Tutorial - Dynagram


Tutorial - Dynagram
Version 7.5
© Copyright 2000-2013 Dynagram. All rights reserved.
Printed in Canada.
DynaStrip is a registered trademark of Dynagram. 
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks 
of their respective owners.
DynaStrip imposition software has been developed for imposition
professionals. It is very flexible and easy to use. However, we recommend that DynaStrip’s user be familiar with the Macintosh OS X or
Windows operating system before starting this tutorial.
DynaStrip's user interface is almost identical on all platforms. However, some functions may differ slightly depending on the environment. The Command key on the Macintosh system is replaced by the
Ctrl key on the Windows system.
The examples, templates, and source document files in this Tutorial
are fictitious and should be used for the sole purpose of learning
Release: April 25, 2013
Table of
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Lesson ................................
Overview .....................................................
This exercise will demonstrate: light table, sheet viewing, plate
identification, icons, and toolbars. ....................................
New Job .......................................................
In this exercise, you will create a new composite job for a 48-page
saddle-stitched booklet. ..................................................
Create a Sheet .............................................
Exercise 3
In this exercise, you will define the sheet parameters, add sheets,
select sheets, and remove them. .......................................
Create and Edit a Signature ..........................
Exercise 4
In this exercise, you will define the signature, including the Page
and Page Marks parameters. .............................................
Exercise 5
In this exercise, you will add a signature and place it in the center of
the sheet. Then you will move it to adjust the gripper width.
Exercise 6
In this exercise, you will learn two different ways to modify a
gutter. ..........................................................................
Tips & Review .............................................
Release: April 25, 2013
Lesson ................................
Create a Linear Mark ...................................
Exercise 7 In this exercise, you will create a fold mark and place two of them
on the signature. ...........................................................
Create a Register Mark ................................
Exercise 8 In this exercise, you will define Register Mark parameters and place
four of them on the sheet. ..............................................
Import a Color Bar ........................................
Exercise 9 In this exercise, you will define a customized color bar and place it
on the sheet. .................................................................
Create a Text Tag .........................................
Exercise 10 In this exercise, you will add a text tag to identify the plates (slug
line). ............................................................................
Tips & Review .............................................
Lesson ................................ 23
Pagination ...................................................
Exercise 11 In this exercise, you will paginate the signature manually, rotate the
head of the pages, and save your folding template. ............
Exercise 12 In this exercise, you will learn more about pagination sequences.
Exercise 13 In this exercise, you will copy a sheet, apply the pagination for the
entire job, and learn about sheet templates. .....................
Color Table, Source Documents and Imposition
Index ...........................................................
Exercise 14 In this exercise, you will prepare the color table for this CMYK job.
Exercise 15 In this exercise, you will list the source documents, create the
imposition index for the job and match colors. ..................
Release: April 25, 2013
Table of Contents
Exercise 16
In this exercise, you will explore the imposition index mode and add
a blank page. ................................................................
Output Functions ..........................................
Exercise 17
In this exercise, you will create an Output Device and print the job.
Tips & Review .............................................
Release: April 25, 2013
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson
New Job,
Create a Sheet,
Create and Edit a Signature
Exercise 1
This exercise will demonstrate: light table, sheet viewing,
plate identification, icons, and toolbars.
• Open the file DemoJob from the Tutorial folder (select Open in the
File menu or double-click on the job icon). The Job Definition window will display. Click on OK to access the layout.
Functions toolbar
Sheet list
Light table
Front of sheet
Back of sheet
Objects palette
Actions toolbar
Object Position menu
Assistant window
Cursor Position window
• DynaStrip’s main design window represents your light table.
Objects (press sheet, pages, marks) will appear on your light table
as you create them.
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• On the left side of the screen is the Sheet List showing all the
sheets found in the job. Any sheet or group of sheets selected
in this list will be displayed on your light table.
• All sheets are numbered and identified according to their side: F
for front and B for back. For fast recognition, the front is gray and
the back is blue.
Front of sheet 1
Back of sheet 1
• Select sheets 2 and 4 in the Sheet List on the left side of the
screen. Sheets 2F, 2B, 4F and 4B will be displayed. (To select or
unselect multiple sheets one by one, hold down the Command key
while clicking on the sheet numbers of your choice. Holding down
the Shift key allows for selecting several consecutive sheets in the
list at once.)
• Move your mouse over the sheets and note that the Cursor Position
window (lower-left corner of the screen) shows the exact position
of the cursor (sheet, side, and coordinates).
• The front and the back can be displayed simultaneously or separately. In the View menu, unselect Sheet’s Back. Only sheets 2F and
4F are now displayed.
Sheet’s Back
You may display the sheets’ back by clicking again on View > Sheet’s
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson — Overview
• DynaStrip’s tools are divided into three logical toolbars:
- Objects palette (appears when clicking on the upper-right large
button): each icon gives access to an object mode (i.e.: sheet,
signature, page, marks, etc.); once an icon has been selected,
the object mode becomes activated and subsequent actions will
apply to this particular object.
