Content - Enjoy Jakarta


Content - Enjoy Jakarta
Accomodation & Transportation
Map and Destination
Historical Island
Ayer Island
Bidadari Island
Untung Jawa Island
Tidung Island
Pramuka Island
Kotok Island
Sepa Island
Putri Island
Macan Isiand
Pelangi Island
Onrust Island
Marine Potential
A group of so many islands dotted the Jakarta Bay waters
comprising of small and big islands like jewels on an ocean blue
tapestry. This near Jakarta archipelago boasts its 108 islands
and they are what we are familiar with the Thousand Islands.
Those islands can be grouped into islands used for a variety
of purposes like tourism, historical sites, conservation and
housing according to their respective characteristic.
Thousand Islands is administrative regency under the Jakarta
Provincial Government. These islands scatter some 11.81
square meters from the north coast of Jakarta to 100 sea miles
to the north. The topography is mostly sloping (0-15%) with 0-2
meters above sea level).
Thousand Islands’ marine tourism boasts three nuances that
indulge the tourists: SEA, SAND and SUN.
They have beautiful and dazzling white sand. So it doesn’t
come as a surprise that these islands have become favourite
destination for those who live in the Greater Jakarta. The easy
access has also significantly made these beautiful islands great
coastal destination for short holiday.
Tourists can come, enjoy and have a special taste of the coastal
ambiance on these islands while doing their hobbies and
experience a vacation that includes nature, history and leisure.
These islands are undoubtedly a heavenly fabulous place for
your ultimate vacation.
Tourist destination islands in the Jakarta Bay’s Thousand
Islands have already facilitated with high quality lodging with
one of its kind building and awesome interior. Some hotels
offer executive rooms and suites. These islands also boast their
other supporting facilities are meeting and convention rooms,
bars, restaurants, karaoke rooms, swimming pool, tennis court,
beach volley fields and souvenir shops.
Some tourist-targeted islands have a packet for inter-island
tours which allow you to get to the surrounding islands with all
their astoundingly beautiful diversity.
It takes only about 20 minutes to get to nearest island and
three hours to reach the furthermost departing from Marina
Ancol dock using speedboat. Other than the local Regency
Government of the Thousand Islands area, there is also a
number of the companies that manage these tourist-destination
islands have their own transportation.
Those speedboats operate every day to serve both the tourists
and the locals to get to the tourist destination-islands or to the
housing areas. To reach these islands, you can depart from
several points like Marina Ancol dock, Tanjung Pasir, Tanjung
Kait, Kamal, Muara Angke starting from 8 or 9 am (the Western
Indonesia Time) and return from the islands at 1 or 2 pm.
Thousand Island
Cagar Budaya Island Conservation Island Untung Jawa Island
Bidadari Island, Ayer Island
: Onrust, Kelor, Kayangan,Bidadari
: Rambut Island
: Mangrove, Pasir Putih, Kuliner, Makanan
Nyi Mas Melati.
: Bokor
Pari Island : Pantai Pasir Perawan, Camping Ground, Mangrove,
Rumput Laut, LIPI Research
Lancang Island : Fishing Pier, Kuliner Rajungan dan Ikan Teri.
Tidung Island
: Jembatan Cinta, Camping Ground, Bicycle Track,
Sunrise, Sunset, Makam Raja Pandita (Suku Ndung) &
Panglima Hitam, Nurseries Seed.
Payung Island
: Lighthouse, Pasir Putih, Snorkling and Diving.
Pramuka Island : Penyu Sisik, spot snorkeling dan diving, Kolam Biota
laut, Coral Transplantation.
Panggang Island : Habib Husyan Bin Aqil Assegaf Cemetery park, Habib
Bin Ahmad Bin Zen Al Aidid Cemetery Park.
Semak Daun Island, Air Island, dan Nusa Karamba Resto (Bandeng Cabut
Harapan Island : Interactive Park
Peniki lighthouse, Kampung Bugis Kelapa Island, Cluster of Small Islands.
Resort Putri, Sepa, Pantara.
1. Marina Ancol
(+62 21 3622 8890)
(+62 21 4447 8300)
2. Muara Angke (Kali Adem)
(+62 81 5980 8941)
3. Tanjung Pasir
4. Rawa Saban
Thousand Islands are the place where a number of flora and
fauna are conserved in their natural habitat.
