Print Version - Chicago History Museum


Print Version - Chicago History Museum
july 2010 - June 2011
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facing freedom
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out in chicago
Chair’s Message
they hosted more than 700 school groups, and
the Research Center assisted more than 10,000
researchers. This was also a breakthrough year for
the Museum’s social media presence. Staff members
regularly blog about an array of subjects, such as the
1919 Black Sox scandal, a story that was picked up
Our activities show a passion for achieving this goal. by the national media and highlighted the Museum’s
importance on a wider scale. We maintain a lively
This past year saw the debut of the re-envisioned
Facebook presence and regularly tweet to faithful
American history gallery, Facing Freedom, two
followers. Our E-News reaches over 20,000 people.
installations with a Civil War theme: Lincoln’s
Chicago and Lincoln the President, as well as the
None of this would be possible without the
opening of the groundbreaking Out in Chicago, an
exploration of the city’s LGBT history. In the spring, leadership of our committed Board of Trustees and
the support of our generous donors. I thank you all
we hosted an array of programs exploring one of
for your own passion for history during this eventful
our visitors’ favorite history topics—the Prohibition
and productive year.
era in Chicago.
Over the past few years, the trustees and staff of the
Chicago History Museum have been creating and
implementing an ambitious strategic plan. Our goal is
to help our audiences make meaningful and personal
connections to the city and its history.
Thank you to our Museum’s world-class professional
staff and terrific volunteers, for always showing
their passion for history and Chicago. Last year,
Sharon Gist Gilliam
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BOARD OF trustees and support groups
Chicago Historical Society
Board of Trustees
T. Bondurant French
Ali Velshi
Fred A. Krehbiel
Sharon Gist Gilliam, Chair
Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Joan Werhane
Joseph H. Levy Jr.
Walter C. Carlson, Vice Chair
Sharon Gist Gilliam
Jeffrey W. Yingling
Josephine Louis
John W. Croghan, Vice Chair
Thomas M. Goldstein
Patrick W. Dolan, Treasurer
Cynthia Greenleaf
Honorary Life Trustee
Robert Meers
Paul H. Dykstra, Secretary
Barbara A. Hamel
The Honorable Richard M. Daley
Josephine Baskin Minow
John W. Rowe, Chair Emeritus
David D. Hiller
Gary T. Johnson, President
Dennis H. Holtschneider
Life Trustees
Bryan S. Reid Jr.
Russell Lewis, Executive Vice
Tobin E. Hopkins
Lerone Bennett Jr.
Gordon I. Segal
Daniel S. Jaffee
Philip D. Block III
Paul L. Snyder
Gary T. Johnson
Laurence O. Booth
Honorary Trustee
Falona Joy
Stanley J. Calderon
Trustees Emeritus
The Honorable Rahm Emanuel,
Randye A. Kogan
John W. Croghan
Sallie L. Gaines
Mayor of the City of Chicago
Judith Konen
Alison Campbell de Frise
David A. Gupta
Russell Lewis
Stewart S. Dixon
Jean Haider
Paul R. Lovejoy
Michael H. Ebner
Erica C. Meyer
James L. Alexander
Timothy P. Moen
M. Hill Hammock
Robert J. Moore
David H. Blake
Ralph G. Moore
Susan S. Higinbotham
Eboo Patel
David P. Bolger
Michael A. Nemeroff
Henry W. Howell Jr.
Nancy Robinson
Walter C. Carlson
John W. Rowe
Philip W. Hummer
April T. Schink
Warren K. Chapman
Jesse H. Ruiz
Richard M. Jaffee
Patrick F. Daly
Larry Selander
Edgar D. Jannotta
Patrick W. Dolan
Samuel J. Tinaglia
Barbara Levy Kipper
Paul H. Dykstra
Noren W. Ungaretti
W. Paul Krauss
President and Chief Historian
R. Eden Martin
Potter Palmer
This list reflects positions as of June 30, 2011.
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BOARD OF trustees and support groups
The Guild of the Chicago
History Museum
Costume Council of the
Chicago History Museum
Board of Directors
Lynn Orschel
Executive Committee Officers
Tina Koegel
Karen Peterson
Noren Ungaretti, President
Wendy Krimins
Joan A. Werhane, President
Lyssa Piette
Catherine Eberle, First Vice President
Carrie Lannon
Peggy Snorf, First Vice President
Bobbi Zabel
Cindy Chereskin, Second Vice
Stuart Mesires
Biba Roesch
and Membership Chair
Tammy Steele, Second Vice President
Honorary Directors
Lisa Cotten, Secretary
Anthony Rossi
Peggy Carr
Diane Sprenger, Treasurer
Laura Barnett Sawchyn
and Program Chair
Judith Konen, Third Vice President
Nin Florian
Zika Petersen
Executive Committee Members
Kristen Smith
Lucia Uihlein
Tory Beneke
Liz Stiffel
Lynne Bredfeldt
Britt Taner
Judy Bross
Melinda Turitz
Sophie Bross
Alicia Waters
Adrienne Brookstone
Connie Coolidge
Lawrie Weed
Anita Friedman
Lisa Cotten
Heather Wright
Vicki Greene
Bonnie Deutsch
Jean Haider
Catherine Eberle
Doris Johnson
Heather Farley
Cindy Kalnow
Lori Gray Faversham
Bonnie Lipe
Dorothy Fuller
Kathleen McCreary
Julia Goalby
Gia McDermott
Karen Goodyear
Rebecca McDonnell
Vicki Hood
and Nominating Chair
Cynthia Szczepanski, Treasurer
Sarah Sprowl, Secretary
April Schink
Nena Ivon
This list reflects positions as of June 30, 2011.
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president’s Message
When the Board of Trustees approved “The Critical
Path: Strategic Plan for the Chicago History
Museum” in 2009, your museum took on the
task of staying true to its vision in the midst of a
global economic crisis. Even in challenging times,
we believe that a disciplined institution can make
organic changes in ways that leave it stronger.
Certain key insights are moving us forward.
First, we put the Museum’s collection front and
center. We work to improve access to the collection
while at the same time providing an optimal
environment for preservation. Our new exhibition,
Unexpected Chicago, displays one artifact at a
time for only one month. This is dramatic proof of
the value of the investment that the community
has made in a collection that numbers 22 million
holdings. Realizing a return on that investment for
the sake of the community is top on my list of goals
as President.
Second, we embrace audience research as a critical
planning tool. Our research includes collecting
demographic information, conducting focus
groups, and establishing visitor panels, all to help
us make decisions regarding educational content
and experiences. Foremost in our minds are our
three core audiences—families, schoolchildren, and
Finally, we focus on our relationships with those
who share our vision. We are committed to
envisioning a new model of membership that
will help people make meaningful and personal
connections to history and to the Museum in this
new era of social media. We also invest in our staff
to strengthen their relationship to the Museum
and to each other and to make sure that the people
charged with implementing our plans have the
resources they need to succeed.
We thank you for your commitment to the cause of
history in Chicago.
Gary T. Johnson
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Acquisition highlights
Handbills for dances held in Chicago in 1929 and 1930.
Gift of Ms. Roberta Cordell.
Papers of Gads Hill Center.
Gift of the Gads Hill Center.
Drawings, photographs, scale models and prototypes
of furniture designed by Henry P. Glass.
Gift of Ms. Anne Karin Glass and Mr. Peter Glass.
[pictured right]
Slides of the Chicago Railroad Fair, July 1949.
Gift of Dr. Christine R. Hibbard.
Papers of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans.
Gift of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans.
Slides and drawings documenting the architectural work
of Harry Weese and his successor firm.
Gift of Mr. James Torvik, Mr. George Vrechek, and
Mr. David Munson.
Papers documenting the United Steelworkers of America
District 31, 1941-1981.
Gift of the United Steel District 7.
