Untitled - Center for Family Services


Untitled - Center for Family Services
Vision, Hope, & Strength
for a Better Life
To support and empower individuals, families, and communities to
achieve a better life through vision, hope, and strength.
For all people to lead capable, responsible, fulfilled lives in strong
families and healthy communities.
Dear Friends,
Center For Family Services has had a remarkable year improving
the lives of children and families, responding to critical needs,
and leading major community initiatives. Our services continue
to support and empower individuals to achieve a better life. We
remain deeply committed to our vision of providing the tools,
resources, and support necessary for strong and self-sufficient
We remain deeply committed
to our vision of providing
the tools, resources, and support
necessary for strong
and self-sufficient futures.
Our services are dedicated to treating addiction and mental health
issues to support the overall health and well-being of a person and
a community. We recognize addiction as a chronic condition that
requires a continuum of supports. With this in mind, CFS opened
the doors of the Living Proof Recovery Center, a resource center
and hub for those in recovery or considering recovery.
We are able to embark on these major community initiatives thanks
to the combined efforts of our highly trained staff, committed
board members, and dedicated community partners, donors, and
volunteers. Your support provides hope for positive change. Your
continued investment in our crucial work enables us to directly
impact the lives of children and families across southern New
Richard Stagliano
Our services are dedicated to keeping children and families safe
and together. We offer a full continuum of care addressing a broad
range of needs to support both individuals and entire families. As
highlighted in the stories in this year’s annual report, our safe and
supportive housing continuum provides critical services that ensure
children and families not only have a safe place to live, but also
receive help in following a path to a healthy and productive future.
We are also invested in the long-term educational success of
children. We strive to provide a strong early education program
that includes a comprehensive support network for families. We
continue to place special focus on a block by block model for change
as leaders of the Promise Neighborhood effort in Camden City.
At Center For Family Services, we know the well-being of
individuals is paramount in achieving healthier communities.
John Evans
Board Chair
Continuum of Care
Center For Family Services offers a comprehensive continuum of care through more than 60 programs
designed to provide support and empower individuals, families, and communities.
Community Connections
1732 families received services and connected with resources at our community-based neighborhood
resource and support centers. We connected 83 children with a caring and supportive mentor, and
we engaged 812 people in meaningful volunteer projects designed to improve lives and strengthen
Counseling & Behavioral Health
We provided 22,636 home visits and 46,941 counseling sessions to keep children and families safe
and together. Our services include group, individual, and family counseling, crisis intervention, and
in-home services with a focus on helping families maintain strong parent/child relationships, increase
conflict resolution skills, and strive toward self-sufficiency.
Education & School Based
893 children received high quality, comprehensive early learning services through Head Start. Services
include family services, family involvement, mental health, special education, health, and nutrition.
Our Head Start program provides preschoolers with a foundation for school readiness and long-term
educational success.
Family Support & Prevention
We strengthened the lives of 9923 families last year. We work together with families to strengthen
critical parenting skills, increase problem solving abilities, and decrease high-risk behaviors through
evidence-based programs that strengthen families and create safe environments for children.
Safe & Supportive Housing
We provided safe housing to 749 people including children and teens in need of a safe place to live;
women who were victims of domestic violence; and young mothers who were homeless. Our safe and
supportive housing continuum of care provides the tools and resources to help individuals build a
strong foundation for a positive future.
Substance Abuse Treatment
2534 people successfully completed one of our substance abuse treatment programs in the last year.
Services include substance abuse assessment, treatment, education and support in individual and group
settings. These services are available for adolescents, adults, mothers, and the deaf and hard of hearing
Victim & Trauma
We provided crisis intervention and trauma services to 1322 individuals last year. Our services include
24/7 crisis intervention, counseling, and support to survivors of sexual and domestic violence, safe
housing for survivors of domestic violence, and trauma response for people of all ages who have
experienced any type of trauma.
Executive Leadership
Richard Stagliano
Sue Bergmann
Vice President, Administration
Tony Comito
Vice President, Counseling
and Community Services
Eileen Henderson
Vice President, Child and
Family Services
Merilee Rutolo
Vice President/Head Start
Andrew Swenson
Vice President, Administration
and Operations
Board of Trustees
John Evans
Board Chair
Derrick B. Phillips
Vice Chairperson
Ken Shuttleworth
Vice Chairperson
Peter Guzzetti
Eileen Byrne Borland
Richard Stagliano
George Beppel, CPA
Bonnie Bornstein
Evelyn Ginter
Michael Goodman, MD
John A. Jones, Esq.
Deborah Kroop
Michelle Meloy, Ph.D.
Peter Musumeci, Jr.
Nyeema Watson
Honorary Board Members
Peter Slack
Joseph Georgiana, Esq.
2013 Annual Report
A Safe Place to Live, Grow, & Learn
t 25, Angela found herself a homeless mother of a three
year old son. She had spent months living with a friend,
hoping she could get back on her feet and make enough
money to provide what every parent wants for their child, a
supportive and caring home. When she was eventually forced to
move out of her friend’s house, she had nowhere to turn until she was
connected to Center For Family Services Mother/Child Residential
Located in Gloucester County, Mother/Child Residential provides
temporary, emergency housing for woman, ages 18-35 who are
currently homeless, and either pregnant or parenting one to
three children age eight or younger. Program goals, like so many
other CFS programs, focus on self-sufficiency with an emphasis
on education, employment, and housing stability. In June 2011,
Angela entered Mother/Child Residential, ready to positively
change her life.
“The moment I entered Mother/Child, I was focused on improving
myself and my situation.” The program helped provide essentials
to Angela and her son. Upon arrival, she was presented with a
welcome basket filled with the comforts of home: towels, bedding,
toiletries and provided with an apartment shared with another
woman and her small child. “I learned so much about sharing
space with people and learning to deal with different personalities.”
The Mother/Child Residential program is an important element in
CFS’ pipeline of comprehensive services that keep the families we
serve happy, healthy, and safe. Mothers are provided with the key
ingredients to get their life back on track, such as on-site counseling
and case management; educational classes focused on parenting,
communication, and healthy living; and on-site child care in the
form of another CFS service, Mother’s Arms Daycare.
With the help of staff, Angela was able to find employment and
began working almost every day; placing her son, Jaden, in
Mother’s Arms Daycare program. The certified staff at Mother’s
Arms and its close proximity to her apartment provided Angela
with the peace she needed to head off to work each day. Within
a few weeks, she was able to start providing basic necessities for
her child again and with staff assistance, began a savings account.
“Mother Child
truly provided me
with all the tools I needed
to become successful.”
Every other day, Angela and her fellow residents participated in
either group or individual counseling to help them learn more
about their strengths and weaknesses. There Angela learned to deal
with the struggles that come with living in a shelter. “My counselor
opened up my eyes. She encouraged me and helped me stay
focused on my goals.”
Through individual counseling, Angela discovered she was strong
willed and resourceful. “I was in a very tough situation, but my
counselor helped me realize that I was strong enough to pull myself
out of it.” After a year in the program, Angela was able to secure
her own apartment. Angela currently lives in Delaware and is in
college; studying to become an X-Ray Technician while working
full time at Safe Link so she can continue to provide for her son.
“My advice for new residents at Mother Child and anyone seeking
help is to stay encouraged. Your situation may be bad but you are a
work in progress. Keep pushing forward; you will get there!”
Paving The Way Toward Independence
enter For Family Services strives to keep children safe and
united with their families. Family reunification is always
our primary goal, but when this is not possible, we provide
a full continuum of care through our 11 Safe and Supportive Housing
programs. These programs provide life-altering services to help young
people reach their full potential.
Less than one year after entering HomeBase, Elijah moved into
Camden DREAMS, a supportive housing program designed
specifically for youth transitioning out of foster care and other
programs. DREAMS provides supportive apartments, more
connections to housing, education, employment, and most
importantly more independence.
The 20-year old is now focused on a career in entertainment.
“I feel most alive, most like myself when I am performing,” says
Elijah. “The independence I’ve gained by living at Camden
DREAMS has not only helped me learn more about myself, but
motivated me to follow my dreams.”
Each year,
over 600 children and teens
receive care in one of our
safe houses, but they receive
much more than shelter.
These girls and boys, young women and young men are provided
with the opportunity to become self-sufficient, educated adults.
Our highly-respected, trained staff serve as role models to the
children; showing them the path to success through life skills
training, budgeting, counseling, education and employment
assistance and so much more.
While each of our programs caters to different needs based on
the youth’s age, gender, and history, they serve the same overall
purpose: to instill courage, confidence, and values into the child’s
Camden DREAMS resident, Elijah, came to CFS after becoming
homeless at age 18. With the help of a friend, he discovered CFS’
HomeBase program, one of the Safe and Supportive Housing
programs in our continuum of care.
“I was very scared when I moved into HomeBase; I kept to myself
at first,” says Elijah. But during his time at HomeBase, he became
motivated to begin taking classes at Camden County College and
even started a part-time job at a local YMCA.
2013 Annual Report
A Head Start on Educational Success
ducation is the first and most important step toward a
successful, self-sufficient future for the children in our
community. Supporting a child’s early development is an
effective strategy for long-term educational success. We are proud to
play a role in educating young children through Head Start, a national
program that promotes school readiness and parent involvement.
From August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013, our first full year of service
as the Head Start provider, our highly trained staff provided
comprehensive full day programming from 8:30am – 3:00pm five
days per week. Wrap-around and extended day services were also
offered. We served 893 preschool children and 822 families from
Camden City and Camden County. Our average monthly enrollment
was 95%. Of the children we served, 92% were from income eligible
families. The remaining 8% were enrolled as over income.