This conservation is intended to preserve the endangered
flora and fauna. Other than that, this place has proved to be so
useful to restore a number of natural eco-system that starts to
Historical Island
Some islands like Bidadari, Kelor and Onrust Island are the
places where Dutch colonial era and Japan occupation are
preserved and made available for the younger generation to
The form and appearance of the buildings found in these islands
were conserved so that they won’t disappear and usable as one
of the historical sites for education purposes. This island holds
stories about the fortress and the life relating to it during the
Dutch colonial era.
Ayer Island
This particular island is one of the thousand islands which is
administratively under the Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands
Archipelago) in the Special Province of Jakarta. Pulau Ayer is
named the Islands of Pearl spreading on approximately ten
hectares land and it is so close to the Pantai Marina Ancol dock.
It’s a small island amongst so many islands in Jakarta Bay. This
island is proud of its sunset beauty that will never be found in
other place in Jakarta. It undoubtedly offers an unforgettable
The resort in this island also bears a piece of history. This
Asmat tribe nuance resort keeps the history of the fight to get
Irian Jaya from the hands of the Dutch.
Enjoy the comfortable and wide wooden pier with open waiting
space equipped with benches and wooden fences that surround
the pier so that the sea nuance can be leisurely enjoyed
without affecting by the heat of the sun, a neat garden and
stretch of carved statues of Asmat ethnic colour will dominate
your entire stay on this island.
The island of Ayer is one of the islands that possess the best
cottage in Jakarta’s Thousand Islands. The island of Ayer has on
land and on sea water-types of cottage. The floating cottage is
the favourite of the visitors because it allows them to hear and
listen to the songs played by the waves and provide them with
such endless sea panorama. We are so close to the waves that
can hear them in such a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
Brown-painted wooden cottage gives an impression of calmness
and this is strengthened by the coolness of the surrounding
verdant trees.
Ayer Island has a range of leisure-time facilities like swimming
pool, playground, basketball court, table tennis, children
playground, beach volley field, fishing piers. When you happen
to look for sea-related facilities you won’t be disappointed at all
as these places offer sport activities like canoeing, jet-skiing,
banana boating and surf-biking.
Bidadari Island
This island of angels (bidadari is angel) greets you
with its soft wind and waves when you set foot on
this island. A welcoming statue in a form of deer
with fin-shaped body called Sang Tanduk Tujuh
Belas Pulau Bidadari or literally means Seventeen
Horns of the Island of Angels in a position of legs
lifted nicely greet the tourists who come with warm
and friendly smile.
Martello Castle
Martello Castle located in the Island of Bidadari is a Dutch
defence fortress which is still worthwhile to enjoy up to this day.
Some historical artefacts scatter on this island as if saying that
they have been waiting to welcome all the tourists with their
endless stories.
This guard tower takes the form that is widely known in Europe
as Martello tower. It was first introduced by the French people in
Corsica Island in the 18th century.
The fortress proved to be quite sturdy in its defence so that
when they return home from the war, the Britain built the same
construction in their country. This fortress was then not only
imitated by the Britain but also by the Dutch. It’s no surprise
that the Dutch built also a Martello-style tower in their colony
like as part of their defence system and one of them was built
on the Island of Angels.
Some awesome resorts which are ready to be picked are
also available on this island. These resorts were built on the
seawater surface using wooden bridge as the road heading
safely to the resort.
Staying overnight here you’ll have the identical feeling as in
the fisherman village. Besides offering the experience to sleep
on the sea, the Island of Angels has also lodging on land; of
course the sensation is quite different. The verdant trees also
have everything to do with the comfortable feeling created in
this lodging. Such green area with high plants is like a heaven
on earth surrounded by the beauty of the sea along with its
tranquillity and peacefulness
Untung Jawa
The Island of Untung Jawa is known for its clean environment
and calm atmosphere. These two qualities are the most
attractive factors for those who love natural ambience. Crystal
clear blue water and flat beach give you a sense of security to
swim safely in the middle of the playful waves.
The mangroves grown in the northern coastline and the
wind that blows in between the plants give you a sense of
peacefulness. This feeling of a rare comfort we can find only
when we leave behind the hustle and bustle of the city life. The
golden sheen reflected from the sea water surface presents the
true beauty of the panorama when the night is approaching.
There wouldn’t be any worry or fear occurring. You can always
eternalize your vacation on this island which also offer souvenir
shops that will spoil you with special art and craft products that
you can bring home as souvenirs for your loved ones. .
