Notre Dame Annual Report 2008-2009


Notre Dame Annual Report 2008-2009
2008~2009 Report of Giving
Women’s Leadership
A Catholic College Preparatory High School for Young Women since 1851
Start of a
Notre Dame
Cover: Anusha Praturu with her freshman
Woman’s Place project.
Below: L to R Jessica Zeta, Noemi Zuniga,
Bishop McGrath, Jessica England and
Bianca Francisco at Advent Liturgy
If I, therefore, the master
and teacher, have washed
your feet, you ought to
wash one another’s feet.
I have given you a model
to follow, so that as I have
done for you, you should
also do.
— John 13:14-15
Notre Dame
Board of Directors
Sr. Yvonne Bondi ’53, SND
Eva Condron-Wells ’89
Tamara T. Costa
Jan Fox
Denise Garcia ’89
Doug Hansen
Sr. Claudia McTaggart, SND
Bruce Paynter
Ann Skeet
Greg Scileppi
John Vidal
Sisters of Notre Dame
Sr. Louise O’Reilly, SND
Provincial Team Member
Sr. Nancy McCarron, SND
A Letter from the President
hat opportunities are we
offered in our lives to
serve others? In these
pages we recount modern-day
vignettes mirroring the washing
of the disciples’ feet. Here we
can be renewed by reading the
ways we have lifted one another
up, as a teacher does for her
student or a donor does for her
benefactor. Most especially, we
are lifted up by the stories of our
students, young women coming
to understand how to be positive
influences in their world, able to
effect change, to lead by serving.
In our work to fulfill the school’s
mission, we nurture our students
to understand as fully as they
can what it takes to lead changes
that will last. Critical thinking,
experiential learning, and
education for the whole student—
her intellect, her creativity, her
spiritual self—give young women
the opportunity to test themselves,
know themselves and surprise
themselves as they go beyond
being able to identify changes
that need to be made to actually
taking action.
Whether they experience six weeks
in Ghana building a school as
senior Rosemary Hua did, or take
the main stage at the Ignatian
family teach-in and peaceful
protest of the School of Americas/
Western Hemisphere Institute for
Security Cooperation in Georgia
as Emily Harrington did to share
her experiences in El Salvador
from last summer, or lead the
student body right here on
campus as ASB President Jennifer
Padilla does, they are learning
about leading in our global village.
They can become women like
alumna and Women of Impact
honoree Ann “Rooney” Blach
’56, who has, in the words of her
children, ended up leading every
effort she has become involved
in, all in the name of supporting
Catholic education. Or women
like our other Women of Impact
honoree, Undersecretary of
Education Martha Kanter, who
has devoted her life to educating
young people.
Ours is a tradition of goodness,
excellence, justice and yes,
leadership. This year we celebrate
the leadership our women have
offered this community for 159
years and now share in the world
beyond it. We are grateful for the
understanding and appreciation
that has grown in Silicon Valley
for the environment we have
created at Notre Dame—an
environment where young women
learn to foster hope by what they
do and the choices they make.
Students choosing a Notre Dame
education have chosen to be
challenged. Perhaps unconsciously,
they have chosen to define
themselves as leaders, women
who seek to serve, rather than be
served. For those of you who have
acted in this past year in service
to our students, I express my
gratitude for your leadership.
Your generosity has insured
that 104 families received over
$650,000 in financial aid. It
meant that, once again, not a
single student left our community
during the year because of
changing circumstances in her
family’s financial situation. It
meant that we could bring our
students to El Salvador and enrich
our Facing History and Ourselves
curriculum. We were able to
expand our server capacity thanks
to a generous gift from Cisco,
and open new business offices in
recently renovated space through
the generosity of the Swenson
and Current families, parents and
grandparents of Hannah Current
’08. Your leadership allowed Notre
Dame to maintain our financial
aid support in trying times, grow
the alumnae parent group (ND)²,
and introduce our signature
Women of Impact event to a sellout audience.
We nurture
our students
to understand
as fully as they
can what it
takes to lead
changes that
will last.
Thank you for standing with us
in these challenging times and
for expressing your faith in the
hopeful moments before us. We
needed you and you served us, and
in doing so, you led.
Ora et Labora,
Ann Skeet
Women’s Leadership—Ghana
An Uncomfortable Challenge
home with an
challenge: how
does one embrace
her own freedom
and potential to
soar knowing that
her ‘sisters’ suffer?
This page: Rosemary Hua and a village volunteer
Opposite top: Volunteer Organization in Ghana
Opposite right: Rosemary with village children
by Mary Beth Riley, Principal
hen Rosemary Hua began
high school in the fall
of 2006, she, like all Notre
Dame students, was immersed
in a program influenced by
the Notre Dame Hallmarks.
Hallmarks that embrace
concepts of justice, peace,
service, diversity, dignity,
sacredness, community and
God’s goodness permeate the
learning here. In her junior year,
when Rosemary applied for and
received an international study
award provided by a generous
supporter of our programs, she
prepared to spend six weeks in
Ghana, learning and working in
a small village.
Besides her clothes, supplies
and well wishes of family and
friends, what else did Rosemary
have packed and ready for her
journey? From her 9th grade
Women’s Place Project in her
Religious Studies class, she
knew of the contribution and
strength of women across
the ages and from her junior
year U.S. History class, she
understood the dangerous
outcomes of discrimination in a
nation. From her journal entries
that follow, she shares how
those two concepts collided for
her in Ghana.
Rosemary returned home with
an uncomfortable challenge:
how does one embrace her own
freedom and potential to soar
knowing that her ‘sisters’
suffer? It is a challenge that
Rosemary is up to facing. She
has spent time in 9th grade
Global Studies classes and 11th
grade Peace and Justice classes,
sharing her experiences and
uncomfortable challenge. She
is looking at her future with
a deepened perspective on
justice and what her personal
contribution will be.
We educate for and act on
behalf of justice and peace in
the world. Rosemary helps
us strengthen this important
hallmark in our NDSJ
Rosemary’s Journal Entry
Smack. He slaps her face, but decides he is not satisfied. He walks over to the dead grass, grabs a
large branch, and comes running at my host family sister to beat her head. My sister is silent, tears
streaming down her face. Her face strains to conceal feelings of anger and frustration, but I can hear
the thoughts running through her head. I want to protect her, free her, and keep her forever safe.
But then I remember I’m in Africa. I have been here for almost 20 days now, to build a kindergarten for my village here in Assin
Kumasi. I am witnessing the physical abuse of my thirteen-year-old host family sister by a chief of
the village. He is a tall, lanky, retired principal with a full white beard. Upon his arrival, he turns his
attention to my sister instead of me. He questions her about why she is not in school. My sister is a
very shy girl and does not speak, even when someone is speaking to her.
One day in school, my sister blankly stared at her teacher, who had just asked the same question
for the third time. The teacher openly reprimanded my sister, calling her retarded and stupid in front
of the entire class of about fifty-five students. My host family, humiliated, quickly pulled her out of
school. My sister has not sat in a classroom since the incident six years ago. Smack. My attention snaps back to the present, and the principal is at it again. He slowly raises
the club over his head for the fifth time, and when it comes down, I jump in front of my sister,
burying her head into my chest to protect her.
Free. I kicked the soccer ball to the nearest little boy across the field. Screaming with excitement,
a group of young African boys chased after the ball, and a loud cheer erupted when I regained
control of the ball, turned, and scored a goal. We all threw our hands out in the air and ran around
each other in circles, like a flock of birds flying without restraint in the bright sky. I turned and saw
Rebecca, my friend from the village who wasn't allowed to play soccer because she was a girl. She
ran to me with open arms. I ran towards her, catching her powerful hug with my warm embrace. In
front of my flushed, rosy face, she looked deeply into my eyes, giggled, and said, Ama Ago, wo ani
gye. Wo ani gye paa, which roughly translates to, Rosemary. You are free. You are so, so free.
Women’s Leadership—Alumnae
Alumna Ann “Rooney” Pfaff ’56 Blach
Giving Back
“My hope is that students will
benefit from the exceptional Notre
Dame learning environment and someday give back in a meaningful way.
… This is who we are. Who we, the
Notre Dame alumnae, will always be.”
Above: Martha Kanter & Rooney
Right: Grandchildren:
Back row: Nathan, Richard,
Rooney and Michael.
Front row: Peter, Katie,
Megan, Molly, Sarah and Lauren
Below: Fr. Peter Pabst, S.J., Rooney,
Fr. Jerry Wade, S.J.
“... because you should
always be building,
changing and strengthening
your community.”
By Leslie Arioto, Alumnae Relations
common thread exists in Notre
Dame alumnae and current
students, whether it’s the class of
1940 or 2013. That connection is
service and leadership. Over half
a century ago, Ann “Rooney”
Pfaff Blach (class of 1956) began
her commitment to the Notre
Dame community by serving her
classmates in a variety of ASB
positions. “My life has two parts,
a ‘then’ and a ‘now’,” says Rooney.
“All the volunteer work I’ve done
can be divided into these two
parts: ‘then’ as a student at Notre
Dame and ‘now’ what I have been
able to do since graduating from
Notre Dame.”
Then: Rooney held many
positions in student leadership and
volunteered many hours of her
time while at Notre Dame. She
served as freshman class president,
student body treasurer and vice
president, just to name a few.
“I wanted to do the right thing.
I wanted to stand out. I wanted to
impact the lives of my classmates
and work for the good of the
community and for each girl in
it.” For Rooney, that philosophy
still exists today.
Following her education at the
University of Oregon, Rooney
met and married Michael Blach,
Sr., a Bellarmine grad. Mike was
one of twelve children and paid
his own tuition at Bellarmine;
Rooney herself was from a family
of eight. She and Mike had four
children and in 1970 started Blach
Construction in Santa Clara.
Now: “After Mike and I were
married, we both continued to
volunteer in our community,
because you should always
be building, changing and
strengthening your community,”
explains Rooney. In 1989, Mike
passed away at the age of 50.
In Mike’s honor, on the day
following his funeral, fifteen
family members and friends
played golf, the game he loved
so much. Following the game
someone passed the hat and
collected $300. That was the start
of an educational legacy that
continues to this day through
the Blach Family Foundation’s
“Banana Ball” Golf Tournament.
The Blach Family Foundation
was established to fund Catholic
education for young people.
Rooney and Mike knew the value
of a Catholic education and the
struggle it can sometimes be to
make tuition payments. Over
the past 20 years, the “Banana
Ball” Tournaments have raised
over $300,000 to help students
with tuition costs at Notre Dame,
Bellarmine and Sacred Heart
Nativity schools. “I like to think
of it in terms of the number of
students we are able to help each
year,” says Rooney.
Rooney’s belief is, “When the
community has been good
to you, you need to be good
to the community. I want
students to take advantage of
the opportunities available
to them in the world, and I
believe that service, leadership
and commitment to our local
community is the beginning.
My hope is that students will
benefit from the exceptional Notre
Dame learning environment
and someday give back in a
meaningful way. Because this is
what we do. We lift it up each
morning. At night, we sleep. We
let tomorrow’s sorrows
and joys take care of
themselves. We do this.
This is who we are. Who
we, the Notre Dame
alumnae, will always be.”
Rooney was honored
at the Notre Dame
Women of Impact
event in October for her
service, leadership and
commitment to Notre
Dame and the community at
If you would like more information
on creating your own legacy by
starting an endowed fund at Notre
Dame High School, please contact
the Advancement Department
Office at 408-294-1113 ext. 2158.
St. Leo’s
friends from
Steve Walsh,
Greg Martin
and Jim
October 30, 2009 Notre Dame held its
inaugural Women of Impact luncheon and
celebrated two women of impact, Rooney
Blach and Martha Kanter, Ed. D., women
who exemplify the hallmarks of the Notre
Dame learning community.
Please join us in the Fall of 2010 for Notre
Dame’s Women of Impact luncheon – an
event to recognize the role women have
played in the region’s history, showcasing
women’s leadership.
Women’s Leadership—Senior Service Learning
Impacting Her Community
he mission of the Notre Dame Senior
Service Learning Project (SSLP) is
to combine a student’s interests and
talents into a project that will have an
impact on her community. Through
this process, students gain experience in
social activism and grow in leadership
skills. It is conducted under the auspices
of the Notre Dame Community Service
Learning Program, an integrated program
that combines skill-building, social justice
and personal responsibility. Students walk
away at the completion of the project
with a better understanding of both local
and global issues, the need for individual
involvement, and the processes for
implementing solutions.
The SSLP students develop a project
portfolio describing their work. At the
culmination of the project, they share their
project design and portfolio in a public
venue that requires students to utilize their
oral and written presentation skills. The
result is a real-world event that demonstrates
the student’s ability to conduct research,
manage a project from start to finish and
communicate the significance of their
project to the greater community.
I wanted to give the children at Sacred
Heart the opportunity to participate in
hands-on activities that would get them
excited about math and science. From my
own experience in middle school I know
that when schools are facing budget cuts
the first things to get cut are the hands-on
activities that are so key to keeping students
interested in learning.
The wall-to-wall presentation of student
projects in St. Julie Billiart Hall is a
profound statement about the power of
individual involvement. Adults from
the Notre Dame community and the
greater downtown community engage
the students in dialogue about their work
and in reflection about the value of their
Every day I had a different activity that
connected to a lesson that I wanted the
kids to learn in math or science. Each week
had a different theme, some of which were
picked by the students themselves. The kids
showed their enthusiasm when they
would come running up to me at the start
of call to find out what we would be doing
each day.
“It is amazing to see the girls’
confidence soar as they
realize that they can make a difference in moving towards
a more just world.”
I taught my kids that they can make a lot
of cool projects with simple materials that
they probably have at home. But more
importantly I hope that they learned that
science can be fun and that learning in
general can be fun. And, I have learned
how to keep a group of rambunctious kids
under control, how to make lesson plans
and how to change those plans on the spot.
—Gina Vittori, Associate Director of
Community Service Learning
Sophie Crinion
Hands-on Math and Science Program
Alyssa Tarrant
Volleyball Camp for Girls
Through the development and management
of a summer volleyball camp for 4th through
9th grade girls, I learned how to be more of
a leader. It was a challenge to manage and
organize a group of girls and have them
focus on a specific task. Managing my
coaches (my friends and fellow volleyball
players) was another challenge.
It was wonderful to see the reciprocal
relationship between the girls and the
coaches. The older girls really enjoyed
being role models to the younger girls and
the younger girls really looked up to the
older girls. It was also amazing to see the
improvement in the younger girl’s skills.
It made me proud to see that sense of
accomplishment. I loved when I heard the
girls talking about how much fun they had
at the end of the camp. It felt good to know
that they enjoyed all of the things that I
had spent so much time planning.