Our Head Start program combines age-appropriate learning, social
interaction, and nutrition education to provide a rich learning
environment. Learning includes investigation and exploration,
purposeful engaged play, and intentional instruction using a research
based curriculum.
We focus on boosting language development and helping
preschoolers acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that predict
later success in reading, writing, and math. Comprehensive services
also include health screenings, health care, family services, and parent
Our work is rooted in the philosophy that healthy communities start
with healthy families. Good health plays an important role in a child’s
development and success in school. Medical exams were provided to
82% of the children served, and dental exams were provided to 83%
of children served. A nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snack were
served to children each day. All meals and snacks were prepared by
a registered dietitian and met nutrition standards established by the
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Regular nutrition
activities also took place in the classroom and during home visits.
We introduced children to new foods, while educating children and
families on the importance of a healthy diet. Children were engaged
in 45 minutes of physical fitness activities each day. Our Family
Service Advocates completed 1,119 home visits with families.
Dedicated volunteers helped to increase individualized attention
for children in our classrooms. Parent volunteers played an integral
role in supporting our program. Parents served an average of 2,608
volunteer hours per month.
Head Start Public and Private Funds Received
Source of Public Funds
FY 2012 - 2013 (Actual Budget)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration of Children and Families
Camden Board of Education/Abbott
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
through the U.S. Department of Agriculture
N.J. Department of Human Services
Source of Private Funds
In-Kind Campbell Soup
T.D. Bank
Total All Sources
FY 2013 - 2014 (Proposed Budget)
FY 2012 - 2013 (Actual Budget)
$10, 619,613
FY 2013 - 2014 (Proposed Budget)
Head Start Expenses
Fringe Benefits
Other Costs
Indirect Costs
Total Expenses
FY 2012 - 2013 (Actual Budget)
FY 2013 - 2014 (Proposed Budget)
The Center For Family Services has a single audit completed annually based on the agency’s fiscal year. The most recent audit for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2013 presented no material findings.
Our Head Start program
combines age-appropriate learning,
social interaction, and nutrition
education to provide
a rich learning environment.
Our work is rooted
in the philosophy that
healthy communities start
with healthy families.
2013 Annual Report
Kindergarten Readiness & Family Engagement
chool readiness is a primary focus for our Head Start
program. The most current research indicates that
kindergarten readiness is a strong predictor of longterm learning success. In order to give every child the education
foundation needed to follow a path from high school to college and
career, we must provide the best possible preschool learning program
that involves the entire family.
Our teachers utilize the Creative Curriculum Gold, a comprehensive,
evidence-based curriculum, in planning and implementing a
developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate program
for all children. Children become active and creative explorers
who try new things at a self-determined pace. Children learn
healthy habits and good attitudes, as well as gain a positive sense
of self, all of which are important components for preparation for
kindergarten. We assess children three times per program year
using Teaching Strategies Gold software. The assessment focuses on
social and emotional development, physical development, language
development, cognitive development, literacy and math.
Family engagement
is central to our mission
of ensuring all children
are ready for school.
When learning
is reinforced at home,
children are more likely
to achieve academic
and lifetime success.
We implemented the Born to Read initiative in our Head Start
classrooms. The aim of this initiative is to improve grade level reading
outcomes. Through Born to Read, we are raising expectations,
increasing exposure to books, improving attendance, engaging
parents, and reducing summer learning loss. The initiative is a
collaborative effort with support from United Way of Greater
Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey – Camden County, Subaru of
America, Campbell Soup Company, Cooper Rowan Medical School,
and Bookmates.
To increase exposure to books and maintain the educational gains
made during the school year, we provided every child with a summer
learning pack which included new books and an activity journal.
We also implemented a Healthy Living, Healthy Learning summer
program with support from TD Bank and Campbell Soup Foundation
that served 160 children. Through the summer program, children
continued with educational and recreational activities, while receiving
nutritious meals each day.
We also place a special emphasis on supporting parents in the
transition to kindergarten. Our Family Service Advocates guide and
prepare parents with the tools and resources necessary for a smooth
transition. Our goal is to support parents as advocates for their child’s
long term success in school.
Family engagement is central to our mission of ensuring all
children are ready for school. Children need to have families who
are actively engaged in their education. When learning is reinforced
at home, children are more likely to achieve academic and lifetime
We support parents as their child’s primary teacher and nurturer. Our
Family Service Advocates encourage parent involvement and offer
parents opportunities for growth, so that they can identify their own
strengths, needs, and interests. Our program prepares parents to
become goal setters and advocates for themselves and their children.
Within Head Start there are opportunities for parents to emerge as
leaders by sitting on parent committees, policy council, and actively
participating in the decision making process.
The overall development of a child, including their success in the
classroom, is further impacted by a strong, visible male role model.
We recognize the critical role dads play in a child’s educational
success, so we provide opportunities for dads to get involved. Our
Fathers Initiative focuses on the unique and irreplaceable contribution
fathers make and encourages dads to be responsible, get involved, and
remain committed. In June 2013, a well-attended fathers’ march was
held to recognize dads for their strong involvement.
2013 Annual Report
A Neighborhood of Promise
enter For Family Services is leading a neighborhood
revitalization effort in the Cooper Plaza and Lanning Square
communities in Camden City. Working together
with a team of partners, we are developing plans for a Promise
Neighborhood, a block by block model of transformation with
coordinated health, social, community, and educational supports
from cradle to college to career. In December 2012, Center For
Family Services received highly competitive federal funding in the
amount of $500,000 from the Department of Education to develop
plans for the Cooper Lanning Promise Neighborhood.
Inspired by the work of the Harlem Children’s Zone, we are
committed to the development of a pipeline of comprehensive
services that reaches children at every age and stage of
development. The goal is to create a neighborhood of opportunity
where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.
The Camden Cooper Lanning Promise Neighborhood Initiative is
a collective impact project which brings together nearly 20 partners
and providers in a multi-faceted effort to help children succeed in
school, go to college, and continue on to rewarding careers.
At its core, collective impact is about creating and implementing
coordinated strategy among stakeholders with a common agenda
and shared vision. The goal is to put systems in place for long term
change. To ensure we are having the desired impact, our coalition is
committed to program evaluation, monitoring, and data collection
at unprecedented levels. Data-driven decision making will guide
our work as we build out the pipeline of services and put systems in
place for long term change in the neighborhood.
Promise Neighborhood Partners
• Acelero Learning Center
• Bookmates
• CAMCare Health Corporation
• CamConnect
• Camden City School Based
Youth Services
• Camden Coalition of
Healthcare Providers
• Camden County College
• Camden County
Department of
Children's Services
• Campbell Soup Company
• Center for Study of
Social Policy
• City of Camden, Board of
• City of Camden, Mayor's
• Comcast
• Community Planning and
Advocacy Council
• The Cooper Foundation
• Cooper Lanning Civic
• Cooper's Ferry Partnership
• Cooper Medical School at
Rowan University
• Cooper University
Health Care
• Housing Authority of the
City of Camden
• Lanning Square Residents
• Metis Associates
• NJ Department of Law and
Public Safety
• Planned Parenthood of
Southern NJ
• Project H.O.P.E.
• Rowan University
• Rutgers University-Camden
• ShopRite
• South Jersey Eye Center
• Southern New Jersey
Perinatal Cooperative
• Susquehanna Bank
• United Way of Greater
Philadelphia & Southern
NJ – Camden County
• Urban Promise
• YMCA of Burlington &
Camden County
Cooper Plaza and Lanning Square community members are actively
involved in the Promise Neighborhood planning process. We are
committed to gaining their trust as we develop plans for services that
will address the current needs. The Promise Neighborhood concept is
built on the belief that there is a real urgency to the work. With this
in mind, we implemented several pipeline programs this year to begin
to address some immediate needs in the community.
One such program is Baby’s Best Start. Modeled after Harlem
Children’s Zone’s Baby College and funded by the Community
Planning and Advocacy Council through a grant from the New
Jersey Department of Children and Families, Baby’s Best Start takes
a preventative focus. The program is dedicated to getting every child
off to the best possible start by working together with parents to
support every aspect of a child’s development.
The overall goal of Baby’s Best Start is to provide mothers, fathers,
mothers-to-be, and other caregivers with the information and
supports they need to raise happy, healthy children who are able to
enter school safe and ready to learn.
“We always knew
we were good parents.
We went from good to great
because of this program.”
Baby’s Best Start builds on the strengths of parents and caregivers
and increases parents’ resilience factors. The nine-week parenting
workshop serves families with children aged newborn to three.
Darnell and Sherri Shakes joined the program because their youngest
child fit the program’s age requirements. “Everything about the
program interested me,” remembered Darnell. “At first I thought it
would be difficult to commit to nine Saturdays in row, but once the
program began, we were hooked.”
Over the course of the program, parents are required to keep a weekly
diary and are assigned homework each week. “The homework
assignments are intense, but they help you take what you learned
in the program and incorporate it into everyday life,” says Darnell.
Parents also learn tips on keeping children safe and healthy, receive
information on stages of child development, and connect with local
“There are no words to describe Baby’s Best Start. The program
is intriguing, enlightening, and educational. I learned about my
daughter’s brain development, the importance of reading to my
children every single day, and how to effectively discipline my
children.” The program isn’t all serious all the time, though. “One
Saturday we were taught how to incorporate singing and clapping into
our child’s daily routine. The children loved it.”
The Shakes were a part of the first of many graduating classes at
Center For Family Services Baby’s Best Start program. Darnell now
advocates on behalf of Baby’s Best Start. “I keep telling everyone I see,
‘You need to check out Baby’s Best Start. You need to be a teacher to
your children.’”
