Pocatello Trap Club – Budweiser Gun Shoot
Pocatello Trap Club – Budweiser Gun Shoot
WATKINS DISTRIBUTING and the POCATELLO TRAP CLUB present the 33RD ANNUAL APPRECIATION GUN SHOOT 80 QUALITY TROPHIES $4,000 in TROPHIES $8,000 in GUNS $3,498.89 in PERPETUAL and Perfect 50 PURSES AUGUST 11, 12, 13, 14, 2016 TO BE GIVEN AWAY 11 Rifles 7 .22 Rifles 80 Trophies AND FEATURING Special Event and Dinner on Saturday Ten Program Traps and Two Practice Traps 1100 Registered PITA Targets White Flyer Orange Dome Targets Air-conditioned Clubhouse Voice Calls Hosted Cocktail Party Saturday Night $2,800 Added Money Lewis Class GREAT SALE PRICES ON... EVERY CAR, EVERY TRUCK, EVERY DAY! 509 Yellowstone Ave. Pocatello, ID (208) 232-8900 HirningAuto.com Shoot for the Moon! WE DO! The Finest in All Types of Flooring Products and Installation Residential and Commercial wall2wallflooring.com 232-5700 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot w2wcommercial.com 232-4226 2 New For 2016 Any shooter joining the PITA for the first time will have $10 of his/her $20 membership paid for him/her by the Idaho State Association and $10 by the Parent PITA. Cost to you is $0. There will be 25, 50 and 75 straight pins given by the state association to any shooter. Limit one each. The PITA will also provide High-Over-All trophy pins to the Champion and the High-Over-All Class winners and will have 100 straight, 200 straight, and 27-yard pins for shooters who qualify with the PITA for the first time. Cross Registration Available With regard to money options… If you have not shot 1000 registered Handicap targets last year and 500 registered Handicap targets this year IF you play ANY MONEY OPTIONS (EXCLUDING THE LEWIS purse) you will have to shoot a penalty yardage of 24 yards or your current handicap yardage whichever is longer. ALL SHOOTERS CAN PLAY THE LEWIS PURSE. There will be drawings for shotgun shells. 3 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot WELCOME This is to certify that the Pocatello Trap Club has been authorized to hold a registered shoot at the Pocatello Trap Club August 11, 12, 13, 14, 2016. PITA rules will govern this shoot and the scores will be included in the official records of the PITA. Orange Dome White Flyer Targets will be thrown. The Pocatello Trap Club reserves the right to change or modify this program at any time. GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION will begin Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m. and again Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. and continue throughout the shoot. Practice Traps will be open at same time, practice tickets are $5.00. Thursday & Friday events will start at 9:00 a.m. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENTS WILL START AT 9:00 A.M. Wednesday evening we will have a 50 Bird Handicap Shooter Contest, Fee: $30 per shooter. $10 to Pocatello Trap Club, rest to shooter. Pays 50-30-20 percentage. ANYONE SELLING RE-LOADING COMPONENTS OR OTHER TRAP SHOOTING SUPPLIES MUST CLEAR IT WITH THE MANAGEMENT. VENDORS - There is no charge for vendors. SHELLS are available in the club house. Legal reloads permitted. If you want your empties catch them. No one will be permitted to pick up empty hulls. REFUNDS AND ENTRIES - No entry fees, purses, or options will be refunded after the event has started. Also, no purses or options will be accepted after the first score sheet is posted. 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 4 AWARDS - A shooter may not win more than one award per event. You must notify the Handicapper if you are of a special category. You can only win one special category trophy. If you win a special category trophy you must then shoot for class or yardage group. SHOOT-OFFS - Some shoot-offs will be carried forward when possible. If you win a singles or doubles event you will be moved up one class. SHOOT-OFFS ON DRAW SCORES - Will be held after the last event of each day, miss and out. CONDUCT - The Pocatello Trap Club reserves the right to refuse entry or withdraw any contestant, who in any way, interferes with the safety, harmony and enjoyment of this shoot. If any shooter has issue with any aspect of the shoot, please see a Director. PRACTICE TRAPS - Will be open for all events. RESQUADING - There will be a charge of $20.00 each time a