- Actions toolbar (right-vertical bar): each icon performs a specific action (i.e.: add, remove, edit, etc.) related to the active
object mode. Icons appearing in the Actions toolbar thus
depend on the selected object mode. 
- Functions toolbar (top-horizontal bar): this toolbar includes
basic function icons and gives access to special features (i.e.:
layers, documents, pagination, etc.).
For all toolbars, tool tips appear when the mouse cursor is placed on
an icon for about one second. This function provides the icon definition.
Job Definition
Save Current Sheet(s)
Source Documents
Plate Setups
Apply Pagination
Layout Reflow
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Cancel Zoom
Color Table
Color Layers
Sheet Layers
Imposition Index
Raster Mode
Job Ticket Flow
• A red triangle in the lower-right corner of an Action icon means
that you can also apply this action to a selection of objects
(objects highlighted in red).
The red triangle means the action
can apply to a selection of objects
• The Sheet Mode is the default mode. Click on the large Sheet icon
to access the Object Modes palette and select the Page icon. Examine the tools in the Actions vertical toolbar below.
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• Now select any Mark icon (for example, the Collating Mark) in the
Object Modes palette and note that there are fewer icons in the
Actions toolbar. This is because different Object Modes call for different Actions.
• Return to the Page Mode. Hold down Command and drag around
any number of pages to select them. Selected pages are highlighted in red. Command + drag around one of the selected pages
to unselect it. Practice selecting and unselecting objects. (You can
unselect all objects faster by holding Command and dragging in
any empty area of the light table, or by pressing on Esc.)
• If you don’t remember the selection shortcut next time you need
it, just look at the Assistant window (lower-right side of the
screen). It tells you which actions are possible within the design
area (your light table) at any time.
• Select the Zoom In icon. Your cursor changes to a magnifying
glass. Click and drag a box around a page. Repeat the Zoom icon
selection and drag another box around the corner of that page to
enlarge the marks. Use the Zoom Out icon to go back to the previous enlargment. Cancel the zooming with the Cancel Zoom icon.
For more information on DynaStrip, you can access the Help by clicking on the Guide icon, in the Functions toolbar. Provided that the
files were installed (the installation is optional), Acrobat will start
and open the User’s Guide pdf document.
Other help options are provided in the Help menu that displays 3
options on Mac and 4 on Windows:
• About DynaStrip (On Windows only. On Macs it is under DynaStrip
and is identified as About this App...)
• User’s Guide (opens the same document as the Help icon.)
• PDF Docs provides links to the following pdf documents:
- Getting Started
- First-Time Experience
- Tutorial
• Dynagram web site provides links to:
- www.dynagram.com
- www.dynagram.com/downloads
- www.dynagram.com/support
- www.dynagram.com/workflow
• Close Acrobat and the DemoJob file.
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1st Lesson — New Job
New Job
Exercise 2
In this exercise, you will create a new composite job for a
48-page saddle-stitched booklet.
• Create a new job (New in the File menu or Command + N). Choose
the Standard method. The Job Definition window will then open.
• In the Identification section, enter the following information:
- Name: TutorialJob
- Notes: Lorem Ipsum (this is the book title). You can enter any
comment or warning in this field.
- The Inch is the default unit of measure.
- Color environment: select Composite.
• Click on the Definition button. The Pagination Sequence Definition
window will open.
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• Choose the following parameters:
- Binding: Saddle-Stitched
- Multi-web: Not a multi-web
- First page: 1
- Number of pages: 48
- Maximum creep: 0.125” (maximum value for the booklet)
- Creep direction: Push in.
• Click on OK to return to the Job Definition window. Click OK again
and save the file in DynaStrip’s Tutorial folder.
Create a Sheet
Exercise 3
In this exercise, you will define the sheet parameters, add
sheets, select sheets, and remove them.
• Before placing any object on the light table, we have to define its
parameters. The Sheet Mode should already be selected, since it is
the default mode. Click on the Definition icon, the first one in the
Actions toolbar and also on Definition in the drop-down menu. The
Sheet Definition window will open.
• Enter the following values:
- Sheet height: 20"
- Sheet width: 30"
- Choose the shape or the image for the Side guides (guides for
the alignment of sheet-fed presses) by clicking on the buttons
on both sides of the sheet, and place them at 1" from the bottom of the sheet.
- Select the Work Style: click Sheetwise.
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson — Create a Sheet
• A default unit of measure (inch) was selected in the Job Definition, but all measurements can also be given in points (pt), picas
(pc), centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm).
• Note that the sheet definition can be saved as a template and
loaded into any subsequent job.
• Click on OK. All future sheets will be based on these parameters.
• You should still be in Sheet Mode and the Add icon should now be
selected in the Actions toolbar. Click on the light table to add a
sheet. The Sheet 1 now appears on the light table and in the Sheet
• Click on the light table again to add at least five more sheets.
Remember, you can view any selection of sheets by choosing them
in the Sheet List.
• Now you want to remove some sheets. Click on the Remove icon, in
the Actions toolbar.
• DynaStrip offers you to:
- remove a range of sheets,
- remove all sheets except the first X sheet(s),
- remove all sheets.
• Remove sheets 2 and 3, using the first option. Click on Yes. A message will ask you to confirm. Click on Ok.