2013 Annual Report
Recovery is a Reality
ddiction impacts the lives of thousands of New Jersey
residents each and every year; taking an emotional,
psychological, and social toll on all who come into contact
with it. At Center For Family Services, we acknowledge addiction
as a chronic disease. We recognize that a continuum of services are
needed to support individuals in recovery, the young and the old, the
privileged and disenfranchised. In 2013, CFS added to its continuum
of substance treatment services with the opening of its Living Proof
Recovery Center, providing a voice and a platform to all the faces of
those in recovery.
Funded by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division
of Addiction Services, the Living Proof Recovery Center is the second
such center of its kind in New Jersey and the first in southern New
Jersey. The Center provides a sense of community to those trying
to find their way out of addiction and into recovery. This presence
of community provides people with a vision of what recovery looks
like, the hope that they can overcome addiction, and the strength to
maintain their recovery.
The facility is part sanctuary, part resource center; providing a wide
range of vital services to begin and sustain recovery. It breaks down
the common barriers often faced when seeking recovery: the lack
of a home, food, access to medical services, sober friends, a driver’s
license, or a resume. CFS helps these individuals focus on the steps
necessary to move away from using drugs and alcohol toward a life of
wellness and wholeness.
The Recovery Center
takes the phrase “it takes a village”
to a whole new level.
Living Proof Recovery Center is different from other treatment
services because it is peer-led and volunteer-driven, allowing
members to choose their road to recovery that best meets their own
personal preferences, needs, and values.
From employment to financial literacy to nutrition and healthcare,
our advisory board and members provide the input on the services
that should be provided to the South Jersey community, ensuring
a full menu of recovery supports are readily available and easily
Our staff work tirelessly to help members learn how to navigate and
best use available resources. Our force of community members and
trained recovery coaches work alongside of our staff and members to
provide encouragement, practical help, and workshops. Each person
at the Recovery Center has their own unique set of abilities and
specialties that tie together to connect members to what they need to
make their own recovery not just a possibility, but a reality.
Recovery became a reality for Living Proof member Arlene Maiuro
who shared her story with the audience at the program’s official
ribbon cutting ceremony and open house in September 2013.
“Living Proof Recovery Center is a safe place to spend time with
others in recovery. The staff truly cares for you,” remembers Maiuro.
“When I was hungry they found me food. When I was homeless they
found me shelter. They never gave up on me.”
Arlene, a mother and educator, never thought she’d become addicted
and homeless. “I found myself with a Master’s in Education and
eating out of a trashcan.” Her addiction stemmed from the death of
her mother and her inability to deal with the loss. She began abusing
her pain medication to dull the pain in her heart. Things quickly
spun out of control.
“I lost my job, my child, my relationship with my partner, and my
home. Nothing and no one gave me hope until I found the Recovery
“I am a living proof.”
With the help of Recovery Center services, Arlene is now clean
and sober, has reunited with her partner and child, and will begin
substitute teaching this year.
“The addiction convinced me everything else was the problem, not
my addiction, which was causing all my problems. Living Proof staff
and volunteers helped me see that and strive toward a better me,” says
Arlene. “I am a living proof.”
2013 Annual Report
Financial Report 2012-2013
Federal Grants
State of NJ Grants
County and City Grants
Fees and Insurance Reimbursements
Other Grants and Donations
United Way
Investment Income
Consultants and Professional Fees
Materials and Supplies
Facility Costs
Assistance to Clients
Other Expenses
Equipment and Capital Expenses
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Available for Sale Securities - Fair Value
Prepaid Expenses / Deposits
Total Current Assets
Property and Equipment
Buildings, Improvements, and Equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Net Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Other Assets
Total Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Current Portion of Notes Payable
Accrued Payroll, Payroll Taxes, and Benefits Accrued Vacation Liability
Deferred Grant Revenue
Contract Reimbursements Payable
Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities
Long Term Liabilities
Long-term Portion of Notes Payable
Total Long-Term Liabilities 5,762,644
Net Assets
Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 6,250,447
Donors, Funders, & Supporters
This listing is representative of donations received
from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.
Corporation for National &
Community Service
US Department of Education
US Department of Health &
Human Services
US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Housing &
Urban Development
US Department of Justice
New Jersey State
Department of Children &
Department of Community
Department of Corrections
Department of Education
Department of Health &
Senior Services
Department of Human
Department of Law &
Public Safety
Camden County
Board of Chosen Freeholders
Camden County Prosecutor’s
Youth Services Commission
Cape May County
Board of Chosen Freeholders
Gloucester County
Board of Chosen Freeholders
Community Development
Block Grant
Gloucester County
Prosecutor’s Office
Office of Economic
Youth Services Commission
United Ways
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia and Southern
New Jersey - Camden
Camden City Board of
Community Planning &
Advocacy Council (CPAC)
Education, Information &
Resource Center (EIRC)
NJ Association on Correction
NJ Coalition Against
Sexual Assault
NJ Coalition for Battered
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Bridge of Books Foundation
Camden Home for Children
Campbell Soup Foundation
Center for Study of
Social Policy
The Comcast Foundation
The Cooper Foundation
David Lynch Foundation
Delaware Community
The Domenica Foundation
Gap Foundation
Mobile Giving Foundation
The Musumeci Family
Nicholson Foundation
NJ Foundation of Leadership,
Education, and Arts
PSE&G Foundation
Subaru of America
Foundation, Inc.
TD Charitable Foundation
Wells Fargo Regional
William G. Rohrer Charitable
Founder ($10,000 & up)
American Reading Company
Mr. Peter Musumeci, Jr. &
Mrs. Linda M. Musumeci
Sovereign Military
Order of Malta
Wyanoke Children’s Support
Sponsor ($5000 - $9999)
Benefit Concepts
Brown & Brown of Lehigh
Valley, Inc
Camden Home for Children
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kroop
Mr. Gregg Wolfe
Guardian ($2500 - $4999)
Ballard Spahr, LLP
Mr. George Beppel
Conner Strong & Buckelew
GLK Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Johnny Janosik Charity Events
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyser
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild &
Beppel PC
Seneca Insurance Company
Susquehanna Bank
Benefactor ($1000 - $2499)
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Camden Catholic High School
Mr. Anthony Comito
Mr. Peter Guzzetti
Holman Enterprises
Kohl's Turnersville
Kohl's Voorhees
Kohl's Westampton
Mayfair Motel
McKernan Architects &
Men of Moorestown
Mr. Gregg Metzinger
Northwestern Mutual
Philadelphia Professional
Compounding Pharmacy
Ragone Family Foundation
South Jersey Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stagliano
Mr. Andrew Swenson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swetsky
United Way of the National
Capital Area
Leader ($500 - $999)
Ms. Karen Allen
AllRisk Insurance Restoration
AmeriHealth New Jersey
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 234
Boy Scouts of America
Cub Scout Pack 161
Mr. Michael Brady
California Pizza Kitchen
Charles J. Becker School
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dandrea
Mr. Robert Davis
Mr. Jim Derr
Earl Eschert and Son Tree
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Furfari
Ms. Lillian Gentner
Gloucester County Special
Services School District
Mr. and Mrs. William
Heritage Business Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mango
Ms. Janet Mastronardi
Mount Ephraim Chrysler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mullen
Office Products
Paulsboro Refining Company
Proclean USA
Ms. Dorothy M. Prouix
Pulmonary & Sleep Associates
of South Jersey
ShopRite at West Deptford
Ms. Christine Slachta
Square One
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
The Promenade at Sagemore
Title America Agency Corp
Ultra Mortgage
United Way of America
Washington Township High
Patron ($250 - $499)
Mr. Randolph Angermann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Ms. Lisa Bosley
Consolidated Services Group
Ms. Kristin Coryell
Ms. Karen Deacon
Ms. Patrice M. Garcia
Mr. Michael Gerard, Sr.
Mr. Persel Gilliam, Jr.
Dr. Michael Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon
Green Lee Security
Services LLC
GTS Technical Sales
Guardian Settlement
Agents, Inc.
Ms. Christine A. Hall
Ms. Kathleen Huntley
Insurance Administrator of
JB Mac
Johnson Electronic Services
Ms. Bonnie Kiter
Ms. Cathie McGeehan
Mister Softee, Inc.
Ms. Sarah Musumeci
O & S Research
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Paparone
Perfect Printing
Quality Asset Recovery
Rowan School of Osteopathic
Ms. Robin Rutberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rutolo
Safe Leasing, LLC
Scelsi & Associates, LLC
Ms. Madeleine Schachter and
Mr. David Stagliano
Mr. Jared Soble
Miss Katelyn St. Amand
Ms. Rebecca L. Staffieri
The Standard
United Way of Rhode Island
Women's Club of West
Friend ($100 - $249)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Ameriprise Financial
Mr. Frank Andersen
Atrium Executive Center
Mr. David Bailey
Mr. Steven Bailkin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bark
Berlin Township Board of
Ms. LaTonya Bland-Tull
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Blyth
Ms. Eileen B. Borland
Mrs. Patti Bozarth
Ms. Elaine Burkhardt
Camden County College
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. James Caputo
Ms. Meyer Carly
Ms. Lois Chapman
Mr. James Coath
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Coben
Cohen & Associates
Ms. Jessica Cooney
Ms. Kristin Cordova
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cottrell
Crisdel Construction Group
Ms. Suzanne Demarest
Mr. and Mrs. Mario
DiGiacomo, Jr.