A full range of seashell crafts are the perfect souvenirs to bring
home and they are easy to find where ever you set foot on this
island. This place truly provides you with great flexibility in
enjoying your vacation and your shopping time.
Tidung Island
The Island of Tidung is one of islands that can be reached
relatively fast from Marina Ancol dock.
The Island of Tidung is the most frequented island in times of
vacation or weekends. The love bridge is the most appealing
place for the tourists to just take pictures or make it part of
their romantic experience to be eternalized. This bridge links
the Big Tidung Island and the Small Tidung Island.
Relive and carve a lovely memory at the bridge of love is one
special attraction of this island which boasts a nice place to
enjoy food and fulfil the thirst. This is also the right place to
enjoy romance amongst the stunning beauty found next to the
Having a stroll on a bicycle circling the island, enjoying banana
boat, doing jet-ski and of course canoeing are all the activities
accessible to you on this island. The white sea sand and the soft
gusts of wind will always accompany you during your stay here.
Pramuka Island
The Island of Pramuka hosts a conservation area for mangroves
where conservation site to handle and monitor the conservation
takes place in the Thousand Islands.
The National Park of the Thousand Islands is found in this
island. The conservation of this mangrove forest is an integrated
effort in order to ensure its sustainability; not to be destroyed
and allow them to grow. This work is directly managed by the
office of the Forest Ministry and Directorate General for Forest
Kotok Island
This island boasts its bar and restaurant that will indulge each
and every visitor in the middle of fresh coolness being under the
big trees while enjoying food and drinks.
The beautiful view and calmness that would cradle you in the
embrace of nature while enjoying food are not just promises
impossible to come true.
The bungalows that can be found on this island are for those
spirits who wish to escape from exhaustion and to go deep in
self-indulgent situation. With its unique and simple characters
the ornaments using wood materials help assure your comfort.
The comfort and calmness of living in a village in the forest
provide one special experience to be cherished forever on this
island. The calmness and silence are really created when we
enter into the bungalows on this island.
The experience to be surrounded by forests that allow you full
privacy is such a remarkable and treasured memory. Food and
drinks ready to serve for you are part of the sensation of the
calmness of your holiday in this village.
Sepa Island
The Indonesian people who are best known for their hospitality
is the point of depart of a journey beyond compare. This island
is also part of the hospitality; fresh drinks to fulfil the thirst are
part of the welcoming activities for the special tourists.
A kind of ritual that mirrors the Indonesian hospitality that is
always there and made available on this island. It’s such an
honour for you to be part of this special island.
Bar & Restaurant
The Island of Sepa also has bar and restaurant that can be
visited while spending holiday in this island.
This restaurant delivers special sea food dishes. Without
doubt everyone will be indulged by such tasteful dishes while
spending time here in this island.
Live Music offered by the management will accompany every
step you make in enjoying the beauty of this island. This
experience is like composing music illustration along with your
joyful moment. The songs will bring you to such a memorable
experience. You have also the freedom to make this your special
memory by requesting songs that you can dedicate to your
special ones or even to yourself.
Cocktails and other drinks are true friends that are always
being with you during your stay in this island.
Unforgettable marine lushness with such white sand that
lovingly caress with its natural texture provides romantic
impression with incomparable beauty.
For a moment we are invited to unwind and have such leisure
time and we will return to the city with new energy, a stress-free
body and mind. The warmth of relaxation in the soft sea wind
keeps us feeling blessed of the unbelievable remarkable nature.
The island of Sepa boasts bungalows for tourists to stay
overnight in a natural nuance. The bamboo and wood
ornaments dominate and support the buildings on this island
to have natural impression. The facilities and comfort this
resort offers assure a romantic sense when you stay here in the
surrounding of natural sea beauty.
Putri Island
This island of princess (putri is princess in English) is a touristdestination island where diverse kinds of cottages are so
available for you.
The kind of cottage available and the level of comfort it offers
right from the reception and front office area makes you to
deeply feel the magic of fascinating natural sea scenery.
This island is a true beauty representing the blue sea view.
It fascinates and relaxes anyone’s eyes. The view of the fish
swimming back and forth underwater is completely stunning
and not be missed at all.
The Amazon origin-variety of fresh water fish inside the big
aquarium are such a natural wealth that should be conserved
and enjoyed.
Besides the beauty of so many varieties of fish, on this island
you can also enjoy scenic coral reefs combined with the elegant
movement of the fish. It is a combination of natural elements
that are so unforgettable.