The money that I raised at the camp went to
an agency that does research on Parkinson’s
disease – The Michael J. Fox Foundation.
This is an issue that is close to my heart
because my grandma was diagnosed with
Parkinson’s disease a few years ago. At the
end of the camp, I gave the girls packets
of information about the Michael J. Fox
Foundation. The girls understood the
importance of the issue and one girl in
particular asked a question that showed
me that my project really was making a
By John Bracco, Vice-Principal Student Affairs
Kiran Palla
Environmental Education Program in Pakistan
I taught a group of children in the
neighborhood of Dhoraji in Karachi,
Pakistan about environmental sciences
and the impact that each person has on
the environment. Through hands on
activities and group discussions, we studied
global warming and the greenhouse
effect, alternate sources of energy, waste
management, and ways to reuse, reduce,
and recycle at home.
By teaching the basics of environmental
science, I gave the children a chance to
fully understand the impact that they
leave on the environment. They can truly
comprehend how connected our world is
and how delicate the environment is. With
this knowledge they can make their own
decisions on how they want to live their
lives and what they want to leave behind.
The children’s questions were enlightening.
They truly showed how much they had
learned through their words and their
Perhaps the best moment of all was when
one of my students got up to go throw away
his trash. He started towards the window
to throw it out on the street, paused, then
turned back and threw it in the trash can.
This is only a small step in the change
that needs to come in Pakistan, and in
developing countries all over the world, but
it is satisfying to know that the work that I
put in has had an effect on the lives of others.
Jadey Gonzalez
Music and Literacy Program at the MLK Library
My project, Music in My Hands, showed
me the importance of connecting with
students in the classroom. Getting to know
my students and their love for music made
me even more excited to go to class every
week and make music together. In the end, I
learned that it’s important for a leader to not
only be passionate about what she is doing,
but to also create relationships with the
people she works with. That’s what we were
made to do anyway – to be in relationship
with others and help each other grow.
In my elementary school music classes,
I discovered my love for singing and
performing. Due to budget cuts, the
programs I enjoyed have been eliminated.
My project addressed the need to bring
music back into the kid's hands. In the first
half of each class, I talked to my students
about the music genre and instrument of
the day and then invited them to make the
day’s instrument. After this, we sang songs
together and used our new instruments
to create the music. Making instruments
together and using them literally put the
music in their hands.
Music in My Hands was the first time I felt
like a true leader because I was the engine
behind it all – in planning, creating, and
implementing my project, and therefore,
making the changes I wanted to see
happen. Thus, I took the music in my
heart and in my hands, shared it with my
community, and hoped to bring music back
into kids’ hands.
Women’s Leadership—Learning from History
Facing History and Ourselves
What began as a co-taught tenth
grade English class two years
ago has expanded to include the
entire Notre Dame tenth grade
history, English and religious
studies classes. “We saw a natural
fit between the tenth grade World
History required curriculum
that included the Holocaust and
the literature we were reading in
English. And as a Catholic high
school our tenth grade religion
course ‘Moral Decision Making’
also had a direct connection to
the Holocaust,” said Charlotte
Adam Cintz meeting with
students after sharing his
story of survival in a Nazi
concentration camp
otre Dame’s current tenth
grade English, History and
Religious Studies integrated
program was sparked by the
interest of Jan Tupaj-Farthing,
Notre Dame Vice Principal for
Academic Affairs, and Charlotte
Carlson, English department
chairperson, after participating in
a summer institute with “Facing
History and Ourselves.” Facing
History and Ourselves is an
international program that invites
teachers to create classroom
environments that encourage
opportunities for dialogue and
reflection about tolerance and
justice. Using history, literature,
and firsthand accounts of the
Holocaust, students explore the
causes of destructive human
behavior and analyze the effects of
that behavior on society.
“I feel I have gained
more courage to
speak up if I think
something is wrong.”
Developing a quality curriculum
is no easy undertaking. The
faculty involved in the program
made a commitment to
participate in the summer Facing
History Institute; to revise their
course goals and objectives; and
to develop a year-long timeline
of activities and intersections to
help students make important
curricular connections. Their work
required reading new material and
re-thinking how to use familiar
The tenth grade school year
begins with an orientation to the
integrated curriculum, creatively
christened “Complicate Your
Thinking.” While the girls are
not sure where this sophomore
journey will take them, they
soon learn that they will be
thinking about what they learn
in a new and different way. The
faculty commitment continues
throughout the year because the
only way the integration can
sustain itself is through regular
meeting and dialogue between
and among the teachers involved.
What is clear by the end of the
year is that this experience of
thinking and seeing differently
helps students to develop a
deeper understanding of the
historic events, the people, and
the individual and group choices
that are made. Students are
able to grasp how easy it is for
history and human behavior to be
repeated and, more importantly,
how future choices can be made
to effect positive outcomes.
For the last two years Notre
Dame has been blessed to have
Holocaust survivors come to
speak to the tenth grade classes
and to bear witness to the events
of history. Their firsthand stories
help to personalize for the
students the horrors of this period
of history and the unbelievable
strength and courage that was
necessary to survive. In the nottoo-distant future, survivors of
the Holocaust will no longer be
with us. As they interact with
our students, the girls realize the
importance of bearing witness for
future generations who will not
have the opportunity to meet a
Inspired by our mission and the
tradition of social justice, Notre
Dame is currently working to
expand the cross curricular
concepts into the eleventh grade
with an integration of U.S.
History, American Literature and
“Peace and Social Justice” religious
studies courses. Common themes
to be explored will focus on
issues of race and membership in
American society.
By Jan Tupaj-Farthing, Vice-Principal of Academic Affairs
“After reading all
of those firsthand
accounts and
meeting Gloria
Lyon [Holocaust
survivor], I have
realized that it is
possible for me
to make a
“This course has truly inspired me to improve our world by
changing the one thing I can – myself.” —Sophomore
Carl Wilkins
greeting students
after sharing his
experiences in
saving an orphanage in Rwanda.
Carl was the last
American in 1994
to leave Rwanda
after the genocide
Gloria Lyon explains how
she received her prisoner
identification tattoo in the
Nazi concentration camp
Women’s Leadership—Sisters of Notre Dame
The Spirit and Charism of St. Julie
is Very Much Alive
r. Carol Shoup, SND can
be found in the Notre
Dame library every afternoon
helping students with research
and homework, assisting in the
Community Service Learning
office, and substituting in classes.
“It has been a pleasure getting to
know the faculty, staff and the
amazing young women,” Sr.
Carol says.
Before coming to Notre Dame, Sr.
Carol taught high school theology
for several years while living in
and facilitating a small retreat
center in western Massachusetts.
Not a stranger to California,
she earned a master’s degree
in spirituality at Holy Names
University some years prior. When
transition time came along she
looked at possibilities for ministry
that carried the charism of the
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
“It was a ‘homing’ inclination that
led me to a Notre Dame learning
community,” she says. She had
been given a copy of the Learning
Community Hallmarks by one of
the Sisters of Notre Dame de
Namur in Massachusetts and
that led to an exploration of
possibilities in California.
Sr. Carol was informed that at
Notre Dame High School in San
Jose, the spirit of St. Julie Billiart
and Françoise Blin de Bourdon,
the founders of the Sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur, was very
much alive. With a strong focus
on justice and peace this school
seemed to be where “it was all
As she opened the front door on
her first day at Notre Dame, Sr.
Carol approached a group of girls
and teasingly asked, “Does anyone
know who Julie Billiart is? I’m
looking for her.” She was delighted
when all the girls answered “Yes!”
and started telling her everything
they knew about Julie and
Françoise. Sr. Carol said, “It was
like St. Julie and Françoise were
still alive and were two of their
best friends.”
The charism, or gift, offered
by the Sisters of Notre Dame
de Namur is a witness to the
goodness of God where they live
and minister. This is seen in a
commitment to relationships and
education for life. Sr. Carol sees
what’s happening at the school as
quite wonderful, especially for the
elder Sisters, to see the founding
spirit of the Sisters alive and active
in the young women of Notre
Dame. “They have been and will
be the carriers of the goodness of
our Good God into the future,
helping to make this a just and
more peaceful world,” said Sr. Carol.
Visit the Sisters of Notre Dame
de Namur website at
Notre Dame History
door to her former life of privilege.
Though Françoise eschewed
material goods for herself, her
inheritance funded the opening of
a free school for poor girls. Their
work with the children, including
some orphans, was a great success
and they attracted many young
women to join them.
orn in 1751 in Cuvilly,
France, Julie Billiart was the
very spiritual child of a poor
shopkeeper. At age 22 Julie lost
the use of her legs. With her body
failing her, she turned to God
as the source for her comfort
and spent hours in prayer and
meditation. Many came to her for
counsel and comfort, including
Françoise Blin de Bourdon, an
aristocrat's daughter.
France had entered a period of
political and social upheaval.
The French Revolution saw the
imprisonment and beheading of
aristocrats and many of those in
religious life. Churches closed.
Schools closed. In 1804, churches
reopened and the message of
the Gospel could once again be
preached. In June of that same
year, Julie was healed from the
paralysis that had plagued her for
22 years.
On February 2, 1804, Julie and
Françoise professed vows of
poverty, chastity, and obedience
as Sisters of Notre Dame. For
Françoise this meant closing the
The Sisters came to California in
1851 at the invitation of the Most
Reverend Joseph Alemany, O.P.,
Archbishop of San Francisco, to
establish a school in San Jose, then
the state capitol. The location on
Santa Clara Street for the new
Notre Dame College (day school,
boarding school, high school and
college) was chosen at the advice
of the Jesuit Fathers who had
recently opened a school for boys
(Bellarmine) at nearby Mission
Santa Clara. Notre Dame opened
on August 4, 1851.
In 1923, because of changes in
the city and expansion of the
educational work of the Sisters,
the College of Notre Dame
was transferred to the Ralston
estate in Belmont on the San
Francisco Peninsula. The high
school continued on the Santa
Clara Street site until 1928,
when it was moved to its present
location at Second and Reed
Streets. The nucleus of the new
site was the spacious home which
the Honorable and Mrs. Myles
P. O'Connor had given to the
Sisters in 1898. Notre Dame High
School San Jose has been at its
present location for 82 years and
in downtown San Jose for 159
O'Conner Mansion
circa 1900
of a Notre Dame de Namur
Learning Community
Hallmarks are the essential
characteristics, values and activities
of a community. What makes a Notre
Dame Learning Community?
We proclaim by our lives even more
than by our words that God is good.
We honor the dignity and sacredness
of each person.
We educate for and act on behalf of
justice and peace in the world.
We commit ourselves to
community service.
We embrace the gift of diversity.
We create community among
those with whom we work
and with those we serve.
We develop holistic learning
communities which educate for life.
Leadership—Notre Dame Honors
Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni and Arnold Bruni
ary Ellen and Arnold Bruni
were honored at a special
donor reception on March 12,
2009 in Julie Billiart Hall. The
hall was filled with family, friends,
fellow Notre Dame supporters
and 165 Woman’s Place Projects,
a collection of 165 original table
settings designed and created by
the freshman class. The settings
honor women who have made
a significant contribution to
humankind by their lives, values,
and achievements.
Each student creates a place setting
and writes a toast in honor of the
woman she selected. Mary Ellen
and Arnold were presented with an
original Notre Dame place setting
and a toast in their honor.
A T O A S T to Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni and Arnold Bruni:
We propose a toast to you, Mary Ellen and Arnold Bruni. We honor the two
of you for your continuous support of Notre Dame High School.
Our toast begins with Arnold’s sister who in the fall of 1951 asked her brother
to drop her off at Notre Dame. It was at that drop-off that Arnold Bruni first
spotted Mary Ellen Nolan on the steps of the O’Connor mansion in her “ free
dress” bright orange skirt and navy cashmere cardigan.
That was the start of two young people who became a couple, raised a
wonderful family and have always believed in giving back to the community.
Mary Ellen, we honor you for your invaluable insight and advice while
serving on the Notre Dame Board of Directors, the Development Committee,
and the Alumnae Board.
Arnold, we honor you for the support you have shown with your many
contributions through your business, Exchange Linen Service.
Mary Ellen and Arnold, we honor both of you for your conviction that
“education is the fundamental building-block in instilling self-esteem in
students and preparing them for a successful life.”
“Arnold and I both believe education
is the fundamental building-block in
instilling self-esteem in students and
preparing them for a successful life.”
— Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Mary Ellen with freshmen: Remy Wilder, Hannah Nguyen,
Kayleigh Laymon, Julie Plungy, Sanusha Bijj, Megan
You have inspired others by supporting Notre Dame financially and by
volunteering for causes that benefit the entire school community. Your actions
are an example for current students who will look back on their time at Notre
Dame and, like you, will show their thanks to the Sisters of Notre Dame and
their teachers by “Paying It Forward.” You have been a shining example of
what a couple dedicated to Catholic education can do.
For this, we want to thank you!
President’s Leadership Donors Holiday Reception
n December 3, 2009, Notre Dame held
the first annual President’s Holiday
Leadership Donor* Reception with fabulous
food and drink in a beautifully transformed
Julie Billiart Hall. All of Notre Dame’s leadership donors from
the past year enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, heard
a musical selection from the Notre Dame
Music Ministry, and listened to Rosemary
Hua and Emily Harrington speak about their
life-changing experiences in Ghana and at the
Ignatian family teach-in and peaceful protest
at the School of the of Americas/Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
in Georgia.
Hope to see everyone again at next year’s
Annual President’s Holiday Leadership Donor
Reception in December 2010.
Thanks again to all of Notre Dame’s
leadership donors. Above: Jan Fox, Sr. Nancy McCarron, SND
Top right: Laura Aceves '56 Liccardo, Mary
Ellen Nolan '53 Bruni, Arnold Bruni, Sal
Liccardo, Lon Normandin, Peggy Gretz '52
Second row left: Anne McMahon,
Sean McMahon
Second row right: Bruce Paynter,
Laura Trimberger, Stephen Trimberger
Third row left: Ruben Espinosa, Elizabeth
Goodley, Robin Lyons
Third row right: Kathy Yates, Peter Troop
Bottom right: Priti Shah, Ann Skeet,
Divyesh Shah
*Leadership Donors are those donors who have contributed one thousand
dollars or more in the last year.
Financial Highlights
The following charts show actual income and expenses for July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.*
Fees/Other Income
School Program
General & Administration
Tuition Assistance
*2% of Tuition is contributed by: Diocese of San Jose,
Daughters of Charity, East Side Heroes and the
Mabel B. Wright Education Fund
Total Fundraising Revenue
$ 1,020,533
Financial Aid:
Notre Dame’s Financial Aid Program is crucial to supporting qualified candidates in enrolling and continuing
at Notre Dame regardless of financial circumstances. Notre Dame provided $655,918 of financial aid in the
2008 – 2009 school year. This is a 22% increase over the prior school year.
