Uwharrie Living May 2016


Uwharrie Living May 2016
Uwharrie Point Community Association
Uwharrie Living
Volume 17 , Issue 5, May 2016
Serenity Unspoiled
Record Attendance Marked 22nd UPCA Annual Meeting
The UPCA Board held the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Uwharrie Point
Community Association (UPCA) on Sunday, April 17, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at
the Old North State Club. There were over 100 people in attendance
which marked the largest turnout in recent history. UPCA President, Craig
Weisbruch, opened the meeting by reflecting on successes and progress
made during the past year.
Craig presented highlights from 2015, noting that “The association
continues to be in sound financial condition. There is over a million dollars
in reserves for future repairs of our streets. UPCA continues to be debtfree and the board has been able to keep dues increases at a minimum
over the past several years. The community continues to look wonderful and maintenance
is being done as planned and within budget. Secondly, the Promotions Committee, with
the help of Larry Fleece, completed a promotion video that is posted on our website and
YouTube page. And finally, our relationship with McConnell Golf has come a long way
over the past year with efforts to do our best to promote the community and club in a
positive way.” Craig also recognized five representatives from McConnell Golf who
attended the meeting: Christian Anastasiadis, COO; Laurie Stephens, VP of Membership;
Chad Flowers, Triad Membership Director, Frank O’Hara, ONSC Club Manager; and Tom
Ducey, ONSC Golf Pro.
Following presentations by each of the committee’s, Craig announced the results of the
Board of Director’s election. By receiving 264 ballots a quorum was obtained and the three
candidates receiving the most votes were Russ Fenton, Russell Karr, and Doug Muir.
They will begin serving on the board following orientation in May and will serve until 2018.
Departing Board Members Recognized For Service
At the Annual Meeting on April 17, 2016, five board members were recognized for their
service to Uwharrie Point. Andrea Hawkins and Bruce Mittendorf served on the board from
2013 until December 2015. While on the board, Andrea served as chair of the Community
Relations Committee and in 2014 was elected as the first female President of the UPCA
Board. Bruce served his entire term as the chair of the Infrastructure/Landscape
Committee and oversaw some major community improvements.
Janet Schaefer, Chris Bennett, and Craig Weisbruch were
recognized for their service from 2014-2016. Janet
served her entire term as Secretary to the board and as
chair of the Community Relations Committee. Chris
served on the Community Promotions Committee, and
Craig served on the Community Promotions Committee
until becoming President in January of this year.
All of these members have been assets on the board and
in the community and their service is greatly appreciated.
May 7 Semi-Annual Bulk Waste
Collection Day 8—noon
May 8 Mother’s Day
May 18 UPCA Board of
Directors Meeting @ 3 pm
May 30 Memorial Day
UPCA Office Closed
June 15 UPCA Board of
Directors Meeting @ 3 pm
June 19 Father’s Day
UPCA members may attend
any regular board meeting as
an observer. In order to
address the board on a specific
topic, you must be added to the
agenda one week prior to the
meeting date.
Hannah McMillian
Lot 79 Millingport
Badge & Carter Stone
139 Tindall’s Lane
Jamie Isenhour
Lot 13 Allenton Ferry
By: Mark Nicholls, Treasurer
During the Annual Meeting, Treasurer and Finance Chair,
Mark Nicholls, provided an update on UPCA’s financial
 A list of all the association’s assets was presented as
shown below.
 UPCA revenue has been stable for the past 5 years, with
a little over $1.1 million each year.
 Factors that continue to challenge us are foreclosures
and delinquencies that could lead to legal action. The
Board continues to take legal action against those
accounts that present the greatest potential for recovery,
given the cost to collect.
 The total net expenses is consistent with the continued
stable budget and our maintenance expenses have been
decreased primarily due to contract restructuring and
use of in-house maintenance staff.
 The Security operation expenses depict a continued cost
reduction primarily due to the Access Control System.
 The total amount of money in the Reserve Account is
currently over one million dollars which is primarily in
CD’s. This amount includes the general reserves, the
reserves for Waterton townhomes, and for the Village
In summary of our financial posture:
 Association finished better than budget last year and in
the previous 21 years.