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Ms. Charlotte Adelman
Ms. Ann Glasgow
Plainfield Guilford Township Public Library
Ms. Roslyn Alexander
Ms. Anne Karin Glass
Public Relations Society of America, Chicago Chapter
American Association of University Women
Mr. Peter Glass
Chris Schenk
Dr. Jennifer R. Bridge
Ms. Joan Goff
Scottsdale Homeowners Association
Mr. Peter Bullock
Mr. Gary Gray
Mr. Bill Stamets
Dr. Robert Cech
Mr. and Mrs. William and Gertrude Grisham
Swedish Club of Chicago
Chicago Board of Education Archives
Mr. Philip Hannema
Mr. James Torvik
Chicago Commons
Ms. Ilah Hartung
U.S. Senate Historical Office
Chicago Law Enforcement Study Group
Haute Couture Club of Chicago
United Nations Association of U.S., Chicago Division
Chicago Youth Centers
Mr. Thomas Heinz
United Steel District 7
City Club of Chicago
Dr. Christine R. Hibbard
Mr. John Vinci
City of Chicago
Illinois Academy of Criminology
Mr. George Vrechek
Mr. Thom Clark
Rev. Jerald January, Sr.
Mr. Dale Wolicki
Clergy and Laity Concerned
Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans
Ms. Penny Wood
Ms. Barbara Colby
Mr. Rogers E. Jones
Ms. Elizabeth C. Wright
Committee for New Priorities
JP Morgan Chase Archives
Youth Network Council
Ms. Roberta Cordell
Ms. Bonni McKeown
Dr. Mara Dodge
Ms. Rita Mendelsohn
Ms. Madeline Douglass
Midwest Women’s Center
Edgewater Historical Society
Mr. Ward Miller
Elmhurst Historical Museum
Mills Music Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Faculty Association of School District 205 (IL)
Milwaukee Public Library, City Archives
Mr. Ron Freund
Mr. David Munson
Gads Hill Center
New World Resource Center
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The past year at the Chicago History Museum
has been a diverse one. It began with the
celebratory July 4th premiere of the exhibition
Facing Freedom, heralded the re-opening of
our American history galleries, and marked the
renewal of our unique Abraham Lincoln display.
The year has also welcomed our presentation
of the groundbreaking show on LGBT life in
the city, Out in Chicago. This exhibition, one of
the first of its kind in any mainstream museum,
builds on three years of intensive research.
facing freedom
facing freedom
out in
in chicago
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Facing Freedom
Freedom is anything but simple. This
innovative exhibition examines eight
conflicts over freedom from the 1850s to the
1970s. Told through artifacts, photographs,
films, audio clips, and activities, each
conflict is presented from the participants’
perspectives. Through the large themes
of unite, defend, speak out, and struggle,
visitors are invited to consider events of
the past in the present tense, placing
themselves in the position of past Americans
and engaging with their struggles on a
first-name basis. Our record as a nation
isn’t unspotted when it comes to freedom.
It is important to remember the times we
have struggled with our better natures to
make the most basic rights available to
all. These stories are important reminders
that Americans in all times have worked to
define—and defend—their own rights.
The Naphtali ben Yakov Pritzker American History
Wing is made possible through a generous grant
from Tawani Foundation, through the support
of Colonel (IL) J. N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (retired),
President and Founder, Pritzker Military Library
and Tawani Foundation.
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Between 1847 and 1860, Abraham Lincoln visited
Chicago at least twenty-five times, to practice law
and engage in politics. The city became his second
home and political headquarters during his rise to
prominence, and his launching pad to the presidency.
Now the Sanger P. Robinson Gallery features a
glimpse of the Chicago Lincoln knew, as the Alcoves
gallery displays a moving new installation of artifacts
relating to the great President’s life and death.
These lithographs are mainly drawn from the
publications of the Chicago Lithography Company,
established in the nineteenth century by Otto Jevne
and Peter Almini. The somewhat romanticized
cityscapes were originally drawn by the artist Louis
Kurtz, and show diverse scenes of men, women,
and children of all backgrounds and races. The
physical sites and landmarks of the busy early city
appear fresh and new to our eyes; many would soon
be swept away by the Great Fire of 1871.
The Museum is especially indebted to The Robert R. McCormick
Foundation, the lead exhibition sponsor of Lincoln’s Chicago.
Additional support is provided by the Terra Foundation for
American Art.
The Alcoves installation is supported by a gift from The Gupta
Family, with additional support from the Joyce Foundation in
honor of Lawrence N. Hansen.
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Out In Chicago
What happens when questions related to sexuality
and gender nonconformity are brought to bear
on a city’s history? Out in Chicago details the
emergence of the city’s diverse lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities.
It emphasizes the everyday lives of LGBT
Chicagoans, as well as LGBT activism and its fight
against homophobia and fear of gender difference.
While Out’s target audience is LGBT, it is accessible
to all visitors, regardless of sexual orientation, and
contains ample opportunities to forge personal
connections with the subject matter. The exhibition
opened in May 2011 and runs through March 2012.
Out in Chicago is one of the first exhibitions of
its kind in a mainstream museum. It begins by
describing the fluidity of gender and sexuality and
how the relationship between the two has changed
over time. Building on this, three subsequent
sections address families and homes; communities
and social spaces; and activism.
Using vibrant colors, large graphics, and furniture,
the design creates immersive environments from
an inviting living room to an alley outside a nightclub,
and generates emotion — whether the fear of a bar
raid, or the excitement of a Pride Parade. Life-sized
video greeters address visitors as they move through
the exhibition, explaining the content ahead.
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Out In Chicago (continued)
The exhibition’s content grew out of three years of
intensive research. We made a conscious decision
to tap into the vast queer history resources of the
city, ranging from the long-standing Gerber/Hart
Library and Archives, to the one-of-a-kind Leather
Archives and Museum, to the new National Public
Housing Museum.
The interdisciplinary team that created this project
represents an unusually close collaboration between
practitioners of public history and academic history.
Visitors see and hear themselves in the exhibition
and make meaningful connections to history.
The installation also features definitions of the LGBT
lexicon—some serious, others more lighthearted—
illustrating the power of language and exploring the
changing meaning of words over time.
Major participants in this exhibition include Gerber/Hart Library and Archives, the
Additional support provided by The Chicago Community Trust, The Pauls Foundation,
Leather Archive and Museum, and the Hull-House Museum. The Chicago History
Polk Bros. Foundation, Sara Lee Foundation, The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation,
Museum is grateful for the loans, work, and involvement of these important
Goodworks Fund, UBS, NIB Foundation, River North Sales & Service, Northwestern
community resources. Chicago’s modern LGBT community has also been
extraordinarily generous on both the individual and organizational levels. We are
University, and the Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender
are the presenting sponsors of Out in Chicago.
in the Arts and Media, Columbia College Chicago.
delighted to acknowledge that help here and elsewhere.
Individual support provided by Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett, Art Johnston and Jose
Peña, Charles R. Middleton and John S. Geary, Greg Cameron and Greg Thompson,
Shawn Donnelley, Robbin Burr, Patrick M. Sheahan, and Esther Saks.
The exhibition was created in partnership with the UIC College of Liberal Arts &
is the lead corporate sponsor of Out in Chicago.
Sciences and The Center on Halsted. Additional assistance provided by Community
Marketing Inc, WFMT and WTTW Chicago Public Television, WBEZ Chicago Public
Radio, and Windy City Times. The official hotel partner for the exhibition is the
Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park.
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Programs, Tours, Lectures
The Museum’s yearly activities aren’t limited by our
gallery space! These photographs highlight some
of the more memorable experiences our visitors
and Members have enjoyed in the past fiscal year.
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SEVENteenth Annual Making History Awards: 2011 Awardees
Barbara Bowman
Renée Crown
The Jane Addams History Maker
The Bertha Honoré Palmer History
Award for Distinction in Social Services Maker Award for Distinction in Civic
Bill Kurtis and Donna LaPietra
The Joseph Medill Award for
Distinction in Journalism and
Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Accepted by David B. Speer
The Cyrus McCormick History
Maker Award for Historic Corporate
Presented by Valerie Jarrett
Presented by William A. Osborn
Presented by John W. Rowe
Presented by Newton N. Minow
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Seventeenth Annual Making History Awards: 2011 Awardees
Each year, the Chicago History Museum
presents several Making History Awards to
Chicagoans and Chicago companies whose
extraordinary achievements are linked in
significant ways to our city and its history.
