2015 TOUCHDOWN DRIVE Fundraiser
2015 TOUCHDOWN DRIVE Fundraiser
Welcome to the 2015 Carolina Crusader Family! Thank you for allowing your son/daughter to participate with the Carolina Crusaders of the Pioneer Football League. As you may already know, we are a Christ centered League of Independent High School football teams. This creates a great opportunity for young men and women to grow in their faith as they take part in full contact football and cheer. We would like to make this season an enjoyable experience for everyone involved: 1st for the young men and women participating and 2nd for you as a parent and 3rd for our volunteer coaches and staff. To that end we want to make sure you know what to expect as we go into the 2015 season. Let’s begin by introducing you to your Carolina Crusaders Leadership Team: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Board Member: Board Member: Dave Tursi Brian White James Guffey Jill Ray Dawn Railey Tara Bruce Our Carolina Crusaders Coaching Staff for the 2015 Season will be: General Manager: Varsity Head Coach: JV Head Coach: Cheerleading Head Coach: Equipment Manager: Sideline Coordinator: Volunteer Coordinator: Concession Coordinator: Dave Tursi Jeff Long Jeremy Ray Dawn Railey Tony Lindemann Jill Ray Pamela Guffey Tara Bruce The Crusader staff can be reached by email which can be found in the “Staff” section of the website (www.carolinacrusaders.org) or you can call the Crusader Hotline directly @ 803-792-7092. In this packet you will find information about the following items that will assist you with making this season a gratifying experience for you and your family. Post Registration Information Financial Responsibilities PFL Information Crusader Club Tri-fold Brochure Please take the time to review and understand this information as it will be paramount to the overall success of our season! Sincerely, Carolina Crusaders Football Staff The Pioneer Football League (PFL) is founded on Christian principles with an emphasis on helping young men and women develop biblical character traits such as self-‐control, selflessness and perseverance. Sportsmanship, self-‐sacrifice and teamwork are cornerstones of the PFL Code of Conduct. Each player/cheerleader, parent and coach are asked to sign the team Code of Conduct agreement, signifying their commitment to the league, the team and the participants. The Pioneer Football League provides an opportunity for home, private, and public-‐schooled students ages 12-‐18 to play 11-‐man regulation football or participate in cheerleading. Many of these student-‐athletes would normally not have the opportunity to play football through the public school system or if their private school does not offer football as a choice of athletics. The PFL is a non-‐profit organization founded in 2000 for the promotion, education, training, participation and enjoyment of sports for youth and especially the game of football. It is the policy of the PFL that all individuals who come in contact with players/participants, youth supporters, and other minors connected with the league in any capacity shall represent the best Christian example before these young people as is possible. In support of this policy, all adults in chief leadership positions who come in direct contact with player/participants, youth supporters and other minors connected with the league in any capacity must sign a profession of faith, publicly confirm the Apostle's Creed and be willing to offer the counsel of the gospel salvation to any youth who requests it. The League is made up four teams within the Carolinas and Tennessee. Asheville Saints Cabarrus Stallions Tennessee Silverbacks Carolina Crusaders Your PFL coaches are receiving the best in coaching education. USA Football’s Coaching Education Program (CEP) is designed to train coaches who are responsible for the on-‐field development of youngsters, ages 5-‐14, playing organized youth flag and tackle football. The CEP provides youth football commissioners with a resource that can help them annually certify and set a standard for volunteer youth flag and tackle coaches. USA Football is committed to providing youth coaches, from beginner to advanced, with a program that challenges their abilities to teach the most progressive skills and techniques by age group. This accreditation makes USA Football’s Coaching Education Program the ONLY football-‐specific coaching program to receive accreditation from the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE), the standard in coaching education. More than ever, coaches trust that a USA Football coaching education is the best way to ensure your players have a great youth football experience. REGISTRATION & FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Costs for the Carolina Crusaders 2015 season are as follows: 1. Registration Fee of $50 for Football and $40 for Cheer a. Due at the time of Registration. b. This is a non-refundable cost for each participant. If your child decides not to participate for any reason, the $50 from this fee remains the property of the Carolina Crusaders. 