European Ayurveda in the Heart of the Alps


European Ayurveda in the Heart of the Alps
European Ayurveda
in the Heart of the Alps
Programmes & Rates 2012/2013
I Feel Good –
Sign by Jwala Gamper
Each and every one of our guests at the Sonnhof
will bask in the energy and love that pervades our
facility. Only if we feel truly good about ourselves
will we be able to do good things for others. We see
ourselves as the helping hands that open the door
through which this change can be ushered in. ‘I Feel
Good’ is our essential message. Its positive impact
works on the frequency of our thoughts and emotions. It opens the way to pure being and stands for
the beginning of the change we are looking for –
whether we know it or not.
Table of Content
Detox & Weight Loss • AyurDetox – ‘Short Cleansing’ 21
• AyurDetox – ‘Intensive programme’ 21
Decelerate & Breathe Deeply
Strength, Regeneration, Wellbeing 22
• Ayurveda Relax & Wellness Days 22
• Rejuvenation Week 22
• AyurvedaCentre
• Rasayana – Build-Up Intensive Cure 23
• Garden of the five elements 7
Ayurveda Programmes 25
• Ayurveda Taster 25
• Royal Ayurveda 25
Centre for European Ayurveda Overview of the Resort • Accommodation
• Common Rooms & Restaurants 3
Three Pillars for Your Health 8
The Art of Healing & Philosophy 9
• Ayurveda de luxe 25
• Intensive Back Treatment 25
Sonnhof Teas & Spice Blends 10
Treatments with Dr (ind) Sharma Ayurvedic Nutrition 11
Ayurvedic Massages
Diagnosis & Treatment 13
Classic Treatments 30
• Dr (ind) Sharma 13
• Christina Mauracher
New Therapy Forms
• Lisa Mauracher
28 – 29
Ayurveda – Beauty PHARMOS NATUR®
32 – 33
14 – 15
Yoga Weeks & Specials 34 – 35
Pancha-Karma Cleanse & Detoxify
Start Afresh & Continue to Grow
• Pancha-Karma-Cure ‘LIGHT’ 17 – 19
Ayurveda Arrangements 36 – 37
• Ayurveda Relax & Feelgood Days 36
• Ayurveda Taster 36
• Royal Ayurveda 37
• Pancha-Karma-Cure ‘CLASSIC’ 18
• Pancha-Karma-Cure ‘DE LUXE’ 19
Room rates 2013 38
• Pancha-Karma-Cure ‘SUPERIOR’ 19
General information 39
2 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Centre for
European Ayurveda
In one of the most stunning locations of the
Alps, on the high plateau of the Thiersee Valley
at an altitude of 900 metres, a place of unique
harmony and wellbeing awaits you. Nestled
within this natural paradise, at the Ayurveda
Resort Sonnhof we have dedicated ourselves
to the Far Eastern philosophy of Ayurveda,
gently integrating it into European culture with
the utmost care. Here, at the heart of the
Tyrolean Alps, guests may experience the
power of the holistic Ayurvedic philosophy
without having to travel all to the way to the
Indian subcontinent where Ayurveda
originates. Our Sonnhof team of experts and
our specialists from India, Dr (ind) Gaurav
Sharma and Chef de Cuisine Balvinder Walia,
will make sure that you are looked after with
authentic competence and professionalism,
as well as promoting a deeper understanding
between eastern and western culture.
Tirol meets India
In June 2012, the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof was
reopened after comprehensive extension and
renovation measures. The design concept of
the facility is entirely based on the motto
‘Tirol meets India’: local woods and highquality materials create a perfect synergy with
Indian colour schemes and creative elements
from the Indian subcontinent. The entire resort
was cleansed according to a traditional
ceremony and fumigated according to the
Vastu teachings to allow divine energy, also
called Prana, to flow freely, thus creating the
basis for health and wellbeing. In our chosen
field, we are true pioneers in Austrian health
tourism – we have raised the bar considerably
with our holistic approach and are prepared
to live up to the most stringent international
Yours truly,
the Mauracher family
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 3
View of room ‘Veda Spirit’
of the Resort
30 rooms & suites
• ‘Sonnhof’ single room
• ‘Tirol’ standard double room
• ‘OM Spirit’ superior double room
• ‘Tirol’ junior suite
• ‘Alpienne’ junior suite
• ‘Harmonie’ Imperial suite
• ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
Public Rooms &
• Spirit lounge
Dedicated to the planets and the elements,
the Spirit lounge is a retreat that presents itself
in a different light on a daily basis, addressing
different body chakras. This is where our guests
sample Ayurvedic teas at the tea bar and
delight in the all-pervading sense of healing
harmony. The oak floor made from old barn
wood creates a pleasing, down-to-earth
contrast to the joyful multi-coloured Indian
• Anapurna buffet
This is where breakfast and afternoon tea are
• Buddha’s Place
The restaurant also has a solid oak floor and
follows on to the Spirit lounge, thus creating a
unity with the Indra Garden, the conservatory
dedicated to the Indian god of war, thunder
and rain.
In Ayurvedic philosophy, the body is the
temple that houses our spirit. To live up to this
ideal, we have created spaces in the
AyurvedaCentre that are solely dedicated to
pampering our guests and their bodies. This is
where all the senses are soothed in a relaxed,
positive atmosphere and gently stimulated
through soothing sounds and the encounter
with natural elements. The names of Indian
gods were chosen for the treatment rooms –
for instance, that of Lakshmi, the goddess of
Our three themed saunas also follow Ayurvedic
categories: the Kapha colour therapy room
(earth/water), the Pitta herbal clay sauna (fire/
water) and the Vata gemstone salt water
therapy room (air/ether). Before and after the
treatment, the Swasthya peace room (literally:
‘self-dependence’) provides the perfect setting
for rest and leisure. The Vishuddha (literally:
‘source of energy’) cleansing bath aims for
purification and beauty. The jewel in the crown
of the AyurvedaCentre is the panoramic indoor
pool with direct access to the garden and the
find your energy fountain dedicated to restoring
your strength. The OM meditation room and the
Shaktis (‘power’) fitness room invite you to
experience an intense encounter with the
energies of your body and spirit.
• Panoramic indoor pool
• ‘Find your energy’ fountain
• Finnish sauna
• Eucalyptus steam bath
• Heat therapy
• Three themed saunas:
- Kapha colour therapy room
- Pitta herbal clay sauna
- Vata gemstone salt water therapy room
• Shaktis fitness room
• Swasthya peace room
• OM meditation room
• Vishuddha cleansing bath (separate charges apply)
• Ayurveda lounge
• 12 treatment rooms
• Medical room
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 5
Ayurveda shop in the hotel
of the Resort
Garden of the five elements
on more than 1,000 sqm
The Sonnhof itself is a place of spiritual strength.
Similar to acupunctural points along the human
body, such places of spiritual strength are special
locations where strong forces concentrate.
