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KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER 6. R E A C T O R T E C H N O L O G Y: K U D A N K U L A M 1000 MWe VVER INTRODUCTION Considering the growing energy demands and the necessity to increase the energy potential, a second line of light water reactors has been added to the current indigenous programme of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors. Two Light Water Reactors of 1000 MWe VVER units are being installed at Kudankulam in collaboration with the Russian Federation. These reactors in addition to accelerating the nuclear energy potential would also help in expanding the knowledge pool by broadening the research activities in reactor technology. This chapter on Kudankulam VVERs, highlights the recent work in the areas of reactor analysis, code development with visual interfaces for physics computation and pin-by-pin simulation of hexagonal lattice cores. 128 BARC HIGHLIGHTS Reactor Technology & Engineering KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER V V E R is an acronym for “Voda Voda Energo Reactor” meaning a pressurising system connected to the reactor with each loop water-cooled, water moderated energy reactor. The VVER containing a horizontal steam generator, a main circulating pump reactors belong to the family of the Pressurised Water Reactors and passive part of emergency core cooling system (PWRs). The KK-VVER has a three-year fuel cycle. This reactor (accumulators). The loops are connected with the reactor requires annual refueling of one third of the core i.e., pressure vessel assembly by interconnected piping. The reactor approximately 55 fuel assemblies. also consists of a reactor protection and regulation system, engineered safety features, auxiliary system, fuel handling and The reactor plant consists of four circulating loops and storage system. Major Systems of 1000 MWe VVER Reactor Technology & Engineering BARC HIGHLIGHTS 129 KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER 130 BARC HIGHLIGHTS Reactor Technology & Engineering KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER 6.1 VVER-1000 MWe REACTOR ANALYSIS After generating the complete lattice database with EXCEL code for 11 fuel types, the VVER-1000 Mwe reactor core of KK Project The VVER-1000 MWe reactor core of Kudankulam (KK) Project was followed up for 8 fuel cycles. Each hexagonal assembly cell is a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) of Russian design. It is was divided into 54 triangular meshes. The results like critical necessary to develop indigenous capability of in-core fuel soluble boron, radial and axial power distribution, 2-D and 3-D management of these reactors. This capability is also essential peaking factors were compared with Russian data. The calculated for an in-depth review of the PSAR documents submitted by critical boron with a uniform keff normalization agreed well with Russian Federation for KK Project. The detailed analysis and Russian data for all eight fuel cycles. The deviation was slightly comparison of results with the Russian design project reports more for first fuel cycle, possibly due to non-equilibrium Sm giving the physical characteristics under various steady state load. Power dependent feedback is being implemented conditions has revealed that it is essential to develop capability in TRIHEX-FA code to reduce the deviations observed in power for analysing some of the slow (xenon) and fast transients. distribution. The modeling of reflector region is also being fine tuned. Indigenous lattice burnup code EXCEL and core diffusion analysis codes TRIHEX-FA and pin-by-pin simulation code HEXPIN V. Jagannathan, <[email protected]> have been developed and are used to analyze the KK core. Typical Comparison of Radial Power and Burnup Distribution Core Follow-up Simulation for KK Cycle-8 Reactor Technology & Engineering BARC HIGHLIGHTS 131 KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER 6.2 DEVELOPMENT OF CODE SYSTEM FOR THERMAL REACTOR DESIGN WITH VISUAL AID SOFTWARE PACKAGES ‘VISWAM’-A COMPUTER CODE PACKAGE FOR THERMAL REACTOR PHYSICS COMPUTATIONS The nuclear cross section data and reactor physics design methods developed over the past three decades have attained a high degree of reliability for thermal power reactor design and analysis. This is borne out from the analysis of physics commissioning experiments and several reactoryears of operational experience of two types of Indian thermal power reactors, viz. BWR and PHWR. Our computational tools were also developed and tested against a large number of IAEA CRP benchmarks on in-core fuel management code package validation for the modern BWR, PWR, VVER and PHWR. Though the computational algorithms are well tested, their mode of use has remained rather obsolete since the codes were developed when the modern high-speed large memory computers were not available. The use of Fortran language limits their potential use for varied applications. A specific Visual Interface Software as the Work Aid support for effective Man-Machine interface (VISWAM) is being developed. The VISWAM package when fully developed and tested will enable handling of the input description of complex fuel assembly and the reactor core geometry with immaculate ease. Selective display of the three dimensional distribution of multi-group fluxes, power distribution and hot spots will provide a good insight into the analysis and also enable intercomparison of different nuclear datasets and methods. Since the new package will be user-friendly, training of requisite human resource for the expanding Indian nuclear power programme will be rendered easier and the gap between an expert and any new entrant will be greatly reduced. VISWAM Code Package for Reactor Physics & Shielding Computations 132 BARC HIGHLIGHTS Reactor Technology & Engineering KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER Typical Screen View of ‘XnWlup’ Software to View Microscopic Cross sections Typical Screen View for Input for VVER Assembly Cell Description VISWAM: Present Status of Code development The visual mode of creating input to typical VVER fuel assembly description is also given. The visual input can be internally Typical viewing of multigroup cross section by the ‘XnWlup’ transferred to the other digital form of input. code is shown in figure. One of the combo boxes for creating EXCEL input file is also shown. There are separate boxes for entering/editing the input set for pincell, supercell, assembly diffusion module etc. Reactor Technology & Engineering BARC HIGHLIGHTS 133 KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER Typical Screen View of Input for VVER Assembly Geometry Typical Thermal Flux Profile in a Thorium Loaded Reactor – by Plot3D The 3-D flux profile of the complex core simulation can be viewed for any axial plane and each energy group. Figures give typical 3D flux display at selected plane for different types of reactor analysis. These were plotted using the program ‘RealPlot3D’ or the ‘Display’ program. These 3D plots give the clear depiction of flux profiles in large 3D cores. Inadvertent input error, if any, can easily be identified and corrected. Typical Thermal Flux Profile in a LWR Typical Epithermal Flux Profile in TAPS BWR – by Plot3D 134 BARC HIGHLIGHTS V. Jagannathan, Reactor Technology & Engineering <[email protected]> KUDANKULAM 1000 MWe VVER 6.3 HEXPIN CODE FOR PIN BY PIN SIMULATION OF HEXAGONAL LATTICE CORES The code ‘HEXPIN’ has been developed for core follow-up analysis for first time with a pin-by-pin cell description of the entire core and reflector regions up to pressure vessel. The input to HEXPIN code consists only of fuel assembly type disposition. The geometrical specifications within each fuel type are directly derived from the output of hexagonal lattice cell burnup code EXCEL. The core external regions are alternate ring layers of steel and water up to pressure vessel. The hexagonal cells within a given radius are automatically identified by the code. The HEXPIN code has been used for small PWR cores with 7/13/19 assemblies and also for the VVER-1000 MWe reactor core of KK Project with 163 assemblies. With HEXPIN code the deviation in power distribution is within 2% of the Russian values in core interior regions. Dr. V. Jagannathan, <[email protected]> Reactor Technology & Engineering BARC HIGHLIGHTS 135