IMG_1996 JAZZ - OCMEA Onondaga County Music Educators
IMG_1996 JAZZ - OCMEA Onondaga County Music Educators
OnondagaCounty Music EducatorsAssociation Presents ''MUSIC IS FOR LIFE'' r THE 1996 ALL-COUNTYJAZZ FESTIVAL F The appearance of guest conductor JEFF JARVIS is by beingsponsored OnondagaMusic Services CentralMusicSupplyInc. cb 4:00P.M.,Saturday, March23,1996 Skaneateles High SchoolAuditorium NY Skaneateles. OCMEA OFFICERS Alan BeYel President DavidWilber Vice-President....... Linda DavenPortJackson Secretary .......PhilipNatoli, ExecutiveSecretaryfireasurer CarmenCosta FESTIVAL COMMITTEE DavidWilber Chaiqperson........... Managers Dick Cangemi Jr. High JazzBnsemble VocalJazzBnsemble....... NancyFortais AngeloCandela Sr.High JazzBnsemble Linda DavenportJackson Publicity ComputerAssistance............MichealKringer Mary Squires Meals SCSMusicBoosters DIRECTORS FROM PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Baldwinsville............ EastSyracuse-Minoa Fayetteville-Manlius Jamesville-Dewin Jordan-Elbridge ........... Liverpool North Syracuse Skaneateles ............... Solvay Syracuse City.......... WestGenesee............ Westhill JonBowen,CarolJacobe SeveCarney,SteveCulhane . Alan Beyel,Ron Kurrz .....RonNuzzo,BethO'Keefe DeniseCerro EileenDeGroff, FrankDeGroff, CathyOsinski,Jim Spadafore Holly Bossert,JoAnnDiNoff, TonyMaio AngeloCandela, DavidWilber .....Maryperun .. paul Sauve,FredStraub TeresaCampbell,Bill Davern, SteveFrank,DavidNorman, AndyPerry ...TomLindemann, BobStafiin SpecialThanksTo Dr. WalterSullivan DaleBates Georgette Hoskins JackPalombella MickeyBrown KathySparrow ElizabethGersten CurtisFinneyand"BonesEast" PaulHoncharski Kevin Haines Olivia Shostack DianeBoden 1996JUNIOR HIGH ALL.COUNTY JAZZ ENSEMBLE PROGRAM John Trowbridge,Conductor TheOpener........... CarlStrommen Esperanza JohnLaBarbera BackStreetBlues SammyNestico Corazon. CaroleKing an Larry Norred WholeLottaShakin'Goin On .......DavidWilliams arr.Andy Clark JUNIOR HIGH ALL-COUNTY JAZZ ENsr,i.^ill,tr MEMBERS Alto Sax SteveKeller - Wellwood ChristopherGreen- N. Syracuse Tenor Sax Andy Schopfer- Liverpool Eric Evans- Liverpool Bari Sax JesseFrezza- N. Syracuse Trumpet Bob Lyons- WestGenesee JamesAhern- EagleHill DaveVanbelder- EastSyracuse Minoa JohnDowner- EagleHill MelissaLong - Liverpool Trombone JasonSayers- N. Syracuse NathanielWood- OnondagaRoad AndrewDolloff - SouleRoad DanKing - Camillus PaulArras- EagleHill Piano HeatherLangdon- Fayetteville-Manlius Bass ElizabethLuttinger- Nottingham Drum Set Neil McQuarrie- Skaneateles percussion peterFelice_Westhill 1996ALL.COUNTY VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE PROGRAM Michael Kreuger,Conductor " JosefZawinulflonHendricks arr.JerryNowak Birdland JohnnyBurkeflimmyVanHeusen Here'sThatRainyDay................ arr.RogerEmerson .......BobbyTroup arr.Dick Averre Route66............. ThisMasquerade......... LeonRussell arr.Kirby Shaw Rio ........... Shutack DougBeacVGeorge arr.SusanMoninger Rhythm Section Nick Provanzana.......... IthacaCollege Piano Bass ............ DavidHunter High School Skaneateles DrumSet ................... Constantino Pearson High School Skaneateles ALL.COUNTY VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE MEMBERS SopranoI ShanaDavenport- Cicero-N.Syracuse MichelleHarmon- JamesvilleDewitt SachaDeForest- JordanElbridge NicoleGeorge- Liverpool TenorII GarrettHeater- Baker Bill Ali - Liverpool Mark Record- Liverpool ChrisEllis - Baker I SopranoII Kelly House- Baker AmandaTafel- Cicero-N.Syracuse RobynAngrick - Liverpool JenniferDade- WestGenesee BassI Jimwhitehead - cicero-N.syracuse DavidHughes Elbridge - Jordan ChrisLind - WestGenesee WayneLutz - WestGenesee Alto I TrishVanAuken- Baker Dewin I O"marillaDube- Jamesville Amanda MilazzoSolvay I p NicolaArgese- JordanElbridge Alto II t MichelleSullivan- Solvay SarahMarkle- Cicero-N.Syracuse SaraBerg- Liverpool Mary BethPaul- WestGenesee Tenor I JoeStillitano- Baker ChuckBrooks- Baker Lee Cavallier- Cicero-NorthSyracuse Bill Aiken - WestGenesee BassII JasonShultz- JordanElbridge Tim Kiser- Marcellus FredRamseyer- Baker Bill Ambler - Liverpool 1996ALL.COUNTY SENIORHIGH JAZZ ENSEMBLE PROGRAM Jeff Jarvis, Conductor Life of theParty Naima.... PowderKeg ........ If I HadKnown . ....BobMintzer JohnColtrane an MannYMendelson ..JeffJarvis .....JeffJarvis Flutes: Erin Allred, Olivia Shostack, LeahCiaschi Bluesfor Hire .......MikeTomaro SENIOR HIGH ALL.COUNTY JAZZ ENSEMBLE MEMBERS Alto Sax TimothyChermak- Cicero-N.Syracuse Nick Sardino- WestGenesee Tenor Sax TedSraub - WestGenesee Jeff Stepien- WestGenesee Bari Sax JamesAmbrose- WestGenesee t# ri ll tl Trumpet Mike Doctor- Skaneateles JoeBell - Henniger NathanSturge- Westhill Mike Handley- Cicero-N.Syracuse Tim Ferguson- EastSyracuse-Minoa Trombone David Pringle- WestGenesee MatthewDonaleski- Liverpool Shannon LeBeau- Jamesville-Dewitt Guitar CharlesShaw- Baker JohnMidgley - Liverpool Piano JoannaGustke- Skaneateles Bass PatSagen- Liverpool Drum Set Ken White- Nottingham Percussion Kevin Klimek - Skaneateles Guest Conductors John Trowbridge' Junior High JazzEnsemble' Mr' Trowbridge receivedhis Bachelorsand MastersDegreesfrom IthacaCollege. He hastaughtin the Sherburne-EarlvilleSchoolDistrict, the Manchester WestHigh (NH) City SchoolDistrict, and is currently4-8 Instrumental Director for the GeneseoCentralSchoolDistrict. Throughouthis 17 yearpublic school tenure,Mr. Trowbridge has also been active as a performer and guestclinician with areajazz andconcert $oups includingthe Jack ZealBigBand, Nick SterioBig Band, Binghamton Symphony,SkylarksBig Band, ColgateUniversity Orchestra,TromboneAssociates,Trombonanza,JazzBones,and Finger Lakes Concert Band. Michael Krueger - Vocal Jazz Ensemble- Mr. Kruegeris an assistant professorof music at the IthacaCollegeSchoolof Music, where he conductsthe IthacaCollegeChorus,directsthe IthacaCollege VocalJazzEnsemble,and teachessecondarychoral methods. He was previouslya memberof the faculty at the Millikin University School of Music in Decatur,Illinois. He is a pastmemberof the Grammy Award-winningRobert ShawFestivalSingersand the GrammynominatedAxidentalsVocalJazzEnsemble- one of the few collegiatemusic ensemblesto be nominatedfor a Grammy. A nativeof Wisconsin,Mr. Kruegarholds degreesfrom Luther Collegeand the University of NorthernColorado,and is culrently a doctoralcandidateat the University of Illinois, wherehe is completinga degreein choralconductingand literature. In additionto his IthacaCollege responsibilities,he is the Director of Music Ministries at St. Paul's United MethodistChurchin Ithaca,the ChorusMasterof the Cayuga ChamberOrchestraChorusand the music directorof the Cantata Singersof Elmira, NY. ,r, is hasdistinguished Jeff Jarvis - Sr. Hirh JazzEnsemble himselfasa multi-faceted musicindusnry piclcssional.His recordjazz ingsasa trumpeterandcomposerreceivefrequentnational airplayandcriticalacclaim.As a studiomusician,Jeffhasappeared on morethan100albumsfor suchnamesasLou Rawls,Melba MooreandMichaelJackson.Live performance creditsincludeDizzy Gillespie,LouieBellson,JoeWilliams,HenryManciniandDoc Severinsen. Jeff is commissioned to composeandarrangemusicfor various school,militaryandprofessional Jazzbands,symphonicbands,pops orchestras andsmallerinstrumental groups.He haswrittennumerous articlesfor musictradejournalssuchasThe Instrumentalist,Jazz EducationJournal, andFlute Talk, andhasco-authore d a jazz pianobookwith Matt HarrisentitledThe Chord VoicingHandbook. Active in educationalcircles,Jeff Jarvisis a highly regardedartisV clinician for Boosey& Hawks, playing FrenchBessontrumpetsand flugelhornsexclusively. As a soloistand guestconductor,he maintainsan ambitiousitinerary of honorsband,college secondary school,music camp and conventionappearances through the world. Jeff servesthe InternationalAssociationof lazz Educatorsas an electedmemberof the ExecutiveBoard. Having beencited on many occasionsfor "outstandingserviceto jazz education,"Jeff is listed in thereferencevolumesof Who's Who in Entertainment, Who's Who Among Rising Young Americans and the International Book of Honor. Jeff Jarvisis the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of world-renownedKendor Music, Inc., the first educationalmusic publisher to offerjazz chartswritten especiallyfor developingyoung musicians.