SAVE - QSP Canada
SAVE - QSP Canada
FRANÇAIS FRENCH Châtelaine Cap-aux-Diamants Moto Journal Code # 11UT Code # 8861 Code # 4772 18 numéros pour 40$ Prix en kiosque: 68$ | Code # 0230 Prix en kiosque: 163$ | Code # 0815 Code # 2925 10 numéros pour 20$ 4 numéros pour 35$ 10 numéros pour 29$ 12 numéros pour 28$ Prix en kiosque.................56$ Prix en kiosque.................38$ Prix en kiosque.................56$ Prix en kiosque.................62$ Canada magazine de la maison et le style. Chaque numéro offre le meilleur dans le milie canadien design de décoration et de style. (10x) Une revue entièrement consacrée à l’histoire du Québec. Accesible et agrémentée de très nombreuses illustrations, elle fait renaître, dans ses dossiers, la vie sociale, politique et culturelle. (4x) Le magazine de moto numéro un au Québec. (10x) ELLE QUÉBEC vous offre chaque mois sa vision de la mode au gré des saisons et des conseils de beauté exclusifs. (12x) Fleurs Plantes Jardins Tangence Les Affaires Plus Lurelu Code # 7798 Code # 8396 Code # 8925 Code # 8425 6 numéros pour 17$ 3 numéros pour 46$ L’actualité Digital 12 numéros version numérique pour 17$ 18 numéros version numérique pour 34$ Code # D098 Code # D097 Prix en kiosque.................29$ Fleurs plantes jardins vous amène à la découverte de nouveautés horticoles et vous conseille sur l’aménagement de votre jardin. (6x) Sélection du Reader’s Digest 12 numéros pour 32$ Prix en kiosque: 58$ | Code # 3187 Récits de vie inspirants, une touche d’humour et des articles pertinents sur la santé, le mode de vie ou encore des personnalités marquantes. (12x) ELLE QUÉBEC L’actualité 12 numéros pour 23$ Châtelaine Digital Maison & Demeure Une revue qui s’intéresse à la littérature sous toutes ses formes. (3x) 8 numéros pour 23$ Prix en kiosque.................36$ Le magazine Les Affaires Plus vous aide à gérer efficacement vos finances, vos investissements et à prendre le contrôle de votre vie professionnelle. (8x) 3 numéros pour 20$ Vouée à la littérature jeunesse, cette revue s’interesse à la production littéraire québécoise. (3x) LouLou (French Version) 8 numéros pour 20$ Prix en kiosque: 45$ | Code # 6840 LouLou Digital 8 numéros version numérique pour 15$ Code # D096 PAGE 02 | VISITEZ QSP.CA POUR LES REVUES MÊME Décormag Les Affaires Camping Caravaning Code # 3390 Code # 8923 Code # 7226 10 numéros pour 23$ 46 numéros pour 57$ 8 numéros pour 34$ Prix en kiosque.................52$ Prix en kiosque.................169$ Prix en kiosque.................45$ Le premier magazine de décoration au Québec, vous y trouverez des centaines d’idées. Tendances—conseils deco— renovation—aménagement. (10) Les Affaires est le leader incontesté des publications d’affaires. Votre source hebdomadaire d’information pour prendre les meilleures décisions. (46x) Tout sur le camping et caravaning: nouveautés, dossiers, destinations vacances, essais routiers et plus. (8x), Le Monde Du VTT Code # 10BV 6 numéros pour 16$ Prix en kiosque.................34$ et l’expertise du journal Le Monde De VTT est une combinaison gagnante pour les amateurs de VTT (6x) CODE # NUMÉROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX 7 Jours .................... 8496........ 26...............132$............. 113$ .................... 8496........ 52...............252$............. 219$ 7 jours, votre magazine prefere. (52x) CODE # NUMÉROS ...........................................Visit to order D Fleurs Plantes Jardins 7798.......... 6.................29$................ 17$ Fleurs plantes jardins vous amène à la découverte de nouveautés horticoles et vous conseille sur l’aménagement de votre jardin. (6x) ...........................................Visit to order Babar Camping Caravaning .................... 7226......... 8.................45$................ 34$ Tout sur le camping et caravaning: nouveautés, dossiers, destinations vacances, essais routiers et plus. (8x) Cap-aux-Diamants .................... 8861......... 4.................38$................ 35$ Une revue entièrement consacrée à l’histoire du Québec. Accesible et agrémentée de très nombreuses illustrations, elle fait renaître, dans ses dossiers, la vie sociale, politique et culturelle. (4x) Châtelaine 0230......... 12................68$................ 23$ ▼ NUMÉROS VERSION NUMÉRIQUE ▼ D098................... 12........................... 17$ .Le monde évolue. Les femmes aussi. Châtelaine vous parle autrement et aborde les sujets sous un angle nouveau. (12x) D Coup de Pouce .................... 4629........ 12................62$................ 32$ Chaque numéro déborde de recettes savoureuses, de conseils judicieux sur la vie de famille, de trucs déco et d’avis éclairés sur la consommation au quotidien. (12x) D Lire ...........................................Visit to order Décormag 3390......... 10................52$................ 23$ Le premier magazine de décoration au Québec, vous y trouverez des centaines d’idées. Tendances – conseils deco – renovation – aménagement. (10x) ELLE QUÉBEC 2925......... 12................62$................ 28$ ELLE QUÉBEC vous offre chaque mois sa vision de la mode au gré des saisons et des conseils de beauté exclusifs. (12x) PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Prions en Èglise Junior ...........................................Visit to order Les idées de ma maison, Le Monde Du VTT .................... 2933........ 10................56$................ 22$ Le magazine de la decoration a votre image. (10x) 6840.......... 8.................45$................ 20$ ▼ NUMÉROS VERSION NUMÉRIQUE ▼ D096.................... 8....................................15$ LOULOU vous présente toutes les nouvelles tendances de la saison, des conseils shopping pour tous les budgets et les plus beaux looks de stars! (8x) ...........................................Visit to order .8425......... 3.................24$................ 20$ Vouée à la littérature jeunesse, cette revue s’interesse à la production littéraire québécoise. (3x) ...........................................Visit to order L’actualité 0815......... 18...............163$............... 40$ ▼ NUMÉROS VERSION NUMÉRIQUE ▼ D097................... 18........................... 34$ L’actualité aborde sans détour les sujets importants de notre époque pour faire de ses pages un lieu de débats sur les enjeux de société. (20x) Le Bulletin des Agriculteurs .................... 2930........ 11................86$................ 44$ La référence en nouvelles technologies agricoles au Québec. (11x) Le Lundi .................... F747........ 25...............113$............... 40$ Le magazine pour le mieux être de la femme (49x) Les Affaires 8923......... 46...............169$............... 57$ ’La 1ère source d’information économique et financière au Québec. (46x) Les Affaires Plus 8925.......... 8.................36$................ 23$ Le magazine Les Affaires Plus vous aide à gérer efficacement vos finances, vos investissements et à prendre le contrôle de votre vie professionnelle. (8x) Les Belles Histoires ...........................................Visit to order .................... 10BV......... 6.................34$................ 16$ La popularité de et l’expertise du journal Le Monde De VTT est une combinaison gagnante pour les amateurs de VTT (6x) Sélection du Reader’s Digest 3187......... 12................58$................ 32$ Avec ses récits de vie inspirants, une touche d’humour et des articles pertinents sur la santé, le mode de vie ou encore des personnalités marquantes, Sélection va adroit au but, et au coeur, et vous permet de…Vivre le monde ensemble! (12x) Lurelu J’aime lire ...........................................Visit to order VOTRE PRIX ...........................................Visit to order Images Doc Julie PRIX EN KIOSQUE Les Explorateurs Extra ...........................................Visit to order ...........................................Visit to order CODE # NUMÉROS Popi ...........................................Visit to order Loulou (French version) Je Bouquine Les Débrouillards Extra I Love English Clin d’oeil .................... 1919........ 12................64$................ 43$ Le magazine jeunesse le plus lu au Quebec. (12x) CODE # NUMÉROS ...........................................Visit to order .................... 2924........ 10................62$................ 24$ Le magazine du rêve et de la découverte. (10x) Cool! Geo Ado Chez soi .................... 2922........ 12................68$................ 24$ Le premier magazine de mode au Québec. (12x) VOTRE PRIX Filotéo Astrapi ...........................................Visit to order PRIX EN KIOSQUE Magazine Animal .................... 10DD......... 8.................36$................ 29$ Le manguel des proprietaires danimaux de compagnie. (8x) Maison & Demeure .................... 11UT........ 10................56$................ 20$ Canada’s magazine of home & style. Every issue delivers the best in Candian Decorating design and style. Canada magazine de la maison et le style. (10x) Manon..............................Visit to order Moi et cie .................... 11BB........ 12................62$................ 