Fundación Renacer


Fundación Renacer
Long term projects
Keep in mind that this profile is not a list of all available projects and that not
all the projects listed in this Work Profile are hosting volunteers each year.
In the matching process we will take your preferences into account, but we
still cannot guarantee you a place in a particular project or area in
Especially for an exchangee without professional experience, the work is
often very practical. On the other hand, the exact nature of the work
depends a lot on the participation of the exchangee in developing her/his
tasks – in other words, of being active!
There is always an opportunity to shape your own tasks according to your
interest and skills. You just have to be very active yourself!
Long term projects
Children & young people, rights and empowerment
Uniminuto – Metele la ficha a Suba………………………………...... 5
Uniminuto – Voces de Ciudad Bolivar……………………………. …6
Asociación para el desarrollo sostenible Semillas...………………..... 8
Fundación Renacer (Bogotá)………………………………………… 9
Hogares Claret- La Alegría……………………………….………….. 11
Hogares Claret- La Libertad……………………………….………… 12
Young offenders
Libertad Asistida……………………………………….…………….. 13
Elderly people
Manos amigas por el anciano…………………………….………... …14
Disabled children and adults
Fundación Cepytin……………………………….………………... …15
ICAL (Instituto Colombiano de la Audición y el Lenguaje)………… 18
Drug addiction
Fundación La Luz………………………………………….……….…19
Soup kitchens
Por amor a ti………………………………………….……………. …19
Fundación Desayunitos………………………………………………. 20
Community Development
Corporación SERVIMOS-CORPOSER………………….………….. 22
Urban Revitalization
Revitalización Urbana del Barrio Gran América………….…………. 24
Gender Studies
Grupo Mujer y Sociedad…………………………….…………….. …25
University Students and student groups
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dirección de Bienestar
Gestion de Proyectos..………………………………………………...26
Youth leadership
Área de Jóvenes..………………………………………………….. …28
Children, recreation and extracurricular activities
Hogar de Encuentro..……………………………………………….…29
Casa Hogar AmaneSer..…………………………………………… …30
Fundación Crisol..………………………………………………..... …31
Corporación Servired ..……………………………………………. …33
Fundación Jorge Otero ……….....………………………………… …34
Children and artistic education
Corporación Cambré………………………………………………. …36
Education, primary to high school level
Colegio Distrital Bravo Páez...…………………………………….. …37
Centro Juvenil Emiliani..…………………………………………...…38
Municipio de Tota……………………………………………………. 40
Pre-school children
Jardin Infantil George Williams …………………………………….. 41
Jardin Infantil Alejandría………………………………………….. …42
Corporación Viviendo Juntos……………………………………… …44
Project Coordination
ICYE Office……………………………………………….………. …45
Uniminuto – Metele la ficha a Suba
Cl 81 bis No. 72b-59 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Education and children rights
Prevent difficulties of children and young people in vulnerable conditionditions.
Minuto de Dios
University works
through the support of
helping students and
their voluntary
program with 11
different social and
organizations that
offer their services to
children and young
people in Suba (one of
Bogotá’s biggest poor
Community Context
This project is located in Suba, a former independent city in the northwest of
Bogotá, which has been connected to the capital in 1954. Suba is one of the
biggest areas of the capital and some parts of it belong to the poorest of Bogotá.
Indigenous groups, peasants, black communities, and thousands of people from
different ethnic origins live there. Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and the
department of Cundinamarca. It is the most populous city of the nation, with an
estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third
highest in the world above sea level and known for its high number of
universities, libraries and particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Must love working and sharing with
Interested in social responsibility,
citizenship, environmental topics, human
rights and social organizations.
Must be patient, open-minded, social,
flexible, creative; if he /she has
pedagogical skills, even better.
He/ she must be interested in learning
from the work with children, young
people and adults.
Team worker and full of energy would
be a total success.
Volunteer tasks
Work with 3 different groups of children promoting development in their
communities. Topics like environmental projects, human rights and conflict
solutions are an example of the kind of themes they will be able to learn and
discuss. Depending on the skills and abilities of the volunteers they will have the
chance to propose their own workshops. The projects will totally support any
initiative coming from the volunteers.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Uniminuto – Voces de Ciudad Bolivar
Cl 81 bis No. 72b-59 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Education and children rights
Save children and young people in vulnerable situations from the everyday risk
they are going to encounter in their neighbourhoods
Minuto de Dios University through helping students and their voluntary program
work with 11 different social and community organizations that offer their
services to children and young people in Ciudad Bolivar (one of Bogotá`s biggest
poor areas).
Community Context
Ciudad Bolivar is located on the South-East of Bogotá and is one of the biggest
and poorest areas of the Colombian capital. Indigenous groups, peasants, black
communities, and thousands of people from different ethnic origins live there.
Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and the department of Cundinamarca. It is the
most populous city of the nation, with an estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is
the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the world above sea level and
known for its high number of universities, libraries and particularly for its
cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
He/she has to love working and sharing with children.
Interested in social responsibility, citizenship, environmental topics,
human rights and social organizations.
Must be patient, open-minded, social, flexible, creative; if he/ she has
pedagogical skills, even better.
He/ she must be interested in learning from the work with children, young
people and adults.
Team worker with lots of energy will be a total success.
