Just take you?/ Dick of self
Just take you?/ Dick of self
ROOMS WITH Fancy a bit oJ history on holiday? Just takeyou?/Dick fron'cthe LIK's a?nazing range of self-catering ckoices- frorn old lightkousesto amcientcastles. By Robin IVeillands elf-cateringis a popular option in thesedifficult days,a relativelyinexpensive way of spendinga holiday, with thebonusof thefreedomthat comesfrom making most of the personally.Nor is it arrangements necessary to spenda self-catering hoiiday in an apartmentcomplex or somemodernpurpose-builtresort.Thereare self-catering holidays availablein all kinds of accommodation, many of them with history,characterandstyle. THE IAiIDMARI{ TRUST The LandmarkTmst is a charity that looksafter buildingsin distress,rescuesthemfrom decayor Italian-style splendour: P0dmeirion inWales, settingfor "ThePrisoner" 60scultseries andnowaholiday haven destmctionandrenovates themfor a newcareerasholidayflatsor cot- bathroomis onthegromd floorand , suggests, originallybuilt asa venue follies and a conveftedwarerr tages.This keepsthe buildings the bedroomson the secondfloor, , for banquetsheld by the inhabi Costs vary with the time ol livedin andprovidesthefundsnec- up a 96-stepspiralstaircase. As in , tantsof themanorhouse. and the accommodationreqr essaryto maintainthe137existing all of the Landmarkproperties., but a week in winter at a c propertiesand buy moreas the thereis no television. TIIEIIATI(lTIATTRUST guard cottage in Northur Trustexpands.A11LandmarkTrust The Tixall Gatehousenear, Anotherbodyinterestedinattractsleepingsix will cost just f propertieshavebeenwell restored Stafford,full of the medievalbla ing holiday-makers to its proper- again that is for the propert andfurnishedwith a greatdealof zonrythatshelteredMaryQueenof r ties is the NationalTrust, which, per head.I"or a party of ten p care and are availablefor rent Scotsin 1586,is availabletodayat : aspart of its fund-raisingandcon- in midsummer there is Bosv throughout the year, sleeping pricesfrom {,463for oneweekin , servationefforts,now offers cot- country house set above thr betweenoneand 15people. spring,sleepingsix - that'sfor the tagestorentin thegroundsof many ston river in Comwall, which : Sometypicalexamples fromthe property,not perperson. stately homes.The Trust has a ten and costs from J1,130 currentlist includethe thatched. Andinthefirstofthenewseries, choiceof some200propertiesto week not bad if split ten wa WoodsfordCastlenearDorchester, of Hg\dal -Quesday BBCI),Gloria rentin 1993,in manydifferentparts Both the Landmark Trus :r-=-.:_--_*+. * r"., -C'tthecounhy. (sleepingeight),variouscottagesr yrHunnllorcl vlstts the gothf Santhe National Tmst offer wet on Lundy Island in the Bristol , quetingHouse,setin a secludedcor- , The range of accommodationis and low seasonrates (full detr Channei(sleepingfrom oneto 14 , ner of the Gibbside Estate in . very wide, from farmhousesto se- their properties,holidays and I people),andtheCullodenTowerat Northumberland. The house,which , cludedcoltages,from flats in coun- areavailableon the telephone RichmondinYorkshire wherethe, dates kom 1746,was, as its name try housesto coastguard cottages, bers given opposite). 56 Raaflltnzs 2-8 JANUA \ / t/ l- Itl lFr I vlEw from two to eightpeople.Dogsare permittedin someoftheproperties, which comeequippedwith towels guestsare and linen.Self-catering welcometo usethe facilitiesof the PortmeirionHotel,set right on the estuary,including the swimming pool and the restaurant,which providesall meals. Portmeirionis very popular, so early bookingis advisable.Prices dependon the time of year,but a threeto four-night weekendbreak Culloden lowerinRichmond, Yorkshire, costsfrom J145for two,whilea cotwhich hasa96-step spiral staircase tagesleepingeight will costfrom leadingto thebedrooms €279.Sevennights in a cottage sleepingtwowill costfromf223 in low season,ranging up to J660 for a weekin high seasonfor a cottage sleepingeight.Full detailsareavailnumberbelow. ableonthetelephone Ihe(lldti$thouseinUandudno, perches NodhWales, 370ftabove the seaat0rmes Head P(lRIMEIRI(ll{ Movingoverto Wales,thereis selfcateringavailablein Sir Clough Wiliiams-Ellis'svillage of Portmeirion.This beautifulItalianate village,seton thehilly coastof an estuary,wasusedasthesettingfor the60scult TV senesTlpPrisoner. Sir Williams-Ellisstartedbuilding Portmeirion in 1925,withtheaimof showinghow, with enoughskill and care,evena beautiful natural settingcouldbeembellished by architectureratherthanspoiledby it. No€l Coward wrote Blithe Spirit whilestayingin oneof thevillage's pastel-coloured cottagesin 1941. Thereare now 17 cottagesand apartmentsavailable,which sleep 2 8 JANUARY 1993 IheBanqueting Ho (above, andinterio left)ontheGibbs Estate, Northumb from1746 dates an wasoriginally used a Yenue fortheman house banquets DISTIIICITY DIFFEREI{T Moreunusualandentertainingholiday accommodation is available WaterTowernearDover in Kentis includingtheYorkshireDales,S through a small private company, evencheaper,at pricesfrom I13 folk and the Forestof Dean.Ez DistinctlyDifferent,of Bradford-on- pernight,whiletheOldLighthouse hasbeenchosenfor charactera Avon in Wiltshire.This company perched370ft abovethe sea at all havebeenrenovated, but mos rentsout a variedselectionof prop- OrmesHeadnear Llandudnoin thefurnitureis antique. erties,ranging from watermills, North Walescomesin at a very Guestsare greetedwith a rn schools,chapelsand barns to a bearabie€15perhead,suitablefor comebasket,which includeswi magistrate'scourt, a forge and a a familyor twocouples. Full details andareableto arriveandleave cow byre. Someof theseare self- anda brochure(priceJ1) areavail- any day of theweekprovidedtl cateringwhile othershavethe op- ablefrom DistinctlyDifferentat the stay a minimum of two nigt tion of a restaurant; some are telephone numbergivenbelow. These charming propertiesi suitablefor disabledvisitors and very well furnished and the ex somearehappyto acceptchildren. RURATREIRHIS facilitieson offerrangefrom me Thereareno"typical"properties, Yet anothercompanyofferingholi bershipofthe localcountryclut but to give a few examples,the days with a differenceis Rurai tenniscourts,fishinganda row Barns at Babworth near Notting- Retreats of Moreton-in-Marsh, boat.Hereagain,thebuildingste ham,whicharepartof afarm,offer Gloucestershire, which has more to be historicplacesor conver sevenrooms,all with ensuitefacil- than50properties availableforrent workshops;thereis a conver ities,from {I7 pernight.The Old in many beautiful parts of Britain, tithe barn, an old post office,1 galleryof a statelyhome,a fom silk mill anda coachhouse.Pri, vary,but a couplerOntingacottz next spring will pay aboutJi anda family of four in thesumr aboutf415, bothfor oneweek. This is only a seiectionof 6ER;: many curious or different protr ties available for rent all o Britain, placeswhich have br savedfrom destructionor neglec make a fresh start as a holic homeand,notentirelyincidenta a usefulcontributionto the ca ofconservation. fufrfE*