24$ Le magazine idéal pour simplifier la vie des femmes. (12x) Moto Journal .................... 4772........ 10................56$................ 29$ Le magazine de moto numéro un au Québec. (10x) Okapi ...........................................Visit to order Phosphore ...........................................Visit to order Pole Position ...........................................Visit to order Pomme D’api ...........................................Visit to order Pomme D’api Soleil ...........................................Visit to order Séquences .................... 8409......... 6.................40$................ 30$ Doyenne des revues de cinéma au Québec, “Séquences” prend le pouls de l’activité cinématographique québécoise d’ici et présente des dossiers sur le thème choisi. (6x) Tangence .................... 8396......... 3....................................... 46$ Une revue qui s’intéresse à la littérature sous toutes ses formes. (3x) Terre Sauvage ...........................................Visit to order Today in English ...........................................Visit to order Tralalire ...........................................Visit to order TV Hebdo .................... F822........ 26................85$................ 39$ Le guide le plus complet de la télévision. (52x) Yoopa .................... 11AK......... 6.................27$................ 17$ Le magazine pratique et ludi que pour les parents. (8x) Youpi ...........................................Visit to order Wakou ...........................................Visit to order Wapiti ...........................................Visit to order D INCLUT L’ACCÈS NUMÉRIQUE AVEC LA VERSION PAPIER ...........................................Visit to order VISITEZ QSP.CA POUR LES REVUES MÊME | PAGE 03 RECHERCHER LES MAGAZINES PAR TITRES # A 7 Jours...................................................................... 3 Action Comics......................................................... 41 ADDitude.................................................................. 9 Adventure Box........................................................ 41 Adventure Kayak.................................................... 35 Air & Space Smithsonian........................................ 37 Alberta Home & Gardener Living........................... 21 Alberta Oil.............................................................. 38 Alberta Venture...................................................... 38 Allure...................................................................... 14 American Cowboy.................................................. 24 American Girl.......................................................... 41 American Patchwork & Quilting............................ 16 American Patchwork & Quilting - Digital................ 6 American Photo...................................................... 16 American Photo - Digital.......................................... 6 American Snowmobiler......................................... 33 Angels on Earth...................................................... 43 Appleseeds............................................................. 41 Architectural Digest............................................... 21 ASK......................................................................... 41 Astrapi...................................................................... 3 Astronomy.............................................................. 29 ATV Trail Rider........................................................ 37 ATV World............................................................... 37 Azure Magazine..................................................... 21 B Babar........................................................................ 3 Babybug................................................................. 41 Backpacker............................................................. 35 Baseball Digest....................................................... 33 BBC History............................................................. 29 BBC Music............................................................... 16 BC Business............................................................. 38 BC Living................................................................. 21 BC Outdoors............................................................ 35 Bead & Button........................................................ 16 Bead Style............................................................... 16 Best Health............................................................. 26 Best Health - Digital................................................. 6 Better Homes & Gardens........................................ 21 Better Homes & Gardens - Digital............................ 6 Bicycle Times.......................................................... 33 Bicycling................................................................. 32 Birds & Blooms....................................................... 21 Black Belt................................................................ 33 Bloomberg BusinessWeek..................................... 38 Boating................................................................... 33 Boating - Digital....................................................... 6 Boating World........................................................ 33 Bon Appetit............................................................ 11 Books & Culture...................................................... 43 Bowhunter............................................................. 35 Bowhunting........................................................... 35 Boys’ Quest............................................................. 41 Breathe Magazine.................................................. 33 Brew Your Own....................................................... 11 Bride’s..................................................................... 14 Britain..................................................................... 29 British Columbia Magazine.................................... 28 British Columbia Magazine - Digital........................ 6 Broken Pencil.......................................................... 16 PAGE 4 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Buddhadharma...................................................... 43 BYOU “Be Your Own You”....................................... 41 C Cabin Life................................................................ 21 Calliope................................................................... 41 Camping Caravaning................................................ 2 Canada’s History..................................................... 28 Canada’s History - Digital......................................... 6 Canadian Art........................................................... 16 Canadian Aviator.................................................... 36 Canadian Biker....................................................... 36 Canadian Business.................................................. 38 Canadian Business - Digital...................................... 6 Canadian Cattlemen.............................................. 46 Canadian Coin News............................................... 16 Canadian Cycling.................................................... 32 Canadian Gardening............................................... 20 Canadian Gardening - Digital................................... 6 Canadian Geographic............................................. 28 Canadian Geographic - Digital................................. 6 Canadian Home Trends.......................................... 20 Canadian Horse Journal......................................... 46 Canadian House & Home........................................ 20 Canadian Living...................................................... 23 Canadian Living - Digital.......................................... 6 Canadian Musician................................................. 16 Canadian Running.................................................. 26 Canadian Stamp News........................................... 16 Canadian Thoroughbred........................................ 46 Canadian Yachting Magazine................................. 33 Cap-aux-Diamants................................................... 2 Car and Driver......................................................... 36 Car and Driver - Digital............................................. 6 CardMaker.............................................................. 16 Cat Fancy.................................................................. 9 Catholic Digest....................................................... 43 Cats, I Love................................................................ 9 Cesar’s Way............................................................... 9 Charisma................................................................. 43 Chatelaine.............................................................. 24 Chatelaine - Digital.................................................. 