The ‘Shiva Shakti’ energy garden, designed
according to the ancient Indian teachings of
Vastu and based on the five elements, boasts
several such places where energy flows in a
particularly effective manner. Anyone who enters
these places of strength consciously and
respectfully will be rewarded by their intense
• The door to the path of the heart – the rose
garden: The roses that arch across this
section stand for unconditional love. This
spot supports the dissolution of pain and
widens the consciousness of love.
• Ganesha (elephant god) and Buddha:
We must pass the statues of Ganesha, son of
Shiva & Parvati, and of Buddha in order to
make our way into our very own heaven in
the energy garden.
• Shakti fire place:
This is where the female aspects of creation
make themselves felt in all their intensity. It is
a place of transformation that is dedicated
to a sense of letting go and to meditation.
The fire in the copper cauldron creates the
perfect setting for intense Yoga experiences.
• Chakra places:
The seven Chakra places are arranged
around the fire place in ascending order,
from the Root all the way to the Lotus
Chakra. When we enter these places, we
touch upon the energy of the chakras,
causing it to flow freely.
• Place of blissfulness:
This place of strength unites what is meant
to be together. The awareness of divine
perfection in creation brings about a sense
of bliss. Against the stunning backdrop of the
Wilder Kaiser mountain range, inner peace
will come to you during a meditation session
in this high Alpine setting.
• Place of Buddha and of compassion:
This central point of the Energy Garden gives
the gift of peace and helps us find our sense
of inner harmony.
Regional herb garden
Especially when it comes to food, the Sonnhof
lives up to its motto ‘Tirol meets India’. Regional
herbs are lovingly grown in our herb garden
and used for seasoning Ayurvedic dishes in our
Bird table
Ayurvedic teachings provide space for all
of god’s creatures. While observing the birds
feeding at the bird table, guests can let their
thoughts roam freely and enjoy the magnificent
natural setting accompanied by the sound of
Naturally designed garden pond where guests
may experience water as the source of all life
and restore their inner peace.
Places for quiet meditation
Throughout the Garden of Elements, generously
spaced resting areas and Yoga sites invite you
to enjoy a sense of regeneration.
Underground car park
with 40 spaces – included in the room rate!
Ayurveda shop
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 7
Three Pillars
for Your Health
Ayurveda is so much more than just a healing
method or a culinary trend – it is a self-contained
path through life. The Ayurvedic way of life
means embracing new happiness, improving
your health and developing a profound
understanding of yourself, your personal
development and inner peace. In the Ayurvedic
view of the world, body and nature correspond.
Health is a state of dynamic balance between
the body’s elements; illness means that these
elements are in disharmony. Based on the
three pillars ‘Ayurvedic Nutrition’, ‘Diagnosis
& Treatment’ and ‘Yoga’, we can counteract
such imbalances using a holistic approach
towards our health. This means that we do not
just look at the symptoms of illnesses, but also
their roots, thus paving the way for an effective
method to restore harmony between body,
soul and spirit.
Nutrition as the
Foundation of a
Healthy Life
cuisine as a
culinary brand
8 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
The hectic rush, fast pace and stress that
characterise today’s world constitute the main
challenges for our society and leave many
of us feeling overburdened and weakened.
The consequences are modern-day lifestyle
diseases such as burnout, metabolic disorders,
allergies and food intolerances, cardiovascular
diseases, migraines, etc.
At the Sonnhof, we offer our guests the
opportunity of a medically supervised
Ayurveda break that is perfectly in tune with
western lifestyle requirements. Illnesses are not
just treated on the surface – rather, the
balance of the Doshas is restored using
targeted treatments and cures. In-depth
regeneration, new energy and inner balance
can thus become the new companions for
your life.
Diagnosis &
competence &
The journey
towards my
inner self
& Philosophy
Ayur Veda – the Science of Life …
To strengthen what is healthy and to gently
counteract disorders at the same time forms
the basis of all Ayurvedic treatments. At the
centre is always the person in all his or her
uniqueness. Based on a comprehensive
diagnosis by Ayurveda consultant Dr (ind)
Sharma, your individual treatment and
nutrition programme will be compiled
according to your constitution and supervised
by our experienced team.
» Contrary to efforts centred
around fighting symptoms,
Ayurvedic medicine works with
a holistic concept that treats
the roots of imbalances in a
sustainable manner. «
Ayurveda differentiates between three types
of constitution and allocates different
treatment methods to each type. These
regulatory principles are also referred to as the
three ‘Doshas’ and determine our
physical, spiritual and mental characteristics.
If the Doshas are in harmony with each other,
we are healthy and happy in the eyes of
Ayurvedic medicine.
VATA. People who are slim and light and
tend to be constantly on the move are the
Vata type. They are quick thinkers, but also
tend to forget things quickly and are prone to
anxious reactions.
Pitta types have an average figure,
are agile and good at decision-making. They
are born leaders who, however, easily lose their
temper and are prone to angry reactions.
KAPHA. Kapha types are corpulent and
take things calmly. Such people keep their
head in stressful situations, are not prone to
hectic reactions and have a tendency towards
idleness. Their outstanding characteristics are
patience, inner strength and gentleness.
Your individual constitution type results from
the ratio between these three Doshas in your
body and is at the centre of your nutritional
and treatment plan. The goal is to balance
these three forces, thus achieving a higher
degree of health, performance and happiness.
» A tip for you « To determine the
interplay of your Doshas, send us an e-mail
to request a questionnaire or download it
on our homepage.
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 9
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof Teas
All our tea blends are compiled by Brigitte Mauracher and Dr (ind) Sharma
and are available exclusively at the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof.
Our teas are not only highly effective, but
also taste delicious: we provide five different
blends of regional and western herbs that
ensure constant, outstanding quality. We do
not use artificial aromas or additives but rely
solely on natural substances and aromas.
•VATA tea
for inner peace & balance
• PITTA tea
to combat excessive acid & irritable
bowel syndrome
• KAPHA tea
activates the metabolism and stimulates
the circulation
Liver detox tea
to treat gastrointestinal disorders,
excessive wind and bloating
promotes vitality and joy
NEW! Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof spice blends
Visit our in-house Ayurveda shop or order teas, spice blends and much more
in our online shop at
Ayurvedic Nutrition
as the Foundation
of a Healthy Life
European Ayurvedic cuisine
as a culinary brand
With ‘European Ayurvedic cuisine’, we have
taken the principles of Indian healing and
amended them to suit western taste buds, thus
creating our very own culinary brand. It takes
into account the principles and recipes of
Ayurveda for restoring the balance of the life
energies while also pleasing European palates
through the use of first-class products, locally
sourced from the markets and farms in the
region. In addition to classic Indian herbs such
as coriander, ginger, cardamom or cinnamon,
European herbs such as thyme, basil or fennel
are also given the opportunity to unfold their
healing powers.
» The combination of the
individual spices, the way they
work and blend into each other
has a balancing and cleansing
effect and also stimulates the
metabolism. «
We all have different dietary requirements.
For this reason, Ayurvedic cuisine is based on
the three constitution types of Vata, Pitta and
Kapha. Depending on your individual treatment
plan, we will recommend the right menu for
your constitution type.
Our international
dishes are prepared
by Chef de Cuisine
Gordon Hildebrandt
and his team.
