KIMBO ESPRESSO ITALIANO Dedicated to true connoisseurs, Kimbo Espresso appeals to all the senses: the irresistible thick golden crema, compact DQGSHUVLVWHQWWKHVZHHWZHOOEDODQFHGFKRFRODW\źDYRXU DQG IXOO ERG\ FDUHVV WKH SDODWH OLNH YHOYHW WKH LQWHQVH SHUYDVLYH DURPD FRPSOHWHV WKH PDJLF RI WKRVH OLWWOH moments of pleasure throughout the day. Kimbo is the second player in the Itaian retail channel . AUTH ENTIC , U N IQ U E AN D U N M I S TA K A B L E P L E A S U R E In the last few years Kimbo has experienced a constant double digit growth LQ D YHU\ FRPSHWL WLYHPDUNHW 3UHVHQFHLQRYHUFRXQWULHVWKDQNVWRLPSRUWDQWSDUWQHU ships worldwide. Fo r m o r e t h a n 50 ye a r s , Kimbo has been a leading THE NEAPOLITAN TRADITION player in the Italian and international markets with 22 million kilos of roasted co f fe e. In Naples, with a rigorous and technologically DGYDQFHG SURGXFWLRQ SURFHVV WKH .LPER SODQW has been roasting coffee and blending the perfect combination of coffees according to Neapolitan tradition for 50 years. 2YHUWKHFHQWXULHV1DSOHVEHFDPHWKHFUDGOHRI coffee culture; here is where the technique and art RI VHOHFWLQJ GLIIHUHQW YDULHWLHV RI FRIIHH WR EH URDVWHG DQG EOHQGHG ZHUH UHŹQHG WR WKH SRLQW that this city became known as the world coffee WELCOME TO KIMBO U.A.E Sadeen General Trading L.L.C presenting Naples best ever coffee KIMBO in U.A.E. KIMBO is the world's leader in high quality espresso coffee. KIMBO selects the finest quality of beans at their source in exotic locations around the world and prepares premium coffee blends. In Italy the brand KIMBO enjoys a brand awareness of 97%. We Sadeen bringing real Espresso ITALIANO to U.A.E. We are solely here to help you make the transition to serving truly fine espresso based coffee for the customers delight. We are delighted to share with you KIMBO range of professional high quality espresso blends, roasted to perfection in the finest Neapolitan tradition. TRAINING CENTRE Coffee time is even more special if it has been prepared with excellence and high-level service. For this reason Sadeen invests in training personnel and spreading the culture of espresso in the best Neapolitan tradition. This is where true coffee art professionals are born, gourmets of blends and masters of preparation techniques. This is the essence of hospitality by Sadeen, to bring the experience of the Italian bar to the entire world. The Kimbo UAE training centre has a proper facility to train all your baristas and we certify them after completion of training. You may send your barista’s to our training centre and get them full knowledge on entire list of beverages using KIMBO products and we train them on right method of using coffee machines to get best ever coffee. www.KI M