." Th dty ej pacts The t word oo" th« validity^ Although tho group could hovo.ro.M^'i'ince the inujraectioii is in a boom atreduction would cause residents who of the'petition from th» board of cfocV work outside tho city to pay thst much' quested a special election after receiving • Ubns today,?: ^^•titudo^thftwnvers.to be want to totally . " V *fr^^^' l ^8 n ' 11 " :B '- lril ^ c '-flow 'from area r 4»i^lnutbi«»''ahd ebrpand the turning lanes iS'aiiid traffic light (Now if wo con only got 'Cvthem to look at Redwood and Rt; 83.) ^SbrfHtldiXok* School Survey! As by Michael Nogv whom did not understand why tho lovy - «i ibe end of this ynrffaut It cannol ho'i j:?Swe've done far other school systems this AVON LAKE - Tuesday Is an imporhas been called a now levy Instead of>;^;"etII^VMplK«K^^b««ai£elt»i'6fc: fflptnekpie PRESS features, at tho request tant day for the City of Avon Lako, acroplacement. He explained that it dciea:^0GlaIi:want:tha>-fbU-wdueVbC'l^in1ll«;r ^'M'bf.Uio Sheffield Lako. Board of Educe- cording to Don Heldler. city fin-nco ^llonjv'akspecial • survey regarding director. Far tho past 20 years, voters • "RodiatricUng of. Sheffield Lako City have supported a property tax for ^ S c h o o U : ^ > - • • • : - . •--•••-•-• -, : • • • • • • . . genornl operating expenses. On Tuesday: *y~4n ;.19B8 tho Sheffield Lake BOE opted voters again will have tho opportunity to "ajfor^a,|:plan • that took away tho continue tho status quo or dictate a ^"neighborhood" school" concept. Tho reduction in city services. •:;"newsystoni;grouped kids by grades — A current, t.5-mill properly/tux for piiow a committee has taken on the task gtmoral operating expenses fn Avon &bf roviowing tho loncopt. Our ShofLnka will expire ot the and of this year. If ;; fifrld/ShoffioId Ltka reader* tiro urged to voters approve a proposotl now l.&inUl i" review thin fpccial questionnaire. property lax on Tuesday, it would take ^ ; I novpr could understand thelrreRaon offset in 1991 and be used for tlie conti:!•_£ "-".•-" -•• •-•• ••l|.1 Continued on p a g » 15 nuing expenses of such services as law enforcement, street lighting, fLe protec5S3 tion, health clinics, rucri-allonul programs, parks mid pool motntmiunco. building inspections, ami engineering ROUTES OPEN! survicos. The Prase currently has carrier "It's importiint Fur tho rosidonls of the rautos open for energetic young city to realize if (til of a ridden the levy boys and girls. doesn't pass, there's goiiig to ho NO mo reductions and some paying for *orvfcos Route available in Avon on In the community - liku street lights and Hayes and Centennial. garbage pickup," Maid Mayor Kicimnl Route also available Hiiusrod, "Our top priority will by in Sheffield Lake on a pdllco and firo protection anil other section of Knickerbocker things will como• only,If lho money is If interestod please phone , NEW RECRUIT - Laddie J . Lid. loft, reads his oath of office as administered by thoro." •. •'. • . 1 Avon Lake Law Director Russell Provenza. Ltd recently became the newest Ileldlor said ho recolvod either eight fI roflghtor/paramedic with the Avon Lake Rescue Squad. (PRESS photo by Mike 933-8480 or nino calls from rosidonls, many of ct Fate Of Avon Lake Services In Tuesday Election money net day. May 2nd to Tueiuay, May 81h USDA top choice I 1 i i chuck roast... whole or split ground fresh several times daily chicken breast Ground Beef.. ' fresh cut never prepackaged qoick and easy breaded white meat ft Certified Angus Beef available at participating stores I. shard salami 0 *m mericiii cheese * 5ondnda«'« Gownwl potato saiad I * t Spaghetti Millbrook So Big white 17 5 to I6oufic« • Doubl»5rutf • • B.O Stuff cookies ?v cherry coke, Diet Coke or •'hg-te ; f c * Sour Creom. bghf, ^ potato chips regular A« M A J«J Crup CalifQfnio ketwfg Lettuce ABLE COUPON X one dozen Grade A -i. apple juice..... 1 P»J**ni M i (aupon at one Conwmrt food Mail S*wt lo Ifw. or Staf h Cowity and <fat*n Gtad* A C W H M H Food Movt Inotf «m« (or ! limit one clo»n p«r coupon. Coupon *xpif*i mJdnlgM. May 10th, 1990 eggs... With COUpon Here to serve you today and everyddyi|| Avon Lake Sheffield Lake ftd. • 4 7 8 6 4 5 3 Avcn-Bcfcfen Rd. J Food Mart Letters "JLast Temptation* Protested J- " . "ToThe Editor j;»" I wish to protest the purchay- the' 'library has made u'f the sacrilegious Video The Last Temptation or Christ." ^ -rIf you too find it offensive, ask For, a 'form at the library on which to. register your complaint. Doris CarH on Let's Wake Up, Avon ^ T o The Editor >and Avon Service Director: '•? Let» clean up Avon, starting, with tlumping trash cans at (he Srjiwartz. Rd. ^Rarfc deaol How long itii going to take ^tbclean up the "chunks of black top. fttal and mess you made when putting Sup tha bridge on Rlegclsberger? Are you ^4&aiu*ng';till the grass gets so high thnt »1|naturB covers up your jness? Lot's not be.', "tlazy.'CleaD'upyourtheas." • I^Alio^wJiy is Ure'servfeo director and ^btdldlngiospeclor allowed to drive their |^carshomeTAretheybnca^-"4boi;rs7So ^lh*t:,.means'you- can have V house1 in* ^.Bpected 24 hours a day. or a problem * anytime Wake up. Avon iin« Withheld Upon Request Generosity Appreciated To Tbo Editor , "*l " C o n c e r n e d f r i e n d s of Jau Sutherland" wish to thank all of tho people who haw 50 generously responded hi his ;*%« of oeod. ^ Joa 1*4411 in a come since his motorcycle accident on April 16. Donations are being used t? hslpj defray tho costs incurred by this tragedy and assist his tfcrea children. -,£TheT Sutherland family a?i that, if you : wj>uld like,tohelp, yoH^iease send ybur'donatinn to: EST Bank c/o ^Ooncerned Friends of Joe Sutherland," r«7AvonBflkleaRd-,r aa Lake 44012. T '--''Mr^and M i * N-mk Sutherland ^Support Avon Children J Editor V of Avon; . „_"«! Board of Parents v jrVwouM Uke it publicly known that we are V'lW'percent behind the school incomo «i tax bvy.'Issue 3. •t / We have, throughout the school year, „ on our own, had money raising events to •'-•^aid and Improve our, "indorgartenors' ^school year. *» *• ••-'"Our concern la,_if the levy falls, our ' \ children win bo taught in huge classes of '35. In this lixe class they cannot receive 'the proper attention. :, The future kindergarteners may bo forced ^ 3 attend school ell day every other day on'different revolving days, (-"different tweaks. This will not only **destroy any continuity for the children, .ibttt confuse and be costly for working parents. / , „,* C h i l d r e n ne<:d, e s p e c i a l l y ^kindergarteners who are experiencing "^school" for-the first time, everyday schedules which they can depend on. It helps to leach thorn orderliness, which 1c bnportamya> they-grow up. " Jso there ,1s bourd-to b= messod up . u parent and babysitter schodulos. iwith the children paying for it by arrlviing. at. the wrong day at school utterly ^confused. ' iv^The kindergarten board feels wo neod \to vote for this levy* Issue 3, for so many '(obvious reasons. We want our children to'have<what we had whon we wuro growing up, an ordinary school life. For thal-wa need money. For that we neod . Vote Yes for tho children. . Jody Schneider, Secretary Refer to the Avon Lake Press tissue dated 4-11-90) or phone myself (9332959). Rich Shaw (933-6StG8) or Dennis Sherba (933-t»166) for a complete explanation of the.events which made ihe suit necessary. Other residents have asked how they can help- Bo assured that wow is the Ume for action. Contact the M&yor and your councilmen and express your concerns. Contribute to the legal defensu fund that has been established to insure your voting rights ore protected. Donations may be given i«» *iny petitioner or sent to CitizeE<s Concerned About Town Centor, c/o Elyrta Savings and Trust. 457 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lpke. Ohio 440l2. Any EST branch will accept a d o n a t i n n . W a t c h for f u r t h e r dew, '-omohts on Town Center and other controversial issues about to surface. Ron 'PalHnqer ~ - • . 1 with One item .....$4.f G 2 with One Hem ......$8.10 3 with One item ...$11.20 m •Additional Hems 80< Each BBQ Ribs BBQ Chicken ITS HOTHOWUnLBirCO31B. r r s HOW HUGH TOW a THERE IS NO PRICE LIKE OUR PRICE. ' Auction Efforts Commended To The Ediforr We woyj I like to take this opportunity to thank the many ;pco: plo who • participated in our S t Joseph School Auction on April 7. • To the many local business persons who donated their services or mode"' cash donations, thank yiu from tho bottom of our hearts. You arc a tremendous asset to our community and 'you are always there to lend a holphig hand when called upon. Your gr^roslty Is d o o p l y a p p r e c i a t e d . :" .' r '•• •;'•'•'•- To the parents of our children, thank you for tho many ways you offered your support. Our auction would never have gottnn roots without.you behind us,/ To tlitt auction committees; (''ink you for the counUass hours you spb.it plann*, Ing and organftiag this endeavor. Thu amount of work gokng into an ovont such as this Is exhausting but the out-. come was quite rewarding. It was a Icvoly presentation and everyone in attendance Iwd B most enjoyable evening. \ _ To our ettandlng guests. thank.y<iu for hyour contribution. You helped make a successful evening even srwalor by your kindness and generosity Anr^i finally to Mi". Jim Wagner and Mr^Vrod Baark, aucllonben, "Thank You", seems hardly onough to sny for thu fob you performed. Your profos* slunnlisro and humor created un atmosphero of giving and the rusponso was overwhelming. Tho>o of us who never attended'an auction before will .have* lasting momories throughout ihe yearc To all of you who opened your wallets and hearts so graciously for our children; COD BLESS YOU. Tho St. Joseph Pnrcnt OrganlrcUsr. and the chlldron of St. Joseph's Invest In Education To The Editor and Avon Votws: Your Avon local schools arc as'^i.if,' ?nr a 1/2% scnool income lax far operation of our system. In the post and tho present the Avon Boards of Education havo operated >our schools in tho most cost effective manner. Now increased costs have forced us to ask for added revenue In the form of a 1/2% school income taxi Your schools need tho.added Income to maintain educational excellence. Without the addod revenue we will hot be able to offer tho quality programs that we have In place this year and In past years. Your, support Is needed to maintain high standard of oducatlon In the Avon schools.' Please vote for Issuo 43 Mny 8. Thnnk you! Jnmes A Smith Avon School Board President ^insure Voting nights To The Editor: Many residents continue to question uitMtstus of Town Center and the efforts of the Citizens Concerned About Town" Center. As reported In antn "newspapers, a lawsuit has been Hied ,tflaln*t Clwrk or Council Kathy Lynch idvnUnding that the issue be placed on 'tht ballot. The purpose of this suit is to 'protect your right to vote A court dato should be set In the next week or so 12" URGE PIZZAS WiiNT COUPON" " 1 r FULL SET of I PERFECT NAILS I I*- *•-\OaIr i . ' k w i t i ^ ~ ••>• NU-TECH Spring % » > f i r p , S-I9-90 inl • • • • • " ^ " -*~ AVON FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS - j . 1 Avon Middle School 36600 Detroit Road Avon. OH IOK &. One Mile Fun Run SUNDAY,*MAY * 9 00A-Mr' •> l COURSE Fast u d Fbt • Out and Back with 3 mile rfup T-SHIRTS- To Fust 250 IOK Entnnli TIMERS: Every M3c Two Water Stops MERCHANDISE DRAWING For AJJ IOK Fin-shot IOK \WARDS Mate OteraU-1st aixl2ii<Jfr»phie*) Feosle Overall • 1st and 2nd iTroptues) Age DivuioBS - I, 2 & 3 Place Trophies MALE&TEMAXE AGE DIVISIONS? 14-Under 15-19 \ \ 20-2* 4, _*• Ribbou to all One Mile Runaers V 23-19 • Please Note! The One Mile Fun Run is an open race for, "" 30-34 , ONE MILE FUN RUN AWARDS- l ( 2 A 3 T r o p h i a Males tnd Females participants of all ages. However, awards will be presented to only, runners 13 years of age and younger. 35O9 31-35' WINNERS JobiNaJul - > AKimWener * • Mrttrt Divbkm -^- f TJRi * ENTRY FEE: For IOK: $6.00 Due on or before Maj 5, WO $8.00 Late Entry Fee. One MQt Fan Run: $100 Race Directors: Sandy & Tom Wasoslk 937-5461 &5andvWuwk AVON FLOWER FESTIVAL ENTRY FORM. Check No t {pitC-l IUC separate fntm for each tatty) , Am I Endowed V " _ — , __ Agreed: la comidendoo of the •ccepuncc aZJtf entrj>, 1 for myself, my executon, adiBinlftfMoni u d ' •ulfneu, do hereby rekue and dlicluu|e the Avon Athletic boastcn. Inc. and ouV^ spootofs Afomall cUinu of damage*. oen»ndi, actJoni wbtUoevcr'ln any manner and verify ,(b*t I hawft>UknuwMieofj 1 : the niki Involved in LSIC ctcnt and I am phyticaliyfittnd sufnclenlly tnlned to participate In thif r a a i ' r m Street Print Full Name Date Signature State City Phone Zip T-Shirt Size S M L XL Shim for IQK entrants only. Must be claimed before 10 30 a m on Race Day. Future Of Avon Schools Is In Hand Of Voters Signature of Paient if under IS To The Editor: May Oth is quickly approaching and with it will bo arioyof great decision for the Avon School*. A positive vote will enable our schools to. continue tho pur- Age (Race Day) Sex Race Entered: 10K. Fun Run Continuod on pag« 30 ~+ Race Number. (Win b* anl|Md on net dqr)' 9 00 A M. 9.10 A.MT Make checks payable to: Avon Athletic Boosters. Mall to: 33544 Jennie Rd; Avon, OH 44011 R.J. Hemmer Jr., Publisher R. J. (Dick) Hemmer Sr., Founder 1922-1989 Mik'e Nog?, News Editor Linda B a m « , SecretaryLinda M Her.imer, Advertising Brenda Barwn,, Accounting , , lit Judy Feierabend. Advertising , Rita Raim, News Co-crdinator PUce Uurie Saari, Circulation M&iager Best Original Pholt ri h ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Fred Schmidt. Courier * P Smd nev<it article*, advertisements to: $20.00 ^—<-"1*^1^^ Box 300, Avon Lake, O-440I2 3S800 DETROIT RD.. AVON A •9^L J ?5 c? M Ascot The Press, Is a Newspaper of General Circulation in l.orain County Telephone 933-5100 COPYRIGHT* 1990 * * • * • * IFPA *-* ** * Service, Circulation ~12,500 Serving Lake Erie's South Shore Since 1951 Avonl.nkp The studonts in Mrs. Szogedy's third grade ctass have been actively busy on several culmination activities foi two of their units In health. To capitalize on the four basic food groups, a healthy foods luncheon was held tn their classroom. The children divided themselves into ' one of the four food groups. Each group then planned what foods would be appropriate as a healthy choice for !a luncheon. The feast was enjoyed b> all. To relnforco i the' students awareness of appropriate and inappropriate use of drugs, tho children designed a poster with Illustrations and a briof message. Their message was shared through a display in tho hall with the other E<doview students. .-". ^Pfc^J,f'*^?,^*.'^igMahtt The fallowing Eriovtew studonts have had perfect at* tendance' &«* fflr during the 1989-90.sclipol year: Ant ivaun Armstrong. Brandon Aslaluwm, Brandy Cdrr. Jef froy Davis. Andruw Fowkes. Keith Gorcak, Autumn llnranidn, I«clyn Homm. Michael Horton, David Horton. Shnna Hurhanek, Michael Koegan. Matthew Klem, pay,-Michael Lynch, Soan Ii\Dormott. Christopher Monjot, Matthow Morgan. SHigeru Moriwake, Carly Morrison; Seth Noidlng. Pamela Passmore, Jennifer Poland. Jon Ramsior, Erin Romslor, Michael Robinson. Josh Shamblin. David Stnw-tt. Matthew SU*e». Lisa :SGH0^CA^^AitV.^':"'Vv";V .... . . . . . . Sylvester. Scott Thielman. Elizabeth Torrero, James "THurs^MayjS at-7.p.rn.. Talent Show.sponsored by Tucker. Rebecca Upson. Mark Vyvqda. Daniol Wa rron, Student Council, auditorium. i .,-; . L o a l i o W i l b o l m . --••<•• iv :Prtii May[4 at 8, pjn.. One Act Plays. Dratnulcs Club,. sUoni ; / ; .7 . : . . „ . LUNCttMENU tsub|oct to change) ^^ ;Sat^May'S at B p.ml Ona Act Plays, Old FliJ Station. SCHOOL : May 7 - Chicken Sandwich w/ lottuce and mayon-.i1 ' Sun., May 6 at 2 p.m., ALEA Sponsored Scholarship halso. Cinnamon Applesauce, Chocolato Brownie.' ; Walk-A-Thon and Bj30 p.nv'Xcade.mlc Excellence Din- M i l k .Hot • • ' . ; • . . ; ,• „ • • ; • • , ; -nerj^Fountain Blosui Party^entor. ., • May a - B.L.T., !Barbecue Chips. Soup, Fruit Cocktail,; ; Ip3i|i| Mllk. ' Erleylhw Wore busy designing ithelr owb haU to ba part of a parada prior to their spri^fng:vacation.'They.1 paraiiled through each classroom '. wearing tholr own "creations". ; , , • . ; ;^ After listening to a story about a rabbit who loved enr,Vrotcake, the first graders In Mrs. Jormslnd's class wrote ; their own recipes about what they, thought should go In\to oVcarrot cflke^.The recipes wore very Interesting! The rclaas mombers decldod to bake a carrot cako, each child broughlanjlngredlont and everyone unjoyed the cake. WK ' ' - ••-' - *:; Limousjjie:: * White Lincoln rYnfafatfill Stratch (Seato StyJ^V* Give Mom A Mothers Day Gift; ^' She'U Never Forget! r\'rri{£ Al'a 3 hr. Wedding Packaged ;'^498l00# Al's 8 hi. Weridlng Packase ;v5225.000* 3930 Colorado £v£.; FAMILY VISION CARE CONTACT 1ENSES •TflSTEt> ' ^ • DISPOSABLE:1 • ASnGMATlC^gi g DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL1 OPTOMETRIST^ (216)933830) "V May 9 - Hot Dog, Bukod Boans (k Kraut, Pears, Cookie. Milk , •.'. :\ May 10 - Submarine Sandwich. Pasta Salad, Pretzel Rad, Two Tono Pudding. Milk - . May 10 - French Bread Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit Jolld wMoppIng. Milk SALAD BAR IS NOW BEING OFFERED AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Kood movie, j m win kam viag and be o w n r i ! ^ ScincoM-.qt^ I f r ^ ^ ' i ^ T t t a b i o t a youtfmitbtyon could COUM aa willS't y ^ no." Your beat, bet l i u say home l Saturday nJ^ln, if you go out you'll ** B wflfto Itowk* (to; ilieAMttr^- iaamanttiypttk)d«id«oa't • • / ; - . : Academic Notes News From 1L 1 1 ^5. J^F';^:'* .^' ' , ,;i"The following part-tlmo' ..Moore Rdii David L. Lakflwood Beach. Audrey students; have also been Karobl. 32550 Lake Rd., p . Just. 822 Troadway, ""narnedfto th^ Dodn!B, List Colleen M. Kelly, 138 Duff Molly J; Knrnatz, 350 Irv~ forf. the jiWlntcrit- Quarter Dr.i: Kyoungsook Kim,. ing Park Blvd., Trad V. jAv o h ; •,: D o b o r a b:-\ A.. 32300. BIrchwood Lane, Kaufrman, 781 Shuffield ;;Ferenc2,;30961 1/2 Julian, /fRochello Lappls, 145 Beck'' Rd., Hold! S; Koenan, 4141 i "CprririB;vP.v Hauch;; 3854 ;.Rd..-Etixaboth C.-Lecor- '-.E. Lake Rd.. Robert J. jStoney Ridge Rd.'; Tammy • chick. .328Q0 - Redwood Keplc, 851 Irving Park, J.iMcMurjay, 37593 Lorlo Blvd., Edilh Lefebure, Nancy L. Klrsch. 337 BJ Vd. .;.vWil 11 a m/M. - 3 2 0 5 0 S p i n n a k e r , , Lynne Dr., Kelly A. Margaret''A. Loporo. 247" Kronok, 4763 E. Uke Rd., McPhllllpi; 1976 Horrmonn Dr.. Suzetlo K. Robert E. McClollnn. 861 3 ^ "3109 Sloney Ridge, Linda • Martin, 107 Vineyard, Idlowood, Patrlclu } . ; KT Powells 30300 > Mills " Barbara A. MriGrath. • Medina, 460 Maple Avo.. Rd.; Sheila Mi Smith; 3975 ;319y3 Lake Rd.V Mfchiko Michelle M. Stanley, 4340 .Iayc6x':-Ra"if^ Douglas . ; . ' Moriwake,* 207 Parsons, Brockley, Theresa A. Thome, 43S0 Jaycox Rd., Ann. M. Prlco. 210 Mooru Thomas, 5210 E. Lake Rd. Fran -Thornton. 2575 Rd., Sandra J. Smith, 03 Sheffield Village: Ray• Way/ Evotyn D. - mond E. : Hatch, 5283 ;.fflycox^iRd..;;Avon; Lake: Landings Wagner, 33803 Electric' Parkhurst Dr., Antonla Peggy" • Armstrong, 104 Blvd.. Anita K, Waltors.. Lnpat. 4151 East River :Moorowood, Karon. M. J5-1 Tomahawk. Sheffield Rd., Sheffield: Suaan M. Borato, 30 Landings Way, Uke: Pamela S. Dolt. 375 Nikonowlcz. 4275 Abbe Michelle- A. Biierklc, 121 Gaylo Dr,. Mary R. Call. Rd. Lakewood Dr., fames J. Snddlowood, Cathici Cerney, 189 DufF Dr., Judy 4870 The Doan's List for partL. Cromwoll. 900 Ho well Deamlcls, tGt Parkwood, St., Dobrn M. Dolostor, tlmo students recognizes Bridget -M. Celgor, 342 338 Erievlew Blvd., who accumulate Bbu-i Jy Way. John D. Patricia A. Enrla. 941 studonts r$P&-'•••'-• IS credit hours with a 3.25 Givlo'r. 32002 Carriage Stnrk Anno M. Glur- grodo point average. PartLano..Mary C, Gould, 124 bino. Si.. time studonts are ollglblg Gajlo Drl. Fay .Avo.. Judith A. Audrey 311 A. Goforth, 4920 fur recognition again 'each 15 credit hour Increment lii^V-!* 1 ' .• •' -Holoniuriil, 33280 Red-' Elmwood Dr., Anna M. Graullch, 4850 Plncwood. thereafter. . . . IK&f&V:-.-''; • -wood-"'•Blvd.'. JamcB W. Jameson, 32056 Bella Rd,. Jill R. Junozlu, 903 Mary Ann Jensen, 210 lite-: The Navy Navy Seaman Apprentice Soon M. Richards, son of Ralph W. and Kathy A. Burgolt or 018 W. Shore Blvd.. Sheffield U k e , recently departed Norfolk, Va., on deployment to the Mediterranean Sea while serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwlght D. Elsenhower, homoportad In Norfolk. During the six-month deployment. Richards will participate -in various military exercises / and visits to several foreign ports. He will also take part in tho ship's 100th anniversary of the'birth "of President Dwlght D. Elsenhower. Tho celobm* tlon will include special ceremonies during tho port visits. A 1088 gniduate of Brookside High School, Sheffield, ho joined the Nnvy In December 1989. mwadauLUyQUfUioaVigfaryim- (WUl.sw a* b ^ W r w r ' bruche*. it win be to your MAmeat'r «MM«T) If youism |«tliqt — be hamblcv brviie a friend you" H...UH* f b l l*,lwineaa'Mrtnenhrp^K f a * need a Caver &DOI lo lunch and you'U wiIIE«drearayrButlteb.~' ^"" CM H. (Bat that'i (H you'll set n doa'i puih your luck^ you'veb w i deedvcd.1 GEMINI (May ZWwi^l) You're in an optinlitic mood — naybe You may ipeodowreiirMta) unreaUiucallyag. If you're planning to go abroad ihis tunuacr. you can., expect probkm*. You r^l be I«d-';i ing the pack lomewtienj tbli week-;! end. maybe at a aborting evert, and ' lel«v)rui»ocond<bouclMtbwt( you w U make a new fnend * ho may you get usedtoyour new touhWj follow you borne. routlbeJuMflnei,. n ^ - " J CANCER ( J « U-*i.t 20) You CAPRICORN (Dft 22-Um 17)1 could get tiw tagBraIOOK up your..: TOC are « genius atraalUacE K U ; famtlytree and might diicoveraome- , •ndriwald j e t a i i thing rinancially orioclallyivalu't y o f f . Youmjytoputh able. Everyitungyoudcmayaeemio' uig your credit to the' limit bot'yov bf wrong now and It's becauie U it:-" h o U ' r ' Iy.lfwo^ l f ^ d J ' But yuuira lucky andyou will stiUbeV•' comlneoulculstoe tenugbti tmilJflg all the way k> ihe bank. with you;, But iryoa meet] _ ... .„ -from anaber coadnenl,.llwGt bej LEO (Jut Zl^Altg 30) lfybupartki-t pauloanyUndof ^oru.yoa'Ubeat"'. your beat thicneu week. Doa'ttrylo '- Q U rtl«).Y "hit on- an old Mend, you could get ; win spend • couple of daystothe* i truner. And bow wOl you expUin publkcyeaBdlfyeu enphadteyoarg that at home, much leu at workT A c eccentridty ft may KM bs.to'jrdurl •ceoarto you've been trying to pro- advantage. You could recdve'sg?? duceforage* will have tociowesriy. I Invitation to ibeevenlof ilw yt«rbot3 h ' t t l O ' l i l ^ W-lJl-S^i It will be beuer ao b d m accotdf could make fenoui and prohMged • problenu for you now., You win be: nSCES (FtV lT-MarVlSlYil wondering about the ununwQ and •, could have t tore throat or; looking for antwert. Your w e d will neti for a few days bat when. „ __.„ end wtlhyonbeing »riik-tako-_. the dunce UperTorm la public It wills what's come over you? • You could be cured like magfc;. foiemio "' have a faniank Satwuay nigimf you •noVorraflueatlalErieads ibJt.we_ „ aren't too prutfWt. ;•.;; ;. . c ..,. , end. Juttbeuif leenwiihthmwlltp -. ••:•:-:.•;•.• i - - ' '•..-.':•:. • :.••••'•• • : > : - r r : ^ } ^ M schools and chlldit-n to maintain parity with our neighbaru-g districts. Superintendent Speaks hy Richard E. HroneL, Avon Schools Uie May 80~' flection date app h the scriousniss of our finaii j£cJaI health becomes more apparent. Mr. rdmlln explained to the Board what have been taken to reduce the &tmoimt we will be requited to borrow fduring the 1990-91 school year to offset |U» deficit ot $350,000 to maintain exJ g programs, petsaDDcl md continue jrthe.. replacement and upc :*ing of in| i n f l l supplies. equtiMient aud ^Special report was presents! on the Range Planning Process" by Da* j Graves, Assistant Supoi ntondent Strain; the North Royalton Citj ;»choals. |M^'Graves outlined the p^icedure d l o p e t l by the district five y\ -ITS ago [to prepare for the transition and iraWth lot tli^jr city and school district. .Mo amr p j d the value of community .nput |tnd;fInyplveraBnt both hi timt end Inwoaxces^The community survey <*as a ^ h b l l a t c i n n a l i o n tool and bet: i mo j l activity as the Strategic .-'lan jtitrovlsod-yearly. Tho process was atItribttted.es one of the reasons the dlstr'ct Iha^beett'successful at levies to provi.1i IthVf nBceaeary 'revenue fora ^rawlim |ooinmunlty, committed to education*) &OJp ' Board action was taken an several p«rscnniii items including the hiring of substitute teachers end the nmtowal of 'utorin^ contracts on.»-•«* needed basis for 199O-91. Tho resignation of Ceorgo Trbovich was accepted. Mr. Trbovich has been n teacher for thirty yoars with service of Avon children for seventeen years. Action was taken to renew thena teacheit eligible far contracts and , granted continuing contract status tc four teachers. The bourd took action to non-renow all activity supplemental contracts for coaches and advisers of the extra-curricular programs due to tho uncertainty of funding for the 1G0O-91 school year. Operational activities receiving board action included renewal of service agreements with the Lorain County Board of Education and the Northern Ohio Special Education Rogional Resource Center. Authorization was granted to remove non-usable items from the Auxiliary Service fund. The firm of Land Design Concepts Incorporated received the contract to develop specifications, supervise and inspect uw Parking Lot Paving Project at this cost of $10,270 from the Permanont Improvement fund.. The advertising of bids will begin on May 4.1990 with the opening and approve! by the end of the month. Project completion is scheduled lot mld-AugusL , The 1990-91 school year calendar was adopted with the starting date of August 29, 1990 and ending on Juno 6. 1991. fPeg'Steang reported the Avon Coranwiity •>SurveyJt-which yielded 316 |rttpon«» 1- of-1-"the >33D; sought: ,The ^preliminary.statistics Indicate: parents gand^chJldfen feU good about ou* school ^ind the concern of ou*1 teacher* for the ^Uttlaones./^nurturingenvironment exSists^Tbe strengths of the Avon Schools |are'within the. stsff, quality of Ihstruc* Lastly, discussion was held rep o ^ c u r r i c t i l a r offerings /and extra: , e-x phaslzing the necessity of additions) & ODricuIar;~ opportunities. The survey re-venue' from the May 8th School In|found,thsl^substonce abuse prevention .p-^oe'Tax issue to onablo tho Avon ^wiuiji major: area to bejiddressod by the Schools to continue to maintain and ifchbol)" and.\stinuilate \" gteate r-, Involve'' • oalii-nce' the' educational' program for pwatbyfparents in school activities and our children. Without. tho necessary funtU,.serious reductions will bo ra|eb*ttcatlaQal interests of children. . J'vDr^Mronek announced the receipt of qulnnl In. areas which will greatly j&the first delivery or the donated equlp- reduce tho quality of service and materials that are so necessary for.our ' <V ment from Cablevislon. The following is only a partial list of these mandates that tho Avon Schools have been or will b*i required tcabsorb within our limited finances. : * Require bus transportation , for students kindergarten through grade eight and transportation of nonpublic school students in alt grades that correspond to grades receiving transportation , in the public school district ,, * Make school district unemployment compensation payments to the Ohio Bureau af Employment Services.', ' Make school district workers compensation payments to the State. Workers* Compensation Insurance Fund. * Provide forty full-lime equivalent teachers per 1,000 students in the school district. * Provldo five educational service personnel per 1,000 students in tho school district. ' * Provide fringe benefits for employees of tho school district inclusive of health insurance and teacher retirement. * Malntairftoxtflndod service 'Contrasts' for certain employo«s.(Stoie ralmburaonient rste is 16.4% - extended service is required for Vo-Ed teachon.). : •• . ¥ OtaeaHwra 24 HOUR ACCESS OPEOTNG " _ 1 _ • ' . • - \ • • • * L . NO MCURTTY OEFOOT; - ' \ r 8PECUUZJNO W BOAT'STORAGE " • H HOUR ACCESS • 7 DAYS A W£EK • *,FUa UNE U4WUL DEALER y w t d more BgW to C M with. , tn» pup> (lh» opening m U M : - ctnttr ol t t o kta whlcn sflows M M to t n t * ttw ay*) lend! to r g«i smuftor (n older p«op*. i N t oonttrtcubn «nowt toss fBgJrfto Mrik* tn« tvtlna than would b« th» C A M . 'dMtoplns cataract may al*o Mock faht from annfing t M A ^ V * ^tTp'.countcrsct I n * l o u of r | Dgiht.trmntnilMlofl cspsbmy by , an Individual can ttw totomttf of room I,'or. more lampa ctowf ',' a lamp movtd form fm totwo ta«t «wiy Ifont. FprMsil matiria! ptovklM n<n« |tiat«« a t m u d : Hght on m« fpagt^ Important: dir*ct Kgril so rfteofflM bvtc th» tort tnouldar jJrriQhMwfldw) P M M M . of ln« oppottta tor tort-handvn. Thtawn avokl gtire and avoid •hadowt from a pan or pandl tf O M l a wrUng.-, ' . ' • .:./" A flashlight wUI h«tp vtekm In low-Oghttd i n u , npvdally ' at night . Incrtulng tna inttnany of jight,howavar. doa« not da«l with ttw bajJc cauM of Ins ptoW»m. That should ba addrauad ihrouflh optomawta axamlnatlon and Iraatmanl. Brought to you in the . interest of better vision by: , ROMAN BOIWKA, O.D. 515 Moors Road -SuHa 3 Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 216/933-EYES Free Cheeking That's Trujy.Free: • No rrrontHly service charge. • No minimum^ monthly balance requirement. • No monthly per check charge. • Unlimited check writing. • Free ATM (automatic teller machine) card with no charge for ATM transactions. • Your canceled checks returned to you. • A complete, detailed monthly statement. • Only $50 to open an account. • FDIC Insured to $100,000. • No-fee utility bill payments. • Limited time offer — 200 free checks. Stop in or call us today. "THE LANDINGS" 32730 Walker Rd. 933-4575 SAV1NGSBANK What banking should be * FDIC Insured -; -K ¥ ¥ ¥ (• %> M I N I STORAGE; SPECIALS! i, 5 rfw * ' M a i n t a i n local non-certified employees salary schedule with a per*. 934-6300 383B9 CHESTER POAD ' AVON. OHIO ' MOftRM. 611 '-•.••••,;,•< 3. MAY 2. AVON' SCHOOLS - THE UNFUNDED STATE MANDATES Over tho past several weeks, we have tried to share With you the reason3 why the Avon Schools' expenditures have1 rnutihued to increase. Inflation is only a portion of the story, the lack of additional stale funding is .inqthnr part, but a significant cost factor of the school* lie in the unfunded mandates ordered by legislature. Thcru oro over thirty unfunded mandates which directly affect the district'^ finances, many of these due to the SB 140-The Omnibus Education Reform Act of 1989. These mandates have two types of cost factors:, real dollars and personnel time. While the legislature is continuing to mandate new programs without funding, they are also severely curtailing the districts' abilities to raise new revenues with various lax abatements and reduction ideas. Needless to say. this, causes great difficulty for school operations, as well as requiring local districts to constantly propose local levies. cent minrnnim increase formula as designated in each biannium budget bilL * Maintain a state minimum teacher salary schedule. * Maintain an open-school policy resulting in interest payments on debts required to keep the school district open. ,, ITT * Maintain a biennial audit for the school diatrict with pny for stale audit •mrvice. * Fee increases for auditor and treasurer tax collections. * Provide kindergarten for all pre-fiist grade students. ' • ' * Maintain missing children ceconU antl contact parents and authorities con-, cerning absehleelsm. , * Provide achievement end ability . testing in grades 4 , 6 and one other to be designated by the State Board of Education * Provide high school proficiency testing in grades 9 - 12. -* Maintain a Driver Education program . w h i c h ' requires-, supplemental school district expenditures. * Provide a school lunch program for: students in the" school district and breakfast"- for''certain students. * Secure legal counsel for collective bargaining and court litigationSB 140 will odd the following expenses avor the next two yoars with.the total costs st.UI undetermined: ;!..^Maintain: educational management' infora^ition system (o collect over 100,000>Sces of studont'liformatlon. * IntradistricJ Open Enrollment - loss of state foundation' joney of $2,038 per participatidg stutlr 'it. " Post-Secondary enrollment options "Students honlth scrnenlng. * Mandatory Kindergarten - may require additional teachers for some i districts. . : * Competency-Eased Education Programs - c o s t s , to prepare and process tests. * Phonics Instruction. • Conduct Criminal Record Chocks on: Job Applicants. ' S p o n s o r programs, for parents ofr truant children. * * Fee'associated with ithe new ,'com~i mercial drivers' • licensing required' for* bus drivers, . ' . Expaasof of ittMiioi romovnl.i i»spoctioo and/or radon, lead inspections." ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ • • • • • ' . : ' • • • • Come in and See Our Low Prices! • • •• • ..-.- • WEARITAGAm* Consignment Shop •* Now Accepting spring , J and summer clothes J Over 400 Items 1/2 OffNow!!!^ Prom Dresses Are Inl! ¥ ¥ Why pay full price for one ¥ night! ¥ Kids need summer clothes? ¥ Why pay full dept. prices?? ¥ Shop at Wear It Again for up ¥ to 75% off retail prices!! ¥ ¥ Earn money when you let ¥ someone Wear It Again. Sell ¥ your gently used clothes on ¥ consignment. 36927 Detroit Road ¥ ¥ Avon Plaza ¥ ¥ (Behind Papa's Pizza) ¥ 934-6004 ¥ Hrs. Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. -k * • • • • • • • • • • • * • • fcl Paula M. Morse, M.D. Pediatrie Medicine Tracy Orr Lori Robertson Correction - Names Transposed Announces the Opening of her Office at the Avon Family Care Center AVON - In last week's PRESS the nancs beneath two photographs w e r * , ^ udvertontly transposed in the story titled Queen Candidates Named For FestivalOj Flowers." , ^jgjjaw Above arc the proper names and photos of queen candidates Trncy Orrand C Robertson. The PRESS regrets this error Knollwood Prides Language Arts] ftiula M. Morse, M.D., specializing in Pediairic Medicine, his Ixren in private practice for four years.' Dr. Mcirsc received her Medical Degree from the f diversity of Cincinnati und Is Board Certified by the Americin Board of l^rdiatrics. She is also a member of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. , For Appointment .Callx 934-4070 HouiS: M Will F9-12 num. 1-5 FM Tijcs arid Sat 9-12 noon Mrs. Karahtita's class has been work ing very hard on. Language Arts skills this year. One activity that has helped improve writing skills, is Dolly Oral Language. This activity Involves orally correcting sentences. The children learn to road the sentence to hear if ft makes wnse arid also to look et the sentence to see if lf> looks the way a sentence should loofc The children also keep Journals where they practice' writing sentences and short stories utilizing the skills they are learning. Some of those stories are published In- New Patients Are Welcome lo doss books or personal books. AflJ children have written and Jihutnt * personal book which have beooi ted 10 Young Author's Coofa Courtney Darmos, Jamie'Rade Natalie Copvlacd attended 'J Shore International Reading v tlon Young Author'* Conference^ The children are waiting to see who may be chosen,! tend the Loraln County Gifted' tlon Young Suthor's conference o n | 10-17 at Commui Grief Healing Group To Mee No matter when or liow death comiia, noon and evening. J S S we are rarely prepared Tor the grief, WHEN WEDNESDAYS FROM,! paln» loneliness ,and sense cf loss thnl THROUGH JUNE 2 0 . £ ~ ^ S S accompany It. Both the length nnd the TIMES: 2 p m , - 3J0 intensity of the grittf Is greater than ex 8 30 p m ^ . \+\ Wft& peeled for most people who havu suf- WHERE. ST. JOSEPH HOSPICE fered the loss OCB lovud one FEREiNCB ROOM. , ft1® We at SL fbseph Hospital &! Health (located on tho lower lo recognizo what o difficult time Ibis may Medial Office Building- * T W be and would like to malu) you awaru of building that is connected to the he .:« program providod for you Tho ses- on tho corner of Reid and We sion* are Md."C-KO a walk for eight con- Street) - M | aevSSr^j^iti 1 . and orfor a structured These bereavement aupportpgw pathway through the various aspects of led by iHospice and PastoraJfC • ---• -•• —wr- —™ - ^ - - - ^ ™ ^ W ^ W H B •oro ••*• B wm* »*j LuguHiD g ull r O O I U u U TI FAMILY CARE CENTER <1 v 36595 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 44011 m grief. Thorn Is no charge for tho program which begins May 2nd mid is offered for your convenience during both tho after- A BETTER LORAIN COUNTY John Bender Democrat for John R. Bender Lorain County Commissioner "Do Better With Bender" PaMftxSyTMBamtortoLoraJnOMMv Contra.P H < l T » O r i -. - Staff qualified, In group ler ''Yshlp? further information or \ Mistral please call 233-1009. *-'v* r?tgS HALL RENTAL!!; For Your Special Occasion! Call American Legion Post 211 £ ^ 31972 W&ikerRd., Avon 933-8695 : THEIPERFECT Now Showing 1. Hunt For Red Illllllllllllllllllllilliiiiiiii f 2. Pretty Woman n 3. Spaced Invaders PG|| 4. Crazy People P^ V ' ' movie ftlbney Coupon Book $8.00 Value for 57.50 mmnmmnn ,B*f9»inMatio»oi Dairy until • a 00 p.r.i. TK**t u U 30 mir, t f o thowtlmc. Pt»on« bxain 55 E Starts Friday 1. Hunt For Red October PG 2. Pretty Woman R 3. Tales From The Darkside R 4. Spaced Invaders PG • • • • • • • • W «•••••••!< ~ j AVOftL.FeopleOnthemove by Debra Balmcrt Polovich " May 1. For more infornialin- call Fran a! 937-5507 after G p.m., Mary ul J"Pluastt send or drop off articles you 937-5790, or Sharon .at 937^6323 during ewish to have in this column to Debra day. Call 'early, for your reservation rt Polovicb. 35760 . RicglesbtTger lli« and etijoy a mini-vac;itton full of Tun. BcL' Avon by NOON on Thursday bfefore the date,of publication. Bt,-d Prugruni ^DATEMlNDER 'Tha Avon Branch Library will off«r a May 2 -Rachel Circle nwijrwh . J n binl* o» Tuesday, May 8 at ltoay-2'- 1 Athletic Booster Club. 7 p.m.. 7 p jn. ThL> i»tugram willboofiotun^t to Awja HIgfa- Levy?. fc — Avon East Fifth and sixth grade all ,iges and give tips o r attracting tiif, frrait ipecics of birds.to your yard, inlBaiid Concert, 7 p.m. cluding that once rare North American May/.Z/ — fazzcrcise. Avon Middle bluebird. School.&3Q p.m. Hel^a facsur wfll b« the featured M y — Little League General Meeting. speakek". Bring the whule family and Central Bank. B p.m. • . ! . learn the secret of keeping birds happy. May 3 - KUanls Club M - L - F e s t i v a l Meeting' , . Athletic ttaosler Cow Chip Drop jMay 3 — Ico Cream Social, 7 p.m.. Avon Avon Plop Middle School Avon Athletic Booster Club will be Jfclay 3 - Trim-Up Class, Avon Middle holding its Third [ Annual Cow Chip ScbooI.: 7:30 p.m. Drop P b p on Saturday. May 19 followy 4 -' Methodist Church Mother & ing the Avon Festival of Flwwtsrs parade. Daughter Dinner. 0:30 p.m. ' The cow, who will to namitd at the cult Miy 7 - Jazzarclse, Avon Middle test among the lint through fourth Sichpo). BJQ p.nu graders in Iho Avun" Schools, will he a May 7 ; - Holy Trinity Rummago Sale. 9 participant in the poiudo and then will be taken to Avon Middle School football ?'.May-B>- Trim-Up Class, Avon Middle field. Once there, thpicowwlll Lo placetl -^jSchooLTiSO p.m.' la the fenced area that ^c? b«en market! E l l W a y 8 - H o l y Trinity Rummage Sole. 9 off in one foot squares and left to do its ess? ovm. - £ p.m. . . . . . . . . . , , business. The Booster Club will pay ^ M a y . S ^ A v o n Library Bird Program, 7 S500 to the holder of the square where the majority of chips fall. $75 each tctho ^ i u B . " ^ ' " ' " : - ' ' - : ' • '•'" .. ' • ' • • • holders of the four squares whose side? ME&Mqr 9 - Avon P.T.A.. Avon East, 7 p.m. touch the winning square. Tickets for i i p M a y 8 -Avon Park Board this Avon Athletic Booster event can bo jg^'llay'v9-f-*:•'• Jazzercise. Avon Middle pui^hased from any booster member for1 WSchool. 6-30 p.m. .