(860)464-0098 WWW.TOWN.LEDYARD.CT.US


(860)464-0098 WWW.TOWN.LEDYARD.CT.US
741 Colonel Ledyard Highway
Ledyard, Connecticut 06339-1511
(fax) (860)464-0098
Authority, Purpose, Adoption and Retroactivity...................................................
Zoning Districts, Map and Boundary ............................................................. ......
Residential Districts..................................................................................................
High Density Residential District Uses (R-20) ..................................................
Medium Density Residential District Uses (R-40) ............................................
Low Density Residential District Uses (R-60) ..................................................
Rural Residential District Uses (R-80) ..............................................................
Prohibited Uses ..................................................................................................
Conservation Subdivision Developments...........................................................
Interior Lots .......................................................................................................
Site Layout Requirements .................................................................................
Parking ..............................................................................................................
Accessory Buildings .........................................................................................
Mobile Homes ..................................................................................................
Home Occupations ...........................................................................................
Design Districts ………………………….. ...............................................................
Ledyard Center Village District (LCVD) …………………………………………..
Purpose & Authority............................................................................................
Approach & Overview.........................................................................................
LCVD Design Standards......................................................................................
LCVD-1 Permitted Uses.......................................................................................
LCVD-1 Prohibited Uses......................................................................................
LCVD-2 Permitted Uses ......................................................................................
LCVD-2 Prohibited Uses ……………………………………………………….
LCVD-3 Permitted Uses ………………………………………………………..
LCVD-3 Prohibited Uses ……………………………………………………….
MFVD Prohibited Uses …………………………………………………………
Open Space ……………………………………………………………………..
Architectural Review Board ……………………………………………………
Application, Site Plan, & Administration ………………………………………
Gales Ferry Design District (G.F.D.D.) ………………………………………………
Gales Ferry Design District (G.F.D.D.) …………………………………………….
Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………...
Approach …………………………………………………………………………….
Permitted Uses ……………………………………………………………………...
Prohibited Uses ……………………………………………………………………..
Undersized Lots …………………………………………………………………….
Design Standards …………………………………………………………………..
Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………
Application Procedures …………………………………………………………….
Additional Conditions for Approval ………………………………………………..
Resort Commercial Cluster District (RCCD) ........................................................
Purpose ...........................................................................................................
Design Objectives ...........................................................................................
Permitted Uses ................................................................................................
Prohibited Uses ..............................................................................................
Design Standards ............................................................................................
Application Procedures ....................................................................................
Industrial District (I) ...............................................................................................
Purpose ..........................................................................................................
Permitted Uses ...............................................................................................
Prohibited Uses ..............................................................................................
Maintenance of Natural Landscape, Screening, and Buffers .........................
Standards for Industrial Areas ........................................................................
6.5.1 Bulk and Yard Requirements ...............................................................
6.5.2 Performance Standards ........................................................................
Drainage .........................................................................................
Water and Sewer ............................................................................
Access and Traffic ..........................................................................
Parking and Loading .......................................................................
Erosion Control ...............................................................................
Signs ...............................................................................................
Lighting ...........................................................................................
Hazardous Materials and Wastes ...................................................
Inland Wetlands and Watercourses ...............................................
Protection of Significant Historical and Archaeological Sites...........
Applications ....................................................................................................
Commercial Districts ..............................................................................................
Limited Commercial District Uses (C-1) ...........................................................
Special Commercial District Uses (C-2) ..........................................................
General Commercial District Uses (C-3) .........................................................
Prohibited Uses ...............................................................................................
Alcoholic Liquor Licensing ............................ ..................................................
Site Layout Requirements ...............................................................................
Purpose ...............................................................................................
Site Plan Requirements ......................................................................
Erosion Control ...................................................................................
Drainage .............................................................................................
Traffic .................................................................................................
Parking and Outdoor Display .............................................................
Storage Areas .....................................................................................
Off-Street Loading Requirements ......................................................
Landscaping and Buffers ...................................................................
Fast Food Service Facilities ...............................................................
Accessory Structures ......................... ................................................
Special Use Districts ..................................................................................................
Commercial Marine District (CM) ....................................................................
Neighborhood Commercial (NC) .....................................................................
Commercial/Industrial Park Zone (CIP) ..........................................................
Prohibited Uses ...................................... .........................................................
Alcoholic Liquor ..............................................................................................
Design and Site Layout Requirements .............................................................
8.6.1 General ................................................................................................
8.6.2 Plan Standards ....................................................................................
8.6.3 Structures ............................................................................................
8.6.4 Utilities ...............................................................................................
8.6.5 Drainage ............................................................................................
8.6.6 Parking, Loading and Circulation ......................................................
8.6.7 Signs and Lighting .............................................................................
8.6.8 Accessory Structures .........................................................................
8.6.9 Landscaping ......................................................................................
8.6.10 Screening and Buffers .......................................................................
8.6.11 Landscaped Parking Area .................................................................
8.6.12 Subdivision ........................................................................................
8.7 CIP Zones – Interior lots
Bulk Requirements ................................................................................................
9.1 Table of Height, Area, Width, Coverage, and Yard .........................................
9.2 Building Setback Line ......................................................................................
9.3 Height Exemptions ...........................................................................................
Signs ......................................................................................................................
General Requirements .................................................................................
Permitted Signs ............................................................................................
Sign Face Definition .....................................................................................
Sign Size ......................................................................................................
Exempt Signs ...............................................................................................
10.6 Prohibited Signs ...........................................................................................
10.7 Special Permit Signs ....................................................................................
Off-Street Parking .................................................................................................
11.1 Residential Uses ..........................................................................................
Single Family ...................................................................................
Multifamily ........................................................................................
Educational Institutions ....................................................................
Religious Institutions ........................................................................
Clubs ...............................................................................................
Hospitals and Clinics .......................................................................
11.2 Commercial and Industrial Uses ..................................................................
11.2.1 Offices .............................................................................................
11.2.2 Retail ...............................................................................................
11.2.3 Restaurants ......................................................................................
11.2.4 Fast Food Restaurants .....................................................................
11.2.5 Motels and Hotels .............................................................................
11.2.6 Department Stores ...........................................................................
11.2.7 Equipment Storage .........................................................................
11.2.8 Service Stations .............................................................................
11.2.9 Theaters .........................................................................................
11.2.10 Manufacturing Plants .....................................................................
11.2.11 Other Commercial ...........................................................................
11.2.12 Other Industrial ...............................................................................
11.2.13 Shopping Centers ...........................................................................
11.2.14 Museums………………………………………………………...
11.3 Dimensions and Exceptions ..........................................................................
Minimum Area .................................................................................
Landscaping .....................................................................................
Excess for Safety .............................................................................
Storage/Retail Reduction .................................................................
Noise ……………………………………………………………...
Natural Resources ................................................................................................
12.1 Coastal Area Management ............................................................................
Purpose ...........................................................................................
Coastal Site Plan .............................................................................
Coastal Site Plan Review ................................................................
Bond ................................................................................................
Violations ........................................................................................
Time Limitations ..............................................................................
12.2 Erosion and Sediment Control ......................................................................
Site Plan Requirements ..................................................................
Approval .........................................................................................
Bond ...............................................................................................
Inspection .......................................................................................
Definitions ......................................................................................
12.3 Flood Protection ...........................................................................................
12.4 Open Space .................................................................................................
12.5 Soil, Gravel, and Stone Removal .................................................................
Purpose ..........................................................................................
Definitions ......................................................................................
General Provisions ........................................................................
Duties of the Zoning Commission ..................................................
Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction ..........................................
Variances ........................................................................................
Application ......................................................................................
Bond ................................................................................................
Approval ..........................................................................................
Operations ......................................................................................
Stone Crushing ...............................................................................
Special Exceptions ..............................................................................................
Application ...................................................................................................
Conditions of Approval ................................................................................
Apartments/Condominiums .........................................................................
Two-Family Dwellings .................................................................................
Mobile Manufactured Home Land Lease Communities For Older Persons
Formerly Known As (Mobile Home Retirement Villages [RM-40 Zones]).....
13.6 Temporary Sawmills ....................................................................................
13.7 Storage of Commercial Vehicles and Contractor's Equipment ....................
13.8 Contractor Home Occupations ....................................................................
13.9 Child Day Care Centers ..............................................................................
13.10 Home Husbandry ........................................................................................
13.11 Bed and Breakfast Operations ....................................................................
13.12 Country Inn ..................................................................................................
Wireless Telecommunication Facilities, Antennas and Towers........................
Purpose and Objectives................................................................................
Siting Preferences.........................................................................................
Telecommunication Facilities, Antennas, and Towers Permitted as a Use
by Right.........................................................................................................
Telecommunication Facilities Requiring a Special Permit............................
Special Permit Review Standards.................................................................
Application Procedures and Site Plan Requirements...................................
Security and Safety.......................................................................................
Non-Conforming Uses ..........................................................................................
Non-Conforming Uses .............................. ...................................................
Changes .......................................................................................................
Abandonment ...............................................................................................
Alterations ....................................................................................................
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................
Zoning Board of Appeals ..............................................................................
Junk and Hobby Vehicles ............................................................................
Building on Existing Lots ..............................................................................
Finish Grading ..............................................................................................
Temporary Mobile Units for Construction in Non-Residential Zones ...........
Handicap Ramps For Residential Purposes.................................................
Administration and Enforcement ........................................................................
Interpretation ................................................................................................
Enforcement .................................................................................................
Permits .........................................................................................................
Stop Work Order ..........................................................................................
Violation Procedure ......................................................................................
Setting of a Bond ..........................................................................................
Zone Change Procedures ............................................................................
Agenda Scheduling ......................................................................................
Definitions .............................................................................................................
Fee Schedule .........................................................................................................
Validity and Related Town Regulatory Material ................................................
Amendments .........................................................................................................
These regulations are enacted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 124, Connecticut General
Statutes, Revision of 1958 as amended.
The purpose of these regulations is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the
community; to conserve the value of property and encourage the most appropriate use of land
throughout the Town; to lessen congestion in the streets; to avoid undue concentration of
population; to secure safety from fire; to facilitate adequate provision for transportation, water,
sewerage, schools, parks, recreation and other public requirements; to provide for the Public
Health, comfort and general welfare in living and working conditions and to regulate and restrict
the location and time of operation of trades and industries and the location of buildings/structures
for specific uses; to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings/structures hereafter
erected; to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces for building
hereafter erected in the Town of Ledyard; to conserve and improve the physical appearance of
the Town.
These regulations are adopted in accordance with the provisions for notice and public hearing set
forth in Section 8-3, Connecticut General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as amended, and these
regulations shall become effective October 11, 1963, as amended; May 5, l968, October 6, 1970,
August 3, 1971, October 1, 1975, April 30, 1977, June 8, 1978 and January 4, 1979, June 1, 1979,
July 15, 1979, December 1, 1979; January 7, 1980, February 1, 1980; March 1, 1980; July 15,
1980; August 15, 1980; January 1, 1982; April 1, l982; October 1, 1983; December 15, 1983;
February 1, 1984; July 1, 1984; July 15, 1984; October 10, 1984; June 1, 1985; July 15, 1985;
August 1, 1985; November 1, 1985; April 16, 1986; October 16, 1986; August 25, 1987; March 30,
1988; March 30, 1988; June 30, 1988; July 15, 1988. The amendment of these regulations effective
July 1, l989 is for the purpose of complete reformatting without constructive change of content.
Subsequent amendments are described in Section 21.0 of these regulations.
Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction or designated use of
a building for which a building permit has been issued and construction shall have commenced,
prior to the effective date of these regulations (or any amendment thereto) and which shall be
completed according to such plans within one (1) year of the adoption of these regulations.
For the purpose of these regulations, the Town of Ledyard is divided into the following
Zoning Districts:
High Density Residential District
20,000 sq. ft. min.
Medium Density Residential District
40,000 sq. ft. min.
Mobile Home Retirement Village
10,000 sq. ft. min.
(10 acres)
Low Density Residential District
60,000 sq. ft. min.
Rural Residential District
80,000 sq. ft. min.
Ledyard Center Village District - 1
Ledyard Center Village District – 2
Ledyard Center Village District – 3
20,000 sq. ft. min.
Multi Family Village District
20,000 sq. ft. min.
Gales Ferry Design District
25,000 sq. ft. min.
RCCD Resort Commercial Cluster District
200,000 sq. ft. min.
Industrial District
200,000 sq. ft. min.
Commercial Marine
40,000 sq. ft. min.
Neighborhood Commercial
40,000 sq. ft. min.
Commercial Industrial Park
40,000 sq. ft. min.
The boundaries of said districts shall be shown on maps entitled: "Zoning Map of the
Town of Ledyard, February 21, 1992" which are on file in the Office of the Town Clerk
of Ledyard. Such maps and any duly adopted revisions thereto, with the explanatory
matter thereon, are hereby declared to be a part of these regulations as if fully set forth
The zoning district boundary lines are intended generally to follow the center line of streets, and
similar rights-of-way, rivers, lot lines, or town boundary lines, all as shown on the Zoning Map;
but where a zone boundary line does not follow such a line, its position is shown on said Zoning
Map by a specific dimension expressing its distance in feet from a street line or other boundary
line as indicated. In case of uncertainty as to the true location of a zoning district boundary line
in a particular instance, the determination thereof shall be made by the Zoning Commission
from the official records.
Any property in an R-20 Residential District shall be used or occupied for one or more
of the following uses only:
Not more than one single family residence per lot.
Residential-Institutional uses which are philanthropic, governmental, educational,
recreational or religious use by a duly incorporated, non-profit body or governmental
The letting of rooms or furnishing of board in any dwelling shall be limited to a maximum of
two (2) roomers or boarders as defined by these regulations after written approval by the
Director of Health. This provision does not permit tourist camps, motels, or overnight cabins.
Bed and breakfast operations are allowed only after obtaining a Special Permit through Section
13.11 of these regulations.
Home occupations including home handicraft industries subject to the conditions cited
in Section 3.12.
The creation of an accessory apartment as defined by these regulations after review and
concurrence of compliance with the above by the Zoning Officer, the Building Official and/or
the Director of Health. Such apartment shall not exceed 1/3 of the gross floor area of the
A state registered Family Day Care Home.
Accessory use customary with and incidental to a permitted use.
New parking lots approved in accordance with this section will require a Special Exception
permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 13.1 & 13.2.
40,000 SQ. FT.:
Any property in an R-40 Residential District shall be used or occupied for one or more
of the following uses only:
Those uses permitted in Sections 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, and 3.1.7.
Produce stands (maximum size 150 sq. ft.).
Farm and farming.
A telephone exchange, transformer substation, public utility installation with no service
yard or outside storage of supplies, and community water systems.
Accessory use customary with and incidental to a permitted use.
Within an R-40 District, areas may be further delineated as Mobile Manufactured Home Land
Lease Communities for Older Persons Formerly Known As (Mobile Home Retirement Villages
[RM-40 Zones]). These areas will conform to all requirements for an R-40 zone, but in
addition may be considered for a mobile home retirement village as provided for under Section
13.5 of these regulations.
Any property in an R-60 Residential District shall be used or occupied for one or more
of the following uses only:
Those uses permitted in Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 and 3.2.5.
Convalescent homes and sanatoria.
Accessory use customary with and incidental to a permitted use.
Any property in an R-80 Rural Residential District shall be used or occupied for one or
more of the following uses only:
Those uses permitted in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
Private nonresidential educational institutions.
The keeping of farm animals as described below:
Cows/Cattle, Goats, Horses, Sheep -- Total number of animals: ONE per acre.
Rabbits, Poultry -- Total number of animals: THREE per acre.
Provided that all conditions of Section 13.10.5 and 13.10.6 are met, and the lot contains the
minimum area (80,000 S.F.) for the zone.
Accessory use customary with and incidental to a permitted use.
No use shall be permitted which by reason of noise, safety, vibration, smoke, fumes or
odors is offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property or uses thereof.
No foundation or cellar of any proposed building shall be used either temporarily or
permanently for residential uses and no certificate of occupancy shall be issued for such use.
No person shall occupy a travel trailer or motorized camper in the Town of Ledyard.
The keeping of livestock and/or poultry in any residential district is permitted only in an
R-80 Rural Residential District, on a farm, or as a special permit as stipulated in
Section 13.10.
Conservation Subdivision Developments may be permitted in the following districts, R-40, R60 and R-80 only, subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
.1 Public water, public sewer, community water system, or community sewerage system shall
be required for a conservation subdivision in an R-40 zone.
.2 A conservation subdivision utilizing a community water system shall not be approved
unless one of the following is obtained by the applicant:
.1 A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity has been issued pursuant to Sections
8-25a and 16-262m of the Connecticut General Statutes; or
.2 A written Water Main Extension Agreement has been approved by the public water
company designated to serve the conservation subdivision development.
The maximum number of lots in a conservation subdivision shall be determined by subtracting
from the total gross area of the proposed subdivision twenty-five (25%) percent of said total
area. The remaining area shall be divided by 40,000 sq. ft. for R-40 districts, 60,000 sq. ft. for
60,000 districts, and 80,000 sq. ft. for R-80 districts. The result shall be the maximum number
of lots in a conservation subdivision provided the lots comply with the subdivision regulations
and the public health code. It being understood that the maximum number of lots is not an
entitlement or right but a density bonus that will be a function of the unique characteristics and
buildability of each site.
.1 In conservation subdivision developments every lot shall satisfy the requirements set forth
in Section 9.0 for the next highest zone (i.e. R-80 clusters will use R-60 standards) with the
following exception:
R-40 Districts – Minimum lot area, 30,000 sq. ft.
Minimum lot width, 125 feet
Interior lots may be permitted in Residential Districts R-40, R-60, R-80, subject to the
following conditions:
Every lot shall satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 9.0 with the following
.1 The frontage requirement shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide and accessible to a
town or state road by way of a driveway strip owned as part of the lot;
.2 The driveway strip shall be a minimum of 20 feet throughout;
.3 The driveway access area shall be free of all structures;
.4 The minimum lot area for an interior lot will be a minimum of 1.5 times the minimum
lot area for the zone in which it is located. The area of the driveway strip shall not be
included as part of the minimum lot area requirement;
.5 The minimum building setback line for interior lots shall be 50 feet from the front lot
line, excluding the driveway strip.
.6 New Interior Lots in Conservation Subdivisions shall not be required to comply with Section and
Interior lots created as part of a subdivision or resubdivision as approved by the Planning
Commission shall meet the criteria set forth in the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of
Interior lots may be created as part of a division of a tract or parcel of land which is not a
subdivision or resubdivision within the meaning of Section 8-18 of the Connecticut General
Statutes. The Director of Public Works shall review and approve access locations on Town
roads and the State Department of Transportation shall review and approve access locations on
State highways.
Residential Districts will require site layouts as outlined below:
The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall inspect and approve or disapprove, within thirty
(30) days of receipt, the layout plans for all residential buildings and accessory structures with
the exception of Residential-Institutional uses.
All such plans shall show existing and proposed buildings, structures, septic systems, wells,
encroachments on town property, mapped wetlands as per the official Town of Ledyard Inland
Wetlands and Watercourses Map, and landscaping to an acceptable scale. If an inland wetlands
and watercourses permit is required, an application to the wetlands agency shall be made prior
to or the same day as the zoning permit is requested. In addition, each plan shall include a
mapped and/or written description of measures to be taken to minimize the erosion of soil and
the deposition of sediments in drainage features both natural and man-made during and after
A site development plan will be required for all major filling, excavating or relocating of
soil or rock on any lot that is not part of, and on the construction site of a permitted
building, farming or grading operation (including road construction) and for any
operation that is not covered by Sections 4.0, 4.14, 6.5, 7.6, 8.6 and 12.5 of these
regulations and any amendments thereto. Major filling, excavating or relocating is defined as
the movement of two hundred (200) cubic yards or more, to, from, or on any lot. A permit
authorizing such work shall be issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer for a period of twelve
(12) months and may be renewed. In addition, for disturbance of greater than one-half acre, an
erosion and sediment plan will be submitted as per Section 12.2.
All plans shall accurately show any utility easements. Any proposed work within 10 feet of the
easement shall be approved by the easement holder prior to approval by the Zoning
Commission or its agent.
The Zoning Commission shall review and approve or disapprove, within sixty-five days (65) all
site plans for residential-institutional uses, clubs, convalescent homes, sanatoria, and private
non-residential educational institutions. In addition to the requirements of 3.8.1 to 3.8.4 above,
the applicant will also comply with the following:
.1 Landscaping - All parking facilities shall be screened from adjacent residential structures by
an adequate vegetative buffer;
.2 Drainage - For creation of greater than 10,000 S.F. of new impervious surfaces, the
application will comply with the Stormwater Management Ordinance;
.3 Signs - shall be in compliance with Section 10.0;
.4 Lighting - shall be low level, less than 12 feet in height and shall not be directed so as to
affect surrounding structures. Floodlights attached to trees, poles, or buildings shall be
prohibited. Lights shall not be operated after midnight.
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces for each building use is as per Section 11.1
of these regulations.
Only one travel trailer (whether registered or not) may be parked on a lot in any residential
Accessory buildings with a floor space larger than fifty (50) square feet requires a permit.
A building attached to the principal building by a covered passageway, or having a wall or part
of a wall in common with it shall be considered an integral part of the principal structure and
not an accessory building.
Accessory buildings, exclusive of barns, shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height.
In residential districts, accessory buildings shall be located in rear yards or in side yards.
Accessory buildings used primarily for the storage of passenger vehicles may be located no
closer to the street than the principal structure or the minimum front-yard setback for the zone,
whichever is least restrictive.
When located in a side yard, an accessory building shall be situated no closer to a side lot line
than the minimum width required by a side yard for a principal building. When located on a
corner lot, an accessory building shall be no closer to a side street lot line than the least depth of
any front yard required along such street. No accessory building located in a rear yard shall be
closer to a lot line than six (6) feet. When a lot fronts on two parallel streets, any accessory
structure shall be located on the one-third of the lot furthest from both streets.
3.10.6 Membrane-covered Frame Structures (Hoop Houses)
.1 Membrane-covered frame structures shall not be permitted in the Ledyard Center
Design District (LCDD) or the Resort Commercial Cluster District (RCCD).
.2 Membrane-covered frame structures shall not use plastic or other materials that will
rapidly deteriorate when used as an exterior surface covering.
.3 A membrane-covered frame structure shall not be permitted in any location unless it is
secondary or accessory to a permanent structure.
.4 In Residential Districts, a single membrane-covered frame structure is permitted, provided
that it shall be located in a rear yard, no closer than six (6) feet to a lot line and cannot be
viewed from the street, directly in front of the house.
.5 In other districts, membrane-covered frame structures shall be permitted if the lot coverage
by existing buildings, accessory structures, plus the membrane-covered frame structure do
not exceed 40% of the total lot area.
.6 Membrane-covered frame structures shall not be located in a manner that will cause a
reduced number of available parking spaces for customers, vendors, or employees.
.7 No person shall occupy a membrane-covered frame structure as a temporary or permanent
.8 Membrane-covered frame structures shall not be used for storage of hazardous materials.
.9 All membrane-covered frame structures require a permit and shall be anchored.
The permit is valid for 10 years or the length of the membrane warranty, whichever
is less, for a structure with a new membrane covering. The permit may be
renewed thereafter every two (2) years providing the membrane is in good
condition at the time of renewal. The permit shall include the brand, manufacturer,
model, size (length, width, height), membrane material, membrane thickness, warranty,
certification of condition, and location on the site of the membrane-covered frame structure.
.10 A leaking, damaged, or deteriorated membrane covering shall be repaired or replaced within
30 days, or the supporting structure and the membrane shall be removed from the property.
Mobile homes shall be permitted as a year-round residence only on locations occupied by a
mobile home on the date Zoning Regulations were adopted (except as otherwise stipulated by
these regulations) subject to the following conditions:
.1 Written application to the Zoning and IWWC Officer to park a mobile home on an
approved site in the Town of Ledyard;
.2 The proposed mobile home and the lot on which it is proposed to be parked shall comply
with Section 9.1 and Section 9.2, except that where conflicts arise, conformance with
Section 9.1 shall take precedent over that with Section 9.1.1, and except in the case of a
retirement village of mobile homes, for which the provisions of Section 13.5 apply;
.3 Mobile homes shall comply with all state and local sanitary codes in the same manner as
stationary homes;
.4 Prior to issuance of a permit, the Zoning Enforcement Officer will verify that the proposed
replacement is not in a Special Flood Hazard Area or will require that the applicant meet the
standards of Section 12.3 Flood Protection of these regulations;
.5 The Zoning and IWWC Officer may issue a permit upon sufficient and satisfactory
proof that the provisions of the regulations have been met. A fee will be collected.
A maximum of two mobile homes shall be permitted on farms located in any zone as a
temporary residence for seasonal agricultural workers, subject, however, to the
following conditions:
.1 To qualify as a farm, agricultural production shall be the principal business and means of
livelihood from the operation as determined by the appropriate filing and recording in the
Tax Assessor's Office of State Tax Commissioners' Forms M-28 and M-29;
.2 The mobile homes(s) shall comply with all federal, state and local health, sanitary,
building and fire code requirements;
.3 The mobile home(s) shall be located on the property so as to comply with the setback
requirements of Section 9.2.1 or 9.2.2. No mobile home shall be located within fifty feet of
property lines. Adequate screening and shielding, e.g., shrubs, bushes, trees, etc., from the
road and/or adjacent property owners shall be maintained;
.4 Prior to occupancy of the mobile home(s), written application of a temporary occupancy
permit shall be made to the Zoning and IWWC Officer at the Zoning Office. No permit
shall be issued by the Zoning and IWWC Officer until after an on-site inspection has been
made by the Officer in order to ensure compliance with this section. A permit shall be valid
for one year. Renewal must be sought each year in order to ensure continuing compliance
with this section;
.5 Although the mobile home(s) shall be permitted to remain in place on the farm during the
year, temporary occupancy of the mobile home(s) shall not exceed ninety days per calendar
year. The occupancy period shall be limited to the harvest period of the primary crop
produced by the applicant, provided, however, said period does not exceed one hundred and
eighty days;
.6 The mobile home(s) shall provide a minimum living area as specified by current Department
of Labor Regulations. The mobile home(s) shall only house the seasonal agricultural
workers and may not be used to house family, guests, etc. of the worker;
.7 Access to the mobile home(s) to be provided by the applicant and shall, at the minimum, be
a 25 foot wide, hard-packed dirt right of way;
.8 A non-refundable application fee shall be tendered with the application for a temporary
occupancy permit. (Fee schedule is available at the Zoning Office). The Zoning and IWWC
Officer must approve or reject the application within thirty-five days of receipt;
.9 A temporary occupancy permit shall be voided and revoked by the Zoning and IWWC
Officer upon failure of the permittee to maintain continuing compliance with these
regulations or any state or local health code requirements. A revoked occupancy permit
shall be reinstated for a period of one (1) year. Upon voiding and revocation of a temporary
occupancy permit, the permittee shall not be permitted to maintain the mobile homes(s)
within thirty days after written notice has been sent to the permittee of the voiding and
revocation of the permit.
The Zoning and IWWC Officer may grant a temporary permit for a fixed duration not to
exceed six (6) months, for the use of a mobile unit as a field office, tool shop or
storage shed in connection with a bonafide construction operation and provided the
same shall not be used for sleeping or living quarters.
The Zoning and IWWC Officer may grant a temporary permit for use of a mobile home
for sleeping and living quarters in connection with the permitted construction of a
residence by virtue of a validly executed building permit. Such temporary permit for
living quarters shall be limited to the owner of the premises being constructed and his
immediate family and such use shall terminate and the mobile home shall be removed
from the property within thirty (30) days from date of completion of the construction of
said residence; upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for said residence; or
six (6) months from the issuance of said temporary permit, whichever shall occur first.
Upon review of the circumstances, the Zoning and IWWC Officer may extend the
temporary permit for one additional period not to exceed six (6) months. Application
for the additional extensions must be made to the Commission. Continuous
prosecution of the building permit is required for the maintenance of the temporary
mobile home permit.
Existing mobile homes within an existing State licensed mobile home park may be
replaced after written application is made to the Zoning Officer and after determination
that the provisions of Section and Section have been met. A fee will
be collected. This should in no way be construed to permit the expansion in size of
any mobile home park or increase in the number of lots within any mobile park.
To ensure that home occupations in residential zones (a) be minor, low intensity, and
incidental to the residential use of the dwelling, (b) be invisible or nearly invisible to
nearby residents, and (c) not generate or cause any detrimental impact or decline to
the aesthetic quality or value of the residence or of the surrounding neighborhood.
These regulations are applicable only for activities intended to be for financial gain
that are conducted in whole or in part in a dwelling unit located in a residential zone.
3.12.2 Conditions & Criteria
.1 The owner of the home occupation must be a lawful owner of the residence, reside in the
dwelling unit where the home occupation is being conducted, and must actively participate
in the conduct of the business.
.2 The home occupation activities conducted at the location of the home shall not occupy more
than 25% of the gross floor space of all inside heated areas of the dwelling. "Waiting
rooms" or "lobby" areas, used to seat customers, clients, and vendors of the home
occupation, shall count towards the space limit of the home occupation.
.3 Accessory structures and garages are not permitted as locations for the conduct of a home
occupation, except for (a) the enclosed storage of tools and materials that may be used in the
business, (b) the heated space above an attached garage if it is limited to office use, (c)
storage of up to a maximum of two 15,000-pound gross weight rated motor vehicles or
trailers. Hoop houses and tents shall not be used for the storage of tools, vehicles, materials,
or for the conduct of a home occupation. There shall be no outdoor storage or display of
materials, tools, or products.
.4 No more than one motor vehicle, not in excess of a 15,000 pound gross weight rating, used
in support of the home occupation, may be parked outdoors on the normal parking area of
the premises. No vehicles used in the business shall be parked on the street.
.5 The home occupation may employ up to one person to work in the home at any time who
does not reside in the home, provided employee parks off the street. Additional employees
are permitted but must provide their work services remote from the dwelling and shall not
park on or about the homesite.
.6 Alterations of a dwelling unit, including the expansion of rooms, for the purpose of
supporting a home occupation are not permitted. There shall be no entrance or exit
ways in the dwelling unit or on the premises specifically constructed for the conduct
of the home occupation.
.7 Multiple home occupations are permitted within a single dwelling unit provided the
combined total of the home occupation activities conducted at the location of the
home do not exceed these requirements.
.8 The home occupation activities conducted at the location of the home shall require
no equipment other than that of a size and scale and capability normally used in a
typical household or in a small typical office.
.9 There shall only be a single electrical service to the dwelling unit, and the electrical
service capacity shall not exceed the capacity required by the current Electrical
Code for the dwelling exclusive of the home occupation.
.10 The home occupation activities conducted at the location of the home shall not create any
perceptible odor, dust, glare, heat, sound, smoke, fumes, lighting, and/or vibrations at the
property line. The home occupation shall not pollute the environment or contaminate any
water supply.
.11 The home occupation shall not create fluctuations in line voltage off the premises or
electrical interference with nearby neighborhood machinery, television, radios, computers,
VCR's, or similar equipment.
.12 Waste materials generated by the home occupation shall be limited to a type and quantity
that do not require collection service, handling procedures, or disposal locations that differ
from what would otherwise be required for a dwelling if there was no home occupation.
Medical waste and dumpsters are not permitted. Waste materials associated with the home
occupation shall be stored out of view.
.13 Any business activity conducted at the location of the home that is prohibited by local, state
and/or federal law OR prohibited in any other zoning district OR requires DEP, EPA, or
DMV approvals, permits, or certificates of compliance shall not be permitted.
.14 The home occupation shall not constitute a health or safety or fire hazard to the dwelling
unit, the business participants, neighboring residences, or to other residents in the
.15 There shall be no exterior indication of the home occupation. Signage is permitted to
identify the owner and street number of the dwelling, but shall not indicate the name,
services, or type of the home occupation. Vehicle signage and advertising, other than
business cards, shall not carry the residential address of the home occupation.
.16 All visiting customers, clients, and vendors will be scheduled by appointment.
.17 All visiting customers, clients, vendors and delivery trucks shall not exceed a combined total
of 5 vehicular visits per day. On site group promotion, training, and teaching is permitted
provided the total of the number of customers, clients, and students that come to the
residential location of the business shall not exceed a total of 25 in any consecutive five day
period. Customers, clients, students, and vendors shall park off the street on an existing
paved or crushed stone parking area previously established for the residence.
.18 Semi-trailers and special handling equipment, such as fork lifts, are not permitted at
the dwelling.
.19 All home occupations are subject to inspection, with a minimum of 24 hours of advance
notice, by the Zoning Official to determine compliance with these regulations.
.20 The home occupation, when disclosed to residents or prospective residents of neighboring
properties, shall not adversely affect neighboring property values, or existing or any future
residential development of surrounding properties.
.21 Within 30 days after approval, the applicant shall provide a copy of the approved
application to all property owners within a 100 foot radius of the property by certified mail
(return receipt requested) and return the receipts to the Zoning Enforcement Official. The
applicant shall not begin the home occupation until the Zoning Enforcement Official has
been provided with the certified mail receipts.
.1 A home occupation permit applicant must be a lawful owner of the dwelling unit at the time
of application. The application shall (a) address each requirement of Section 3.12.2 and (b)
be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Official for approval. The application will be
approved if each requirement is satisfied. The Zoning Enforcement Official may, at his
discretion, submit the application to the commission to obtain guidance.
.2 Once approved, the home occupation permit is valid for three years. The Zoning
Enforcement Official will revoke or not renew the permit if the home occupation does not
comply with these regulations.
.3 The Home Occupation Permit is "applicant specific" and is automatically revoked if the
original applicant is no longer the home owner.
Renewing Home Occupation Permits
A renewal application shall be submitted during the month prior to expiration. In the event that
a Home Occupation Permit is submitted in a timely manner for renewal, the applicant may elect
to either (a) submit the renewal application under the Zoning Regulations for Home
Occupations in effect at the time the Home Occupation Permit was originally granted, or (b)
submit the renewal application as a new application under these regulations.
Special Exception
An applicant may apply for a Special Exception if a proposed home occupation will not satisfy
each requirement in Section 3.12.2 but the applicant is able to show that the "intent", as defined
in Section 3.12.1 of these regulations, will be achieved.
.1 Thirty days advance notice of the Special Exception Permit application shall be given by the
applicant to all property owners within a 100 foot radius of the property by certified mail
(return receipt requested) as part of the application for the home occupation permit.
.2 The application shall include the identification of each specific requirement of
Section 3.12.2 that will not be satisfied, and an explanation of the factors that will mitigate
the non-compliance such that the permit should be granted.