• You will notice that the Remove icon has a red triangle. This
means that you can also apply this action to a selection of objects.
• Choose a few sheets in the Sheet List in order to view them on the
screen (use the Command key).
• Command + drag over the sheets that you want to delete. Selected
sheets will be highlighted in red. Like for the page selection, you
can add sheets to your selection by dragging your mouse over new
sheets, or unselect sheets by dragging your mouse over them a
second time, using the Command key. Note that the back of the
sheet is always linked to the front.
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Sheets chosen in the Sheet List
are displayed on the light table
(sheets 1, 3, 4, and 7)
Sheets selected on the light table
(front and back)
are highlighted in red
(sheets 3 and 4)
• When your selection is complete (sheets to be removed are highlighted in red), click on the Remove icon.
• The last option, Selection, is now available. Choose it and click on
OK. A message will ask you to confirm. Click on Ok.
• Only one sheet should remain in the job. If not, remove all extra
sheets. Keep the job open for the next exercise.
Create and Edit a Signature
The Signature Definition window is the most complete since it contains parameters for most of the objects appearing in a normal signature.
Among other things, the main window defines the number of pages,
their side visibility, the default gutter widths, and includes an easy
Step & Repeat function. The main window also gives access to the
Page Definition and Page Mark Definition windows.
Exercise 4
In this exercise, you will define the signature, including
the Page and Page Marks parameters.
• In order to access the Signature Definition window, first select the
Signature icon in the Object Modes palette. Then click on the Defi-
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson — Create and Edit a Signature
nition icon, in the Actions toolbar and also on Definition in the
drop-down menu. The Signature Definition window will open.
Main Signature
Definition window
Access to
Page Format Definition
Access to
Page Marks Definition
• The signature preview will change as you enter the following values:
- Page width: 6 in.
- Page height: 9 in.
- Bleed: leave 0 in.
- Signature Format: 4 columns, 2 rows
- Rotation: 0°
- Side Visibility: Both (front and back)
- Space between columns: 0 pt (This will be the default vertical
gutter for the signature; you can customize the gutters later.)
- Space between rows: 18 pt (This will be the default horizontal
gutter for the signature; you can customize the gutters later.)
- Pagination sequence: 1 should be selected by default (see Exercise 12).
- Folding template: None
- Step & Repeat: leave 0
- Display page marks in all gutters: do not select
- Page cache: do not select (for Step & Repeat jobs only).
• Select Trim and Bleed marks, click on the Details button and enter
the following values:
- Trim mark length: 12 pt
- Trim mark thickness: 0.5 pt (or 1/2 pt)
- Offset from bleed: 6 pt
- Bleed mark length: 12 pt
- Bleed mark thickness: 0.5 pt
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• Click on OK to return to the Signature Definition window.
• Note that the signature parameters in the main definition window
can be saved as a template and loaded into any subsequent job.
(Other object definitions can be saved within their own definition
• Once all the settings have been entered, click on OK. All future
signatures will be based on these parameters.
Exercise 5
In this exercise, you will add a signature and place it in
the center of the sheet. Then you will move it to adjust the
gripper width.
• You should still be in Signature Mode and the Add icon should now
be selected in the Actions toolbar. To add a signature, click and
drag on the front of the sheet.
• While the signature is positioned over the sheet, press on the
space bar of your keyboard. A green line appears between the center of the signature and the lower-left corner of the sheet. This
distance line can be used to place the signature with precise distance values.
• Press the space bar again. Your signature can now be moved freely
with your mouse.
• To center the signature, hold down OPTION (alt) and click (this
shortcut is mentioned in the Assistant). A menu will then allow
you to change the bottom margin value for the gripper.
• Click on OK without modifying the gripper value. The signature
will be perfectly centered in the sheet.
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson — Create and Edit a Signature
• Let’s say that you have changed your mind and now want to place
the signature 3/4 inches from the bottom of the sheet. Of course,
you could delete the signature and start over by placing a new
one. You can also use the Move icon this way.
• Select the Move icon, in the Actions toolbar, then click on the signature. A distance line appears between the center of the signature and the lower-left corner of the sheet.
Distance line
Anchor point on
the signature (mobile)
Reference point
on the sheet (fixed)
Vertical distance
Horizontal distance
• Click on an anchor point at the bottom of the signature. The distance line should now be traced between the bottom of the signature and the bottom left corner of the sheet (see following
• In the Object Position menu at the bottom of the screen, enter
the vertical distance of 3/4 inches and press Enter to apply the
Enter 3/4 or 0.75 "
and press Enter
• Press Enter again. All the pages will appear on the sheet. The gray
arrows in the pages indicate the creep direction.
Exercise 6
In this exercise, you will learn two different ways to modify a gutter.
• Looking at the signature, you now find that the gutter between
the rows, previously defined in the Signature Definition, is too
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narrow, but you wish to keep the same distance at the bottom of
the sheet for the gripper. Thus you want to move the upper page
row only.
• Switch to Page Mode. Select the Move icon, then click on any page
of the upper row on the front of the sheet. The selected page is
highlighted with green borders and a distance line appears.