*For a full copy of the audit please contact the
Notre Dame business office.
Academic Snapshot
SAT Scores Class of 2009
The class of 2009 made a huge impact on
the Notre Dame community and will, without
question, make an even greater impact on
society. One student in particular, Sejal
Hathi, received two of the nation’s highest
Critical Reading
Presidential Scholar Award: Sejal was
the female recipient from California for
her outstanding academic achievement,
leadership, citizenship and community
Advanced Placement Testing
Notre Dame seniors had an exceptional Advanced Placement pass rate in May 2009.
100% 100%
93% 82% 87% 96% 90% 87% 86%
English Language AP
English Literature AP
World History AP
Biology AP
Calculus AB
U. S. History
Principal’s Leadership Award: Sejal
was the national winner from over 3,100
students who were nominated by their high
school principals
for their leadership,
achievement and
academic record.
College Acceptance
Each year, approximately 100% of the graduating class attends college. Over the last five years
approximately 91% attended a four-year institution and 9% attended a two-year college.
West Coast
California Polytechnic
San Luis Obispo
Chapman University
Occidental College
Santa Clara University
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of Southern California
University of Washington
Between Coasts
East Coast
Arizona State University
Baylor University
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University
Creighton University
Loyola University, Chicago
University of Michigan
Purdue University
St. Louis University
Tulane University
Xavier University
Boston College
Brown University
Fordham University
Georgetown University
Harvard University
New York University
Princeton University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Vanderbilt University
Wellesley College
Yale University
School Population
Notre Dame embraces an ethnically diverse student population of 630 students. Slightly over half (51%)
of the students come from homes in which a language other than English is spoken.
Asian Indian
Chinese Pacific Islander
Japanese 6%
I can say
that my four years at Notre
Dame have prepared me
not only to meet, but to
apprehend and master the
challenges of university life.
From guiding me on how to
manage my time effectively,
to empowering me to assert
my voice confidently and
capitalize on the resources
and opportunities available
to me, Notre Dame
consummately equipped
me with the tools, the
insight, and the courage to
pursue success and thrive
in even the most rigorous of
educational environments.
Most importantly, however,
ND taught me how to think.
It is this process of
constructing, understanding,
articulating, amplifying my
thoughts and ideas, that is
the most cherished gift of
my ND experience.”
— Sejal Hathi
Yale University
Honor Roll of Donors
1851 Legacy Society
Lifetime Giving
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
$1,000,000 and above
Michaela Brody
Cindy and Mike Manley
Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Mary Jo Avilla ’58 Carroll
Gina Cassinelli
$500,000 - $999,999
Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
and Dominic Cortese
Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond and Randall Pond
Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
and Robert Diamond
Albina Medici Scholarship
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Rita Pursley ’57 Pacheco
Bobbie Sanfilippo†
Mary Lou Schoone
Joanne Hayes ’55 Schott
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Joan Leahy ’47 Egan
Peggy Gretz ’52 Normandin
and Lon Normandin
LaRue and Honorable Paul Teilh
Julianna Barcelona ’58 Gargone
Philip S. Sanfilippo Trust
Rosanne Battaion ’74 Harris
The Carl Gellert
and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
$25,000 to $50,000
William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
Frank Doyle, Esq.
Arlene Pieracci ’63 Herrick
and Michael Herrick
Helen and Stuart Kane
Terry Schaub ’60 Krivan
Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo and Sal Liccardo
Diane Malane ’65
Albina Medici Scholarship
Peggy Gretz ’52 Normandin
and Lon Normandin
Eva Prudhomme ’39 Orton
M. C. Pardini
Helen Cribari ’26 Pettit†
Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond and Randall Pond
Patricia Puentes ’79
Gay C. Leal ’47 Rodrigues†
Elizabeth Marie Ryan ’31†
$100,000 - $249,999
Barry Swenson Builder
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach,
The Blach Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank San Jose Main
Michelle Cantando ’57 Ahearn
and Dennis Ahearn
Agnes Azevedo
Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Blach Construction
Florence and Louis Boitano†
Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni and Arnold Bruni
Michaela Brody and Paul Benke
Gina Cassinelli
Patricia Rubino ’65 Brunetti
and Michael Brunetti
Comerica Bank - California
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo and Sal Liccardo
Normandin Chrysler Jeep
Shirlee DiNapoli ’46 Schiro
Victor Bruni†
Cecilia and Carl Bucher
Vickie and Ira Cook
Debra and James Del Biaggio
Bobbie Sanfilippo†
Patricia Sunseri ’58 Schott
and Stephen Schott
Kathleen and Mark Santora
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Catherine Fumia and John† Fumia, Sr.
Mary Lou Schoone
Julie and Steven Smith
Bobbe George
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Abby and John Sobrato
Patty and Reed Hastings
Abby and John Sobrato
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Kathleen Yates and Peter Troop
The Valley Foundation
Mary and Jack Keenan
Debra and Dan Weed
The William
and Inez Mabie Family Foundation
Patti and Mark Kussman
Kathleen Yates and Peter Troop
Patricia Perrucci ’47 Melehan†
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Mabel B. Wright Education Fund
Kathleen O’Shea ’65 Muller and Peter Muller
$50,000 to $99,999
Donna and Jared Murayama
Dianne Schott ’48 Ravizza and Gene Ravizza
Leora Carroll†
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
and Dominic Cortese
Robert Half International, Inc.
Tamara and Jeff Current
Genevieve Ross†
Genevieve Serpa ’37†
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Margaret Abel '34 Donovan†
Christine Ferguson ’28 Snow†
Mary Birmingham '56 Emery
Sonitrol Security
Irene and Jim Floyd
Theresa and John Vidal
Mary Lou Allen '43 Forster and Robert Forster
Vincee Amaral ’50 Viso and Jim Viso
Jill and Steven Foster
Debra and Dan Weed
Josie and Geoffrey Fox
Mary Ellen and Mike Fox, Sr.
$10,000 to $24,999
Joseph George Family Trust
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mari and William Albanese
Gwen and Todd Gummow
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Lani and Stephen Haddock
Anderson Brulé Architects
Georgia and Timothy Harris
Anne Gavin '68 Andrade and Rodney Andrade
Florence Heafy Charitable Trust
Arlene Pieracci '63 Herrick and Michael
Mary Quilici '75 Aumack and Douglass
Christine Hoang '86 and Paul Nakada
BAE Systems
Holy Spirit School - Fremont
Karen and Carl Barnes
Mary Dullea '65 Hood and Michael Hood
Jeanne Benoit '40 Baysinger
Mary Aguiar '38 Houret and Paul Houret
Salvatrice Chimento '34 Bellamy and George
Sheau-Yin and Peter Hsia
Margaret Bellany Trust
Frank Hughes†
Rooney Pfaff '56 Blach
Merilee Germano and Craig Hulse
Nina Bruno '47 Boyd
Roswita and Clint Hutchinson
Minh Le and Terry Branch
Imagine That, Inc.
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Intel Foundation
Janet Seidl '49 Caputo and Richard Caputo
Roohina and Arif Janjua
Diane and Walter Carney
Thomas Jenzen
Lin Pan and Shujong Cheng
Debra and Linder Jones
Cingular Wireless
Susan and George Kay
Lisa Coddington
Geraldine Brancato '51 Kern and Richard Kern
Hannah Comiskey
D'Arcy and James Kirkland
Rosanne Cortese '76 Compitello and Robert
Komes Foundation
Honorable Linda Condron
Eva Condron '89 Wells and Rob Wells
Loreen and Dan Huddleston
Terry Schaub '60 Krivan and William Krivan
Laurel and Jim Kupec
Emily Lippolis '51 Corral
Colette Quement '50 Lackovic
and Thomas Lackovic
Jaynemarie and James Crawford
Martha and Sam Lazarakis
Carol and Michael Crow
Sharon and Brooks Leman
Michael Cully
Jane Carrera '35 Levitt†
Elsie Culver
Clare and Kenneth Livak
Norine DeGregori '65
Robin and Ray Lyons
Sandra and David Dilling
Joan and Ron Mackin
Dena and Clark Donahue
Marya Maddox
Marie Henriques '39 Madruga and Ray
Lore LeDoux '58 McCoy and Jim McCoy
Bridgit McGarry and John Amarillas
Pamela Diebel '63 McMahon and Patrick
Metro-A-Trust Fund
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Helen Dietz and David Mimeles
Nicole Moreno '65
Kathy and Patrick Morris
Jeanette and Randy Nagashima
Romana and Joseph Orban
Helen Marchese Owen and Eddie Owen
Ernesta† and Elmo† Pardini
Geralynn Patellaro '74
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
Tina and John Pham
Patricia Puentes '79
Irene and Matthew Putnam
Nancy and Roger Pyle
Jean and Michael Quinn
Barbara Eggleston and Richard Rawson
Norma and Lorenzo Rios
Julie and Henry Robinson
Gay C. Leal '47 Rodrigues†
Karen Rogge
Rotary Club of San Jose
Elizabeth Marie Ryan '31†
Virginia and Ray Sajor
Marianne and Carl Salas
Janice Perlenda '44 Salberg
Santa Clara Valley Corporation
Carolan Glans '54 Scanlan and Dick Scanlan
Irma Scilacci†
Christina and Scott Seaman
Bernice Ferrara '61 Seimas and Leland
Sharks Foundation
Melody and Joseph Sokol
Raylene and James Steffenson
Mary and Steven Strom
Margaret and Raymond Thiercof
Lyne-Marie and C. Reid Thomas
† Donor is deceased
Annual Giving
Laura and Stephen Trimberger
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard P. Farthing
Virginia and Richard Van Scoter
Maria and David Villanueva
W.E. Harding Co., Inc.
Virginia and Patrick Waite
Wells Fargo Bank San Francisco
Annual Giving
Cuvilly Circle $25,000 to $99,999
Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond and Randall Pond
Abby and John Sobrato
Gwen and Todd Gummow
Lani and Stephen Haddock
Robin and Ray Lyons
Helen Dietz and David Mimeles
Lillian Bianchi ’56 Miotto
and Valentino Miotto
St. Julie Society $10,000 to $24,999
Gwen and Robert Nakamae
Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
and Dominic Cortese
Rita Pursley ’57 Pacheco
Judith Dimicelli and Paul Wilms
Peggy Gretz ’52 Normandin and Lon
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Kit Faubion and Brian Zamora
Kathleen Yates and Peter Troop
Joan Trombatore '51 White and
Raymond White
Jan Carlson-Williams and Robert Williams
Rosaleen Badami '56 Zlatunich
and Richard Zlatunich
Patti and Walt Phillips
Marnie Nordquist and Stephen Schirle
Mary Lou Schoone
Regent’s Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Raylene and James Steffenson
Endowment Gifts
Patricia Rubino ’65 Brunetti and Michael
Laura and Stephen Trimberger
General Operating Fund
Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni and Arnold Bruni
Nancy Andrade ’68 Appleby
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Philomena Pizzo ’42 Arrigo
Hannah Comiskey
Laura Fujikawa and Leonid Gelman
Eileen Burgio ’56 De Santis
and Frank De Santis
Scholarship Funds
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach,
The Blach Family Foundation
Nadine Douglass ’46
Kelly and Douglas Hansen
Helen and Stuart Kane
Julianna Barcelona ’58 Gargone
and Sal Gargone
Mary and Jack Keenan
Helen and Stuart Kane
Kathleen O’Shea ’65 Muller and Peter Muller,
Muller Family Foundation
Peggy Gretz ’52 Normandin
and Lon Normandin
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Jeanette and Randy Nagashima
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
Helen and Michael Ciesinski
Lani and Richard Sutherland
Theresa and John Vidal
Principal’s Club $1,000 - $2,499
Mari and William Albanese
Conny and Terry Barton
Annette Bertram
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
John Bracco, Jr.
Ruth Burson and Terry Ryan
Gloria Citti
Helen and David Clark
Lisa Coddington
Rosanne Cortese ’76 Compitello
and Robert Compitello
Michael Condron
Alumnae Scholarship Fund
Heather and Brian Crane
Terri Gonzalez-Valdez ’68
President’s Circle
$2,500 - $4,999
Josephine Picazo ’53 Hernandez
Lisa Martin ’74 Adamson
Margaret and Frank Cucuzza
Alice Moore ’36 Jakel
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Daisy Jones
Minh Le and Terry Branch
Joanne Filice ’58 Cunningham
and Gerald Cunningham
Michelle Costere ’64 McClendon
and Danny McClendon
Diane and Walter Carney
Norma Schall ’48 Vertin
Jaynemarie and James Crawford
Tamara and Jeff Current
Anne and Jim Cashman
Anita Speciale ’67 D’Alessio
and Joseph D’Alessio
Gina Cassinelli
Norine DeGregori ’65
Eva Condron-Wells ’89 and Rob Wells
Joan and Richard Della Maggiore
Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
and Robert Diamond
Katie and Peter Diemer
Shalini Venkatesh and William DuMonthier
Jill and Steven Foster
Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat
Sheri and Willie Dizon
Dena and Clark Donahue
Beverley and George Dunn
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery
Lea and Tony Robinson
John M. Filice, Jr.
Carolan Glans ’54 Scanlan and Dick Scanlan
Anita Mandala ’33 Filice†
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Eileen and Kelly Sims
The Geoffrey and Josie Fox Family
Foundation, an advised fund of Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Ann and Bill Skeet
Janice Fox
Denise Garcia ’89
Laura Fujikawa and Leonid Gelman
Patricia and Michael Grant
Chris Greene
Janis and Russell Hughes
Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees
Maria and Paul James
Lydia and Ron Jimenez, M.D.
Brian Kenyon
Laura Mills-Kitzerow and Paul Kitzerow
Terry Schaub ’60 Krivan and William Krivan
Shyamala and Krishna Kumar
Patti and Mark Kussman
Tobie and Marc LaRocca
Lisa and Alex Laymon
Martha and Sam Lazarakis
Clare and Kenneth Livak
Barbara and Bruce Luttrell
Joan and Ron Mackin
Vijaya and Kumar Malavalli
Mary Jane and Tomm Marshall
Roberta and Robert Moore
Tashia and John Morgridge
Paula and Paul Muntean, Jr.
