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can be found here
otafest assault 3
rules and regulations
Otafest 2015
May 15-17 2015
University of Calgary
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Main Events
Super Smash Bros Melee: Singles & Doubles
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U: Singles & Doubles
Side Events
Project M (tentative)
Bring Your Own Controllers
o No batteries will be provided. No controller will be considered forfeiture.
Registration must be completed online. Pre-registration is mandatory.
o You must have a Weekend Pass to patriciate in the tournament.
o The Weekend Pass allows entry into Otafest events and three (3)
o Fourth Entry is an extra $10.00 at the door.
o Daily Passes (e.g. Friday-only, Saturday-only, Sunday-only) will not be
accepted for entry. Spectators only.
Tentative, subject to change.
Eliminative Pools
Double Elimination Bracket Begins, Doubles Begins
Top 8 to Grand Finals
**We will be strict on time; we recommend you bring food and other needs with you
to the tournament. There will be trash bins and restrooms nearby.
Singles: $2,000.00 split
Doubles: $700.00
Smash 4
Singles: $700.00
Doubles: $600.00
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Players must attend their matches at the designated times they are called.
If you are 5 minutes late, you will receive a set loss.
If you are leaving the area, inform the tournament staff. This does not mean you
are exempt from being late.
Players are required to be ready at the time of a match and report a match upon
1. While at Otafest, you will abide by all Otafest policies.
2. Otafest is a family friendly event, and all patrons including tournament
participants, spectators, and organizers shall act in a manner conducive to a family
friendly environment (i.e. keep it PG).
3. Non-tournament matches ("friendlies") are not to be played on tournament TVs
at any time. Failure to abide by this may result in disqualification.
4. By entering the University of Calgary, you consent to having your likeness used in
any recorded media for the event for venue and will respect the property as such.
5. You must bring your own controller. Neither Otafest nor the University of Calgary
shall be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen objects or belongings.
6. Organizer has full rights to upload and save matches for public viewing.
7. Any texture, music and stage mods are acceptable provided that they do not
tamper with the overall game (i.e. Lag or visual hindrance).
8. Coaching during a match and a set is not allowed (with the exception of doubles).
9. Tardiness will not tolerated. Any party that is absent in time for a match will be
disqualified with no refund.
10. Any physical/verbal abuse or violence towards the organizer and/or volunteers
will result in your immediate removal from the venue, and authorities will be
called. This includes and is not limited to verbal abuse, discrimination against
sexuality, race, or religion or any action that can be deemed as such (including but
not limited to calling an action "gay", using "rape" to describe the severity of your
beat down, or calling a person of any sex/gender disrespectful names) and any
fighting/physical assault. For any incidents, immediately report to a tournament
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
11. Hype interaction between players is encouraged but must be respectful and selfmoderated. A technical foul will be issued in response to insulting a player with
issues that don't pertain to the game.
12. Three (3) technical fouls will result in a disqualification and removal from the
13. Anyone caught tampering/manipulating equipment or attempting to remove
anything from the tournament and tournament equipment will be ejected
immediately and will have their wristband cut without refund.
14. If you are caught cheating with modified game files, you will be immediately
disqualified without refund and banned from future events.
15. In the event that the game crashes or the TV/Wii loses power in the middle of a
match, that match will be restarted from the beginning with the same characters
and stage. If a player uses a known glitch to intentionally crash the game or
otherwise make it unfinishable, that player may be forced to forfeit the match or
be disqualified at the tournament organizer's discretion.
16. No visible hardware or software modifications on systems are allowed for backup
17. Be clean and hygienic. Throw out your trash and make sure everything looks and
smells nice. Be considerate of other people.
Game version: NTSC Nintendo Gamecube
Game Settings
Items are set to off.
4 Stock, 8 Minutes.
Wobbling is legal. Freezing via glitching is illegal. Excessive wobbling past 300%
is considered stalling the match.
Stalling is illegal. Stalling is defined as delaying the game with no intent to fight
the opponent. This is not to be confused with camping, which the opponent is
forced to fight but at a distance. Variations of stalling include using Jigglypuff's
rising pound away from the opponent or Peach Bomber to delay the game
excessively or to waste time. Recovery with these techniques is acceptable.
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Ex. In Melee, using Peach Bomber to stay directly at the bottom of a wall on Yoshi's
Story to avoid any interaction for longer than 40 seconds. In Smash 4 - using
Villager to go from one side of a stage to another will be considered stalling if used
to waste time.
Camping Examples
Fox/Falco using lasers to pressure opponents from afar. Duck Hunt casting
projectiles to harass from a distance. Jigglypuff "planking" from the ledge in Melee,
as this has vulnerability with the intent to fight.
All inescapable combos and techniques (i.e. - wobbling) must end before 300%.
No abuse of moves that allow a character to remain in a position that is
unreachable without a loss of a stock. Accusations of stalling will be dealt with on
a case-by-case basis.
Mark the differences, as we will be aware of these.
Double Blind: If elected.
Contest Port Priority: If elected.
Neutral Start: If elected.
DSR: You cannot counter pick to any stage you have ever won on.
Gentleman's Clause: Any stage may be played on if both players agree to it. This
rule takes priority over DSR. Players may NOT agree to change the number of
matches played.
Forced Character Selection: Off.