shooter resquads with the exception of necessity due to earned yardage. FOOD - The kitchen will be open for the duration of the shoot for breakfast and lunch. To be eligible for added Lewis money & shotgun shell drawings you must shoot all events on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. LOCATION The Pocatello Trap Club is located approximately 8 miles west of Pocatello. Take the Airport Exit (#56), turn towards the airport and follow the signs. There are 83 RV hookups available with water and electricity - Splitters Required FEES: $15 a night KING OF BEERS 5 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot IMPORTANT INFORMATION Eleven Rifles will be given away on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: 1 for each event 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 7 2nd half, 8, 9 and 10. A score will be drawn at the conclusion of each event and all shooters with that score will shoot off at the end of the shooting day for that event’s gun. All Shoot-offs for Draw Guns are Miss and Out On Sunday’s Handicap Events 9 and 10, six .22 Rifles will be won by the handicap winners for those events. Short yardage, middle yardage and long yardage on event 10. Champion will be awarded a stainless .22 Rifle. PLEASE NOTE Limit 1 (one) gun per person on draw guns. Anyone winning a draw gun will not be eligible for the remaining draw guns. Shooters losing the shoot-off will be eligible for the remaining draw guns. A Shooter winning a draw gun can win an additional gun by shooting a winning score in events 9 or 10. PERFECT 50’S PURSES Any shooter whose handicap yardage is 26-27 yards, playing this option, and runs two consecutive traps will receive 60% of the purse for those traps. All ties will be split. Entries for each handicap will be added to the next handicap. Any shooter who plays the Perfect 50’s Purse must play all Perfect 50’s Purses during the entire shoot. 1. Willis & Lisa’s Jumbo’s Cafe (Traps 1 & 2)......................774.00 2. J & J Autobody (Traps 2 & 3)..........................................356.00 3. Adams Construction (Traps 3 & 4)..................................161.75 TOTAL FOR THIS SHOOT 1291.75 Totals are subject to change due to a prior shoot 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 6 PreSquad Contact Kay Reynolds Phone: 208-312-0314 Email: [email protected] Better Service, RV Reservations Better Selection, Randy Adams: 208-251-2288 Better Prices, All Other Questions BETTER Randy Adams GO TO HIRNING! Phone: 208-251-2288 Pocatello Trap Club would like to thank our sponsors for this shoot. Fluor IDAHO WMI 509 Yellowstone Ave. Pocatello, ID (208) 232-8900 HirningAuto.com Western Mechanical & Industrial, LLC Shooters, show G & LPlease Metal Fab, Inc. these businesses your patronage 7 2969 S Frontage33rd Rd.Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot We are here BIGGER & BETTER Bring this ad in and get $30.00 off any HANDGUN OR RIFLE Expires 9-30-2016 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 11TH 9:00 am DAILY PITA FEE - $3.00 per Shooter per Day TONY WATKINS SINGLES EVENT 1 - 100 16 YARD TARGETS - 5 CLASSES AA-A-B-C-D ENTRY: Targets and Trophies 30.00 State Fees Lewis Class (4 Classes) 1.50 20.00 EVENT 2 - 100 HANDICAP TARGETS 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. Targets and Trophies State Fees Yardage Purse (Optional) 25 Options 50 Options - 3 50’s Perpetual 50’s Purses Lewis Class (4 Classes) Perfect 50’s Purse 26, 27 yard only 30.00 1.50 20.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 ENTRY: Purse: 1 Pay per 7 entries High Gun 25 Options: $2.50 each 25 divided 100% (% System) 50 Options: $5.00 each first, middle, and last 50 divided 60%-40% (% system) GARY CAHOON DOUBLES ENTRY: 9 EVENT 3 - 50 PAIR DOUBLES - 5 CLASSES AA-A-B-C-D Targets and Trophies State Fees Lewis Class (4 Classes) 30.00 1.50 20.00 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot FRIDAY, AUGUST 12TH 9:00 am DAILY PITA FEE - $3.00 per Shooter per Day RANDY ADAMS DOUBLES EVENT 4 - 50 PAIR DOUBLES - 5 CLASSES AA-A-B-C-D ENTRY: Targets and Trophies State Fees Lewis Class (4 Classes) 30.00 1.50 20.00 ROBIN WATKINS SINGLES EVENT 5 - 100 SINGLES TARGETS - 5 CLASSES AA-A-B-C-D ENTRY: Targets and Trophies 30.00 State Fees 1.50 Lewis Class (4 Classes) 20.00 FLUOR IDAHO IS SPONSORING $1000 ADDED MONEY TO LEWIS CLASS $250 EACH CLASS ENTRY: EVENT 6 - 100 HANDICAP TARGETS 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. Targets and Trophies State Fees Yardage Purse (Optional) 25 Options 50 Options 3 50’s Perpetual 50’s Purses Lewis Class (4 Classes) Perfect 50’s Purse 26, 27 yard only 30.00 1.50 20.