Sarah and John Nunes
Kathy Sure and Douglas O’Neal
Catherine and David Pandori
Paul Pashby
Geralynn Patellaro ’74
Karen and Alexander Potts
Susan and Daniel Pyne
Laura and Richter Rafey
Sandra and David Ramer
Tamara and Michael Ranker
Dianne Schott ’48 Ravizza and Gene Ravizza
Debra and Samuel Reguindin
Donna Stofer
Vivian and Tim Takeda
LaRue and Honorable Paul Teilh
Margaret and Raymond Thiercof
Louise Budros ’45 Tighe
Julianna Barcelona ’58 Gargone
and Sal Gargone
Astrid and James Giblin
Anne Greene
Melissa Passehl and Peter Groeneveld
Diane Pelosi Harrington
and J. Joseph Harrington
Cynthia and William Harris
Evon Armanini ’55 Hass and William Hass
Shari and Chet Hastings
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard P. Farthing
Arlene Pieracci ’63 Herrick
and Michael Herrick
Mary Wallis
Tracy and Rocky Hudson
Lisa and James Walstrum
Natasha and Michael Hyndman
Janis and Christopher Welsh
Lorelei and Colin Ilas
Kathy and Jay Williams, Jr.
Rebecca Hendricks and Ted Key
Istella and Share Wing Ko
Patron $500 - $999
Desta and Steven Krong
Catherine Kuebler
Leslie and Gregg Arioto
Ruth and Joseph Lawrence
Stephanie and Charles Armiger
Winnie and Frank Lee
Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Tracey Lee
Kelly and Christopher Bhirdo
Carole Gum and Robert Lloyd
Shirley and John Bracco, Sr.
Marijoe and Victor LoBue
Carolyn Cipolla ’49 Brashear
Margaret Mawhinney
Mary Jo Avilla ’58 Carroll
Bridgit McGarry and John Amarillas
Amy and James Chen
Anne and Sean McMahon
Rose Manimtim-Chua and Henry Chua
Diana Melendez
Arlene Zarou-Cooperman
and Jack Cooperman
Carolyn and Darrell Mervau
Pattie and Dave Cortese
Rita Cortez and Fred Sharkey
Claudia Lohnes and Philip Damberg
Mai Tran and Kyth Dang
Francine and Mike Davis
Maureen O’Reilly ’67 De Bolt
Patricia Fraga ’55 Dinapoli and Ben Dinapoli
Deanna and Mike Dorner
Sheryl O’Hara ’74 Driskell
Annette and Frank Eldredge
Lucinda Castillo ’79 Elston and John Elston
Elizabeth Goodley and Ruben Espinosa
Anne Doeltz ’67 Farrell and Thomas Farrell
Irene and Jim Floyd
Cathi and Marty Mickow
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Catherine Shearley and Stephen Murphy
Giao and Nam Nguyen
Elizabeth Nguyen
Adriana and Gustavo Oviedo
Hui Jong Kim and Edward Pak
Janis Patellaro ’70
Tina and John Pham
Ann Marie Piro ’58
Yvonne and Emiliano Ramos
Clarissa and Rizalde Rin
Virginia and Ray Sajor
Karen and Raymond Schuler
Christina and Scott Seaman
Kathleen Geraci ’76 Foley and Matthew Foley
† Donor is deceased
Annual Giving
The Singhal Family Charitable Fund
Angela De Marco ’34 Batchelor
Michelle Cobb ’92
Cynthia and Vance Sprock
Avril and John Baty
Kristine and Joseph Coglitore
Janice and Daniel Stachowiak
Lanae Imperial ’87 Bays
Ellen Cohen
Justine Tang and Nick Tan
Jeanne Benoit ’40 Baysinger
Maxine Lannin ’43 Cohen
Kandra and Ben Tobin
Emma Beckman
Marilyn and Joseph Collins
Thuy and Dzung Tran
Eddie Benigno
Ellen Jorgensen ’63 Collins
Teresa Polk ’50 Turco and John Turco
Maria and Laureano Benitez
Debra and David Condensa
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Jo Pisturino ’49 Bertaccini
and Ed Bertaccini
Anita Ruiz-Contreras and Peter Contreras
Debra and Dan Weed
Maureen McEnoy Williams
and Richard Williams
Carol Kramer and David Bicknell
Kellie and Bill Blach
Elizabeth Williams ’00
Michele and Dennis Blatchford
Bernadette Mayo and Daniel Yang
Dolores Boker ’59, RN
Kate and Tony Yu
Cecilia Guzzetta ’41 Bolster
Sr. Yvonne Bondi ’53, SND
Kathleen Zoccoli ’66 Corbal
Emily Lippolis ’51 Corral
Lawrence Cortez
Joanne and Patrick Crinion
Bernice and Dean Croft
Jennifer and James Crotty
Benefactor $100 - $499
Evelyn Brady ’56
Sofia Abad
Marie Andrade ’57 Brasil
Barbara Jeanne Schmitt ’44 Cuneo
and Joe Cuneo
Lourdes and Antonio Abiog, Jr.
Demerris Brooks ’87
Wanda Damberg
Elise and Thomas Ajawara
Margaret Rehm ’45 Brown
Diane and Theodore Danen
Mary Jane Ajlouny-Johnson ’77
and Craig Johnson
Elaine Bruni ’66
Jeanne and Henry Dapkus
Marlene and Jorge Buccat
James Davis
Geraldine Bucher ’47 Albers
Joan Dalton ’54 Buckley and Chuck Buckley
Susan and Murray Davis
Pamela Alford
Karen and Brian Bunton
Magdalena Carrasco and Kevin de Leon
Catherine and Patrick Allen
Nancy and Brian Burke
Mary Decker
Helga Sondergaard and Christophe Allie
Lee Bustamante
Ann Decker
Suzanne Allison ’83
Mary and Ron Cabanayan
Kathy and Ed Almazol
Gudelia Call
Josephine Rizzo ’49 DeFranco
and John DeFranco†
Patricia Romanello ’53 Alphonse
and Harold Alphonse
Marie Camicia
Anely and Roberto Dela Cruz
Patricia DeMarlo ’58
Colleen and Robert Altendorf
Darlene Pinza ’60 Campagna
and Joseph Campagna
Miriam and Michael Alvarado
Maryann Imwalle ’58 Capriola
Kristin and Peter Dessau
Margaret Alvernaz ’43 Amaral
James Cardoza
Alfreda and Ernesto Dimaano
Clara and Frank Amarillas
Maria and Victor Castro
Brigitte and Eric Donkers
Maria and Victor Arce
Mary South ’68 Certa and Diego Certa
Barbara Frick ’56 Donnelly
Philomena Pizzo ’42 Arrigo
Teresa and Chioumin Michael Chang
Patti and Joe Donovan
Janice Nannini ’73 Awe
Tina and William Chang
Charlotte Doudell ’68
Barbara Ferrari ’57 Azevedo
Alvira De Maria ’64 Chargin
and John Chargin
Nancy and Frank Doyle
Margaret Chiappe ’64 Bailey
Lupe and Robert Banuelos, Sr.
Carmen Barba-Barcena
and Francisco Barba
Vickie and Ira Cook
Patricia Murphy ’51 Chargin
and James Chargin
Barbara Lundin ’44 Cheim
Lori and Brian Bartel
Kitty and William Chen
Patricia Nannini ’76 Bartholic
and Steven Bartholic
Charlotte Chiechi
Bernadette Gurries ’43 Barton
Rosie Chu
Rita Donovan ’53 Barton
Sharon and James Choyce
Eran DeSilva and Brad Craycroft
Joyce Cordone ’58 Duffy
Len Duncan
Neva Dyer
Joan Leahy ’47 Egan
Connie and Richard Ellis
Rosalie Pusateri ’57 Eskew
and William Eskew
Wilma and Alistaire Estioko
Helen and Timothy Evans
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Lamyaa El Neweihy and Ehab Khadr
Alice Ewing
Noreen and Miles Harrington
Michelle and David Kim
Maritza and Kenneth Farr
Tara Hastings ’89
Pat and James King
Paul Feasby
Patricia Sullivan ’57 Hastings
Mark and Kathleen King
Pam Aldridge ’60 Ferrari
Indu Liladhar-Hathi and Kaushik Hathi
Leanne Patellaro ’76 Kirby
Karen and Steven Fisher
Sandy and Sean Heneghan
Margaret Drolz ’57 Kirby
Judy Kayser ’61 Fitzgerald and Daniel
Bernice Fantozzi ’43 Herman
and Andy Herman
Lynda Kitzerow
Sue and Charles Foltz
Josephine Picazo ’53 Hernandez
Mary Lou Allen ’43 Forster and Robert Forster
Diana Roman-Hernandez and Jose Hernandez
Anna Fox ’89
Diana Hernandez and Martin Rodriguez
Marnie and F. Butch Francisco
Lusiana and Willy Hertanu
Joan Kuklinski ’48 Franck
Penny and Roger Hitchcock
Linda Patallero ’67 Furtado
Susan Madruga ’68 Hodges
and Lawrence Hodges
Patria and Fernando Gabon
Marissa and Reynaldo Gacad
Heidi and Paul Gallagher
Maria Lena Trione ’62 Gallo and Joseph Gallo
Irene Marianelli ’43 Gambucci
and Bruno Gambucci
Eileen Hoefler
Michelle Hogan ’56
Lynne and Thomas Gerula
Fei and Andy Hui
Kimberly and Farid Ghassemian
Merilee Germano and Craig Hulse
Ellen and Ricardo Gicale
Julia Hunt ’02
Ana Melara and Gary Glenn
Afroza and Mohammad Ibrahim
Marilyn Goscila ’58 Goble
Mary Jo and Pat Ignoffo
Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr.
Margaret Jasper
Eileen and Mark Goldman
Charlotte Jennings ’35 Jelich
and Edward Jelich
Elizabeth Griffin
Sandy and Paul Griffith
Cynthia and Julian Guillermo
Rose Gummow
Joanne Banker ’64 Hames and Mark Hames
Barbara Levin ’58 Harper and Douglas Harper
Cheryl and John Harrah
Mei and Osama Lam
Tracey and Jacinto Laney
Kristine Ferrari ’85 Larson
and Andrew Larson
Vera and Joseph Huber
Mary and James Greenfield
Mitra and Ali Lahidji
Katherine Bosso ’63 Hough and Paul Hough
Melinda George ’77
Helen Lepesh ’45 Grcich
Colette Quement ’50 Lackovic
and Thomas Lackovic
Annette and Mark Laranjo
Amy and Ray Huang
Ellen Heahey ’47 Gravendyk
and John Gravendyk
Joan Winterling ’50 Kurtz
Jamie Horejs ’96
Stacie Hrabal
Robert Grassilli
Arthi and Ram Kunda
Angela Fagundes ’95 Langlands
and Robert Langlands
Carol and H.B. Gelatt
Christine Lipari ’70 Gramlich
Aruna and Narayan Krishnan
Mary and Don Hopper
Grace Rowan ’45 Garcia and Justin Garcia
Terri Gonzalez-Valdez ’68
Barbara Williamson and Robert Krause
Patricia Ericson ’92 Johnson
and Kent Johnson
Geraldine Zaro ’46 Johnson
Tudy and Russell Johnson
Julie and Tim Johnson
Daisy Jones
Christine Leman ’99 Kacirek
and Michael Kacirek
Araceli and George Kaliangara
Rita Barton ’62 Karr
Melanie and Glenn Karren
John Kearney
Barbara and Tom Keegan
Geraldine Brancato ’51 Kern and Richard Kern
Mary Laier and Mark Law
Mildred DeMattei ’37 Lentz
Mary Pizzo ’48 Leone and Dominic Leone
Elaine and Al Lepiane
Rene Lepiane
Amanda Lettman
Sylvia Lewis
Rose Ravizza ’66 Lilly and Ogden Lilly
Mary Ellen and Nick J. Livak
Livia Lo ’99
Valerie Belli ’59 Long and Robert Long
Jocelyn and Jeffrey Long
Joy and Ron Lopez
Abigail Benitez '90 Lorimer and Tony Lorimer
Aileen Lu ’04
Jeanne Cauhape ’44 Lukes
Angeles and Juan Luna
Thomasene Eklund ’50 Luzzatti
Luciana and Kent MacMaster
Jeremy Madrid
Manvinder and Charanbir Mahal
Diane Malane ’65
Cindy and Mike Manley
† Donor is deceased
Annual Giving
Marnie Marr
Robin and Gary Nevoli
Asharani and Nagarajan Rajan
Joy and Kenneth Matsumoto
Joyce and John Newbury
Christina Mayo
Nancy Sautner ’55 Newman, R.N.
Mary Anne Lorentz ’63 Ravizza and Norman
Mary Ann Kelly ’61 McCarthy
and John McCarthy
Van Do and Khoi Nguyen
Michelle Costere ’64 McClendon
and Danny McClendon
Mary McCormick
Lore LeDoux ’58 McCoy and Jim McCoy
Catherine McGlinn ’55
Carol McKillip ’65
Shirley McLaughlin
Pamela Diebel ’63 McMahon
and Patrick McMahon
Licinia McMorrow ’00
Zulmira and Clyde McMorrow
Lynn Taylor and David Merchant
Casey Merchant ’99
Maryellen Artana ’45 Meyer
Vanlinh Nguyen ’87, D.D.S.
Ruta Nickson
Donna Nicoletti ’59 Nicoletti
and Frank Nicoletti
Kelly Fisher ’99 Noble
Sarah Nordquist
Shawn and Julie Nordquist
Consuelo Foster ’50 O’Brien
and James O’Brien
Janice Frost ’42 O’Brien and Frank O’Brien
Judith Ferrari ’60 O’Brien and William O’Brien
Gladys Ochangco ’87
JoAnn Perrucci ’56 O’Connell
Joanie Reichner
Leslie Rice
Michele and Mark Richards
Kim French ’68 Rodriguez
Justina Aschoff ’87 Rogers
and Michael Rogers
Heidi Rolfson and Patrick Goddi
Janice and Joe Rommel
Wendy and Kenneth Ronsse
Melissa Lopez ’92 Rosa and Joe Rosa
Paulette Kempe ’85 Roseberry
and Bob Roseberry
Ruth and Barnett Rosenblum
Carmen Marchese ’50 Russo and Ray Russo
Meghan Ryall ’95
Donna Miguelgorry ’52
Patricia McKenzie ’50 O’Donnell
and Daniel O’Donnell
Joycelyn Spingola ’44 Milazzo
Mary Terrano ’30 Oliver
Gretchen and Daniel Ryan
Katherine Miller
Patrick and Mary O’Meara
Marianne and Carl Salas
Jill and Roger Milton
Isabelita Orantia
Patricia and John Sandvick
Frederick and Jean Mitchell
Dorothy Burton ’43 Ortiz
Rica Santos ’09
Katharine and Kevin Mitchell
Eva Prudhomme ’39 Orton
Virginia and Courtland Saunders
Jean and James Molnar
Shirley and Terry Ota
Janie and Stephen Scanlan
Carolyn Ferrari ’87 Montonye
and Michael Montonye
Judith Pursley ’59 Pace
Dolores Naso ’51 Schmidt
Parvin Amiri-Padilla and Robert Padilla
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Alicia and Rick Padilla
Janet Fumia ’59 Schultz
Anila and Mohammad Palla
Maria and Joseph Sciamanna
Geraldine Herzog ’49 Pappas
Mary Ellen Cauhape ’40 Sciarini
Marie Nottoli ’43 Patellaro
Susan and Jeff Sedayao
Emilia Peña-Bobst
Maria and Peter Shabe, Jr.