Mr. James Donovan
Enfasco, Inc
Equipment Providers
Evesham Capital Management
Dr. and Ms. Brad Fischer
Ms. Sharyn Fooks
Ms. Karly Forman
Mr. Harris E. Fox
Ms. Laurie Friedman
Ms. Mary T. Frumento
Ms. Carolyn J. Gilfillan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gillespie
Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore
Gloucester Township Mayor's
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Hammill, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Harbold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hillman
Ms. Anne Hoban
Mr. Blake Huttner
Mr. John P. Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katz
Mr. and Mrs. David Kerr
Mr. Barry Kratchman
Ms. Lehea Kuphal
Mr. Michael J. Kutys, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kyle
Ms. JoAnn Lambert
Ms. Michelle L. Lind
Ms. Sharon Liscio
Ms. Nancy Lovejoy
Ms. Carole Lytell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Madden
Ms. Emily Malloy
Ms. Louise Marzin
Ms. Judith McNamara
Ms. Robyn Miller
Ms. Kim Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ms. Audie Murphy
Mrs. Robyn D. Nemeroff
Ms. Cynthia O'Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osman
Mr. James Parker
Mr. Thomas Parker
Mr. Mike Patruno
Penn Children's Center
Phoenix Heating & Air
Mr. Mark Pietrucha
Ms. Donna Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. William Pospisil
Ms. Willisa Roland
Ms. Wendy Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rosen
Mr. Rich Rosen
Rowan University
Ms. Nicole R. Rutter
Ms. Karen Salvano
Samaritan Hospice
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Schaming
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schlump
Ms. Debra Sellitto
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Mrs. Cathryn E. Smith
Mr. George Smith
South Jersey Eye Center
South Jersey Welding
Supply Co.
Mrs. Yola Stagliano
Ms. Robin Stockton
Ms. Robin Swain
Mr. and Mrs. John Taima
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tedesco
Mr. Drew Townsend
Tweett Living Trust
Ms. Christin Veit
Ms. Carol A. Visalli
Ms. Joanne Walko
Ms. Nyeema Watson
Mr. William Weaver
Ms. Jennifer Webb-McRae
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. West
Mr. Stephen Williams
Ms. Megan Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. David Wolfe
Mr. Ron Woodmansee
Woodside Associates Inc.
Mr. John Yankowski
Dr. and Mrs. Lee H. Yasgur
Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Zatzariny, Jr.
Supporter ($50 - $99)
Action Plumbing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ansert
Ms. Margaret Anton
Ms. Francine Appleton
Ms. Marybeth Aveni
Ms. Marianne Baker
Ms. Kathleen Baldino
Mr. and Mrs. Ranan Banerji
Ms. Lucy Beard
Ms. Kathryn Bird
Mr. Michael Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Philip
2013 Annual Report
Donors, Funders, & Supporters
Ms. Wendy Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Budd
Ms. Ronja Butler
Ms. Alice Cessna
Ms. Nancy Chard
Ms. Stella Collington
Consulting Engineer Services
Ms. Heather Crawford
Cumberland County College
Cumberland County Health
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Catherine Donovan
Mrs. Nancy K. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elfman
Mr. Edward Felli
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Floreck
Ms. Lori Gagliardi
Ms. Evelyn Ginter
Gloucester County
Department of Human
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Greatrex, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hanlon
Ms. Ellen Heine
Ms. Sue A. Irwin
Ms. Kathy Jacobs
Ms. Wanda Jadczak
Ms. Anita Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John
Kearney, Esq.
Dr. B. A. Klobach
Ms. Bambii Kreal
Ms. Chrissy Kubat
Kulzer & DiPadova, PA
Ms. Rachel Kuser
Ms. Carolyn C. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Laporta
Leighton Communications
Ms. Mary A. Light
Mr. Thomas Macleish
Ms. Shamekka Marty
Ms. Karen Masciangelo
Mr. Frank McGough
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Ms. Taylor Meckley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mendolia
Ms. Doris Moore
Ms. Marie Negro
Ms. Eleanor Oxley
Ms. Alyssa Passer
Mr. Robert W. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Platt, Sr.
Ms. Ericka Poletti
Providence Pediatric Medical
Day Care
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Puccio
Rapid Tire Service of
Mr. Keith Reynolds
Ms. Laura Rhen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ridge
Ms. Rita Roedig
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutolo
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Safeguard Business Systems
Ms. Rosemary Schaab
Mr. William J. Schluth
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schreiter
Mr. Robert Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Scott
Smith Village Home
Ms. Nicole Snyder
Ms. Shauna J. Swartz
Swisco, Inc.
Mr. Bruce D. Thiel
Thomas Lift, LLC
Ms. Stacey Tobe
Ms. Jane Tonkin
TRS Wholesale Tire
Ms. Elaine Valeno
Mr. Robert Warkow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Therese Weaver
Mr. Bob Weinstein
Mr. Steven E. Wolfe
Ms. Carol Woodward
Mr. George Yansick
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Yett
Contributor ($25 - $49)
Ms. Jeanne Albrecht
Ms. Diane Anderson
Mr. William Bacheler
Ms. Ann Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bender
Ms. Therese Benyola
Ms. Emily Best
Mr. Estevez Bienvenido
Ms. Keisha Bishop
Bobby Block
Mr. and Mrs. John Bond
Borger Matez, PA
Ms. Mary Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Ms. Jasmine A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burke
Ms. Rosemarie Caporaso
Ms. Valerie Carr
Mr. and Mrs. William Carr
Ms. Maria Castillo
Ms. Kathleen Chapman
Mr. Thomas Compo
Mr. Dominic Costa
Creations by Kathy
Mr. Dave Crespy
Ms. Sheryl L. Croce
Mr. John Daly
Mr. Gary Dentino
Ms. Robert Depka
Ms. Cynthia DeRenzo
Mr. Michael DiFrancesco
Ms. Erica DiGiorgio
Ms. Kimberly Dodds
Ms. Charlene Finley
Dr. Leo Forsberg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gerst
Ms. Angelica Freeling
Mr. Michael Garbarino
Ms. Janet Geisz
Ms. Tricia Giordano
Gloucester County Div. of
Soc. Serv.
Ms. Virginia Goitiandia
Ms. Rachel Grabenhorst
Ms. Qui Qui Guan-Krzenski
Mr. Ryan Hall
Ms. Darlene Harley
Mr. Troy Harris
Ms. Caryn Harrold
Ms. Roberta Horn
Ms. Krystal Hunter
Mr. Dwayne Ingram
Ms. Stacy Iovanisci
Ms. Joanna Jackson
Mr. Matthew James
Ms. Rose Jensen
Ms. Bianca Jerez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kalman
Mr. Joe Kelly
Ms. MaryLouise Kerwin
Ms. Angel Knighten
Mr. Jeff Lang
Ms. Roxanne LaRoc
Mr. Chris Light
Ms. Jessica Long
Ms. Kim Longo
Ms. Sophia Marandino
Ms. Megan Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Dario
Mr. Robert Matsuk
Ms. Belinda Maurone
Ms. Lauren May
Ms. Stephania Mayse
Mr. Leo McCabe
Mr. Adam Meyer
Ms. Norma W. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Mr. C. R. Miller
Ms. Amy Minichino
Ms. Rebecca Mollis
Ms. Carol Murphy
Ms. Raegan Naegle
Ms. Rachel Negro-Henderson
Ms. Ginny Nims
Ms. Danielle Nutt
Mr. Charlie Oropallo
Ms. Julie Oropallo
Mr. Tom Osler
Paulsboro High School
Ms. Meryl Pellicore
Ms. Dana Perrotta
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petsch
Mr. John Pfeifer
Ms. Donna Pinto
Ms. Demetre Pough
Ms. Jessica Reed
Ms. Jeannine Ricci
Ms. Linda Ann Ricciardi
Ms. Rebecca Richardson
Ms. Elizabeth Rieder
Mr. David Rimby
Ms. Kate Rode
Ms. Dana Romano
Ms. Nora J. Rush
Ms. Patricia Rutter
Ms. Peggy Schankin
Ms. Michelle Schmidt
Mr. Kevin Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scott, MD
Ms. Lauren Scott
Ms. Sara Sears
Mr. Patrick Sharkey
Ms. Alicia Shaw
Ms. Liz Slocum
Mr. Joe Smiriglio
Ms. Michele Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Stagliano
Mrs. Mary E. Stasko
Mr. Shane Stevenson
Ms. Ester Surden
Ms. Gina Telymonde
The Lawyer Stress Center
Ms. Doris Threat
Mr. Kevin Utz
Ms. Barbara Anne Villon
Mr. Joseph Wachspress
Mr. Thomas Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Woodward
Mr. Lee Yeash
Wyanoke Children’s
Support Fund
Mr. Joseph Anzuena
Ms. Marybeth Aveni
Mr. John Bond
Ms. Sheryl L. Croce
Ms. Suzanne Demarest
Ms. Kathleen Huntley
Mr. John P. Kain
Ms. Carolyn C. Lake
Ms. Michelle L. Lind
Ms. Nicole R. Rutter
Mr. William J. Schluth
Mr. Peter Slack
Ms. Debra Steckel
Mr. Bruce D. Thiel
1st Annual 5k
Run & Walk
September 22, 2012
AmeriHealth New Jersey
Ms. Lucy Beard
Benefit Concepts
Ms. Therese Benyola
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Ms. Mary Brewer
Mr. Anthony Comito
Conner Strong & Buckelew
Dandrea Produce
Mr. and Mrs. Mario
DiGiacomo, Jr.
Fantastic Faces
Ms. Karly Forman
Furfari’s Soft Pretzel
Bakery, Inc.