6 Châtelaine (French Version)..................................... 2 Châtelaine (French Version) - Digital....................... 6 Chez soi..................................................................... 3 chickaDEE............................................................... 40 Children’s Ministry................................................. 43 Chirp....................................................................... 40 Christian Retailing................................................. 43 Christianity Today.................................................. 43 Clean Eating........................................................... 11 Click........................................................................ 41 Clin d’oeil.................................................................. 3 Coastal Living......................................................... 20 Cobblestone........................................................... 41 Consumer Reports.................................................. 38 Consumer Reports on Health................................. 27 Cookbook Digest.................................................... 11 Cool!.......................................................................... 3 Cosmopolitan......................................................... 14 Cosmopolitan - Digital............................................. 6 Cottage Life............................................................ 20 Cottage Life West................................................... 21 Country................................................................... 46 Country Gardens - Digital......................................... 6 Country Guide........................................................ 46 Country Living........................................................ 21 Country Living - Digital............................................ 6 Country Woman..................................................... 24 Coup de Pouce.......................................................... 3 Coup de Pouce - Digital............................................ 6 Creative Knitting.................................................... 16 Cricket..................................................................... 41 Crochet World........................................................ 16 CROCHET!................................................................ 16 Crochet, Quick & Easy............................................. 16 Cross Stitch Gold..................................................... 16 Cruising World........................................................ 28 Current World Archaeology................................... 28 Cycle Canada........................................................... 36 Cycle World............................................................. 36 Cycle World - Digital................................................. 6 D D Lire......................................................................... 3 Dance International Magazine............................... 16 Dance Magazine..................................................... 16 Dance Spirit............................................................ 16 Dance Teacher........................................................ 16 Decorating Digest .................................................. 16 Décormag................................................................. 2 Décormag - Digital................................................... 6 Details.................................................................... 24 Diabetic Living - Digital........................................... 6 Digital Photo.......................................................... 16 Digital Photo Pro.................................................... 16 Dirt Rag................................................................... 37 Dirt Rider................................................................ 37 Dirt Trax Magazine................................................. 36 Discover.................................................................. 28 Discover Britain...................................................... 29 Discovery Box......................................................... 41 Discovery Girls........................................................ 41 Disney Junior.......................................................... 41 Disney Phineas and Ferb........................................ 41 Disney Princess....................................................... 41 Disney Sofia the First.............................................. 41 Dog Fancy................................................................. 9 Do-It-Yourself - Digital............................................. 6 Dressage Today...................................................... 46 Dwell...................................................................... 21 E EatingWell.............................................................. 11 EatingWell - Digital.................................................. 6 Economist, The....................................................... 38 EcoParent................................................................. 9 Elevate.................................................................... 26 Elle.......................................................................... 14 Elle - Digital.............................................................. 6 ELLE Canada........................................................... 13 ELLE Canada - Digital............................................... 6 Elle Decor................................................................ 21 Elle Décor - Digital.................................................... 6 ELLE QUÉBEC............................................................. 2 ELLE QUÉBEC - Digital............................................... 6 English Garden, The............................................... 21 English Home, The.................................................. 21 Entertainment Weekly........................................... 16 EQUUS..................................................................... 46 ESPN Magazine - Digital........................................... 6 Esquire.................................................................... 24 Esquire - Digital........................................................ 6 Essence................................................................... 23 Every Day with Rachael Ray................................... 11 Every Day with Rachael Ray - Digital....................... 6 Explore................................................................... 35 F Faith Today............................................................. 43 Family Camping & Canoeroots............................... 35 Family Handyman.................................................. 20 FamilyCircle.............................................................. 8 FamilyCircle - Digital................................................ 6 FamilyFun................................................................. 8 FamilyFun - Digital................................................... 6 Fantasy & Science Fiction....................................... 16 Farm & Ranch Living.............................................. 46 FASHION Magazine................................................. 13 Fast Company......................................................... 38 Field & Stream........................................................ 35 Field & Stream - Digital............................................ 6 Filotéo...................................................................... 3 Fine Cooking........................................................... 11 Fine Gardening....................................................... 21 Fine Homebuilding................................................. 21 Fine Woodworking................................................. 21 Fit Pregnancy......................................................... 27 Fitness.................................................................... 27 Fitness - Digital........................................................ 6 Flare........................................................................ 13 Flare - Digital............................................................ 6 Fleurs plantes jardins............................................... 2 Food & Wine........................................................... 11 Fortune................................................................... 38 France..................................................................... 29 Fun For Kidz............................................................ 41 G Garden Making....................................................... 20 Gardens Illustrated................................................ 21 Geist........................................................................ 30 Geo Ado.................................................................... 3 Girls’ Life................................................................. 41 Glamour.................................................................. 