• ' . • a $10 donation during the festival, orb;, calling Pat Klingslilrn at 934-633-; or ^ Avon Utir»ry Book SaJe ' ' lanlne Dye at 934-4968. '"* *;fT'Avot»'Friends of'the. Library wil! be Sholding'theif Annual Festival of Flowers ?BookSalo.ThEs will be Wed.. May 18 Avon Festival of Flowttn Senior ?}May 21. It Will be in the Avon Library Dinner £ Community'.Room located on Ridgeland ATTENTION all Avon Senior £ Dr-s during * library" hours. - Hardback .Citizens It,you have not received your *l»ofcs aio $^0 and, paperbacks are $25 notice:, regarding the Avon Festival of I,. ^ai(bargalnl All proceeds go to the Flowers SenlorCUtzens Dinner on May .gMtttujfiiy'ii'special programs. Any book 19 call Mrs. Moran at 937-6881. :^(I«"p-Toff*i':are approclated •-•;- no M(ia^neWplease. ' . "„ ,.;.. .'/•..,:,,'•" .' • Avon Kindergarten Parents Club SponKoly Trinity RomniajB Sale sorsChlldrens Games , ^HslyTrinlty Cul!d will hold o Rum•, The Avon Kindorgarten Parents Club .'^^inage Sale oh May?7 and 8.-Hours on Is sponsoring CHILDREN GAMES on May lfl following the Avon Festival of IJ/.- Monday will be 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Flowers Parade. The Children* Games [ ^ T u e s d a y 9 a.m- to 2 p.m. ; will be held at Iho Avon Middle School • ^ S ^ A , large variety of Items will be at 1:30 till 3:30 p.m. Many games to ploy. f^JavBilabto.-Hbt:sandwichos, homemade Tickets will be sold at the door Tor $.25 **" Viuprdonuts and ciilXw will each of 5 for a $1. Face painting will be "B; Thfire'w^l also. • avo!^?y«c-nifreshmont5 sold and FUN for-children and adults of all vges. y".special will bo; Children must bo with an adult. Sheldon the lost day of the sale. The Avon Police Department wil! be on hand tu do fingerprinting of childiun lAvon Festival of Flowers Scholarship FREE or charge. ^•;'Avon Festival of Flowers will bo offering two $500 scholarships for bny senior rih.high school who resides in Avon. Avon Historical Society News . J j h t s student must bo accepted at a two Tho regular mooting of Thu Avon l&arfaur year college of their choice. . Historical Society will not be held on "^j!Scholarship applications may be pickMay 7 because of the Reid trip schedulled up at tho Avon High School Guidance ed for Saunders Farm, Archbold, OH, foffice;'-Those"must be returned by May on Mey 20. If regular mtimbersare not p 2 1 ; l 9 9 0 i ' - - - " •"•-•••' "•• '• • • • . •• • called, please contact Robert Allen at tyg-.Av •'•••":•»''• •••;;,"-,. ' • ; 934-6301 for further details. Friends or kvon Athletic Boosters Cow Chip Drop any other Interested popple moy attend. 1 1 Festival of Flowers 10K Race On Sunday. May 13 at 9 a.m. the Avon Athletic Boosters Club will sponsor thair 12th Annual 10K Ruadrace. Aurards'ivill be presented to the top two male and fcmalo overall winnctn. In addition, there will be 22 age.divisions. Award* will be presented to runners winning 1st through 5th place in each division. A one mile fun run will he held again tlii? year with awards gain); to (hose runners 13 years of age and younger. For further information call Sandy or - j Tom Waaosik at 927-5461. Attention Festival Of Flowers Parade Participants Attention anyone interested in par- 3 ticipatinginthe 1990 Festival of Flowers1 !^ Parade. Tlie following entry form must 9 be completed and returned to Li'jby g ThunlDg, 32090 Orchard St. Avon OH 44011 no lattr than May 5. 1990 Any ? questions, call 93-MB53 or 937-6831. ^ I wish to enter the following in the 1990 Festival of ^towers Parade: ( ) FLOATS .'() MARCHING UNITS { ) RIDING HORSES O HORSES - B U G G Y UNITS ( ) MISCELLATJEOUS f please stale entry _ j N/>ME ADD JPHN. ' • , (> CAKS ( ) FIRE DEPARTMENT \ '" '" - NUMBER IN UNIT DIRECTOR ' Please enclose a ONE PARAGRAPH tesume of your unit regardless of category for the benefit ot the announcer. Preferably trvpewritten or neatly printed. The following Insurance agreement must also b e signed m order to 'articipate in the ~ 1990 parade: .' . • '• heteby waives his/her/its rights to the commencement (name) . of any action against the Avon Festival of Rowers, its members and/or representatives; for any injury suffered by participation In the Avon Festival fo Flowers Parade. The Avon FesUvaS of Flowers will assume no Itabinty In connection with your partidcation; Failure to sign & submit this form prior to the parade shad constitute your elimination from the parade. (sign & date) 1 1 f Avon Resident Earns AARP Award Steve Radosevich received one of the l&aQ National' Community Service ".wards from the American Association of Retired Persons (AJLR-P.). Radosevich.' who Is a member of A-A.R.P. Chaptor 2843; was selected by tho Chapter's Board of Directors for his outstanding volunteer'contributions to 1 the community. - - : - Strj,foupht through severe depres- sion after thtiloss of each leg and emnz* ingly now wiilks with only^the use of a cane. Rarjn^vfcTj, of Avon, visits three hospital and tvti nursing homes during his weekly "cotinseling" of those fust facing the loss atf a limb. As Kadosevlch c=^ Hrivo his own car/ he recently took on the'Additional work of taking new widowers to lunch once a' week. J Carnations For Mom On HecDayl : l HJJJJT-I ^ e CdW.and coloring.contest. |wtnhers: v $10 was won by'Ceno Swartz £fdr ; .the;'naniV. of."Alfrlfa." • First'place pBnd :$5 wont i to , p u t , grndor-Monica^ ^Slovak, ' second Srtdar-losso fackson. ktbird grader-Erin Bailors, and fourth ^grader>Katie Lengcn. Second place and £53^;went to i i r s t grader-Llnclsoy ^Brouvilte, second grador-famioLongon. £thJrd grader-Brian Maubl. and fourth fgnide^Marlka MlshiwokUThird place l a n d ; $ 2 Went' to first grader-Rachel SSmftek, second grader-Patrick Toyoda, Xtfilrd grader-Brian Lopushoniisky, ond |;fourth grador-Trisha Jurlsin. Sw^VVlilUmtburg With Avon Women 1 * v r U U D - • • • - • • - • * , , . ' • • ' • • • ' . Mather And Daughter. Dinner Thfe UMW of <ho Avon. Methodist Church wilt hostess uh All Daughters Olnnor on Frfdoy, May, 4. ..The dinner will be surved at 6:30 p.m. and each family is asked to bring H favorite casserole; beverage and dessert will bo furnished. .. The thorns for the evening will be A)l Creatures Great and Small and the young people am asked to bring a fovori'o stuffed animal. Ploase call the church office (D34-5121J any morning for tickets, which are $1,50 for adults and $.75 for daughters undor 12. Daughters of all ages uru wolcomo to toin us in Uils ovoning of fun <mtl followship. , feiTho Avon Women's Club is planning a ^bw.trlp to WMltanuburg. Virginia. You Harocordlally Invited to Join. The bus will fideavb Avon on Friday,; Juno 1 in tho & e r i l n g and return lute Sunday evening. pjiiho 3*.Cost for transportalon dnd Iodg^litras'arreaibnable $95 pet person (four Speople tc-a roomj. Enjoy shopping at the i f a H o u V ^ o t t e r y df visit CoilonUI IWuiiamtburg.! Reservation deadline Is (co Cream Social Tho Avon Kindergarten I'tirttntn Club is Sponsoring Its, Annual Ico Cream Sociol May 3 at 7 p.m. at Avon Middle School. A short orientnJoh meeting for incoming kindergarten und meet the toucher will boat 0:45 p.m. All incoming kindergarten children will bo receiving a letter with a free sundae ticket Included. 236-3393 W 'r ' 5 j ' - • ' - • , ' ' - . * - * ' » COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DaiOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOT PHttUWV ELECTION - HAY «, 1 »90 ' - - - • -• - * ^*F . - . . . * - , — , • • • COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REPUBLICAN PRIMARY BALLOT PRO1ARY ELECTION • MAY I,1990 >• .State p^p,esr-DemoGraticTicket-: I I State .Races- Republican Ticket §•** L i * • < * • • • < FarCntnurnd mil'" IK Ik ANTHOMT J -< CELEBUZZC JB. Far M ^•*•*•••• For Gr**r»n* mni GEOKCE V. VO1NOVICH «Y>7i-PAHKEK LORD rZ/^^^S!\ FeABmrv KM — MlCHAtlL UtWI.NE PALLE.PFEin.B FMDEK1CK 13. SUODLETOX. JR. Bib For A n W n of SUM JAMES M. PETKO JAMES A. FUILOMEXl , BOBTAIT CHAH9X5 T. BROW> JCUITH Y. BRACHMAH tC£ n»HEH •TSUI* WILLIAM DLMELSEN THO^fcrt.CWO* ANDREW DOUGLAS • MllMHMMI f MAJIV d i d WITHROW IWJattk* C CKAIC WUC1IT DONJ-rCASE UMbDMriol •T D K 5-pncH C M T I KM- te<M rf (W Cmrt rA»oltt STURTJ.BA.NK5 DESORAH COOK WWllMlt— V*rM*»tar«rS lau MM MAJtYCAQOrrO tU3«UIT K. WILSON m urn CnMtCMrtM, WUX1U1B.NYE WMM CAMOLL J. HVUti *••> CMral Cmn*kit*. »Un ( I M I DlMrirO MICHAEL «. KEYS (l>k DWrld) J GAMY D. KELLY I CATANZAK. * ft fvrSMt tlnfTMMMh UMDWrki ^rSbtt ALAN J. ZAU.SU , < ROBEJCT » . RXKllAltO MILTtW R- IJOHITIS Qounty Races - DemocraticTidket I County Races -Republican Ticket BrprtMiUMltir (*4b DUirkll For Camrtf JOHN V. BARA Sheffield Precinct 2 Issue M J I . F . 41MJS.IM! 20 tar CauMjr l5MiDWfkt> * RDNALDJ KLSKA.S F-r Jadtt «f Uw Ourt riCn ALAN W. ANDERSON JUILV K. 1ENDER BETTY C BLAIR NORBEKT C OONOtLI. JR. J | •f Csm t l t . U M DhMp-l mciAL IUCTION «v UKAl. OTTWN EUCnON ON IUNDMI MLRfiTUQUM AmHI-WlMNfMi f)IW»—^^ , ... WtALL TK«MilO» WtW ANDMIXlttWVUUflaSOrTHtSAUlK Tyres AI MXT K u u u u u w t w rucner ON a n n oun'i OF TNI wux. at rexMrmo M THIS tmman VK. 0 m ODMil iuurnoftorvTMBrwMniiWHBM»o>AMTwnpt'n«HOU>i( ~ OMEfM AND MIDmOHT ON WKDim ) luk. MIOIATl. J. SOlERAai CEOIbE DAMLL AIETTXSkl " ," JUJA.N A. M O * Aadur rf Ci Fte» M1SMA J. CLAVAS DONALD E. CEHLMAW / i , r , T f , _..—p.- FRANK J. HORVATH Election '90 - May Primary •.•;.• "•*. *ffi^vW^i£S£^^.'$s^^jt^»^TO ' • • • / Fate Of Avon Lake Services Continued from page 1 and replacements cootaiu a reduction factor over their duration. lo monetary terms, a renowd WOL-UI bring the dty 5332.563 in 1991 whereas B new 1.5-milI lax would yield 5517,469, "It s going to say additional mills, but on the other hand il is replacing a levy that was on for several years." Heidler said. Because the current l.S-mil] fax has an effective rate of only 0.49 mills due to the reduction factor. Heidler staled * you'd b« raising these JsfftcUve The finance director uddtvt, "we're talking an annual increa.^ of $30:37 on a 5100,000 home. Onco J explain this lu people thej- seoin relieved." If a levy is uot passed this year, the cit) will receive no property taxes Tor general fund expense* after the 1990 ta,x >ear. which is why c.ily officials agree that programs would need to lm discontinued or other means of funding, such as L-5cr fees, would need to be scught. How will this levy affect me? New Lew Increase S50.000 $75,000 $100,000 S7.79 CU-67 $15.57 $23.35 $22.96 $34.46 $45.94 $68.90 $91.87 $114.82 $15.17 $22.79 $30.37 $45.55 $60.74 $75.92 -'*1 uny , Bay Village North Oimsted Rocky River Westiake IS" Amherst Avon North Ridgeville Sheffield Lake Avon lake $38.92 Total Voted Malaga Total EffecUv* Malaga 108.20 87.20 83.50 84.70 64.99 69.94 64.94 78.42 65.19 66.95 59.53 53.90 54.37 42.51 49.49 53.67 56.87 41.22 933-3801 LOUNGE 2 Large 1 Item Pizzas To Go Sun.-Thurs. Present Rate $200,000 $250,000 The 83 & Walker Rd 1 COUPON > j Any Two Dinners • 1 with Salad Bar ' |(VeBCH|100EXtTV^P«rOwwl| home Value sir*/#ooo r rates) at least 1-raUl." 18.10 14.00 8.50 11.40 5.20 9.10 10.65 16.87 6.98 | To Ck» Sun--Thiirs. ^ • Dine fn Only • NOT VAUD FRIDAY l AND SATURDAY ' ^j*t**>s/ieno^ 13.80 5.91 ly. Senior cilfzsns rcceivu a $LT tay; credit. According to the commltttMj's flyar, passage of the income lax would mean the "citizens, of Avon would W presented much less frequently with requests for now levies." Avon teachers' average salaries are H r o n e k . < ' : • ; : ' ! , ' ' , • "• " ' • ''"'• ' • • • ; ' ' than anv in the county, except tho Signs vnm scheduled to appear over lower Keystone district Teachers voted last the weekend "and e final Informational year * j forgo a pay increase. flyer Is on Its way, Hronek told the Avon Thomas Toralin. tchooU treasurer, School Board last Tuesday. -; , . Ohio, school districts have inAccording to levy committee Infornui-. said 52 tax Iitsues on the May ballot Onetion» the a s Income tax being sought on come third of all districts are: asking for funthe ballotiwlllcoit a reslderit with '•' , S30,000-of taxable income $130 annual- ding on tba ballot. ' YES ON JSSUE2 PAID FOP 3 Y : ; • AVON CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES *•'•:•.*": ^*-:ic": '+•• * • . • • • • ^ Both Writi FrMh M«stitd PoUtoes; VegataUe of l!ie Day and DeB6ouj Grtvyl f Luncheon Special Onfy)_ The For An For All T a x Size Cars Call 933-4377 Appointment (UlnJVans Eqxm. May 30. 1990 15.00 Extn) It preserves, restores & beautifies fine car finishes Special 6 Step Reconditioning Process... 1)Ruboutbody ";.', 2) Clean & wax chrome ; 3) Glaze body 4) Completely wax & seal finish .tAur^-r™*-*; 5) Clean & dress tires 6} Interior cleaning included Daily Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 30 a.m.-7 p m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.-5 p m. 454 Avon Belden, Avon Lake, OH 933-4377 A rose by any other SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOLS :• ;• •; * OpcnFacs Roast Beef Sandwich WATER WHEEL CAR WASH Schools Prepare For May 8 ..•• : -vv';::PLEASE:yOTE.-.-, ^j What's New! > STEP RECONDITIONING P R O C E S S . ^ 11.40 4.76 7.84 9.40 lirgoat committee evor -to-worltoaa tax. campaign for the Avon Schools Is putting tho finishing touches on Its efforts to pass Issuo 3 on May 8, according Jo Superintendent Richard' I | Av SPRING'CLEAN-UP SPECIAL 16.48 14.00 8.90 by Alls* Sicker | 3Lars&1»tem Pizzas $i2s5 Total Voted Total Eltocthra "Ctty" "Oty" MJNaga MBteg* $ 95 8^° ^ H Look Meatloaf Dinner SPECIAL SAVINGS TREE WORK name... .. „_, *_, Trimming, Thinnings, < - ^ ^ - * Removal, Storm Damage, , V > C ^ » Pruning, Fertilizing, Lot ^ ^ . i ^ t Cleaning, Stump Removal ft* ^Planting. DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING DR. GEORGE CARLSON OPTOMETRY 33461 York St. 933-3214 Like a Mother s Love.".; 9 ? Friendly Professional E y v c a r a for trw •frtJr* farrrity « fJFW PATIENTS WEL1.-X>WE •• Contact Lsns— A Gift of J«weUy last Forever.: Choose horn hundreds of beautiful finely crafted rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings, watches & more. AH specialty priced far Mother's Day' . (From $15.00) • "Brown sys« B*osM tonsst • Extsndsd wssr Wo gtw >oo th« pro»st«ton ' * m l sttontton you nssd to bs a tuccstsful Call For Free Consultation From An Ohio Certified Arborist. 734-2874 Sweat Brothers, Inc. M Tha LANDINGS" Avon Lako. Ohio 44012 . ! 223 933-3159 ^ 1 vi Schools' General Fund Carryover Comes At A Cost g by Ali*a Sicker S AVON - As a tvsuh of, cost-cutting tl measure* which include the postporwJ ment of planned T3a»-90 purchase*, the 3 Avon Schools could end (he yuar with a g genera! fund carryow-r of more than 10 SI0O.OO0. according to Treasurer t Thomas Tomlin. jg Tamlin attributed about S30.000 in F; savings to not buying capital improvements and $40,000 to a carryover , from last year's general fund. In addition, tho treasurer reported tho schools havo collected S31.OOU more than expected on taxes. The carryover is expected to be a boost for the schools which havo projected a $350,000 deficit next. yuar. "We're going to end up somewhere between, $100,000 and $130,000 unless •omefhing disastrous happens in the last three months," Tomlin tcU ma school board last Tuesday. ' Superintendent, Richard Hruiuslc said the carryovei would enable the schools io borrow less money ta cover the deficit in the even! a May 8.0.5 percent income tax question fails 31 the polls. Tomlin said tho budget deficit must somehow bu covered by July. The incoma tax measure would bring in about $400,000 in revenues annually. Tho schools will also seek a 4A mil! renewal levy in November which would create aliout 5350.000 annually. While approving of (he creation of a nest egg for the 1990-31 school year, school board member Richard DeChant expreswd cones tn over the, impact «f the postponed capital improvutr.enlis, especially the delay in; tc-.tb^olt purchases. Hronek said social studies aad science textbooks were scheduled to be replaced this year and that math Utvts were to be updated in 1090-91. TomUn said $23,000 PROM CLEVELAND IRELAND - JUME * ! t - Stamion - Qtfway • Donegal • 0u£fln • Kthwvry * C o * - KXanwy CANADUK ftCOOEl • JUIY 10-30 • Cdgrty > Kananaukia • Qwifl • Laka Lou*) • Jaapw • Vvicouvw Victoria ' •. ' . ' . • " . .. , KANOWAVIA - JULY 122S • fiwadan • Norwf * Ownmrk NATIONAL PARKS . JULY 2M1KL 4 - Salt La*9 Oljr • Biyc* • Cwtar Draoks • Zton • U U Po»*a* -Orand Canyon • Laa Vtgaa . . .. • • LJurtyl G-ates assistant supenntnndeal ~~ in KXCCSS lotlery fttnds wotild be userf or the North Royallon Schools Grave* * loivanl the puicliase of some of these. said '01111 range planning allows "good- *£• "We want to g«t our textbools in Intentioi ed people pulhiig in different -' syuch with where they should be and direcUou to pull logeCher for 'he same make sure there are textbooks for each goal" &* child." Hroneksaid. He added that laxThe bchools revived a *aridy of ~j, r.bocV. sharing is scattered throughout audio-v sual equipment trmn CabtevI r t the 'ichool system. ! sioo u« pan of the franchise agreement * In other action Tuesday, the school buard voted hat to renew supplemental . Four rerootc-conttolled televisions, t~ three VCPJ, two cabinets and two cam- <•' dctivity contracts for'next year "due to , uncertainty of funding for extra- carders wil be available Tor school itse Otrough the school library curricular aclvities." High School Principal Richard -r. Advisers for such activities as sports, .Biickosh reportod the senior privilege. „ rausir- -^lubs. newspaper. National m-ograra u underway Oat of 56 scoter* jvijt a Honor Society, student .council and qtxaJir,ed fcr the program which oUowc'^L science lair will not receive supplemenstudents to leavo campus during irtudy*2"1tal pay for these evtra-cunicular posihaS periods, 27 have implied for and tions ss a "doomsday" plan If »le Income taxraeast<rofails r/fJ calls for tho ;r-*ceived fdcntification cards f/jrvth« elimination of ihese Btifvities. "Use b vor> . Preliminary results were presented on "Not-an« studodt has boon late coming, the schools* communitj' survey. CbiurIn!""" man Peg Strong, of the Citizens AdSludant* must have a 2JS _ visory Council, said 316 responses were average and a good behavior tACordtoi received. Most of the respondents had parUctpato 1c tho program * *J$i "" lived in tliu community for more than 10 years and had children, though not The bound plans to adverti*e~blds,l necessarily of school age. A full report Is repavlng or tho parldog lots at lhe hfehS? expected In May, Hronek said. •- . school aad Avon East elementary, thUjij week. Work U expected to begin, l n ^ - - * * Dave Newman, .chairman of the and be completed by midCitizens Advisory' Council, said the The board accepted the"•:_-„_ ^ study provides "data-'.'"*,-serve as. a fifth-grsde teacher George Trboifch^ catalyst end supply «iinu i a* to what Trbovlch has been a teacher *" -1*1—-"• the community wants to do next." M/item for IB yean and has 3tyeanroffS The board plans a long-range planning education experience " l £ 1 ' ^ f l S process and heard a presentation from '1 a s * ALASKA - JULY 3t<AUO. t i - Anehoraga • ML McKMrr - Fofrtanfc* • Sail ID toafiaUt • Jumau - V OeCRAHHCnaAU PASSION PLAY - AUOJ1-SOT. S - L u w n * • Lugano • LU» Coma • SL UofSz * Vianna • SatOurg • Innabruck • Obatammargau • Munich . PORTUOAL * SPAM • SEPT. 15-29 - Uabon * StvOa • Oibrattv • Aloadraa • Tangtot • TonwmoUnoc • <Qnmd* • Cordoba • ToMo • Ma*td M M A * NEPAL - OCT. 37<NOV. 12 • Bon«ay • Aumogabad " Jatpor • Agra - Vannaif • Kafhmaodu • WORLD TRAVEL CENTER ^ 12 PUBLIC SO/*'ClEVEUWf^/OH 44113 * 781-0320 Lake Shore Women's Club Banquet Set: The Lake Shorn Women's Club will hold its May Banquet on May 9 at noon at Tom's Country Place In Avon. For reservations contact Mrs. Walter Young (Alva) 933-2344. Tho scholarship recipients Will be honored a! this time. New club offtcors will bo installed by the OKWC District president. Officers to bu instrillnd are Mrs John Bcrchak. THE pmsident, Mrs. Robert >1.. t . vlce-presidout, Mrs. Arthur'^Van.'Antg werp, 2nd vice pnAdentflMntWiplUBmj Celler,1 rocording BCCTBtaryi' Mrtl^NIi * Kusso. corresponding wcrfftary; Mi Eugbne Chesney, treasurer. A „ "' ^ UpcomLug plans for May lncliide\_r goruge sale to bu hold May 1?*J8 at thft^ home ol M n Warren Newman, 3I70J} LateRd. ^ . J IWIEAT MARKET PEOPLE & DEL! • YOUR CUSTOM CUT FULL SERVICE MEAT COUNTER • TOP QUALITY DEL! • FRESH PRODUCE COME JOIN OUR OPEN HOUSE THURS., MAY 3 - 10 A.M. Ribbon Cutting ceremony with Mayor Hausrod and enjoy FREE Cake and Coffee during Ceremony. **GRAND OPENING** *SPECIALS* Custom Cut Homomade Ex-Lean Fresh fftirt ^ - J Ground Chuck Patties .Eckrich Cooked Ham REGISTER TO WIN ^ ~ TURCO GAS GRILL OR {50 LB. AVG.) USDA CHOJCE BEEFLOIN Fresh Sliced:' / (Custom cut T-8one, PortertwuM & sirloin, DRAWING HELD -MAY 12, 1890 Ne«d Not Be Pr*sen» OPEN 7-DAYS Monday thru Saturday 9-7 Sunday 10-4 33382 Walker Rd. -Next to Drug Mart- 933-9895 Dolt Fresh £^*ced Swiss Cheese $258, m < THE PROPOSED V2% AVON SCHOOL DISTRICT INCOME TAX: •It's based on the taxpayer's ability to pay. allowing for a fair distribution of the tax i, burden. y t •*_*» : .4 kL* V A '•3 i •Qjves the senior citizens an Exemption on the ;f first $.10,000 of income pe^return filed ( S o c i a l .Sjs'ctirity benefits are never taxed). ft,; * *Ecoyides sqhools with another source of. «. -u. a besides thi 5 traditional property tax.^ l=>rovides schools with a buffer against ^ ^ation^unlike property taxes). i p p;|||Ui^ wF ^Oannot be increased wjthout Ballot. WM1 m / , • , „ ' j'y', \ Hi*'' 'Krr TEACHER'S ^ YOU TjGKK^SW THE ABOUT ISSUE #3 •> -^ - ~ 1-1 ft _T- iNi ^ " y ..•i:1 * - var^fiAJ^j ^?p?Hi?fr" Paid for5by the Avon Teacher's / association, Margaret, Treasurer h;,;'i;fc;;j^^. ••"--. , Jl - •••••'• • .--=•: • - • / . • . . • • ; ~ : V * - ' - . - ' . ; . ' ' . , : - • • : , -.-•. •.-.•'•;•.-',-: .^i/ 1 ';- • i . v ' v " , , - . - ! , - , ' , V ^ - ' / ' . j . - v v ^ . ^ f ^ iBrfwuflMK' Around And About Avon Lake £ S . $ c * f AVON LAKE - This went on Around and About Avon Lait-1 viuvmrs will attend a o—; hundredth birthday party. The Avon l-aim Junior Women's Club. although not ono hundred years old iisolf, celebrated tho birthday of ihis'Njtiorial Federation of Women's Clubs. President SUB Crawford will njjpwar on the program mid t.ilk ubout whul Ihe Junior Wumun'i CUib has done, is daint;. and will bo Hoiutt in the future. She vvtll UJM» tc!l us" ni; Mw.ird tho club received n:r.e[ili> GTL'K Zllk^ n tlio dtlvisur of n uniijui? club in Avon Jjiky High School. The dub rcprusuiiti thu High School'ami Avon IAVQ in vtirimw outing iticludifiR an excuralon to New York Citj Greg will ln!k to Host Bob Bolcn about the High Scrawl's United Nations group. Avon Like receives health services from thi* Luruiu Health Department, and on this week's Around and About Avon Lai.3 nob Bulen will loik with tho local liuad of iho Well Child Clinic. Viewors will receive information about :h« servicus lliey may receive for their children within Avon Lake. Around and About Avon Lake is shown at 10:a.ra.; 2:p'.m., 5rp.m.. 7;p^m., !>:p.m. and midnight on Channel 31. Now programs tmgin on Thiirsdays. Wine & Cheese Fundraiber Siated Tho Friends of Kelly for 541 h Ohio Objtnci Stnti* Ko^resonlflUve Campaigp Commlttvo Is 9 Hi^viring a wins and cheese fund-rolsor on iV^dnosday. May 2 from 0 p . r a , t n 7 p.m. aithe Elyrio Womon's Club, Zl't lia*l Avo In Eiyria. Tickets am tun dollars each and will be avniieblo at the door. The public is invited and will be extoudod tho opportunity to spent with Kelly and several other candidates who will be tin the May 6th ballot. All You Care To Eat • Serving From 12-8 P.M. Children 4 and under FREE • 5 thru 9 $3.95 • Seniors $6.95 * - - - BWudSugarCuradHamOnwd • B«k*d Chlclwn • Brad«)Plkt ' - RlyalanJ and S«ucw ; Dilemma At Firehouse Provokes l^j Thu scoiiQ Is Klorida. Picturo living horc a young bachelor with a couplo of house guraU, a maid who has a way or upwttfng things, a neighbor who Is sotnowhat of n party animal, and o fiance Tho bachelor has inherited a lot of: money,' but hl» undo, tho c^r^-***" withholds it until Iha bachelor mairies. Slnco tho bachelor is engaged. ho;^tictchiM the truth a bit and says he U married in order to collect his money. Tho unclt arrives, uaannouocod. to moot tho wlfo and tho covor-up begins. Evor>tjno concerned finds thomselvos doop In tho dllrmmft and iho audience finds itself doop in laushtor. Such Is tho plot for "Right Bod. Wroos Husband," opening May 11 at Tho Old DINNER BUFFET Sunday, May 13th • RIGHT BED, WRONG HUSBAND - Bill Boeman. left,-la in a dilemma.t understand why Dog Brill is so unhappy about the romance of Dave Fti Sherry Spenzer. This is a scene from "Right Bed. Wrong Husband/' opi May 11 at The Old Rrehous* Theatre ; * {'l5 • KMlbasI and Sauerkraut . • Whipped Potatoes > Swcdih McatbaBt , • • Gravyr • Buturad Noodle << ''• Rk»Maf • HooMinacto Stuffing ,. • Fresh Cut MU« • Candiad Swwt Poutdts •Dcucrt "' ""•' Flrehouso. To obttlin tlckoU for i night call tho United Church of I 033-3241: for Saturday, May 12; con the Presbyterian Church at 933-8Z?* Second woakond tickets can I chased by calling the Methodist I at 833-6514 for Friday, May It Assod»tfon for Lutherans at 9: 934-64d6 for Saturday. May ie£and Valparaiso Guild at 934- 5478 for^f' i\ay matinee on May 20. *'' '^ ^ ) Closlnv weekend tirJceti'are avajl for Friday. May^'25 by cont Eastern Star at 949-6005 or "033 ana the Avon Lake Republicans at 6012 for Saturday. May 20. *-*' " Curtain time Is 8 p.nu tha mat *^J0 pan. ' PLUS Full Salad Bar& Homemace Soup Enjoy Our Fresh Fruit and Cheese Bar ' " ' • „ ! Breakfast Will Be Serve-i Until 1:00 p.m. ' " Free Carnation (White Supplies .Last) Call 933-6064 / 933-9777 RESERVATIONS WILL BE TAKEN Your Message Belongs Here! Call 933-5100 33493 Lake Road. Avon Lake' Helens C o u n t r y K i t c h e n BREAKFAST SERVED DAILY Strawberry Shortcake Tues.-Sat. Chicken Pap rikash & Stuffed Cabbage S e r v e d Daily! Daily Specials!! FASHIONED BANANA SPLIT Breakfast, Luncheon RSSTAURAMT * tOUMOB Great place for eating,^ drinking &,dancing * D.J. Thursday - Saturdays!* Saturdays - Prime Rib, Wednesdays & Fridays -.Fish Ft Fresh Lake Erie Perch # Great Luncheon And Dinner,! Specials!! 5284 Lake Rd. LSheffield Lake h }<ours Opon - Ckwed Sunday Mon. 6 (tin. - 3 p.m. T-S 6 a,m. * 6 p.m. 367B5 Detroit Rd., Avon. OK 933-70001 934-5194 899-9927 HUM IBttlDTTW. ONLY 49* 9 \ "LEARWOOD SQUARE" NEW RELEASES $*xt of Kin Old On A Swing In Country ©lit JttjjltB AvonLafc* 237MIHM033-S1I1 1st Place inTaste " Lorsln 1141 14m St. 3444717 FREE WE RENT NINTENDO 5 BONE 99*i i lor NOW SERVING BUFFALO WINQS 1 2 / GEPPETTO'S GROUND ROUND S 3 5 0 A Taste of Nutrition KanChacmka Pharnwdat-AMt. Mgr. By Kathy Germain, R.D. 15 minutes and using the microwave has shortened the cooking time?. Question: I would like you to revise this recipe fur chicken cacciatore to reduce the fat and calories. Also, could this be made in the microwave to make it faster? B.H., Avon Lake Chicken Cacciatore 2-1/2-3 Ih. broiler/fryer chicken^ cut cup, 1 medium onion, chapped 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 Tbsp. cooking oil 1 16-oz. can tomatoes, cut up 1 8-oz. can tomato sauce 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1 4-or. can mushrooms, drained 1 tap. orcgano ; Itsp.salt ;l/4 Isp. pepper 1/4 c wine In a large frying pan saute onions and garlic in 2 Tbsp. cooking oil until onions a n tender. Remove onions and set aside. Add remaining 2 Tbsp. cooking oil to pan -ad brown chicken pieces over medium heat In a medium bowl mix onion, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, green pepper, mushrooms, and 'spices. Pour this over chicken. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir in wine and cook over low heat, uncovered, for 15 minutes or imtU chicken is tender. Pft f 6 split chicken breasts, skinned i 28-oz. can tomatoes, cut up 1 c fresh mushrooms, sliced 3M c green pepper, chopped 1/3 c onion, chopped 1/4 c wine , 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. oregano 1/4toppepper 1 Tbsp. cornstarch Phone 933-2525 PRESCRIPTIONS ARE THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS: Your Full Service Neighborhood Pharmacy Modern, Computerized For Efficient Professional Service ; •',:•. Registered Pharmacist On Duty At All Times 2 Tbsp. cold watar 1 Place chicken in 9 x »3 baking dish. In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients except cornstarch and water and pour over the chicken. Cover with plastic wrap and cook on 70% power for IS minutes. Turn dish and cook on 70% power for 10 minutes. Remove chicken and vegetables to a serving platter. Add comstarch and water to the liquid in pan and cook, uncovered, on high for 3 to 4 minutes, or until thickened, stirring after 2 minutes. Revised 405 195 24.5 M 6.9 5.2 Saturated 90 Cholesterol (mg) 765 Sodium (mg) % of cakifiw from tot 55% Chicken Roll $249 Cuddy | SWaris's Fresh I™*"*** Original Poiyunsaturated {g) FOX DRUG COUPON Wampler Longacre -FOX DRUG COUPON M FOX DRUG COUPON Approximate Nutrient Analysis: Calories Turkey " Roll I W S f ^ A v d n ' L a l t B i •••••.•••• • ' • - . . . , . • . . • • . . , • . . _ , . •, , - . . Low * DIckKrebs Hall Manager/ BOB ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY.INC. Auto - Home- High Risk-;Boats Business - Bonds - Motorcycle A Full Service : Agency Since 1952 33399 Walker Rd. Suite B Avon Lake 9:00-5.00 Daily: . 933-5223s~s i Cleve. 835-7242 •- ;- Price There will be something for everyoue: "a nearly new" section, snack bar and home made bakery. .' Pleaso plan to meet your friends there. If you wish to donate Items for the sale. please drop them off on Wednesday* May 2* from B a.m. to 8 p.m. CENTER Evenings By Appointment I 7.ijp Italian Bread Waddings, Banqtwis, Partiaa ' UpTo300Gu«8ts (216) 934-4253 1783MooroRd. Avon. Ohio 44011 Salad O.B 0.8 73 290 , 16% Spring Rummage Sale Scheduled v Toll Free Phono 871-3728 LEARWOOD SQUARE, 375 LEAR RD,, AVON LAKE OPEN DAILY Sto 10 Sunday 9 to 8 • Op<?n AtLHoIidays Everyday Christ Evangelical Lutb^ran Church Women will be havinp their annual sprMJ?-••ing rummage aate on Thursday. Mey 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 pun. at the church In the $»$Fellowship HalL; The church la located §&£!on the coraur of RjL 83 and Lake Rd. in P. AH Your Avon'Lahe &rug$ Prescriptions and Hiallb Needs Arc at Fox Drugs' Quick and Light Chicken Cacciatore Answer: 1 think you will be pleased with this;Quick, and. Light Chicken Cacciatore. .The calories and fat were both snbrtantiany reduced by using skinless chicken breasts and not pre-cooking the i chicken hi oiL The revision has less than half the calories and over 89% less fat. In addition, there Is a reduction of 20% in cholesterol-and over 60% In sodium. Cornstarch-and water were used In rPhwft'Of •' *n('• "torbato . sauce to add thickness lo the liquid without altering the/flavor. ThepreparationUmetanbout te DickKauttnwn Ph»rmatiat-Uor. Rotend Stottar, RJ>h. Staff Pharmacist W A whole.'* V hostof j comiminion 5 caids.; - Fresh, Baked • ^ 2 n d S « of 24 Prints rRCE - ; '£.*..;.«••»«.••..• i.FREESIAMP !|«, J.M.J. SANDYS ADULT CARE HOME Owned And Run By "When you or your loved ones can't live atone, but don't need a nursing home.'* . (216)233-7659 Try Our FUlaxfng Massage And Feel Good All Over Licensed Massage Therapist Available / $500 OFF: Full Hour Massage (Reg. $35.00) % Hour Massage (Reg. $25.00) Offer Expires May 31, 1990 Includes Workout, Tan, Sauna/Showers A Unique Gift Idea Call933-8075 The Landings, Avon Lake Announcing;.. The Extinction of the Bifocal ' The Age of the Ordinary Bifocal la Over. New SmartSeg* provides you ulth youVe been rafanlnj with your ' ' Jcurrcnt bifocals, plus all the - reading toTtctlon you expect ,'Soyou can KMI a computer ."- screen, sink a putt, and axlp •down the stain -with comfort and confidence See for yourself ' why ordinary blfocab are a Ihingofthepast SmartSeg® Ask for SmartSeg today! Slop In For A fm Dcmomtratton WITHERSP63N OPTICIANS 3B4«o ormon- ROAD (AVON PROFESSIONAI. BUIUMNO) 'r ? SheHield-ShpffioiH e Please send all items far this column to g JoAnn McFall. 5529 E. Lake Rd., Shef~. field Lake, Ohio 44054. or call 949-5531 > and leave a message. All items must be 2> received by Thursday noon. « Sheffield Lake Women's Club c The Installation Banquet for the Sbefu, field Lake Women's Club will be May 2 jE at 6:30 pail- at Ihe An-ber Oaks Restaurant.. The Installing Officer will bo Mildred Sebo. President will be Susan Chapman, 1st Vice President will be Margaret Gardner, Ester Lambur will serve as 2nd Vice President, Sylvia Schmitz will be Secretary. Hilda Van Horn will serve as Treasurer and Gia Sekora will be Trustee. ' . Queen's Pageant The Community Days Queen Pageant Is,scheduled for June 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sheffield Lake, Community Center. ; Applicants should be Juniors (to be Seniors in 1991) living in Sheffield Lake. Applicants, may? attend any school as long as they live in1Sheffield Lake. 1 --Applications are available at the Comm u n i t y . ' C e1n t e r . a n d v a r i o u s establishments around town. Ohio Unicorn; Restaurant &_ Pub ^ ^ ^ i J i i n g Irish Restaurant &" Pub ;features; prime rib^-flanifrbroiled steaks, Alaskan King'Crab legs, and wafood. Friday arid^SSturday;^ enjoy<L Louisiana Shrimp^ Pttel! YMurdery.Mystery Dinner^Theatre -r: performances are, schedulediithroughout the yeir. Opm;Tue.-Fri. from: 11:00. a.m. d S d ' f ^ O p.m. . ^ ~;Lixawdj««mtnot«'front 'U80 [Northern Mi^Ewttike^ ' tie. 10 West, it EtyrWMedJna Eklt go 5otM> on Rte ^7. ; ' Detergents Cleaa Best 7 ' All four students are enrolled in Mr. Bauer's seventh grade science classes at the Middle School. Mrs. Czech, a sixth For more information call Su« at grade teacher al the school, accum panied the ctudunls lu Ashland Una or 949-74BH. sity in Mr. Bauer's place. Rummage and Bake Sale Dotmmkas Doings Forestiawti Elementary Parent •Pro-school Story Programs t untune Teacher Organization wili be sponsorFilms and a Croft Program are set for Ing a Rummage and Baku Sale on Saturday, May 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The May at Domonkas Library. 4125 E Laku Rd. A Pre-School Story Program will be sale will be at 3975 Forestlawn Ave. Clothing will be SI per bag from 2 to 3 May 8 at 10;30 a.m. and 7 p.m. The alory programs arc for children ages 3 to 0 p.m. and all other items wilt be selling and pre-registratlon Is requited. for half price from 2 to 3 p.ra. Hot doijs and beverages will also be available. On May 5 then'will be a free, onohour film program for all ages. The films will be "Cat in the Hat", "Creen ERSS Song Ministry and Ham" and 'The Sneotches". The The Church Love is Building, located films begin at 2:30 p.m. .at 2280 N. Abbe in Sheffield. Ohio will be hosting Derek Floyd and his song Youngsters in eighth grade through ministry during specidl services on adult will enjoy ibe Sweatshirt Applique Saturday and Sunday, May ,12 and 13. Craft Program on May 10 at 7 p.n. Pnr The service on Saturday will begin at 7 ticipanls should bring fn Uieir own p.m. and on Sunday there will be two sweatshirt. A $1.50. supply fee will be services, one at 11 a.m. and the other at charged. Pru-registralinn is n*iuired 6 p.m. Learn how to use thu public comAll are welcome to c it end any of the puters at Domonkas Library, by ottonding a free orientation session Chlfd'eii times mentioned. For further informain third grade through adults can attend tion, please contact Pastor Joe Wiun at a session on May 5 at 7 p m The ortcnta 334-6902.. lion wilt teach, the participant! the basics of using the TRS-flO Model IV and Cystic FibrosiB Walkathon the Epson computers uvaHablo for The Friends and Neighbors Club of public use at the library. Sheffield Laku is sponsoring a Cystic' For more information on any of the Fibrosis WaJkathon on June 9 at 10 a.m. For more information call Sue at above programs please calf Domonkas Library at 049-7410. 949-7488 or Gloria at £i3-6959. , Safely Town '. Science Fair Winners The Parent Teacher Organization Four students from Sheffield Middlu President's Council needs help to con-r School• attended the Junior Academy. tinue a successful Safety Town Program Ohio Academy of Science. Science Fair in Sheffield/Sheffield Lake. Far many al Ashland University. Ench student worked hard on their science project . years this program has been tho responsibility of the Council, this *s not the since before the Christmas holidays. way the program operates in other These students won the highest awards districts, where help is given by the at the Sheffield Middle School Science board of education or other organizaFair. Although the! corapetttion at the. tions in too district Northern Ohio District was fierce, they weru still triumphant., • " The President's Council is seflkikig an interested organization 'ir Individual to , The highest award was won by take over the courdinatioi of Softly Mclit.su Czech- far her A-muzing Town beginning in; January 1991 The Magnetic Hamstor project. She received iVT.O. need your help - a Superior rating for developing a maze Anyone Prasidbmts interested in providing their for hamsters lo learn. To lest their support may contact ,MrJ: Judy Wilkinbulmviural adaptations she i placed magnets around the maze to affect thfiir ; son at 934-4818 for morii Information. behavior. , ; , 103 O.V.J. Rummage sod Bake Safe Preston Hall and loan Feir both The 103 Ohio Volunteer Infantry Civil received Awards of excellence for the; War Museum will bo sponsoring a Rum* projects "Can I Mako an Ecosystem at mage and Bako Sale on Friday, May 11 Home?" and VH6W Air Moves Around a: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m and on May 12 Curved Object." Trlcia Czech received a from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tho sale wilt be Cood ml ing on her project, "Which hold at the Cassment Hall on tho O.V.I, grounds at 5501 E. Lake Rd. There will bo a variety of items in eluding furniture, cJothino. books and ruiscellaneous. There will also be home made baked goods pntvidfid by O.V.I. members. IThey're really goodS} All proceeds from the sate go to the operation of the 103 Ohio Volunteering fantry Civil War Museum. For more Information call Ruth Wagner at 9496348 or Paggy Wagner «t 949-7646. NPU>S Pancake Breakfast The 103 Ohir volunteer 'nfantr* will be spon&oilng s Pancake Breakfast on Sunday May 20 from 8 a.m. to 2 pjo. Tours of the Civtl War Museum Mill be coc*juc;«»d al this time More to come ubout thin later ~ Tune In to Sfaefflald Lake Night Lcok for Ihe Tune In lo Sheffield Lake^*- y^ Night on your local cable television ^% channel The meeting wiiS taped on" r£& April 25.soifyou worounobletoattend, <• ^ ^ | watch it m the comfort of your own !!v ing room L_~rn somclhlmj about tbe^ comn. jnlty >ou live In • Blood Pressure Clinic The Blood Pressure Clinic smnsbred-^ by the Friends und Neighbors Womeu'* Club will be held on Saturday, May 5frum 10 a m to noon It will bw-at the' First Federal Savings Bank in- th« Sharcwoy Shopping Center This cllnlcs is always held the first Saturday of each' month ''"V" Installation Banquet ' I*"1 The Installation Banouet of^lha Frtonds and Neighbors Club will be May • 3, 1000 at Katie's Country VlacaS^ Members who wish to car pool a n uk.''f; ed to meet at thu Community Center at 6 * p m •-'=!. - *;.:'.•: • . • , ; • ; . - ;,:'•" Quality Home,? As Individual As You. Arc " _/ IVrrilt Homes reflect our" cuinmitineritTo pride in craftsmanship. . ; And a dedication to provide homebuyers.'' V • jvith a well-designed, quality-built hqme at« competitive price. * • T • '\ - Open daily l-6p.ili.