3DDD - Diego Ricchiuti


3DDD - Diego Ricchiuti
Diego Ricchiuti S151448
UCS 2011/2012, BA Computer Game Design
3D Modelling
Phill Jackson
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3D Model Design document
Produce a digital DESIGN DOCUMENT outlining the creation of a textured 3D low
poly model (or models) for possible inclusion into a game world.
The design document must include:
A: Photographic source material or reference (or “blueprints”) ideally taken
from different angles (top, front, left and right) to assist with modelling and
B: Textures created from original source materials.
C: Screenshots of the development process.
D: A clearly annotated Design Document describing the creative process and
techniques used: for example material creation, modifiers, render settings, etc.
E: A final “splash page” render of your finished object.
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Suck Cannon
The suck cannon is a very famous weapon from the Ratchet & Clank series. It appears
for the first time in the first game of the series (Ratchet & Clank, PS2, 2002). The
weapon is basically a giant vacuum cleaner. In the game, the player can use it to suck
small enemies and small objects, and then shoot these minions against other enemies.
Photographic source material
A right view of the suck cannon
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Render image of the suck cannon, from right-down point of view.
In game image of the golden suck cannon, from a left-down point of view
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A blueprints, of the suck cannon.
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Development process with screenshots
First of all, I set the units to meters and 1m x 1m x 1m as standard dimensions for
each block. After that I created two different cylinders, and I have transformed both in
editable poly. Then I have used uniform scale to resize the front face of the big
cylinder, I used uniform scale selecting the central line (using edge) of the cylinder to
give the idea of rounded shape. At the end I deleted the plane faces for both the
I used the vertex selector to move the vertexes on the edge of the big cylinder, trying
to reproduce the original shape. Finally I just move the small cylinder inside the big
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The final result was very bad, with a lot of errors and problems. So I decide to restart
the project. I create a new cylinder and using the uniform scale, and the vertexes
selector, I have shaped it using the first two cylinders as reference.
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Firstly I used the swift loop technique to add more lines in my cylinder most of these
lines near to the recess. I used these lines to make the recess more similar to the
original one. Then I create another cylinder and I used the uniform scale to shape it,
following the original.
In This part; I was trying to create the bases for the back handgrip. I started deleting
the back face of the second cylinder, then I used the edge selector and the extrude
system to stretch the edge. After that I did the same thing with the front face of the
small cylinder.
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One again the shape of the second cylinder was very ruined, so I used that shape as
base to a new one. However in this part I decide to create a plane, then I used the
material editor to put on this plane, as texture my most important reference image of
the suck cannon and use to fix my shape.
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Again I was trying to create the base for the back hand grip, using extrude and shell
modification, to make my shape thicker.
The shell modification was failure, so I created a new one. This time the cylinder was
made with more then one cap segments (five in total). With this cap segments was
much easier extrude shape to create “container” of the hand grip.
After That I used the Insert modification to create a small squared face, on my shape
where in the handgrip position. Then I used extrude to on this face to obtain the basic
shape of the handgrip. Finally with swift loop I have added more segments, and using
the vertexes selector I moved these vertexes following the reference image.
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This is a picture to show the final result.
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After the handgrip, I started to work on the bolt on the top of the shape. First of all I
create a new cylinder with only five sides and one segment, then I extrude it bottom
part. Finally I create a sphere, then I cut half of this sphere and I put it on the top of
the bolt.
Using the line created before, I moved the vertexes imitating the original handgrip of
the suck cannon.
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I create a new cylinder, and then I moved it in the right position. Finally I create a
sphere after that I cut the sphere in two parts, then I moved these parts in the right
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One again the first part of the cannon wasn’t shape in the best way, so I decided to
restart again, using the previous one and the image as references.
The new shape was much better than the previous one.
Fist of all I used ALT+X to make the shape transparent, and check if every part was
in the right position. Then I create a new box, using the uniform scale I stretch it, then
I using uniform scale and extrude, I create the second handgrip.
After that I create a new sphere using uniform scale and extrude, I modelled it
following the image.
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Firstly I create a basic cylinder, and then I used the swift loop and the non-uniform
scale to modify the shape.
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To create the tube that connect the sphere with the bottom of the cannon; I decide to
use the line shape. First of all I select in the snaps toggle the vertex selection, and then
I unselect the grid points.
After that I select the lie shape from the shapes, splines menu. At the end I modelled
the line trying to follow the original shape.
I wasn’t unsatisfied by the first attempt, so I tried again. This line was a little bit better but still
not enough.
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I tried a third time, this time the final result was much better.
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To finish the line, I select every horizontal line in the tube, expect for the first and the
last one, then I extruded all this line, finally using the uniform scale I make the
extruded parts thicker.
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After I finished the shape, I started to work on the mapping of the different parts of
the suck cannon, for future placement of the textures. However as first thing I used
the modifier UVW map selecting a cylindrical shape, then I collapsed it.
At this stage I used the Unwrap UVW modifier, opening the UV editor, using weld
button, and align horizontal and align vertical, to make the mapping straighter as
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possible. Then I repeat the same process for the other shape (of course changing in the
shape in the UVW map). After I finished mapping all the pieces of the shape, I have
exported the UVW map and using the map in Photoshop as base for the textures some
examples of the original UVW map.
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After I finished the textures, I used the material editor to import the textures in 3d
max and on the shape. Once all the textures were on the shape, I have exported my
shape as an .FBX file to be able to import it in Unity, with the textures.
After that I added the Object on the unity screen. Then I create new texture for the
most important part of the shape
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I used these textures with the Bumped Specular modificator, to obtain a metal 3D
effect for my shape.
Finally I added a camera object and a point light object to the unity's scene.
Final Splash Page
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