.3 The Commission shall grant the application for a Special Exception if it determines,
after a public hearing, that the proposed home occupation (a) will achieve the "intent" of
these regulations as defined in Section 3.12.1, (b) is not a prohibited use per Section, and (c) is in harmony with the "comprehensive plan" as defined in Section 1.2
PURPOSE of the Zoning Regulations.
.4 Once the Special Exception is granted, the Home Occupation Permit is valid for three years.
The Home Occupation Permit renewal application shall be submitted during the month prior
to expiration. The Zoning Enforcement Official will revoke or not renew the Home
Occupation Permit if the home occupation no longer complies with any condition of the
Special Exception.
.5 Both the Special Exception and the Home Occupation Permit are "applicant specific" and
automatically revoked if the original applicant is no longer the home owner.
To encourage the development of a Village Environment in Ledyard Center. The Zoning
Commission of the Town of Ledyard established these village districts as part of the zoning
regulations adopted under section 8-2j of the Connecticut General Statutes.
To create four sets of land use regulations as follows: (Reference zoning map).
The Ledyard Center Village District-1 (LCVD-1) regulations, which are applicable to the
central area and limit use to commercial or commercial with optional residential units up to two
bedrooms that are not on the ground floor. Strict architectural syntax is required. There are no
minimum lot sizes or widths, ten foot wide sidewalks are required, and most new structures
shall be built to the sidewalk.
The Ledyard Center Village District-2 (LCVD-2) regulations, which are applicable in the
immediate area generally abutting the (LCVD-1) central area to the east. They are similar to
the LCVD-1 regulations except that they also permit multi-family and condominiums on up to
75% of the lot or building usage provided that the balance of the lot or building usage is
developed as a commercial use, or alternatively, another equivalent area of a parcel in the
LCVD-1 or LCVD-2 area is developed commercially. Strict architectural syntax is required.
There are no minimum lot sizes or widths, ten foot wide sidewalks are required, and most new
structures shall be built to the sidewalk or within 10 feet of the sidewalk if a residential
The third set is known as the Ledyard Center Village District-3 (LCVD-3) regulations, which
are applicable in the immediate area abutting the LCVD-1 area to the west. This zone will
support single family houses on interior lots, standalone two bedroom apartments,
condominiums, and commercial. Strict architectural syntax is required. It requires a minimum
lot size of 20,000 square feet, five foot wide sidewalks, normally a 30 foot setback from the
center of the roadway, and other conventional bulk requirements.
The fourth set is known as the Multi-Family Village District (MFVD) regulations, which are
applicable in the immediate area that generally abuts the LCVD-2 area to the east. This area
permits only multi-family, condominiums, cooperatives, and townhouses. There are no limits
on the number of bedrooms. Strict architectural syntax is required. The density shall not
exceed 1 unit per 7,500 square feet of lot area, requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square
feet, normally a 30 foot setback from the center of the roadway, and other conventional bulk
requirements. Five foot wide sidewalks are required.
All proposed development or substantial rehabilitation within the Ledyard Village District will
be reviewed by an architect or review commission, known as the “Architectural Review
that is designated by the Zoning Commission to independently determine compliance with the
design standards found for Ledyard Center Village Districts in the Plan of Conservation &
Development. The Architectural Review Board shall make recommendations on the
application to the Zoning Commission on whether or not it achieves the design standards of
village districts as outlined in the Plan of Conservation & Development.
The Design Standards for Ledyard Center Village District-1, Ledyard Center Village District-2,
Ledyard Center Village District-3, and Multi-Family Village District can be found in the Plan
of Conservation & Development.
Personal Service Establishments
Hotels & Motels
Accessory Uses
Alcoholic Liquor
Philanthropic, governmental, educational, or religious use by a duly incorporated nonprofit entity
Other Specialized Commercial Uses
Fuel station provided the fuel pumps are not visible from the street.
Two bedroom apartments or condos if not on ground floor
Motor vehicle repair provided all vehicles are stored out of view during non-business
Motor vehicle dealerships provided all vehicles are stored out of view during nonbusiness hours
.1 Any use with a high potential to contaminate ground or surface water
.2 Any use incompatible with the purpose of the Village District
.3 Any use that will generate noise, create risk to personal safety, and/or produce vibration,
smoke, fumes, or odors that may be offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property
owners or property users
.4 Correctional facilities, alternate incarceration centers, methadone clinics, halfway houses,
rooming houses, adult entertainment stores, tattoo and or body piercing studios, and
.5 Stand alone parking lots including recreational vehicle parking lots
.1 Same as 4.4.1 through 4.4.13
.2 Multi-family, condos, cooperatives, and townhouses up to 75% of the lot area if the
applicant builds a commercial use of equivalent lot usage or building area on the same or
another lot in the LCVD-1 or LCVD-2 zone.
.1 Same as 4.5.1 through 4.5.5
.1 Same as 4.6.1 through 4.6.2
.2 Two bedroom multi-families, condos, cooperatives, and townhouses
.3 Single family residences on interior lots
.1 Same as 4.5.1 through 4.5.5
.1 Same as 4.5.1 through 4.5.5
The Applicant shall set aside 10% of the land to be developed as open space as per Section
12.4 of these regulations; or alternatively, may pay to the Town 10% of the fair market value
of the land to be developed or subdivided. The fair market value is listed on the Tax Roll
established by the Ledyard Tax Assessor, or alternatively in the event of objection, by a
licensed certified appraiser selected by the Zoning Commission. In the event the land is set
aside for open space, the Zoning Commission reserves the right to approve the location of the
set aside land. The cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the applicant.
.1 Any proposed development within any of the four zones of the Ledyard Village District
shall be reviewed by an Architectural Review Board made up of at least one architect,
landscape architect, or planner who is a member of the American Institute of Certified
Planners selected by the Zoning Commission. This may be a one person Board, and the
Board may be composed of volunteer(s) or paid members.
.2 The Board shall review an application and report to the Zoning Commission within thirtyfive days of receipt of an application. The costs, if any, for the review shall be paid by
the applicant.
Applicants seeking new construction, substantial reconstruction, or rehabilitation of
properties shall submit an Application for Special Exception Permit as per Section 13.1
of the Zoning Regulations.
.2 The applicant shall submit site plans, sections, and/or elevations necessary to show that
they meet the requirements of the Village District as listed in these regulations and in the
Town of Ledyard Plan of Conservation & Development.
.3 The applicant shall submit drawings, models, renderings, and/or perspectives that
illustrate the 3-dimensional massing and architectural character of proposed new
buildings and/or substantial renovation of existing buildings, including adjacent
buildings, that are adequate for the Architectural Review Board to properly assess the
.4 If a commission grants or denies an application, it shall state upon the record the reasons
for its decision. If a commission denies an application, the reason for the denial shall cite
the specific regulations under which the application was denied. Notice of the decision
shall be published in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the municipality. An
approval shall become effective in accordance with subsection (b) of section 8-3c.
.5 No approval of a commission under this section shall be effective until a copy thereof,
certified by the commission, containing the name of the owner of record, a description of
the premises to which it relates and specifying the reasons for its decision, is recorded in
the land records of the town in which such premises are located. The town clerk shall
index the same in the grantor's index under the name of the then record owner and the
record owner shall pay for such recording.
To ensure that development in the Gales Ferry Design District (G.F.D.D.) is of a design,
scale and use compatible with the established architecture and ambiance of the Gales Ferry
.1 To require a blend of low intensity commercial, civic, and residential architectures and
land uses.
.2 To require cohesive architectural and site design, which includes sign structures, lighting
and landscaping.
.3 To prohibit uses that conflict with traditional family activities.
.4 To establish a coordinated pattern of land development which insures safe access and
movement of pedestrians and vehicles, and which minimizes curb cuts and maximizes
connections to adjacent properties.
.5 To encourage placement of primary structures closer to the street:
.1 To increase business exposure;
.2 To minimize sign clutter by reducing the need for redundant signs;
.3 To reduce traffic speeds;
.4 To discourage widening of streets and highways;
.5 To discourage development with dominant front parking lots.
.6 To require a review procedure to ensure that the purposes of these regulations are
The following uses only, shall be permitted uses within this district:
.1 Business offices: Real estate, insurance and other similar offices; and the offices of
architectural, electrical, engineering, legal, dental, medical or other established
recognized professions; financial institutions; artist studios, and medical clinics.
.2 Undertaking establishments.
.3 Personal service establishments, excluding laundries and laundromats, however green
industry dry cleaning establishments that employ best management practices as
recommended by the Department of Environment Protection shall be allowed.
.4 Antique shops.
.5 Retail stores and department stores.
.6 Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, excluding outdoor paintball arenas and
shooting ranges.
.7 Veterinary offices and clinics, which may include dwelling units for the professional
.8 Hospitals and clinics.
.9 Repair shops, such as radio, television, appliance, plumbing, carpenter and shoe repair.
.10 Auction halls.
.11 Printing Establishments.
.12 Eating places of all types, including fast food service facilities.
.1 A fast food service facility may be located as a free standing building in a shopping
center provided that adequate provisions are provided for safe movement of
pedestrians and vehicles to and from the parking area and the fast food facility.
.2 A restaurant, pub, or tavern shall be able to sell alcoholic liquor in the design district
as an accessory use provided that the establishment has been duly licensed under the
provisions of the Connecticut Liquor Control Act.
.13 Agricultural uses including retail and wholesale nurseries.
.14 Commercial Bed and Breakfast establishments and Country Inns may be permitted as
stipulated in Section 13.11 and Section 13.12 of these regulations with the exception that
the minimum lot size required may be waived by the commission after evaluating the
surrounding uses.
.1 Hotels and Motels.
.15 Indoor theaters.
.16 Day Care Centers.
.17 Nursing homes, Assisted Living for seniors, and housing for seniors.
.18 Flower shops.
.19 Car Wash.
.20 Laundry drop off and pick up.
.21 Parks and playgrounds.
.22 Stores that sell power equipment, recreational vehicles, and other consumer goods
accessory to power equipment and recreational vehicle use including utility trailers
designed and used to transport such power equipment and recreational vehicles, shall be
allowed throughout the district as defined in Subsection through
These stores shall be allowed temporary outside display areas for their products to be
displayed during the business hours of such a facility.
.23 New residential uses are permitted, provided:
.1 they are contained within commercial structures, occupy the second floor or rear of
the building, or are located on the rear portion of the lot and,
.2 have no more than two (2) bedrooms and,
.3 do not exceed fifty (50) percent of the square footage of the structure or fifty (50)
percent of the combined usage of the lot.
.4 A stand-alone residence shall be permitted if located on a farm of three (3) acres or
Civic Uses
.1 Municipal offices and facilities.
.2 Philanthropic, educational or religious by a duly incorporated non-profit body or
governmental unit.
Accessory uses customary with or incidental to a permitted use.
Multiple uses may be combined on a single lot or within a single structure, provided that all
standards for each individual use are met.
The following uses shall be permitted uses only within the part of the district that falls south
and east of the intersection of Christy Hill Road and Route 12.
.1 Multi-family or duplex residential development with no more than two (2) bedrooms per
.2 Research or clinical laboratories.
.3 Filling stations public garages, motor vehicle repairers and limited repairers, sales rooms,
sales lots for the sale and exchange of new and used motor vehicles, boats, recreational
vehicles, and other similar vehicles, provided that all vehicles are stored or displayed in
the back of the Building Line (side or rear storage). Repair facilities, body shops, and
paint shops that discharge volatile organic compounds shall not be allowed.
.1 For the purposes of Section of these regulations, recreational vehicles shall
be understood to include motorcycles, personal watercraft, and all terrain vehicles.
Cars with two or more doors, trucks, wreckers, motorboats, campers, or motor homes,
shall not be allowed.
For the purpose of Section of these regulations, power equipment shall be
understood to exclude the following:
Generators exceeding 25 horsepower.
Bull Dozers.
Earth movers.
Soil screeners.
Paving boxes.
Vibratory rollers.
Rock crushers.
Fork lifts.
Backhoes or pay loaders.
.2 For the purposes of Subsection the sale of utility trailers exceeding 12 feet
in length and 2 tons gross vehicle weight shall be not be allowed.
.3 Such stores as defined in .1 of this subsection, shall be allowed repair facilities for the
products they sell provided that such pick up, drop off, and storage areas for such
repair facilities are located to the rear or side building lines. No pick up, drop off, or
storage area for a repair facility shall face the Route 12 lot line. Pick up areas, drop
off and storage areas for repair facilities, shall be sufficiently screened from view
with materials consistent with the character of the Gales Ferry Design District
.4 All other motor vehicle and recreational vehicle uses not defined in Section
and Subsection .1 of this regulation shall continue to only be allowed in the part of
the district that falls south of the eastern intersection of King’s Highway and Route
4.17.6 Accessory uses customary with or incidental to a permitted use.
.1 No use, including permitted uses, shall be permitted in this District which by reason of
noise, safety, vibration, groundwater or surface water contamination, smoke, fumes, or
odors are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property or users thereof.
.2 Correctional facilities, alternate incarceration centers, methadone clinics, halfway houses,
rooming houses, adult entertainment stores, tattoo and/or body piercing studios and
pawnshops, are prohibited. Such uses are not compatible with the residential,
commercial and community nature of the mixed-use district, which is intended to attract
and encourage family activities.
.3 This section is not intended to prohibit continuation of existing uses on existing sites and
locations developed under previous zoning. A use existing at the time of adoption of
these regulations may be considered a permitted use and improvements or expansion may
be authorized as stipulated by Special Permit, provided that all applicable standards of the
district are met.
.1 The commission shall consider pre-existing site constraints and building locations and
pre-existing undersized lots when determining compliance with these regulations.
Waivers of specific regulations shall be considered in accordance with sub-section 4.22.5.
General Building and Site Layout:
.1 The minimum lot size in the Gales Ferry Design District shall be 25,000 square feet.
The site shall be linked by sidewalk and internal vehicular access to adjacent
commercial/mixed uses.
.2 Common shared driveways shall be required, with concurrence of State D.O.T. and/or
local Public Works.
.3 Minimum lot width shall be 75 feet.
.4 Maximum building height shall be 35 feet and the minimum height shall be 1.5
stories with gabled roof structures of at least 6/12 pitch (12/12 pitch preferred).
Pitched roof facades are permitted on larger footprint buildings if consistent with the
purpose of the G.F.D.D.
.5 Cupolas, belfries, chimneys, flagpoles, antennas, grain elevators, silos, spires, may
exceed the maximum height requirement provided fall space on the same lot, equal to
the item’s height is allocated to protect adjacent property.
.6 Maximum building footprint shall be no greater than 40,000 square feet. Multiple
buildings are allowed provided landscaped areas separate each building.
.7 Maximum lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including buildings, parking areas,
access roads and others, shall not exceed 80% of the total area.
.8 Maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures shall not exceed 40% of the total
lot area.
.9 In the district area north of the eastern intersection of King’s Highway, the setback
shall be no more than 75 feet from the centerline of Route 12. The commission may
approve a front setback of more than 75 feet provided the additional setback area is a
landscaped green space or park. In all cases, parking shall be located to the rear or
sides of the building and a minimum landscaped front strip of 10 feet, including
sidewalks and plantings, shall be provided. Conflicts with street R.O.W. may be
addressed through Section 4.16.
In the district south of the eastern intersection of King’s Highway, the setback shall
be no more than 100 feet from the centerline of Route 12. The Commission may
approve a front setback of more than 100 feet from the centerline of Route 12 if that
area is part of landscaped green space. Conflicts with street R.O.W. may be
addressed through Section 4.22.
Side and rear yard requirements will be as shown in Section 9 of these regulations
specific to the G.F.D.D. district.
Erosion Control
.1 Except as provided below, a site development plan will be required for all major
filling, excavating or relocating of soil or rocks on any lot. The plan shall detail areas
to be altered, denoting any existing drainage routes, public works maintenance
easements and/or changes to these routes and/or easements. All such drainage areas
are subject to review and modification by the Town Engineer/Director of Public
Works at the applicant’s expense. Major filling, excavating, or relocating is defined
as the movement of 500 cubic yards or more to, on or from any lot. A permit
authorizing such work shall be obtained from the Zoning Commission and shall be
limited to a period of twelve (12) months and may be renewed. Natural topography
of the site shall be maintained and existing trees preserved to the greatest possible
.2 When the area to be disturbed is cumulatively more than one-half acre or within 50
feet of wetlands an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted in
accordance with Section 12.2.
4.20.3 Sewer
.1 All sanitary sewage disposal systems must be developed and operated in conformance
with the applicable regulations of the State of Connecticut Department of Health,
Department of Environmental Protection. Conceptual areas for sewage disposal must be
shown on plans.
Building and Site Design
.1 The developer shall submit a street view of the property and surrounding properties
showing existing and proposed principal and accessory buildings, signage, access ways
and landscaping.
.2 Buildings should have a well-defined front façade and should be parallel to the line of the
street, or internal access drive. The minimum setback from an internal access drive shall
be 25 feet.
.3 Buildings, driveways, parking areas, walkways, service areas and other site components
shall have a functional, safe and harmonious interrelationship and be compatible with
existing or reasonably likely, future site features, adjacent buildings and/or uses.
.4 To the greatest extent possible, development proposals for existing buildings shall
include creative reuse that maintains the architectural integrity of any buildings of
significant historical and/or architectural interest.
.5 New development or redevelopment is required to have sidewalk and parking
connections to adjacent properties.
.6 Preferred building materials are brick, stone and wood including narrow width siding,
clapboards, wood shingles, vinyl siding, or reasonable equivalent. Limited use of
concrete and split-faced concrete block is acceptable if detailed and finished to be
compatible with surrounding buildings. “Cinder block,” metal, “Texture 1-11,” and
asphalt siding exteriors are prohibited. Roofing materials, where visible, shall be cedar
shake, slate, copper or architectural grade, laminated asphalt shingles or alternatives
approved by the commission.
.7 Well-defined and easily accessible rear and/or side entrances shall be coordinated with
rear and side parking areas.
.8 Architectural details consistent with the stated purpose of this district shall be
incorporated into the design for any new construction and alterations of existing
development. Desirable architectural features, where appropriate for a particular style,
include gabled roofs, multi-pane windows, chimneys, porches, shutters, gothic arches,
white columns and entablature and fanlights.
.9 There shall be no less than 12% and no more than 35% glass areas employed on any
building façade facing a public thoroughfare.
.10 Flat-roofed buildings set back from the street and surrounded by parking shall be
permitted only if the purpose of the G.F.D.D. will be clearly achieved.
.11 Walkways along public streets must be constructed of slate, brick or concrete and shall be
a minimum of five feet wide. Interior walkways, designed to provide circulation within a
specific site shall be constructed of slate, brick, concrete or suitable paving blocks, but in
no case shall they be loose gravel or earth.
.12 Stonewalls, picket type fences, wrought iron fences and decorative wrought iron furniture
are encouraged. Chain-link fences are prohibited except around playgrounds. Stockade
fences are allowed where appropriate for screening or security purposes.
.13 Exterior lighting shall be of a style and character, which is in harmony with the character
of the district. Lighting standards in parking areas shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in
height. Luminaries shall have shielded light sources to prevent glare while balancing the
needs for security and safety with the goal to minimize light trespass onto adjacent
properties or streets. Pedestrian walkways shall be illuminated by light bollards or other
low level lighting standards with shielded light sources. Unshielded building-mounted
flood lighting and ornamental lighting is discouraged.
Stormwater control measures shall be provided for impervious surfaces within the site, either
as stipulated below or in other situations as deemed appropriate by the Commission. All
stormwater control structures shall be reviewed, approved, and inspected by the Director of
Public Works or Town Engineer.
.1 All storm drainage for proposed development in which the combined square footage of
roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds 10,000 square feet shall
be designed in accordance with, and subject to the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance
of the Town of Ledyard.
.2 The Commission may require that the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance apply to
development projects with less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface if it
determines that a proposed development is likely to have a significant drainage impact.
.3 If an inlands wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the Inland
Wetlands and Watercourses Commission (I.W.W.C.) shall be made prior to or the same
day as the zoning permit is requested.
Access and Traffic
.1 All vehicle access and egress areas are subject to review and approval by the State
Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) and State Traffic Commission (S.T.C.) or local
Public Works, according to appropriate jurisdiction.
.2 For each application, the Commission will consider the design of access, any proposed or
necessary traffic controls, physical features of the access site, any proposed construction
designs peripheral to access and related to traffic control, existing traffic conditions and
any nearby reasonably likely development.
.3 Any use of property which can reasonably be expected to generate a large volume of
traffic may be required by the Commission to provide for entrances to and exit from the
property by way of an adjacent and less traveled public highway or frontage road in lieu
of direct access from and to a major or more heavily traveled public highway.
.4 In order to reduce possible traffic conflict points, the owners of adjacent property are
required to, with the approval of the Commission, construct a common driveway serving
more than one property. A written agreement for the common use and maintenance of
shared access must be recorded in the Town Land Records.
The commission may require certain minimum sight line distances depending on present
or anticipated traffic conditions and upon posted speed limits and surveyed average
vehicular speeds.
.6 Vehicular entrances shall be a maximum of 30 feet wide and shall be clearly defined,
subject to approval by D.O.T., S.T.C., or Public Works. Such entrances shall not exceed
30% of the lot frontage. The total number of entrances that can safely be accommodated
along the same road will be a consideration for approval or disapproval of a special
permit and/or site plan application. Wherever possible, each development shall be
limited to one access point per property unless designated one-way in or one-way out.
.7 Any permit may be denied by the Commission if proposed access to a public highway is
deemed to create a hazardous condition or when the expected traffic to be generated from
the proposed use considered cumulatively with existing traffic conditions is deemed to
cause or worsen hazardous conditions so as to imperil public safety.
.8 The applicant must demonstrate that the site design makes proper provisions for
pedestrian access and safety. All site plans shall provide for pedestrian walkways and
circulation in and around buildings.
.9 Walkways along public streets are required and shall be installed by the developer.
Walkways along public streets must be constructed of slate, brick, or concrete and shall
be a minimum of five feet wide.
.10 Interior walkways, designed to provide circulation within a specific site shall be
constructed of slate, brick, concrete or suitable paving blocks, but in no case shall they be
loose gravel or earth.
.11 The applicant shall obtain approval from the Public Works Director and/or the
Connecticut Department of Transportation for locations and construction of all walkways
within a public right-of-way.
Off-street parking for passenger vehicles shall be provided pursuant to the provisions of this
section. However, no provision of this regulation shall prevent the repairing, alteration,
modernization, reconstruction or rebuilding without enlargement, or the continued use of any
building, structure or use lawfully existing, or for which building permits shall have been
approved as of the effective date of this regulation. Any parking facilities now existing and
serving such structures or uses shall not in the future by reduced, except to the extent that
they will meet or exceed these requirements.
.1 General Requirements
.1 New Parking areas shall be located to the side and rear of the building.
.2 Curb cuts shall be minimized through the use of shared driveways, or rear driveway
.3 Parking lots must be buffered. Stonewalls, hedges, landscaped berms or evergreen
screens or fences a minimum of 3 feet high are required along front, side and rear
property lines. Fences for screening shall only be installed behind the front Building
Setback Line.
.4 For mixed uses with different parking requirements occupying the same building or
premises, the number of parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the
requirements of the individual uses computed separately. The commission shall
consider exceptions through the special permit process, according to Sections
.5 Where parking or outdoor sales display areas are located in front of the building, a
buffer strip not less than fifteen feet wide along the front lot line shall be turfed,
seeded or otherwise planted or landscaped. Such strips shall be protected by a six (6)
inch curb or bituminous concrete or other similar material.
.6 Driveways, parking areas and outside display areas shall be paved of bituminous
concrete, permeable pavers or other similar material. Entrances shall be clearly
defined by a six (6) inch curb of bituminous concrete or concrete or stone. The
following exemptions may be made by the Commission: employees’ parking; OR
storage of vehicles provided such vehicles are not junked or wrecked; OR low flow
traffic areas. Exempted areas shall be constructed of permeable pavers or processed
stone with a suitable, positively drained, well-graded sub-base gravel.
Number of spaces required:
Minimum Parking Spaces Required
Business, technical, financial,
Research, professional offices,
Veterinary offices and clinics,
Municipal offices and philanthropic and
Educational use.
1 per 300 sq. feet of gross floor area
Retail, non-motor vehicle repair
Indoor recreational facility, Antique shops
Printing and Personal service
1 per 300 sq. feet of gross floor area
Bed and Breakfast and
Country Inns
1 per room and 1 per major shift employee
1 per table and 1 per major shift employee
Undertaking establishments
1 per 150 square feet of gross floor area and 1
per major shift employee.
Theater and Auction Houses
1 per 4 seats (bench capacity is computed at 1
seat per 20 inches.
Religious institutions
1 per ten (10) parishioners.
Nursing and Convalescent Homes
1 per 4 beds and 1 per major shift employee
Residential (multi-family)
1 per efficiency, 1.5 per 1-bedroom, 2 per
.2 Any use permitted in the District and not specifically mentioned above shall be
determined by the Commission based on the standards set forth herein for uses with
similar characteristics, previous experience with similar uses or studies or standards such
as those promulgated by the Institute of Traffic Engineers of the parking requirements of
such uses.
.3 In the case of two or more structures or uses on the same lot or on contiguous lots, the
Commission may approve joint use of parking areas for sites using the same driveway
where the total capacity is less than the sum of the spaces required for each use computed
separately, provided that:
.1 The commission finds that the proposed capacity will substantially help achieve
the purpose of these regulations.
.2 In mixed-use development, there are two or more uses, which have differences in their
principal operating hours, thereby allowing the utilization of the same parking spaces.
.4 Dimensions of parking spaces
.1 Each required space, exclusive of drives and aisles, shall be not less than eighteen
(18) feet long nor less than (9) feet wide, striped, and shall be served by an aisle
between rows of parking spaces.
.2 The Applicant may be permitted to provide a limited number of compact car spaces in
accordance with the following standards:
Only if necessary to achieve the required number of spaces, up to twenty (20) percent
of the minimum number of required parking may be allocated for small cars and
correspondingly reduced in size. A small car space shall not be less than eight (8)
feet in width and sixteen (16) feet in length.
The small car spaces shall be laid out in groups and marked with “Small Car Only” in
paint on the stall surface or freestanding signs not to exceed 1 sq. foot each.
.3 The applicant shall provide for handicapped accessible spaces as required by the
A.D.A. requirements.
The structural details of exterior signs and freestanding signs shall be designed to help
achieve the purpose of the G.F.D.D., while providing reasonable exposure, and fair
competition, to advertise the products or services available at each location.
.1 All exterior signs shall compliment, rather than monopolize the overall landscaping and
architectural themes of the G.F.D.D., and shall not create unreasonable distraction, or
.2 All signs shall be in conformance with the following provisions as well as those provisions
of Section 10.0 of these Regulations for commercial uses.
.3 Creative designs for signs and support structures, including 3-dimensional themes, will be
considered on a case-by-case basis. The scale, proportion, and overall design shall relate
harmoniously to the architecture of the building and/or the service or product offered, and
shall not mask architectural details of the building, nor obscure the view of adjacent signs
and buildings.
.4 Design themes which compliment early New England architecture are encouraged.
.5 Franchise symbols and insignia convey a message, are universally recognizable, and shall
not exceed the gross area of the permitted “sign face” as defined in Section 10 of these
.6 Sign structures may project from the face of the building (overhanging signs) provided
they do not obscure adjacent signs or architectural details of buildings.
.7 Stone and brick planters around freestanding sign structures are encouraged and may be
credited toward front or side yard landscaping requirements as appropriate.
.8 The Commission may consider larger building mounted “Identification Signs,” if the
“Freestanding Sign” size is proportionally reduced or eliminated and the balance better
serves the goals of the district and the applicant’s purpose and/or site conditions warrant.
.9 All external lighting of signs shall be low level, shielded and directed away form traffic
and abutting residential properties.
.10 Sign graphics shall be simple using a minimum of words and should reflect an attention to
detail, the use of quality materials and good craftsmanship.
.11 No outdoor advertising shall take place on any part of a site unless said advertising is
related to the services provided on the premises.
.12 Individual letters, symbols or other minor components may use neon illumination
provided it can be demonstrated to the commission that the overall design of the sign and
structure is consistent with the goals and objectives of the district.
.13 Internal illumination of the sign face is prohibited. Section 10.6 “Prohibited Signs,” shall
also apply to this district.
.1 Any lot developed for commercial or mixed use shall provide appropriate and adequate
landscaping along front, side and rear yards as required by these regulations.
.2 Existing important site features such as stone walls, large trees, ledge faces and other
features shall be preserved and incorporated into new designs to the maximum extent
possible. Existing healthy mature trees, if properly located, shall be fully credited against
the requirements of these regulations.
.3 Any disturbed portion of a developed lot or property which is not used for the location of
buildings, structures, accessory uses, off-street parking and loading areas, sidewalks, or
similar purposes, shall be landscaped and maintained in such a manner as to minimize
stormwater runoff.
.4 Landscaping, trees and plants required by these regulations shall be planted in a growing
condition according to accepted horticultural practices and shall be maintained in a
healthy growing condition for the duration of the use of the property under the approved
site plan. All landscaping, trees, and planting material adjacent to parking areas, loading
areas, or driveways shall be properly protected from damage from vehicles by barriers,
curbs, or other means.
.5 A front landscaped area shall be required for all uses. The required front landscaped area
shall be covered with grass or other ground cover and shall include appropriate trees and
shrubs. As a minimum, one street-shade tree having a caliper of three (3) inches and a
height of six (6) feet shall be planted for each fifty (50) feet or fraction thereof of the lot
frontage. The purpose of the landscaping is to enhance the appearance of the use on the
lot but not to screen the use from view.
.6 Side yard and rear yard landscaping is required for all uses. Sod and/or seeding alone
shall not constitute adequate landscaping. Tree and shrub plantings shall be selected for
durability and located for provision of shade to parking areas and passive solar energy to
buildings, and visual enhancement of the site. All building foundations shall be
landscaped with suitable trees and shrubs. Storage areas, service areas, trash receptacles
and similar accessory structures and uses shall be screened with appropriate plantings.
.7 Where screening is required to provide a visual and noise buffer with abutting residential
zones or residential properties evergreen plantings shall be required, of such type, height,
spacing and arrangement as the Commission deems necessary. At a minimum, the
planting shall consist of trees, six (6) feet in height, having a caliper of three (3) inches,
planted at intervals of ten (10) feet on center. Non-evergreen plantings may be included
to supplement evergreen planting, but not to take its place.
.8 An earth berm, wall, or fence, its location, height, design and materials approved by the
Commission, may be substituted for any portion of the required planting at the discretion
of the Commission. Where existing topography and/or landscaping provides adequate
screening, the Commission may modify the planting requirements.
.9 All new uses that place the parking to the rear of the building and are required to provide
75 or more off-street parking spaces shall have at least 100 square feet of interior
landscaped islands per every 75 spaces, within the paved portion of the parking areas, IN
ADDITION to other landscaping requirements. Islands shall be required, to indicate and
assure safe and efficient channeling of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic and to
separate the major access-ways through the parking area from parking aisles. Each
separate interior landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet, shall have a
minimum dimension of at least eight (8) feet, shall be planted with grass, evergreen
groundcover or shrubs, and shall include at least one tree of not less than three (3) inch
caliper and at least six (6) feet in height. Pre-existing uses with parking in front of the
building and which are required to provide 20 or more off-street parking spaces shall
have at least 20 square feet of interior landscaped islands per every 20 spaces within the
paved portion of the parking area. The Commission may waive or modify these
requirements after evaluating the shape and layout of the proposed parking area.
.10 A landscaped area shall be provided along the perimeter of any parking area except
where the parking area is functionally integrated with an adjoining parking area on an
abutting lot. The landscaped area shall have a minimum dimension of five (5) feet, shall
be planted with grass or shrubs, and shall include at least one deciduous tree of not less
than three (3) inch caliper, at least six (6) feet in height for every fifty (50) feet along the
perimeter of the parking area.
.1 All buildings and grounds shall be maintained on a regular and continued basis to avoid
degrading neighboring property values and quality of life.
.2 Diseased or dead trees, shrubs, or plants required by these regulations, or as shown on the
approved site plan, shall be removed and replaced in a timely fashion, weather permitting.
This shall not apply to dormant or seasonal plants.
.3 Building exteriors and sign structures shall be cleaned and painted, as necessary, even if
the premises are vacant. Any condition in violation of these regulations shall be
remediated within ten (10) days – weather permitting – of notification from the Zoning
Enforcement Officer (ZEO).
.4 Peeling paint, exposed, rusted metal surfaces, loose siding, roofing or trim, and/or the
existence of graffiti, miscellaneous signs or posters shall be a violation of these
.5 In no case shall a property be neglected to the point where it becomes an attractive
nuisance which becomes a magnet for miscellaneous signs, posters, vehicles left for sale,
a dumping ground for discarded items, or becomes a breeding ground or harborage of
insects, rodents, or animals. Properties left in such a condition after notice from the ZEO
shall be a violation of these regulations.
A special permit is required for all new development, expansion or alteration of existing
development, or for a change of use within the District, with the following exceptions:
.1 The following activities do not require a special permit, but must obtain a permit under
Section 3.8.1. Site Layout requirements:
.1 Routine maintenance to an existing use:
.2 Additions to existing dwellings.
.2 A waiver of the special permit requirement may be granted by the Commission under the
following conditions:
.1 Revisions to a site plan application for which a public hearing was held within the past
six months and which do not result in a change of use;
.2 Minor changes in an existing use or existing structure (minor change is one that will not
result in additional dwelling units additional employees, additional clients or customers,
additional floor space for sales or service, or additional parking requirements).
All changes to uses existing at the time of adoption of these regulations will require upgrading
of signs, landscaping, access ways, common design elements and other standards of the design
district to the extent possible. Any change to a building or site element regulated in this section
will require that element be upgraded to meet these regulations. Inability to completely
conform to district standards due to physical site limitations shall not prevent an existing use
from being improved, provided that public health and safety standards are not reduced.
General Requirements
Applications for a special permit from the Zoning Commission to develop or change use within
the design district must include the following information:
.1 A written statement describing the proposed use or uses, including hours of operation;
.2 The applicant shall submit preliminary architectural drawings of proposed buildings and
structures, specifying materials to be used and generalized floor plans. This submission is
for the purpose of determining that the proposed development is consistent with the design
standards of the design district;
.3 The applicant shall identify any hazardous materials and wastes to be associated with the
proposed occupancy and use of the property. The applicant shall demonstrate that the
hazardous materials and wastes shall be contained or managed in such a manner that the
substances will not pollute or degrade natural resources or the surrounding environment and
that all applicable permits and approvals from Federal, state and local authorities have been
.4 The applicant must indicate how the proposed activity will be compatible with the purpose
of the district.