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 Purse and Options divided same as Event 2 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 10 11 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 1100 PITA all the Rifles to be given away by draw score. ELEVEN RIFLES will be given away on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday; One Rifle for Events, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 (2nd half), 8, 9, and 10 by draw score AUGUST 11, 12, 13, 14, 2016 POCATELLO, IDAHO IGHT & fixins’ Dinner DAY N SATUR APPRECIATION & GUN SHOOT present the 32nd Annual POCATELLO TRAP CLUB and the WATKINS DISTRIBUTING Eleven 2 Rifles Seven .2 GUNS IN $8,000 ROPHIES s in T ’s Purse $4,000 l & Perfect 50 S erpetua S & TROPHIE .89 in P $3,498 ,000 in PURSE $19 E ES TO B L IF R N E EIGHTE EN AWAY GIV Rifles 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 12 These guns are in addition to the regular trophies for the events Limit 1 (one) gun per person on draw gun. Anyone winning a draw gun will not be eligible for the remaining draw guns. $10 Rolls, Dessert .0 0 Potatoes, Salad Dutch Oven BBQ Steak Saturday Dinner Kitchen will be open throughout the shoot for breakfast and lunch! Randy Adams (208) 251-2288 POCATELLO TRAP CLUB P.O. BOX 2091 POCATELLO, ID 83206 www.pocatellotrapclub.com For programs and information write: LOCATION The Pocatello Trap Club is located approximately 8 miles west of Pocatello. Take the airport exit, #56, turn towards the airport and follow the signs. There are 83 electrical and water R.V. hookups available. Make reservations for 2015 season at gun club this year. SPECIAL EVENT PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT Courtesy of POCATELLO TRAP CLUB On Sunday’s handicap Event 9, three 22 RIFLES will be awarded to the three handicap winners - short yardage - middle yardage and long yardage. On Sunday’s handicap event 10, three 22 RIFLES will be awarded to the three handicap winners - short yardage, middle yardage, and long yardage. Champion on Event 10 will be awarded a stainless 22 rifle. A shooter winning a draw gun can win an additional gun by shooting a winning score in events 9 or 10. TARGETS SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH 9:30 am DAILY PITA FEE - $3.00 per Shooter per Day CARL & LEONA SMITH EVENT 7 - 200- 16 YARD TARGETS - 5 CLASSES AA-A-B-C-D ENTRY: Targets and Trophies State Fees Lewis Class (4 Classes total 200) 60.00 3.00 20.00 J & J AUTOBODY & WESTERN MECHANICAL SPONSORING $800 ADDED MONEY TO LEWIS CLASS $200 EACH CLASS ENTRY: EVENT 8 - 100 HANDICAP TARGETS 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. Targets and Trophies State Fees Yardage Purse (Optional) 25 Options 50 Options 3 50’s Perpetual 50’s Purses Lewis Class (4 Classes) Perfect 50’s Purse 26, 27 yard only 30.00 1.50 20.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 Purse and Options divided same as Event 2 Need your vehicle repaired or painted? Please visit J & J Autobody See ad page 18 Need Custom Fabrication? Please visit Western Mechanical. See ad page 21 Cocktail Party, Dinner & Special Event will follow Event #8 13 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot SUNDAY, AUGUST 14TH 9:00 am DAILY PITA FEE - $3.00 per Shooter per Day ENTRY: EVENT 9 - 100 HANDICAP TARGETS 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. Targets and Trophies State Fees Yardage Purse (Optional) 25 Options 50 Options 3 50’s‑ Perpetual 50’s Purses Lewis Class (4 Classes) Perfect 50’s Purse 26, 27 yard only Purse and Options divided same as Event 2 30.00 1.50 20.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 HIRNING BUICK GMC IS SPONSORING $1,000 ADDED MONEY TO LEWIS CLASS $250 EACH CLASS ENTRY: EVENT 10 - 100 HANDICAP TARGETS 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. Targets and Trophies State Fees Yardage Purse (Optional) 25 Options 50 Options 3 50’s Perpetual 50’s Purses Lewis (4 Classes) Perfect 50’s Purse 26, 27 yard only Purse and Options divided same as Event 2 ENTRY: On Event #10 5% will be dedicated for expenses 1 in 7 80/20 Split High Gun SPECIAL EVENT 30.00 1.50 20.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 Looking for a new vehicle? Please visit Hirning Buick GMC. See ad on front and back page. 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 14 PERPETUAL 50’S PURSES Any shooter playing the purse and running a specific combination of 2 traps of any handicap event will divide one half of the total in the purse. All ties will be split. Entries for each handicap will be added to the purses for the next handicap. Any shooter who plays any perpetual purse must play or pay for all perpetual purses during the entire shoot 1. Indian Head Purse (Traps 1 & 2).....................................448.38 2. Lee Aikin’s Sport Shop Purse (Traps 1 & 3)....................264.00 3. Stan and Orlene Keefer Memorial (Traps 1 & 4).............323.50 4. Zarbinsky Memorial (Traps 2 & 3)...................................411.75 5. Indian Head Purse (Traps 2 & 4).....................................630.88 6. Doc’s Gun Barn (Traps 3 & 4).........................................128.63 TOTAL FOR THIS SHOOT 2,207.14 Totals are subject to change due to a prior shoot Fluor IDAHO 15 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot BUDWEISER GUN SHOOT TROPHY LIST EVENT 1 SINGLES WINNER AA-A-B-C-D-VET-LDY-JR EVENT 2 WINNER HANDICAP 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. VET-LDY EVENT 3 DOUBLES WINNER AA-A-B-C-D-VET-LDY EVENT 4 WINNER DOUBLESCHAMPION AA-A-B-C-D-VET-LDY EVENT 5 WINNER SINGLESAA-A-B-C-D-VET-LDY-JR EVENT 6 WINNER HANDICAP 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. VET-LDY EVENT 7 WINNER 200 SINGLES CHAMPION AA-A-B-C-D-VET-LDY-JR RU AA-A-B-C-D EVENT 8 WINNER HANDICAP 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. VET-LDY EVENT 9 WINNER HANDICAP 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. VET-LDY EVENT 10 WINNER HANDICAPCHAMPION 19-22 YD., 23-25 YD, & 26-27 YD. VET-LDY H-A-A (400 TARGETS) (4-7-10) AA-A-B-C-D Vet, Lady H-O-A (1100 TARGETS) (1-10) AA-A-B-C-D Vet, Lady 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 16 E xperience a gallery where you are the artist. Where you can see, touch, and feel your home the way you want it, right now. All the latest appliances. Gorgeous sinks and faucets. Brilliant lighting. Plus, the product expertise that makes it easy to turn your vision into reality. Masterpieces Made Here FERGUSON.COM Pocatello 1063 W Alameda Road (208) 238-1091 ©2013 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 17 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 18 For Pocatello’s Appreciation Gun Shoot 21 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot 18 WMI Western Mechanical & Industrial, LLC G & L Metal Fab, Inc. 2969 S Frontage Rd. American Falls, ID 83211 208-226-5158 www.wmi-af.com All types of Welding Piping Conveyors Augers Tanks Fabrication and Installation Industrial Equipment Pipe Installation Raw Material Sales 21 33rd Annual Appreciation Gun Shoot Better Service, Better Selection, Better Prices, BETTER GO TO HIRNING! 509 Yellowstone Ave. Pocatello, ID (208) 232-8900 HirningAuto.com SQUADDING & PRACTICE Thursday, August 11, 2016 • 7:00 am and continuing throughout the shoot Questions Concerning this Shoot Call Randy Adams – (208) 251-2288 CLASSES SINGLESDOUBLES 97.00% and above .............................. AA................................94.50% and above 94.50% and under 97.00%................... A.................... 90.00% and under 94.49% 91.50% and under 94.49%................... B.................... 85.00% and under 89.99% 88.50% and under 91.49%................... C.................... 80.00% and under 84.99% under 88.50%........................................ D.........................................under 80.00% The Idaho PITA State Association will award Idaho straight pins to shooters who run 25, 50, or 75 straight at any PITA shoot held in Idaho (limit one each per shooter). It doesn’t have to be the first time you have broken these scores, just the first time at a PITA shoot in Idaho. The parent PITA Association will also award PITA 100 straight pin and PITA 27 yard pins to any shooters who earn them. POCATELLO TRAP CLUB P.O. Box 2091 Pocatello, Idaho 83206 208-234-4161