programme - Utopia 500
programme - Utopia 500
5 - 9 July 2016 — Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas — Conference of the Utopian Studies Society / Europe — 500 YEARS OF UTOPIAS THE WORLD GOES TO WHERE WE TAKE IT Join the ARUS network Advanced Research in Utopian Studies 5-9 / 7 2016 — Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas 5 14:00 Pre-conference programme T10 T11 T15 Workshop Workshop Workshop Succeeding in Academia: Acquiring Skills in Writing, Publishing and Public Presentation Lyman T. Sargent and Gregory Claeys Teaching Utopia Across Borders: a Teaching Workshop Barnita Bagchi When Heroes Meet Orwell: Towards Utopia in the Classroom Almudena Machado Jimenez 16:00 Opening Session 16:30 Plenary Lecture - Utopia: The Present and the Past / Francisco Bethencourt (King’s College London) / Chair: Iolanda Ramos 17:30 Short Break 17:45 Launch of an Online Searchable Version of Utopian Literature in English / Lyman Tower Sargent (Univ. Missouri-St. Louis) 18:30 PAN-Utopia 2100: Fighting Food Waste / Utopian Projects by students of Valongo High School, coordinated by Olga Almeida 19:00 PAN-Utopia 2100: Canvas Anthem / Students of Academia de Música de Costa Cabral, coordinated by Filipa Quadrado and Márcia Lemos 19:10 The Tale of the Unknown Island, by José Saramago / Video: A theatre performance by children of Cova da Moura directed by Matilde Real 19:30 Reception 2 6 09:00 11:30 Auditório 1 Auditório 1 Plenary Round Table 01 500 years of utopia: Developments, transformations, and trajectories Chair: Fátima Vieira Tom Moylan [Univ. Limerick] Andrew Milner [Monash Univ.] Jacqueline Dutton [Univ. Melbourne] Laurence Davis [Univ. College Cork] Nathaniel Coleman [Newcastle Univ.] Auditório 2 T10 02 03 Intentional communities Film, utopia and dystopia Etta Madden [Missouri State Univ.] Edson Luiz André de Sousa [Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul] “Permeable Boundaries: La Bagnaia and the Sienese Mountain Songs of May” Paula Escribano Castaño [Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona] “Environmental Intentional Communities: New Faces in the Era of Precariousness” “The Utopia of Pier Paolo Pasolini” Simon Spiegel [Univ. Zurich] “Tomorrowland was Yesterday. Dystopia, Utopia and Nostalgia in Science Fiction Cinema” Pere Gallardo-Torrano [Univ. Rovira i Virgili] “Floating Apartheids: From Laputa to Elysium” T11 04 T14 05 T15 06 Building dystopia Feminist fabulations Digital utopias Building utopia Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim [Univ. Gdańsk] Anna Campbell [Univ. Sydney] Sean Bennett [Univ. Cambridge] Nere Basabe [Univ. Autónoma de Madrid] Susanna Layh [Univ. Augsburg] Susana Correia [Univ. Porto] “The Utopian Beyond in We, Brave New World and Nineteen-Eighty-Four” ““Blinded they won’t see anything” – Dystopia as a Preventable Process in Vlady Kociancich’s The Last Days of William Shakespeare” Emine Şentürk [Atılım Univ.] “Playful but Questioning Portrayal: Colour-Based Hierarchy in Jasper Fforde’s Shades of Grey” “Atwood the Fabulist? Realising Fabulation in MaddAddam through Active Environment” ““Out of the ash I rise”: From Grotesque Dystopia to Utopia as Rebirth in Sylvia Plath” Cláudia Coimbra [Univ. Porto] “Underground Feminine: Repression and Revolution in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis” “Utopiomics: Adding Scientific Methodology in the “Not-so-eu-topia” to “Utopia Transition Process”, with a Case Examination of a Proposed “Utopia Machine” ” Maja Wojdyło [Univ. Gdańsk] ““The Brightest Day has the Darkest Shadows” – Dystopian Modelling of the Setting in The Longest Journey computer game series” “19th Century French European Union projects under the utopia momentum” Martin Villa [Univ. Sofia] “Imprints of Blueprints – the Non-Fiction shift in Utopia” Teresa Mora [Univ. Minho] “Arte Política e #4: Viragem para o Social, Urgência da Realidade, Impulso Utópico e Prática Colaborativa” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary Lecture - What's in a Name? / Maria Irene Ramalho Santos (Univ. de Coimbra) / Chair: Teresa Botelho 15:30 Short Break 3 6 15:45 Auditório 1 07 Exhibiting utopias Philip Holsinger [Independent Scholar] “The Longest Fado: Stories and Letters from a Journey: A Love Story” Runette Kruger [Tshwane Univ. Technology] “The New World Embassy: Utopia, Art and Activism” Julia Ramírez Blanco [Accademia di Spagna] “Utopian Discourses and Contemporary Art” Louise Clarke [De Montfort Univ. & Univ. Northampton] “Xenotopia” Auditório 2 08 T10 09 Contemporary American eutopias and dystopias Education between Utopia and Dystopia “Themes in U.S Eutopias and Dystopias in the Twenty-First Century” “Utopian Co-Production? Collaboration within, against and beyond the Neoliberal University. ” David Bell and Kate Pahl Lyman Tower Sargent [Univ. Sheffield] [Univ. Missouri-St. Louis] Lúcia Ribas [Univ. Haifa] “Post-Apocalypticisms: Dystopia’s Utopias and the Role of Memory as an Evocator of Hope in Contemporary North American Fiction” Verena Adamik [Univ. Potsdam] “Utopian States of America? Utopian Communities and American Expansionism in Contemporary Fiction” Anna Ébényi and Zsolt Czigányik [Eötvös Loránd Univ.] “Alternative Education’s Responses to some Dystopian Aspects of Contemporary Society” Michael Kouklakis [ESSEC Business School, France] “The Teaching and Learning of Utopia from within a Grande Ecole de Commerce” Sheri Dorn-Giarmoleo [ARI: A Research Institute] T11 10 T14 11 Imagining and representing alterity Utopia and the environment I Gregory Claeys [Royal Holloway, Univ. London] Mark Michael [Austin Peay State Univ.] “Monstrosity and Dystopia: An Overview” Liam Benison [Univ. Kent & Univ. Porto] “Antipodean Desires and Fears in Early Modern Utopias Set in Terra Australis” Jorge Bastos da Silva [Univ. Porto] “The Road of Excess: Cannibalism and the Utopian/Dystopian Imagination” “Will the Lion Lie Down with the Lamb in Utopia?” Markus Vinnari and Mikko Kallionsivu [Univ. Tampere] “Utopian Literature and the Moral Status of Non-human Animals – Liberty, Equality and Justice for All?” Shmuel Burmil [Independent Scholar] “The Landscape and Gardens of a Utopia” Rui Vasques [IADE – Creative Univ.] “Eco-Village Community – Live with Earth: a step in the Transition to a Sustainable Future” T15 12 Queering utopias Elizabeth English [Cardiff Metropolitan Univ.] “Queer Time Travel and the Time Traveller in the work of Katharine Burdekin” Akira Suwa [Cardiff Univ.] “Searching for Lesbian Utopian Space: Sarah Waters's Tipping the Velvet (1998)” Jessica Day [Univ. Lincoln] “Doing Utopia: The Politics of Sex/topian Pleasure” Elizabeth Russell [Univ. Rovira I Virgili] “Bodies in Transition: Manjula Padmanabhan’s Darkest Nightmares” “Forbidden Knowledge: A Performance Ethnography” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 4 7 09:00 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 13 14 T10 T11 T14 15 16 17 Rereading utopia Negotiating utopia Real(ising) utopias Paola Spinozzi [Univ. Ferrara] Tom Moylan [Univ. Limerick] Gonςalo Marcelo [Univ. Coimbra/Univ. Católica do Porto] “Acerba illa vita velut carcere atque aculeo. Health or Death in Utopia, Renaissance Thought and Contemporary Debate ” Franziska Bork Petersen [Univ. Copenhagen] “Frocks, Flocks and Feasts: Of Being a Body in Thomas More’s Utopia” Pavla Veselá [Charles Univ. Prague] “Thomas More’s Utopia in Contemporary Czech Criticism” “The Temptations of Raphael Hythloday” Oddvar Holmesland [Univ. Agder] “Negotiating the Inner Space in the Social Space: Thomas More’s Utopia” Artur Blaim [Univ. Gdańsk] “More’s Utopia: A Nursery of Useful and Expedient