Your day starts …
with a generous breakfast buffet combining
regional and Ayurvedic specialities.
At lunchtime …
we invite you to sample our Pitta buffet, served
from 12 noon until 1.30pm and containing
soups, colourful salads, appetisers and desserts.
In the afternoon …
let us treat you to a Vata teatime, complete
with tea ceremony and healthy delicacies.
In the evening …
we offer you a choice between three different
menus: Pancha-Karma & detox menu,
Ayurvedic Rejuvenation menu and the classic
Sonnhof menu.
Guests following the Pancha-Karma-Cure
plan and adhere to an Ayurvedic diet will be
given detailed instructions by Dr (ind) Sharma
as to which meals they should consume and
in what form. Guests who suffer from impaired
health or otherwise feel out of sorts will
receive medical treatment using precious
healing plants.
All meals are included in our full board and
are served in the ‘Buddha’s Place’ restaurant
and in Indra’s Garden.
Our meals are prepared using mostly
regionally sourced, natural organic
products. Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 11
Diagnosis & Treatment
Authentic competence &
well-founded professionalism
The Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof offers a
comprehensive programme ranging from the
short AyurDetox break all the way to intensive
detoxification programmes, Rejuvenation
weeks and Rasayana cures. The queen of
Ayurvedic treatments, however, is
‘Pancha-Karma’, a two-part cure consisting of
a preparatory and main part. Our Ayurvedic
physician, Dr (ind) Sharma, will assist you with
advice and guidance throughout your stay,
supported by his assistant Christina Mauracher.
Ayurvedic beauty treatments following the
‘Pharmos Natur® Green Luxury’ method
complement our comprehensive treatment
Christina Mauracher
Head of the AyurvedaCentre
& Assistant to
Dr (ind) Sharma
• Master of Science in Ayurvedic
Lisa Mauracher
• Trained Yoga instructor
• Consultant for energetic Vastu fumigation
Pulse diagnosis conducted
by Dr (ind) Sharma
• Fully trained Ayurveda physician
(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and
The pulse diagnosis is not just an essential
component, but also the starting point for
many of our treatments. At the Ayurveda
Resort Sonnhof, this highly sophisticated
diagnostic method is applied solely by Dr
(ind) Sharma. His many years' experience has
taught him how to interpret the pulse on both
wrists to arrive at important information on the
overall energetic condition of the body. To do
this, he applies his index, middle and ring
fingers to the inside of your wrist, feeling your
pulse by applying different amounts of pressure.
In addition to the pulse diagnosis, Dr (ind)
Sharma will ask detailed questions on your
nutrition and digestion, sleeping habits and
general lifestyle context. All this information
combined will enable him to categorise you as
a Vata, Pitta or Kapha constitution type and to
draw up an individual treatment and nutrition
programme based on this categorisation.
Dr (ind) Sharma is happy to speak to our
guests in English.
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 13
The Journey towards My Inner Self.
Gentle exercise for the body – relaxation and
regeneration for the spirit. Yoga can support
you on your way towards inner peace and
balance and sustainable health.
Our exercise programmes are characterised
by competence and individual variety. Yoga is
a holistic philosophy and stands for much more
than an effective physical training programme.
Just like Ayurveda, Yoga takes the psyche into
account, helping to ease symptoms such as
insomnia or migraine just as much as mood
swings or anxiety. Yoga exercises, in conjunction
with outdoor physical exercise, are an integral
part of the daily routines of all Sonnhof
treatment plans.
We also offer special Yoga packages
several times a year. For details,
see pages 34/35.
What does Yoga mean?
Literally translated, Yoga means ‘union’ or
‘joining together’. Figuratively speaking, you
are being joined to a way of life and the unity
of all things.
» Yoga brings about an
incredibly strong feeling of
joyfulness, inner peace and
beauty. «
Yoga is more
The essential point of Yoga is to create a
balance between body and soul, using
concentration, contemplation and meditation.
We are talking about targeted practice using
the correct movements and their respective
techniques for breathing in and out.
What Yoga can do for you
• Develop your own strength
• Help with weight loss – either overall weight
loss or targeted weight loss in certain areas
of your body
• Help you improve your figure
• Ease symptoms such as migraine, insomnia,
headaches, asthma
• Help you be more open with yourself and
• Help you accept yourself
• Promote the unity between body, soul and
» Yoga can help prevent
diseases, stimulates blood
circulation, stabilises the
circulatory system and
promotes overall health. «
The importance of
breathing – Pranayama
Breathing should be deep and calm. Only
the link between physical movement and
breathing enables the body to release tension.
Negative thoughts, stressful situations and
unpleasant feelings make breathing irregular
and shallow. Today our thoughts are constantly
jumping from one thing to another; the Indians
would say like monkeys in a tree. As a result it
is often truly difficult to remain focussed – we
are distracted by people, noises, images and
smells. This constant dialogue takes place
without us even noticing and only becomes
evident when we have the peace and time
to make a conscious effort at collecting our
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 15
Pancha-Karma –
the Queen among
Ayurvedic Treatments
Cleanse & Detoxify
Start Afresh & Continue to Grow
Encounter your true self –
release your inner glow.
The Pancha-Karma-Cure is unique in its
healing and preventative health benefits.
Pancha-Karma – the ‘five treatments’ –
encompasses all five pillars of Ayurvedic
cleansing and is the most effective method
for in-depth detoxification, both on a physical
and spiritual level. Like no other detoxification
treatment, it removes toxins and waste
products from the body, focusing not just on
water-soluble waste, but also on the much
more important fat-soluble toxins. This means
that the body's self-healing powers are once
again able to work at full capacity, thus
restoring our ability to perform even at an
advanced age.
It increases physical and spiritual wellbeing,
promotes spiritual clarity, has anti-aging
properties, strengthens the immune system and
helps prevent disease. Its vital energy helps
restore your inner balance.
All Pancha-Karma-Cures start with a medical
examination, including a pulse diagnosis,
performed by Dr (ind) Sharma and are
completed in two steps: the preparatory
treatment creates the basis for the
detoxification process, while the main
treatment helps unfold its in-depth
harmonising effects, supported by the
unrivalled soothing properties of Ayurvedic
massages. Heat therapy, hot water drinking
cures, herbal medicine as well as Yoga,
Qi Gong and meditation are all parts of the
Pancha-Karma-Cure that is available as a
7-, 10-, 14- or 21-day package.
The treatment is particularly recommended
for chronic disorders such as rheumatism,
gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic disorders,
insomnia, headaches, migraines, vegetative
or psychosomatic disorders, unspecific pain or
» What you should know «
For our Pancha-Karma-Cures, we use
exclusively high-quality herbal oil:
• Pure, carefully selected ingredients
• Prepared according to traditional recipes
• Professionally monitored production
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 17
– 7 nights, 6 treatment days
Preventive Cure
– 10 nights, 9 treatment days
To divert toxins, for weight reduction and metabolic
disorders, to boost the immune system after illness.
To support a change of lifestyle, promote inner
peace and help you find the way back to yourself.