 Dues increases over the past 10 years have been at a
minimum due to spending controls. Over the past 8 years
UPCA dues have averaged only increasing 1.1% per
year, with 4 of those years having no increase at all.
 Debt subject to legal action and cost to manage continue
to be priorities.
—Bad Debt remedies of Small Claims Court and
District Court proven to be successful.
—Since implementing in 2012, $79,000 has been
collected from 12 accounts through legal action.
—As of 3/31/16, 17 accounts continue in legal process
 Continue to review revenue and expenses on an ongoing
(Additional Financial graphs from the Annual Meeting can
be viewed online at
www.myuwharriepoint.org under
Resource Center/Annual Meeting.)
12.5 miles of paved roadways
- Concrete and inlaid stone curbing
- Storm drain system
Over 200 acres of common area and landscaping
Annual flower bed irrigation
2 entrance/exit gates and 1 exit gate
1 manned gate house and 1 unmanned gate house
Access Control System
Security/Maintenance Vehicle—Ford Ranger
Community putting green (Millingport)
Stone walls and columns
3 miles of walking trails (concrete, pavers, wood)
Over 300 traffic, directional, street and neighborhood signs
4 Wooden bridges
Community pier (Millingport)
Community Waste Facility
Electronic Speed Sign
Walking Trail Benches
Access Control
by: Kim Orick, Community Association Manager
Community Manager, Kim Orick, reported that there hasn’t been
any significant changes regarding Access Control and Security
during the past year except for the hiring of a new Director of
Security, Darrell Jernigan. The Access System continues to be a
solid investment and a very essential tool for the community. The
system has been operational for 5 years now and provides optimum
monitoring, as well as continues to generate revenue which provides
for a complete cost-neutral program.
With the hiring of Darrell last fall, it was an opportunity to have
someone give a fresh look at our security and safety procedures.
Overall, Darrell believes the online access system is an asset to
Uwharrie Point residents. However, he has identified several areas
of concern that residents can help with:
1. Property Owners need to schedule their own guests. Instead, owners call security
directly, or hand them a list of names, or even drive by the gatehouse and verbally provide
guests’ names. While the security staff enjoys talking and visiting with owners as you
enter, can you imagine what happens when 10, 20, or 30 members call or give security
guest names on a daily basis? It results in traffic getting backed up at the main gate and
the service gate.
The solution is simple . . .owners should schedule their own guests using a variety of easyto-use options.
 Log onto www.myuwharriepoint.org and use the Gate Pass Access scheduling
feature. This feature can be used on a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet to
schedule guests.
 If you don’t have internet access, use the auto-voice scheduling by calling the
computer at 336-422-1653. You will need a pin # to use this feature and you can set
this yourself once you are logged into the access system, or we’ll be glad to help you
at the UPCA Office. Once you call the system, you will need to provide the name of
the guest, their arrival date and time, and how long they are staying. Please keep in
mind that this feature is for scheduling one or two guests.
However, if you are having an event of 20 or more guests, contact the UPCA office and we
will provide Special Event Passes rather than you having to schedule each individual guest.
2. Vendors and delivery drivers entering through Main Gate instead of Service Gate
delays access by residents and guests. When scheduling deliveries or service, please
instruct the company to use the Service Gate to the left.
3. Residents are not keeping Permanent visitor list current. Some residents have 50 or
more Permanent guests on their account. Lists should be updated periodically to remove
persons who do not need / or should not have permanent 24/7 access.
4. Vendors should not be listed as Permanent guests. This is a major safety concern by
not only Security staff but many residents in the community. By listing vendors as
Permanent in the system, this gives them 24/7 access into the community whether
residents are home or not. Vendors should obtain an automatic vehicle pass which limits
days/times they can enter, or they should be scheduled when service is needed.