Interpretations” Darren Webb [Univ. Sheffield] “Educational Studies and the Domestication of Utopia” “Rethinking Real Utopias: from Ricoeur to Olin Wright” Richard Howells [King’s College London] “In Our Hands” Tim Waterman [Univ. Greenwich] “The Everyday Utopian Potential of Grace” Diane Morgan [Univ. Leeds] ““Creaturely”: Resistance and Utopian Praxis” Young adult dystopias and utopias Patricia Sørensen [Univ. Gdańsk] “Didactic Hope – on the functions of Young Adult Dystopian Literature” Sean Donnelly [Univ. Birmingham] “Disney, Tomorrowland and Contemporary Utopianism” João Santos [Univ. Porto] “A Bittersweet Recipe: Spaces of Utopia and Imagination in Harry Potter Meals” Katarzyna Baran [Univ. Rovira i Virgili] “Contemporary Young Adult Dystopias and Memory: Archives, Cultural Amnesia and a Call for Remembrance” Readings of Huxley Jonathan Lewis [Univ. Porto] “Space Counter Space: An analysis of the Heterotopian Spaces in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World” Hisashi Ozawa [King’s College London] “The Hybridity of Utopia: The Influence of D. T. Suzuki on Aldous Huxley’s Island” Gökçem Menekşe Gökçen [Dokuz Eylül Univ.] “Surviving in Isolation: Rejection of the Past in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World” Kenneth Hanshew [Univ. Regensburg] “A Czech Brave New World: Jan Barda’s Reeducated” T15 18 T9 19 Between Utopia and Dystopia II Mapping/Picturing utopia Beyza Karadeniz and Yelda Aydın Türk [Karadeniz Technical Univ.] Marta Komsta [Maria CurieSkłodowska Univ.] “Building a Nation Capital in the Context of Utopia: Ankara” Mark Wakefield [Univ. Porto] “Dystopian vibrations in Irish fiction: John McGahern’s The Leavetaking and The Barracks” Wojtek Chojna [Pasco-Hernando State College] “Hard Boiled Wonderland as a Dystopian Novel – Haruki Murakami’s Science Fiction Nightmare” “A Plunge into Space: Spatial Variations in 19th Century British Utopias” Ana Martins [Univ. Coimbra] “Invisible Cities: Utopian Spaces or Imaginary Places” Darrell Norris [State Univ. of New York] “Mapping Utopia” Hilja Roivainen [Univ. Turku] “Utopian Topos in the Iconography of 21st century Nordic Landscape Painting” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 11:00 Coffee Break 5 7 11:30 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 13 14 Between utopia and dystopia I Maria Varsam [Int. Hellenic Univ.] “History, Memory and Utopian Method in Octavia Butler’s Kindred” Yuan Liang [Univ. Sheffield] “From Utopia to Dystopia: The Power Structure in George Perec’s W ou Le Souvenir d’Enfance” Ana Maria Binet [Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne] “Is Perfection within our Grasp? From Utopia to Dystopia in George Orwell’s Animal Farm” Contemporary concerns Verity Burgmann [Monash Univ.] “Working-Class Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century: Factories without Bosses in Argentina and Greece” Manuela Salau Brasil [Univ. Estadual de Ponta Grossa] “Voices of Utopia: 15 years of the World Social Forum” Ali Hıdır Eligüzel and Yağız Alp Tangun [Dokuz Eylül Univ.] “An Island of Global Refugees in Utopia’s 500th Anniversary” T10 T11 15 16 Closed Panel: From Modernity to Dystopia and Postmodernity post-apocalypse in contemporary Finnish Mauricio Onetto Pavez [Univ. Autónoma de fiction Chile] Chair: Toni Lahtinen Maria Laakso [Univ.Tampere] “Despair and Hope: Political Participation and Resistance in Finnish Dystopias for Young Adults” Toni Lahtinen [Univ. Tampere] “Weird Nature: Ecodystopias in Finnish (New) Weird” Juha Raipola [Univ. Tampere] “Life/Death After the End? Leena Krohn’s Hotel Sapiens as an Ecological Post-Apocalypse” “La Utopía de Moro y el Estrecho de Magallanes: Puertas de Entrada a la Modernidad” Luz Ángela Martínez [Univ. Chile] “Utopía, Ruina y Heterotopía en el Reino de Chile” Jorge Maximino [Univ. Nova de