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Nutrition diagnosis and closing meeting
» Therapeutic guidance from Dr (ind) Sharma
& Mrs Mauracher
» Snehana – Ghee application to dissolve toxins
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Treatments with 11 applications according to
anamnesis, such as:
· 3 Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
· Udvartana – herbal powder massage
· Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch massage
or Garshan – silk glove massage
· Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
· Nasya or Akshi Tarpana – nasal or eye treatment
· Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for the forehead
· Basti – gentle enema
· Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
· Shiromardana – head & face massage
» Swedana – heat therapy
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Herbal medicine for the duration of your stay
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Pancha-Karma-board
All treatments within the Pancha-KarmaCure ‘LIGHT’ are carried out by a single
therapist. If you wish to receive synchronised
treatment (2 therapists), please let us know
at the time you make your booking.
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Nutrition diagnosis and closing meeting
» Therapeutic guidance from Dr (ind) Sharma
& Mrs Mauracher
» Snehana – Ghee application to dissolve toxins
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Treatments with 18 applications according to
anamnesis, such as:
· 4 synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full- body oil
· Synchronised Vishesh – energy massage
· Synchronised Udvartana – herbal powder massage
· Synchronised Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch
massage or synchronised Garshan – silk glove massage
Synchronised Pizzichilli (Sekka) – full-body oil treatment
· Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
· Nasya or Akshi Tarpana – nasal or eye treatment
· 2 Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for the
· 2 Basti – gentle enema
· Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
· Shiromardana – head & face massage
· Whirlpool bath using Alpine gentian and herbs
· NEW: Joao de Deus crystal light therapy &
STIMULARIUM® for your chakras
» Swedana – heat therapy
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Herbal medicine for the duration of your stay
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Pancha-Karma-board
6 treatment days
9 treatment days
€1,128 per person, excl accommodation
€1,948 per person, excl accommodation
18 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Reconnect with the elemental powers – to divert toxins, promote weight reduction
and combat metabolic disorders, weaknesses in the immune system, joint problems,
rheumatism and high blood pressure.
– 14 nights, 13 treatment days
– 21 nights, 20 treatment days
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Nutrition diagnosis and closing meeting
» Therapeutic guidance from Dr (ind) Sharma
& Mrs Mauracher
» Snehana – Ghee application to dissolve toxins
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Treatments with 25 applications according to
anamnesis, such as:
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Nutrition diagnosis and closing meeting
» Therapeutic guidance from Dr (ind) Sharma
& Mrs Mauracher
» Snehana – Ghee application to dissolve toxins
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Treatments with 34 applications according to
anamnesis, such as:
· 5 synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil
· 2 synchronised Udvartana – herbal powder massage
· Synchronised Vishesh – energy massage
· Synchronised Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch
· Synchronised Garshan – silk glove massage
Synchronised Pizzichilli (Sekka) – full-body oil treatment
· 6 synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil
· 2 synchronised Udvartana – herbal powder massage
· Synchronised Vishesh – energy massage
· Synchronised Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch
· Synchronised Garshan – silk glove massage
2 synchronised Pizzichilli (Sekka) – full-body oil treatment
· Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
· Nasya and Akshi Tarpana – nasal & eye treatment
· 3 Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for the
· 3 Basti – gentle enema
· Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
· Shiromardana – head & face massage
· Ayurvedic foot massage
· Whirlpool bath using Alpine gentian and herbs
· NEW: Joao de Deus crystal light therapy &
STIMULARIUM® for your chakras
» Swedana – heat therapy
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Herbal medicine for the duration of your stay
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to the
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Pancha-Karma-board
· Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
· Back treatment with Fango or herb patch
· 2 Nasya and 1 Akshi Tarpana – nasal & eye treatment
· 4 Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for the
· 4 – 5 Basti – gentle enema
· Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
· Shirovasti or heart Dhara
· Shiromardana – head & face massage
· Ayurvedic foot massage
· Whirlpool bath using Alpine gentian and herbs
· 2 of our NEW Joao de Deus crystal light therapy &
STIMULARIUM® for your chakras
» Swedana – heat therapy
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Herbal medicine for the duration of your stay
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to the
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Pancha-Karma-board
13 treatment days
20 treatment days
€2,499 per person, excl accommodation
€3,430 per person, excl accommodation
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 19
Lighten the load
Detox &
Weight Loss
Get in shape & stay in shape!
AyurDetox –
‘Short Cleansing’
AyurDetox –
‘Intensive programme’
Minimum stay of 4 nights
7 nights, 6 treatment days
Discover sustained weight loss with an individual
diet programme and experience a new
lightness of being! Through specific detoxing
measures and targeted treatments as well as
gentle exercise, waste and toxins are discharged
from your body – you will feel relieved in the
truest sense of the word. These positive physical
changes will manifest themselves after just a
short period of time: energy, vitality and mobility
will be your new companions.
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
» Udvartana – herbal powder massage
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full- body oil massage
» Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment
for the forehead
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Closing meeting with lifestyle assessment
€528 per person, excl accommodation*
*Accommodation includes an Ayurvedic diet
targeted at weight reduction that combines
the knowledge of modern nutritional science
with ancient wisdoms of traditional dietary
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Nutrition diagnosis
» Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
» Chinese foot reflexology massage
» Garshan – silk glove massage
» Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch massage
» Trigger point massage
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Infrared sauna
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Basti – gentle enema
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to the
weekly programme
» Detox diet – acid-alkaline balance
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
6 treatment days
€698 per person, excl accommodation*
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 21
Slow down &
take a deep breath
Strength, Rejuvenation,
Find inner harmony & peace
Relax & Feelgood Days
Minimum stay of 5 nights
Our zest for life is not determined by the
things we experience, but rather by how we
experience them. Constructive days using
Ayurveda techniques have a revitalising effect
for body, mind and soul.
» Ayurvedic energy massage with strengthening
effect on the nervous system
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
Why not book a medical consultation
with this package?
‘Ayurveda Relax & Feelgood Days’
€439 per person, excl accommodation
Rejuvenation Week
Minimum stay of 7 nights
The goal of this rejuvenation package is to slow
down, stop or reverse signs of premature aging.
This customised health-promoting package
improves the immune system, strengthens the
nerves, promotes and regulates physical strength
and digestion. Carefully selected oils promote
a clear complexion and soft, smooth skin. This
in-depth treatment warms the whole body and
stimulates the removal of waste products.
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» 2 Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
» Mukabhyanga – head & face massage,
Lepa (facial pack), heart Dhara, foot massage
» Padabhyanga – Ayurvedic foot massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» Prista – back treatment
» Udvartana – herbal powder massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
‘Rejuvenation Week’
€662 per person, excl accommodation
22 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Rasayana –
Build-up Intensive Cure
10 nights, 9 treatment days
The main goal of the Rasayana Cure is the
regeneration of the body and its organs. The
immune system will be strengthened – perhaps
after a prolonged illness – and your internal
stability is adjusted, helping you to overcome
exhaustion and physical strain. But Rasayana
not only has health-promoting effects – it also
supports rejuvenation. Targeted treatments,
nutrition based on your individual constitution
and gentle exercise effect a sustainable
balance for body, mind and soul.
