Shawville - Collections
Shawville - Collections
à î * Shaw ville Quebec, Thursday, January 7, 1960 No. 28, 77th Year Ski Instructor Now At Ladysmith Tow Skiing was reported excellent at the Ladysmith Ski Tow last weekend with some 150 en thusiasts turning out. The tow Itself, fully equip ped with safety devices, can accomodate close to 1,000 ski ers, so there was no line ups or waiting and the skiing was enjoyed very much. The club house, offering warmth, hot food and ski accessories is in operation. L ghts are expected to be installed on the slope this week, sq there will be ski ing all day Saturday, Satur- "VZZ afternoon* as $3.00 per year; 7 cent» per copy First Aid Class First 1960 Visit Starts In Shawville Of Stork At PCH First baby born in 1960 at Pontiac Community Hospital Tonight At 7:30 Farmers Club Hockey Schedule Thursday, January 7th 7:30—7th Line vs Ft. Col. 9:00—Quyon vs C. Bay Monday, January 11 7:30—Radford vs Ft. Col. 9:00—Bryson vs Quyon Wednesday, January 13th 8:30—Ft. Col. vs 7th Line Thursday, January 14 7:30—7th Line vs Radford 9:00—C. Bay vs Quyon Howard Shea Passes At Vinton Howard Shea died recently at the home of his uncle Dan Shea at Vinton following a short Illness. He was 56. Mr. Shea was born at Ban In gor, Maine in May 1903 1904 he moved with his par- Social Service Auxiliary Paul Martineau M. P. will address the Shawville & Dis trict Home and School Assoc iation on Wednesday January 20 on the subject of the trip around the world he took last Fall. HiS experiences are ex pected to have wide appeal in the area and plans to accomo date a large crowd are made .according to Home and School President Jack Russell. Mrs. J. R. Prior Dies In Montreal Bristol Notes William Albert Tweedy Dies At 73 Onslow Intermediate School News Curlers Hold Turkey Draw Don Paul Weds Shirley Horner At St. Paul’s, Shawville The chancel of St. Paul’s Anglican Church was decorat ed in a Christmas theme for the wedding of Shirley Bar bara Horner and Donald Gor don Paul on Saturday, Decem ber 26th. The rector of the church, the Reverend R. G. Elliott performed the ceremony. Mis* Kay Woodley sang “The Wed ding Prayer” accompanied by Mr. Alan Merritt at the organ. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Milburn Hor ner and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Paul, all of Shawville. . Given in marriage by he: father, the bride was attend ed by her two sisters, Miss Sheila Horner as maid of hon or and Miss Carl Horner and ^^liss Norma Paul, sister of the groom as bridesmaids Mr. Edgar Schwartz was best n / and the ushers were Mr. Bod Abercrombie of Renfrew and Mr. Bill Homer, brother of the bride. The bride wore a floor len gth gown of white ellk velvet, Rheas Poisson Named Brookdale Fund Fire Chief For 1960 Closes With $712.65 The Campbell's Bay Volun teer Fire Department held The St. John Ambulance was a boy, bom to Mrs. Roger their annual meeting recently Dufault of Calumet Island, First Aid Class starts Thurs with Rheas Poisson being re who arrived at 11:09 p.m. on day, January 7th at 7:30 p.m. appointed Chief for I960, Oth January 1. Gifts were pres n the Scout Hall. Be on time er officers elected were as fol ented to Mrs. Dufault by Kays' with your triangular bandage lows Assistant Chief Edgar Style Shoppe. Pontiac Dairy, and pad. The new books will Lance, President Mervin Baird uambs Corner Store and the be available at cost from Mrs. Vice President Earl Brown, Stonehaven Flower Shop. Moore of 75c. The Registra Secretary James Shea and Runner-up, to coin a phrase, tion fee is $1.00 to cover ex Treasurer Raymond Shea. was Mrs. Nelson Angus’ new penses. Dr. Green will be lecOther members of the bri baby boy, who arrived at Pon as last year and Dr. gade are M. Callahan, E. Dev tiac Community Hospital at Cowley will have the exams lin, O, Clarke. A. Dubeau, C. later on. First Aid is something 11:30 p.m. on January 2. Ferr gan, L. Laporte, W. Mo everyone should know. orhead, R. Pare, J. Ranger, M Ranger, M. Shea, B. Smith, S. Mrs James Richard Prior Sparling and D Stevenson. died recently in hospital at Montreal following a long ill 40th Wedding Anniversary ness. She was 77. The regular monthly meet Mrs. Prior was born July 28, Mr. and Mrs. John Ade held ing of the Clarendon and District Ministerial Associa- open house in honor of their 1882. She was a daughter ol t on was held at the home of tort.eth wedding anniversary the late Charles Stephens and William Albert Tweedy, son Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ade were mar his wife Catherine Lucas. She of the late Hiram Tweedy and Shawville, with the President, ried forty years ago in Pem was a member of St. George s Margaret Wills, and hudband the Rev. W. R. Schamehorn, broke Ont. by the Rev. L. A. Anglican Church at Camp of Minnie Metcalfe, died sud in the chair. Mr. Lawrence Aborn. Mrs. Ade was the for- bell’s Bay. Her husband pre- denly at his home Clarendon said the opening prayers. The mer Miss Smith of Chalk Ri- deceased her in 1959. Front Quebec, on Monday De Rev. L. Emard of Campbell’s ver where her mother still re- | She is surv ved by one son cember 21. He was 73. Bay read a paper on the back sides. Miss Emma Smith was Dalton of Port Burwell. Ont.; Born at Smith’s Falls on ground and contents of the the brides maid and the late one brother Thomas Stephens June 11, 188 , Mr. Tweedy re Mr. Milton Henderson was and four sisters Mrs. Lyons ceived his education in Smith's Book of Micah. There was a discussion and best man. Mr. and Mrs. Ade Lucas, Mrs. Sam Hamilton, Falls, and was in the clothing plans were begun to form- an resided at Bristol Mines from Mrs. Winston Hodgins and Mrs. business for 45 years, first in auxiliary to the Hull Social the time they were married Claude Elliott all of Shawville. Smith’s Falls, and for the last The funeral was held from Service for the benefit of Pon un till eight years ago they twenty five years before retire Brothers Funeral moved to Bristol Village. They Ringrose tiac County. ment, with Murphy-Gamble Home in Campbell’s Bay to St. Mr. Asa Smith and Mrs. had three daughters of which oi Ottawa. He was an active Anglican Church lodge member for many years, Wesley Hines of the Sunday two are living, Mrs. Raymond George's School Association were pres Hodgins (Mildred) Mrs. W where the service was conduct, being associated with the Rid ent to discuss the Annual Con Harris (Reta) of Chelmsford, ed by the Rev. F. Burton. In eau Lodge, I.O.OF., Smith’s vention which will take place and one son James who cele- terment took place in Camp- Falls; Osiris Lodge. A. F. Si A. early in the autumn. It Is hop orated his 15th wedding an- bell’s Bay Union cemetery M., Smith’s Falls, and O. E. S. ed that all Sunday School nlversary on the same day as No. 50, Shawville. teachers, parents and older his parents. He was married in 1913 to pupils of the Sunday Schools Mr. and Mrs. Ade’s family Minnie Metcalfe, who survives. will be able to attend. along with their 12 grand Also surviving are two daugh At the conclusion of the children spent Christmas with ters, Isabel, Mrs. Thomas Mac By Bob Steele meeting, the hostess, assisted them and were entertained at It is now about two weeks farlane, Clarendon, Que.; Ka by Mrs. R. Q. Elliott, enter a dinner at the Pontiac House si. Christmas, but the pleas thleen, Mrs. George Watson, tained the members to tea. Shawville. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ant memories of things enjoy Cold Lake, Alta.; two sons, Hodgins who called on the ed by the staff and students William, Smith’s Falls, Ont.; Ades were also celebrating still remain. and Arthur, Ottawa, Ont; and their Thirty - Fifth wedding One pleasant memory we two sisters, Mrs. Harold Wilson anniversary on that date. have comes from the night of and Mrs. J. J Hewitt, both of Smith’s Falls, Ont. December 22nd when so many Mr. Eric Russell has return At W. J. Hayes & Sons un A turkey draw was held at ed to Cold Lake after spending kind people from the Pontiac the Shawville Curling Club for the holiday with his parents district attended our Christ til 10 a. m. Wednesday, then mas concert. We certainly ap at Amy Funeral Home, Smith’s ten turkeys on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Russell. preciated all the wonderful Falls, the funeral took place December 30th. Winners were: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacfarDale Thomson ; Eddie Ran lane left this week to spend encouragement that was given Dec 24 to St. John’s Church Smith Falls for service at 2 pm ger; Marian Hayes; Bill Camp the winter months in Florida. to us. Another pleasant memory Interment was in the Hillbell; Garth Dean; Art Hayes; Week end visitors with Mr. Pallbearers Len Beaupre; Howard Walls; and Mrs. Emmerson Twa were was given to us on the 23rd. crest cemetery Dave McLaughlin and Wm. Mr. and Mrs. James Loken On that day, the Quyon branch were Douglas Kelly, Dr. W.J.T. of the Knights cf Columbus, Hewitt, Albert, Edwin, Glenn Campbell, Yarm. and son, Mr and Mrs. Jack invited the staff and student and George Tweedy. ents to Campbell’s Bay where Thistle and Norman all of Ot body to St. Mary’s School something more to look for tawa. (Continued on Page Five) where we were given treats ward to. Mr. R. E. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Find and where we were warmly lay, Beth and Brent were hol president of the P.T.A. is go entertained by the students. ing to organize two Sports iday guests with their parents The holidays have come and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Findlay. Nights a month where we have gone but now we students have all the facilities of the school Miss Lenore Grant spent the holiday with her parents Mr. Intosh, (Velma) Mrs. R. Bou to play the sport which we en and Mrs. R. A. Grant. chard Washington. ( Doreen i joy the most; for example, fashioned with a fitted bodice, Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Armstrong, (Maryi gathered peplum and long, Mrs. R. W. Wilson was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong, four lily-point sleeves. The Sab Mrs. Fred Browne, Mrs. Wil sons Ronald at home, Clifton rina neckline was highlighted liam Wilson and Kim Pembroke, Douglas ShawvLle with sequins and tiny seed Holiday visitors with Mr. Jack of Ottawa. pearls. She wore an elbow- and Mrs R. J. Thompson was They have twelve grand length veil, held in place with Mr. and Mrs. William Hollis children. Mrs. Thomas wa a double tiara of sequin and of London, Ont., Mrs. Gladys the former Edith Hodgins of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smil pearl trim. Her shower bou Dorrance and son of Montreal Yarn. quet was of American beauty and Mrs. Jas. Thompson of Miss Margaret Laird was a ey were guests ol honor at a roses. ’ Ottawa. holiday guest of her parents surprise dinner party given for them at the home of their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laird. The maid of honor wore a daughter and her husband, left this week to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trud street-length gown of holly Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bretzwinter in California. eau were recent visitors with red velvet, with fitted bodice laff on Wednesday, Dec. 30, Miss Bessie Armstrong of Miss Hattie Trudeau. and full skirt, while the the occasion being the 35th the Verdun teaching staff was Mr. Stewart Russell son of bridesmaids wore similar gowns anniversary of their marriage. a holiday visitor with