• Click to place the distance line between the bottom of the
selected page (upper row) and the top of any other page of the
lower row.
Enter 1”
and press Enter
• Modify the vertical value to 1 inch and press Enter. All the pages
from the upper row of the signature will move up with the
selected page, since DynaStrip correctly interprets that you want
to change the gutter width. Press Enter again.
• However, keep in mind that all the pages are independent and it is
also possible to move a single page freely within a signature.
• There is a faster way to modify a gutter, using the Gutters icon. In
Page Mode or in Signature Mode, select the Gutters icon in the
Actions toolbar and click in the middle vertical gutter. A dialog
box will open.
• To create a half-inch symmetric fold, enter a new Total gutter
width value of 1/2” and click on OK. This will split the gutter
evenly and center the signature at the same coordinates on the
Release: April 25, 2013
1st Lesson — Create and Edit a Signature
• To create a half-inch asymmetric fold, toggle the Asymmetric fold
radio button and divide the Total gutter width into different left
and right halves.
• To show the fold marks in the gutter, activate the Fold marks
check box. The default Mark Length can be modified simply by
entering a value in the adjacent box. Take note that custom marks
can also be created with the Linear Mark object described in the
subsequent lesson.
• After observing the fold marks added, please return to the Vertical
Gutter window and uncheck the Fold marks option. Failing to do so
would hinder you from seeing the effects of adding a linear mark
in the next exercise.
Tips & Review
•Actions (right-vertical bar) always apply to
the particular object selected in the Object
Modes palette.
•Clicking on the last button of the Functions
toolbar opens the User’s Guide manual in a
PDF format.
Object Definition
•Before placing an object on your light table,
it is easier to define its parameters beforehand. But you can also modify any existing
object using the Edit action.
Units of Measure
•You can choose a default unit of measure for
all future jobs in the Preferences menu. This
default can be changed for a single job, but
only at its creation, in the Job Definition
•However, all measurements can be given in
inches (in or "), points (pt), picas (pc), centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm). DynaStrip
uses the point defined as having 72 pt to one
•You can view multiple sheets by selecting
them in the Sheet List while simultaneously
holding down the Command key.
•The front of the sheet (gray) and the back of
the sheet (blue) can be displayed simultaneously or separately (View menu).
Positioning Objects
•While a newly added object is positioned over
the sheet, press on the space bar of your keyboard to obtain a distance line. Enter the
new distance values in the Object Position
menu and press Enter to apply the changes.
•Alt + click will center the signature on the
sheet. You can also give a specific bottom
margin for the gripper.
•The Gutters tool allows you to edit a gutter
value easily. The signature will then be
recentered around this gutter.
•In Page Mode, you can also move one or
many page rows or columns.
•The subsequent unit of measure in a window
will be the unit of measure you last used.
Release: April 25, 2013
Release: April 25, 2013
2nd Lesson
Linear Mark,
Register Mark,
Color Bar,
Text Tag
Create a Linear Mark
DynaStrip allows you to easily create any type of linear mark or bar.
Linear Marks are made with a maximum of four segments. They can
be positioned and viewed on the screen.
A Linear Mark can be placed on a sheet or be attached to a signature. In the latter case, the mark will adapt to the placement of the
Exercise 7
In this exercise, you will create a fold mark and place two
of them on the signature.
• Choose Linear Mark Mode and click on Definition and also on Definition in the drop-down menu.
• It is important to select Attach to a signature in the upper-left
corner of the window. This will ensure that the mark is linked to
the signature and will move with it.
• Four sides are available to create your linear mark. You just have
to click on a segment of the mark to select or unselect it. Our fold
mark needs only the two vertical segments. Unselect the two others.
• For both segments, choose the following parameters:
- length 30 pt,
- thickness 0.5 pt,
- continuous line 100% (a lower percentage would produce a
dashed or dotted line),
- gray level 100% (will produce a solid color).
• For other parameters, leave the default settings.
Release: April 25, 2013
• Click on OK.
• The Add icon should be selected. Click on the upper end of the
vertical gutter, then on the lower end. The fold marks will appear
in the center of the gutter. (Note that the upper and lower segments of the linear mark are placed above and below the edge of
the pages.)
Create a Register Mark
Exercise 8
In this exercise, you will define Register Mark parameters
and place four of them on the sheet.
• Select the Register Mark icon in the Object Modes palette, then
click on the Definition icon and also on Definition in the dropdown menu.
• The Register Mark Definition window will open.
Release: April 25, 2013
2nd Lesson — Create a Register Mark
• Enter the following values:
- Length of cross segments: 18 pt
- Thickness of cross segments: 0.5 pt
- Radius of circle: 9 pt
- Thickness of circle: 0.5 pt
- Select the automatic placement of a mirror mark in both horizontal and vertical axis
• For other parameters, leave the default settings.
• Click on OK.
• You should still be in Register Mark Mode and the Add icon should
now be selected in the Actions toolbar. To add register marks, click
on the sheet, and drag the mark on the upper-left corner on the
front of the sheet. (While the mark is positioned over the sheet,
you can also press on the space bar of your keyboard to place the
mark more precisely with the green distance line and the Object
Position menu.)