5. Obtaining pier numbers from residents to help with lake emergencies. Call the
gatehouse or UPCA Office to provide your pier number so we can develop an emergency
6. SPEEDING . . . continues to be a safety concern in the community. During Darrell’s time
on staff, he has reported that he has observed not only vendors and employees speeding,
but many residents as well. For the safety of everyone, please slow down and enjoy the
ride through the community, without speeding. Citations will be issued and fines may be
incurred if speeding is observed.
Please do your part to keep our community safe and secure!
Infrastructure/ Landscaping
“The Board is responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure and assets the
Association owns is maintained and protected. The infrastructure and
landscaping are key features in our community in addition to being the largest
expense in our budget,” explained Pat. Salmonese as she presented the
Infrastructure/Landscaping report.
During the past year, the following work was done to protect our assets:
 Main entrance gates were
refurbished to remove rotting
wood and replaced with
 188 street lights were
 Each year an independent
engineer evaluates the
condition of our streets. This
year’s report concluded that
our streets are serviceable
and consistent with age with
no repaving needed for this
year. Sealcoating of Southpoint terminal streets will be scheduled for later this
 The wooden bridges were stained and wood replaced where needed.
 Replaced several street, traffic, and environmental signs.
 Matthew’s Greenhouses was hired to oversee our flower program.
UPCA’s maintenance employee, Rick Stout, continually does a fantastic job of
maintaining our community. Everything from mailbox maintenance, sign
maintenance, painting street lights, fire hydrants, repairing bridges/walkways,
etc. is done in-house which reduces contracting costs.
In addition to maintenance and repairs, the following community enhancements
were completed:
 Installed pavers under the
walking trail benches.
 Installed new plant beds at
Millingport Putting Green,
across from Millingport
Arbor, at Allenton/
Pennington Ferry and
Freeman Hill.
 Installed concrete pad under
recycling container at waste
Besides structural repair and maintenance, there is a substantial amount of
grounds maintenance in the community. Did you know that each week our
landscape contractor maintains over 200 acres of common area? In addition to
mowing and pruning, additional regular maintenance is performed such as:
regular edging, weed control, insect control, leaf removal, street cleaning, and
blowing walking trails spring and fall applications of pine needles, over seeding
and fertilizing turf, installation and maintenance of spring and fall annual flowers.
With all of this work and maintenance, the board continues to focus on managing
 Our onsite maintenance employee, Rick Stout, has reduced costs by
performing duties such as carpentry, electrical, painting, gate repairs, etc.
rather than having to contract the work.
by: Pat. Salmonese
 We continue to chip the natural
waste and use it in our
common areas (savings of
31%). Also, the mulch is
available to members at no
 Our semi-annual waste
collection days save expenses
by providing members an
acceptable way of disposing of
bulk items (TV, appliances,
electronics, furniture, etc.).
 The Annual Community
Propane Pricing Program
continues to provide members
with price negotiating power.
All this attention to detail is why
our community looks so good!
Even though we focus on
maintaining and protecting our
assets, it’s equally important to
provide some enhancements.
Looking ahead there are several
things the board is reviewing to
maintain or enhance our
 Additional neighborhood
entrance and main entrance
landscape upgrades.
 The Millingport putting green
turf replacement is still on the
watch list as a future project.
 Additional street repaving will
most likely be needed during
the next few years. Repaving
Old North State Lane is on the
watch-list and this will be
coordinated around club events
and any golf course work they
may have planned in the
coming years.
 The current location of the
UPCA Office is temporary.
There have been a couple of
options that the board has
received and will be reviewing.
Eventually we are going to
have to have a permanent
office. As the community to
continues to grow, the need for
additional staff or services will
be needed.
Community Relations
by: Janet Schaefer
Janet Schaefer enthusiastically open her presentation saying, “After
listening to a multitude of facts and figures, I hope you will be interested
in the “fun” part of our community. The Community Relations report will
showcase just some of the ways our energetic community keeps
Information about activities is communicated to members through the
Uwharrie Living newsletter and our website. Also, don’t forget that there
is also a link on the website where you can purchase Uwharrie Point
logo merchandise.