Site Plan Requirements
A site plan shall accompany an application for a special permit or an activity for which a
waiver of special permit is requested. A site plan shall include an accurate survey of the
property by a licensed land surveyor and certified to Class A-2 of the Code of Recommended
Practice for Standard of Accuracy of maps. The Plan must include the following:
.1 Boundaries of the property, existing and proposed contours for intervals of not more than
two (2) feet referring to USGS MSL datum;
.2 All adjoining property owners;
.3 Location of all easements and rights-of-way (R.O.W.) on the property, both existing and
proposed. All plans shall accurately show any utility easements. Any proposed work
within 10 feet of the easement shall be approved by the easement holder prior to approval
by the Zoning Commission or its agent;
.4 Name of record owner;
.5 Date, north point and graphic scale. Lot number(s) assigned by the assessor;
.6 Location of all watercourses, wetlands, flood hazard areas, rock outcroppings and other
significant natural features. If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an
application to the wetlands agency shall be made prior to or the same day as the zoning
permit is requested;
.7 Existing development on the property, including buildings, walls, fences, signs, wells and
septic systems;
.8 Location design and height of all proposed buildings, fences, signs and any other structures;
.9 Location, arrangement, and dimensions of automobile parking spaces, aisles vehicular
drives, fire lanes, entrances, exits and ramps;
.10 Location, arrangement and dimensions of loading and unloading areas;
.11 Location and dimensions of pedestrian walkways, entrances, exits and walks;
.12 Size arrangements, uses and dimensions of open space on the site;
.13 Location, layout, type and size of buffer or landscape area, plant material, fencing,
screening or other materials used for landscaping purposes;
.14 Location, size, height, orientation, and design of all signs and outdoor lighting;
.15 Location and conceptual design of proposed sanitary sewage disposal and water supply;
.16 Location and design of proposed storm drainage as per Section 5.5.2 if applicable or as
deemed appropriate by the Commission.
A-2 survey requirements may be waived if no external structural changes will be made. Minor
additions may be made to a site plan with reference to a separate existing A-2 surveyed site
plan. However, a site plan showing items #1-16 above shall not be waived.
.1 Revisions to pre-existing site plans shall be considered as a new application and such
revisions shall comply with current regulations.
.2 The commission may waive any specific sub-section of these regulations other than
permitted or prohibited uses, provided:
The applicant shall identify on the application form, the sub-section(s) of the
regulation(s) requested for waiver and provide evidence and/or written testimony to
justify said waiver(s), and
There is agreement between the applicant and a two-third (2/3) majority of the
commission that the requested waiver will provide harmony with adjacent development
consistent with the purpose of this district, and
The granting of said waiver(s) will not be inconsistent with the purpose of these
In order to facilitate the approval of a special permit the commission may impose reasonable
conditions necessary to protect the public health, safety, convenience, and property values as
provided by Section 8-2 of the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.).
The purpose of the Resort Commercial Cluster District is to encourage the development of
recreational and tourism-oriented commercial activities; retail activities; personal service
activities; and limited living facilities, while maintaining the character of the surrounding
.1 Cluster new commercial buildings and parking areas on the most developable land within
the district while retaining significant contiguous land areas in a natural or landscaped
.2 Assure that the design of new structures, parking, accessways and landscaping is
compatible with the natural features and topography of the area.
.3 Limit and control access for new development from public roads so that traffic safety is
maintained and a sense of the rural landscape is retained and enhanced.
.4 Discourage uncoordinated strip commercial development consisting of small,
individual, unrelated uses varying unpredictably in type, size, style, access arrangements
and environmental impact. Such development is inconsistent with the maintenance of a
rural appearance and maximum traffic safety.
.5 Protect surface and groundwater resources through the careful control of sewage disposal
systems and storm water runoff. Require best management practices available for all land
uses located in close proximity to aquifer recharge areas.
Within the Resort Commercial Cluster District, any property shall be used or occupied for one
or more of the following uses only:
Principal Uses
.1 Hotels and motels;
.2 Restaurants, including take out service as part of an establishment which also includes
seating for consumption on site;
.3 Automobile service and Rental Business including fuel sales;
.4 Financial institutions;
.5 Golf courses and riding stables;
.6 Field sports, court sports, pools and spa facilities;
.7 Museums, art galleries and other cultural institutions;
.8 Family entertainment centers including amusement parks, water parks, bowling centers,
and mini-golf facilities;
.9 Retail Sales. No single retail outlet may exceed a gross floor area of 50,000 sq. ft., whether
attached to another retailer or not;
.10 Theaters including multiplex cinemas and excluding Drive In theaters;
.11 A telephone exchange, transformer substation, public utility installation with no service
yard or outside storage of supplies, and community water systems;
.12 A dwelling unit which serves as the residence for a care-taker or manager of permitted
principal use;
Rental of small boats and fishing gear including associated docks & buildings;
Parking facilities. Single story (ground level parking structure) or multi-story structures.
Parking structure shall include at least one other Principal Use or Special Exception use;
Child day care facilities;
Residential structures to be conveyed as single proprietor condominiums or Fractional
Ownership units. Condominiums or Fractional Ownership units to be part of another
Principal Use or Special Exception use and part of a resort facility;
Business and government services. Advertising services, consulting services,
employment services, insurance services, investment services, offices of government
agencies, real estate services, physical fitness facilities, medical clinics, professional
Recreation Campgrounds including Recreational Vehicles. No camp site shall be
occupied by the same person or persons for more than thirty (30) days between October
first and the next following April first. No visitors may claim residency during their stay.
Accessory uses customary with or incidental to a permitted principal use. Parking
lots as an accessory use will be restricted to a size to accommodate the principle
Combining uses on a single lot or within a single structure is encouraged, provided
that all standards for each individual use are met. When standards for combined
uses are not identical for each use, the most stringent standards shall apply to the
entire complex.
Alcoholic liquor: The sale of alcoholic liquor as defined in Chapter 545 of the
Connecticut General Statutes, Liquor Control Act is permitted as an accessory use to
a permitted principal use only at an establishment which has been duly licensed
under the provisions of the Connecticut Liquor Control Act.
No emergency, temporary, interim, auxiliary, contingency, or accessory parking lots will be
The Commission shall evaluate each proposed use and prohibit from the district any use which
has a high potential to contaminate ground or surface waters or uses which are deemed
incompatible with the purpose and objectives of the district. Examples of these uses could be:
furniture strippers, photo processors, fuel oil storage, dry cleaners.
This section is not intended to prohibit the continuation of existing uses or uses developed
under previous zoning. Any permitted use at the time of adoption of these regulations may be
considered a permitted use and improvements or expansion may be authorized as stipulated
by Section 5.6.1 of these regulations, provided that all applicable standards of the district are
No use shall be permitted which by reason of noise, safety, vibration, smoke, fumes,
or odors are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property owners or users thereof.
Development within a the Resort Commercial Cluster District shall be subject to the
following standards:
.1 The minimum lot size shall be 200,000 square feet.
.2 Each lot shall have a minimum of 500 feet frontage on a state highway.
.3 The minimum lot width shall be 500 feet.
.4 Building Height: Any proposed building with height in excess of 30 feet must be approved
by the Ledyard Fire Marshal prior to Commission approval.
.5 Lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including buildings, parking areas, access
roads and others, shall not exceed 60% of the total lot area.
.6 Lot coverage by buildings and structures shall not exceed 30% of the total lot
.7 Yard requirements will be as shown in Section 9.0.
.8 Front setback: 200 feet.
No structures or parking shall be located within the front setback area. Front yards shall
contain only landscaping, permitted signs, and access driveways.
.9 Side and rear lot setback: 100 feet.
To encourage clustering of commercial development in the most appropriate locations, the
Commission may approve a site plan showing side or rear yards of lesser dimensions
where it finds that the site plans of the two adjacent lots can best carry out the design
objectives of the district by placing buildings in closer proximity than would be otherwise
permitted. Applications for reduced yard requirements must be accompanied by a
statement of mutual agreement to the reduction from the two adjacent lot owners. Such
agreements shall be filed on the land records of the Town of Ledyard. Parking is permitted
in side and rear yards.
.10 Where size and shape of existing lots, location of existing structures, and/or site topography
and site features make it infeasible to comply with the standards of Section 5.5.1, the
Commission may approve modifications to those standards when it determines that the
modifications will better serve to meet the purpose and design objectives of Section 5.1
and 5.2.
Storm water control measures shall be provided for impervious surfaces within the site, either
as stipulated below or in other situations as deemed appropriate by the Commission. All
storm water control structures shall be reviewed, approved, and inspected by the Director of
Public Works or Town Engineer.
.1 All storm drainage for proposed development in which the combined square footage of
roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds 10,000 square feet shall
be designed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance of
the Town of Ledyard.
.2 The Commission may require that the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance apply to
development projects with less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface if it
determines that a proposed development is likely to have a significant drainage impact.
.3 If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the Inland
Wetlands and Watercourses Commission shall be made prior to or the same day as the
zoning permit is requested.
Water and Sewer
All water supply and sanitary sewage disposal systems must be developed and operated in
conformance with the applicable regulations of the State of Connecticut Department of
Health, Department of Environmental Protection, and Department of Public Utilities Control.
Applications for development in design districts shall not be approved unless the design for
water supply and sewage disposal has received written approval from the agency or agencies
with jurisdiction over water supply and sewage disposal. Such agencies may include the
Town of Ledyard Director of Health or his agent, the Connecticut Department of Health, the
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, the Connecticut Department of Public
Utilities Control, the Ledyard Water Pollution Control Authority, and the Southeastern
Connecticut Regional Water Authority.
Access and Traffic
.1 For each application, the Commission will consider the design of access, any proposed or
necessary traffic controls, physical features of the access site, any proposed construction
designs peripheral to access and related to traffic control, existing traffic conditions and
any nearby pending development.
.2 Any use of property which can reasonably be expected to generate a large volume of traffic
may be required by the Commission to provide for entrances to and exit from the property
by way of an adjacent and less traveled public highway or frontage road in lieu of direct
access from and to a major or more heavily traveled public highway.
.3 In order to reduce possible traffic conflict points, the owners of adjacent property may,
with the approval of the Commission, construct a common driveway serving more than
one property. A written agreement for the common use and maintenance of shared access
must be recorded in the Town Land Records.
.4 The Commission may require certain minimum sight line distances depending on present
or anticipated traffic conditions and upon posted speed limits and surveyed average
vehicular speeds.
.5 Vehicular entrances shall be a maximum of 50 feet wide and shall be clearly defined. Such
entrances shall not exceed 30% of the lot frontage. The total number of entrances which
can safely be accommodated along the same road will be a consideration for approval or
disapproval of a special permit and/or site plan application. Wherever possible, each
development shall be limited to one access point per property.
.6 Any permit may be denied by the Commission if proposed access to a public highway is
deemed to create a hazardous condition or when the expected traffic to be generated from
the proposed use considered cumulatively with existing traffic conditions is deemed to
cause or worsen hazardous conditions so as imperil public safety.
.7 The applicant must demonstrate that the site design makes proper provision for
pedestrian access and safety. All site plans shall provide for pedestrian walkways
and circulation in and around buildings.
Parking and Outdoor Displays
.1 Off-street parking shall be encouraged to be located in the rear of buildings when possible.
The off-street parking standards shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section
11.0 of these regulations.
.2 For mixed uses with different parking requirements occupying the same building or
premises, the number of parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of
the individual uses computed separately.
.3 Parking and outdoor display areas shall not be located within the 200 foot front setback
.4 For uses requiring a significant number of parking spaces, several smaller interconnected
parking areas are encouraged in preference to a single large parking lot.
.5 Driveways, parking areas and outside display areas shall be paved of bituminous concrete
or other similar material. Entrances shall be clearly defined by a six (6) nch curb of
bituminous concrete. The following exemptions may be made by the Commission:
employees' parking; or storage of vehicles provided such vehicles are not junked or
wrecked; or low flow traffic areas. Exempted areas will be constructed of a processed
stone with a suitable, positively drained, well-graded sub-base gravel.
Erosion Control
.1 Except as provided in .2 below, a site development plan will be required for all major
filling, excavating or relocating of soil or rocks on any lot. The plan shall detail areas to be
altered, denoting any existing drainage routes and/or changes to these routes. Major
filling, excavating, or relocating is defined as the movement of 500 cubic yards or more to,
on or from any lot. A permit authorizing such work shall be obtained from the Zoning
Official and shall be limited to a period of twelve (12) months and may be renewed.
Existing topography shall be disturbed to a minimum. Wherever possible, trees shall be
.2 When the area to be disturbed is cumulatively more than one-half acre, an Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 12.2.
.1 All signs will be in conformance with the provisions of Section 10.0 of these regulations.
.2 No outdoor advertising shall take place on any part of a site unless said advertising is
related to the services provided on the premises.
Landscaping and Screening
Landscaping standards in the Resort Commercial Cluster District are intended to
advance the design objectives set forth in Section 5.2 by maintaining the rural
character of the northeastern corner of Ledyard. Landscape standards are intended
to enhance the appearance and natural beauty of the area; protect property values;
reduce excessive heat, glare and dust; provide privacy from noise and visual
intrusion; prevent erosion of soil; and avoid excessive runoff of storm water.
.1 Any disturbed portion of a developed lot or property which is not used for the
location of buildings, structures, accessory uses, off-street parking and loading
areas, sidewalks, or similar purposes, shall be landscaped and maintained in such
a manner as to minimize storm water runoff.
.2 To the extent possible, existing trees, vegetation, and unique site features such as
stone walls shall be retained and protected. Existing healthy mature trees, if properly
located, shall be fully credited against the requirements of these regulations.
.3 Landscaping, trees and plants required by these regulations shall be planted in a growing
condition according to accepted horticultural practices and shall be maintained in a healthy
growing condition for the duration of the use of the property under the approved site plan.
All landscaping, trees, and planting material adjacent to parking areas, loading areas, or
driveways shall be properly protected from damage from vehicles by barriers, curbs, or
other means.
.4 A front landscaped area shall be required for all uses. The required front landscaped area
shall be covered with grass or other ground cover and shall include appropriate trees and
shrubs. As a minimum, one street-shade tree having a caliper of two (2) inches and a
height of six (6) feet shall be planted for each fifty (50) feet or fraction thereof of the lot
frontage. The purpose of the landscaping is to enhance the appearance of the use on the lot
but not to screen the use from view.
.5 Side yard and rear yard landscaping is required for all uses. Sod and/or seeding alone shall
not constitute adequate landscaping. Tree and shrub plantings shall be selected for
durability and located for provision of shade to parking areas and passive solar energy to
buildings, and visual enhancement of the site. All building foundations will be landscaped
with suitable trees and shrubs. Storage areas, service areas, trash receptacles and similar
accessory structures and uses must be screened with appropriate plantings.
.6 Where screening is needed to provide a visual and noise buffer, evergreen plantings will be
required, of such type, height, spacing and arrangement as the Commission deems
necessary. At a minimum, the planting shall consist of trees six (6) feet in height planted
at intervals of ten (10) feet on center. Non-evergreen plantings may be included to
supplement evergreen planting, but not to take its place. An earthen berm, wall, or fence,
its location, height, design and materials approved by the Commission, may be substituted
for any portion of the required planting at the discretion of the Commission. Where
existing topography and/or landscaping provides adequate screening, the Commission may
modify the planting requirements.
.7 All uses required to provide 20 or more off-street parking spaces shall have at least 20
square feet of interior landscaping within the paved portion of the parking areas of each
parking space IN ADDITION to other landscaping requirements. Islands shall be required,
to indicate and assure safe and efficient channelization of both pedestrian and vehicular
traffic and to separate the major accessways through the parking area from parking aisles.
Each separate interior landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet, shall
have a minimum dimension of at least eight (8) feet, shall be planted with grass or shrubs,
and shall include at least one tree of not less than two (2) inch caliper at least six (6) feet in
height. The Commission may waive or modify these requirements after evaluating the
shape and layout of the proposed parking area.
.8 A landscaped area shall be provided along the perimeter of any parking area except where
the parking area is functionally integrated with an adjoining parking area on an abutting
lot. The landscaped area shall have a minimum dimension of five (5) feet, shall be
planted with grass or shrubs, and shall include at least one deciduous tree of not less than
two (2) inch caliper, at least six (6) feet in height for every fifty (50) feet along the
perimeter of the parking area.
Design Elements
.1 Spatial relationships: Buildings, accessory structures, parking areas and accessways should
be designed to complement the natural features of the landscape with minimal alteration of
the natural contours of the site. Within an individual site, structures should be located in a
compact cluster, surrounded by natural or landscaped areas.
The organization of buildings, driveways, parking areas, walkways, service areas and other
site components should have a functional, safe and harmonious interrelationship and be
compatible with existing site features and adjacent buildings.
Building setbacks from the street, side setbacks from adjacent buildings and alignment of
directionality of the major axis of a building should be consistent with and recognize the
rhythm, spacing and orientation of other buildings within the district.
To this end, the developer must submit a street view of the property and surrounding
properties showing existing and proposed principal and accessory buildings, signage,
accessways, and landscaping. Photographs of the site and adjacent properties can be used
to supplement architect's and landscape architect's renderings.
.2 Building Criteria
Building design elements. Materials, texture and color used on the exterior walls
and roof should emphasize the use of natural materials or should be those associated with
traditional New England architecture. Preferred façade materials are brick, stone, and
wood, including narrow width siding, clapboards, wood shingles or reasonable equivalent.
Metal, unfinished concrete block, and asphalt siding is discouraged. Roofing materials,
where visible, should be cedar shake, slate, copper or reasonable equivalents. Tar paper,
sheet metal or plastic roofing surfaces are strongly discouraged.
Architectural details characteristic of the particular style and period proposed should be
incorporated into the design for any new construction and should relate harmoniously to
adjacent buildings. It is not intended that the architectural details of old buildings be
duplicated precisely, but they should be regarded as suggestive of the extent, nature and
scale of details that would be appropriate on new buildings or alterations.
Large structures should have well articulated facades to reduce the appearance of
significant bulk. Roof lines should be varied to provide architectural interest.
.3 Design features
Preservation of important existing site features such as stone walls, large trees, ledge faces
and other features shall be incorporated into new designs to the maximum extent possible.
Pedestrian walkways designed to provide circulation within a specific site shall be
constructed of slate, brick, concrete or suitable paving blocks, but in no case shall
they be loose gravel or earth.
Exterior lighting shall be of a style and character which is in harmony with the rural
landscape of the district. Lighting standards in parking areas shall not exceed twelve (12)
feet in height. Luminaries shall have shielded light sources to prevent glare. Pedestrian
walkways shall be illuminated by light bollards or other low level lighting standards with
shielded light sources. Building-mounted flood lighting and ornamental lighting is
Design and placement of signs shall consist of materials and be limited to colors which are
appropriate to facade design and materials; use lettering styles, sizes and composition
which relate to architectural style within the district, and be illuminated externally.
A special permit is required for all new development, expansion or alteration of existing
development, or for a change of use within the Resort Commercial Cluster District, with the
following exceptions:
.1 Routine maintenance of an existing use;
.2 Alteration of an existing single family residence, provided such alteration does not
result in a change of use;
.3 A waiver of the special permit requirement may be granted by the Commission
under the following conditions:
.1 Revisions to a site plan application for which a public hearing was held within the past
six months and which do not result in a change of use;
.2 Minor changes in an existing use or existing structure. A minor change is one which
will not result in additional dwelling units, additional employees, additional clients or
customers, additional floor space for sales or service, or additional parking
All changes to uses existing at the time of adoption of these regulations and all alterations or
additions to structures existing at the time of adoption of these regulations will require
upgrading of signs, landscaping, accessways, common design elements and other standards of
the district to the extent possible. Inability to completely conform to district standards due to
physical site limitations shall not prevent an existing use from being improved, provided that
public health and safety standards are not reduced.
General Requirements
Applications for a special permit from the Zoning Commission to develop or change
use within the design district must include the following information:
.1 A written statement describing the proposed use or uses, including hours of operation;
.2 The applicant shall submit preliminary architectural drawings of proposed buildings and
structures, specifying materials to be used and generalized floor plans. This submission is
for the purpose of determining that the proposed development is consistent with the design
objectives of the district;
.3 The applicant shall identify any hazardous materials and wastes to be associated with the
proposed occupancy and use of the property. The applicant shall demonstrate that the
hazardous materials and wastes shall be contained or managed in such a manner that the
substances will not pollute or degrade natural resources or the surrounding environment
and that all applicable permits and approvals from Federal, state and local authorities have
been obtained;
.4 The applicant must indicate how the proposed activity will be compatible with the
objectives of the district.
Site Plan Requirements
A site plan must accompany an application for a special permit or an activity for which
a waiver of special permit is requested. A site plan shall include a survey of the property by a
registered land surveyor and certified to Class A-2 of the Code of Recommended Practice for
Standard Accuracy of maps. The plan must include the following:
.1 Boundaries of the property, existing and proposed contours for intervals of not more than
five feet referring to USGS MSL datum;
.2 All adjoining property owners;
.3 Location of all easements and rights-of-way on the property, both existing and proposed.
All plans shall accurately show any utility easements. Any proposed work within 10 feet
of the easement shall be approved by the easement holder prior to approval by the Zoning
Commission or its agent;
.4 Name of record owner;
.5 Date, north point and graphic scale. Lot number(s) assigned by the assessor;
.6 Location of all watercourses, wetlands, flood hazard areas, rock outcroppings and other
significant natural features. If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an
application to the wetlands agency shall be made prior to or the same day as the zoning
permit is requested;
.7 Existing development on the property, including buildings, walls, fences, signs,
wells and septic systems;
.8 Location, design and height of all proposed buildings, fences, signs and any other
.9 Location, arrangement, and dimensions of automobile parking spaces, aisles, vehicular
drives, fire lanes, entrances, exits and ramps;
.10 Location, arrangement and dimensions of loading and unloading areas;
.11 Location and dimensions of pedestrian walkways, entrances, exits and walks;
.12 Size arrangements, uses and dimensions of open space on the site;
.13 Location, layout, type and size of buffer or landscape area, plant material, fencing,
screening or other materials used for landscaping purposes;
.14 Location, size, height, orientation, and design of all signs and outdoor lighting;
.15 Location and design of proposed sanitary sewage disposal and water supply;
.16 Location and design of proposed storm drainage as per Section 5.5.2 if applicable or as
deemed appropriate by the Commission.
A-2 survey requirements may be waived if no external structural changes will be
made. Minor additions may be made using an existing A-2 surveyed site plan.
However, a site plan showing items #1-16 above shall not be waived.
Revisions to preexisting site plans shall be considered as a new application and such
revisions shall comply with current regulations.
The purpose of the Industrial District is to encourage continuation of industrial uses and
expansion of manufacturing and research facilities to enhance the tax base and provide
employment opportunities, consistent with the rural character and natural resource constraints
of Ledyard.
Within the Industrial District, any property shall be used or occupied for one or more of the
following uses only:
Manufacture, fabrication, processing, compounding, treatment, assembly, maintenance, repair
or packaging of goods or products, provided that all subject operations are conducted within a
building or structure designed for such operations.
Communications systems, a telephone exchange, transformer substation, public or private
utility installation, repair shops and storage yards.
Research and testing laboratories.
Animal Resource Facility.
Vehicle dispatching and repair.
Erection, maintenance and use of facilities for storage and/or warehousing, provided that such
storage or warehousing shall be within a building.
Accessory use customary with and incidental to the uses listed in 6.2.1 through 6.2.6,
including the following:
.1 Cafeteria-style service provided within a building for employees of the principal use;
.2 Recreational facilities for employees;
.3 Child Day Care facility for children of employees.
Open storage or warehousing not within a building.
Offices owned, operated or managed by the owner or operator of a permitted use.
Special permit use: Uses permitted in Section 6.2.1 may be conducted outside of a building
upon approval of an application for a Special Permit from the Commission, in accordance
with the requirements of Section 13.2.
Boat building.
The construction, use and maintenance of dams, dikes, reservoirs, impounding basins, water
treatment facilities and appurtenance in connection with a water supply system.
No use shall be permitted which by reason of noise, safety, vibration, fumes, dust, glare or
odors are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property owners or users thereof.
The Commission shall evaluate each proposed use and prohibit from the district any use which
has a high potential to contaminate ground or surface waters, or other uses which are deemed
compatible with the purpose of this district.
To the extent possible, existing trees, vegetation and unique site features such as stone walls,
ledge faces, kettleholes and boulder trains shall be retained and protected throughout each
Any disturbed area of a lot or property which is not used for the location of buildings,
structures, accessory uses, off-street parking, loading and storage areas, or similar purposes
shall be landscaped and maintained in such a manner as to minimize storm water runoff.
Perimeter vegetative buffering and/or screening is required for all industrial development to
maintain the rural appearance of Ledyard and to protect the values of nearby properties.
Specifically, buffers and screening shall be installed to reduce excessive heat, glare and
accumulation of dust, to provide privacy from noise and visual intrusion, and to prevent the
excessive runoff of storm water and erosion of soil.
.1 A perimeter buffer area is required along and within the boundaries of a lot abutting a town
road or state highway or abutting any lot within a residential district.
.2 The minimum width of the perimeter buffer required in above shall be one hundred
(100) feet. The buffer area shall be free of any structures and parking areas, and shall be
maintained in a natural or landscaped state, except for such fencing as may be approved by
the Commission.
.3 The retention of existing topography and vegetation in buffer areas is preferable to
regrading and new plantings, where the Commission determines existing conditions will
satisfy the purposes of buffering and screening.
.4 Where lot size and shape or existing structures make it infeasible to comply with
the minimum required width for a perimeter buffer, the Commission may modify
the width requirement, provided that the alternative buffer area meets the
purposes of a buffer.
.5 Where natural site conditions are not adequate to meet the purposes of a buffer,
the Commission may require a screening fence, earthen berm, and/or evergreen
and deciduous plants of such type, height, spacing and arrangement as will, in the
judgment of the Commission, effectively screen the activity on the lot from the
adjacent public road and/or residential area.
.6 A water tower/tank may be constructed without complete screening from adjacent public
roads and/or residential areas or mixed-use areas, via the special permit review process
.1 The water tower/tank security fencing and accessory structures shall be screened from
view. The water tower/tank shall be painted to disguise it from view and,
.2 The applicant shall demonstrate that:
.1 tower/tank is essential to providing for the health and general welfare of the
.2 the location of the tower/tank is not a designated historic site,
.3 the location of the tower/tank is the optimum site based on the long term needs of
the town and,
.4 technical considerations and,
.5 coastal vistas and viewpoints will not be adversely impacted.
Development within an Industrial District shall be subject to the following standards:
Bulk and Yard Requirements:
.1 The minimum lot size shall be 200,000 square feet.
.2 Each lot shall have a minimum of 100 feet frontage on a town-accepted road or state
.3 The minimum lot width shall be 500 feet.
.4 Maximum building height shall be the height permitted under the State of Connecticut
Building Code for the particular use involved and the type of building construction
employed. Structures shall be of such height and so located or screened as to minimum off
site visual impact.
.5 Lot coverage by buildings and structures shall not exceed 40% of the total lot area.
.6 Where no perimeter buffer is required under Section, the minimum yard
requirement shall be 30 feet in width.
Performance Standards
.1 Drainage
Storm water control measures shall be provided for impervious surfaces within the site,
either as stipulated below or in other situations as deemed appropriate by the Commission.
All storm water control structures shall be reviewed, approved, and inspected by the
Director of Public Works or Town Engineer.
.1 All storm drainage for proposed development in which the combined square footage of
roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds 10,000 square feet
shall be designed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Drainage
Ordinance of the Town of Ledyard.
.2 The Commission may require that the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance apply to
development projects with less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface if it
determines that a proposed development is likely to have a significant drainage impact.
.2 Water and Sewer
All water supply and sanitary sewage disposal systems must be developed and
operated in conformance with the applicable regulations of the State of Connecticut
Department of Health, Department of Environmental Protection, and Department of Public
Utilities Control. Applications for industrial development shall not be approved unless
the design for water supply and sewage disposal has received written approval from the
agency or agencies with jurisdiction over water supply and sewage disposal. Such
agencies may include the Town of Ledyard Director or Health or his agent, the
Connecticut Department of Health, the Connecticut Department of Environmental
Protection, the Connecticut Department of Public Utilities Control, the Ledyard Water
Pollution Control Authority, and the Southeastern Connecticut Regional Water Authority.
.3 Access and Traffic
.1 For each application, the Commission will consider the design of access, any
proposed or necessary traffic controls, physical features of the access site, any proposed
construction designs peripheral to access and related to traffic control, existing traffic
conditions and any nearby pending development.
.2 Any use of property which can reasonably be expected to generate a large volume of
traffic may be required by the Commission to provide for entrances to and exit from
the property by way of an adjacent and less traveled public highway or frontage road
in lieu of direct access from and to a major or more heavily traveled public highway.
.3 In order to reduce possible traffic conflict points, the owners of adjacent property may,
with the approval of the Commission, construct a common driveway serving more than
one property. A written agreement for the common use and maintenance of shared
access must be recorded in the Town Land Records.
.4 The Commission may require certain minimum sight line distances depending on
present or anticipated traffic conditions and upon posted speed limits and surveyed
average vehicular speeds.
.5 Vehicular entrances shall be a maximum of 30 feet wide, unless a wider entrance is
approved by the Commission for safety purposes, and shall be clearly defined. The
total number of entrances which can safely be accommodated along the same road will
be a consideration for approval or disapproval of a site plan application. Wherever
possible, each development shall be limited to one access point per property, however,
separate access may be approved for employee vehicles and truck traffic, where
appropriate. Where significant truck traffic is anticipated, the Commission may
require the construction of a separate truck turning lane at the site entrance.
.6 Any permit may be denied by the Commission if proposed access to a public highway
is deemed to create a hazardous condition or when the expected traffic to be generated
from the proposed use considered cumulatively with existing traffic conditions is
deemed to cause or worsen hazardous conditions so as imperil public safety.
.4 Parking and Loading
.1 No parking or loading areas shall be located in perimeter buffer areas. Parking and
loading areas shall be screened from the public roadway and from adjacent residential
properties. Adequate loading areas shall be provided for the proposed use. Off-street
parking standards shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 11.0 of these
.2 Driveways, parking and loading areas shall be paved of bituminous concrete or other
similar material. Entrances shall be clearly defined by a six (6) inch curb of
bituminous concrete. The following exemptions may be approved by the Commission:
employees' parking; storage of vehicles provided such vehicles are not junked or
wrecked; low flow traffic areas. Exempted areas will be constructed of a processed
stone with a suitable, positively drained, well-graded sub-base gravel.
.5 Erosion Control
.1 Except as provided in .2 below, a site development plan will be required for all major
filling, excavating or relocating of soil or rocks on any lot. The plan shall detail areas
to be altered, denoting any existing drainage routes and/or changes to these routes.
Major filling, excavating, or relocating is defined as the movement of 500 cubic yards
or more to, on or from any lot. A permit authorizing such work shall be obtained from
the Zoning Official and shall be limited to a period of twelve (12) months and may be
renewed. Existing topography shall be disturbed to a minimum. Wherever possible,
trees shall be preserved.
.2 When the area to be disturbed is cumulatively more than one-half acre, an Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 12.2.
.6 Signs
All signs will be in conformance with the provisions of Section 10.0 of these regulations.
.7 Lighting
Outdoor illumination, including area lighting and floodlighting, shall be designed for
safety, convenience and security while minimizing sky glow, safeguarding against
discomfort glare and disability veiling glare, and avoiding trespass lighting and adverse
effect from illumination upon the use, enjoyment and value of nearby property and upon
the appearance of the community.
.8 Hazardous Materials and Wastes
The applicant shall identify any hazardous materials and wastes to be associated with the
proposed use of the property and shall provide evidence that all applicable permits and
approvals from Federal, State or local authorities have been or are in the process of being
.9 Inland Wetlands and Watercourses
If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the Inland
Wetlands and Watercourses Commission shall be made prior to the same day as the zoning
application is submitted. The Zoning Commission shall take no action until the report of
the wetlands agency has been received and considered.
.10 Protection of Significant Historical and Archaeological Sites
When a site or portion of a site has been identified by the State Historic Preservation
Officer or the State Archaeologist as historically significant, the applicant shall identify on
the plans the nature and location of the resource, and shall indicate what measures are
being taken to protect such resource.
A permit from the Zoning Commission is required for all major new development, expansion
or alteration of existing development, or for a change of use within the Industrial District. A
site plan shall accompany all permit applications. A permit granted according to Section satisfies this requirement.
.1 The Zoning enforcement Officer may grant a zoning permit for minor land uses and
modifications, where the proposed use or modification does not significantly affect the
intensity of the use, the building footprint, traffic circulation, drainage, landscaping,
buffering, lighting, utilities, public safety, or impact on surrounding areas. He shall
approve or deny or refer to the Zoning Commission these applications within not more
than thirty (30) days of the application.
.1 The Zoning Commission shall review applications unless they are of the following
.1 Minor additions to or modifications of existing buildings or accessory buildings.
.2 Construction of new or modification of existing on-premise fences, walls,
pedestrian walks and terraces, underground utility connections, essential electric,
gas telephone, water and sewer service lines, signs and such other minor
.3 Interior modifications to buildings.
.4 Minor changes in use of building, structure or property except those changes
occurring on property adjacent to or abutting coastal waters.
.2 At the discretion of the Zoning Enforcement Officer, the submittal requirement
of a site plan for these types of applications may be waived.
.3 The Zoning Commission may reverse the decision of the ZEO regarding an
industrial zoning application at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The ZEO
decision is resumed to stand, unless the Commission decides to reverse it.
Revisions to preexisting site plans shall be considered as a new application and such revisions
shall comply with current regulations. Inability to completely conform to current standards
due to physical site limitations or location of existing structures shall not prevent an existing
use from being improved, provided that public health and safety standards are not reduced.
In cases where the applicant intends to develop in stages, an overall site and staging plan
indicating ultimate development shall be submitted.
A complete site plan application, as specified by these regulations, must be filed at
least five (5) working days before a regularly scheduled Commission meeting in order
to be considered during that meeting.
Waiver of Site Plan Requirements:
The Commission may waive site plan requirements if the construction, alteration or
change in use does not affect existing traffic circulation, drainage, relationship of
buildings to each other, landscaping, buffering, lighting or other considerations of site
plan review. The Commission may also, at its sole discretion, exempt any application
from specifically designated portions of the requirements for contents of a site plan as
set forth in Section 6.6.6. Such exemptions may be approved if the Commission
determines that such information would not aid the Commission in its determination of
the application's compliance with these regulations.