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Therapeutic guidance from Dr (ind) Sharma
& Mrs Mauracher
» Strengthening tonic
» Virechana – cleansing day
» Treatments with 19 applications according to
anamnesis, such as:
· 3 synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil
· Synchronised Vishesh – energy massage
· 2 Anti-stress massages
· Udanavata© – special abdominal massage
· Synchronised Udvartana – herbal powder massage
· 2 Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for the
· Phizzu – meditative relaxation treatment with warm
herbal oil
· 2 Kati Basti – ‘Reawaken the Elemental Power’
· Back massage
· 2 Basti – gentle enema
· Padabhyanga – Ayurvedic foot massage
· 2 of our NEW Joao de Deus crystal light therapy &
STIMULARIUM® for your chakras
» Swedana – heat therapy
» Hot water-based drinking treatment, ginger water
» Herbal medicine for the duration of your stay
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic build-up diet
‘Rasayana – to strengthen and rejuvenate’
€1,868 per person, excl accommodation
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 23
Ayurveda Programmes
Ayurveda Taster
Ayurveda de luxe
Minimum stay of 3 nights
Relax & switch off
Minimum stay of 3 nights
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
followed by gentle oil treatment for the
» Mukabhyanga – head & face massage,
Lepa (face pack), heart Dhara, foot massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
‘Ayurveda Taster Package’
€219 per person, excl accommodation
Royal Ayurveda
Minimum stay of 5 nights
» Shiva-Shakti whirlpool bath
» Tibetan singing bowl massage
» Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – herbal pouch massage
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» ‘Royal Tibetan’ – Fango pack
» Ayurvedic back massage (Kundalini massage)
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
» Green-Luxury-Detox body massage
» Garshan – silk glove massage
» Mukabhyanga – head & face massage
Lepa (face pack), heart Dhara, foot massage
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
€425 per person, excl accommodation
Intensive Back Treatment
Minimum stay of 5 nights
» Upanaha Sveda – Ayurvedic back massage
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» Ayurvedic energy massage from Kerala
» Dorn-Breuss special back massage
» Trigger point massage
» Chinese foot reflexology massage
» 3 of our NEW Joao de Deus crystal light therapy
treatments & STIMULARIUM® for your chakras
» Ayurvedic cuisine
€618 per person, excl accommodation
€482 per person, excl accommodation
Why not book a medical consultation
with this package?
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 25
Treatments with
Dr (ind) SHARMA
Akshi Tarpana
Eye bath with Ghee. Especially suited to treat
irritated eyes or visual impairments.
Treatment time: approx. 45 mins
Medical consultation
and pulse diagnosis
Treatment time: approx. 50 mins € 102
Heart Dhara
Oil bath for the chest. Effective treatment for
heart disease, tachycardia, high blood pressure and depression. Strengthens the heart and
helps process emotional experiences.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Dr (ind) Sharma
short programme
Minimum stay of 3 nights
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Customised treatment based on Dr (ind)
Sharma’s diagnosis
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Ayurvedic back massage (Kundalini massage)
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
€303 per person, excl accommodation
Kati Basti
Oil treatment of the lower back. The treatment
loosens deep-seated tensions and harmonises
the chakras.
Treatment time: approx. 45 mins
Intensive treatment of the nasal sinuses and
head area. Particularly recommended to treat
migraines, stress, lapses of concentration and
Treatment time: approx. 45 mins
Warm oil bath for the head. Hands, feet, head
and face are briefly massaged. The Shirovasti
cap is filled with warm oil. This treatment
stimulates the centres of the brain and has a
positive effect on eyes, nose and ears as well
as being helpful in the treatment of insomnia,
vegetative disorders, anxiety and lack of
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Dr (ind) Sharma de luxe
Minimum stay of 5 nights
» Consultation and pulse diagnosis with
Dr (ind) Sharma
» Ayurvedic energy massage
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub &
detox bath
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
€530 per person, excl accommodation
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 27
Ayurvedic Massages
Gentle full-body oil massage customised for the
individual constitution type of Vata, Pitta or Kapha.
Subtle energy work and warm herbal oils seep
deep into the skin and release fat-soluble toxins
from the tissue. The treatment has a stimulating
effect on the skin, muscles, veins, heart &
circulatory system as well as the nervous system.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Garshan (silk glove treatment)
The Garshan treatment uses special techniques
to activate the lymphatic flow and eliminate
retained fluid, thus preparing the body for the
ensuing body wrap that activates the fat
Tip: This treatment is highly effective in
reducing cellulite!
Treatment time: approx. 85 mins
Art-Reum (neck, shoulder &
back treatment)
This treatment relaxes tight muscles in the neck,
shoulders & back by applying pressure to specific
energy points, thereby loosening the
musculoskeletal system. Combined with Fango,
this massage helps to counteract the effects of
bad posture and of standing up for long periods
of time.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
special back treatment
Back pain is frequently caused by malpositions of
the joints and vertebrae and can have negative
effects on the psyche and internal organs. With
gentle pressure, such misalignments can be
corrected and their negative effects reversed.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Gamathi (leg treatment)
Full-body problem zone treatment using a warm
herbal lemon pouch. Highly effective in treating
Info: Handmade own production using only
top-quality organic ingredients!
Tip: Also bookable with two therapists!
A refreshing, tautening, revitalising treatment that
also helps to remove blockages. The combination
of essential oils and Fango also stimulates the
blood flow and has a detoxifying effect. The
treatment is particularly recommended for tired
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Ayurvedic head & face massage followed by a
Lepa facial pack, heart Dhara & foot massage.
Ayurvedic foot massage, soothes and strengthens
the nervous system.
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins 28 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Pizzichilli or Sekka –
Royal Full-Body Oil Treatment
(special abdominal massage)
Warm oil flows continually over the entire body
while it is simultaneously massaged by two
therapists. The oil has relaxing properties and its
warmth promotes detoxification. Ideal for
treating rheumatic disorders and weaknesses
of the immune system.
Specialised massage and energy point treatment
to strengthen and detoxify tissue. The venous and
lymphatic backflow is stimulated and blockages
in the stomach area are released.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Samvahana – Maharani
Samvahana is considered the queen of the
Ayurvedic Snehana massages. This individual
treatment is performed using a silk cloth, fine
brushes, rare oils, fragrant essences, precious
stones and a rose-milk salt scrub, regulating the
body’s energy flow and increasing Ojas, the vital
essence of life. The treatment is conducted by
two therapists.
Please book well in advance!
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Head massage, followed by a 20-minute
traditional oil treatment for the forehead.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
€ 110
Shirodara (gentle traditional oil
treatment for the forehead)
Traditional head treatment, recommended for
relieving stress-related symptoms, insomnia and
Info: This treatment is only available in combination
with an Ayurvedic full-body oil massage.
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins
Herbal powder massage and body scrub;
actively stimulates the lymphatic flow and
clarifies the skin.
Tip: Also bookable with two therapists!