2. Participation Fee of $300 for Football a. *Due on or before the August 6th. b. This fee helps cover the cost of all of the equipment and uniforms that are purchased and replaced every couple of years, field usage fees for practice and games, referees, etc. c. Registration for all player closes on September 4th. 3. Participation Fee of $110 + Uniform Cost for Cheer. a. *Due on or before the August 6th. b. The actual cost of the Cheer uniform will be from $150-$250 depending on needs. New cheerleaders can expect to fund raise or pay outright for the full amount of $360. Returning cheerleaders may be less based on individual needs to complete their uniform. c. This fee does include facility usage fees for practice and games, team supplies and operational costs. d. Registration for all player closes on July 12. (See below for more information on what fees cover) To help offset the cost of the above fees each player/cheerleader will be requested to participate in the Carolina Crusaders “Touchdown Drive” fundraising program. This will assist in supporting the team while providing the opportunity to earn rewards and lower the cost of out of pocket expenses. What do my Registration fees cover? Annual Participant Insurance Coverage Administration, copies, etc. Membership and fund raising letters Registration Forms and Paperwork What do my Participation fees cover? Along with specific training and certification programs for the staff, your fees will cover the provision of the following equipment. Football Helmets & Shoulder Pads Cheer Uniforms Game Jersey Pad set for Pants Field Rentals Referees What Items will the family need to supply? Dedication and support Mouthpiece & Chin Strap Cleats Practice Pants & Jersey Additional pads and accessories Transportation Refunds: Participation fees are refundable if your child decides not to participate before the first game. If part or all of the funds for this fee were paid for through sponsorship or fundraisers, then that portion is NOT refundable. *Any late registrants will need to contact GM/AD Dave Tursi to discuss payment options **Cheer rates are based on returning or non-returning participants CAROLINA CRUSADERS LOCATIONS & TIMES Please use this document as a guideline when trying to determine when and where the team practices and plays. The following information is subject to change, should that happen we will make every effort to update participants and families through normal means of communication. If there is any question about this information please refer to the Crusaders website www.carolinacrusaders.org for current information. PRACTICE: * This year Crusader football and cheer practices will be held at: Location: Westminster Catawba Christian School 2650 India Hook Rd Rock Hill, SC 29732 Times: Practices are weekdays from 6 PM to 8 PM except for Wednesdays. Practices may run late. GAMES & EVENTS: * For the 2015 Carolina Crusaders Season, home games will take place at: Location: Westminster Catawba Christian School 2650 India Hook Rd Rock Hill, SC 29732 Times: Game times will vary depending on the venue. Please expect communication or check the site for updates prior to each game Please Note: It is the responsibility of each participant to provide transportation to and from all practices and games. Please do your best to make sure your child arrives and is picked up on time! If transportation is an issue, please contact us so we can attempt to assist with carpooling. It is every player’s responsibility to have his gear ready and be prepared for practices and game days. *Practice and game locations are subject to change CAROLINA CRUSADERS CODE OF CONDUCT The Carolina Crusaders Code of Conduct policy is an extremely important part of the overall season experience. It helps players, parents, volunteers and fans appreciate the atmosphere that we are trying to provide as a Christ-centered organization. For that reason the participant and parent conduct documents are required to be read, signed and returned to the Crusader Staff. Please have this done prior to the first practice of the season. PARTICIPANT (PLAYER/CHEERLEADER) CODE OF CONDUCT 1. I understand and agree that my education is my first and foremost responsibility and that I must maintain a Grade Point Average that meets the expectations of my school, my family and me. 2. I will play any position assigned to me and will do my very best for my team at all times. 3. I will play the game hard and cleanly at all times, in a true sportsmanship-like manner with never any intent to harm another player. 4. I will participate in a moment of prayer before practices and games with my coaches and teammates 5. I will treat my coaches, teammates, officials, parents, teachers, guardians and any other individual I may come in contact with respect at all times, on or off the playing field. 6. I will do whatever the coaches ask me to do to the best of my ability. 7. I will refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, on or off the playing field, and understand that any violation of this agreement can and will result in suspension from the Pioneer Sports League. 8. I understand that team sports require my attendance at all practices, games and social gatherings. I will make the commitment to my coach and teammates to be in attendance and to notify my coach if, for any reason, I am unable to attend any scheduled event. 9. I will not, in any way, damage or deface property, buildings or equipment. 10. I will abide by the decisions of the game officials and will not create any un-sportsmanlike behavior or gestures. 