The awards reflect a lifetime of passion and
commitment through many projects and
endeavors. Past awardees over the years
have included such notables as Studs Terkel,
Ann Landers, Sister Rosemary Connelly,
Ramsey Lewis, Maria Tallchief, Franz
Jackson, and Minnie Minoso.
The Seventeenth Annual Making History
Awards were held on Wednesday, June 8,
2011, at the Four Seasons Hotel, Chicago.
While the Awards honor special Chicagoans,
the event is also the Museum’s largest
fundraising event of the year.
(Top) 2011 Making History Awardees (row 1, L-R):
Barbara Bowman, Renée Crown, Bill Kurtis, Donna
LaPietra, and David B. Speer. Presenters
(row 2, L-R): Valerie Jarrett, Newton N. Minow,
William A. Osborn, and John W. Rowe.
(Bottom) The celebration of the Making History
Awards at the Four Seasons Hotel, Chicago.
(L-R) Lori Wachn, Ali Velshi, Gary T. Johnson,
and Sharon Gist Gilliam.
Making History Awards: Event Co-Chairs
James L. Alexander
Co-Trustee, The Elizabeth Morse and Elizabeth Morse
Genius Charitable Trusts
John W. Rowe
Chairman and CEO, Exelon Corporation
James A. Skinner
Vice Chairman and CEO, McDonald’s Corporation
Making History Awards Committee
Mrs. A. Campbell de Frise, Chair
Vince Allocco
Paul H. Dykstra
Michael H. Ebner
M. Hill Hammock
Francia Harrington
Mrs. Harlow N. Higinbotham
Philip W. Hummer
Daniel S. Jaffee
Gary T. Johnson
Randye A. Kogan
Erica C. Meyer
Josephine Baskin Minow
James J. O’Connor
Potter Palmer
Jesse H. Ruiz
Larry Selander
Steve Solomon
Joan Elizabeth Steel
Liz Stiffel
Noren W. Ungaretti
Joan A. Werhane
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Making history awards donors
Exelon Corporation
Illinois Tool Works
Vice Chairs
Walter C. Carlson and Debora M. de Hoyos,
The Sidley Austin Foundation
The Crown Family
In Honor of Renée Crown
David D. Hiller, Robert R. McCormick Foundation
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Ann Lurie
McDonald’s Corporation
Molex Incorporated
Alexandra and John Nichols
Northern Trust
John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe
Allstate Insurance Company
DePaul University
Paul Dykstra, K&L Gates LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
John W. Estey, S&C Electric Company
Christina and Ron Gidwitz
Andi and Jim Gordon, The Edgewater Funds
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell
Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna
Erica C. Meyer and Potter Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow
Michael Nemeroff and Vedder Price
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
J. Christopher Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Carole and Gordon Segal
Liz Stiffel
United Airlines
William Blair & Company, LLC
Contributions/ Reservations
James L. Alexander and Curtis D. Drayer
Mr. Mark E. Anderson
Ariel Investments
Bank of America
Mrs. Peyton J. Barkley
Emily L. Barr, ABC7 Chicago
Ms. Grace Barry
Bensinger, Dupont & Associates
Ms. Robin Loewenberg Berger
Mr. David H. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III
David P. Bolger
Booth Hansen
Ms. Barbara T. Bowman
In Honor of Joan Steel
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago
Hon. Edward M. Burke and Hon. Anne M. Burke
Mr. Robert F. Callbeck
Mr. Warren Chapman
Jan and Frank Cicero
Marcia S. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Considine
Rosemary and John Croghan
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Davis Jr.
Mrs. A. Campbell de Frise
Delta Dental
Mrs. John W. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farley
The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
Bon and Holly French, Adams Street Partners
Mrs. Stephen B. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Gantz
Timothy J. Gilfoyle, Loyola University
Sharon Gist Gilliam
Ms. Teresa D. Gordon
Ms. Mary Lou Gorno
Grant Thornton LLP
Ms. Cynthia Greenleaf
Hill and Cheryl Hammock
Christie Hefner and William Marovitz
David Herro and Jay Franke
Mrs. R. Thomas Howell Jr.
HUB International Midwest Ltd
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
James & Catherine Denny Foundation
Ms. Valerie Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Johnson
Mrs. Gary C. Jones
Ms. Falona Joy
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kennedy
Hon. Randye A. Kogan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke
Joseph and Judith Konen
Mr. Sheldon Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Levy Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Moskow
Ms. Claire Muñana
Mr. Paul Nebenzahl
Mrs. Edward Neisser
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
PJH & Associates, Inc.
Joseph A. Gregoire, PNC
Ms. Julieanna L. Richardson
The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation
Rockwell Automation
In Honor of David Speer
Mr. John W. Rogers Jr.
Loretta Rosenmayer, INTREN
Mr. Anthony F. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Ruiz
Larry Selander, Duane Morris LLP
Ms. Margaret Snorf
Standard Parking
Alvin and Esta Star
Joan Elizabeth Steel
Jules N. Stiffel
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stirling
Tawani Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Tinaglia Sr.
Howard Trienens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ungaretti
Mrs. John L. Ward
Mrs. Joan A. Werhane
William & Joan Brodsky Foundation Inc.
Wintrust Wealth Management
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Honor Roll of Donors
Annual Fund and
Special Projects
$10,000 and above
Anonymous (4)
Abbott Laboratories Fund
The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
Allstate Insurance Company
American Airlines, Inc.
Ann Lurie,
Ann Lurie Revocable Trust
Aon Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III,
Margaret S. & Philip D. Block, Jr.
Family Foundation
Blum-Kovler Foundation
The Boeing Company
Mr. David P. Bolger
The Brinson Foundation
The Buchanan Family Foundation
Carole and Joseph Levy Family Foundation
Mr. Walter C. Carlson and
Ms. Debora M. de Hoyos,
The Sidley Austin Foundation
Charter One Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Marcia S. Cohn,
The Jacob & Rosaline Cohn Foundation
Costume Council of the
Chicago History Museum
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan
Elizabeth I. Crown and William Wallace,
Crown Family Philanthropies
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown,
Crown Family Philanthropies
DePaul University
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Jr.
Mr. Paul H. Dykstra
Edgewater Management, Inc.
The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust
Ernst & Young
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gidwitz
The Goodworks Fund
Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P.
The Guild of the Chicago History Museum
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
Barbara A. Hamel,
Bank of America Foundation
Barbara Hamel Trust
Hill and Cheryl Hammock
Mr. David G. Herro and Mr. Jay Franke
Mr. David D. Hiller,
David Hiller Charitable Fund
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Illinois Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity
Illinois Tool Works
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Heidi and Daniel Jaffee,
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Shirley and Dick Jaffee,
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols
Family Foundation
The Joyce Foundation
JPMorgan Chase and Company
K&L Gates LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Konen Sr.,
The Bessemer National Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel,
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Licata
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Mr. Robert Kohl and Mr. Clark Pellett
McDonald’s Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna,
Schwarz Supply Source
Mr. and Mrs. Newton J. Minow,
Crown Family Foundation
Minow Family Foundation
Mr. Robert J. Moore
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Historical Publications and
Records Commissions
Mr. Michael A. Nemeroff,
Vedder Price
NIB Foundation
Northern Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz Jr.
