JUNE 27 - Zor Shriners
VOL. LXVII, NO. 6 MADISON, WISCONSIN JUNE, 2015 MALLARDS GAME JUNE 27 ZOR’S 2015 MAGIC & VARIETY SHOWS ZOR 50 in ‘15 Membership Strong Table of Contents Calendar.....................................2 Contributions.............................8 Event coupons...........................6 From the Potentate....................2 In Memorium..............................8 COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL (BELOW) TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 575 ZOR SHRINE PL., MADISON, WI 53719 MOVING? Periodicals Postage Paid Madison, WI PAGE 2 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 ZOR ZEPHYR (USPS 017-572) Published monthly under the auspices of Zor Shriners of Shriners International Address: 575 Zor Shrine Place, Madison, WI 53719 Electronic Subscription available on website. Hard Copy subscription available at $25 per calendar year (not pro-rated). From The Potentate Monte Steiber Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr, 575 Zor Shrine Place, Madison, WI 53719. Thank You to the Wausauken Indians for hosting the quarterly meeting and Potentate Party on April 25th. The day started out with a tour of the winery and a pizza lunch at Wausau’s Lil Ole Winemaker. The quarterly meeting was well attended (35 Nobles), and there was good discussion and input from the Nobility on several of the agenda items. A Big Thank You to PP Steve Peterson and his Lady Mary Ellen and the rest of their committee for all of the lovely gifts and for a great evening. Winner of Nine First Place Dromedary Awards for Shrine Newspapers and seven Honorable Mentions. Todd Wohlert — Zephyr Editor Don Davies — Zephyr Editor Eternal S. Severson — Zephyr Correspondent Milt Helmer — Zephyr Correspondent Crystal Henning — Zor Photo Corps Advertising…Please call… 608-833-6343 ZOR SHRINE OFFICE Mail Address: 575 Zor Shrine Place, Madison, Wl 53719 Phone 833-6343 (Area Code 608) Fax (608) 833-6348 E-mail address: [email protected] Website: www.zorshriners.com On April 26th we travelled to Madison for the Gun Raffle drawing. I cannot thank Miles Bradley and PP Joe Thompson enough for all of their efforts to again make this year’s raffle a success. Yours truly was a first time winner! Zor’s 2015 Divan ELECTIVE Monte Steiber, Prairie du Chien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POTENTATE Bob Giesler, Cashton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHIEF RABBAN Chuck Miller, Milladore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSISTANT RABBAN Gary Cuskey, Spooner . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIGH PRIEST & PROPHET Wally Trouten, Platteville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORIENTAL GUIDE James Stelsel, Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECORDER Dale Olson, Whitewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TREASURER As I stated in last month’s Zephyr, the Divan has initiated a project to upgrade Zor’s website. The developer has been selected, and you should see changes by mid-summer. Stay tuned as we should have significant progress to report in the next Zephyr. I am excited and looking forward to having a first class web site that will be an improved communication tool for the Temple. APPOINTIVE Barry Ausen, Star Prairie . . . . . . . . . . 1st CEREMONIAL MASTER Brian Goff, Sun Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd CEREMONIAL MASTER Mark Jerdee, Wilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARSHALL Ron Jaacks, Platteville . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD Wayne Henning, Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUTER GUARD Karl Gant, Blanchardville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPLIN Joe Harker, New Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHIEF OF STAFF Eric Collins, Verona . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF Chicago— The first Steak Fry of the season was held on Wednesday, May 13 at the Shrine Temple with approximately 80 people in attendance. Prior to the Steak Fry, a cold sands was held for our newest Noble Brian Miles. We welcome Noble Brian and his lady Lindsay to Zor. The next Steak Fry will be held on Wednesday June 10th. Make plans to attend. Lady Ann and I attended the Twin Cities Shriners Hospital open house on May 16th. They had a great turn out, and had tours in areas of the hospital that had not been open for tours in the past. I encourage all Nobles and ladies to visit our hospitals whenever possible. Prior to the May 13 Steak Fry, Gemma Hall, from the ABS Travel Agency, made a presentation on the Potentate’s Fall Foliage Trip to the New England area. Time is running short to make reservations. Now is the time to get registered for the trip which is scheduled for October 5 – 14. If we do not have enough people registered by June 15, we may have to cancel the trip. Please join us for a fun time. ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITALS 2211 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, Il 60707 Area Code 773-622-5400 Zor Shriner’s 2015 Calendar Twin Cities— 2025 E. River Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Area Code 612-596-6100 5-6 10 15 16-17 27 BURNS HOSPITAL Cincinnati— 3229 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45219 Area Code 513-872-6000 June Grand Lodge, Madison Steak Fry, Zor Temple Menomonie Circus, Menomonie Eau Claire Circus, Eau Claire Mallards Game, Madison July 5-9 Imperial Session, Houston, TX 16 Steak Fry, Zor Temple 17Daughters of Nile Supreme Queen Visit/Dinner, Zor Shrine Center 19 Mini Cars Picnic, Edgerton 25La Crosse SC Pote Party Jansky’s, La Crescent, MN Find more pics on the Zor Shriners FB page! August 2 3 Pillars Picnic, Dousman 12-15MSA, Fargo, ND 16 Vernon SC Pote Party, Viroqua 21Lakeland SC Fish Boil Stoughton Conservation Club 29Quarterly Meeting/Steak Fry Rice Lake 12 15 5 September Muskey SC UTV/ATV Rally, Spooner Steak Fry, Zor Temple December Fall Ceremonial, La Crosse ERFURTH BODY SHOP, INC. Complete Auto Body Repairs Painting & Restoration “We take the dent out of Accidents” Phone 835-3603 Be sure to ask about our 10% ZOR discount. ’ PHARMACY & COSTUMES · · · Costume Accessories Wigs Feather Boas Face Paint Facial Hair Hats Masks Colored Hairsprays · · MADISON WEST MADISON EAST LODI WAUNAKEE Ph: 608.238.3106 3506 Monroe St. Madison, WI 53711 Ph: 608.255.9116 1255 Williamson St. Madison, WI 53703 Ph: 608.592.3256 801 N. Main St. Lodi, WI 53555 Ph: 608.849.7888 233 S. Century Ave. Waunakee, WI 53597 www.mallatts.com The May 2 Shrine One Bowling Party at Jim Stelsel Jr.’s house in Madison. The Shrine One Bowling Team took 3rd Place in the Madison Civic Bowling League. PAGE 3 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 ZOR’s 2015 Magic & Variety Shows Robert Sands Promotions Inc. is coordinating the operation of the 14 shows throughout Zorland. Timothy Noel Tegge (www.timothytegge.com) from Baraboo, will be the lead entertainer for a second year. Tim will have an all new show for this year, with additional entertainers. Each Club/Unit will have a Noble selected as the contact person that will correspond with our promoter, in making this a successful show in their community. This person will be sent posters, promotional materials, and will be the “cheerleader” to promote the show in your community. It is all important that the Nobles from each sponsoring Club &/or Unit support your contact person in the distribution of these materials throughout your community. This will assist in increasing the attendance in your community, to make this show a success. ZOR Shriners schedule for the 5th year of ZOR Shriners Magic Variety Shows is as follows: Janesville Tuesday, June 9th – 6:30PM, Sponsors - Zor Shrine Mini Cars Unit/ Beloit Shrine Club Craig High School Auditorium 401 S Randall Ave, Janesville Baraboo Wednesday, June 10th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Vacationland Shrine Club Al. Ringling Mansion 623 Broadway, Baraboo Richland Center Thursday, June 11th - 6:30PM, Sponsor- Pine River Valley Shrine Club Richland County Performing Arts Center - 182 North Central Ave. Richland Center Medford Monday, June 15th – 6:30PM, Timber Shrine Club Medford Senior H.S. - RED/WHITE Theater - 1015 Broadway – Medford Spooner Tuesday, June 16th – 7:00PM, Sponsor – Hayward Musky Shrine Club Spooner High School Auditorium 801 County Hwy A – Spooner