-or • k ". Iiyappointment PricH^'from $230,000 • Cleveland •2:iG-38-l7'. ' Avon .Lako iKlAJZHi W» f'ahir* dual 'n»ri(> u i i n ^ i In ftimbinlni( nalnnil lf.n. Hrrlilr Perritt . Building Co, >?z-:-h- ' ? *-jytr Endowment Fund; Trustees To Meet AVON LAKE — Tho semi-annualmeeting of the trustees of the Avon Lake v£ Endowment Fund will bo bold at1 t h e • » Avon Lake United Church of,Christ., 32801 Rlectnc Blvd . oo Tueodny, May 8 and Is open to the public. vs, VTtie Avon Lake Endowment Fund U * 7 H non profit organization which belpa'to^y provide Easier. Thankiglvlna Christmas baskets to noedy'iainE^ Avon Lake. Anyone Interested" iiU tliering the potential of the fund may ddj so through outright gifts or through bfr quests or truslfL ^ ^ ^ t ^ *^ •*' * • Trustees of the fund arij Fr.'Ni Rlley. representing the MInUterIal^| Association, Arlone Pullan, ^rep ting tho American Associntloni of. Retired Persons, Dan Stafford* ropt ting Kiwanis. William Morr^ropi ting the Board of Education,^ Howard Fiscor, representing the, Avon Lake ,j - if s « . y -sl EXCELLENCE IS THE MEASURE OF OUR SUCCESS. Bull ATTORNEYS^AT LAW 228 Miller Rd. • Avon Lake, Ohio • 933-3486 520 Broadway, Suite 200 • Lorain, Ohio • 244-5214 / 323-7000 EtCetera Council Approves Raises For Firefighters ^3t££SS$* P gjW f t i 8 »«**"« <* ^ c i l . a two- Firefi 7 f e 5 I O a a t Firefi 3h»en. 3h»en. Association Association.International International Aiwcla Aiwclaunanin nt the » ° ^ y approvedfaymembers of cduncil. **« areEghters in 19M and y increases for S few. c o n1t9r 8a 96 t T«h«e* seven months of negotiations: The last conSeptembe ^ " fiwB8htew have worked without a contract date S Sheffield Lake Police Chief Honored Police Chief Thomas W.Schmidt was doubly meeting held last Tuesday. Council 4223 of Loruin-Sheffield Lake named Schmidt nnouflcement of the award, rnad by Mayor Charles Keloi distinguished service to the Sheffield Lake Police - —7. -•••- »our years as Chief of the departmentread a letter of commendation from William D. Brannon. special agent .. in ms letter, BrannOti praised Schmidt s -—B:--—iold Lake police officer John Nosser. The mtedto Nosscr's conviction for cocaine trafficking. nonored at Iv -SheffieldLaku 11 °'""JEffil.'SS'?'!1^ Community Pulse— — for dumping the neighborhood concept. - Let's Dance! The Avon Lako Community Education Center under the - direction -"of .Anne Naumaon has a special teen danco set for this Friday. , May 4. The dance is for 0-7-flth graders from 7 pan.-ip p.m. with music by Wh*""Music UnllmUetL.Tickets are S3 and ovallahla" «i\Xt«rwbod; Middle School This eveni Is the'first of many everts scheduled for the upcoming summer. v Olhsratnll.w.5% Income tax levy for.. Avon schools;may;fust pass;— .'since senior citizens aren't affocted this new concept has strong possibilities ~ I see the metsJ;bnUdlns;. addition to "Avon . Laka Engineering Dept. continues to: , get spruced up -r; U's still ogly 'U The Avon Lake'Boat Clob roportodly once T again had the largest turnout of all civic groups for Avon Lake Clean-up JDay _* Miller RdL Park Launch Kamps "nrc'iiow open — the new prop addition 'looks-great— 1 wonder what the status :H_regardIng' the^Avtm Lake Justice a 5 Part-Tinie Firefighters To Be Hired SHEFFIELD LAKE - Sheffield Lake will be getting five new part-time fircfighte's Al iaat Tuesday night's council meeting, the third reading of the sub|ect ordinance was approved by a unanimous vote. ' "The city would prefer the new .firefighters to bo Sheffield Lake residents but this l r t uirenient for 1 "° £ ^ J heing hired." Safety Director Joseph Martin said Martin also added that the rate of pay for these new employees has. as of ve! not been deter mined, but would be discussed by the finance committee at its May meeting Interested parties should obtain applications at the city hall office of William Andersen, finance director. Once completed, these should be returned to his office fpr consideration. • • • - ml Council To Meet Next Wednesday SHEFFIELD LAKE - Sheffield Lake City Council has changed days for its next regular meeting. Instead of meeting on Tuesday May, 8.; couccil will meet on Wednesday. May 0 at 8 p.m. . .. : Residents should note this change, particularly since this is to be Youth in Government Day and Brookaide seniors will participate.,. - . : B ™* aifilctut situation involving ' . Gon&iued from page i Center? Found .- Monday evening (4-30J on Buckeye Drive In Sheffield a pair of sliver framed prescription sunglasses in a black case. Call 049-7705 for more information;" ' .'-',"' '"'•' Winners Announced Winners of the Fantastic Sam's-Avon Lako Youth Baseball Federation pairs of opening day Indians tickets are: John TUlotson of Lakewood Dr.. Kont Hardman of Baachwood Dr, Mark Rodener of Redwood Blvd.. Ron field of Beachwood Di*., and Charlie Gulp of Sunset -Dr., Avon Lake.• Everyone redeeming a Fantastic Sam's-Youth Baseball Federation Certificate from Fob. 5 to March 7 was eligible. Owner Kathy Burrows was happy to donate a check for $150 to Avon Lake Youth Baseball and hopes to sou Ihu support growing even more next yeur. Congratulations to the winners NEW IN TOWN? MOVED RECENTLY? Flowers & Gifts Sissons Exclusive "Remember Mom Bouquet Lovely Cash & Carry Bouquets f We Carry FTD Spring Garden & Crystal & Blooms Bouquets also 'Teleflora's Bath Jar Bouquet Newly Arrived If You're Not Receiving The PRESS r At Home Please Call 933-5100 Russ "Sentiments of Love'.' Ensemble each laminated gift has a message: Loving Mother" - "Loving" - "Laughing** -"Caring "Blessing" - "Sharing" - "Loving Grandma" Matching album* • nulecards. etc. plus gift bags to co-ordinate 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rl. 83) Avon Lake A1 Preserve Ohio's Natural Heritage Thib vjNir HID Ohio Oujwrlinimi of Natural Rcso\trc«s iCDN'K) ii u.r^ifi.i r t!s' cilv everyone in the state to "R.E.S.P.Ii.C.T. Ohio's Goad Nature." Kacb letter of !iiewo.u RESPECT sMnds'for am* uf the sex-on goals ODNR has identified Cur 199U. Preservation of natural areas and endangered species is part uf ODIMR's effort to promote the .preservation uf Ohio's natural heritage.' Since th<* first settlers arrived in Ohio more than 200 years ago. over 99% uf the stale's land and water has been altered by hurnans. Once Ohio was dominated by dense forests. lush wellcjids and vital streams. But nature's wild beauty and bountiful variety surrendered to the advances of people as the landscape was reshaped. Today only a small portion of original land surface retrains unchanged: The best of what is left of our naluni! heritage is sought by ODNR's Division of Natural Areas and Preserves (DNAPJ. DNAP is responsible for administering the Ohio state nature preserve system, state scenic rivers system and slate endangered and threatened plant taw. Ohie now has 04 dedicated state nature preserves. and natural areas. 10 state scenic rivers, and 177 endangered and 174 threatened plants. There are still a number of relatively unspoiled natural areas thatrepresenta wealth of natural diversity, These areas are the last refuges of rare and endangered plant and animal species, as nd in Althuij^h VIIIIIMI! Ohio':, ruturitra.riijs hdu: bt;en pnitt;t:tt:d by. concerned uieaiii/jiiofis and individuals, many more on.' ihiiNiii-inni with destruction "''hen1 ij JII ci!p'jrtun:ty • to save UV design the remnants uf Ohio's natural heritage which have survived by chance.' Ohioans have voluntarily donated, .'tver 34.0 million to natural areas and end an genii species protection in seven. yenrs through thfi state income tux checkoff program. Over 135.00O taxpayers donate an average of 5600,000 per year to help DNAP acquire and preserve our natural heritage. In many ways, it b a race against time as natural areas unt degraded or destroyed each year by development, mining, timbering or other tnan-n.,,a« changes. In 1969 alnne. state nature preserve boundaries were threatened by shopping malls, landfills and timbering. According to the Ohio Natural Areas Act, a "natura!«arca" is land or water which has retained or re-established its natural character or has unusual plant and animal communities, geological, archaeological, scenic or similar features of scientific of educational interest. A "nature preserve" is an area which has been formally dedicated us a part of the state's nature preserve system. "Natural areas, with their plant and animal life, servo as laboratories where Natural, areas are intended foe scientists can Jearn more about our past research. **iuca!ion., nalurt* study, hikand present to.beni'ftt us in thw futurt," ing. birdwa'.chiag, n;i!ure photography, said Richard E- Mow-ley. J r . Chief of art and similar uses. UNAP. • ODNR also accepts gifts of land as adA nalun; preserve is1 a refuge (or rare ditions to the system of nature and i-ndangereti plants itruJ animals, as preserves. These areas can be porma'.vi*ll as for huiiifinity. nenl living memorials to Uio donors or Mom importantly,.n,iitur<il arefs serve anyone they designate, but their most, AS J resorvoir of genet1 r diversity, a gene , satisfying and lastioe reward will be the pool which may hold .no answers to our gratitude of the people of Ohio. very survival. For more information, about Ohio'* "By -itudying individual ;j!ant, and nature preserve system, contact the animal species in these areas, scientists Division of Natural Areas a n d have an opportunity to learn more about Presarves. Ohio Department of Natural the role of each species in nature which Resources. Fountain Square, Columbus' may providn, Tor example, greater effi43224'or phone (814) 285-6453. ciency in such,areas as food producPreserving Ohio's natural heritage is tion." Most-ley said. "These areas are just one part of the Ohio Department of not p a r k s , " h e a d d e d . " M a s s Natural Resources efforts to sneouragn recreational _ ; everyone in the state to RESPECT activities such us camping and organized sports are not permitted in any OHIO'S GOOD NATURE. preserve." • , LCCC Theater Production Cast Announced The "stara" have been chosen for the Lorain County Community College Studio Theatre spring production of Lunatics. Lovers, and foets. a trilogy of one-act plays from off-Broadway. Cast members are: "Schubert's Last Serenade": by Julie Bovasso, and directed by Mary Frances Hupp, Bill Arthrell (Oberlin). Bill Elrumfield (Wellington). Paul Eldridge (Elyria), Troy Hardwick (Sheffield Lake). Glenn Houry (Elyria), and Jocquclin Smithk (Elyria); "Lemonade": by James.Prldeaux, and directed by Pam Pidcworth, Pat Black 1 | (Avon Lake) and Virginia. WaraJinshyJ§j (Lorain); "Blrdbath": by Leonard Molfi^f andc directed by LCCCTheatTD Director^ Jack Gilbertson. Dan Barnlcle (Lorain} ^ and Kim Finttzor (Lorain). " , Performance dates are May 17,18;,19r, 24, 25, and 26 at 8 p m in the Stocker Center Studio Theatre. For ti,iJjrt» a n d ^ additional inTormaUon, contocc the box"JM office at 233-6510 ' ^ Academic Notes ^ 11991 S-10 FLEETSIDE PICKUP 1990 SUBURBAN CARRYALL 16,988; 1990 FULL SIZE FLEETSIDE PICK-UP 199U CAPRICE CLASSIC 115,988 1990BEnETTAGTZ s fia™jtJ<i 13,988 ••X 1990 ASTRO LT S 15,988 1990 BEAUVILLE S 14,988 1990 CELEBRITY WAGON S 14,388 Daria Delfino, a fifthh ' year pharmacy major, at Ohio Northern University,^ is participating in,, the clinical pharmacy •program at SL Rita's Medical Center through the ONU Raabe College|of( Pharmacy, ** < The purpose o ( clinical rotatioa Istohelp students-correlate clastrbom fVnowl with practical expeiienoB^ Through; lfcoVprd students are familli with the hospitid setting. The program jprovidosj students with patfarif lli-,| torviewlng experlaace T and allows Interactfbiftf' with patients, doctorsuand,; Throughout the quarter^ •tudents follow the; ' gross of their patients^ monitoring and loai aba'at their disease states;^ testing and diagnostic p r o ^ cedures. with focus' current dnig therapies Delfino Is the daughter's of Mr. Phillip Mi Deinno;f« 37920 Urlo Drlvo, For over t> century, Obib'j* Northern's Collage I Pharmacy hns played J ; important rote in phar-' maceutical oducatfot) More than one third of tho registered pharmacists In Ohio are graduates of Ohio Northern University Diant Cairns of Avon* Lake has been named to the Ohio University 1£ Doar.'s List far tho winter! quarter 1989-90. . . To bo nnmod to tho list/ a student must,have eat ed u grade point average'' nf 3.3 or better on o scale, of 4.0 (straight A's) for thoquarter and have earned 10, hours. 12 of which were la ken for n letter grade*. Cairns, n senior in tho college of Arts and Sciences. s y• sports action of the past /eek_ Cos) for this camp is S45.OO if registration1 is recuived before June 4, and 550.00 after that dati-. A S5.00 deposit , will also hold a place in this camp. Resist ratio, i forms for both tlis girls' and the boys' summer basketball camps arc available in the Athletic OfliCR. Call the office at 933-5154 fur any .itiditiona' mforniation. High School Athletic Director Dick Deasy girls entering grades six through nine as of August 1990. This camp will take place at the high school field house for "TIME FOR BASKETBALL two sessions daily. Session t will be CAMP REGISTRATION from 8:00 a.m. -10:00 li.m. and Session Z from 5 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. The cost Is Basketball Camps fcr both girlt and $40.00. Tbese camps are conducted by boys will take placo al Learwooii Middle the Girls' Basketball Staff of the high School and at the high school beginning school, with Shoregal OuskuLball players j j the week after school ends. The assisting and College Coaches as guest u Sboregala'Basketball Csrnps will begin f on June 12 and end on Juno 15. The clinicians and speakers. Training Camp Is for girls entering The Avon Lake Summer Basketball / grades one and two as of August 1900 Camp for boys age 7 - 9 will lake place at H -fThe camp is for tho beginning player Lcarwood Middle School from 9 a.m. i-j andwilltakepIaceat»boLeanroode«ich 12 noon daily beginning Tuesday, June, » , , , day from XZ noon - 2:00 p in. The cost a 12 and ending Friday, June 14. The cost f$g $30.00. : for tho 7 - 9 boys' camp Is S40.00, if the The Shoregals Junior Varsity Camp u. registration is received before June 4. Hfbr girts entering grades thru© through After that !ime the cost is $50, A S5.00 ^five as of August 1390 It will emphasize deposit can be paid to hold a place In the "akin development and participation in camp. ^drills and games. It will be held at LearThe Camp for ,10-12 year old boys will &wood Middle School each day from take place at the high school field house KjZOO- 4 JO p m. The cost Is $35 00. beginning Motxlay, June 11 and daily *' Tho Shoregals' Varsity Camp ts for Juno 11-15 from 1:20 p.m. to-4:30 p.m. Biiyer'sFair Compkrta Barber and Beauty St&n ; fPHOM & SPRING SPECIALS BIG 3 " "IRENE" GERANIUMS Great Added Reductions and Savings In All Departments each at check out ^ from our already - Come To Vermilion M A Y 3 , 4 & 5 t h rflEE GIFTS LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ANGELOS PIZZA II ' 37190 Colorado Ave., Avon RELEASES In Country Animal Behavior Christmas Vacation Drug Store Cowboy ALBERT P. ZAKEL, D.D.5. Family Dentistry Free Membership Nintendo Rentals VCR Repairs, Rentals, Sates & Accessories. Amber Plaza 37190 Colorado Ave. (Rt. 6 i'l) Avon, Ohio 44011 ' • Practicing Full Time In Avon We SeN Party Balloons Friday TWO DAY RENTAL EVERYDAY!! "From General Library" Night $100 NEWPATIENTS WELCOME" Evening and Horror Sat> H o u r s DINE IN or CARRY OUT WEDELIVER ANNIE'S BAKE SHOP iTHE COMPLETE BAKERY: Monday: 5:30 n.m. • 12:00 p.m. Tu#», - Sal. 5 DO B.m, - 9 30p m. Sun.: D 00 *-TL • 2.00 p.m. / Special cakes made to order Order Your 1st Communion and Mother's Day Cakes Early From Annie's Bake Shop $ioa OFF 1 0 % off,; We Carry Name Brands Only ALBERT P. ZAKEL,aD.$; NEW Korner Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10 a.m. till 9 p.m. Ladies, Juniors, Mens, Students Right To Limit Quantities Reserved. Every Garment An Additional 934-5040 Kids $100 ; FAMOUS DEPT. STORE 32730 WALKER RD. A v o N LAKE, OHIO DANNIE'S BAKE SHOP VIDEOS TO CO Sunday 5359 Lilsorty Avo. . 'Ad CJIirCUvuftr-.-o\ftru S.il. t.- V. f. 6 Actti-.-i rroni truj t nrjodo', ujhfToLimH Ou:in1Hy fi'—.i-tvt"l C[li.'nr''C}>iyu1Oiim Ui •> p in , '. QUALITY Come in For Your New Dazzling Look, J,f and Receive 209&_Off All Services. ^(Excluding blow drys) • (With this ad) + Start your Spring Out Right! / Call today! New Hours: Mon.-Sat. 1-9 p.m. Sun.1-7p.m ANNIVERSARY OUR Famous Dept., Store,. 933-8888 THE LANDINGS ktf fliahiY* «VIIIOUIA. FAHNESTOCK HEADED FOR EVAN'SVILLE UNIVERSITY SCOTT FAHNESTOCK, Avon.Lake's : G't>" All-State forward, will contfntie his j education and play his collegiate basket-; ball for the Purple Acus of Evausvtflo ] 1 University. ' , i Evanv'ittv is a Division I school; SHORTSTUFF located in Evarrsville, Indiana. They are : The boys' varsity bast bull 'earn won 2 in Ilit; Midwestern ' Collegi&te Con-] atid lost 2 this pas! wet-k and are now,5-7 f«rencc which includes: University of; overall and 4-6 in conference. Tba Varsi, Detroit. University of Xavicr. University i ty team plays Admiral King at HOMEon of Dayton. University of MarqueUe, Tuesday. May 1 in Sectiuaai TournaLoyola of Chicago. St. Louis University ment play, Elyria Catholic at EC on ?nd Butler University. • Wednesday, and Fairvfew at HOME on Thursday! ' SCOTT finished his season at Avon Lake scoring over 400 points * and Their JV counterp-irts fared a little buta\ erasing 20 8 par game, while shooting ter, going 3-1 on the week, defeating 52% from tho floor and 79% from the Olmsled Falls 9-1, Loram, Catholic 11-1 free throw line. He led the Southwestern and Vcrz<:ilion 15-8. Their record is now Conference in rebounding with 10.3 per 9-1. In Saturday's game vs. Vermilion game, and was a 1st Team Allthe Shoremen banged out 10 hits InConference and 1st Team All-District cluding throe each from CHRIS KEANE. TOD TYLER and TAD selection He was also named Division II Player of tho YOar for Lorain County and FOWKES. DARIN ARMBRECHT and 2nd Team All-State la bath the U.PJ. KEANE both hit home runs. and the A.P. polls. SCOTT is the first The frosh baseball team defeated Day Division I player to graduate from ALHS 13-1 on Friday to move to 5-0 an the stnea TOM CASE played at Ohio State season. Saturday, however, was not as University in the late '50s. Presently, kind as the frosh lost a double-header to CHRIS KLOC Is a senior at St. Vincent's Ashland 4-3 and 5-4. JIM CONDON led College at Latrobo. Pa., where he was the weekend bit parade with 6. Friday rocontiy named N-A.LA. Af^idemfc AUpitcher MARK GREENWELL had 12 American, and KEVIN SCHMOTZER Is strikeouts In the Shoreman victory over a post player for thf numbor-ono-ranked Bay. Division II team In the nation. WitAt tho time of this writing I had not tenberg Univ. of Springfield. Ohio. received reports on any of the other spr- •".''..'-. —— When Ordering Communion or Mother's Day Cakes (With This Coupon) 8fYtngBn*kt*tt Daily & Sat. 5 30 a m.-10 DO a m. 37190 Colorado Ave., SuitO 104 sun. 8:00 a.m.'H*.m. A v o n , O H 4 4 0 t 1 Phone:934-4121 ;• m f BEAT THE: HEAT! HAVE PIZZA TO EAT!! THE BEST AROUND!! . COUPON—-' — Small Pizzar I •-•COUPON "-' c 1 ,—;—couPOH 75 0FF ! $1.00 OFF Large Pizza Family Pizza . EM; yaj-3Isf.-19(J0: - ' 37190 ColorndO AvO< . . Amber Pljijn . •' Avon. Ohio'4-1011 , . SUM I p ni '. .1 l p MofV -ytiw-: 1 1 ;» rti 1 •' I'd. -Sill 1 I a.ifi , :''«? Power Plant Tour Draws Hundreds Of Families is- o by Allsa1 Sicker 2 AVON LAKE - For the firsl lime since « the 19S0S, the Cleveland Electric II^ laminating Company ICEI) *jptmed the, 2 doors of its Avon Lake Power Plant for a OT public open iiouse. According ta UJ employee volunteers handing out' E souvenir bags at thu tour's exit, more u than 600 families toured the plant Sursf= day. More than. !*X} children visited tlw power pLutt'; evidence^ by thu sight of many little kaidH' adorafitl by shiny. yelIow>,»lAa,'s provided by CE1. . The open house was part of the Avon Lake Pollution Control Advisory Board's awareness program, according to Bruce Carter, plant service manager.. "It's also part of the plant's awareness program for tho community to let them know how we make electricity," Carter said. "We're very pleased with the response.1 When you have an open house < you never know how many to expect." Plant General Manager Jim Benya safrl, "it's evidently still a mystery what goes on in here. This U an effort lo diswjlaate information to the com*; munlty. People can BOO for themselves" tho $100 million In pollution control equipment." ••'..' " , Visitors to tho plant Were greeted by about 30 employees who volunteered to , •hare their knowledge of the plant" for the day, according to employee Oave * Kovotny. The tour started with a heat pump display by Trane Professional SerA SIGHT TO SEE— Cleveland Electric (ilumlnating Company's Avon Lake Pcwer Plant, built fn 1926. Is visited on Sunday 3 Vices. In .. the:'." plant's, ; conference by more than 600 area familieo • " - -*' r " ^ ^ 1 — ; ^ - w ? * « K room/cafeteila; guests viewed exhibits which encouraged them to usa CA.R.E: vide; 22 technical: 123 in maintenance Unit nine provides 35 billion killowats of thank yous;^ they** wemV very" (Comfort and Reliability in Electric and five managers. In 10S0, 1 7 million of power each year, enough to power procUUvo,", heating and cooling) contractors endorsIons of coal wore used at the plant at a 374.500 homos. Tho tour offered ed by CEi to do yearly checks on boat pumpi and sampled popcorn* egg rolls, - cost of $65 million. A CEI employee visitors a look at the plant's generators, .chicken, wings and nochos cooked In a . volunteer said cool was the highest cost, turbines open microwave oven. Other exhibits Includ- • salaries mado^ up 312 million of the and cooling systems as well as a stop In result of months of planning and m o r e ^ j plant's cost " tlw control room of unit nine. One than five weeks of actual preparations.fe/" ed protective gear worn by employees operator mans tho control roam 24 and examples of raw and pulverized Visitors received * compUmentu%?^ _ „ 'During the summer tho plant usos hours a day and Is aided by three, roving calendars, flashlights and BxleosioD-^^^ coal, which one tour guide compared to. nearly,half a million gallons of water operators. thu consistency of face powder.,A)so on ; cords tn addition ".to hardhal»?'ft**'-i*-^' display were Jars of tiny zebra mussels - from Lake Erie every mlnuto for caollng children. According to Bonya, reaction to the which have been found ;at all CEI purposes- Fishormun were out Sunday open house was positive. "We hod a lot facilities. Including Avon Lake. - '< " availing ^themselves of Iho superior fishing conditions provlded^by tho Refreshments were served In the warm water flowing back opt* of tho s\ ilinplmy aroa before tho actual plant tour. plant. Majziin also }ofns Smytho; Smylhe. Cramer Co. manager Carol Server Buck Barlay said the pastry from . The plant, which is located on 122 McDonald as a cswly-llcansed Ke^tortShtfand her* is pleasod to announce the Fragapenes had been ordered to serve "i acres on Lake') Road, maintains four recent appointment husband. Chris.'president of Christopher 1200 visitors and was running v.low. at; units. Including CEI's largest fossil unit, Mayer. Marcella Mnjzun Construction Co^ reside- in'Loralnand'^ end Edle ZJO pjn. The plant was bpen to the tho plant's unit nine Coal- powered unit Munro lo Iho firm's Avon Lako have two children. sales public from. 1-3 p.m. and empJdyoo,; nine has a.650 megawatt capacity and staff. A graduated Kent1 families loured the plant from 3-5 p.m^A •"' ;Uses up to 400,000 pounds of coal per Munro h u a background Jn Major, a Ilfo long resident of Avon steady itream, of families'Including hour. Units six. sovon and 10 aro also monsflemonL,She,is active 1 senior citizens, newborn babies and;, operational but have much smaller Lake, is new to iho real uitato industry. Beat Club and her local YMCA. S h e ' a n d ' ^ even a dog toured tho plant and Its outly- capacities. The plant has been in opera- A graduato of Lorain Community Col"' ing facilities via Lolloy the Trolley. tion since 1920 and has decommission- Icge, he In a member of Si Josoph hor husband,"Greg, Jivo hTBay Catholic Church and North Coast with thoir daughter.' k The Avon Lake Power Plant employs , ed Units one, two. three, four and eight.. YMCA. 331 people; i l l In operations; 70 in ser- Smythe, Cramer Co. Adds 3 To Rebels Schedule Auction CSSSBHESI MOTHER'S BRUNCH 10:30 AM -3:00PM Hns's the perfnet wiy to show the "Mom" in ynur tire Juit how much «*u care. Treat her to our Livlth Mother's D«y l».<fldi Buffet (no d u h a lo wuhl) and she ctn win Ine Mud Service In our ipecial dnwingi 'OurMoiher'sOay Brunch Buffet Include*: *Ftcsli foiiu, vegouble* and cheeses • Chef carved ham tnd beef • Omelettes made your way > Scrambled eygj, bacon, lautage and fi-ench toast • Five di/Tertnt saluli • Seven dttTasnl desieru, plus a lundis cvt. White elephants of all slzos will be going on the black at the. .Autumn Rebels mooting on Tuesday, May 8 in The Barn, 37711 Detroit Road. Tho auction will bo held flflor tho colored Iiinch sorvod ut noon. Those planning to attend are roquestod to bring two Items to bo auctioned/ (Reservations , are required and should bo made with Doris Mitchell at 937-5222 by May 0. Tho lunch costs S4. All adults over SO in Avon arid surrounding communities aro invited. AVON SCHOOLS MENU 1100 CnviR KM4, Inunuu 90 M tfwCndm-Bium B(iu Nonh WMkk«,OI[ 44143 IM9 IbUiUjr Im Mmknauiiat A*u« K m f» Kmtrniian* (7I-4M* «•IM-741.T41* *„ rf «/ 1 SPRING FRAMING BONANZA Acccni Pktur* Frarntng btvHtm you to vitit our gatLrrv won ft" vuut ipnng iVcwallna ncnl* W* hmw cxlmdcd a u h a m lo bvtttr MTM you. Ekqimtng April 19th our new hour* *ilt tw; • MON.-WED.-Fni. 1 0 - 6 • TUES -THUR5 10-7 . S A T 10-4 .Actcnl Is nmvmimtly b u w d al trwirmnwcrtcn o( Ar»N( And Dairo» Rd» in ihf Rmtnttinl Regu MaH next to McDonalds To)i*#»ir 1 4 8 ' oft hlaritit* 190, Thme nit no patklog tirobhrnt M cant and brew* ihnjmji our modrm 2 0 0 0 tqiunc font gaDny f t ftrw ail Enjoy compkmfntary Imported tmt and rotfru while you wl*tl pttnl* rram our wtdr nuvje of nulogiMS In the tomiurtabW kwngv arta Play and mtdtng v n AyiidabL! ( x th* chlldritfi Wa (ej'ur* » Z1 IUHU i m wfryihow ruth onVi* rlome oonitilutUon b alio wnulabk > UVnd WjMcnlai W Fi<d U«h bun II r $ 1 1 9 5 Adults $ 5 . 9 5 Children 5-12 Free for children four and under Weekend packages available from $2455* per person double occupancy. ' Moy 3 - 'faco. Corn. Fruit. Bread. Ice CroamV '.^^ ^ May 4 - Fish Nuggets. Hash Browns.. Fruit* Cup *%: Cookie ^ , \ t $ ..'r-i May 7 - Hot Dog or Cora Dog. Potato Chips. Frult,"#& Cookie , - i.v$4i Muy " - Dronded Chuckwagon, Parsley Potatoes, Ap- ^ J plosnuco. Broad. Cookio -' • * --_•'•' ?} May 0 - Toasted Cliocso Sandwich, Baked Beans' ^ Fruit and JoIIo, Cookfo ( '. >. LlnMn) tdain ^rmti MI CMM* (™n Th4 Hulond Lufciy of M « I (i tubvt nmi, Ivrf«^n».ISO On**l Vlttrrntm m l OK* by Uxrf Arthlt ton • U<Ml EiMnt pmii tA Lnmn b^ithouir bv Accent Picture framing 5278 Detroit Rd * ^ 5278 Detroit Rd. dMtilOnaiU 934-4500 <i*i MVA **>•._ *rtn injury 3 Ck • M-.-wr MVA 0» Unit ion* ol * c m j c' >h found In th« Poiica L05V GOA - Con* On Arrival UTl. • Uiubla To Local* MVA - Motor Vehici* Accidont M E - Brvaking and Emlering BOtO - B« On Th« Lookout FTD-FI«lcl Interrogated DWI • Driilng Whtts Inloiicnted [IT: Kloc Elected To Honor Society NCC - No C * U M Fc« Cotr.plaln! L.-J13 HoHywy-jd •• .Sots U'f*! R-. (V'57 Pa-y-tV-^ •- e s s n -.i.iucl Qtsp. Unit- Di»patched Unfl» 0U1 - Driving Undttf th« !n];u«rc« APKL 19 0609 BeCe - 6 3 E c( vcfu=i... tj.-^.-> •. .0711 Lahebreeire -• BAE c> W^KW «e;vyt 0749 BrociJ»y - BSE a' •.«3f«dv f V - ' j r i 0 9 0 9 Hod - C c f r ^ f c ^ t of cui~< oiri f'.jo Checks'ohjy ' 1B29 T h o f r t u - Otsouto Sutjoct A.i *•.<!..-<j 2100LaKebreere ly uf Akron. April 2^). ID30. Ibu' Weal C ' f ^ ;« i p<;fi!iii.j {•? '...'*> • MVA RCCOM APRIL 2 0 0100 Brochwy - Juvfjink* c.>o-j ui? w o i f l t r t vtolaoon. ' ! 0211 UKe R3 - Tra^c Step M He .*.posted 'or DUl 102J West Of - Comctaifit o' I v w u og-ji-tj Report. 1527 Hams RO *• Coencttm 01 iufcjcuooo rui1 nsscnenl. Repon 2041 L a M R d - C o r r c t j i n l c* ticnesix: Mai» af rasled (or D.C. ptfrs^r-ng 2100H«/T«FkJ - PoastCio P F O A W U1L APRIL 2 1 0 2 1 0 living Parh •• CoflijsfcwH c i j-isouit Hcpcti 0 2 3 4 Oster Rfl , - Ccm[>Hfcn! ol • subject SC-'JIP' lr»tf. UTL. 0 8 5 6 Warwick - O S "j5pon<!M>B lo un-o>vn ~fjWem. Umt3 Assisted 1106 LaM* n a - Traf!<: Stop Mali' B»r«ste<l toDUS. . 1252 Liihfl f i d . - Recovered jto"eti vefiicte 1904 BeocWoy - B4E o( vwhiclo Report - 2 t 4 1 Lake H d -- Wjnrfow Drokoo' »i atori;, 1 Juvende arrested, reteased to pti''J"'-a ' ! l ; 0 HcS BSE tjf .-rf'jti'f FlfE*;»t 1 J,A5 D'^noorf • - Un.f ;«^--i>''l ii'."« <*i tjp;; nr ;:t,Taorui St'lo'wjifi'jii 1 BOO Ivunho--' •- Com(j'o.Jti c ( (ui'-'nii'.'s 1 f,Jv'-' 'Jreel NCC. ' SFfliu 24 • ' • ' 0 0 4 3 (j**«,L'jr;i.i) U ' v - Tli!,';«: Stun '•'•^ ;r-5?i-ci tcr DUl CIS 1 5 Ertl*.'.- H S f ustJijfiiiiiTj uiki.'vi;i C-su'i'.' asishevj 1 0 2 0 'Wikfw.-Mitfir •• M.ih* pu"* 1 134 Uihe.M.'iitJSl • U:if IfaoMiotfivj n-atnt gas • , ,. j 1331 H m n •- U r j l tr;tn!)ocil'n'j mui'.- •iuL-ni Lwri'fi Municipal! Coijfl' 1 '.ir:Q Pirtfifx:--! • Coifp)j:nt ...I u ;-jvi'n«c '1 xo XO HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY X O JAKE! XO J..IUI..I K'IK. 11 , f Avuit Lake, itjuijl.ti.'r al Norbs'it r,!ni. slt»it( KInc, ,has,bn:u I'ti'citvj tu itt-ji'iibur^hifi in Sj^nid "1'bvl.i '!.!u, Iiitenvjtiofiiii Ilonor .Society of NiiiMiii;. ;unl '.V;J:, imiuck'tf iis .1 nitjrnb«T ('{'Hi-'ita Omi'jja ch«ijit»rr;it.Th« 1,'nivc-rtiStKmu Ttitftu Tail. Irtturn;itioiiji,l Honor Sfjfinity of Nursing is » pri"*lit;ioijs 'trv.um.'^tioii ill it-'iiiiirr^ and ^cli.ol.irs in inirMtiij. This hoiinr sneioty, (ouuili'd nl htdtuiiii : University in 102J. .curruritly lias chai)t«.'rs ttt mofn Ifian 230 colk-mrs .itttd universities wurlfl-wirJe, Mt"inbt>r!>hip in tin; "ju«:i«ly is u w j t f i f l •to baclnrlor's • nm\ mnstur's niirstny %lii'!irnts 'vho u'Jtk-v'j hiijli .scholastic i*v»:ra};«* .iniJ to ^ratfuate? of Ihu college j>rui;raiu who achieve high uxcuHecice in mitsi:ig leadership roles..The Honor Society is committed to improving the health of the public by advancing tiursin»{ science. Sigftia Theta Tau sponsors rosearcl:, .'ichul<ir!y progrums and publications for national iind intfrnational nurses. A Center far fvursiiig Scholarship that will provide iinrsin^ information servicci for tlit- public and Tor, health prufc»siotml.s a round itm world has recently bwn ojiem-d ill indiatiapolis. Indiana. Lium is employed by St. Vincent (Charily'Hospital and Health Contor of Cleveland ns Ri.-j-iistcred Nurso. ', Myasthenia Gravis Foundation Seeks Cures M.iy B-12 is N;ilionu! Myiislluiniii Gravis We..'k. The imimninloKy research, luiittK cmidutted to find a t:\itv fur Myjslh'Mii.i (iravis (M(JJ ni.iy n!so lifflp find ^11:11 r*' for nurdiDfil problems •nn.h us i! juvvnilc diiiheles. lupus rht'UiiiiiUtiii arthritis ;»id other autoimnjiine ;ifiil .iii'urumti'icular disorders. MG is a n<>urontu!tr.ular disvafie th.it tilFin:t<i more thuii 2UiJ.ot)O Americans. It tausu-i wivikness. and if untreated, can tm fala!. Early symptoms include druopinn ol the eyelids "lid dnuhlir vision, slurred speech and difficulty in chewing iind switllnwing. With early di.iynosis and (roa5tment. MG can usually be controlled and, in most cases, the pnti'iut can lead a normal life. Sttl'l. the ultimate goal riin..jins to he itchinvrd: finding a permanent and , s[M.'cific cure Tor MC, by understanding what trigj-(;rs the1 disease in thw firs!1 place. The result: hope for a healthier life for many people. For more Information or 5roo brochures, write or call:, The Ohio Chapter of Myasthfinia Gravis Foundation, P.O. Box 0392. Canton. Ohic 44700. 215-177.7727. or National Office 1-80O-541-5454. 1 Love, GRANDMA & GRANDPA XO XO Take Advantage of Naturps Beautiful Backdrbpal : OUTDOOR PHOTO SESSION tK-URGCSSON $35.00 m\ SSO O F F ' I ANY WEDDING ' . $525.00- 254 Lear Rd., Avon Lake PET CARE Claudia Sahr, Senior Receptionist While many uf our native species of bird* arc declining due in hahltat loss. Jiiioiher problem has and c«ntinunn to be, nun-iuilive bird introduction. Two that conin to mind nre the Euroftean H».HI«! Sparrow, and the Kiiropean SturlinR. These non-nativa birds compete for nesting space, food and also help fiprend nvlan diseases. Tho Starling i« « .real buUiecjf thn bird world. Often stcnIinR nosts mid ffghtinp with iidlivi! birds. Two nnwer (irriv-il. includu the Shiny Cowhird and idc Cattle: Egrnt, t h e S h i n y Cowbird Is still confined to tho d(i«;p sunth it ii' lime il I A n lur J Itun li> IK.- . .""I v.i fi*.i!i/f Tlut. \ih .1 MMTI^IHI' '"itll) fni.iml |i!»t (hi- fi( .ly. jml^tc Jim 411 JIISWIT l.i»t Ut-(.IKAV n-jl well Tim C;iMli: I^rrt can w.ut I'll MM now lie Miijti iii Ohio and must bo mlmirerl, il At V'-iilnin w i n "» .tri'I tiitnimi; till ii.n )•'•" only, brcdtis*: (it* is ]it'i»- halby the only dint of the hird.s.mentioned td ({ol h'sri! on hi:: own. A naiive of Africa, il if. thought bo jsnnushuw in ltd e it ' " South Amorica Jim! .tliun mirthwurd inln the United Tlits mus'i.iv," . i'1 hniiiy,h! to' you its ii [iiililii: siTvinImrii Cliiudia Sahr. Senior Keccptiutiist, Ai'fiu Lakir Animal Clime. 124 Miller Ho;ui, .Avon Lttkn. Phoiiu U33-52U7. l"r IIMII l l l l l t l l l I' .IpMllll.ll .l|l|)k It N-JJII|>iV l.Llllllllll- ^Il1Wl•^ wnuhJ he .1 w N.prfJurfi "uvl"|n >'PJ" ••"" • l> JM.-II-J.IJ • IH-.I our H.ii i.t il"iii|: hust IH»* \* ll.it it Ji«•> I M I I I We're off and running the day you apply. Srjl tluhlunl. Htniikiir.I.m (••(iiilllrHin. Vkr firwlerit Wo know real estate and construction. Clwtk Inti'i Our P»»-< lllwttflr ."' Sv.ir vuili lii'Miiki; < .111 **;lir Vint' SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY I l l •MaiMU ' :WI MnFolf Mnfl f Committee Surveys Redistricting Of Sheffield Schools 1 ft: k SHEFFIELD - The Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City School District, through a special redistricting committee, is in the process of studying programs and patterns of reorganization as theyrelateto kindergarten through fifth grade education. Prior to September. 1988. children in the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake schools attended "neighborhood'* elementary schools. The schools boused grades K through 5 end students wont to (be closest school. to their homes, where possible. In May of 1683 the school board adopted a program of redlstrictliig. Thus, students were housed by grades Instead of proximity. The rationale of the board at that time was thai redistricting was "educationally sound and cost saving" to the district and heralded the concept of "team teaching." Since that time, many pros and cons have been voiced. Now. the board of education has agreed to allow a committee to study the effects of redistricting. The committeeV goal is to bring the "voice of tho people" to the bonrd of REDISTRICTING FACT FIND SURVEY A* a parent ol an elanwi'iUMy school child. wouW you piease anaaw the 1. What « f f ^ l r«» r « f c t r i e t ^ r ^ e n r<wr chlkf« * tooowtno: 2. Would you Hke to s#e' a return to the "nefghbortwod acttoob" concept? 3. Tefl ue what you Uu» about HadtotrtcOng. 4. Tea ua what you do not Ika about '• ' 8. , What chanoea would you Ska to aaa made? 6. Doea;rourc**dnowrideabus?Yes No. 7.\: V yas, dtd your chid walk before RacSstrlcting? 8 . ; Which ona do you prefer? WctUng Bua 9,> Haa your chad had any problems with aBhw waiting or riding tha bua? 10. H o * doaa ha/aha Bfce tha experience? (Walking or ridng a bus.) education. "Your voice is needed," stated Chris HochRvar, chairperson of the fact finding committee. "Please help the committee answer the questions we feel oe«fd to he answered.** To assist the committee. The PR£SS today is printing a 26-questIon survey, prepared by the committee. "Please feel free to comment on any questions. Hochevar noted. "Please Write N A . If you feel a question does not pertain to you. We are also Inviting you to write your name IF you wish to do so. Only complete one survoy, regardless of how 'many children you have in the school system. Please 101 out your survey end return it by May 11." '• The completed responses should be sent to* Fact Finding Committee. SfceFfieM/ShefneuJ Lake School Board, 2824 Harris Road. Sheffield. OH 44054. i . Women Share Fellowship Day May Fellowship Day. Friday, May 4, 1990. is an annual event, sponsored, by Church Women United 1CWU). tlutt.brr Ings together women of faith .from varied Christian denominations to share issues of concern and strengthen community relationships within a n ecumenical environment This' year's May Fellowship Day' survice,. entitled "|ustlce With Al! VVjur Mile," focuses on (ha Issue ..of increasing ^ poverty i n America and, coanects personal" faith with ecooomic realitins and oconorofc justice In our society. It is an evBnt. designed to raise consciousness to thetragic effects of economic deprivation on human lives in every community. Study materials for. May Fellowship Day 1900 were written by an ecumenical group of lay and ordained CWU woman from Hartford, Connecticut/They drew upon their shared experiences working with womon and children in poverty to create a May Fellowship Day ovont that challenges churchvramen to examine bow Justice is or is not dona In' their communities and to use' their own "mito" to bring about changes where 14.; A n you satisfied wttfi the bua schedule aa a parent? ; what would you chansai* ™ anythfno? i6.,Doyou feel your cMtf b balng wparvfatad on tha bua adaquataty7 .- • 1- ".."A-'"MSL Sppnsor^^MF^ Donations Needed For After ,17'lHow would you rata tha Radtetrtcttng a* It affects your fam0y7 .18.1. Doyou understand lfM> concept of ".Team Teaching"? IS."Aim any e l your chBdran anroaad ai cbwaaa ualng "Taam aa Selene*. Social Sttidtaa, Mam, ate) 30." K yea, what aubjecta and what fchoola7 : Do you faa tha abaenoa'of bUar or youngor chldran In your chld'a school ^mafcaa a dWaianua In your chBd'a bahmrtor? , 22.'JDoyou partidpata In any actMBaa In your chaoVchidrena achoota? 23, Ara you active In P.T.O.?Yn Ho. 24. \Haa Radtofiettng chanoed your opinion about helping tha P.T.O.? The Avon Lake High School lunlorSenlor. Prora Committee Is asking for donations from parents and the community to support too 1900 Prom Program this year. This event will be held May 12th, 12.30 a j n . to 4 a.m. at the North'Coast Y.M.CXA. fn Avon Lake. Thero will be games entertainment, and food for tho studttnts. AVON LAKE AFTER PROM NAME This event Is weill chuperoncd. and with your holp and impport. a great opportunity to keep oar students In Avon Lakr. If you are Interested in helping ploose check, tha appropriate box end mail1 your donation to tho oddre»s below. A receipt will;, be sent to you. Plnave make all checks payable to the Avon Lake Aftor Prorn. Mall to Mrs. Susan Kltch, 3207J Lake Rd:, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012. 26. Would you aupport a levy If tha Board of Education reaotvedtoraatora "naighborhood achoola", baaed oh tha passage of a lavy? |I; Law Offices Of Stnoad (optlonw) SchooVSchools _ Any other conimgnta; COMPLETED RESPONSE SHOULD BE SENT TO: PACT FIMKNQ COMMITTIE 1B24 HAftfllS ROAD SHEFFIELD, OH 44054' RUSSELL T. MCLAUGHLIN General Practice of Law Since 1974 Detrort/Wistena Professional Bldg. 2217 Wisteria Way ; Avon, OH Behind Tho Avon Femily Csr« Center 934-6543 ',2* is $2 JO. Reservations nay be madejj (•ntllnoOIUPtK calling WWSS14. A reminder goes out to nil persons in* • who are nrtlnog teresled in attending tho Avon Lake tretirod last PTA Council's Spring Banquet. It will- theme 'thi«,_ be hold at 6*30 p.m. on May 0 at LearChild; May/t: wood Middle School. A punch reception bugins at 0 p.m. The cost Is $lG/pcrson. Becky MacDooald at 93MW9 or All employees from the school system Kitbane at 933-9Z4&. *' 1z!rHow many cMdren do you hava In grades K thru 5? _ 13.^ Wrwtacttoots ara your alamantary chMran attending? -I! .i: f-s , they; live that will result In, economic Justice for the' Fellowship Day "W „. ., content to CWU'i Imperative. Assign* .inent: Poverty of Women - a five-yearj comhutniADt to work,forelimination of \ the root causes of povertyofwoinfiJiajidV> rhiUnm Economic Inequities andiliW'* Justices in our society axe some of those^s root causes- -- \-, -•"=«'-"*- * '.'-•-'Church Women U n i t e d « u IBBI-J - ecumenical movemeut that'bringi.Pro-^, testaht. Roman Catholic, Orthodoxand.^ : other f Christian: j women • ••- one community of prayer; • service. Unified by Christ the women of Cburch^Wo United work for the elimlnattoavo poverty of'women flnd-cbildran^aiicrj issues of peace with JuiUca.'i-" " May Fellowsbip Day events Lake will Include a'Brunch at followed by a worship following church will host tbi» year*i event: Lake-Share United'Metbodlft, 33119 Electric Blvd.