Ovation LLC
Mr. Potter Palmer
The Pauls Foundation
J. Christopher Reyes,
Reyes Holdings, LLC
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe,
The John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan,
Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation
S&C Electric Company
Sally Mead Hands Foundation
Carole and Gordon Segal,
Segal Family Foundation
Liz Stiffel
Tawani Foundation
Terra Foundation for American Art
United Airlines
Walgreen Company
William Blair & Company Foundation
$5,000 to 9,999
Anonymous (3)
James L. Alexander and Curtis D. Drayer
Ariel Capital Management, LLC
Arch W. Shaw Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Booth
City Arts IV, Chicago Department of Cultural
Affairs and Special Events
Mr. Richard A. Ditton
Mr. Patrick W. Dolan
Ms. Jane Elizabeth Feerer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Goldstein
Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel
Hoellen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tobin E. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Hummer,
The Field Foundation of Illinois
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Illinois Arts Council, a state agency
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Honor Roll of Donors
Irving Harris Foundation
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Jane B. and Eugene E. White Family Foundation
The John & Lisa Pritzker Family Fund
Mr. Arthur L. Johnston and Mr. Jose A. Peña
Charles R. Middleton and John S. Geary
Northwestern University Office of the Provost
Peoples Gas
The Pioneer Fund
COL (IL) J.N. Pritzker IL ARNG (Ret.)
Rockwell Automation
Mr. John W. Rogers Jr.
Mrs. Robert E. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Schiffman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Selander,
Duane Morris LLP
Paul and Katherine Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Tinaglia, Sr.
Dr. Debra E. Weese-Mayer and
Dr. Robert N. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Yingling
$2,500 to 4,999
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. John W. Allyn
Mr. Mark E. Anderson
Mr. David H. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Bobins,
The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation
Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro
Mr. Gregory C. Cameron and
Mr. Greg Thompson
Chicago From The Lake, Ltd.
Columbia College
Ms. Nancy R. Corral
Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley
The Enivar Charitable Fund
Ms. Sharon Gist Gilliam
Grant Thornton LLP
Richard and Mary L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hagenah
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Johnson
Ms. Loretta N. Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eden Martin
Mr. Jerome M. Mileur
Mr. Timothy P. Moen
Mr. Arthur C. Nielsen Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Neill
Richard and Roxy Pepper
Mrs. John Shedd Reed
Ms. Susan L. Regenstein,
The Regenstein Foundation
Ms. Joan E. Steel
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stirling,
Blue Foundation
Lake Forest Shop
The Stirling Charitable Fund
Sulzer Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Oakleigh Thorne
Hon. E. Kenneth Wright Jr.
$1,000 to 2,499
The Alben F. and Clara G. Bates Foundation
The Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner
Family Foundation
Ms. Mary Rose Alexander and
Dr. Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Mr. Edward M. Bakwin
Mrs. Peyton J. Barkley
Roger and Julie Baskes,
Baskes Family Foundation
Mr. Clyde E. Bassett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Bensinger,
Bensinger, Dupont & Associates
Mrs. James F. Beré
Ms. Robin Loewenberg Berger
Mr. George W. Blossom III,
The Chicago Community Foundation
Ms. Barbara T. Bowman
The Braeside Foundation
Hon. Edward M. Burke and Hon. Anne M. Burke
Dr. Phillip L. Cacioppo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler
Warren and Bonita Chapman
Jan and Frank Cicero
Marge and Lew Collens
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Considine
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Davis Jr.
Emily L. Barr,
Disney / ABC7
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farley
The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg
Ms. Mary Lou Gorno
Ms. Cynthia Greenleaf and Mr. Jonathan Fanton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Haider
Mr. Corwith Hamill, Hamill Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Hamill,
The Corwith Fund
Dr. Lynn E. Hauser and Dr. Neil L. Ross
Ms. Christie Hefner and Mr. William Marovitz
Mrs. Harold H. Hines Jr.
Mrs. Marshall M. Holleb,
Domah Fund
Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Howell Jr.
HUB International Midwest Ltd.
The IFF Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne G. Istock,
Istock Family Foundation
James & Catherine Denny Foundation
The James Huntington Foundation
Ms. Valerie Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Jones
Josephine P. and John J. Louis Foundation
Ms. Falona Joy
Mr. Jared Kaplan and Ms. Maridee A. Quanbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kinney
Hon. Randye A. Kogan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke,
Koldyke Family Fund
Ms. Jennifer M. Krejci
Mr. Sheldon Lavin, The Sheba Foundation
Lucia Woods Lindley and Daniel A. Lindley
Mr. and Mrs. James Loewenberg
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Paul R. Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Jr.
Mr. John W. McCarter Jr.
Ms. Erica C. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Moody
Nat P. Ozmon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Nelson
Hon. Dawn Clark Netsch
New Prospect Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor
Old Republic International Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Palmer,
Charles Palmer Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia J. Hurley,
PJH & Associates Inc.
PNC Bank
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Cindy Pritzker,
Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Mrs. Robert F. Rainer
Renee & Edward Ross Foundation
Richard and Helen Thomas Family Foundation
Mrs. John W. Robinson
Ms. Phyllis Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Rubnitz
Mr. Jesse H. Ruiz
Dr. Patrick M. Sheahan
Mr. Morrell McKenzie Shoemaker Jr.
Mrs. Victoria Skala
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spock
Standard Parking
Alvin and Esta Star
Mr. Jules N. Stiffel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stuart Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken Jr.,
The HBB Foundation
Tiny Tiger Foundation, Inc.
Howard Trienens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uihlein,
Ed Uihlein Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ungaretti
Ward C. Rogers Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky
William & Joan Brodsky Foundation Inc.
William and Marilyn Simpson Foundation
Winzeler Gear
Mrs. George B. Young
$500 to 999
Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Arado Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bail
H. Rigel Barber
Ms. Grace Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Basler
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bodeen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borland Jr.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago
Ms. Barbara Smith and Mr. Timothy Burroughs
Mr. Norman Carlson
Ms. Susan E. Cremin
Mrs. A. Campbell de Frise
Miss Inge de la Camp
Delta Dental
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dick,
The Dick Family Foundation
Mr. John W. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Drower
Esther S & Alan Saks Foundation
Mr. David Fanta
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Frankenthal III
Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher,
Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Gantz
Ms. Teresa D. Gordon
Mr. Thomas Z. Hayward Jr.
Ms. Diane Kraft Henry
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hood Jr.
Mrs. H. Earl Hoover
Mr. Charles E. Horton
Mrs. Arnold Horween Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Howell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kalnow
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kennedy
Kenneth Douglas Foundation
Mrs. John J. Kinsella
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Koglin
Mrs. John Krenger
Mr. Michael A. Leppen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Levin
Mr. Julius Lewis,
The Rhoades Foundation
Mr. Andrew W. McGhee
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Moskow
Mr. Paul Nebenzahl,
The Paul Nebenzahl Company
Mrs. Judith Neisser
Mrs. Richard H. Newhouse
Mrs. Barbara Parson
Ms. Dorothy V. Ramm
Mr. and Mrs. John Rettaliata,
The Lawrence Pucci Wedgewood
Society of Chicago
Ms. Julieanna L. Richardson
Ms. Stephanie Riger and Mr. Dan A. Lewis
Mr. Perry L. Rose
Mr. Anthony F. Rossi
Ms. Maria T. Santiago and Mr. Murray Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schroeder
Ms. Denise Selz
Ms. Margaret Snorf
Joachim and June Staackmann
Phillip and Leslie Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swift III
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Twede
Mrs. John L. Ward
Warehouse Direct Office Products
Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weaver
Mrs. Maurice Weigle Fund
Mrs. Joan Werhane
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff
Mr. Aldo C. Zucaro,
The Zucaro Family Foundation, Inc.
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
$250 to 499
Mr. Cyrus H. Adams
AXA Foundation
Mr. Gregory L. Barton
Mr. Lawrence Bernstein
Mrs. Patricia Buehler Blankenship
Dr. and Mrs. Aldridge K. Bousfield
Mr. Thomas E. Brean
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bross
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Buchbinder
Mrs. Theodore H. Buenger
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy A. Burnham
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wells Carton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Chelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin David Chereskin
Elizabeth and Allison Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John Coletta
Ms. Patsy Habicht and Mr. William F. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton R. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Cox Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane
Ms. Mary Ann Cronin
Dr. and Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis
Mrs. Carla M. Dehmlow
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Deromedi
Mr. George E. Douglas
Mr. Harry L. Drake
Ms. Kitty Egan,
F.J. Zimmermann Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri
Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Fishbein
Ms. Marcia L. Flick
Arthur L. Frank, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Galland
Mrs. Thomas P. Gallanis
Mr. Peter V. Ginn
Ms. Mary Anne Goldberg
Ms. Sue Goldschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Goodyear Jr.