Park Falls Wednesday, June 17th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Flambeau Clowns Unit Chequamegon High School Auditorium -420 North 9th Street, Park Falls Wausau Potentate Party Saturday, April 25th, the Wausauken Indians and their Ladies hosted the Wausau Potentate Party, to honor Ill. Sir Monte Steiber, Potentate, and Lady Ann at the The Plaza Hotel & Suites in Wausau. The day started with lunch, a tour, and tasting at Wausau’s Lil’ Ole Winemaker Shoppe. The ladies had time to shop while the Nobles held a Hospital Dad’s Educational Safety Update and a Quarterly meeting. Following that, it was time for some socializing then the dinner with entertainment and a raffle for 15 locally grown beautiful Geraniums, plus other unique prizes. Wautoma Thursday, June 18th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Mascoutin Shrine Club Wautoma High School Auditorium 514 S Cambridge St., Wautoma Viroqua Friday, June 19th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Vernon County Shrine Club Temple Theatre - 116 S Main St, Viroqua Lancaster Monday, June 22nd – 6:30PM, Sponsor – Southwest Wisconsin Shrine Club Youth & AG Center - Grant County Fairgrounds - 916 E Elm St, Lancaster Monroe Tuesday, June 23rd – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Green County Shrine Club Monroe High School PAC - 1600 26th Street, Monroe Beaver Dam Wednesday, June 24th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Badger Shrine Club Beaver Dam High School Auditorium - 500 Gould St. Beaver Dam Chief Rabban Bob Giesler and Potentate Monte Steiber sampling the wares at Lil’ Ole Winemaker Shoppe. Divan, Nobles, and Ladies learning about the finer qualities of vino. Marshfield Thursday, June 25th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Heart of WI Shrine Club Marshfield High School Auditorium / 1401 E Becker Rd. Marshfield Wisconsin Rapids Friday, June 26th – 6:30PM, Sponsor - Heart of WI Shrine Club Performing Arts Center of Wis. Rapids / 1801 16th Street So. Wisconsin Rapids Stevens Point Saturday, June 27th – 3:00PM, Sponsor - Heart of WI Shrine Club Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center / 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point The Past Potentates were flocking to the banquet. PAGE 4 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 Zor Shriners Quarterly Meeting Minutes APRIL 25 – WAUSAU Old Business: The meeting was called to order by M. Steiber with 35 Nobles present at 3:25 P. M. Onions: B. Ausen reported the onions should be here by May 7th or 8th and we have ordered 60,750 lbs. B. Ausen moved acceptance of the report and seconded by C. Miller. Motion Carried. K. Gant gave the opening prayer and all present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. M. Severson PP. moved approval of the October 14, 2014 Quarterly meeting minutes and seconded by G. Cuskey. Motion Carried. Treasurers Report: D. Olson moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s report ending March 31 and seconded by T. Nelson PP. Motion Carried. Nobles of the St Croix Valley Shrine Club hit the ground running with the annual Vidalia Onion Sale, in Baldwin. Nobles Larry Wiegand, Roger Keller, Stan Kolakowski, Jerry Hauschildt, Ralph Thompson, Delroy Stone, and Bob Hering. Photo by Lori Thompson Membership Report: B. Hering reported we started the year with 1462 members and we are now down to 1447 members. We have 191 Nobles who have not paid their 2015 dues. B. Ausen moved acceptance of the report and seconded by J. Thorstad PP. Motion Carried. J. Stelsel read the names of 18 departed Zor Nobles. K. Gant offered a prayer for the departed Nobles. Committee Reports: Trustees: D. Jones PP. reported on the investments, building updates, usage of the hall, and the catering and bartending agreements. D. Jones PP. moved acceptance of the report and seconded by D. Olson. Motion Carried. 2015 Circus Report: J. Thorstad PP. reported the net profit for the 2015 Madison Circus was $107,000. Total attendance was 30816. The April zephyr listed all the Clubs and Units who worked the shows and names of the ringmasters club who paid their $70.00. 