Ms. Virginia Goitiandia
Mr. and Mrs. William
Green Lee Security
Services LLC
Mr. Peter Guzzetti
Haddonfield Running
Insurance Administrator of
Ms. Stacy Iovanisci
Johnson Electronic Services
Kohl's Westampton
Ms. Sophia Marandino
Ms. Janet Mastronardi
Mr. Frank McGough
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mendolia
Mr. Adam Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Mount Ephraim Chrysler
New Jersey American Water
Northwestern Mutual
Paulsboro Refining Company
PC Mall
Perfect Printing
Philadelphia Professional
Compounding Pharmacy
Pulmonary & Sleep Associates
of South Jersey
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild &
Beppel PC
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rutolo
Mr. Patrick Sharkey
Mr. Joe Smiriglio
South Jersey Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. Andrew Swenson
Thomas Lift, LLC
Mr. Joseph Wachspress
Mr. Ron Woodmansee
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Woodward
Mr. Michal E. Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aitken
Ms. Crystal Allen
Ms. Natalie Ampole
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ansert
Mr. William Bacheler
Ms. Ann Bacon
Mr. Michael Balkie
Mr. Michael Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Ms. Emily Best
Mr. Estevez Bienvenido
Ms. Keisha Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Ms. Valerie Carr
Ms. Maria Castillo
Ms. Stella Collington
Mr. Thomas Compo
Ms. Michelle Cona-Diezel
Ms. Jacklyn Coombs
Ms. Kristin Cordova
Mr. Dominic Costa
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Costello
Mr. Dave Crespy
Mr. James Crompton
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
Ms. Deborah Dahms
Mr. John Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dandrea
Ms. Lauren Dandrea
Ms. Kim Demcher
Mr. Gary Dentino
Ms. Lacey DePutter
Ms. Cynthia DeRenzo
Ms. Anne Dickson
Mr. Brian Diezel
Mr. Michael DiFrancesco
Ms. Erica DiGiorgio
Ms. Dorothy DiMattia
Ms. Kimberly Dodds
Ms. Colleen Dunn
Ms. Jodie Eastlock
Ms. Patricia Fietkiewicz
Ms. and Dr. Kelly Fischer
Ms. Angelica Freeling
Mr. Michael Garbarino
Ms. Janet Geisz
Ms. Erin Gill
Ms. Tricia Giordano
Ms. Rachel Grabenhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gribbin
Ms. Kara Guzzetti
Mr. Ryan Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hanlon
Ms. Darlene Harley
Mr. Troy Harris
Ms. Caryn Harrold
Ms. Ellen Heine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Roberta Horn
Ms. Theresa Humphrey
Ms. Krystal Hunter
Mr. Dwayne Ingram
Ms. Joanna Jackson
Mr. Matthew James
Ms. Rose Jensen
Ms. Collen Kelly
Mr. Joe Kelly
Ms. Angelina Knighten
Ms. Angel Knighten
Ms. Sarah Knopf
Ms. Sue Kralle
Ms. Pati Krasensky
Ms. Bambii Kreal
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kroop
Ms. Nikia Krouse
Ms. Beth Kwart
Mr. Jeff Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Laporta
Ms. Rachel Lester
Ms. Sue Levy
Mr. Chris Light
Ms. Mary A. Light
Ms. Judy Lombardo
Ms. Jessica Long
Ms. Kim Longo
Ms. Mary Love
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Madden
Ms. Lori Maeder
Ms. Alexis Maneely
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mango
Ms. April Markley
Ms. Louise Marzin
Ms. Megan Mason
Ms. Geneva Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Dario
Mr. Robert Matsuk
Ms. Anne May
Ms. Lauren May
Ms. Stephania Mayse
Mr. Joe McGurk
Ms. Norma W. Meyer
Ms. Amy Minichino
Ms. Kim Monaghan
Ms. Megan Myers
Ms. Raegan Naegle
Ms. Rachel Negro-Henderson
Ms. Danielle Nutt
Mr. Robert Oliver, Jr.
Ms. Julie Oropallo
Mr. Charlie Oropallo
Ms. Mary Oropallo
Mr. Alexander Orr
Mr. Tom Osler
Ms. Joan Pearce
Ms. Dana Perrotta
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petsch
Ms. Donna Pinto
Ms. Demetre Pough
Ms. Josephine Poulson
Ms. Shirl Price
Mrs. JoAnn Reynolds
Ms. Jeannine Ricci
Ms. Dana Romano
Mr. Gary Rooney
Ms. Gina Rotondo
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo
Ms. Stacy Santiago
Mr. Kevin Schroeder
Ms. Lauren Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Scott
Ms. Kristine Seitz
Ms. Alicia Shaw
Mr. Gary Shickora
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Ms. Deborah Simmons
Mr. Bob Skrupskis
Ms. Christine Slachta
Ms. Liz Slocum
Ms. Michele Smith
Ms. Suzanne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stagliano
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Stagliano
Mr. Shane Stevenson
Ms. Brittany Stomel
Ms. Gina Telymonde
Ms. Catherine Thomas
Ms. Robin Tracey
Mr. Kevin Utz
Mr. Lee Yeash
Ms. Shannon Baals
Ms. Therese Benyola
Ms. Bonnie Bornstein
Ms. Judy Brahin
Ms. Debbie Dahms
Ms. Lauren Dandrea
Ms. Kaysie Getty
Ms. Erin Gill
Ms. Judyann Gillespie
Ms. Jami Goodrich
Ms. Rachel Negro-Henderson
Ms. Wren Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kemezis
Mr. Brian Kline
Ms. Deborah Kroop
Ms. Beth Kwart
Ms. Mary Love
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mango
Mr. Frank McGough
Ms. Gina Ridge
Ms. Merilee Rutolo
Ms. Stacy Santiago
Ms. Debbie Simmons
Ms. Christina Slachta
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stagliano
Denim Day
Atrium Executive Center
Ballard Spahr, LLP
Berlin Township Board of
Ms. Beverly Betz
Borger Matez, PA
Ms. Cherokee Cabell
Camden Catholic High School
Camden County College
Community Planning and
Advocacy Council
Consulting Engineer Services
Cumberland County College
Cumberland County Health
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle
Mrs. Nancy K. Egan
Ms. Tia Escalera
Dr. Leo Forsberg, Jr.
Ms. Angelica Freeling
Glassboro Police Department
Gloucester County
Department of Human
Gloucester County Division of
Social Services
Gloucester County Special
Services School District
Gloucester Township Mayor's
Green Lee Security
Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Bianca Jerez
John F. Kennedy Elementary
Ms. Anita Johnson
Ms. Lehea Kuphal
Ms. Belinda Maurone
Ms. Carol Murphy
Old Navy Deptford
Ms. Jennifer Parr
Ms. Mildred Pasquale
Ms. LaToya Payne
Ms. Barbara Pearson
Ms. Jessica Reed
Rowan School of Osteopathic
Mr. Michael Shannon
Mrs. Margaret E. Siniavsky
Ms. Christine Slachta
Ms. Michele Smith
Miss Katelyn St. Amand
Ms. Mary Thompson
Ms. Leah Walker
Washington Township High
Women's Club of West
Wyanoke Group
Yep Company
18th Annual Golf
June 3, 2013
Ballard Spahr, LLP
Benefit Concepts
Brown & Brown of Lehigh
Valley, Inc
Holman Enterprises
Johnny Janosik Charity Events
McKernan Architects &
The Musumeci Family
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild &
Beppel, PC
Hole Sponsors
All Risk Insurance Restoration
Charles J. Becker School
Conner Strong & Buckelew
GLK Services
Peter Guzzetti
Eileen and Robert Henderson
Holman Enterprises
Lexus of Cherry Hill
Mayfair Motel
Mister Softee, Inc.
Peter Musumeci, Jr. and Linda
M. Musumeci
Proclean USA
Scelsi & Associates, LLC
Gerri and Richard Stagliano
The Standard
Title America Agency Corp.
Action Plumbing
Johnson Electronic Services
Kulzer & DiPadova, PA
Phoenix Heating & Air
The Promenade at Sagemore
Safeguard Business Systems
Christine Slachta
South Jersey Eye Center
South Jersey Welding
Supply Co.
Swisco, Inc.