• Click or press Enter to place the mark.
• The horizontal and vertical mirror marks are displayed in a lighter
blue on the sheet and cannot be selected or modified.
Release: April 25, 2013
Import a Color Bar
You can import your own color bar or any other PDF image very easily with DynaStrip. Images are defined once and can be used in every
job without having to adjust the image every time.
Exercise 9
In this exercise, you will define a customized color bar and
place it on the sheet.
• Select the Imported Mark object mode in the palette, then click on
Definition. The Imported Mark Definition window will open.
• No image is available yet in the drop down menu. You must first
link an image. Click on New. The Image Linker window will open.
• Enter the name Tutorial bar.
• Browse and add the color_bar.pdf file from the Tutorial folder. (If
you didn’t install the tutorial PDF files during DynaStrip installation, you will find the color_bar.pdf file on your CD-ROM.)
• The following items should be done automatically:
- The application filter PDF In/Out * (PDF) should have been chosen in the application drop down list. If not, you may choose it
- DynaStrip has parsed the file to find the number of pages and
the number of colors. These should be displayed in their respective fields. If not, click on Update.
- Only one page was found in the document file as displayed to
the right of Pages found, therefore the Use page field should be
• Enter the following size:
- Width: 19 in.
- Height: 0.25 in.
Release: April 25, 2013
2nd Lesson — Import a Color Bar
• Note that the name of the colors found in the image also appears
in the bottom part of the window. Only the colors existing in the
color table will print. DO NOT click on the Apply to color table button. The color table will be explained in Exercises 14 and 15.
• Click on Close. This color bar (and any other customized image
defined the same way) will be available for all future jobs.*
• In the Imported Mark Definition window, keep the default option
Same (size) as image selected. (Note that you can also repeat an
image in columns and rows, or to fill an area). Click on OK.
• The Add icon should be selected.
• Click on the sheet to add an imported mark and place it in the
horizontal gutter with your mouse. Command + click will rotate
the mark 90° counterclockwise (for keyboard shortcuts, check out
the Assistant at the bottom of the screen).
• You can place the imported mark more precisely using the green
distance line and the Object Position menu. To get the distance
line, press on the space bar. You can click to choose any other reference anchor point. You can also work in Zoom mode if necessary.
• The center of the mark can be placed at 0.5" from the top edge of
the page (the gutter is 1" wide).
* The Tutorial color bar is an example only and should not be used in your jobs. You
should delete it once you have completed this Tutorial (using the Delete button
of the Imported Mark Definition window).
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• When the color bar is placed, press Enter.
• An imported image could need a page adjustment before printing.
Create a Text Tag
Text tags are printable text lines containing a combination of predefined variables and normal text. You can view them and place
them directly on the sheet like any other mark.
You can use any number of text tags to identify any object (sheet,
signature or page). They are especially useful when you want to
identify multi-web signatures.
Exercise 10
In this exercise, you will add a text tag to identify the
plates (slug line).
• In Text Tag mode, click on the Definition icon and also on Definition in the drop-down menu. The Text Tag Definition window will
Release: April 25, 2013
2nd Lesson — Create a Text Tag
• Click on the Variables button.
• Select the variable <jobname> and click on Add to text. The variable will appear in the text window.
• Continue to insert the following variables:
- <jobname> <sheetrank> <sheetqty> <side> <outputdate> <outputtime> <compcolorlist>
- In the text window, add text strings between the variables to
complete the slug line. The complete text should read as follows:
- Job: <jobname>, Sheet <sheetrank> of <sheetqty>, <side>, (<outputdate> <outputtime>) <compcolorlist>.
• Enter the following parameters:
- Character size: 7 pt
- Character style: Regular
- Maximum width of text box: 12 inches
- Alignment of text within its box: Left
- Attach to Object Type: Sheet
- Leave all other parameters as is.
• Now that the slug line has been defined, you can save it as a template for future jobs. Click on the Save to library button and save
the template with the name Tutorial slug line in the Tutorial
folder. Each time you will load it, using the Load from library button, all the parameters will be entered in the Text Tag Definition
window. The same procedure applies for all kinds of objects so you
can create your own customized object library.
• Click on OK.
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• The Add icon should be selected. Click on the front of the sheet.
• A text box will appear. Place the mark in the upper-right corner of
the front sheet. If you want to give a more precise position, you
can press on the space bar of the keyboard and position the tag
with the green distance line. When the text tag is positioned on
the sheet, press Enter.
• You can zoom in to see the slug line. Note that variables will be
converted into values only during output. Once printed, the result
could be, for example: Job: Tutorial job, Sheet 1 of 3, Front, (01-022000 9:27:45) (Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (Black)
• If you need to edit the slug line, select the Edit icon and click on
the text tag to call back the Text Tag Definition window.
• A text tag can not be placed on both sides of the sheet at once
(due to the mirror position). You can add another text tag on the
back of the sheet.
• Your entire signature is now complete.
• Save the job.
Tips & Review
Linear Marks
•Linear Marks can be independent or attached
to a signature, in which case they will adapt
to the position of the signature.