14 Golf Digest.............................................................. 33 Golf Magazine........................................................ 32 Golfweek................................................................ 33 GolfWorld............................................................... 33 Good Housekeeping............................................... 24 Good Housekeeping - Digital................................... 6 Good Old Days........................................................ 29 GQ - Gentlemen’s Quarterly................................... 24 Grainews................................................................ 46 Gripped: The Climbing Magazine........................... 33 Group Magazine..................................................... 43 Guideposts............................................................. 43 Guideposts Large Print.......................................... 43 H Harper’s Bazaar...................................................... 14 Harper’s Bazaar - Digital.......................................... 6 HD Video Pro........................................................... 16 Health..................................................................... 26 Hello - Canadian Edition........................................ 16 Hello - Canadian Edition - Digital............................ 6 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.............. 41 Herizons.................................................................. 38 Highlights............................................................... 40 Highlights Hello..................................................... 41 Highlights High Five............................................... 41 Hobby Farms........................................................... 46 Hockey News, The.................................................. 32 All newsstand prices in this booklet have been rounded. RECHERCHER LES MAGAZINES PAR TITRES Hockey News, The - Digital...................................... 6 Homes & Antiques.................................................. 21 Hopscotch for Girls................................................. 41 Horse & Rider.......................................................... 46 Horse Country......................................................... 46 Horse Illustrated.................................................... 46 Horse Sport............................................................. 46 Horse-Canada......................................................... 46 Hot Bike.................................................................. 37 House Beautiful...................................................... 21 House Beautiful - Digital.......................................... 6 Humpty Dumpty Magazine.................................... 41 I I Love English............................................................ 2 I Love English For Kids............................................ 41 Images Doc............................................................... 3 In These Times........................................................ 38 INC. Magazine........................................................ 38 Inside Motorcycles................................................. 37 Inside Track Motorsports News.............................. 37 InStyle.................................................................... 13 Islands.................................................................... 29 J Jack & Jill................................................................ 41 J’aime lire................................................................. 3 Je Bouquine.............................................................. 3 Julie.......................................................................... 2 Just CrossStitch...................................................... 16 Justice League........................................................ 41 K Kayak Angler.......................................................... 35 Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids........... 41 Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids - Digital.... 6 Kiwi........................................................................... 9 L Maisonneuve.......................................................... 17 Manitoba Co-operator........................................... 46 Manitoba Home & Gardener Living....................... 21 Manon...................................................................... 3 Marie Claire............................................................ 14 Marie Claire - Digital................................................ 6 Marlin..................................................................... 35 Martha Stewart Living........................................... 24 Martha Stewart Weddings..................................... 14 Marvel Super Heroes.............................................. 41 McCall’s Quilting.................................................... 17 Men of Integrity..................................................... 43 Men’s Fitness.......................................................... 23 Men’s Health.......................................................... 26 Men’s Journal......................................................... 24 Ministry Today........................................................ 43 Model Railroader.................................................... 17 Modern Cat............................................................... 8 Modern Dog.............................................................. 8 Moi et cie.................................................................. 3 Money..................................................................... 38 MoneySense........................................................... 38 MoneySense - Digital............................................... 6 MONTECRISTO......................................................... 30 Moto Journal............................................................ 3 Motor Cyclist........................................................... 37 Motorcycle Mojo..................................................... 36 Motorhome............................................................ 37 Muscle & Fitness..................................................... 27 Muse....................................................................... 41 MX and Off-Road.................................................... 37 N National Geographic Kids....................................... 41 National Geographic Little Kids............................. 41 National Geographic Magazine............................. 29 Natural Health........................................................ 26 Northwest Business............................................... 38 NUVO...................................................................... 23 O L’actualité................................................................. 2 L’actualité - Digital................................................... 6 Ladybug.................................................................. 41 Le Bulletin des Agriculteurs................................... 46 Le Lundi.................................................................... 3 Leadership Journal................................................. 43 Les Affaires............................................................... 2 Les Affaires Plus........................................................ 2 Les Belles Histoires................................................... 2 Les Débrouillards Extra............................................ 3 Les idées de ma maison........................................... 3 Liguorian................................................................ 43 Log Home Living.................................................... 21 Looney Tunes.......................................................... 41 Loulou..................................................................... 13 LouLou - Digital........................................................ 6 Loulou (French version)........................................... 2 Loulou (French version) - Digital............................. 6 Love of Knitting...................................................... 16 Love of Quilting...................................................... 17 Lucky...................................................................... 14 Lurelu....................................................................... 2 O, The Oprah Magazine.......................................... 24 Odyssey.................................................................. 41 Okapi........................................................................ 3 Old House Journal.................................................. 21 Ontario Home & Gardener Living........................... 21 Ontario Out of Doors.............................................. 35 Opera Canada......................................................... 17 Oprah Magazine, The - Digital................................. 6 Optimyz.................................................................. 27 Organic Gardening................................................. 