qqi efr €q& F{[JI{DRED RUPEHS eryu'wffi"firuffifrA .it$ q"dilfF MAHARASHT ,,,:.,liW, 27 A87 6 *d Fs$" Etr"hqnFzv^i . ,"nl.n,'..'".",iett,, ,' -.i " \{u"s1 ,{/r(fi sf(& h.{]Yt*itir;' v".-.-', NOTAR|AL.{ ':*!'J'N \ * \-7 !lo= VT. {/'"\, lj rl H\ ', ' \ee h'- \ 9ii:-**3d \6##t 6andidate along with nominalion paper before the Afhdavit to be f ed rgturning officer for election to Loksabha (name of the house) from 29- Mumbai North-Central Parliamentarv Constituency (name of the constituency) g q I PART. A I Abu Farhan Azrni, Son of Abu Asim Azmi, aged about 33 years, resident of Sentine{ House, 2"a floor, H. N. A. Azmi Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 0O5 (mention fulI postal address), a cardidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly afhrm a.nd state on (t) oath as under:- I am a candidate set up by Sa:naiwadi Partv (name of the poutical party)/ an (** strike out whichever is not @didae. applicable) {21 (3) My na:ae is enrolled in 31. Mumbai South. Maharashtra (name of constituency and the state), at serial No. !!!! in part No. U9. My contact teleptibnE gpm.ber(s)/are Cell No. 9g21666600, Telephone No. 66369999.add'my e-mail ld:(if any) is farhan(Ocafebasilico.com and information about my soci?l felia ssgqunt is t\ itter @F.bufarhanazmi and for Facebook abu farhan a-ani. (4) Details of permanent account number(PAN) and status of fi.ling of income Tax return: Sr. Names PAN I Self AADPA6T40O 3 Spouse- Ayesha AABPT7272J Takia Azmi DependentNIL No. o 4 5 (s) The financial Total income year for which shown in income the last tax return (in income-tax rupees) retum has been frled Master 2012-2013 2012-2013 58.56.O10 /24,53,9sO / - NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Abu Mikail Azmi- age 4 months DeDendent- 2 DeDendent- 3 ML NIL ML NIL ML I sn/am not accused of any offence(s) punishable with imprisonment for two in a pending case(s) in which a charge(s) has/have been frs,,,ed by the Court(s) of competent jurisdiction. If the deponent is accused of any such years or more I offence(s) he shall furnish the following information:- (i) The following case(s) is /are pend.ing against me in whlch charges have been frarned by the Court for an oflence punishable with imprisonment for two years or more:- NOT AppLICAIILE -. r .. :r13 3 ',rc (e) p6{/First ,ai'J frAhfi.t with qs * qs I Information Report No./Nos. Not Applicable complete details of c\fferned Police Station/District/ State 6ection(s) of the concemed Act(s) and Not Applicable short description of the offence(s) for which cha1ged Narae of the Court, case No. and date of Not Applicable (c) order: taking cognizance: (d) (e) Court(s) which framed the charge(s) Not Applicable Date(s) on which the charge(s) was/were Not Applicable framed Whether all or any of the proceeding(s) Not Applicable have been stayed by any Couft(s) of competent jurisdiction (0 (ii) The following case(s) is/are pending against me in rvhich cognizance has be-en t-iikeri b)t the Court [other t]ran the cases mentioned in item {i) abovel:(a) Narae of the Court, case No. and date of order taking cognizance: (b) The details of cases where the Court Not Applicable has taken cognizance, section(s) of the Act(s) and description of the otrence(s) for which cognizance taken (c) Details of appeal{s)/application(s) for Not Applicable revision (if any) frled against tJle above Not Applicable order(s) '(6)' I have been/have'not been convicted of an otrence(s) [ot]rer t]ran any otrence(s) referred to in sib-section (1) or sub-section (2) or covered in sub-section (3), of section 8 of the representation of the people Act, 19Sl (43 of lg5l)l and sentenced to imprisonrn€nt for one year or more.