St. Mary`s Visitation Parish Ascension of the Lord ~ May 17, 2015


St. Mary`s Visitation Parish Ascension of the Lord ~ May 17, 2015
St. Mary's Visitation Parish
Ascension of the Lord ~ May 17, 2015
The Sacrament of the Sick
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 18, Saint John I, Pope and Martyr
6:30 am † Harold and Orella Berghauer
Sacrament of the Sick available after Mass
Tuesday, May 19, Easter Weekday
6:30 am † Andrew Seubert
8:00 am † Marion Wisniewski
Wednesday, May 20, Saint Bernardine of Siena, Priest
6:30 am † Mary Beth Pilgreen
Thursday, May 21, Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest
6:30 am † Ralph Chmurski (Anniv)
Friday, May 22, Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious
6:30 am † Judy Moore
8:00 am † Ann Momot
Saturday, May 23, Easter Weekday
8:00 am † Ann Roscoe
2:30 pm
Wedding: Charles Berens and Alexandra Wehrley
5:00 pm † Marion Wisniewski
Sunday, May 24, Pentecost
7:30 am † Lois Pittman
9:00 am † John Toohey
11:00 am
Please Note:
On Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th,
 We will celebrate one Mass at 8:00am.
 The Parish Offices are closed.
Summer Mass Schedule
There will be no 8:00am Mass
during the summer months of June, July and August.
Summer Weekday Mass Schedule
Wednesday, June 10th thru Monday, August 31st
6:30 am
Monday thru Friday
8:00 am
Weekday Mass Schedule
6:30 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
Monday thru Friday
Tuesday & Fridays, school days only
There is no 8:00am Mass on Friday, May 29th
There is a 9:00am Mass on Friday, May 29th
The Sacrament of the Sick is available every Monday after the
6:30am Mass. Members of the parish facing surgery or other
medical procedures or tests are invited to receive this sacrament
prior to their medical procedures.
If you know of someone who is in the hospital, or who would like
a visit from the parish staff, please call the parish office and let us
St. Mary’s is always happy to welcome new members. If you are
interested in parish membership, it would be most helpful if you
would call to make an appointment to register (262-782-4575).
An appointment will guarantee the presence of a staff member to
answer your questions and walk through a welcome packet with
Registration guarantees you all the privileges of parish
Baptism Preparation
Children ages 6 and under: Those seeking to have children
baptized should be registered, active members of St. Mary’s
Visitation Parish. Parents who request baptism for a child are
expected to complete a preparation class. It is offered bi-monthly.
The next classes are:
Saturday, June 6th from 10-11am in church
Saturday, August 15th from 10-11am in church
It is generally easier if the preparation is done before the birth of
the child. If you have attended a session within the last five years,
it is not necessary to retake the class.
Please contact Jenny Dascoli in the Liturgy & Music office at
262-782-4485 or [email protected] for more information or
to register for the baptism class.
Children ages 6-12: Please call the Liturgy & Music Office.
Adults ages 12 and up: Adults who wish to join the Catholic
Church and were not baptized can participate in the Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please call Josh
Dieterich, Co-director of Christian Formation - Middle School,
Adult and Family Ministry, for more information.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
The Catholic Church takes preparation for the Sacrament of
Matrimony very seriously. Generally at least 6 months should be
allowed for this preparation. Engaged couples themselves should
call the parish office to schedule an appointment to discuss their
plans. Marriage can take place any day of the week, although
Saturday is generally preferred by couples. Sunday weddings are
possible, but a wedding Mass is not allowed for such occasions.
Postings from Fr. Peter
Archdiocesan Planning Process III
Last week, we took a look at the Archdiocesan Planning Process and its resulting 2020 Plan which lays out
a new structure of parishes working together as “clusters” of parishes under the guidance of a single pastor.
As I pointed out, the vast majority of the parishes in the Archdiocese will be working under this new
arrangement. Parishes which are “clustered” together will not be merged into a single parish, but will
instead maintain their separate parish identity while being served by the same priest and, ideally, working
together in their communities for the advancement of the Gospel.
This week I’d like to take a look at what the 2020 Plan means for St. Mary’s Visitation Parish. In the 2020 Plan, St. Mary’s will be
clustered with St. Joseph’s Parish in Wauwatosa. The plan, furthermore, calls for one priest to be shared between the two parishes. This
will be a significant change for St. Mary’s, as up until 2009, St. Mary’s was ministered to by two full-time priests. Within the next two –
five years, in all likelihood, St. Mary’s will be ministered to by one half-time priest, the other part of his ministry being shared with
St. Joseph’s. This will obviously result in some changes and shifting of priestly ministry here at St. Mary’s which I will explore briefly in
next weekend’s article, but suffice it to say this is a change that will happen and needs to be prepared for and, hopefully, accepted with
grace, openness, courage and trust.