20 OSM (On Snow Magazine)...................................... 33 Our Canada............................................................. 30 Outdoor Canada..................................................... 35 Outdoor Life........................................................... 35 Outdoor Life - Digital............................................... 6 Outdoor Photographer........................................... 35 Outpost Magazine.................................................. 29 Outside Magazine.................................................. 35 OWL........................................................................ 41 Oxygen................................................................... 26 Maclean’s................................................................ 38 Maclean’s - Digital.................................................... 6 MAD........................................................................ 41 Magazine Animal..................................................... 3 Maison & Demeure................................................... 2 Pacific Yachting...................................................... 33 Parents..................................................................... 8 Parents - Digital....................................................... 6 Pedal....................................................................... 33 People..................................................................... 16 M All newsstand prices in this booklet have been rounded. P People en Espanol.................................................. 24 People StyleWatch................................................. 13 Performance Auto & Sound Magazine................... 37 Phosphore................................................................ 3 Plane & Pilot........................................................... 36 Pointe..................................................................... 17 Pole Position............................................................. 3 Pomme D’Api............................................................ 3 Pomme D’api Soleil.................................................. 3 Popi........................................................................... 3 Popular Mechanics................................................. 29 Popular Mechanics - Digital..................................... 6 Popular Photography............................................. 17 Popular Photography - Digital................................. 6 Popular Science...................................................... 29 Popular Science - Digital.......................................... 6 POV - Point of View Magazine................................ 17 Power & Motoryacht.............................................. 32 Practical Horseman................................................ 46 Prairies North......................................................... 30 Preschool Friends................................................... 41 Prevention.............................................................. 27 Prions en èglise junior.............................................. 3 PRN Ignition Magazine.......................................... 37 Prospects................................................................ 32 Psychology Today................................................... 27 Q, Le Monde Du VTT................................. 3 Quill & Quire........................................................... 17 Quilters Newsletter................................................ 17 Quilter’s World....................................................... 17 Quiltmaker............................................................. 17 R Rapid...................................................................... 35 Reader’s Digest ...................................................... 23 Reader’s Digest- Digital........................................... 6 Reader’s Digest Large Print.................................... 38 Real Simple............................................................. 24 Redbook................................................................. 24 Redbook - Digital..................................................... 6 Reminisce............................................................... 29 Reptiles..................................................................... 9 Ricardo................................................................... 11 Road & Track........................................................... 37 Road & Track - Digital............................................... 6 RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel............ 37 Robb Report........................................................... 24 Rolling Stone.......................................................... 17 Runner’s World....................................................... 27 Running Times....................................................... 27 S Sailing World.......................................................... 32 Salt Water Sportsman............................................ 35 Saltscapes.............................................................. 30 Sampler & Antique Needlework............................ 17 Saveur..................................................................... 11 Saveur - Digital......................................................... 6 Scientific American................................................ 28 Scientific American Mind....................................... 29 Scooby Doo, Where Are You?.................................. 41 Scooby-Doo............................................................ 41 Score Golf............................................................... 33 Scotland Magazine................................................. 29 Scuba Diving........................................................... 33 Sélection du Reader’s Digest................................... 2 Selection du Reader’s Digest - Digital..................... 6 Self.......................................................................... 27 Séquences................................................................ 3 Sesame Street........................................................ 41 Seventeen............................................................... 42 Seventeen - Digital................................................... 6 Sew News............................................................... 17 Shambhala Sun...................................................... 43 SHAPE..................................................................... 27 SHE Canada............................................................. 24 Shine Brightly......................................................... 42 Siempre Mujer........................................................ 14 Siempre Mujer - Digital............................................ 6 Simple & Delicious.................................................. 11 Ski Canada.............................................................. 32 Ski Magazine.......................................................... 33 SkiTrax.................................................................... 33 Small Farm Canada................................................. 46 Smart Tab............................................................... 42 Smithsonian........................................................... 29 Snow Goer Canada................................................. 33 Soccer 360.............................................................. 33 Sparkle World......................................................... 42 Sparkle!.................................................................. 42 Spider..................................................................... 42 Sport Fishing.......................................................... 35 Sport Rider............................................................. 37 Sports Illustrated................................................... 32 Sports Illustrated Kids............................................ 40 Sportsnet Magazine............................................... 32 Sportsnet Magazine - Digital................................... 6 Star......................................................................... 17 Story Box................................................................ 42 Strawberry Shortcake............................................ 42 Style at Home......................................................... 20 Style at Home - Digital............................................. 6 Superman............................................................... 42 SuperTrax................................................................ 37 T Tangence.................................................................. 3 Taste of Home......................................................... 11 Teen Vogue............................................................. 40 Terre Sauvage........................................................... 3 This Old House........................................................ 