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins €89
Brush massage, full-body Himalaya salt scrub,
detoxification bath to release stressful energy.
Detoxifies and strengthens the immune system.
Recommended for the treatment of skin ailments,
rheumatism and joint problems.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Upanaha Sveda
Ayurvedic back massage to help restore mobility
using special herbal oils (Tailas) and pastes
(Lepas). Massage releases blockages in the
Sushuma – the most important Nadi (energy
channel), supplying the body with life energy.
Particularly recommended for intervertebral disc
regeneration, for the treatment of neck tension
and lumbago.
Please book well in advance!
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Synchronised Abhyanga
Abhyanga with 2 therapists. Particularly
recommended to combat weak circulation &
digestion as well as restlessness.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
€ 154
Deep, energetic massage with stimulating &
revitalising effect. Similar to Abhyanga, but
applied with greater pressure and at a faster
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins €86
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 29
Classic Treatments
Full-Body Lymphatic Drainage
Alpienne Veda
Anti-Stress Massage
Full-body massage with focus on the head, neck,
shoulders & abdomen. Massage with St John's
Wort oil eases and warms the soul. Ideal for
treating fatigue, insomnia & nervous disorders.
Info: This treatment uses St John’s Wort or marmot oil.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Alpienne Veda
relaxation massage with
steam-heated herbal pouches
Absolute relaxation of the deep muscles and the
digestive system through targeted warming
effects achieved through selected linenwrapped herbs. The treatment alleviates tension
along the spine and in the shoulder region,
stimulates circulation and pampers the soul.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Alpienne Veda
Vacuum Cup Massage
Vacuum cup massage with arnica or propolis
massage milk to free and detoxify the entire body
of waste & fat deposits. The blood flow to the
connective tissue and skin is intensified, creating
a tightening effect. Knots and tensions in muscles
and tissue are released, helping the cells to rid
themselves of toxins.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
Foot Reflexology Massage
Foot reflex zones are massaged to stimulate
targeted functions and areas of the body.
Treatment time: approx. 30/60 mins
Fango body pack
Warm Fango causes a profound, pleasant
feeling of warmth. This pack supports the
metabolic process and increases blood flow.
It also invigorates the immune system and
eases pain. Fango packs are especially helpful
for back and joint problems.
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins
30 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Special pressure techniques stimulate the
lymphatic flow, increasing toxin drainage from the
Treatment time: approx. 50 mins
€ 68
Singing Bowl Massage®
according to the Peter Hess
The vibrations of the singing bowl bring about
deep relaxation and a sense of complete
wellbeing. The vibrations can release blockages
in delicate areas, alleviate cramps and bring
about a contemplative Alpha state where the
body achieves complete relaxation.
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
€ 79
Ear Candle Treatment
Natural treatment passed down from the Hopi
Indians that provides a lasting feeling of
wellbeing, freedom and lightness. The ear candle
is made of bee's wax, herbs, ointment oil,
camomile and St John's Wort.
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins
€ 38
Back Massage
Relaxes, stimulates the blood flow and
strengthens the back muscles.
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins
€ 44
Trigger point massage
Ideal for treating tensions in the shoulder
and neck area
Trigger point massages are a special form of
massage therapy. By manually stimulating the
trigger points, the energy flow is restored. The
so-called ‘trigger’ status is brought about by
constant overstraining, overstretching or irritation
of muscles and the musculoskeletal system as a
whole. The triggers prevent harmonious
movements, causing pain and poor posture or
malpositions as well as blockages of the fluid
transport and nerve system within the muscle.
Trigger point massage is especially recommended
to provide relief from chronic muscle tension and
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
€ 86
Therapy Forms
Crystal light therapy –
a treatment for your chakras
using energetic crystals from
Joao de Deus
Joao de Deus is one of the most famous shamans
in Brazil. He has dedicated his life to serving and
help others. Only the purest hand-cut crystals
from the mines of Joao de Deus in Brazil are
being used for the crystal beds. These beds are
attached to a specially developed apparatus
that floods them with light and colour, in direct
alignment with the chakras (energy centres). This
‘radiation’ activates and harmonises energy
centres and brings about a state of deep
relaxation. Crystal bed sessions can be booked
and used as often as desired.
Energised crystals
• Activate and accelerate the healing processes
of body, mind and soul
• Cleanse, harmonise, clarify and vitalise the
entire aura and all chakras
• Have a rejuvenating, regenerating and
energising effect on our cell system
• Activate the energy flow and clear blockages
on all levels
• Strengthen the love we feel for ourselves and
thus also our SELF-ESTEEM
Treatment time: approx. 25 mins
This universal, holistic therapy was created by
decades of investigation and research. This
micro-therapy is a cell massage that optimises
and boosts the cell metabolism and interactivity,
thus supporting the immune system as well as
regenerative and energetic processes and
significantly enhancing a multitude of
therapeutic measures.
Application areas:
STIMULARIUM® is recommended when
conventional therapies for chronic and functional
conditions have reached their limits, for instance
in cases of:
• Chronic aches and pains
• Acute chronic shoulder and back pain, pain
caused by slipped discs, hernias, etc.
• Osteoporosis-related disorders
• Tinnitus
• Headaches
• The treatment accelerates the healing process
after fractures, operations, acute illnesses,
psychological distress, degenerative conditions
• Bowel disorders
• Neuralgia, neuropathies
• Rheumatic conditions
Treatment time: approx. 30 mins
Why not book a medical consultation
with this package?
Combine the crystal light therapy treatment
with the STIMULARIUM®!
Package price €68
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 31
Ayurveda – Beauty
Green Luxury
Natural perfection
They make all the difference: products without
alcohol, citric acid, parabens and chemically
altered water – in short, products that are
completely free from preservatives. They are the
secret behind the success of our cosmetic
product range using 100% natural active agents.
brand in Europe that substitutes water with the
pure, completely skin-friendly ‘Organic Aloe Vera
Gel’ from Central America. Building on this highly
effective foundation, selected plants are
carefully processed to form unique, healing,
natural cosmetics. Products contain the highest
possible amount of organically certified, herbal
active agents. Truly exceptional!
world of comprehensive full-body treatments and
specially developed gentle rituals for silky facial
skin, a firm cleavage and skin that feels soft to the
For many years, PHARMOS NATUR® has made a
conscious effort to make sure that its commitment
to respecting our natural environment and the
wellbeing of the people working with them is
reflected in everything they do. Worldwide, they
have implemented organic farming projects
according to ‘fair trade’ guidelines, enabling the
successful cultivation of selected plants to
manufacture products of the highest quality
with sustainable efficiency. Cultivated in the best
places around the world without the use of
chemical pesticides – completely in harmony
with nature.