her mo Mr. and Mrs. Roland Russell in cornflower blue. They wore With the exception of Don ther Mrs. J. A Armstrong leaves shortly for U 8. A. for feathered bandeaux and mat ald and his wife, who reside in three months. ching accessories and carried 40th Wadding Anniversary the west, the family were all Mr. Charles Woermke of sprays of mums and red roses. present and included Mr. and North Bay spent 5 days with Following a reception in the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tho Mrs. Wm. Smiley and family, his brother Mr. Arthur Parish Hall, Mr. and Mrs. mas held open house in hon Mr. and Mrs. Bretzlaff and Woermke. Paul left for a short trip our of their fortieth wedding family, Mr. Cyril and Miss Mrs. Helen Henderson of Ot through points in Ontario and anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ar Ann. The party also Included tawa spent the holiday at the Quebec. thur Thomas have lived in several other friends. home of her broher Mr. Claude For travelling the bride wore Bristol for the past forty years Young. The candle-lit table was where he is employed with fitted sheath of brown wool centered by a lovely cake and a Mrs. Pearl Russell of Mon with beige accessories and a the C. N. R. a delicious meal was served, treal and her son BUI ot New They have live daughters, muskrat Jacket. A corsage of buffet style, at seven «'clock. York spent the holiday with gold mums completed her en (Winifred) Mrs. Percy Doel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russell. Later the happy couple were (Margery) Mrs. Wedey Mac semble. ÏÏ MilWleml All'll Pldlll evenings in the future. Pontiac Bus Lines is pro viding Saturday bus service to the ski slope from The H gh School, Shawville, at 9:30 a m. and on Sunday leaving Pontiac House, Shawville at 11:30 a m. A ski instructor will be on hand every Saturday to give instruction to students of all ages The class, which begins at 10:00 a m. Is sponsored by the Shawville Lions Club. The ski instructor is also available for separate Instruction folcompletion of the Those intermorning class ested in learning to ski or in improving their skiing are ur ged to take advantage of the high standard of instruction available at Ladysmith. Paul Martineau To Address HAS Total from last Issue of $599.90 The Equity $10.00 Paul Martineau 5.00 Lawrence Lang 1.00 Anonymous 2.00 Don Paul 5.00 Bob Bechtold 1.00 Anonymous Clarence & Evelyn 5.00 Brownlee 50.00 Anonymous woo Miss Arlene Kilgour 75 Anonymous 5.00 J. L. Hodgins Co. Ltd. 4.00 Anonymous 1.00 Ken Smiley 1.00 Mrs. Bert Greenshields Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 12.00 Garrison $712.65 Total We, the undersigned, have examined the Record of Money received by the Pontiac Printshop, as donations to Brookdale Farm. We have also com pared these receipts with the bank deposits, and find them correct as follows: $712.25 Money deposited 40 Exchange on cheques $712.65 Total 5.00 1 cancelled cheque Total actual deposited $707.65 $707.65 Money received Signed, V. Strutt, W. E. N. Hodgins, Auditors. Watch Night Service A Watch Night Service was held on the evening of Dec ember 31st at the Free Meth odist Church, Campbell’s Bay with Rev. Robert McCaw in charge. Members of the different congregations gathered to gether to worship while the old year ended and the new year began. Duets were sung by Miss Ruth James and Mr Lowell Smith and by Mrs. Gordon Hammond and Miss Vene Shellington. Solos by Miss Ruth James, Mrs. Revel Robinson and Mrs. Robert Mc Caw. Rev. Frank Burton was the speaker and Rev. Jack Walker said the closing prayers. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the church. badminton, table tennis, vol leyball and basketball for the Indoor sports enthusiast, while the outdoor sports fan will be able to play hockey on our rink that is now under con struction under the supervis ion of Mr. Harper Young, Mr. Raymond Davis and Mr. Chas Mohr. Ken Smiley’s Honored On Oeeasion Of 35th Anniversary presented with a gold wrist watch, each, from the family, a trl-light floor lamp and some china from the other guests, along with good wishes for the years which lie ahead. Kenneth expressed thanks for himself and for his bride of thirty-flve years for the lovely gifts and the good wishes that accompanied them. A very pleasant evening fol lowed which included games and a social hour. Other friends present in cluded Mrs. H. Bretzlaff, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Homer, Mr. and Mrs Harry Eades, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hanna and Mrs. 8. R. Sly and Miss Maryann Forgie (Re*, frew), Mr. and Mrs. O. Telford were unable to attend. 1 fag# Two AilflOa QUEBEC The Euunr Printed And Published Weekly At PONTIAC PRINTSHOP Shewvtlle, Quebec Pi-Slishers & Editors Devid end Roseleen Dickson By Subscription $3.00 Per Yeer Authorized es Second Clew Mail, Post Office Department, Ottewe BROOKDALE CHRISTMAS FUND The news columns this week report the clos ing of the Brookdale Farm Christmas Fund with a total of $712.65 deposited in the Bank. We were touched by the number of donations made by people for whom the amounts given constituted a real sacrifice; and by the generosiy of all who contributed in lending a helping hand for the benefit of the children of Brookdale Farm. Fort (oulonge Noies Mr. Lome Mario of Mara thon. Ont., spent Christmas holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malo. Mr. Willard Laroche spent Christmas and New Years holidays with his wife and family. He will return to the Pontiac Community Hospital Shawville, for another opera tion. Mr. and Mrs. George Bert rand spent Christmas holidajfe with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black burn In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Amyotte and family, Lachute, Quebec, spent New Years with rela tives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black burn. Toronto, spent New Yvdrs with Mr. & Mrs. George Bert rand. Thursday, January 7, 1960 3H1 itte, Toronto, spe nt Chr stmn» Mrs. Henry Gasman Helen Colton, Belleville with their parents, Mr. and [>r e. q Wood and Mrs. a nurse of the crippled chlld^ Mrs. Edmond Romain and Mr. n C Bryson of Westmeath had ren society, spent ChrlstmlP and Mrs. T. Amyotte. ! Christmas dinner with Mrs. with her relatives In town. Mr and Mrs. Herby Marion,I ^nnc Fumerton Mr. Howard Fumerton, Kitchener, spent Christmas Mr. Leo Amyotte, St. Alex- French specialist of the Winwith their parents. Mr and ander College, Limbour, Que., ston Churchill Collegiate at Mrs. T. Marion and Mr. and spent the Christmas holidays Scarborough, Ont., spent the Mrs. Camille Boucher. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. Anne Fumerton Miss Marjorie Amyotte of Arthur Amyotte Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Bordeleau Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bryan Richmond, Que, spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and of Hull, spent Christmas with of Ottawa ,spent the Christher parents, Mr and Mrs. Ar- mas holidays with her parents Mrs. T. Amyotte. thur Amyotte and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whelen. Miss Suzanne Francoeur of Mr. and Mrs. Rheal Amyotte Mr. Frank Gallant and Inez Guelph Well’s College, spent of Cornwall, Ont. spent Christ Whelen of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, mas with their parents and Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vital Francoeur relatives. Ira Whelen. and family. Carl Romain, St. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Laport Mr. Raphael Mousseau of College, Limbour, Que., spent Si family, Lapasse, Ont. spent Beaupre, Que, spent Christ-1 holidays with his parents, Mr. Sunday with his parents, Mr. mas with his parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Lome Romain and and Mrs. Euchere Mousseau. family. Sunday evening December Mrs. Euchere Mousseau. Eldon Romain, Montreal I 27th, the Parish Hall was the Mr. Francis Neville, Noranda College is spending holidays scene of a successful high spent Christmas with his par with his parents, Mr and Mrs. school boys and girls party ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lome Romain. Gall Laport presided. Games Neville. Melvin Shea, Montreal Col and dancing were enjoyed by lege, spent holidays with his the students Refreshments Dr and Mrs. Joe Retty and parents, Mr and Mrs. Thomas were served. daughter of Montreal spent Shea and family. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Bert the Christmas holidays in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Amy- rand and family of Campbells town. otte attended the christening Bay spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lacroix | of Mr and Mrs Bud Sloan's her parents. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Francoeur. Ottawa, spent Christmas vis baby on Sunday in Vinton. iting friend and relatives. M ss Eva Miron, Montreal, spent the New Years holiday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Demp The campaign can only be described as an sey. Montreal, spent New Years overwhelming success. As sponsors of the Fund, with hfs parents. Mr. and Mrs. we extend our sincere thanks to all who part Michael Dempsey. Our sincere sympathy Is sent icipated. The real thanks comes however from to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fran the children at Brookdale, not in words, but in coeur in their bereavement of Miss Margaret Dempsey, of the sight of an ever-growing group of youngsters, their five year old daughter, Cornwall Convent is spending each rapidly growing to adulthood, properly car burled on Sunday afternoon holidays with her parents Mr. at 3 p.m., January 3rd. and Mrs. Michael Dempsey. ed for in mind and body because of the kind of Mr. Kenneth Amyotte who generosity exhibited by the people of this area is attending St. Alexander Col. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Soucie We are buying hardwood and soft lege in Lambour, Que. spent of Port Colborne. spent Christ. in donating to the Christmas Fund. Christmas and New Years with i mas with their parents, Mr. wood logs. Attractive prices. Contact his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lor- and Mrs. Paul Oervais and rain Amyotte Mr. and Mrs. Leo Soucie and CFRA AND THE BBC, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGill of tamily | Ottawa spent the holidays with | Sometime this month the Board of Broad her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill j Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Soucie Phone 25 of Port Colborne spent Christi Campbell’s Bay cast Governors will hand down a momentous Corrigan. mas with their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gunzallls decision. They will name the organization which and family of Wakefield visit- ' and. Mrs. Martial Bourbonais . w will hold a television license for the Ottawa ed her twin brother and sis- anc^ ***• an<* ^rs* ^eo Soucie ter in law Mr. and Mrs. Jackie1 Mr. Elie Amyotte, Toronto, area to supplement CBOT and CBOFT. Ward. J „ , , , J I spent Christmas holidays with The new channel will be the only privately Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ward h‘s wife and family, owned TV station in Ottawa and it is, of course, and family of Wakefield visited Speedy Service Reasonable Rates Miss Palm Spence of Pem their son and daughter in law of great consequence locally what sort of people Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Ward. broke spent Christmas with • Expert Body Work and Painting will control it. Gerald Ward and CorMeen her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Welding of all kinds Cross of Wakefield visited Mr. Felix Spence. Among those who have applied for this con and Mrs. Jackie Ward over the 'J, Miss Frances Rabb of King • Towing, 24 hrs. Phone Quyon 18 Christmas holidays. trol are the managers of CFRA, which radio ston General Hospital nurse Mrs. Rock Gervais of Mont • Free Estimates station has been conducting a civic minded pro training school, spent Christ real visited her parents, Mr. mas with her parents Dr. and gram for Ottawa and this valley for a good dozen and Mrs. James Ward Sr. • Good Used Cars Mrs. H. R. Rabb and family. years. CFRA has proved by practical demonstrat Mr. and Mrs. Gay Parisien • Open every evening ion that it is awake to the desires and needs of of Ottawa visited her parents Mrs. McCrae Hamilton spent Mr. and Mrs. James Ward Sr. the holidays with her daugh our district. The BBG has but to weigh promises for Quyon Phone 80 the Christmas holidays. ter and son in law, Dr and against actual broadcasting performance in the Word has come to Fort Cou>|0 longe that Mrs. Mary Cahill, area concerned. a sister of Mrs. James Ward THE EQUITY has often been referred to as Sr. died In Pembroke. Her bur the “Voice of the Pontiac”. We feel we are voic ial took place in La. Passe Catholic Cemetery. ing the opinion of the entire Ottawa Valley when Mr. James Dempsey and two we heartily support the proposition that Ottawa’s sons spent Christmas holidays second English television channel should be en with his daughter Mr. and Mrs Donald Poullotte, in Hull. trusted to CFRA. Willis Dempsey, Lac Dom aine, spent Christmas with his with the infant Jesus in one parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dempsey and family. of the boy’s arms to lay Him Mr. Bob Spence, Lac Ddmo in his crib. The chancel was a ne, spent Christmas with his Members of St. Stephen’s decorated with evergreens and ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Spence. tinsel and the Nativity scene Anglican Church, Greermount Mr. Denis Labine, Lac Dom was enhanced with soft light met at the home of Mr. and ing during the portrayal. The aine spent Chrismas with his Baby Pigs must be growing all the time — setbacks cost money. Mrs. Henry Woods recently for church was filled to capacity parents, Mr. and Mrs. Labine Normal litter management includes many necessary jobs, such :_i as their annual Vestry meeting. with many visitors in Davidson. castrating or moving, which can slow up the development of the The Rural Dean, the Rev. R.G. Miss Edna Hetty was pianist Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spence young pigs. You can do much to keep them growing through any Elliott presided. . of Ottawa spent Christmas and the children’s choir of the trouble period by simply switching them to Mrs Grenville Sparrow was Poupore school directed by a with his parezts, Mr. and Mrs. I elected Vestry Clerk. Grenville sister of the Grey Nuns sang Felix Spence. SHUR GAIN PIG TAIL-CURLER Mrs. Pearl Latour of Mont Sparrow re-elected People’s many lovely - hymns such as, Warden and Henry Woods re “O Come All Ye Faithful”, real spent Christmas with her until 3 to 5 days after the trouble has passed. two brothers, Maurice and) appointed Rector’s Warden. “Noel O Holy Night", and •' ■ Mr. Elliott was asked to ap “O Come, O Come Immanuel”. Felix Spence. Mrs. Laura Kenney of Ot point two synod delegates to Rev. Father R. Pilon offic Supplementing the sows milk with solid food as soon as possible is represent this congregation. iated and gave the sermon on tawa spent Christmas with just one more time when this fine SHUR-GAIN feed should be used A | relatives in town. Financial reports Indicated “What Christmas Means to get them growihg. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Donlyn and that this little congregation, large attendance went to re family of Chapeau spent which has become depleted in ceive Holy Communion. Christmas with her sister Mrs. There’s no doubt about it —<» recent years, due to movement Felix Spence. of population from the district Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Amyotte are making a gallant effort to of Senneterre spent Christ keep up their end, by meeting . _ obligations to Diocesan Mission fV,rl11Pecei!1I?er1 meeting of mas with his parents, Mr. and Budget and Stipend Guaran1 n? Workers mission Mrs. T. Amyotte. is the multi-purpose feed for baby pigs — yes and sale barn pigs, too. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Amytees. At this meeting it was dfnd hTe d at thc home of The high antibiotic content and palatibility of this SHUR-GAIN decided to send the Montreal Mls- W- J Hudson with 27 proven feed will put a curl in the tails of every litter. Be sure to ^ Churchman to every home in ™emb^rs and v sitors present, have some handy when you’re feeding baby pigs. the congregation. Mrs. Hillis Graham and Mrs. guitar and Mrs. Abbie Pritch Marks were in charge. ard on the piano. Refresh Mrs. Graham had a story in ments were served by Mrs pictures entitled “Little Pitch Hudson assisted by the other ers have Big Ears”. ladies present, after which the After the business section of children were given treats of the pieeting, Mrs. Marks con- candy, On Christmas Eve at 12:00 I ducted a programme of Christ- k This group of children have o’clock mid-night, St. Peter’s j mae poems and Scripture rea- raised $110 for mission purpo Church, Fort Coulonge was]dings In which am tile child- ses also $12 in dime cards for aglow with the spirit of ren participated by candle - the Bible Society. They also Shawville Phone 314 Christmas. Before the High lighting and carol singing, donated a few articles for Mass began the altar boys Mrs. Lloyd Henderson accom- children who had lost their marched up the middle aisle panied the singing on the home In a fire. SAW LOGS SMITH BROS. ERNIE’S BODY SHOP w PUT A CURL IN THEIR TAILS Annual Vestry Mfg. Held by $1. Stephens INCREASE WEANING WEIGHTS Wyman Minion Band Christmas Service Al SI. Peter's SHUR-GAIN PIG TAN-CURLER SHUR-GAIN PIG TAIL-CURLER SHUR-GAIN H. I. HOBBS & SONS CEI» j H .‘II <1 4 ( Thursday, January 7, I960 Seventh Line News ** TME EQUITY home of the Walter KUgours Christmas day guests at the Ladysmith Moles , teachers. The Choir also offerled several anthems. Norway Bay Moles On Dec. 22nd, a Xmas Con Visitors with Mr. Alix Mur Holiday guests at Hlllcrest cert was held in Ladysmith Mr. and Mrs. James Intermediate School, the pro Farm were Mr. and Mrs. Fier ray and Mr. and Mrs. Qaroe Howie of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. London Workman. Master McLeese and family of Fores gram. under the direction of obin, Mr. Erhart Fierobin, and and Betty for Christmas were Mrs. Ernest Tows ley and Miss Donnie stayed to visit with his tors talls and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Murray MLss Lois and Leona Fierobin, the Principal Mr A. Vivian Arm in ta McDowell of Ottawa, i cousin John for a few days. and family of Montreal; Mr. Gerald Draper. Also Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pasch was well arranged with recit Mrs. A. C. Hedging and Mr. | Recent guests with Mr. and and Mrs. Harold Fulford and and family, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Welch, Shaw- Mrs. Arthur Kllgour were Mr. Miss Anne Graham remain- ations, plays, singing, and the family of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fierobin. most popular of all — square ville. Miss McDowell and Mr land Mrs. Nell McCagig and Jo- pd to visit for a few days. Melvin Stewart, Phyllis and | dancing by three classes, the ;md Mrs. Howie remained for anne of Ottawa, Mr and Mrs Holiday guests at the home Robert of Maryland, Mr. and She was accompanied home Midgets Intermediates, and of Mr. and Mrs Verner Rueck- Mrs Roland Graham and famthe week-end with the McDo Wallace Belsher and family of well >; while Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ted- Saturday by Mrs. Wilbur Hor- Seniors. This was very much wald were Mr. and Mrs. Erhart Hy of Wyman. :: . Arnot Horner enjoyed by all, and a visit Rueckwald and family of OtTowsley visited with Mrs. Hod- dy Craig and family of La- ner and Mr Visitors for Christmas with who spent the week-end at from Jolly old Santa who gins chine. tawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McCredle !': m h and family. and John were Mr. and Mrs. a Clarence Thompson and fam ily of Stlttsvllle, Mr and Mrs. Donald McCredle of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hale -and Susan of Bristol. New Years Day Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Alix Weir of with the Thruns at Renfrew spent Christmas at _ Hillcrest Farm were Mr. and he Bailey homes. Mr Mr and Mrs. Lyall Towslcy and Robert of Ottawa visited Sunday with Mrs. A. C Hod• . gins and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight McDowell and Nell. Our congratulations to Mr. Seai\0n„w;th. hls Par" Mlss Glenda Mielke. Mr. DaMr. and Mrs J N. and John and Mrs. Nell McCagg (nee * An M*h and Mr*- John Hltz vld Yach, Mr. Tom Dean, Mr. McCredle enjoyed New Years 4# Joyce Kllgoun on the arrival On the eve of Dec 24 the Charles Mielke. and Mr. Gcr- Day with Mr. and Mrs * Alex M+ aid Mielke Davis at Quyon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fulford and family spent the New Years weekend with Mr. Alex Murray. BiJr p Mrs. A. L. Lambert and Miss Mable Lambert have returned ed by a™* par y was en^oy* ler and the Sunday School Guests on New Years Day at E to Elmside having spent the holiday in Cornwall. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald BBH e P of Aylmer visited with Mr. and W ill • r Mrs. Robert and Howard Buira i ** g amme. ther Edward in Toronto. 