20 Thomas & Friends................................................... 42 Threads................................................................... 17 Timber Home Living............................................... 21 Time Magazine....................................................... 38 Today in English........................................................ 3 Today’s Parent.......................................................... 8 Today’s Parent - Digital............................................ 6 Toronto Life............................................................ 30 Town & Country...................................................... 24 Town and Country - Digital...................................... 6 Traditional Home................................................... 21 Traditional Home - Digital....................................... 6 Trailer Life............................................................... 37 Trains...................................................................... 29 Tralalire.................................................................... 3 Travel + Leisure...................................................... 28 Traveler, Conde Nast............................................... 28 Triathlon Magazine Canada................................... 27 TV Hebdo.................................................................. 3 TVW Magazine....................................................... 17 U Up Here Business.................................................... 38 Up Here: Explore Canada’s Far North..................... 30 Urban Farm............................................................. 21 Us Weekly............................................................... 17 V Vanity Fair.............................................................. 38 Vegetarian Times................................................... 11 Veranda.................................................................. 21 Veranda - Digital...................................................... 6 Vogue..................................................................... 13 W W Magazine............................................................ 14 WakeBoarding........................................................ 34 Wakou...................................................................... 3 Walrus, The............................................................. 38 Wapiti....................................................................... 3 Watch..................................................................... 17 WaterSki................................................................. 34 Weight Watchers.................................................... 27 Western Horse Review........................................... 46 Western Sportsman............................................... 35 Wine Enthusiast..................................................... 11 Wired...................................................................... 29 Woman’s Day.......................................................... 24 Woman’s Day - Digital.............................................. 6 Women’s Health..................................................... 27 Wood...................................................................... 17 Wood - Digital.......................................................... 6 Woodworker’s Journal........................................... 17 Woodworker’s Journal - Digital............................... 6 Working Mother....................................................... 8 Y Yachting................................................................. 34 Yoga Journal........................................................... 27 Yoopa........................................................................ 3 Young Rider............................................................ 46 Youpi......................................................................... 3 Your Workplace...................................................... 38 TODAY A READER, TOMORROW A LEADER. —MARGARET FULLER SEE PG 40 FOR KIDS & TEENS SELECTIONS Z Zamoof!.................................................................. 42 Zoobies................................................................... 42 Zoobooks................................................................ 42 ZOOMER.................................................................. 23 Zoomer - Digital....................................................... 6 Zootles.................................................................... 42 While many of these magazines are available at locations throughout your community, some titles may not be suitable for children and may contain adult editorial and/or advertising. With this in mind, we encourage you to assist your child in selecting magazines appropriate for their personal reading. (For your reference, we’ve included an age-appropriate guide within the descriptive copy for most children’s titles.) All prices printed include taxes and/or any school/group handling fees. SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 5 DIGITAL-ONLY SUBSCRIPTIONS LOOK FOR THIS ICON THROUGHOUT THE BOOKLET! D IT MEANS YOUR PRINT SUBSCRIPTION ALSO INCLUDES A DIGITAL EDITION ONCE YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN PROCESSED, you will receive an email from the digital provider with instructions on accessing your digital subscription. American Patchwork & Quilting D061.............. 6 digital issues.................$23 American Photo D002.............. 6 digital issues................. $15 Chatelaine Code # D086 12 issues for only $17 (1 YEAR) Discover the inspirations, everyday pleasures and useful solutions that are found in Chatelaine. (12x) ELLE Canada Canada’s fashion magazine with cutting edge style. (12x) D051............. 12 digital issues................ $17 Flare Code # D041 12 issues for only $14 (1 YEAR) Better Homes & Gardens Code # D087 12 issues for only $17 (1 YEAR) Flare—Canada’s Fashion Authority. (12x) Best Health (iPad Only) D100.............. 7 digital issues.................$24 Boating D003............. 10 digital issues................$23 British Columbia Magazine D047.............. 4 digital issues................. $17 Canada’s History D034.............. 6 digital issues.................$30 Canadian Business D090............. 16 digital issues................$23 September 2012 2012 September November 2012 September 24, 2012 December July 2013 2012 Canadian Gardening D042.............. 6 digital issues.................$20 Canadian Geographic July 23, 2012 January 2013 September 25, 2012 February2013 July 30, 2013 2012 March July 2012 May23, 2013 September June 2013 24, 2012 Code # D099 12 issues for only $25 (1 YEAR) Canada’s most read, most trusted magazine! (12x) Canadian Gardening Code # D042 6 issues for only $20 (1 YEAR) Practical information and advice for beginners to seasoned gardeners. (6x) LouLou Code # D092 8 issues for only $15 (1 YEAR) Find amazing outfits, great accessories and loads of beauty products, all available in Canada! (8x) DON’T FORGET! YOU MUST PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THE ORDER FORM. Décormag Hello—Canadian Edition D050............. 10 digital issues................$23 Diabetic Living D054.............. 4 digital issues................. $19 Do-It-Yourself D065.............. 4 digital issues................. $19 EatingWell D055.............. 6 digital issues................. $12 Elle D069............. 12 digital issues................ $13 ELLE Canada D041............. 12 digital issues................ $14 Elle Décor D070............. 10 digital issues................ $16 ELLE QUÉBEC D049............. 12 digital issues................$23 ESPN Magazine D046.............. 6 digital issues.................$33 Canadian Living Esquire Car and Driver Every Day with Rachael Ray Chatelaine FamilyCircle Châtelaine (French version) FamilyFun Cosmopolitan Field & Stream Country Gardens Fitness Country Living Flare Coup de Pouce Good Housekeeping D066............. 12 digital issues................ $14 Reader’s Digest Harper’s Bazaar D043............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D084............. 26 digital issues................$24 D085............. 36 digital issues................$30 D040............. 12 digital issues................$22 September April 2013 2012 Cycle World D086............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D098............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D067............. 12 digital issues................ $16 D053.............. 4 digital issues................. $19 D068............. 10 digital issues................$20 D048............. 12 digital issues................$23 D071............. 10 digital issues................ $13 D056............. 10 digital issues................ $17 D052............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D057............. 10 digital issues................ $10 D044............. 12 digital issues................ $16 D058............. 10 digital issues................ $17 D087............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D072............. 