On the right is a list of activities our members participate in to help
others. A new service that just began last month, “Neighbors on Call
(NOC)” is designed as a way to help those who may have had surgery
or live alone and need assistance. The group does odd jobs such as change a flat
tire or dead battery, haul garbage or debris, small landscaping jobs such as
removing a small dead tree or shrub. They can assist with computer issues,
transport to doctors appointments, pick up medicine, or sitting with an ill person.
Just call the UPCA office and they will pass along the information to one of the
NOC’s who will contact you directly to set up a time to help. What a great service
to our residents!
Not only do our members serve others, but we like to have fun too and stay
active. There is no possible way that anyone can be bored living at Uwharrie
Point. You can see our list of activities is always expanding. Two new activities
for this year are the Ladies Hiking Club and the Men’s Philosopher’s Club which is
the men’s answer to the Ladies Study Club. Please note that an additional
membership is required to participate in the activities on the list that are starred.
Our business ad campaign continues to be successful with over 140 businesses
participating. The fees to advertise help pay for our Uwharrie Point website.
Members can help by encouraging your service providers to advertise on our
The Ambassadors continue to welcome new residents to our community. We had
a social evening for new residents in 2015 so they could meet new neighbors, and
we will have another event this spring. In 2015, 25 new families were welcomed,
in addition to 7 others so far this year.
As we move forward we will continue to provide information to residents in a timely
manner. We are excited to announce that Susan Farrell is planning a new event in
July for a 5K walk/run and a 1K parade as part of the July festivities.
According to Janet, “As we continue our presentations today I would like to remind
you that everyone on the board is your neighbor and your friend. You elected us to
do our best to keep this a viable community and promote the best interests of all
property owners. We have all tried to do that. We always welcome your comments
and questions. We are blessed to have a community that truly cares about one
another and is there when anyone needs help. That is the most unique and
wonderful aspect of Uwharrie
Point. It is something that is
difficult to market, but we can
all do our best to get the word
out. “
Volunteer Firemen / First Responders
Hospice Dinner (April)
Fireworks Show (July)
Halloween Treat Bags
Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
Food Pantry
Communities In Schools
Christmas Tree of Hope (December)
Uwharrie Point Community Endowment
Bear Project -Victory Junction Gang
Competitive Propane Pricing
Welcome Committee
Community Ambassador Program
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup
Neighbors On Call – new for 2016
Couples Bridge 
Pfeiffer Falcon Club 
Garden Club
Holiday Themed Parties/Dances 
Ladies Hiking Club (new)
Ladies Book Club 
Ladies Bridge 
Ladies Study Club
Mah Jongg 
Men’s Bible Study 
Men’s Senior Golf 
Men’s Tennis 
Men’s Philosopher’s Club (new)
Sundowners Golf 
The Big Break (ONS style) 
Walking Group
Water Aerobics 
Winter Game Nights 
Women’s Golf 
Women’s Tennis 
Yoga/Cardio 
 = requires membership
Community Promotions
by: Kelly Irwin
To open the Community Promotion Committee report, Kelly Irwin
reported that as promotion efforts progress, the committee is staying well
under budget and have keyed in on what is working to drive interest to
the community and what is not.
In looking back at the past year, the following have been completed:
 Changed the front entrance sign to market with known brand
“The Old North State Club at Uwharrie Point”
 Continued to promote and monitor website usage
 Continued Social Media at a scaled-back effort (Facebook,
Pinterest ,and Google+)
 Added professional promo video to website and Facebook
 Launched ad on www.PrivateCommunities.com
Since launching Private Communities (PC) site in Nov. 9, 2015, results have shown:
 63 sales leads which are forwarded to our Select Brokers, Uwharrie
Point Realty and Sotheby’s, on a rotating basis. The leads are
primarily from the northeast and looking to retire in 1-2 years.
 3,311 individuals viewed the PC site
 514 went to Uwharrie Point website
 121 visitors went from site to Facebook
 102 visitors went from site to YouTube
 89 visitors went from site to Pinterest
 111 visitors went from site to Google+
The member-only website (www.myuwharriepoint.org) is continuing
to provide information to members. In the past six months:
 65% of members have registered on the site (an increase of 3%
since April 2015)
 87% of members are registered for electronic newsletters which
saves mailing costs.