Enjoying wide-ranging facilities made available in this island
is without any doubt so fulfilling. The facilities accessible are
among others the deep sea scenery in big aquarium, riding
banana boat, canoeing, water-cycling and also snorkelling.
It doesn’t stop there. Other facilities offered by this island is
awesome-shape swimming pool combined with the surrounding
stunning view will assure that your overtiredness will disappear
in no time at all when you first walk in here.
A variety of plants also accompany us heading to the swimming
pool; it is unbelievably stunning.
The facilities this island have to offer guarantee that you will not
be bored at all and want to stay longer here. It has wonderful
view and the facilities also help us to unwind and forget our
tiredness living and working in the city.
Macan Island
Macan Island is a very exotic resort island that emphasizes on
relaxation for its visitors. It is presented in a village-like display
with its simplicity inside. For you who longed for a peaceful
atmosphere can try to stay in this island. The simple wooden
nuance will accompany your holiday.
In the afternoon, enjoying the beautiful sunset and drinking
coconut water or other cool beverages are really the best choice
when you decide to spend your vacation. It can release your
weary and you will never regret it.
Pelangi Island
As it is named this island is equally beautiful as the rainbow in
the sky. This island is a resort island for you who wish to have a
stress-free time and want to find serenity.
This island of the rainbow delivers breath-taking view where the
cottages enjoy direct view to beautiful and fascinating beach.
This incomparable beauty of its white sand along with the lush
of the trees surrounding the island adds to the impression of
green lush atmosphere which you can find every time you come
This place is about ethnic nuance. That’s the first impression we
have when first time come to the Island of Rainbow. This island
is a resort island with strong ethnic ornaments. The selection of
ornament types looking like rural areas adds more to the sound
impression of this island.
Its beautiful beaches and the lush of the trees make this island
even more beautiful. This is a lovely place worth visiting. This
outstanding and exotic scenery are deeply felt on this island.
This place is so suitable for those who want to unwind. The heat
of the sun will immediately disappear when you take a gulp of
cold young coconut water, a typical beach drink while enjoying
the beautiful nature. It’s such a priceless experience.
Onrust Island
Onrust Island is a historical island which now has other name
the island of Archaeology where many artefacts from different
historical time were left.
This island was a place where Dutch army was attacked by the
English army. This particular island was used as the dormitory
of those who want to depart for haj pilgrimage and interestingly
it was also used to keep the detainees during the Japanese
Keeping a lot of historical accounts this island, now, is and
should be managed and preserved by the Office of Tourism
and Culture of the Special Province of Jakarta. On this Onrust
Island we can still witness the ruins of the buildings from
previous era, the cannon used in wars and the tombs of the
Dutch soldiers who were buried here.
This island is one of the islands where the explorers and
occupiers built their place to protect and defend themselves.
If you want to visit this island, you can depart from Marina
Ancol and Muara Karang. It’s not far from Jakarta and it offers
different historical buildings combined with the view of urban
Jakarta from a far.
PT. Global Eka Buana
Jl. KH. Samanhudin No.47-49, Jakarta Barat
Telp. (021) 385 2004, 385 2033
Fax. (021) 385 2046
PT. Seabreez Indonesia
Jl. Lodan No.7 Jakarta 14430 T
elp. (021) 647 1173, 647 10048
Fax. (021) 641 3680
PT. Kotok Wietasha Indah
Jl. Cempaka Putin Tengah No. 34 / Al
Jakarta Pusat, Telp./Fax. (021) 428 01932
PT. Pulau Sepa Permai
Pulau Sepa, Kepulauan Seribu Utara
Telp. (021) 272 31888, 272 41888
Fax. (021) 268 91888
PT. Buana Bintang Samudera
Jl. Sultan Agung No.21 - Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 830 5879, 8305877
Fax. (021) 829 9002
PT. United Adventures
Jl. Fatmawati No. 39 Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 3399 5625
Fax. (021) 3399 5625
The beauty of this Jakarta Bay’s
archipelago is real and it is a true natural
place we have to preserve. Its stunning
beaches and breath-taking undersea
natural beauty are to the things in life that
we must enjoy.
Minimal and yet lavish place that put the
emphasis on different special feature is
clearly shown in each and every island. The
distinctiveness of each island makes all
these islands memorable in the heart and
mind of the tourists.
Welcome to the Thousand
Islands Archipelago
Only here you will find its
thousand beauties