Mr. Joseph X. Grassi
Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Gummere Jr.
Ms. Alice E. Harper
Joyce E. Heidemann and Barbara F. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Helman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hight
Ms. Gaye Lynn Hill and Mr. Jeffrey A. Urbina
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch
Ms. Anita M. Holloway
Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Horwitz
Ms. Rose M. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Hull
IBM International Foundation
Mrs. Sue Barnett Ish
Mr. Martin D. Jahn
Mr. Sidney F. Jarrow,
The Jaffee Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Johnson
Miss Judith Kadish
Mr. Allan Kaplan
Mr. Austin H. Kiplinger
Ms. Mary A. Kirchschlager
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Knisely
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kozak
Ms. Mary Beth Kretz and Mr. Robert Baum
Ms. Wendy I. Krimins
Mrs. Winfred Leaf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lehman,
Kellcie Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey E. Lewis Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Lieb
Ms. Katherine M. Lorenz
M&G Graphics, Inc.
Edward Malone and Kristina Entner
Ms. Bonita F. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Maxime
Mrs. Charles M. May
Michael E. McCaslin and Patrick Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Miller
Richard J. and Pamela Jo Mooney
Daniel R. Murray
Mr. John C. Newgren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Notz
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Obenshain
Hon. Sheila O’Brien and Hon. Wayne Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott N. Otis
Ms. Jean E. Perkins and
Mr. Leland E. Hutchinson
Pleasant Ridge School
Mr. Edward Potocek
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Predick
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Prinz
Ms. Louise Lee Reid
Michael F. and Ann B. Rosenblum
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rosholt
Mrs. Donald I. Roth
Ms. A. Sue Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Schuster
Mr. John I. Schlossman,
Jocarno Fund
Mrs. William L. Searle
Dr. Robert E. Singiser
Mr. Victor Skrebneski
Ms. Leigh Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Z. Szczepanski
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Teifeld
Barbara and Randy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Tilton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice
Ms. Esther Velis
Professor Louise C. Wade
Mr. James Walker
Dr. Caroline A. Wamsler
David Wasserman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Welsh
Prof. and Mrs. Charles A. Werner
Mrs. Barbara H. West
Ms. Eileen White and Mr. William Bush
Ms. Jean Ann White
Ms. Virginia S. Willcox
Mr. Emanuel Zepnick
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
$100 and above
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Ahern
American Indian Center
Mrs. Robert G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. K. Stephen Anderson
Dr. Mira Andre
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Angle
Kaye and Ruth Aurigemma
Ms. Oswelda A. Badal
Mr. John W. Baird
Ms. Pamela Baker and Mr. Jay R. Franke
Mr. Timothy H. Baker
Richard A. and Mary Joan Barry
Mr. Michael S. Basil and Family
Ted and Robbie Beaty
Reverend William C. Beckmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Beech
Mr. Larry Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Berinstein
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bernstein
Mr. John Alan Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bianco
Leigh and Henry Bienen
Mr. James G. Bigham
Mr. and Mrs. Timuel D. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. L. Bogan Jr.
Mr. Greg Borzo
Mrs. Lloyd W. Bowers
Ms. Lisa A. Bronson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson D. Brown
Mr. Josiah Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George Brumlik
Mrs. Walther Buchen
Ms. Joy Buddig and Mr. Robert Olson
Ms. Adeline M. Buehrer
Ms. Robbin Burr
Ms. Mary Busenburg and Mr. Thomas M. Jones
Ms. Susanne B. Bush
Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker
Mr. Morton D. Cahn Jr.
Mr. Edward J. Calkins
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Canning
Ms. Marilyn Cantisano and
Mr. Donald Southworth
Mr. Robert G. Cassens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Caufield
Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz
Chicago Japanese American Historical Society
The Chicago Literary Club
Grace and Howard Chun
Ms. Christine L. Clark and
Mr. Martin J. Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Cole
Mr. Marvin L. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman
Mr. Guy Comer
Dr. and Mrs. W. Gene Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Crays
Beverly Crichton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Dam
Professor and Mrs. Gerald Danzer
Ms. Sharon S. Darling
Mr. Bruce Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Davis
Mr. Jonathan E. Dedmon
Tricia and Bob Devine
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Devonshire
Eloise and Edwin DeYoung
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Doub
Ms. Kathryn Kniffen and Mr. David E. Downen
Ms. Ann P. Duffy
Therese and Holly Dumond
Ms. Carol P. Eastin
Ms. Catherine A. Eaton and
Mr. William E. Barnhart
Darryl & Michael Ebner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Edelman
Gerald T. and Eileen V. Eisenstein
Mr. David F. Ellbogen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Elvert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Engelmann
Mrs. Margaret L. Erickson
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Eshleman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Ewald
Mrs. Carmen E. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Faulhaber
Ms. Sharon Felgon and Mr. Steven Bialer
Steve and Carol Felsenthal
Terry J. Fife and McKim N. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fisher II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fitzgerald
Mr. Lawrence E. Flood
Ms. Norma J. Flynn
Foley Family Foundation
Mr. David C. Follmer and Ms. Anita Samen
Ms. Jane G. Fouser
Mr. Lawrence A. Framburg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Freehling
Mr. Stanley M. Freehling
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Fruin
Dr. and Mrs. Willard A. Fry
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Furr
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fyfe
Mr. Leonard A. Gail
Mr. Donald C. Gancer
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gardner
GE Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Geisert
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Gendleman
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Stacey M. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Gotsch
Freddi L. Greenberg and Daniel B. Pinkert
Mr. Allen J. Greenberger
Alan and Carol Greene
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwald
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Grosch
Ms. Teresa A. Grosch and Mr. Thomas A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher B. Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Haas
Hallett Movers
Ms. Liz Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Handelman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harms
Mr. Thomas Harrison
Mrs. Augustin S. Hart Jr.,
Clarks Fork Foundation
Dr. Stephen M. Hashioka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herbster
Mr. Ryan J. Herren
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Hilzinger
Ms. Susan K. Horn and Mr. Donald S. Honchell
Mrs. Nancy A Horner
Mr. William F. Hottinger
Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Howell Jr.