- Not Applicable If the deponent is convicted and punished as aforesaid, he shall furnish the following information: - Not Applicable In the following cases, I have been convicted arld sentenced to imprisonment by a Court of larv: - The details of cases section(s1 of the concerned Act(s) arld description of the olfence(s) for which convicted. Name of the Court(s) case No. and ddte(si of drdei(s) Whether any appeal was/has been hled the conviction order. .If so, Not Applicable details and the present status of thE i 2 = ' (7) That I give herein ttre details of the assets (movabli and irnmovable etc.) of myself, my spou:e ond all.dependents: A Details of movable assets: Note 1 : Assets in joint name indicating the extent ofjoint owneiship will also have to be given. Note 2 : In case- of deposit/investment, the detsits including serial number, amount, ' date of deposit, the scheme, name of trre bank/insitution and branch are to be given. Note 3 : Value of bonds/ share debentures as per correct ma.rket value in stock exchaage in resp.6l sf tisted companies and. as per books in case on non_ listed companies should be given. -Note 4 : Dependent here has tlre sami Teaning as assigned in explanation (v) under ., . _ :"gri:".75-A,of the representation Nore J : Detalts lncluding anount investment. ofthe teopd ect, l95l. is to be given separately in respect of each 1,81,0s0.28 t9,77 ,431 .23 bank account (FDRs, ?erm Deposits and all other t5rpes of deposits inbludir:g ' . saving accounts), deposits u'ith filalcial institution, non.banking frnancial compalies ard Co- Operative Societies arrd the amount in each sui:tr d posit . . 10,86,18,107.00 3,20,66,175.00 Not applic able Not applic able GC 5. ,ff s" in il eIlt" Fbpanies/M U (iv) h-{ral tunds 6d oth", "rrd the a.urount Details ' 'of 49,00,000.oo NIL NIL investment in NSS, Postal applic Not applic able able Not. saving, insuralce policies and investment in any financial instruments post office or insurance company and the amount (v) Personal 1,39,36,651.00 1,07,64,4r0.00 NIL Not Not Applic applic able able BMW NIL NIL Not lodns/iedVaic e given to any person entity including nrm, compzrny, Aust etc., and other receivables from debtors and alnount (1'r) Motor veirict6!7)riicr afts/Yachts) Ships (Details of make, registration number etc. applic able MHOlDNSO 2006 s4,00,000/oL/o7 | 2oo8 Not applic able SKODA SUPERB year MHolAXl562 alaount) 21,63,575.00 of 2011 purchase ald 30 (v,') /03l2Or1 Jewellery, bullion and valuable thing(s) 6,88,000.00 82,89,500.00 42.95 Gms 2810 Gms ML Not applic able Not applic Not Not applic applic able (gve delailq. . .. 9{ weight and value) (viii) other NIL assets such as value of Any NIL NIL v 6 claims/interes able t Gross ('x) Total 13,59,26,223.56 valie 5,36,85,767.23 NIL Not applic able ffi B. Details of immovable assets: Note I : properties in joint ownership indicating tl1e extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated. Note 2 : Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. Ag cultural Khuldabad, Badlabai, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, S. No.17 Land- 'locitionis) survey number(s) Date of 05/07 /2OO8 purchase in of . selfacquired property Cost of Land r,s0,000/(in case of purchase) at the time of purchase - Any investment on the land by \r'ay of development, construction etc. 5,78,00,000.00 7 + g9a? Ktruldabad, Badlabai, Aurangabad, o 1d9 /( NIL NIL Not applic able Not applic able Maharashtra, S. No. 22 (5O% joint ownership) Area (total 2 Hectre 11 R NIL NIL measurement applic able in acres) Whether NIL NO NIL inhorited property (Yes or No) of 03/07 /2OO8 Date Not NIL NIL purchase in case of self- Not Not applic able applic Not applic able able Not Not applic able applic Not Not applic able acquired .property. Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of 7 ,2e,O0O /- NIL NIL applic able able purchase Any investment ML NIL ML applic able on the by Not land way of Not applic able development, construction etc. Approximate 5,21,00,000.00 NIL NIL current market value (i) b. Agricultural LandLocation(s) survey number(s) Manje Majkur NIL NIL Khuldabad, Badlabai, Aurangabad, Not ' applic able Not applic Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able able Maharashtra, S. No. 3O Area (total 2 Hectre 94 R measurement NIL NIL in acres) -Whether' . NO inherited property (Yes NIL ML Not applic able . Not applic .able or No) Date of purchase in 23 / OA l2OO2 NIL NIL Not applic Not applic case of able self- acquired