Volunteer tasks
Volunteers will support social practice students, teachers, local volunteers and
professionals in the areas they are interested in and all programs they develop for
the community. They will be working in 2 or 3 specific groups of people in order
to enrich their experiences, knowledge and vision of developing in this part of the
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Asociación para el desarrollo sostenible Semillas
Cl 5 Carrera 12 - Tibasosa - Boyacá
Areas of Project
Social local development, youth and children empowerment
Social local development and community education, focus on development of the
child’s and youth’s independence and social interaction
The Asociación develops projects in different areas and localities, for now there
are 11 projects in the communities Jericó, Socotá, Boavita, Labranzagrande,
Pisba, Paya, Tota, Duitama, Chivatá and Tibasosa. The volunteer can work in one
of the following projects, according to his/her skills:
1. Program of artistic expression “Voces Multicolores”
 Music School “Música para los Pies del Corazón”
 Theatre School “Teatremos”
 Dancing school “Patiboliando”
2. Ecologic Program “Semillas del Mundo”
 Ecologic youth movement “Hereder@s del Planeta”
3. Program of communication “Con versos y conversas”
 Radio Semillas - Munici de Community of Tibasosa
 Radio Majagua – Community of Pisba
 Emisora Comunitaria
“Termópilas” –
Community of Paya
4. Program Family and
Neighbourhood “Abanico
de Texturas/Ternuras”
5. Program of Solidary
Economy “Venga esa
mano paisan@”
Community Context
Boyacá is one of the 32 departments of Colombia. The capital is Tibasosa, a
beautiful small town about 180km away from northern Bogotá. It has about
12000 habitants. It is located between two bigger cities called Duitama and
Sogamoso. There are two big schools with about 1.000 students each and a
smaller school in the countryside. The volunteer’s project might be in Tibasosa,
but he/she might also be placed in the communities such as Jericó, Socotá,
Boavita, Labranzagrande, Pisba, Paya, Tota, Duitama, Chivatá.
Volunteer requirements
Responsibility, act with caution towards national and social problems, create own
workshops according to the volunteers’ skills, complete with the rules of the
organization and the contract between volunteer and project. Willing to work in
poor areas and conditions. Integrate in the ‘Semillas’ team.
Volunteer tasks
Support in the projects and programs, according to the skills a project can be
Hosting situations
Host family outside the project, preparing food on their own
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Fundación Renacer
Cl 76 Bis No. 20 c - 51 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children & teenagers, who have been victims of sexual exploitation
The ‘Fundación Renacer’ works with children and teenagers (until the age of 18)
who are or have been victims of sexual and commercial exploitation in the streets
or in hotels or of domestic abuse.
The aims are to:
 Free children/teenagers of the situation of abuse and child prostitution.
 Strengthen their social skills.
 Reintegration in the community, family and school.
 Medical, psychological, legal, nutritional support for affected families,
children and adolescents.
 Analyse sexual abuse in the city and collaborate with institutions to
prevent sexual abuse.
Medical, odontological and nutritional support
Family, group and individual psychotherapy
School support
Psychosocial formation and follow-up care for families
Formation in values and citizenship
Exploration and professional orientation through workshops in the field of
theatre, dancing, sport and art
Recreation, sport and culture
There are two different types of
homes, where the children and
teenagers are received:
The ambulatory house: The kids
get there in the morning (at about 9
o’clock), receive lunch, have the
opportunity to participate in various
workshops (e.g. sports, arts,
computers, music, theatre, games)
and also receive psychological
support and workshops on themes
like “how to express my feelings”, “who am I”, “personal growth”, “sexuality”
etc. At about 5 or 6 o’clock in the afternoon, the kids will go out on the street
again or to their homes. The aims of the ambulatory house is to keep them away
from the street, prevent that they prostitute themselves, take drugs and in most of
the cases to motivate them to start a more serious process in the permanent home.
The permanent home: The teenagers stay here all day and night long, they
really live there and it is forbidden to go out on the street. (Of course there are
excursions, or they are taken to the park, but they mustn’t be outside alone.) The
process they are passing through normally takes 9 months and they are passing
through 3 levels. After finishing they can be sent back to their families, if it is
safe for them, or to other relatives (grandparents, uncles, etc.). In this program
they receive a more intense psychological support, are educated according to
their grade of school and participate in more or less the same workshops as in the
ambulatory house. Between 10 and 20 children live there.
In Bogotá right now are 2 of each type (2 ambulatory homes, 2 permanent
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Male or female. The volunteer must have the ability to deal and work with
children & teenagers taking part in a series of training workshops and microbusinesses. She/ he must respect the privacy of the children and have basic
knowledge of children’s rights.
The volunteer must be sensitive, be respectful, flexible, open-minded towards the
team, social, patient and creative with a lot of sense of humour. The more
authority one has, the better.
Volunteer tasks
The volunteer will stay in the ambulatory house or the permanent home more or
less 8 hours each day and most of the time he/she will work along with the
regular staff, supporting them with logistical work, accompanying the kids in
their daily life, formative trainings or doing things like taking them to the
hospital, if they are sick or have an appointment there.
In addition it is always great for the teens when the volunteer her/himself offers
some workshops, according to his or her talents. It could be sports, dancing,
yoga, teaching a language, music, handcrafts, arts, games...
Moreover, it often helps if the volunteers just participates in the workshops to
motivate the kids or just talk to them if they are sad, or want to go back to the
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Hogares Claret – La Alegría
Cl 7 No 12 este - 122, Barrio La Pradera - Medellín - Colombia
Areas of Project
Street children, youth education
To accompany children and teenagers in difficult life conditions with the aim to
empower them and give them the space to develop own future plans
The volunteer will work in a project, which is dedicated to support children and
teenagers with serious social problems. ‘La Alegría’ also offers lodging for
street children from 7-13 years in a rehabilitation centre. The children receive
education with the aim to reintegrate them in their family and community life.
They also have the possibility to participate in occupational, recreational,
agricultural and athletic activities.
Community Context
Medellín is the second most important city of Colombia and is located in the
department of Antioquia. It has about 2 740 000 inhabitants. Medellin’s
economy is known for its textile industry and its importance in the touristic
Volunteer requirements
Support in the project, operational readiness, respect towards the identity and
privacy of the participants. Respect towards the philosophy of the Fundación and
institutional organizations.
Volunteer tasks
Support the teachers and therapists, support the children and teenagers to
accomplish the program and pedagogical activities, development of projects
such as musical, cultural, agricultural, pedagogical and athletic ones.