Ms. Suellen Hoy and Mr. Walter Nugent
Mrs. Thomas D. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hurwich
Mr. Brian Hwang
Miss Martha E. Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. John Janecek
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Jensen III
Ms. Doris J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Judy,
Clear Pond Fund
Norman and Barbro Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kacprowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kallen
Mr. Thomas E. Keim
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Herbert Kent
A.M. Klaprat
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Klein
Mr. Paul Kleppner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Kline
Nancy and James Knauff
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kneen
Ms. Betty H. Kolb
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kosin and
Ms. Catherine C. Kosin
Ms. Patricia Ann Kosmerl
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kraeger
Susan and Duane Kullberg
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kurczewski
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Labovitz
Mr. John K. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lane
Mrs. Barbara F. Lanphier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lavery
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor III
Dr. Jan E. Leestma and Mrs. Louise M. Leestma
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Lefkovitz
Ms. Ruth W. Lekan
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lifton
Mrs. Loomis I. Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lipsig
Ms. Lois J. L. Lipton and Mr. Peter Carey
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus
Jim and SuAnne Lopata
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Mackenzie,
Mr. and Mrs. W. James M. MacGinnitie
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Marty
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Matisi
Ms. Adele M. Mayer
Mrs. Robert B. Mayer,
Beatrice C. Mayer Charitable Account
Ms. Michelle M. McCarthy
Mr. William H. McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Meskel
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mikolajkczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd G. Miller
Ms. Martha L. Minow and Mr. Joe Singer
Rt. Reverend James W. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Morrison
Ms. Maureen G. Mullally
Mrs. Luigi H. Mumford
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Muschler
Mr. James L. Nagle
Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nelligan
Ms. Sylvia Neumann
Mrs. Marianne C. Nichols
Mrs. Eleanor A. Nicholson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Nora
Ms. Nichole O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Sullivan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Olson
Mr. John E. Panek
Ms. Phyllis S. Parish
Mrs. J. L. Parkin
Mr. Robert Parrish
Mr. James D. Parsons
Mr. Sheldon A. Patinkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Mr. David Peer
PepsiCo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Percival
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Petersen
Mrs. Marlene Welsh Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Plauche
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. John F. Podliska
Mrs. Charles A. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Press
Mr. Jay H. Price Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman X. Raidl
Victoria and George Ranney
Ms. Anna M. Rappaport and
Mr. Peter W. Plumley
Mr. S. Louis Rathje
Gloria and Richard Reifler
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Relias
Mr. Charles Renslow
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Revelle
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Robertson
Hon. and Mrs. Philip J. Rock
Ms. Linda Rogers
Mr. Peter Roknich and Ms. Lynn Roknich Latimer
Mr. Harry B. Rosenberg
Mrs. Carole G. Rosenthal
Miss H. Cary Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross
Mrs. Ann M. Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ryan
Dr. Merilyn M. Salomon
Mr. John Salvino
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Saslaw
Ms. Katherine M. Saville
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmid
Ms. Linda A. Schneider and Mr. James Cahan
Ms. Alice D. Schreyer and Mr. Anthony J. Batko
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Schwartz Jr.,
Hirsch-Schwartz Foundation
Ms. Mary Ann Schwartz and Mr. Richard Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schwemm
Mr. and Mrs. J. Josef Sedelmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seid
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sharp
Mrs. Junia Shlaustas
Ms. Carolyn M. Short
Mr. Herbert S. Siegel
Mr. Robert S. Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Foreman,
Sirius Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Smith
Ms. Linda K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smolen
Mr. Anthony M. Smyth
Mrs. Brenda K. Sollitt
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Stallard
Mrs. Lois J. Stanley,
William J. Stanley Family Trust
Ms. Regenia D. Stein and Mr. Roland J. Roaches
Mr. Gardner H. Stern Jr.
Mrs. Doris F. Sternberg
Lisa C. Stiffel
Mrs. Alfred Stimes
Mr. Gary T. Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrett,
Stone Barrett Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Stunard
Mr. Philip A. Sturlini
Susan S. Adler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Svihra
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Swerdlow
Mr. and Mrs. Casmir F. Szczepaniak
Ms. Eileen C. Taflan
Mr. John Thompson and Mr. Ira Koihman
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Trapp
Mr. Daniel Edward Tully
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Uth
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Vagner
Mr. Peter M. Vale
Mr. David J. Varnerin
Victorian Society in America,
Greater Chicago Chapter
Mr. John Vinci
Mr. and Mrs. Clark L. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. David Walk
Mrs. Allison Dean Walker
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Webster Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wieczorowski
Ms. Ada Mary Gugenheim and Mr. Jon N. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Richard John Williams
Mr. James L. Wilson
A. V. Witucke
Ms. Connie S. Wood
Mrs. Richard Wood
Dr. Quentin D. Young
Diane and Lawrence Zalusky
Mr. Edward T. Zasadil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zentner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zulkey
In-Kind Gifts
Adams Street Partners
Center on Halsted
Chicago Scenic Studios
Community Marketing, Inc.
Dinotto Ristorante
Fairmont Hotel Chicago
Gary T. and Susan M. Johnson
JP Morgan Chase
Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP
Russell Lewis
River North Sales & Service
Robert Mondavi Private Selection Wines
Stanley Paul Orchestra Inc.
WBEZ Chicago Public Radio
WFMT and WTTW Chicago Public Television
Vivian E. Conner Trust
Estate of Philip H. Flick
Estate of Jerome F. Killie
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Capital Campaign
Memorial Gifts
Honor Gifts
The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust
The Kipper Family Foundation
Pritzker Foundation
In Memory of John A. Crichton
Beverly Crichton
In Honor of Marion Cohen
Ms. Jane G. Fouser
In Memory of Kay Mayer
Susan S. Adler Foundation
In Honor of Renée Crown
The Crown Family
Andi and Jim Gordon, The Edgewater Funds
In Honor of Col. (IL) J. N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.)
on the occasion of Hanukkah, for The Naphtali
ben Yakov Pritzker American History Wing at the
Chicago History Museum
The Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner
Family Foundation
In Honor of Lawrence N. Hansen
The Joyce Foundation
In Honor of Jane Saks
Esther S & Alan Saks Foundation
In Honor of Gary T. Johnson
Carole and Joseph Levy Family Foundation
In Honor of David Speer
Rockwell Automation
In Honor of Russell L. Lewis
Carole and Joseph Levy Family Foundation
In Honor of Joan Steel
Ms. Barbara T. Bowman
In Memory of Marge Melgaard
Ms. Connie S. Wood
In Honor of Erica C. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kinney
In Honor of Jo Minow and Mother’s Day
Ms. Martha L. Minow and Mr. Joe Singer
In Honor of Newt & Jo Minow
Hon. Sheila O’Brien and Hon. Wayne Andersen
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Out In Chicago Exhibition Support
Presenting Sponsors
The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust
The Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust
Lead Corporate Sponsor
Northern Trust
Organizational Supporters
The Chicago Community Trust
The Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender in the Arts and
Media at Columbia College Chicago
Esther S & Alan Saks Foundation
Field Foundation of Illinois
The Goodworks Fund
The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
NIB Foundation
Northwestern University Office of the Provost
The Pauls Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
Sara Lee Foundation
Individual Supporters
Ms. Robbin Burr
Mr. Gregory C. Cameron and
Mr. Greg Thompson
Shawn M. Donnelley
Mr. Arthur L. Johnston and Mr. Jose A. Peña
Mr. Robert Kohl and Mr. Clark Pellett
Michael Leppen
Charles R. Middleton and John S. Geary
Dr. Patrick M. Sheahan
This exhibition was created in partnership with
UIC College of Liberal Arts & Science
Center on Halsted
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Additional assistance from
Community Marketing, Inc.
WFMT and WTTW Chicago Public Television
WBEZ Chicago Public Radio
Windy City Times
Fairmont Chicago
River North Sales & Service
main menu
Honor Roll of Donors
Costume Council Sponsors of Style
Charles James: Genius Deconstructed
James L. Alexander and Curtis D. Drayer
Mrs. Peyton J. Barkley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Barlow
Robin Loewenberg Berger
Judy and P.D. Block III
Sherrill and John Bodine
Mrs. Jonathan M. Bross
Marcia and Ed Buchanan
Mrs. Benjamin David Chereskin
Mrs. E. David Coolidge III
Mrs. Bonnie K. Deutsch
Mrs. G. Reed Eberle Jr.
Fashion Group Foundation of Chicago, Inc.
Ms. Lori Gray Faversham
Mark Ferguson and Elizabeth Yntema Ferguson
Ms. Jamee C. Field
Nancy Furr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Melissa Gamble
Sharon Gist Gilliam
neapolitan collection
Mrs. Steven Goldman
Karen and Bill Goodyear
Marcy and David Gookin
Harris Private Bank
Mr. Michael R. Hawley
Mrs. Harlow N. Higinbotham
David D. Hiller
Vicki and Bill Hood
Nena Ivon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Johnson
Ms. Gretchen S. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kalnow
Mrs. Joseph A. Konen Sr.
Ms. Whitney Lasky
Ms. Julie Latsko
Judy and Dave Lockhart
Corri McFadden
Ms. Helen Hall Melchior
Stuart and George Mesires
Ms. Erica C. Meyer
Helen Harvey Mills
Neiman Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pacholick
The Peninsula Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Perez
Frederick H. Prince Testamentary Trust
Carol Prins and John Hart
COL (IL) J.N. Pritzker IL ARNG (Ret.)
John and Naomi Reese
Ms. Linda Johnson Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Saks Fifth Avenue Chicago
Laura Barnett Sawchyn
Mrs. Alexander A. Stemer
Liz Stiffel
Mrs. Glenn Tilles
Mrs. Andrew Turitz
Richard and Noren Ungaretti
Mrs. John C. von Leesen
Roger Price and Tommy Walton,
Price Walton
Mrs. Daniel Waters
Mrs. Edward R. Weed
Lynda and Richard Wood,
Davis Imperial Cleaners
Mrs. Robert Zentner
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Honor Roll of Donors
The Guild of the Chicago History Museum
Supporting the Guild Room and
the North & Clark Café
Mrs. Robert G. Anderson
Mrs. T. Stanton Armour
Mrs. Charles A. Ault III
Mrs. Pamela Pierrepont Bardo
Mrs. Peyton J. Barkley
Mrs. James N. Bay
Ms. Katharine L. Bensen
Mrs. Stephen P. Bent
Mrs. John H. Berchem
Mrs. Ernest C. Billups
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III
Mrs. William A. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borland Jr.
Mrs. Lloyd W. Bowers
Mrs. Arnold F. Brookstone
Mrs. William P. Carmichael
Mrs. Robert Adams Carr
Mrs. Jeffrey R. Carter
Mrs. Robert Wells Carton
Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart
Mrs. Henry T. Chandler
Mrs. Marc W. Christman
Mrs. Jonathan D. Clair
Elizabeth and Allison Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke Jr.
Marcia S. Cohn
Ms. Nancy R. Corral
Mrs. William A. Crane
Ms. Susan E. Cremin
Ms. Virginia M. Cudecki
Ms. Carol Hedblom Currie
Miss Diane Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Darnall
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Devonshire
Mrs. Stewart S. Dixon
Mrs. Sally S. Eklund,
Geraldi Norton Foundation
Mrs. Samuel Ellis,
The James Huntington Foundation
Mrs. Behrooz A. Eshaghy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Frey
Mrs. Stephen B. Friedman
Madelon R. Fross
Mrs. W. Kent Fuller
Mrs. John A. Furr
Mrs. Isak V. Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat
Dr. Vicki M. Greene
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Grosch
Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Haider
Mrs. Chalkley J. Hambleton Jr.
Mrs. Augustin S. Hart Jr.
Mrs. O. J. Heestand Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin G. Heisler Jr.
Mrs. Robert Herbster
Mrs. Arnold Horween Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Howell Jr.
Mrs. Thomas D. Hoyt
Mrs. Roger B. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hummer
Mrs. Leland W. Hutchinson Jr.
Mrs. Sue Barnett Ish
Mrs. George S. Isham
Mrs. William R. Jentes
Ms. Doris J. Johnson
Mrs. W. Bruce Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Jones
Ms. Cynthia A. Kalnow
Ms. Patricia Kaplan
Mrs. Byron C. Karzas
Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor N. Kelley
Mrs. S. Warner Kenly
Mrs. John J. Kinsella
Mrs. Linda M. Kohut
Mrs. Joseph A. Konen Sr.
Mrs. John Krenger,
Sanctuary Farms
Ms. Joyce Leavitt
Mrs. Charles P. Leffel
Mrs. Christopher M. Lehman
Mrs. Jay A. Lipe
Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Maentz
Mrs. John Jay Markham
Ms. Bonita F. Marx
Ms. Jeanne P. Mayes
Mrs. Robert Newberry McCreary
Mrs. Paul T. McDermott
Mrs. Mary Mix McDonald
Mrs. Michael T. McDonnell
Mrs. Neil McKay
Mrs. Peter W. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMullan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV
Mrs. Samuel E. McTier
Ms. Ann S. Merritt
Ms. Erica C. Meyer
Mrs. Lee F. Meyer
Mrs. Charles L. Michod Jr.
Ms. Rhoda Ann Miller
Mrs. Samuel Morasca Jr.
Mrs. Nicholas Nicolandis
Mrs. Edward U. Notz
Mrs. John K. Notz Jr.
Mrs. William F. O’Connor
Miss Lynn Orschel
Mrs. Elliott N. Otis
Mrs. Rodger A. Owen
Mrs. John R. Pacholick,
Cynthia Wade Interiors
Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Petersen
Ms. Karen V. Peterson
Mrs. Charles A. Pollock
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Mrs. Paul Predick
The Quaker Oats Company
Mrs. Tobin M. Richter
Mrs. John W. Robinson
Mrs. Thomas I. Rodhouse
Miss H. Cary Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Sally Mead Hands Foundation
Mrs. Robert E. Sargent
Ms. Katherine M. Saville
Mrs. Richard S. Schmidt
Mrs. William L. Searle
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I. Segal
Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior
Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield Jr.
Ms. Margaret Snorf
Mrs. Sarah D. Sprowl
Mrs. Eric H. Steele
Mrs. Russell Stelle
Liz Stiffel
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers Jr.
Mrs. Robert S. Study
Margaret M. Swift & Co.
Mrs. Steven Z. Szczepanski
Mrs. Thomas J. Tausché
Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mrs. Ralph D. Teich
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thornton
Mrs. Glenn F. Tilton
Mrs. Eleanor W. Tippens
Mrs. James M. Trapp
Mrs. Charles A. Tribbett
Mrs. Howard J. Trienens (In Memoriam)
Mrs. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice
Mrs. Jonathan A. Veeder
Mrs. John C. von Leesen
Ms. Mary T. Wachowski
Mrs. Thatcher Waller
Mrs. John R. Walter
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick S. Webster,
Winona Corporation
Mrs. W. Raymond Webster
Mrs. Edward R. Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Weeden
Mrs. William C. Weinsheimer
Mrs. John R. Weiss
Mrs. Joan Werhane
Mrs. Steven E. Wollack
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wysham
Mrs. George B. Young
Mrs. Sheldon A. Zabel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zentner
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Treasurer’s report
As with most museums, these
extraordinary economic times
continued to pose challenges
in generating adequate funding
to support day-to-day museum
operations. At the Chicago History
Museum, and again this past year,
these challenges were met with
creativity and fiscal discipline that
resulted in positive financial results for
fiscal year 2011. Necessary shifts in
operating plans were made, adjusting
activity to the availability of resources
throughout the fiscal year. In doing
so, the Chicago History Museum
generated a modest operating
surplus of $58,905 for the year
ended June 30, 2011. Through the
generosity of our annual fund donors,
contributions raised exceeded the
goal set for the year by 10%. In line
with our expectations for the year,
total operating revenues declined by
4%, primarily in investment income
available for operations.
As of June 30, 2011, net assets
increased from $53,589,309 to
$60,890,492, an increase of 13%.
While the volatility in the financial
markets still exists, there was
marked improvement in the value
of the institution’s investments, an
increase of $6,006,339, representing
a total return of 15%. Another factor
contributing to the increase in net
assets was a positive change in the
market value of an interest rate swap
agreement of $2,475,736. This change
is also represented in the decrease
in total liabilities of $2,735,072 along
with a reduction in accounts payable.
In prior fiscal years, the Chicago
History Museum financial reports
were consolidated with Lincoln Park
Society results, a partner organization
formed to operate a parking facility
for museum visitors and the general
public. In fiscal year 2011, there was
a deconsolidation of the financial
statements and a transfer out of a net
deficit of ($2,840,609). The financial
information represented in the
following charts reflects data for the
Chicago History Museum, after that
transfer was recorded.
We look forward to a strengthening
economy, not only for its impact on
our bottom line, but for our members,
contributors and supporters, and the
public that we serve. Their future
generosity will be critical for us to
continue providing the level and
quality of services the public expects
and deserves. We appreciate the
dedication of our staff, their efforts,
and their patience as we move
ahead on our critical path. While the
uncertainty in the economy remains,
our primary fiscal goals for the future
continue to be investing in core
mission activities, implementing new
strategic initiatives when feasible, and
protecting the future financial stability
of the institution.
The fiscal year results and financial
position are presented in the following
graphics. The financial statements
have been audited by Grant Thornton
LLP, independent certified public
accountants, and their report contains
no exceptions or qualifications as
to financial position and results of
operations. You may request a copy
of the full audited report from the
Finance and Accounting Office at the
Chicago History Museum.