Lisboa] “A Crise ou a Cultura na Encruzilhada Hoje. Uma Perspectiva Crítica sobre Arte e Política” T14 17 Contemporary developments Şebnem Çakaloğulları [Gebze Technical Univ.] “The Understanding Design Logic of Utopia and Searching for the Reflection over Today’s Development” Urszula TerentowiczFotyga [Maria CurieSkłodowska Univ.] “Utopianism in the Digital Age: Dave Egger’s The Circle” Ryszard Wolny [Univ. Opole] “Outlandishness as a Realistic Utopia” T15 18 Bellamy and beyond Peter Evans [Univ. Bristol] “Edward Bellamy’s theory of a socialist democracy in Equality” Yeonsik Jung [Sungkyunkwan Univ.] “Forgetting’ Race in Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward” Eva Antal [Eszterhazy Karoly Univ.] “Escapism and Poriomania in Bellamy, Morris and Wells’ Utopian Future-Dreams” T9 19 Iranian and Islamic Intercultural Utopianism Alireza Omidbakhsh [Allameh Tabataba’i Univ.] “Archaeology of Other Utopianism: Intercultural Imaginaries from Al-Andalus to Daesh” Mohammad Nasravi and Alireza Omidbakhsh [Allameh Tabataba’i Univ.] “Fashioning a Cosmopolitan Utopia in Shia Prayers” Mohammadamir Jalali and Alireza Omidbakhsh [Allameh Tabataba’i Univ.] “Utopian Thought in Iranian Literature: The Ruler and People in Sa’di´s Utopia from a New Historical View” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary Lecture - The Utopia of the Ancients compared with that of the Moderns / Viriato Soromenho Marques (Univ. de Lisboa) / Chair: Jorge Bastos da Silva 6 7 15:45 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 20 21 Round Table: The status of the individual and the collective in utopianism Chair: Franziska Bork Peterson Franziska Bork Petersen [Univ. Copenhagen] Sarah Lohmann [Durham Univ.] Workshop: Tamera Center for Concrete Utopia: Living in an Intentional Community in the south of Portugal Joel Barros Juliette Baigler Monika Allewelt Lyman Tower Sargent [Univ. MissouriSt. Louis] T10 T11 T14 22 23 24 Closed Panel: Closed Panel: Feeding Utopia and the Mapping Utopia as Environment II utopia: the quest for concept. Methodolog- the (un)ideal diet Andrew Milner ical Issues in the Chair: José Eduardo Reis [Monash Univ.] Research on Utopia “Eutopia, Dystopia and Chair: Ana Cláudia Romano Ribeiro Gianluca Bonaiuti [Univ. Firenze] “Why Utopia is Dead. A Blochian Introduction to the End of a Fiction” Francesca Pannozzo [Univ. Firenze] “Utopia as Social Theory and End of Utopia.” Silvia Rodeschini [Univ. Firenze] Maria Aline Ferreira [Univ. Aveiro] “Neo-Vegetarians and God’s Gardners: Future Food in Utopia” Maria Teresa Castilho [Univ. Porto] ““Eating is an Agricultural Act”: Longing for the Agrarian Way Again” José Eduardo Reis [Univ. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro/Univ. Porto] “Why Utopia turned into Uchronia. Utopia in Reinhart Koselleck’s Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe” “The Utopian Thought of Amílcar de Sousa, a Portuguese early 20th century Naturist and Dietician” Federico Tomasello [Univ. Firenze] Luísa Malato [Univ. Porto] “Utopia as Urban Planning” “How to be fed on Mars: A Portuguese Utopia about Food, Music and Political Constitutions” Climate Change” Sheryl Medlicott [Bath Spa Univ.] “How to be an Ecological Utopian” Soledade Amaro Rodrigues [Univ. Nova de Lisboa] “Progress or regress? Oppositions and Complementarities in the Analytical Categories of the Ecotopias” T15 T9 25 26 Barnita Bagchi [Utrecht Univ.] Chair: Francesco Adriano Clerici Non-Western Utopias Closed Panel: Hunger Wor(l)ds “Utopia and Dystopia in Two Dramatic Works by Rabindranath Tagore” Norulhuda Othman [Ludwig Maximilian Univ.] “Dialectic Evolution and Utopian Construction in Malay Historiographical Chronicles” Shashi Khurana [Univ. Delhi] “The Politics of Survival: A Poem, A Story and Un-imagined Social Reality” Yi-Chun Liu [Univ. Porto/ Charles Univ.] “Re-reading Utopia Paratextually: A Curious Case of its Mandarin Translations” Sara Di Alessandro [Univ. degli Studi di Milano] “Bodies performing their Death: The Suicide Competition by J.I Auerbach” Francesco Adriano Clerici [Freie Univ.Berlin] “The Body of Writing and the Question of Utopia – Franz Kafka and Johannes I. Auerbach” Elena Putignano [Univ. degli Studi di Milano] “Hungry Daydreaming. Sult (Hunger) by Knut Hamsun” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 17:30 Coffee Break 18:00 Annual General Meeting of the USS / Europe 7 8 09:00 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 27 28 Dystopia, resistance and transgression Jonathan Baldwin [Royal Holloway, Univ. London] “Crime in the Socialist Literary Utopia/Dystopia” Gökçen Eralan [Dokuz Eylül Univ.] “The Capitol as Panopticon: Inspection House Power and Punishment: Resistance in Surveillance Culture” Justyna Galant [Maria Curie-Skłodowska Univ.] ““The First Spark”: The Motif of Resistance in 19th Century Dystopias” Closed Panel: Transmedial utopia. Utopian & dystopian Chair: Gregory Claeys and Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim Krzysztof Maj [Jagiellonian Univ.] “One Book to Bind Them All. Transfictional World-Building in Thomas More’s De Optimo Reipublicæ” Ksenia Olkusz [Facta Ficta Research Centre] “Utopia in Paranormal Romance. Vampire Idylls in Kerrelyn Sparks’ Love at Stake” Michał Kłosiński [Univ. Silesia] “Utopia/Dystopias in Animations depicting Video Games” T10 29 Utopian tensions Smrutipriya Pattnaik and C. Upendra [Indian Institute of Technology, Indore] “Is Utopia really Indispensable?” Paul Beaulieu [Univ. Quebec] T11 30 Ernst Bloch and the theory of Utopia Andrew Bridges [Claremont Graduate Univ.] Magalie Fleurot [Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne] Stuart Connor [Univ. Wolverhampton] “Utopias of Absolute Knowing: The Hegelian Consciousness and the Arbitrariness of Entification” Almudena Machado Jiménez [Univ. Jaén] Francesco Deotto [Univ. Genève] “Transposition of Christian Celestial Utopia to a Model Temporal Society based on the example of Sid Meier’s Civilisation V” 32 Food: from shortage to speculation Łukasz Milenkowicz [Univ. Silesia] Adam Prokop [Univ. Opole] 31 T15 The theory of utopia: Hegel to Baudrillard “Imaginal Utopian Thinking as a Path of Knowledge to Archetypes of Societal Development and Cultural Pragmatism” “Utopia under Dystopology: When the Utterance of a Dream Leads to the Subjugation of Reality” T14 “Nothing Real Except the Idea: Forms of Utopia in Hegel” “Benjamin, Celan and Szondi’s “hope in the past”. On the Utopian Dimension of Literary Hermeneutics” Dario Altobelli [Independent Scholar] “The Radicality of Utopia. Jean Baudrillard as a Utopian Thinker” “Gastrosophy Today: can Charles Fourier’s Vision of Food become a Model for 21st century Garden Communities and other Food Empowerment Endeavours?” Teresa Botelho [Univ. Nova de Lisboa] ““Eating the Stones of the Earth”: Romancing the Scientific Production of Food in Technological Utopias” Marta Correia [Univ. Porto] “Everything is skimped now. Food in Times of War through the Eyes of Women” Iolanda Ramos [Univ. Nova de Lisboa] “Ernst Bloch’s Subject of Utopia: Dreaming of a better life” Serhat Tutkal [Ankara Univ.] “Re-visiting Ernst Bloch from Utopian Uprisings” Martin Aidnik [Talinn Univ.] “Not Yet – Exploring the Utopian Potentials and Problems of Ernst Bloch and Zygmunt Bauman” T9 33 Envisioning the future in the 19th century Annette Magid [SUNY Erie Community College] “Transatlantic Visionaries: A Study of the Influence of Thomas More on the Utopian Theories of Edward Bellamy and William Morris” Elsa Stéphan [Smith College] “From political to technological utopias: scientific discourse in nineteenth-century French literature” Ewelina