Singles Stage List
 Starters/Neutrals
o Yoshi's Story
o Fountain of Dreams
o Battlefield
o Final Destination
o Dream Land
Counter Pick Stages
o Pokémon Stadium
Doubles Stage List
 Starters/Neutrals
o Yoshi's Story
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Pokemon Stadium
Final Destination
Dream Land
Counter Pick Stages
o DK 64
Stage Selection Process
 First stage is decided by striking from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but must
pick before loser selects character.
Following stages decided by winner striking one stage from all stages and then
loser choosing.
There are no stage bans for any matches that are best of five.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
General Rules
 Matches that time out will be determined by the remaining number of lives, then
percentage of the current stock. In the event of a percentage tie, the match should
be replayed in full. Sudden Death shall be played, and will not count. A
player/team may not counter pick to the stage they last won on. This includes the
first match won via stage striking.
Pausing the game shall only be legal while either player remains upon their own
respawn platform, and only for the purpose of summoning a tournament official
or in the case of a controller malfunction. All other pauses will incur a stock loss
to the player who pauses the game.
Players are not allowed to agree to extending the set or choosing stages outside
the rules. Failure to abide will result in disqualification.
Term Definitions
 Double Blind: Either player may request that a double blind selection occur. In
this situation, a 3rd party should be told, in secret, each of player's choices for the
first round. Both players are to then select their first round character, with the
3rd party validating that the character selected is the same as their word.
Contest Port Priority: If an agreement cannot be made as to who gets which port,
the players may enact a best of 1 game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. The winner
receives their port selection, the loser may select any other port.
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Neutral Start: Either player may elect to enact this rule before the match. Once
enacted, both players may only use one of the two "Neutral Starting Positions".
Striking: The process of eliminating stages to select.
Game Settings
2 Stock, 8 Minutes for Singles.
3 Stock, 8 Minutes for Doubles.
Custom Fighters are set to off.
Mii Fighters are illegal.
Stage List
 Starter Stages
o Battlefield
o Final Destination
o Smashville
Counter Pick Stages
o Castle Siege
o Delfino Plaza
o Duck Hunt
o Kongo Jungle 64
o Lylat Cruise
o Town & City
o Omega Stages*
* Omegas will be treated as Final Destination in banning phase. If Final Destination is
banned, Omega stages are banned and vice versa.
Stage Selection Process
 The player with port priority strikes one stage from the Starter Stage list. Then
the other player strikes one stage and the remaining stage is used for the first
DSR: You may not counter pick a stage that has already been played on in the
Winning Players are to ban 2 stages from the entire stage list. The stage is then
picked by the opponent.
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
Additional Rules
 If glitches occur, it is the player responsibility to call a TO/Referee to the TV
and show proof of said glitch. If this occurs, players are to reset the match.
Stages and characters do not change.
Suicides are dictated by the verdict of the game. However, Bowser’s Suicide-B,
even if it is used as the “killing blow”, will result in a loss for the Bowser player.
Red and Blue are to be used as the two team colors during doubles matches.
Doubles-Specific Rules
 Team attack is set to 'on' and stock stealing is enabled.
If a player is using characters with specific colors, either team may request
that team colors be changed to make it easier to tell the difference between
team players
Controller port is determined by Rock-Paper-Scissors if it can't be agreed
upon. For doubles, the controller ports must be 1-2-2-1.
Pause is off.
No excessive stalling. (e.g. Using Pac-Man’s UpB, Luigi Ladder, or other
variations of stalling)
Players may not agree to any rule or stage outside the tournament ruleset.
In the event of a timeout, the team with the most stocks is declared the winner.
If stocks are even, the team with the largest damage percent sum will be
considered the losing team.
1. “TO” refers to the Tournament Organiser.
2. TO reserves the right to deny entry if any player is suspected of committing a
crime or behaving in a matter that detrimental to the integrity of the
3. TO reserves the right to deny a refund if you are removed from the
4. TO reserves right to deny pay-out and prize to players suspected of throwing
matches or manipulating brackets.
otafest assault 3
smash bros. tournament rules and regulations
5. TO reserves right to settle any unexpected events that may occur. In rare and
extreme situations, rules may be altered in the best interests of the venue. i.e.
time constraints.
6. Games are not to be replayed due to rule misinterpretation. Players are
expected to take responsibility for understanding the rules with the available
resources (asking TO, reviewing the website) in the event of a disagreement.
No outcome will be changed after the fact unless extreme circumstances arise.
7. Any other situation not highlighted will be taken care of by staff. You have a
right to voice and questions and concerns to the TO, however the TO's
judgement is final. Any prolonged argument will result with penalties or
removal depending on the act and no refunds will be issued.
8. The Tournament Bracket is subject to balance and proper seeding, under no
circumstance is anyone other than the TO or appointed staff to touch
equipment pertaining to the brackets/player seeding.
1. Persons allowed on livestream equipment and stream commentary are
limited to the livestream owners (i.e. Staff/Execs and UM5Gaming). Any
unauthorized bodies/persons handling the stream are subject to be ejected
from the tournament without refund and revocation of admission, with a
possibility of being banned.
2. There will be zero tolerance towards unauthorized personnel on the stream
commentary. The owner of the stream holds no accountability for actions of
3. All commentators consent to be publicized on the stream and to credit the
stream, the venue and the players respectfully.
4. Commentators will be appointed for the stream. Inquiry to commentate must
be given by stream owner. Stream Staff reserve the right to deny your request
and reserve the right to remove commentators.