17 people were billed for their tickets which were used but not paid for. The Clubs, Units and individuals who purchases bicycles were thanked and the Pipes & Drums for the helmets. Dollar figures for ticket sales were PDQ $75,395 up 10%, Nobles $28,121 down 10%, Telemarketing $123,600 even. J. Thorstad PP. moved acceptance of the report and seconded by G. Cuskey. Motion Carried. First Road Runner practice of the season – at parade rest. Hospital Report: B. Ausen reported for R. Rommel on the Twin Cites Shrine Hospital that the transition of the orthotics/prosthetics service from a hospital-based service to a separate company began on April 21. A new electronic medical record for O/P became operational at that time. Outreach Clinics in Ames IA and Sioux Falls were recently completed and the final will be April 25th in Bismarck ND. This past week there were 171 outpatient visits plus 85 patients scheduled at outreach locations and 12 surgeries at the hospital. TC Hospital Day will be Saturday May 16th from 9:30 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Zor will participate with Zuhrah in sponsoring a trout pond for the kids. The Women’s General Auxiliary group provides over $400,000 of annual support. TCH has experienced an 18% increase in new patients in new referrals this past quarter. B. Ausen moved acceptance to the report and seconded M. Severson PP. Motion Carried. Calendar Raffle: J. Stelsel reported we only sold 1261 books which is down about 70 from last year. M. Jerdee moved acceptance of the report and seconded by L. Hanson PP. Motion Carried. Gun Raffle: M. Steiber reported as of last Thursday only 1670 tickets have been turned in which is about 600 less than last year and we hope for more by tomorrow. G. Cuskey moved acceptance of the report and seconded by M. Jerdee. Motion Carried. Zephyr Subscriptions: M, Steiber reported 189 have paid their $25.00 for the printed copy and we have printed 550 for widows and advertisers. There was considerable discussion about going back to sending a printed copy of the Zephyr to all Nobles and how it should be paid for. S. Willett PP. first moved a committee be formed to meet with the Grand Lodge to review their printing and distribution of the Masonic Journal and seconded by B. Kaschel PP. Again after much discussion S. Willett then amended his first motion to include a printed copy for each Noble, Widow, Advertiser and others such as other temples and the costs be taken from the investments and seconded by B. Kaschel PP. Motion Carried. New Business: Website: M. Steiber asked B. Goff to explain the need to update our website and why we are going ahead with the update. This will done by Greeleaf Media and will cost about $5200. Summer Variety Shows: S. Peterson PP. reported on the 14 shows scheduled and possibility of one more. G. Cuskey moved acceptance of the report and seconded by J. Thorstad PP. Motion Carried. Summer MSA: J. Harker reported we will be staying at the Red Roof Inn. Information is still in the construction stage and we only know the registration fee will be $85.00 of each Noble and for each Lady attending the session. Meal costs range from $35.00 to $45.00 depending on the event. There will be two parades one Thursday night and one Saturday. As soon as I receive more information I will be forwarding it on. B. Goff moved acceptance of the report and seconded by M. Severson PP. Motion Carried. M. Steiber reported on his Potentates trip October 5th to 14th and a representive will make a make a presentation at the May 13th steak fry. K. Gant gave a closing prayer. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P. M. 421 S. Park St. Madison, WI 53715 Noble George, Owner 255-5500 Zor Clowns first parade of the year. Where’s the Scimitar? The Past Potentates are looking for the Traveling Scimitar. If you know of its location, please contact the Zor office. PAGE 5 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 St. Croix Valley SC makes big presentation The St. Croix Valley Shrine Club presented a check for over $10,000 to the Shriners Hospital for Children at their Annual Hospital Day on Saturday, May 16th. The check came from the proceeds of the Shrine Clubs first ever $500 Burger Night held in April and will be used to help families through their family assistance fund. Shown during the presentation were Bob Hering, director of membership for the Zor Divan, Rod Rommel, Club secretary and member of the Hospital board of governors, and Jennifer Sutch, director of Development for the Hospital. Photo by Milt Helmer Gun Raffle Winners Zor had another successful gun raffle fundraiser. Winners were picked Sunday April 26 at the Zor Temple in Madison. Thank you to everyone for supporting this fundraiser! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Rodney LaBlanc, Montello Chris Kreul, Fennimore Tom Stachowiak, West Allis Vito Gervasi, Fitchburg Keagan Pilling, Montfort Marshall Quilling, Menomonie Mike Ripley, Whitewater Todd Droessler, Janesville Jonathan Avoelli, Verona Curtis Bell, Edgerton Tom Wegmueller, Blanchardville Kandi Reuter, Afton Kent Englund, Evanston Larry Neuenschwander Bob Sands, Madison Dustin Fanning, Janesville Bill Benham, Orlando, FL Donald Schwartz, Colfax Paul Launer Charles Bowen, Edgerton 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Brian Johnson, Beldenville Josh Teske, Janesville Wayne Carr Jr, Janesville Janel Miller, Janesville Thomas Lunde, Stoughton Brent Thunderbelt, Rice Lake Ralph Thompson, Baldwin Joe Udelhofen, Potosi Todd Hanson, Oregon Monte Steiber, Prairie Du Chien Chet Jacobson, Chetek Richard Coquillette, Spooner Troy Berntgen, Prairie Du Chien Curtis Bell, Edgerton Dennis Pelot, Schofield Robert Prange, Baraboo Bob Cagney, Milton William Olson, Chetek Wyatt Emler, Potosi David Heintz, Almena Racing Love to the Rescue The Professional Drag Racers Association (PDRA) recently announced Shriners Hospitals for Children® as its Official Charity. A family-oriented organization, PDRA hopes to bring greater awareness to our mission of sending Love to the rescue®. The PDRA will host fundraisers for Shriners Hospitals at each of their ten events in 2015. Members of the fraternity, Shriners International and patients from local Shriners Hospitals are invited to attend the PDRA events, interact with drivers and watch cars race at 200+ MPH, all while raising awareness for Shriners Hospitals. Please be sure to check out the upcoming dates for a location near you. Wear your fez to get in FREE and enjoy the day at the race! Here are the remaining race dates and locations: June 25-27 US 131 Motorsports Park 1249 12th Street • Martin, MI PAGE 6 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 Hospital Dads: Zor Shriners Steak Fry underway WE DRIVE SO KIDS CAN THRIVE! Thank you to these Nobility who donate their time and energy transporting our kids. If you see any of these caring folks, be sure to thank them for all they do. Ill. Sir Monte Steiber & Lady Ann invite you and yours to the Zor Shriners Center in Madison for some fantastic feasts this summer. Make your reservations early and invite a friend or two to the monthly steak fry! These are the scheduled dates: June 10, July 16, & September 15. Please contact the Shrine Office at 608-833-6343 or email to zortemp@ chorus.net to make your reservation. Zor Shriners Steak Fry June 10 – Zor Shriners Center. SOCIAL 5:00PM | DINNER 6:15PM Name:_______________________________________ Phone:____________________ Menu: _______ Steak or _______ Chicken Amount enclosed ($10/person) $___________ Drivers and Riders to the Twin Cities Hospital in April Drivers Riders Chuck Hoffman Dave Rezin Monte Steiber Kersten Rocksvold Godfrey Lewis Bill Burkhardt Mike Sund Bob Keene Mike Hayden Mike Hunter Barry Maxfield (x2) Martin Burkhardt (x6) Scott Brainard Kevin Sorenson Roger Hancock Tim Natarus Drivers and Riders to the Chicago Hospital in April Drivers Riders Monte Steiber (x3) Bob Giesler Schelley Schoville (x2) Lee Weber Wally Trouten Peter Augelli Dale Anderson Steve Ehle Godfrey Lewis (x2) Al Hunsicker (x2) Ann Steiber Kersten Rocksvold Lee Weber Calendar Raffle Winners Congratulations to these lucky folks! RSVP with coupon and check payable to Zor Shriners by June 3 to: Zor Shriners, 575 Zor Shrine Place, Madison, WI 53719 Top winners were: Jeff Westpfall, Sparta, $100; Joe Peter, Gary, IN, $100; Dan Jessie, Black River Falls, $100; John Peter, Hammond, IN, $100; Larry Curtis, Hancock, $150; Trich