I want to reiterate again, that this sharing of one priest between St. Mary’s Visitation and St. Joseph’s does NOT mean that the parishes
will merge to become one parish – they will continue to be two parishes. However, it does mean that the doors will be opened for a
mutual sharing in the mission of the Church, working together for a shared goal. The main change that will face us initially is simply the
shared nature of having one priest ministering at both parishes, what else may unfold after that will be guided by the Holy Spirit, the
Archdiocese and our respective parish staffs, trustees and Pastoral Councils.
This may be a good time to speak about the Pastoral Council since their role in the unfolding of the 2020 Plan and the Archdiocesan
Synod implementation will be key. You may recall that for a number of years each parish had what was known as a Parish Council. A
couple of years ago, the Archbishop asked that parishes transition Parish Councils into Pastoral Councils. The resulting change means
that a Pastoral Council is charged with helping the pastor / administrator of the parish to identify goals and to vision for the future of the
parish. The Pastoral Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor / administrator and, obviously, the 2020 Plan will call for the
advice and wisdom of the Pastoral Council as we move through this time of transition. The current Pastoral Council is headed by
Mr. Howard Pryor, Chair, and also includes Mr. Jim Carrig, Mr. Jim Olson, Mrs. Ann Rauh, Mrs. Jean Kelly, Mr. David Urbanski,
Mr. Joe Puchner, and Mrs. Liz Pesci. The ex officio members are myself and our two parish trustees, Mr. Ignatius Smetek and
Mr. Gordon Giampietro. Minutes from the Pastoral Council are available at the Rectory for anyone who would be interested. This is also
a good time to thank them for their continued service, wisdom and dedication. They will be a key component of the unfolding of the
2020 Plan for St. Mary’s.
While moving into a new model of parish collaboration, it is good to keep in mind that while, up to this point, St. Mary’s Visitation and
St. Joseph’s have been neighbors, the new 2020 Plan calls for us to be even more than neighbors or even friends, but to truly be siblings,
sharing a common bond which is not based on blood, but on something far more important and enduring, the bond of our mutual
Catholic Faith.
Father Peter Berger Celebrates 10 Years as a Priest
Congratulations to Father Peter Berger as he celebrates the tenth anniversary of his Ordination on Thursday, May 21 st !
Father Peter has been at St. Mary’s Visitation since 2012. Following his ordination in 2005, Father Peter was
assigned to Lumen Christi Parish in Mequon. He then served as vocations director for the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee. “I enjoyed the opportunity to serve as vocations director for the archdiocese,” Father Peter said when
he came to St. Mary’s. “But I am thrilled to be back doing parish ministry, particularly in being assigned to St.
Mary’s Visitation Parish,” he said. “Returning to parish ministry is returning to the reason I wanted to be a priest,
as well as what I feel God has called me to do.”
That call has been a true blessing to parishioners at St. Mary’s Visitation.
We celebrate your anniversary, Father Peter,
and we are grateful for the dedication and guidance you provide to our parish.
Monday: K4 Muffins with Moms; 7:30am, SC
 Mr. Newman; 8:00-8:45am,+
 Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-5:30pm, SC
 Pack 32 Boy Scout Fun Night; 6:30pm, CA
Tuesday: 8am All School Mass
 Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-5:30pm, SC
 School Committee Mtg; 6:30pm, ASC
Wednesday: Band Concert; 2pm
 Girl Scout Troop #8628 Mtg; SR
 Band (Gr. 4-8); 2:45-6pm, SC
Friday: 8am All School Mass
 DARE Graduation; noon, SC
Readings for the Week of May 17th:
Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/
Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19
Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25
Next Sunday:
Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or
Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39
Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7,
12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Sunday (5/17): Kitchen Walk Tickets on Sale After All Masses
 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Open House; 10am, SC
 New Beginnings Mtg; 1:30pm, SC
Monday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm
 Mary's Angels Children's Choir (Age 6-11) Rehearsal; 4:15pm,+
 Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5:45-6:45pm,+
 Visitation Choir Rehearsal (Age 12 and up); 7-8pm,+
Tuesday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm
 Visitation Bell Choir (Age 16 and up) Rehearsal; 9-10am,+
Wednesday: Good Grief Brunch; 11am, Atrium
Thursday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-7pm
 Gr. 2 & Seniors; 1:30pm, Atrium
 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; 3:15-5pm, SC
 Cantor Rehearsal; 5:30pm,+
Friday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm
 Kiwanis Golden K of EG. Coffee served until 9:30am mtg.