property Cost of Land 4,43,430 l(in case of -purchase) at the time of NIL NIL Not \ applic \ % trln \ iz ?q ctt" ze w^ able. @ lrY Not applic Not applic able able Not Not current applic applic market value able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not purchase Any investment NIL NIL NIL on the land by way of development, construction etc. Approximate (i) c. I 7,26,00,000.o0 NIL NIL survey number(s) Khuldabad, Badlabai, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, S. No. 33 Area 2 Hectre 38 R NIL Agricultural LandLocation(s) (total measurement NIL NIL NIL in acres) Whetller inherited NO NIL NIL property 8es or No) 'Date "''of purchase in case of self- 08 /70 l2OOa NIL NIL acquired property of l€rrd 5,00,000/- NIL ML (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase N1L Any investment on the land 'by " way of dwelopment, construction NIL NIL etc. Approximate current 5,88,00,000.00 NIL NIL applc I I I d )fl market value Agricultural LandLocation(s) survey .number{s) Tadpangri Parbhani, ML NIL Maharashtra, S. No. 374 able able Not applic able Not applic able Not applic applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic . Area (total measurement 60R NIL NIL in acres) Whether NO NIL NIL inherited property (Yes or No) of Date purchase in case of self- 09 / 06 l2ol L NIL NIL acquired. Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not able Not applic able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic p'*"1. Cost of Land s,60,000/(in case of purchase) at the time of NIL ML purchase Any investment NIL NIL NIL applic on the land of development, construction by way etc. (i) e. ,Approai4ate current market value 26,50,000.00 Agricultural Pokharni, Parbhani Maharashtra, l^andLocation(s) survey number(s) ML NIL NIL NIL S. No. 2O1 Area (total measurement 5 Hectre 63 R NIL NIL applic able in acres) Whether inherited 'proiierty NO NIL NIL (Yes or No) Date of 09/06l2orl purchase in case of self- ML NIL Not able applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at -the.. tiEle _ .of s2,4O,OOO /- purchase Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc. 2,50,00,000.00 Ladd-' ' . Bhiwaldi l,ocation(s) Ttrane survey number(s) Maharashtra, S. No. 33 48l68l7-AlL (50 % joint ownership) 20 l03l2OO7 purchase in case of selfacquired property Cost of Land 25,2021(in case of purchase) at the time of purchase Any inve.stment on the by land way of development, construction etc. 11 \9 NIL Apptoximate current market value 62,25,000.00 Agricultural NIL Bhinar, Bhiwandi Thane Maharashtra, S. No. 33 4C /6A14A7l7 B (50 % joint Land.Incation(s) survey number(s) NIL NIL Not apPlic Not applic able able Not applic Not appuc able able Not apPUc Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not apPlic Not applic able able Not Not applic ownersbiP) Area NIL (total 14R rneasurement in acres) NIL NO Whether NIL NIL inherited property (Yes or No) Date ' . of purchase in case of self- 20 NIL l03l2Oo7 NIL acquired property NIL Cost of Land L4,Oa4lof (in purchase) at the time of NIL purchase NIL NIL Any investment on the iand -by .. way . of development, construction NIL applic able able etc. 3s,00,000.00 Approximate NIL NIL current market value (1) h. NIL Land- Bhinar Bhiwandi Location(s) Thane survey number(s) Maharashba, S. No. 99 Agricultural ML applic Not applic able able Not Not aPPUc aPPUc able able Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic Not 2Al28/3 Area (tot l I Hectre l9 R NIL NIL measurement in acres) Wl.ether inherited NO NIL NIL applic \ w= 1 72 property [Yes able or No) of purchase in case of self- -Date 20 /03 /2oo7 NIL ML Not applic abl{. /9^ I able acquired ,u -property. \t ,n Cost of Land 1,19,7141(in case of purchase) at the time of NlL NIL Not applic able Not applic able purchase Any ML investment on t}re land by way of dwelopment, constmction NIL NIL Not applic applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic able Not applic Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic Not etc. Approximate 2,97,50,000.o0 NIL NIL current market value (i) i. Agricultural Land- Bhinar