32 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Man Power
Face, neck and cleavage treatment with
intense cleansing and scrub
Active agent ampoule
Refreshing vitamin pack
Special eye massage for relaxation
Classic face, neck and cleavage massage
Treatment time: approx. 90 mins
‘Natural Organic Lifting’
for men and women
Green Luxury Facial
‘Joie de Vivre’
Let yourself be enchanted with sensual,
relaxing aromas and the supreme power of
carefully selected plants. Facial treatment
for glowing facial skin, starting with a moodenhancing foot compress. Cleansing, scrub,
extraction and eyebrow shaping are followed
by a wonderful face, neck & arm massage
using precious natural ingredients. A face pack
tailored to your individual needs will indulge
your skin. The treatment concludes with a foot
massage using a fresh, organic Aloe Vera leaf.
Treatment time: approx. 90 mins
Treatment time: approx. 60 mins
‘Regenerating Anti-Aging
Face & Eye Treatment’
MAYA ME® is anti-aging in its purest form.
The unique cell repair complex acts as a true
fountain of youth for your skin and all the
senses – it is bound to leave a seductive
sparkle in your glowing eyes. During the
wellness face massage, fragrant essences
and cosmetics using precious active agents
provide your skin with rich hydration. The secret
ingredients of the final mask – prepared with
fresh plants – will leave your face, neck &
cleavage looking youthful and fresh. The result:
tautened, revitalised skin, glowing, clear eyes
and a sense of overall wellbeing. Spoil yourself
with this luxury treatment.
The treatment is particularly
recommended to combat age spots!
Treatment time: approx. 90 mins
Tautening treatment for face, neck &
cleavage. Experience and enjoy the riches
of nature’s treasure chest: a natural organic
lifting effect and a deep, thorough
cleansing function for your face, neck &
cleavage. Tautens and smoothens skin,
reducing fine lines and wrinkles. The skin is left
glowing with new resilience, elasticity and
Green Luxury
Detox Body Treatment
Your personal all-over body-styling based
on exclusive oils from highly effective native
plants and the one and only Aloe Vera. An
exceptional detox treatment, activating the
lymph nodes, clearing blockages
throughout the body and visibly strengthening
the connective tissue. Your skin will look its best
– smooth and vibrant. A new sense of lightness
and vitality is within easy reach with this 100%
natural organic Green Luxury treatment.
Treatment time: approx. 90 mins
‘Unburden Yourself’
Intensive full-body detoxification treatment
– experience a completely new sensation of
lightness. The metabolism is stimulated with
precious royal oil applied with careful strokes,
releasing toxins and blockages from the body
as if by magic, leaving you feeling light,
exhilarated and full of energy.
Treatment time: approx. 90 mins
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 33
Yoga Weeks & Specials
Yoga exercises for the back
with Corinna Eisenhut
Yoga Weekends
with Bahar Yilmaz
Date 2013
• 25 – 27 Oct 2013
Let Bahar Yilmaz take you on a journey to the
world of Yoga & meditation. In addition to the
exercises, we will
also practise
techniques and
meditation to
calm the mind,
energise our body
and get in touch
with our inner knowledge. The weekend will
not only give you the opportunity to recharge
body and mind – you will also learn how to
listen to your intuition and your higher self.
The course is led by Corinna Eisenhut, a certified
Yoga instructor (in accordance with the
methods of B.K.S. lyengar) who has practiced
Yoga since 1996 and started leading her own
Yoga courses and meditation evenings in 2003.
She has also completed further training
courses, for instance in meditative dance
(Gabriele Wosien) and Greek dance (Kyriakos
and Thomas Charmalidis).
The shoulders, back and neck are gently
exercised, stretched and relaxed with easy
Yoga exercises. In a next step, we strengthen
our back muscles and improve the awareness
of our posture. The Yoga exercises end with a
meditative relaxation session.
2-day course, excl accommodation 3-day course, excl accommodation € 130
€ 150
Find out more about our Yoga Specials at
8.30 – 9.30pm – introduction & meditation
7 – 8am: light (Prana) meditation & Yoga
10.30am – 12 noon: Yoga (theory & practice)
2 – 3.30pm: meditation & Pranayama (theory
& practice)
8.30 – 9.30pm: meditation ‘Karma burning’
7 – 8am: Pranayama & Rejuvenating
10.30am – 12 noon: Yoga flow ‘to awaken the
inner strength’
2 – 4pm: Trance Healing
Dates 2013
• 14 – 16 June 2013
• 18 – 20 Oct 2013
€ 180 per person, excl accommodation
34 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Yoga Weeks with Marion Grimm-Rautenberg
The MediYoga© programme with Marion
Grimm-Rautenberg offers an individually
tailored exercise programme that is also open
to older people whose mobility is impaired.
The course is led by Marion GrimmRautenberg, a qualified Yoga instructor (DYL/
EYU) with extensive training and over twenty
years’ experience: ‘I teach a sympathetic,
western form of HATHA YOGA that I have
personally developed into MediYoga©.
Fine-tuned body awareness and soothing
relaxation exercises are the focus of my class.’
‘MediYoga© Marion Grimm-Rautenberg’ is a
comprehensive harmonising and meditative
training programme with a medical slant that
can be adapted to suit the needs of each
individual participant. A diverse selection of
Yoga exercises
(Asana) divided
into Yoga units
and combined
with breathing
(Pranayama) and
(Savasana) result
in a healthy Yoga
experience that can help restore your
equilibrium and wellbeing.
Daily from 8 – 9am
‘Morning Yoga stimulates circulation, improves
the blood flow to the inner organs, exercises
the muscular system and gets you in the mood
for a vigorous day.’
Daily from 5 – 6pm
‘Yoga in the evening has a calming and
harmonising effect on the body.’
Daily from 8.30 – 9pm
‘Evening meditation ends the day on a
peaceful note and prepares you for a relaxing
night’s rest.’
Dates 2013 (subject to change)
• Spring awakening with MediYoga©
10 – 17 March 2013
• Active & healthy with MediYoga© 12 – 19 May 2013
• Harmony through breathing & motion 14 – 21 July 2013
• MediYoga © for the best years in life
15 – 22 Sept 2013
• Enjoy the peaceful season with MediYoga ©
10 – 17 Nov 2013
€235 per person, excl accommodation
Learn more at
Men only – Yoga Special with Marion Grimm-Rautenberg
This course was specially created to facilitate
the access to the world of Yoga for men.
Using simple and efficient exercises, Marion
Grimm-Rautenberg imparts the basics of
Hatha Yoga to beginners in a positive manner
and with fast results.
The course also teaches small everyday
exercises and a more demanding range of
exercises for your Yoga sessions at home.
Start NOW to create a new, healthy life for
yourself and gain vitality, strength and energy
for your daily routine in the process!