Contents of a Site Plan Application:
For all uses requiring site plan approval, a site plan application shall include the
following information:
.1 Statement of Use: A written statement, signed by the applicant, and by the owner if
different from the applicant, describing the nature and extent of the proposed use or
occupancy in sufficient detail to determine compliance with the use provisions of these
.2 Written reports concerning the following:
.1 Sewage Disposal: A written report, submitted to the Director of Health or his agent for
written approval, prior to submission to the Commission. The report shall contain the
location and results of all test pits and percolation tests dug on the site. These tests
shall be conducted in conformance with the Public Health Code of the State of
.2 Potable Water Supply: A licensed water analyst shall perform such chemical,
bacteriological or other analyses or tests which meet the water standards established by
the Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut. Results of all water tests shall be
submitted to the Commission after review by the Director of Health or his agent;
.3 Fire Protection: The applicant shall identify the source of water for fire protection, and
shall where necessary, after consultation with the fire marshal, provide a fire well, fire
pond, water tank, or other source of adequate water for fire fighting purposes. The
design, location and construction of any water supply for fire fighting purposes must
be approved by the Commission;
.4 Traffic Generation: For all new industrial development, a report of the estimated
amount and type of vehicular traffic to be generated on a daily basis and at peak hours;
and the estimated number of persons to occupy or visit the premises on a daily basis,
including parking and loading requirements for the proposed use or uses;
.5 All other plans and reports required under these regulations, including but not
limited to the following:
.1 coastal site plan, where applicable;
.2 special requirements for flood hazard areas;
.3 erosion control plan, under Section
.6 A listing of any permits required from any state and/or federal agencies, and the status
of such permit applications.
.3 Location Map: An accurate scale map at one inch equals 1000 feet showing the subject
property and all property and streets within 1000 feet of any part of the subject property,
including all lots and lot lines, all zoning district boundaries, and all existing streets and
roads. The location map may be included on other plan sheets.
.4 A Plan Map, drawn at a scale of 1" equals 40' or other scale as may be approved by the
Commission. All plans shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer
and a land surveyor, licensed to practice in the State of Connecticut, who shall be
responsible for the information and design shown on the map.
.1 A boundary survey of the entire parcel shall be submitted, prepared by a registered land
surveyor, and certified to Class A-2 of the Code of Recommended Practice for
Standard Accuracy of maps.
.2 The plan shall illustrate the proposed development of the property, and shall include the
.1 General Information
.1 Name and address of the applicant and owner of record as listed on the Town's
tax roles.
.2 Date, north arrow, and numerical and graphic scale on each map.
.3 A brief written description of the proposed use or uses.
.4 A table or chart indicating the proposed number or type of uses, lot area, lot
width, yards, building height, coverage, floor area, parking spaces, landscaping,
and buffer areas as they relate to requirements of the zoning regulations.
.5 Signature block with place for signature of chairman and date of approval of
.2 The Property
.1 The boundaries of the property.
.2 Location, width, and purpose of all existing and proposed easements and rights of
way on the property.
.3 Existing and proposed contours with intervals of five feet, referred to USGS
MSL datum.
.4 Location of all existing wooded areas, watercourses, wetlands, rock outcrops, and
other significant physical features, and where appropriate, the mean high water
line, the flood hazard boundaries, and the channel encroachment line.
.3 Buildings and Uses
.1 Location, design and height of all existing and proposed buildings and
structures, signs, fences, and walls.
.2 Location of all existing and proposed uses and facilities not requiring a
building, such as tanks, light standards, dumpsters, benches, and such.
.4 Parking, Loading and Circulation
.1 Location, arrangement, and dimensions of automobile parking spaces,
aisles, vehicular drives, fire lanes, entrances, exits and ramps.
.2 Location, arrangements and dimensions of loading and unloading areas.
.3 Location and dimensions of pedestrian walkways, entrances, and exits.
.4 Surface treatment of all parking and loading areas.
.5 Open Space and Landscaping
.1 Percentage, size, arrangement, uses, and dimensions of all open areas of the site.
.2 Location, layout, type and size of all buffers, interior landscaping, plant
materials, fencing and screening materials.
.6 Signs and Lighting
.1 Location, size, height, orientation and plans of all signs.
.2 Location, size, height, orientation and design of all outdoor lighting.
.7 Utilities
.1 Location and design of all existing and proposed electric, telephone and gas lines,
sewage disposal systems, storm water drainage, water supply facilities, and
refuse collection areas, including provisions for recycling.
.8 Sedimentation and erosion control measures
.5 Other information deemed by the Commission to be necessary to determine
conformity with the intent of these regulations.
Any property in any Limited Commercial District shall be used or occupied for one or
more of the following uses only:
Business offices: Real estate, insurance and other similar offices; and the offices or
architectural, electrical, engineering, legal, dental, medical or other established recognized
professions; financial institutions; artist studios, and medical clinics.
Research or clinical laboratories.
Undertaking establishments.
Personal service establishments, excluding laundries and laundromats.
Antique shops.
A telephone exchange, transformer substation, public utility installation with no service yard
or outside storage of supplies.
Accessory use customary with or incidental to a permitted use.
Any property in any Special Commercial District shall be used or occupied for one or
more of the following uses only:
Those uses permitted in Sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5 and 7.1.6.
Retail stores and department stores.
Indoor recreational facilities.
Veterinary offices and clinics, which may include dwelling units for the professional
Hotels and motels.
Hospitals and clinics.
Repair shops, such as radio, television, appliance, plumbing, carpenter and shoe repair.
Auction halls.
Restaurants, excluding fast food service facilities.
Mini storage: The erection, maintenance, and use of facilities for warehousing, subject to the
following conditions:
.1 Storage or warehousing shall be within a building;
.2 No toxic, flammable, odorous, or other hazardous materials shall be stored without
approval of the local fire marshal, and the Town Director of Health;
.3 All storage shall meet the criteria of the Connecticut State Building Code;
.4 Each storage unit shall be no larger than 500 sq. ft. in area;
.5 No single tenant may occupy more than two (2) units or 1000 sq. ft. of storage space;
.6 Units will be used only for storage or warehousing activities. No active occupancy of
the units will be permitted;
.7 Screening shall be in accordance with Section 7.6.7.
Accessory use customary or incidental to a permitted use.
Any property in any General Commercial District shall be used or occupied for one or
more of the following uses only:
Those uses permitted in Sections 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.2.7, 7.2.8 and 7.2.9.
Printing establishments.
Outdoor recreation facilities.
Eating places of all types, including fast food service facilities pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph 7.6.10.
Filling stations, public garages, motor vehicle repairers and limited repairers, sales rooms,
sales lots for the sale and exchange of new and used motor vehicles, boats, recreational
vehicles, and other similar vehicles, provided that all vehicles are stored or displayed in the
back of the Building Line.
Laundries and laundromats.
Warehousing and open storage is allowed in the C-3 zone subject to the following
.1 Storage/warehousing: The erection, maintenance, and use of facilities for storage
and/or warehousing, providing that storage or warehousing shall be within a
building. No highly toxic, flammable, odorous, or other hazardous materials shall
be stored without approval of the local fire marshal, state health officials, and said
storage meets the criteria of the Connecticut State Building Code.
.1 The surface of an open storage area may be bituminous concrete, washed stone, gravel,
grasses, or any other surface approved by the Commission. The Commission shall
consider the use, location, aesthetics, and effects on drainage when approving a
particular surface. Screening shall be in accordance with Section 7.6.7.
.2 The open storage must be confined solely to the product held in connection with the
sales operation. Open storage by itself is not an allowed use of the C-3 zone. It is an
allowed accessory to those approved C-3 zone users.
Accessory use customary with or incidental to a permitted use.
No use shall be permitted which by reason of noise, safety, vibration, smoke, fumes, or odors
are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property or users thereof.
Dwellings are not permitted in Commercial Districts, except as otherwise noted in these
The sale of alcoholic liquor as defined in Chapter 545 of the Connecticut General
Statutes, Liquor Control Act, is permitted only under the following conditions:
A bonafide non-commercial, non-profit organization having its principal office in the Town of
Ledyard may sell beer in any commercial zone or on any property owned by that organization
or by another non-commercial, non-profit organization of the Town of Ledyard. The beer
shall be consumed on the premises and the event is not to exceed three (3) consecutive days
and not more than four (4) events a year.
The sale of alcoholic liquor shall be permitted in commercial districts only at an
establishment which has been duly licensed under the provisions of the Connecticut
Liquor Control Act.
In an endeavor to provide that the Commercial buildings and structures shall be situated so
that they will not detract from the value of nearby property or be detrimental to the public
health and welfare, the Commission shall inspect and approve or disapprove within sixty-five
(65) days of receipt site layout plans of all proposed Commercial buildings/ structures, major
filling, excavating or relocating of soil or rocks.
Site Plan Requirements:
All site layouts shall bear the seal of an Engineer and/or a Land Surveyor. Such plans shall
show existing and proposed buildings, location of nearby structures, proposed access roads,
off-street parking and loading space, storm drainage, water supply, sanitary sewers, signs,
outdoor illumination, existing landscape features and proposed landscaping, encroachments
on Town property and existing and proposed contours. In addition, each plan shall include a
mapped and written description of measures to be taken to minimize the erosion of soil and
the deposition of sediments in drainage feature both natural and man-made during and after
.1 Any proposed work within 10 feet of an easement shall be approved by the easement
holder prior to approval by the Zoning Commission or its agent.
.2 For any petition, application, request, or plan of any project on any site in which:
.1 any portion of the property affected by a decision is within five hundred feet of
the boundary of the adjoining town;
.2 a significant portion of the traffic to the completed project on the site will use
streets within the adjoining town to enter or exit the site;
.3 a significant portion of the sewer or water drainage from the project on the site
will flow through and significantly impact those systems within the adjoining
.4 water runoff from the municipal or private property within the adjoining town.
The Town will notify the clerk of the adjoining municipality by certified mail.
.3 Revisions to preexisting site plans shall be considered as a new application and
such revisions shall comply with current regulations.
.4 Filing: Complete site development packages as specified by these regulations, for
each site development, must be filed at least five (5) working days before a regularly
scheduled Commission meeting, in order to be considered during that meeting.
.5 Site Development Plans will include the following Approval Block for the
Erosion Control:
A site development plan will be required for all major filling, excavating or relocating of soil
or rocks on any lot. The plan shall detail areas to be altered, denoting any existing drainage
routes and/or changes to these routes. Major filling, excavating or relocating is defined as the
movement of 500 cubic yards or more to, on, or from any lot. A permit authorizing such
work shall be obtained from the Zoning Enforcement Officer for a period of twelve (12)
months and may be renewed. Existing topography shall be disturbed to a minimum.
Wherever possible, trees shall be preserved.
Storm Water Control measures shall be provided for impervious surfaces within the site, either
as stipulated below or in other situations as deemed appropriate by the Commission. All
Storm Water Control structures shall be inspected by the Director of Public Works.
.1 All storm drainage for proposed Commercial development in which the combined square
footage of roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds 10,000 sq. ft.
shall be designed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Drainage
Ordinance of the Town of Ledyard.
.2 The Commission may require that the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance apply to other
forms of Commercial development if it determines that a proposed development is likely
to have a significant drainage impact.
.3 If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the wetlands
agency shall be made prior to or the same day as the zoning permit is requested.
.1 Any use of property which can reasonably be expected to generate large volumes of traffic
may be required by the Commission to provide for entrances to and exit from the property
by way of an adjacent and less traveled public highway or frontage road in lieu of direct
access from and to a major or more heavily traveled public highway.
.2 Any permit may be denied by the Commission if proposed access to a public highway is
deemed to create a hazardous condition or when the expected traffic to be generated from
the proposed use of property is considered cumulative with existing traffic conditions, and
is deemed to cause or to worsen hazardous conditions so as to imperil public safety.
.3 On each individual application, the Commission will consider the design of access, any
proposed construction designs peripheral to access and related to traffic control, existing
traffic conditions and any adjacent nearby pending development.
.4 The Commission may require certain minimum sight line distances depending on
present anticipated traffic conditions and upon posted speed limits and survey
average vehicular speeds.
Parking and Outdoor Display:
.1 Required parking spaces, open or closed, may be provided in spaces designed to serve
jointly two or more establishments, if located on the same or adjacent lots, provided that
the number of required spaces in such joint facilities shall not be less than the total
required for all such establishments with the exception of shopping centers, as provided for
in Sections 11.0.
.2 Where parking or outdoor sales of display areas are located in front of the building, a
buffer strip not less than fifteen (15) feet wide along the front lot line shall be turfed,
seeded or otherwise planted or landscaped. Such strips shall be protected by a six (6) inch
curb of bituminous concrete or other similar material. Vehicular entrances shall be a
maximum of thirty (30) feet wide and clearly defined. Such entrances shall not exceed
30% of the lot frontage. The total number of entrances along the same road will be
consideration for approval or disapproval from a safety standpoint.
.3 Driveways, parking areas and outside display areas shall be paved of bituminous
concrete or other similar material. Entrances shall be clearly defined by a six (6) inch curb
of bituminous concrete. The following exemptions may be made by the Commission:
.1 Employees' parking;
.2 Storage of vehicles provided such vehicles are not junked/wrecked, unless allowed
under Section 7.3.5;
.3 Low-flow traffic areas.
Exempted areas will be constructed of a processed stone with a suitable, positively
drained, well-graded sub-base gravel.
.4 No outdoor advertising shall take place on any part of a Commercial site unless said
advertising is related to the services provided on the premises.
Storage areas, including areas for trash or waste material, shall be screened by a wall, fence,
trees, shrubbery or other means, at least six (6) feet in height, as to substantially conceal them
from surrounding properties at all seasons of the year.
Off-street Loading Requirements:
Off-street loading berths, open or closed, are permitted accessory to any use in a Commercial
District, subject to the following provisions:
.1 Every lot or land hereafter put to use for commercial purposes upon which any building or
buildings or structure or structures devoted to any such use having an aggregate floor area
of 5,000 sq. ft. or more are located, shall be provided with off-street loading berths in
accordance with the following schedule:
Sq. ft. of aggregate floor
area devoted to such use:
Required minimum number of
off-street loading berths:
5,000 - 15,000 sq. ft.
15,000 - 30,000 sq. ft.
30,000 -150,000 sq. ft
Each additional 50,000 sq. ft.
.2 Each required loading berth shall be at lest twelve (12) feet wide, fourteen (14) feet high
and fifty (50) feet long.
.3 The Commission may waive or reduce the off-street loading berth requirements for
certain permitted uses, such as motels, office buildings, research laboratories and antique
shops or other activities normally not requiring loading berths. Expansions or additions to
these uses may require off-street loading berths.
.4 Unobstructed access, at least fifteen (15) feet wide, to and from the street shall be provided.
Such access may be combined with access to a parking lot. All permitted or required
loading berths shall be on the same lot as the use to which they are accessory and shall not
be located in the front yard. No entrance or exit for any off-street loading area shall be
located within fifty (50) feet of any street intersection.
.1 Where any lot, or part thereof, adjoins a residential district, a landscaped strip fifteen (15)
feet wide in addition to the minimum yard requirements set forth in Section 9.1 herein
shall be provided by the commercial user and shall extend the length of such district
boundaries, seeded to grass and properly planted to trees and shrubs to insure a suitable
break between commercial and residential land districts. The Commission may waive the
requirements for all or part of such landscape strips where topography, permanent natural
features or public lands accomplish the purpose of separation of commercial and
residential districts. Failure to maintain such a strip, where required, shall constitute a
violation of the provisions of the regulations.
.2 In addition to the front landscaped area and buffer area requirements, parking areas shall
comply with the following minimum standards:
.1 Uses with twenty (20) or more off-street parking spaces shall have at least 10 sq. ft. of
interior landscaping (islands) within the paved portion of the parking lot for each
parking space. Each island shall:
.1 Contain at least 100 square feet;
.2 Have a minimum dimension of 8 feet;
.3 Be planted with grass and/or shrubs;
.4 Include at least one (1) deciduous tree, minimum 6 feet in height.
.2 Islands shall be located:
.1 To indicate and assure safe and efficient channelization of both pedestrian
and vehicular traffic;
.2 To separate major access ways through the parking area from parking aisles.
.3 A landscaped area shall be provided along the perimeter of any parking area
except where the parking area is functionally integrated with another or an
abutting lot. The landscaped area shall:
.1 Have a minimum dimension of 5 feet;
.2 Be planted with grass and/or shrubs;
.3 Include at least one (1) deciduous tree, minimum 6 feet in height, for every
50 feet along the perimeter of the parking area.
Fast Food Service Facilities:
Fast food service facilities may be permitted in C-3 Commercial Zones only subject to the
following conditions:
.1 Site plan requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.6 except as follows:
.1 A buffer strip not less than twenty-five (25) feet wide along the front lot line and not
less than fifteen (15) feet wide along the side and rear lot lines shall be turfed, seeded or
otherwise planted and landscaped;
.2 There shall be a separate and distinct vehicular entrance and exit, each being a
minimum of thirty (30) feet wide, clearly defined and separated by thirty (30) feet.
.2 Requirements set forth in Section 9.0 shall apply, with the following exceptions:
.1 The minimum lot frontage and lot width shall be 150 feet;
.2 The minimum side yard shall be twenty (20) feet and the minimum total of both
side yards shall be forty (40) feet;
.3 The minimum building setback line shall be 100 feet on all State Highways
and on all Town Roads.
.3 Fast Food service facilities which are to be located in a shopping center are not subject to
the requirements of subsections and above. A fast food service facility
may be located as a free standing building in a shopping center provided that adequate
provisions are provided for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles to and from the
parking area and the fast food facility.
Accessory Structures:
Unless otherwise required by Section 7.0, accessory buildings in commercial districts
shall be located in rear yards or in side yards. When located in a rear yard, the
accessory building shall be no closer than six (6) feet to a lot line. When in the side
yard, no accessory building shall be closer to a lot line than the minimum requirement
for a principal building. Accessory buildings are not permitted in required buffer
To provide for the appropriate development of waterfront properties and to allow for
maximum utilization of water-dependent uses.
Any property in a commercial marine district shall be used or occupied for one or more of the
following uses only:
Marina or boatyard.
Yacht Club.
Boat repair and construction.
Boat sales and rental.
Base for excursion fishing trips.
Commercial fishing, lobstering and shellfishing base.
Store or processing plant for seafood items obtained in 8.1.6.
Sale of bait, tackle, diving, swimming and marine equipment supplies.
Rooming and Boarding for tourist purposes.
Accessory use customary with or incidental to a permitted use as follows:
.1 Residence of an owner of a permitted use;
.2 Office for a permitted use;
.3 Dockside facilities such as fuel and ice sales;
.4 Restrooms;
.5 Laundry facilities for overnight boaters in a marina.
To encourage the development of small local businesses which will serve the needs
of one or more neighborhoods.
Any property in a neighborhood commercial district shall be used or occupied for one
or more of the following uses only:
Convenience stores.
Gas stations/garages excluding sales of vehicles.
Service establishments such as rental stores, specialized retail items, crafts shops, barber
shops, and the like.
Veterinary offices and small pet clinics.
Repair shops such as radio, TV, and small appliances.
Coffee shops and restaurants which seat less than 20 persons.
Accessory uses customary with and incidental to a permitted use.
To allow a blend of commercial and industrial uses which are mutually compatible and which
augment the economic base of the Town and the region.
Any property in any CIP zone shall be used or occupied for one or more of the following uses:
Business offices: Real estate, insurance and other similar offices; offices of architectural,
engineering, medical, or other established recognized professions; financial institutions.
Research or clinical laboratories.
Public utility service areas; such as telephone exchanges and transformer stations.
Indoor recreational clubs/facilities, such as tennis courts, racquetball courts, exercising
Repair shops and facilities; such as radio, television, appliance, plumbing, carpenter and
similar skilled trade businesses.
Storage/warehousing; the erection, maintenance, and use of facilities for storage and/or
warehousing, providing that storage or warehousing shall be within a building. No highly
toxic, flammable, odorous, or other hazardous materials shall be stored.
The manufacture, fabrication, processing, compounding, treatment, assembly, maintenance,
repair or packaging of goods or products provided that all subject operations are conducted
within a building or structure designed for such operations and that such operations are not
dangerous, obnoxious, or offensive for reasons of noise, odor, dust, smoke, vibrations, glare,
refuse, water carried waste, fire explosion or toxic fumes.
Wholesale or retail lumber, building materials and contractors equipment. Storage repair,
service and/or sale of above.
Plumbing, painting, electric, heating, sheet metal, print and publishing establishments and
other similar trade and service oriented establishments.
Eating places or restaurants are permitted as provided below:
.1 A cafeteria-style service provided within a building for the workers of the industry;
.2 Restaurants, excluding fast food service facilities except if entry and exit are on Route 12.
Service retail businesses, such as hardware stores, material supply houses, glass (automobile,
plate window) shops, truck and industrial equipment sales.
Open storage of inventory and equipment is allowed, provided that the material to be stored is
confined solely to inventory and equipment held in connection with industrial/commercial
operations. With the exception of necessary access ways, a buffer strip shall be provided for
areas within the lot used for open storage which are not otherwise effectively screened from
any highway and/or neighboring structures (including parking areas). The screening shall be
a minimum of thirty (30) feet wide and shall be appropriately landscaped to effectively screen
such use from said public roads adjacent structures (including parking areas) and/or any
interior access drive of the park.
Convenience stores, gas stations with fast food facilities and drive-thru’s on lots that have
street frontage on Route 12.
No use shall be permitted which by reason of noise, safety, vibration, smoke, fumes,
or odors are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property or users thereof.
Dwellings are not permitted in Special Use Districts, except as otherwise noted in
these regulations.
The sale of alcoholic liquor as defined in Chapter 545 of the Connecticut General Statutes,
Liquor Control Act, is permitted only under the following conditions:
A bonafide non-commercial, non-profit organization having its principal office in the Town of
Ledyard may sell beer in any commercial zone or on any property owned by that organization
or by another non-commercial, non-profit organization of the Town of Ledyard. The beer
shall be consumed on the premises and the event is not to exceed three (3) consecutive days
and not more than four (4) events a year.
The sale of alcoholic liquor shall be permitted in special use districts only at an establishment
which has been duly licensed under the provisions of the Connecticut Liquor Control Act.
The Commission shall inspect and approve or disapprove within 65 days of receipt of site
plans all proposed site improvements for those improvements within a Special Use District.
.1 For any petition, application, request, or plan of any project on any site in which any
portion of the property affected by a decision is within five hundred feet of the boundary of
the adjoining town, or a significant portion of the traffic to the completed project on the
site will use streets within the adjoining town to enter or exit the site, or a significant
portion of the sewer or water drainage from the project on the site will flow through and
significantly impact those systems within the adjoining town, or water runoff from the
municipal or private property within the adjoining town the Town will notify the clerk of
the adjoining municipality by certified mail.
.2 If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the wetlands
agency shall be made prior to or the same day as the zoning permit is requested.
.3 Revisions to preexisting site plans shall be considered as a new application and such
revisions shall comply with current regulations.
.4 In cases where the applicant intends to develop in stages, an overall site and staging plan
indicating ultimate development shall be submitted.
Plan Standards
The plans shall illustrate the proposed development of the property and shall include
the following information:
.1 The plans shall bear the seal of a registered Engineer and Land Surveyor. A boundary
survey of the entire parcel, certified to Class A-2 of the Code of Recommended Practice
for Standard Accuracy of maps by a registered land surveyor which includes topographic
data, including elevation contours of five feet maximum intervals, to Class A-2 standards
shall be submitted. All plans shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet or
larger scale;
.2 The boundaries of the property;
.3 Location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements and rights-of- way on
the property;
.4 Existing and proposed contours with intervals of five feet, referred to USGS MSL datum;
.5 Location of all existing wooded areas, watercourses, wetlands, rock outcrops and other
significant physical features, and, where appropriate, the mean high water line, the
wetlands boundary, the flood hazard area, and the channel encroachment line;
.6 Size, arrangement, uses and dimensions of undeveloped land on the site;
.7 Site plans shall include the following approval block for the Commission:
.8 The plans will show all existing and proposed buildings, proposed and existing access
roads, off-street parking, loading spaces, storm drainage, water supply, existing and
proposed landscaping, existing and proposed contours, signs and outdoor illumination.
Specifically, the plans shall detail the items contained in Sections 7.6.3 through 7.6.11.
.1 Location of all existing and proposed buildings, signs, fences, and walls.
.2 Location of all existing and proposed uses and facilities not requiring a building such as
tennis courts, light standards, tanks, transformers and dumpsters.
.3 Storage areas for trash which must be within solid four-sided enclosures, at least eight
feet in height.
.1 Location and design of all existing and proposed sanitary sewer, storm drainage, water
supply facilities, and refuse collection areas, as well as other underground and above
ground utilities shall be shown.
.2 A sub-surface disposal system need not be designed at time of site plan submittal. The
applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate Town/State authority noting that the
area is acceptable for a septic system. The intended area for sub-surface disposal should
be shown on the site plan.
.3 Any proposed work within 10 feet of the easement shall be approved by the easement
holder prior to approval by the Zoning Commission or its agent.
Storm water control measures shall be provided for impervious surfaces within the site, either
as stipulated below or in other situations as deemed appropriate by the Commission. All
storm water control structures shall be inspected by the Director of Public Works.
.1 All storm drainage for proposed development in which the combined square footage of
roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds 10,000 sq. ft. shall be
designed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Drainage Ordinance of the
Town of Ledyard.
.2 The Commission may require that the provisions of the drainage ordinance apply to other
forms of development if it determines that a proposed development is likely to have a
significant drainage impact.
.3 If an inland wetlands and watercourses permit is required, an application to the wetlands
agency shall be made prior to or the same day as the zoning permit is requested.
Parking, Loading, and Circulation
.1 Location, arrangement and dimensions of automobile parking spaces, aisles, vehicular
drives, fire lanes, entrances, exits and ramps.
.2 Location arrangement and dimensions of loading and unloading areas.
.3 Location and dimensions of pedestrian walkways, entrances, exits and walks.
.4 Where the proposed access road enters onto a state highway, state D.O.T. approval of the
entrance layout must be approved at time of application.
.5 Roads shall be of bituminous concrete or other similar material. Entrances and exits shall
be defined by six inch bituminous concrete curbs.
Signs and Lighting
.1 All signs shall conform to existing regulations.
.2 If sign permits are being requested at the time of site plan approval, they shall show
location, size, height, orientation and plans of all signs.
.3 Location, size, height, intensity, orientation and design of any outdoor lighting shall be
Accessory Structures
Unless otherwise required by Section 5.0, accessory buildings shall be located in rear yards or
in side yards. When located in a rear yard, the accessory building shall be no closer than six
(6) feet to a lot line. When in the side yard, no accessory building shall be closer to a lot line
than the minimum requirement for a principal building. Accessory buildings are not
permitted in required buffer zones.
.1 The developer shall, to the greatest extent possible, make use of the natural topography,
existing trees and streams and wetlands, raised landscaped berms and/or islands.
.2 Location, general layout, type and size of buffer or landscape area, plant material,
fencing, screening devices, decorative paving, or other materials proposed.
.3 Location of existing trees with a trunk caliper of more than 12" except in densely
wooded areas where the foliage line shall be indicated.
.4 An erosion control plan shall be noted on the site plan which will describe the measures to
be taken to minimize the erosion of soil and deposition of sediments in natural and manmade drainage features. Existing topography shall be disturbed to a minimum, and
existing trees shall be preserved wherever possible.
.5 Any portion of a developed lot or property which is not used for the location of
building, structures, accessory uses, off-street parking and loading areas, sidewalks, or
similar purposes, shall be landscaped and maintained in such manner as to minimize storm
water runoff.
.6 Landscaping, trees and plants required by these regulations shall be planted in a growing
condition according to accepted horticultural practices and they shall be maintained in a
healthy growing condition. Any landscaping trees and plants which are in a condition that
does not fulfill the intent of these regulations shall be replaced by the property owner
during the next planting season for the particular plant material.
.7 A front landscaped area shall be required. The required landscaped area shall be covered
with grass or other ground cover and shall include appropriate trees and shrubs. As a
minimum, one street-shade tree having a caliper of two inches and a height of six feet shall
be planted for each 50 feet or fraction thereof of lot frontage. The purpose of the
landscaping is to enhance the appearance of the use on the lot but not to screen the use
from view.
Screening and Buffers
.1 A screening fence or wall required by these regulations shall be maintained by the property
owner in good condition.
.2 To the extent possible, existing trees, vegetation and unique site features such as stone
walls shall be retained and protected. Existing healthy, mature trees, if properly located,
shall be fully credited against the requirements of these regulations.
.3 The Zoning Commission may substitute planters, plant boxes or pots containing trees,
shrubs and/or flowers to comply with the intent of these regulations for this area.
.4 Final determination as to compliance with the intent of this section shall be made by the
Commission. Where the existing topography and/or landscaping provides adequate
screening, the Zoning Commission may modify the planting and/or buffer area
.5 A buffer area shall be required along and within all boundaries of a lot abutting or directly
across a street from any lot in a residential district in Ledyard or any abutting town. Such
buffer area shall comply with at least the following minimum standards:
.1 The minimum width of buffer areas shall be eighty (80) feet and free of all
structures (including parking areas);
.2 Where lot size and shape or existing structures make it infeasible to comply with the
minimum widths required above, the Zoning Commission may modify the width
requirements provided the buffer area meets the intent of these regulations;
.3 The buffer area shall be of evergreen or deciduous planting of such type, height, spacing
and arrangement as, in the judgment of the Zoning Commission, will effectively screen
the activity on the lot from the neighboring residential area. As a minimum, the planting
shall consist of trees 6 feet in height planted at intervals of 10 feet on center;
.4 An earthen berm, wall, or fence of location, height, design, and materials approved by
the Zoning Commission may be substituted for any portion of the required planting
and/or buffer area strip.
Landscaped Parking Area
In addition to the front landscaped area and buffer area requirements, parking areas shall
comply with the following minimum standards:
.1 All uses required to provide 20 or more off-street parking spaces shall have at least 10
square feet of interior landscaping within the paved portion of the parking area for each
parking space;
.2 Islands shall be required to indicate and assure safe and efficient channelization of both
pedestrian and vehicular traffic and to separate the major access ways through the parking
areas from parking aisles;
.3 Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet, shall have a
minimum dimension of at least 8 feet, shall be planted with grass or shrubs, and shall
include at least one deciduous or evergreen tree of not less than 2 inch caliper, at least 6
feet in height. Islands shall be protected by 6 inch bituminous concrete curbs or equal.
.1 Property may be subdivided according to the subdivision and zoning requirements of the
Town of Ledyard, and other applicable ordinances.
.2 The owner shall grant to the Town of Ledyard, right-of-way privileges to pass and re-pass
by vehicle or foot over the main access road within the CIP Zone with the stipulation that
the owner is responsible for all construction, repair and maintenance of the access road, its
storm drainage facilities and associated accessories.
Interior lots may be permitted in the CIP zone.
Every lot shall satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 9.0 with the following conditions:
.1 The frontage requirement along a town or state road shall be a minimum of 30 feet.
.2 The access strip shall be a minimum of 30 feet throughout.
.3 The area of the 30ft.access strip shall not be included as part of the minimum lot area requirement.
.4 The minimum building setback line for interior lots shall be 20 feet from the front lot line.
.5 Common driveways must be on or along boundary lines.
The rear yard requirement does not exclude the use of loading or unloading docks, equipment,
railroads or other devices necessary to load or unload materials or equipment from vessels to a
lot, occupied by a permitted use, abutting navigable waters.
A twenty (20) foot buffer strip will be maintained around all cemeteries within any zone to
prevent desecration.
Lot coverage in table refers to structures. Total impervious surface lot coverage shall not
exceed 80% unless otherwise noted in these regulations.
To facilitate future widening of state highways or town roads, and to preserve a rural
appearance, a minimum building setback line for all structures, measured from the center line
of the traveled portion of all roads herein designated, shall be required as follows:
Along state highways: 100 feet minimum building setback line from the center line of the
traveled portion of all state highways, except as otherwise required in these regulations;
Along town Roads: 75 feet minimum building setback line from the center line of the
traveled portion of all town roads, except as otherwise required in these regulations.
The following are exempt from the height requirements of Section 9.1:
Cupolas, belfries, smokestacks, flagpoles, antennae of all types, gas holders, grain elevators,
silos, water towers and water tanks, hose towers, elevator enclosures, scenery lofts or towers,
church spires, windmills and/or other active or passive energy devices. All exemptions must
have fall space on the same lot, equal to the item's height, to protect adjacent property;
For industrial uses within the CIP and I districts, the maximum building height shall be the
height permitted under the State of Connecticut Building Code for the particular permitted use
involved and the type of building construction employed;
Other exemptions may be permitted after written approval by the Ledyard fire marshal.
No person shall erect, alter, or relocate within the Town of Ledyard any sign without
first obtaining a sign permit except as exempted by the regulations. The sign must
conform to the State of Connecticut Building Code.
The repainting, changing of parts, and preventive maintenance of conforming signs
at the same location shall not be deemed alterations requiring a sign permit.
No sign shall be located as to create a sight-clearance problem for traffic flow on a
public way.
The location, size, and character of signs must be compatible on site and with the
surrounding neighborhood.
Permanent signs may be issued a one-time permit contingent on the sign content
remaining the same; any substantial change in content will constitute a requirement
for a new permit. Minor changes may be accomplished after review by the Zoning
Office. The permit shall be issued by the Zoning Office if the sign's location remains
the same and its size is not increased to exceed 16 square feet.
Permits for temporary signs may be issued as stipulated by Section 10.4.4 by the
Zoning Office. Extensions may be granted by the Zoning Commission as stipulated
by Section 10.4.4.
The Zoning Commission approval is required for plans and locations of all new
permanent signs exceeding 16 square feet and the enlargement of existing signs on
the same location when the size exceeds 16 square feet.
All applications for sign permits must be accompanied by either a picture or a sketch
of the proposed sign, including proposed placement, support height, sign dimensions
and materials to be used.
A sign which is attached to or projects from a building facade or other building
A sign used to indicate location, distance and/or hours of operation.
A self-supporting sign resting on or supported by means of poles, standards, or any
other type of base on the ground.
A sign conforming to size and location requirements as stipulated by these
regulations which is to be displayed for a limited period of time.
.1 Banners, pennants, sandwich board signs, and sidewalk or curb signs used for special
events or sales shall comply with the requirements of Section 10.4.
.2 Banners approved by the Town Council intended to provide notice of municipal events,
elections, referendums, fairs, educational, athletic, recreational, or other civic events, may
be located above roadways provided such banner(s):
.1 Do not cause sights, clearance, or other traffic hazards;
.2 Do not exceed the minimum and/or maximum dimensions specified in state
.3 Are securely attached to permanently installed town owned poles that comply with
design, material, location, installation, height, maintenance, and other applicable
.4 Conform to the time limits for posting as specified for non-profit event signs (Section
.3 Signs on Public Water Towers are permitted provided they are for non-commercial
municipal purposes, unlighted, limited to no more than one face, and approved by the
Town Council. Such signs are exempt from size and time limit constraints. Such signs
may take size and perspective into their design for the height, curvature, dimensions,
perspective, natural illumination, and location of the water tower.
.4 Banners and flags are not permitted to be hung on or from water towers.
Sign permits obtained under Section 10.7 (Identification and Freestanding).
That area of a sign which:
Consists of the entire surface area of the sign on which copy could be placed. This
will include the structure of bracing if it is made a part of the sign's message. Where
a sign has two display faces back to back, the area of only one face shall be
considered the sign face area. Where a sign has more than one display face, all
areas which can be viewed simultaneously shall be considered the sign face.
In the case of a sign whose message is fabricated together with the background
which borders or frames that message, sign face areas shall be the total area of the
entire background.
In the case of a sign whose message is applied to a background which provides no
border or frames, sign face area shall be the area of the smallest rectangle which can
encompass all words, letters, figures, emblems, and other elements of the sign
1.5 S.F. PER
1.5 S.F. PER
24 S.F.
(1) FACE 40 S.F.
(2) FACES 60 S.F.
40 S.F.
(1) FACE 40 S.F.
(2) FACES 60 S.F.
40 S.F.
1 - Located on property of permitted use.
2 - One sign per building face.
2 SQ. FT.
8 FT.
1 – Any enterprise or activity in Ledyard may erect not more than three directional signs, provided the
nature and location of such create no nuisance or hazard. Applicant must have permission of
property owners where signs are to be located.
2 – No sign will be permitted whose location would create a site clearance problem or other traffic
16 S.F.
4 S.F.
18 S.F.
15 FT.
10 FT.
10 FT.
8 FT.
8 FT.
18 FT.
10 FT.
8 FT.
18 S.F.
15 FT.
10 FT.
15 FT.
10 FT.
18 FT.
18 FT.
12 FT.
6 FT.
6 FT.
1 - Located on property of permitted use.
2 - No sign will be permitted whose location would create a site clearance problem or other traffic
3 - Overall design to be approved by commission. The design is to be compatible with surrounding area.
*Freestanding signs shall be permitted in any commercial or industrial complex consisting of
two (2) or more businesses. Such signs shall be no wider than six (6) feet nor erected higher than
sixteen (16) feet inclusive of structure. Each freestanding sign may contain an individual sign not
more than twenty-four (24) inches high identifying the complex and one (1) sign not more than
twelve (12) inches high for each use in said complex.
SPECIAL 1, 3, 4
40 S.F.
40 S.F.
12 FT.
8 FT.
1 - Located on property of permitted use.
2 - Intended for pre-development opening/or closing (60) days in advance advertisement of activity.
3 - Intended for special event or sale.
4 - No sign will be permitted whose location would create a site clearance problem or other
traffic hazard.
Construction Signs
One (1) construction sign per construction project not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in
area in residential districts or forty (40) square feet in commercial or industrial districts,
provided that such signs shall be erected no more than five (5) days prior to the beginning of
construction for which a valid building permit has been issued, shall be confined to the site of
construction, and shall be removed five (5) days after completion of construction and prior to
Instructions Signs
Signs which provide direction or instructions and are located entirely on the property to which
they pertain and do not in any way advertise a business and do not exceed four (4) square feet
in area, signs identifying rest rooms, public telephones, walkways, or signs providing
direction such as parking lot entrance and exit signs and those of similar nature.
The flags, emblems, or insignia of any nation or political subdivision or corporate flag.
Government Signs
Governmental signs for control of traffic and other regulatory purposes, street signs, danger
signs, railroad crossing signs, and signs of public service companies indicating danger and
aids to service or safety which are erected by or on the order of, a public officer in the
performance of his public duty.
Holiday Decorations
Signs of a primarily decorative nature, clearly incidental and customary and commonly
associated with any national, local or religious holiday; provided that such signs shall be
displayed for a period of not more than sixty (60) days in any one year. Such decorations
may be of any type, number, area, height, illumination or animation; and shall be set back ten
(10) feet from all boundary lines of the lot, provided that a clear area be maintained to a
height of seventy-two (72) inches, within fifty-five (55) feet of the intersection of two streets,
a railroad and a street and a street and driveway.
House Numbers and Name Plates
House numbers and name plates not exceeding two (2) square feet in area for each residential
Interior signs
Signs located within the interior of any building or stadium, or within an enclosed lobby or
court of any building, and signs for and located within the inner or outer lobby, court or
entrance of theater, that are not visible from the public right-of-way. This does not, however,
exempt such signs from the structural, electrical, or material specifications as set in
Connecticut Basic Building Code.
Memorial Signs
Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry
surface or inlaid so as to be part of the building or when constructed of bronze or other
incombustible material.
Changeable Notice Signs
Notice Sign not over twenty-four (24) square feet in area for medical, public, institution where
the same are located on the premises of said institution.
No Dumping Signs
No dumping signs not to exceed one and one-half (1 ½) square feet in area per sign and not
exceeding four in number per lot, except that special permission may be obtained from the
Commission for additional signs under proven special circumstances.
Occupant Signs
One sign for each dwelling unit not to exceed two (2) square feet in area indicating the name
of the occupant, location or identification of a home.
Small Signs
Signs not exceeding two and one-half (2 ½) square feet in area, attached flat against the
building, stationary and not illuminated, announcing only the name and occupation of
building tenant.
Plaques or name plate signs not more than two and one-half (2 ½) square feet in area which
are fastened directly to the building. Not intended for advertisement.
Political and Campaign signs
Political or campaign signs on behalf of candidates for public office or questions on election
ballots provided that said signs are subject to the following regulations:
.1 Said signs may be erected not earlier than twenty (20) days prior to said election and shall
be removed within ten (10) days following said election;
.2 Said sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in aggregate area and, if detached, shall not
exceed six (6) feet in height. Said sign shall not be erected in such a manner as to
constitute a roof sign;
.3 No sign shall be located so as to create a sight clearance problem or create a traffic hazard.
Public Notices
Official notices posted by public officers or employees in the performance of their duties.
Public Signs
Signs required or specifically authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute or ordinance.
Real Estate Signs
One real estate sign on any lot or parcel provided such sign is located entirely within the
property to which it applies, is not illuminated, does not exceed six (6) square feet in area, and
is removed within seven (7) days after the sale, rental, or lease has been accomplished.
.1 In commercial zones, signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet.
Permanent Window Signs
In Commercial and Industrial Zones, permanent signs may be painted on or otherwise from
the inside surface of any window, showcase or other similar facility. Said signs shall be in
addition to those signs permitted under the other provisions of these regulations. The total
copy area of such signs, however, shall not exceed a maximum of twenty-five (25%) percent
of the total window area, or one (1) square feet per lineal front foot on the premises occupied,
whichever is the lesser.
Signs in the Display Window
Signs in the display window of a business use which are incorporated with a display of
merchandise or a display relating to services offered which comply with sub-paragraph
10.5.18 herein.
Symbols or Insignia
Religious symbols, commemorative plaques of recognized historical agencies, or
identification emblems of religious orders or historical agencies, provided that no such
symbol, plaque, or identification emblem shall exceed four (4) square feet in area, and
provided further that all such symbols, plaques and identification emblems shall be placed flat
against a building. Religious symbols that are considered to be part of the normal
architectural structure of a religious order are allowed.
Non-Profit Event Signs
Temporary signs not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area pertaining to drives or events
of civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations, provided that said signs are
posted only during said drive or no more than twenty (20) days before said event and are
removed no more than ten (10) days after an event.
Warning Signs
Signs warning the public of the existence of danger, but containing no advertising material, of
a size as may be necessary, to be removed upon subsidence of danger.
Neighborhood Identification Signs
In any zone, a sign, masonry wall, landscaping and other similar materials or features may be
combined to form a display for neighborhood or tract identification, provided that the legend
of such sign or display shall consist only of the neighborhood or tract name. The sign shall
not exceed sixteen (16) square feet.
"No Trespassing", "No Hunting", or "No Fishing" Signs Signs shall be posted in accordance
with State Statutes.
Religious Identification Signs
Is permitted provided that such identification does not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in
area, not wider than six (6) feet, and not higher than six (6) feet. Such identification shall not
be higher than twelve (12) feet from the ground including structure. Any identification shall
be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from the outside edge of the pavement of any street
or highway and not less than ten (10) feet from any side lot line. The identification must be
on the property with the permitted use.
The following signs are expressly prohibited in all districts, except as otherwise provided by
these regulations.
Animated and Intensely Lighted Signs
No sign shall be permitted which is animated by means of flashing, scintillating, blinking or
traveling light or any other means not providing constant illumination
(unless specifically permitted in special districts). Public Service Information signs are
Miscellaneous Signs and Posters
The tacking, pasting or otherwise affixing of signs of a miscellaneous character, visible from a
public way located on the walls of buildings, barns, sheds; on trees, poles, posts, fences or
other structure is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by these regulations.
Moving Signs
Except as other wise provided in these regulations, no sign or any portion thereof shall be
permitted which moves or assumes any motion constituting a non-stationary of fixed
condition except for the rotation of barber poles, permissible changing signs or permissible
multi-prism units. Indexing multi-prism units must not exceed a speed of two (2) complete
revolutions every twenty (20) seconds. This section is not meant to prohibit any form of
vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor vehicle.
Abandoned Signs
Such business signs that advertise an activity, business, product or service not longer
conducted or available on the premises on which the sign is located, shall be prohibited.
Parking of Advertising Vehicles Prohibited
No person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way, which has attached thereto
or located thereon, any sign or advertising device for the basic purpose of providing
advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or
nearby property or any other premises. This section is not intended to prohibit any form of
vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor vehicle.
Public Areas
No sign shall be permitted which is placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, electrolier,
hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on public property or over or across any street or
public thoroughfare except as may otherwise expressly be authorized by these regulations.
Swinging Signs
Swinging signs in excess of two (2) square feet are prohibited.
Portable Signs
Portable or wheeled signs are prohibited except as stipulated by Section 10.5. This shall not
be interpreted to prohibit advertising on registered buses. Portable signs of any type judged by
the Zoning Commission to be used to circumvent these regulations are prohibited.
Unclassified Signs
The following signs are also prohibited, which:
.1 Bear or contain statements, words or pictures of an obscene, pornographic, immoral nature,
or which contain advertising matter which is untruthful;
.2 Are painted on or attached to any fence or any wall which is not structurally a part of
building, except to identify a residence or residence structure by means of posting the
name of the occupant or structure and the street address;
.3 Operate or employ any stereopticon or motion picture projection or media in conjunction
with any advertisements, or projection or media in conjunction with any advertisements, or
have visible moving parts or any portion of which moves, or gives the illusion of motion
except as permitted is these regulations;
.4 Emit audible sound, odor or visible matter;
.5 Signs which purport to be, or are an imitation of, or resemble an official traffic sign
or signal;
.6 Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of
illumination, may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal vehicle, or
which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal or device;
.7 Billboards.
To provide adequate visibility for the business community while insuring that signs do not
create distractions or obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents and are not
incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood. As such the purpose of the Special Permit
Sign is to allow flexibility with Section 10.4, for Identification and Freestanding signs, in sign
size, number, and location due to unique site characteristics such as very large building size,
lack of building front wall or multiple uses in a single structure.
Special permit
A special permit sign may be obtained from the Zoning Commission after a public hearing.
Application is to be made in writing which shall include:
.1 A statement describing the proposed sign(s), including size, location, materials and method
of mounting;
.2 A statement describing the claimed unique site characteristics;
.3 Detailed drawings of both above, sufficient to show compliance with this section;
.4 Such other information as the Commission may require to determine compliance with the
intent of these regulations.
Conditions of Approval
In evaluating a Special Permit Sign, the Commission shall take into consideration the unique
site characteristic(s), public health, welfare and safety in general, and the immediate
neighborhood in particular, and may prescribe reasonable conditions and safeguards to insure
the accomplishments of the following objectives:
.1 HARMONY WITH DEVELOPMENT - That the location, size and character of the
sign in general will not be detrimental to the orderly development of adjacent properties.
.2 TRAFFIC SAFETY - that the location and size, the nature and intensity of the
sign shall not create a traffic hazard.
Off-street parking shall be provided to serve all buildings permitted by these regulations.
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces for each building use is as follows:
.1 Single-family dwelling: two spaces plus one space per boarder, roomer, employee or
.2 Multifamily dwelling: two spaces per dwelling unit plus one space per boarder, roomer,
employee or customer.
.3 Educational institutions: one space per employee plus one space per three students, 16
years of age or over.
.4 Religious institutions: one space per ten (10) parishioners.
.5 Clubs: one space per employee plus one space per three members.
.6 Hospitals and clinics: one space per major shift employee plus one space per
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces for each building use is as follows:
Business offices, professional service establishments, financial institutions:
one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Retail stores, personal service establishments, recreational facilities: one
space per 133 square feet of gross floor area.
Restaurants: one space per table plus one space per major shift employee.
Fast food restaurant: one space per 200 square feet gross floor area plus 15 spaces.
Motels and hotels: one space per room plus one space per major shift employee.
Department stores: one space per 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Equipment storage or repair: one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Service stations, limited repairers, auto or equipment sales: one customer parking space
per 400 square feet of gross floor or sales area plus one space per employee.
Theaters and auditoriums: one space per two seats and one space per shift employee.
Manufacturing and industrial plants: one space per major shift employee.
Any use permitted in a Commercial Zone and not specifically mentioned above:
one space per 150 square feet of gross floor area plus one space per major shift
Any use permitted in an Industrial Zone and not specifically mentioned above:
one space per major shift employee.
Shopping centers:
.1 For the purposes of off-street parking as required by this section, a shopping
center is herein defined to be a group of no less than four (4) business
establishments which may include retail stores, service establishments, theaters, and
restaurants, including fast food facilities, with a public vehicle parking area shared
in common. A shopping center must contain no less than two (2) acres and have not
less than 20,000 square feet of floor area.
.2 Parking shall be provided for employees and patrons at a ratio of one parking
space for each 175 square feet of floor area in the shopping center, with a
minimum of 125 spaces.
.3 The requirements of Section above is in lieu of the requirements of
Section 11.2.1 through 11.2.11 and 11.1.3 through 11.1.6.
Museums: One space per 700 square feet of gross floor area plus one space per major
shift employee
The minimum parking space for each motor vehicle shall not be less than 200 square
feet. This area is exclusive of access to the parking spaces themselves.
In all Commercial and Industrial Zones, a landscaped area in addition to any required
buffer zone, may be provided within and as part of the minimum required parking area,
as long as it does not exceed 33% of that minimum parking area.
The Commission may require the minimum off-street parking areas to be exceeded in
the interest of public safety or to avoid congestion in the streets.
Storage/Retail Reduction:
Consideration shall be given to the maximum required off-street parking spaces when a
permitted use has a large area for storage and is not part of the retail floor area.
The Commission shall require that a minimum buffer zone of 500 feet from all
adjoining uses with the exception of the primary use be maintained around a parking
area approved in accordance with Section 3.1.7. The Commission may waive the
minimum buffer distance if the applicant can demonstrate that the project will provide
adequate screening from adjoining properties through either natural vegetation, natural
topography or plantings satisfactory to the Commission.
Lighting for parking areas approved in accordance with Section 3.1.7 shall be of a
design to provide adequately shielded downlighting to protect off-site properties.
The intent of this section is to minimize the impacts to adjacent properties. Anything
subject to a Special Exception permit which generates noise other than normal
vehicular traffic associated with the primary use shall take necessary steps to minimize
noise impacts on adjacent properties. No diesel vehicles shall be allowed to run for
extended periods beyond what is necessary to drop off and pick up passengers.
12.1.1 Purpose:
All buildings, use, and structures fully or partially within the coastal boundary as defined in
Chapter 444, Section 22a-94 of the Connecticut General Statutes and depicted on the Town of
Ledyard Zoning Map shall be subject to the coastal site plan review requirements and
procedures in Sections 22a-105 through 22a-109 of the General Statutes with the exception of
the following activities which are hereby exempted from coastal site plan review requirements
under the authority of subsection (b) of Section 22a-109:
.1 .1 Gardening, grazing, and the harvesting of crops;
.2 Minor additions to or modifications of existing buildings or accessory buildings;
.3 Construction of new or modification of existing structures incidental to the enjoyment
and maintenance of residential property including, but not limited to, walks, terraces,
driveways, tennis courts, and accessory buildings;
.4 Construction of new or modification of existing on-premise fences, walls, pedestrian
walks and terraces, underground utility connections, essential electric, gas, telephone,
water and sewer service lines, signs and such other minor structures as will not
substantially alter the natural character of coastal resources as defined by Section 22a-93
(7) of the Connecticut General Statutes;
.5 Construction of a single family dwelling except in or within one hundred feet of the
following coastal resource areas as defined by Section 22a-93 (7) of the Connecticut
General Statutes: tidal wetlands, coastal bluffs and escarpments, and beaches and
.6 Activities conducted for the specific purpose of conserving or preserving soil,
vegetation, water, fish, shellfish, wildlife, and other coastal land and water
.7 Interior modifications to buildings;
.8 Minor changes in use of building, structure or property except those changes occurring on
property adjacent to or abutting coastal waters.
.2 The foregoing exemptions from coastal site plan review requirements shall apply to the
following site plans, plans and applications:
.1 Site plans submitted to the Zoning Commission in accordance with Section
22a-109 of the Connecticut General Statutes;
.2 Applications for a special permit or special exception submitted to the Zoning
Commission in accordance with Section 8-2 of the Connecticut General Statutes and
Section 13.0 of these regulations;
.3 Applications for a variance submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with
subdivision (3) of Section 8-6 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Section 16.1 of
these regulations;
.4 A referral of a proposed municipal project to the Planning Commission in accordance
with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
12.1.2 Coastal Site Plan:
Except where exempted under the provisions Section 12.1.1 of these regulations, in addition to
meeting the other requirements of these regulations, all applicants for zoning permits, special
exceptions, or variances relating to uses proposed for location fully or partially within the
coastal area shall submit a coastal site plan which shall accomplish the following:
.1 Show the location and spatial relationship of coastal resources on and contiguous to the site;
.2 Describe the entire project with appropriate plans, indicating project location, design, timing,
and methods of construction;
.3 Assess the capability of the resources to accommodate the proposed use;
.4 Assess the suitability of the project for the proposed site;
.5 Evaluate the potential beneficial and adverse impacts of the project and describe proposed
methods to mitigate adverse effects on coastal resources;
.6 Demonstrate that the adverse impacts of the proposed activity are acceptable and
demonstrate that such activity is consistent with the goals and policies in Section 22a-92 of
the Connecticut General Statutes.
12.1.3 Coastal Site Plan Review:
In additional to any other applicable site plan review criteria prescribed by these Zoning
Regulations, a coastal site plan required under this Section shall be reviewed and may be
modified, conditioned, or denied in accordance with the procedures and criteria listed in this
Section of these Zoning Regulations.
.1 The Zoning Commission may, at its discretion, hold a public hearing on any coastal
site plan submitted to it for review.
.2 In determining the acceptability of potential adverse impacts of the proposed activity
described in the coastal site plan on both the coastal resources and the future waterdependent development opportunities, the Zoning Commission shall:
.1 consider the characteristics of the site, including the location and condition of any coastal
resources defined in Section 22a-93 of the General Statutes;
.2 consider the potential effects, both beneficial and adverse, of the proposed activity on
coastal resources and future water-dependent development opportunities;
.3 follow all applicable goals and policies stated in Section 22a-92 of the General Statutes
and identify any conflicts between the proposed activity and any goal or policy. When
approving, modifying, conditioning or denying a coastal site plan on the basis of the
criteria herein prescribed, the Zoning Commission shall state, in writing, the findings and
reasons for its action and shall send a copy of any decision by certified mail to the person
who submitted such plan within fifteen (15) days after such decision is rendered.
.3 In approving any activity proposed in a coastal site plan, the Zoning Commission shall make
a written finding that the proposed activity with any conditions or required modification (1)
is consistent with all applicable goals and policies in Section 22a-92 of the General Statutes;
and (2) incorporate as conditions or modifications all reasonable measures which would
mitigate the adverse impacts of the proposed activity on both coastal resources and future
water-dependent development activities.
12.1.4 Bond:
As a condition to a coastal site plan approval, the Zoning Commission may require a bond or
other surety or financial security arrangement to secure compliance with any modifications,
conditions, or other terms stated in its approval of the plan. The bonding procedure shall follow
Section 17.6 of the Zoning Regulations.
12.1.5 Violations:
Any activity within the defined coastal area not exempt from coastal site plan review pursuant to
Section 12.1.1 above, which occurs without having received a lawful approval from the Zoning
Commission under all of the applicable procedures and criteria prescribed by these Zoning
Regulations or which violates the terms and conditions of such approval, shall be deemed a
public nuisance and appropriate legal remedies will be taken by the Zoning Commission for the
abatement of such nuisance.
12.1.6 Time Limitations:
Whenever the approval of the coastal site plan is the only requirement to be met or remaining to
be met under these regulations for a proposed building use or structure, a decision on an
application for approval of such site plan shall be rendered within sixty-five (65) days after
receipt of such plan. The applicant may consent to one or more extensions of such period,
provided the total period of any such extension or extensions shall not exceed two further sixtyfive-day periods, or may withdraw such plan.
In accordance with C.G.S. Section 22a-325 to 22a-329 inclusive, a soil erosion and
sediment control plan shall be submitted with any application for development when the
disturbed area of such development is cumulatively more than one-half acre. The
soil erosion and sediment control plan shall, in mapped and narrative form, contain proper
measures to be taken to control erosion and sedimentation during and after construction.
The E & S plan shall be based on the "Connecticut Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control," (1985) as amended.
12.2.1 Site Plan Requirements:
The E & S Control Plan shall include the following:
.1 Locations and descriptions of the proposed development and adjacent properties;
.2 Locations of areas to be stripped of vegetation, regraded and contour data indicating existing
and proposed grades;
.3 A schedule of operations, including the sequence of major improvement phases such as
clearing, grading, paving, installation of drainage features and the like;
.4 Seeding, sodding or revegetation plans and specifications for all unprotected or unvegetated
.5 Location, design and timing of structural control measures, such as diversions, waterways,
grade stabilization structures, debris basins and the like. The narrative shall indicate design
criteria used in the design of control measures;
.6 A description of procedures to be followed to maintain sediment control measures;
.7 The name of the individual responsible for monitoring the plan with whom an inspector for
the Town may contact routinely;
.8 The plan map shall show the words: "Erosion and Sediment Control Plan" with space for
the date and signature of the Certifying Authority.
12.2.2 Approval:
After review of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan by the Commission or its designated
agent, the appropriate authority shall certify, modify and certify, or deny that the soil erosion
and sediment control plan complies with these regulations. A vote of the Commission to
approve a site plan shall mean certification of the erosion and sediment control plan as well.
Prior to certification, any plan submitted to the Commission may be referred to any agency,
deemed appropriate by the Commission, or recommendations concerning the Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan, provided such review shall be completed within thirty days of the
receipt of such plan.
12.2.3 Bond:
The estimated costs of measures required to control soil erosion and sedimentation, as
specified in the certified plan, may be covered in the performance bond or other insurance
acceptable to the Commission in accordance with Section 17.6 of these regulations.
12.2.4 Inspection:
The Commission or its designated agent shall periodically conduct inspections to verify
compliance with the certified plan and that control measures are properly performed or
installed and maintained. The Commission or its designated agent may require the applicant to
submit progress reports which show that soil erosion and sediment control measures and
facilities have been performed or installed according to the certified plan and are being correctly
operated and maintained.
12.2.5 Definitions:
"Certification" means an approval by the Town of Ledyard Zoning Commission (or its
designated agent) that a soil erosion and sediment control plan complies with the applicable
requirements of these regulations.
"Inspection" means the periodic review of sediment and erosion control measures shown on the
certified plan.
12.3.1 Purpose and Objectives:
It is the purpose of these regulations to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and
to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas. The flood
hazard areas of the Town of Ledyard are subject to periodic inundation which may result in loss
of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental
services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the
tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare.
12.3.2 Definitions:
Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this regulation shall be interpreted
so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this ordinance its most
reasonable application.
.1 "Area of special flood hazard" is the land in the floodplain within a community subject to
one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
.2 "Base flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any given year.
.3 “Development” means any man-made changes to improved or unimproved real estate,
including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading,
paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials.
.4 “Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)” means an official map of a community, on which the
National Flood Insurance Program Administrator has delineated both the special hazard
areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community.
.5 “Flood Insurance Study” means an examination, evaluation and determination of flood
hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations, or an examination,
evaluation and determination of mudslide and/or flood related erosion hazards.
.6 "Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas
that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing
the water surface elevation more than one foot.
.7 "Lowest floor" means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement).
.8 "Manufactured Home" for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, means a
structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is
designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached to the required
utilities. The term “manufactured home” does not include a “recreational vehicle”.
.9 "Mean Sea Level" means for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 or other datum, to which base flood
elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.
.10 “New Construction” means for the purposes of determining insurance rates, structures for
which the “start of construction” commenced on or after the effective date of an initial
FIRM or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later, and includes any subsequent
improvements to such structures. For floodplain management purposes, “new construction”
means structures for which the “start of construction” commenced on or after the effective
date of floodplain management regulations adopted by a community and includes any
subsequent improvements to such structures.
.11 “Recreational Vehicle” means a vehicle which is: (a) built on a single chassis; (b) 400
square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection; (c) designed to be
self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; and (d) designed primarily not
for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping,
travel, or seasonal use.
.12 "Start of construction" includes substantial improvement, and means the date the
building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, or
improvement was within 180 days of the permit date.
.13 “Substantial Damage” means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost
of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent
of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
.14 "Substantial improvement" means any combination or repairs, reconstruction, alteration, or
improvements to a structure in which the cumulative cost equals or exceeds fifty percent of
the market value of the structure. The market value of the structure should be (1) the
appraised value of the structure prior to the start of the initial repair or improvement, or (2)
in the case of damage, the value of the structure prior to the damage occurring. For the
purposes of this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first
alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences,
whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does
not, however include any project for improvement of a structure required to comply with
existing health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure
safe living conditions.
12.3.3 General Provisions:
This regulation shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard within the jurisdiction of the
Town of Ledyard. The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency in its Flood Insurance Study (FIS) or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),
dated April 1, l981, with accompanying Flood Boundary & Floodway maps and any subsequent
revisions thereto. These documents are hereby incorporated by reference and declared to be a
part of this regulation. A Development Permit shall be required in conformance with the
provisions of this regulation prior to the commencement of any development activities.
12.3.4 Duties and Responsibilities of the Zoning Commission or its Designated Agent:
Duties of the Zoning Commission shall include, but not be limited to:
.1 Review all permit applications to determine whether proposed building sites will be
reasonably safe from flooding;
.2 Advise permittee that additional Federal or State permits may be required. Notify adjacent
communities and the Department of Environmental Protection, Water Resources Unit prior to
any alteration or relocation of a watercourse;
.3 Assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said
watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished;
.4 Record the elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement)
of all new or substantially improved or floodproofed structures. When flood-proofing is
utilized for a particular structure the Building Official shall obtain certification from a
registered professional engineer or architect;
.5 When base flood elevation data or floodway data have not been provided, then the Zoning
Official shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway
data available from a Federal, State or other source in order to administer the provisions of
Sections and;
.6 Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of boundaries of the areas of special
flood hazard, the Zoning Official shall make the necessary interpretation. All records
pertaining to the provisions of this regulation shall be maintained in the Building & Zoning
Office, Ledyard Town Hall.
12.3.5 Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction:
.1 General Standards:
In all areas of special flood hazard the following provisions are required:
and substantial improvements shall be (i) anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral
movement of the structure; (ii) constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant
to flood damage; (iii) constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage;
water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood
waters into the system. New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed
to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from
the system into flood waters. On-site waste disposal systems shall be located and
constructed to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding;
.3 MANUFACTURED HOMES - All manufactured homes to be placed within Zone A on
the Town's FIRM shall be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood
damage. For the purposes of this requirement, manufactured homes must be elevated
and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement. Methods of anchoring
may include, but are not to be limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground
.2 Specific Standards:
In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data has been provided, as set
forth in Section 12.3.3 or as determined in Section, the following provisions, in
addition to those in Section, are required:
.1 RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES - New construction or substantial improvement of any
residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above
the base flood elevation;
.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES - New construction substantial improvement of
any commercial, industrial, or non-residential structure located in a special flood hazard
area shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above the level of the
base flood elevation;
.3 FLOODPROOFING - Non-residential structures located in all A-Zones may be floodproofed in lieu of being elevated provided that together with all attendant utilities and
sanitary facilities the areas of the structure below the required elevation are water tight
with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water, and use structural
components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and
the effect of buoyancy. A registered professional engineer or architect shall review
and/or develop structural design, specifications, and plans for the construction, and shall
certify that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with acceptable
standards of practice for meeting the provisions of this subsection;
.4 MANUFACTURED HOMES - All manufactured homes shall have the lowest floor
elevated to or above the base flood level. They shall be placed on a permanent
foundation which itself is securely anchored and to which the structure
is securely anchored;
.5 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES - Recreational vehicles placed on sites in all
A-Zones shall either:
(a) be on a site for fewer than 180 consecutive days;
(b) be fully licensed and ready for highway use, or;
(c) meet the permit requirements of Section of this section and the elevation and
anchoring requirements for “manufactured homes” in Section of the
General Standards Section.
.6 In A-Zones where base flood elevations have been determined, but before a
floodway is designated, require that no new construction, substantial improvement, or
other development (including fill) be permitted which would increase base flood
elevations more than one (1) foot at any point along the watercourse when all
anticipated development is considered cumulatively with the proposed development.
.3 Floodways:
In areas where floodways have been designated or determined these regulations shall prohibit
encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements and other
developments within the floodway unless demonstrated through hydraulic and hydrologic
analysis performed in accordance with standard engineering practice and certified by a
registered professional engineer that encroachments shall not result in any (0.00) increase in
flood levels during occurrence of the base flood discharge. When utilizing data other than
that provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the following standard
applies: select and adopt a regulatory floodway based on the principle that the area chosen
for the regulatory floodway must be designed to carry the waters of the base flood, without
increasing the water surface elevation of that flood more than one foot at any one point.
12.3.6 Variances:
The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall maintain a record of all flood protection variance
actions, including justification for their issuance, and report such variances issued in the
annual report submitted to the Administrator.
.1 An applicant for a variance to this Section shall be notified by the Zoning Enforcement
Officer that the issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will
result in increased rates for insurance coverage up to amounts as high as $25.00 for $100.00
of insurance coverage, and that such construction shall be maintained with a record of all
flood protection variance actions.
.2 A variance shall not be granted if the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that:
.1 no exceptional hardship would result from the failure to grant the variance;
.2 granting of the variance would result in increased flood heights, additional threats
to public safety, extraordinary public expenses, or creation of nuisances.
The Commission may require provisions for open space for parks, recreational and natural areas
in an area equal to at least ten percent of all approved land for any one complex. An expansion
of a complex which increases the area by less than 10 percent, the previously approved complex
shall be considered as part of the total in determining open space requirement. The location of
such areas shall be approved by the Commission. Disposition of such areas shall be one of the
12.4.1 The open spaces shall be conveyed by warranty deed to the Town of Ledyard after all
requirements of the approved complex have been completed. The Town Council may vote to
accept or reject such conveyance.
12.4.2 The open spaces may be conveyed by warranty deed to a homeowners association within
the complex to assure continued use for the purpose for which it was dedicated. A copy of
the bylaws of the homeowners association and the covenants of the warranty deed, guaranteeing
right to full use by the members, shall be submitted as part of the application.
12.4.3 Such land may be held and maintained by the developer so long as free access and availability
for the use for which they are intended is warranted to the Town of Ledyard. The developer
shall maintain such lands in the improved state and available for public use for a period of not
less than ninety-nine (99) years or the duration of the complex, whichever shall be longer. The
decision to hold and maintain the land shall be included in the covenants of each warranty deed
transferring other property within the complex to individual owners. In no case may the
developer transfer title to land reserved for open space into private ownership, with the
exception of land trust. In so far as possible, natural vegetation and unusual topographic
features shall not be disturbed during construction. Upon completion of a complex, the
developer shall be required to properly grade the disturbed land, remove all brush and debris,
and grade and seed all open or disturbed areas to field grass.
The condition, size and shape shall be readily usable for recreation, conservation or other
open space purposes. Such areas shall be easily accessible and balanced in design and
location to preclude grouping of dwelling lots and open spaces into the extremities of the
tract. The minimum size of any area designated as reserve for open space shall be one
(1) acre.
The removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, clay, stone or other minerals for commercial use shall be
allowed in any district after a permit has been granted by the Commission as hereinafter set
forth except when a part of, and on the construction site of a permitted building, farming or
grading operation including road construction. Any removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, stone or
other minerals occurring beyond the stated extent of an existing operation shall be considered a
new operation requiring a permit and subject to conditions contained herein. The intent of the
regulations is to insure that the landscape is not needlessly marred during and after operations
and that the work will not be a source of dust, pollution, siltation, or be generally characterized
by unsightliness as evidenced by open pits, rubble or other indications of completed digging
operations, which would have a deteriorating influence on nearby property values. A permit
may be granted by the Commission after a Public Hearing and under the conditions that follow:
12.5.1 Application:
The applicant shall submit the following data:
.1 A zoning application form indicating the nature and extent of the operation, and the
proposed land use with supporting data. It shall include the proposed truck access to the
excavation, off site haul route, the hours of operation, the machinery to be used on site and
the type of buildings or structures to be constructed on site;
.2 A map executed by a Land Surveyor or an Engineer, showing existing and proposed
contours and location of existing structures on this and adjacent properties (Information
regarding depth to ground water table and a log of soil borings taken to the depth of the
proposed excavation). Such proposal shall show details for landscaping the site during and
after completion of operations, and proper drainage of the area of the operation during and
after completion of the work.
12.5.2 Bond:
Before the permit is granted to any applicant starting any operation regulated under this
section the applicant shall post a cash or surety company bond to the Town of Ledyard in
an amount approved by the Commission to guarantee that the premises shall be
excavated, graded and landscaped in conformance with the plan of operation approved.
Deviation from the plan of operation without the Commission's approval shall be cause for
the Commission to revoke the permit.
12.5.3 Approval:
In passing on such application, the Commission shall consider the effect of such removal
on surrounding property, the future usefulness of the premises when the operation is
complete, and its effect on the public interest.
.1 The use of explosive devices may be limited as a condition of this permit. The times
of operation may be stipulated by the Commission.
.2 Permits shall be issued for a period not to exceed two (2) years. Permits shall not be
extended but may be renewed only after following the procedures cited above. No
permit will be considered for renewal until the operator has submitted a report on
the excavation operation prepared by a certified engineer. The engineer's report shall
attest that the excavation as already completed conforms to the plan of operation as
.3 A plan for sediment and erosion control shall be included in the permit application.
12.5.4 Operations:
.1 The gravel bank floor area shall be graded not less than one (1%) percent nor more
than four (4%) percent to provide for surface drainage;
.2 No removal shall take place within twenty-five (25) feet of a property line nor within
fifty (50) feet of a highway property line, such distances to be measured from the top of the
bank, and if within sight of a Town/State Road, may be required by the Commission to be
screened. The Commission may require a similar screen if isolation of adjacent property is
deemed necessary. No operation shall take place closer than a minimum of fifty (50) feet
from a stream, pond or lake;
.3 Upon completion of operations, no bank shall exceed a slope of one (1) foot vertical rise in
three (3) feet of horizontal distance. The disturbed area shall be covered with a minimum of
four (4) inches of top soil and graded. On completion of grading, the area will be limed,
fertilized and seeded in accordance with the approved site plan. The site shall be maintained
until the area is stabilized;
.4 Temporary seeding, used to control erosion, is permitted during the time that the operation is
being completed;
.5 The active gravel removal area shall not exceed a total of ten (10) acres at any one time;
.6 All topsoil and subsoil shall be stripped from the operation area and stockpiled for use in site
.7 Any surface water flowing from the excavated area shall flow through appropriate sediment
control devices before leaving the site;
.8 If excavation has occurred below the seasonal high water table, the pond banks should be no
steeper than 2:1.
12.5.5 Stone Crushing:
No stone crusher or other device, except screens, not required for the actual removal of
material shall be used in any district except in Industrial Districts.
The Commission may grant a special permit authorizing the establishment of the following uses in the
districts noted if, after a public hearing, it finds that such uses shall conform to the requirements of this
Two-family dwellings
Mobile Manufactured Home Land Lease Communities For Older Persons Formerly Known As (Mobile
Home Retirement Villages [RM-40 Zones])
Temporary Sawmills
Storage of Commercial Vehicles & Contractor's Equipment in Residential Districts
Contractor Home Occupation
Child Day Care Centers
Home Husbandry
Bed and Breakfast Operations
Country Inns
Written application shall be made to the Commission. Such application shall include:
Written statement describing the proposed use or uses.
Site plans showing existing and proposed buildings, structures, location of nearby structures,
proposed access roads, off-street parking and loading space, storm drainage, water supply,
sanitary sewers, signs, outdoor illumination, existing landscape features and proposed
landscaping, encroachment of Town property, existing and proposed contours.
All storm drainage for proposed development under a special exceptions permit in which the
combined square footage of roofs, paved parking areas and other impervious surfaces exceeds
10,000 square feet shall be designed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the
Drainage Ordinance of the Town of Ledyard.
The Commission may require that the provisions of the Drainage ordinance apply to other
forms of development under a special exceptions permit if it determines that a proposed
development is likely to have a significant drainage impact.
Basic architectural plans of proposed buildings and structures, specifying materials to be used
and generalized floor plans.
All site layout plans shall bear the seal of an Engineer and/or Land Surveyor.
The Commission may waive the requirement for a Licensed Surveyor or Professional
Engineer seal if no new structure is proposed and A-2 survey is submitted showing the
property boundaries.
All applications must be filed with the Zoning Enforcement Officer at least five (5) working
days before a regular scheduled Commission meeting in order to be considered during that
The Commission will not hear the same or substantially the same application for the
same Special Exception for a period of one year after a decision by the Commission.
The Commission shall grant an application for Special Exception if it determines, after
a public hearing, that the proposed use or uses are permitted uses and that the
proposed plans conform to the standards specified herein for the permitted uses in a
Zoning District. Further, approval/disapproval within sixty-five (65) days of the public
hearing will contingent upon the following, as may be determined by the Commission:
13.2.1 That the proposed use and its proposed layout and location in a district will not be
detrimental to existing and adjacent uses in the sense that all requirements of Section
1.2 of these regulations, including traffic congestion; population concentration; noise;
light; odors; smoke and other physical features that may be expected to adversely
influence the future development in that district with the generally intended and
permitted uses.
13.2.2 Approval of the application shall be contingent upon completion of the proposed special
exception, in accordance with plans as approved, within a period of two (2) years after such
approval is granted. Approval of the application becomes null and void in the event of failure
to complete the proposed special exception within the same two (2) year period. Extensions
may be granted, by the Commission, for good cause shown. All requirements set forth herein
are in addition to the requirements for any permitted use in the Zoning District in which it is a
regularly designated use.
Apartments/Condominiums may be permitted in High Density Residential (R-20) and
Medium Density Residential (R-40) Districts only subject to the following conditions:
13.3.1 Apartment/Condominium shall not be permitted on lots of less than five (5) acres.
.1 No apartment/condominium complex shall exceed an average net density of two (2)
two-bedroom or four (4) one-bedroom units to the acre unless they are served by public
sewers. Where sewers are available, an average net density of four (4) two-bedroom or
eight (8) one-bedroom units to an acre may be permitted; provided, however, that a
maximum of four (4) three-bedroom units to an acre may be permitted in age restricted
housing developments. No building shall contain more than eight (8) dwelling units, which
shall be the maximum number permitted on any one acre;
.2 No apartment/condominium complex shall contain more than forty-eight (48) dwelling units.
Water and Sewer:
.1 A community water system shall be provided;
.2 A written report from the State Department of Health endorsed by the Town Director
of Health shall be submitted to the Commission concurring with the adequacy of plans for
the proposed water and sewage disposal facilities.
13.3.4 Minimum floor size:
All apartment/condominium units shall have no more than two (2) bedrooms. One bedroom
units shall contain a minimum of 550 sq. ft., not to exceed 650 sq. ft. of habitable living area.
Two bedroom units shall contain a minimum of 750 sq. ft. of habitable living area.
Buffer and Open Space:
.1 Open space as described in Section 12.4 shall be provided on the basis of one (1) acre per
eight (8) dwelling units, or portion thereof, for parks or playgrounds. The location of such
areas shall be approved by the Commission, disposition shall be described in Section 12.4;
.2 A buffer strip of fifty (50) feet around the entire perimeter of such complex shall be left in
its natural wooded state or planted with at least two (2) staggered rows of fir trees or
landscaped in some other manner approved by the Commission. Buffer strips shall contain
no parking areas or buildings. Other structures, such as wells, site utilities, recreation
facilities, drainage facilities may be allowed by the Commission within the buffer area. This
determination will be made by the Commission after evaluating adjacent land use (proposed
or actual); the commission is satisfied that adequate screening is provided; and, in the
Commission's opinion, the structure, it's location, and/or it's use will not adversely effect the
buffering intent of overall project;
.3 No building shall be erected within fifty (50) feet of a property line.
13.3.6 Screening:
The amount of screening required for these structures, within fifty (50) feet of the property line,
will be determined by the Commission, who will take into consideration existing topography
and foliage, the structure's use, location, size and aesthetic impact on the adjoining properties,
and the use of adjoining properties.
13.3.7 Off-street parking shall be provided at the rate of 400 sq. ft. of parking area per dwelling unit.
13.3.8 The Commission may require the posting of a bond under the conditions noted in Section 17.6.
Two-family dwellings will be considered for residential zones. They will satisfy the
requirements set forth in Section 9, with the following qualifications:
13.4.1 R-20 District, minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet per dwelling unit (40,000 sq. ft.
13.4.2 R-40 District, minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet per dwelling unit (50,000 sq. ft.
13.4.3 R-60 District, minimum lot area of 40,000 square feet per dwelling unit (80,000 sq. ft.
13.4.4 R-80 District, minimum lot area of 60,000 square feet per dwelling unit (120,000 sq. ft.
To help establish and maintain an adequate supply of decent, safe and affordable housing
serving different types of households, specifically for older persons, as encouraged by the
“Housing” Section of the Ledyard Plan of Development, by enabling the development of large
parcels of land Zoned RM-40 into land lease communities for the installation, sale , and
occupancy of multiple section mobile manufactured homes.
13.5.2 Definitions:
.1 Mobile Manufactured Home: For the purposes of this section, a mobile manufactured
home means a manufactured home built to the Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (HUD Code) and displays a certification label on the exterior of each
transportable section. Manufactured homes are built in the controlled environment of a
manufacturing plant and are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis.
For the purpose of these regulations, a mobile manufactured home, after installation on a
mobile manufactured home site, is required to be a minimum of 22 feet in width, and shall
contain not less than 850 square feet based on exterior dimensions. Attached structures,
decks, enclosed porches, and accessory buildings and additions shall not count toward the
minimum square footage requirement.
.2 Mobile Manufactured Home Community: A plot of ground upon which two or
more mobile manufactured homes, occupied for residential purposes are located.
.3 Mobile Manufactured Home Site: A plot of ground within a mobile manufactured home
community designed for the accommodation of one mobile manufactured home. A mobile
manufactured home site shall have water, sewer, electrical, phone and cable television
service, a parking area and a Permanent Foundation System that is compatible with the
Home Manufacturers HUD Approved Installation Instructions and applicable building
.4 Affordable Housing: Housing for which persons and families pay thirty per cent or less of
their annual income, where such income is less than or equal to the area median income for
the municipality in which such housing is located, as determined by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
.5 Affordable Housing Development: A proposed housing development in which not less
than 25% of the dwelling units will be conveyed by deeds containing covenants or
restrictions which shall require that such dwelling units be sold or rented at, or below,
prices which will preserve the units as affordable housing for persons and families whose
income is less than or equal to eighty percent of the area medial income or eighty percent
of the state medial income, whichever is less, for at least thirty years after the initial
occupation of the proposed development.
.6 Assisted Housing: Housing which will receive financial assistance under any governmental
program for the construction of low and moderate housing, and any housing to be occupied
by persons receiving rental assistance under Chapter 138a or Section 1437f of Title 42 of
the United States Code.
.7 Permanent Foundation System: A permanent rigid structure or structures constructed
upon and/or below the surface of a mobile manufactured home site designed for attaching
and anchoring a mobile manufactured home, in such a manner that the home will not be
subject to movement due to frost, frost heaves, freezing, flooding or wind.
13.5.3 Ownership:
The land parcel is required to be owned by an individual, corporation, limited liability
company, the state or any political subdivision thereof, agency, business trust, estate, trust,
partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, and any
other legal or commercial entity that subsequently leases individual sites for the installation of
mobile manufactured homes, and provides water, sewage, refuse pickup, and other utilities and
services, including community management services, to the owner/residents of the mobile
manufactured homes on an annual or longer renewable basis subject to the payment of monthly
site rent and compliance with reasonable written rules and regulations of the land lease
community. The land shall be in single ownership at the time of the application and shall not
be further divided while this use continues. Division or subdivision within a mobile
manufactured home community is expressly prohibited.
13.5.4 Resident Entry and Occupancy Requirements:
Each mobile manufactured home site shall be:
.1 intended for, and solely occupied by persons who are 62 years of age or older, or;
.2 intended and operated for occupancy by persons 55 years of age or older, and
.1 at least 80 percent of the occupied sites are occupied by at least one person who is 55
years of age or older;
.2 no site shall be occupied by any individuals who have not attained the age of 18 years;
.3 the community owner shall publish, adhere, and enforce policies and procedures that
clearly demonstrate the intent required under this subparagraph;
.4 the community owner adheres to a policy statement contained in each individual site
lease, in the Community Rules and Regulations, and posted in a conspicuous location in
the land lease community, that clearly demonstrated an intent to house persons who are
55 years of age or older;
.5 the land lease community owner complies with rules issued by the United States
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for verification of occupancy, which shall
.1 provide for verification by reliable surveys and affidavits, and
.2 include examples of the types of policies and procedures relevant to a determination of
compliance with the requirements of Section and Section
Such surveys and affidavits shall be admissible in administrative and judicial
proceedings for the purpose of such verification, and
.6 the land lease community owner provides facilities and services within the community
which are designed to accommodate the needs of older persons.
13.5.5 Community Design Requirements:
.1 The minimum size shall be 10 acres, and the maximum number of lease sites in any land
lease community shall not exceed 200 sites.
.2 The number of lease sites for mobile manufactured homes shall not exceed an average net
density of five (5) lease sites per acres.
.3 Clustering of homes is permitted if such a design will result in a more attractive community.
.4 A community center and/or recreation facility, if any, shall be designed, built, and reserved
for the exclusive use of the residents of the mobile manufactured home land lease
community. Land for the community center and/or recreation facility, if any, shall be
included in the total acreage when calculating density and the maximum number of lease
sites. The community center shall be owned, operated, maintained, and managed by the
land lease community Owner.
.5 The community center and/or recreation facility, if any, shall be adequate for the completed
and fully occupied community. The community center and/or recreation facility, if any,
may be a multi-section mobile manufactured structure designed for such use.
.6 The land lease mobile manufactured home community shall have all site lease lines defined
with permanent corner stakes, and permanent marker showing each site number or address
that corresponds to the site plan.
.7 Each site shall be selected graded or constructed in such a manner that moisture will not
collect under the mobile manufactured home.
.8 Water, sewer, electric, telephone, cable, and other utilities shall be below ground unless
waived by a two-thirds vote of the Zoning Commission.
.9 Common area lighting shall be provided via 15 foot low glare low wattage light stands
designed for 20,000+ hour bulbs sufficient to provide illumination for the safety of
pedestrians and vehicular movement at night, with below ground wiring connected to the
Mobile Manufactured Home Land Lease Community Owner’s community electric meter.
Overhead telephone pole mounted flood lights are not permitted. The Zoning Commission
may waive this requirement if an alternative lighting proposal will be more attractive and
provide greater safety to residents.
.10 Mobile manufactured home orientations and specific locations shall be chosen such
that it is possible to install and remove any mobile manufactured home, in any sequence
or order, without the need to first install or move any other mobile manufactured home.
.11 The orientation of each mobile manufactured home on its site should, where practical, be
parallel to its frontage roadway. A “herringbone” orientation pattern, with homes parallel
to each other and angled to the roadway, is not permitted.
.12 There shall be a minimum of a 20 foot setback from the front edge of the home to the edge
of the frontage road. The Zoning Commission may waive this requirement on a site by site
basis if an alternative home setback proposal will result in a more attractive community or
increased safety or for other good cause.
.13 Oil tanks, gas tanks, air conditioning units, and clothes lines shall be in the rear yard or not
be visible from the roadways.
.14 Electric meters and electric meter panels will not be visible from the roadways unless
attached to the mobile manufactured homes.
.15 The community design shall eliminate monotony, insure compatibility with topographical
conditions, and encourage individual site privacy.
.16 The design should, where practical, provide for only a single common entry/exit driveway
into the mobile manufactured home land lease community from a public roadway unless
more than one entry/exit is necessary for safety, esthetics, or other compelling reason.
.17 The design shall minimize traffic flow, traffic speeds, traffic noise, and congestion, and
provide emergency access to all parts of the land lease mobile manufactured home
community as required by the Fire Marshall.
.18 If the average density of the community exceeds two home sites per acre the community
landscape design shall include screening on all sides in a manner such that individual
mobile manufactured homes cannot be easily viewed from adjacent properties and adjacent
public roadways. The screening may be located on leased sites, but the area dedicated for
the screening shall not contain any homes, parking, storage areas or structures. Screening
shall not include fencing.
.19 The community design in combination with the landscape design shall be such that the
residents of each site will have a reasonable sense of outdoor privacy as it relates to
adjacent sites. Fencing shall not be used to achieve such screening purposes.
.20 The community landscape design shall provide a reasonable complement of initial
foundation (skirting) plants for each mobile manufactured home, and also for the
community center and/or recreation facility, if any, and front and rear yard grass for each
.21 Dumpsters, if any, shall be adequately screened.
.22 Roadways within the mobile manufactured home land lease community shall be constructed
in accordance with the following specification:
.1 Width: Collector roadways shall be not less than 24 feet in width, and local roadways
shall be not less than 22 feet in width.
.2 Grade: The grade of the community roadways shall provide proper drainage and
conform reasonably with the grade of abutting properties. The grade shall not be less
than 1% and shall not exceed 8%.
Subgrade: All ledge rock shall be removed to a depth determined by the project
professional engineer below subgrade and then back filled with suitable gravel. All
loam shall be removed and all trees and roots shall be removed for the full width of the
roadway. Soft spots, peat and organic material shall be excavated to solid bottom and
back filled with stone, tailings or bank run gravel. The base shall be rolled with a tenton roller before placing the gravel sub-base. The subgrade shall be graded to a cross
section with a cross slope of one-quarter inch per foot.
Sub-base: Ten inches of bank run gravel shall be installed over the subgrade. Sub-base
shall be installed for the full width of the traveled roadway and rolled with a ten-ton
roller. Such bank run gravel shall meet State Department of Transportation
Process Gravel Base: Four inches of process gravel base shall be installed over the
subgrade at a minimum thickness of four inches subsequent to compaction. Base
material shall meet the requirements of the State Highway Department for rolled
processed gravel surfaces. This surface shall be constructed to a cross section with a
cross slope of one-quarter inch per foot.
.6 Surface Treatment: The road surface shall be given two applications of
bituminous concrete. The first application shall consist of compacted one and onequarter inch binder course bituminous concrete, and the second application shall consist
of compacted one and one-quarter inch surface coarse grading II. All roadway
infrastructure installation shall comply with sound engineering practices; but shall not
otherwise be required to comply with the Town of Ledyard Road Ordinance. When
any roadway installed in conjunction with the development of a proposed mobile
manufactured land lease community is designed to intersect an existing town road
which does not meet the requirements of the Ledyard Road Ordinance, the applicant
shall consult with the Director of Public Works and, if requested, convey to the Town
of Ledyard sufficient land along such existing town road as is required to allow its
widening to conform to the standards of the road ordinance of the Town of Ledyard.
.23 When the proposed mobile manufactured land lease community abuts an existing
town road which does not meet the requirements of the Ledyard Road Ordinance,
the applicant shall consult with the Director of Public Works and convey to the town
sufficient land along such road as to permit its widening to conform to the standards of the
road ordinance. The Public Works Director may specify improvements to town roads
adjacent to the project site necessary for public safety required by the Mobile Manufactured
Home Land Lease Community. Such improvements shall be provided by the Owner.
.24 Septic disposal systems, including tanks, galleys, and leaching fields, shall be fully
contained within the boundaries of the land lease community.
.25 Sites for homes heated by fuel oil or kerosene will be provided with a leakproof and
weatherproof containment system to prevent leaking fuel, if any, from seeping into the soil.
A cover or other mechanism shall be provided to keep rainwater from entering the
containment device.
.26 One or more structures, for use only as service buildings, shall be provided for the storage of
tools, mowers, snow blowers, generators, tractors, sand, and similar equipment and
materials. The service buildings shall be screened to prevent viewing from homes in the
community, from homes on adjacent properties, and from town roads. Fencing shall not be
used for such screening. The service structure may be a mobile manufactured structure
designed for such purpose, or may be combined with a common area community
recreational facility.
.27 A maximum of one (1) accessory building (storage shed), up to 125 square feet, and
shingled is permitted per site. Each accessory building shall be located behind the rear
extended plane of the mobile manufactured home. Hoop houses and membrane covered
structures are not permitted. Metal storage sheds are not permitted.
.28 Each lease site shall be provided with a minimum of a 150 square foot or larger hard surface
patio, or a 150 square foot or larger wood deck, or an enclosed 150 square foot or larger
screened porch, or an attached one or two car carport to provide end to end or side by side
covered paved parking designed for use with mobile manufactured homes.
.29 The steps to the home for both the main entrance and the emergency or rear exit shall be
substantially built and made of wood or concrete, containing a non-slip surface, handrails on
both sides, and a deck area with railing of a minimum of 3’ by 3’ for the emergency exit, and
a minimum of 5’ by 6’ for the main entrance. The main entrance deck size requirement is
waived if the main entrance is integrated with the wood deck or enclosed porch permitted by
.30 Adequate paved or covered paved space shall be provide on each site for the parking of at
least two cars. Parking on each site shall be located to the left or right of each home behind
the front extended plane of the home, or alternatively, parking may be provided behind the
home out of view from the roadway.
.31 Off street paved guest parking areas shall be provided at the rate of not less than one (1)
space per every four (4) lease sites at convenient and accessible locations. If permitted by
the Community Rules and Regulations, guests may park on the individual paved driveway
area on each home site between the front extended plane of the home and the edge of the
roadway, in which case the on-site guest parking space may be credited on a one for one
basis towards the off site guest paved parking space requirement. It is intended that this
provision will reduce or eliminate the need for off site paved guest parking areas.
Additional parking, as appropriate, shall be provided if there is a community center and/or
recreation facility.
.32 Paved remote parking for trailered boats, motor homes, and travel trailers, shall be provided
at a minimum rate of one (1) space per every eight (8) lease sites. This parking area shall
be screened to minimum its view from residents of the community and from adjoining
properties. Fencing shall not be used to create the required screening.
.33 Recreational areas for residents and their guests, including visiting children, are optional. If
a community center and/or recreation facility is provided it shall have sanitary facilities as
required under Section 425.37 of the Building Code, lighting, and walkways with a nonslip impervious surface as appropriate.
.34 A community or municipal water system shall be provided and the applicant shall
demonstrate that the system has the approval of the State Health Department. Water to
each lease site shall be metered, and a below frost line shut off valve shall be provided in
an underground meter box or equivalent to permit the turnoff of water to each individual
site. The system will be designed in such a manner that there will be a minimum of piping,
the piping will not be under paved roadways, sidewalks, and driveways except as
necessary, and a failure of any section of piping will result in a minimum number of lease
sites without water during repairs. If water is provided by a well on the property, a backup
generator system shall be provided to provide electricity to the water pump(s) in the event
of an electrical supply failure. A spare pump shall be stored on the premises if the
community is provided well water.
13.5.6 Mobile Manufactured Home Standards for Community Entry and On-Site Resale:
As a minimum, each mobile manufactured home shall:
.1 Be vinyl sided with pitched shingled roof.
.2 Be built to the HUD regulations adopted on October 1993 to provide for improved energy
efficiency and better insulation, and the January 1994 HUD adopted standards that
strengthen the ability to withstand high winds in hurricane prone areas. (Reference:
“Manufactured Housing Program - Manufactured Home Construction and Safety
Standards, 24 CFR 3280”).
.3 Be in overall excellent and safe condition, clean, with all working windows, a full
complement of screens, emergency exit, structurally sound flooring, safe electrical, roofing
in excellent condition, walls, ceilings, carpeting, vinyl flooring, doors, storm doors,
cabinets, counters, plumbing, heating systems, tubs, showers, fire extinguisher, smoke
detector, insulation, siding, fuel emergency cutoff, and under floor moisture barrier in
excellent condition.
.4 The Zoning Enforcement Official shall not issue a permit for installation or approve the
installation of a mobile manufactured home within the land lease community unless the
home satisfies the requirements of this section.
.5 Convey with its original wheels, tires, lug nuts, axle/brake assemblies, attachment bolts and
hardware and hitch, all of which shall be permanently stored above ground under the home
and out of view. This requirement shall be in both the Land Lease and the Rules and
Regulations for a Mobile Manufactured Home Land Lease Community for Older Persons
and shall be a condition precedent for the home to be sold and remain in the Community.
13.5.7 Mobile Manufactured Home Installation Requirements:
.1 Each home shall be installed and attached to the mobile manufactured home site’s
Permanent Foundation System (Section per the home manufacturer’s HUD
approved installation instructions and applicable building codes. Alternative installation
and attachment systems and designs may be used if they are equal or superior in hold down
performance to those recommended by the mobile manufactured home manufacturer and
approved by the Ledyard Building Official.
.2 Foundation covering (skirting) is mandatory and shall be designed for mobile manufactured
homes, or a continuation of the vinyl siding material on the home extended to the
Permanent Foundation System.
.3 No more than one mobile manufactured home shall be allowed on each lease site.
.4 The hitch shall be removed from the frame and stored above ground under the home. Axle
assemblies, including wheels, tires, lug nuts, brakes, attachment bolts and hardware may be
disconnected from the chassis and stored as per Section of these Regulations.
13.5.8 Application Requirements - Site Plan:
.1 In addition to the usual site plan requirements, the application shall include:
.1 a storm drainage plan including water runoff in and about the roadways and
.2 sanitary sewer plan;
.3 water source, water treatment, isolation valve locations, sampling spigot locations, and
distribution plan;
.4 community lighting plan;
.5 electrical distribution plan;
.6 cable distribution plan;
.7 roadways;
.8 pathways;
.9 street names;
.10 site numbering & size, style, & location of each site number for compliance with 911
.11 fire hydrants (if any);
.12 sidewalks (if any);
.13 a general landscape design overview approach including a detail representative landscape
proposal for one (or more) homes & home sites, a detail landscape proposal for each
community entrance, and a detail landscape proposal for the community center, if any;
.14 common area, site, perimeter, dumpster, & RV storage screening;
.15 all signage (including, as appropriate, community entrance(s), office, sales, parking,
traffic control and direction, street names, “private property,” “no soliciting,” and “no
trespassing” signs;
.16 refuse & recycling management plan;
.17 dumpster size & location(s), if any;
.18 mail & newspaper delivery plan (on site vs. central structure);
.19 parking plan including on-site, guest, and RV parking; and
.20 public facilities, if any.
.2 The site plan shall include the lease lines for each site, the address of each site, parking for
each site, the screening for each site, and the orientation footprint of each proposed mobile
manufactured home when installed on each site.
.3 The applicant, at the public hearing, shall explain the rationale and benefits for his proposed
community design, lease site sizes, roadway design, parking design, lighting design, and
home orientation proposed for each lease site, and how his design achieves the purpose and
requirements of this section.
.4 The site plan shall clearly identify and describe any significant facilities and services that
will be provided by the community owner if required by Section
.5 A written report, endorsed by the town Health Officer, on the suitability of the property for
individual or community on-site subsurface sewage disposal, shall be submitted as part of
the application. Soil tests shall be required in accordance with the Public Health Code of
the State of Connecticut. The results and date of the soil tests shall be included in the
written report and the proposed systems and reserve areas shall be shown on the site layout
map. However, soil tests shall not be required if the land lease community will be serviced
by a municipal sewer facility.
.6 The site plan shall include the location, design, and size of the mobile manufactured home
land lease community bulletin board required for the posting of the community rules and
.7 The site plan shall include identification of a sales office and/or community management
office, if any.
Application Requirement - Community Operations:
.1 The application shall include a management plan designed to ensure adequate maintenance
and a continuum of the proposed mobile manufactured home land lease community.
.2 The management plan shall include a brief description of how the Owner of the mobile
manufacture home land lease community will help assure no fuel oil leakage. The plan
shall include his fuel oil tank inspection monitoring schedule, who performs the
inspections, a description of planned record keeping regarding fuel tank, and the criteria for
tank replacement.
.3 The management plan shall include the applicant’s proposed age verification procedures of
residents & prospective residents, and how the age constraints will be enforced.
.4 The submitted documents shall be consistent with Chapter 412 of the Connecticut General
.5 The management plan shall include a copy of the community owner’s proposed site lease,
the mobile manufactured home entrance requirements, the prospective new resident
entrance requirements, and the mobile manufactured home land lease community Rules
and Regulations to be submitted to the Department of Consumer Protection (Reference
Section 21-67 of the Connecticut General Statutes) identifying restrictions on the number
of residents per site and per home, constraints on guests and visitors (if any), constraints
regarding the housing of relatives, constraints on pets, nuisance, water consumption, on-site
vehicle/boat/RV maintenance & repair, home painting color constraints (if any), resident
installed gardens/fencing/pools/pavement/other site improvements (if any), rules regarding
resident parking & guest parking, use of bicycles/motorcycles, use of playgrounds, use of
community center and/or recreation facilities (if any), removal of trees, planting of trees,
deck expansions, storage sheds (size, location, color, materials, design, roofing materials),
additions to mobile manufactured homes, leaf pickup, lawn mowing, site maintenance, yard
care, prohibitions against yard reversion to natural state (if any), gardens, fences, parties &
noise, discharge of firearms, speed limits, site classifications (if more than one), resident
security, and insurance requirements, and all other rules and regulations.
.6 The Site Lease shall include all of the responsibilities, including maintenance,
responsibilities, of the community owner, and all of the responsibilities, including
maintenance responsibilities, of the Resident, and shall incorporate the mobile
manufactured home land lease community Rules and Regulations by reference. The site
lease shall clearly identify the ownership of and responsibility for below ground water
piping, below ground electrical lines, Permanent Foundation Systems, community storm
drainage facilities, and below ground sewage piping and sewage disposal systems as that of
the community owner, which shall be clearly stated in site leases and in the Rules and
Regulations. The Owner of the land lease community shall be responsible for the proper
regular inspection of oil tanks to help assure that fuel oil leakage does not occur as a result
of tank deterioration, and shall reserve the right in each site lease to replace oil tanks when
necessary to prevent oil leakage.
.7 Each site lease shall limit the use of the leased site to a specific mobile manufactured home
designated by manufacturer, model, year of production, and serial number, and prohibits
the replacement of a mobile manufactured home except by permit and the written
permission of the community owner.
.8 The site lease and/or the community Rules and Regulations shall prohibit the subletting of
lease sites, TV antennas (except for 18” or smaller dish antennas that cannot be viewed
from the roadways), parking on the roadways within the mobile manufactured home land
lease community, parking of boats, trailers, motor homes, and travel trailers on lease sites,
and all commercial activities including home occupations. It is recommended that exterior
clothes lines not be permitted, and if permitted, that they not be attached to trees, and
cannot be viewed from the community roadways.
.9 The site lease shall specifically prohibit the use of mobile manufactured homes and/or lease
sites for material storage or any other non-residential use.
.10 The site lease shall address requirements regarding hazardous materials.
.11 It shall be clearly stated in the applicant’s proposed Rules and Regulations that any mobile
manufactured home that does not satisfy the written home entrance requirements shall not
be permitted entry into the land lease community.
.12 It shall be clearly stated in the applicant’s proposed Rules and Regulations that mobile
manufactured homes shall not be permitted entry into the land lease community unless all
wheels, tires, axles, brakes and the hitch for the home are permanently stored above ground
under the home.
.13 The rules and Regulations shall specify the age, size constraints, insurance, license &
registration status, and condition of vehicles, including RV’s, necessary for a vehicle to be
stored or parked in the land lease community.
The Rules and Regulations shall identify the standards for permitting a mobile
manufactured home to be resold and subsequently remain on its’ home site.
.15 The Rules and Regulations shall prohibit the use of the community center and/or recreation
facility, if any, by anyone other than residents and guests of residents.
13.5.10 Community Development Plan:
.1 The application shall include the mobile manufactured home land lease community
development schedule and lease-up plan. The community may be developed in reasonable
phases provided that the lease sites, rules and regulations, leases, rents, facilities, site
classifications, and policies are identical for all phases. Mobile manufactured homes may
be installed (with a permit for each home), sold, and occupied upon the substantial
completion of the land improvements and approval of each phase. Individual site
landscaping and paving is not required until a mobile manufactured home is properly
installed. Individual site landscaping and paving may be delayed for a reasonable period as
determined by the ZEO due to seasonal weather conditions.
.2 The Zoning Commission may require a bond or other acceptable security to be posted to
guarantee that the proposed roads, service buildings, recreation areas, landscaping,
screening, and other improvements are completed as provided in the application.
.3 If the proposed mobile manufactured home land lease community is to be located in a
Special Flood Hazard Area, the Zoning Commission will review the application for
compliance with Section 12.3 Flood Protection.
13.5.11 Licensing:
The Applicant shall apply to the Department of Consumer Protection for a License for a Mobile
Home Park, which must be approved, subject to re-inspection and approval upon completion of
the community or phases of the community as per Section 21-67-(b) of Chapter 412 of the
Connecticut General Statutes, prior to beginning construction.
13.5.12 Affordable Housing Development Application Requirements:
The application shall state if it is a formal “Affordable Housing Development” proposal as
defined per Section 8-30g of the Connecticut General Statutes. If yes, the following additional
information is required as part of the application:
.1 The application shall identify if the “Affordable Housing Development” will include
“assisted housing.”
.2 The application shall include the specific wording proposed for the deed covenants or
restrictions for the parcel proposed to be developed into the Mobile Manufactured Home
“land lease” community to assure that the housing will remain affordable housing for a
minimum of 30 years as required by Chapter 126a
Section 8-30g-(a)-(1)-(B) of the Connecticut General Statues.
The application shall include an explanation of:
.1 how the deed covenants or restrictions will be implemented,
.2 the specific wording and examples showing how the covenants or restrictions
will comport with the site leases and the community rules and regulations,
.3 how resident income information will be obtained and certified,
.4 the frequency of obtaining and certifying resident income,
.5 how the deed covenants or restrictions will be enforced specifically addressing out-year
on-site home resales,
.6 who has access to the resident income information, and
.7 a description of the sequence of events that will occur if a resident owner of a mobile
manufactured home annual income increases to exceed eighty per cent of the area
median income if the increase will cause less than 25% of the sites to be occupied by
individuals or families at less than eighty percent of the median income.
The application shall provide information regarding if the owner of the mobile
manufactured home land lease community will rent or lease homes within the community,
and if non-resident mobile manufactured home owners will be permitted to sublet their
mobile manufactured home sites.
The application shall list the proposed site rent for each mobile manufactured home site in
the land lease community that is specifically designated as part of the “affordable housing
development” area(s) of the community.
The application shall identify the proposed mobile manufactured homes that will be
installed on the sites specifically designated as part of the “affordable housing
development” by manufacturer(s), year(s), of manufacture, models, sizes, exterior
dimensions, number of bedrooms, and expected sales price(s) or home rent(s) that he
intends to obtain to achieve the affordable housing development requirements.
If the community owner intends to rent only a limited number of sites at below market rents
to achieve the requirements of an “affordable housing development”, the application shall
include an explanation of how the community owner intends to comply with Section 21-80(b)-(5)-(B) of Chapter 412 of the Connecticut General Statutes requiring proposed site rent
be consistent with rents for comparable sites in the same mobile manufactured home
.8 The applicant shall describe how the community owner will annually obtain and validate
the necessary data to produce the “Annual certification of continuing compliance with
affordability requirement” to the Zoning Commission as per Chapter 126a Section 8-30h of
the Connecticut General Statutes.
13.6.1 Conditions:
Temporary sawmills may be constructed in any district provided that they meet the
following conditions:
.1 Operation limited to daylight hours;
.2 Operation shall be limited to cutting of trees on site;
.3 Located not closer that 100 feet to any property line or street line;
.4 Location no closer than 500 feet to the nearest residence;
.5 A site and restoration plan must be submitted indicating data required above.
13.6.2 Approval may be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) month, and may be renewed
under the above conditions.
13.6.3 On completion of work such sawmills shall be dismantled and removed.
13.6.4 Bonding as required in Section 16.6 will be required for reforestation completion.
13.7.1 This use will be considered in R-40, R-60 and R-80 districts subject to the following
.1 All equipment shall be stored in the rear yard;
.2 The storage area shall be screened at all seasons from streets and adjacent lots by a buffer
strip which may be accomplished by use of the following: existing structures, fencing,
natural or ornamental vegetation, earth embankment, or any suitable alternative, consistent
with surrounding areas;
.3 Consideration shall be given to undeveloped adjacent lots so as to permit their
unencumbered development at any future time;
.4 Site plan shall include type of equipment and vehicles to be stored;
.5 Limit of five (5) vehicles;
.6 Egress and entry 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
13.7.2 This permit may be combined with and made part of a Contractor Home Occupation
Special Permit.
The purpose of Contractor Home Occupation special exception is to permit a resident to
conduct activity on residential property necessary for the functioning of a Building,
Construction, or similar income-producing business. The permitted uses would include
accessory use customary with and incidental to the permitted use including the operation of a
business office within the residential dwelling or accessory building, the storage of commercial
vehicles and contractor equipment, the use of accessory buildings for storage and maintenance,
and the employing of non-family related individuals to work upon the residential property.
This use will be considered in any residential district provided that it meets the following
.1 The conditions for storage of vehicles and equipment set forth in Sections 13.7.1
subsections .1, .3, .4, and .6;
.2 The storage area shall be screened at all seasons from streets and lots by a buffer strip with a
minimum width of 30' in addition to required setbacks. Screening may be accomplished by
use of the following: existing structures, fencing, natural or ornamental vegetation, earth
embankments, or any suitable alternative consistent with surrounding areas;
.3 Minimum lot size shall be 5 acres. Side and rear yard setback requirements will be as per R80 zones. A waiver of this requirement may be granted upon request of the applicant if the
following are true:
.1 The equipment used is characteristic of residential neighborhood and does not
exceed on business vehicle per acre;
.2 No on-site fabrication is necessary to perform the business;
.3 No outdoor storage of inventory is necessary to maintain the business.
If a waiver request is granted, existing side and rear setbacks for the given zones will be
used. The storage buffer strip of 30 feet may be reduced by the Commission if on-site
characteristics permit.
.4 Actual service to the general public to be performed off the premises;
.5 The owner of the contracting business shall be a resident and owner of the premises;
.6 The contracting services provided shall not be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort,
or general welfare of the community;
.7 Such occupation shall not create objectionable noise, smoke, odor, toxic fumes,
vibration or unsightly conditions that would set the dwelling apart in its surroundings or
degrade residential property in the neighborhood;
.8 Off-street parking shall be provided;
.9 Such occupation shall not create interference with radio or television reception in the
.10 Such occupation shall comply with all applicable state and federal regulations.
13.8.3 In addition to the requirements of Section 13.1 Application for Special Exception Permit, the
application for the special exception herein shall include the nature and scope of the proposed
activity including but not necessarily limited to the following information:
.1 Type of occupation;
.2 Number of non-residential employees;
.3 Number and type of vehicles;
.4 Location of on-site fuel storage;
.5 Location of open storage of materials;
.6 Location of accessory structures associated with home occupation;
.7 Percentage of residential dwelling to be used for home occupation;
.8 Location of off-street parking areas.
The special exception granted shall be limited to the scope and nature of the activity as
specifically described in the application. Intensification of scope and nature with regard to any
of the elements set forth herein shall require 30 day advance written notice to the Zoning
Commission which shall thereafter determine whether the change is substantial enough to
require application for a new special exception permit.
13.8.4 Upon review by the Commission, any special exception permit will be revoked if the
permittee has violated, or allowed to be violated, any provisions of these regulations or
any condition of the permit.
Child day care centers may be operated in any residential districts provided that they meet the
following conditions:
13.9.1 All of the requirements of the Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut as may apply to
Day Care Centers.
13.9.2 All of the requirements of the Connecticut Basic Building Code as may apply to Day Care
13.9.3 All of the requirements of the Administrative Regulations of the Connecticut State
Police Department. Connecticut State Fire Safety Code as may apply to Day Care
13.9.4 Off-street parking shall be provided and an area for loading and unloading of children
from a vehicle shall be provided on the property.
13.10.1 Livestock and/or poultry may be kept for private home use in any residential district
providing a special permit is issued for the activity as stipulated by this section.
Any and all commercial activity involving livestock and/or poultry shall only be permitted on a
farm as defined by these regulations. Such activities shall comply with all applicable local,
state and federal health, air and water pollution regulations.
13.10.2 Purpose:
The purpose of the Home Husbandry section is to permit the conduct of livestock and/or
poultry keeping for non-commercial private home use only where the site specific
characteristics of a proposed area are compatible with such a use.
13.10.3 Special Permit Required:
.1 No person shall keep or maintain livestock and/or poultry within the Town of Ledyard
without first obtaining a special permit from the Zoning Commission after a public hearing.
A commercial farming operation raising animals for agricultural purposes is exempt from
this regulation;
.2 Application for the special permit shall be made in writing by the owner of the land on
which the livestock and/or poultry are to be kept and upon forms furnished by the Zoning
Commission. Each application for a permit will contain a sketch map to scale showing:
.1 Boundary lines, dimensions, name(s) of record owner(s), zoning district, and area of
applicant property and adjacent properties within five hundred (500) feet of applicant
.2 The amount of contiguous area available to keep the livestock and/or poultry;
.3 The location of all wetlands and watercourses on applicant's property and abutting
properties as depicted on the Town of Ledyard Official Wetlands and Watercourses
.4 The location of existing or proposed on-site utility systems including wells, septic tanks
and leaching fields for applicant property and abutting properties;
.5 The location, type and size of fences and shelters to be used for animal
.6 The distances from .5 above to: property lines, streets, houses on abutting
properties, and wells on applicant and abutting properties;
.7 The total number and type of livestock and/or poultry to be kept.
.3 The Zoning Commission shall inspect or have inspected the premises before issuing a
special exception to insure that the land is capable of livestock and/or poultry keeping in
accordance with the requirements of this section.
The Commission may consult with any agency as it deems appropriate for assistance in
application review and property inspection;
.4 The special exception shall be of indefinite duration, but subject to revocation for violation
of any section of these regulations or failure to keep current information required by
Section above or for good cause.
13.10.4 Ownership:
Livestock and/or poultry kept for personal use must be owned by residents or owners of the
premises on which they are kept.
13.10.5 Standards for Livestock and/or Poultry Keeping:
.1 Confinement:
An appropriate shelter shall be provided for the keeping of livestock and/or poultry.
An appropriate fly and rodent proof container or structure for manure and bedding waste
storage shall be provided and maintained so as to prevent run-off to adjacent lots or to
An appropriate insect and rodent proof method of feed storage shall be provided.
.2 Setback:
Setback distances between any shelter housing livestock and/or poultry shall be a
minimum of: seventy-five (75) feet from any well located on applicant property and
abutting properties, seventy-five (75) feet from any street line, or behind rear building line if
applicable, forty (40) feet from any property line, and, one hundred (100) feet from any
house upon property other than the applicant's. Setback distances for yard area shall be a
minimum of twenty (20) feet from property lines.
The Commission may require greater set-back distances as it deems appropriate in insuring
the public welfare.
.3 Health:
The living quarters of the livestock and/or poultry and the handling and disposal of solid
and liquid wastes must not create a public health hazard or have an adverse effect of the
environmental quality of the surrounding area and the community in general as determined
by local and state health officials, the Zoning Commission, or the Zoning and Inland
Wetlands Officer.
.1 No condition shall be created that will adversely affect the performance of sewage
disposal systems or water supplies located on the property or adjacent properties.
.2 No persistent, offensive odors shall be detected off the premises.
.3 The use shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal health, air and
water pollution regulations.
13.10.6 Keeping Area:
The Commission shall use the following keeping area requirements as a guide in
reviewing applications. Final determination of keeping area size will be made by the
Commission to insure that the activity will not create a public nuisance. The maximum
number of animals permitted is five (5) in the livestock category and twenty-five (25) in
the poultry category.
BEEF CATTLE....Minimum shelter space of 10' x 12' per animal.
Minimum yard space - 5,000 sq. ft. per animal for exercise area.
If no pasture, one acre per animal.
DAIRY CATTLE..Minimum shelter space of 10' x 12' per animal.
Minimum yard space - 4,000 sq. ft. per animal.
If no pasture, one acre per animal.
GOATS...............Minimum shelter space of 20 sq. ft. per animal.
Minimum yard space - 250 sq. ft. of feed lot or exercise area per head.
If pastured, 5 goats per acre.
HORSES.............Minimum shelter space 10'x 10' box stall per animal.
Minimum yard space - 7,500 sq. ft. of area to be used for pasturing,
exercising and feeding per animal.
RABBITS............Minimum shelter space - one sq. ft. per pound of rabbit.
A cage 36" x 36" with 18" of headroom will house an average 9 lb.
SHEEP................Minimum shelter space of 20 sq. ft. per animal.
Minimum yard space - 300 sq. ft. of feed lot area per animal.
If pastured, 5 sheep per acre.
SWINE................Minimum shelter space of 20 sq. ft. per pig consisting of a roof and solid
man-made floor (not earth).
Minimum yard space - 100 sq. ft. per pig.
No keeping area permitted in wetland or alluvial soils.
Laying Hens........Floor area - 3.5 sq. ft. per bird.
Yard space - 4-5 sq. ft. per bird.
Ducks..................Floor area - 4 sq. ft. per bird.
Yard space - 40 sq. ft. per bird.
Geese.................Floor area - 6 sq. ft. per bird.
Yard space - 80 sq. ft. per bird.
Turkeys...............Floor area - 5 sq. ft. per bird.
Yard space - 4-5 sq. ft. per bird.
Keeping areas for any animal will be evaluated for compliance with best animal management
practices to insure that animals are kept in a manner which will not constitute a public
All shelter areas shall be located on moderately well drained and/or well drained soils.
13.10.7 Conditions of Approval:
PERMIT based upon its review of the application for conformity with the standards of this
section, local and state health requirements, consultant comments, property location, soils
of area, proximity to neighbors, amount, method and location of manure storage, feed
storage, number of animals, and type of animals;
.2 The conditions specified under Section 13.2 of these regulations do not apply to the special
permit procedures of Section 13.10 herein.
13.11.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this provision is to allow for the offering of overnight accommodations
and breakfast to travelers for a fee in residential areas where a home has unique structural
and/or site characteristics which lend themselves to a Bed-and-Breakfast-type setting. It is not
the intent of these regulations to allow Bed and Breakfast establishments in conventional
residential development settings in town. It is the intent of this section to insure that Bed and
Breakfast operations do not infringe upon the privacy, peace and tranquility of surrounding
residents nor decrease the aesthetic or real value of surrounding properties.
13.11.2 Bed and Breakfast operations as defined in these zoning regulations may be permitted in
Residential Districts as a special exception, provided that in addition to the requirements of
Sections 13.1 and 13.2, the following regulations are met:
.1 The applicant must submit an application for a special permit, together with a site plan in
accordance with Section 13.1 of these regulations. The Commission may waive the
requirement that the site plan bear the seal of an engineer and/or land surveyor;
.2 As part of the application for a Bed and Breakfast permit, the applicant shall provide proof
that notification has been given, by certified mail, to all property owners within a 250 foot
radius of the applicant's property boundaries;
.3 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Health Official that all
requirements of the Public Health Code, as they apply to Bed and Breakfasts, can be met;
.4 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Building Official that all
requirements of the Basic Building Code, as they may apply, can be met;
.5 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Fire Marshal that all
requirements of the Connecticut Fire Codes, as they apply, can be met;
.6 Maximum length of stay per guest is 21 days;
.7 Bed and Breakfasts must be owner-operated and be the principle residence of the owner.
The applicant must be the owner at the time of application.
.8 Parking for Bed and Breakfasts must be designated on the submitted site plan. There shall
be at least two off-street parking spaces designated on the site plan for the owner and one
additional off-street parking space for each guest room. Parking must allow for access by
emergency vehicles, and no cars may be blocked in. Parking for all guests must be located
behind the principal structure or naturally screened by a combination of distance and
vegetation so as not to be seen from the street and adjacent properties. The operation,
including the parking area, the lot configuration and building locations shall be such as to
preserve both the structure and the residential nature of the neighborhood in which it is
.9 A maximum of five (5) guests will be allowed at one time;
.10 The lot on which the Bed and Breakfast is located must consist of a minimum of 5 acres.
.11 Bed and Breakfast facilities shall be permitted no more than one freestanding sign to
identify the property. The sign shall be no larger than four square feet in size and shall
meet the setback requirements set forth in Section 10.0 of these regulations. The sign shall
not contain lighting, with the exception of indirect lighting. The sign must be specifically
reviewed and subject to approval as part of the site plan review for consistency and
compatibility with the zone and neighborhood in which it is located.
.12 The Zoning Commission shall have the authority to revoke the permit at any time the
operation is found to be in noncompliance with the original permit.
13.12.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this section is to allow for the offering of overnight accommodations and meals
to overnight guests. A secondary purpose is to provide a venue for corporate meetings,
retreats, and social events for a fee in all zoning districts. The Country Inn shall not be
operated as a restaurant open to the general public in Residential Zoning Districts.
The characteristics of the property, structures, and setting that will comprise the proposed
Country Inn operation are of primary importance to the approval process.
Adaptive reuse of properties containing historic structures or within historic districts is
encouraged. Historic structures are those recognized by the town or the state (evidenced by a
listing in the Historic Resources Inventory filed with the Connecticut Historical Commission)
and/or listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This documentation will be a
significant factor for consideration in the approval process.
Location on arterial or collector roads as designated by the Planning Commission is a
required site and setting characteristic, since incremental increases in traffic due to the
operation are easily absorbed on these roads, which are not likely to be used by children at
play. The Zoning Commission may waive this requirement after evaluating surrounding uses.
The relationship of the property and its structures to neighboring properties must preserve and
protect the essentially residential characteristics of the area. These regulations are not intended
to allow Country Inn establishments in conventional residential developments or subdivisions.
Country Inn operations shall not infringe upon the privacy, peace and tranquility of
surrounding residents nor decrease the aesthetic or real value of surrounding properties.
13.12.2 Country Inn operations as defined in these regulations may be permitted in all zoning
districts as a special exception, provided that in addition to the requirements of Sections 13.1
and 13.2, the following regulations are met:
.1 The applicant must submit an application for a special permit together with a site plan in
accordance with Section 13.1 of these regulations. The Commission may waive the
requirement that the site plan bear the seal of a professional engineer and/or land surveyor;
.2 As part of the application for a Country Inn, the applicant shall provide proof that
notification has been given to all property owners within a 250-ft. radius of the applicant's
property boundaries;
.3 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Health Officer that all
requirements of the Public Health Code, as they apply to Country Inns, can be met;
.4 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Building Official
that all requirements of the Basic Building Code, as they may apply, can be met;
.5 The applicant shall provide written confirmation from the Ledyard Fire Marshal that
all requirements of the Connecticut Fire Codes, as they apply, can be met;
.6 Maximum length of stay per guest is 21 days;
.7 Country Inns must be owner-operated and the principal residence of the owner-operator
must be in the inn. The applicant must reside on the property at the time of application.
.8 If the applicant currently has a special permit for a Bed and Breakfast Operation and is
applying to expand to Country Inn Operations, the Bed and Breakfast special permit will
remain valid in the event that a Country Inn permit is denied, however, Section
still applies.
.9 Structure and Site Modifications and Additions
.1 Where modifications to existing Bed and Breakfast structures or uses are planned, the
structures must be individually approved by the Commission for Country Inn operations.
.2 Where existing structures not used in current Bed and Breakfast operations are adapted
for reuse as part of a Country Inn, each structure must be separately approved by the
Exceptions or modifications to building or fire codes granted because of the historic
nature of one structure do not necessarily apply to another structure that is being adapted
for reuse. Similarly, exceptions and modifications granted to one structure do not lapse
because of code requirements for another structure.
.3 One new structure for use in Country Inn operations may be added to each property, for
a maximum of two structures per property for Country Inn operations.
.4 Reuse of existing structures, including construction of new additions or structures must
be designed to architecturally complement the historic property and enhance the setting.
Architectural designs must be submitted with the application and approved by the
Commission. These designs shall not create the look of a hotel or motel, regardless of
proposed architectural style.
.10 The parcel or lot on which the Country Inn is located shall consist of a minimum of
5 acres. If the Country Inn contains dining facilities as an accessory use, the minimum lot
size shall be 6 acres.
.11 A maximum of 32 overnight guests will be allowed in two structures, a maximum of
16 overnight guests per structure.
.12 If dining facilities are part of the Country Inn, the dining and lodging facilities of the
establishment shall be under common ownership and management.
Indoor dining facilities seating capacity shall be limited to a maximum of 64 seats.
.13 Parking for Country Inns must be designated on the submitted site plan. There shall be at
least two off-street parking spaces designated on the site plan for the owner and one
additional off-street parking space for each guest room. In addition, there shall be one
additional off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift.
Parking must allow for access by emergency vehicles and no cars may be blocked in. All
parking must be screened by principal site structures, or by a combination of distance and
vegetation, so as not to be seen from the street and adjacent properties.
.14 Country Inn operations shall be permitted no more than one freestanding sign. The sign
shall be no larger than nine square feet in size and meet the setback requirements set forth
in Section 10.00 of these regulations. The sign shall be illuminated only by use of indirect
lighting. The sign must be specifically approved by the Commission as part of the site plan
review for consistency and compatibility with the zoning district and neighborhood in
which it is located.
Purpose and Objectives:
To provide for the location of wireless telecommunication facilities, antennas and towers while
protecting residential neighborhoods and minimizing the adverse visual and operational
effects through careful design, siting and screening. This section of the Zoning Regulations is
consistent with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in that it does not discriminate among
providers of functionally equivalent services, prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the
provision of personal wireless services, or regulate the placement, construction, and
modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of environmental effects of
radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with FCC regulations
concerning such emissions.
Other specific purposes and objectives of these regulations are as follows:
To encourage siting of telecommunication facilities on nonresidential buildings and
To encourage co-location and joint use of new or existing towers and facilities.
To avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure through
engineering and careful siting of towers.
To accommodate the need for wireless communication towers and antennas while
regulating their location and number.
To protect historic and residential areas from potential adverse impacts of wireless
communication facilities.
To encourage suitable design measures to minimize adverse visual effects of wireless
communication facilities.
To reduce the number of towers and/or antennas needed in the future.
To provide for the location of traditional residential use type antennas.
Unless specifically defined below, words and phrases used in this regulation shall be
interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common language.
.1 “Antenna” is a device used to receive or transmit electromagnetic waves. Examples
include, but are not limited to whip, panel, and dish antennas.
.2 “Co-location” means locating wireless communication facilities of more than one
provider on a single site.
.3 “Fall Circle” means the area created by a circle formed with the tower at the center and
a radius equal to the tower height.
.4 “Licensed radio engineer” means a Connecticut registered professional engineer or a
technician holding a Radiotelephone Operator License issued by the Federal
Communications Commission who is responsible for technical compliance with FCC
rules and regulations.
.5 “Tower” means a structure intended to support equipment used to receive or transmit
electromagnetic waves. Examples of towers include self-supporting lattice, guyed, and
.6 “Wireless telecommunication facility” is the equipment and structures involved in
receiving or transmitting electromagnetic waves associated with wireless
telecommunication services.
.7 “Wireless telecommunication services” means services associated with the transmission
and/or reception of wireless telecommunications. These services may include, but are
not limited to cellular, personal communication services, specialized mobilized radio,
and paging.
Siting Preferences:
The general order of preference for alternative wireless telecommunications facility
locations shall range in rank from .1 as the most preferred to .5 which is the least preferred:
.1 On existing structures such as non-residential structures/facades, water towers/tanks,
utility poles, or chimneys.
.2 Co-location on existing or approved towers.
.3 On new towers located on property currently occupied by one or more existing towers.
This recognizes an already proven good site, and implies that clustering or tower
"farming" is more desirable than scattering or dispersal.
.4 On new towers located in commercial or industrial zones.
.5 On new towers located in residential zones.
Telecommunication Facilities, Antennas and Towers Permitted as a Use by Right:
Wireless telecommunication facilities and other types of antenna installations shall be
deemed a permitted use by right, providing that the following criteria are met:
.1 Facilities within a commercial or industrial zone that are co-located on an
existing antenna or tower, or mounted on the facade or rooftop of an
existing non-residential building or structure, provided that:
.1 No change is made to the height of the existing structure;
.2 Panel antennas shall not exceed sixty inches in height by twenty-four inches in
width, and dish antennas shall not exceed thirty-six inches in diameter;
.3 All facilities, including equipment cabinets and sheds, shall be of a material and
color which matches the exterior of the existing structure, and shall blend into the
existing architecture to the maximum extent possible;
.4 Facade mounted antennas shall not protrude above the existing structure and shall
not project more than three feet beyond any wall or facade;
.5 Roof mounted antennas shall not exceed the highest point of the rooftop by more
than twenty-five feet;
.6 Roof mounted antennas shall be set back from the front and side roof edges a
minimum of twenty feet or twenty percent of the roof width, whichever is greater.
Rear roof edge mounted antennas shall be set back from the side roof edges a
minimum of ten feet. Antennas on unguyed or bracketed tower or pole structures
less than one square foot in cross-sectional area and located within five feet of the
primary building structure shall be considered rear roof edge mounted antennas
when all other criteria in Section 14.4 are met; and
.7 The Commission determines that existing topography, vegetation, buildings or other
structures provide appropriate screening capable of mitigating visual impacts on
adjacent residential properties located within one-quarter mile of the commercial or
industrial zoned site.
.2 Wireless telecommunication facilities within any zoning district when co-located on a
tower erected prior to the effective date of these telecommunication zoning
amendments, provided that the standards of Section 14.4.1 are met.
.3 The following normal and customary residential uses. Facilities in this section are
exempt from other requirements of Section 14.
.1 Amateur Radio Service (including Amateur Radio Emergency Service) antennas and
Amateur Radio Service tower installations meeting the following standards:
.1 Towers, transmitters and antenna installations that comply with Part 97 of FCC
rules and regulations;
.2 The distance to the nearest property boundary shall be not less than two-thirds of
the tower height. For bracketed towers supported by a building the tower height
shall be measured from the bracket attachment height;
.3 Proof of a current Federal Amateur Radio License shall be provided by the
.4 Towers shall meet all setback requirements for the Zoning District.
.2 Traditional radio, television, scanner and miscellaneous antennas used by
homeowners that meet the following requirements:
.1 Height of roof mounted antenna do not exceed twenty feet above the highest
point of the structure;
.2 Size of roof mounted dish antennas shall not exceed three feet in diameter;
.3 Tower and overall antenna height shall not exceed sixty-five feet.
.3 Citizen Radio Service (CB) antennas and towers that are operated in accordance
with FCC regulations and emissions standards (20 feet above highest point of
structure and 65 feet maximum tower height) and having a maximum power of five
watts. Towers shall meet all setback requirements for the Zoning District, but are
exempt from other requirements of Section 14.
.4 Normal and customary uses for a business whose primary base of operations is located
in the Town of Ledyard and used exclusively for two-way radio communication
between persons directly employed or in service of that specific business. Towers shall
meet all setback requirements for the Zoning District, but are exempt from other
requirements of Section 14.
Telecommunication Facilities Requiring a Special Permit:
Wireless telecommunications providers shall obtain a special permit for facilities to be
located in any zoning district, if not otherwise specifically allowed by Section 14.4 of these
regulations. The following special permit standards for wireless telecommunication
facilities shall be followed:
.1 The tower and/or antenna shall be erected to the minimum height necessary to satisfy
technical requirements of the telecommunications facility. Documentation of the
minimum height needed, prepared by a licensed radio engineer, shall accompany the
application. The Commission may require the submission of propagation modeling
results to facilitate its review of tower height.
.2 A tower must comply with the setback requirements of the zoning district in which it is
located, or be set back from all property lines a distance equal to but not less than the
height of the tower, whichever is greater. If it can be demonstrated by the applicant
that design and installation of the tower limits collapse distance to less than the tower’s
height, or if it is unlikely that a structure will be constructed on adjacent property
within the fall circle, the distance to the property line may be reduced by the
Commission by no more than one-third of the tower’s height.
.3 A telecommunications facility may be considered as either a principal or accessory use.
More than one tower on a lot may be permitted if all setbacks, design, and landscape
requirements are met for each tower. A telecommunications facility may be located on
leased land as long as there is adequate ingress and egress to the site for service
vehicles, and such access is documented in a deeded easement presented to the
.4 All towers in residential zones shall be a monopole design unless it is demonstrated by
the applicant that wind loading at the proposed location will exceed monopole design
specifications. The Commission may require that a monopole be designed and treated
with architectural materials so that it is camouflaged to resemble a woody tree with a
single trunk and branches on its upper part, or other suitable art form / sculpture as
determined by the Commission.
.5 Towers not requiring FAA paintings or markings shall be painted a non-contrasting
blue, gray, or other neutral color.
.6 No lights or illumination shall be permitted unless required by the FAA.
.7 No signs or advertising shall be permitted on any tower or antenna, except that no
trespassing, warning, and ownership signs are permitted at ground level.
.8 The proposed tower structure, accompanying accessory building and electrical utilities
shall be built to accommodate a minimum of three co-users unless it is determined to be
technically unfeasible based upon information submitted by the applicant and verified
by the Commission. These co-users shall include other wireless telecommunication
companies, and local police, fire, and ambulance companies. If co-users are not known
at the time of application, applicants shall base designs for co-users on equipment
requirements similar to their own.
.9 A proposed tower shall be designed and constructed to all applicable standard of the
American National Standards Institutes, as amended.
.10 The Commission may require the use of Section 16-50aa of the Connecticut General
Statutes to promote co-use and tower sharing.
Special Permit Review Standards:
The Commission, in reviewing applications for wireless telecommunication facilities, shall
.1 Adequacy and completeness of all plans and information for a wireless
telecommunications facility site plan submitted pursuant to Section 14.7 of these
.2 Antenna and tower design characteristics / architectural treatments that have the effect
of reducing, mitigating or eliminating visual obtrusiveness on adjacent areas, including
an assessment of tower structure type (i.e., monopoles in residential zones).
.3 Detailed analysis submitted by the applicant regarding alternative site locations,
structures, landscaping and access. Particular attention will be placed upon the ranked
siting preferences found in Section 14.3 of these regulations.
.4 Provision for tower sharing or co-location to facilitate telecommunication needs of
municipal government and other commercial entities in order to reduce the need to
construct additional towers. The Commission reserves the right to require the applicant
to utilize the provisions of Section 16-50aa of the Connecticut General Statutes to
achieve co-use and tower sharing.
.5 If located on a property listed or eligible for inclusion on the National Register of
Historic Places, preservation of the historic and/or architectural character of the
landscape or any structure pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
.6 Future use or re-use of the site, with provisions for facility removal and site restoration
upon abandonment.
Application Procedures and Site Plan Requirements:
Applications to develop a wireless telecommunications facility that is a permitted use by
right shall be accompanied by all elements found in Section 14.7.1. Applications requiring
special permit shall meet all requirements listed in Sections 14.7.1, 14.7.2 and 14.7.3. The
Commission may require independent engineering/technical review of submitted materials
at the applicant's expense.
.1 PERMITTED USE BY RIGHT -- Site plans for wireless telecommunication
facilities deemed a permitted use by right shall include:
.1 A map depicting the geographic service area of the proposed wireless
telecommunications facility, and a map indicating the search radius used by the
applicant to select the proposed wireless telecommunications site that depicts other
potentially suitable locations and the location of all other tall structures within onequarter mile of the proposed site;
.2 A report from a licensed radio engineer indicating:
.1 Why the proposed site location is necessary to satisfy its function
in the applicant's proposed wireless telecommunications system; and
.2 That the proposed wireless telecommunication facility will comply with FCC
radio frequency emission standards and that the installation will not interfere
with municipal public safety communications;
.3 Tower base elevation and height of tower (North American Datum -- 1929);
.4 Written description of all proposed antenna and mounting equipment including size
and location on existing tower or building. Include a description of the structure’s
capacity, including the number and type of antennas it can reasonably accommodate
as well as the proposed location of all mounting positions for co-located antennas
and the minimum separating distances between antennas; and
.5 Evidence that all facilities, including equipment cabinets and sheds, are of a material
and color which matches the exterior of the existing structure, and to the maximum
extent possible blends into existing surrounding architecture.
.2 SPECIAL PERMITS -- In addition to the general permit requirements found in
Section 14.7.1, following information shall be provided for wireless telecommunication
facilities requiring a special permit:
.1 A report from a licensed radio engineer indicating that no other existing or planned
tower or structure can accommodate the applicant's antenna. For tall structures
located within one-quarter mile radius of the proposed site, provide documentation
that the owners of these locations have been contacted and have denied permission
to install the antenna on these structures for other than economic reasons;
.2 Site plan showing location of all proposed towers, structures, fall circle, property
lines, buildings, fencing, landscaping with a list of plant materials, and driveway
access to the site. Wherever a telecommunications facility is proposed to be located
on an existing structure not located in an industrial or commercial zone, a site plan
drawing showing where and how the proposed antenna will be affixed to the
particular building or structure. The plan shall indicate how the tower will collapse
without encroaching upon any adjoining property if failure occurs;
.3 Design drawing of all proposed towers, including cross-section and elevation
depictions of the proposed tower, antennas, accessory buildings, boxes, cabinets,
and security fencing, including size and materials. Provide evidence that all
facilities, including equipment cabinets and sheds, are of a material and color which
matches the exterior of nearby structures, and to the maximum extent possible is of
an architectural style characteristic of the vicinity.
.4 In order to determine if a tower should be disguised, provision of a view shed
analysis showing all areas from which the tower would be visible, and if requested
by the Commission, a graphical simulation of the proposed site in order to help
determine visual impacts associated with the proposal; and
.5 Written description of proximity of the tower to residential structures, and nature of
uses on adjacent and nearby properties within one-quarter mile of the facility.
.3 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS -- All accessory buildings associated with wireless
telecommunication facilities shall comply with the following:
.1 Within residential zones, accessory buildings shall not exceed 450 square feet gross
floor area, and shall have a roof line characteristic of other structures in the vicinity.
Only one accessory building per facility is allowed in residential zones.
Applications shall include a floor plan that meets life safety and fire code
.2 Each building shall comply with setback requirements for accessory buildings for
the zoning district in which it is located;
.3 If located on the roof of an existing building or structure, it shall be designed to
blend with the color and design of the building to the maximum extent possible;
.4 All ground level buildings, boxes, or cabinets shall be surrounded by a chain link or
comparable fence not exceeding 8 feet in height and be landscaped and screened
according to the requirements of Section 4.20.9 of these Regulations. Buildings
shall be of an architectural style designed to harmonize with nearby structures, so as
to not devalue adjoining property or discourage future development. This section
may be waived by the Commission if topography, natural stands of vegetation,
wetlands, or conservation easements effectively buffer the site from view; and
.5 All accessory buildings will be of a permanent nature -- membrane covered
structures, mobile trailers or temporary structures are prohibited.
Security and Safety:
The applicant shall include a plan to ensure that non-authorized people do not climb the
A wireless telecommunication facility not in use for 12 consecutive months shall be
removed by the facility owner at its expense. This removal shall occur within 90 days of
the end of such 12-month period. The Commission may require a bond or other surety
satisfactory to the Town of Ledyard, to guarantee removal, which shall be reviewed and
renewed every two years. If there are two or more users of a single tower, this provision
shall not become effective until all users cease utilizing the tower.
Any non-conforming use of a building or property lawfully existing on the effective date of
these regulations or any amendments thereto may be continued, subject to the following
Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of
any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by proper authority.
No non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended unless the use therein is changed to a
conforming use. No structure devoted to a non-conforming use shall be structurally altered or
improved to accommodate such use if the total cost of any or all such changes exceed fifty
(50%) percent of the latest assessed value of the structure at the time of application.
When a building in which there is a non-conforming use is damaged by fire, collapse,
explosion, act of God or act of a public enemy, it may be reconstructed, repaired or rebuilt
only to its previous floor area and cubical content provided such restoration or rebuilding is
commenced within one year of such damage and the non-conforming use is continued.
A non-conforming use may be changed to a conforming use. The approval of the Commission
is required to change a non-conforming use to another non-conforming use, provided the
change shall reduce the degree of nonconformance. Approval of the Zoning Board of
Appeals is required to change a non-conforming use to another non-conforming use which
does not reduce the degree of non-conformance. No non-conforming use shall, if once
changed to a conforming use, be changed back again into a non-conforming use.
No non-conforming use which has been abandoned for a period of more than one year shall
thereafter be resumed.
A building containing a permitted use, but which does not conform to the requirements
regarding building height, width of lot, size of lot, percentage of lot coverage and required
yard and parking facilities for the district in which it is located, may be enlarged or altered
provided that any additions are constructed within the applicable setback and yard
Appeals for variances to these Zoning Regulations shall be made to the Zoning Board of
Appeals in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 124, Connecticut State Statutes.
Junk shall not be placed, stored, co-located, or maintained outside on any lot in
any district.
A maximum of one (1) hobby vehicle may be located in a side yard or rear yard and
screened from view from adjacent properties and access roads. Such screening may be
achieved by use of a fence, vegetation, or a temporary fabric cover that is kept secured and
maintained in good condition. There is no limitation on the number of hobby vehicles that
are stored or parked in an enclosed structure.