Hosting situation
Living in the project
ICYE – Long term
Number of volunteers
Hogares Claret – La Libertad
Km 8 y 9 Carretera Vía San Pedro, San Cristobal, V. Pajarito- Medellín - Colombia
Areas of Project
Street children, youth education
To accompany children and teenagers in difficult life conditions with the aim to
empower them and give them the space to develop own future plans
The volunteer will work in a project, which is dedicated to support children and
teenagers with serious social problems. ‘La Libertad’ also offers lodging for
street children from 7-13 years in a rehabilitation centre. The children receive
education with the aim to reintegrate them in their family and community life.
They also have the possibility to participate in occupational, recreational,
agricultural and athletic activities.
Community Context
Medellín is the second most important city of Colombia and is located in the
department of Antioquia. It has about 2 740 000 inhabitants. Medellin’s
economy is known for its textile industry and its importance in the touristic
Volunteer requirements
Support in the project, operational readiness, respect towards the identity and
privacy of the participants. Respect towards the philosophy of the Fundación and
institutional organizations.
Volunteer tasks
Support the teachers and therapists, support the children and teenagers to
accomplish the program and pedagogical activities, development of projects
such as musical, cultural, agricultural, pedagogical and athletic ones.
Hosting situation
Living in the project
ICYE – Long term
Number of volunteers
Libertad Asistida
Transversal 28 No. 37-33 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Reintegration of delinquent adolescents
The “Centro de Formación Juvenil” aspires the development
young people, who are between 14 and 18 years old and in
conflict with the law. They want to animate and accompany
the teenagers to enable them to lead a better life with
society. They try to change the young offenders by reflective
and formative workshops.
The youth penal has a contract with Libertad Asistida and convicts under-age
young offenders for a devised time to join the process of Libertad Asistida. Most
adolescents are here, because they committed robbery, had sex with under 14year - olds or dealt with drugs.
The adolescents sign on in the project, are evaluated and classified to one of three
groups. This happens on Mondays, the adolescents, who consume or have
consumed drugs, come on Tuesdays from 8.00-13.00, those who are impulsive
come Wednesdays and those, who attend school and have less factors of risk,
come Thursdays to take part in the Workshops. Friday is the day of office work
and all the young offenders, who cannot attend in the week, come on Saturdays.
Furthermore there are visits in the homes of the teenagers and the staff organizes
a workshop with only the parents and one for parents and children every month.
The Team consists of a boss and a secretary, who are responsible for another
project in the same house as well and a psychologist, a social worker and psycho
pedagogue. Normally there are a lot of student interns from the university.
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Must be interested in working with
young teenagers with criminal history.
Must be open to learn about their culture,
and be interested in sharing with them
their culture.
Must be interested in becoming friends
with the young people going to the
Must be an active and tolerant person.
Must be prepared to teach social rules
such as respect for others, importance of
rules, etc.
Must have skills to plan different activities allowing community integration.
Must be organized and able to work without supervision.
Should have a sense of order and be willing to do office work.
Volunteer tasks
Do different activities to allow the teenagers to increase their selfconfidence, to value themselves and the others.
Help in office work, archive, organization and decoration
Accompany the adolescents in the workshops, support the professional in
Organize workshops
Accompany on home visits
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Manos amigas por el anciano
Carrera 2-N. 2b – 30 sur – Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of the project
Elderly persons, homeless people
To provide food to the homeless seniors
of the neighbourhood, education,
hygiene service
Provide breakfast to the registered people of the neighbourhood
Entertain the seniors
Hold informative days about hygiene
Sell second hand clothes and household articles in the foundation’s
The quarter Lourdes is located in the south of
Bogotá, it is a very poor, hilly area. Bogotá is
the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. It is the most populous city of
the nation, with an estimated 7,500,000
inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia,
the third highest in the world above sea level
and known for its high number of universities,
libraries and particularly for its cultural
Community context
Volunteer requirements
The volunteer needs to be proactive, caring, willing to spend time with the
elderly people, be patient, creative and open-minded. Basic Spanish skills will be
Volunteer tasks
help counting the registered persons
support preparing and providing breakfast to nearly 80 elderly persons
help cleaning the kitchen and dishes
develop their own and hold workshops like for example about art, music
and give reading hours
assist in workshops developed by the employees
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Fundación Cepytin
Cra 73 N. 7c-39 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children and adolescents between 2 and 18 years
To provide youngsters and
children with aftereffects of
neurological lesions the
opportunity to accept and
respect their differences.
To offer, through a competent
team, therapeutic and
educational treatment to
children and young people in a
disability situation or moderate
to physical or cognitive level.
Looking for their participation,
belonging and permanence in
their families and integration in society. Offering education and workshops made
for their individual learning speed and as such respecting them as persons and not
only as disabled.
Community Context
Volunteer requirements
To help and support educational programs with children, who have low
and medium mental disability and to include their families in the
integrational progress
Help in physical therapies
Teach computers
Sports, dancing and music.
Enable parents to help their children in the school and with their
Enable parents to help their children to start their own business with for
example artisanries.
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Someone looking to help in the social inclusion, and learning process of
Someone with abilities in art, sports or other things he/she would be able
to teach in workshops to the children.
Volunteer tasks
Someone open-minded to disabled and different persons and easy to
Help in the preparation of lessons
Help and participate in sport, dance, leisure, music, etc. activities
Participate in community activities
Take care of equipment
Support therapists and pedagogues in their work
Give support during meal times
Develop own workshops and activities for the children
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
ICAL (Instituto Colombiano de la Audición y el Lenguaje)
Finca la Fe - Chía - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Deaf children
School centre for children between the age of 0 to 17, promoting education and
rehabilitation of deaf and hearing impaired children. Most of the pupils come
from socially deprived families. The main aims are to help the children develop
cognitive, communicational, moral and social skills, so that they can be selfconfident members of their community.