11. I will act as a gentleman (or lady) at all times and refrain from any foul or questionable language. 12. I will inform my coach of any injuries I may sustain on or off of the playing field PRINT NAME: SIGNED: DATE: (Turn over for parent/guardian code of conduct) PARENT/GUARDIAN CODE OF CONDUCT 1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other sports event. 2. I will model responsible, polite behavior toward coaches, officials, participants, and spectators; good sportsmanship; good citizenship and self-discipline even when provoked, either, personally or on behalf of others. 3. I will place the emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win. 4. I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment. 5. I will require that my child’s coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Coaches’ Code of Conduct. 6. I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. 7. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, profanity and alcohol. I will refrain from their use at all sports events 8. I will remember the game is for the youths – not the adults. 9. I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child. 10. I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, creed, color or ability. 11. I will inform my child’s coach should he or she sustain any potentially serious injuries associated, or not, with his or her participation in the Pioneer Football League (PFL). 12. I will make every effort to volunteer to assist the Carolina Crusaders in the “Parents’ Opportunity to Volunteer” list or on volunteerspot.com. 13. I will make every effort to have my child attend all events or notify coaches otherwise. 14. I understand that all schedules are subject to change. PRINT NAME: SIGNED: DATE: PRINT NAME: SIGNED: DATE: Pioneer Football League Registration Sports Physical Examination An annual sports physical is required in order to participate in contact sports or cheer. This document, or one like it from a physician is required prior to participants’ involvement in any activities with their team. Please return this prior to the first practice of the season. Patient: Age: Carolina Crusaders Team Name: Home Zip Code: Physical Examination 1 BP: Pulse: 2 Vision Weight: Height: Organ/System: Normal Abnormal R: L: Record laxity, weakness, instability, decreased ROM if abnormal. Cardiovascular Eyes/Pupils Neck Shoulders Knees Ankles Feet Scoliosis/Spine Other orthopedic issues ENT Lungs Abdomen Neurological Skin Genitalia Recommendations: Unlimited Deferred to personal physician I certify that I have examined the above athlete and such examinations revealed no conditions that would prevent this athlete’s participation in sports. Physician’s Name: Physician’s Signature: Date: Page 1 of 1 PFL Form 1002 Effective: 1 February 2014 Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion is caused by bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow Did You Know? • Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness. to the head can be serious. • Athletes who have, at any point in their lives, had a concussion have an increased risk for another concussion. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF CONCUSSION? • Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take longer to recover than adults. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If an athlete reports one or more symptoms of concussion listed below after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, s/he should be kept out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. SIGNS OBSERVED BY COACHING STAFF SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETES Appears dazed or stunned Headache or “pressure” in head Is confused about assignment or position Nausea or vomiting Forgets an instruction Balance problems or dizziness Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Double or blurry vision Moves clumsily Sensitivity to light Answers questions slowly Sensitivity to noise Loses consciousness (even briefly) Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes Concentration or memory problems Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall Confusion Can’t recall events after hit or fall Just not “feeling right” or “feeling down” CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. An athlete should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body s/he exhibits any of the following danger signs: Remember Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. • One pupil larger than the other • Is drowsy or cannot be awakened • A headache that not only does not diminish, but gets worse • Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination • Repeated vomiting or nausea • Slurred speech • Convulsions or seizures • Cannot recognize people or places • Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated • Has unusual behavior • Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously) WHY SHOULD AN ATHLETE REPORT THEIR SYMPTOMS? If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While an athlete’s brain is still healing, s/he is much more likely to have another concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes to recover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in young athletes can result in brain swelling or permanent damage to their brain. They can even be fatal. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION? If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, remove the athlete from play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. Rest is key to helping an athlete recover from a concussion. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be carefully managed and monitored by a health care professional. It’s better to miss one game than the whole season. For more information on concussions, visit: www.cdc.gov/Concussion. Student-Athlete Name Printed Student-Athlete Signature Date Parent or Legal Guardian Printed Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date “TOUCHDOWN DRIVE!” 2015 Fundraiser Each new football season brings a host of new memories for players, cheerleaders and volunteers, as we build towards a championship season. With that in mind the Carolina Crusaders want to make sure that we supply your children with the best possible overall experience. That begins with making sure that we have the best possible equipment, uniforms and facilities. With each family’s help, we aren’t just supporting a single player – we’re supporting the entire Carolina Crusader family. Each person who shares the Crusaders “Touchdown Drive” experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a memorable season. Participation in the “Touchdown Drive!” will consist of raising funds in one of the following ways with the opportunity to earn; some rewards: • • • • • • Crusader Game Day Program Ad (BEST VALUE – Only Available until July 17th) – Is there a friend or family member that would like to support you by placing an ad in the Crusader Game day Program? This could be a note of encouragement from a grandparent or an ad for the family or one of the many local businesses. (This option expires on July 17th due to design and printing timelines) Corporate Sponsorships – This is the fastest way to get to your fundraising goal! Know anyone who owns a small business? These type places love to support their community and their loyal customers! (This option expires on July 17th due to design and printing timelines) Crusader Gear – Have a friend or family member looking for some Carolina Crusader gear to support their favorite player/cheerleader? Let the purchase of a T-‐Shirt or Hooded Sweatshirt work toward reimbursement for your season fees Papa Murphy Pizza Sale – Presell the pizzas and deliver them on a date to be determined. Applebee’s “Pain Cake” (pancake) breakfast – Tentatively scheduled for September 12th in Rock Hill and October 3rd in Gastonia the Carolina Crusaders will host our annual “Pain Cake” breakfast. Presell the tickets and come enjoy a great breakfast served by the Crusaders players and cheerleaders. Carwashes – Dates will be announced for June and July. It is highly recommended that all football players raise a minimum of $300 in fundraising to fulfill their participation costs. Cheerleaders are encouraged to raise $110 + the cost of their Cheer Uniform in fundraising to fulfill their participation costs. Any player who is unable to raise their goal will be billed for the difference. Participation fees must be paid in full by the third week in by August 6th as stated on the “REGISTRATION & FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES” form. It IS acceptable for another player or parent to help a participant fund raise to cover their participation costs. Raising Funds: The following is the breakdown of your fundraising options and how you can have your season costs compensated using them. Item Business Card Ad Half Page Ad Full Page Ad Corporate Sponsorships Ad/Web Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Papa Murphy’s Pizza 1 Date (Rock Hill) Crusader Gear T-‐Shirts Hooded Sweatshirts Participant Earning % Earns $30 $80 $150 $21 $56 $105 70% 70% 70% $250 $400 $600 $800 TBD $175 $280 $420 $560 TBD 70% 70% 70% 70% TBD $15 $35 $4.50 $10.50 30% 30% Expires on July 14th Best Value Game Day Program Ad Space Cost The following fundraisers are credited to the whole team for special needs such as away jerseys and specific team needs, etc. Applebee’s “Pain Cake “ Breakfast $7 per ticket – Total team fundraiser Team Carwash Donations at event -‐ Total team fundraiser Mini Cheer Camp $75 for the Week – All proceeds help offset the cheer team uniforms 2015 Rewards Program: When you registered to play you were asked to raise a minimum fundraising goal -‐ but don’t stop there! The “Touchdown Drive” Fundraising program was developed to motivate and reward players for fundraising excellence. You can review a list of goals and items at www.carolinacrusders.org in the “Fundraising” menu, and work towards your favorite prize! Most items are branded with the Carolina Crusaders logo which helps promote our mission within your community every time you use or wear the items. God bless you and happy fundraising! “We would like to say thank you for supporting and making this a wonderful season for the boys and girls associated with the Carolina Crusaders. We are excited to have your support!” Carolina Crusader Gameday Program Ad Support your favorite Crusader with a note of encouragement or an ad for your business. BUSINESS CARD -‐ 3” x 2.5” $30.00 HALF PAGE -‐ 8” x 5” -‐. $80.00 FULL PAGE -‐ 8” x 10.5” -‐ $150.00 For Business Card and Half Page ad sizes a standard business card is acceptable. All personal or inspirational ads will be reviewed