12 digital issues................ $16 D073............. 10 digital issues................ $13 D093............. 26 digital issues............... $46 D094............. 53 digital issues................$91 House Beautiful D074............. 10 digital issues................$20 Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids D013.............. 4 digital issues................. $17 L’actualité D097............. 18 digital issues............... $34 LouLou D092.............. 8 digital issues................. $15 LouLou (French version) D096.............. 8 digital issues................. $15 Maclean’s D089............. 52 digital issues................$51 Marie Claire D075............. 12 digital issues................ $13 MoneySense D091.............. 8 digital issues.................$23 Oprah Magazine, The D076............. 12 digital issues................$20 Outdoor Life D004............. 12 digital issues................ $16 Parents D060............. 24 digital issues................ $12 Popular Mechanics D077............. 12 digital issues................ $16 Popular Photography D007............. 12 digital issues................ $16 Popular Science D008............. 12 digital issues................ $17 Reader’s Digest (iPad Only) D099............. 12 digital issues................$25 Redbook D078............. 11 digital issues................ $13 LOOK FOR THIS ICON THROUGHOUT THE BOOKLET! D IT MEANS YOUR PRINT SUBSCRIPTION ALSO INCLUDES A DIGITAL EDITION Road & Track Sportsnet Magazine Traditional Home Saveur Style at Home Veranda Selection du Reader’s Digest The Hockey News Woman’s Day D079............. 10 digital issues................ $16 D095............. 26 digital issues................$23 D045.............. 9 digital issues.................$21 D039............. 12 digital issues................$22 D038............. 24 digital issues............... $34 (iPad Only) D101............. 12 digital issues................$25 Today’s Parent Seventeen D088............. 12 digital issues................ $17 D080............. 10 digital issues................ $13 Town and Country Siempre Mujer D081............. 10 digital issues................ $16 D062.............. 6 digital issues................. $11 D063.............. 8 digital issues................. $17 D082.............. 6 digital issues.................$26 D083............. 12 digital issues................ $16 Wood D064.............. 7 digital issues.................$32 Woodworker’s Journal D019.............. 6 digital issues.................$24 Zoomer D023.............. 9 digital issues.................$20 • Bookmark and share selected content • Keep all your favourite issues on your tablet • Read anywhere and anytime • Available on iPad/iPhone and Android • Get full access to websites and get free e-newsletters • Be the first to read the issues DIGITAL EDITION ONLY DIGITAL EDITION ONLY DIGITAL EDITION ONLY DIGITAL EDITION ONLY 12 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) 12 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) 8 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) 12 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) CODE DO86 17 $ DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE DO90 23 $ 16 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) CODE DO88 17 $ DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE DO89 51 $ 52 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) WIN vacation. *a fun family CODE DO92 15 $ DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE DO93 46 $ 26 ISSUES† (1/2 YEAR) CODE DO87 17 $ DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE DO91 23 $ 8 ISSUES† (1 YEAR) Go to for details *No purchase necessary. Contest closes June 30, 2015 at 11:59 pm ET. Open to residents of Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) over the age of majority. One Grand Prize to be won consisting of a $5000 vacation trip voucher to be used with Air Canada Vacations. Must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question to win. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received by contest expiry. One entry per digital subscription on designated magazines. Some conditions apply. See entry form and full rules at The Hockey News Remember to provide your email address with your order to receive activation instructions! †Magazines occasionally publish combined, expanded or premium issues. Go Digital and Get More •Enhanced photo galleries • Interactive and dynamic content • Back issues • Bonus videos DON’T FORGET! YOU MUST PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THE ORDER FORM. Code # D038 24 issues for only $34 (1 YEAR) Know your game! NHL expert opinions, hard-hitting analysis, colour photos of the stars. (24x) Maclean’s Code # D089 52 issues for only $51 (1 YEAR) Make Sense of it all with Maclean’s. (52x) Zoomer Today’s Parent Code # D088 12 issues for only $17 (1 YEAR) Today’s parent is Canada’s #1 parenting magazine. (12x) Sportsnet Magazine Code # D095 26 issues for only $23 (1 YEAR) Sportsnet is the magazine for Canadian sports fans! (26x) Code # D023 9 issues for only $20 (1 YEAR) NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) September 2012 2012 September November 2012 September 24, 2012 December July 2013 2012 July 23, 2012 January 2013 September 25, 2012 February2013 July 30, 2013 2012 March September April 2013 2012 July 2012 May23, 2013 September June 2013 24, 2012 Canadian Geographic Code # D046 6 issues for only $33 (1 YEAR) Canadian Geographic: an exploration of Canada’s geography, people, wildlife and culture. (6x) FOR EVEN MORE DIGITAL EDITIONS, VISIT QSP.CA SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 7 FAMILY, ACTIVITIES & PETS Working Mother Parents 8 issues for only $36 24 issues for only $21 Newsstand Price: $41 | Code # 2063 Newsstand Price: $122 | Code # F766 Helps working moms balance career, family and self. Includes the Working Mother 100 Best Companies issue. (6x) Straightforward advice from the foremost childcare experts. (12x) Family Circle Style at Home Modern Dog Code # 0430 Code # 4168 Code # 1761 Code # 135F 12 issues for only $23 12 issues for only $24 4 issues for only $19 4 issues for only $21 Newsstand Price....................$81 Newsstand Price...................$27 Quick and easy recipes, do-ityourself decorating, and great ideas for getting more organized and much more. (12x) Code # F798 Code # F783 Code # F862 24 issues for only $45 8 issues for only $29 6 issues for only $29 Newsstand Price................. $162 10 issues for only $30 Today’s Parent Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 4786 Newsstand Price: $56 | Code # 3079 An ideabook for all the exciting things families can do together. (10x) PAGE 8 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Today’s Parent Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D088 Newsstand Price.................. $40 Newsstand Price...................$54 TODAY’S PARENT STYLE AT HOME DIGITAL 12 digital issues for only $17 Canada’s #1 parenting magazine! (Monthly) 12 issues for only $22 Newsstand Price...................$27 Newsstand Price....................$61 Code # D088 FamilyFun Modern Cat DIGITAL 12 digital issues for only $22 Code # D039 Create your own personal style with the latest design trends, home fashions, inspiring décor projects and stylish entertaining ideas. (12x) READER’S DIGEST CANADA’S MOST READ, MOST TRUSTED MAGAZINE 12 issues (1 YR) only $32 CODE: F800 SAVE 61% OFF Plus you get 1 year (7 issues) of Best Health! TWO FOR ONE CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # CODE # FAMILY NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Parents D F766............................ 24............$122.............. $21 Straightforward advice from the foremost childcare experts. (12x) D ADDitude ....................................................Visit to order CODE # CODE # 126L............................. 6................................... $40 F811............................ 12.................................. $72 Cesar Millan’s new lifestyle magazine for people and families with dogs. (6x) Dog Fancy Cat Fancy .....................10UH............................ 6................................... $32 . elping parents to raise children through healthy lifestyle decisions. H (6x) PRINT EDITION CODE 4786 17 $ 22 $ 12 ISSUES | 1 YEAR 0195............................ 12............ $68............... $32 Your complete guide to help you better understand, care for and enjoy your cat. (12x) Get 12 issues of Canada’s #1 parenting magazine. Celebrating the happy chaos that comes with having kids, Today’s Parent informs and inspires on health, behaviour, discipline, education, easy and nutritious recipes and so much more. GO DIGITAL Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries You’ll receive activation instructions via email · · INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Sports Illustrated Kids 12 Issues (1 YR) for $30 Code # 2110 Modern Dog 1761............................. 4............. $27............... $19 F783............................ 