* Coat of th£brunch Spring Banquet 11. How wouU you Improve your chad's school day? J BETWEEN THE Ti AVON LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKENDS 933-8128 'CALLING FOR „ STITCHERY to be the Experimental Aircraft Association's hung, in the Betty McM*jan Meeting annual art contest in Oshkash. WisconRoom for the month of July. Counted sin in 1989. Ha is a weU-kaq*.vn commercross-stitch, crewel v.ork. other emcial illustrator in the Cleveland area, and broidery, hooked nigs, and other handlived ID Avon Lake some years ago. crafted items will be featured. Please WELCOME WINDSON'G -- The save quitu for another exhibit reserved children of Avon Lake Ubvary have for quilts exclusively. The Library adopted a wolf. Friends oF the Library, celebrates the talents of local artists with exhibits which change monthly. If you sponsored the event by donating the money to provide for care of one woif at ara interested in displaying your work Wolf Haven preserve "in Washington please cell Marcia Waugaman at state for one year. Information about six 933-8128. wolves Was provided, and almost 300 THE MAY EXHIBIT in the Library children voted for one of the sixMeeting Room will be Flight of Eagles VVIndsong, 1914-1918. These aviation painting* by We aro eagerly awaiting information BQI Manalko depict World 1 fighter air- \ about Windsong. Thanks to all of you craft in combaL ' , ';. * who participated. You'arc now "part , Marsaltofc a member cfthe Air Force parent of a wolf. Art Program. Mis art won two awards al Nursing Scholarship Offered * The Avon Lake Nurse's Association is „_ igain offering a*scholarship to an Avon Laka,Individual who fa interested in 11 either beginning a nursing career or furthering, bis "or, her; nursing, education. The scholarship will .be granted on verificati''li of acceptance into en accredlteCf''schoal of nursing and will be "•based on scholastic ability, character. ' and financial need. If interested please call Dorothy FtocR-sotidl Giant" aO-terrain biKes are Just a st&nG's throw awayS Haincs 933-0843 or Sheila Hannibal 033-5239 for further Information or an application. The deadline for applying; will be June 15. •'';••'• They're right hera m stock, ready to tackle rugged country trans and today s urban traffic. tout find quatty components m Giant ATB s. like * « innovative Quad-butted lubmg. canuiever brate sets and index shifting for peak performance and top value __ ~ - ,, 4 I Stop «.soorVto discover our-SSseJecbon and S*^» test nde a Giant ATB that's precsdynoht to-you. % , l martsrs Cycle Center These scholarships are made possible by the donations given at Our Blood Pressure Cllnfc held tho first Saturday of every month from 10 aun, - 2 pjn. at tho Old English Parlor on MUler Road in Avon Lake. 32087 ELECTRIC BLVD. >-.*' Lake Erie Seniors To Meet The Lake Erie Seniors t «very Thursday at toon f a t the .United IChtnrh, of .Christ. Avon iLiWLuncheon la iwvod ^Novotny Catering. For unwrvaUoot call 933-5302 evaning. Next Thursday. May 3, Mr. and Mrs. Hemeyor will show jJJde* of their trip to Rome and Greece. Next Thursday the group will play cards. Trom !J\(tgfit MOTHER'S DAY _' ^p'pinner Scrvcsd 12 Noon-8 p.m. SPECIAL PRICES FOR MOM f Chlcken-Coq-Ao-Vui <<? FettudinlAlAedQ ^Seafood Staffed Sole ("-%" . >X-^A1I Dinners Include Salad, Vegetable, *« " Poteto and Wann Bread with Butter. ^ChUdrens Menu Available '^Jleiervations Suggested Washington Avc. on RL 6 > j Downtown Lorain (21© 24^0410 VISIT THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ^CHURCH IN AVON LAKE ff-i J - 31847 Lake Road iSundays • Church Servleo and Sunday School at 10 a.m. [Wadrtttdav* • Testimony Meeting at 7 30 p m uTuMdayi (12 noon to 3 p m ) and u&tturdaya (10 a-m. lo noon) flMdlng Room ? - J sopen To The Public Chgrisk and-protect tfwse speciaC memories... pCease don't drinks and drive. ' i * The Brookstde High School 1990 Prom to Dawn Committee wishes to thank'these|^ and our many other supporters for their generosity and help In making this year's' % r event possible. J $ ;;V; , . Thank you, agalnl __ / ^*_^»'" - ; 5 "1990 B.H.S. Prom To Dawn Comm.! '£ Abbe Road Lumber Chemtron Corp. Convenient, Sheffield Lake Lupe Chevrolet Gamellia Const. Billy F. Smith Insurance, Jamos Realty First Video y Blakeslee Insurance Amber Oaks Rest. Shoreway Sports Sylvester Builders Amvets Post #55 Mrs. Joyce Hanks Jim & Natalie Kolleda C.A.R.E. ; Eckenrode Const. Donlta's Beauty Boutique Kopf Construction Dr. Dziama Rsher's Big Wheel Mr.': Hero Baskin Robblns Boulevard Limousine Kenny King's Mike Bass Ford Lloyd-Manwoll Ford Hairways Salon Alcoy's Old English Parlor Beachpark Rest. Martin's Pizza Carrier Heating and A.C. Bilj & Don's Rest. AX. Theater Mr. & Mrs. Armand Cantanese^ The Top Shop Brownie's Mkt. Nightlfght Graphics Central Trust MAD.D. Sparkle Markets Louise's Cakes Snurr's Hdwr. Sweetbrtar Golf Club *iit -^.••v.-il'M This ad donated as a Community Servtco by THE PRESS 1 S* I y r^m I Riley, Koiny, Resar & Brill Atlcrtiyrs Ut Liiiv are pleased to announce ihe;r new associate MARK A. AUFDENKAMPE • Attorney at Law 520 Broadway. Suite 200 • Lorain. Oh • 2^ 228 Miller Hd • Avon Lake, Oh • 933-5054 "Beautify your home and grow your, OUTI i'ood" Symbol's GREENHOUSE All Flowers and Most; Vegetables 48 to flat 72 to flat Large Hanging Baskets 8" to 10 Also: Zonal Geraniums Available LOW EVERYDAY PRICE. 1 RtI9CM<MM«i ^ M.QtoaWd , • Sv«wet Pofcitaw • P«a»iu • Tomatoes " B*9oni« • Pcppan ' Martgofd • Cabtiatj* ' • Impatkn* Many Mot* To Cboos* From 35799 Lorain Rd. AVON' LAKE -Avon UsVv liich Sdiunl's Band Aids art? proud, to aiinojince lh(iir tiuw officers for ilit- school yi-,irT}W-9L The officers arc: Kichard Zscberart. [Jresi>>r.t. Ginny H.inson. !>t via*. pri'sidTit; Rnby Stern. 2nd vicv president.'Ginny Henlirtiti. ;mi viu1 pn.-Mili.-iit. ti.irb-iru McCatv. -Itri vkv president; Amunda Matha. wLTefurv; and IJoris Linden. tr-MSirn'r. ' The jiHiuaJ AVDJI U(n» Hi«h -School H.uid Aids Putron-Sponsur-DotiorBand Drive htiTls today. May. l and ruin, until MJV 20 Fill out the slij) n-id get da the- bandvwiijoii NOW. Wi'ihtmt vou, uur hands couidn'l do oil thi? things (hey do. The bands [x-'rform .it fuoib.iH a'imtrs. B<iiid.1r.ii11.15, tonccrts. cornpL-te In cuntcsts and march in |ur,Kk-s iMemorij! D.iy.. Hunit.'cudiiityl wiiich pruvide* many hours of entertainment (ur everyune in Avon Uikt. . . It»cum.i; ;i IJonur lor S15 or niori1. or a Sponsor for SlQ or a Patron for S5 AND BACK AVON LAKE'S BANDS. Funds rabed by this drive are sp«nt for uniforms or replacements. Instruments, transportation to special events, concert programs, advertising and many other necessities to keep the Bands playing. The Band Aids am now purchasing replacement instruments for (he marching band- This project will taWe another seven years to replace all ihe instruments. We havo included a form below for the convenience of those who may want to continue their support of (he A.L-H.S. Bands, but who may not be on the school's cath'ng list. PILMSI; niaku cheefcs payable to A-L-H^. Band Aids and forward to: Mis. Cinny Hendron. 3HI Evergreen Ct.. Avon Lake. Oh-44012. !••.'"• As the names of all DONORS. PATRONS and SPONSORS will appear In the football programs nuxt fall, please fill out the coupon below exactly as you would (its <0 have your nameja) appear, In the fall progianis. Also Donors and SponsorS'Vwill i receive Band Aid? Newsletters to keep you informed with Bond happenings. If you , have any questions, please cull Cinny Hendron at 033-8661. JOIN NOW AND KEEP THE A.L. BANDS MARCHING! Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m North Ridgeville ,4 Address i Name Vegetable Plants & Flowers ~Jcst Minutes Away' Band Aids Name New Officers Donor ($15) Phone i Sponsor ($10) Patron ($5) THANK YOU FOR YOH CONTINUED SUPPORT (216) 333-0694 U S •tOITfi (kSs tem) adj. 1. Made to order. "TheWestwinds" "Pinehurst" Single Family Hornet from S2W.900 Located on Lake Rd., just U mile L west of Bay Village in Avon Lake > Single Family Homes fromS159.900 Located off Jaycox Rd.. jtut wuth of Walker Rd.. in Avon Lake , Old World Chai-m and Stately Splendor! Luxury Homes On One Acre Estates Located on the comer of Jaycox and WUker Roads in Avon Lake 871-5898/933-8275 V33-6732/892-0825 -FOR OVER 25 YEARS We Recommend Living Better Electrically with the Add-On Heat-Cool Pump wilh our Gas ; Heated Homes ' 021 Ctegua Pa/kway eayVillags Oh»44t40 '• D«ti0n*r.Fomal.an<lCttuiJVVMrtor MEN • WOMEN • CHUOREN ACCVMOrtM- Phis SUn. Lwgw S ^ M . and W«n x Fsshmi Atoay* W a k o n w , / ' iaa.m.4P-ntUon.imuS<t ' ' , "'ALL CONSIGNORS MUST 13am-8p.m.Th«*d«]r« CALL FOR APPOWTMENT. Vlomand at the Located at the corner of Crocker and Hltlard Boada, one mile south of 1-90 Exit InWestlake. 899.1131/899-1101 Devonshire Estates of AvonLjke 871-1107/933-3880 A TOUCH OF CLASS RESALE CLOTHING AT AFFORDABLE PRICES L Many of our customers told us they were confused as to what "custom" meant. They said they had visited other builders and were shown completed homes and were told they were "Custom Homes." These other builders offered as proof that these were "Custom Homes'*, the fact that they cost more. -••-.-. We at Kopf Builders offer you a new definition of what a Custom Home Is. we say you can be involved In what goes where, and how big it is. We start with a portfolio of our best customer-refined homes, and allow you to make changes. In other words, made to order. The best part about our definition of a "Custom Home" is that It doesn't hove to cost morel . Visit one of the f 1 > ^ communities listed below and start your order Homes from $250,000 on generous wooded Homesites. (oil Ctagu* Rd., N «( WO 6nllcM>tumnght> MODELS OPEN Sun., Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Pri. 1-6 Wed. .1-8; Sat. 12-5 "A Tradition of Quality Craftsmanship" BUILDERS! There's Something For Every Mom At, Jamies Flea Market Every Wednesday & Saturday 8-4 p.m. Rte. 113 - Vz mile West of Rte. 58 South Amhcrst 9864402 Mother's Day Drawing Saturday, May ,12th at 2:00 p.m. Register for a Mother's Day Gift Certificate Drawing •4 ;i-;: Spring Clean & Check Dr. Claudia Rozuk, radiologist and president of the new Breast Screening and Education Center located on the border of Wostlake and North Ridgeville on Center Ridge Road in the Westridge/Altstate Building. Birds w e hattfXng and so are the earty bint Oiats on Carrier's TECH 2000 Central Al/ CorWitiaoera. Cool ott this summer at pf ice* Ciat won't devour vour nest ogg! And on oua&tying modeta, our . » cost, extended prelection plan guarantees you won't have a repair Ml for at teart 5 years. Mammography Center Opens April 30 through May 7 will mark Iho grand opening of Thu Breast Screening and Education Center, a new business la the area which will offer a convenient alternative for women wanting tu tate advantage of mammography screening. Claudia Rozuk. M.D. radiologist and president of the new center stales, "Tho entire program was designed around thu comfort and convenience of tho people the center will wjrve. Being a women and tiavtng experienced a raammogram myself, I realized that most women undorstend the importance of, breast cancer screening and would have annual mammograms. but just never w:om to be ab!a tofitU In their schedule." The Breast Screening and Education Center is conveniently open eveningc and weekends as well as weekdays. The center is located on the border of Westlake and North Ridgevillu on C e n t e r R t d g o R o a d In liiu VVestridge/Allstale Building. Rozuk assures that her staff will provide a service tofitindividual needs. If a woman is having a mammogram for the first time, certified technicians take her time to explain the procedure in detail. If a routine screuuing is needed, a quality mammogram will bfl performed us ijuicldy as possible. "Women can come ubuut using our services in two ways", states Kozuk. "Women can be referred to our center by the physician, but a referral is not necessary." If you're concerned about your breast health and if you meet tint American Cancer Society guidelines; Ages 35-39 - Have a baseline mammogram 4O-1P - Have a mammogram every 1-2 years 50 and over - Have 11 niammogram every year Thesi: ACS recumniehdations an: intended for women who have no breast symptoms. Monthly breast sclfexnmination and annual clinical br«;i:,t exams performed by n doctor arc ulv> recommended. Basic screening is $15 [compared lo SI20 to S160 at other faciliti<">)For more information will: 327-U3B1 or I-800-27-l-lU9<l , • ,... And it you already havo air cood&onina., wo hav« an early bird d«ul for you tool Insure comfort and efficiency wrtii our Clean & Chock SpocaJ m S30.00 oft the reoutar prico." Now that's somathing to crow about) New air conditioning or rooting tune-up. Ehher way „ We aren't comfortable untUyou, are! SPECIAL PRICE" A/C TUNE-UP $3495 Carrier •Til Jwn«3O Refrigeration Services, Inc. 614 Moore Rd., Avon Lake 365-2100 933-2535 1989 DYNASTY Choice of 3 $10,995 1530 Kansas Ave., Loraln 288-1116 ^ " X V ^ 32730 Walker Boad • C* Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 (216) S33-4O83 ¥ Spring Redecorating Specials! 20% OFF All Framed Gallery Art. 10% OFF All in Store Prints and Posters. Custom Framing with a Quality Creative Edge. Variety of Mini-Framed Art under $10.00 •11 heating 8? codling On the campaign trail Lorain County Arts ii! Setting the pace because were involved ' \ r ^ i i^^i-jg^r J '^^--'-^v'* J , h ' 835-3369 m t jn *-.e~ Avon School News • that m i r e published. . • •. • , . . . . The High School Writer, beginning its «*xth year In print, is a classroom teaching magazine used by tOnlor high, middle school and senior high school English and, language arts teachers throughout 12-states ol_tne, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT RECEIVES AWARD John Atinapaw. a student in Mr. Dale Eaton's Midwest. The monthly magazine, printed in tabloid, freshman English clas3 at Avon High School, has been newspaper format, was developed to provide a real au-; selectud to receive &. trophy at the Third Annual High dience for student writers and to thereby foster a desire School Writer- McDonald's Literary Awards Program, among ticnagors of all interest* to team good reading: scheduled, for Saturday, May 19. at the Kadissan Hotel and writing skills. The publication has: a readershlp^of; .. . > ': r .;:" - i South in Minneapolis. Minnesota. John submitted a approximately 140,000. . John is the son of .Mr. and Mrs. John Aunspaw of poem entitled "A Poem." , One hundred students from many senior high school Avon. Terri Is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Warren • , . " .. ':•.'. : In the Midwest will receive bophtes. Onu of those Conwpy. | ' students will also receive the Publisher's Choice Award. AVON LOCAL SCHOOLS TREASURER'S REPORT Trophies will be presented by Donald Kain, publisher of The 1990-91 school budget'submitted, to., the county the High School Writer, and Fred Keller. McDonald's auditortoJanuary contained and estimated $351,157 spokesperson. : Students were chosen to receive that awards and to be general fund deficit as of June 30,1991 This budget was recognized because of their writing abilities. To qualify, based on maintaining existing staff and programs, takstudents had to submit their written material for ing into account salary increases already nngotiated. publication in the High School Writer Nearly 20,000 and allowing for usual inflationary increases such as pieces were submitted during the 1969-90 school year. areas as fringe benefit costs and educational materials. About 2.000 were printed and from Ibe 2.000 that wore It does not contain needed capital Hunts such ^as replacement buses, copier for Avon East, textbooks, printed; 100 were selected for awards. Terri Conway, laboratory and Ij^r-ictional equipment and computers also from Mr. Eaton's doss submitted a poem entitled "Friends'* to the publication and was among the 2,000 to upgrade our educational program. AVON SCHOOLS Vi% SCHOOL INCOME TAX if A FAIR FUNDING ALTERNATIVE VOTE YES ON ISSUE 3 THE FOLLOWING AVON CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES ENDORSE AND SUPPORT ISSUE 3: Uchard DcCbant Dare Crawford Sue a it Cslhoun Karylin Brodke Jla rUralflla -Jan* Zllk* Deaana Vooda Patty Frank , Brian Horog Mary Ellen Piazza Deansa DeSarlo Pat Wearsch Kitty Vanderpool Sandy Uaoestk Linda Tascbner Janet Satlth Barbara .Scnveltsar L. A. Kayborne Katie 02ra Stcva Ofcaaato Rues rh.Laaf.hlln Konald J* Cucather, Cheat reti Corp Konald Scbaaufer Avon Band BoosCar• Avon Oaka Child Car* Center Bob-O-Llnk Coif Court* On* Stop Beverage, Ray Llptk Preschool Parents* Club Kindergarten PTA Rich Buckosh. KosKBarjr Jenkins L<Joan McLean ' " Ton T o a l l n Dive toavouin \H . Worm Inrtn •Lois Shlcko, Realty One Mary an ti Crawford Robert Barnhart Teas Uearsch Charlotte Horace Sceve Semlcak Kin Yonker* Kickty Itaag Lynn 5chleasnan. Joe S c s l e t t e Joseph Ronyak Joe ItollJrs John Braun Bob tfessler M«l Horace Marion Harsljtlla Joan Buchkovlch Cref Hanlk David Snsvely Angle MarslgUa Anna DeChanc Ksthy Pitul Georglne West P Mick Hitock John HacArthur Takaahl Mlnblvakl / a u l Carlmoa Richard Santana Lealca Mlrnldi Linda Plot* Joan Park* P a t r i c i a Hull Charlotte Wendell Paul Allen Spelgl* J l * Karalglfa Delores Barnh^rc LaVerne S n l c e k Linda Yankrr* Kary Haag Sue Schlaatnan Lealla Scaletta Dlanna Hollars Sue Bratal J a r l Ueasler Crania Auaflug Don Maloy Mr. t Mrs. V»y Eileen Knoble Marie E. Snavrly Evelyn M. Whitney Helga Hanlk Kal Horace Chlko Klahlwnkl Hary Carlson David Klraldl Jody Saoanlch Carol Wolf Linda J . Haisen Linda Plotz Kiel Kovae Lore Peterson Karge Erbe Sheila Bodnar Anna Mae McHuldren Delphi Daley Ralph RoLlng Surf Bemard Robin Johnson Elaie McCarry Marge Bratton Donna Randolph Alberta Keeling Richard Notley Jo BroBtak Mfxlne Meder Jennifer DeChant Gloria White Pat Haloy Mrs. KarslKlia Hark DeChnnt Lynn N«wman >5 ' Frank Reear Sharon Uauers Dave Veadcll Mike Aatonyzyn B i l l Fltcb Fred Jennings Mary Ann I*urey Jaoes K-leefeld Elizabeth Xarg Deborah Recks Karen Rodachy John fieltober Suiasas K. Schoch 5. Alan Schveltxer Janes A. Snlth Ernest Teschner Rebecca Tlcchlone pavn V^noslk Jerry Wearsch Jin Vanderpool Virginia 5«lth George B l i s s J l a Plaxca Dave Frank John Langen Kathy Reear Charlotte Wendell Sue Antonyiyn Dcnna Fitch Anne Jennings Diane Kleefeld Richard E. Hronek Robert B. Crahan Kathryn Crenlg Hark Kaesel Hichsel Henry Martin Zllka Len DeChant Sue Jennlnss Ruth Keller Janet Jullua Roger Johnson Cindy Hronak KrlstlHrnry Wanda HacArthur Jeanne Hnaeel Pat Garrett Hlchal flnucsn Dora L. Fisher Cynthia A. Ichroedar Jerry Ruffner Honey Dever Alan D. Wear LOID Roling William Dover Ton Wanonik Carolyn Pierce Fred AuafluR Terri Conway and John Aunspaw * * The 172% income tax on the May 8th. ballot would generate approximately $400,000 a year. This tax would be effective January 19911. but the school* would —* actually receive substantial monoyrunUl April ofil—. t Borrowing, thus, will be nw^uary, eveaJf the levy posses. , r "* ^ - i^r*"*"^ There Is an emergency levy expiring on December, 3IJ? 1990 tnat feoimratos approximat»,360^100 y^n1""™1 Since tbo Avoa Schools will receive this money fi one half of the nextfiscalyear (unless the levy Is -— edj, $180,000 of the projected deficit is the result o£l levy expiring. vV -4 s -L ^-'SV^ Tho Avon Schools closed the 198S-89 fiscalyair^uu a balance approximately 40,000 in the generalfundViThft current estimate fo^thejgaa^SOinscal^viBaj^I-**" general fund baJauctf o t $llO,OCIO.|;CThSj<ibuW slightly either WB,ybyiiiM'.30tfc)TJd\^p^fffl*t^--^ tn carrjovcr reaulled from a S31^)Mincr^5e (npropU; ly tax revenuVarid a^'^^COO'decreu^'lai gpeai'""*^1™ spending decrease was < i . ^ - ^ ^ . ^ « ^ ; ^ i purchase tbooks. Thi» $70,000 reduce, _ __ _ _ It is the phil<Mbpby and de^ib^of'the.AvpiipS , Board to operate on a! balanced ^bod '" '-'" The schools .199041. but grams AVON SCHOOL PRIDE IS CITY WIDE!! ' B^BBBeaaBBaeBBBaBMeMaaeasBBBBBBBBB^BBeaaieBi f \-V 8th. Please feel free to contact 834-016+'^you have ajiy questions mgardlngr - any flinncwl operational Medicai;Treain)eWf>dgWeWF^3uP RAPID WEIGHT REDUCTION Virtually NO H U N Q E R ^ l EASY TO FOLLOW.^No compiicaiedl • SAFE- Jcim EVALUATTON-mepTcal htatmy; physical examinations bfood^tbstt^ urinalysis, EKQ; other tests ;when : JJid ^^^^^^^i^ considering the (ength or time tt woiild take to lose an excess weight and t " obtain Ideal body weight by an program available today/. V,^r • ENERGY LEVEL"-ram • Dramatic Improvement medical conditions assoctated-wtth being overweight. M * r ^- J , ^ • Preservation of LEAN BODY M A S ^ <1 • MAINTENANCE of Idea) body weight ^ • PERSONAL ATTENTION. For complete details, make ' arrangement with our nurse for a FREE consultation, r v Itemized statement provided for Insurance claim reimbursement. ^ Start Your Program Of Weight Reduction Now! CUNiC 22flMfflerRoad Avon Lake ~ Next lo Aquamarine Easy accea form WO W6 PAH? FOR BV THE AVjW SCHOOL LEVY COMMTTTEE TREASURER. DAVID FRANK 1-80W31.7482 Cleveland's Premier Residential Cleaning Service FAIR WEATHER ROOFING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL HQUStfQRK • 40 YEAR DKBiSONAL 9<NGLES •BWLT-OP HOOFS • fiffABS • SUITE REPWS • 15 YBW FIRESTONE Thorough • Consistent • Quality, Bonded • Insured 933-2517 1*800-251-2517 RAXKO USPATCHEO CRAKE SERVICE ; ;, 680 MOORE RD; AVON LAKE • BEST IN THE WESTERN SUBURBS 871-0506 SOUNDS. Design • Installation • Service For Your Home and Business »OUND ccfcsSy Bacfcgmund/fijregrcwid Muate U i m y t T • • tntuoton and fir» Protection 'Twsnly four Hour MonHprtng PORTHOFER . SOUND G SECURITY Y*fe tofadng F Corlcn lops Creative Kitchens lOBOOWBassoKRood Wosfloko - , , M 835-4300 mmr OwStora CaH For Dwtalla €90 Avon Belden Rd. <Rt S3) & Avon Lake, Ohio ••Cdcbhtiogi Lake Shore Land Development Introduces Creative Paving by Marilyn O'Donncll How's your driveway ifaeao days? Old ft survive the rigors of salt. «crapicg and >eeze/tliaw cycles? Is that oucesmooth entrance to your home mm pock-marked and cracklngT 1 Lake Shore Land Development Co. has a process that renews old driveways ' which can save you up to 40 percent over replacement costs. Accord to LSLD president Frank DoSmit. 'lexturizing" a concrete surface is a way to renovate old concrete that's structurally sound but cbsmeUcaJ* ly unsightly. _' ' ., . "Wa come In and put this textured grouting over the top of the old drive," said Frank., Then we put on a pattern and put two coats of a clear sealer over it. We can also color It." ho added, Texturized surfaces come with c oneyvar guarantee on products'and workmanship. : • Recently. LSLD completed texturizing walkways for Convonient Food Mart and EST Bank in the Landings. "The process comes with a full oneyear limited warranty on products and workmanship," said Frank. "We hove it tost patch hero' nt our complex : that we've been scraping and salting throughout winter. It's been through tho freeze/thaw cycles," he said. "It hasn't been affected at all." > ; Last year,-another process was introduced : by LSLD decorate concrete •H. 5 BACKYARD BRILLIANCE - Decorative concrete can rejuvenate pool decks, patios, and walkways at only a fraction of tho cost of new pavement. cracks. : \ What's more, you'll save nearly 30 percent off the cost of brick pavement when you Install decorate concntto : Decorative concrete Is versatile. It can be used In any sbapo, bath indoor and outdoor settings, and In any cllrnule. You cannven choose a color to blend with your surroundings n o r l c ' • ' • • • . . • • • • ' • • ' • • Placos to use decorative concrete in* Coorgo Fresquez brought his 25-years shopping centers, schools, of knowledge up from Florida and train- cltido: restaurants, pool *, decks, patios, auln ed tsmployeoa nt LSLD In tboart of show,rooms, sldewolks, garngoa and ddcorative concrete stamping and driveways.', In fact, anywhoro you wnnt texturizing. • : . beouly of brick or siono and tho ' Ho Is a legitimate concrole stamping -', the strength or concrete. export." said Frank. "He wnrkod all over the world: Mexico, Ireland and the '- "We just did a sldcwulk job and some stops that we took a video of," said Caribbean. .* Frank. "We're going to make it nvallable : ; "Wo'vo since hired him and ho is to customers bocnuso It shows thorn relocating from Tampa to. head the thoour procoss. It's o process that decorative arid (exturod concrete plioao mostwholo people have nuvur soon done " of our operation/'said Frank. Frank says B decorative concrete job - Basically, docorativo concrete Is a colstarts out much like conventional con* ored concrete which Is imprinted with a ; pattern and texture to create the look of crate work, but as soon as it's pourtid, real brf'ik or stone. , • -•: .. the process changes. "We-;havo five different patterns:' ; 'Already popular, for yoora on the West Europoan cobblestone, ashler sLafcvian- , Coast and Florida, nov>- Northern ventiohat cobblestone, a brick pattern climates are catching on. and random-atone pattern," said Frank. "People were reluctant to do this in ; Advantages of decorative concrete In-' the Northern areas/' said Frank. "Hut elude the durability of concrete but the tho chemicals used to noal the product look of. natural brick or stone,' no pro- and tho fact that Ihe color is also a blora with Individual brinks shifting or hardener, makes the top surface even settling, ond matntonance-free living more dense than our normal concrete " without grass or dirt coming up througn Along with textured and decorative IS IT BRICK? IS (T STONE?- No. il s a new process Installed by Lake Shore Land Development to add beauty and maintenance-free living to your homo concrete work, LSLD Is a full- service excavating company that s qualified to do any type of sewer and backhoe work, complete concrete1 repairs and founds tlon work for now , homes. After 14 years In business, LSLD has earned a solid reputation as * company ' worth your trust Lake Shore Land Development is located at 825 Center "Road in Avo?. if ours aro Mon.-FrL 3 a JU. to S p m. Co1,* LSIJ3 for a true estimate or to pick u p j video of a concrete Job fromfctartto finish. Phono 937-6187.— HDP PORTSWEAR Bathing Suits Now Available! Besttt»heath (KwofoursuHil! (too. S43.M NOW * 3 9 " NOW * 3 8 " 33489 Like Rd. NottoAsunLJwTh—iM ;: ^V'vr -'933-4141 •• ' ' " i RESTAURANT &L0UN6E Great Place Fw Eating, Drinking i Dandngm Wednesday* A Fridays • Fish Fry , Fresh L»fce Erie Perch . • Of»Bl Luncheon and Dinner Specials! Saturday Prime Bit) D.J. Thurs. -Sat.' 1 33382 Walker Rd, Avon Lake Q3 3-2327 . 5284 Lake Rd., Sheffield Lake 940-8820 --i'—-•—-r-"-i—"i /WiTf*""' Decorative Stamped Concrete Bf laktsbmt Uad DnUppeim* Call Today- For Free Estlmntr* 937-6187 D25 Center Rd., Avon ' " •••'•—" Open O a.m.-io p.m. Every Day of Tha Yoar Including Sunday A Hotfdmym • Registered Pharmacist Always On Duty • We Ship UPS or Parcel Post • Copies 15* • Video Rental 99* • Now Release Videos $1.99 New Social Security Service Provided For Newboms I Prices Effective 5-2-90 thru 5-9-90 , Lay's Potato Chips!.., Extra Strength | . ' £ | SOCapIets "The pain reliever hospitals use most" 14.5 oz. bag g? Regular « BBQ • Cheddar • Sour Cream & Onion Dermassage Dishwashing UqukJ Cheer Laundry Detergent 22 oz.' "Protein protection for hands that do dishes." $1.09 Pre-prlcs Ust$1;69 : ••?; : Eveready Energizer Batteries AA-8pk. . ;MotorOil teepsgoiigA'goingJgoi#." uatse.as Less Mail-in rebate on pack Your Cost After Rebate $3.90 -S2.00 <1»4 M A OliVV Tyson Chicken Breast Patties 10'AOZ. OpHDng Itontaf In tm Dng Mart Paa F m ReshGrads A tsSra Large Eggs . Cuttm QO.rvm UMUVU p n h " DRUG MART VIOEOCLUD Pizza • CaMoncs • • Satads • Sandwiches , Corey James Lach was born April 2, 1900 at FaErvfow General Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. His proud parents are Julie and Jim Lach of 5430 Barkwood Drive, Sheffield Village. His grandparetUs are Grace and Jim Lach of Cleveland. A baby girl, Sarah Nicole, was born to Alfredo Ortega and Debby Shadley of Loratn on April 3, 1990 at SL John and West Shore Hospital Sarah weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz. and was 1 9 inches long. The proud grandparents are . Eloy - and juanita Ortega, of Lo ruin arid Robert and Virginia Adams of Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. , . , 39 oz. Powder 10W30or10W40 A baby girl. Mulanie Lynn., was born February 8.1990 at 7:24 p.m. at SL John and West Shore Hospital to Robert and Linda Knaulz of Sheffield Lake. Molanie weighed 8 lbs.. 9 oz. and measured 21 inches long. Her proud sister Is Pamela Sue Siirove and her proud grandparents are William and Mary Ann Knautz. , lioby boy. Tylor Williams Smith. 4 lbs. 13 oz., born AptU 12, 1990 to paruats Arleno and Fred Smith. 153 Forest Blvd., Avon Lake. Grandparents Carol Snider FEorello and Joe Fiorollo of Avon Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Ashtubulu.. . . ' Baby boy, Trent Martin VanMeter, & lbs. 9 oz. born.on April 25, 1990 to parunts Barbara and Marly VanMeter .1310 Maple Street, Lot-sin. Grandparents Carol-Snider Fiorollo and Joe Fiorello of Avon Lake and: Joyce and Martin VanMeter of Elyrio.' Garth Robert Broz was born April 5 at Elyria Memorial Hospital weighing in at i t pounds and 5 ouncos. Parents'a** Nancy and Jim* siblings Nicoto. Jenna, and Ian of Avon Lake. Grandparents are Andrew end Sylvia Rlmar of Avon Lake and Bill and Lynn Broz of Lorain. . Benjamin Douglas Kovuch was born April S at 11:09 p.m. at Fairview General Hospital. He weighed 9 pounds and one ounce and was 20 1/2 inches. He Is the son of Debbie nnd Ron Kovach of Avon Lake and tins a big brother Kyle. Grandperonls am Kay and Will Glover!and Mury Lou and Ron Kovach. all of Avon L a k e . " •••• -,•' . . - . - • • •. Pi PIZZACUTTER • EAST, nnn cctet -tHMOOBEno ' " n o o o-tCA iWLCAdto y ^ o - b O / U annr our ONLY .. 3 J J - o l 3 4 CJ""" Qur i sEAfwc ll<1( Mn ' • . nouns' '••*"' • J"' j • • . • M , : , . M ^ ; » . , . . . u t i - 'jBEfHH ' - ' • " '«»'•<''5.. , - , ' M t . •1 ,.--•( l u r j * - ™ WINE ' '.H"j;jl.'.O.I . » - l . i m Michael Kearns DDS Douglas Voiers DDS y istry Just engaged? New parent? Moved? I'd like to visit you: I'll bring useful gifts.information and cards you can redeem for more gifts at local businesses. AN free to you. Avon Lake - Mary Jean Garrett, 933-5376 Avon Lake • Olga Schaaf, 933-8460 t. Aqua Executive Earns Award AVON LAKE - Daniel L ] genera! manager of Aqua _ ^ and Resort In Avon ?Lakav* has ^been£awarded the / Certified ^ ~ Beverage Executive designation by the^ Educational Institute, ot the'American j Hotel and Motel AssocuUion'fAH&MAJ.^ This announcement comes from John j.» Clark. Jr.. certification dean of Cornell University's School of; Hotel Administration., The Certified Food and Beverage ecutivo Is one of the highest tionl. offorod by IrioiEducatiooal stitute To qualify for this distinction,^ h o t o l / m o t e l e x e c u t i v e s " raustTdemonstrate academic ochievornent andj. industry achievement, Tha Educationj>Lr!nstltulo Is a profit educational foundation of thS-J American Hotel and Motol As3oclntlon.^i It provides continuing learning oppor-.fj tunitios for lodglrg industry omployees.^' at al1 levels who wish to advance their ~ curcers through study and certification.* RANANA\ BAY Ladies Casual Clothing (Including PUs Sizes) NOW OPEN: SUNDAY, N00Nr5 P.M. 3 3 8M.B-5 933-7447 S OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. 33081LAKERD. AVONXAKE 2-3. bedroom, living roomrwllh fircpla«tafuil; basement,, 2-3 car; garage, beautiful trccdflotj: Central location, excellent condition.; .•'•'•..• " . Dr. Kearns 933*4486 Dr. Voiers 933-3270 Solo practttofwre (not auodaiad) -HOTTONING & TANNING SALON - H O T We've Just Changed Our Bulbs - Call For Package Prices • We can arrange to get together In your home (or a brief visit: Convenient Evening & Sal- Haur;j Now Pntionts Welcome Landings J Bldg. 32730 Walker Rd. Avon Lake quired on'the Forth' SS-5 li cdntaliisd'ohj the state's birth registration form.-This; new service Is free fust like all services' provided by the Social Security^ Administration. WE DELIVER WELCOME WAGON WANTS TO VISIT YOU PIZZA CUTTER-WEST • " -. . if there has been a new addition to your family and you would Hko your Avon Lake neighbors to know about it, drop US' a note with the portincnt information. Please include a phone number for verification. Our address Is P.O. Box 300, Avon Lake. O. 44012. A DCW program became available to the parents of ne wborn children in the •Oslo of Ohio. In 1989. asjaart of H* CCJ»iDibneot to provule better service to the public, the Social Secunt> Administration began to issue social security numbers to newborn babies when gl'en permission to do so by tha parents. Under this new service, when parents complete the birth registration form. they Can indicate whether they- wp.nl a ' social security card Issued to their child _ If so, thii state vital statistics office wilt, send the request to the Social Security" Administration by magnetic tape and the card will bo issued automatically. This convenient, one-stop shopping; u eliminates the need for parrots tp apply \ for a; social security number for their -r> child at a later date The standard ^ method of obtaining a social security • number'requires the submission otan.^ original birth certificate and other pro-/ ofs of Identity, such as medical or school j : roenrds. In addition, parents" quired to fill out Form SS-5, app for a social security number card. Under'% this procoss,: parents also have to pro- ' vide proof of their own identity such as valid driver's license. 1 ' be eliminated for those quest • the rn* Mow FMTKMM Batiift m in* w « u 933-2141 SOMETHING NEW FOR WOMEN tf you trunk you <e getting token advantage pi by "last talking", "pushy" wlesmen who fceop g ^ n g you We run around? THEN WE fJEED TO TALK<1 LET'S TALK WOMAN TO WOMAN Call Barbara at Haftof UncOin-Uftcurf tor Some friendly advice. You'll be glad you did! 13 Oefimiibns ol some of tfic abbreviations found in the Police Logs. , OOA • Gorte On Arrival UTL • Unable to Locate MVA - Motor Vehicle Accktertt B*E - Breaking & Entering BOLO - Bo On The Logout FI'D • F«U Interrogated OWI - Wwng White Intoxicated NCC • No Cause For Complaint DUpJJnll - Oapslched units DUI • Oivmg Under The Influence it on ForestHtf 21 IS - VtfrOJJ tirscute on Foreil P*vd 2140-Car alirmac<i*-.(lir»g in shipping ctr. Cliecfc- • eo OK • ,• 2152 - KKJ<S on roof ol Redwood School. Advised. 2234 • Report o( POM. DWI westbound WaPwr Rd. from Lear. C/24lf^cateO vohicie rwrthbcunO SR. 83. Tow roquestBd. 10-19W/15. 2239 - loud party camptwll on Forest Blvd. Atfwscd. MARCH 14 0044 - C/241 Located an open window at on Avon BeKtefi FVL Bus. 0555 - Squad retponding to vineyard. 0741 • Sound responding to Crestwood. 1047- Squadrespondingto LaktfRd. Irtiuatry. ! i S6 • Squad responding to Lak«vtew, 1300 - Lake Rd. resident rwportmg town damage. Reaofcwd. . 1310 - Lorsm Pdce hotdfno * party on one of our warrants. C/245 enroute for pickup. 1607 - Male reportedly yeffing at school crridreo h Sunset fid. area, located & advised. 1620 • l o u d music compb^it on Lake Rd.. 1641 --Squad loaponding to Jaycox Rd. 2313 - C/241 located en open window at Gott Course. Advised., 2040 • C/240 & C/241 ehechJng two auspicious mates in shop. Ctr. , 2053 - Resident* alarm on Bounty Way. Checked OK. . MARCH 15 0 0 4 1 - C/241 .Slopped violator Oadaohn/Ookwood, 10-10 W/z for under-ag« consunpson.-. .'-'.' 074B - Orus Mart security captured then suspect outside store: ','• . • • • • 0 9 0 0 • - - Abov« auapact cited, processed & MARCH 16 0008 - Ustits on Ertcwiew classroom. Checks OK. 0043 - Suspicious vehicle on Beacon Ct. Crwcks OK, sent on way. , 1125 - Lskavfew Dr. resident reports poss. entry to home. , 1 5 3 7 - PPMVA D a l on Wsfcar fid. Report. 1 7 0 0 - Telephone- harassment eompMnt from Redwood BMt Report ' • MARCH 17 0059 - Bay Wage resident reporting damage to vehicle whfe operating at SR 63/Lak« Rd. 0305 - SsiSptofoua «htaie on Forest, located by C/249. Advised. 0346 - Car kt the ditch on Krebs Rd.. C'244 located drtwr. Tow requested. 0405 - Domestic disturbance on Low Rd. AM ' What you should consider, before retainingari attorney. • • Personal Injury Medical Malpractice Workers Compensation Wrongful Death FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 14 Gotoin ;; i n Read a book •action-buy * **u or a now magazine box of Junk 21 Probate; • •" Wills & Trust Real Estate Law * ' Corporate Law ,. Traffic ViolaUons/DUI 3S-323I OFFICE HOURS Mot, Tia; TtanjiOO AJMHW tJL Ted, Fri MO AXMO PJL CLIP AND SAVE CALENDAR Buy « bag of candyand Share l i that smolli wonderful Stay up Iato and play . monopoly. Domestic Relations PHONE. Oako cookie* V Vlvlt a stream O Have a family;', Q Take turns A share a few * reading H and skip atones Joke night with • ahut-itt book together Given hug The Skill, Professionalism & Personalized Attention you need Is Available for your ' Con venience In A von Lake Smith 110 Moore Road Avon Lake, Ohio (4012 : 1 Bake •omethlnif MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH 11 • Experience • Cwnpetence • Integrity - , 1053 - Squadrespondingto H*gh School. 1057 • Minor MVA ki UnoY>os, Re*o*ued. No report. .. _ 1216 - Squad responding to BeachporK Tower. 1257 - Squad responding to Miller Rd. industry. 1751 - Land»)QS resident reporting telephone harassment. STRESSBUSTER Wear bright colon to lift 'your tip, ESTASU5HED 1963 ' 1317 • Semi truck stuck In mud at MJiufrLnke. Tow requested. 1558 • Fk« Dfcpt. responding to amoKe In area o( Lake Rd 1900 • Fire Dept. mce*wd call of n pofsor> down on bike trait at Westwinds, UTU 2035 - C/242 Stopping violator for DWI at Sr. 83AV«!ker Rd.,, Tow requested. 10-19 W/t 5. 2055 - Oog bite complaint on Beachwood. Report 2143 - SuspiciousrnaJoat service station at SR 63/Walkef Rd. 2350 - Dteturtance compiainl on Jnwood- Sent on their war- ' quiet 0 9 4 2 - Squad retoonding to Enolewood. 1056 - Squad raspondng to Lftka Hd. industry. 1191 -.RmUenttal atarm on Nottingham Or. LINCOLN/MERCURY Lorain 288-0141 Elyria 322-9945 Cleveland 899-1731 a family J ^ 15 Plan fantasy trip Do a Jigsaw puzzle _ ' as If money waa no object ' . Write your y y troubles on n *"r family piece of paper & T-shirt throw them away 23 Gazo at the J stars tonlglit^ find the BliT Dipper MA3T 1990. Its OK to cry WatcUasad Take a bike ". in the woods <v or park - v '• Have a it Give a L compliment neighborhood 1 to your weiner roast spouso Diglothe dirt Plant some ! flowers B« loud -19! •Ing, laugh, yeU , -..1 Take a drive JC Flip a coin *"* heads turd right clothes tales turn left ft Uke a family picture •a Sunday paper with no : Interruption J Ilevsyour own parade and picnle no Go barefoot for an hour Declare a day off from housework KX: lie-read • FREE SEMINARS calendar & 31 repeat as needed MAYS 10:00-11:00 Conzinuntcatiotu f MAY 19 10:00-11:00 Car* Of Older Adutto llMfrlZiOO Parenting Skith PrA-Rti2t>»ratIon Is lloqulred v Cail 324-2020 OK 233-5360 ^ Tht Sftntal Health Network pf Lorain County provides help for depression, parenting problems, suicide family i violence, concerns of serloua mentally 111 and their families, and many other mental health needs. Programs are designed to address problems regardloss of age, sex, minority, or Income. THE MENTAL IJEALTW NETWORK OF LORAIN COUNTY IS FUNDED UV THE LOUAIN COUNTY BOAUD O? MENTAL WEALTH : -y'•••>•->''.'V&X MENTAL HEALTH NETWORK MEMBER AGENCIES Center for Children and Youth Services El Centra Do Servicios Sociales Lorain Co. Council on Alcoholfam & Drug Abuse Lorala County Labor Agoncy Lucy Itiol Center for tho K_indtcappod. W.G. Nord Community Mental Health Center Mental Health Crisis Hotlino & Rupo Crisis Ho til no 233-8SU or 324-61 IS 277-5327 or 277-8235 282-4S52or3ftG-G120 282-7401 or 324*7800 007-0724 233-7232 or 322-4003 1-800-883-0101 1l by Howard Swindell ^ ^ ^ • • s * ^ IN YOUR COURTS Avon Lake Municipal Court r's license and S50 ktt drtvtng witn <lkig,ii Richard K. Krepa. M 3 Baldwin Ave , EJyna, was fined S1.000 and sentenced to 30 davs in jail on a charoe of leaving tn« scene 0* a motor vehicle accident. Only,10 days were actually to be served witti ine balance to be deterred on condition of good behavior lor one year and $100 in restitution. Richard V. Gfieta, 38167 French Creek, Avcn. was fined $750 and sentenced to 30 da>3 in jml on a charge of DWl. Only 20 days were to bo served with the remainder defense on condition ol no further alcohol related offenses. H i driver's license was suspended for three years with occupational drfving permitted. He also was fined $15 for driving without lights. Jacob P. Kf»h, t66>7 Uwthwood Ave.. Cleveland, was fined S250 and sentenced to 30 days in Jail on a charge ol disorderly conduct with the sentence deferred on condition of 30 days of community service spent working 'or the Curiosity Shop. , Daniel J. Koiarsky. 