Gulseth, Stoughton, $150; & Susan Moritz, Eau Galle, $200. Zor Shriners Steak Fry July 16 – Zor Shriners Center. SOCIAL 5:00PM | DINNER 6:15PM Name:_______________________________________ Phone:____________________ Menu: _______ Steak or _______ Chicken Amount enclosed ($10/person) $___________ RSVP with coupon and check payable to Zor Shriners by July 9 to: Zor Shriners, 575 Zor Shrine Place, Madison, WI 53719 Certified Public Accountants • Tax • Audit • Business Consulting 608.826.2556 | Measurable Results. The $20 dollar winners were: Bill Wenberg, Grand Marsh; Mike Hedrick, Watertown; Bob Brueggen, Sparta; Rick Loch, New Berlin; Mike Green, Janesville; Gail Riedesel, Tomah; Jackson Larson, Oshkosh; Kevin McCarthy, Mosinee; Jason Nelson, Pardeeville; Gary Sloniker, Spooner; Gary Shealy, Oregon; Cody Larson, Westfield; Matt Benson, League, TX; Wally Larsen, Rosemount, MN; Julaine Stroede, Sun Prairie; Kent Burnstad, Tomah; Tami Tronnes, Edgerton, Paula Gutzmer, Prairie Du Chien; Kenlynn Fetting, Black River Falls; Mackinsie Cullins, Verona; Mari Anne Retallick, Pearland, TX; Doug Sajdyk, Hammond, IN; Dean Schulz, Brooklyn; & Cany Jadoul, Edgerton. PAGE 7 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 “Take me out to the ball game…” The Zor Shrine Directors Staff is hosting its annual Mallards Baseball Game. We are inviting the area Shrine Clubs and Units to join us for a fun-filled evening at the ballpark. Please feel free to bring your family members, friends or relative to the event. The game we are hosting is being held on Saturday, June 27, with a start time of 6:05 pm. The Mallards face off against Wisconsin Rapids Rafters. The cost for the game is $25/person. The cost includes a pre-game tailgate party, and game ticket. Mallards promotion night is Pepsi Wrestling and Always Sunny in Philadelphia Night featuring WWE Hall of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper. The tailgate party starts 90 minutes prior to the game under the large tents behind the main grandstand. This includes all-you-can-eat ballpark food: burgers, brats, hot dogs, cranberry walnut chicken salad sandwiches, veggie burgers, potato salad, coleslaw and chips; all-you-can-drink soda, water or beer (7 varieties to choose from). You can pick up your game tickets at the will-call window the day of the game starting at 4:30 pm. Please send your reservation by June 17 (reservation coupon and check made payable to Zor Directors Staff) to: Mark Severson, 363 S Main St. Cottage Grove, WI 53527. We are including reservation coupons to distribute to your members; feel free to make additional copies as needed. We hope you and your family or guests will join us for a great day. If you have any questions about the game, please feel free to contact Mark at 608-628-2688. Directors Staff Madison Mallards Baseball Game Saturday, June 27, 6:05 PM Name:_______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Phone No: ___________________________________ No of tickets: ______ X $25 = $________________ Please return coupon and check payable to Zor Directors Staff by June 17 to: Mark Severson, 363 S. Main St., Cottage Grove, WI 53527 La Crosse Potentate Party at Jansky’s Eagles Nest Midwest Shrine Association (MSA) Summer Session Update Nobles and Ladies are welcome to attend this year’s annual La Crosse Potentate Party July 25th at Jansky’s Eagles Nest on top of the Bluff in La Crescent, MN (just across the mighty Mississippi from La Crosse). The annual afternoon event brings together Nobles and Ladies from all over West Central Wisconsin to one of the most beautiful areas in the state. The view is amazing as one looks over the river, the lock & dam, and the adjoining bluffs. But this is only part of the fun, as the cooks prepare a delicious steak dinner, with appetizers and refreshments for everyone. $15 per person. 