1 and family. # mm***: mer the Christmas weekend. p • TTf-n f # *k msb? « : 11 • • • • • > ™lj1 »5>£2 JTSfK,; EraHïï&S 1 CHEVY’S SUPERLATIVE WAYS # Udu) much of^M fitisb FF $100,000.00 J& Vjfh. SM SMOOTH FULL-COIL SUSPENSION STURDY SAFETY-GIRDER FRAME Chevy’s Ssfety-Cirder frame is X-built, not just X-briced, to give you maximum protection. T à Husky coil springs at each wheel sop up road shocks and vibrations. Fun-test Chevy’s ride soon. STABLE WHEELBASE AND WIDE TREAD Chevy'a long wheel-bsae and wide tread give a new solid, weU-balanced ride. • •• h€^f tfto) Ym? 4#^ That's right — jom $100,000.00. For, believe it or not, you’ll likely earn more than that during your working years. Question is : how much will you keep? Right now is the time to resolve to keep a larger part of what you earn throughout this new year. And the place to keep it is in a B of M Savings Account. Make saving every pay-day your No. 1 New Year’s resolution this year. The B of M can’t help you resolve to stop eating between meals or get you to work on time, but it can help you save. Why not start your account tomorrow at "MY BANK” it’s a good place to accumulate a portion of the vast sum you will earn during your working years. It takes just one dollar — and three minutes — to open your B of M Savings Account. Tfc SAFETY-MASTER BRAKES Sure, safe, longer-lasting. Bonded lining area is extra big, air cooling extra efficient. RIGID UNISTEEL CONSTRUCTION Rigid root, body and floor panels of heavy-gaup steel, are welded together into a solid, strong unit. *a up CONVENIENT WIDE DOOR OPENINGS Chevy's the easiest car in its field to get into. Body by Fisher construction is solid. safe. TO INCREASE SPACIOUS LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT *5 4+ LUXURY EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST! am tmÎI In Chevy you have a huge 30-cubic feet of trunk space. V8 ZIP ON REGULAR GAS : FAMILY-SIZED ROOMY SEATING Chevy’s new standard economy TURBO-FIRE V8 gives you all the zip of an Eight coupled with top gasoline economy. ,• % • Sofa-wide, sofa-comfortable, the *60 Chevy seats six big people at their relaxed best. • e m y i 6 # -V Here*ta resolution* keeper Ask •••••• •• •• • • • at your neighbour hood B of M brandi for a copy of our booklet "Blue-Print for '....................... .... Successful Personal and Family Financing", it will show you how to make up a workable budget that will keep your New Year's resolution intact •* BUIE-PRINT % • • • The convenience of a cigarette lighter and dual sun visors, plus the com fort uf front arm rests are yours as standard equip ment on every low-cost new Chevrolet. •••• vl t LONG-LASTING RUSTPROOFING NEW FOOT-OPERATED PARKING Every Chevy undergoes the industry’s most thorough rust-proofing process for un surpassed. long-lasting value. Easier, safer to release, and with new better-gripping action. Standard on every Chevy. BRAKE LUSTROUS MAGIC-MIRROR FINISH Chevy's jewel-bright colors are “locked in", can be re stored to “new" brilliance by simple washing! ECONOMY HITHRIFT 6 WITH V8 SPIRIT All the spirit and pep of a V8, with true "6 economy. Put Chevrolet to your test soon. YOUR DRIVING PLEASURE e / A GENEMAL MOTOtS VALUE . ■AVA r V AV 101 mu too CMOAOun B-m Bank > of Montreal fauuUÙ ÇiMt StUfâ Shawville Branch : GILMOUR DOWE, Manager ^ivon Branch : GEORGE PICKLES, Manager WWKIHO WITH CANADIANS IN FVMY WAU OF Wi StNO 1S17 Sfitoi >x#* W.. T6# luxurious Impala Sport Sadan See your dealer for early delivery of your * J. 1. HODGINS COMPANY LIMITED SHAWVILLE, PHONE 64 •1 7 \ Thursday, January 7, 1960 ÏHE EQUITY Page Four Campbell's Bay Notes Visiting with Mrs. John Knipe and Mr. and Mrs. El mer Sturgeon during the holi day were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Knipe and Brenda of South Porcupine, Rev and Mrs. Sam Livingston, Phil, Bougie and Dannie of Chateaugay, N. Y., from Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knipe, Jackie and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vant Hoff, Lynn and Maria, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Young, Miss Amy Knipe and Mr. Harry Dery. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vibert were Mr. and Mrs. James Vi bert, Gaspe, Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Vibert, Dorval, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sally of Breckenridge and Mr. Rudy Vibert of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mur phy and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy of North Bay spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Ebert Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shea spent Christmas in Ottawa with their family visiing Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mullen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steven son and Mr. Duncan Stevenson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson at Beachburg. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stev enson were Mr Clarence Smith of Shawvllle and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wilson of Ottawa. Mrs. Mona Anderson of Ot tawa recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart. Miss Ella McFarlane spent the holidays with her uncle Mr Oliver Stevenson. BRYSON THEATRE With Wide Screen For CINEMASCOPE VISTA-VISION -FIRST IN PONTIAC— Two Shows oiler lake Holes Dagg during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Houghton and family spent New Years with Mrs. Houghton Sr. In To ronto Mr and Mrs .Lucien Belan ger and Mr. and Mrs. Montsion of Hull and Lakeview Terrace were with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bow.e. Mr. and Mrs. Bowie spent New Years Eve with Mr and Mrs. Paul McNally of Aylmer. Mr. Jim Martin has return ed to Longueull after spending the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Viney of Camp Borden spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs Harold Wilson, Joan, Sandra and Dianne v.sited with Rev and Mrs. Stan ley Irving and family in Mont real. Mrs. J A. Bradshaw and sons Peter, John and Mark were In Burlington with Mrs. Bradshaw Sr. for the Christ mas holiday Mr. and Mrs. James Carty spent Christmas with mem bers of their family in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ph lip Hermann and family of Lemington and Mr. Murray Smith of Bellvllle also Mrs. Clifford Stevenson and Miss Norma Stilson of Corwall visited with Mrs. Lila Smith during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Louis Muir and family have return ed after spending ten days with their families In War wick. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vil leneuve of Hamilton, Ont. ----spent Christmas with Mr. and Andre AudetI Mr. and Mrs. Don Hartman and family of Kingston spent Christmas holidays with Mrs. Hartman's parents Mr. and Mrs. Emile Zacharlas and her sister and brother In law. Mr. and Mrs. Helmlt Erfie. Quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hahn the day after Christmas were; Mr. and Mrs. Edd e Zimmerllng and the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold St. Germaine and Catherine of Prescott, Ont. Mrs. Clarence Ringrose and Lynn of Ottawa and Miss Jean Vibert of Richmond. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Asa M. Smith over the holi days was Lowell Smith of Belleville, Miss Carrie Smith of Ottawa and Miss Ruth James of Houghton Wesleyan College, Houghton, N Y. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith went to Uplands airport on December 28 to bid farewell and safe Journey to Mrs. Alton Gould and children who went to join the Rev. Alton Gould n Hong Kong. Mrs. Joseph McOahren ac companied by Mary her dau ghter and brother Flight Lieutenant Joe Minton of Ot tawa spent five days in To ronto where she attended a family reunion at the home of her mother Mrs. Louise Minton. Mr. Paul Martineau and daughters Alice and Qabrlelle spent a few days in Temiskaming. YaMl NOlCS Here we are back a8atn for Congratulations to Mr and and■ Mrs. Ivan and Steven were guests of Mr family; Mr.^1 Uagg and family of Ottawa; and Mrs. Wilfred Rebertz at Mrs. Delbert Zachanas on the Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cruise of Bryson for an evening during arrival of their son, Dalis " ^ Ham. ^ Renfrew and Mr. and Mrs. Ce- the holidays. ell Spar.lng of .*3caeslde, Mr. and Mrs Emile Zachartsa had a pleasant surprise on Christmas morning when they received Christmas Greetings by a telephone call from their daughter Mrs. Wm. O’Neil of California. Mr. and Mrs. Rael Richard and Dennis and David; and Mr. Merle R chard of Renfrew spent Christmas with their i" parents and grandparents Mr. Mrs. Esale Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Richard and Bruce of Arnpriot spent Christmas with theln- parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Resnlk and family of Oshawa spent Christmas with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bretzlatl. New Years guests of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Percy Zacharias were: Mr. and Mrs. Re nhold Pasch, j Mrs. Emma Schroeder, Mr. and « Mrs. Helmtt Erfle and family, ~4 Miss Gerta Erfle and Mr. and I % • » Mrs. Emile Zacharias. Miss Iso bel Quatle of Otterburn Heights, spent Christmas and the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Quelle. Mr. Allan Quaile of Montreal spent Chr.stmas and the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Qua le. Christmas and holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnston were their daughters Miss Gall of Ottawa Here comes hospitality! Have a Dow— and the Misses Ann and Mary with the cool, clean, friendly taste of Chapeau. 7 )0*' Mr. Bobble and Mr. Freddie people like today! x Johnston of Chapeau spent Welcome as the season itself... Dow Ale Christmas and the holidays A m # - m 7)ow 1 MB /I il ri! a- ■- r1»*sa rml,r,n a ïæ nswt r sysir•,nd with Mr. Audet s family m D dn,t know to0 much of what >? Mr. Maurice Lafleur Jr. it as up-to-date as the modern tastes it's brewed to please. GUARANTIED BEST I ONLY DOW IS "(001 CONTROL" BREWED former Doris Burrows of Cap- S'^Zt^^'^TpCl^anTZ' ■ M", g Mr. end Mrs. Edgar Landon ahead of us. May it be a hap- Lome Kearns, Miss Susanne Johnston of 7:00 end 9:00 p.m. and Miss Dianne Fraser, were P? and prosperous year for Ottawa and Mr. Charles BerNews—Shorts—Features iau of Montreal spent the hol idays with their parents, Mr. Thursday & Friday and Mrs. J. C Beriau. January 7-8 Mr. and Mrs Earl Pappln & Frank Smith In Ottawa. common FarreM on; Miss AlMURDER REPORTED Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott ice Saunders. Ottawa and Mr. Charlene of Ottawa spent AA. Stribling Paul Carpenter were In Ottawa with Mr. and and Mrs. Arthur Kilgour a Christmas with Mrs Pappin’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Andmon ind % M,%d b ku- Vadneau. Saturday & Sunday Mr. and Mrs K. M. Tubman Mr. Robert Fairfield of the 2 °ur and Miss Arlene. January 9-10 and famly of Campbells Bay Universiy of New Brunswick, Mrand Mrs; Teddy Craig AUNTIE MAME spent Christmas with Mrs. spent the holiday at home. who have been living for some Rosilind Russell Tubman’s mother Mrs. Heman Mr. Bryan Arblc of McGill tlme *n Machine, expected to Forest Tucker University, Montreal, spent he moved this week to Tren- Dagg and tne Quailes. color Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wittthe holiday with his family. ton- Ont. a move which they Mr and Mrs. Michael St. have been looking forward to. kopt and Carolyn of Ottawa, Monday to Wednesday Germaine spent Christmas Mr. Ellis Palmer returned Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bretzlatl Day in Ottawa with Mr. and home from an Ottawa Hospital and Cheslyn were recent January 11-12-13 guests of Mr., and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Oscar Landry and family, on Monday last after being .n FROM EARTH TO THE MOON Bretzlatl on the occasion of Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. the hospital for 5 weeks. The Jos. Cotton Debra Paget Miss Coleen’s tmrd birthday. Michael St. Germaine during Doctors considered him enough color Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams improved to get home, some thing he was very anxious to and Susan of Ottawa spent do. He stood the trip home Christmas wltn Mrs. Williams' parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred very well, other than being "The Unfinished Task" very tired. We hope he Will BretzlafT Sr. Mr. Donnie Schwartz of Ot Acclaimed the outstanding religious film of the year in continue to improve in health. Winter can be fun—when your borne is cosy-warm. tawa spent Christmas Mrs. Eva Hodgins has return N.E.F.F. Oscar Awards And that's where we can help you. You see we re your ed home after spending some Mr. and Mrs. Midas Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. Bretzlaff weeks in Hamilton with her local dealers for Shell Furnace Oil. The oil, that lets and family spent Christmas sister Mrs. Alice Wilson. trouble-free summer comfort you enjoy carefree Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cudia and : with Mrs. Bretzlaff’s parents, Saturday, January 