•You can create a bar by simply using one segment of the linear mark and by changing its
width value.
Register Marks
•Vertical and horizontal mirror marks are
placed in a symetrical fashion but you can
add any number of single register marks on
the sheet and place them precisely wherever
you need them.
Release: April 25, 2013
Imported Marks
•You can permanently import any image (even
you company logo) and place it on all your
sheet templates.
Text Tags
•You can use any number of text tags to identify any object (sheet, signature or page).
They are especially useful when you want to
identify multi-web signatures.
•The object to which the text mark is
attached will be the object type referred to
in the variables.
3rd Lesson
Color Table, Source Documents
and Imposition Index,
Output Functions,
Page/Mark Adjustment
In DynaStrip, you can paginate multiple signatures with different
pagination styles within the same job. You simply have to define and
link pagination sequences to your signatures, give them a folding
template and apply the pagination to the entire job.
Exercise 11
In this exercise, you will paginate the signature manually,
rotate the head of the pages, and save your folding template.
• In Page Mode, select the Page numbers icon in the Actions toolbar
and click on the first page on the front of the signature. A pop-up
menu will prompt you to enter a page number.
• Enter page number 5 and press Enter on the keyboard or click on
the Apply button in the window. The front page will bear page
number 5 and the verso will automatically be paginated with
number 6 (the automatic pagination of the verso can be
unselected in the Preferences menu). The next page will be highlighted. Continue paginating with the following pattern:
- Upper row: 5, 12, 13, 4
- Lower row: 8, 9, 16, 1
• When all the numbers are entered, click on Close to exit the menu.
The pagination pattern now appears in your signature.
• You must also change the orientation of the upper page row. The T
indicates the top of the pages.
• Hold down Command and select the upper page row with your
mouse. The selected pages are displayed in red.
• Click on the Rotate icon. Each click of the mouse rotates with the
rotation increment defined in the Preferences menu. If the 90°
Release: April 25, 2013
default preference is still selected, you will have to click twice to
rotate the pages with a 180° angle.
• Unselect the pages by pressing Esc. on your keyboard.
• This pagination pattern can be saved as a folding template for
future jobs.
• In Signature Mode, select the Save Folding Template icon and click
on the signature. Browse and save the template in your library
Exercise 12
In this exercise, you will learn more about pagination
• The pagination sequence defines different parameters which are
necessary to ensure the correct pagination of the job (type of
binding, total number of pages, multi-web, etc.). It is also necessary for collating marks.
• Click on the Definition icon in the Functions toolbar. This will
open the Job Definition window previously displayed when you
created the job.
• The pagination sequences can be entered first hand in the Job Definition window, when creating a new imposition job.
• A summary of the selected options is displayed near the Definition
button. You can click on this button and edit the pagination
sequence at any time.
• You can also add a name to the sequence. Enter Dynagram to
replace the sequence number.
• Click in the More sequences check box. The window will expand.
Release: April 25, 2013
3rd Lesson — Pagination
• In DynaStrip, you can have up to 80 pagination sequences, so you
can gang many jobs on the same sheet. All signatures sharing the
same pagination sequence will be linked together when calculating the pagination for the entire job.
• Each pagination sequence has a rank thus it can be linked automatically to imported signatures.
Example: A sheet template containing two signatures linked to
the 1st and 2nd pagination sequences in the initial job respectively
will automatically be linked to the 1st and 2nd pagination sequences
in the new job where the template is loaded, even if the pagination
sequences have different names or different definitions.
• The User’s Guide will tell you more about this advanced feature.
For simple jobs, you will use only one pagination sequence.
• Click on OK to close the Job Definition window.
• Remember that the 1st pagination sequence was linked to the signature when we defined its parameters.
• Let’s check this to be sure. You should still be in Signature Mode.
Select the Edit icon, in the Actions toolbar, then click on the signature.
• The Signature Definition window will open. (Note that only basic
signature parameters can be modified with the Edit function,
Release: April 25, 2013
because the pages have the property of being independent once
they have been created. However, you can edit one or many pages
of the signature by switching to Page Mode.)
• Ensure that the 1st Pagination Sequence, now renamed Dynagram,
is selected in the menu. Click on OK.
• All signatures sharing the 1st pagination sequence (Dynagram)
will be linked together when you apply the pagination for the
entire job (next exercise).
Exercise 13
In this exercise, you will copy a sheet, apply the pagination for the entire job, and learn about sheet templates.
• You now need two additional sheets to complete your 48-page
booklet. In DynaStrip, you can easily duplicate a sheet with all the
pages, marks, folding template, and pagination sequence, using
the Copy icon.
• In Sheet Mode, select the Copy icon and click on the sheet. The
Copy Sheet pop-up menu will open.
• DynaStrip offers many ways to copy sheets. You can simply enter
how many times you want to repeat the sheet selection and click
Release: April 25, 2013
3rd Lesson — Color Table, Source Documents and Imposition Index
on OK. This method offers the option to increment pages with a
specific number, which can be useful to paginate jobs with irregular folding patterns or based on many sheets.