Mark Alessandrini
Michael Androlewicz
Bruce Apple
Laura Balga
Grace Barr
Joe Becta
George Beppel
Dave Bird
Eileen B. Borland
Bonnie J. Bornstein
Dan Boychuck
Michael Brady
Joanne Brigandi
Dan Brothers
Phil Bush
Michael Castrataro
Greg Cieslik
Nick Commisso
Bill Cooper
Jeff Cooper
Lori Coppaccio
Joe Cordova
Harry Costello
Robert Davis
John DeMassi
Jim Derr
Steven DiCarlo
Jim Dwyer
Eric Ehresman
John Ehresman
Rich Ethridge
Del Evans
John Evans
Brad Fischer
Doug Fuller
Anthony Furfari
Daniel Furfari
Frank Furfari
John Furfari
Joe Garborino
Joe Gavlick
Pat Giordano
Mark Gizzi
Michael Goodman
John Grasso
John Grimaldi
Peter Guzzetti
Jim Harris
Laura Hart
Jerry Hearn
Christopher Heiser
Samuel Hudman
Tommy Johnson
Gary Koopman
Jim Kress
Ben Kyle
Frank Lacatena
Lou Lacatena
Tom Lavin
Kirk Lind
Thomas Lizzio
Mike Madden
Michael Manal
Michael Mango
Dave Marble
Jen McHugh
John McQuilkin
Michael Meloni
Tom Monahan
Ron Morgan
Jeffrey Mullen
Dan O'Brien
Thomas Parker
Gary Peters
Kyle Peters
Mike Petruno
Derrick Phillips
Mark Pietrucha
Tom Pohl
Joe Rinaldo
Rich Rosen
Greg Rutolo
Ryan Scannell
Chris Scheper
John Slimm
Jim Sousa
Richard Stagliano
Andrew Swenson
Tony Tedeschi
Mike Tocco
Donna Townsend
Drew Townsend
Jill Townsend
Lisa Vallaster
Neal Walters
Bob Weinstein
Drew Whipple
Steve Williams
Dan Wirnsburger
Fran Witt
Jim Yondura
In-Kind Donors
Adelphia Restaurant
Apple American Group
Arden Theater Company
Broadway Theatre of Pitman
Deer Park Water
Evesham Capital Management
Future Fitness
Harbor Pines Golf Club
Jack Tarditi
Lamberti Restaurant
Little Mill Country Club
Net Carrier, Inc
Please Touch Museum
Quality Dining
Sonesta Hotel Philadelphia
Trump Taj Mahal
Operation Backpack
Abco Federal Credit Union
Adventure Aquarium
Ms. Dawn Alexander
Ms. Carol Alexander
Ms. Karen Allen
Ms. Dolores Allen
AllRisk Insurance Restoration
Atrium Executive Center
Mr. Steven Bailkin
Ms. Marianne Baker
Ms. Monica Beesting
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Benfield
Berger Rental Communities
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bergmann
Mrs. Christine Betson-Smith
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Burlington, Camden &
Ms. Kathryn Bird
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Ms. Lisa Bosley
Ms. Jasmine A. Brooks
Ms. Maria Bruge
Camden County Woman
Camden Riversharks
Baseball Club
Campbell Soup Company
Camuto Group
Mr. and Ms. Louis Cavaliere
Cherry Hill Mall
Church of the Holy Spirit
2013 Annual Report
Donors, Funders, & Supporters
Ms. Nancy Ciampa
Ms. Lauren Ciccarelli
Cinemark 16
Ms. Carolanne Ciocca
Ms. Rita Clark
Congregation Beth Tikvah
Cooper Medical School at
Rowan University
Courier Post
Ms. Susan Croll
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cygan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Linda Delany
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ms. Ann Digiovanni
Ms. Karen Dodd
Ms. Gina Doyle
Ms. Charlene Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Floreck
Mrs. Eileen K. Flynn
Ms. Diana Formisano
Dr. Leo Forsberg, Jr.
Ms. Daniela Fumu
Ms. Lori Gagliardi
Ms. Cathy Gain
Ms. Agnes Gallagher
Gannett Fleming, Inc
GCF Bank
Ms. Carolyn J. Gilfillan
Ginsberg Law
Ms. Margie Glass
GLK Services
Ms. Eileen Gorsen
Ms. Jane Gumnit
Haddonfield Junior
Women's Club
Mr. Henry Haley
Hampton Inn
Ms. Dian Hattrick
Ms. Anne Hoban
Mr. William Hoese
Ms. Angie Horner
Ms. Lisa Ingersoll
JC Penny Deptford Mall
JCC of Medford
Ms. Jane Kandell
Mr. and Mrs. John
Kearney, Esq.
Ms. Lorraine Kennedy
Kiwanis Club of the Haddons
Ms. Elaine Kleinman
Dr. B. A. Klobach
Ms. Donna Koenig
Kohl's Turnersville
Kohl's Westampton
Kohl's Voorhees
Mr. Barry Kratchman
Ms. Lehea Kuphal
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kyle
Ms. Millie Law
Ms. Claire Lindgren
Ms. Alice Lisa
Ms. Ruth Lyons
Mrs. Carole Malloagla
Ms. Mary Marsh
Ms. Shamekka Marty
Ms. Louise Marzin
Ms. Stephanie McGee
Ms. Sally McLachlan
Ms. Jeannine McMenamin
Ms. Judith McNamara
Ms. Samantha Michielli
Mr. C. R. Miller
Ms. Linda Miller
Mr. Robert Mochel
Ms. Rebecca Mollis
Ms. Gail Mottershead
Ms. Mary A. Murrow
Ms. Michele Naurath
Mr. Thomas Neicel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neukirk
New Jersey American Water
Ms. Ginny Nims
Office Basics, Inc.
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
Ms. Gail Olans
Old Navy Deptford
Ms. Janet Overstreet
Ms. Christina Peck
Penn Children's Center
Mr. John Pfeifer
Ms. Ericka Poletti
Ms. Renee Ramick
Ms. Elizabeth Rieder
Mr. David Rimby
Ms. Nicole Romanovich
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Rovito
Rowan University at Camden
Ms. Nora J. Rush
Ms. Theresa Rutkowski
Ms. Patricia Rutter
Samaritan Hospice
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Schaming
Ms. Dot Seeberger
Ms. Mary Shaughnessy
Ms. Caryn Shaw
ShopRite Supermarkets of
Cherry Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Mr. Joel Silverman
Ms. Lori Sky
Ms. Christine Slachta
Mrs. Cathryn E. Smith
Ms. Nicole Snyder
Ms. Joan Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stagliano
Ms. Diana S. Stewart
Ms. Ester Surden
Susquehanna Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Swanson
Tabernacle of Faith Church
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tedesco
Temple Beth El
The Promenade at Sagemore
Ms. Meredith Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Toy
Ms. April Trenge
Unitarian Universalist Church
Ms. Barbara Vag
Ms. Marla Vecchio
Volunteer Center of South
Voorhees Rotary Dinner Club
Ms. Joanne Walko
Ms. Courtney Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Nyeema Watson
Mr. Thomas Weber
Ms. Janine Weinreb
William G. Rohrer Center for
Fitness - Virtua
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson
Ms. Lynne Wilson
Winslow Township
Mom's Club
Women's Club of West
Ms. Carol Woodward
Wyanoke Group
Ms. Judeth Yeany
Ms. Patricia Youhas
Ms. Linda Zardus
Holiday Gift Project
Ms. Sharon Ackley
Ms. Leskowicz Adetee
Ms. Nancy Alicea
Ms. Michelle Alston
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Cherry Hill
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Benefit Concepts
Ms. Margaret Bernetich
Ms. Melissa Bettner
Mr. Jim Bigley
Ms. Kate Bluhm
Ms. Bonnie J. Bornstein
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 234
Boy Scouts of America,
Cub Scout Pack 161
Mr. Joseph Brennan
Burlington Coat Factory
Ms. Terri Butnymonicz
California Pizza Kitchen
Campbell Soup Company
Ms. Kelly Carlucci
Center for Neurological and
Neurodevelopmental Health
Cherry Hill Mall
Chili's Tri State Area
Ms. Lindsay A. Chudzik
Ms. Nancy Ciampa
Ms. Rita Clark
Ms. Kristin Coryell
Ms. Catherine Couch
Courier Post
Ms. Susan Croll
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cygan
Ms.Deborah Dahms
Ms. Cynthia Davidson
Ms. Carmela Dibacco
Ms. Louise DiRenzo
Ms. Karen Dodd
Edward T. Hamilton
Ms. Demetra Evans
FBI - South Jersey Resident
Ms. Suzanne Ficara
Ms. Melissa Fisher
Mrs. Eileen K. Flynn
Ms. Colleen Gallo
Ms. Kim Gamelli
Ms. Janet Geisz
Ms. Margie Glass
GLK Services
Gloucester County Family
Ms. Jazmine Green
Mr. Peter Guzzetti
Ms. Norma Haenel
Mr. Ronald Harvey
Ms. Sue Hause
Ms. Carole Hlavka
Mr. William Hoese
Ms. Debbie Hoskinson
Integrated Fresh Solutions
Ms. Sue A. Irwin
Ms. Kathy Jacobs
Ms. Carol Jarvela
Ms. Karen Johnson
Ms. Barb Karp
Ms. Jackie Keleman
Ms. Lorraine Kennedy
Ms. Bonnie Kiter
Ms. Laura E. Klein
Kohl's Turnersville
Kohl's Voorhees
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kraus
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kroop
Mr. Rich Lane
Ms. Julie Levy
Lockheed Martin Government
Ms. Maryanne Lomberg
Maggiano's Little Italy
Ms. Emily Malloy
Ms. Mary Marsh
Ms. Louise Marzin
Ms. Kathy Mcallister
McKernan Architects &
Mr. M. P. McLaughlin
Ms. Judith McNamara
Ms. Diane Miles
Ms. Paula Moen
Ms. Mary A. Murrow
Net Carrier, Inc
Old Navy Deptford
Ms. Janet Overstreet
Pajama Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paull
Paychex, Inc.