Child education - for example in regular school subjects but also in subjects as
human rights, health and foreign languages - and rehabilitation.
Community Context
Chía is a small town, which is located in the north of Bogotá and one hour bus
ride away from the capital. It has almost 200 000 habitants. The volunteer could
live in Bogotá.
Volunteer requirements
Male/ female. The exchangee must have the affinity and ability to deal and work
with deaf children, must be open-minded, sociable, patient, tolerant and creative
and willing to learn quickly the deaf language. Knowledge of human and child
rights would be of advantage.
Volunteer tasks
The volunteer works with the regular school staff, supporting and helping the
teacher/therapist in the classroom, assisting children from nursery or prekindergarten level to adolescents. Subjects can be languages, sports and
pedagogical learning games. She/ he also supports the administrative office.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Fundación La Luz
Km 64 vía Bogotá Melgar - Chinauta - Cundinamarca
Areas of the project
Drug addiction
The “Fundación la Luz” is a private, non-profit organization which is working for
16 years now in order to prevent and treat addictions.
We offer to the addict and to people who are behaviorally challenged a process of
rehabilitation by implementing an intervention based on human sciences, on
quality and experience in order to facilitate the integral recovery of their physical,
mental and emotional health and the intrafamilial, social and laboral interaction.
Volunteer requirements
Group interventions which try to change behavior conducts and
pathologies which are results of their drug addiction
Teaching of professions (e.g. informatics, English, bakery)
Acompaniment through support groups
Individual orientations which motivate them to stay in the treatment
Clinic and therapeutic interventions
Young, dynamic, flexible person, tolerant towards frustation, good group
handling, has to know Spanish, receptive towards authority and adequate followup of the instructions
Volunteer tasks
do physical activities with the group
teaching a second language to the population
depending on his/her abilities it is possible to create new areas of
Hosting situation
In the project
ICYE Long-term
Number of volunteers
Por amor a ti
Cra 4 sur No. 17- 01 - Barrio Yuldaima - Ibagué - Tolima
Areas of the project
Protection of small children and teenagers
The project offers protection to small children and teenagers, to give them
the space to develop themselves and build self-confidence.
 Soup kitchen for children, which offers free
food to nearly 100 kids of socially deprived families
 Once a week devotional breakfast for the
children, to form interpersonal relationships and teach
them Christian values
 ‘Campaña escolar’: school coaching at the
beginning of every school year
 Organizing yearly events as ‘Día del niño’,
 Support of the children’s families through visits
and accompanying activities
 ‘Brigadas de aseo’: big cleaning every 2 or 3
months, where the children learn the importance of a
clean environment.
Community Context
Barrio Yuldaima is a poor quarter of the capital of the department Tolima,
Ibagué. The city has almost 533 000 inhabitants. Its economy is based in
agriculture and it is the third biggest textile producer in whole Colombia.
Volunteer requirements
 Male/ female
 To stick to the rules of the foundation
 Service-based
Volunteer tasks
 School coaching
 Visiting families
 Support in the
 Develop
workshops in the
areas, in which the
capacities of the
volunteers lies
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Fundación Desayunitos
Calle 75 # 69p-34 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Daycare and soup kitchen for children
Fundación Desayunitos offers its services to poor communities in Bogotá,
especially to children and sons/daughters of single mothers, recyclers , informal
workers and others.
The project´s aims are to give to the children, alimentary support plus non
formal education and scholar reinforcement.
Provision of pedagogical and alimentary support, plus non formal education
during school hours.
Community Context
This project is located in
Bogotá, the capital of
Colombia and the department
of Cundinamarca. Bogotá is
the most populous city of the
nation, with an estimated
8,500,000 inhabitants. It is the
biggest city in Colombia, the
third highest in the world
above sea level and known for
its high number of
universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural
Volunteer requirements
Male or female. People motivated to work with children, being capable of
handling groups.
Nice, calm, responsible persons, who collaborate well and are constant in their
working process, prepared to build work relations to be able to make the best for
their personal life out of the experience.
Volunteer tasks
daily help with the alimentation
collaborate with one of the three groups of the foundation helping with
school tasks
realisation of classes in English or other known subjects
realisation of handicraft workshops
taking the children to the park for leisure and sports activities
accompaniment in other out door activities
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Cra 29 N 8-96 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Public library, books stop, sportive club, girls shelter, soup kitchen (2), Servimos
kindergarten, bakery, chocolate production
To offer health and educational services to a poor population in order to
improve their health, education and psycho emotional balance of
individuals and/or community in Ricaurte neighbourhood
 Empower
them in the fields
of sustainable
 Promote
peace and social
between different
ethnic groups,
that are living
Public Library:
With an excellent bibliographic and technologic stock, according to the
economical possibilities, it has become a centre for residents in the area, bringing
the people closer to reading and research, especially children. The Library offers
workshops (for example in basic computer science), language courses and
movies for the community.
They have a reading- and computer room with internet, and an audio-visual
Mobile Reading pleasure - El Paradero Para Libros Para Parques (PPP)
Mobile Reading Stand, which promotes Reading in the main park of the quarter
Girl Shelter - Casa Hogar Libia Villegas de Gutierrez
Host 13 girls in risk situation. They live in the residence school, receive food,
educational support, extracurricular activities, social and psychological attention.
Servimos kindergarten
Children who go to this kindergarten are children of single mothers; this means
women living and supporting their families on their own.
They receive education according to the Christian values, health services,
nutrition and preparation for school.
They can eat in the soupkitchen, supported by the ICBF, an official institution
who offers balanced an appropriate alimentation all over the country.
Soup kitchen and bakery
The two soup kitchens provide food to the poor population of the neighbourhood.