The site is a one-stop location where members can find the member directory, calendar of
events, classified ad section so you can post things you may have for sale or find a
service provider, and schedule guests.
The public website (www.uwharriepoint.org) over the past six months has shown
progress as well.
 3,188 visits (2,270 unique visitors) — 68% were NEW SESSIONS
 9,517 page views (2.99 page views per session)
 Average duration of each session is 2:11 minutes
 Since launching in 2013, we’ve had 53 online inquiries from interested prospects.
Premier Broker Program
Brokers are able to advertise their properties on our site for a fee. This allows a prospect
to not only view what the community and club lifestyle is, but also to see what lots or
homes are available to purchase. There are currently 87 available properties shown on
the website from two participating brokers: Uwharrie Point Realty and Sotheby's
International Realty.
Looking ahead:
 Continue to explore joint promotion efforts with McConnell Golf
 Market to other McConnell Golf members
 Continue to monitor Private Communities website for effectiveness of referrals
 Work with McConnell Golf’s new broker to enhance property sales
 Develop Discovery package for Private Community website to encourage more
property visits
One way that all
homeowners can help
promote Uwharrie Point is to
use Badin Lake, NC
instead of New London, NC
as your house address.
No need to submit this
change to the Post Office.
The Post Office recognizes
Badin Lake, NC for this area
and it isn’t confused with
the town of New London.
Just use Badin Lake, NC for
all your mail, deliveries, etc.
It just that easy!
Semi-Annual Bulk Waste Collection Day: May 7th
Homeowners are invited to bring their bulk items to the
Community Waste Facility on this designated Clean-Up Day.
This includes lumber, furniture, appliances, computers, etc.
that are not permitted to be left at the facility during normal
operations. Personnel with a large truck will be there to
accept and load your items so they can be taken to the
landfill. Hazardous waste will not be accepted (i.e. paint, tires, oil, etc.).
There is no charge to take advantage of this opportunity. It is provided as a service to assist homeowners in
the disposal of bulk items. Please do not leave bulk or hazardous waste items at the facility at any other time.
Collection Days are scheduled bi-annually on the first Saturday in May and the first Saturday in October each
Custom Uwharrie Point Pier Cleats Available for Purchase
Rowboat Company in Mooresville, NC have discovered an inventory of
pier cleats that were custom fabricated for Uwharrie Point during early
development years when the ONSC Marina and docks were being
installed. They have 87 of them in storage and will wholesale them to
Uwharrie Point property owners for $40.00 each, plus freight and
handling. Rowboat is also available to install them for an additional $50.00 per cleat which would include the
removal of the old cleats and supplying and installing the three fasteners. This is a limited time offer. Once
the inventory is depleted, they will not be fabricating any additional ones; and if the inventory is not purchased
before May 15th, they will grind off the imprint and reuse for other projects. Please contact Rowboat at 704663-3478 before May 15th if you are interested.
“Celebration of Our Freedom” Fireworks Sponsorships
It may seem early to begin thinking about the Fourth of July Fireworks show,
but it involves a great deal of planning to make sure it happens successfully.
The July fireworks show has been a signature event in our community for nearly
two decades. It has brought together Uwharrie Point and Old North State Club
families and friends for what has become the most significant “feel good”
patriotic event of the year. Quite a few guests and prospects also attend, and
the event has played a key role in some past decisions to purchase real estate
and join the Club.
Since 2011, UPCA, McConnell Golf, and Uwharrie Point Realty, have jointly cosponsored the July fireworks event with each funding $500 towards the goal of
$8,000, which equals the amount historically spent on the show. In addition,
sponsorships from property owners, club members, family, friends,
businesses, etc. are needed to fund the balance of the show. This is an
opportunity for property owners, club members, and businesses to
sponsor the fireworks event in honor of or in memory of someone who
has served or is serving our country, our state, our county or our community.