Penn Children's Center
Ms. Ericka Poletti
Mr. James Pollard
Quality Asset Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. John Quigg
Ragone, Lacatena, Fairchild &
Beppel PC
Ms. Ellie Ricciardi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rondeau
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rosen
Mr. Christopher Russell
Ms. Robin Rutberg
Rutgers University-Camden
NJ Agricultural Experiment
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutolo
Ms. Shakalah Saffold
Ms. Jen Schaaf
Ms. Dot Seeberger
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Mrs. Carolyn Silvey
Ms. Christine Slachta
Ms. Michele Smith
Ms. Nicole Snyder
Ms. Cynthia Sofka
South Jersey Links In
Ms. Valerie Speare
Spirit of Giving
Ms. Joan Stafford
Mrs. Mary E. Stasko
Ms. Lynne Straker
Ms. Rita Szatny
Tabernacle of Faith Church
Target #1132
Mrs. Beth Taufman
TD Bank
The Center for Neurological
and Neurodevelopmental
The Promenade at Sagemore
TMNA Services, LLC
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia & Southern NJ
- Camden
Virtua Center for
HealthFitness - Washington
Ms. Carol A. Visalli
Washington Township High
Ms. Jennifer Webb-McRae
William G. Rohrer Center for
Fitness - Virtua
Ms. Lolita Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilson
Wyanoke Group
Mr. Stephen Yerkes
Ms. Linda Zardus
CFS Programs
In-Kind Donors
Ms. Laura Afflerbeck
Ambassadors Club
The Baby Bunch
Ms. Kathryn Ballabio
The Barn Studio of Art
Ms. Sheri Biesiada
Mrs. April Billick
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 234
Mr. Maxwell Brown
Ms. Yolene Cadas
Calvary Hill Church
Ms. Michelle Caporale
Ms. Sally Anne Caranfa
Ms. Kait Casper
Ms. Colleen Casper
Ms. Mae Chase
Church of the Incarnation
Clearview Regional High
Clearview Wenonah Junior
Women's Club
Ms. Kathy Cohen
Ms. Abigail L. Connell
Ms. Sharon Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Connors
Ms. Maureen Cook
Cooperative Extension of
Gloucester County
Mr. Chris Creaney
Cuddle Me Program
Ms. Heidi Cullen
Ms. Gwedolyn C. Daniels
Mr. Lawrence Deewey
Mr. William DiMeo
Ms. June Dove
Ms. Kristina Durante
Ms. Kathleen Edwards
Ms. Sophia Ekonomou
Ms. Ellen Elliott
Faith That Endures Ministries
Family Promise of Gloucester
Mrs. Pauline Faulkner
First Book
First United Methodist
Ms. Denise Ford
Franciscan Missionary Sisters
of IHM
Ms. Karen French
Ms. Laurette Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Giordano
Girl Scouts of Central &
Southern NJ
Glassboro Bowl and
Recreation Center
Ms. Jacki Glenz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goodrich
Ms. Stephanie Greene
Ms. Lauren Grunwell
Ms. Jennifer Hahn
Ms. Diane Hanson
Ms. Cynthia Hargraves
Ms. Judy Hawkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herrara
Ms. Laura Holland
Home Depot
Interconnections for Women
Ms. Sara Iovino
Ms. Ramona James
Ms. Alexia Johnson
Just 4 Kids Consignment
Ms. Stephanie Kalitz
Ms. Kate Kelly
Ms. Stephanie Kinney
Ms. Mary Lamey
The Lauren Rose Albert
Ms. Sherron Laurrell
Ms. Dianna Laux
Ms. Diana M. Leadley
Ms. Janeen Levy
Ms. Barbara Lofland
Mr. Carlos Lopez
Ms. Carole Lytell
Mary Mother of Mercy Parish
Ms. Jacqueline Marzan
McKella 280
Mr. Frank Mellace
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Nardella
Mr. David Nelson
New Jersey Agricultural
Ms. Kathy Nolan
Mr. Michael Novick
Ms. Debbie Osisek
PANJ Local 108
Past Time Treasures
Ms. Denise R. Poole
Ms. Nancy Porta
Prudential Fox & Roach
Ms. Ange Puig
Ms. Veronica Ramos-Cruz
Rebirth of Camden
Robert Fiance Beauty School
Mr. Laine Russo
Saints Peter & Paul Church
Mrs. Madeline Sands
Mr. Robert Schaeffer
Ms. Wanda Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharpless
Ms. Nakeisha Smith
Solvay Specialty Polymers
Ms. Marie Sparacio
Ms. Heather Speare
Ms. Shelly Spector
St. Andrew the Apostle
St. Bridget's Church
Ms. Sue Stemmler
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steves
Ms. Lauren Streit
Success Won't Wait
Temple Emanuel
Ms. Mary Ann Thomas
Mr. Roland Turmol
Ms. Michelle VanArtsdalen
Victoria's Secret
Mr. and Ms. Lou Vizoco
Mr. and Mrs. John Volpe
Ms. Sandy Walton
Ms. Janice Welsh
Ms. Mariluz West
Women's Club of Mullica Hill
Women's Club of Pitman
Woodbury Family Court
Agency United Way
Seerojini Adams
Wendy Alexander
Sabrina Alexander
Leroy Alston
Elixandra Alvarez
Charles Ansert
Gwyn Ashmore
Terry Austin
Shannon Baals
Emily Bellard
Therese Benyola
Sue Bergmann
Lois Christine Botti
Phoebe Brady
Mary Jane Branda
Jennifer Brown
Emily Buchenhorst
Keshet Burt-Hedrick
Cherokee Cabell
Lisa Carter
Rebecca Castillo
William Chapman
Carolanne Ciocca
Anthony Comito
Jacklyn Coombs
Anita Corriveau
Nakiya Cox
Adrienne Davis
Iroquois Davis
Raymonique Davis
Karen Deacon
Amy DeGirolamo
Virginia DeLong
Julie Doerrmann
Doris Falciani
Yodanna Fernandez
Madelyn Ferringo
Cornelia Fisher
Chiquita Foat
Heather Foley
Debra Ford
Ires Francese
Angelica Freeling
Yvette Gibson
Bruce Graham
Carolyn Gribbin
Jennifer Hammill
Darlene Harley
Ellen Heine
Eileen Henderson
ShaLanda Holms
Gwendolynn Houldsworth
Theresa Humphrey
Dwayne Ingram
Robbenmarie Insogno
Lynda Jeanty-Edmon
Rita Jensen
Tina Johnson
James Kearney
Augustine Kebbie
Lindsay Kowal
Bambii Kreal
Beth Kwart
Richard Lange
Kristy Loringer
Mary Love
Morgan Love
Nancy Lubars
Tracy Mahan
Victoria Mahand
Marie Makel
Alexis Maneely
Judyann McCarthy
Donald McGill
Rafael Mendez
Noemi Mercado
Zofia Mlynarz
Rhetta Moore
Kelly Morris
Linda Mur
Theresa Negro
Janet Nixon
Tammy Oliver
Yesenia Oquendo
Latoya Payne
Roxanne Pellegrino
Karen Petsch
Laurie Phillips
Doralisa Placencia
Demetre Pough
Kristin Prinn
Carmen Quinones
Veronica Ramos-Cruz
Rosa Ramos
Terri Reed
Regina Ridge
Juan Rivera
Karen Rodrigues
Kathy Rodriguez
Lavenda Rogers
Denise Rosen
Merilee Rutolo
Shannon Sams
Mary Sanchez
Kelsey Sanderson
Stacy Santiago
Kirk Schoenberg
Damiana Sears
Nicole Sheppard
June Siegel
Etta Simmons
Deborah Simmons
Teresa Sisco
Janet Smith
Michele Smith
Sandra Smith
Richard Stagliano
LeRoy Stanford
Bruce Still
Robin Stockton
Andrew Swenson
Jeffrey Thompson
Vesha Thompson
Daisy Threadgill
Lane Tita
Anthony Vesper
Doris Vidal de Jackson
Suzanne White
Mary Beth Woodward
Joanne Zieger
Jessica Zuniga
Cooper Lanning
Promise Neighborhood
(CCLPN) Team
and Providers
Acelero Learning Center
Alliance for the Revitalization
of Camden City
American Reading Company
CAMCare Health
Camden Center for Youth
Development, Inc.
Camden Coalition of
Healthcare Providers
Camden County College
Camden County Department
of Children's Services
Camden High School
Camden Metro Police
Campbell Soup Company
Cathedral Kitchen
Center for Study of Social
City of Camden, Board of
City of Camden, Mayor's
Community Planning and
Advocacy Council
The Cooper Foundation
Cooper Lanning Civic
Cooper Medical School at
Rowan University
Cooper University Health
Cooper's Ferry Partnership
Housing Authority of the City
of Camden
Lanning Square West
Residents in Action
Metis Associates
NJ Department of Law and
Public Safety
NJ Higher Education
OMG Center for
Collaborative Learning
Planned Parenthood of
Southern NJ
Project H.O.P.E.