Bhiwandi Location(s) Thane survey number(s) Maharashtra, NIL ML able S. No. 100 12 joint (5Oo/o ownership) Area (total l8R NIL NIL measureEent in acres) Whether NO NIL NIL inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of self- 08 / t2l t995 NIL NIL acquired property Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at .the.. time . of 28,aOO /- NIL NIL purchase Any NIL investment on the land NIL NIL 13 by way of p (n) 45,OO,000.00 NIL ML Not apptc Not applic able Non- Plot at agricultural Gangalhed l,and: Road, location(s) Parbhani, NIL ML Not Not applic able applic able Not Not applic able applic Not apphc Not applic able able Not aPplic Not Maharashira S- No- 62 4umber(s) (total 1,24,098 sq. ft. NIL NTL in sq. ft.) Whether NO inllerited property NIL NIL (Yes able or No) 03/01/20tt Date NIL ML purchase in able applic able Not Not applic applic Not Not applic property Cost of lard 4,so,ooo/(in case of purchase) at the time of NII, NIL purchase ML NIL ML .inves&rcnt on the by way 7,44,58,800.00 NIL Non- Shed at agricultural Land: location(si Naisaon, numb€r(s) able of Approximated {n) a. applic able land NIL ML NIL Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic applic Bhil'andi, Thane, Maharashtra S. No. r149lrls-2 l2s o/o joint ownership) ^ttr 74 Aiea (total 3,960 sq. ft. ML NIL Not applic in sq. ft.) Whether NIL NO ML in}lerited p'ope'ty {Yes Not aPplic able W( \,* \ :I,N or No) Date purchase in case of s€lj- 30 /12 /1986 NIL NIL Not applic Not applic able acquired p!operty Cost of land (m case of purchase) at the time of 44,4OO /- NIL by way NIL NIL Not Not applic applic NII, ML Not applic Not apptic NIL NIL Not Not applic of Apprcximated 6,93,000.00 applic ('4 CotDl]lercial buildinss( including apartment)location(s)- MI- NI], ML Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic number(s) Area {total NIL NIL NIL applic in sq. ft.) able Built-up area NIL NIL NIL {total Not applic Not applic able able Not applic able Not applic Not Not applic in sq. ft) Whethe! inherited )t K Fop€rty NIL NIL NIL {Yes able or No) Date of NIL purchase in acquircd NIL NII- applic able able property lcost of NIL lp-p"'ty NII- NIL 1i" Not applic able lpurcr,ase) at the time of Not applic able purchase Anv NIL NIL NIL the on property property the by way Not Not applic applic able able Not applic Not applic of Approximate ML ML NIL able (,9 building Flat 1001, apartment): - floor, Reside.nq4 NIL No. NIL tod location(s)- (under constluction) number(s) CTS Not applic able Not appric able No. 1746/2t, Chembur, Muobai 400 071 Area (total NIL 25OO sq. ft. NIL in sq. ft.) Not applic able Built up.area NIL 20OO sq. ft, (total NIL in sq. ft. Whether inlledted property Not applic ML ML NO (Yes or No) Date NIL 04 Purchas€ in case of self- /09 /2Ot3 NTL acquired Not applic Not applic able able Not Not appUc apptc able abl€ Not applic able Not applic able Not Not properv Cost propedy of ML (in purchase) at \46,67,750. 00 NIL . applic able applic able 15 the time of purchase NIL ML ML Not e. applic on the land by way of development Approxirnate ML 6,00,oo,000. 00 Not applic NIL Not applic able (v) NIL NIL Others (such NIL as interest in Not aPplic of 38,80,76,800.0 6,00,00,o00. Tot3l of (i) to Not NIL applic 00 0 (8) applic able property) (r'1) Not Not apPlic (9 I give herein below the detaib of liabilities/dues to public fnancisl institutions €nd (Note :- pleas give separate details of nane of the b€nk' Institution, entity or individual and arDount befote each item) Sr. No. Description (t toan or dues Spouse Se]f to The Saraswat ML Depe Depe Depe t-1 -2 -3 ML Not applic Not applic Op. Bank Ltd., bank/fnanciar hstitutioids) nsse of the bank or { 11,a5,947.00 financial Cd Inan able instrtutiod, amount outstanding, Loan gny dues to individusl/entity t r,45,36,265.00 1,50,00 Friendly loans from 0.00 rl Mr. Abu Asim mentio$ed above Azrai- 52,49,776.00 Name(s) amount 2) Mrs. Ayesh Takia 3) outstanding; nahrre of loan { Deposit d &om Azmi-4,00,000.00, Ms. Blueberry Entertainment B.t. RubaiN Ltd.