There is also a school restaurant for pupils of the neighbourhood. The bakery
produces arepas and soya milk, which is given twice a day to homeless people
living in Ricaurte. They also produce different types of bread, which is sold in
the neighbourhood.
Since 2009 there is a chocolate production project, which involves elderly
people. This activity tries to reintegrate elderly people into the society.
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
To be open to work with poor people and children
To be active and punctual
Good sense of humour
Be able to teach in areas, she/ he has good abilities (languages)
To be creative
Volunteer tasks
To help in the library and the Mobile Reading Stand
To help teachers in their classes, or teach own classes
To develop new workshops
To give language classes for old and young people
To give information about her own culture
Help in organizing special events
Support with the organization in Casa Hogar
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Revitalización Urbana del Barrio Gran América
Carrera 32 A No Calle 25A A 10 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Urban revitalization, children and public administration
The project is directed to contribute from the “Junta de acción communal” to the
urban revitalization of one traditional area of Bogotá (Gran America
The main activities of the project are:
Summarization of information regarding the properties of the area (Gran
Orientation and accompanying trainings for the right use of solid waste
Participation in processes of reforestation and recovery of green zones of
the area (Gran América)
Involvement of children and young people in the processes mentioned
The project aims to work with the whole community, integrating and involving
them in all processes programmed by the Junta de acción communal. Although
the project is directed to working with the whole community, volunteers will
have the chance to get closer to children and young people.
Community Context
This project is located in the Gran America neighbourhood in Bogotá, the capital
of Colombia and the department of Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous
city of the nation, with an estimated 8,000,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in
Colombia, the third highest in the world above sea level and known for its high
number of universities, libraries and particularly for its cultural events. Gran
America is a middle class neighbourhood with difficulties to integrate and
involve the community in the activities of the public administration. The biggest
and most important University of the whole country, Universidad Nacional is
located just next to Gran America so the interaction between the inhabitants of
the neighbourhood and the student community is very interesting.
Volunteer requirements
From 18 to 30 years old, willing to work with people with different ages, to
understand and work for the interests of the community.
Interested in public administration.
Possesses leadership skills, is assertive and proactive.
Good Spanish skills are a plus.
Volunteer tasks
Volunteers will be involved in all the processes of development of the
neighbourhood: organizing events, designing and orientating campaigns for solid
waste management.
Volunteers will disclose and participate in the activities organized by the “Junta
de acción comunal del Barrio Gran América”.
To bind children and young people to the processes developed by the “Junta” in
the neighborhood.
Also volunteers will develop with children and young people their own
workshops such as languages, sports, handcrafts etc.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Grupo Mujer y Sociedad
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Estudios de Género
Unidad Camilo Torres, Bloque B 5-6, of. 612 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Students and women in vulnerable conditions
An interdisciplinary team that has been promoting feminist and gender studies for
25 years through seminars, conferences and workshops attending to women in
vulnerable situations especially single mothers.
Support distribution of the magazine “EN OTRAS PALABRAS“
Participation in events of the group and the gender studies school.
Establishing a network of communication and exchange of information
with the programs of the Consultive Council of women in Bogotá.
Community context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Female volunteer interested in working with women
Volunteer tasks
To support in the organization of workshops
To help/support with pedagogical activities
Participation in meetings
Field trips to some of the communities in different neighbourhoods where
the programs take action
Observation and participation in the Consultive Council of Women.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dirección de Bienestar
Gestion de Proyectos
Unidad Camilo Torres, Torre B-6,Of.702 Universidad Nacional - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Welfare of the university community. Education, recreation, leisure and cultural
This project gives the opportunity
to create links between the
university and other institutions.
Its aims are to support initiatives
of students besides the regular
studies. To empower social and
communication skills of students,
which complement the academic
career. Give an orientation to
students about the different
projects in Bienestar. To
encourage students to be
responsible and gain leadership skills.
1. Logistical, economical support and consultant work for student groups in
different areas in their development. Participation in their activities.
2. Offer workshops for students.
3. Spread the activities of the project within the community, using internet,
newspapers and pamphlets.
4. Orientation about the work of Bienestar.
5. Evaluation of the development of the different projects.
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
The volunteers need to be proactive, easygoing, willing to do the activities and
able to propose others. Academic studies in a social field might be of advantage.
He/ she must be willing to help with the office job, answer the phone and other
required tasks. A full command of the English language is a prerequisite.
Volunteer tasks
Support the activities of Gestión de Proyectos, as logistic support, create
language classes, participate actively in activities and document them.
Support the information centre of international student exchange
Support the program ‘Jóvenes con liderazgo’ in logistical tasks and with the
participation in workshops.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Área de Jóvenes – YMCA Bogotá
Cra 16A No. 28-33 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children and adolescents
Centre for young people from 11 to 25, promoting a space for prevention,
education, social interaction and youth organisation in socially disadvantaged
areas of Bogotá.
Teaching adolescents in subjects like leadership, peaceful social
interaction and Colombian
Providing them sexual and
drug education with the aim to
give them the capacity to be
future leaders of different,
poor areas of Bogotá.
Project and personal
Group as well as institutional
and inter-institutional
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an
estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third
highest in the world above sea level and known for its high number of
universities, libraries and particularly for its cultural events. A part of the
project will take place in Bosa, a very poor area of the Colombian capital.
Indigenous groups, peasants, black communities, and thousands of people from
different ethnic origins live there.
Volunteer requirements
Male/female. Must have the affinity and ability to deal and work with
Must be interested in organization and group coordination
Must be analytic, reflexive and critic
Must be enthusiastic, responsible, full of energy and disposable of time.
Must have some artistic abilities.
Volunteer tasks
To motivate and accompany group
To advise and work with young people
To participate in institutional events
To do informal youth counselling
To develop a specific project according
to his/her interest and develop
educational workshops for the
To help with fundraising
To promote cultural activities and visit
different youth groups and communities
To participate in camps
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Hogar de Encuentro
Cl 41 Bis No. 2-82 este - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children and adolescents
To give children, who are in danger of living a life as street children, at least
some sort of primary school and place of recreation. To involve families, friends
and schools in the child’s development.