Patrick Dolan
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Fiscal year 2011
Total Assets:
Liabilities and Net Assets:
Support and Revenue:
Cash and cash equivalents
Pledges and accounts receivable
Land, buildings, and equipment
Perpetual Trusts
Accounts payable and
accrued expenses
Interest rate swap liability
Long-term debt
Net assets
Contributions and grants
Collections and Curatorial
Chicago Park District
Exhibitions and Education
Investment income
Institutional Advancement
Membership dues and admissions
Auxillary Services (net)
Building Operations
Interest rate swap agreement
Interest Expense
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Gallery Interpreters
Vera Antoniadis
Penny Applegate**
Cecelia Auditore
Daniel Berger*
Sondra Biller
Greg Borzo**
Mike Boucek*
Evan Brandstadter
David Breitenbach
Helen Brown**
Robert Case**
Chris Charnas***
Edyta Chrabaszcz
Joan Clifford
Marion Cohen**
Michaela Crotty
Lynn Doherty
James Donovan
Irwin Drobny**
Marita Espinosa
Marge Fahrenbach*
Mike Felten
John Flaherty
Barbara Fiacchino
Helen Fogel*
Beverly Fox**
Ed Geisenheimer**
Muriel Hames*
Ben Hane
Adrien Hayward
Sandy Keefe
David Keller
Karen Kincaid*
Linda Klutznick
Emma Lang*
Julie Lawrenz
Lynn McKay Ledford*
Maureen Levy
Valerie Litchfield
Madelyn MacMahon***
Ryan Mahaney
Leroy Malone*
Corinne Menominee
Florence Neagle*
John O’Donnell*
Larry Pachol
Barbara Parson****
Diane Pekow
Scottie Perry
Bonnie Pool*
Jane Purdy*
John Quinn
Peg Quinn**
Lena Reynolds
Carole Rivera*
Dean Rodkin*
Bette Rosenberg**
Diane Rosewall
Marian Shaw*
Christine Sheehan**
Robert Silver*
Evan Sipher
Shirley Sivels*
Tom Stokes
Andrew Strang*
Allison Sundberg
Ed Swanson
Jim Talamonti*
Deborah Tanenbaum*
Bernard Turner**
Ian Wagner
Amanda Walsh
Nina Whitsel*
Marilyn Williams
Robert Woyach
Henry Wykowski
Collections & Research
Abigail Creitz
Kendra Hay
Ellen Knutson
Fredi Leaf***
Kelly LeJeune
Megan MacCall
Jane McCarthy**
Anne Nguyen
Katie Obriot
Diane Olson
Heather Pressman
Sarah Scheinman
Kirsten Schuttey
Ron Sherman
Richard Stack
Research & Access
Thomas Guerra*
Jeff Meyerowitz
George Miller**
Dorothy Ramm**
Marian Roth**
Institutional Advancement
Charlotte Ewald*
Barb Thayer**
*Over 5 years of service
** Over 10 years of service
*** Over 20 years of service
****Over 25 years of service
This list reflects volunteers active as of June
30, 2011. To report an error in the Annual
Report, please contact the Institutional
Advancement Department at 312.799.2118.
Candace Baitz
Heather Sturtz Rosedale
Visitor Services
Hector Hernandez
Shelby Hill
Jo Krumhus
Emma Lang*
Susan LoGiudice
Jennifer Roe
Jean Schwartz
Nicole Usiondek
Lorie Westerman*
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Gary T. Johnson, President
Russell Lewis, Executive Vice President and Chief Historian
Luciana Crovato, Executive Assistant and Manager
Michael Spock, Scholar-in-Residence
Russell Lewis, Executive Vice President
and Chief Historian
Phyllis Rabineau, Vice President,
Interpretation and Education
D. Lynn McRainey, Elizabeth F. Cheney,
Director of Education
Ilana Bruton, Public Programs Coordinator
Yasmin Dalal, School Programs Coordinator
Liz Garibay, Public Programs Manager
Heidi Moisan, School Programs Manager
Melissa Hayes, Vice President, External Affairs
Cheryl Obermeyer, Vice President, Finance
and Chief Financial Officer
Corporate Events
Barbara Siska, Director
Becky Rowan, Manager
Anna Seghetti, Coordinator
Kathleen Sam Plourd, Andrew W. Mellon
Director of Collections
John Alderson, Senior Photographer
Peter Alter, Archivist
Francis DeCurtis, Christine McNulty, Meghan Smith,
Collection Managers
Alison Eisendrath, Chief Collection Manager
Nahoko Green, Collection Automation Manager
Jessica Harvey, Scanning Technician
Jessica Herczeg-Konecny, Erin Tikovitsch,
Licensing and Reproductions Managers
Michael Hall, Costume Mount-Maker
Julie Katz, Registrar
Holly Lundberg, Carol Turchan, Conservators
Curatorial Affairs
John Russick, Director
Jill Austin, Joy L. Bivins, Timothy Long, Curators
Olivia Mahoney, Senior Curator
Research and Access
Debbie Vaughan, Director of Research
and Access, Chief Librarian
Patrick Ashley, Technical Services Librarian
Ben Bertin, Michael Featherstone, Matthew Krc,
Research Center Pages
Linda J. Evans, Chief Cataloger
Lesley A. Martin, Research Specialist
Tamara Biggs, Director
Dean Avery Brobst, Robert Jeffries,
Exhibition Preparators
Calvin Gray, Production Supervisor
Daniel Oliver, Senior Designer
Mark Ramirez, Graphic Designer
Human Resources
Diane Ohi, Director
Mary Nora Mavrou, Manager
Information Technology
Don Pasqualini, Director
Reyes Garcia, Computer Support Technician
museum volunteers
Print and Multimedia Publications
Rosemary K. Adams, Director
Lydia Carr, Assistant Editor
Enrique Gonzalez, Multimedia Developer
Emily Nordstrom, Editor
Visitor Services
Virginia Fitzgerald, Director of Visitor Services
Marne Bariso, Volunteer and
Intern Program Coordinator
Akane Henriquez, Ticketing and Reservation
System Manager
Janis Owens, Visitor Services Coordinator
Joshua Anderson, Visitor Services Associate/Full Time
Monique King, Visitor Services Associate/Full Time
Michael Glass, Coat Check Attendant
Irene Delgado-Sadler, Visitor Services
Associate/Part Time
Alyssa Larkin, Visitor Services Associate/Part Time
Noe Castro, Visitor Services Associate/Part Time
Andrew Smith, Visitor Services Associate/Part Time
John Yelen, Director of Properties
John Vlna, Chief of Security
Marcia M. Gundrum, Security Lieutenant
Bill Bostic, Security Lieutenant
Marcelo Franco, Security Sergeant
Valerie Wells, Security Sergeant
Jerald Bolden, Security Officer
Barbara Hawkins, Security Officer
Linda Hubbs, Security Officer
Thomas Holt, Security Officer
Ben Minnis, A/V Technician
Antonio Navas, Building Engineer
Patrick Thomas, Harvard Custodian
Leonard Tornabene, Shipping and Receiving Clerk
Institutional Advancement
Randy Adamsick, Director
Michael Cansfield, Grants Manager
Melanie Wang, Assistant Manager,
Annual Fund and Data Services
Wendy Schiller, Development Coordinator,
Auxiliary Group Support
Rachel Baron, Development Coordinator,
Annual Fund and Membership
Maria Castaneda, Gift Processor
Marketing and Sponsorship
Audrey R. Womack, Adult Groups Manager
This list reflects staff as of June 30, 2011. To report
an error in the Annual Report, please contact
the Institutional Advancement Department at
Leigh Stevenson, Director of Accounting
Cynthia Mendez, Accounting Coordinator
Anna Rossi, Associate Accountant
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Thank you for your support this year.
Your generosity has made it possible
for us to continue preserving and
sharing the unique history of the city
we all love.
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