All sponsorships will be recognized in a printed brochure that will be distributed prior to the July 2nd fireworks
We have also arranged for all non-club members and businesses who sponsor the event to be our guests at
the club on July 2nd.
We hope you can see how important this event is to the community and club, and that you will decide to
participate as a sponsor for the program. If you would like to be a fireworks sponsor, please complete a
sponsorship form and return it to the UPCA Office no later than June 11th. Forms are available at
www.myuwharriepoint.org, at the guardhouse, and at the UPCA Office. Checks can be made payable to
UPCA with a memo designated to fireworks.
McConnell Golf Update
by: Laurie Stephens, VP of Membership
Laurie Stephens, VP of Membership for McConnell Golf,
provided updates and information regarding McConnell Golf
activity. Laurie reported that McConnell Golf now has 5,000
total members and 300 of those at the Old North State Club.
250 are residents at Uwharrie Point.
In the last year, three new staff members have been added:
Beverly Marler is now the Triad Regional Director, Frank
O’Hara is the new ONSC Club Manager, and Michael
Monahan is the ONSC Executive Chef. Also, Chad Flowers,
Membership Director, oversees the available resident
membership offerings: trial golf, trial sport, trial social, as well
Heritage, National and Corporate options available.
In January, McConnell Golf purchased Uwharrie Point Realty
which is operating out of the clubhouse. The same Sales
Team is in place: Chip Conner, Jacqui Ducey, and Troy
Winkelmann. Laurie reported that “Mr. McConnell believes
keeping all operations in a central location is key to selling
the lifestyle and combining marketing efforts.”
A new public website for The Old North State Club will launch
at the end of April. Company-wide, all clubs will have new
websites as well. Within a 4-week period, all 13 McConnell
club’s new websites will launch which is a huge undertaking.
In regards to marketing, McConnell Golf continues to use
social media, wedding/business expo’s, print, radio, and TV
to promote the club and community. The ad shown to the
right for Uwharrie Point Realty will be published in the next
edition of McConnell Golf magazine.
The McConnell Golf footprint is definitely growing. There are
now 13 properties with 12 private clubs through NC, SC, and
TN. All are associated with top golf-course designers. The
Old North State Club remains ranked #3 in the state and #1
in the Piedmont Triad. Mr. McConnell is very proud of the ranking and notoriety
this club holds. The most recent additions to the McConnell Golf family are
Holston Hill Country Club in Knoxville, and Providence Country Club in Charlotte.
They have also signed a 10 yr. lease for the public golf course in Raleigh, which
provides a good golfing experience for those who love the game but may not be
able to afford a membership.
Architectural Review Update
by: Chris Bennett
Employees Recognized for Service
Chris Bennett reported that the Architectural Review board
is comprised of Chairman, David Moses; 2 landscape
architects; and a board member rotation.
During the Annual Meeting in April, three UPCA
employees were recognized for service to
Uwharrie Point.
Currently there are 300 completed homes in the community
and four under construction. The graph below shows new
construction starts are still low compared to previous years,
but the good news is that construction hasn’t stopped.
In 2015, there were a number of submittals that were
reviewed in the various categories.
Rick Stout, UPCA Maintenance, has been on staff
for 10 years. He is part-time, but provides a great
value to our community. Due to his many talents
he keeps our community looking good by
maintaining the waste facility, gates, guardhouse,
walking trails, 300 mailbox posts, over 300 traffic
and community signs and much more. Through
his service we are able to reduce maintenance
costs because the work can be done in-house
without contracting.
3 new construction
4 Landscape Plans
5 landscape improvements
16 construction changes (color change, roof change,
sun room addition, deck expansion)
Members are reminded that according to the covenants,
ANY exterior change to a home or landscaping must be
submitted for review prior to implementation. This is
necessary to protect property values, but also members
may not be aware of specific building requirements,
setbacks, guideline changes, etc.
Depending on the
change, some may require a more extensive submittal than
others, but at least contact the UPCA Office to ask what is
needed. Below are some examples.
Do I need approval to:
. . . change a screened porch to a sunroom?