Community Context
Volunteer requirements
Education activities to prevent kids
from leaving school
Support of academic career
Occupational preparation
Sexual education
Drug- abuse workshops
Workshops (dancing, painting ,etc)
Planning and realization of projects
Complementary nutrition
Guarantee of children’s rights
Involve families, the community and
friends in the child’s development
Access to social services
This project is located in the southern community Victoria of Bogotá, the capital
of Colombia and the department of Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous
city of the nation, with an estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in
Colombia, the third highest in the world above sea level and known for its high
number of universites, libraries and particularly for its cultural events.
Male or female, interested in working with children.
He/she must be flexible, engaged, proactive, open -minded, social,
very patient, responsible, be aware of the difficult situation the children
are in and creative.
Able to work on the hill side in the poorest areas of Bogotá
Volunteer tasks
To develop different workshops
To accompany the youngsters to the local parks to play football,
basketball, etc.
To accompany and help the
To give English classes.
To give classes about
geography, culture, etc.
To help in the kitchen and
with the nutrition of the
children and adolescents
Administrative support
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Casa Hogar AmaneSer
Cl 21 No.16-46 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children and recreation, workshops, sports
The project works with children between 5 and 17 years. At the moment 150
children (divided into two groups) are being attended by the project. Each group
stays four hours: there is a group in the morning and a group in the afternoon.
AmaneSer takes care of the children, while they are not studying. Otherwise they
would hang around in the streets where they get in contact with drugs and
prostitution or they would be at home where they often are abused or become
witnesses of violence.
The project offers different activities to children: they do workshops in music,
dance and handicrafts; they talk in smaller groups about topics like sexual health,
pregnancy, prostitution; they do sports, watch movies or go out to play in the
park. Furthermore the children have the possibility to do their homework and
they get free meals. Moreover there are a lot of professionals like psychologists
and social workers who are working with the children to bring them forward in
their personal process.
Community Context
This project is located in a central, poor area of Bogotá, the capital of Colombia
and the department of Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the
nation, with an estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in
Colombia, the third highest in the world above sea level and known for its high
number of universities, libraries and particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Male/female. The volunteer must be interested in working with children and very
patient, creative, spontaneous. He/she should have a high frustration tolerance,
because activities often don’t work out as they should. The volunteer should be
very assertive, be able to show authority and must be open-minded towards
religiousness, because the team is very religious.
Volunteer tasks
The volunteer can work all the day with the children but he can also help in the
office if she/he wants to. Working with children means to be with them while
they are playing and solve small problems, help them with their homework, give
out snacks and meals, offer activities or help in the activities which are offered by
the professionals, accompany them to the doctor, go to the park, be the
entertainer, give hugs.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Fundación Crisol
Manzana 9ª Casa 2 Belmonte - Pereira - Risaralda
Areas of Project
Education, recreation, sports with children and teenagers
Promote education regarding early childhood to mothers and attendants,
educational information about adolescents for parents
Community Context
Preschool activities
organization of a school restaurant
theatre, dancing and musical group
support in the school
outdoor activities like bird watching
Pereira is the capital of the department Risaralda. With about 460 000 inhabitants
it is the most populated city of the area Eje cafetero and the tenth biggest in
Colombia. Eje cafetero is a beautiful area and famous for its importance of coffee
production for the European market.
Volunteer requirements
Likes children
Social skills
Must have a basic Spanish knowledge
Volunteer tasks
The volunteer can play with the children and do sports with them. She/he can
work in workshops such as reading or fotography units and should help the pupils
with their school tasks. Furthermore he can teach them computer science.
Hosting situation
Host Family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Corporación Servired
Cra 21 Nro. 18-09 - La Ceja - Antioquia
Areas of Project
Children and their families
Corporación Servired helps children, their families, communities and institutions
through projects of nongovernmental and governmental organisations by
providing them with educational, administrative, sportive and cultural activities.
Corporación Servired is in charge of:
Community Context
Volunteer requirements
380 children from 2 to 5 years in the care club Dulce Melodía
15 youngsters from 8 to 17 years in a residential school
400 families in the program ‘Gestor Gestacional’
100 families, who are supported by the program for disabled people
Child passport (program to guarantee child rights)
La Ceja is a little town in the department of Antioquia. It is 409 km away from
Bogotá by bus and only a one hour bus ride away from Medellín, the second
most important city of the country. Its population is 70.000 inhabitants, its main
activities are agriculture and tourism.
he/ she has to love
working with
has to adapt
him/herself to the
rules of the
must be patient,
stress resistent,
social, flexible,
skills are an
he/she must be interested in learning from the work with children, young
people and adults
Volunteer tasks
team worker with lots of energy would be a total success
leisure activities
support in homework and school attendance
to help in the school garden
develop classes and workshops with their own abilities
to support hygiene education
to help with the distribution of food
support environmental projects
plan events
Hosting situation
Host project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Fundación Jorge Otero
Carrera 90 # 147C -32 Suba Centro - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children and education
Fundación Jorge Otero is a day care center to support the cultural and educational
development of girls aged between 5 and 18 that are living in poverty, family
abandonment and emotional, social and economic vulnerability. The aim of the
center is the successful completion of their primary and secondary schools,
learning a skill, acquiring civic and relational abilities and developing their
talents in order to build their own life plan.
Develop a programme of accompaniment that promotes the
comprehensive training of the girls and adolescents in our institution by
the volunteers of ICYE-Colombia
Generate a space in our institution that allows the volunteer to impart
specific knowledge/skills to our girls and faculty.
Promote a cultural exchange between the volunteer and the community.