No more than one (1) vehicle that has an expired registration, but which can be re-registered
in its current physical condition may be parked or stored outside on any lot in any district
except as permitted in Section 7.3.5.
It is the intent of these regulations that the term “junk” not be applied to (a) materials or
items being temporarily stored in rodent-proof containers that are placed on the curb on a
regular schedule for refuse pickup, (b) farm equipment ordinarily and regularly used with an
active farming operation on the same premises, (c) saw mill inventory, (d) “cordwood,
provided the cordwood is not associated with any home-based business, (e) “hobby vehicles”
that are in compliance with Section 16.2.2, and (f) construction materials and associated
debris on the same premises, or accessory lot, with a valid and active building permit
provided that the construction materials and associated debris are removed from the premises
within 15 days after the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Certificate of
Occupancy, or the construction project is materially completed.
The responsibility for compliance with this section is, in order of precedence, (a) the
“Owner” of the junk and/or hobby vehicles(s) (if known), (b) the “Resident” residing on
the premises containing the junk and/or hobby vehicles(s) (if know), and (c) the legal
“Owner” of the premises containing the junk and/or hobby vehicle(s).
Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the construction of a permitted building or the
establishment of a permitted use on a lot which at the time of the adoption of these regulations
and continuously thereafter was owned separately from an adjoining lot, as evidenced by deed
recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Ledyard, provided, however that the following
requirements are met:
No construction or use shall be permitted on any lot containing less than 15,000
square feet.
All sanitary requirements of the State of Connecticut and of the Town of Ledyard
shall be met.
All construction work must be graded to conform to surrounding occupied properties,
commensurate with the building being constructed, and in keeping with accepted trades finish
grading standards. All rocks and debris deemed unnecessary by the Zoning Enforcement
Officer shall be disposed of in a suitable manner. All finished grading will be completed
within six (6) months of occupancy. An additional three (3) month period may be granted by
the Zoning Enforcement Officer upon presentation of sufficient justification.
The Zoning and IWWC Officer may grant a temporary permit for mobile units as field offices,
tool shops, and/or storage sheds for construction projects in any zone except those designated
residential use only (ie., R-20, R-40, R-60, R-80), provided the same shall not be used for
sleeping or living quarters. Permits shall be for six (6) months duration and may be renewed
for additional six (6) month periods. In no case shall the total duration of the use exceed three
(3) years. Such units shall only be allowed on sites requiring little or no grading or other
permanent changes to the landscape and such that there will be no negative impact on the
potential for future development of the site. Such temporary mobile units shall be adequately
landscaped in accordance with the standards of the district in which the mobile units are
located. Where such uses are visible from a road or highway, or an abutting property owner, a
visual buffer shall be provided to screen the mobile units from view. A layout plan (or site
plan, if required) shall accompany the application. In no case shall such temporary uses
include the storage of oil, fuel, or hazardous chemicals (as defined by Connecticut DEP).
.1 All utilities shall be installed according to applicable state and local codes.
.2 Such mobile units shall be arranged to allow access by emergency vehicles.
.3 The ZEO may attach conditions as necessary to meet the intent and purpose of the zoning
regulations, section 1.2.
An entrance/exit ramp may be constructed in setback areas, at the discretion of the Zoning
Enforcement Official, provided that the ramp. . .
.1 does not exceed the minimum width required by the ADA (Americans With
Disabilities Act);
.2 is not covered or enclosed;
.3 is the only reasonable alternative after all locations that are compliant with the setback
regulations have been considered;
.4 is designed and built as an easily removable structure; and
.5 is removed when it is no longer necessary.
The provisions of these regulations shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the
purpose stated in Section 1.0 hereof. It is not intended by these regulation, to repeal,
abrogate, annul or in any way impair, conflict or interfere with any existing provisions of law
or ordinance or with any rules, regulations or permits previously adopted or issued, pursuant
to law, relating to the present use of premises; nor is it intended by these regulations to
interfere with or abrogate or nullify any easements, covenants, or other agreements between
parties; however, if these regulations impose a greater restriction upon the use of property or
upon the height of buildings, or require larger yards or other open spaces than are imposed or
required by existing provisions of law or ordinance or by such rules, regulation, or permits, or
by such easements, covenants, or other agreements between parties, the provisions of these
regulations shall control. In the case of a lot lying in more than one Zoning District, as
established by these regulations, the provisions of the less restrictive district shall apply for a
distance not exceeding fifteen (15) feet into the more restrictive district.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Enforcement Officer who shall be appointed by said
Commission, to receive and review zoning applications. She is hereby given the power and
authority to enforce the provisions of these regulations and to enter and inspect such property
at reasonable times as required in the performance of his duties. The Zoning Enforcement
Officer shall collect for the Town of Ledyard all fees required herein, keep a record thereof
and turn the same over to the Town Treasurer, and shall keep in file in the Town Hall a full
and accurate record of all applications, permits and certificates herein required.
Zoning Application forms must be approved by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Building applications must be reviewed by the Zoning Enforcement Officer to insure
that all requirements of these regulations are met.
Certificate of Use and Compliance:
No land as of December 15, 1983 shall be built upon and no building hereafter erected, altered
or extended, after December 15, 1983 shall be used or changed in use until a Certificate of
Use and Compliance is issued by the Commission or its approved agent, stating that the
building and proposed use complies with the provisions of these regulations. In the
enforcement of these regulations, a Zoning permit may be combined with a Building permit
and a Certificate of Use and Compliance with a Certificate of Occupancy.
All Certificates of Use and Compliance shall be applied for coincidental with the
application for a Certificate of Occupancy. The applicant shall furnish the
Commission or its approved agent with a copy of a plot plan depicting adequate
information to allow determination that the requirements of these regulations are
satisfied. Sites may be inspected as necessary.
A temporary Certificate of Use and Compliance may be issued by the above authorities for a
period not to exceed ninety (90) days.
The Zoning Enforcement Officer may issue a Stop Work Order if, in his judgment, the work
being performed is not in full compliance with the provisions of these regulations. He shall
withdraw such order when it is shown that the work being performed will be brought into full
compliance with the provisions of these regulations. Any person aggrieved by such a Stop
Work Order may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals as provided in Section 16.1 hereof.
Procedures to be followed in the event of violations of these regulations shall be in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 124, Connecticut State Statutes.
The Commission may require, prior to approval of the application, the applicant to post a bond
in cash or upon a Connecticut licensed Surety Company for all uncompleted conditions
securing to the Town of Ledyard the actual construction and installation of such conditions as
may be required by these regulations. The amount of the bond shall be satisfactory to the
Commission. The bond shall specify the conditions guaranteed and the amount which shall
apply to each specific condition. The bond shall be filed with the Treasurer of the Town of
Ledyard. The bond shall require all conditions described on the approval site plan to be
completed within a time period specified by the Commission from the date of approval. The
bond may be released, in whole or in part as specific conditions are completed and accepted
by the Commission, the Treasurer may release the bond in whole or in part only upon written
notification of acceptability by the Commission. The time limit of the original bond may be
extended for a period of one (1) year from the termination date of the original bond.
If all conditions have not been installed or accepted, the remaining portion of the bond
becomes forfeit and the monies due shall be transferred into the treasury of the Town of
Within thirty (30) days after receiving written notification of completion of the specified
conditions, the Commission shall arrange for inspection of the property and forward in writing
a report of acceptance or rejection to the applicant. If accepted, a written notice specifying the
amount of bond to be released shall be forwarded promptly to the Treasurer of the Town of
Ledyard. If rejected, the reasons for rejection and the requirements for acceptance shall be
included in the written notification of the results of the inspection.
Changes to these regulations will be as prescribed in Section 8-3, as amended, Chapter 124,
Connecticut General Statutes.
Zoning which affects land posted under the Ledyard Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Map
should be referred to that Commission for its review and comment.
The Commission has sixty-five (65) days from receipt of an application for a zone change to
hold a public hearing. An additional sixty-five (65) days may be granted by the applicant
upon request, for due cause. After the public hearing, the Commission has sixty-five (65)
days to render a decision, again with a provision for an additional sixty-five (65) days with
approval of the applicant.
The Zoning Commission must refer proposed Zoning Regulation changes or district changes
thereof to the Planning Commission at least thirty-five (35) days prior to the date assigned for
a public hearing to be held thereon.
Any item to be considered on the agenda of the Commission shall be in the hands of
the Zoning Enforcement Officer prior to 3:30 P.M. on the fifth (5th) working day prior
to the next scheduled Commission meeting.
To discontinue use of the intended purpose, to vacate, to cause to be empty or unoccupied of inhabitants,
or to render inoperative.
If subordinate use of building customarily incidental to and located on the same lot with the main use
building. The Zoning Commission may also approve a parking lot as a subordinate use of a building if it
finds that it is incidental to and located on either the same or a contiguous lot with the main use building,
where the principle use and the accessory use are owned by the same entity. Accessory use shall be
limited to one contiguous lot. For parking lots approved in accordance with Section 3.1.7, contiguous
shall mean lots not separated by a Town or State road.
A set of rooms fitted out especially for housekeeping facilities and used as a dwelling for one family.
A building whose use is customarily incidental to and located on the same lot as the main use building.
Housing for residents age 55 or older. Each housing unit shall be occupied by at least one resident 55
years of age or older and no housing unit shall include a resident who has not attained the age of 18
years of age. Age restricted housing units may be either (i) single family detached dwelling units(ii)
duplex units or (iii) multi-family dwelling units. Any age restricted housing units proposed for
development in the Town of Ledyard shall be so designated on any site plan submitted to the Ledyard
Zoning Commission for approval and shall be subject to a covenant enforceable by the Town of Ledyard
Zoning Enforcement Officer restricting the occupancy of such housing units to age restricted persons as
defined in this paragraph.
A set of rooms fitted out especially for housekeeping facilities and used as dwelling for one family.
An individual or firm of Registered Professional Architects licensed to operate in the State of
A building for the storage of farm products, feed, and/or the housing of farm animals or farm equipment
located on a farm of three acres.
An owner-occupied dwelling, with a valid Special Permit, having five or less guests, without separate
kitchen facilities in which overnight accommodations and meals are provided to travelers for a fee and
for not more than twenty-one consecutive days.
Same as a roomer, except the rent entitles the boarder to the furnishing of board in addition to
occupancy of a room.
A strip of land unoccupied by buildings, structures or pavements and maintained as a grass strip and/or
for the planting of trees or shrubs as required by these regulations.
A combination of materials to form an independent structure, having a roof, resting on its own
foundation and adapted to permanent and continuous occupancy for shelter, housing or enclosure of
persons, animals, materials, businesses, industry, storage or other similar
The maximum horizontally projected area of the building at or above grade, exclusive of courts and
vent shafts.
A vertical distance of the highest point of the main roof to a point on a plane having an elevation of the
average finished grade of the ground within ten (10) feet of the walls of the building.
The vertical distance from grade to the top of the highest roof beams of a flat roof or the mean level of
the highest gable or slope of a hip roof.
A line drawn parallel to the center line of the traveled portion of abutting streets through the closest
portion of the building.
A line parallel to the center line of the traveled portion of abutting streets at a distance equal to the
building line requirements in Section 9.2 between which and the front lot line no building or other
structure or portion thereof, except as provided for in these regulations may be erected above ground
A grouping of two or more independent retail stores, business services or professional offices which do
not have a common access, designed and approved as being separate businesses or redesigned and
approved, or expanded and approved consistent with the original objectives.
The dispersing of oil to two or more structures from a central supply tank or tanks through a system of
underground piping.
A place in which are received seven or more children not of common parentage between the ages of two
and fourteen who stay for a period exceeding five but not exceeding fifteen hours during any day, for
more than one day each week, irrespective of tuition fee or charge. The term "Child Day Care Center"
as used herein shall include nursery schools, play schools, kindergartens, all-day child care centers for
children of working mothers, or programs providing before and after school care to school age children.
A place, as in connection with a medical school or a hospital, for the treatment of outpatients.
An association of persons, one of whom is the owner, lessee or occupant of an establishment operated
solely for a recreational, social, fraternal, religious, political or athletic purpose whose activities are
confined to the members and guests and are not extended to the general public, and includes the
establishment so operated, but does not include such clubs the chief activity of which is a service
customarily carried on for a business or primarily for a gain.
A registered commercial vehicle identified by insignia and/or materials stored within or carried upon to
be used for commercial purposes. Privately owned pickup trucks and vans are exempt from this
The Zoning Commission of the Town of Ledyard.
The dispersing of water to two or more structures from a central supply area through a system of
underground piping.
The method of ownership in a multiple family project, such as an apartment or townhouse project
wherein each dwelling unit is in a separate ownership but all other common features such as land, walls,
hallways, roof and lobbies are in fractional or shared ownership.
Commercial and/or construction vehicles other than pick-up trucks or vans, incidental to a commercial
An owner-occupied and owner-managed property providing, for a fee:
• overnight accommodations and meals to thirty-two or fewer guests;
• a venue for corporate meetings, retreats, and social events.
A store selling a wide variety of goods arranged in several departments.
Any construction or grading activities to improved or unimproved real estate.
Used to indicate location, distance and/or hours of operation of activity concerned.
A sign to identify any commercial or industrial complex and each use in said complex.
An area, governed by these regulations, which appears on the Zoning Maps of the Town of Ledyard.
An area where the ground cover is destroyed or removed leaving the land subject to accelerated erosion.
A building designed or used as the living facilities for one or more families.
A dwelling providing complete living facilities for one family, including equipment for cooking or
provisions for the same, and including room or rooms for living, sleeping and eating.
An individual or firm of Registered Professional Engineers licensed to operate in the State of
The detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice or gravity.
An individual or any number of individuals related, by blood or marriage, living together as a single
housekeeping unit, or not more than three persons unrelated by blood or marriage living together as a
single housekeeping unit (as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, club or motel).
A facility registered with the State of Connecticut Department of Human Resources to keep not more
than six (6) children on a full-time basis and not more than three (3) children on a part-time basis.
A tract of land containing three acres or more used in whole or in part for agricultural purposes which
may include the raising and keeping of domestic or other animals.
The business of cultivating land, or employing it for the purpose of husbandry, the cultivation and
fertilization of the soil as well as caring for and harvesting the crops.
An establishment specializing in take out, quick service food, frozen dessert and/or beverage, where
such items may be consumed anywhere on the premises or removed from the premises.
Licensed service station servicing motor vehicles with gas and oil only.
A masonry substructure of a building.
The length of the front line of a building lot abutting on a public road or street.
A building or part thereof accessory to a principal building and providing for the storage of automobiles
and in which no occupation or business for profit is carried on.
A building used for the storage of more than two registered motor vehicles owned by persons other than
the owner or occupants of the premises, on which repairs or service station activities including sale of
accessories and parts, are or may be carried on for a profit.
Any excavating, grubbing, filling (including hydraulic fill) or stockpiling of earth materials or any
combination thereof, including the land in its excavated or filled condition.
An area of land used for the excavation and removal of gravel, sand or similar materials.
A transient receiving overnight accommodations in an inside bedroom in an owner-occupied home
where the intent is for the guest to vacate in twenty-one (21) or fewer days. Guests at bed and breakfast
establishments are subject to Chapter 763 of the Connecticut General Statutes, "Hotel and Innkeepers",
regarding guest conduct and payment for services.
Any antique, rare, special interest, off-road, and/or racing vehicle, regardless of age or condition, not
currently designed or intended for daily use, that is being actively restored, repaired, modified, and/or
maintained by its owner.
An occupation of a resident of the premises using principally his hands and applying personal skill and
artistry in making items for sale.
The cultivation and production of edible crops or of farm animals for home use.
Operation of a small business in a dwelling for gainful employment involving the manufacture, repair,
provision, or sale of goods and/or services.
A building used in whole or in part as a place for the lodging and care of five or more persons receiving
diagnostic, medical or surgical treatment and requiring license by the State Department of Health.
A building which has a common entrance or entrances and contains living and sleeping
accommodations for hire for ten or more persons.
A facility for recreational purposes where the game, sports or recreational activity is performed inside of
a building.
Any (a) material or item, including vehicles that, due to condition and/or storage, may contaminate or
pollute the soil or groundwater, or invite the breeding, collection, or infestation of flies, mosquitoes,
rodents, or other animals; and/or (b) any vehicle, or parts of a vehicle that at one time was registered, but
because of its current physical condition cannot now be re-registered, and/or (c) any other material or
item that causes the reduction of neighboring property values, or negatively impacts public health,
general welfare, or quality of life. Junk may include, but is not limited to, non-operable appliances, nonoperable yard-care equipment, unused or deteriorated barrels, boxes, pallets, furniture, metal, glass,
and/or plastic, rotted cordwood, abandoned construction materials, and demolition debris.
Unregistered motor vehicle which is no longer intended or in condition for legal use on public highways.
An individual or firm of Registered Land Surveyors licensed to operate in the State of Connecticut.
An individual licensed by the State of Connecticut as a Limited Repairer.
Grazing and other farm animals kept or raised for use or pleasure (i.e., cows, sheep, horses, goats,
rabbits, etc.).
A plot or parcel of land occupied or capable of being occupied by one principal building and the
accessory buildings customarily incidental to it, including such open spaces as are required by these
regulations. In the case of multiple dwellings and public, institutional, commercial or industrial
buildings, a group of buildings under the same ownership may be considered as occupying the same lot.
The product of multiplying the average width of the lot by the average depth.
All lines dividing the lot from the street or the right-of-way.
All lines extending from the street which divides adjacent lots abutting the same street.
For rectangular lots, the measured distance at the required building line, measured parallel to the front
lot line.
For lots on the outer or inner arc of a curve, the measured distance between side lot lines on a street line
at right angles to the main direction of the side lot lines, and at a distance so as to meet the required
building line from any point of the center line of the traveled portion of the street.
For corner lots, the measured distance parallel to the street, in the direction of the lot's minimum width,
and so as to meet the required building line from both streets.
A nonpressurized building wherein the structure is composed of a rigid framework to support a
tensioned membrane which provides the weather barrier. A membrane-covered frame structure may or
may not have flap doors or roll-up fabric doors or end panels. A membrane-covered frame structure is
not considered a permanent structure.
A mobile manufactured home means a manufactured home built to the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standards (HUD Code) and displays a certification label on the exterior of each
transportable section. Manufactured homes are built in the controlled environment of a manufacturing
plant and are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis.
A plot of ground upon which two or more mobile homes, occupied for dwelling purposes are located.
A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which does not have a permanent chassis and is
designed to be placed on permanent foundation.
A portable structure constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle designed or modified to
be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, camping and recreational uses. The term "Motorized
Camper" includes pickup trucks or truck chassis, designed for the use of a temporary dwelling for
travel, camping and recreational uses.
A building providing lodging for persons, with or without cooking facilities, and intended primarily for
accommodations of transients, and so designed that access to rooms is directly from out-of-doors. The
number of units which may have cooking facilities shall be no
greater than 20% of the total units.
The use of property which is not a permitted use for the district in which the property is situated.
An organization not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit.
A building or part thereof used for the transaction of a professional service or business, not including
the sale of articles at retail.
An off-street open space used for parking motor vehicles exclusively.
An establishment which sells a service to an individual, group of individuals or a firm as against selling
a specific item.
Domesticated birds usually kept for eggs or meat (i.e., chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc.).
A small open-air structure for the purpose of selling produce primarily grown on the premises.
For the purposes of determining whether or not a use constitutes any noise, safety, vibration, smoke,
fumes, or odors that are offensive and/or detrimental to nearby property or users, thereof, the Zoning
Commission shall use the following criteria below defined below:
Noise – it shall constitute a nuisance for any individual, group or organization to allow the emission
of measurable noises, as measured at the individual property lines, to exceed 70 decibels during the
period between 6:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M., or 60 decibels between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
Smoke – it shall constitute a nuisance for any individual, group, or organization to allow the
emission of smoke from any source of density equal to or greater than that density described as No.
2 on the Ringelmann Chart as published by the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
Odor – it shall constitute a nuisance for any individual, group, or organization to allow the emission
of any odor that, as measured at the individual property line, offensively affects the sense of smell.
Particulate Matter – the rate of emission of particulate matter from all uses with the boundaries of
any lot shall not exceed a net figure of two pounds per hour per acre, of which no more than ten
percent (10%) by weight of particles larger than forty-four (44) microns three hundred twenty-five
(325) mesh shall be allowed.
Noxious Gases – it shall constitute a nuisance for any individual, group, or organization to allow the
escape of noxious gases in quantities and concentration as to endanger the health, comfort, and
safety of any individual on a neighboring site or to cause damage to property, business, or
Vibration – it shall constitute a nuisance for any individual, group, or organization to generate any
vibration that is discernable to the human sense of feeling at the individual property lines.
A lot or plot including all buildings or improvements thereon.
The disposing of organic refuse, carried off by a system of underground piping from two or more
structures to a central sewage treatment plant.
A business establishment where diversified goods are kept for retail sale.
A public eating place.
A destination popular for recreation and relaxation distinguished by a high quality selection of activities,
such as food, drink, lodging, sports, entertainment and shopping.
A person who rents and occupies an inside bedroom in an owner-occupied home and is tenant on a
semi-permanent basis in a residentially zoned area. A house may not have more than two (2) roomers at
any instant in time. A roomer is subject to a written or unwritten rental agreement with a base term of
at least one month, and which normally includes holdover provisions that do not require subsequent
modification of the original agreement. The roomer is subject to Chapter 830 of the Connecticut
General Statutes, "Landlord and Tenant Act", regarding occupancy, eviction, and the payment of rent.
A mill or machine for sawing logs.
Solid material, either mineral or organic, that is in suspension, is transported, or has been moved from
its site of origin by erosion.
Any unconsolidated mineral or organic material of any origin.
A scheme that minimizes soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from development and includes, but
is not limited to, a map and narrative.
An assembly of materials forming a construction for occupancy or use including among others,
buildings, reviewing stands, platforms, radio tower, open sheds, shelters, fences, display signs,
swimming pools, garages and barns.
A structure classified as a swimming pool, either in ground or above ground and is listed as an accessory
A street or road used for vehicular traffic and accepted into the Town Road System under existing Town
A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used for temporary occupancy for
travel, vacations or recreational uses with the manufacturer's permanent identification "Travel Trailer"
The paved or traveled portion intended for the regular conveyance of motor vehicles.
One building which serves as a dwelling providing complete living facilities for two families, including
equipment for cooking or provisions for the same, and including room or rooms for living, sleeping and
eating for each family.
One which is currently unregistered but legally capable of being operated on the public ways of state.
The purpose for which property is arranged, designed or intended, or for which either land or building is
or may be occupied or maintained.
One which is unusable and unlikely to be rebuilt and used on public ways in the state, whether due to
accident, cannibalization, or any other reason.
The space between the building line and the front lot line, extending the full width of the lot; or in case
of a corner lot, the open space between a building and the front lot lines extending the full width of each
The space between the rear line of the building and the rear lot lines, extending the full width of the lot.
The space between the building and the side lot lines, extending from the front yard to the rear yard,
any yard not a front yard or a rear yard shall be deemed a side yard.
An individual appointed by the Zoning Commission to enforce these regulations.
Effective 05/01/2006
CAM (Coastal Area Management):
CHANGE OF USE CERTIFICATE with no change in site plan:
Valuation, as indicated on Bill of Sale or Assessment
MOBILE UNIT, Temporary
Agriculture Mobile Home Unit
Residential – Original & each six-month renewal
Construction/Office Storage – Original & each six-month renewal
Home Occupation
Special Permit Residential Use
Other Special Permits
Zone or Regulation Change
Sections 4.13, 5.6, 7, 8
Section 12.5
Section 3.12.5
Section 13.0
Sections 10.7, 14.7.2
Section 17.7
COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL or RESIDENTIAL, according to area of development**:
<10K sq. ft.
>10K & <25K sq. ft.
>25K & <100K sq. ft.
>100K sq. ft.
GRADING/FILLING – No significant change in topography:
TEMPORARY PERMIT RENEWAL – Other than mobile unit:
As per area
guide above
APPEAL of ZEO Order or Decision:
*As per C.G.S. Section 22a-27j, an additional $30.00 state fee is collected for all applications.
**Commercial/Industrial site plan revision fees will be charged, based on area size of new structure(s)
and/or addition(s) to existing structure, and/or significant paving areas.
If any section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, clause or provision of these regulations shall be
adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall apply only to the section,
paragraph, sub-paragraph, clause or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of these
regulations shall be deemed to be and shall continue to be valid and in full force and effect.
The following items related either directly or indirectly to land use matters are listed for
information. Any new amendments to these items or new items issued will be included in
subsequent amendments to this regulation.
Ordinance Regulating Building of Approaches to Any Street or Highway of the Town
of Ledyard ........ NUMBER 31
An Ordinance Concerning Building on Unaccepted Streets .....................NUMBER 7
An Ordinance Regulating the Addition of Any New Street or Highway to the Highway
System in Ledyard .. NUMBER 45
An Ordinance Regulating the Management of Storm Water Runoff ...... NUMBER 44
Regulations for the Protection and Preservation of Inland Wetlands and Watercourses, dated
March 14, 1974, or amendments thereto.
Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land, dated March 12, 1975, or amendments
Plan of Development, adopted June 17, 1993.
The provisions of these regulations and the boundaries of any Zoning district established hereunder
may from time to time be amended, modified, changed or repealed by the Commission in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 124, Connecticut General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as
amended. Any petition requesting a change in these regulations shall be in writing and in a form
prescribed by the Commission. Such petitions shall be accompanied by a filing fee to be deposited
with the Commission to defray the cost of publication of the notice for a hearing on such change.
The amendment of these regulations effective July 1, l989, is for the purpose of complete
reformatting without substantive change of content. Subsequent amendments are described in
Section 20.0 of these regulations.
Amended as of July 18, 1990:
Section 3.0 Residential Districts: 3.1.5 Allowance of accessory apartments; 3.4.3 Allowance of
farm animals as of right in R-80 Districts; Clarification of cluster lot sizes and increase in
minimum lot area required for an R-40 District; 3.7.3 Allowance of interior lots as part of a nonsubdivision; 3.8.5 Review of residential institutional uses by Zoning Commission; 3.9 Deletion of
family apartments; 3.10.3 Increase in height allowance on accessory structures; 3.10.4
Allowance of accessory structures closer to street than principal structure.
Section 17.0 Definitions: Deletion of family apartment; Changes in child day care centers
and barns; New definitions: accessory apartment, accessory building, and family day care
Amended as of December 18, 1990:
Section 3.12 Home Occupation Permits: All sections changed.
Section 17.0 Definitions: Home Occupation.
Amended as of February 21, 1992:
Section 4.0 Ledyard Center Design District: 4.3.8 Allowance of Alcoholic Liquor; 4.4
Clarification of Prohibited Uses; 4.6.4 Clarification of Site Plan Requirements; 4.6.5
Allowance of Waiver of A-2 Survey Requirement.
Section 5.0 Resort Commercial Cluster District: All sections new.
Section 6.0 Industrial District: Deletion of Zones I-1, I-2, and I-3; clarification of all
Section 7.0 Commercial Districts: Deletion of Commercial Marine.
Section 8.0 Special Use Districts: All sections new.
Amended as of September 3, 1992:
Section 13.12 Bed and Breakfast Operations: Entire section changed.
Amended as of June 8, 1993:
Section 3.0 Residential Districts: 3.5.3 Clarify travel trailer use; 3.11.6 Allowance for replacement
of mobile homes within a State approved mobile home park.
Section 9.0 Bulk Requirements: Correction of R-80 requirements.
Section 13.0 Special Exceptions: 13.1.9 One year waiting period for hearing substantially same
Section 17.0 Definitions: Changes in Bed and Breakfast.
Amended as of August 25, 1994:
Section Principal Uses: To allow all restaurants, including fast food restaurants, to be
developed as stand-alone establishments within the RCCD.
Amended as of September 22, 1994:
Section 13.6 Central Oil Distribution Systems: Entire section deleted.
Amended as of September 14, 1995:
Section 3.0 Residential Districts: 3.1.3 Clarification of letting of rooms or furnishing of board.
3.11.5 Deletion of sub-section which eliminates the requirement of a ZBA variance for replacement
mobile homes.
Section 17.0 Definitions: New definitions: Boarder, Guest at a Bed and Breakfast, Roomer.
Clarification: Bed and Breakfast.
Amended as of April 25, 1996:
Section 13.12 Country Inn: All sections new.
Section 17.0 Definitions: Country Inn.
Section 15.5 Miscellaneous: Temporary Mobile Units For Construction in Non-Residential
Zones. All sections new.
Amended as of August 8, 1996:
Section (minimum 100 ft. lot frontage): Deleted.
Section 13.1.5 (minimum frontage): Deleted.
Section New section.
Amended as of October 31, 1996:
Section 3.12 Home Occupations: Entire section changed.
Amended as of May 3, 1997:
Section 4.3.3 Ledyard Center Design District (LCDD) Permitted Uses: Addition of Country Inns.
Section 3.10.6 Residential Districts Accessory Buildings: Addition of membrane-covered frame
structures (hoop houses).
Section 17.0 Definitions: Membrane-covered Frame Structures.
Section 15.6 Miscellaneous: Addition of handicap ramps in residential districts.
Amended as of January 29, 1998:
Section 12.3 Flood Protection: Updates to comply with State and Federal mandates consistent
with minimum standards of The National Flood Insurance Program as administered by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.
Section 13.5 Mobile Manufactured Home Land Lease Communities For Older Persons Formerly
Known As (Mobile Home Retirement Villages [RM-40 Zones]): Entire section changed.
{ Numerical typographical error corrected ~ Section 13.3.5 Screening change to 13.3.6,
also sequence 13.3.6 change to 13.3.7 and 13.3.7 change to 13.3.8.}
Amended as of July 4, 1998:
Section 14.0 Wireless Telecommunication Facilities, Antennas, and Towers: Entire New Section.
NOTE: All section previously numbered 14 - 20, hereby numbered 15 - 21, respectively.
NOTE: June 15, 1999 ~ typographical error corrected in Section {Section 11.4
changed to Section 12.4} and typographical error corrected in Section
{convents changed to covenants}.
NOTE: Visual aids showing building setback envelope for attached and detached structures
in Section 9, updated February 9, 2000.
Amended as of April 15, 2000:
Section 16.2 Junk and Hobby Vehicles: Amended to include Junk and Hobby Vehicles.
Section 18 Definitions: Junk and Hobby Vehicles.
Amended as of May 10, 2000:
Section 6.6.1 Industrial District: Amended.
Section Industrial District: New subsection.
Amended as of September 19, 2001:
Section 9.1 Table of Height, Area, Width, Coverage, and Yard Setbacks: Increase the maximum
building height from 30 feet to 35 feet.
Amended as of September 19, 2001:
Section Ledyard Center Design District: Amended to authorize the zoning commission to
waive the 100-ft. setback from the centerline of a state highway.
Amended as of February 2, 2002:
Section 4.8 through 4.17 Gales Ferry Design District (G.F.D.D.): All new section (former C-2 and
C-3 zones and the former Gales Ferry School site which was zoned R-20).
Section 9.1 Table of Height, Area, Width, Coverage, and Yard Setbacks: Amended to include
G.F.D.D. requirements.
Amended as of April 6, 2002:
Section 3.1.7 and 3.2.1: Amended to allow an accessory parking lot on a contiguous lot via a
Special Permit.
Section 11.2.14: New section to specify the number of parking spaces for a museum.
Section 11.3.5: New section to describe buffer requirements for a parking lot in a residential zone.
Section 11.3.6: New section to describe lighting requirements for a parking lot in a residential
Section 11.3.7: New section to limit noise from parking lots approved via a Special Permit.
Amended as of September 21, 2003:
Section Gales Ferry Design District: Amended to describe types of laundries and
laundromats allowed.
Section Amended to allow outdoor recreation with exclusions.
Section New subsection .2 to allow a restaurant, pub or tavern to sell alcoholic liquor as
an accessory use.
Section New subsection .1 to allow hotels and motels throughout the zone.
Section 4.11.1: New subsection .22 to allow stores that sell power equipment, recreational vehicles
and accessories throughout the district with outside display restricted to business hours.
Section 4.11.5: Adjust subsection numbers to accommodate hotels and motels as an allowed use
throughout the zone, and to add text to new subsection .3 that prohibits the discharge of volatile
organic compounds.
Section Add new subsection .1 to define recreational vehicles. Add new subsection .2 to
describe the restriction on the size of trailers. Add new subsection .3 to describe the location and
screening of repair facilities, pick up, drop off and storage areas. Add new subsection .4 to further
clarify where other motor vehicles may be sold.
Section 4.12: Add definitions of Prohibited Uses, which were moved to the “Definition” section.
Amended as of November 2, 2003
Section 6.4.3: Add new subsection .6 to allow the consideration of the construction of a water
tank/tower in Industrial Zones without full screening from view, through a special permit process.
Amended as of April 3, 2004
Section 18: Add new definition of Age Restricted Housing.
Section Amended to allow three (3) bedroom apartment/condominiums for age restricted
housing only.
Amended as of October 16, 2005
Section 4.0 through 4.13 Ledyard Center Village District (LCVD): All new section (former
Ledyard Center Design District [L.C.D.D.] and LCDD zone) now four (4) new zones: LCVD-1,
NOTE: All sections previously numbered 4.8 through 4.17, hereby numbered 4.14 through
4.23 respectively.
Amended as of December 30, 2005
Section 8.3.10 Amended to allow fast food restaurants if entry and exit are on Route 12.
Add new Section 8.3.13 to CIP Zone to include convenience stores, gas stations with fast-food
facilities and drive-thru’s.
Amended as of February 17, 2006
Section 13.5: Amended to render the regulation compatible with requirements for Federal
National Mortgage Association financing of dwelling units in Mobile Manufactured Home Land
Lease Communities for Older Persons and make certain additional technical amendments.
Amended as of April 15, 2006
Section 3.6: Deleted “Cluster Residential Developments” add new “Conservation Subdivision
Amended as of August 5, 2006
Section 3.7.1: Add new Section to allow interior lots in a Conservation Subdivision not to
comply with Sections and
Amended as of October 8, 2006
Section 5.3 Add principle uses to the Resort Commercial District, and a change to Section height. Also new definition “Resort Facility.”
Amended as of February 3, 2007
Corrections of Internal References, and a change to Section 13.5 to remove regulations that are
governed by the State of Connecticut Building Code. Also new definition “Mobile Manufactured
Amended as of October 20, 2008
Section 10.2.5 change to banner regulation and new regulation to add signage on municipal water
Amended as of February 1, 2009
Section 4.17.5 change to read “. . . south and east of the intersection of Christy Hill Road and
Route 12.”
Amended as of July 6, 2009
New Section 8.7 Permitting interior lots in CIP Zones