with Jayne Thoma - United Way on “The Joining of Two
Counties;” SC (Visitors are Welcome)
 Holy Dusters; 11am,+
 Reconciliation; 2-3pm,+
 Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5-6pm,+
Saturday: AA Meeting; 7-8am, SC
 Reconciliation; 8:45-9:15am,+
 Cantor Rehearsal; 9am,+
 Thrift Shop Open; 9am - noon
Sunday (5/24): Kitchen Walk Tickets on Sale After All Masses
Location Key: Church (+), Senior Center (SC), Cafeteria (CA), Scout
Room (SR), Gym (G), School Art Room (AR), School Library (L), School
Classrooms (S), After School Care Room (ASC), Music Room (MR),
Parish Office (P), Atrium (Atrium), Youth Center - The Attic (A)
Trustee Nominations
In accordance with Wisconsin State Law, each parish as two lay trustees - the Trustee Secretary and Trustee Treasurer. They serve as the
legal Board for the parish along with the pastor (Administrator), the Archbishop and the Vicar General of the Archdiocese. Each lay
trustee serves a two year term, which is renewable. Our current trustees are Mr. Ignatius Smetek (Secretary) and Mr. Gordon Giampietro
(Treasurer). Fr. Peter has nominated Mr. Gordon Giampietro as Trustee Secretary for a renewal of term beginning July 1, 2015 and
ending June 30, 2017. The parish charter also allows any practicing baptized and confirmed Catholic member of the parish, at least 25
years old, to be nominated in writing by ten or more parish members. Nominations need to be received in the parish offices by Saturday,
May 30, 2015.
Calling All Gardeners!
"Many hands make light work," so the saying goes. St. Mary's Parish volunteer gardeners welcome anyone
interested in helping to spruce up our beautiful parish grounds and prepare them for the coming season.
On Saturday, May 30th from 9-noon, the gardeners will be busy cleaning up the grounds from the long winter,
edging and enhancing the soil. Then on Saturday, June 6th, the gardeners will gather again from 8:30am-11:30am
for planting and mulching. If you can help, even for just part of the time, please email Dave Foti,
[email protected] or call the Parish Office, 262-782-4575.
R is for Retirement
Mrs. Anne Guerino is retiring after guiding St. Mary's K4 students for 22 years.
All present & past school parents, alumni and past students of Mrs. Guerino are invited to stop by The Back Room
of O'Donoghue's Irish Pub, on Thursday, June 11 between 6 and 11pm to wish her well as she begins her next adventure.
Hosted by Friends of Anne Guerino
MAY 17, 2015
Congratulations High School Graduates 2015!
St. Mary’s Visitation Parish invites you to a donut & coffee celebration
on Sunday, May 31st after all Masses!
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
We applaud your hard work and thank God for allowing us the honor to share in your faith journey.
With a humble heart, may you extend our faith in all you are called to and wherever you might be.
St. Mary’s Visitation is your home parish no matter where you are in life.
We will pray for you at this time of transition and ask that you send us your prayer requests.
Prayer requests can be submitted via email [email protected] or text number 262.385.1100.
In your charity and prayers,
please remember the souls of those who
have recently died and their families.
Wedding Banns
I Nicholas Harmon and Mary Stich
I Eric Reigle and Patricia Kennedy
III Charles Berens and Alexandra Wehrley
Marion Wells, mother of Donna Dyer
John Bach
Mickey Sturm
Weekday Ministers ~ The Week of May 17th
Tom O’Connor
Fehr Malloy
Sr. Dorothy
Eucharistic Ministers Sr. Dorothy and Trudy Durand
St. Mary’s Thrift Shop
Time to Check Out Our New
Enjoy 20-50% off our already low prices
all month long on blue tagged items!
May 26:
Memorial Day Commemoration
20% off for all veterans.
Visit our NEW Thrift Shop website: (click
on the SERVE WITH US link and scroll down to THRIFT
SHOP) for all sorts of info on our store, our merchandise,
donations, volunteer opportunities, & sale updates!
Adoration Chapel
As we celebrate the feast of the Ascension this weekend, let your
prayers and adoration ascend to Jesus in the St. Mary's Perpetual
Adoration Chapel. May they rise up like incense before Him.