Community Context
This project is located in Suba, a former independent city in the northwest of
Bogotá, which has been connected to the capital in 1954. Suba is one of the
biggest areas of the capital and some parts of it belong to the poorest of Bogotá.
Indigenous groups, peasants, black communities, and thousands of people from
different ethnic origins live there. Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and the
department of Cundinamarca. It is the most populous city of the nation, with an
estimated 7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third
highest in the world above sea level and known for its high number of
universities, libraries and particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
The volunteer should be characterized by their responsibility, punctuality and
treat all people equally.
The volunteer should show commitment to social work and promote human and
social values.
The volunteer should have an attitude that provides a good working environment
and encourages a pleasant atmosphere in the team.
The volunteer should have communication skills that allow them to interact with
the girls in a proactive way.
Volunteer tasks
Assist/accompany the staff in the classroom.
Participate in the scheduled activities of our institution.
Assist with administrative tasks.
Assist the staff during lunchtime and snack time for the girls.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Corporación Cambré
Av. Boyacá 67 – 04 Segundo Piso, Bogotá
Areas of the project
Improving children´s living and social situation by means of artistic education
The project´s aim is to innovate and to motivate the artistic talent of children
who come from a vulnerable society context or who don´t have the financial
opportunities concerning plastic art, dancing, music, theatre or literature.
We want them to learn one specific language in order to develop a meaningful
learning process among all of the participants.
We promote art as a tool to deliver peace and healthy co-existence among the
population which is in contact with the participants.
Moreover, we develop local and national project collaborating with the
government in order to organize artistic reunions where we show different
advances of the project “Arte lúdico en la Primera infancia” (“Physical art during
the infancy”).
Volunteer requirements
Volunteer tasks
Recorrido Casa Cambré
Recognition of all the artistic surroundings which are provided by the Project
realizing ludic activities
Meaning of each child´s fingerprint in order to commemorate the beginning of
the activities at Cambré
My treasure made of paper
Constructing a piece of paper as a memory for the children outlining his physical
Watercolour painting
Contemporary dance
Kind and adequate behaviour towards everyone, especially towards the children.
 Adequate personal presentation
 Dynamic and active worker with the participants
 Creativity and disposition regarding all of the proposed activities
 Realize manual activities with the material provided
 Training in the different artistic areas
Hosting situation
Creation of didactic material for the activities in each area
Handling of technological elements and software for each activity´s process
Interaction with the children through ludic activities
Accompaniment concerning cultural management in different local and
national institutions
Active participation in all of the artistic processes which the Corporación
Artística y Cultural Cambré develops
Welcome and organization of the children for the organized activities
Host family outside the project
ICYE- Long term
Number of volunteers
Colegio Distrital Bravo Páez
Cra 37 No.23-51 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Education at pre-school,
primary and high school level.
Education at pre-school and primary level for students from 4 to 11 grade
and high school for students from 11 to 19.
Promotion of intercultural exchange, offering the pupils a contact with
other cultures and promoting bilinguism.
Education for children and teenagers (4-18 years old) from mostly very poor
areas of Bogotá. In collaboration with the Pedagogic University the youngsters
and kids receive different sports classes in the afternoon, which makes part of the
first semester’s program for sport teachers.
The school day begins at 6:30 until 12:30, but according to the volunteer’s
residence she/he can start a bit later.
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Male/female. Must have the affinity and ability to deal and work with groups of
children/teenagers. Must be patient, full of energy, open-minded, sociable and
Hosting situation
 To work along with the
regular teachers supporting them in
the different subjects of the school,
mostly in English classes,
conversation clubs, etc.
 The volunteer can also work
with the staff, helping them to
develop various educational projects
about subjects such as ecology, social
interacting, democracy, etc.
 Can also be an assistant
teacher in subjects like drawing, singing, Math and playing in- and
outdoor games and according to his/her capacities develop their own
projects upon agreement with the tutor.
 He/she could also carry out educational programs for parents. The
volunteer’s personal creativity can help in making his/her own courses.
 Help with the coordination of classes and workshops.
 Can be a tutor for the youngest kids.
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
Volunteer tasks
Centro Juvenil Emiliani
Cra 3 No. 59 - 82 - Tunja - Boyacá
Areas of Project
School education of children of socially deprived families or orphans
Education through sport and outdoor activities, arts and culture
The aim and objective is to create young creative and active members of the
society, based on education and values. Electronics, electricity, electric welding,
computers, cabinetwork and carpentry are some of the technical educational
programs they develop in the school.
Centro Juvenil Emiliani is an institution dedicated to education. It has 3
domiciles, two of them are primary schools and one is a high school. In each of
them there are 3 different programs (school, boarding school and leisure centre)
and one semi-boarding school. They offer education and recreation to children
and also the possibility to make a degree in final secondary-school examinations.
Community Context
Tunja is the Capital of the department of Boyacá. Its population is 170.000
inhabitants and Tunja is been called ‘The city of students’.
Volunteer requirements
Male/female. She/he should have the wish and ability to deal and work with
children and young people from 5-20 years. Must be patient, open-minded,
social, flexible, and creative; pedagogical skills are an advantage. Must be
willing to teach English. He/she must be interested in learning from the work
with children, young people and adults. Team worker with lots of energy would
be a total success. Be aware, that Tunja has a cold climate.
Volunteer tasks
The role of the volunteer will be to support the activities at the school,
cooperating in the areas the volunteer can be interested in such as: sports,
languages, handcrafts, arts etc. He or she will also have the chance to share time
and experiences at the boarding school and to contribute with his/hers skills at the
leisure centre.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Municipio de Tota
Calle 4 No. 3 – 73 - Tota - Boyaca
Areas of Project
English reinforcement
Aims of the project:
 Encourage/develop the interest in the English language of children and
youth in the municipality
 Provide continuity for the bilinguism program of the municipality
 Support the English teachers at the Institución Educativa Jorge Eliecer
 Strengthen the results of the ICFES and SABER tests of the
 Provide the opportunity for the inhabitants of the municipality to learn
and improve their English.