Alexis and Neil Petersen
Cynthia Moraes ’91 Shaw and Clifford Shaw
Kate Pichon and Tim Hellmann
Josephine Tersini ’48 Shuster
Diane and Allen Piedmont
Anees and Nazeer Amer Siddiqee
Jito Yumibe and Jan-Willem Pieterse
Sabiha and Muhammad Siddiqee
Farrell and Ken Podgorsek
Barbara Simmons
Shirley Stortz ’53 Pollock
and R. David Pollock
Rose Pierro ’63 Simmons and John Simmons
Virginia Amos ’56 Moody
Ann Wade ’60 Mootz and Allan Mootz
Dolores Minor ’62 Mora
Marianne Hayes ’42 Morrisey
Lynda Sanfilippo ’61 Moudakas
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Kimberly and Michael Mulcahy
Carol Rankin ’50 Nagengast
and Tom Nagengast
Dalia and Hatem Naguib
Luz and Bob Nakano
Jane Cuneo ’43 Nannini and Ed Nannini
Beatriz and Raul Navarette
Susie and Barth Nelson
Jean and Samson Nepacena
Stephanie Neustadter and Jeff Ota
Patty Rauch and Gary Neustadter
Rosa Reyna and Nhan Thanh Nguyen
Brenda and Carl Ray
Gus Pozzi
Beverly Navarra ’45 Prola
Delina and Eric Pulliam
Rusheeka and Ruwan Punchihewa
Carol Balcon ’64 Quenzer
Anna Maria Espino ’73 Ryan and David Ryan
Gail Skinner ’72
Kathleen Slattery
Carolyn Rose ’45 Smith
Maxine Smrekar ’42
Loretta Stagnitto ’76
Kenneth Starr
Ian Wikramanayake
Caroline McKenzie ’50 Appling
Patty Hayes ’74 Stuart and Mitchell Stuart
Sherry Janich ’58 Williams
Rosemary Arce ’74
Joan Baxter ’56 Sullivan and Jack Sullivan
Mary and Erroll Williams
Nancy Childrey ’49 Armell and William Armell
Suzanne Imbornone ’59 Swanson
Colleen and John Winchester
Yvette and Fadi Assi
Milagros and Filadelfo Taberna
Carol and Jeff Winn
Ruby and Romulo Ata
Cecilia and Robert Tarrant
Mary Cochran ’72 Wolk
Victoria Austin
Georgette Costere ’40 Terry
Trina and Samuel Wong
Helen Phan and Phi Thai
Leslie Worthington
Carol Schuler ’63 Bacigalupi
and Jack Bacigalupi
Andrea and Joseph Thomas
Judith Yarbrough
Anna Mary Steiner ’56 Thomas
Shareen and Richard Young
Mary and Lansing Thornton
Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka
Cathy and John Thornton
Kit Faubion and Brian Zamora
Bruce and Gail Tifft
Mary Morettini ’48 Zanger
Andrea and Manny Toloui
Patricia Sullivan ’65 Zatkin
and Sheldon Zatkin
Maria Tomasello ’73
Roseanna Torretto ’61
Joyce Steiner ’50 Towner
Kim Huong and Minh Trinh
Melanie Renner ’74 Troini and John Troini
Delphine McEachern ’56 Tucci
and Richard Tucci
Kathryn Heagerty ’87 Zazueta
and Tomas Zazueta
Ginger and Allen Baden
Carole and Jose Balcells
Mary Marshall, D.D.S.
and Michael Bambico, D.D.S.
JoAnne Banales ’76 and Steven Hickey
Lorraine Ruff ’53 Banks
Blanca and Alberto Barajas
Joan Gabriele ’61 Barcellona
Jocelyn Barker ’04
The Honorable Marilyn Pestarino ’49 Zecher, JD
Suzanne Mooring ’55 Barnes
Sara and Ventura Zuniga
Georgia Barber ’50 Barnett
Nancy and Larry Zurbrick
Constance Martino ’43 Barretta
Julie Ryser ’89 Barto
Friends up to $99
Lara Dills ’99 Barton and Victor Reynoso
Julieta and Edgar Abad
Nachelle Steffenson ’99 Bastianelli
Evelyn Rossi ’40 Uibelhoer
Nicole Gallo ’99 Abarca
Candace and Jeffery Bastow
Johnny Underwood
Betty Abidog
Dolores Galarza ’78 Baum
Jane McCluskey ’74 Vaillancourt
Georgina Amador ’75 Acosta
Natalie Bautista ’99
Karen and Michael Van der Zweep
Florence Acuna ’99
Ursula Kane ’33 Becker
Leticia and Nelson Vargas
Belinda and Ambrosio Agdipa
Patti Beebe
Jean Gallagher-Vaughn and Michael Vaughn
Annamaria Navarro ’80 Aguirre
and Rafael Aguirre
Regina Pannutti ’73 Behnken
Carol Rose ’56 Alario and Edward Alario
Joan Ouano ’91 Benitez
Edward and Dorothy Verburgt
Aubrey Alcudia ’06
Carol Roulo ’58 Bennett and Roger Bennett
Norma Schall ’48 Vertin
Nina Alvarado ’99
April and Robert Bignell
Suzanne Armstrong ’65 Vierra
and Leland Vierra
Arianna Alvarado ’06
Meredith Bishop
Danielle Alvarado ’03
Ethel Blunden
Mary Alves ’73
Artemisa Bobst ’04
Angelita and Rogelio Amian, Jr.
Sherene Chan ’94 Bodnar
Leticia Andaya
Joann Gargone ’59 Bonacorsi
Fiona Wang
Elizabeth Anderson ’88 Andrade
and Mark Andrade
Tiffany Peggins ’99 Bonaparte
Laurel and Mark Weisler
Donna Hendricks ’76 Andringa
Nancy Welch
Sheila Ansted
Deborah Sitka and Patrick Welch
Josephine Anzalone ’52
Barbara Ramos ’62 Westover
and Christopher Westover
Aldora Silva ’78 Apolinario
Joyce Perry ’46 Tuchscherer
and Todd Tuchscherer
Elizabeth Vera-Pacheco ’88
and Alvaro Pacheco
Jennifer Dains ’88 Vigna and Peter Vigna
Chona Ebalo-Villanueva and Fidel Villanueva
Gina Vittori
Silvana Volpe ’73, M.D. and John Warren, M.D.
Nancy Andrade ’68 Appleby
Tara Duquette ’94 Bejines
Carol Bond
Maria Borlaza ’03
Estella and James Bossart
Michele and David Bossart
Betty King ’38 Bowers
† Donor is deceased
Annual Giving
Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
Class of 1958
Ruth and Douglas Eastman III
Kimberly Boynton ’99
Paula Stringari ’68 Clawson
Aaron Eeg
Josephine Carollo ’68 Bradshaw
Audrey Slavich ’42 Clodfelter
Mary Ann Lauzon ’53 Elliott
Veronica and Paul Brandariz
Christine Tripoli ’58 Conti and Armond Conti
Jeff Brashear
Catherine Ravizza ’59 Contreras
Christine Ahearn ’63 Ellison
and Darwin Ellison
Nathalia Brashear ’02
Eleanor Ferrari ’45 Corica
Diane Brasil ’99
Emily Bernabe ’63 Corpos
Christina Breaux
Tamara T. and Pietro Costa
Timothy Brinton
Triona Coyne
Margaret Bonsi ’53 Brody
Shirley Borelli ’68 Cross
Barbara Brown
Trish Murphy ’62 Crowder and Dave Crowder
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Julie and David Cruickshank
Kathy Wright ’68 Buccino
Donna Rangel-Cruz and Adolpho Cruz
Thao Bui
Michael Cully
Judith Fumia ’61 Buldo
Judee Fogarty ’73 Curley and Timothy Curley
Susan Burroughs
Shirley and Louis D’Agosta
Corrine and Kellie Bynum
Betsy and Don Dalpino
Martha Cabral ’62
Louise Damberg
Patricia Romani ’57 Cachopo
and Ronald Cachopo
Sarah Ball-Damberg and Richard Damberg
Karen Caillat ’96
Elizabeth Callens ’99
Sherry and Thomas Campbell
Mary McEnery ’58 Canepa
Janet Seidl ’49 Caputo and Richard Caputo
Raoul Carag
Christine Ray ’68 Carlisle and David Carlisle
Charlotte Carlson
Molly and Curt Carlson
Carmel Giacalone ’49 Carpenter
and Donald Carpenter
Mischele Ritchison ’65 Carpenter
Kathleen Carr ’58
Eileen and Robert Carroll, Jr.
Marie Alves ’53 Carvalho
Lesa Cassidy
Charlene Cayabyab ’99
Maria Cetani ’94
Gloria Chacon
Parveen and Baljit Chahal
Amy Chou ’08
Carmen and Ulysses Chua
Helen and Michael Ciesinski
Judith Sepeda ’60 Cigan and Dennis Cigan
Class of 1948
Susan Haas ’65 Dan and Daniel Dan
Cecilia Howell ’61 Daniello
Mary Welty-Dapkus and Drew Dapkus
Melissa Dargis
Megan Mullaly ’94 Davies and Philip Davies
Bruce Davis
Lee and Timothy Davis
Barbara De Kruif
Michelle de la Calle
Mayra Flores ’99 De Marcotte
Katharine Decker ’99
Judy La Roque and Paul dela Rosa
Mary Ann Connor ’62 Delameter
Clarice and James Dent
Anne and Dominick DeRienzo
Falguni and Hiren Desai
Joan and John DeWitt
RiaMae Diaz ’99
Christine Do
Patricia Bell ’68 Dominguez
Allison Donahue ’11
Ellen Donlin
Leslie Lawrence ’99 Donoho
and John Donoho
Carrie Doolittle
Jacqueline and Sean Dyer
Devin Engebretsen
Jacqueline and Nicholas Engelhardt
Monica Escobar ’04
Gemma Escobar ’99
Melissa Espejo ’99
Mary Evans
Victoria and Mark Evashenk
Angela Coccheto ’63 Evulich and Roy Evulich
Annette Medina ’69 Fagundes
and Edmundo Fagundes
Jennifer Fanucchi ’94
Elizabeth Farr
Thomas Feasby
Mike Feasby
Rebecca Kulpa ’74 Fernandez
Victoria Ann Ferrara ’69
Mary Lu Ferrara ’68
Mary Lou DeBona ’42 Filice
Robert Filuk, M.D.
Greg Finch
Lynn and Thomas Finnegan
Ariana Bennet ’94 Flamik
Mary Flamini
Diane and Rick Fontaine
Louise and Arthur Fortin
Amy Fortin
Mary F. Fortune ’77, Ed.D.