-7,69,ss1.00.4) OT Khajl- APPLIC Durane 7,o0,000.o0, 5) Pooja AI}LE NIL Not applic Not applic able Takia-3,50,00O.00, ,4 I 6) Gulf Ali Khan s,00,000.00, 7l Shrimati Property Developers Art. Ltd.- 4,40,960.00, 8) Maaj ShaiHr- 12,00,000.00, 9) Moazzart Shaikh42,00,000.00 and 10) Mrs. Zaheda Abu Asim Azmi- 7,25,974.OO Any other liability ML NIL NIL Not applic able Graad total of 1,57,22,212.OO liabilities (ii) Govemment Dues NIL to. 1,50,00 0.00 NIL NIL NIL .. dep.artnent dealing government accom:nodation to NIL department dealing Dues with supply NIL NIL Not able applic Not applic able able Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic applic able of Not applic able u'ater Dues deparEtrent dea-Iing applic Not applic with supply able able Not Not applic to NIL NIL NIL of Not electricity Dues to NIL de:partmdrif diafing with supply NIL ML applic able of able telephone/mobiles NIL NIL departnent dealing applic Not applic govemment transport (including aircra.fts and helicopters) able able Not applic Not applic able - able No! Not applic Dues NIL with Income tax dues Wealth tax dues ML ML NIL NIL ML NIL Not applic able able a 18 NIL NIL Service tax dues NIL Not appfc able NIL Municipal/ property NIL tax dues Not NIL / I \ applic able NIL Sales tax dues (in) ML ML Any other dues NIL NIL Grand total of all NIL ML NIL NIL govemment dues trv) NIL Whether any other NIL NIL liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the ariourit ' Lnvolved Not applic Not applic able able Not Not applic applic able able Not appiic Not applic able able Not apptc Not applic able able and the autbority before wtrich it is pending Details of profession or occupation: (a) Self-Business. (b) Spouse-Aglr9991'Bus!49gq (10) My educational qualification is as under:- HSC From Pune Board. in tl|e vear 2001. Maharashtra Collese of Arts. Science and Commerce Mumbai-40O 008 (give details of highest school/university mentioning the full form of the certificate diplona/degree course, name of the school/college/university and the year in which the course was completed.) PART-B (11) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN (1) TO(10) OF PART- A: 1 Name of the candidate Abu Farhan Azrni 2 Ftrll postal address Sentinel House, 2"d floor, H. N. A. Azmi Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 oo5 3 Nudber ' ' .and name of constituency and state the 29- Mumbai Parliamentary Maharashtra North-Central Constituency 19 4 {ame of the political party wfrictr set Samajwadi Party .1tr\ the candidate( otherwise write rl' Hrldependent") -l'l$al number of pending cases where w ![arges have been framed by the rCourt for offence punishable u'ith 6 Total number of cases in which convicted a.nd sentenced to NIL imprisonment for two years or more. NIL imprisonment for one years or more [except for offences refened to in subsection (1), (2) or (3) of section 8 of Representation of the people Act, 19s rj. t l. PAN Year of for Total income shown which last income tax return filed (a) candidate AADPA6T4OQ 20t2-2013 58,56,010/- (b) Spouse AABW272J 2012-2013 24,53,950 / - (c) dependents ML NIL NIL Details of assets ana 8. Description utffi Self Spouse Depende ntA. Moveabie . . !3,59,26,223. assets (Total 56 5,36,85,767 .23 NIL value) B. l dependen Depende tu nt III Not applicabi Not applicab le e Immovable asset 38,80,76,800. 00 6,00,00,000 .00 NIL Not applicabl e Purchase 83,03,630.00 price of self- \46,67,75O NIL Not .00 applicabl 4cquired irnrnsysllg property II e Developm€nt constructio n ' co6t ' irf immovable / cost of immovable property after purchases (if applicable) l''' ML NIL Not applicabl e Not applicab le Not applicab le Not applicab le 20 a) -=F acquired 38,8o,7Glob. 6,00,00p00------- Not - assets (Total applicabl value) {b) inherited assets (?otal value) toans--Ei t,s7,22itia bank, l,so,oo-3d financiat institutions and applicabl e otirers (Totatl Loanslrombank, 1,s7,2221rn 1,50,ooooo----- financial institutions ard applicabl e others (Totaty Hieh""Ge;;E;; Hsgf .".E"B.*d------J- f li::q"q1trTk+*."#:":,l#:":l.*"ffiiiiffi -",b..*.:ffi VERIFICATION pl*t#**t****ti,i$*rrr*.