16 - 8 P.M. family and Mr. and Mrs. Mick I Mr and Mrs. Wm Thoms. all winter long. Freewill Offering Strutt spent a few days of the Mr. and Mrs. Arno Bretzlaff - Rev. R. W. McCaw For Shell Furnace Oil gives you the added benefits of Christmas season with Mr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Strutt. Gustave Yach of Ladysmith two special additives that guard your furnace... keep Miss Arllne Kilgour and spent Christmas with Mr. and it burning hot and bright-at peak efficiency-right Miss AliceSaunders ofOttawa Mrs. Wally Buchanan at spent part of their Christmas Beachburg. through the season t holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Willa Palmer and Mrs. Hobt. Newcommon, Farrellton. and Mrs. Alfred Wittkopf and What's more, you get these extra benefits for no more FIBRE GLASS DRAPERY, 45” wide % ^g yd. Well Yarm Is still getting Carolyn of Ottawa were Chrtthan you would pay for an ordinary, conventional smaller as Mr. and Mrs. Harry, stmas and holidays guests of BARK CLOTH DRAPERY, 45” wide gg yd. heating oil ! Belsher have moved to Shaw- j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bretzlaff. of ville, we hope only for the Mrs. Freddie Bretzlaff ■" - Jr. ■ SAIL CLOTH DRAPERY, 45’’ wide gg yd. Take advantage of our winter months. Mr. Elliott Bel- the Nursing Staff of Pontiac sher Is spending the winter Community Hospital spent her guaranteed delivery service with Bert on the farm. I Christmas holidays at her You get a metered receipt, showing exactly how many Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kilgour home here, and family of Renfrew visited ' Mr. Gilbert Bretzlaff of AylWe are in a position to gallons you receive—you get every drop you pay for. wih the Kilgour family Sun- mer spent Christmas eve with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred do any day. Call us today # O # we’ll rush sunshine warmth to Mrs. Almond Hodglns, Miss Bretzlaff. • , your home., Myrtle and Mr. James motored Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dagento Ottawa on Friday to spend | us anu Mr. and Mrs. Hector New Years day with Mr. and St Aubin returned to their Mrs. Heman Woolsey and fam- homes recently following a ily. Mrs. Fred Dagg accompan- I trip to Port Colborne and Ha led them and visited with her. mllton where they spent Chrlfather who was then still In | stmas and the holidays with — FREE ESTIMATES — FURN hospital. relatives and friends. Mrs. Cook went to Ottawa m ss uunne ^miaierllng of "Where Trading Is  Pleasure" OIL last week to visit with her Whitby, spent the past three UOYD STEVENS, Manager mother who had suffered a weeks with her parents Mr TELEPHONE 304 heart attack. We hope she- Is and Mrs. Garnet Zlmmerllng « Shawville, Que. Mr. and Mrs Frank Bullln improving. iWk 1 vm uTT . s E How we keep winter out of your home ond summer in! 5HAWVILLE HIGH SCHOOL # # # SPECIAL JANUARY CLEARANCE! UPHOLSTERING You May Require nu-variety store SHAWVILIE MILLING (0. LIMITED SHEL THE Thursday, January 7, 1960 Five EQUITY Sharpe on Christmas .light. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Doherty tkauiwillA IIMaC spent a few days during the JHAWflllC nUIO Mrs. Richard Findlay spent Going Away Party Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ruth Horner, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mar- ] Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. holiday season with Mr. and A very enjoyable evening Allan Woods. spent Christmas holidays with Ilneau and children of Quyon Wilfred Little during the hoi- Mrs. William Crick. Edgar Stark» Niagara and her parents, Mr. and Mrs J E. was spent at the home of Mr. Mr and Mrs. Herbie Howard spent Christmas with Mrs. idays were a son Lloyd, fontand Mrs. Harry Sharpe at and Linda spent Christmas Martineau’s parents, Mr. and ( illl. Ont . daughters Erma of Tom Stark, Northern Ontario Horner. Quyon on Wednesday night of spent Christmas weekend with Mrs. Hurst Hudgins arrived with Mrs. Howards parents. Oakville, Norma and Helen of Mrs Beecher Fraser home after spending a month last week. The occasion was a Mr .and Mrs. Lennis Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lancé] Toronto and Carol who Is at- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stark. goinK away party arranged by Miss Dorothy Elliott who in Hamilton and Elgin, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Telford and children of Toronto spent j tending business school ln teaches school In Fort CoulMr. and Mrs. Dalton Dods & the. Sharpe's former neighbors and family had Christmas the holidays in Portage and ! Renfrew. were accompanied back by Mrs1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me onge .spent the holidays with family spent Christmas ln and friends at Caldwell. Al dinner with Mr and Mrs. Joe though the night started out Mr. and Mrs. Herb Elliott. town. Smiley at Campbell’s Bay. Lance’s mother, Mrs. Mary I Bride motored to Calumet, to be stormy this.did not stop Rupert Smiley. Montreal, Mrs. Alex Horner visited rel Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fletcher Jane Tanguay who will spend I Quebec New Years day to atthe winter months with them, tend the funeral of Marilyn spent the holiday season with atives ln Ottawa during the the former neighbours from and family of Ottawa had motoring down and from the Christmas supper with Mr. & Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Dagg | Savage, nine year old daugh- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- Christmas week. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Hod- large attendance showed the Mrs. Jim Telford. and Joanne of Cltyview spent | ter of Mr. and Mrs. TrefT Sav- tal Smiley. esteem in which they were Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn Dale gins and family visited rela We are glad to hear that New Years with the formers | age. | Mr. Howard Orr Jr. is recup parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas! Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hub- and family, Ottawa, spent New tives in Shawville and Lady held here. Miss Jean Tracy read an erating nicely afer having the Dagg. jard, Montreal, Jean Smart, Years day with Mrs. Mel Dale smith over the New Years address expressing our loss in misfortune of being one of the weekend. Mrs. Lornle Stewart, a pat-1 nurse in training, Ottawa Gloria and Brenda. this community of the Sharpes holiday accident victims. Beverley Strutt, Ottawa spent Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson lent at the Ottawa Royal San j Civic Hospital and Sheila Mrs. Margaret Kelley is spent Xmas day with her fam- Smart, Macdonald College, Christmas weekend and Betty and Nancy of Ottawa, spent who have lived on their farm lly here. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Or- nurse in training, Ottawa Civ the holiday weekend in Shaw -1 since they were married, and spending the winter with Mr. | all of Mr. Sharpe’s life. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Workman. Guests at the home of Mr. I val Smart during the holidays. ic Hospital is spending a three ville Robert Lucas and Mr. William week vacation with their par V ing with relatives in Mr. Donald and Jackie Nes Willard Sparling spent Sunand Mrs. Wm. Burns over the holiday season were Mr. and day vis.ting wltn mends in ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Strutt. town over the holiday were Mr. (-)rr presented them on oehalf bitt of Ottawa spent a few Miss Norma Smart, Toronto and Mrs. Ivan Dagg and fajn- °* l^e neighbours with two days with friends at Caldwell Mrs. Peter Lavell and children ( Ottawa. beaut ful hostess chairs and a and Shawville. visited with relatives at Starks Uy. and Miss Evelyn Dagg of riit of Buckingham, Que. Mr. and------------------ : * Corners during the past week. Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pair of waii plaques. They Mr and Mrs. Ferguson Mrs. Douglas Kyle and child- Gibbons of Elliott Lake spent thanked their many friends for Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Sparling Dagg and family of Chalk R.vren of Noranda, Que., and Miss| Xmas week with the formers thoughtfulness in a few well Lawrence Smith and family and children, Ottawa, spent er Mona Burns of Ottawa parents Mr and Mrs. Gordon chosen words. Sunday visiting with his Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Maine spent New Years with Mr. and Mr. Gary McCallum of El-1 Gibbons Sr. and were accomp Dugal Sharpe and Mrs. Jim Mrs. Howard Nesbitt in Ot mother Mrs. Sadi? Sparling, and Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell lice Lake, Ont., spent the hoi- anted back by Mr. and Mrs. Tracy supplied the music for tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barr and Anthony visited with Mr. and iday season his parents, Gibbons to Elliott Lake for a the evening and the neighbour children, Mr. and Mrs. Len Mrs. Brent Horner and Clay Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Carman McCal-1 week’s vacation, women served a tasty lunch. Workman and Mrs. Margaret Emmerson and children, Mr. ÜVer the Holiday Season, lum Christmas midnight services The Sharpe’s were taken en Kelley spent Christmas with and Mrs. A1 Read and son Miss Nancy Horner of GatMiss Romone Ouellet of Pern-1 were held ln both the Roman tirely by surprise. Bruce, all of Ottawa spent ineau Mills spent the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith broke spent the holidays with Catholic and Anglican chur- Christmas weekend with Mr. ln town. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thack- at Shawville. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lio-1 ches and were very well atand Mrs. Dennis Barr. Gail Mr Morley Rowat, Montreal er, Miss Eileen Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong nel Ouellet and family. tended. Mr. Gordon Russett spent and Lorraine spent New Years Barr returned home Sunday spent the New Year at the Mr. Charles Brinkworth is a About 60 of the young peoafter spending a week ln Ot- home of his brother, Mr H. C. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Lester pie saw the New Year in at a I patient in the Rehabilitation Bill Armstrong and Lorraine. Thacker at Bryson. tawa. Rowat. party at the home of Mr. and Hospital ln Renfrew. Mr and Mrs. Manson Shaçpe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce EmerMr and Mrs Keith Horner Congratulations from Cald Mrs. Jack Farrell. Mr. Wilmer Malette of ElliMr. Clifford and Gerald Sharpe well to Mr. and Mrs. David son and son Rickey, Ottawa, and Terry travelled to Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. | ott Lake spent the holidays spent the weekend with Mr. pails, Ont. on the weekend to visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dickson who have a baby boy with his parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson. Lin- visit with Mrs. Horner’s parborn last week. Fred Malette. da and Sharon Sheppard, Me- ents • Get well wishes are sent to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McKay, Santa Visits Schools Kee spent last week with Mr. Mr. Billy Hodglns spent the Suzanne and Leslie visited Miss Jean, John and Hugh Santa Claus, Impersonated and Mrs. Neil Wilson. Christmas and New Year hol- with relatives in Shawville and Tracy who are at present sick by Mr. Germain Guidon and Mr .and Mrs. Glyn Davies, idays with his parents, Mr. & district with the flu. Also to one of Percy McCorriston representing Ottawa spent the weekend j Mrs. Ted Hodgins. He has now X Mr. and Mrs. Brent Horner our teachers Mrs. Lola Lam the Portage Recreation Club with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roy. , returned to St. Pat's College and Clay visited in Ottawa bert who Is at present a pat and Mayor Gibbons visited to resume his studies. during the Christmas holidays. ient in the Pontiac Commun both the separate and public Stan Horner was ln Shaw ity Hospital with Pneumonia. • Used Chain Saws on hand school Thursday before Christ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Woods member of the Canadian For ville over the Christmas holi • McCulloch Chain Saws mas and presented each child (Continued from Page One) and son Donnie visited witn estry Corp during World War days visiting his parents, Mr e Allis Chalmers Equipment with boxes of popcorn, potato or the Eganville Council of the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong Two having served for three and Mrs. Leonard Horner and chips and chocolate bars and Knights of Columbus as well • Surge Milkers years. He was also a member has returned to Pointe Claire, on Sunday also visited the home of childe Wood Electric as the Pontiac Branch of the ren who were 111 or unable to Canadian Legion. Deep Freezes to be present. Santa travelled t Mr. Shea was a son of the • Bulk Coolers decorated truck driven late William Patrick Shea and • Shell Gas and Oils oy Lornie Bennett and was in his wife Ida O'Connor. He was "Wa Service What We Sell" a happy mood handing out the last surviving member of gifts to over 200 children in his family. Portage. The children of the The funeral was held from separate school sang Christmas the home of Dan Shea in VinShawville songs for Santa and the on by Rlngrose Bros, to St. Phone 350J Christmas concert was in full Elizabeth’s Church where Re swing at the public school quiem High Mass was chanted when he arrived these. This by Rev. T. O. May. Burial took has now become an annual place in St. Elizabeths cemetevent and Ls looked forward to ery 4m** by the children with much ex he was educated. He was a citement. The Misses Barbara Tanguay and Barbara Cameron of Pembroke spent the holidays Miss Wanda Campbell spent at their respective parental her holidays with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Pitt at homes. ARTISTICALLY Mr. Albert Madore of Deux Cornwall. Riviers, Ont., spent the holi Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cudia ’ DESIGNED spent the past week visiting days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp. friends at Yarm and vicinity. Miss Echo Strutt and Wanda son and family spent New Years with their daughter and Campbell were hostesses Sat. family Mrs. Hiram Davis and evening at a birthday dinner for Mrs. Versel Campbell. family of Shawville. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Malette Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Spence and son of Carleton Place, who have accepted a pastorate MONUMENTS OF FINE Ont., spent the weekend with at Newcastle, Virginia, USA, MARBLE AND GRANITE friends in town. were Christmas guests at the OF THE BEST QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. Eldon ( Buster) home of Mrs Spence's parents McDowell and Miss Romona Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rooney of Made By The Latest Charterls. They ■(■ also visited Malette of Ottawa spent the Machinery holidays with Mr. and Mrs. friends and relatives in Shawville. Joseph Malette of Portage. Visit Our Showroom Miss Dora Beattie and Clive Little Tommy Brinkworth, And See For Yourself C. Beattie have returned to of Mr. and Mrs. Howard son DIAL HE 2-4224 Brinkworth Is a patient in the Marion College, Marlon, Indithe ftfter spending ana, RENFREW, ONT. Victoria Hospital in Renfrew with threatening pneumonia. Christmas holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. & The skating rink Is again Hilliard Beattie. Miss Mrs open for the season and ls now Muriel Tinney also of Marion & SONS in XU use. accompanied them back after visiting with the Beattie’s. Mrs. Ellen Woods, Heather Hodgins, Linda Fletcher and Master Jim Fletcher, spent part of their Christmas holi days at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. (Girls and Boys Games) V Mliard Beattie. / Mr. Sandy Megrath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Megrath of Starks Corners is now serving n Germany with the 1st Bat Visit Us This Week talion, Canadian Guards. He visited with his cousin Gloria Megrath, her mother and grandfather in Limburg, Bel * gium over the Christmas hoiday Aduults 35c Admission: Students 25c Mr. and Mrs. Blythe Lang at Hamilton. Ont., spent the “General Store” Phone 29 Shawville holiday weekend ln this dis Everyone is invited to come out and support the teams trict visiting friends and rel atives. Portage Du Fort Noies Caldwell Noies Starks Corners Notes m HEL Howard Shea This Week We Are (LEADING OUT A Quantity Of HORNER'S GADAGE patres ■ ■—*> CEMETERY MEMORIALS 3 GRAB T 50 - 1.00 - 1.98 Gè GEORGE H. FROATS 11 aè District Notes High vs Buckingham High APPROXIMATELY 35 WINDBREAKERS ALL SIZES AT n SATURDAY, JAN. 9 - 2:30 p.m. S. H. S. GYM PRICE ♦ 1 # Page Six THE V tlmiide W.l, | assisted by the secretary and Christmas cards I treasurer conducted the meet- Christmas parcel, The December meeting was | ing hdd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The president. EQUITY Thursday, January 7, 1960 sent^each SUNDAY. JANUARY 10th. 1959 STARKS CORNERS PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 1st Sunday After Epiphany Clarendon Parish IE~«F SSSlSI Rev. R. G. Elliott St. Paul's, Shawville 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7:30—Evening Prayer <1:00 pm - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting • St. Georges, Thorne Centre 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer - ■$ SchM1 % Mr-irr a the AAA a CABINET maker rt •ommbhoiau I All kinds of cabinet furniture made to order or repaired; such as doors, windows, etc Hardware & Materials Also upholstering repaired Paints and Glass fJlPHOTOGRAPIEB AUDEÏ STUDIO CAMPBELL'S BAY, QUE. GEO. EVANS AAA Rev. E. N. McColl St. Lake’s, Eardley 9:30 a m.—Morning Prayer St. John’s, Quyon 11:00 ajn.—Holy Communion P-O._ Box . 196 Phone 73 Campbell's Bay. Que FINE PHOTOGRAPHY OF EVERY VARIETY Phone 82 for Appointment Agent for the Manufacturers Life Ethier; Suzanne Lesieur; Jer ry Perry; Michael Flood; Pheal PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i;esleur; Marilyn Carroll; Jas. IN CANADA -erry; Madeline Lesieur; Betty 6029 Dr WALLACE HODGINS Graduate McGill University L. L. BAIRD and SON REG’D A St. John's, Moorhead NO SERVICE a A PHONE 33 Pupils with highest stand ing in the Christmas exams : Or. 1—Gerry Harkins ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ®r- 2—Joan Dupuis Fort Coulonge Lp , e Rev. B. Grant MacDonald, B.A | °r' 3~^uzanne Lesieur U:00 a.m.—Sunday School Or. 4—Philip Perry 11:00 a.m.—Service Grade 5—Linda Durocher £ A £ Or. 6 Keith Martineau UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Or. 7—Madeleine Les eur Shawville Pastoral Charge Or. 8—Jerry Perry Minister Rer. E. I. Johnston, B.A., BD. | Or. 9-Oerard Ubelle SURGEON DENTIST Shawville a.m—Sunday School Worship | Or. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship Or. Zion 2:30 p.m—Afternoon T Worship Or. —All Are Welcome— Gr. £ » » •A., 91.2 VICTOR 92.1 90.6 Cement Blocks Shawville 81.5 93.8 84.4 6 TANNED % PHONE 28 and Tile Box 111 ROLAND CHRETIEN Dental Surgeon dr. Phone 235J CAMPBELL'S BAY Telephone 30 MILNE. HONEYWELL & BURPEE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 56 Spark Street, Ottawa 4 Rhone SE 2-1114 Lawn Bleak, Campbell s Bay Rhone 28 192 Raglan Street, Renfrew Rhone HE 2-2852 96 r"T p-k'“.k Licensed to conduct sales anywhere in Pontiac end district. Nothing too hi g or tee small. 92.8 96.7 4—Diane Pelletier 82.7 BOWIE INSURANCE AGENCY 72.6 General Insurance and Real Estate 81 P.O. Box 10, Campbell’s Bay, Que. » Paul's W.A, au welcome Annual Meeting 1 1 OF3 CANAna iElects Officers I UNITED CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Clarendon Pastoral Charte At Annual meeting of Rev. R. W. McCaw, Paator Minister, E V. Cook (Saint Paul’s Branch of The Mrs. M. E. McCaw, Assistant 111:00 am».—Yarm Women’s Auxiliary of the An il : 00 a m —Wesley | gllcan Church of Canada, held Phone Shawville 316 2:30 pm—Starks Corners | recently, reportit presented by _ North Onslow 7:30 p.m.—Radford the various secretaries indica 10:00 a m—Sunday School ted substantial help given to £ £ û 11:00 am.—Morning Wo.ship the Church’s missionary work Shawville financially, and articles made UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 2:00 prni.—Sunday School by the women, sent to mission" Campbell’s Bay Pastoral 3:00 pjn.—Worship Service aries and residents of Indian Wednesday :Charge Schools. Rev. Robert Percival, Minister 6:30 p.m—Happy Hour These women devoted their 8:00 p m—Prayer and Bible 2:30 p.m.—Waltham meetings to a study of social Study 7.00 p.m—Fort Coulonge work under the theme: Listen to “The need of the j “He Cares”, and missionary û o a hour” over radio station CHOV work In “Africa TO-day”. every Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. G. R. BROMLEY OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined — — Your Protection Is Our Business — Richard Bowie, Agent CALL CAMPBELL S BAY 91 day and 59 evenings VIPOND CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. I PHONE PR 7-1621 HULL, QUEBEC SHOVELS, COMPRESSORS, CRUSHERS, GRADERS, TRUCKS WE MANUFACTURE CONCRETE SEWER PIPE REINFORCED ROAD PIPE “We Go Anywhere And Tackle Anything" | NELLIS HODGINS General Insurance SHAWVILLE phone DR. R. CAMPBELL THOMPSON Dental Surgeon V , BR,$T01 Telephone KENSLEY ELECTRIC Phone 80 53 Queen St. NOTARIES SHAWVILLE, QUEBEC Harland C. Rowat Raymond M. Rowat Office 38 —Residence 247 Ottawa 4, Ont. PONTIAC I STANDARD CHURCH Rev. B. R .Conley. Pastor Llttle Helpers: Mrs. E. Schwartz- Junior Girls' Leader : 81. Edward The Coni t Mrs. L. Dale, Tea Convenor: ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH I Sunday School—10:00 ajn Miss Melba Hodglns. Repres Morning Worship — H:oo am. entatives to Diocesan Board: Maryland 7:30 pjn—Evening Service Rev. J. P. Harrington, PP Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. E. Sch Tuesday wartz, Mrs. Lindsay Dale. Rec 1:00 a.m —Sunday Mass 8:30 pm.—Prayer Meeting tors representative: Mrs. R 11:00 a-m —Sunday Maas A Welcome To All Bouchard. the r. / ■ =r i FARM PONTIAC FARMERS , ASSOCIATION offer ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS $ NEW SPECIAL AUTO RATE REDUCTIONS FORUMS and Shawville ROWAT & ROWAT Telephone CE 2-2240 * 604-30 GEORGE HYNES AND SON Funeral Home Established 1885 General Electric A Frigidaire Appliances, Sales and Service Campbell's Bay Phone 75 (My 60) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT A 604-12 Electrical Contracting A Refrigeration HARRY WOOD * 111 P. o. BOX 144 EWES m LU. 5»nster & Solicitor CAMPBELL’S BAY 82 2—Marie Paule Pilon Gr. 5—Denise Pilon Sunday I UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 10.00 a m —Sunday School Bristol Charte Gr. 6—Jocelyne Pelletier 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship Rev. F Gerard B.D., S.T.M 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service 111:00 Shawville CAMPBELLS BAY, QUE 80% French Class 1A-Angele Beaudoin IB—Aline Pare Phone 250 PAUL A. MARTINEAU 96.1 innA £ Commercial Printers and Lithographers MAIN ST. SHAWVILLE PHONE:- Office 180 Ret. 164 a uiootmÊÊÊÊÊtiÊÊàÊtÊÊÊÊÊm a.m.—Sunday School St. George’s, Campbell's Bay 7:30 p.m.—Evening Prayer £ CAMP PETAWAWA POST GENERAL CARTAGE, USED AUTO PARTS Cars Bought For Wrecking - 24 hr. Towing Service St Alban, Parkman 11:00 a m —Morning Prayer £ Odorli ri dor ess ^ loaning F. H. Bud’ ROWAT St- George’s, Portage 9:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer Wednesday 8.00 pmi.—Prayer Meeting “You Are Always Welcome” THE NORTH RENFREW TIMES See —Campbell's BayRev. F. A. Burton, BA, BD Rev. W. R. Schamehom Phone 75 fife •nd CASUALTY, St. Matthew, Charterls 7:30 p.m.—Evening Prayer St. Stephen's. Greermount NO SERVICE Shawville Your Clothes Best Friend" THE EQUITY St. James, Otter Lake 2:30 p.m.-—Evening Prayer & .30 p m.—Evangel stic Servlet let er; Jocelyne Pelletier; Den8 00aJ?dnpramd'~B^le ®tUdj I O^Roy" Demise ‘ LeAnnual Vestry Meeting WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH PONTIAC PAINTSHOP A small church with a big j ^ pn‘^'s from the Catholic Shswville, Que. Phone 170 welcome'1 6(Womens League for perfect1 w attendance at the closing of A A A the Waltham Separate School on December 23rd. INSURANCE? BETHEL PENTECOSTAL For all forms of insurance, TABERNACLE I Angele Beaudoin; Elizabeth including Minister Rev. R D Ellis Lesieur; Rejean Pelletier; RoUFE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE mnn „ ser Beaudoin; Marie Pauls 4 £ PONTIAC DRY CLEANERS (WL AW3fdS PriZCS ."Si ggf££ T° Wa,,ham $,Udenl$ at 2:45' rhe foll°Wing pupils receiv- —North Clarendon— Mr A. E. Lawrence £ Storv lDIRECTORY Publishers of ££ fc broke every Thursday St. Luke's, Caldwell NO SERVICE St Thomas, Bristol 2:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer BUSINESS' | I Holy Trinity, Radford 2:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer £ Christmas was I their work in helping prepare the hall for the progressive | euchre held recently and al so to Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Mar tin for their hospitality at the November meeting. A discussion again arose in 'pg^d to the school prizes. CHURCH DIRECTORY A The Mrs T A by UlP :lCtlng secre*!dld not h«ve the co operation mlmmSsSmSSmSm" Mrs Gilbert Telford. Sec.-Treas Office in Argue Bldg, Shawville, Phone 289 FOR r Be Sure " You re PROTECTED ! FARMERS l GORDON I. PAUL GENERAL INSURANCE Phene lit Shewvflle 4 4 ( 1 » Thursday, January 7, I960 THI EQUITY Page Seven Brvson Notes months. , Miss Mina and Kenneth Hal- visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs Clifford Robltallle, Mr. proud distinction of being the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pols-'ston of Hamilton spent Christ Mrs. Prosper Hamelln.^^^™ 1 and --J Mrs. Roger Proulx, Misses first student to obtain a ComI and Mrs. Melvin Clark son spent Christmas with Mr. mas holidays at their home Mr. and Mrs. Dubeau mot- Patsy, Claudette and Joyce mercial Certificate from the here. I of North Bay and Mr. and | and Mrs. Amcdee Poisson ured to StCatherines Çhrlstmas Rainville, Miss Vera Cameron, Bryson Business College; A I Mrs. Russrll Pitt of Hull, spent Miss Vera Cameron of Ot- j Mr. Owen Coyne of Bancroft Day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Owen Coyne, Brian Stanton, I brother Edgar now living In I Christmas with Mr. James tawa spent Christmas with and Kevin Coyne of Barrys Frank Slcard. Cletus Newberry, and Roger Edmonton is managing the Pitt Mr. and Mrs Fred Coyne. Bay spent Christmas at their Mr, Roger Proulx paid a Cole of Bancroft. Company and our expression Miss Patricia Rainville and home here. short visit to his parents In Bryson Ski enthusiasts, Le- of sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Howard RoutMr. and Mrs. Ronald Coyne Bancroft last week. onard Cahill, Kevin Coyne, the elder brother John Macliffe spent the past week with Mlss Barbara Newberry, presMiss Joan Johnson of St. Karl Goransson and Gerald Cosham now living in CleveMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gra ently teaching in one of the entertained their many friends Montreal Schools are home and relatives Christmas night Patricks College spent Christ- Maloney, took advantage of land Ohio, ham In Aylmer. at their home, here. mas with her parents Mr. and the New Ski Hill, with tow I Sincere regret in general In Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mallette for the Christmas Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wall, Mr. and Mrs. James Wall Mrs. Roy Johnson. rope recently Inaugurated at Bryson over the sudden death of Sudbury were week-end Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly Ladysmith and were very I of Pau] Sauve our late premvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sudbury spent Christmas with spent New Years with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall in Arnprlor. and Frank Kelly of Yellow- pleased with skiing conditions 1er of our province. Youth in Newberry, Calumet Island. and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hanna. Miss Joan Olmstead. Mont- : grass Sask. are visiting with and we are enthused at the its maturing age seems to Miss Dorothy Brunet accom Clarendon. real is spending Christmas their parents Mr. Joe Kelly, prospect of returning soon to have been cut down when panied by Mr. and Mrs., Desw Mr Tom Durrell, teaching holidays at her home here. Calumet island. enjoy this healthy out door youth Is so much wanted champ and Orner Peloquln at gt. Eustache, Que. is spendVisiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. First Hockey match of the exercise, they found that this Canada of Ours; Sic tr; of Montreal were visitors of lng Christmas holidays at his Poisson during the Christmas season between Radford and quite a few other skiers are sit gloria mundl. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Brunet home here. holidays were Mrv 6nd <Mrs. Bryson on Shawvllle Ice last taking advantage of this new Mr. and Mrs. Rheal Slcard during Christmas Week. Mise Claudette Rainville of Larry Paquette and son Ray- week resulted in a win for skiing area. celebrated their 12th Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Leplne Ottawa and Miss Joyce Raln- mond, of Lachqte. Mr. and Radford 4-3. Victor MaoCosham anniversary January 3rd and of Toronto spent New Years ville of Chapeau spent their Mrs. Emile Paquette and Mr. and Mrs. Amedee PolsBryson extends Its sympathy received the congratulations with Mr. and Mrs. Orner Le- holidays at their home here. daughter of Cornwall, Mr. and son spent the weekend with to the family of Its native son of their many friends pine. Misses Joan, Anita and Gall Mrs. Charles Hammond and relatives in Ottawa. Victor MacCosham whose re- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence BlimMr. Jimmie Wall returned Leplne of Ottawa spent Chris- Brian; Mrs. John Hlotlnts, of Among those attending the cent death occured In Edmon- kle of Renfrew spent New last week from a Toronto Hos- tmas holidays with their par- Ottawa. New Year Dance at Shawvllle ton, where he conducted a Years with Mr. and Mrs Rodpi tal where he has been con- enta here, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Hameltn were Miss Georgina McCuaig ] large transport company. The olph Gauthier, fined during the past two Mr. and Mrs. Art Gervais, and son of Oshawa, Ont. were and Jim McCuaig, Mr. and late Victor Cosham held the Miss Verna MacDonneli now teaching in Montreal spent New Years with her parents here Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacDonnell. Miss Loretta Benoit, Ottawa was a weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Brunet. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McTiernan of Sudbury visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McTiernan, over the week end. o Employees cf Gatineau Po wer Company under E Monpetit, to continue improve CH RYSLER: the car of your life for the time ; ments at the Power plant here i are registered at Bryson Lodge of your life! Windsor . . . Sara %\ Hotel. toga . . . exclusive New Yorker. • I ■ 9 '(B(D -new ! 4 G V. ir .3 % % N . ' N S BMi ■ & A 1 X S mG é x » * .. / ■* No matter whicli wonderful new I960 Chrysler you select, your choice is a wise one. For each is e designed to provide the ultimate in motoring pleasure. Here is an incomparable one-piece body . : . improved torsion-bar suspension. Here are automatic swivel seats . . . push-button drive . . . new Panelescent dash lighting. All these and more are yours in any Chrysler model at a price well below your expectations ! • • •' ! V i mm m %a@ » Æe * ............... ....... mL K Z.A o tssm Record Hop At Bryson One Of Seasons Best The Christmas Record Hop held in the Town Hall, Bryson Que., Saturday evening Dec 26 sponsored by the Bryson Rock Kings was one of the dance highlights of the Festive sea son for the teenagers home for Christmas and the youn ger set of the district. The hall decorations tended to wards this beatnic age, the music played by record and the orchestra, like “Heartaches by the Score” "Danny Boy .’ "Mack the Knife” and I gave my heart to you” were not of the beatnick empo and were much enjoyed by the dancers. As a social event it ranks among the seasons best in Bryson. â V < Solid for ’60! That’s your new PLYMOUTH X; a y •y.% A quiet new ride ... a dashing new spirit ... a sleek new look. Small wonder the dazzling new Plymouth is in a class by itself this year with a whole array of new Plymouth features to make it so ! Like one-piece Unibody construction. And Plymouth’s new inclined, economical sixcylinder engine. Automatic swivel seats. And a Torsion - AIRE Ride that’s better than ever. See Plymouth soon . . . the car that makes the big changes in the low-price field I v< X' # M x Bsk Radford And Murrells Notes % Weekend guests with Mrs. Herbert Hodgins were Mrs. Stanley Johnston and Wayne of Ottawa. V / Spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Horner and family were Mrs. Muriel Horner of Knowlton, Que. and Mrs. H. W Kerley of Toronto, Ont. » Il* I» ! ïo i SH' K : 1 • # • • • < \ • •» f >y Vv: m t i x m : for the big plus in trucks ! «L \ ; . .v.v. 11 • . * , • • t X :x>x<: t / V V**' iVi1A % » Iwmm. C / • • . m • • m1 Lx V ", VV •AV 'X # V, w • •; V.* • #* 1 m-i X •V, • • 3% Av TV Iv \. # v.‘â • ••• .v-y: w •'•3® PP w:: V ■ g ' This year's handsome Fargo line up is better—and bigger—than ever! With smart new Sweptline pick-ups that let you haul more cargo more economically than any others on the road. Rugged new Cab - Forward models (gasoline or diesel) with exclusive Servi -Swing fenders that make service a snap. And a full line in between — 4,250 lbs. G.V.W. to 76,800 lbs. G.C.W. Ask about the Fargo that fits your job ! Quality products of Chrysler Corporation Engineering tv WV V •Of VISIT OUR % * SHOWROOMS! TEST-DRIVE YOUR FAVOURITE TODAY l ! / Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Telford and Mr. and Mrs. Manson Little and family were Mr. and Mrs. William Flood and family of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirwin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Thompson and Dr. Herbert Hannam all of Ot tawa, Mr. Hugh Williams and Mrs. Peggy Tosh of Braeside. X Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mayhew and Mr. and Mrs. Roy May hew of Otter Lake a*nd Yvonne Mayhew of Ottawa spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boisvert and family. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Hor ner were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zimmcrling, Glen and Ivanne of Prescott. Returning home with them Mrs. Horner plans to spend a few days with the Zimmerlings and with Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Lamothe and fam ily of Mallerytown. 1 I r Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boisvert and family spent New Years with friends at Otter Lake. A. D. McCREDIE SHAWVILLE PHONE S5J * Mr. and Mrs. Don Walter and Douglas spent the New Year weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Homer. # A- i ti I Th'»rt«fi.y, January 7, 1960 THE EQUITY Page Eight PHONE 75J S SHAWVILLE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 2 cents per word 50 cents minimum per ad Money should be paid advance if possible in Memorlam verses 10c per tins i For Sale Good quality mixed hay for cattle and horses. Baled. $22 per ton delivered. Apply KenMay, Forresters Falls, 19xm31 phone 1-21. One piano accordian (Buttstadt), 120 bass, good condit ion, less than half price. Mrs. A. Arbic, Campbell's Bay, Que. nlOotc Barred Rock laying pullets. Apply Emery Elliott, phone X 617-31. il min* i ; 4.0 NURSERY SCHOOL Notice Private Nursery School for 4 year olds opening February 1 in Shawville. Monday Wed nesday and Friday afternoons. Qualified teacher In attend ance. Number limited. Regis tration on Tuesday, Jan. 12 and Thursday, Jan. 14. Apply to Mrs. Blair Brown in the Connelly Apt. No. 4, Shawville. x Would the person or persons who borrowed our V by V taps and dies: also our port able grinder, please return Pontiac them lmmediately.^^^^H Farm Equipment, Shawville. b Personals For Sale or For Rent COMING EVENTS Wanted To Buy Timber required for manu Sat.,, Jan. 16 Movie at the facture into R. R. cross ties. Shawville High School at 8 Beech, Birch, Maple and Oak, p.m. "The Unfinished Task”. 10” and up a top end by 8’ or Acclaimed the outstanding 16' long. J. M Argue, Shaw religious film of the year In dl7otc x N.E.F.F. Oscar Awards. ville. sheep hides; Apply phone n26otc Home and Wed, Jan. 20 School at the High School. Guest speaker, Paul Martin eau M.P. Everyone welcome. b Last Wednesday of every month, Zion Community Hospital Auxiliary meets at Pulpwood, Spruce, pine, hem. 2 p.m. lock, peeled poplar, tamarack. Wilfred Brady, phone Glenview The regular monthlv meeting otc 52396 Beech Grove. of the Central Auxiliary, of Pontiac Commun* y Hospital In the Pent House, on the first Friday of each month at Adina Rebekah Lodge No.. 40 will be closed for the months of January and Feb b ruary. Public Notice Cards Of Thanks Public Notice Births To Rosaleen and David, a son, Andrew Moir, on December 29 at the Ot X tawa Civic Hospital. ANGUS—Theresa and Nelson are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Blair Norris, 8 lbs. 7 Vt oz at the Pontiac Community Hospital x on January 2, 1960. NEW lightweight , t REMINGTON Dantam direct drive a lois for Sale Various sites for building Province of Quebec, lots, available on Highway 8 Municipality of Bristol. Portage road, Main dtreei Shawville. Contact Lee Hod-1 Public Notice is hereby giv gins, phone 285. otr en by the undersigned secret ary treasurer that a meeting of the ratepayers and those entitled to vote in a municipal election in the aforesaid Mun icipality will be held on Wed PRENDERGAST In loving nesday, January 13, 1960, at 10 memory of our beloved son o'clock a m. to 12 o’clock noon, apd brother James Albert to proceed with the nominaPrendergast who passed t ons for three councillors In away Jan. 9, 1959. the room and stead of Robert There Is no parting from the one we love, Russett, Seat No. 4; W. J. Marks, seat No. 5; Gerald Ire No distance can divide land. Seat No. 6, whose terms For today in memories gardens, of office will then have ex We still walk side by side. pired. If more than the re Each dawning day a thought of him quired number are nominat ed, an election will be held In At evening a Prayer the same hall on Monday, And with the hearts that lov ed him \ January 18, 1960 from 8 o’clock am. and continuing until 6 He always will be there. Though his smile has gone o’clock p.m. forever Given under my hand this And his hands we cannot twenty-third day of December touch 1959. St 11 we have so many mem H. S. Ballantyne, Sec.-Treas. ories 2oj7 Of the one we loved so much. —Mr. & Mrs. I. W. Prender gast and daughter, x Province of Quebec Municipality of the Village of Shawville Smith—In fond and loving memory of James Kenneth Public Notice is hereby given Smith who died on Decem by the undersigned Secretaryber 23, 1958. Treasurer that a meeting of the Ratepayers and those en His memory Is as dear today titled to vote In a Municipal As in the hour he passed away. —Father, D G. Smith, Election In the above-named Sister, Grace and family b Municipality will be held in Highest prices paid for car or truck pulpwood. Write or 8 o.m phone for prices and particu lars. J. M. Argue, Shawville. Second Tuesday of every month otc Shawville Hospital Auxiliary the Fire Hall, Centre Street, of the Pontiac Community on Wednesday, January 13th, 1960 at ten o’clock to 12 noon Hospital meets. Hens, chickens, broilers, un-_____________________ ________ limited quantities. OrvaJ Smart The Radford Hospital Auxill- to proceed with the Nomina tions of three Councillors in Shawvtlle. phone 619-12. otc -*ry meets the 4th Wednesthe room and stead of Messrs. i day afternoon of each month Allan Black, Orla Young and hi the Pent House of the Dr. Roly Armltage whose terms hospital. Everyone welcome. of office have then expired. x If more than the required Four room apartment In The monthly meeting of the number are nominated, an el Campbell’s Bay, heated, $40.00 CampbeN’s Bay Hospital Aux- ection will be held In the same per month. Apply A. Arbic, 5c1 uiary will be held the second hall on Monday, January 18th to $1.00 Store, Campbells Bay, I Monday of each month at 8 1960 from 8:00 am. till 6:00 p.m. otc p.m. In the Court House Given ui>ier my hand this 28th day December In the Year of Our Lord on thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine. Auction Sales W. M. Hayes, Sec.-Treas. o . __ , The time is here to pian for We wish to express our ap-1 Qur auctjon saie To get best predation to the entire stan prlces engage an auctioneer of Pontiac Community Hosexperience and knowledge Province of Quebec pital for looking after us so of machine and livestock vai- Municipality of Clarendon well during the long periods of ues write, phone or call on Public Notice is hereby given timp we spent In hospital dur- Arnold O’Neill, Douglas, Ont- by the undersigned Secretarying the past year. Special | arto otc Treasurer that a meeting of thanks to Drs. McDowell, the ratepayers and those en STORM WINDOWS? Homer and Cowley. Combination aluminum win titled to vote in a Municipal —Irvin and Iva Swartz c Election in the above-named dows. doors and awn'ngs. 7 day delivery—Jan 1. to Apr. 1 Municipality will be held in the Council Hall on Highway Terms Available We wish to thank our many No. 8 on Wednesday, January —All Work Guaranteed— friends from Hilton Mines who 13th, 1960 at ten o'clock to 12 T. Allan McGregor contributed so generously to noon to proceed with the Nom 767 7th Street, the purse of money which we Ph. HE 2-3780 Renfrew, Ont. inations of three Councillors received on Christmas Eve. It o8otc in the room and stead of gratefully appreciated. was Messrs. Ivan Lewis Seat No. Thank you. 2, Henry McCord Seat No. 5 John S. Johnston, piano Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Orr . and Family b tuner-technician, graduate of and Grant Eades Seat No. 6, the School of Pianoforte Tech- whose terms of office have | nology. Chicago, 111. For ap- then expired. If more than the required We w sh to thank all our pointaient call or write 30 Rivfriends and realtlves for their ervlew Drive, Apnprlor, phone number are Nominated an el acts of kindness, floral and 1763. »17otc ection will be held In the same nail on Monday, January l8oh spiritual offers and message» 1960 from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00 of sympathy, special thanks to Radio And TV Service pm. Mr. Lennox (Javan and the Given under my hand this Canadian Legion at Quyon in Have your rddlo and TV serthe recent loss of a dear hus- viced by an experlencedgrad- 28th day of December, iff the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine. W. M. Hayes, Sec.-Treas. o 14otc and family b For Reel i * ■( When making your will, Team of Clyde mares, about 3300 lbs, one purebred, both 8 don’t forget your Community utc year old. Apply Carman Inglee Hospital 2xjl4 Beechgrove, Que. Brookdale Farm Is a Protest Hens, killed and plucked, ant Home for underprivileged average 5 lbs. $1.25 each. Ph. boys & girls. Located at Wake 2b) 14 field, Quebec It serves Pontiac, Shawville 652-3. Gatineau, Papineau and La bile Counties. It Is worthy of xtc your support. Seven bedroom house across irom Pine Lodge, Bristol, com fortable. Apply Mrs. A. Arblc, phone 51, Campbell’s Bay. slOotc Mon., Jan. 11»-Shawville W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Albert Manary at 8:30 b p.m Railroad Ties Top prices paid for hides, deer hides, beef also clean soap grease. Smart’s Meat Market, 31, Shawville. A A \v—M ' k In Memoriam WALLS—In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Heman El wood Walls, who passed away January 5, 1955. The years may wipe out many things But this they’ll wipe out never The memory of those happy days Which we have spent together. —Lovingly remembered by Wife and family x TANNER—In memory of a dear father and husband Archie Tanner who passed alray on Jan. 7, 1955. In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true, There’s not a day dear Father, We do not think of you. —Emma, Ola and Edward x SINCLAIR—In loving memory of our dear mother Mrs. John A. Sinclair who passed away January 3, 1956. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, its true, Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. The Family x SMITH—In loving memory of a dear son and father, Selwyn Smith who passed away Dec. 31, 1951. We love to think of you dear Selwyn In mansions bright and fair Where Jesus reigns in glory There'll be no sorrow there. —Sadly missed by mother, dad and daughter Lorraine, b Rmisstm > mm < PRICES ST AIT AT $179.50 the new, oil purpose "Sonte-" It's here Remington, manufacturers of Ihe world’s fastest cutting chain sows, os advertised on TYi Models $1*5, 5138, Sl-5«7, 017. 017#, 01-717. See en TV wi 1er e working demonilrotion el the ollwiew, guoroe i leed lor e yeer "lentoe" — new en diiploy. NORVAL R. WILSON & SON Phone 205 Shawville, Que. Here’s your chance to choose J a fine Spring wardrobe at our Af A m January sale of suits tailored v * / 4 to measure by SA VILE ROW! V 5T rfi > l\ Been waiting for prices to come I* * 4.1 down? Holding off buying that new suit or jacket? looking for the a# best clothing value in town? II mi X l $ Wait no more, Sirl For the time is NOW, and the place is HERE, in our store. Right now, during our January Sale, is the time to outfit yourself in a suit of the finest imported fabric, tailored with loving care, by the famed craftsmen of Savile Row! ; mm Hi 5 i 20% to 33%% OFF You’ll look a long time before you find better values than these. So come in this week, while the selection lasts. Buy a new suit for Spring. Or better yet — buy two! + i CIOTHIS SNOP1 Phone 30IJ * Shawville