Elizabeth Concannon ’58 Frank
Ferne and Willie Franklin
Lisa Fraser
M. Ann A. Freitas
Claudia French ’68
Shirley and Scott Fuller
Paula and William Furniss
Marlene Luchessi ’51 Furtado
Michelle Santillan ’85 Gaeta
and Michael Gaeta
Julia and Jesus Garcia
Susana Garcia and Greg Czarkowski
Kristine Everett ’76 Garman and Dale Garman
Alice Towne ’42 Garvin
Karen Herr
Diana Torres ’78 Koss and John Koss
Brenda Castillo-Garza and Victor Garza
Meaghan Hicks ’99
Malisha Kumar-Maupin ’94
Leonarda and Victor Garza
Bob Hightower
Renee Gerasimtchouk
Mark Hill
Deanna Lewis ’56 LaBarbera
and Philip LaBarbera
Janis and Gary Gerlinger
Maria Victoria Hinkle
Kristen Corbal ’99 Giangregorio
Heather Gianoli ’99 Hinkley
Loreene Pardini ’59 Giansiracusa
Margaret Ayala ’80 Hinman
Rita Gilmore
Lucille Delores ’38 Hintze
Kami Gilson
Quynh-Huong and Quang Dang Ho
Patricia Pedro ’51 Girard
Dorothy Fallo ’48 Howard
Mary Ann Quattrin ’61 Goeppele
Pamela and Mark Hudson
Lorraine Alvernaz ’44 Gonsalves
Shelene Huey-Booker ’99
Lisa Tomasello ’99 Gonzalez
Michelle Mullaly ’94 Hughes
Liza and Benjamin Gonzalez
Lucille and Andrew Incontro
Kathi Sharbrough ’66 Goodman
Therese Inkmann
Barbara Graham
Mary Berryessa ’68 Isaksen
Barbara Gress Graham and Mark Graham
Edna and Nicholas Ivans
Frances Grell
Caryn Gandara ’94 Jackson
Elizabeth Miranda ’49 Grim and Merrill Grim
Evelyn Mount ’63 Jackson and Paul Jackson
Damon Grose
Alice Moore ’36 Jakel
Michele Grosso
Josephine James
Heidi and Steven Grow
Ameera and Firas Jandali
Anna Marie Baumann ’44 Gruba
Elizabeth Krueger ’68 Johannsen
Gena Haas
Gwendolyn Johnson
Felice Ferrante-Lopiccolo
and Russell Lopiccolo
Paula and Richard Halford
Brittany Johnson ’04
Marissa Ortiz ’94 Lucketti
Shilpa Hampole ’08
Patricia and Raymond Jonas
Katherine Buckles ’99 Luedke
Mary Pope-Handy and Jim Handy
Barbara Jordan
Donna M. Lynd
Teresa and Nagi Hanna
George Jordan
Josh Lyngar
Alice and Daniel Haro
Ila and Vipin Joshi
Aalia Maan ’04
Betty Jane and Daniel Harrington
Cherry and Terry Junge
Margarita Mabugat
Kathryne Brim ’66 Harte
Shanthi and Vasuki Kasturi
Tran Mac
Vaughn Hartman
Barbara and William Kelly
Marian Ravizza ’73 Macall
Michele Hatfield ’94
Ruby and Tariq Khanzada
Steve Malik
Toni and John Heagerty
Sadaf and Abdul Khatri
Laura Musso ’53 Mann
Marianne Feran and Richard Healy
Rachel and Ahmed Khattab
Stephanie Margossian ’99
Norma Genovesi ’47 Heinrichs
and John Heinrichs
Jeanne Pfeiffer ’53 Kiely
Joyce Maroon
Loydene Barcelona ’61 Kiley
and Michael Kiley
Jeannette Marsala ’99
Annmarie Voss ’74 Hendryx
and Jacob Hendryx
Erica Henry ’99
Rachel Henry ’99
Andrea Artana ’56 Kirsch
Marina Kobayashi ’99
Elizabeth Connor ’65 Kodres and Ray Kodres
Guadalupe Aguilar-Hernandez
and Arturo Hernandez
Diana Koeplin ’99
Theresa Gonzalez ’68 Hernandez
and Larry Hernandez
Scott Kolstad
Martha Reid ’48 Kokes and Joe Kokes
Colleen Sullivan ’66 Labozetta
Kathleen Bullock ’63 Labrador
Joyce Lazzarini ’49 Lahann and Jerry Lahann
Josephine Lai ’99
Hai Lam
Crystal Lanier
Mary Tanda ’60 Lanier
Kenneth Lau
Robert Laurel
Jill and Larry Lauro
Jack Lazar
Nhan Le
Yen Le ’94
Sandy Lee
Wanda and Mark Levy
Dan Linne
Maybelleme and Jonas Litonjua
Jacqueline Bessiere ’48 Lohr
and Homer Lohr
Joan and John Martin
Corazon Masaquel
Debra and Bret Maxwell
Rachel Aldama ’94 McDonnell
Sheila McGann-Tiedt ’61
Sarah McGuinn
Julie and Tom McInerey
† Donor is deceased
Annual Giving
Dale Ann McMahon
AiQuynh Nguyen ’99
Cheryl Ramirez ’99
Joanna Di Grazia ’59 McNutt
Patricia Nicandro ’99
Kathryn and James Rasmuson
Sr. Claudia McTaggart, SND
Kathleen Coyle ’42 Nino and Robert Nino
Priscilla and Mario Raudes
Robert Mehe’ula
Kathy Terranova ’62 Noether
and James Noether
Caroline Reed ’08
Christine and Manuel Mendible
Raquel and Antonio Mendoza
Rebecca and Martin Menne
Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras
Farah Noori ’88 Merchant
Gayle Masino ’68 Meusel
Elizabeth and Dragan Milanovich
Juliana Siragusa ’68 Miller
Jeanne Trevino ’59 Miller
Eugenia and James Miller
Jill Miller
Ashley Hiatt ’99 Miller
Patricia McCarthy ’58 Miner and Neill Miner
Dalia Mohamed ’94
Erin Molnar
Stacey Wunderling ’94 Montes
and Joseph Montes
Anita Francesconi ’51 Montgomery
Kimberly Morales ’94
Normalena Rios ’99 Moreno
Elizabeth Moreno ’94
Consuelo Moreno ’43
Elaine and Frank Moreno
Norma Moreno-Grimes
Tim Morgan
Mary Cahalan ’48 Morris
Isobel and Andrew Morrish
Amy Moudakas ’99
Najwa Mourad-Semaan
Karen Duffey ’63 Mullaly
Elizabeth and Daniel Muller
Paula and Marc Muramatsu
Patricia and Carlos Murillo
Theresa and Brian Murray
Jane Najour
Stacey and C.J. Napolitano
Mary Ann Raquidan-Nasol and Ruben Nasol
Alberta Vierra ’45 Navarra
Linh-Hang Nguyen
Cathy Nguyen ’99
Ba Noi
Alison and Michael Nugent
Dorothy Musso ’50 Nuti
Theresa Gutierrez ’68 Ochoa
Sandra and Gene Ogden
Kent Ohlund
Maria Aurora and Miles Perez Orantia
Irma Orozco ’94
Sr. Nancy O’Shea ’61, SND
David Owens
Connie and Serafin Padlan
Beatrice Lara ’43 Palomino
Rachel Palomino
Eric Parker
Anne and Larry Parks
Antoinette Schifano ’41 Parsons
and Henry Parsons
Eugene Pashby
Andy Pashby
Leslie Patron ’99
Deborah and Jack Pavich
Pamela Poetsch and James Pellegrin
Martha and Juan Peralez
Donald Perlenda
Anita Escover ’53 Pessagno
Khanh Pham
Julianne Do and Huy Pham
Yvonne Badano ’57 Pine and Ron Pine
Sr. Rosalie Pizzo ’52, SND
Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy
Vanessa Maria Avila-Pons and Joaquin Pons
Rosemarie Fasano ’63 Pozzi
and Michael Pozzi
Pauline Lepera ’62 Price
Karen Prince
Kathleen Campagna ’50 Purdy
Margaret Purdy ’99
Laura Quan ’04
Martha and Alvaro Quinones
Erica and Michael Quinonez
Catherine and Charles Reed
Mary Formosa ’65 Reese and John Reese
Ray Regala
Deborah and Michael Regalbuto
Maryknol Respicio
Kathleen Reuger and Roy Kuga
Susan Jorgensen ’68 Rewak
Emma Reyes-Ramirez ’94
Jean Rossi ’49 Reynolds, R.N.
Ellen Yarbrough ’78 Reynolds
Shayeri Reza ’99
Cheryl and Douglas Rice
Roxana and Everardo Rico
Janet Fuentes and Scott Riechers
Saundra McClendon ’94 Riley
Saundra Badalamente ’64 Rinde
and David Rinde
Janet Meacham ’68 Rios
Alison Rivera ’08
Jennifer Chargin ’94 Robinson
Christine Robles
Beverly Mandell ’58 Rodericks
Olga and Gerardo Rodriguez
Rebecca Rodriguez ’04
Jessica Manley ’99 Rojakovick
Donna McGann ’55 Romano and Bill Romano
Madeleine Rose ’43
Sharon Rosete ’99
Malou Gutierrez-Ruiz and Joe Ruiz
Elaine and Patrick Ryall
Mary and Ed Ryan
Martha and Frank Ryan
Adrienne and Donald Sabin
Janice Perlenda ’44 Salberg
Amanda Sanchez ’99
Jeannette Francis ’51 Sandberg
Barbara White ’53 Sanford
Mary Clara Cassidy ’61 Santana
Cristina and Joe Santos
Milad Sarah
Foundations, Corporations and Matching Gifts
Jehan Saya
Christine and Robert Terpening
Terrence Welch
Carole Pregliasco ’58 Scheid
and David Scheid
Marianne Gallo ’58 Thompson
Melinda Lupretta ’63 Wellner
Ann and Ron Thumann
Virginia Kempe ’87 Wilcox
Shawn Tifft
Pam Elizabeth and David Wilder
Lynore Tillim
Doreen and Andrew Williams
Josefina Torralba
Allene and Jay Williams
Kathryn and Manuel Torres
Vincent Wong
Barbara Gaitan ’63 Tortorici
Nancy and Roger Wong
Barbara Rodenborn ’45 Toyne
Donna Woodcock ’63
Nga Tran
Collie Davis ’56 Woodward
Thuy Tran
Megan Wygant ’99
Mabel Poulin ’53 Trifilo
Mariam Smith ’53 Wyman
and Willard Wyman
Beverly Schirle
Karen Schirle
Denise Michael and David Schirle
Claranne Gullo ’64 Schirle
Ronald and Brenda Schirle
Patricia Sunseri ’58 Schott
and Stephen Schott
Colleen and Gerald Scimeca
Ardelle Seguritan ’99
Sandra Sequeira ’99
Lois and Gerard Shabe
Veronica Kelly ’57 Shaughnessy
and Bill Shaughnessy
Frances Guerra ’48 Trifilo
Tracy and Steven Trinh
Kimberly Trinh ’01
Abigail Zamora ’04
Kristine and Walt Zavoli
Brenda Zawatski
Susan Shelton ’94
Tora Troop ’08
Lorraine and Charles Shepherd
Laura and Joe Trovato
Mary Catherine Sheridan ’71
Michelle Marren Tufts and Ray Tufts
Helia Palacioz ’94 Shueh
Connie Minardi ’42 Turner and Frank Turner
Tessa Siegel ’08
Deborah Uharriet ’68
Krystal Sigmon ’09
Linda Dittes and Keith Uriarte
Alma and Daniel Silva
Rebecca Uribe-Hefley and Steven Hefley
Patricia Marr ’78 Silvius and Ed Silvius
Mary and Camilo Valderrama, Jr.
Judith Akers ’61 Simpson
and Norman Simpson
Cassandra Van der Zweep ’08
Elsie and Kalevi Sinervo
Amy Vaughn
Gregory Sivaslian
Melanie Veloria ’99
Jennifer Fiamingo ’94 Smith
Helen and Achilleas Veziris
Dorothy Fontana ’58 Smith
Anthony Villegas
Scott Smith
Rosalba Robles ’78 Villegas
Lourdes and Reynaldo Soliman
Sandra and Emilio Vindiola
Abigail Soriano ’94
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach,
The Blach Family Foundation
Irene and Stephano Vinoya
Cynthia and Tony Soto
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Angelita Viray
Diane St. Denis
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
Lori and Michael Vonderach
Mary Anne Simas ’53 Stafford
Tina Vu
The Carl Gellert and
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Michelle Starr
Victoria Vu ’02
Sharon and David Starr
Michelle Vu ’94
Pacesetter $5,000 - $9,999
Michelle Stewart
Sr. Catherine Waldron ’63, SND
Kevin Strickland
Barbara Scandizzo ’58 Walsh and John Walsh
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Gail Ryall ’65 Sullivan and Tim Sullivan
Brent Walters
Sonitrol Security
Frank Szczurko
Laura Washington ’87
Lily Tang ’04
Melissa Payne ’99 Waters
Jean Imhof ’53 Tarr
Dave Watts
Maria Cruz and Alejandro Tenorio
Rachel Weed ’08
Jake Vandenberg
Marta Zelaya ’96
Julianne Chancerelle ’83 Ziemelis
Rose Marie Zukas ’58
Alice Cruz and Juan Zuniga
Foundations and
Premier $10,000 and above
Barry Swenson Builder
Comerica Bank - California
Mabel B. Wright Education Fund
Robert Half International, Inc.
† Donor is deceased
Alumnæ Class Giving
Leader $2,500 - $4,999
PG&E Law Department
Class of 1933
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
PG&E Litigation Team
Ursula Kane Becker
Riding for Reading
Anita Mandala Filice †
Rose Garden Auto Care
Class of 1934
Jack B. Keenan, Inc.
San Benito Drywall, Inc.
Angela De Marco Batchelor
Landmark Builders
San Jose Downtown Foundation
Lohbeck Capital Management
Schoolpop, Inc.
Trimberger Family Foundation
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Class of 1935
Charlotte Jennings Jelich
Sonoma Chicken Coop
Partner $1,000 - $2,499
Stellar Solutions Foundation
Anderson Brulé Architects
The Corporate Chef
Global Impact
Vela Corporation
Imagine That, Inc.
West Coast Wellness
Kohl Photography
Willow Glen Travel
Class of 1936
Alice Moore Jakel
Class of 1937
Mildred DeMattei Lentz
St. Victor School
TOSA Foundation
Matching Gift Companies
Class of 1938
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Betty King Bowers
Applied Biosystems
Lucille Delores Hintze
Patron $500 - $999
Applied Materials
Ahearn, Knox & Hyde, Inc.
BAE Systems
Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative
BAE Systems Dollars for Doers Program
Blue Coat Systems, Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Greene Engineers
BD Matching Gift Program
Mike Davis Landscape
Cisco Foundation Matching Gifts Program
National Semiconductor
Employee Directed Giving Program
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Kraft Matching Gifts Program
The Finish Line, Inc.
Lam Research
United Way Silicon Valley
Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program
Valley View Packing Company, Inc.
Secure Computing Corporation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc.
Google Matching Gifts Program
Symantec Matching Gifts Program
Class of 1939
Eva Prudhomme Orton
Class of 1940
Jeanne Benoit Baysinger
Mary Ellen Cauhape Sciarini
Georgette Costere Terry
Evelyn Rossi Uibelhoer
Class of 1941
Cecilia Guzzetta Bolster
Antoinette Schifano Parsons
Benefactors Up to $499
Synopsys Philanthropic Matching Programs
(ND) 2 - Alumnae Parents
Berliner Cohen
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.
Audrey Slavich Clodfelter
Cockerham Eye Consultants
Yahoo! Corporate Matching Gift Program
Mary Lou DeBona Filice
Filice Lansford Development Corporation
Italian American Heritage Foundation
Nejleh T. Abed, D.D.S., F.A.G.D.
Philomena Pizzo Arrigo
Alice Towne Garvin
Croft’s Lofts
FACTS Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc.