Ronald McDonald House of
Southern NJ
Rowan University
Rutgers University- Camden
Department of Childhood
Rutgers University- Center
for Urban Research and
South Jersey Eye Center
Southern New Jersey Perinatal
Susquehanna Bank
Tabernacle of Faith Church
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia & Southern NJ
- Camden
Urban Promise
YMCA of Burlington &
Camden County
Head Start
Council Members
Trina Berry
Carl Boyd
Ansbrecca Council
Terryana Davis
T’Pring Melton Foote
Kathy Hezlep
Lauren Hill
Kelly Hurst
Tiarra Jones
Christopher Judge
Maseray Keita
Janell Lawyer
Christy Matthews
Tanzania Moore
Contina Nobles
Tasha Nobles
Rasheed Pollard
Anatolia Ponce
Stacey Powell
Darnell Shakes
Erika Thomas
Nyeema Watson
Clementon Family
Success Center
Advisory Board
Pauline Bey
Harold Conaway
Kenya Donaldson
Denise R. Jacobs
Debbie Liberkowski
Christina Malcolm
Paula Meltzer
Dorine Mitchell
Debie Osisek
Loretta Travis
Bill Watkins
Family Connect
Advisory Board
Wendy Alexander
Harold Blum
Sarbreck Brown
Sylania Burnett
Denita Gantt
Valerie Geer
Margaret Gismonde
Dr. Michael Goodman
Darlene Harley
Ellen Hearon
Eileen Henderson
Daphne Jackson
Richard Lange
Janet Margusity
Barbara May
Katriana McCombs
Cathie McGeehan
Sr. Donna Minster
Tammy Oliver
Ernest Post
Sheila Roberts
Damiana Sears
Robin Stockton
Remedios Watkins
Promise Neighborhood
Family Success Center
Advisory Board
Carl Boyd
Latoya Johnson
Tyari Johnson
Carlos Lopez
Valerie Rollins
Darnell Shakes
Project COPE
Niger Ali
Denise Aster
Ty Baker
April Barber
Dr. Marvin Baynes
AnneMarie Boyan
Jeff Browne
Kevin Callahan
Caesar Chandler
Stacey Chando
Bridget Coyle
2013 Annual Report
Donors, Funders, & Supporters
Joan Creham
Joe DelDuca
Casie Dufresne
Brenda Lee Eustler
Sharifa K Fussell
Anthony Garris
Dave Garrison
Adam Gaubinger
Barry Graff
Norman Haber
Martina Harmon
Scott Hartman
Chris Haw
Bonita Hawkins
Anne Henry
Jennifer Hess
Stephanie Holmes
Dwayne Ingram
Wren Ingram
Kelly Jernegan
Jewell Johnson
Eileen Levinson
Lauren Maunz
Judyann Mc Carthy
Dawn McDonald
Isreal Miller
Christine Minutolo
Wasim Mohammad
Jorge Molendano
Edward Morriale
Victor Murray
Louis Norman
Shakeer Owens
Joan Pearce
Stephanie Pratt
Andretta Randall
Royce Reed
Terry Reed
Laurie Reuss
Randy Ribary
Juan Rodriguez
Monique Ross
Deb Sayenmeyer
Michelle Schultes
Bonnie Sherer
Cheryl Smith
Joseph Sokolowski
Bruce Stephens
Amy Sunderhauf
Anthony Vesper
Henrietta Wallace
Kia Williams
Ruby Williams
Denise Wills
LeTroy Womble
Quixote Quest
Cynthia Ahmed
Jessica Allison
Charisse Anderson
Julia Barr
Hannah Berardinelli
Brittany Blackwood
Danielle Bonomo
Peter Brennen
Kim Brown
James Caceres
Tiffany Chang
Matt Chuisano
Mritika Contractor
Meg Crandell
Mikala Cummings
Heather Daszkiewicz
Ankit Deshmukh
Zahra Dhanerawala
Kimmey Dickinson
Amy Earley
Effie Ferti
Alison Foglia
Ryan Forkel
Siena Gesmondi
Mike Gigger
Alex Goebler
Julie Gromek
Nikitha Gubbi
Nehal Gupta
Emma Haught
Brianna Henderson
Natasha Hiremath
Pramodh Janjanam
Sindhura Janjanam
Chanel Jordan
Alyssa Lintz
Stephanie Maganzin
Aadarsh Malayil
Allyson Maurin
Jessica Maurin
Lauren May
Hayley McDonald
Coleen McGough
Mick McGough
Brittany McLarney
Gabriel Miranda
Samantha Mosko
Navya Mulpuri
Sid Musale
Shannon Myers
Brooke Neidermaier
Taylor Niedermaier
Lauren O'Brien
Amal Oladuja
Kemi Oladuja
Erica Onuho
Mike Pallozzi
Jackie Pan
Ambika Paulson
Jordan Peebles
Matt Petz
Hannah Pfiefer
Meghan Pfiefer
Sam Portner
Alex Pozza
Nina Ranji
Nishtha Raval
Spencer Raymond
Nikita Roy
Gaby Russo
Aarcha Sagar
Abhinav Saikia
Bella Santos
Samantha Shute
Kitty Slater
Alex Sobieski
Samantha Stepnowski
Kacie Stettner
Matt Stewart
Miranda Stewart
Dora Sun
Marissa Tedoro
Katie Vergis
Nicole Vergis
Lauren Wachspress
Christina Webster
Joanna Wedell
Peyton Zelinsky
We are appreciative of
the invaluable support we
receive throughout the year
from volunteers supporting
our mission, including the
following groups:
Born to Read Volunteers
Campbell Soup Company
Employee Volunteers
CFS Program Volunteers
Conner Strong Employee
Deloitte Employee Volunteers
Denim Day Volunteers
Head Start Volunteers
Holiday Gift Project
Holman Enterprises Employee
Operation Backpack
Seneca Insurance Employee
SERV Advocates
TD Bank Employee
In Memory Of
In Memory of Hazel
Ms. Deborah Kroop
In Memory of Bill Harrick
Ms. Kathy Jacobs
In Memory of Charles
Huenke, Sr.
Ms. Diane Anderson
Mr. Frank Andersen
Ms. Kathleen Baldino
Mr. Herb Budd
Mr. Randy Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Caputo
Ms. Rosemarie Caporaso
Mr. and Mrs. William Carr
Ms. Kathleen Chapman
Ms. Catherine Donovan
Mr. James Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fiola
Mr. Raymond Harbold
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kalman
Ms. Nancy Lovejoy
Mr. Thomas Macleish
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schreiter
Mr. Bruce V. Smith
Ms. Elaine Valeno
Mr. Robert Warkow
Mr. John Yankowski, Jr.
In Memory of Rita Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Caputo
Mr. Leo McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osman
In Memory of
Josephine Schmidt
Ms. Sharon Liscio
In Memory of Justin Wolfe
Cash donations
in memory of Justin Wolfe
Ms. Jeanne Albrecht
Mr. Bernard Bender
Bobby Block
The Cancer Foundation for
Personal Appearance, Inc.
Cohen & Associates
Creations by Kathy
Ms. Harriet Elfman
Ms. Sandra B. Fisher
Mr. Harris E. Fox
Mr. George C. Greatrex
Ms. Qui Qui Guan-Krzenski
Mr. Blake Huttner
Mr. Michael Katz
Mr. Michael J. Kutys
The Lawyer Stress Center
Ms. Janice M. McLaughlin
Ms. Robyn D. Nemeroff
Mr. Robert W. Phillips
Mr. William L. Platt
Ms. Linda Ann Ricciardi
Ms. Ellen R. Rothschild
Mr. Frederick J. Sacks
Ms. Stacey Tobe
Tweett Living Trust
Ms. Barbara Anne Villon
Ms. Frances M. West
Mr. David Wolfe
Mr. Gregg Wolfe
Mr. Steven E. Wolfe
Ms. Carolyn R. Yasgur
Mr. Gary A. Yett
In Memory of Maryanne
Rausher Yaeger
Ms. Madeline Schachter & Mr.
David Stagliano
We gratefully acknowledge
those donors who wish to
remain anonymous. This list
captures donations received
from July 1, 2012- June 30,
2013. We apologize for the
oversight if your name is
not listed or if your name is
misspelled. In either case,
please contact our office at
856.964.1990 ext. 129 so we
can correct the error.
CFS Memberships
Alliance For Children and Families
New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Family Service Association of New Jersey
National Network for Youth
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
in Camden County
Association For Children of New jersey
United Way of Gloucester County
New Jersey Association of Mental Health & Addictions Agencies
National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
New Jersey Alliance for Children and Families
Family Resource Coalition
Southern New Jersey Addictions Providers Coalition
New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women
Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey
Administrative Offices
Head Start Centers
584 Benson Street
Camden, NJ 08103
856.964.1990 Fax: 856.964.0242
Clementon – Extended Day
195 New Freedom Road
Clementon, NJ
Counseling Offices
560/584 Benson Street
Camden, NJ
601 South Black Horse Pike
Williamstown, NJ
Lynn’s House
594 Benson Street
Camden, NJ
250 S. Delsea Drive
Glassboro, NJ
180 Whitehorse Pike
Clementon, NJ
Peter M. Musumeci, Jr. and Linda M.
Musumeci Family Sanctuary at
Center For Family Services
17 South Delsea Drive
Glassboro, NJ
3642 Landis Avenue
Vineland, NJ
Family Success Centers
Promise Neighborhood
Family Success Center
580 Benson Street
Camden, NJ
Family Success Center
180 White Horse Pike
Clementon, NJ
Recovery Center
Living Proof Recovery Center
108 Somerdale Road
Voorhees, NJ
Shelter and Residential
Treatment Centers
Camden DREAMS, HomeBase,
GrandSlam, Camden Group Home
Camden, NJ
120 S. White Horse Pike
Lindenwold, NJ
Chews Landing – Extended Day
OASIS Youth Services
Program of Cape May County
and Tranquility House
345 Chews Landing Road
Lindenwold, NJ
Laurel Springs, NJ
Cape May, NJ
134 S. White Horse Pike
Lawnside, NJ
Together Youth Shelter
Transitions Treatment Home
35 E. Church Street
Blackwood, NJ
710 Collings Avenue
Collingswood, NJ
A Wright’s Place
331-333 Kaighn Avenue
Camden, NJ
Centerville - Abbott Location
1475 S. 8th Street
Camden, NJ
First Nazerene
1500 S. 8th Street
Camden, NJ
Mt. Calvary – Extended Day
1172 Lawrence Street
Camden, NJ
Pine Street – Abbott Location
Glassboro, NJ
Winslow, NJ
YES Healing Homes Campus
Clayton, NJ
Mother / Child Residential
Woodbury, NJ
Gloucester County
Domestic Violence Safe House
Gloucester County, NJ
Cumberland County
Domestic Violence Safe House
Cumberland County, NJ
24 Hour, Regional, and
Statewide Hotlines
Family Health Line
500 Pine Street
Camden, NJ
First Call For Help
Florence Road
Women’s Referral Central
156 Norcross Road
Winslow, NJ
West Atco
125 New Jersey Avenue
West Atco, NJ
305 Cedar Avenue
West Berlin, NJ
SOS Teen Helpline
Domestic Violence and
Sexual Violence Crisis Hotlines
Camden: 1.866.295.7378
Cumberland County: 1.800.225.0196
Gloucester County: 1.866.295.7378
2013 Annual Report
Non-Profit Org.
Bellmawr, NJ
Permit No. 584