• You can also choose a more automatic way to copy sheets, based
on the pagination sequence. This option is available only for onesignature layouts with page numbers and a pagination sequence
that specifies the total number of pages in the job.
• Select the Pagination sequence mode. If a work & turn was needed
to complete the pagination, you could also choose its placement.
Click on OK.
• The sheets will be added on the light table and in the sheet list.
The pagination will also be calculated on all sheets.
• Note that the Apply Pagination function calculates or recalculates
the pagination for the job at any time, should you copy a number
of sheets manually. The calculation is based on the number of
sheets, on the Pagination Sequences, and on the folding templates
(page numbers).
• The Layout Reflow function is another way to invoke Copy Sheet,
but in combination with Apply Pagination and other existing functions. Layout Reflow applies to the entire layout the settings of
the first paginated signature of the first sheet, in conjunction
with the contents of the imposition index or the pagination
sequence definition.
• The job layout is now complete. Select the three sheets in the
Sheet List to view them together on the light table, with all the
pages, marks, and page numbers.
• You can save and load any sheet, will all its objects, as a template,
by clicking on it using the Save to Library icon. You would then be
prompted to give a name to the template. The extension .dsh
would automatically be given by DynaStrip.
• You could then load the sheet template into any other job by
clicking on the Load from Library icon. (It is also possible to
import some other types of templates from competitive products.)
Color Table, Source Documents
and Imposition Index
The Color Table function allows you to prepare a job color list and to
match different colors onto the same film or plate. This can be done
before or during the indexation process.
Release: April 25, 2013
Exercise 14
In this exercise, you will prepare the color table for this
CMYK job.
• Click on the Color Table icon of the Functions toolbar. The Color
Table window will open.
• To add the four process colors, simply click on Add process at the
bottom of the screen. Black, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow will be
listed. Only the colors displayed in this list will be available for
printing and they will output in the same order (you can change
this order later during output).
• If you know in advance that a color must be matched to another
one, you can use the right side of the window to add the name of
the color to be matched, and to identify to which existing color it
will be redirected.
• No color match will be made for now. Click on OK to close the window.
Exercise 15
In this exercise, you will list the source documents, create
the imposition index for the job and match colors.
• Click on the Source Documents icon in the Functions horizontal
• In the Document List section, you will prepare your file list and
assign application filters.
Release: April 25, 2013
3rd Lesson — Color Table, Source Documents and Imposition Index
• Click on the (upper right) Add button, browse and select all the
five PDF files named Lorem... in the Tutorial folder. (If you didn’t
install the tutorial PDF files during DynaStrip installation, you will
find these files on your CD-ROM.)
• If DynaStrip finds a color that does not already exist in the table,
a menu will offer you to:
- add it to the color table,
- replace an existing color with the new one, or
- match the new color to another existing one (One of the four
colors inserted in the color table in the previous exercise).
• When all the files are indexed, the result appears in the window.
Release: April 25, 2013
• The order of the files in the list is very important because the
pages found in the files will be matched consecutively with the
pagination sequence of your imposition layout. (Note that the
document folios generated by the application never interfere with
DynaStrip’s pagination process.)
• You can move the files within the list with your mouse. The files
should appear in the following order:
- lorem_intro.pdf
- lorem_01.pdf
- lorem_02.pdf
- lorem_03.pdf
- lorem_concl.pdf
• The application filter is normally selected automatically, but if
you want to change it for any reason, select all the files in the list
and click on Application. Choose the appropriate filter and click
on OK. The name of the filter will appear in the list.
• Then, click on the Update button. DynaStrip will scan all the PDF
documents and check the number of pages and colors in each file.
This operation may take a few minutes, depending on your computer.
• Now we must build an index of the pages really needed in the job
and assign them to the imposition layout.
• To add all the pages into the Imposition Index section, simply
select the files in the Document List section and click on the Add
button (below the document list and with an arrow). (To select
more than one file, hold down the Command key to add files to
the selection, or the Shift key to select a range.)
• The contents will be listed in the Imposition Index section:
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3rd Lesson — Color Table, Source Documents and Imposition Index
• The following table explains this contents:
Document file name
Extracted pages
Corresponding folios in booklet
<document pages: 1-2>
roman folios i to ii
<document pages: 1-20>
arabic folios 1 to 20
<document pages: 1-8>
arabic folios 21 to 28
<document pages: 1-15>
arabic folios 29 to 43
<document pages: 1-2>
arabic folios 45 to 46
• Close the Source Documents & Imposition Index window.
• Now open the Color Table again. Note that it reflects the colors list
found during the file indexation.
• The colors found in imported images (for example in the Tutorial
color bar) will print only if they actually exist in the left part of
the color table. If necessary, you could also add or match these
colors through the Image Linker window, by clicking on Apply to
color table (see exercise 9). Close the window.
Exercise 16
In this exercise, you will explore the imposition index
mode and add a blank page.
• Click on the Imposition Index Mode icon, in the Functions toolbar.
You should see that the pages are now displayed in yellow in your
layout, meaning that document pages have been assigned. The
Release: April 25, 2013
name of the document file also appears in each page. You can
zoom in to read the information.