Drzewiecka [Polish Academy of Sciences] ´”Local Modernity – Local Utopia? About the Bulgarian Vision of Social Happiness in the 19th century” “Food for Thought: Nurture and Nature in The Giver” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 11:00 Coffee Break 8 8 11:30 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 34 35 Post-humanism in film Structuring utopia and TV Barbara Klonowska [Catholic Univ. Lublin] “Transhumanist Desire and Utopian Tensions in David Cronnenberg’s Crash” Zofia Kolbuszewska [Univ. Information Technology & Management, Rzeszow] “Home as the Ultimate Post-humanist Utopia: Monstrous Examination of Humanity’s Premises in the cable TV series Being Human US” Stankomir Nicieja [Univ. Opole] “Engineered Heartbreak: Male Angst and Synthetic Femmes Fatales in Spike Jonze’s Her (2013) and Alex Garland’s Ex Machina (2015)” Boris Hamzeian [Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne] “Architecture in Utopia: An Investigation of the Isomorphic Character of the XVI and XVII century Utopias” Janusz Słodczyk [Univ. Opole] “In Search of an Ideal City: the Influence of Utopian Ideas on Urban Planning” James Block [DePaul University] “Pedagogy and Democratic Consent: Utopian Thought and Practice in the Classroom” T10 T11 36 37 Gendering utopia Crossing the Atlantic Eleonora Federici [Univ. L’Orientale] Leonardo Bora [Federal Univ. Rio de Janeiro] “Thomas More’s Legacy in Women’s Utopias of the Last Decades of the XIX Century” Shellie Michael [Volunteer State Community College] “Women’s Work in Louisa May Alcott’s Transcendental Wild Oats” Ibtisam Ahmed [Univ. Nottingham] “Clothing the Other: How the British Raj used Fashion to Shape Gender Perceptions in Pursuit of an Imperial Utopia” “Thomas More and the Invention of Brazil” Rocío Hernández Arias [Univ. Vigo] “Universal Torch to the Future, an Unknown Utopian Text from a Conservative Context” Silvia Oliveira [Rhode Island College] “Earnest Irony: Probing Utopia in the Portuguese-American Memoir” T14 38 Utopian approaches: ancient to early modern Siân Adiseshiah [Univ. Lincoln] “Aristophanes: The First Great (Critical) Utopian” Pedro Monteiro [Univ. Porto] “Jorge Ferreira de Vasconselos and his Chivalry Book – Medieval Social Utopia in Portuguese Renaissance society” Ignacio García Pinilla [Univ. Castilla-La Mancha] “Omníbona: An Unknown Utopian Dialogue in Sixteenth Century Spain” T15 39 19th century Emancipations Antony Taylor [Sheffield Hallam Univ.] ““A Friend of Liberty”: British Popular Politics and the Radical Reading of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, 1840-1920” Cheryl Coulthard [Texas A & M Univ.] “Frances Wright’s Nashoba: Seeking a Utopian Solution to the Problem of Slavery” Carlos Ferrera Cuesta [Univ. Autónoma de Madrid] “Spiritualism and Utopia in the last third of the Spanish 19th century” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary Lecture - Controversial More and Puzzling Utopia: 500 years of history / Marie-Claire Phélippeau (”Moreana” editor-in-chief) / Chair: José Eduardo Reis 9 8 15:45 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 T10 T11 40 41 42 43 Visionary architecture Timothy Miller [Univ. Kansas] “Visionary Architecture of Utopian Communities” Matthew Wilson [Ball State Univ.] “More’s College: Patrick Geddes and Victor Branford’s Eutopian Plans for Crosby Hall” Pedro Leão Neto and Maria Neto [Univ. Porto] “The Use of Photography and Media for idealising and exploring new Spatial Forms” Tasting utopia Closed Panel: Utopia 500: Miguel Ramalhete Gomes Bringing utopia out of [Univ. Porto] abstraction and into “The Burgers that Done the Deed”: Hazardous fFod in action Begüm Çavuşoğlu Christina Martens Matthew Palaczky Qi Sun Petra Švob Cláudia Torres Burak Ünal Alexandra van Doorn Thomas Pynchon’s Inherent Vice” Rui Rato [Univ. Porto] “L’Appétit Sauvage: The Blissful Utopia of Desire and Excess in Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair” Joana Caetano [Univ. Porto] “Making Senses of Appetite, Love and Lust in Io Sono L’Amore (2009)” Sofia de Melo Araújo [Univ. Porto] “The Pleasure is Mine: Food, the Individual, and Utopia” Closed Panel: Interpreting utopias from Utopia to New Atlantis Chair: Ana Cláudia Romano Ribeiro Vita Fortunati [Univ. Bologna] “The Rhetoric and the Historical Context of Thomas More’s Utopia as Keys to Grasping its Political Message and Legacy” Ana Cláudia Romano Ribeiro [Univ. Federal de São Paulo] “Translation and Interpretation: Form and Meaning in the Latin text of Thomas More’s Utopia” Helvio Moraes [Mato Grosso State Univ.] T14 44 T15 45 Closed Panel: Current Postcolonial perspecand future scenarios tives for Art Jacqueline Dutton [Univ. Melbourne] “Utopia in Australia – Inside, Outside, Upside Down” Warner Woodworth [(Brigham Young Univ.] “Walking the Long Road Toward Utopia in Africa” Chair: Bengisu Bayrak Bengisu Bayrak [Nişantaşı Univ.] “An Investigation into New Trends in Branding Artists: a case study on Marc Quinn” Nazan Alioğlu [Beykent Univ.] “From the Utopian Salvationary Power of Art to the Hegemonic Power of Art: Art Reduced to Mass Communication” Selma Köksal Çekiç [Batman Univ.] “End of European-American Hegemony: From Painting to Cinema, Rethinking the Concept of Apocalypse” “Political Satire, Social Criticism and Utopian Project in Bacon’s New Atlantis” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 10 9 09:30 Auditório 1 Auditório 2 46 47 Closed Panel: Ricoeur on imagination and utopia Chair: Richard Kearney Gonςalo Marcelo [Univ. Coimbra/ Univ. Católica Porto] “Imagining Change: Ricoeur on Utopia” Johann Michel [Univ. Poitiers] “The Debate between Ricoeur and Castoriadis: Revolution and Utopia” Alberto Romele [Univ. Porto] “Imaginative Machines” T10 48 Postrevolutionary designs Technology and the (trans)human Antonis Balasopoulos [Univ. Cyprus] Ewelina Prażmo [Maria CurieSkłodowska Univ.] “Utopia and Anomie: On Andrei Platanov’s Chevengur” Tatiana Sokolova [Institute of Philosophy RAS] “Utopia as a Social Project: Early Soviet Technocratic Utopias” Maja Grakalic [Univ. the Arts London] “YUtopia: Speculative and Adversarial Design in Socialist Yogoslavia” Anna Boguska [Polish Academy of Sciences] “The Problem of (Im)perfection in Croatian Insular Prose in the 20th and 21st Century” “Transhumanist Utopia. From Thomas More’s Ultimate Happiness to Max More’s Ultimate Human” Sarah Lohmann [Durham Univ.] ““Solar Loyalties”: Posthumanist Ethics and Utopia in Naomi Mitchison’s Memoirs of a Spacewoman” Maria do Rosário Monteiro [Univ. Nova de Lisboa/ Universidade dos Aςores] “Humanism and Technology: Comparative analysis of More’s Utopia, Bacon’s New Atlantis and Miguel Real’s O Último Europeu 2284” T11 49 Utopian and Dystopian tensions in the 18th and 19th centuries Hélder Mendes Baião [Durham Univ.] “Myths and Utopias in Eighteenth Century Switzerland. Utopia as a Path to Reforms” Audrey Borowski [Univ. Oxford] “Louis-Sebastien Mercier’s L’An 2440, Le Tableau de Paris and Le Nouveau Paris: From Uchronia to a “Poetic of Ruins”” Fulya Kincal [Kırklareli Üniv.] “Dystopias of Urban Space in the poetry of Amy Levy” Unless stated otherwise, the panels will be chaired by their first speaker 11:30 Coffee Break 12:00 Plenary Lecture - Exchanging Stories: From Hostility to Hospitality / Richard Kearney (Boston College) / Chair: Gonςalo Marcelo 13:00 Closing Remarks 11 The Advanced Research in Utopian Studies Network brings together, from a variety of countries, scholars doing Utopian Studies. The network topics on which its members have been working, having in view the joint — Conference of the Utopian Studies Society / Europe JOIN THE ARUS NETWORK!