Class of 1942
Alumnae Class Giving
Marianne Hayes Morrisey
Kathleen Coyle Nino
Class of 1930
Janice Frost O’Brien
Mary Terrano Oliver
Marie Zaro Schmitt
Maxine Smrekar
Connie Minardi Turner
Class of 1943
Joan Leahy Egan
Class of 1951
Margaret Alvernaz Amaral
Ellen Heahey Gravendyk
Patricia Murphy Chargin
Dorothy Ucovich Banker
Norma Genovesi Heinrichs
Emily Lippolis Corral
Constance Martino Barretta
Marlene Luchessi Furtado
Bernadette Gurries Barton
Class of 1948
Patricia Pedro Girard
Maxine Lannin Cohen
Joan Kuklinski Franck
Geraldine Brancato Kern
Mary Lou Allen Forster
Dorothy Fallo Howard
Anita Francesconi Montgomery
Irene Marianelli Gambucci
Martha Reid Kokes
Jeannette Francis Sandberg
Bernice Fantozzi Herman
Mary Pizzo Leone
Dolores Naso Schmidt
Consuelo Moreno
Jacqueline Bessiere Lohr
Jane Cuneo Nannini
Mary Cahalan Morris
Class of 1952
Dorothy Burton Ortiz
Dianne Schott Ravizza
Josephine Anzalone
Beatrice Lara Palomino
Josephine Tersini Shuster
Donna Miguelgorry
Marie Nottoli Patellaro
Frances Guerra Trifilo
Peggy Gretz Normandin
Madeleine Rose
Norma Schall Vertin
Sr. Rosalie Pizzo, SND
Mary Morettini Zanger
Barbara Fleming Samper
Barbara Lundin Cheim
Class of 1949
Class of 1953
Barbara Schmitt Cuneo
Nancy Childrey Armell
Patricia Romanello Alphonse
Lorraine Alvernaz Gonsalves
Jo Pisturino Bertaccini
Lorraine Ruff Banks
Anna Marie Baumann Gruba
Carolyn Cipolla Brashear
Rita Donovan Barton
Jeanne Cauhape Lukes
Janet Seidl Caputo
Sr. Yvonne Bondi, SND
Joycelyn Spingola Milazzo
Carmel Giacalone Carpenter
Margaret Bonsi Brody
Janice Perlenda Salberg
Josephine Rizzo DeFranco
Mary Ellen Nolan Bruni
Elizabeth Miranda Grim
Marie Alves Carvalho
Class of 1945
Joyce Lazzarini Lahann
Suzanne Donovan Cortese
Margaret Rehm Brown
Geraldine Herzog Pappas
Mary Ann Lauzon Elliott
Eleanor Ferrari Corica
Jean Rossi Reynolds
Josephine Picazo Hernandez
Grace Rowan Garcia
Marilyn Pestarino Zecher
Jeanne Pfeiffer Kiely
Class of 1944
Helen Lepesh Grcich
Maryellen Artana Meyer
Class of 1950
Alberta Vierra Navarra
Caroline McKenzie Appling
Beverly Navarra Prola
Georgia Barber Barnett
Carolyn Rose Smith
Joan Winterling Kurtz
Louise Budros Tighe
Colette Quement Lackovic
Barbara Rodenborn Toyne
Thomasene Eklund Luzzatti
Laura Musso Mann
Anita Escover Pessagno
Shirley Stortz Pollock
Mary Anne Simas Stafford
Jean Imhof Tarr
Mabel Poulin Trifilo
Mariam Smith Wyman
Carol Rankin Nagengast
Class of 1946
Dorothy Musso Nuti
Class of 1954
Nadine Douglass
Consuelo Foster O’Brien
Joan Dalton Buckley
Geraldine Zaro Johnson
Patricia McKenzie O’Donnell
Carolan Glans Scanlan
Joyce Perry Tuchscherer
Kathleen Campagna Purdy
Carmen Marchese Russo
Class of 1955
Class of 1947
Joyce Steiner Towner
Suzanne Mooring Barnes
Geraldine Bucher Albers
Teresa Polk Turco
Patricia Fraga Dinapoli
Nina Bruno Boyd
Patricia Maher Filice
† Donor is deceased
Alumnæ Class Giving
Evon Armanini Hass
Lore LeDoux McCoy
Class of 1962
Catherine McGlinn
Patricia McCarthy Miner
Martha Cabral
Nancy Sautner Newman
Ann Marie Piro
Trish Murphy Crowder
Donna McGann Romano
Beverly Mandell Rodericks
Mary Ann Connor Delameter
Carole Pregliasco Scheid
Maria Lena Trione Gallo
Class of 1956
Dorothy Fontana Smith
Rita Barton Karr
Carol Rose Alario
Marianne Gallo Thompson
Dolores Minor Mora
Rooney Pfaff Blach
Sherry Janich Williams
Kathy Terranova Noether
Evelyn Brady
Pauline Lepera Price
Eileen Burgio De Santis
Class of 1959
Barbara Frick Donnelly
Dolores Boker
Mary Birmingham Emery
Joann Gargone Bonacorsi
Class of 1963
Michelle Hogan
Catherine Ravizza Contreras
Carol Schuler Bacigalupi
Andrea Artana Kirsch
Loreene Pardini Giansiracusa
Ellen Jorgensen Collins
Deanna Lewis LaBarbera
Valerie Belli Long
Emily Bernabe Corpos
Diana Torres Maddox
Joanna Di Grazia McNutt
Christine Ahearn Ellison
Lillian Bianchi Miotto
Jeanne Trevino Miller
Angela Coccheto Evulich
Virginia Amos Moody
Donna Nicoletti Nicoletti
Arlene Pieracci Herrick
JoAnn Perrucci O’Connell
Judith Pursley Pace
Katherine Bosso Hough
Joan Baxter Sullivan
Janet Fumia Schultz
Evelyn Mount Jackson
Anna Mary Steiner Thomas
Suzanne Imbornone Swanson
Kathleen Bullock Labrador
Delphine McEachern Tucci
Barbara Ramos Westover
Pamela Diebel McMahon
Class of 1960
Karen Duffey Mullaly
Darlene Pinza Campagna
Rosemarie Fasano Pozzi
Class of 1957
Judith Sepeda Cigan
Mary Anne Lorentz Ravizza
Barbara Ferrari Azevedo
Pam Aldridge Ferrari
Rose Pierro Simmons
Marie Andrade Brasil
Terry Schaub Krivan
Barbara Gaitan Tortorici
Patricia Romani Cachopo
Mary Tanda Lanier
Sr. Catherine Waldron, SND
Rosalie Pusateri Eskew
Ann Wade Mootz
Melinda Lupretta Wellner
Patricia Sullivan Hastings
Judith Ferrari O’Brien
Donna Woodcock
Rita Pursley Pacheco
Class of 1961
Class of 1964
Yvonne Badano Pine
Joan Gabriele Barcellona
Margaret Chiappe Bailey
Veronica Kelly Shaughnessy
Judith Fumia Buldo
Alvira De Maria Chargin
Cecilia Howell Daniello
Joanne Banker Hames
Class of 1958
Judy Kayser Fitzgerald
Michelle Costere McClendon
Mary McEnery Canepa
Mary Ann Quattrin Goeppele
Carol Balcon Quenzer
Mary Jo Avilla Carroll
Loydene Barcelona Kiley
Saundra Badalamente Rinde
Joanne Filice Cunningham
Mary Ann Kelly McCarthy
Claranne Gullo Schirle
Patricia DeMarlo
Sheila McGann-Tiedt
Joyce Cordone Duffy
Lynda Sanfilippo Moudakas
Class of 1965
Elizabeth Concannon Frank
Sr. Nancy O’Shea, SND
Patricia Rubino Brunetti
Julianna Barcelona Gargone
Mary Clara Cassidy Santana
Mischele Ritchison Carpenter
Marilyn Goscila Goble
Judith Akers Simpson
Susan Haas Dan
Barbara Levin Harper
Roseanna Torretto
Norine DeGregori
Collie Davis Woodward
Margaret Drolz Kirby
Patricia Feasby Diamond
Susan Jorgensen Rewak
Class of 1976
Elizabeth Connor Kodres
Janet Meacham Rios
Donna Hendricks Andringa
Diane Malane
Kim French Rodriguez
JoAnne Banales
Carol McKillip
Deborah Uharriet
Patricia Nannini Bartholic
Kathleen O’Shea Muller
Mary Formosa Reese
Class of 1969
Gail Ryall Sullivan
Annette Medina Fagundes
Suzanne Armstrong Vierra
Victoria Ann Ferrara
Patricia Sullivan Zatkin
Class of 1970
Class of 1966
Christine Lipari Gramlich
Elaine Bruni
Janis Patellaro
Kathleen Zoccoli Corbal
Cynthia Gavin Pond
Kathi Sharbrough Goodman
Kathryne Brim Harte
Class of 1971
Colleen Sullivan Labozetta
Mary Catherine Sheridan
Rose Ravizza Lilly
Class of 1967
Loret Carbone
Class of 1972
Gail Skinner
Mary Cochran Wolk
Maureen O’Reilly De Bolt
Anne Doeltz Farrell
Class of 1973
Linda Patallero Furtado
Mary Alves
Rosanne Cortese Compitello
Kathleen Geraci Foley
Kristine Everett Garman
Leanne Patellaro Kirby
Loretta Stagnitto
Class of 1977
Mary Jane Ajlouny-Johnson
Mary Fortune
Melinda George
Class of 1978
Aldora Silva Apolinario
Dolores Galarza Baum
Diana Torres Koss
Ellen Yarbrough Reynolds
Patricia Marr Silvius
Rosalba Robles Villegas
Janice Nannini Awe
Class of 1979
Class of 1968
Regina Pannutti Behnken
Lucinda Castillo Elston
Nancy Andrade Appleby
Judee Fogarty Curley
Josephine Carollo Bradshaw
Marian Ravizza Macall
Class of 1980
Kathy Wright Buccino
Anna Maria Espino Ryan
Annamaria Navarro Aguirre
Christine Ray Carlisle
Maria Tomasello
Margaret Ayala Hinman
Mary South Certa
Silvana Volpe
Class of 1983
Paula Stringari Clawson
Shirley Borelli Cross
Class of 1974
Suzanne Allison
Patricia Bell Dominguez
Lisa Martin Adamson
Julianne Chancerelle Ziemelis
Charlotte Doudell
Rosemary Arce
Mary Lu Ferrara
Sheryl O’Hara Driskell
Class of 1985
Claudia French
Rebecca Kulpa Fernandez
Michelle Santillan Gaeta
Terri Gonzalez-Valdez
Annmarie Voss Hendryx
Kristine Ferrari Larson
Theresa Gonzalez Hernandez
Geralynn Patellaro
Paulette Kempe Roseberry
Susan Madruga Hodges
Patty Hayes Stuart
Mary Berryessa Isaksen
Melanie Renner Troini
Class of 1987
Elizabeth Krueger Johannsen
Jane McCluskey Vaillancourt
Lanae Imperial Bays
Demerris Brooks
Gayle Masino Meusel
Juliana Siragusa Miller
Class of 1975
Carolyn Ferrari Montonye
Theresa Gutierrez Ochoa
Georgina Amador Acosta
Vanlinh Nguyen
Justina Aschoff Rogers
† Donor is deceased
Alumnæ Class Giving
Laura Washington
Elizabeth Moreno
Shelene Huey-Booker
Virginia Kempe Wilcox
Irma Orozco
Christine Leman Kacirek
Kathryn Heagerty Zazueta
Emma Reyes-Ramirez
Marina Kobayashi
Saundra McClendon Riley
Diana Koeplin
Class of 1988
Jennifer Chargin Robinson
Josephine Lai
Elizabeth Anderson Andrade
Susan Shelton
Livia Lo
Farah Noori Merchant
Helia Palacioz Shueh
Katherine Buckles Luedke
Elizabeth Vera-Pacheco
Jennifer Fiamingo Smith
Stephanie Margossian
Jennifer Dains Vigna
Abigail Soriano
Jeannette Marsala
Michelle Vu
Casey Merchant
Ashley Hiatt Miller
Class of 1989
Julie Ryser Barto
Class of 1995
Normalena Rios Moreno
Eva Condron-Wells
Angela Fagundes Langlands
Amy Moudakas
Anna Fox
Meghan Ryall
Cathy Nguyen
AiQuynh Nguyen
Denise Garcia
Class of 1996
Patricia Nicandro
Karen Caillat
Kelly Fisher Noble
Class of 1991
Jamie Horejs
Leslie Patron
Joan Ouano Benitez
Marta Zelaya
Margaret Purdy
Tara Hastings
Cheryl Ramirez
Cynthia Moraes Shaw
Class of 1999
Shayeri Reza
Class of 1992
Nicole Gallo Abarca
Jessica Manley Rojakovick
Michelle Cobb
Florence Acuna
Sharon Rosete
Patricia Ericson Johnson
Nina Alvarado
Amanda Sanchez
Melissa Lopez Rosa
Lara Dills Barton
Ardelle Seguritan
Nachelle Steffenson Bastianelli
Sandra Sequeira
Class of 1994
Natalie Bautista
Melanie Veloria
Tara Duquette Bejines
Tiffany Peggins Bonaparte
Melissa Payne Waters
Sherene Chan Bodnar
Kimberly Boynton
Megan Wygant
Maria Cetani
Diane Brasil
Megan Mullaly Davies
Elizabeth Callens
Jennifer Fanucchi
Charlene Cayabyab
Ariana Bennet Flamik
Mayra Flores De Marcotte
Michele Hatfield
Katharine Decker
Michelle Mullaly Hughes
RiaMae Diaz
Caryn Gandara Jackson
Leslie Lawrence Donoho
Malisha Kumar-Maupin
Gemma Escobar
Class of 2002
Yen Le
Melissa Espejo
Nathalia Brashear
Marissa Ortiz Lucketti
Kristen Corbal Giangregorio
Julia Hunt
Rachel Aldama McDonnell
Lisa Tomasello Gonzalez
Victoria Vu
Dalia Mohamed
Erica Henry
Stacey Wunderling Montes
Rachel Henry
Class of 2003
Kimberly Morales
Meaghan Hicks
Danielle Alvarado
Heather Gianoli Hinkley
Maria Borlaza
Class of 2000
Licinia McMorrow
Elizabeth Williams
Class of 2001
Kimberly Trinh
Tribute Gifts
Class of 2004
Jocelyn Barker
Louise Hobbs Doss
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
Janet Seidl ’49 Caputo and Richard Caputo
Artemisa Bobst
Monica Escobar
Brittany Johnson
James Ericson
Gwendolyn Johnson
Patricia and Raymond Jonas
Aileen Lu
Aalia Maan
Laura Quan
Rebecca Rodriguez
Lily Tang
Abigail Zamora
Class of 2006
Aubrey Alcudia
Arianna Alvarado
Class of 2008
Amy Chou
Shilpa Hampole
Caroline Reed
Alison Rivera
Tessa Siegel
Tora Troop
Anita Mandala ’33 Filice
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Edith Filice ’33 Filice
Candace and Jeffery Bastow
Anita Mandala ’33 Filice†
Joanne Filice ’58 Cunningham
John M. Filice, Jr.
Reynaldo Flores
Trish Murphy ’62 Crowder and Dave Crowder
Agnes Cabral ’29 Gabriele
and Frank Gabrielle
Joan Gabriele ’61 Barcellona
Adele Elizabeth Gatewood
Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
and Robert Diamond
Ruth Giammona
Mary South ’68 Certa and Diego Certa
Theresa DiSalvo ’38 Mancino
Betty King ’38 Bowers
Elizabeth Voss ’23 McKenzie
Caroline McKenzie ’50 Appling
Maria Del Carmen Minor ’62
Dolores Minor ’62 Mora
Gloria Pieracci ’41 Morrill
Antoinette Schifano ’41 Parsons
and Henry Parsons
Theresa O’Donnell ’45
Grace Rowan ’45 Garcia and Justin Garcia
Sister Mary of the Visitation
The Honorable Marilyn Pestarino ’49 Zecher, JD
Diana Paradiso ’71
Mary Catherine Sheridan ’71
Ernesta and Elmo Pardini
Loreene Pardini ’59 Giansiracusa
Mary Barbaccia Piazza
Donald Perlenda
Estelle Gay ’42 Pozzi
Gus Pozzi
Rachel Weed
Joseph Giansiracusa, M.D.