by the Carolina Crusaders board. Please submit a MS Word or PDF of any other type of ad or Full Page ad. Ads can also be emailed to [email protected] please ensure the player/cheerleader registration number is in the subject line. All ads will be printed grayscale. Carolina Crusader Team Sponsor Pack Bronze -‐ $250 Silver -‐ $400 1/4 page ad in season media guide, announcer spot at all Crusader home games, and a 300x100 banner on the carolinacrusaders.org sponsors page Gold -‐ $600 1/2 page ad in season media guide, announcer spot at all Crusader home games, and a 600x160 banner on the carolinacrusaders.org sponsors page Platinum -‐ $800 Full page ad in season media guide, announcer spot at all Crusader home games, 600x300 banner on the carolinacrusaders.org sponsors page, and game day signage at the concession stand Full page season media guide, announcer spot at all Crusader home games, full page banner on the carolinacrusaders.org, game day concession stand signage Carolina Crusader Gear Looking for some high quality Carolina Crusader gear to support your favorite player/cheerleader? FOOTBALL T-‐SHIRT -‐ $15 (WHITE OR NAVY) CHEER T-‐SHIRT -‐ $15 (PINK OR WHITE) 100% cotton (preshrunk jersey knit) *$2.00 Upcharge on sizes larger than XL FOOTBALL HOODIE -‐ $35 (NAVY OR GREY) CHEER HOODIE -‐ $35 (NAVY OR PINK) 50/50 cotton/poly; no-‐pill Air Jet Yarn (Double-‐needle stitching) *$2.00 Upcharge on sizes larger than XL Restaurant Fundraisers Applebee’s “Pain Cake” Breakfast th Papa Murphy’s Pizza Sale rd September 12 Rock Hill Location – October 3 Gastonia Location Support the team by buying some awesome pizza! x35 x35 TBD x7 NUMBER OF ITEMS ORDERED CHECK HERE IF PAID APPLEBEE’S “PAIN CAKE” BREAKFAST PLATINUM PAPA MURPHY’S PIZZA SALE ADDRESS CHEER HOODIE (SIZE/COLOR) PHONE / EMAIL FOOTBALL HOODIE (SIZE/COLOR) NAME (PRINT) GOLD PHONE: EMAIL: SILVER REGISTRATION #: BRONZE LAST NAME: FULL PAGE AD FIRST NAME: BUSINESS CARD AD Together Everyone Achieves More! HALF PAGE AD With each families help, we aren’t just supporting a single player – we’re supporting the entire Carolina Crusader family. Each person who shares the Crusaders “Touchdown Drive” experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a memorable season. CHEER T-‐SHIRT (SIZE/COLOR) $2 UPCHARGE ON ALL SIZES ABOVE XL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CRUSADER GEAR SPONSORSHIPS FOOTBALL T-‐SHIRT (SIZE/COLOR) GAME DAY PROGRAM 2015 TOUCHDOWN DRIVE Fundraiser TOTALS: x30 x80 x150 x250 x400 x600 x800 x15 x15 CAROLINA CRUSADER 2015 GAMEDAY PROGRAM AD INFORMATION Name/Company: Address: Phone: Email: Ad Options (See Touchdown Drive For Full Details) ________ Business Card $30 (3" x 2-‐1/2") ________ Bronze $250 (1/4 Page + 300 x 100 Banner Ad) ________ Half Page $80 (8" x 5") ________ Silver $400 (1/2 Page + 600 x 160 Banner Ad) ________ Full Page $150 (8" x 10-‐1/2") ________ Gold $600 (Full Page + 600 x 300 Banner Ad) ________ Platinum $800 (Full Page + Full Page Banner Ad) Art Work Options ________ Attach Artwork ________ Email Artwork ________ Attach Business Card ________ Text / Shout Out (Please list text below) Payment Options: ________ Cash: ________ Online: ________ Check: ________ Total Due: Players Information: Players Name: Registration Number: Notes/Comments: Treasurer Use Only: ________ Amount Recieved: ________ Received By: ________ Type Of Payment: ________ Date: Notes/Comments: What is the Crusader Club? The Crusader Club was established for the purpose of supporting the Carolina Crusaders. It is comprised of volunteers, parents, concerned citizens, community friends and corporate neighbors. One of our goals is to enhance/enrich the lives and potential of these young men and women by augmenting this great organization with additional resources. We believe our youth can maximize as well as see their potential better if provided with an excellent athletic program. In recent years, athletic programs have been reduced due to budgetary constraints across the county resulting in youth with little vision, self-discipline and poor self-esteem. The vision of the Crusader Club is that our children will be spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually nurtured through their involvement in the Carolina Crusaders programs. What does the Crusader Club Do? The Crusader Club’s primary activity is to support and monitor the needs of the Crusaders, which include providing or donating: uniforms for the teams, sports equipment, maintenance of playing facilities, and coordination of volunteers. The Crusader Club executes its activities through teams which operate under the direction of the Crusaders Leadership Board. Each team contributes to the successful completion of activities needed during the season. How can I help? As we embark on another exciting year with some great people we wish to include you! There are many ways you can support and be a blessing to the team. No effort is too small! The Carolina Crusaders is a parent driven volunteer organization that depends on people like you for its success! As a registrant, and as part of the Code of Conduct agreement, it is highly recommended that you visit volunteerspot.com and sign up for the activity that best suits you. Thank you for your cooperation and support of our Carolina Crusaders.
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