Vietnam War Pictures Vietnam War Pictures


Vietnam War Pictures Vietnam War Pictures
Vietnam War Pictures
1) What year was this picture taken? What city or village?
What country (North or South Vietnam)?
2) How old is this girl in this picture? Describe what is
3) What is napalm? Why was it used by the US?
4) What has happened to the girl since then?
5) What words come to your mind when seeing this picture?
Kim Phuc (“fook”)
6) What year was this picture taken? What city or village?
What country (North or South Vietnam)?
7) What is self-immolation?
8) Who was Thich Quang Duc?
9) What point was he trying to make?
10) How is this a form of protest? Explain.
Thich Quang Duc
11) Give an appropriate title to this photograph.
12) What year was this picture taken? What city or village?
What country (North or South Vietnam)?
13) Who is shooting who? Explain why.
14) What was the Tet Offensive?
15) Why did this picture have so much impact when people saw
Brig Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan
16) Give an appropriate title to this photograph.
17) What year was did this event happen? What city or village?
What country (North or South Vietnam)?
18) What happened at My Lai?
19) Who is most likely holding the gun to this woman’s head?
20) Why did this picture have so much impact when people saw
21) What words come to your mind when seeing this picture?
22) What year was did this event happen? What city or
village? What country (North or South Vietnam)?
23) Give an appropriate title to this photograph.
24) In your opinion, what would drive someone to this type of
25) Who committed this atrocity?
26) Why did this picture have so much impact when people saw
-My Lai27) What year was this picture taken? What city or village?
What country (North or South Vietnam)?
28) Who is boarding this helicopter? Why?
29) If this happened during the “Fall of Saigon,” then who was
Saigon falling to?
30) Why do many people in what was South Vietnam today feel
that this picture shows how the US abandoned them?
-Fall of Saigon-
31) What year was this picture taken? What US state? What
32) Who is this woman? Age?
33) What had happened just before this picture was taken?
34) Give an appropriate title to this photograph.
35) Why is this one of the most widely seen pictures from the
Vietnam War era?
Mary Ann Vecchio
36) What year was this picture taken? Where in the US?
37) Who was this man? Age? From where? What occupation?
38) Why is this one of the most widely seen pictures from the
Vietnam War era?
39) What does placing flowers in gun barrels symbolize?
40) Give an appropriate title to this photograph.
George Edgerly Harris III (“Flower Power”)