Loreene Pardini ’59 Giansiracusa
Julie Truchon ’61 Richard
Judith Fumia ’61 Buldo
Roseanna Torretto ’61
Class of 2009
Cecilia and Salvatore Giansiracusa
Loreene Pardini ’59 Giansiracusa
Pauline Cribari ’45 Rizzuto
Grace Rowan ’45 Garcia and Justin Garcia
Krystal Sigmon
Virginia Jacklich ’42 Goodpasture
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Maxine Smrekar ’42
Helen Duckgeishel ’44 Salberg
Janice Perlenda ’44 Salberg
Tribute Gifts
Sr. Angela Julie Gutierrez
Nancy Welch
Cassandra Van der Zweep
Neda Lahidji
Rica Santos
In Memory
Jacqueline Zaro Adams
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Hilda Del Grande ’47 Albanese
Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
Norma Genovesi ’47 Heinrichs
and John Heinrichs
Vincent A. Arnerich, Jr.
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
June Filice ’54 Barci
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Evelyn Minardi ’35 Bellardi
Connie Minardi ’42 Turner and Frank Turner
Carmel Jacklin ’50 Hall
Carol Rankin ’50 Nagengast
and Tom Nagengast
Ellen McNally ’65 Kearney
John Kearney
Allison Lawrence ’04
Ruth and Joseph Lawrence
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Cathy and John Thornton
Mary and Lansing Thornton
Helen Kelly ’39 Maher
Mary Ann Kelly ’61 McCarthy
and John McCarthy
Norma Lewis ’42 Schirle
Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Audrey Slavich ’42 Clodfelter
Mary Lou DeBona ’42 Filice
Lynn and Thomas Finnegan
Diane and Rick Fontaine
Rita Gilmore
Frances Grell
Kathleen Reuger and Roy Kuga
Julie and Tom McInerey
Frederick and Jean Mitchell
Marianne Hayes ’42 Morrisey
Paula and Marc Muramatsu
Alberta Vierra ’45 Navarra
Kathleen Coyle ’42 Nino and Robert Nino
Sarah Nordquist
Shawn and Julie Nordquist
PG&E Law Department
PG&E Litigation Team
† Donor is deceased
In-kind Donations
Christine Robles
Beverly Schirle
Claranne Gullo ’64 Schirle
Denise Michael and David Schirle
Karen Schirle
Ronald and Brenda Schirle
Marnie Nordquist and Stephen Schirle
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Colleen and Gerald Scimeca
Maxine Smrekar ’42
Connie Minardi ’42 Turner and Frank Turner
Henry Schiro
Deanna Lewis ’56 LaBarbera and Philip
Mary Lou Schoone
In Honor
Rosanne Cortese ’76 Compitello
and Robert Compitello
Jeanne Benoit ’40 Baysinger
Diane and Theodore Danen
Eva Condron-Wells ’89 and Rob Wells
Barbara Brown
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Catherine and David Pandori
Donna McGann ’55 Romano and Bill Romano
Meghan Ryall ’95
Mary Lou Schoone
Barbara Simmons
Sr. Catherine Waldron ’63, SND
Mary Ciesinski ’04
Helen and Michael Ciesinski
John Sedlak
Elaine and Patrick Ryall
Margaret Kane ’11
Margaret Mawhinney
Winifred Silveira
Cheryl and John Harrah
Judith Jones ’82 Padilla
Daisy Jones
Arlene Zarou-Cooperman
and Jack Cooperman
Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
and Dominic Cortese
Tamara and Jeff Current
Martha D’Achiardi-Estrada
Dena and Clark Donahue
Elizabeth and Laurence England
Michael Filice, Jr.
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Paula and William Furniss
Denise Garcia ’89
Mike Gonzales
Carol and Jim Graham
Anne Greene
John Steffani
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
In-Kind Donations
Gwen and Todd Gummow
Arlene Pieracci ’63 Herrick
and Michael Herrick
Rudy Aguilar
Penny and Roger Hitchcock
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Merilee Germano and Craig Hulse
Colleen and Robert Altendorf
Mary Jo and Pat Ignoffo
Delia Ansted
Therese Inkmann
Agnes Theresa Trinchero ’34
Deborah Sitka and Patrick Welch
Terrence Welch
Julie Araiza
Aparna and Govinda Karempudi
Leslie and Gregg Arioto
Gina Dimino and James Kaufman
Stephanie and Charles Armiger
Paula and Dennis Kelly
Joseph Tupaj
Marilyn and Joseph Collins
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Michele Grosso
Mary Lou Schoone
Barbara Simmons
Rod Bagg
Rebecca Hendricks and Ted Key
Margaret Bannick
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Carol Kramer and David Bicknell
Laura Mills-Kitzerow and Paul Kitzerow
Jane Frommer and Stephen Boyer
Kathryn Kuszmar
John Bracco, Jr.
Neda Lahidji ’09
Sr. Marie Veronica Wagner, SND
Barbara Ramos ’62 Westover
and Christopher Westover
Minh Le and Terry Branch
Linda Lawrence
Patricia Rubino ’65 Brunetti
and Michael Brunetti
Lisa and Alex Laymon
Nancy White
Barbara Simmons
Mary and Ron Cabanayan
Martha and Sam Lazarakis
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Joy and Ron Lopez
Loret Carbone ’67
Ronnie Lott
Diane and Walter Carney
Patsy and Allen Luniewski
Ruth Chen and Jon Chang
Robin and Ray Lyons
Helen and David Clark
Diana Torres ’56 Maddox
Lisa Coddington
Manvinder and Charanbir Mahal
Deborah Schultz and Gary Cohen
Vicky Mallon
Elizabeth Thiercof ’95
Trish Murphy ’62 Crowder and Dave Crowder
Meghan Ryall ’95
Elaine and Patrick Ryall
Louis “Bud” Towner
Patricia Maher ’55 Filice and Bruney Filice
Lavon and John Woodcock
Donna Woodcock ’63
Dorothy H. Zaro
Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Mary and Remundo Lazaga
Carolyn and Darrell Mervau
CompuNet Systems Solutions, Inc.
Victoria Scott and Tony Misch
(ND) – Alumnae Parents
Corporate Inn / Sunnyvale
Catherine Shearley and Stephen Murphy
28 in 24
Courtside Club
Stephanie Neustadter and Jeff Ota
4th Street Bowl Coffee Shop
Creature Comfort
Cindy and Dzien Ngo
A Touch of Love
Cupertino Bike Shop
Kathy Sure and Douglas O’Neal
A.P. Stump’s
Decathlon Club
Catherine and David Pandori
AAA Northern California
Deerfield Ranch Winery
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
ABC Lock & Key Co.
Detail Plus
Barbara Kelly-Pedersen and Karl Pedersen
Abracadabra Art Portraits
Di Moda Salon
Emilia Peña-Bobst
Adelita’s Taqueria
Douglas Fairbairn Photography
Tina and John Pham
Adventures in Advertising
Douglas Landscape Construction, Inc.
Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond and Randall Pond
Aldo’s Ristorante & Bar
Dr. Jessica Paige, Chiropractor
Gus Pozzi
All Ears Audio Books
Eagle Ridge Golf Club
Haley Rees ’11
Almaden Swim & Racquet Club
Economic Driving School
Linda and Frank Ricchio
Almaden Valley Athletic Club
Editions Limited
JoAnn and Michael Ricks
Almaden Valley Nursery
Eichhorn, Inc.
Melissa Lopez ’92 Rosa and Joe Rosa
American Laser Centers
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Martha and Frank Ryan
American Leisure Company
Fineline Graphics & Design, Inc.
Barbara Fleming ’52 Samper
Aqui Cal-Mex Grill
For Your Health Chiropractic
Maria and Joseph Sciamanna
Artesa Winery
Fortino Winery
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Ballet San Jose
Gallagher, Reedy & Jones
Ann Seid
Balletto Vineyards Tasting Room
Genesis Photography
Ann and Bill Skeet
Belle’s Glowing Candles
Giorgio’s Italian Food & Pizzeria
Claire Sprock ’11
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Great America
Cynthia and Vance Sprock
Bijan Bakery & Cafe
Happy Hollow Park & Zoo
Betty Steinhoff
Blackhawk Country Club
Honig Vineyard & Winery
Debbie and Bryan Stolle
Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club
IBM Matching Grant Program
Lani and Richard Sutherland
Byington Vineyard & Winery
Image Salon
Vivian and Tim Takeda
C. & S. Vending
Jim Russell Racing Schools
Sharon Tamagni
Camera Cinemas
JP Impressions Distinctive Photography
Corinne and Dan Taylor
Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos
Kyoto Palace
Kate and Brian Tennant
Capelli Salon
La Concha Spa Salon
Loann and Thuy Truong
Castello Di Amorosa Winery
Let’s Face It Day Spa
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Central Concrete
Mary Wallis
Children’s Discovery Museum
Lunardi’s Markets
Lisa and James Walstrum
CineLux Theatres
M. E. Fox & Co.
Debra and Dan Weed
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Mann’s Jewelers
Kathy and Jay Williams, Jr.
Citti’s Florist
Markham Vineyards
Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka
Classic Car Wash
Matanzas Creek Winery
Kathryn Heagerty ’87 Zazueta
and Tomas Zazueta
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Cline Cellars
Mio Vicino Santa Clara
Cloverleaf Family Bowl
Namaste Therapeutic Massage
Club Sport Fremont
Napa Valley Wine Train
Nilou Day Spa
† Donor is deceased
In-kind Donations
Oakland Athletics
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
The Container Store
Object Art Gallery
San Jose Museum of Art
The Fairmont San Jose
Palm, Inc.
San Jose Sharks
The Fish Market
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme
San Juan Oaks Golf Club
The Giving Gourmet
Paso Robles Investments, LLC
Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards
The Menkes Clinic
Peak Travel Group
Schurra’s Candy
The Party Helpers
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Sharks Ice at San Jose
The Pita Pit
Peju Province Winery
Shervin Parvini, DC
The Running Revolution
Photography By Delgado
Silver Creek Valley Country Club
The Tech Museum of Innovation
Physician’s Skin Solutions
SJ Dance Express
Poor House Bistro
Sonoma Chicken Coop
Tova Day Spa
Pruneridge Golf Club
Sony Electronics
Tude’s School of Dance
Rancho Del Pueblo
South Bay Guitar Society
V. Sattui Winery
Robert Biale Vineyards
Squaw Valley Realty
W.E. Harding Co., Inc.
Rocca Family Vineyard
Steinway Society of the Bay Area
West Valley Light Opera Association
Rose Garden Auto Care
Stillwater Equestrian
Western Digital
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
Strawberry Lodge
Westside Family Vision Center
San Francisco 49ers
Sunnyvale’s Finest in Framing
Willow Glen Travel
San Francisco Zoological Society
Symphony Silicon Valley
Winchester Mystery House
San Jose Chamber Orchestra
Tangerine Hair Studio
Yamagami’s Nursery
San Jose Earthquakes
Terra Valentine Winery
Yoga Source Los Gatos
San Jose Giants
Testarossa Vineyards
Zanotto’s Grocery
Save the Date: Friday, May 7th, 2010
Notre Dame Auction
For more Information and to buy tickets visit
Contact Anna Quinones, Associate Director of Fundraising to donate auction items
408-294-1113 ext. 2158
Giving to Notre Dame
Ways to Give to
Notre Dame
There are many options available
to you to support Notre Dame’s
legacy of providing an outstanding
education for young women.
Pledges or gifts of outright cash
or appreciated securities are the
most common ways you can
participate. In consultation with
your financial advisor, you may
also consider life income gifts
that include naming Notre Dame
High School in your will, or with
life income plans or naming a gift
to the endowment.
1851 Legacy Society
The 1851 Legacy Society
recognizes those individuals who
have named Notre Dame High
School with a bequest in their
will, or with life income gifts
or named endowment funds.
Lifetime Giving
You can support Notre Dame by
making a bequest in your will or
estate plans. These include gifts
of real estate, cash, securities or
closely held stock, and outright
cash gifts. You can also make
a sizable contribution to Notre
Dame now to help meet our
current needs without reducing
the estate you will pass to
your family by purchasing life
insurance, naming Notre Dame
as beneficiary.
Endowment Giving
Tribute Gifts
When you contribute to Notre
Dame’s endowment, you help
secure its future. Your gift to our
endowment is carefully invested
and managed for growth. The
restricted principal is preserved
in perpetuity and the interest
earnings are used to provide
scholarships or to support
programs, depending upon your
wishes. You may establish a named
fund or contribute to an existing
endowment for scholarships
or programs.
What better way to remember a
family member or friend than by
making a gift to Notre Dame in
their honor or memory? You will
receive an acknowledgement for
your gift and a note will be sent
to the family of those you have
Annual Giving
The Annual Giving campaign
is our yearly appeal to parents,
alumnae and friends for
consideration of an unrestricted
gift to Notre Dame San Jose that
will help make up the difference
between tuition income and what
it costs to operate the school on a
daily basis.
Meeting our objectives for annual
giving allows us to maintain a
balanced operating budget while
also making regular investments
in our overall facilities, academic
programs, technology and
co-curricular programs.
Special Events
Notre Dame hosts three major
fundraising events annually: a
golf tournament, a crab fest and a
gala auction. Your underwriting,
sponsorship and attendance
at these events raises funds
for tuition assistance and the
operating budget.
For More Information
If you would like information or
have questions about any of the
giving opportunities listed above,
please contact Anna Quinones in
the Advancement Department at
408-294-1113 ext. 2158 or
[email protected].
Your gifts to Notre Dame High
School are tax deductible as
allowed by law.
Matching Gifts
If your company has a matching
gift program for its employees,
you can double your gift with a
corporate match. Check with your
Human Resources office to see if
your or your spouse’s employer
offers a matching gift program
or contact the Notre Dame
Advancement office.
We have carefully reviewed the names of donors listed in this report. If your name has been
omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apology and bring the error
to our attention so that we may correct our records. Contact Leslie Worthington in the
Advancement Department at 408-294-1113 ext. 2180 or lworthington @
596 S. Second St.
San Jose, CA 95112
ph: 408.294.1113
fax: 408.293.9779
2008~2009 annual
596 S. Second St.
San Jose, CA 95112
Address service requested
Please call or email address corrections
to Leslie Worthington in the Advancement
Department at 408-294-1113 ext. 2180 or
[email protected].
A Catholic College Preparatory High School for Young Women since 1851
Jennifer Padilla, ASB President; Manali Shah, ASB Vice President; Jessica Ruth
Women’s Leadership
Zeta, ASB Commissioner of Spirit