3pm social, 4:30pm dinner. Please see coupon or, if you have questions, contact the Sec/Tres by calling: 608-385-1923. Deadline 7/18. Ill. Sir Monte Steiber and First Lady Ann encourage all Zor Nobles, their Ladies, and families to attend this year’s MSA Summer Session in Fargo, ND. The convention begins late afternoon on Wednesday August 12 with Divan and PP Counterparts dinner then continues through Saturday August 15 concluding with the Big Shrine Parade in Dilworth, MN. La Crosse SC Potentate party Saturday, July 25 – Jansky’s Eagles Nest, La Crescent, MN. SOCIAL 3:00PM | DINNER 4:30PM Name:_______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Amount enclosed ($15/person) $___________ RSVP with coupon and check payable to La Crosse Shrine Club by July 18 to: La Crosse Shrine Club, 118 8th St. S., La Crosse, WI 54601 There is a lot to see and do in the Greater Fargo area in addition to the parades, competition, Shrine-O-Rama, Market Place, etc. of the MSA. Information has been sent to all units concerning on-line registration and Zor lodging. Check with your Unit leader for this information or contact Joe Harker. Deadline for on-line registration is July 1. Contact your unit leader to make your Zor lodging reservation before June 22. There is also a very informative website (http://www.msa2015.org) where many of the details are provided. PAGE 8 ZOR ZEPHYR JUNE 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN George “Art” Swan, Madison (12.02.78)................................. 03.17.15 Norbert Anderson, Madison (12.08.62).................................... 04.25.15 James Hanneman, WI Rapids (05.18.02)................................. 03.09.15 Leonard Nelson, Verona (06.04.83).......................................... 04.29.15 Jim Dummitt, Friendship (12.01.84)........................................ 01.15.15 John Houman, Eau Claire (05.20.78)....................................... 05.09.15 Thomas Smith, Monroe (09.12.64)........................................... 02.28.15 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOR as of the 15th of last month IN MEMORY OF: Roger Amdall, PP BUILDING RESERVE FUND DONOR: Gary Shealy $100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB IN MEMORY OF: Roger Amdall, PP James Hanneman IN HONOR OF: Mark Oyan, Blue Devil Bowl IN MEMORY OF: Roger Amdall, PP IN MEMORY OF: Roger Amdall, PP Bonnie Benedict Patrick Gilbertson DONOR: Heart of Wisconsin SC Heart of Wisconsin SC DONOR: Zor Wranglers ZOR ZEPHYR FUND DONOR: Ronald Wirth GENERAL FUND DONOR: Ingrid Johnson DONOR: Antioch No. 113 TRANSPORTATION FUND DONOR: Norma Jenkins Joe & Mary Harker Barry & Becky Ausen Russell & Lorraine Dunnum, PP Norma Jenkins Len & Carol Urban DONOR: Scott Brainard IN MEMORY OF: DONOR: Roger Amdall, PP Jim & Trudy Stelsel Kenneth & Wava Grinde. PP Arlen & Gloria Christensen David & Carol Skavlen Will & Janis Reck Zor Mini Cars John & Debbi Thorstad, PP Robert & Patricia Giesler Larry & Bonnie Meier Vern & Beverly Engebretson, PP Leslie & John Braun Jeffrey & Elizabeth Schaefer Zor Directors Staff Zor Past Potentates Larry & Julie Riemenschneider, PP Doris Hoffman Zor Shriners Jerry & Diane Balschun, PP Roger & Louise Barthel Leonard Nelson Daniel & Beverly Schulz Marilyn Ketterer Chris & Sherrie Saunders Joseph & Barbara Conway Andrew & Patricia Kreutzer George & Frances Johnson Thomas Nelson and Frances Johnson Mark & Sandra Meisberger Gary & Jo Ann Aebly Robyn Rylander DuWayne & Janis Schumacher Sandy Kampen David & Janet Lyle Thomas & Susan Fischer Rolf Kurandt Lowell & Alice Larson Mecca Shrine Club Allen Jacobson Milt & Carol Helmer Sherm & Jean Boucher Larry & Julie Riemenschneider, PP Frances Burkart Ramon & Connie Erickson Gini Oliver Dorothy BalfanY Viola Berg Robert & Ardythe Kamke Gary Heinbuch Larry & Julie Riemenschneider, PP Shirley Simonis Lew Mallow Galen Fox Richard & Karen Olson Bonnie Benedict Doris Hoffman Linaire Stene Larry & Julie Riemenschneider, PP David Persiko James & Sharon Beebe Virginia Degan Arthur Hotvedt Patrick Gilbertson Floyd & Velda Johnson “Jo” Page Doris Hoffman Father Roger Taylor Frank & Sally Carpenter Neil Addison Estate of Neil Addison - Neil Addison Family Margaret Erfurth Arlen & Gloria Christensen Marjorie Detroy Arlen & Gloria Christensen John Fischer Kevin & Jen Fischer IN HONOR OF: DONOR: Sue Buehler Anne Kunes Thomas Fischer Al & Pat Heinkel Bess Knott - 100th Birthday Doris Hoffman Gale & Elaine Wells DONOR: St Croix Valley Shrine Club Burdette M Lange Living Trust
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