262 Joyce* Rd., Avon Lake, was fined S3S0 and sentenced to X days in Jail on a charge ot DW1, with three days actually to be served, with the remainder of the sentence deferred and $100 ol the fine suspended on condition of no (raffle violations for two years. He also was fined $100 for driving under suspension. S100 for driving without an JeH A. Bocks. 283 Hermann Dr.. Avon Lake. *as Fined $350 and sentenced to 30 days In jail on a charge of CW1. He was Given credit for th'ee days of DWt classes alroady served and the remainder of his sentence was deferred on condition cf no further alcohol related offenses H:s driver's license was suspended for 120 d»yi He also was fined $450 tor leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident and $50 for failure to con1 trof his vehicle. John A. Zaka/eckis. 1433S Lorain Avefntc. Cleveland, was fined $50 for disorderly conduct Luther U Trammet, 420 W. 13th St., Efyna. was fined $300 on a charge of driving under suspension and his driver's license was suspended for 30 days. He also was fined 550 for Speeding. Abo fined $50 for speeding were Amy K. Houdeshett, ?S2 Sunset f i d . . Avon Lake, and Mary C. Adams. 3864 Gregvt Ave.. Lorain. Other speeders and their fines included WUIiam C. Frey. 1113 Euclid A v e , Lotain. $7S; Karl S. Bamum. 32560 Lake n d . , Avon Lake. $60, and Marcia K_ Blair, 412 Avon Bekton Rd.. Avon Lake. $70. Biair also was fined $70 for having expired platos. Other speeders were Matthew S. Utlorn, 29630 Norfolk Dr., Bay Village, $-*5; James N. Lawson. 363 BMttama Pa-kway, Avon Lake. $40; Charles G Krfe. 2153 Bdred Ave.. LaXewood. 45; Walter A. Rogers, 257 Plymouth Dr.. Bay VUlage, $35; and Joanetle Biro. 2727 Center Rd.. Avon, 525. Other traffic violators were Pauf G. Edwards, 733 Lake Bnreie. Sheffield Lake, crossing a double yellow line. $45: Siephert A. Fuller. 12S7 Lowe" Ave., Eiyria. running a red light, S1C0; Michael A. Metta, 3400 Liggett Dr.. Parma, imp'c-per passing. S35; and Barbara S- Eakle. 2021 K-.nq James Pkwy. Westlake. S35. Richard C. HofeUe*. IBS Oakwood A^e., A / c n LaVe, was hied 120 ity having a barking tfcg .Avon Mayor's Court J a r o * C. McMufhm. 1442 Gulf Rd., Eiyria. was fined 3600 ar^] jivon a inroe-day sentence en a dtarga ol physical control with the sentence su-rperK'«J on condition of attendance of DW1 school ,.' Lorain County Community Collage • wiifcin 60 days. He also was fin«J S55 for violating lanes ol traffic. Chfisiooa! Ruiz. 10705 Bernard Ave.. Cleveland, was fined $600 end was sentenced to twee days <n jail on a cnaroo cf chysicai control ' •'Hi tne sentence suspended on conOifton of attcridancs of n DWl .scnool at, Cteieland State Uni-jwait1/. He aiso >*33 fined $100 for driving unOtt auatiension and $60 for speeding Ywfccnia Sr.. 4280 Abfce RrJ., Shef* 3 J f«»d S6O end was sentenced to three days « j a l on a charoe of 00!- The sentence was s^pertfed on eonOQon he «Qend the DWI *choo( at Lorah County Communrty Coleoe within 60 days His d n W s bcense was Suspended for 90 days with occupattcnal prtviteQM. He atsc was fined 555 for driwng left cf center. James M He»ley. 6727 Fleet Ave.. Cleveland, was fr-ed S60O and was sentenced to three days in• jtd on a charge of physical control. The sentence »as suspended on condition he aBend DWl school witftn eo daya. His drrvef't fcrense was uu3Dend«d for 90 days wsti occupaSonal prrvi^jes. Heafey also was fined 5100 for drug afiuse and $E0 for tack of reasonable control cauiing a motor venide accident. • • • RehKd A Brown, 472O Chadesion Ave., , Loram. waa fined 3 500 for recUesa operation with $-00 suspended. He abo wan fined S10O for contBfnpt of court, $50 for reasonable control and S25 for Raving an unsafe vehicle. Rchard L. Stotter. 145 Coen Rd., VenWBon, was fined 510O for driving under suspension and £60 for reasonable controi. Joaeph D Smtn. 763 Center Rd.. Avon Lahe. : •*as fined S i 5 5 lor contempt of court , ^ceeders and ttwir fines Included Timothy RDsenmann. 199 Bebnan Ave.. Avon Lake, $65. and Lance A. ScudeS. 31034 Lorain Road. North OJmsted. SSO. PiuA E. Jones, 4829 Columbia Rd.. North Ornsted, and Archie H. CcmeB, 142 Forest r U Dr.. Avon Luhe. w«re fined $80 each! on charges en faJuro to keep on assured Clear distance. Avon Lake Historical Field Trip Slated Members and guests of the Avon Lake Historical Society will board Lolly The Trolley a I the Bcachpark Rostauranl on Monday. May 14. 10 a.m.. for the Dunham Tavern field trip. Please remember to park all vehicles on the east side of Saddle Inn. Dunham Tavern was onca u stop on thcBuffolthClevelund-Dtilroit Past Road: It is the oldest building still standing oil its original site in Cuyahoga County. Dunham Tavurn is on the Register of National Historic Places and is a Cleveland landmark, full of history and furnished in 19th contury furniture. We will return from our trip about 1 p.m. Lunch at , the Beach Park Restaurant will be optional. Our next meeting will be the annual pot-luck picnic on fune 11. More details at a later date. Now at Dewey Furniture, spring savings on custom-made living room groups by Berne! BEFORE YOU BUY... Know the INSIDE STORY about BERNE I BERNE FURNITURE to custom-built by Swiss craftsmen. Choice, selected kllrwJrlod hardwoods are used for all frame construction. All Joints are fully double dowetod and reinforced with glued blocks. Small wonder that BERNE FURNITURE offers you a lifetime construction guaranlee. Deep Premier wire, hourglass springs are fastened into as well as on a hardwood insulated bottom slal. 33% OFF Berne's suggested retail prices ' Women's Chorus Hosts Garage Sale The Avon Lake Women's Chorus, would like to remind all to stop by Us large garago,sale at the Klousls residence; on the corner of Lake Rd. and Edgewood (just eaet of" Belraar) this Thursday and Friday, Mny 3 and 4, between 9:30a.m. and 5 panj to see If there'* a treasurer" there Just for you! • r '•'• The Women's Chorus" * needed. a fund raiser to help cover tho cost of new folders, outfits and music* and this seemed to be the answer for aotno instant cash. Stop by to browse and buy In addition; to these bargains, a bakery sale will ulso be hold and promises something for everybody. I've moved. At my new Allstate location, I'm juntas easy to reach and talk to about your Insurance needs. I can help. And maybe I can save | you some money. There, you have tho inside story. And the cover story Is equally . Interesting) The finest fabrics and styling in the Industry. BERNE FURNITURE... the best you can buy! Sale Ends May 13th David W. McClenahan 75^A Avon B*U«n Rd Avon Lake 933-7044 Clave. 236-3588 m /instate A n n u a l .Pian; ^i-.,[•.;; CUSTOM WOOD DECKS Holy Trinity To Hold Rummage Sale 9 0 Days to 12 Months Same as Cash * 230 Oberlin Rd.r Eiyrio, Ohio 44035 V"' 'ut'? Set the Standards in Quality Fencing Since 1932"' !v FTM Eitimoiet. Uytio 323-7581, Lwoin 28S-0083, O«v«. 951-1725 A BETTER LORA1N COUNTY i >• v "n 3 v\o'\ ^-l^'"" -•' D e m o c r a t f f ^ for• John R. Bcndcf Lorain Cot.inty Comnns.sioncjr ''Do Better With Bender" Invest iri^merica SAVH S 4 8 - J 7 0 off a BOLKNS Mulching M o w e r . . . p l u s j^ct a 1$ 5 0 SAVINCiS H O M ) ! Amcrii J (7,1* J (rj»/t yoti .HI lirlii In ItH W l IM -,Mih .i II- 't 1 V- M. Mower' N i l i-.fit- liiv.ti.)iiy. ••< WIDNESDAY. MAY 9 7^^0PM AMERICAN EXPRESS FAMILY NIGHT A l l TICKETS $4.00 OFF OtfnuVONF M l ONE FPtr Letters QUAH-TY: A peculiar and essential character: A distinguishing attribute. 1 p f Qualhy Is our first goat and your first reward at the FUSSY Cleaners. Meticulous care, double Inspection and state-of-the-art services and equipment have made us who we are. Others may, match our price, but never our QUALITY. • ;, THE FUSSY CLEANERS 116M00RERD. 933-3164 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:00 AM TO 8:00 PM SAT. 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM • CLOSED SUNDAY I* Si Continued from page 3 Keep Singing To The Editor: If you liko old vuriety pieces and are la. suit oT excellence and maintain a reputathe mood to browso through old music tion of providing a quality educational this week, then the AVON-LAKE; program expected of the communities WOMEN'S CHORUS GARAGE SALE Is where education is a high priority. where you'll want to go. The opposite result will be a district There'll be.plenty of SSAA numbers' that will Join those suffering from educafor you to select from - you may even tional decline and struggling against the want to start a chorus of your own.', so) difficulties of just surviving at the bare stop, by the Kiousrs residence thU minimum standards. ThursJFrL. May 3 * 4 from 9dO cm. - 5 The question is with tho residents cf p.m. and see what we have for you at 95', i Avon. What kind of school system and Edgewood. corner house at Lake Jtd, ' community reputation do we want?1 Wo {just east of Belmar) in Avon Lake: We'll only have to look around to our be glad to see you and you'll be glad you neighboring districts to make a stopped by. Keep singing. comparison. Avon Lake Women's Chorus' •M The realtors reinforce the position that good communities are evaluated by the quality of their schools. The reputation affects those who are selling, as Thanks, 'Men in Blue' ; well as the interested buyers. A quality school system is an asset for all Thanks. 'Men In Blu>* residents young or older, because its value has importance In dlfferon* ways To The Editcn as'ciich looks at the school from their Inasmuch as we do not know tha own perspective^ We have a special names or badge numbers of the ownership in our school system. policemen or the dispatcher who Your vote of support on May 3th will so Vwiftly • In answrring1' the only yield positive results for our referenced call, we wish to thank the' children and entire community. department for their JilandUng of,whatj could have been a life or dea Richard E. Hronefc My daughter O5)latnedtbat _ could not rouse anyono at-otirfa^ Avon Schools Superintendent [ theylmmedi3telycama'lo,herhousii'aii. apprised her of tho-emergency^cag Betty Blair Supported received at the'staUon: Having seen ta^ in downtown Larain aabort time bafbrej To The Editor: without her Dad. she I liavti hoard, men (and even some, bo In tho house and In women) complaining that one female panted bjrthe pollcemsnVshe County Commissioner is enough- What tho house;, and they; a message to send to our children! I( is each.room. Fortunati ... no wonder that many of our talented . emergency and the' policemen daughters (and • sons) leave Loraln od it must hove been a low battery In County. • , • cordless phannt. The phono had given JM» , Betty Blair is a fine candidate, and she Indication of a power deficiency a n d1m would be an asset to Herbert Jncoby and are extremely sorry for the error; .' Mary Jo Vasl. My vote Is for her signals it emitted. " ' "' • , Lucile Nngy But again, wa Blair For Commissioner you Tor tho speed la -whic answered, your pallcemon^being-^ To The Editor: , obsarvant In the regular coursejittif Experience enables one to avoid deadpatrols to noto that the Hatch,vmri^v ond roads already traveled. Exporienco often* parked In our ' "" """" teaches one what she doesn't know, and recall of this fact, and allows one lo ask tho right questions ting an this laformaUoal Betty Blair has 23 yean eaperionco In could have been savod by public Borvlce. and wa should put that to suff i ' -4 work for all oFLornin County. Vole Blair Wo wish to commend you for County Commissioner. cellont staff and thank you again Jtf Norbort Weltor your service Wo will certainly nave ft" qualms about depending on our She fiold Lako "men la blue " Lot'S Help Our Handicapped Gladys and Roger To The Editor: Tho failure of The Avon Lnkc school district, to provide programs in this Thankst PTA Volunteers school district for all of the hondlcuppod children of this community li perplex To Tho Editor Ing. Financial problems are n concern As wa begin the month of Mny, for every school system In this county. Avon Lake Strep Clinic will „ cfc. Yet. other communities, such as North finishing another six months of 'servlc Ridgovillo, fund programs which enable our community. Iwould likejt6itake| thoir children with special needs to et- to this opportunity to thank tho many P/TA| tond school In thoir town. Why won't volunteera who donated countless hours* Avon Lako do this? of their time to keep, tho clinic:runnings Our children are victims of their han- s m o o t h l y . . '••."•'..• .-", ^'y.\,'^~y/'"^^'M dicaps. Presently, wo can offer thorn no Each PTA unit Jri Avop I ^ e %aa| medical cures for their conditions and rojponsiblo for driving tho cultures )tb| tittle hope for a bolter tomorrow. What the hospital ovory school day y for;onoj we can offer thorn, howovor. is the opmonth. I thank the many drivers respon-g portunity to attend tho samo schools as , sible for tho Important task of getting this] their siblings and other children In their, • cultures to tho hospital./: i Vl~.'t neighborhood.. .." , . Secondly, I would like, to i h By providing quality ocadornic pro*, ' secretaries that kept records and model grams for our children in Avon Lako, wo phone calls. Tho ~ secretaries^ include? Kathy Hamilton, Mary Standon,, can offer them a sznso cf community - a Potts. Vivian Long, Stephanlo Mahaske,^ senso of belonging. Don't they desorvo at Marsha Rowlos, Bobbin Church,: l&Is? , Usbor, nnd.Barb Bayor.•,.• •- uvly,-;_^.. .,M Mary and Michael Dfondjovlc ; Next, many thanks to the nurse* whoj voluntoerod the'lr, professional.sklUs-tOj . culture patients. The nuraes wera Jflckiei _ Minnesota Children Shumaker/Ianet Schraufor. Pam GlyrirT.'Sfl Ann Ryan, DebbloKesslor.LoIs Lonhart,7 Seek Area Information Leslie Reod/ond Martha Ferguson,' >"^ Finally. I would like to thank tho To The Editor: Health Chairmen from the Individual" Our class has been studying about PTA units who hnlped mb coordinate £t™ communities and stales. Wo would tike this prograd. Many thanks la,%J£ Iho readers to send picture postcards or Sue Important KUh High School; Marcla Rowles^r ; Information about your community or - Learwood. Chrls Brand — Eastvlew',5? state. • • Kolhy Hamitlon - Redwood, and Deb '< We'll bo watching tho mall eagerly. McDormott - Erieviow. . t\\ Letters can bo sent to Mrs. Hnlon Matt* sen. Sandstone Elementary School. Choryl MonloU^f-, Sandstone. MN. 55072. 1 Neil fJelaney, Health Chairman - PTA Council A" V^ . , 3rd grader Health Chairman - Westvlow,^ There's A R1N1-REGO , Super Market Near You _ 11«0 Irattor, Sbrttteld Lake. Oil. I l i l Libmy, VennUkm,oa i i t l Detroit. SfcetlteU VlUau, OU. 11VH Watkrr R4, A*M Lake. OIL ill Midway ItbIl.Eljrlt.Oll. , * 111 Purl M , O^wiMd Ptui, Urals. OH. I « • Eait Brwd Slmt, EJyri*. OIL 111! O ArakrKI Ptmu. Atnbent. OH. TO FIND YOUR NEAREST STOP-a-SHOP CALL G63-G864 H« rcwrve tW rtgbtteUmlt ^MBUUM 4 Bf.Rnd.Btm.Rnd.Rst. . Choice - Health Trim Lamb Shoulder Blade Chops Bake or Broil Fresh Saromer Sweet Variety ' ; FreihFlorida: Square Cut Rump Roast Assorted Wishbone Dressings CreamPies Loin Chops With Each and Every UO^rtee^Exciudmg Beer, wine and Tpbacw Products White;--Blue/Yellow U.S.D.A. Choice i Lamb Rib Chops ERVICE White d Bath Tissue Rcg./Dlct Mr. Dew - Dr. Pepper Lemon/Lime Slice or Reg./Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi, Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Cola Stop-H-Shop Grade "AAW Large Eggs VERYDAY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • j ' • • • «• • e • • • # • • • 1 Vacation with Peace of Mind" : • - V - : '--•?.•'• i With the Lifetime Service Guarantee, you won't have any reservations about taking a long trip. No matter how far you travei in the United States, once you've paid for a covered repair; it's guaranteed, with free parts and labor,foras long as you own your car or light truck. In fact, it covers more parts and labor longer than any other. That makes it America's best car repair guarantee. Developed by Ford Motor Company, a ^-m it's offered only by participating Ford and I-incoJn-Mercury dealers. And only Ford, Lincoln and Mercury owners are entitled to it. Ask your dealer for a copy of this limited warranty. TheXifetime Service Guarantee. It gives you the freedom to travel wherever you want. .TELEPHONE Service ;t Open Til Midnight J$ ^^MpmiayJ-jFriaay. r^T ••• 'S 4 C - - i ' j . ' j ' i J ; r.rJ ."5.-1 V . - J "•.".• .i :, - •'KrA-'Ji.•..-&•<"'« •:.., \ . ' , : - ' - \ i J : " - , •••• -. -i ' r -:. - - f^g QUALITY CARE FOR QUALITY CARS"" XORAIH" . - '934-659? ELYRIA"' - 365:7323 CLEVELAND 871-3072 1 '*:** • l,?.r.,\ --.•'->.--•--.. l '-'.'v.,] 1Ml1 -•-.,-.•* -.---.••-• . " ; : - • - " -'/• -r 1 1 : " ' - v - : V > " / l / v . - " - l ? ' 1 " . ' :•, .;•] V ! •..!.•:•. ; •• _r: ; :" . . . . ' V - • ^ ."-"; 7-". _ " \ . ' ' ' . •, " " ' - V -. ^ 'I.I"••'-..•• • ::•-'— ^ ' O y ^ - ^ l - ^ K -'. •"''" " r . L '..'. r'~""- ' ':•/'->.""- 1 ^ ' • " ' -"• r " 1 "- 1 —~ r " -~*<^ Mill ""'"--'; * •' '''W '• '-J'fi l f.-hi1»i>-;i *. -i. © O O CO Q O QO O ' i —' r : - " ' ' " - . - ' " ^ 1 . ' ' , - 1 " - ' ^ ^ " F ' T F A ' I TV-'{ "L ''Vr-^cfr^1 r- 4"?T^-'-jrvVwT7fc l£f "~ Realtors Since 1903 AVON LAKE OFFICE 32020 WALKER RD. 933-3733 - 871-0488 - 365-2587 ^. iff 4)PEN SUNDAY 2-5 3S4 SENECA COURT, AVON LAKE •'THE TV OPEN HOUSE PREVIEWSUNDAY MORNINGS AT 1 J:3O A.M. ONCHAriNEL43 A •nap-around pOfCti on**nc^s nv 2 ^ twth cetonial localaC on a <ps»I cJ-<f#-MC i d O * r 5 * * M Cd irtti farruty room with fireplace. 2Zt23 country lutch«n and Maanwnt. Ctos* to. i c h o r s ami S1T9.000. SauLlno. 933-3733 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 396 CREEKSIDE DR., AVON LAKE This four year eld Perrit built, vinyl sided home Is doso to schools and shopping. 4 bedrooms, Z%h baths, futi basement, 2 car garage, gas heat and central air are just some of the features included in this lovely home. S174.900 Demos, 803-3733. Agant Suufl ScMWig OPENSUKDAY2-5 O1QUAL HOIOW dfiO£. AVON LAKE ThM 4 bvdream. 3 bath axMn^onr/ Mm* b cadtf * Mot* lidw] with drda top window*. Tha •cW o«k cp«n sUiraM l i c t i i o m* (unify iriutar teth' «ntn Making tub, ihotMr 4 twtn vanttiM. p«U window* h*v* pun damn KTVWU ft bu»B k> MM VwdM. Laruvtamily raom with Immediate occupancy available tor this 3 bedroom, 2Vt bath home tn Chatham Point*. Builder upgrades Include security & intercom systems. Jacuizt, decorator window coverings. A elegant oak woodwork. $155,000. Linda Homm 933-3733. i ; .-,-.7 OPEN SUNDAY 2-S " 32568 BELLE RD-, AVON LAKE Spectacular Schotedeoigri-a 3J00 iq^B. * .expended Coventry?model. Features Include a first floor den, dramatic 2 story toyar, some-10 fl,': oeMngs and elMsni fivina and dining :'«t«a^ $279^00. Sue Pichon,933OT33, ' : \'..: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 819 QUAR..HOU.OW, AVON LAKE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 6042 HKXORT TRAIL, N. RIDGE^LLE TK* rocenlty remodeled ranch has a brick to celling fireplace in (amity room & a rwwty built deck. The country kitchen It accented by s bay window. The home has 4 bedrooms and 2 lull baths. Plenty ol Indoor & outdoor storage pfus heated garage. $11H.900. Slater 933-3733. m ;^ OPiEN SUNDAY 2-5 ^ - 362 LONG POWTE.AVON LAKFt 1 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 4678 ROUTE 2 0 , WAKEM AN Thb S acre mW-tami Indudea a century (arm home, an 8S4 srj. ft. M m wrthloft and • shed with 4 bays,1 The home has 3 bedrooms, one bedroom and both on drat Bow, living end dining rooms, a country kitchen and navor carpeting. S65.000. Guy Powers 933-3733. Q m l locstlon! This 3 twJroom, 2% bath spbt is on a private wooded lot mar a cfty pirfc A »paciou» 20"xi4' family rm; and L^tuvwd living & dining rms. are tastfltuUy dMOrated. Alt kitchen appliances stay, central air, larga uWHy room. Close to Khoots. $119,000. Gamef 933-3733. 88t OPEMSUW)AY2-5 ; 1819 KING JAVE5 PKWY., WESTLAKE This spacious tudor home otters an office or In-taw suite A ruH bath on first floor. 4 bedrooms • and 2 tuff baths on second Boor. The -2fx1S* family m v S tud basement add to this home's appeal. 15 minutes from, downtown Cleveland & Hopkins Airport. $1B9.fiOO, Clkotte. 933-3733. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 S/L CHATHAM. AVON LAKE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 34328 HEATHERWOOO, AVON LAKE Kanarett built home • only six months old! lour bedrooms 4 . 2Vi 6atha are complemented' by an oak Wtchen. family rm. with fireplace and first floor laundry rm. A full basement, central a>r, custom drapes & many upgrades are extras. $153,900. Chris Mayer, 633-3733. Executive 4 bdrm.. 2'4 bath with elegant living room with French doors loading lo apacious family room wllh W0FPGourmet sized kitchen with Isfcnd. Vaulted ceilings & many builder upgrndeil Ultimata Irving in Avon Lakel SI 89.900. Matey Majzun 933-3733. m m Real Estate Questions? pur safes team win be available to answer your questions on J" D Market Analysis • Buyer Qualifying ( n«!urn this certificate or call lor an appointment I Smrl'w Ct*m*< Co. IjajixJ try I Njma Saturday from 9 a.m. I AJdfoss •to'Spjn. „ . . • ..' .. • | _— Phon» ^ _ . ._• I City ' S'H'P „ . IU*I hm» lo w/tOi .._ CHEHYLSLATER 033-3733 Phum) . .. _ ^ - _ _ „ ' TV ...-. : , .. | '•• -. I '--. • Carol McDonald Manager , Thinking of a Career Adjustment? Contact: Carol McDonald, Manager, for Interview. 933-3733 or 871-0488 The Secret Is Out: We're Walleye Capital Of The World ! by Michael Noga • and Scott Carpenter Shbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't toll anybody. We've been tr4vi'ng to keep our little fishing hole a secret for years. There are just two problems: First, fishermen keep secrets about as good as those "government sources." And second, have you ever tried to keep a 9,900 square mile lake to yourself? (Especially when they keep putting it on all the maps.) Try as wo have, it's really not much of a Secret anymore. Lake Erio has become the sport fishing capital of the Midwest. A favorite spot for anglers stretches from the western basin of Lake Erio to tho warm waters off of Avon Lake, Many come from other states throughout the country. On asummor afternoon at Miller Road Park In Avon Lake, cars with license plates like Illinois, Pennsylvania and New York turn up. We've got a feeling they're oot just passing through. One duo Is that In 1988 an cstimeSed 5 million walleye were caught We like to think ; we're ; pretty good ; fishermen around here, but there fa no way we . caught allI those fish by ourselves. Every year more anglers are showing up to cast a line in the Buckeye State's fttvorite^fijhingv,hole.;*.Studies . havo shown nearly a quarter of thorn come from^lOO-150. miles away, and half of We've been thinking about colling the Ohio Turnpike tho "Hike-Hike" because every year millions of people travel nun* to search of our famous pike-perch. We call it the walleye and we have more of them than anyone. The walleye1 is the backbone of Lake Erie's recreational fishing industry. (We don't allow commercial walleyo fishing.) While a dozen fish species make up the annual sport catch, walleye account for about SO percent of the bag and are tiia focus of over GO percent of the time fishing here. The limit on walleye is six per man per day. The Lake Erie walleyo is an exciting sport fiih. Reaching longths of around 30 inches, thi fish makes quite a trophy lo hang on the wall, '.lie more common 17-22 Inchers provide a delicious dinner after a day ou the lake. Lake Erie walleye are also popular because anybody can learn to fish for them and they provide enough action to hold the interest of the beginner or the, advantaged angler. The tackle Is simple, too. We prefer to use weight forward spinners - usually, the shad,or nugget varieties. Tip those with a fat night crawler and you're in business- .: ' , : Tho other thing going for the walleye , is that there are so many ways to hunt it. It starts In the spring, when thousands from across the country wado the Maumeeiand Sandusky -Rivers during the annual spawning run. Spawning walleye arc aggressive and a lot of fun to calch. • • ' - •" .. • ; ' Lalo May through September brings millions of boaters. On c clear day. you can see boat;. lined up waiting to enter Avon Lake's Miller Road Park Boat Launch long before many Americans" finish their breakfast. , July through August are particularly productive fulling times on the lake: tha walleyo are in abundance and Ohio's climate offers an "average 27 days of good outdoor weather each month. In September, many like to troll for. lunkor walleye. Many a sportsman have come away with their boat catch of the year at the end of the season, when the less hardy .fishermen have put theli boats in storage for the year. Yellow perch is another favorite fish to catch here, with over nine • ; ' • .*•-"* million caught each year. They are also great fun to catch - often biting two at a time on spreaders - and many would NEARBY"TREASURES^AV0ftfLake# say they ere better tasting than walloyo. residenrRay Loser finds "you; don*t£% Thoro is no limit on how"many yellow have to go far to catch every ' f l h £ $ perch you can catch. There Is also catfish, caip. freshwater drum (shoophead) man's dream. Ho recently caught above 10 pound walleye just off and' white , perch to be naught shore of Avon Lake, which "ho throughout the year. mounted for'hls family room. Although Lake Erie, is tho smallest of the Great Lakos by volume, it produces more fish than. the_ other four lake* combines. , If you're Intofishing,wo can't think of We're pretty proud of our little fishing Hny place you'd be happier. hole, so much for us to keep quiet about But do us a favor. Don't lull anyone, -i i t . 1 • . • • • • • -,- ' 1990 Walleye Watch Begins Today by M i c h a e l N o g s ' •JSffl SOMETHING TO SHOW - Mark Looser. 10, of Avon Lake; oflandlngana 1/2 pound Lake Erie Walleye while fishing a and friends.- , ; •..- nt - •'"- AVON LAKE - Boat owners traditionally look forward'to the month of May vrltli grout onlhustusm. It's Urmt In reap dividends from Ihoii-. boat investments and hours of malntcnanceDut access to Loka Erio is not limited to those who own boats:'For years. Charley's and Lenny's Boat,Kontals in, Avon Laku havo filled the needs of nonowners who wont to take advantage of Great Lake Erio fishing. And now for its fifth cohsccutivp your. The -PRESS has teamed up with area • businesses to award nico prizes for top catches from each local boat rental. The "1990 South Shore Walleye Watch" is under way. • ' ' Only individuals catching fish whllo renting equipment from Lenny's or Charley's boat, rentals qualify for the contest. Winners will bo determined by the weight of oach single entry. In tho event of a tie, length will be the tiebniaker. Each week throughout the booting season. Tho PRESS will updato readers with iho names of Ihe^fiva ^ loading contestants. »,-,,. ,. , •£,- *fj, ,.-.,. Each of the boat rentals will providn i-r-t'ti (he top three prizes which Include boat*-'"-•*' rental, a quality fishing rmtl and a top-oF- ~ tho line fishing rod Thon. fourth and V" fifth prizes will also be offered by area -/vj businesses " , Tj" ,' Last year winning contestants weigh- , ed in fish ranging from 0 pounds, 8 ounces to 10 pounds, 8 ounces. t Each bout rental provides their.. customors. with . 14-foot boats, six " horsepower engines, gasoline'and UfeJ ^ jockots. Cost for the rental is S25 for four-\ {, hour* or $30 for six hours. No more than three people ero permitted per,boat." *j Charley's Boat RoritalU located at 60 ~ W. Shore Rd., mid Lenny's neighbors It l at 74 W. Shore Dr. West Shore Drive Is a t small street near Lako Erie behind Harry * Lloyd's Uoyd-Manwell r Ford, across from tho Avon Lako.Shopplng Center. *~ Both rentals are now open, weather permitting, from daybreak until 45 minutes X before sunset.. . . . , - . . ' , ; . ' Sports & Leisure Briefs Recreation Department, welcomes residents of Avon, Sheffield Lulco and other nearby communities. The practice will be held behind Avon Lako Hiqh AVON CAKE - Thu North Coast YMCA will havu School. For additional Information cull the Avon Lake • Kinder Fun Days this summer for kids of ages 2 through Recreation Department. 033-0141; Richard Hunt. 0. Tho time will be Monday through Friday at 9:a.m. to 033-6159; or Bob Ryant, 037-G550. I2:noon. / Indoor and outdoor activities will combine piny, . croativitylh, learning and lota of fun. The children will participate in weekly fun tliumus Involving crafts, games, songs, stories, puppets, snacks, swimming, yym AVON LAKE - Join family, friends and nuighbont in tirao and fabulous local field trips. Avon Lake's first Scholarship Walk, nt 2 p.m. Mny 6, Sign up for M-W-F sessions, Tues. and Thurs. sns- Rugblratiori bogini at 1 n.m, Participation cost is$l per si'ons or weekly sessions. , person, but ntlditional donations and pledges uru Call tho Avon Lake's North Coast YMCA at Q33-91OO v/olcoino. for more information. The 5K walk is not u race but a fun event sponsored by (he Avon Lako Education Association to raise money for sludimt scholarships. Men's Softball Action Slated - Enjoy tho spring weather, get some good oxorcise. and holp raise money far college scholarships - all nt . AVON I-AKE - An organizational mealing and pracono timo. Call tho high school for further information, lico for aroawfdo men's softball luums will be hold at or fust show up in sneakers on May 0. 6:30 p.m. on May 17. The league, which ia sponsored by the Avon Lake YIWCA^ Schedules Fun Days Scholarship Walk Announced Recreation Positions Available AVON LAKE - The Avon Lake Recreation Department has oponings for summor employment in the groonbox programs and at tho municipal pool. 7 Whilo supervisors and nidos are needed for the parks find recreation aroas, tho municipal pool noods maintenance workers, office workers, concession stand help, lifeguards, certified swim instructors, pool supervisors and n pool managor. All applicants must be at least Iti years of ago by lutio 1,1900. Applications mny bo picked up at tho recreation department or ot city hall between tho hours of 10 a m and 1:30 p.m. For additional information, call 933 8171 Girls Basketball Banquet Set AVON LAKE - Tfiero will be awards presented tu girls youth basketball players and a vidoo shown during a banquet scheduled for 6:30 p.m. May 7 in tho Learwood Middlo School auditorium. All players. Wonds and family mombor •• are welcome to attend. , ' ' a Lorain County Soccer Spotlighted "fc The taflowtng ore soccw results, as p«&«doi3fayme Lwau Ccuntv Soccer U a g w . It* Me t i n * • « * <X action: , , A * 0 " « • SheWeW - Afier piaymg to a.sttxeteM tie ai haWrr-o, the Eagfes' Mark UPQI ocoretl the o«y9OQf Of tha game, assisted by Nick Frioua Avon's defense lefl by Goata Andrew Sfv-ohetd are! J w m Utlefl fought off eight attempts on goai Avcn vs. Midview -- Tf*s pwnc, played in the mot), was alas scoreless al t»jHtinie. Avon's N*ch rnoud broke mo scorma twice with one assist by Enc Frymet. Avon's defense --d by Sieve Srfagyi •no J-nny Nod turned Oacfc ftve attempts on a«tf "** a ~-'* t -^"--—1,Ti, ,. I life k Local Stars • • • • Basketball Camp Scheduled AVON LAKE - Kim Oreri. varsity girls basketball coach for Avon Lake High School, recently announend this year's Sliorefial basketball camp by providing iho following inTorniation: " Thu cainp datus: June 12-15. * Trailing 'Qim|»: Graik-t 1 and 2 (Grade u.f of August 1990). Locfition: Lcanvood Middle School.'Time: upon • 2 p m. Cust; S30. "Junior Varsity Oiuip: Cmdus J. 4 and 5 {Grade as of August 11I3U!- Locavion: LiMrwtKwI Mtddltr School. Timo: 2 •t p.m. Cnst: S35. ' Varsity Cump: Cradcsfi.7, B and <J (A5 of August 1090). Locatioii: High School Ficldhouse. Time: 8 a.m. - 10 If-'f for Session I, drills and Instruction. 5 p.m. - 7 pjn Tor Session U. league games, contest Cost' S40 CAMP STAFF" Kim Oren. head coach; Sberi Cameron, assistant coach; Amy Chaduick, junior varsity coach, Shoregal baaVetball players, college coaches as guest clinicians and speakers. " For more information contact Kim Oren. 333-5164 or 933-0230. " Camp brochures available at the high school athletic office ' Deadline May 15. " Any registrations rece'ved after May 15 will result in a $5 lute fee. Avon Enjoys Soccer Action The foftowing are soccer tesrtta, as crovkJed by the Avon Soccer Association, (or the last wouk ot action: • . last Saturday £ e Avon Panttws IU-12) beal Ctoertn. 2 - 1 . Matt Colbert scored the i*af goal • M i t o d by Josh Oowrierl. Goerrtert acored me second goal, aalislod by Mike Parks. Jeff Benson afWPtek Srawry were trie defensive starxtoute. Goahcopere Chrta Tollman and M*e Cothnsn comcnedtorseveral saves. The Avon Wildcats (U-13) last Saturday were defeated by Midvijw. 3-2. JeH Uegl scored the f» si goal assisted by Danny Fachtuch.. With an asset from Boon Weaver, Fischbocrt scored the second OoeLThe delensive standouts were Anthony Donicki and Tomrny Gaitaaher. Goatte Paul Tltnko had •***rat saves. . . . . . . •• .. • i Last Sunday the Avon WUdcats came back mm a vengeance, beating Amherst 9-1. WUBe Schobor »o the scoring with five goals. FranHte Colbert added two gbafe. Jetf Leg( and Danny Rschboch added or» goeJ each. Anthcny DarWcW. Schober. Colbert and Letf rod the assists. Defensive standouts * « • L a r r y Kryatowsfci and Danny Paul Paut Tlmko made sevora* saves « goal. The "Sftfters." Avon'* Under-11 soccer team defeated Avon Lake 2-1 last Saturday. Jod Decker "•»™d the first goal wrtn an assist from Denied Potovich. Potovich btaated tha second goal, assisted by Decker. OutstiMding dsfenslve plays wore made by Mck Ffippl. Karen Robkis. Judy Schlatner end Joal Oockef. GoaAe M * ^ Fischbach had eU saves. ,, • - • j ' A 1990 THE PRESS SOUTH SHORE WATCH CHARLEY'S BOATS 933-6013 LENNY'S BOATS 933-3707 1. Winners will be determined by the weight of each single entry. In the event of a tie, length will be the tie-breaker. 2. Only fish caught while renting equipment from the two boat rental companies will qualify. 3. The following top three prizes will be awarded by each boat livery. 1st Place: Free- Boat & Motor Rental 2nd Place: Quality Fishing Reel 3rd Place: Quality Fishing Rod. • ' • _ . . 4th Place: Lube, Oil, Filter Car Packago, courtosy or Phil's Shell. Urga Deluxe •••! Pizza,courtesyolTroptcana. •'',:• 5Ui Ptaco: $5.00 free gas. courtesy of Standrinfts Marathon. Choice ol sandwfeh.^ beverage and salad (for 2), courtesy ol International Beverage; ., • . . • • . • - . » . • , • • ' • ' } • • ' • • . • ' . . : • . ' : ' . ' : • : : . ' • , . ' • : , : : • • \ " • ' : ' : . - • ' ; l 4. Rve winners per boat rental company.^ 7 5. Contest ends at noon on September 26th; 1990- ' \t Eckenrode, Kvasnok: A Powerful Dud SHEFF1FLD LAKE - The coaching stiff for the SL Thomas Hornets buskot* 7 |_^ ,,. ball team lecogaaes two lop ^crfonnun ^^r'Stevo^Kyaanplc.and Joe Eckenrode psfwho helped lead their: tnany" to" their' ""^championships: In class D-2. rth's grade ^CYO Division point Joe Eckenrodo hasvscored moru , ifthan any other fourth grader In MSt-.Thorcas's' history - 1 total of 310 p : b-Offensivoly and defensively, ^>Eckeorode and Kvasnok dominated the ^ihardwood against same very fine teams •^throughout Lorain County-Listing their ^achievements for the past two seasons, SEckonrodo was selected Toe the St. ^Thomas All-Tournament team; St. Vln- cont All-Tournament team; Best dofensivo plnyor, 1988-60 season; and, meat valuable player. 80-90 season, Kvasnok was also selectud for the St. Thomas" All-Tournament team; St. Vincont- All-Tournament team; most Improved player for 88-89: and, most valuable player and top robounder for the 89-90 season. Thu powerful duo of Jew Eckonrodo and Stovu Kvasnok helped bring their team to the St. Vincent tournumenl championship and a county championship., Their speed, quickness atrongth and overall athletic ability has helped thorn achieve success In scholastics as well as athletics. • ; ;i'.;: AIR CONDITIONING 16 99 •?>:• •rWe will check your cars air conditioning system Freon Added At Additional Cost PHIL'S SHELL "335051-akeRd., Avon Lake ' > • i\l THE PRESS \^r. MARCH CARRIER OF THE MONTH JeffHdndrichs,of32652Admirals. , Way in Avon Lake, is the PRESS "Carrier Of The Month" for March. A loyal^ carrier since December, 1987, Jeff knows the value of good customer service. He delivers on Route ' 5 4 which serves The Landings Condominiums ^ Avon Lake. i\ Jeff Is 14 years old and In the eighth grade at Learwood Middle School. His favorite subject Is shop. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys running track. Eventually, he hopes to become a shop teacher. Jeff lives with his parents, Loretto and Chuck. He h&s two sifters, Came and Marsle. The PRESS cenmends Jeff for his reliability and courteous service to his customers. 933-8710 s J ii 0 i3 "The Death OfA Child Is OneOflifes Greatest Tragedies" Parents always worry about tbeir children. Here's a gift that will help to ease the worrying — ** when parents can't be there. Safety Net Identification Tags ...Tnutsiury front R t a d m Olgest 1987 "Have Vnur Kldi Itcfn TaggcJ" Dear Concerned Parent, A California Businessman was sitting on his front porch one day in 1983 waiciidiu his three children play in the yard. He hail fust finished readmR a newspaper story about a Toung boy who was hit by a car. The boy carried no identification and the police could not locate his parents. Six hours after the accident occurred, die mother was finally located, twenty hours later, the little boy died of massive head injuries The man looked at his dug and noticed the tags showing his name, address, owner and telephone number Me suddenly realized that his dog carried more identification than his child After cdUng with (bcf^hieo. policemen and doctors, they all confirmed a definite need for a child s Identification tag that would give police, hospitals and other auihorizcd agencies access to. vital medical and identification information, twenty-four hours a day SsAty Artconsists of a national 24-hour child idemification service. In case of a medical emergency or if your child should become lost, a special label attached inside an artltle of clothing prorides a discrret form of identification. In case of emergency the Iron-on Libel notifies paramedics or police to call the response center on our toll free" Hotline. A' that time, after the call has been screened and verified by a staff member pertinent medical and emergency information (l.c. allergies, family doctor) (s retired'io the hospital. In addition, the parents as weU as additional emergency contact persons arc notified Immediately of the emergency. Only JljiOO per child will put 5a/m-JVct IO r work for your fiunlly. ! , • , ' • I ? iS??*^ihc parent completes a confidential Emergency Information R«ord Form for « * * cwkl to be listed. This form cooralns the information that will be available to an authorized caller. It contains the name, address and phone numbers of the child** • Immediate family, alternate emergency contacts, a complete physical description and special medical information which may be provided at the discretion of the parent When the form is submitted to Safety Net, the child Is assigned a personal Identification number. They also receive a set of 25 Iron-on clothing labels imprinted with tbeir Identification number and (he telephone ouraber of our toll free Hotline After these labels are applied to your child's clothing, there will be an automatic link with tbeir confidential emergency information file. . Our highly experienced Emergency Response Center can provide vital medical and Irienil/icailon Information to police, bosf-iab and other authorized agencies. But moat Importantly, the parents or alternate emergency contact personM can be notified of tbc situation Immediately./.'