What a privilege it is to have Jesus there in the Blessed
Sacrament 24/7. Visit Him often to offer your prayers--whether
they are for adoration, thanksgiving, contrition and/or petition.
Show Him your love and you will experience the power of His
love and peace.
Jesus said to St. Faustina: "Tell me all, My child, hide nothing
from Me, because My loving Heart, the Heart of your Best
Friend, is listening to you."
He will listen to all who will take time to visit and talk with Him!
Join the Adoration Program and plan to spend a designated hour
in the Chapel on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.
We need your help! We would like to have two people
assigned for each hour. Just let us know what hour
would be best for you to spend in the Chapel with your
Best Friend.
We Need Coverage:
1-2 am Call Colleen Schwarz, 414-795-3153
5-6 pm Call Kathy Stapleton, 262-782-2658
2-3 pm Call Nancy Frazer, 262-786-0617
Saturdays, (alternate weeks)
7-8 pm
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
All parents, grandparents, young adults and any parishioner interested in learning more about the ministry of
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd are invited to the Senior Center on May 17 th from 10-11am for refreshments and a
tour of our Level 1 (ages 3-6) room:
 Learn what our children have experienced this year
 Experience an actual presentation
 Q & A about this approach to religious education
 Opportunity to pre-register for the coming year
Kudos To Our Kids
St. Mary’s school graduates Natalie Bro, Christina Feller, Alana Parey and Maura Skelton are among 53 seniors from Divine Savior Holy
Angels High School (DSHA) to receive the 2015 Salvatorian Service Award. The Sisters of the Divine Savior Congregation, who serve
as the religious sponsor of DSHA, established the award program in 1988 to recognize students who go above and beyond their required
service hours for graduation.
Service learning is integral to DSHA’s college preparatory curriculum, with students reaching out to vulnerable populations near and far.
Congratulations to Natalie, Christina, Alana and Maura on receiving the 2015 Salvatorian Service Award and for the time they shared
with those in need throughout their years at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School.
Passion & Purpose for Marriage ~ Save the Date ~ Saturday, February 13, 2016 ~ 9:30am - 2pm
What’s the most important word in marriage? What is really going on in your wife’s head? What do you wish your husband knew about
you? Discover key ingredients to a healthy and happy marriage at Dynamic Catholic’s Passion & Purpose for Marriage event. Take your
relationship to a whole new level with renowned speaker, Dr. Allen Hunt! Sponsored by St. Joe’s, St. Mary’s Visitation, St. John
Vianney, St. Dominic’s, St. Margaret Mary, Christ King, and the Nazareth Project for Marriage and Family Formation.
Tickets are already on sale at The event will be held at St. Joe’s, 12130 W. Center Street.
Revolution of the Heart ~ Inspirio Youth Ministries
Middle and high school youth are invited to a summer service camp. This experience includes direct service, community, justice
education, and prayer and worship. Service opportunities will be throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. Contact Julie @
[email protected] for more information.
High School
Middle School
July 12-18 & July 19-25
June 28-July 1 & July 8-11
Ordination to the Priesthood, May 16
With praise and thanksgiving to almighty God,
the Archdiocese of Milwaukee joyfully announces the ordination of
Rev. Mr. Mauricio B. Fernández-Boscán and Rev. Mr. Dennis J. Saran, M.D.
to the priesthood at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee.
Bone Marrow Drive ~ Thursday, May 28th ~ 3:30 to 6pm
Ages 18-44
You will be donating 4 cheek cell cotton swabs and filling out consent forms in order to join the national bone marrow registry
through ‘Be The Match’.
Where: Wauwatosa West High School, 11400 W. Center St. Go through the main entrance and posted signs will lead you to the drive.
To graciously open yourself up to the possibility of being matched to a person in need of a bone marrow transplant.
If you are matched to someone in need (between the time when you register and age 61), then you will be given the unique opportunity
to give him or her a second chance at life.
For more info, please email Sara Steybe at [email protected] or visit the ‘Be The Match’ website at
St. Mary's Visitation 2015 Vacation Bible School
Monday through Friday, June 22-26  9am to noon in the Parish Atrium
Please go to our SMV web page to register your child for VBS 2015!
Forms are also available in the parish office.
Children entering K4 - 4th grade in the fall are invited to attend.
Energetic, God and child loving adults, teens, 7th & 8th graders are needed for volunteers! Please sign up today!
Please sign up via this link: