2002 Bums and Groins - Burton Garran Hall Alumni


2002 Bums and Groins - Burton Garran Hall Alumni
Bums & Groins
February 2002 Issue 1
A word from
the editor
Hello and welcome to the first issue of Bums and Groins for 2002. Hopefully
everyone had a funky holiday if not then BAGMA’ll make sure you do for O-week
and the rest of the year. Which means that should you have any concerns or problems with anything and you are unableto (or just don’t wanna) contact any of the
helpful administration people or RTs and ATs then just look around for the happy
Resident Paparazzi
faces of the BAGMA committee and we’ll be more thenhappy to help sort out your problem.
Or alternatively you can just leave a message in the BAGMA suggestion box(or SuBo) located next to the internal
telephone in the main foyer next to the office. And because we empty it out just before every BAGMA meeting
we’ll definitely read it and post a response on the BAGMA noticeboard. The BAGMA noticeboard is located near
the A/B door entrance into central block and contains information regarding upcoming events and previous
BAGMA minutes to help keep you in the loop of what’s going on with your BAGMA fee.
Another service to help keep you informed of things you should know, is the BAGMA infoline. It can be reached
by simply ringing x4896. It has all the information you should know about current events regarding sports or
administration wise. Along with postgrad stuff, entertainment info and of course the inspirational “thought of the
week”. It’s ideal for any poor saps that were silly enough to push “4” too many times and erased some really important messages about fees because they thought it was just another message from home checking up on how you’ve
been settling in.
With all that said, have a spiffy O-week and above all don’t ever cheese off the Communications Officer(Me) unless
you want to see a very dodgy photo of yourself sprawled over the next issue of Bums&Groins or on the
http://redbacks.anu.edu.au/ website or perhaps even much worse.
The B&G yearbook is still work in progress and will be a while longer. If you know anyone who was a resident last
year and has been enquiring about it please infrom them to please be patient. Tell them to forward their contact
details to Adrian Wong on x4813. When I get around to finishing the yearbook I’ll then contact everyone and
arrange for pickup or forwarding of the yearbook to former residents from last year.
Hey meet the crew!
In order to get to know a little more about the members of BAGMA I threw these questions at them:
- Name
- Position on BAGMA
- Fav food
- If you could be an animal it’d be a
- Underwear?
Unfortunately half of them were to busy to fill their’s out so I had to fill them out as best I could Ü
Name: Amy-Ruth MacDonald
Position on BAGMA: El presidente
Fav food: Two all beef patties, special sauce, pickles, cheese all on a sesame seed
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Cute fluffy bunny with razor sharp teeth
Underwear?: Fraid not
Name: Maximus Desimus Jeganathanus
Position on BAGMA: Vice President
Fav food: Curry Curry Curry
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Monkey
Underwear?: Sometimes
Name: Kate Sharkey
Position on BAGMA: Treasurer
Fav food: Oreos
If you could be an animal it’d be a: dove
Underwear?: No thanks
Name: Faye Churcher
Position on BAGMA: Secretary
Fav food: Japanese, prawns, pancakes, cooked breakfast
If you could be an animal it’d be a: my cat - the most spoilt one I know!
Underwear?: black, lacy bra or a funky colourful matching set.
Name: Kizzy Hyde
Position: Postgrad Rep
Fav food: Pasta, peppermint chocolate, naan bread with a good lamb korma,
mint slice biscuits, raisin toast, good coffee, vanilla cheesecake, a good
medium rare steak….the list could go on
If you could be an animal it’d be a: an eagle. As I have just wanted to walk
up to the edge of a cliff and jump off, only to fly away soaring on the thermal
uplifts, also I could fly very fast killing thingsÜ
Underwear?: Bond Hipsters
Name: Manu Sundaram
Position on BAGMA: Social Arts Officer (SAO)
Fav food: Spam from a can on a soggy sao
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Grizzly bear
Underwear?: Leopard skin
Name: Liam Nield
Position on BAGMA: Sports god
Fav food: Seafood pizza with a lotta fish
If you could be an animal it’d be a: I am an animal Grrrr!!!
Underwear?: Extra large jocks
Name: Connor Ryan
Position on BAGMA: Sports Extraordinaire
Fav food: Crocodile
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Massive Croc or Steve Erwin
Underwear?: Crocodile Skin
Name: Sam Fawcett
Position on BAGMA: Sports Rep
Fav food: Bread
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Buffalo
Underwear?: Clean
Name: Toni Brasting
Position on BAGMA: Sports gal
Fav food: Rice pudding and anything sweet!!!
If you could be an animal it’d be a: hephalump or woozle
Underwear?: are we supposed to wear it???
Name: Liam Gilligan
Position on BAGMA: Entertainment Officer
Fav food: wizz fizz
If you could be an animal it’d be a: Benobo Monkey
Underwear?: little boys briefs
Name: Adrian Wong
Position on BAGMA: Communications Officer aka BAGMA’s bitch boy
Fav food: Chicken strips with heaps o chicken salt
If you could be an animal it’d be a: ass just like eeyore with a tail that falls off a lot
Underwear?: Pink panties(preferably clean)
We’re all here to help meet your needs, that’s what BAGMA’s for so please don’t hesitate to approach any
of us if you have a suggestion an idea or complaint about my pink panties lying around in your kitchen sink.
Because we’re more then happy to help make your experience at B&G a great happy memorable time.
“I drink to make other people interesting”
George Jean Nathan
Lynchie dancin Robbie Williams Rock DJ amidst a bunch of boring people
Yo, yo! Wasn’t summer fun? Well get over it, it’s time for uni. So welcome back to returning ressies
and a big HELLO to our new residents.
For all of you that don’t know I’m Amy-Ruth. I live in the Oval Office on C2 and I am the BAGMA
president. You may be wondering what BAGMA is all about. You’ve seen people wearing it on their
shirts, you’ve read about it, you’ll hear people bitching about it and you’ve paid $80 for it. So what’s
the go? Well, we are a fine institution of 14 enthusiastic schmucks, here
to make your time at B&G awesome/cool/fun/rad/knarly, whatever turns
you on really…
Your first year at uni and college can be both scary and exciting. It can
all seem overwhelming at first, but I assure you the best way to get over
it is to get into it. I urge you to make the most of the year ahead and to
learn from, and enjoy, all your experiences (I warned you that I was a
schmuck!). O-week is the first of many wickety-whack adventures you’ll
have at B&G. It’s a time to learn about the uni, get involved in college
life, experience ‘the pac’, and meet 520 new faces (learn the word
‘mate’, it’s invaluable). BAGMA is here to cater for everyone. That why
we’ve planned events for boys and girls, alcos and non-alcos, carnivores and vegetors, the young and the restless, the bold and the beautiful, whether you’re home and away… we’re all neighbours.
So if you’re lost, troubled, horny, bored or sober find an RT, AT, BAGMA rep or just follow the noise
and sure to find a friend.
Post Grad report
I would like to extend a big welcome to all post grad students, my name is kizzy and I have taken over this position
from Sheldon who did a fantastic job last year.
It is my job this year to keep the Post Grad Lounge stocked with tea, coffee, sugar and biscuits and to organize
functions for the post grad’s. Please let me know if there is anything you would like to do or alternatively if we run
out of coffee.
As many of you may have noticed we have been fortunate in that our building was renovated over the summer and
we now have pretty yellow, pink, green or purple rooms...... I must say however that I am not too keen on the Long
Bay Jail window screens and am already feeling like a lab rat in a psych study dealing with the correlation between
colour and mental health.
As usual there have been a number of events planned throughout O-week and I would encourage everyone to participate..... Yes I know O-week is for first years and we are all a bit past that... Well at least one degree past it... But
please remember that whilst you are all post grads you are also members of B&G and it is your BAGMA fee, which
is spent organizing these functions. In addition, there will be an event specifically for post grads held on Monday
the 25th of February at 10am. We will be opening the recently renovated Post Grad Lounge, and there will be an
assortment of pastries and fruit platters accompanied by OJ and flavoured milk on offer. I hope to see you all there.
If you have any questions or queries at any time please
give me a call or drop by my room.
Looking forward to a great year!!
Ext 4596
Rm A201
Entertainment Report
Hey hey!
I am the entertainment officer for this year. My role is to put on movie nights, look after entertainment equipment
and try to make B&G an entertaining and fun place to live.
The entertainment/communications committee helps out with these duties. If you think you’d like to help out with
any of these activities then maybe you should consider submitting an application for this committee.
I look forward to making this a fantastic year.
O-week Itiner
Saturday 23rd February
12pm: Welcome BBQ – Come out to the A/B block courtyard (next to the kitchen)
for a bit of grub and to mingle with fellow students while you meet the lovely BAGMA
2pm: G’days – Get to know who’s who around the Hall. You’ll meet the Head,
Dean, Resident Tutors (RTs) and Assistant Tutors (ATs), and the BAGMA President (if
you haven’t already come across her fine culinary talents). A pretty important event.
7.30pm: TRIVIA NIGHT – First years only for this one, where you’ll test your
knowledge on everything (including B&G itself!) and have a great time doing it. Free
pizza for all provided, along with prizes for the best answers!
10.30pm: Workies – The infamous dine-out for those on a tight (very tight!) budget. You’ll have the chance
to join the club, and have a few drinks with your new-found friends. A nice social event.
Sunday 24th Feb
10am: Tour of B&G by RTs – this will give you a chance to get to know your RT and meet others on your
floor, find out all you need to know, as well as receive the comprehensive, complimentary tour of the hall; a must
for ALL residents, not just newies.
12pm: Kitchen – Cooking Demo – for all those intimidated by the sight of saucepan!
Don’t panic. Basic skills demonstrated, how to cook cheap, nutritious food, as well as how
to use the kitchen facilities.
12pm: Welcome BBQ to later years – an invitation for the later year students. Meet
in Central Block at 12.
2-4pm: Tutorial Assistance – a chance to meet the people who help you pass – your
subject tutors! Meet in central block.
8pm: Drag and Diva – boys… get your best drag queen costumes out! You have no idea how much fun
you’ll have in a skirt! ; ) Girls, you are the divas of the night, so be as outrageous and trashy as possible! Check
with your RT to see if you have a floor party before you start. Prizes for best dressed are available. It’s a great
night with a lot of laughs!!
Monday 25th February
10am: RTs’ campus tour - find out where your lectures and tutorials
will be, instead of doing it on the day.
11am: Welcome to uni by Deputy VC – meet the uni’s Deputy ViceChancellor, Dean of Students, and the President of the Student’s Association
– all the important people! More details in ANU O Week Pamphlet. In Manning Clark, Theatre 1.
12.30pm Casuarina Sands – a beautiful spot by the river, this a relaxing day. Swimming, games, a bit of a barbie are on offer. A good chance to work on your tan! All in all, a great day
in the sun.
Library tours running daily. Check pamphlett for more info!
ary for 2002
2-3pm: Intro to Arts – if the river doesn’t tempt you, an academic session will be held in Manning Clark
Theatre 1, will give you a bit more info as to the arts faculty and your degree.
7-8pm: Information for 1st Yrs B&Gers – in Function Room 1. An essential!
This is compulsary for 1st Years
8pm: Bush Dance Barnie! – Kick up your heels in your best rags! Sounds corny
but actually a heap of fun. You get to check out the talent at Bruce Hall too! Make your
way to the Dining Hall or ask someone who looks like they know what they are doing,
for directions.
11pm: BEACH PARTY @ South Pac – an introduction to the world of swimwear
in Canberra weather and the B&G institution! A night out that will induct you to the
club where you will undoubtedly spend many a following Thursday night.
Tuesday 26th February
9:30-12:30pm: Enrolment for B&G residents - RTs will take you as a group to Melville Hall.
10am: Intro to Science - an academic session will be held in the Chemistry Building, in the Chem Lecture
Theatre 1 and will give you a bit more info for the science buffs.
1.30-3.30pm: Intro to Asian Studies – as above, but with an asian twist. Held in Manning Clark, Theatre 5.
2-5pm: Computer Lab Training for 1st years – B&G Labs – associate yourself with the technology of B&G
in the newly updated lab. Computer assistants will be there to help out for those who have trouble.
7pm: Bowling – Join the bowling bonanza of B&G. After the last few days, bowling will be a welcome
relief to the liver. Have some bonding fun as you meet even more B&G residents as you put your ball skills to the
test. (Big prize for anyone that can beat Toni!!)
After Bowling – There will be a movie marathon. All your favourite monty python movies with a bit of a twist. The
bar will be open selling vital beverages for this movie marathon…
Wednesday 27th February
All Day: Market Day @ Uni – your chance to join any club you want @ ANU. Engineering, law, Indonesian, arts, drama, sports, mountaineering, kendo… the list is huge!
10.30-12: Intro to Engineering and IT– another faculty session, again in Manning Clark Theatre 1!
1.30-3pm: Intro to Commerce and Economics – as above, Manning Clark,
Theatre 1. (Is there a pattern here???)
2-5pm: Computer Lab Training – see above, on Tuesday.
5pm: Drugs and Alcohol – get a laugh and pick up some serious tips on how
to be safe at uni. The speaker’s a gag! Definitely well worth
the effort taken to leave your room!
8pm: Toga Night – it’s great fun wandering around in a bedsheet! Just make sure
O-week guide continued!
your toga is securely fastened and/or your wearing underwear!!! Be on the look out for more specials in the bar and
the crowning of most creative toga and the Iron Gut champions!
Thursday 28th February
9.30-12: New Graduate students welcome – speakers include the Deputy VC, an the
Dean of the Grad school, as well as reps from support services for Grad Students. Manning
Clarke, Theatre 3.
10am –1pm: Queer Brunch – an intro to ANU for lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgendered, and queer students and their friends, or even those with questions. In
the Crisp
Building, Kingsley Street side, Ground floor.
12pm: Pots and Pans Sale – pop into the bar to get the utensils necessary for the mystery that is cooking at knockdown prices! Grab a drink at the bar after your hard shopping!
12-2pm: Intro to Law – rather than asking dispirited students, the Dean and first yr teachers will introduce
legal studies at ANU. In Law Lecture Theatre, Law Building.
2-5pm: Computer Lab Training – see above, on Tuesday.
8pm: International Fiesta – get a taste of the (free!) international cuisine that the B&G residents have to
offer. Also enjoy some multicultural entertainment. Specials at the bar will too good to miss – especially the sake
and ouzo. Make it a time to connect with your international residents!
Friday 1st March
11-6pm: Intercollege Fantasy Island – come along for a great intercollege experience. You’ll catch a ferry
there, and be provided with all you could want to eat and drink on an island in the middle of Canberra’s Lake
Burley Griffin. Make sure you get in early, tickets available from the bar!
7.30pm: Bar night, with FREE pizza and finish the night with a rave in the function rooms
Saturday 2nd March
9 – 1.30: Intro to uni study - Manning Clark, Lecture 3. The academic context of ANU.
10am: Black Opal – what better way to celebrate Liam’s (BAGMA entertainment rep) birthday than a day
at the Races? Don your best hats and be pampered with a FREE day out, courtesy of the legend that is South Pac.
Finish a great day by having a great night out at the Pac.
Sunday 3rd March
11am: Botanical Gardens Brunch – celebrate the successful end of O week and the start of uni with a casual
brunch. Hear about the O week challenges that your RT’s, BAGMA and other notorious B&G members didn’t pass
while enjoying another birthday celebration – Faye’s.
7pm: Dessert and movies – the perfect end to a perfect week. Wind down and relax with cheesecake,
chocolate, ice cream, and a good flick.
P.S. Don’t forget to say Happy Birthday to Kate and Manu who had their birthdays earlier in the month! Pity you missed the
P.P.S. There will be non-alcoholic events running all week such as movies and so on, so keep your eyes peeled for posters.
Admin - Words from the wise
“ Welcome back to all my old ressies - I am still here to yell
at you for not wearing shoes. And to all new ressies - wear
shoes... But to my real job. I am here to assist you with
music room keys, Centrelink letters and parking permits. I
will be available exclusively for these from 5-6pm Monday 25
February - Wednesday 6 March.
After that, you should all be
organised. If not, you can see me
during the day and I will fit you in
when I can. Hope you all have a
terrific O-Week and don’t do anything that you will always be remembered by. Think about it ..
All the best for a great year in 2002.
I may look cranky and yell alot but I
really am very fond of you !
Dinah - x4350 - Hall Administrator “
1st Year Interhall Rep
The first year rep is elected in the 3rd week of term. This is a great way to make the most of your college
experience and to make new friends from many colleges. As an Interhall rep you have the privilege of
going to regular meetings and organising a range of inter-college events. Most of all it is the best way to
give a contribution to your college. Please talk to any BAGMA rep about getting more info about the position.
International Rep
Due to some unfortunate circumstances the original International Rep is no longer staying at B&G. In this
position you are in charge of the International Committee and organising several events for international
and local students. It is a great way to become involved in your host country and learn much about college
and Australia. It is an opportunity to give something back to the college and meet a range of residents at
B&G. Please ask any BAGMA rep about applying for this position.
Also another position that is currently available is:Communications Officer
It is a position which places you right where the action is. A great way to meet and greet a great assortment of people as you run around with a camera. However this position also a sub committee at their
disposal to aid the Communications officer if an extra hand in video taping or taking photos is required.
This position has to be one of the most enjoyable social positions on BAGMA and is a great opportunity to
show off what leadership skills you have in allocating duties to the peons beneath you. It is an appointed
position by BAGMA where applicants submit their application to BAGMA to apply for the position.
For further details contact a BAGMA rep, especially the temporary Communications Officer on 4813.
Sports Report
G-day everyone and welcome back or welcome for the first time to B&G. Your darling sports reps for 2002 are
Sam x4410
Toni x4822
Liam x4530
Connor x4360
Our job will be to help you guys enjoy and participate in as much intercollege sport as possible(as well as
kicking the arses of all the other colleges). We will also try to encourage as many spectators as possible to
support our mighty redback teams & mascot(currently out of action from the John’s girl’s incident - Ed).
Throughout the year, sports available for your viewing and sweating and pleasure will include AFL, netball,
rugby league, basketball, soccer, volleyball, touch, swimming and more!
However, first up will be hockey, tennis and cricket follwed closely by the biggest interhall sports event of the
year: Inward Bound.
You’ll hear all about these sports as they draw closer. During O-week, sign-up sheets for all sports will be up
on the notice boards in central block. These sheets will serve as a gauge of interest. They are not a fullyfledged commitment. B&G sport is more about meeting people having and embracing the college spirit. You
are also more than welcome to approach us about coaching any of the sports or with any questions in general.
You’ll be hearing more from us throughout the year as your chosen sports draw near.
Lots of Love
Your sports reps
Connor, Toni, Sam and Liam
And you should also have a sheet inserted in your
Bums&Groins that you can fill out and drop into the suggestion box.
A freaky redback fanatic!!!
The Arts stuff
So what’s this Arts?
So you feel wobbly in the legs every time the A-word is mentioned? Feel like you need to run to the Toilets
when you are asked to stand up and talk in front of a group of people? Well, so do I!!
But have no Fear,
‘Cuz The Arts/Social Reps are Here!
Arts events at B&G this year look more exciting than any year before. Starting from the crowd-drawing
Debating to the attention-grabbing Arts Show, Inter-college Arts is all about socialising and cheering your
fellow students on- whether they are battling their wits out for Trivia Night or showing off their skills in
Talent Night. Also, thanks to the increased international students participation in the last 2 years, we can
expect some really mesmerising performances.
Also, along the year we will be holding Inter-block Theatre Sports, The B&G Annual Arts Show which is
always a hit and B&G’s very own Theatre Production. So come along and give it a Go, ’Cuz you never
Manu & Max(Arts/Social Reps)
Feel free to ask either one of us
about any of your queries/concerns/misgivings.
B Block
A Block
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Ian Leslie
Verity Twydale
Nicola Murphy
Matthew Kane
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Yushen Cui
Bernard Mills
Kathryn Cooper
Damian Ooi
Damian Ooi
Sub Dean 4694
D Block
C Block
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Kellie Johnston
Alisa Taylor
Ben Hicks
Roma Munro
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Cathy McGowan
Jezra Goeldi
Lisa Fox
Ingrid Zappia
Roma Munro
Sub Dean 4330
Amy-Ruth MacDonald
Vice President
Max Jeganathan
Kate Sharkey
Faye Churcher
Post-Graduate Representative
Kizzy Hyde
International Representative
Arts Representative
Manu Sundaram
Female Sports Representative
Toni Brasting
Female Sports Representative
Sam Fawcett
Male Sports Representative
Liam Nield
Male Sports Representative
Connor Ryan
Entertainment Co-ordinator
Liam Gilligan
Communications Officer
Adrian Wong