. . . install a path from the house to the lake?
. . . change the color on the house?
. . . add a roof over the deck?
. . . change the deck from wood to composite?
. . . add a fence?
. . . renovate the landscaping?
. . . plant spring flowers in the yard?
. . . replace the roof with the same color shingles?
. . . replace a shrub that died?
The presentation slides for the
2016 Annual Meeting can be found on
www.myuwharriepoint.org under
Resource Center /Annual Meeting / 2016
Leigh has served as the UPCA Administrative
Assistant for 11 years. She was supposed to
receive her 10 year award last year, but
unfortunately the retirement of Lester Roberts
overshadowed her and recognition got overlooked.
She is a key asset to maintaining all of the
association’s records, data, and overseeing
access control tags. Leigh lives in Eldorado with
her husband and 3 children, ages 5, 12, and 17.
We appreciate all Leigh does for our community.
Kim has served as the Community Association
Manager for 15 years. Kim takes great pride in
making sure our community looks and functions to
the highest standards. From the front gates of our
security operation, throughout the community
landscaping, to our waste facility and violation/
policy enforcement…..these things are what keep
the appearance of our community so special.
These employees were presented gifts for their
length of service.
Please congratulate these
employees when you see them and thank them for
their service to Uwharrie Point.
New Initiative 'Neighbors On Call' Being Implemented
A new initiative called 'Neighbors On Call', sponsored by the
Men's Bible Study Group is being offered to the community. The
concept is one of neighbors helping neighbors.
It has been recognized that a growing list of our neighbors might
need assistance from time-to-time in managing things that could
better be handled by someone who has the experience and/or
resources to help.
on call
The target group that might benefit most from the initiative would include:
 Feeble or disabled individuals
 Widowed or Single individuals
 Individuals recovering from surgery or illness
A task force of volunteers has been recruited within the neighborhood, all of which possess different
skills, interests, and resources. This task force is more than willing to provide timely assistance to the
target group. Assistance being offered would be short term in nature and not intended to replace
things like routine lawn maintenance or major home repairs.
All assistance rendered would be without cost or obligation. If materials are needed to fulfill a need,
reimbursement for their cost would be appropriate.
Here is an initial list of available services the volunteers can provide:
 Transportation to doctor appointments
 Grocery runs, medicine/supplies pick-up
 Sitting with shut-ins while spouse attends to other
 Assistance or advice on home maintenance issues
 Carpentry
 Plumbing
 Electrical
 Hauling garbage, debris, etc.
 Computer training/assistance
 Landscaping
 Removal of small fallen or dead trees
 Dead shrub removal
 Advice on drainage issues
 Automotive issues
 Flat tires
 Dead batteries
 Furniture rearrangement
 Heavy lifting
 Light bulb replacement
 Verify contractor proposed scope of work/cost
How To Get Help: If you are in the target group, to get help all you have to do is call the UPCA office
at 461-5344. The UPCA office will in turn notify the current 'Neighbors On Call' coordinator who will
in turn dispatch a volunteer that is compatible with your need. The volunteer would call you to
discuss the exact need and set a time for providing help.
Simple as that. Don't hesitate to make a request for help. The volunteers sincerely want to provide a
meaningful service to the community.
To Volunteer: If you would like to volunteer to be a 'Neighbor On Call' call Leonard Shelor on 4611157. Leonard will explore your interests and determine which services you'd be most able and
willing to provide.
Pier Numbers Needed to Enhance Safety Measures
In an effort to better provide more specific information to emergency personnel responding to
incidents on the lake that may occur near waterfront property, all Uwharrie Point property
owners with piers are encouraged to provide us with the pier number assigned to you by
Alcoa. This information could prove vital if an accident or injury occurred on the lake at or
near your pier, and the 911 caller did not know the physical address of the incident.
Pier numbers are typically attached to a tree near your pier on a metal plate. This number will be
provided to Montgomery County 911 to add to their database. If you are willing to provide us with the
information so we can develop a database, please contact the UPCA Office to provide your pier number.