 Offer a bilingual tourist guide service to tourists and foreign visitors in
the municipality.
Community Context
Support the bilinguism program of the municipality
Support the tourist guide program of the municipality
Support the English teachers of the municipality
Tota is a small municipality of 55 000 inhabitants in the department of
Boyacá, 45 minutes away from Sogamoso, the nearest big town. The main
economic activities of the municipality are agriculture, livestock, fishing and
tourism. The main attraction of the municipality is Lake Tota and its white
Volunteer requirements
Desire to teach
Assuming responsibility in the tasks assigned by the project
Commitment to developing the activities of the project in the
Volunteer tasks
The volunteer will support/strengthen the English classes at the
primary and high school levels at the Institución Educativa Jorge
Eliecer Gaitán.
Support the English teachers in grammar and pronunciation.
Periodical visits during the school year to the rural headquarters of the
Institución Educativa to support/strengthen the work of the English
teachers in the rural areas.
Support in the education of tourist guides to improve their knowledge
and grasp of English, which they need to receive tourists and visitors in
the municipality.
Offer an English course to the providers of touristic services such as
restaurants, handicraft stores, hotels, among others.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Jardin Infantil George Williams
Cra 6 No. 7-10 sur - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children up to 5 years old
Kindergarten for children. The aim is to promote an integral development of the
children with an organized participation of their parents, thus improving their life
conditions through the enrichment of the quality of their relationships within their
families and other groups which compose their social environments. Promote a
harmonic development of the child’s personality. Support the parents with
technical information to improve organisational processes within their families.
Social, cognitive, spiritual, ambiental, comunicative and motorical activities
through different playful interactive methologies. Around 190 children are being
attended to in this kindergarten.
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Male/Female, interested in working with children under the age of five.
Volunteer tasks
To help with the improvement of their nutritional state through helping in the
provision of an alimentary complement.
To help the kindergarten workers with their leisure and pedagogical activities. To
support the colleagues with their educational classes about hygiene.
To develop own workshops for the children and look after them during bedtime.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Jardin Infantil Alejandría
Cra 16 A No. 61 A - 45 sur - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Children up to 5 years old
To guarantee the integral protection of children from both genders aged from six
months to five years. To promote the child’s interaction with others. To support
and strengthen families of the community.
Pedagogical activities for the kids.
Development of games and playful activities.
Education for the families.
Food supply for the children.
Development of motorical, communicative and cognitive skills of the
Community Context
Ciudad Bolivar is located in the southeast of Bogotá and is one of the biggest and
poorest areas of the Colombian capital. Indigenous groups, peasants, black
communities, and thousands of people from different ethnic origins live there.
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
Male/Female, interested in working with children. He /she must be active, patient
and creative. Must have good communicational skills and able to supervise
different kindergarten groups of children.
Volunteer tasks
Support activities like
recreational ones for parents
and children and team
activities. Participate in
activities of YMCA Bogotá.
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers
Corporación Viviendo Juntos
Cra 99 No 47 E-21 - Medellín - Antioquia
Areas of Project
Children, workshops, recreation and sport activities
Corporación Viviendo Juntos aspires to create a culture of rights, childhood and
family support. The corporation tries to guarantee fundamental human rights
through promotion and develops activities, which support families, children and
persons in vulnerable state. The aim is to convert them into independent and selfconfident protagonists of their community.
projects for families in vulnerable positions with topics as protection and
to develop activities and programs, which benefit and protect children
to create programs contributing to the improvement of life quality and
helping persons in vulnerable positions
leisure and sports programs
workshops for families about health, alimentation and conflict solutions
educating the children with classes
inter-institutional management projects
Community Context
Medellín is the second most important city of Colombia and is located in the
department of Antioquia. It has about 2 740 000 inhabitants. Medellin’s economy
is known for its textile industry and its importance in the touristic sector.
Volunteer requirements
A dedicated, social-minded person, who likes working with children. She/he
should be conscious of the difficult social situation of the population. It would be
an advantage, if the volunteer would have some abilities like handicraft, arts,
sport, music, teach in workshops and lessons.
Volunteer tasks
develop workshops, lessons and support in any known topic (languages,
handicraft, sports, arts etc. ) for children from 2 to 4 years
offer lessons of English, cultural lessons the teachers and administrative
board of the corporation
support in workshops to develop communication skills
sing, play and
draw with the
children, feed
them and take
care of their
help in
help the
teachers in the
support the
with organizing
events for the families
help in kitchen
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term
Number of volunteers
ICYE Office
Cra 15 No. 36-40 - Piso 2 - Bogotá - Cundinamarca
Areas of Project
Office, correspondence with volunteers, project coordination
Educating the youth and helping socially disadvantaged people in the world
Managing international and Colombian volunteers and local Projects
Community Context
This project is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia and the department of
Cundinamarca. Bogotá is the most populous city of the nation, with an estimated
7,500,000 inhabitants. It is the biggest city in Colombia, the third highest in the
world above sea level and known for its high number of universities, libraries and
particularly for its cultural events.
Volunteer requirements
basic MS office skills
very good Spanish knowledge is necessary
soft skills
preferably some experience with other cultures, voluntary work, the
organization of camps, etc.
Volunteer tasks
evaluation of projects
and volunteers’ work
search for new
develop and organize
activities for
Colombian and
volunteers to promote
a process of
integration and
intercultural learning
present ICYE to
interested Colombian
young people
help with the management of the office and computer system
help with the preparation of and assistance in camps
introduce ‘incomings’(new volunteers in Colombia), and help them to
fulfill their and the project’s expectations
support the preparation process of the ‘outgoings’ (Colombian volunteers
going abroad)
Hosting situation
Host family outside the project
ICYE-Long term, Weltwärts
Number of volunteers