• While in this viewing mode, you can also use the Index Information tool.
• In Page or Signature Mode, select the Information icon in the
Actions toolbar and click on any yellow page. A window will display the name of the source document file assigned to this page.
• One page is still displayed in white. You should have a total of
48 pages but you have only 47. One blank page is missing at the
end of the lorem_03.pdf file (arabic folio 44 in the booklet).
• Reopen the Source Documents & Imposition Index window by clicking on its icon. In the Imposition Index (lower section), select the
range lorem_concl.pdf where you want to insert a blank page and
click on the Add Blank Pages button. The Add Blank Pages menu
will open.
• DynaStrip suggests to insert one blank page at page 46. Click on
OK. The blank page will be added between the lorem_03.pdf and
the lorem_concl.pdf files.
Release: April 25, 2013
3rd Lesson — Output Functions
Document file name
Extracted pages
Corresponding folios in booklet
<document pages: 1-2>
roman folios i to ii
<document pages: 1-20>
arabic folios 1 to 20
<document pages: 1-8>
arabic folios 21 to 28
<document pages: 1-15>
arabic folios 29 to 43
** BLANK **
arabic folio 44
<document pages: 1-2>
arabic folios 45 to 46
• Close the window. All the pages should now display in yellow in
your layout.
• The imposition index is complete.
Output Functions
In DynaStrip, the independency of all objects and sheet sections
(back, front, colors, sheet layers, etc.) enables you to select them
individually for printing and allows for all kinds of adjustments.
Exercise 17
In this exercise, you will create an Output Device and print
the job.
• Click on the Output icon in the Functions toolbar. The Output
Parameters window will open.
• The first time you use DynaStrip, you must define an Output
Device. You can then use the same for other jobs.
• Click on Output Device button* then, in the Output Device Definition window, click on the New button. DynaStrip will ask you to
enter a name. Enter the name Tutorial, then click on OK.
* If Plate Setups displays instead of the Output Device button, close the window,
open the Preferences menu in the Functions toolbar, then deselect Use plate
setups. Click on OK, and answer Yes to the warning message. Reopen the Output
Parameters window. The Output Device button should now display.
(Use plate setups is an advanced feature especially designed for direct-to-plate
Release: April 25, 2013
• Select PDF as the output file format.
• Destination folder: click on Browse and select a folder where you
want to save Dynastrip printing files.
• Click on Default image area. The imaging area length and width
are the only mandatory fields for the definition of an Output
• Enter the dimensions of the sheet (20" x 30") and click OK.
• In the Output Parameters window, select the following items:
- Sheets 1 to 3
- Front and back
- Sheet layers: you can leave all the layers selected or select layer
1 only, the result will be the same (all objects are placed on
sheet layer 1).
- Color layers: In the Color Order window, Black, Cyan, Magenta,
and Yellow should be activated. Note that the matched colors do
not appear in the window.
Release: April 25, 2013
3rd Lesson — Output Functions
- There is no tiling in the job, so do not bother about tiles.
- Normal output should be selected.
• Click on the Print button. All the press sheets will be sent in the
selected folder. The result should look as follows.*
* If you work with a demo version of Dynastrip the watermark DYNASTRIP DEMO
will appear on each page and document pages will be skipped randomly.
Release: April 25, 2013
Tips & Review
•To paginate a job you must define a pagination sequence and ensure that it is linked to
your signature, give the signature a folding
template, copy the sheets, and then ask DynaStrip to calculate the pagination for the
entire job.
•In DynaStrip, you can paginate multiple signatures with different pagination styles
within the same job.
Color Table
•This can be used for the same color named
differently in the files.
Output Functions
Source Documents & Imposition Index
•In DynaStrip, the PPD’s are not mandatory.
Simply define an output device by entering a
name and the imaging area of the device.
•The order of the files in the Imposition Index
is important because pages found in the
source files will be matched consecutively
with the pagination of your imposition layout.
•All kinds of adjustments can be made to any
part of the sheet (side, tile, sheet layer, or
color layer).
•In imposition index mode, the yellow pages
are the ones to which a document page has
been assigned.
Release: April 25, 2013
job 5
new 5
actions toolbar 3
apply to entire job 26
pagination sequence 5
printing 33
color bar 18
color match 27
color table 27
creep 6
cursor position 2
layout reflow 27
light table 1
display 2
front and back 2
zoom 4
distance line 10
document list
insert blank page 31
marks 16
page marks 8
register 16
side guides 6
text tags 20
modes 3
multi-web 6
selection of objects 4
sheet 6
copy 26
create 6
delete 7
display 2
list 2
template 26
side guides 6
signature 8
add and place 10
create and edit 8
slug line 20
source documents 27
folding 23
functions toolbar
gutters 9
modify 11
icons 1
red triangle 3
images 18
imposition index 27
imposition index mode 31
definition templates 10
object mode palette 3
objects toolbar 3
output 33
output device 33
output functions 33
overview 1
parameters 8
pagination 23
template 26
object parameter
sheet 26
Tool Tips 3
units of measure 7
work & turn 27
Release: April 25, 2013
User’s Guide
Release: April 25, 2013