•-" • ^ < V ^*fety Net out be roar chUd'p beat MeadJ . 1 Yes.~Plcasc Register My Family With Safety Net (Please include self addressed envelope' $1 JO of each rwoiatraUon win be donttadmtrwMiMcUvUystroptiyAssociation; , i *»•->* $ " . " -- Nama | Street or P,Q. Box C«y Stale Yea, I have enclosed 3 -Op Tetof To Roister. ' AHUateOfS«WyNet.lnc;*1S.00P6ftCHltO jUfeOne 800; P.O. Box 365 North RldgevAe. Onto 44030 327-0185 ft (number of children) In Oiir FaxiHy Valley Garden Center DELIVERY AVAILABLE I Nursery Stock I is i 6sa ws. -Taxus Junipers I Barberry Evonymus Rhododendrons ISpirca Sand Cherry I Arborvitae ' (jSS'U THE DAKOTAS ESTATES ARE NOW AVAILABLE.1: Pfeti^ed from teft t Q ^ I ^ the ribbon cutting ceremonyare Christine Watts, Carol McOoriaJd;; Mns^Slr^S Mandilakis, Michael Mandiiakis, Jack Gallagher,- Barbara Gobblnsi Smythe^ Cramer Co.'s National Referral Director ;..; ; : Estate Homes Now Shown In Tne Dakcil Michael A. Mandilakis. president of ^''•'ChflfS'i'ffiitt-l'of^SiniiSi Mandilakis Portfolio Homes. Inc., Co- Avon Lake officeihMi boon: recently announced that the Smythe,; pointed as estate'cdordinatortofj Cramer Co. has been selected as the ex- , Dakotas aed Is avaiJsilff daily; for ujn-r clusive marketing company of luxury sultatiori aad:{curing*of the*Dakotu^ homos in Avon Lake/The Dakotas will! community, "^-^itt^^g^™* offer large wooded lots, walking trails V According to MBiuiiIakis,"''Smj 1 and an impressive gatehouse entrance. Cramer ! Co; c; through:4''thalr ^'BuLuiug The first home of this hew community ' Maiketing Department brings a prafftS is almost complete and construction.wiU sional approach and^Iritlnia^al" begin on four other homes of estate proknowledge of- marking preatlgbprbV, portions over the next few months. All pertles that wiO help the Dakotas anrictj homes in the Dakotas will bo.custom dlicrimlnaUng buyers/rroin thelloc designed to thoir owner's specifications. area and alsorelrjcaUoarnryarawiwara^ "Every home In the Dakota* Is custom-, locking.for perfection and atcepUonjaJ ed deaigned/'eaid Michael A. Manquality in custom home'dMign;^^*®*^ dilakis. Four designs by Mandilakis are J C^rotMcDonald,:nieMgerofJ5m) now being showcased. The Cambridge CrainexrCto^iAvob^Lake^off* : J n Hall (5800 sq, ft), Flanders Court (5100 highly eiq^enced custom'LumaxHjm sq. ft.}. Pershlng Manor (3800 sq.?ft), person statas,*tTho Dakotas pr^inisiBi^ and the Versailles (3500 sq. ft); The : be the finest,"most'pj—i«i^i'*ii1^tra^Ii. prices will range from $339,000 to $829. 000. -Thew. estates havo uncompromisostatia i community^ I ing design and uniqueuess not seen in: suburbs ofTflring old,world c the Cleveland area lince the grand; ship .reminlscentTof.; a^renchsamjit homes of the 1920'B, according lo . M a n d i l a k i i . ; - ""••-'• Wh :,:•••:'-:,•,;vy:-:'< - Initial Vprices faro u^u B ^ H u« The Cambridge Hall Is a large borne'of $350,000 and.up^Td^set^up^Bn^i moro than 5.800 sq. ft it also features men! todiscusa yourcustoi ** four bedrooms, four full, plus two half baths aad separate, living space above';: or establish a private•aHrjwingi.oiiuiBj wooded hamMKes. caH Chriitine. Watts! tho three car garage ihit would bo ideal estate coordinator; at- f~ J —~- w --« for an in-Inw suite and giiest quarters. Among the many features of the home M54M8, The; DBtouwV^Bibb^reai are o two-story vaulted ceiling In the foyer and grand Cambridge room, sit-- byh Itaklng-lwAVest to theVAvbhT ? ° V&tV TravBlt North Krigbi, .-«u ting parlor, unique porte cochere Avon^ Belden-Rd.; (Otto'83),-ftdpilS design, a separata rear stairway, walk in Rd-Turnright(east) on Wrfkortojaycor butler's pantry, throe fire places, a large brick coiiityard with fountain and both ; Rd.tum left (North] onlaycoxtoil'* Dakotas on the rlghL'i^ii'.SH ""'" ^morning and reading room. ••. . I IB! | ' W e e d s In Your Z' Garden? 8 PKEEN 9 Annuals I I Impatiens Begonias and many more I Ants A I Problem? Free Rapid Grow To this man custom building is the rule, not the exception. _ Bloom Builder! Makes 2 gal. Grass Seed Fertilizer Spreaders Advice! Diazinon Sale Good Thru 5-8-90 Violas Lavender Primrose Clematis Bleeding Hearts Forget-me-nots Carnations Myrtel Pansies Delphinium .,' • I ftMore!" Emerald Valley Garden Center 33753 Center Ridge Road, N. Rldgeville Rte. 20 - 100 ft. West of Lear Nagle Road I Meet Michael MaodUakh, presWcnt o f f e MandUaJdi Portfolio Homo.Mfchad tea^ pccfealonist and xcralbuttaa^HcbuQdi'^ only cuuotn homes of estate - "" • "h andcx-xpikinalquiUty.Hchaiimi vUlon who works with his clients m create the perfect borne;r Current « i ^ project* Include homes In Avon take? WcsUake and Brccksriue. Before you % make a decision on selecting a builder^ talk to Michael The difference Is T &* obvlout and imprewlYe He will work *S with you to turn Ideas Into reality *> IWIchad is also announcing the ' " '^'"^ opening of The Dakotas, a premier V & communltir of luxury homes In Aron Lake. UoUke other develo,nncntst The " Dakotas offers Urge wooded loo, / ^ walking train and an Impressive ' *T gatehouse entry The community alw ** features the use O f dual energy, with the ^ Add-On He» and Cool Pump Prices - ' begin at J350.0OO To vl It the ilic u r n establish an appointment 10 discuss your cutTom home, call Sraythc Cramer Co r at 9333733 or 871-0488 .' ilBlHiliBr: j'.'ViV^fti.ij If ywi etn InugitK it. THIS A D SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSMEN & PIZZA CUTTER Compliments of DR. MARK D. COULD - PODIATRIST 1 1 * Moor Roat *JJ.5S7O !SJLw/Ru We Odhrnt KOPP'S BMUTE . J7525 Colorjd<i Aw. ARDICK SEAFOOD The Abba W o o d : i Retirenwnt Centar 1210 Souih Abba Road ' BONNIE'S LAKESIDE SALON 92 MiMirc Rtl. LINDEN CONSTRUCTION DeANGHIS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE ! U'J? l.iW R.t, AQUAMARINE LANES- ; M-F "J-'l; S.H B-fl; 5mr.9-6 . SISSON'S FLOWER • FURNITURE & GIFTS . _ LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL PAINT & PAPER PI ACE BURME1STER FUNERAt SERVICE, M&AvonBekJen Avon Lake PINEHAVEN DECISIONS aha CHOICES GREENHOUSE without I h f Pr**M.' 'THE CHILDREN'S O.TER A V O N LAKE PRINTING 33467 Lat« Ktl. MELOD1E AUSTIN'S, SEASONS I N COLOR ' nd IMAGE OF SUCCESS rAvoo 937-6201 fGEPPCTTO'SPlZZA 375 Lew RcL.'^fwood Squa* AmUkcOhlo . n *,Fhone 913-7000* r RAY'S AUTO & I^UCK SERVICE uinFinttfr T dtrUwA. ll'nv t r tl*v il what urn UarrUe.lo do <*lih I I . lhal I* we •Sw us. Me I™Hn u*. <Jod ia on on' a l d r - I l e cdr<r<nlur.ui»i .Ej**n aiika l a n r hiud, • » • IHHIM I nnX (!«!"* H lufaMit. p w e r •nd KT*(nr%«. U r tRar not alw lotaJly uMvntand daPt final rfeel 933-2800 1400-23 t-t 431 . G O O D SAMARITAN •' NURSING HOME ' SNURR'S HARDWARE &HOME' & GARDEN CENTER Conir ofAbb* & U U Rcwrh TYUR RENTAL 820 Center Rd.tRL 83) Avon937-«8»6 **AII your, 'handyman' needs" LORAIN COUNTY ARTS 2730 W*tlwr ROMI Ukr OlwcFfc. 9)14083 CuMcm Fnming; bath of u» h r t ^ f HHII>W btr hU or lwrairnjh.'1iiHt*J II i* (Hrputta • • n u l i i Ihr.rixhl drcl*lMt>'aiul l Urn IrM <•( dwlrfina and from wrunK; Th* d W *(ima «<rmaJirlDd»y wilt ullimalrty txr Ihr choice* wr'will luvr.lit ifiir arllh innumw > > Let i « i r n-laliutMhfa Kith f.jd br vourltuiik. CbMMiip to Honhip In Hi* CAMPO'S LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN CO. -AKfcfwn W I M I M •> Doon- J . ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 32929 UI*RdM33152 • J. Norman Rd*y, Mmiiw 32340 Daeirte BJvd. 9334240 S JI. *JJD p.m.- AVOJ+ LAKE UNITEA CHURCH OF CHRIST 132801 Bactric B h d 933-3241 Dr.'H RjdmrdBoCTV.Mlrtittf Simfay wenho M 0 a.m 4 1 1 0 0 a.m. S»mdoV SthMi ?00 a,m. & 1103 a m ;'A(Ui M b Study Sunday 1OJ» a m. ;Vt»pw SantcM. SrtJrrfaj* 5 00 p-m. JCALVAHY BAPTIST CHURCH ^32lSO7 B M T K Blvd. 9338828 lOanr a 5dnwd«r. Mhibief Stni 9 4 5 « nv Stmdiy School > l 1«) Momlwii WwiKu t E g Smafl group* tnJJ 9J3-6S28 i (or mfomulton. VW«d.,frJ!>815 pm AWANA [GuM^Tiiat.7 00 pm. Prayer Mwilng. FIRST CHURCH O F CHRIST SCIENTIST 3IW?LaURA 9333330 , FMffaatltrThontML.Klik.Jr f Awn, Ohio OlhB C (iFAlTH LUTHERAN CHURCH fc.t*n.lDf-A^jn Surt 7;30itm,>900afri 10.30am.'I2Nooo AVON LAKE8APTIST CHURCH BroyHufr Mnuln Sunday 9 JO a m. F cBowshlp & lafrnhrnmlt 10am Sunday«Wiaul 11 a m. Wocttwp 6 p m BibUStuily 7 L m VJrjtthp VVnl 7 3G|»m Ptay ; LAKE SHORE UNI*lED METHODIST CHURCH ( I I mla wmt of ttoul* 83 ar ftkhlond D I M ) Gtonj* E. Binder M W i Wcnthtp S«nK« 10 00 a m, parch School I I 10 »m. JunkH Church lot chilcfrei In <f*dt 1 5 Cttb mv*«ry and kkidcn|bftai cant 11 HvaJabte during txith rh« uwihlp atnlchurcli temd Iwuri AVON AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH •377UI>iroilKcl.A J oii934SL21 Son.liy.10om WcdncKloyLwiivisBihhSfuaV 7 3Qpm CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY O F GOD NEW HAVEN BAPTIST SoOBOChnM Rd. 937-6226 Avtin. «*•« -MM J W ltv« Jufm Buraify Monann Wonltki and dddran'i Church 9 00 A.Hwd " t 4 M , M . 11 'XJ • m. W'«»Wf< (100 Clwch Tf*Mn« VtDWutlw ThundM Tardy FUit ' * ChtitnanEdPngtani] fST, MARV of i h . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ' .SUNOCO.. SERVI C NATIONWIDE INSURANCE j Urry V*o Dw Ocyd, Agent 152 Lear Riwi Avon LaVa SHEFFIELD LAKE T H E CHURCH LOVE I S BUILDING 6.AbbaIU. ShtiUd, Ohio 44054 216-934^592 WonWp CMdml*4tinyiDr«9tt&9yr p Sun. 9 00 1030 12 Noon - 1370 NjgkRojrf, Awn UVINOWATERSCHtmCHOFGOD ' VtanHpStMat 10-15am. , , J ABBE ROAD LUMBER COT COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES 'AVON LAKE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPARKLE MARKET BRf-ANN'S WAIR DELITE * - BODY & FRAME WESTLAKEAUTO 11600 Pliw Oik P Avon Lit* HOLY SPIRIT CHUHCK 4!0LaarFU 9333777 ALLEN REFRIGERATION Avon t^Ve 933-6203^ GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS EASY STORAGE CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 32747 Laht M , Avat Lalut l)«« ScMurnan, PuU', SHEFFIELD I N N •TCBV" Lcinraod Squj L Avon UI15 933-9901 " ho<« nlottl Conwlunt BEACHPARK FAMILY RESTAURANT 5wttr BUMK .9 AAU to J PJrt.. Nobody Treats You Like Ph-WMIti CWUMB921110 lOiHdnn 5 & Under f n i 3 W M Ufac Rd.-Avon L*k« 'EH LwH3roiA,MW»)«r. 53*2117 . - tfat/iiod BHdtti' A 933-2148 T H E PRESS V,W RtiJP O But I tr 9.11-51W r-r r , SAlPfT THOMAS T H E APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 715 Honto Roarf, SMIItkl Uk«. 949-7744 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH „ Johp.J.'McCa[fr*y. Pa*h» b33Mani»FU. She((kULak« ' ."• ' Rolwl fV Warti, Auoc. P«tar 949^98 ' ' , A 'Sal, 8 a-m. fUv BkVH CoopwRo* 9497870* T F Sua8:30a.m.>t0:30am Mlntfttr e* CwanydlHTi • D*nv«cy M0cr ' ^ Youth Dkvctan * PMCpftD*bhhr f W ^ ^ Hu<c Dvaeter • Btad Shudtw t ^< \ SHETFIELD LAKE U N I T E D ' SukSthod945am.*"*'"',; ' > _ * CHURCH OF CHRIST U S Sunday Dr 9495171 HOPE LUTHEHAN CHURCH? F i t A. Bloft. MnltM. WooWpS«vk« 11.00 e m 4792 Otki IU 949J62U ' * '" Chrttnm EducaHun CUi*a« 9:46 a.m LatondftL S'QMi IntBbn rMtuf i* &«ckiy9-15 ^ , c .V . , - * ^ - .j W t 1 0 J 0 " A CHURCH OF GOO. SHEFFIELD SAINT TERESA C A T H O L I C ' . hA J M T Wlntl Mmlth CHURCH * <• " J*try Undwrt MnhJirt ot Vfluth & M» M70Abb«Hd. Shttfkkl _ f SunrfaySchwJ lOOUrtm PhDrtr 9344227 1 MunwgWofthH I K W o m R«w Cdwanl J L U M . JCO, P«tur r <iun(tay Ewoimm Wontilp 6 00 p n S 4 J 0 W«dXlFE./0Gpm p SUL 9:00am. LAKE BREEZE CHURCH OF THEBRETHREN M30U1wBw«Hd. Nrf 5OvmA. Gwth. 'Pmtor IM> (419; SSJ-7412 Sun <Khool730om .t J 1030am l Bihl«$lu<ly7C0|>m BAYVILLAGEi ST. BARNABAS^EPISCOPAL C H U R C H 468 BfadWy Koad »l Wolf Road STKIMI bcrvlnt 800 H» t«v 100Oam. ST. T L E M t N T OF OHRID MACEDONIA ORTHODOX CHURCH "Wi65 Fr«—(i Cii«t» 1W AWJII Boiluj KlmovvJ.1 Mmi»!irr Sin 10 Jo a m CHURCH OF GOD ' 37447DWroitRdu327-8^0 "~ K*v MackKMUld.Mltibtf!i - " " FREEDOM CHAPLL HOLY TRINITY R p M A N CATHOLIC CHURCH INun CVnomauttuiMl) 3.1A0) Dctraii Rd AMXI 937 5363 i ^ rilhw JnhnJ Gonti Miruttn ^0SSwyd». Sot 5 p r f Sun 9 a m lOWa-in ^ O rtwun. OH +W1 f P 12Nooo , ' 945im. S l y i 11-COa.tn VtaJ*p$m JflJpm. Evcnkv*Study 7 00 p m. WfdncMiay Cvrrtng 8>>^ Study & Dlicuti«n JlmDIflHipuPairoi KATHY KHEEGEH For All Your Rea! .Estate Naeds Call KATHY KREEGER today 953-7700, 371-SS80 ^m !! 2 GREENPOINTE GEMS I! AVON LAKE ELYRIA CLEVELAND 933-6195 335-3761 871-7273 933-/700 366-6590 871-8880 BEAT THE SPRING BUILDING-PRICE INCREASES The affordable styles ready for immediate occupancy in Sheffield i_ake. THE COUNTY PLACE 577,900 3 bod. Ranch - country kit - Z lull baihs - deck plus garage, cent, air THE HOMESTEAD 5Q5.900 3 bed Colonial - country kit • 2Vz batfis - 80*100 lot • 2 car garage* central air. THE HIGHLANDER 591.900 3 bed Colonial - 2'A balhs - 1st Hoc laundry - open country kit to great room - central air • basement decH • cafege. Call CAROL J. GRESCO - 933-6195. LOOKING FOR ONLY THREE BEDROOMS? 402837. Then you needs are met *ith this onel Lovely landscaped corner setting complete with privacy fencing! Living and dining rooms adjoining with conlsmporay details! Family room with beamed ceilings and basement tool SI62.900! Call KATHY KREEGER today as procrastination Is the thief t>t lime and opportunity! 933-77001 Service is my middle name. Buying or Selling? Let me help you with your home. Ca!!: CAROL KRASIN 933-7000 Now! SELLING? BUYING? CALL KEN KODGER for the Best Service in Real Estate Res. 933-2682 SPACIOUS VJPRM. WITH 2-BDRM. SUITE, Yoar parent will appreciate their own private suite with GREA7. ROOM w/WBFP while you enjoy the", comfort in t/w large 2% bath. 10 room colonial. A true beauty for the righr family, priced al only $128,500. Suite could be rental. KEN KODGER, 933-6550. "MILLION DOLLAR" LAKE FRONT A once in,a life-time opportunity to acquire a truly; magnificent take front estate! This newer home of over 5,000 square feet ts location on 3.5 ACRES of, lake from property. There is 300 5EFT at protected; LAKE SHORE. For details call KEN KOOGER, 835-6500. SPARKLING COLONIAL - WESTW1NDS -* "Like-new" 4 bedroom family home wfepiendid MBR bath. Priced at only 5239,900. Vary private yard on; woods. Features eat-in-kttcheri, family room w/WSFP,; and finished recreation room. Many, many amenities".. A must see!ll Call KEN KODGER, 833-6550 *' RANCH STYLE CONDOMINIUM 257375, Charming two bedroom unit freshly decorated. Vh baths, kitchen, appliances, fn-surte utility room and garage. Asking $55 900 Contact. CAROL MURPHY at 933-6195 for an appolntnenL NEW LISTING ; 425099. Cute three bedroom home recently remodel ed. Nico size lot on a quiet street- Truly move-In condV tionC Low $50Js: Call for more Information or 8 per- ' sonal tour, BETH FRALEY, 933-6195. 423807. Looking for traditional decor? Like curved staircases and 2 story foyer? Need 4/5 bedrooms? Would an inground pool help make your summer enjoyable? Home features many amenities, call KATHY KREEGER to rwar the complete list 933-77001 Large 4 bedroom colonial, 2Vi baths, beautifully Hied enlry leading to a sun filled kitchen dining room vrith .walk out bay and French doors leading to side wraa porch, masonary fireplace and quick occupancy^* $* MARY ANN TILDEN or BETTY WAKEFIEUD 933-6195. OfARM—CITY CONVENIENCE 4012S0. Discover La Orange - Small-town IryinQ en ts fully-: developed cut-de-sac, just 40 minutw from Public Square. Discover Quality -Terra Quest Construction,, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, oak cabinets, private yard ft many more features. For further details C3lt CAROL KRASIN,. 033-77001 NEW HOME-OPEN TONIGHT 4-7 P.M., 424179. By Cannon, Builders: 3 bedroom, 216 bath , home-comer,fireplace services great room and dlnUtg','roomi:Large kitchen with; lovely deck outside First floor utility - Frogroomon 2nd level. Earttitonea. asking $144,900. Come view with LAURA MURPHY. 307 Watmer - Bay Village. 0 Homes for Sale AVON LAKE OOUBLE-Exoenent rental Income. CJoae to public tranaporUUoft. 933-B$4r>. AVON LAKS S r dWNCA, £X ECtmyE HOME. Luxury upgrades tow U I N . M<J 20V*. ho u w e . o. maintenance feel. 3232a Oabi Lwie. 933-7420 or 533-8:54, Read & Use The Classifieds Real Estate Transactions Addraea ffMHEf* < «S3S DunUn RJ, JjKkar . SMI East Ufa* Ad J E 4 M B * ^ « D J « MOlrmOr; J Ruata* ' JAlCOUafloy T M SudKcli S T » JComtnin ' n J i U J Ffsaman H J Tf * M Bvc* EtA3t HCIML Wwwt ACANSLwur THBamaa K J *. C J Crufcfctftank D 3 « C L Sn*M •f.v 4 SaOar •uerncLO TWP. J 9 Kalouf-a Tr. C J M*r*r" JJlVMViMy CUAML Kitor PJULBmrn MMICCKOiMf L K L I C C Parsona K S t P A Piikort C HoilnM M al O J S K L Mei M B S H Haiti 4o73 Soutrrwood B I I D f r o i t JU* Cxitutv Urn won Long FU. 0Va4 U U M M I I J ft I O J Snw-k LA Aten QvuwnCam Inc. UOJOO S9O.000 »10.000 1M.0O3 tTO.ooa itsr.ooa •ra.ooa km JUS 399361, Over an:acro lot In Avon Lake! Very spacious 3 bedroom ranch with family room, full basement & 2 car all. gor. Enjoy both ihe lake view & trig Inground pool! An ad can't describe all the features so call today lor your private tour. Listed at $159,900. GINNY CULP, 933-7700 / 871-8880. "BRAND NEW" COLONIAL 424167. Imposing four bedroom home In the heart of Avon. Family room, fireplace with built-in bookcases, bay window overlooks a large deck, 2Vi baths, skylight, and 1st Itoor utility loom. Asking $157,900. CAROL MURPHY, 933-6195. AVON LAKC-BY OWtUR, 3brt, 2 Balh* FUnch, AtMch*d pvSg*. M W rwnae»/now cafpttinc UvoogSout. Trirt lot. OOM to school. t&TJSOO. Looking l a Buy tx SMI In Lorain Coomy. Comae! yew fuO M*Y*C« R M J E J U M Conaufunt Jacob Kuh. TTM Prudanlla! i m 2-1-« Be*lty *Vou Know U i and W» Know He«l £«l«t«*. 32B-B200. B33-BB39. 3T«63 AVON LAKE-FOR SALE OR IXASe OPTION. 4BR. 3 full bnlhi, 2earattEchwl,K«nlctol.S15S(Vp«r monlfi. ownw agant. 060-1040. Avon Lmkm, 3-30ft homt-BY OWHen. OrHI location. iftuW* tot. If to* family room, woodburnar, t, •HW, 2 car atlcchad . M5.BQQ. Call 033-2883. AVON WAKE..OPEN 3UNOAY tPM-OPM. 4BH. 2 1/1 battu. nvwty iMcoraM. many •ktri'a. * 139.900. Can lor moia infwmallon, 933-4023. 32S71 Qrovwland Ortva. , BCOUCEDlHEOOCEOi OtmitBd Towmhip ownar iranifsrad nawlrto Mil thla 4 bedroom iput nlcaly natllad, 2 c*t garaga. abova i ground pool • In 1ti» awitioa. CairOraca or BIB Kopp 7V9-7100 or 327^8 I t 7 Commercial Property/Lease FOR LEASE. OfOc* A Hataif Spaca In Tha LmMtngt. CaK 933-TISt or 871-0320. , Cow A.. * Span Kcpl.Contt. M J * S Oantil* SyfvHMr (Hdr. I J Q • V M Piiar K*1DI WM 172.000 1134.000 I t 74.990 M.000 CSZ.009 31. 4 L A Suit 144 1 77 UndMga Way 143 Norman D>. m B. Point 714 Waaqamiiotl 4 L • o t Acreage/Sole s & U)l fw Mia by ownar. Ovaronahiilf aCf«t on Qi.ndnN In NR. Cad 327-2221. 1/O.900 5 Commercial Property/Sale e e a s M vw* »»r.ooo irt.ooo . Pwrfft Bkta Co. WHwthty U8.0O0 U * « From Commartlal Building futiy occupfad, ampla parking, monthly ranUl $1,700. filea tiM.000. Tarmaftvallatila.C t t M O f l B t M3.800 R E Smiift 0 K t V Btxna Flasponaibla adurt wnntt to nnt twdroom horn*, apa/onenf or condo In Avon U k » , SharfieW Lake araa. Call. 033-9010 betota - 2pm o wiyllme Wadneaday and weefcenda, A-1 K I N O J A M E S CON D a Wastlako. i B O . All Amanltiaa (Hevlampoot-garaga. Sacurlty RESPONSIBLE rrwrWd couple, no thHdtan, looking (w a LEASE/OP•ION TO BUY on a 3 or 4 badrocm homa in Avon/Avon. Laka a m . Can afford 15Q0 to M M per month. Call jnyllma. 8334)75, M * « or Lori. /<££D FIHS T HOMtL Young prof aa•lonal ooupW looklna to purchaae dupMn/doubla In LokawwW, Nortfi RJdcwtlle or an attordabla location1 In batwnwn. flaallora 'raady to thaw or pmmta ownsra walconia. M U M be prlcad balow trB.OOO. CaH Mike or Lori. 933-SI7S. NEED FIRSTHOMS^Voung prolaf •lonal Co>i0to looking to purchase dupiax/doubla In LafTvWood, NorVi RldamWo or an attordabfa location In batw«an. fiaaltora "raady to show* or privats ownars walcoma. Must be prlcad below sro.OOO. CaH Mlka or Lori, 933-9178. 3BR 2 BATH HANCH, Firoptaca wnti appliances, Ctote lo park & acriool. JOSO/mo plu« srcurlty dapoalt No Pals. 933-2333. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEOHOQM &H&. HELD LAKE HOUSE. Newly sidwl. new carpauno m living room and dining room. Alt conditioning in mailer bedroom. Appliance* Included, fenced In back yard. La roe atorage bam. covered ottki, curtains in ifvfna room and dining room. No pats. $4fl5 plus aecurlly depoitt. uttwtet and one year toaaa. Call D33-gioi, Available Juna lit. Out o* town fantfy o t a would »k»to' rant a three badroom howaa or a p t ; In the North RjdgevfHe *mu W l t b e ' rsJortflnobi Juna or July,, :Can71»O60-7331 ~ & 19 Office Space for ,; R e n t :••:•• 1 0 Real Estate Wanted 14 For rent 3 t S M BftvMw Df 143 Daacfrwnod 371 BntmnU Plmy 326*2 Camao* Ln. EXECUTIVE REMTAL HOME •* t * ^ 406696. Hunylt Available May ISthl 4 Bedrooms, 2 % * & baths w/vWde, wooded lot in Avon Lake! $1200 p/mo % r DOLORES GAYNEAU 933-7700. ,V a ^ 400 M . (I office space tor rent. , AvallaMi•' M4y~ttu Wsikar Hd. < 17 Vacation property North UytVm Oeavrt. Ocean from condo. 2 B R . 2 b a t h , pool. Reasonabla rata. 933.7869. HCKNIOKT MOTOftHOME RENTALS Brarm New Claaa A 4 C Luxuiy MotorfwmM Claan - Fully Equipped XSS'MM Daya . B35-U»1EVM £e Emerald late. N.C. 2 rumlshed umta wnh 4 bad rooma. 2 1/2 batfia, Central .Air. Cabfa T.V.. 250 ft. to trte Ocettn. SSOO a *•«*(. 604442-8998 Of 9I04M-34S4 AftarBp.m. 18 Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE marrledcouple.no children, looklna to LEASE/OPTION a three or four bedroom home in Avon-Avon Lake area. Can atfonj S500-SBSO per month. Call anyUma, B33-9178. Mike or Lori. . adult wants to rani 2 bedroom home, apartment or condo In Avon Lake. Sheffield Lake urea Call 933-9010 baforo 2pm or anytlma Wednesday and w*ek«m». VpUNd f f t c i F l i 9 B , O N A L relocailna Into Avon Lake, dealres small house, aparurMnt or condo to rant or lea*a. Nimtad June 15. Easy d r l v e M Lake, Millar Rd. Call O^FrCCfiUILOINO, 2.400 SO^T hi ' Avon Lake. Modem wHh cantral atr t*22t4702. LAKEWOOO AVAILABLE - - 4 imaB rooms «nd parking. tSTVmo. 238^815. ,_ . ' • - • • • • • • • • l v - . - . - . . ' • • • " : i OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE, fur , nlohed, Immadiataty, 548 tq.R. » n g t James Office; Complex, I B fl. CaH "* 833-2990. : . WESTLAKE, . prime ofllca apaca • Centar Rktoe Road • ayivenknt Paiking. LobDyfracopffonirt all on , first floor Includes: answering mt- ' vice, secretary aarvlca. FAX, copy * machine, computerized- eafvloe Conftrance loom available • raasonabla. Ptaasa can Ann a W Center Ridge R o a d . • North Ridoavllle. Exceflert location, rteW Colonial b>jUdlrra. raaaonabt* ratai,^ last Browtng area. 337-7402. 20 Help Wanted BAHMA!O...niDM». Avon. Call 934^204 aflar 12Noon. UBRAMAN RCFEftENCe for wnafl Indepandent.pubnc library;'.Adun^ •arvlcaa head to supervisa 2 FTE, assitt Mrrlh acquitltlona and coltaetkm development, davalop pro(Kama. MLS p(ui 3 yaan' retavant: iwparlanc*. Call 2ie-0334i2SV send rasume Kr 33S49 SacMo Blvd.. Avon LaJie. 44012. < : '.': NEWLY LISTED BAY LANDINGS CONDO 258419. in Westtako. This immaculate condo features 2 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, a lovely great room and In suite laundry. $72,500. Call us io see. JOHN OR MICHELE LEABU 933-6185 or 871-7273. "THE LEABU'S" THE FATHER-DAUGHTER TEAM that will get you results. Over 30 yre. of full lime service. Let us help you soil your property - residential, commercial or land. Call us (or double the service. JOHN or MICHELE, 9334195. AVON LAKE ELYRtA CLEVELAND 933-6195 365-3761 871-7273 933-7700 366-6590 871-8880 Superb Living \ Par for the Course. Pre-Construction Prices Desirable Homesltes SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL '421863: Quality thruout this 3 yr. young home In Avon Lake. 1st floor laundry room, 2 full baths, targe deck « t on wooded lot. One of tho best buys In Avon Lake. All this for $129,900. A must to see. Call us JOHN or IMCHELE LEABU 933-6195. WOODED CORNER LOT 1^1 acres vacant land. Zonod R1-A. Close to tno lake. Call us for details. JOHN or MICHELE LEABU, 933-6195. In AVON LAKE < onJayeoxBd. Abutting S o N t M w QoM COWTM Enjoy • picturMqu* «taw ol the couna1 from, your aufirooml 416263. In the Landings. Newly painted 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, W 8 fireplace In large "great room" roofed patio and extra large 2 car garage. All this and more on wetl landscaped lot. Call to see JOHN or MICHELE LEABU 933-6195. NEW ENGLAND CAPE COO COLLECTION • M e e t rtirt i l S1B.M0 • Park-Ms letting • j story balcony overlooking Bv rm, • Dramatic H I through flraplac« • Outstanding craSaman ' . •4(6*t!ncttv*bdrm», • OuaHty ( M a i work : • l i t noormaslaf suits • Cusiom butt homes designed with • Designer kitchen imagination4 Style. ••• ' Model open soonl Look, for our trailer S*LftSun: 1-5 ALL GAS HOME LOOKING FOR SMART BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS £246131; Are you leasing your office space? If so you might like an alternative of owning your own condo office. |f4«w building in well located comer of Avon Lake. Can be finished to your needs. Sound Interesting? Call (or fur^ther'detaHs, it will be well worth your time to Investigate. JOHN or MICHELE LEABU. ) • • * ; • • « ; ; • : • , - • : ' • • . , . • • • • . . • • • ; NEWLY LISTED IN AVOW EASY CONPO LIVING _ '250851;' Enjoy your summer by the pool - not doing a&lawn work.- Maintenance free condo. 2 bedrooms. 2 a*3ftitt:baths, 2 car garage. Large screened in porch ^overlooks park like wooded area - many extras. Great jocatfon.. Asking &13S.O0O. Call LINDA EHLE, Two commercially zoned lots,, one on the comer of Detroit Rd. and Stoney Ridgtv $74,900. The other is an acre lot on Dotroit Rd.. Jusi west of Jaycox. 100 frontage, $49,900. Call BcTTY WAKEFIELD 933-6195 for more details. ?AS PRETTY: AS ITS £ ;i423435;:Gorgeous-10• month.;old custom ranch ^ f features rsunken lrving\roorri •'&• formal dining room, -,|23V15*: country kitchen with quality oak cabinets. £i5x12 endoserJ sun porch, 1st H. .laundry room, full 12 ^ a c o u f M btoclc basement, private master suite and so ^•Ariuch'moral'Treal'yourself to this beautiful home! ^ f e * 1 7 9 0 . " A D A WILEY 933-7700. •ML"1-WANTED - - UOAAfOAM, a » E m K K lor amiS Independent rfWbio BtKMyrMuR Services Heed Ifa eupervtae,2FTE. « N U Mtm aotauM^jand.colecison aevetap5»enL denfep-program*. MLS plus •-ftanntintuMiiune*. CM d m u m * to d , Avon-Lake • BftOVIO£Mt NEEDED CO4INTY. Earn a chQdw) In your l service. Fo» Ca/» < Government 6S TRAVEL-BENEFITS! S-.NOW'HlRINai ALL mmirjow J 1)Wa-t1l-WHEjrt.X-gJ14. , T i T i o H i ^ a A n N M6JE fREAOBW; BOOKS! t»,000/yoar J ^ l I I D l l S M C H T JOBS NOW HIH* Imont Bolti M U M and umklHad Mft n«0d«d.'ln your ar»«. *18^00:to $72J»O plus twnafin. CFor:la! o( cwram Job* and tpplie*- JBoo'to »y*r t C& SlWrtnotorpart-OrM drt potlUon at *aurT37.LMr ndjHora>:kIeal poalHflon-tor liomamtlw, r«ik«* or sanyona lookingtar2(M3 hour* p«f. * M M wV • H U * K f d t a . App»y. >',Loeal < LandotafMttMign Firm ia i t i W f i f l Mpcrtofietd, quality conr«e>Mic« ktMattotlon prafMaional*. i!N*O • tantn, moManane* toraman bilcgraHd'iawh earn prognm.WiiUng.iMB k fwnt and protkm H fl C« 'ChaOang*. KKMOBI. P l M H nau MCOKAL 8CCneTARr U work rrontdaak and Io do Inturtnca lorms. Work mttrancav* nwuastad. Plaaa* Mod m u m a n : P.O. Box *XM>0, Avon Late, Onto +40*2. Landaeap* Laborars^ FuU and 'pannma poXHon* availabia, Cart 537-5078. . ttardan Cfrtar Salwptraon. f ^ and parttkna po«afon> avattabl*. CHB37«7B Daycaf n*ad»Q tot a mon*n old. 6:3P«m-4pm waakdaya. Bafmnnaa. Cad B33-4S39. WAITRESSES NEEOCU. E«parlwnc* orrfy. Halan's Country Kitcrian, 3STBS Detroit Hd., Avon. Apply kn (Kfion only. , IAL/COMMERCIAL REDUCED 25WK3. Great Business Opportunity located In excellent traffic area on Rt. 83 In Avon Lake - 4 buildings on 2.9 acres with office spaces & storage. Established tenants. Sides R/R - Auto Boby Shop with paint booth. CAROL J . GRESCO 933-6195. ; Bsbyailtar tr/tfanaporlallon w«nl»d In my horn* lor 10 y*ar old boy. Waakdayb Som Ut mldnraht. CsU B33-4252 Monday thru Friday, UCOOMALD-S Looking l o r ag< graaatv* •aff-rtartor.- Na«iato1mprov* malntananea and daanllMM or »on>. Compatltlvc baoad on ax* Mrianca. Inqulr* «1 3ZT9B Watkar Rd. " • AVON REPRESENTATIVeS NEEO^ ED IMMEDIATELY. No doo«04oor Mdlng. Work pari-tbna hour* wllh h.1 ttm* pay. Ft— gltt. CiB today. 937-6031 or 734-3143. CONsiAUCTION LAb6rtferi, wMtkid* luxury homa buildar. Nsa<f rollabia trenapbftatlon. SBltit. Sand /•sponS ratafanc* w P.O. Box 300-PH, Avon Uha. Otito 44012,2 POSTAL SERVICE Joos. Sf mry to 1'ATtST-To layout and spue mts for W5K. Nattonwkte. Entry lav«l in* / m Avon Laka Prass. Sand ttwrt llona. Call (1) 80i-8B7-8000 ,.• ifMuma to: Artist, P.O. Bo* 300ALP. ExtP-3325. Avon Ltha. Ohio 44012. CHILOCARE ^ p OflY CLEANtNO HELP, ^ari-ttme n u a i d Io cir* lor 2-yrokt now » •nd fun lima days. Apply 25133 nawbom bagWrig In Aucutt. Vour E a t o n W a y , Bay V i l l a g s . homa, WMtl«k« wo*. 34ayi/*k., 7»m-12Hoon. or call 671-2460. norvemokar,relarvncva.734-2tM. ParMima Cwahlar * C*n*ral GENERAL OFFICE Work. Exptf loncad. Apply In ptrWORKER naadM. Mutt hava drfvar"! Ucvrma A raltabla Irantporta- son. Smith's ' Country Countor, 37900 Colomdo, Avon. No Phona tion to run •fronds a do ganaral ol. tic* elMnup. RwtkM OK. Call cans PLEA3EI Mr.Frad *I tfM Cuymhoaa ComLargs tandacap* firm n n u EXpanlM. 13427 MadKon Av»., PERIENCCO halp. Call S14-C14S, Lahawood. 238-1700,24pm. Thurs7-9AM. R«fer>nc«s naadad. day, Miy-3 onfy. AUTOMOTIVE -10 Mlftula LutM. DENTAL ASStSTANT - Lakawood S971S Loraln Rd., North Ofm*t«d. «/M, cnaErahM otnatti dantw, En7»I»a trwsaistic, Intattigant, p«rsonat)la <Mm piayar. S3t-2<24, aih lor CLEANING HEW. Job* Cwot, . ,. for parmamnl part-drrw ratldsnUat d«*nlng. Boom for advtncBmani. TftfiE - LANDSCAPE help Trantportailon avallabl*. Apply at: Call 734-2874. 4037 Mill! Industrial Parkway, Norm R l d i a . Ohio. 44O3S MONEVTMONEYl MONEYi Studanls and Koutawfva* n«ad«d Io work our wsakand ihirt. Wanted P a r i - t l m a Madloal HHjh Hourly Raia. Svcraury to work front daik and No ExptrWnct naeMury, to do Irwunine* forms. Work, W« Train. ralaranon t n u M i x ) . Piaasa tand Can Oonni. 1-602-1928 m u m t W 32iIS Laka Rd., AX. MANAOUENT POSITION-Wotk from your own homa whUa you *vn wim Oacor * Mora. Naw 500 Kam catalog. FWw Supwvlaor positions in W» M I . AboikrtaV no InvwtfrtMnt to you. klaaf lor moUwts, fMtfiani. c pwty plan daaJara. Cad dtract or coRad Jonnl* 6W-1749. Factory WiHTfatn. Up 10 S5.2& an hour. 2nd & 3ff >nma only. In RldgavlBa Aroft. Rsglatar r»w for Imm«dlata long farm positions. Other l i t shlfta also avalUMa. Can today. Work this wMk. Holkfay pay and vacation pay. Kelly 8arvic«s, Waitlika Offlca. 035-SB91 or D33«5eO. No contract. ~k> («••, EOEMrFAI.. Smanar local companytookinolor an iggrasova, mouvatadtalapnana IrwtaBatton parson. Witt train tfi* ihjht parson, slactrlcal or vlsdronlc CMchground pari0mKl. Oood ami•onaMy a muitl Can weekdays onry, 9anv«pm. 0934771, SUBSTITUTE BCHECT CARE STAFF. OftcaJI staff waded for merrtalH hsnaioppadAlevelopmentalty dbabled adults. Avon Lake area. Contact Personnel: Lormln Co. 9<J. of Menial Retardation & Oevelop. DUubUllles, 1095 Inflrntsry Rd., Elyrta, Ohio . 44035. Call 1-329-3734. COLLEOE STUDENTS. Summer Camp Couneelors, Water Safety Instructors, Juno 11*1-Aug. 4th, t « 0 . To work w<lh menially retarded children and adulu. Apo>y 10 Pei•onnal Olrctor, Loraln Co. Board of Retardation ft Developmantat DlMblllli-i, 1005 Infirmary Rd. Etyrtl, OH 4403S. (218)32»-373d. EOE. PAftT-TIMC POSlTlOH,boaic ottica •kiHf required. Word prDcouing taowtodge A malh aptitude heipfuf, WwlUki locsUon. noun 1-5pm. Call* eccepted aRar 1pm, ach lor OlltB020400 Day thiA, part-time. Own trunsportatton. B354Q30. ' Pat Frederick THE DIFFERENCE SHOWS! I 406130. Large A uodraom split) Spacious living & dining rooms, family room with woodburnlng fireplace, 2 baths. 2 car art. gar., huge ocreened In potto overlooking fenced In yard that backs up to the.woods for privacy) Just reduced to S5S.900 so don't hesitate-' call today tor more information! G1NNY CULP B71-6880/ 933-7700. . : 3 " ORVCLEANINO - COUNTER CLEIIK/ASSCUBLEft, full lime. M-M drive. Apph/ In person between 7»nv7pmr trare Haiard. Rocky River. • *• •-•• • • • Sundays. 12-6 pmTApcry at QIFTS UNUMrTEO,25nt ^Detroit R d , Wesaak».'.--;.-y .-•,: •* AUTO PORTER • fuil time poult**-. Must be neat a have dean driving record. Appfy In person to; Hairy Shultt. QrMt Northern Oodge. 28100 Loraln « . , North Omsfrd. . CLERICAL Ttred of being treated Oka • number? We b u t People Ike Peopto. Afraid Your SUMa A r m l up to ARfi YOU CRAFTY7 H#*p" us. Par? < manuracture tvomeni t chHdren'a Long end Short Term •eceeaorlea < clothing. Some eewA*k About Our Free Seminar* Inp helpful. 835O2B7. •* Fun end Part Time KfTCHEN1 HELP • CALL 77Q?iW. J . , Date antry-Won! i Proceeaors - 10-key • TyplitaN Oenaral Secretarla* • Suiveyora •Westslr% •• luxury' home buUder. Need reUabla transportarion, SoVhr. 'Apply Today • Wort Tomorrow < Send resooriM. reference!to:Weal 'OR , • • , Life, P.O.Ooa 4B014 M P H , WetBrte. OH 44143. This Summer No AppHutlon Fee PAINTER'S HELER, experience Target tsfliporariee me. helpful. CaJl'7794510 , between 358M Center Kdge Rd., NR B-6pm. . —• . 327-U21 Call for Irrtenrtew Ttmee J5C0 WEEKLY. NEW1 EASYI Mutt hav* 2 Forma of 10 Stay Home, any houn Eaiy Equal Tpportuntty Employef A M y K 1 u0K1.000 Aa»emMy.... 0 0 Easy Sewlng-™*30,600 Stock PETITION ,. Organued, Easy Wood AwmWy.J98.7S5 hard worker Minted. Qreat working Easy CrtfU^.^.—S78.4S0 conditions, 31^35, hrs.wk. Apply EiiyJewMry .Jig.500 wilMn. J . L Gsodman Furniture. 1 Eaiy Electronical J2S^00 21950 Cvntar ,lktge Rd., Rocky Matchmaking JH2.SO0 Rtver. •• • "•. lrtvettigating..^._S74.450 TV Talent AgenL.._MO,900 BflEENMOUSErt?lRSEr1* Romance AnenL...».S62.500 Work m»de and Ov^We No SelUna. OuarantMtd Income. Long and Short Term FREE 24 hour Recording Full Time i f l Shift M147V8g00 ert.YY152H Weekend Posltkm Available , Some Flexible Hour* Work Ctoae to homa m Avon SELL THE FULL PORTFOLIO Apply Today -Work Tommoraw As a sales rsprasenUtlve lor the on Mutual of Omaha Companies, offer Thi» Summer your prospect! health. nf«, auto A No Applleellon Fee heme owners Insurance. M well a* Target Tamporarlee Inc. mutual funds. Con you qtMlify for 3U3B Center RMge Rd., NR this exciting career? Send resume 327*MT to; Mulusl or Omaha, e/o Qary M. Call for Interview Times. Teoumas. 29111 Country Club Blvd. Mutt Have 1 Forms of IO Suite 203. North Olmiled, OH Equal Opportunity E i 44070. Equal Opportunity ComMUff ' -4 : M 21 § 2 . °* >: ^ U) ' Ui 1 jj ~" 1 " E •*• -V* - PART TlklE REPORTER OMO*d to ewer Snaflfetd U k a B w m w n t . ShaffiafcJ f 5h«rfi0kl L**a tcrwon *•*< occasional laatura new*. PfwW a«ari*nc*'a datoiM pbu. But, not' mandatory. Sand *hoft fajvme W REPORTING POSITION, c/o Th« Pr*a«. P.O. Be* 300. Avon Laka,, OH 44012. AUTOMOTIVE -nOUtAN CMAHKjr QusMy P^XIUCUOT PamHf. Quatty dvacwrtoy* paraon n««d only «DPty. Ligrt baby "Of* •ipvnancs M p f u l Applications •ccwpiwJ. Apr.aMUy I I . KWpm at 10630 Banafid..OavaJand. Ohio Naad COupM d young mart witling to Mtan CONSTRUCTION WORK. CM 777-6724. • WANTED TELEPHONE SALESPERSONS Earn 14-6 par hour worfcina.par1-tJma k) a pWtltnt. rrtandry aimoBpha*aMu«t tiava good atWuda. Room tor advareamanL F w appointmant. call Laura. 871-6787. WANTED COLLECTIOfiS PERSONS ' Earn U - 3 1 0 par hcur working pan tma. Economy car or mourevda • most For appointmanl. call Laura «71-o797. ! ATTENTION: Flnanca Company Tr'IruM Wvsilaka Flnanca Company haa bnmaciaia patt-lima positions ' avalaola In our coSarton dapartmanL No a»pananea nacassary. <ms train. Basic typing eiuto helpful. AS posttons are (nalda work on our stal* o( tha arc conputar •ysta.-n. -Hourty rata plua fneanttva bonus Cad Shtrtay Edmon toriniannaw bat•uraan S-tiaoam 4 2-4:40pm a l tW-00 PER HUNDRED ranta*na tMara from honwl Oataaa. Mnd a ^ addraasad. siampad anvaiopa AsaedatM. Boa 309-T. Cotonia. MJ 0 7 0 8 7 . ' • . • " , '"" . . 'CARRIERS NEEDED Tha. Norm ndgavllta Praaa and Light naada earrtara. If you ara frv larattadbfdaftrarfngina paparsonTuaadan attar school can John at 327-7543. Staady. pan-una w m a n naaaad k> -hate maintain and raatora homa. E* partanca In bnvVQardan work, panting andfor carpantry « W balpful. 327-11C8 . • ' CMLDCARK -in my Rocny R w homa. 3 days/**. CKv*a» 447. Cat •354-1S52.'.;..'. •• / ' ," COUNTER HELP, Full * pan-Uma jgaHtarw svalUbiir. • Good tiartlng g g i h t IrWhiduaL I W h i d L Apply A l in i g llor right taarosn at our VrWtaka locafon • 30032 OttroitrV..-.' ' cvnStiiifZnsCUJ vhour*. no rUgnu, • HWUWTKM , or holidaya. WW train. W o * wnti a part: nar. Staady wKK.-pay waaMy. Prsmodona AbatMllU avaHabia for QuaMad., Cat. Maid With Car*. 7 7 9 - « 4 t a " •-•-,•• '•' • • • BESTAUfUNT- WAITRESSTEx • partantad, M orpart-ttna, hmchaa. - kHORT ORDCn COOK, aipwkmca. Ml tfma.'Apphr m penon, Uonoty tnru Friday. 3-8 JOpm «i Th« Ontca HtOUuniK & Lounoa. 3330 Euclid Avanua. -. • , HETAIL, parMima nigrits a waakanda In baautltul cala; oulalandlofl anvlronmant In Qvacriditf Markat Squara. 33SO203, TEACHEA povuon avaiiafila. A uruWM opportunity to-taacn in an .atuMWxtf cooparattva pra-achool. Eaity childhood background -dagraad. Sand muma to: 30340 ProiHncelown tana. Bay VUtaga. OH WAtTHF.3SE3, C O a X S , . OAY . DISHWASHERS. ApoV in paraon: a e o f l a r s HesTAURANT.eso OowarCa«arRd..BavVlUaga. 07 TV*314.--. , - . . • ; . . . .• •„•... , . E A2I83 AlJonliofi - GtJV«inmfltit snied vanicla* I m m 4100. Fo'Ot. Mvicvdas, CorvaltM. Cha.ys, S u r p l u s B u y o r i QuIOa, «m and apcteabon loo I I M i-eoo-evwesa E H . ' Bam-8orh. 7 dlyl. 22 Situations Wanted Houwm mm) Omcm Otmning: O N AND U N m l maka it •hma. Can us tor good r a t a * a v a i y t i m a l 1-77»4Dee or 937*090 SCEKINQ NEW JOQ la***} parmanant M l titna. day« oMy. waakanda. WMbng n do •omMhrng omarant it iriSog to train. CaU Dab Dia S4»«974 arttr S JOpm. EXPEWENCED BOTHER babyart M my homo, waehda/s. P>a) araam back yard, *rfi provkHtunch. anamoon (nack A T LJC. E « 4 Scnool araa. 833-9810. W« ctaan it (or you. Housss, apart' mania and rantals. Call K C y M M 9 0 0 and ktava manao« Ep momar mu paby»rt your tocXflar taB tlma only (n m Awn Laka homa. WM ptonda lurwh atiamoon v t a d u and lota of T L C Call 933-455. OUAUTV CLEANING by compaumt hona*t. raliabla individual Homa*. Apt. Condo, ipaolal daanIng fat). EicaHaM rafaiancas turnteh• J. caii ari-aoso - E i i Aia you ioo)ungloriomaan« nonot) andrattabia ta daan your homa or orflca? CaB Arm it 327-«344. Vm babyaii your daughter, aoa tr>12 In my Mill* Craak EM homa wawkrtays: Looking for a mtrtd (or my I I yaar old daughl RafarancM. Cut) altar 7 p.m., 3Z7-3M2. CHlLACAAE In my homa. Malura. nallabW 34 Hour S«nrlca. 327-0182. PAVINO TOO MUCH To hava your housa Cla*nad? Ova Judy1! Claamng Sarvtca a CdH Fraa EsrimaiM Good HalaraiKM , Inaurad .*od Bondad 327-S090 A -1 Babysitting In my North Ridflavltla homa. Exparlancad Mothar. RaaMMabl* Ratas. Call 327^430 . 24 Education and Instruction , PIANO LESSORS PRIVATE TUTORINO By M«rla Brunt Oraduatu ol Tha Royal Comwrvaiory - Montraal. Canada. Aft" ktvaii.chlidr»fl ft~J adutu. Call for eppotntmirnt, 337-«S23. MINI PARK STORAGE Located in Loraln Industrial Park. Baumhart .Road off Rte. 2, near R>rd. LOW MONTHLY RATES: 5X10 "$25 : 10X10 $35 10x20 $55 Outside Storage $20 Security System - Well Lit Call week days 9-4 at 282-3719 AVON LAKE WOOOWOrOUHO CO. 'rirtffladaof wood, wa can da W Bookihairax, caMnets, cuslo« c*03*ts, antartainmant e*rt»t». kitchan pantnas. Pttm 32 Personals 'Maintanancv, npairs & ramodatMQ. Kitch»n*. bathrooms, closats. drywaa. pointing & root*. 833-2990. YARD * HOUSEHOLD 'CLEAHOP* riowar bad rrsiching. CUMT cManing. Hous«oa>ntirM4nMnor. a i tanor. Hauling. ARM Sprn. 933-217?. UMOU£ HAHOCRAF7CD WOOD PHOOUCTS.JToy monstar trucks. CaauefiW bunnibas tor waX mounbng. braad tsnes. '.aacj handpanWd doll cratta*. c&bbaoa patch oofl cradas, rocking chair*, wood VALEKlE. COMCAATULATIONS FOR A JOB WELL DOME IN THE .Stow. CALL WOOOCttVTEKSRECiONAl. SPELLING BEE. WE U LOVE TOO1 LOVE. YOUR FAMILY. CLEAPtNO SERVICE: Owner ' supanrba* . avary cfearutd home. Ilwnk You To St. Juda lor favors W« an- • local cxnpan> aAd nut atgraniad. POC Skatod wdn any francMsa. We can dasign n p l a n n t d ragular mamlarunca progrvnas oftan as frou na«d. Wa can parfrxm an cinatv Hospitalizalionlns. ««« deartfM anyrmo tnroushout tna yaaf or ju« ona smaa sarnca For Groups & Individuals (ftoor strippad, window*, ovan crona room ctaanad). Wa cfaen rww conMedicare uucMdhomM & smal businawaa. Hosting aoclalgatharinga will Supplements bacoma a raal otaaaura and t o u l taka prkta In tha appaartnea of your Nursing Home ctoanhoma. (WE ARE HOT CO**PLETELY FINISHED UNTIL YOU Coverage Available ARE COUPLETELY SATtSfiEDn CALL CLEAN CORNERS FOfl FREE ESTIMATE. 327-44H. WES ALVEN 933-8875 THANK YOU SLJuda for granWd. L.KJC , tf FFPt*<JtATr nfMTT 1 md» W**l e/Lomin Fort Pt*ffl on U»» Rd 40 FORD HOUE IMPROVEMENT; Cuyahoga CLEANlNO. • Commarcui. raartantsal, naw construction, bafcxa or attar • you rnowa, apartmana. offlea*. par-' BEAUTIFY WITH LIGHTtorpan- •tffad. F r t * a « f t a a l m . A l r w o r k i auaramaad. For rnora tntonwation n>*« a fiigM. Outdoor BotHfog ca« OAY^ EASE. IN&, ,327-SJ4t tyuams by tfta prolawiionaH K O t h a u s a n d you a - c l a a n i n g NIGHTliTES. CaBtorfraa aattmata. laamjaa aaod you aanrioa ' ' DECK SUIUrERS M i A - ,Cus*om GAHAOE DOORS, Opaoan. daeks, laneaa, cwaboa.Spadal sprSEfifOR M3COUMTB. fiaasonsflla Ing p r i t a i . - Fraa aitimataa, S ratal. K a r t e l l , Door Saivlca, B33-2072.24 HR. S i L 4 S £ R T t • H O y tt I M - . PflOVEUEHTS. * BUSINESS , A RCStOENTtAL TELEPHONE SYSTEKS. Sala*. bathrooms, dad Sarvica, Addition*. Uovaa.and Changaa. Nawor ucad aqulprnant ' raplacamant window*. -r:: avfeUaola., Ratldamlal wiring-- ESTIMATES. i o pareant dteceunt Tfy •far aarior dtbana. Can Ooug M l '.S Raaaonabia rataa, Laka Tateora, B3M771,1-800452^771. - - ; SNOW REMOVAET Commarcial 4 ' RaaidanOaLM Hour Sarvtea. 'Oorrt waft urtM r » too lataif. Oal on our fat n o n l ; Call- Laks ' Eniarprisaa, 1334771. ,, - . / .. •:.. •; v . : BUCK'S HARDWARE. • , 3707B OatrottAL. Axon. Storm window and acraan rapalr. CaB «3*HS11 ^ >. :.. •'; /*,.-. •?.• ••„ • --V-'.i;; •:-••; •'^'•^'^'iU- -. Lorain. Medina & S Concraw . A Counties,..•••<•*. J 113.0111011, " ^ ' . ' • -•..•-«*£ , 5384 JE. LAKE ROAD" J f l R c d J * . . . .SHEFFIELD LAKE ,.LbRAiN949-7151 • " • ' .. . ..,, ELYRIA 365-9347 FOR OVER 2fr YEARS". _ > - '' •".. CLEVELAND 87-1-7225 ' fOUNDED IN 1952 - we .-dhtttc «22t5;.7TwopportxmOy to b o y t t * lnv«no spW, hwat on a qgtat datlnbia c u k » « a e lot TWt homa' offar t o much r c a n T I M vvarything, but h w a ' a a ; to*. Fun wal flraolac* frt tamly room. cantrH •>/, OONT WAIT • V O U I A LOSE big aaMn Wtchan. dWng room. PaOa wtnoowa, 2 car aCaehad gwaoa. a utMty room that'ste/ga-enoogfttodhHda tnu a 4rh badroom. and a •prawUng dack. Aaklng sa4S0D Cah Bonnia Rapaa. lorjaVI •I , ^ -.?.* ., 4006T(.1flcarM;« ODuntry. Mehwv M.baisnuwi 1 BBaenad Z car gsragsCAl Vat onidsapsraMd^ttMadi • M aBow groaid pool snd'aianiga-bam'brffilK'jr •rtoad » M « aa ownan wa «an*lanaCCal 04M f CaUMB-7151 385-9347, 871-7225 Services APPLIANCE REPAIR. Wa aarvica JIII Riakaa. Wtiahafs, diyara, ralrlgaralora. mlofowavai, dtshwamara. ranoM. Honaat & Prolatalonal Sarvica BflT-MI I. PHILLIPS VACUUM (SEANER CO. SALES AND SERVICE. N t * and rabuiri ctaanai*. Buaran towatt pricaa on naw claarwe. Wa rapair an makaa. warranty Mora lor Hoovar and Euraka. 151 !S D ^ t t Rd.. Lakawood. Ptcttup and daUvary avaHabla. Can t-23^0730. ELECTRICAL A TELEPHONE WORK. Raaaohabia Ratal, VXM9A3.. D.C, POLOVrCHTEMy BolMr PainUna Daaning a High Prpuura Washing. Call 937-5400 tor Am t Elaclrleal ATataphona Work. Llcanaad, bondad .» Inturad. Raaaonabia rataa. 033-*B53. CWIBWOOO-FUHNrtUBE REPAIR, 4491 Jaycoif, Avon. W 7 - « o a . ??g;« COUHTRT AT ITS FINEST 4ZXK7. Urga 4 badrawn apn on t4ama v TMsharnahai kvt aMM aiarylhlng. Urga batkmna. tan*? m m *nd fving room. 14 I O M kidud*J, » b »tarntottaraatsM Mono*. • U pond and wpnalmM^. a tent mt* Laotad wiat of Baumharl ROKL Ju«t souffi of Rt*2 . 10. YH Call 940-7151 385-9347, 871-7225 COHTEWPORAHY MEANS N( 4 w a s . Tna opM t » « t Mto^as.feianilar M d farn^t Mnn ram taa baamad caatag and irapam.tTria i taamg ki tha cTning worW ananaafca aHng'wom.' * w n a a c I I s t i n gg u boat g S tp a ^w gw M . S d M pnVaw V b masMr badreon wM baai and a nera b i l k ™ bair* and « * car anachad Daraga. CM B. Tratsal Wa RMucM ki • H M O O . ^ 365-9347. 871-7225 & , WINCHESTER TOWING CO. 24 Hr. Service Minor Repairs Affordabls Rates ' Insured 933-3175 , Pool or Patio Dacks ' SuUIToLaat ; '- - CALL BRAD: 949-8471 FREE HORSE MANURE Holly Hill Farm Kraba Rd., A.L. TYPING Furniture - Cara - Files - Elc: ' Units from 5'x5* to 1O'x3S' Oulsldo: Dry Dock* • Boats - flV's - Troilflrs - Etc. 2B30 Ub«rty Av*. (Rt. S) Vsrmlllon Lost and found LOM naar UwtMooH in Avon Laka 11 pound oray labby nautarad mala cat waaring nrftactor coOw Caa933-3lt3 afiar7pm. Larga PurpH Siona onyaHow niatal pandanL LoJ althar Waisa FWd or Smugofam Cova. Rawani B33-6S21 Onr 12 Yn. Secure Storage Year Round Inside: Self Service Storage Lowest Rates In County We Will Not Be*Undersoldl (216)967-3536 Thanit you St.- Juda tor lavora Bramed. K.U. 34 BAIHTUas moULOD. SatntuM, sinka, caramte &m~fwgtatml in your homatora tracfian o>reraovalcoaL Sava fcna; monay and inconvantanc«. Protasaional. guarantaad. colors a—»aola. For, fr*a a*ttmai*. 9336K DOOOAK. HAUUNO. Landacapina *^ iBaiattala,., stona, topso*. sand. ' •awdust and manuraV O t o t d : Cal«3*4T1B.' . . - : • • -' WOOD DECKS MIDWAY MINI STORAGE & MARINE DRY DOCK , GROUP t*OftSEBACK filOlSQ LESSONS. North C - m EQUMtfian C*fltar now cKerfng group end pnvaia isMons. scturf ftoncs, bonrt!tfig and trurung. Inctocr arena A n n U M , t93>!3&> NOVENA T O S T ^ U O E • Way tna Sasrad Haort of Jasua b* adorad. glortnad. tovad and praaarvadthroughout 0>a work), now and (oraynr: Oh. Sacrad Haart ol JatUS pray tor ua. SLJuda. worfcar ol mirad**, pray (or u*. StJuda t>ajpar of tna hopaiaui'cray tor ua. SAY. THIS PRAYER rflna Bma» a day. By ina atgnth day your prayar <m» ba y g , my Avon horn*. arnwarad. tthasnavar.baan knowri Cays, •vantno*. wavkday* ID tail. Publication must ba promt*.' waakartda—SRytima. Ra(«rancat ad. THANK YOU STJUOE FOR FAVORS GRANTED. M.H.H. Can 037-5414, anyiima. BabyattUng in my homa. Will pick uy, l( convanlanl, (Anaa: N. 1KANK YOU St. J(K» tor Ridga villa, Avon. A ton Laka, Wattlafca. N. Obnotad) TLC and quality lima ipanl with your tfuht. MAY ma Sacrad Hain of Jaaua f Abo win drcp criiidrvn OS tor aoorvd, akxi&ml. lovadftpraaarvadkHaonrtporta pactlca anar tcnooi. throuo>>oui tna world now & loravar.' |l-327-4455., - ' Sacrad Haart ol Jawa, pray tor ua. SLJuda. wurkar of (Mtadaa & halpar WILL DO HOUSECLEANINO of tha hopalaaa, pnry lor ua. 3 .A. -waakty. bUiiontnly. mcntNy. No Job m i srnaJL Catt Barb at 324-3378. TO ST. JUGE-May tfta Sasrad Haart of Jaaua ba adorad. HOUSECLEANINO -Oayt alortnad. tovad : and - praaarvad Raa*Mtatria ratal. ' ExpatWtcad. (ftrouahout ma woiU. norr and Rafaranow. 777-443S foravar. Oh, Sasrad Hawrt ol Jasut pray tor ua. St. Juda. workar Of Compwtar Data Entry. My noma mtradaa.' pray tor us. St. Juda. IBM compatrbla. Bulk mailing sar- naipar of tn« hopalaa*, pray for ua. 1.734-1739. SAY THIS PRAYER .Una Unaa a day. By Ina atoWt oay your prayar CL£ANmc - Enargauc parson -m MnH t a aranMrad. n haa navar baan taka cara of all your natdi.' Odd known to THANK YOU ST. J U D i Jobs. 77MSIS. . • FOR FAVOAS OHANTED. D.T. 21 Sales Usts Attarrtten: Earn Uonay Watching TV'. ttt.OOtwyawlneoowpotarrtUC .O»taaa.(lj faz^lMWS. &rt. ' Sales Lists OOVERrMteNT HOMES trom $t |U ••pair}. Oatrajaartt tax R«p3a«as*tons (1)KJS«SJ-«X» EH. GH,2te3 tor cunant rapo laiAIRUNES NOW HlfUNQ. f'^fM alW t t a , travel »c«n3. f Li toJICSK, Entry Wval pos'iKy- . Coll aomaa - Tarm Papara - FAX Word Processing - MaUlng Laba<a Tapa Transcription Prolasslonal, Raasonabla • Fast Convanient Day Village Location Call Jana or Windy , NORTH COAST SECRETARIAL 899-1424 EXECUTIVE COLONIAL 417KW | yaw oW Wabb eoWnitf, 4 bMrooms. 1W b*lhs. Di*eUca m l*niy room.'bMinnFil. 2 ear owag*. n m m ki back yard f>K»« May. C*» MMa at 871-^34 on nt/WOQ, I1M.TO0. • " ,. . . . . . ..... Gall 949-7151 385^347.871-7225 EUROPEAN EUPHORIA Call 848-7151 365*347, 871-7225 J f i LOOKING FOB 4IMO7. TWa irMaMl crwM Wffl d»Ngni trow ipscut raopM ,tootingtormn i p K U homa. 3 bvdnjQRW and 2 balhi phn • MkaMMiMd MUM on lha bottom !tvM. Er*jy tna v i m of 0 a * w vm^f fiom row ehoica o* I wao-around dacka. A very spaoW homa al a. Spaclal (HWa Ol I t 10.000 CiH Uih* or Unonda toMy. NOT A Oft[VE-BY. Call 949-7151 365-9347, 871-7225 365-9347. 871^f 'M Tt I JAMES REALTY 32745 WALKER RD. Avon Lake NATIONAL RELOCATION CENTER 933-2500 Cleveland 871-5255 LORAIN... 417975. Features this 'three bedroom Colonial situated on a 33x165 lot Formal dining room and full baswnent are featured. Needs some TLC. Call Mary Louise Gameflla for more information at 933-2500. Price is Just $34,500. AVON LAKE... 406603. Looking for a nice family home in an Ideal location? Open the door to tnls charming Colonial and enjoy a completely remodeled four bedroom homo with a front porch and a large deck overlooking a park-like setting. For a personal lour cat) Karen Leonard at 933-2500. Price is $88,900. INVESTORS! 249063. Just under 14 of an acre, five bedrooms! Also Included » a two bedroom (amity dwelling: Each unit has a full bath. Near shopping and 1-90. Can Mary *' Louise Gamellia for details at 933-Z500 Pnco is $89 500 421371. Four bedroom, 2% bath Cape Cod with first floor master suite. Charming front porch, full height antique brick fireplace with arched hearth and heatolator, central air, high ef^ficinecy gas furnace..Located in one of Avon Lakes finest areas. This homejs priced at $189,900. 41 Tree ' Service -; rder7 Perhaps U k e i h o r e i'-iiEdeortatlOervteea. can ;balp.;We 5£§ma*nta!n that no Job fe too amel or ^Siwpewtf F*ae,:'a*oits*:-typing J « . meser people or assistance wtti the ' * 'smarter, -not- * iWALLPAPcnmo.Free aaamotae. ^Insured."1 Vmrnlefi ft staining. S f ^ l M O , TUNE.UPSt EMISSION lMEHT ( THe2 A Lawn QEHCfUL LANO8CAP'Mwn tthft p Spring dMA«ptpMW*.IHB-TDt . F n t e ;•'••„> HORaCHANUnE •-. -HOUX MIX FARM , , KRESS VOH AVON LAKE, ROTOTttitHO'Cail Chuck 8Stai»«3MU89, KMPtfllaML W» b M K l 4 t i ( THAXLEIf S l A O S C a ^ . O8U Oraduaia In Undscapa DMign tpadaflzlns.bi-tnM and anrub kv •tallatlon. Prompt' ( a a u n a b i * aaawalaa. CaB ua whan you naml • protaaalonal B3Wiias GARDEN ROTOTILUNG CALL: DENNIS BREESE 933«3iB18j SEGrnrr, ¥/mi UQHT IW panM • .flight. Outdoor Ugjiting the proHaalonala E M eywarna'by P A I N W A S PftiOi. Extortor or at uv ' $batmirts. y k C T Mir*e 1 eeumate S i 6 4 c l*for 0334771, V0OO62M771. Ssas >!HiJ"^ WUNtWO a, PATCHtNO P f ^ f Plaster A OrywaM FWaNng >•*; ' Ceiengs Stippled V~ Waflpaper Removed L,. Ouahtymrk, Best Prtcee " ' FREE Eel - Interior Bdertor < SmaffJoba Welcome 3334093 L JT ChrtS Imperetore PjUNrma A P I N O Plaster* Drywa" FWshIng Cefflngs Stippled > WsDpaper Removed ' Ou««y work. Best Prices FREE EsL • Interior Ertertor 8me« Jobs Weleoma 333-5203 .^ Chris ImperBtore •fA-1 APPUANCfc BALES » S&»-' f.vics. R«frigeraiora t«no»5 vw«sherB. »nd dryers. We service aH ^ k 2 3 M 3 rt scHfi YARD MAINTENANCE Sprtng CManup. Outtar Ctoantng Hadpa Trtmmloo.« yn^xp, Flomr b«d waaJng. adglng. BvklaydDimt 22*4374 JSWEAT LANDSCAPE incUliatian. datign, foovaton. "TREE - "trimming, removal Mump gilndlng. tortlllDog, norm '*vnaga. Lot davlng K M tractor work, work dona by cariffiod arborttt CanforFREE conauttatlctt. 734-2874 THINK 8PR1HO MULCH TOP SOIL • STONE - 0AH0 COROWOOO , ' JIM'S HAUUNO Oas-2118 7M-1142 PIAZZA SOIL FARMS Rich Shreddod Top Soil From our own Farms Sines 1S52 • 327-6353 n u n j 322-4S37 <\ JCT MOMEiMPROVEMENTB [Indoor and Outdoor flemodaffng : tOlehan, Bsths, Decks i Porches 2 i Free Esttmstea 3274823 !„ * C L O U REPAIR. All Makes Servtcad W7-S577 •;••:. BROTHERS 46 Rummage Sales OtANT BUMMAOE SALE. At Flafd* bnltad Malhodlat .Church, 34077 Loraln ltd., HB, FrMay. May 4, »ajn.-SpJn. Saturday, May S, t a j n ^ l p ^ n . _ Fumltura Small AppHv<c«a, CollaetabM, CmtMng nrtd Bwga<Rr. '4 DECORATED WITH IMPECCABLE TASTE... NEW CONSTRUCTION.:; KCt-LINQ-PAINTINQ i JAMES REALTY - ONLY LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY WITH OVER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE IN AVON LAKE AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. 4250/1. This spacious four bedroom, 216 rath Colonial with first floor office is a quality investment. Located on a secluded circle in Avon Lake. The sellers have been transferred after only 21 months. Priced at $186,900. Call Lorettat Kalis for more details at 933-2500. GREEN8RIAR:.. 418143.This home has only improved with time.. New siding, three season porch, new Pelta doors, trim : and freshly painted interior a m only a few of the improvements that have made this home better than now. Pour bedrooms, library, and large-family room with professional window treatments throughout make this home an exceptional opportunity. Call Debl Dechant today at 933-2500. Price Is $164.900. 1 RUMHAOC SALE Ho*» TrtnMy timlt, M I D Mao* Roao. Avon. May 7-6 Man. ft, Toa*. 9-2 aA day apadat *lJ0bag BAY,. aMOaCraatwaw Dr. Mowing lo Coodo fit. May 3, BAMpm. HouaanokL booka. country coOac-: Oblaa, much rrtac WESTLAKE. 2S700 Bnanvood Cu. 46 Garage Sales May 3*4, g-tpm. Offioamoma furnttura. ddhlng. toyit carpal lam. AVON LAKE Woman'* Cttonts,, Twch rriac ThuraJFrl^ Hay 3 * 4 , 130-S. SS Edgaoood at Lafca Rd. (naw FAIftVlEW, 22tor Madana Dr.. Baimar.)Mbc. I h u r t , May 3. 9-*pm. Fumitura. chudran'a (Jothas, baby Bama 1 S i . OAAAdC BALE,006 SUNSET. MAV3RO,4TH.iSTH.B<BAY VILLAOE. 549 - KaMTwoRh, Thura,FfU*at n »-«.XWThalma, Thura., FrL, S-6pm. Ciafl Snow > gX-FaiWog oqulpmanL hpuaahold Q v a g * Sakn country Sawing. doHa, gooda. dotnaa, booka, twtopraada. bunnSM ate. Fumttur*., boya/gbia dnpaa, camping cootara. nawalaapdothing, 10 mo. thru lOfra.. knlck Ing bag, much mora. : kd OOOO HCJOHBOH TKRtFT SHCO, BAY.MOKantfwortn, Ttwra., FrL. ft 140 L—f Rd- Awxl Lafca. S3&9S27. Sat; B>apm. ParannW (*«nta, floral OOOO NEtdrlDOn THRIFT S H 6 > , cnfta-'Oniai tor Mothar'a Day*. 140 Laar R d , Avon l a * * . "MStt27 S*MbaB carda. much more. Ni Thuraday May 3rd. KMpm. 32724 DaM R d . A.L, 2-34 x 41 window*. cfcuftaa A m u c h m f r c --'•'-• •-•••""'• SHEFFIELO LAKE. ,4 F A H I L V OARAOESALE, Lola at dottwa « baby dotnaa, baaaball eart». vidao gam* N t 0T4E DAY ONLVt Thura., r May 3rd. lOanKtanv BSt) HowaB SL NO EARLY BALE9I , '. SAL*:, d » . • draaaar, ctun^gar; couch ft lovaaeal. i » IngaaL aMring machlna, lawn tool*,. lamp*, baby A todotar dottwa, •troW, trlcycla, window air corKft-' Donar. many many moral B37*32fl, 33483 Schwartz Rd., Avon, Thura., thru Saturday. ' Four Famtitt Oafaoa S«Ja- Quna Computar, Oood Ctothat, Cntta. Jeckati, Fur. MMo., Lota of good 'Stuff* tor avaryona. • Thura. only, May 3rd. M . 208 Barkihlra Road, Avon Laka. Dor*! nUaa tftlaonal • f/MiVT OATtAOe SALE May 3rd and 4lh 9 * . 39308 Cotoredo Rd.. Avon.1 • • ' • ', Thura. * Frf. p Ovan, Totta. G^Cart. BJka. Baby CMhn. Mine, 33514 Tullla Or.. Avon. , . Chrlat £v. Luthvran Church Bummaga Sato, comaf of RL 83 and Lafca Rd. fhuia. May 3rd. 9anv3pm. OAftAOE SALE-ThutadayMay 3, 3 # m - 3 p m , 13B U u i l l a O t . HflVM^irei, puu<«B,' book* 4 many ml«c. Harrj. • UMC. Q i r i g r S*'a. Com* of nv«rythlngl330J2RMlwoodBlvd., Thura. ft Frl. May 3rd a 4tti, , 1imL May 5th. 10-1 pm. OAHAOE SALE 1 May 2-4, D a j n . tin Dark Mvn'a, Ladtm A T w n ' i OoW-m, MIcroMivM, Mcckar. Dinning Room Tabia. Lot* ol MWc 3AY, 31301 Fa'rwlR. tnutt., May 3. 9-? No «uly tHrda. Furnltura. boy* doUiW. hlghchalr. gamat. toy*. FAlrtVJEW, 4317 Story fid.,, Sal.May 3 , B-4pm. Malurnlty dothot. baby toy* a.dothaf, lufnHura, TV, much mtac ' WOWI WORLD'S BEST OARA0E SALE raturna In Jurw at th» comar or Madtoon S Rlvarskla.' WESTLAKe. 2S912 Woodpath TraH, May 3-4, 9-tpm. Infant, chiklnm'a t w . toy*, baby tumltur*, mltc. WEftTLAlo!, I24armfy, Smtry Lam (off Dovar, N d Datron Thura., FrL, 9-4pm. Chlldran,' laan, adult doming. HouaanokL fumttura. toy*. . Nkaa, not*, m-jen m b c ; FRKUOAinE RSFmOERATOfl 17 CU. FT. Odd. in good condition. 1150 933-7381. Hot Pom! Electric 8tot« EjtcaOant Condtfon S275 , 327-flMW evcnlnga 57 Clothing PROM DRESSES Worn One* VaUow and WhHa, SUa ft) and Papaya, aUa 12 S50 oach - 327-4123 58 Household Gooda SUPER1 SALE:-A-I color f.v.-a, Stgs, amiqua walnut CnippandaJa (bell ind cltw fsal) dmlng room a«l, Kt495. 4 p c 1030'a manooany bodioom tot in A-l condition, S7US, Crandfairw dock. A-1 t h i M , SS9E. naon boar sign S75, anttqua carvod partiwi duk. 2 ir2Cs dining room tabhia, S85 Men. 2 olflca dvaka. 1BS-170. credanza to mutch, largo rat inlsrwd anllqua kilchan cupbotn;. *69S, fold-in mhroi v»nlw,Jt95, ' tfeflnlihad p«toleg table, 1229. old oftd a n t i q u e o h a t t a a n d dr««sa(i.t39-2S0. 3 pc. doubt* quoan badroom aat. $450, anllqua o«k rafmcto^dlnJngroomwit.SeK, SO yr. ok) oak dining Mt w/ china cnbtnvl. S095. antlqua library table (bkj daw loot). 1395 mahogany duncan phyfa tab)*, 5 Chair* and•arvar, S4qs, Bada, S29-0S. Chaira, SW-70, 8 dart country chairs. S30 aach, 2S Super qualFty bantwood arm chain, MO aach. 0 modam rtoht Hand* >40 aaeh, A-1 baaijtltul •oW oak Thorn—via dWng room •aL larga tatria, 2 Urga la«naa, 8 tancy cnaka, gorgaoua eradaruau S13&. orlg. c o a W O O O M m . ago., PrlmaUva pi* . aofa, C 7 V D « » eadroom aat with vanity chWroba, dtaaaar. and doubla bad. S995. V«ry Untqua rafln)«3ad .mahoqany bookcaaawf glass doom, SS9K. , All (Urns dMoountad. no raaaonatfa olfara nrfuaod. Aho, antlqu* |aw«liy. gfsiawtr*. pottary, furnKura,. InantjilcturecaAlact.. , : t 8 : • •• •f 9 **,F:.'\ \ .:•:"/. SSUSCantarlOdgaRd. ' Jutt a M Of RL S3. FiK>n»«(7474D or 327^238- Opan; 1 1 * Ckwad Tuas-EXPEMENCED CHAIR CAN-, INO NOW AVAILABLE. BOSE'SFURNtTUftE 3S53B CENTET1 RRHJE dO. ~ 1 NORTH RIOOEVtLLE. JUST EAST O F R T . O . .,.-,.., Opan 8 d a n * wa«k from 11-fi. CknadTuMdays.KHchanand din* fng fcomsots, cadv' chasta* gun cablnala, taa cart, tea b o i . booUaaoa, ' aacrauvydsska. Ilia cablnata, c o " W cupboarda, dry sinks, haB e*at». and UWaa,4fl* round ion paw padsatsl tabfa with two laavM, t W S , ! • • thick top. savaral ttylaa of chairs, frotn 189-155. FABULOUS StoP. datk. S1S9S, 4 raundad olaaaichlria cablnats, S29S4U, wlndaor and praMbadi rockara. StTS aach, huga haart daalgn rockar, S295. laadad glasflop bookcasaa. S28SO60, nuictw«. 40--72-, fTBS-HW. toUd charryr oak, pin a, and cMar badroom aata, ad handmada at wholaaala pricaa. Many > ityla* avaHabla. Atto, country couchM. chain, wrlngbaek chaira, CWppandal* couchaa. an »cotchguan>d. Pick fabric and haw n custom mad* to your orflw, 4-8 waaka datlvary lima: A WHOLE CATAi.00 OF FINE OUALJTY HANDMADE SOUO OAK TO CHOOSE FROM: $50 ott tabla and chairs: Tatea 241 waaks (or dalivary. Raalatovar, finish now avallabla. Nvw lolld brass bada in 4 I U M , 1& style* flvn J4BS-7B5. W B rtOw hsva a ia4actkin of formal (Jin. Inq room s a i l , Indonesian mahogany Quaan Ann and ChlpoandaJo carvad furnltur* at wnofewla prtce*. Ouallty fAu*. An ol our ,furnHuratoluporlor quality, A I M , antique JawBlry, pottary. furnltura,' Nnani, and ale. 10 parcant off floor models. $50 off tabla tnti chairs, S100 oft tsbl* and chair* with hutch. Jutt In: Mahogany Oua«n d«tk, vaniiy. tllvar, chost, and lawairv. Ar> molr* dltcountad 20 parconl on, ROSE'S 58 Household Goods SOFA, a (LTWgh back, brawn, *iOQ.t S S a 7 8 4 7 / SOFAS. Two. Mltuftwl back w h t t : vahwl w/blua Wm. Baal OfMr 6024313. 6 0 W a n t a Mlscqllanooua <** ' WontedY Me<JCm~ large wet suft. OLO 6 W N T A L HOOS W A K I t O . Any alis or condUon. Vra pay cash. "HANDYMAN TOOL COLLECTOR. ^ lookkM tor.,uaad tadaui PrafarmWy machfiilsts : or cvpontar loot*. B S S - I I W . ; , WANtfiD: WiNti BtDi m good dltt933<9M:-"TT ' - WAHTINQ TO'BUYl'.-OW Uonat Iralna andvaecaasoriac Call 9334101 tram 12 noon to 5 p m _ Wantsd: Waanar m goo^ n n n f i | c o n d i t i o n . ;Call- 9 3 3 - 7 1 4 8 wa*kd*ys -baNram ;.Wn»-Spm. 933-TWO wnllioa»'i--'''WANTED: wmpaycaahtarano. quafc otd*(urr*ura. oa*. chorry, walnut, - mahogany, - dWng « o m aata. kltchan and badroom sat*. china caMnats. bookcasaa. dffika, « f t , any condition. Dots, _ond ,0k! toys. BaaaoaJI Carda, UonaH Tratns. Hondal; TBlany Lampa, Art Qlasa. Qlaiawara,: String-Musical Inatrumanta, "croeh«ad,: and ambroldarad Kama, quIRa, Hummds, Douttons. any Buunnea. china pottary. wotcnaa, docks, tamps, alhrar plota and starling sllvar hams Any •ralawatry. mlntstonaa, mkL ailv«r, " 1olamonda. Abo, old and mod furrritunt. Also; old stock and bond csr: Uflcttes and Oarman & Japanese World War II miutary Itsms WE LKIUIDATE'ESTATES AND MOVING SALES OR PUTTINO SOMEONE IN A NURSINO HOME OR ELDERLY RELOCATIONS. ALSO, BUY OUT AFTER YOUH BALE. ROS^S 3^-8740 OR 327 2239 PLEASE CALL AGAIN IF I HAVEN T CONTACTED YOU. Cstt ooHact-OBk for Rose. euriNO *!•** pop wuia end tin cans. 2 centa parft>.RECYCLE WORLD, 4045 JayOM (Avon) Opftf 9-12 Fridays and Saturday* 61 3274239 01 327-6740. Visa and Mastercard accvptad. Wa Buy-SoilTradaor Uka In trada-ins. S 3 H U . U * . '•'• ' • ' " " d Firewood SEASON^ FIREWOOD. Excelani hardwooda cut In 16* langths and deRvarvd, M S par rick, 1130 par cord. Cell 927-W21. - JSS 62 Miscellaneous for Sale • =on "/sunbeam hcab CaU 949-7TJ9 Pror* drwia. u » 7;8. h.-scra In back. iSO. Cail S3&673?. P w Cress. V i e ?m t w * m back. 150 Call WEIGHfUrnKG BENCH SET. o-n**it etmuww. Nen 5350. m Ame-ican Itxum : 8oei 2u-n ^ijin 82 Campers & Vans S&"t OB. twtvirr>«Wf 1.1 CCVKStOI IWt^ CCl^Wfd Bj»se Hitch to" towing v»ruct«52.775 933-7146 flflja (3 5J. S33-7B30 1979 GUC.B Paji*™/«. l o o w C M 871-6*86 aTK 6run roOnd above ground pool. $350. 3 quarter hone power motor & litter. uMd I swoon, motor recently (•built, S250 24fl.round aBov* ground pool, Meet construction. Pool» ove* 10 yts. oW b u •>•» taken carrol, us ia tJOO C«n Monday Thru Friday after 8 p.m. Week-ends all day 327-0758 EMer WHkams above ground round 27.000 gaL pool with deck, fencing and all accenortes including soUf cover end winter tarp. S2.0C0 o> best offer. B2&OB23. MAMTia TILLER^CULTIVATOn The hOe macMn* tnar m i k n . gafdan riont easy. ' In store at Worcnter-e Seles A Service 34300 Loraln Fkf., N. fttdoavilla 32'3IM 6 6 M u s I ca Instruments * SOWC • 0£CK5 933-3514 90 Autos for Sale rf CLEANING '95 IXrWiw Haicrrtmj" (funHTW]. Autwna»e, Kwroo*, AM/FM \M'BU. N-cft nside and out. fflWO tfle^. l | '• . Ttw PrnfBaBlonata_ . - . IBM Crwwy 3/4 Em nan, ucsAertt conation, mm shock*, brakes, tuneup. V-d_ autnmauc.mer windows, pemw steenng. While Una von does have 79.500 ntgrtway milas.rtrua been'wofl mauiuiRed and kspt in rteated Qsrage. Must see. UJ)7b. Call 933-7146 day* [9orr»5pm). 933-7890 eveninat iattv Spm). ISaS POPULAR VOLKSWAGON JETTA O L SEHIES. 4-Doo.-. automatic, air. AM/FU Caasetis. Greet f ainity car. graduation preoent or second car. Mo«*}. mm! sell. 57650. Bofois 9pm. 9SM891. ISBt OHANO AM LE, AUTOMATIC, •UMB. 331-6904. from StOO. Corv«lte*. Chevys, PontchM. and other ccnfiieatod properlies. For BuVara Guide 1-800-443-2582 mt. 2086. Also open evMiino* and wee* »nds1979 MERCEDES BBHZ • 4 door. sun root, automatic Needs aom« wwk.j4.00O. Century bmrt*l. Take over pe»»ienti. Many Entfaa. 50X00 ff i l . 9fl5-2708 after 5 . neadswork, J350. 779-1637; 1903 TOYOTA lEHCtL. *-&.,, S-*pd. Looks good. WELL MAIN!.. 32 mpQ. 12^00. S35-22B7. BMW 3181, 19G5. Black. 2-door. si«tm>. att pow*f Mint C Cod 031-3139 unef Gpni. IBM GRAND Fotter hom« desperatery a d for IpvaMe Btoc* k WMte preo, went ort. Can B3J.JH3 after 7pm. KITTEN FACTORY.. Surplus - tree •ampiM available. CaB 035-3133 after 7 p-m. Home t i n dull tof wmu, y deaf, neutered male cat. Voiy toxai^e with people but not wuft oOter cats. Home needed for v#ry (n*.-vty i v«ar otdatt Mack cat lound near Odrwood hi Avon Lake. Foster Home* detperatefy ••: needed for young o r u , thin cala. fai ca.U. Injured cata and pregnant cata. Heeee can 933-aifa after 7pm. BLACK LAD/SHEHHEAO PUP.B-1D • * « , thctt, wormed. Call JonnL 87l-2Qg6(riome) 835-2800 (office). . KITTErtS ~ Free lo Good Horns 3274540 or 327-7543 933-2330 KATHY'S EXCAVATING 1 . D>g BaMiriant ' 3as«meni Wad Repast . , Fccut Work Waist I t S c w U r m Drlvowa^ Stone, Slag or limestone BACK MOE, 0OZEH. DU1IP TRUCK SERVICE. SEPTIC TANK REPAIR i NEW INSTALLATIONS. 937-5020 LICENSED & BONDED M.J. GRIFFITH PAVING INC. Driveways, parking lots, patching. Free estimates. Licensed & bonded. Call: 934-5183. 74 Animal Services , P£T WATCHERS- Pnvmle homes to crf» tor your pet Hrhi)» you travel. R4< /encw avsltobl*, 231-858B. WAHREN VILLAOE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Now letflno.torheaxworm. Ho waiting tor appointment*, look (or our trav H O T coupon and SiOofl a cat dedaw coupon In this paper. Located nearby in Warren VtUaoe Wwpplng Cwifaf, 1/4 mile aoum d MO on warren Road. Call 233-0609. . ADOPT A PET1 Many fine, heaKhy pela availabta: dogi. cabi. puppies and kittens, Socfttv lor tta Prwtntlon et CnitRvtoAnan>li(SKA) i 198WMC4X41 TON DUMP • Commercial/Offices • Residential • New Construction • Personalized Service • Bonded and Insured • Free Estimates • AH Work Guaranteed DAY'S EASE, 327-6346 noenomss, U K I NEW. 19a HP MERC. IrVOutboard cruller with EZ load trailer wrwtncft. S3344M afler • • • tooa Searsy Pachanaa 2? Luxury Spod boat. Custom trailer. 35C Maantvi). graphia, r»Oio, compau, depth & head. Mutt sen. S3.C9C or offer. t-7I2-4Be2. U WELLCRAFT. 1SFT. CUDOr CABIN WITH TRAILEn, 170HP. fufl. •wlm platform, low houra. Uke new. SM00. 913-1002 or 937-6324. Can be seen m 35347 Detroit Rd.. Avon. CHAPARRAL, 'd7. 278XLCV 2SO Mere., BO hour*: 325,000. Must %*a. 331-2017 Of 33I-2K7. D.C. Polovich Janitorial Services "Now Accepting New Customers" CUSTOM TAILORED CLEANING SERVICES FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES FROM ONCE A WEEK TO 5 NIGHTS A WEEK MORNING. EVENING OR WEEKENDS . WHETHER ALJTTLEWT OR A L O T O F G R I M E . C A L L 937-5400 INSURED • FREE ESJTMATES RESIDENTIAL BONUS SPECIAL FIRST 30 MINUTES OF aEANING FREE (WITH THIS AD) - MINIMUM 2 HOURS - D.C. Polovich Easy Roller Painting & Cleaning Power Washing: ALUMINUM. VINYL & WOOD SIDED HOMES AND TRAILERS, T R U C K S AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CAU.KH WffiEESiHUTE HSURED UClVBAACCEPm^ OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND YOU SERVICE! SAMMON FENCE CO. Year Round Installation New Fencing • Fence Repairs Insurance Work 327-2021 cabinet rofaclng Formica ,,,Corlan tops 92 Boats and Motors BOWS • BAYS • SLIDING GLASS DOORS DOUBLE HUNGS • CASEMENTS NORANOEX-NORCO, . / STEEL & FIBERGLASS DOORS ••>, 288-2805 SCARL THOMAS lOBOOkiBauanOd Call 835-4000 or Toll F r « 389-4110 Creative Kitchens IF IT'S MADE OF WOOD, WE CAN DO IT *. Bookshefves ,' Crown Moldings • Custom Closets ' KHchen CabSnets/Pantries Roofs, Gutters, Chimneys. Sine* 1950, Noted/Decs h Better I % • Entertainment Centers • Wood Fences Able Roofing CQ.~ 949-2052 No Joli Too Laiga Or Too SmaH Free Consuttatton* and EsTKnalaa > FURNACES Atn coNDtrtONEBS HEAT PUMPS . " B0ILEF11 HUMIDIFIERS > AID CLEANERS WATER HEATtHS flEFRIOEHATION ICE MACHINES f\ elerences AvmJUWo MARION MARSIGLIA RICH TOP SOIC - SCREENED DRTVEWAY SLAG. UMESTONE AVON 937-6664 Lenny's Glass Sorvlca Company CALL 94.^5442 ANYTIME Siormt'Scieena flepalred. OVall Wcrks 14,000 miles - Uhe newl a ft. Western plow, AM/FM. rudio, many extras. Mint tee to appreciate. M 1 » - 5 e a - » 0 l alter O M p.m. Strrfln Heighta. Wilt eontider trado on larger alngte a i l e Oump. J I 6 . 0 0 0 * H I negotiate. . CLEANING PHU SE. U1**JL, t » M FOUR WINN3 205 SUHDOWMEa V-«, 205MP. 1»ea Four Wmr* Tanoum Trailer, includm aH acceworiea and sU eautpmwit. Less than SO hours use (like new) $17,500. 933-5223 d a p . &333Seo evenings. 19*0 WELLCRAFT SUt4CRUISER 3000. Very good condition. Clean & weB maintalnad. Must M a lo nppndate. WBO equipped. New drtva. B3MS7I. 23FT. IMP W/CABIN, A L L 34875 Timbervfew DC Avon. OH WINDOW & DOOR REPLACEMENT' taatwr, totoed. Low rnles. S15.7OO. B7I-37S7, »4prn. M-F or B71-2568 after 5pm. 5pm. YDUH FULL SERV>CC f C A I H Q l PLUUBtNO CO. QSUtc •43TAUATVM • t£MCV BASEMEMT HFAR3 ESSMX 59 ww* jeep J400 cr Cn»3W7 1970 PONTIAC LEHAN3. 2-door. ttuinem ear. dean, no fust Good conditwn S35O0.934-5329. CNEVT NOVA, I M S . Teus car. no Ohio w i n l i r j . Aulomallr tram>m:ssion. A/C. H8C0 Cail Builder • Contractor New Homes Garages Remodeling Additions Kitchens Phone: 937-6430 pUNCMGftHEATWG I8tt4 Pootuc SunenO. 1 ^j*nwr. 7.1 .PCO m*ra. Aft:. 5 CO, cwn tnwr-or. AIATM, t,!i 1SH0 - - M Of*-, rtegency. 4-<Jr., loaded. Uiert alarm. Immacutate. S 13.000. After 0pm. ro^i*9. 19S6 MEBCUHT CAPfB GS, powW window!. power tucks., ctulse. ttwn. 40,000 m * n , cmcaDant tondiinin. Call 933^264. . TIM FORTHOFER Repairs WURUTZEfl SPINEf. good •ounO. bwtd. S59S. 933-424A Brief 5 p.m. 72 Household Pets WALLPAPER HANGiNG * FrM Estimates * Rcfewm Anc Tjp« Paper Reasoratte fUea Kathy Smith 327-3642 a n d 327-3862 isaa PLYMOUTH comw«n. rii^n r JMW. 9XUK79 /T9. S7S e.ich Larg* PorlaMe nasntng *Hjrt. complete «nti letters. 13 SO, price nagotltMe. Large oftlc* d t i k with chair S drawer*. 5150. L u g t Froal Fr— HaWgwalor. t 5 0 . M»-2333. CRAFTSMAN SELF-PROPCLLED MOWER 72' Usetf one war. Grass caEcrier & main*. oraa^fnvrrL S27S 9334409. RAEJAR OeTECTOH-PASSPORTLike new. How havo »*J-12r5 933466J mfim 4:QDpm. Largn Mioowave oww S80. CoucrT t50. Call 9337*tfl afttr 12:C0pm Lawn i t m m J00 g n n a c c e Offlo* ttwil. VCC. S r f Rtjoflh cut raarW brida t JO •wcrt. 933-9456 WnaMctiair, eacttont condtUonT <a—onabte price. Cah 833-0347. K-1 KEROSENE. Smtfl'i Country Counter. Anon. 934-54034 Unroyal Tiger fma Tire*. 2US/7SR t4. low mOMge. 180. 333SS7B before 7pm. RGA MOOEL VLJ* 900 VCH WITH VIDEO CAMERA. rwnrta control. Hm*r. carrying c u e . ttOG. Cad 699-1233front»-6pm. ask lor Kiwsn. JOHN DEEftE HX 75 RIDING MOWER, include* baggor. !>•> rw'11,195. 832-4943. 00 *q. (L appro*. Pwtswra treated Wood Deck. auanAIad. FHs 24 R_ REMODEUNG BY KBUMW1EDE PROFESSIONAL Wtllpaptring » PMlnttng AtttfanlMI • ComnMtdal fmZmmt Randy Schmidt 779-9188 j E F F C A M p o AVON: 934-6460 ELY.: 324-5141 CLEVE.: 871-0610 SALES & PROMPT 24-HOUR SERVICE 1750 MOORE RD., AVON, OH 44011 CCSIGN CC. LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION LAWN MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS MEMBER OF OHIO LANDSCAPERS ASSOCIATION BENDER RENTALII1C. Tractor & Backhoo Rentals Landscaping Supplies-Driveway Stone Top SolI-Mulch-TIos Rt. 611 (Corner 301) 934-5200 Delivery Available 949-7669 Free Estimates RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL PAUL'S REPAIR & REMODELING SERVICE Painting - Interior & Exterior Plumbing - New/Repair Drywal! - New/Repair Roofing Carpentry Work • Custom Decks GENERAL CONTRACTOR \^Free KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION an uptiaira Mdmg on a family For m«(Of or ' • p a i n , call tor a fr«« i «*, Wet Basement? 835-3377 BOB S M I T H WaillaiM. Ohio 441*5. DAVE HANNA ROBERT J.GLENN •" SUPERIOR CLEANING CO., INC. ' 33448 Laha Rd.Avon lak» 033-8444 . CARPET SFURNrrURE CLEANING latroomanytfz* AddOtofwlRoomS1S.M EJy.355-2118 933-8528 , FREE ESTIMATES m SELFSTORAGE •' ' ' • ' • • • . . • • • • • •" r .°fl"|. ConsullaUon JFTC-DATASERV 327-4706 OuoW* Skng* For RVi A Bo«a i 10fl.*10rt. ••••••••k 10fLx2Ofl. 10 f t * 3 0 f l , | ( Gat M M * Uori-W. TOO im-t BJB. MSAvonWdefl(RL S3}Avon.Ohio Ckw.*71-77« l-tOO-762-9B41 ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. 83) 933-S56S •: 835-8778 , COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE S(i«cia lining (n BATHflOOMS AND KITCHENS , - 24 Hour B*a*#t* fv* torn lh»Jn M m n W f l ™ SotK&ChaJr iO**S*niorCKnAOacD(rt 937-3482 MILLER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING >i~ SUM a w w In A p r M H Concnc* A S*M< EncfcMtd Araa & T : \ CallOaergvat 933-2207 aft«S:M FREE ESTIMATES •••••- • tan Quality Care Cleaning Carpets & Upholstery Dry Foam Extraction For People Who, Value Their Possessions Call For Free Estimates Phil KowalskL . - 934-6233 %» VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SNURRSBH HARDWARE • ! A Homa & Garden Canter SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM KITCHEN AND BATHS RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL NEW HOMES • REMODEL Authorized Dealer of GARRETTDUBER PAINTING, INC. 933-7898 INTERIOR • EXTCHIOR WORKERS COMP. ,933-5976 Fully Insured •Trimming • ^ ^ ^ *%-v0**\ Slump Grinding • Removals , 9 3 3 " 8 7 3 3 • I f " OUw Honnafiori Services Ava&le on ReaiesLTWWW SuceeaRtie ^i , • Cmrpet £ Furniture . 11 • Strip A Wan Floofa Awn 934-MO7 - 949-2623 ,.,« ft CLEAN & SHINE iFLOOB CARE OARAGE DOORS ft OPERATORS , ' RftSKtenbat & Commercial DOOM Call... DeChant Basement Repair 933-5742 COMPUTEHI^CEP INFORMATION BHUKER • Locate Individuals • Background Chocks i ' Parsons / Business . 1 933-8959 -• REPAIRS • GUTTERS 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE, 5ft.«10(t FULLY INSURED 647-3768 Resealing Replacing Installation Glass Block Windows Fireplace Repair RESIDENTIAL A COMMERCIAL BILL. PODUSKA • NEW COMSTBUCTION • REMO0EUNO TOMCC TREE SERVICE Since 1960 .,"(ROOFING TREE & STUMP REMOVAL •TRIMMING • L O T CLEARING • ROOT FEEDING Foundation: Brad Smith* Roofing Co. AFTEBtP.M. SERVING LOfWNANO CUYAHOGA COUNTIES , K M OVER 14 YEARS U YEARS EXPERIENCE •< STANDING'S AIT'OMOTIVEINC. . JERflYSTANORJMO . Certified Technician NEMETH MASONRY AVON, OHIO ORTOUfREE t-«W-2S1-2S17 RICK'S TREE SERVICE DRYWALL and PUSTER REPAIR estimates^ 937-633? CALL •33-2517 934-B274 Call Russ Harkins 949-6075 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND REMODELING MARK DUDZIAK, PRESIDENT . coon. R*<XWI . cj PAINTIN^ STAINING 33H Shakjr Roofs Inlerior/Exterior WaHpaper Hanging Any Type or Pattern MOWING, EDGING, TRIMMING AND REMOVING ALL CUPPINGS WITH MY SERVICE. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE (Avon Lake Resident 40 yrs.) 933-3063 uilders'inc. •HEBOOfS* REPAIRS , . BU1LO-UP ROO'S •SCAMLCS5 GUfTEHE b DOWNSPOUTS • ROOFMAlrtTtNANCE REMODELING SPECIALISTS NO NEED TO PAY LANDSCAPER'S PRICES FOR A WELL KEPT LAWN. FREE ESTIMATES Quality Renovation ul Cenlury Homes Call JIM MUZZY "JIM'S MOWING SERVICE" PHONE: 934-4716 FAIRWEHTHER ROOFING CUSTOM BUILT HOMES HARTSEL ELECTRIC Licensed-Bonded-Insured 937-5750 »„ Oistressod by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 3224652 or 244-4652. WHY DO SO MANY CALL ORNERS? ...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME SCHAFER'S LANDSCAPING • SEEDING •SODDING ';• SHRUB PLANTING & DESIGNING ^s'^< • LAWN MAINTENANCE • GRADING ^SPRING I**CLEAN-UP 934-6035 W * BfO piftrataly owned and oparaiod. not ntfltialsd wilh any (ranchiso. Wa U* a locol company working for our ndghbou. Ws con design i planned f oguiar malnlonnncn program as often * t you m>6d In your homa or oHicv We d e a n now conslructod nomoa and wnatl FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL! 937-5826™ For Your FREE ESTIMATE, call: SUE LEUENBERGER 327-4455 North Ridgeville, Ohio Ihrougtioul irM yaar • We can p*rf«in |u*t one small Mrvlc* (Roor Stdppod. woMJMork waihad wrndowa, ov»n, or ona room deiiwJ) • W« add ail trw paracnal touchM to our dMuiing thai ybu would do yourMii • W« an RnlthM whon you aim MtWlwJ 37500 Colorado Rd, Avon Mon.-Fri: 9-9, Sat, 8 8, Sun. 9-6 934-5403 SUPER SAVINGS BONUS' Meet required purchase for each item and buy at special savings! HIKTENDO VIDEO GAMES 2 Day R a t a l s $2.50 eacb Coca-Cola Smith's Quality Chek'd granulated Sugar Fruit Drinks 5 Ib. bdg $1.49 15 pk. 12 oz. $2.99 . ••*".**:Ad Good thru TuesIvMay 15th or WfiilcSupbiies L5st • • • Great For Any OccasionI Superiors E-Z Carved Boneless Farm Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters Ham Spare Ribs Ib ib: Ib. )+ > Lean, Meaty Grade A Pork Chicken Breast Steaks...... ...ib. s^_ Lean, Meaty * Ib. Boiled Ham Ib. . • Strips P a t t i e S ....81b. bag • Sliced Whole Boneless 12-14 lb.Avg. Hamburger < ^ Small 3 Vi lbs. & Down • American Cheese .Ib. tb 'J _ C h o p p e d • • • • . ' Swifts Premium Ohio Sirloin Hard Salami Swiss Cheese Patties.. ib. .ib. y* v Dad f iPP.$6.99 ib. f5555l Bite Size Meal 25 ibt $5.80 $2.99 Fruit Flavor Cotton Club Pop .Vi# Hunts Thick & Rich Barbequc Sauce is oz. ;ws- M Smuckers Grape [III 32 oz. Downy 45<; Off Label Kraft (Except Bleu Cheese) Fabric Softner 16 oz. DAtRY^ Hlllandale Butter Quarters nb.Pkg. Hlllandale Extra Large Eggs: Tc? Real Cream Whip Cream is c American Cheese 12 ~£i 64oz/^ PRODUGB W AG i Strawberries.. ' * • * / • • $ S w e e t Corn Plerres Regular or Fat Free 5/99* *J Frozen Q(U J Cooking Onions ...3ib.bag J J 7T* • Red Delicious ^ Apples •vl.Wjf; Pears ^r Bitrpfess J Cucumbers T BeefTteak f Salad Tomatoes. Drumstick Brand Ice Cream • 2 Flavors u u ib. Pkg. 3ib». Ore Ida Golden or Crinkle ' - „_- * Mortons 99*, « *J Pot Pics 80/ ""•f :Trr MAY 2, 1990 MOTORING by Marv Berg T-Bird up Can it be? Have 35 years gone by since I bought my 1955 Ford Thundtsrblrd from tho late Sam Marshall? Of course. Otherwise Ford would lint have sent mo Its Anniversary Bird to review and allow me to reminisce about that wonderful Illlle two-seater which grew into one or Ford's all-time success stories. The Thundorblrd name was sheer genius, and there can't bo a man. woman or child who does not recognize it as being synonymous with an American automotic classic. ; The special, limited-edition Anniversary model for IB9Q will be limited to approximately 5,000 units. It features a black and titanium two tonn paint treatment with blue accent stripes, block toad wheels, commemorative fendor budges and unique Thunderbird emblems, on the taillights and hood. Special' interior features include suede seating ' surfaces with leather side bolsters, a spill fold-down rear soot and commemorative bodges on duo rtrim .paials. My 1055 also was black, had u blaLl-lnterior with .white seating surfaces, but no leather. I've looked all over for a picture of me with that cur just to prove that I'm over 35. 1 tested a Super Coupo last year - actually almost lo the day of this article and tittle has changed on what was already a very desirable touring sports coupo.: Powered-by a 210-horsepower, supercharged 3.B-tltur V-6 with an intorSooler, electronic fuel Injection and dual Continued 6n page C3 HidK-performanice •BMW/5t®W0S":;-;!4-i? ",;.i .^ -'^."/•.-'••.- •j,jiV.' i r '\'i';" j1 ' ^ ' . - ' . . / ' ..I :' '.^v;1, ,.V" ;vJVt-':".h.r p '^'s'^'i1''" •' p"r•-'»-•''•-.• •:,•" • -' ' r--L';"'ir. ' > N J '/' ^••Y" '"ip"' ^ / i ' , • V ' l ^ T u j 3 i ^ ^ ; " i ^ ^ ^ i i | ^ T t ^ r ' - * ^ " ' I ' £ ' V * ; ' •-BMW's high-performance^M5 may not be quite ready for.take^H.butitc^flydcwn'them from BMW's S^serlessedaK it uses a:dtia!^m,3.Witer,-!nH^ than'the' V-12 used In the 750iL?The M5 comes with'a five^speed manuaJ transniissloh and seats;f6ur.^Mfei Toyota puts high fashion in Celica ByLEWSCARR Toyota's popular Celica has undergone a radical faco lift this 1900 model year, succumbing to that rolypoly look that many automotive designers think buyers, especially young ones, want. But, Celica is too small a cur to Ijcmofit from all of (he roundness - thuru is a tendency lo look at It and vvnnt to pat its little fender, smilo.ond wonder when it will lose Us baliy fat. Toyota has been making Colicu for 20 years now mid It has mnnnged to stay up with the pack - leading it at times - with o combination of good looks, reliable running and lop-lino performance with a price to match. This Celica, an All-Trac (moaning fulltime rour-whool drive), is a curbochargud darter with a sticker of $24,193. It had bettor deliver at that marker — and, by and large, it docs. They have designed this ono to make it look m if it were lunging forward oven while it is perked in your driveway. The tail ond has boon humped up in the spirit or aerodynamics. (Remember when you wore young and had thu reur uml of your '30 Ford chopped? Wull, imiyliu you don't.) The All-Trac turbo is Celico's top-ofthc-lino. Standard are: Two-liter, twJn-c«m, IB-valve turbocharged engine with full-time fourwhool drive, fivo-spood manual transmission with overdrive, four-whool power, disc brakes, fully indepordont suspension, varlablo-assist powor steering (which la beginning to appear mow and more in cars above $10,000). aluminum alloy wheels, driver-side air bag, power windows and locks, variablo front mid roar Intermittent wipers, fiveway adjustable sport driver's seat and roar speed fin, The only options are automatic climate control ($990). premium cassette and CD player powered by 220 wotts (Si.185) and an oloctric sunroof (S675). All of this brings the tosted car up to tho sticker price. Tho Ail-Trac turb^ produces 200 horsepower and 200 foot-pounds of torquo, which may seem a lot for such a IltContlnued on page C6 Modern roads, comfortable ride can cause 'highway hypnosis' Highway fatigue can be n killer. It tends to happen on long drives, espcciulIy long night drives. A mujor culprit in "highway hypnosis" is the nature of modern highway driving. Most car Interiors ore comfortable, with cushioned seats In quiet, carpeted, temperatureand speed-controlled environments. What can you do about it? Plenty. "Shell' Motorist Club und the National Safety Council offer thoso tips to fight fatigue at thu wheat. - Adjust car's imvironincnt. To stay alert, koup the car's temperature cool by adjusting tho uir conditioner or opening tho windows. Koop your body involvud in driving by not using the cruiso control. - Watch your posturo. Drive with your haad up and shoulders back. Sit oroct with buttocks against the buck sent. Uon't fully extend your logs, but flux them at a 45-degruo angle. - Tnko frcquunl breaks. Stop at a gas station, restaurant or highway rest slop at toast overy two hours. Ent a light meal or snack. Wash your face and hands, walk around or do light calisthenics. 1 -- Uroak tho monotony. Vary the spood lovols. Turn tho radio on for a while. Talk to yourself, or sing. Chew gum but avoid amoking slncu it, can.tiro your; eyes. ! . - G o t enough sleep. If antl-fotlgue moasund tail, got somo sloop. Even a 20-minuto nap may bo onough lo help you. ,. RV GUIDE A Consumer's Guide to RVs From Basic at $2000 to Deluxe at $55,000 News USA (NIJ) — Whether your idea of camping i* basic shelter or a top-ofthc-Iine luxury lodge on wheels,'the recreation vehicle <RV) industry offers a corresponding prodiici. Towablc RVs can be unhitched at a campiiie. freeing the tow vehicle for errands or side trip*. Motorized RV* DAVID C. LANGE EDITOR MARV BERG, HOWARD SWINDELL AUTO WRITER to driver's area. Come in three types: convenlional, mini-motottwrne.' and van campers, (Average retail prices range fn»;i S23,500 for compacts to $55,200forconventionnls). .•,''.; TONI MUSGROVE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR 327-1931 A DCI/Photojoumals Publication jointly owned by WestLife, The Avon Lake Press and The North Ridgeville/Grafton Press & Light. Car Traxx West is published Every Wednesday Advertising deadline is Friday at noon at 34100 Center Ridge Rd., North, Ridgeville P.O. Box 89, .North Ridgeville, OH 44039 combine driving and livingfacilitiesin one convenient package. Either type is available with all the comforts of home; power, heat, air conditioning, running water, kitchen appliances, cozy interior furnishings and even enicrtainmcni systems; Folding Camping Trailer-— A lightweight unit sleeping up to eight WJUI collapsible sides lhat fold for towing. ($2,000 to S9.000) Tra vf 1 Trailf r — A hard^ided R V sleeping up to ctoht, designed to be towd by a car, Iruck or vui." Fifth wheel models hilch to truck beds for two-level floor plan. ($4,000 to Truck Camper ~r A camping unit ihiit is loaded onto or affixed to the bed or chassis of a pickup truck, with accommodations lor up to six. (S2.999 to' J13JOC) Van Conversion— A van manufactured by an automaker.' then modified by a specialized company for greater comfort and style. Seals up to ; twelve and sleeps up to four.'($16,500' to$40.oooj v',.:v :;';• •;$? Motorhome —7 A recreational For more informaijon about ^RVs" camping and travel vehicle for up to and camping, write to; Go Camping 10, built on or as part of a self-pro^ America, DepL P. P.O. Bo^2669. Respelted chassis. Facilities arc accessible ton, VA22090.* ;'• „ ; ' '..; ED TOMKO CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WOULD LIKE TO BE Y()UR SERVICE # 1 CENTER YOUR CHOICE SALE! OIL AND FILTER CHANGE CAR AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE ENGINE MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP Per Mo. PICK THE TERM INTEGRA 3DRRS:- RUCK URBO Price Includes: • New OH (up to 5 qti Oft/ ;. ,6 qts. Inicksj 1 • Check fluid levels ' • Visually inspect battery (Vehlctes req-jinng spedaUertra oil .. and diesef Him 'sightly higher)' - • Inspect components lor leaks • Tesit A/C system performance • Up to 1 pound refrigerant •Mopar/Champion spark plugs (Additional parts/labor extra) * Inspect emission components • Set. timing«Adjust idle speed Price Includes: (Greater than 2-BBL carb and std. ignition slight^ higher) SSLflkopor NO CASH D O W N ! YOU PICK THE 1990 LEGEND TERM 4 D R . Sunroof, automatic CHECK US FOR ACURA PRE-OWNED TRADES CHRYSLER M0TOH1 PAfflJ 9255 Brookpark, Parma 398-0300 fr" Can You Match The Name And The Apple See how many of these Washington appl* varieties you can nani* by matching the tinmecflhr, apple listed below with the picture and tarns pond ing cluea, , O O D n Criterion Elatar Fuji Gala Washington Apple VarfoLirs: d Golden Delicious Q Cranny Smith C3 Jonagold ' • Jonathan • n • • Newtown Pippin Red Drliclou» Home Be*uly Wlnt-up 5ord Thundoroird commemorates its 35-yeiar history in the 1990 modet year with a special, limited-edition 35th anniversary model The commemorative model features unique L^ericf and 'ottenor designs Thunderbird 1. The'• "all-American" anltaliimcityaamc. Contrary apple that revolutionized the to popular belief. It* name domestic apple Industry. Fa- originated with a township in vorite fresh eating applciOhio. j 2. Tha apple at the end of 6. Considered a delicacy of th*raliibow,IUmelfow->weet Colonial America,: England Ha«QrmaV^i.[t theflnistall-; imported large volumes or purpose Vjjjle' Tor- baking, these tart, greenish-yellow cooking aad eatiiiffreah L» colored apples from the "New salads and out of hind. ... , World." ., . . 3. Named after an older 7. The most papular apple woman in Australia who in the Far East, this apple rtarted the variety by chance with a Japanese nam* is prewhen she threw her Tasma- dicted to became one ofAmernian French crab, apples on a ica's favorites before the end c r e e k b a n J c • „ • ' / - •. ...• •.' of the century. 4 Noted ibriUtarU wine8. Excellent far fresh eatlike flavn, Jt'a called the "Ci- ing. this aromatic apple, native to New Zealand, is becom6. Great baking apple with ing prominently grown and ~:.;'.;.'; ••_;.j.-.:.. ...''. consumed in the United Stoles. 9, An apple with an astronomical-like name. It is the color of a bright sunset. Great far out-af'hand eating **-ith a aweeMart flavor, it .originated in Holland. 10. A croesbreedrf two popular AnvricBn appla. ita name and characteristics take nn these rf the parental varietie*. 1L Thb variety has the criteria for the Meal apple: wonderful eaten fresh, in salad* or baked. Sweet, yellow, 1 often with a blush. ' ' ,• ' 12. A buking apple with a man's name. Traditionally used in pies and cobblers. Answers us-((iBUOf •JI ;uouaiuo 'It'PP»»uof 'oi *j«t«(3 "(j ;onro ' d *lO!u'S Xumuff' 'L •u't •—' exhausts, tha T-BIrd sounds and acts like the muscle cars of yesteryear. , Tlia soft, low growl becomes a sort, low thrust of power thai moves. you down tlie road without much of a hint that you are now uxcoeding the .speed limit. At 60, you seem to be barely crawl* ing, and at 60, the V-tf is hardly yawning. Push down, and tha supercharger will tnovC you quickly away from the traffic All of this happens while you're comfortably seated amHst an arra> of soothing luxuries. Our test, car seemed to have every option offered. Including the usual power stuff, a disc player, moon rooft - all-season peformacco Goodyear Eagles, an anti-theft system, a keyless entry system and a light convenience group..••"_ "-'.",'. .. For performance, a five-speed manual transmission Is standard, but ours had the optional four-fpeod automatic'with overdrive. It shifted very smoothly, and quietly with very UtUe notice of going up or down. Also standard aro anti-lock, four-wheel disc brakes, a special handling suspension with automatic ride control, a Tract ion-Lok rear aide arid en analog instrument cliutof What I have Hated provides the spirited driver with a machine that will go around corners very flat, well controlled and yet do.it all without any • ' • Continued (torn C1 drama whatsoever. Indeed, those are the: Ingredients for a true sports touring coupe. There are very Few negatives j about this car, and mostly they relate fo my size and need to sit close to the wheel. When the driver's seat is moved forward, the side bolsters on the sport seats restrict my entry into the cabin. In a word, I'm Impressed, Thirty-five years have seen a lot of changes ID the Thunderbird, from a simple two-seater to a mammoth sedan and bock^agaia to a sleek coupe. Far the money. Just over $20,000,1 can't see very many cars that give back so much versatility.jiUua and quality — ' ™ * *' VEHICLE TYPE: longitudinal front englnc/rear-wheel drive \ two-door sports coups. .. ~j?-' ENGINE TYPE: supercharged OHV .V-6.W/PFL DISPLACEMENT: 3.8 liters (232 ctLtn.) ^ r ~ t> POWER (SAE NET): 210 © 4.000 rpm. TRANSMISSION: five-speed: OD manuals (four-speed OV 'automatic .optional). TWHKELBASEt 113.O in. LENGTH: 198.7 In. CURB WEIGHT: 3,5811U. EPA FUEL ECONOMY.* mpg/highway, 23 tnpg. YOUR GHOIGE OF LUXURY'' Choose From 3 Outstanding Luxury Cars: As Low As $24,980 EQUIPPED WITH • • • • • • " ,' • • power locks premium sound _ leather Interior* rear defroster 1990 MARK VII 5.0 ho engine speod contra! power sotfts power windows powor sleeting • • • • HERE'S HOW IT WORKS" till wheel; . kaytess entry 6v«rdrlvs trans. and much much more UST REBATE DEALER TOTAL SAVINGS YOU PAY $24,580 IN STOCK • • • • power windows power antenna ' Ironl wheel drivo power stoerlng E Q U I P P E D W I T H -powersteering • d u a l p o w e r 3 o « t » . , • ' . ' • * * M f tnifrors > powe.* windows • rear defroster • 5.0 V-8 englno •; • power locks - - 3IN-STOCK 1990TOWNGAR UST DISCOUNTS REBATE DEALER TOTAL SAVINGS YOUR PAY • power locks. > comfort convenience group y,v • premium sound • cassette radio • illtwheel 5 IN-STOCK 1990GONTINENTAL !•• r • aluminum wheels • toother Interior $24»@80 • • • • • $30,908 I 52,000-_ J3.928S5.929 $24,980 HERE'S HOW IT WORKSP "THE EXECUTIVE SERIES" E Q U I P P E D WITH.•.hoylessantry ^ otscoums J 1,500 $4,747 $8,247 $24,930 HERE'S HOW IT WORKS speed control Interval wl pars power brakes power antenna and much much more UST DISCOUNTS LM DEALER TOTAL SAVINGS YOU PAY $24,980 $015 $4,132 $4,747 $24,980 >'pwca WOLUDB «Jv FORO cXsri INCENTIVE; peALgn coHTRiBunoM MAY EFFECT^CWSUWEH cosT ••••••.•'--.• ELYRfA 322-S945 .. i - '• , ; . '••• C O L O R A D O V . .••'" A V E . . R T . 6 1 1 ( L O R A I N ) L O R A l N 288-014-1 • . . . , ,'' ; • •-. . ^ CLEVELAND 8&9-J73.1. HOURS' MONDAY-THURSDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.n-.UESDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY TILL 7:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12:00 TILL 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY. TIUL 5:00 P.Mv V "J 4i Consumers, repairmen question 'crash parts' Be on the lookout lor "red flags" that are telltale' signs imitation "crash parts" have been !>«' -zted to repair collision damage to your vehicle.' "Economy." "quality replacement" fliid "li(.e kind and quality" are among the "red flags" that will appear next to the part descriptions on your rupiiir estimate. If you catch tho imitalipns at this point, you'll still have time to make your preference for genuine replacement parts known to your collision repairer or insurance adjuster. Imitations often arc selected by insurers to hold down collision repair costs. Unfortunately, tho quality of imitations is in question. For example, testing by Ford Motor Co. has shown that the quality of imitation sliett metal parts is questiorablo in regard to fit, finish, structural integrity and corrosion protection. And vehicle manufacturers' warranties do not cover imitation parts. Tho real uxperts on the matter, collision repairers, prefer to tbu genuine crash parts by an overwhelming margin. In a recent survey of collision repairers, 90 percent rated imitation crushparts "somewhat or much vyorse" in quality when compared to genuine parts. And. if you are like a majority of consumers, you prefer that genuine crash part? be used to repair your vehicle. A recent national consumer survey showed that BO percent felt that irritation crash parts should not be installed unless the insurer received advance authorization from the consumer. And, in the same survey, 81 percent of respondents said they would support legislation requiring their written consent Read <S Use The Classifieds GENERAL HX-ITTiPS FOR AUTO REPAIR PROJECTS Summer Time Fun MUSTANG LX ALL NEW '91 ESCORT.GX**»* before imitations could be used for repairs. That consumer preference is being heard in stats -$ capitols around the country. Twenty four states jiave _ * enacted laws or insurance industry regulations faquirs* ing,1 at minimum, disclosure to consumers that imitiK1' tion crash parts have been specified for repairs If vou find a "red flog" on your repair estimate. Ford Motor Co. recommends you take tho following^ action*: - Let your insurance agent know your concerns with,: the use of imitation crash parts and ask why they wereJ specified to repair your vehicle / - Weigh your Insurer's explanation against Ihc recommendation of tho collision repair specialist who will be repairing your vehicle • v •* ^S - If you decide you want genuiao crash parts used^ immediately report your preference to vourinsurance3 agent. Be awaro that you may be asked to pay for-anj^ differenc ia cost between the imitations and Iha nuino crash parts. „ 1e%^ ~ If imitation crash parts ore used to repnlryouri vehicle, immediately report any problems with Ihoji parts to your insurance agent and asktthatv tho/beT replaced with genuine crash ports * •** A! (Frank Sarular. known as Dr. t* a nationally known ftptrion . Dent to million* of race fan*/ . engineamtautobojyrrpairj "302 V-B" Automatic AlrCond. SPECIAL PURCHASE '89HUSTANGLX '89PROBELX 60 MONTH BUSINESS LEASE '89 TEMPO 4 DR. Gl i. j ' number: of can on^UMrat ' with large Vuit/spotaL^Vuu I tiny ehfpe or denita in the<*•$£ USEDCAR Jeep Cherokee 4x4 WAS MM NOW $ 5 6 6 8 Bulck Skyhawk i T .'-Ji-Kfa_.';*.4;:*« iri pT»* 75 COMPARE AND SAVE! PER MONTH Taurus L. + can eat away at T A X ••••;•••'- eive body repair Job doiiii,th«| $6488 Chevy Celebrity M51MM WOW $ 5 4 8 8 * U I M I NOW S4988 Escort G.L. ; > , NOW $6788 Tempo G.U ^ WUHM NOW SS788 wuim HOW $7588 Plymouth Voyager* • i'.; MbetT.; people "fl winter weather and highway^ talt can ~do'it"lat of V and hove their carai regularly.: Butyeaf-rmind ex^ poeure to dirt and )eare# ( alto; cause problem*i^wr thl i d * r b becomei todgod ln« Dodgo D-1SO Truck 1989 LINCOLN TOWN CAR KIIHW NOW $ 8 6 8 8 FordE-150 wuiiMrVew $14,968 Aeroatar XL:y•'!::vustKjgs HOW $10,488 Q Q O 5 2 *3\3£* anS2aooafM»M or tmhf &»m pfa* Ut * Bftfc "M n o M i dt W M M M « t l 73% A Pft"P»m#nt a m pbt M A MS*. BO mMM M13. TSH A P A M majm M »,««» w » « l PERMONTH + TAX OByoAircar.prinietheniril with a ruirt deatroyfiij 1fli before you -"--*-'-* i-*- Otherwise,'; up the j ing it.. inndthatEXTtNO*Suat1 KOEPKE MOTOR SALES Authorized Dealer 11905 Detroit, Lakewood, Ohio r vtTyeaay<OUae.'S or wire brush tha mated "i 221-3530 SALE • LEASING • SERVICE * PARTS •BODY brush or sponge'and youl a black cootinVdevslotrfiiia ,;.. ^COUPON Tune Up Special 2 Shock Absorbers , Lubrication, Oil , Change, Oil Filter Partis & Labor Lifetime Warranty | " ' Pn Mm liupactioo: * Ctwcw Fuat Sy«t«m $40.95 In House Oil-Up to 5 Ot9. (Kendall) Front End Alignment $18-95 WITH COUPON WITH COUPON WITH COUPON WITH COUPON ^ Suva Bwry OhtomobUa-Caditlac IMwalkJwlthotheroffers*Ej(plrss5-U-M) ] Not valid with othefoHets* E*plre*5-1t-0Q | Not valid wtth other off en 'Expire*MI-BO j Not vafld with other offers * Expires (M1-00 . • - • • L , 1 - CAR TROUBLES? ASK FOR GLEN or NANCY SEE US FOR COMPLETE SERVICE AND PARTS NEEDS {( ' . , • : . . , : ' Free ^ OSdsmobile-Cadillac Elyrla 365-7373 Loraln 934-6293 Cleveland 777-1301 L Body Estimates : - there, soine body ;ihop«?wfll J .mix the color to;match;j " car foryou.ITyou useasf paint, youil get the bert.] ;1 nulta by spraying amoral I" coats of palnL1-,o.??a>(s'o6 ;; V Fixing your cmr rioed not bB a time conmuning 'p g •ive •undertaking.'';Loctlu C k i ^ f *, ha> prepared dal fix-it guide that will i you how to quickly and* nomlcalh/. repair-your,;ca>*ii3 uxterjor and interior,' froni'a* broken tail light to rips fit th«| upho|Btery. .:. &&§£ : Hoiira:, Monday thru Friday 8:00-5:30 (Service, Body Shop, Parts) ;.;'••• CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS}^ * Wa Specialize Ir. (GM DMsfon) VeWcles •••'•.;' Major cifldit cards accopted * Wo uso genuira GM quality replacement ptuu ' Trained professional technicians 'Competltlvaprlcw. . . ^ p ^ •• haforeyou wmd it toaimooth aurface.Then dean tbw'ta""' - face with •dry;cbti'<do got It wet!) and youW. to l C h k ^ l h auto dealer togrt a ;• , - i ; . < . , . \ : - , ' - . . ; < : . :•••.••..:',••;•••':':•:, : . •..•... V • - - ',- .,• . . ^".^j,*Ji.,^i^ i l , To receive o copy "of/~ CtlOOSE -N _ . _ . tiuide,-send; 60 ' ^handling to:;Dr.-D.—,-,— - „ ' sumer Service Department;^ Loalte •; Corporelli W.SV44B"" CranwooH Court, C'teveland Howard Swindell/ Graham, genural manager of Gruat Northern Dodge. "They go for ihu smaller pickups. I think Ihcy like them bocuu^e they can got a sporty kxikinji vehicle (or a reasonable price." , . . Joe Firment, of Firmiml Chcvrolut.. says most ofhis tvomun trucW buyers are betwetm 25 and 30 years old. Around the TRAXX "Women today aru mom independent and fool they can do us much an ;i nun cm," Finnent said. [oc Mussa, goneral manager, of Williams Ford in Burvu said "it's astonishing how many woman are buying trucks these days." Massa thinks women ore looking for versatility because they aru invulvfd in so many outdoors activities. "A lol of young women are into horseback riding and even have small farms," said Massa. "They also find that with a camper top or cover tfiuy can jarry a lot more," But truck ca-tomors include lhu whulc; spcuimm of ages, Mas9a vnid. from the young marrieds with'small', children to the retired. , "Yuppies wit!] families like a truck such as thi/ Ranger with a supcrcab because tho seats behind are great fur small children," said Mass«. Pickups picking up lots of fans Not so long ago, the lowly pickup truck conjured up images or a battered ^vehicle with a brace of coon dogs in the Jback and a gun rack in the window. j The owner would pull up to a madhouse and leave his wife in the cab h wont M1fora few brewskis.. ^ ' A half hour later, whan the impatient ..wife (bowed up at tbo door, he'd holler: S i T l , woman, stay in the damn "A lot of re.'ired folks «Lio buy pickupj lliesfi days. Tho husband, for instance: likes to use tho truck to tin odd johs around town and elderly couples ofton have trailers or campors and use the truck< to tako vacations around the country." ' • . Williams Furd found the ronrkot so ]Well, that's all over, troops. Not only stimulating that it recently opened a piniXtoday's -pickups Slale-oF- »he-art new imck contcr across the street Irnm lyehlctes with all the options of a sports the dealership. ' Icar.v.butyaraong the most enthusiastic Scuitomers these days arewomon. (VVo •an only hope tbey won't loaveus moo ! The ono-ucre site, which is open but in the cab whllo they go into a lounge for not completed, wiU ovuntually be stockp£*^ecooler.) , ••: - ed with 100 vehicles ranging from vans ''^We^e.fouiiil that a.lot of our new and wagons tc the Ranger pickups and Jmers are young'women buying a the full-size F-150 pickup. itrucfcr'Tas;.!their • first car." said, Pat ''Sales are going so well, even now. lhat our truck husiuess in general has in- design and technology: It's these kinds creased 50 percent in the last 30 to 60 of improvements that make people more; .days," said Miissa. Sales in 19S9 were interested in pickups.It's a wide open ' up about 25 ' percenl • over tito yuar marketbefore, which was a major factor in uuf Graham agrees that the truck market, decision to^opwn the now center-" is strong, and "b getting stronger every ' . • . ' • . . ' • , Mussa says Williams uxptcis trucks year-" saliii soon lo equal 75 percont of its car "Witb cais becoming smaller, its gotsales. ten harder to just throw large items into ' "The image ,of the pickup as a I he back seat and lake' off." said tr<idusrmin*s vehicle is pait," said Graham. "It used to be thai you could Mussa. "A person nowadays isn't take your !awn movvpr and Snow blower ' ashamed to drive a good-looking truck io b« Fixud by tossing it in the trunk. No right up lo the country ch" " more. . • . A lurtliur boost to truck sales, said "A lot of people who are looking for a Massij. is discounts and rctmlus being second vehicle think, 'Wall, [ already offered. They can tola1 ,tis much «3 have one back seafci.wby do I need S3.30O of the basic pn~e of a (ruck, he another one/So they buy a truck." :., , added. Massa said the new lol in- Graham said another factor in, the (o, eludes n gazebo to give the center a park- crcasing truck market Is that pickups like appearance. now are coming with irirtuoUy the same "Wo can see families comin« to tho o p t i o n s a s c a r s . ,• •. ' . ;;•'••-/ ^•• ,..•• •.-••.:.... -.;.-•.; , center in all types of weather to look as "We have options! piickages, that offer' our trucks aiid having a picnic in the greater discounts, the-tnore options you \ gazebo," Massa said. buy. For instance, at tine'top; we have"s • Kirtiiunl was so impressed with the package where you can get a!standard-: potential of the truck market that he ex- transmission, full-sized pickup;in which > panded into the field in a big vvay in S2.300 worth of optfoiis can be had'for,... 1989. S40o. ' •; ^••••;; i ,--.'./g;^; i ;r''Jij"My truck business want up. 100 per"Tbat indudia siiclt-IuxuryritoniS;'as;:: cent that year," he said wryly. power windows,' powijr door locks, air':' "I"vi! found, though, that my truck conditioning. 0x9 mirrors, sliding:'rear.'.'1 customers corae from acro« tho whole window, chrome bumpers and several.;; social spectrum. 1 get blue-collar • other items." , .• ;rJ'''iCl->!;.~^^'cr'.^fS^--'workers, white-collar people and even 1 Graham soys a lot aa moiuas wall and j , ' executives. wuraen, are looking forsportyii'niodels.; "When ttto weekend conies, those ex- with such status musts as roll bars.stri^ ecutives want to take off thoir Cuccla. ' Ing packages and e'xtrii chrome. ^'^-1^;' put on their .boots and head fur tho '"With the rebates'that am.ayailahlo.i:; ; country1." you, can get a pretty sporty truck'for bet-^: Firment believes the pickup truck 1ms , ween $10,(H)0 . and .Siz^OO/'vGraham;*=: gained popularity as it recreational and . said.-:,'-. vr',-~ •.•'-.••'• \-r--y^>\:}U-^,;rci;^iy^t , personal vehicle bocauito drivers "aren't But for all (Ho new upscale customers.;', carrying as many peopleos they use to. the farmer and workniaa of oldhnven'r They're carrying rtiare things/' boon squi>e^udout of Ilioplckup'niar^ct^:"One reason is that families bra C r a h a m s a i d . ' _ . ' . ,-"" •;;'- ;• •-, '\:^-~ •£?/'?••'i smaller." he said. ; , '-The demand ,froro]tho tradesma"n;'l3' v 1 Firment sofd his most popular modets still the same,", nalcl^Srahami.l.^Th'at's :.'!: : are the smaller S10 and th« lorgur half-. .siIII the;nudeus!'ofuic. tti^\b^ine^^ ton full size. Both come with-six-foot .Tho Increase ;.we>ry:8^ii9ing'^|frffiii;tUie/li'y and eight-foot beds. , V •-'•' :•:• discretipnary: biiyor :whq sometimes U.;^ "This year's Chuvy linu of truck* is all ,--,^looking for a'tbyy^^-^^^J.^^"F^iV^ new from the ground up," said Firment. .""The .tradesman brily^huys 'a;.:trUckf^ "They.have the latest in aorpdynamlc'..; , when ho needs It That's the differencel'S : ^•-ilvft1 1990 BLOWOUT RIDGEVILLE GULrfiSJERVlCE Corner of Lear;Nagle; and Lorain Rds: ^|f^poor^2pJrvStock' • ', '90 SHADOW 2 Door-30 In Stock $2000 Tires Exhaust Batteries Brakes Alternators Tune-Ups wf&JifiS'h'^'V '•"- '•'• IncUidea Ail Factory & Dealer Incentives 190 DODGE FULLSE PICKUP '90 DAKOTA SPORT CLUB CAB 4X2 Double Rebate Sava $ 2 0 0 0 40 In Stock ifci$8?88^ ??v« includes Rebate. NORTHERN DODGE; mm ' m i l l — — — — COUPON —:—.. T-\rr.. AJji'»B« Was $15,356 NOW $ 1 3 , 3 5 6 USED CAR SALE! April 2Ofr Thru Miy 10. TWO 'iSBICO LOHAIN RD., NORTH OlMSTED 77u-«0O • ELYBtA 323-5640 HUNDREDANDNO/100 V 700,00 PAY BEARER $700.°°S.-jvlngs ^.'Cooling System Mechanic On Duty GREAT NORTHERN DODGE ChKhOort orty bwrnn 0. IO0O , LUBE, OIL; FILTER; Includes 5 quarts of oil ' I With This Coupon 327-7307 Former Owners Of D&A Amoco ; 32500 Lorain Road Corner of Leiar Nagle & Lorain Rds. ':': A^K AB0UT 9,5%f IXED RATE FINANCING/ Amoco, Sohlo, & Gulf Credit Cards Also Accepted GREAT NORTHERN DODGE r:i- .••["'•'.""ni^^V'-i-jsA,-r~'-fI1;.'/:.;•'-•! <;:;Jvr'.':^' i ffty^,V''^v' r- Jf Modern roads, comfortable ride can cause 'highway hypnosis' Toyota Celica- tie thing, it is as fast as you might expect, but with no disceruibto torquesteer, even when tromped on, which is remarkable with »o much power in such head j p and shoulders back. Sit erect a small car (AWD probably helps). with buttock* against the back scat. However, there is a marked turbo-lag Don't fully extend your logs, but .Hex thut many engineers of other makes are them at a -15-degret; anylu. working out of their turbo engines. - Take frequent breaks. Stop a: a gas The engine docs have a buzziness to it. station, restaurant or highway rest stop , but it accelerates (after the lag) as if it at least every two hours. Eat a'light nitjal had two more cylinders. This year or snack. Wash your face and hand;;, Toyota, has given Celica 10 mom walk around or do light caiUlhunics. horsepower and 10 moru foot-pounds of - Break the monotony. Vary the speed torque because of the redesigned twinlevels. Turn the radio on for a while. inlet turbocharger. Talk to yourself, or sing. Chew gum. but All-Trac steers and handles generally avoid smoking since it can tiro your in (i precise and proper manner. On dry eyes. footing there is not a hint of four-drive; - Cut enough steep. If anti-fatrguu "'.vet and slippery" (it Is said) trackmeasures fail, get some sleep. E^en a on in}; i 'rue. Highway fatigue can be a killer. It tends to happen on long drives, especially long night drives. A major culprit in "highway hypnosis" is (he nature of modern highway driving. Most car interiors an; comfortable?, with cushioned scats in quiet, carpeted, temporalureand speed-controlled environments. What can you do about it?'Plenty, Shell Motorist Club and the Nulional Safety Council offer these tip:; to fight fatigue at the, wheel. - Adjust car's environment. To slay alert, keep the car's temperature cool by adjusting the air conditioner or opening thu windows. Keep your body involved in driving by not using thu cruise 20-minule n--ip may be enough lo ht'Sp control. •. . you. - Watch your posture. Drive with your xr m r i r i u 11 TT I i r T 1111 i rr Jeep. Eagle '90 JEEP WRANGLER CONVERTIBLE 4X4 R M T awat. pcxvw: stMrtng. conwanib** *on fcp P20S/-'SRi5tirM.auTMttns. trvwnuion, «ytad «W»I wfmta, Mghbadc buck* M a u . s * . *W211. Original Ust $17,202 It is at its best on the mountain, clinging to the curve-1, and on the frwewjy during a fast, emergency1 lane-change. The ride, despite a sophisticated suspension, is not a? smooth as, some might want. Still others may like the firmness. There is some freeway bobble because of the sJmrt 'whettlbasc (39.4 incho i). And while it is small in size, the AllTrac turbo weighs 3.270 pounds (75 pounds heavier than 19B9J. The fourwheel disc system is muscular but gentle, soothing down a whining, hefty, fast car like a nanny. All of the Celica models have coll spr ings, gas-filled shock struts at each corner with a ball-j&tnt-type anti-roll bar on 1 each side to limit body roll. Manual shifting is silky-smooth, although you, may lurch away from stop in first gear until you got the hang of the sensitive clutch linkage in that gear. On the AU-Trac turbo there is an air scoop (Clanked by dual air vonts) rising from the center of the hood liko a goiter From front, with that scooped hood and rounded grille and covered headlights the AIl-Trnc looks good (Mho other guy's rearvlcw mirror, and don't think designers don't spotid a lot of lime on front-end mirror imago. •Continual from C1 The cockpit is oval sbaped and well laid out with the all-analog controls in mach and with read-outs simple and legible. This year they have put the heat and ventilation controls on a pod Just lo the right of the instrument panel The entire Celica line this yeai has a Supplemental Restraint System-driver airhag to you. hoadroom is not all that great, in part because of the electric sunroof mechanism Installed to both slide and tilt the roof door. Rear-seat leg and headroom are both minimal, too You might want to fold those1 rear seats (Motor Trend calls them "seatfels") down and keep them dawn to give you a genorous 24.7 cubic feet of trunk space The tailfin may seem a styling frfp1 pory, but Toyota has used it as the lodg, ing place for the mandatory'. taUIight, which takes its place as a red sliver across,thc.btade. Side mirrors are both electrically controlled and fold flat upon Impact And both have holes liko small baguls on lha mirror attachment arm1 to let the wind whistle through and go about its business without undue and annoying buffeting. . ^ Celica has one of the smartest lilting steering wheels available: turn oft the Ignition and it automatically springs to a high position for easy exit, turn on tfce Ignition and tt returns with a touch to Its present positionToyota admits it is offering all of this in a new high-fashion package to hold on to Celica *s high-tech, high- '• performance image It is asking $24,193 in the name of Image It Is asking a lot Lew Scan is syndicated by Copley New % Service '90 EAGLE PREMIER LX Auto., V-6, powwr atMrlnQ. rear d^fto**"*. AM/FM ttorvo. fabric Interior, tin. cruto*. Dtit, factory mil. AH prices tncltrt* factory S*»« andt 5-19-90. $ 13,635 Original Ust 525,100 '90 JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4 LIMITED 14.01 O-cytinctor. bather intsrior, po*w wtavtowt, I x M and M M , uafeo cuaotw, cm)**, Ml, nek, automatic vrltti atian trac'goicl alloy «r»Mfa, lint and mora. Stic #90175. $21,985 1990 HONDA ACCORD MADE IN OHIO FOR ALL OF AMERICA CIVIC HATCHBACK •87 CHEROKEE . PIONEER 4 OR. 4X4\ FAIRCHILD JEEP EAGLE W. 1,17 at Detroit 521-TOGO •• • » FAinCHILD Ootrolt Ava. $129* or BUY $ 6 8 9 5 Itie Marathoner says drugs are standard Soviet fare By JACK WILLIAMS In his Moscow home hi- answors to the name Nail JBairomgalin, s t u d e n t / s p o r t s fournalist/ultraaiarotboner. In La folia. Caiif.. ho is "Hammer.' ' as in hammsr and cycle —or hammer and bicycle. Ifce budding bialhlete. Bairamgalin. a gaual of the JCashi food company of La jUla, was introduced the other day to a $3,5UO racing bike - tho kind favored by America's elite blathletes and triathloles. , "Looks like a children's hiko," he said ... before fallIng ofC , • • For his next trick. Bairamgalin finished 24th in his ago division in the Desert Princess Bicthlon in Palm Springs, Calif., which consisted of a 38* mile bike ride sandwiched between two 10K runs. While it Is common for elite Russian athletes lo visit the United States for major competitions, rarely do those not on national teams hove the opportunity. Out now that Russia has accepted a multiparty system, and gjasnost and perestroika are becoming household words, Bairamgalin expects many more Russians to follow i n his footsteps. "The reaction will be nothing but positive," he said , of his country's democratic drift. "There will ba competition between . parties,' and Soviet sportsmen who've boon dreaming about competing with the outside world may have more freedom and opportunity to it*1 , d o s o . " , • " : • • ' '; ' • ' ; . Batramgalin, 28, was Invited in the Li Jolla by Sarah , Fulcher, who met him last fune during the BAM Supcrmarathun In Siberia, which consisted of daily 60-kiIoinetur runs from Tynda to Soverrn Baikalsk an Lata Batkiil. "Hammer" pounded but wins in each stage of th« Super-marathon, solidifying his position among the premier ultramarathoncrs of the Eastern bloc countries. , , Upon urriviiiR on Western shores - following three months of negotiation with the Soviet Sports Federation and a 24-hour flight - be proved himself equally adept at break dancing, the Lambada, and flitting over (ho sands of La Jolla Shcres like a liberated butterfly. Baitaingalin, after all. is often subjected to 30-dcgrce-belcw-zero weather during winter in Moscow, where ho continues to average more than 12 miles a day. "Even at 30 below I run outside," be said the other day through an interpreter. "But two days a week I train inside a stadium." As a sports journalist and member of a Soviet spurts club, he is familiar with the highly regimonted Soviet system, where performance-enhancing drugs, he acknowledged, are as common as nutritional supplements., "The top Soviet sportsmen get everything they need to be tho best, including lood that is unavoiloblo to the rest cf the country;" he said. "But during winter there are no fresh fruit and vegetables. "The anabolic steroids (chemicals that1 promote muscle growth and are said to be performance 3) enhancers) are administered by (hff special medical committee- and are very difficult to detect (in drug screenings at international events). •• , "You can stop taking them three weeks before campetition and tboy won't show up in testing but they will retain their effects." Uairamgalin said that a Soviet cruise ship docked *-Seoul for the '88 Olympics housed a chemi A laboratory' where athletes were regularly monitored for traces of drugs In their blood. Ho also said tho practice of blood doping - a process of extracting blood from an athlete's body, storing it, then injecting it to give htm a boost before an important event ~? was commonplace among the Soviets. • And some athletes, he said. look, "psycho, stimulators" to make them more aggressive. "Officially, the athletes are not supplied with steroids now," he said. "They only do i t privately — unofficially. Storoids are not papular with longdistance runners, and I've never used thorn because of what the health effects may be in the figure." And why is this high-level Russian athlete being so candid* , "Glasnast Because of that, athletea^areopenly tilling of their experiences/* "Hammer," however, conbldors some of his American experience confidential - s u c h as falling off state-of-the-art racing bikes and sharing secrets-with/ American journalists. Jack WiUiams Is syndicated by CoployNews ;j £ * gj .-* E "J, _T § _ Servite. YOU ALWAVS HIT THE MARK WITH '" THE CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds 1990 NISSAN 300ZX "Import Car of the Year'[ , pgfffiBZ ; Campare & Vans Autos for Sale A t4J00.331-a0O4. - VOtX&WAOON 19S3 TOYOTA TEHCEL, 4-flr. 5*pd. took* good. W E U T M A I N T . . . 38 mop. KJOO.833-2287BMW aiw, TWOS. Black. 2-dtxxv awao. afl power. Mint Condition. Ca»33l-aife attar Com. 19M OflAND POX 3£, black, itt .towM tow L Lc n«€_ « StS,70C StS0 S7I-07T/, B-6pm. M-F or 871-2568 . ifwf 9pm. Graft fantiry car. graduation pr«Mrtf ^irrowiac 74.000 mMwtA/e. s-«p**£; 92 _ Boots and Motors .. CHAPAftftAL, ' 8 / . 278X1.6. 260 Marc. BO hours. S2SLOOC. Must Jtrfl. 3jt-2ai7W331-2041' ; __ QUALITY MARINE lWl9 UCnCCOes BENZ *urv,«of. automatic is, Sarvlc* * Storage t>M ft Routa 611 •..- -Avon - 4 ooor. aome -!buater HaKftoaOirturtimoj* 1-934-SC00 AwMraUc. sunreot. Mt/FW tt-tm. IBM idQR WtNHS 205 SUN-, Mea Inakto and out. 69,000 moot. OOWNCR, V-0, 20SHP. tO89 Four SZBOO. 833-7597 awnlnpa. -• Winm Tandum Traitor, Inctudna ail T I C L U U N S , Z&XX. M M M W I W artii •' tkl MMUprtwnL e a r . d t a i v n o tint OCKNI, : La** th«n SO noun U M (1HU> nav>) 0,834-6329. y :• • , t17JO0.WW2g3.Ctya, 933-35W 5B5 Bute* CarKury IwtTU j o w paymar*a: Many E t f r u . 5O.000 iiao" V i N f f w mflaa.Bflafooa alar S. • " : 2000. vtty aood cotvlWon. Ctun & SEtZED-irahiciaa. , w « maintalnaa., Must • « • to ap* prvdat*. W N f ^ p p w J . Maw dilva. i ; C w i M i , : Cnavyt,' -, and otftar conflacawd For 'Buytrj Ouida H F T . ' P 1 ^" w. CABTN7 1 "ALL a«L2S«(.AIaoopan Fiaenouus, UKE NEW. IBS HP MEHC. tn/OuttMard mnamt nttli EZ load trailer w/Vrinch. S33-W5B aftar c ftWC Aerotlar '07, V-0 Automatic, many optiont, 7 paMengm, avevtient condition, 30,000 ml, 327-9638 after 8 p m at. semes. 4-ooor, " o r ' a * c o q d C n ; u o v M - l ***: Oooga Cany-Van 17.12 1/2- x 8boc, J1500 or o«st offer. Can 323-5085 or 322-3*03. £h«vy 79' CaprWa. rebuHt mMorTno ruti, n*w Kret, all power. S1.300. 748^Hfl 5pm.1 • '- , - , • - ' 196S &«aray Pachanga 221 unury £ . 1 r . ion wan, axc«a«ni Sport: boat. Cuttom traMr, 350 fcondRion, n«w ihocha, bnkat, lurw- : Magnum, graphic*, radio, compou, up.;; V-AY, automatic nur windowi. d«pUi & riMU- Must oafl. 52,690 or offtr. 1.722-4982. h t * ,79^00 MghWay miW, It hat 85 WGU.CRAFT, IB FT. CUOOY bacn wall maintaimd t m d and kept ep In , CABIN WITH TRAILER, 170HP, ludM M J497S: vwlrn fMattomi. 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Uvcury Topu W, <Ur. amrfin. catMtw, 63.000 m1., ^~4ltwit condHtoa.IS.000.CaB3i4.51B5 h '81 d<wp-V, 2O-, Cuddy cabin, aH tqu'pmant, rw* fiah Mnder, irere cruller. 170 hp, a-cloodar trailer, mutt tail M.50O flrm. 327-4415. ' ' -• • - • tbnujti 03 450.1982. *<MMM 'coneflCon.T.BOC m|..«550.327-1675. d new iw, 49n« ST^NGOTSALEI Spring SALE Slrongsville Hobby Shop :*3pM!4J'w»jo;B«:mrjo.auiLUi'S3b. "•••L M « mwi 30 iiuv tram Oyria' 13329 Prrwpaet nd., in SVongnt 850, Cleveiarid; Streets •y: • • ] ; - ' - E I y r i a ^ ^ : ^ ; ^ | Jhn.*2p « M* pric« • ' Cleveland 779-7785 - S y r i a :••. M5-4147 " ' U-to. I L o r a i n -'.:;•• 9344763 . Nick Mayer Lincoln Mercury proudly introduces Rich Gorski Jr. MerGe^<3!S-B€|il 60 MONTH BUSINESS t E A S E i j I I 1990 190E2/6SEDAN ; ' ; d $ 424 03:: PER MONTH; 1990 300E SEDAN""" <"' • He Is available to serve you with all of your new or used automotive needs. With a promise of personalized service. WINDSHIELD REPAIR SERVICE • Repair Chipped Windshfelds Without Replacement Guaranteed • Big Savlnqs To You! • Insurance Accepted Method • We Make House Calls Q33-6795 Turbos^ Coupes •• ;2:'- ^ 2 ' s f — Until 'May;5th': M -^3 od buster' V V Big Discounts Lease oV Buy SPRING FEVHR JRXT "teg* m 54 PFR MONTH &TAX XOEPKE MOTOR SALES 24400" Gen'ter.Ridge- Authorized Dealer 11905 Detroit, Lakewood, Ohio 221-3530 SALES • LEASING"* SEPTfTCEVpARTS • BODY *•.•-• ...i r-i J.-.. $>l "--A. V > w , - f ; /,*Ji«j?iiia «:i«!SW--C ©*»(Ki'/.'« HjJf^ ^.-i,,i/i' r Sounding the Horn for Our 1990 ASTRO CONVERSION VAN 6.9% ApR Available " V-6 • • • • • • Auto Air . , Coss. Slereo P. Windows P. Locks Sofa Bed 1990 GEO STORM 1990 CHEW CAVALIER One Is Fast! 4 Cyl. 5 Spd. Transmission Murtl Port Fuel Injected Power Steering' Sunroof near De'oggor' SpoUer Auiomatic * Captntn Chairs • Funning Boards • And Much, JMuch Mora sn h r Ffrm ** ' C l h Bucket Scats Auto Transmission 4 Cyl. EFI All Suaron Steel Boltod Radiala Front When I Drive 19S0 GilEVVJlliVIIMA SEDAN 1990 GED METRO • Z dr. Hatchback • 5 Spd. Transmission -AM/FM • Powpr Brakes • Alt Season Steal Belted Radlala •Sporty Automatic Cfoth Ouckol Seats Air Conditioning Defoflger Powbr. Sleortng AM/FM Storoo , 4x4 Overdrive Trans. Po*»ar Brakes AM/FM Stereo Recflning Buckats p CHEWCAVALIER Z-24 '87BUICK SKYLARK '89 CHEVY CELEBHITYn.;. 4 * , ido, ar, Sam,nd. grn $6995 1990 GEO PRIZMS Auto., nlr, 1.6 litre EFI. stereo, rear defogger, recl'rtrtfl cloth buckets, only 4,000 mites 1989 CHEVY CORSICAS 1989 PONT!AC LEMANS Auto., air. 1.G litre EPI, aloroo, reor defoggflr, reclining cloth buckets, low miles , ^4 ; R0NTIACg 4 dr. sedan, auto., afrr,1.8 litre EFI, rear defbgcer, reclining cloth buckets, sports stripes. P'88:CHEVYS-10 !giErsiDEPicKU LORAIN 277-5700 ELYRIA 324-5866 /?7] 57-Just. North of Midway Mall CLEVELAND 835-1218 "Acro33 'rom Builders Square"