*.,'*il",tT I \f\ _-_"*uq (rerefom. further Jechre 27 is no case of conviction of pending case against me other thalr those in items 5 and 6 of part A ald B above; spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than at Mumbai on this 4th dav of April. 2Ol4 Identified by me, K. H. 2w*' ciri Advocate High Court oerore K. H. GIF|I R.TIWARI me IIAVAL KUMAR NOTARY GOW. OF INDIA REG' NO' 7600 Advocate High Coun, lsl ir Floor. Above Allahabad Bank, kl nr 8hadrya SiFqn ECucdllonal ilfi 8KC. Sehino leachels Colonv, Bardra (Easti, Mumbai '40005t . Note 1 APR ?011 : Alndavit should be fled latest by 3.OO p.M. on ttre last day of filing nomination. Note 2 : Affidavit should be swom before an oath Commissioner of Mlglstrate of the First Class or before a notar5r public. _ Note 3 : All column should be firled up and no column t-o be left blank. If there- is -no inforrnation to furnish is in respect of any item, either "Nil" o, "N;a applicable", as the case may be, should be mentioned, . _ Note 4: The a.frdavit should be either typed or written legibly and neady. .ivote.- The principal rules were published vide notif.cation number S. O. gS9, dated the 15o April, 1961 arrd last amended. vide notifcation :_ (l) Number S. O.728 (F,l, dated the 8t:, May,2eO7. (2) Number S. O. 42S (E), d.ated 23.d February, 2Ot t. ln pursuance of the judgrnent dated l3th September, 2013 of the Hon,ble Supreme'Coirt ii,r Wp (C) No. l2L of 2eOg Resurgence India V/s. Election Commission of India and other, regarding the filing the incomplete affidavit of candidate' the candidates are required to fill up aI corumns therein. No colurnn can Note 5, be left blank' At the time of firing afrdavit, Ro has to check whether all column can be the afrdavits filed with the nomination paper are filled up. If not, the RO shall give a reminder to the candidate to fumish information aaainst blank columns. T?re Hon'ble court has held that if there is no information to be furnished against any item, appropriate remark such as .I,{IL'or TIot, applicable or l,lot known,L may b'e applicable shall be indicated in such column. They should not leave any column blank if a candidate fails to lill the blank even a.fter reminder, the nomination paper will be liable to be rejected by the. RO at the time of scrutiny of nomin.tion p.plr*. ' lvote 6. ' - In para 3 of the affidavit, trre information should be furnished as {onows:- "My contact telephone No, (s) is/are 66369999 and. cell number 9821666600 My email id 1if airy) is farfran6cafebasilico.com And my social media accounts (if any) are for twitter@abufar:ha:razrri arrd for Facebook abu farhan azrri - ;-.':n::-* '1' Rs ;': t* , ,is t':rj : -'. j :1()C)'t.!:)i{ ---t(>-c) , i -.: 1-;j-oi OC> n Cr<) i O( 'i,r i-'::! eQ I a6r:! s t 1 qi$ 1 r! "t T6RTF MAHARASHTBA 27 087 7 . hbu Scr"rhqvr hr-w'l $\qv oS I, Abu Farhan Azmi, son of Abu Asim Azmi, aged abqut 33 years, Occ. Business, Muslim, Indian inhabitant, residing at Sentinel House, 2nd floor, H. N. A. Azmi. Road, Colaba, Mumbai 4OO OO5, do hereby 1. I state that I.arn contesting 2014, election of Parliament from 29-Mumbai North-Central Parliamentar5r Constituency. 2. I state that I do not have any propert5r or investment or bank account, assets and liabilities in forqign banks and any other body/institution abroad, as required to be furnished by the ministry of law and justice, in tJ'e gazette of India Extraordinary issue No. 1433, d4ted" OL/O8/2O12, as communicated to the 1' state units through the chief election oflicer of state/UT concerned. 3. I state that I am filing this affrdavit for clarification regarding the letter of the Election Commission of India, beaiing No. 3/ER/2O14/SDRVol-I, dated 22 / 02 / 2OI4 Whatsoever stated above is true and correct. Solemnly aJlirmed at Mumbai, On this 4th day of April, 2014 Identified by me, --ffi K. H. Giri Advocate High Court K. F{. (itRt Adyocste High Courl. Fioor. Above Allahabad Bent Era.rta Sal,rh Edrrcational Comitp, (il BKC. Behiod T:achers Coton; qt:rr. 131 Jha' ,!;r11 tr,tr,firOa; -qoO OSi. before me BEFOREilE 3l-rdqr; **14i5* -1 *n zut
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