Dates 2013 (subject to change)
• 14 – 17 March 2013
• 16 – 19 May 2013
• 18 – 21 July 2013
• 19 – 22 Sept 2013
• 13 – 17 Nov 2013
€155 per person, excl accommodation
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 35
Ayurveda Arrangements
Ayurveda Relax &
Feelgood Days
» Ayurvedic energy massage – Indian massage,
invigorates the nervous system
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Upana – Himalaya salt and oil scrub & detox bath
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to the
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
‘Ayurveda Relax & Feelgood Days’
5 nights per person
Ayurveda Taster
Sunday – Wednesday
» Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body oil massage
followed by gentle oil treatment for the
» Mukabhyanga – head & face massage,
Lepa (face pack), heart Dhara, foot massage
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
‘Ayurveda Taster’
3 nights per person
€ 949
€ 499
in a ‘Tirol’ standard double room
in a ‘Tirol’ standard double room
€ 999
€ 555
in an ‘OM Spirit’ superior double room
in an ‘OM Spirit’ superior double room
€ 999
€ 555
in a ‘Tirol’ junior suite
in a ‘Tirol’ junior suite
€ 1,039
€ 569
in an ‘Alpienne’ junior suite
in an ‘Alpienne’ junior suite
€ 1,035
€ 591
in a ‘Harmonie’ Imperial suite
in a ‘Harmonie’ Imperial suite
€ 1,164
€ 663
in a ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
in a ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
Surcharge for single occupancy: €30 per night
Surcharge for single occupancy: €30 per night
36 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Ayurveda Arrangements
Royal Ayurveda
Sunday – Friday
» Shiva-Shakti whirlpool bath
» Tibetan singing bowl massage
» Jambira-Pinda-Sveda – problem zone massage
with warm herbal lemon pouch
» Synchronised Abhyanga – Ayurvedic full-body
oil massage
» Shirodara – gentle traditional oil treatment for
the forehead
» ‘Royal Tibetan’ – Fango pack
» Ayurvedic back massage (Kundalini massage)
» Yoga, Qi Gong & meditation according to
weekly programme
» Use of the AyurvedaCentre
» Ayurvedic cuisine
‘Royal Ayurveda’
5 nights per person
in a ‘Tirol’ standard double room
in an ‘OM Spirit’ superior double room
in a ‘Tirol’ junior suite
in an ‘Alpienne’ junior suite
in a ‘Harmonie’ Imperial suite
in a ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
Surcharge for single occupancy: €30 per night
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 37
Room rates 2013
All rates are given per person & night including
the Sonnhof Signature cuisine, excl local tax (€1.05 per person/night).
‘Sonnhof’ single room
20sqm, oak floor, shower/WC, cosmetic mirror, hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers,
telephone, radio, SAT-TV, Internet, safe, balcony, desk, some with Yoga blankets.
‘Tirol’ standard double room
22 – 28sqm, romantic bedroom with canopy bed, shower/WC, cosmetic mirror,
hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers, telephone, radio, SAT-TV, Internet, safe, balcony.
06/01 – 22/12/2013
1 night
7 nights
‘OM Spirit’ superior double room
30sqm, double room furnished in cosy mature timber, corner seating unit, oak
floor, shower/WC, cosmetic mirror, hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers, telephone,
radio, flat-screen TV, Internet, safe, balcony, desk, some with mini bar.
‘Tirol’ junior suite
35sqm, double room with lounge area, some with wooden floor, walk-in wardrobe,
shower, separate WC, hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers, telephone, radio, SAT-TV, Internet,
safe and panorama balcony. ‘Alpienne’ junior suite
35sqm, double room with lounge area, some with wooden floor, walk-in wardrobe,
shower, separate WC, hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers, telephone, radio, SAT-TV, Internet,
safe, panorama balcony. Bedding and pillows are made using the special Alpienne
natural materials and support regeneration and wellbeing through healthy sleep.
‘Harmonie’ Imperial suite
42sqm, bedroom, lounge area, some with wooden floor, walk-in wardrobe, bathtub
or shower, separate WC, double vanity unit, cosmetic mirror, hairdryer, bathrobe,
slippers, telephone, radio, flat-screen TV, Internet, safe and panorama balcony. ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
45sqm, separate lounge and sleeping area, corner seating unit & Yoga lounge, silk
throws, oak floor, shower, separate WC, cosmetic mirror, hairdryer, bathrobe, slippers,
telephone, radio, flat-screen TV, Internet, safe, balcony with a view of the mountain
ranges of Wilder Kaiser & Zahmer Kaiser, desk, mini bar.
The Sonnhof Signature cuisine includes: Ayurvedic breakfast buffet, lunchtime
Pitta buffet, Vata afternoon tea with tea ceremony and fresh fruit, evening
menu. We use exclusively organic and regional produce and ‘Grander
Example of junior suite
38 | Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof
Please note that all our rooms are
non-smoking. Guests may use our
underground car park free of charge.
Example of ‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
General information
•Included services:
-The Sonnhof Signature cuisine
- Participation in Ayurveda Active Weekly
- Use of the AyurvedaCentre
- WLAN in the lobby, direct Internet access
in rooms
- Underground car park
•Discount for overnight stays with breakfast
only: € 7 per person
•Surcharge for single occupancy of a
double room: € 30/night,‘VEDA Spirit’ suite
€ 100/night
•Surcharge for use of room until 2pm on
day of departure: €15
•Taxi from the hotel to Kufstein train station:
approx. € 25
•A deposit is required at time of booking,
payable to account number
IBAN AT84 3633 9000 0005 6416,
BIC RZTIAT22339 at Raiffeisenbank Thiersee
or via credit card.
•Children’s rates in the parents’ room,
including the Sonnhof Signature cuisine:
Children aged from 0 – 3 € 45/night
4 – 10 years € 65/night
11 – 17 years € 85/night
•Please ask us if you want to bring your dog.
A fee of €€ 20/night (food not included)
applies. A final cleaning fee of €56 may apply.
•Payment options:
Cash, EC card, Visa, MasterCard, Amex
•Arrival & departure: Your room is available
from 2pm on your day of arrival. Check-out is
by 10am. Early departures will be charged
the full price for the booked stay.
•Cancellation fee:
- No cancellation fee applies up to one
month prior to arrival.
- Within this period, a cancellation fee of 60%
of the room rate applies.
•Cancellation fee AyurvedaCentre:
In case of short-notice cancellations of
massages & treatments at the
AyurvedaCentre (within 24 hours prior to the
start of the treatment), a cancellation fee of
70% of the booked service applies.
Our way of saying thank you
for your recommendation
For every recommendation that leads to a
booking, we would like to thank you with an
Ayurveda bonus worth € 50 – so start planning
your next break at the Sonnhof now!
If you are looking for a special surprise for
someone close to you, or even a business
partner, a Sonnhof voucher might be just the
ticket. A piece of pure happiness! (Please
notify us that you are using a voucher when
making the booking).
How to get to us
Toll-free route via Inntalautobahn, exit Kufstein
Nord or Weyarn, head towards Bayrischzell on
the federal highway.
Munich Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport 90km
1 hour 20 mins
1 hour 20 mins
1 hour 30 mins
4 hours 50 mins
4 hours 20 mins
We are happy to organise a transfer for you
(separate charges apply).
Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof | 39
Hinterthiersee 16 · 6335 Thiersee · Tyrol · Austria
Tel +43 5376 5502 · Fax +43 5376 5902
[email protected]
Also visit our online magazine at
Responsible for content: Hotel Mauracher KG Sonnhof
© • Photos: Jack Coble, Christoph Hitsch, Michael Huber, Claudia Werlberger | Subject to change. No responsibility is accepted for error and misprints.