8............. $54............... $29 Get inspired with the best ideas and solutions for life with dogs. (4x) PETS Kiwi ONLY 135F............................ 4............. $27............... $21 F862............................ 6............. $40............... $29 A must read for cat people—hot-to’s, awesome advice, cute photos and more! (Quarterly) 2063............................. 8..............$41............... $36 Helps working moms balance career, family and self. Includes the Working Mother 100 Best Companies issue. (6x) 3079............................ 10............ $56............... $30 An ideabook for all the exciting things families can do together. (10x) CODE D088 Modern Cat Working Mother. FamilyFun DIGITAL EDITION 0332........................... 12............ $68............... $32 Guide to help you better understand, care for and enjoy your dog. (12x) 4786............................ 12............ $81............... $22 ▼ TODAY’S PARENT DIGITAL EDITION ▼. D088................12 digital issues.......................$17 Canada’s #1 parenting magazine. (12x) 0430............... 12.............$61............... $23 F765............... 24............$122.............. $43 Quick and easy recipes, do-it-yourself decorating, and great ideas for getting more organized and much more. (12x) FAMILY, ACTIVITIES & PETS Cesar’s Way Today’s Parent. Family Circle NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE ......................4911............................. 4................................... $49 Great information for cat care and stories about cats and their activities. (4x) 4168............................ 12............ $81............... $24 F798............................ 24............$162.............. $45 Create your own personal style with the latest design trends, home fashions, inspiring décor projects and stylish entertaining ideas. (12x) ..................... 136R............................ 4............. $32............... $29 For families that want to make healthier lifestyle choices. (4x) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Cats, I Love Style at Home EcoParent Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Reptiles ..................... 0749............................ 12............ $68............... $32 The world’s leading reptile magazine. (Monthly) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT KIDS Highlights Hello 10 Issues (1 YR) for $57 Code # 12WH Every subscription sold gives you a chance to WIN 1 of 30 iPad mini prizes Details on back page chickaDEE 5 Issues for $29 Code # F850 10 Issues (1 YR) for $39 PAGE 9 Code # 4830 SAVE 55% Modern Casseroles Baked Eggs | Braises & Bakes | Pasta & Pot Pies | Slow Cooker 1 YEAR $54 $26 2 YEARS $108 $48 YOURS FREE! 12 ISSUES | CODE: 9399 Be inspired by great ideas and bring them to life with Canadian Living. 24 ISSUES | CODE: F794 FREE GIFT! Modern Casseroles. More than 20 delicious and simple recipes for everyday weeknight dinners. FREE with your paid subscription. Best Dea l! Tomato, Zucchini & Goat Cheese Clafoutis P. 36 PAGE 10 | QSP.CA OFC_CL_Prem14_ModernCass.indd 1 2014-05-08 1:14 PM COOKING & CUISINE CODE # CODE # NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE ISSUES CODE # NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # Bon Appétit .................... 3804................. 8................ $45.................... $41 Make your own great beer at home. (8x) 2ND YEAR JUST $5 MORE Clean Eating .................... 11D9................ 8................ $63.................... $46 Improving your life one meal at a time. (8x) Cookbook Digest .................... 3639................. 4.......................................... $49 Best recipes of new cookbooks to help you when buying. (4x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Fine Cooking 6 issues for only $42 Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 1156 We bring out the cook in you. (6x) EatingWell 8330................. 6................ $47.................... $22 F810................ 12............... $95.................... $43 For readers who are passionate about great-tasting food and lifelong healthy eating. (6x) Ricardo 6 issues for only $34 Newsstand Price: $47 | Code # 11AT The Canadian chef’s cooking magazine is filled with delicious, simple recipes in a beautiful top-quality format. (Bi-Monthly) Every Day with Rachael Ray 11AT.................. 6................ $47.................... $34 The Canadian chef’s cooking magazine is filled with delicious, simple recipes in a beautiful top-quality format. (Bi-Monthly) Saveur .................... 1589................. 9................ $61.................... $42 Will connect cuisine with culture and tradition with discovery. (9x) Simple & Delicious .................... 5455................. 7................ $39.................... $32 100+ easy-to-fix recipes for delicious meals fast! (7x) Taste of Home .................... 0735................. 6.......................................... $32 100+ homestyle recipes and tips with a photo of every recipe. (6x) Vegetarian Times .................... 3406................. 9................ $71.................... $42 For people who love to eat, cook, entertain, and stay healthy! (9x) Wine Enthusiast 109U................ 10............... $45.................... $28 A magazine for smart entertaining, delicious food and spur-of-the-moment travel. (10x) 1638................. 13............... $88.................... $64 For novices & experts, Unpretentious editorial includes ratings & reviews, and Buying Guide in every issue. (13x) D Fine Cooking INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Food & Wine 12 issues for only $30 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 8422 Chatelaine 12 issues for only $22 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 0220 24 issues for only $35 Newsstand Price: $162 | Code # F758 PAGE 11 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Chatelaine Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D086 Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. 1156................. 6................ $54.................... $42 We bring out the cook in you. (6x) 8422................. 12............... $81.................... $30 F758................. 24.............. $162................... $35 Great, easy to make recipes for soups, salads, pasta, bread, meats, and desserts. Plus wine pairings from the experts! (12x) Ricardo Chatelaine 0220................ 12............... $68.................... $22 ▼ CHATELAINE DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D086................12 digital issues.................... $17 Discover the inspirations, everyday pleasures and useful solutions that are found in Chatelaine. (12x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE D Food & Wine .................... 0104................ 12............... $81.................... $42 America’s favourite food and entertaining magazine! (12x) Brew Your Own ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT MAKES EVERYDAY EXTRAORDINARY DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D086 PRINT EDITION CODE 0220 17 $ 22 $ 12 ISSUES | 1 YEAR Get 12 issues of Canada’s leading women’s magazine, including recipes, health, style and decor. In every issue, you’ll find inspiring ideas and practical tips and tools to make the most of your busy life. GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries You’ll receive activation instructions · · via email KIDS Every subscription sold gives you a chance to WIN 1 of 30 iPad mini prizes Details on back page KIDS Get a FREE Go Digital and Get More Get bonus videos, interactive and dynamic content plus photo galleries with your digital edition. backpack SuperBear Yours with every order for Chatelaine. SuperBears hook to your backpack to ride along with you. EASY TO USE · Digital editions can be read on iPad/iPhone and Android · You’ll receive activation instructions via email DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D086 PRINT EDITION CODE 0220 17 $ 22 $ 12 ISSUES (1 YEAR) #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. PAGE 12 | QSP.CA Tablet not included PLUS YOU COULD WIN * 1of 30 iPad Minis Find a message under your SuperBear’s cape and you could be eligible to win an iPad Mini! *Details on back page. BEAUTY & FASHION INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION FASHION Magazine 10 issues for only $14 Newsstand Price: $51 | Code # 5199 Canada’s most-read fashion magazine featuring fashion news, expert beauty advice, product information, where to shop and what’s hot. (10x) Flare 12 issues for only $20 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 0960 Flare Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D087 Essence Canadian House & Home Newsstand Price: $67 | Code # 0402 The voice of African-American women delivering solutions on money management, career & health. (Monthly) Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 2234 Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating, design and style. (Monthly) 12 issues (1 YR) for only $55 12 issues (1 YR) for only $24 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION PEOPLE STYLEWATCH YOUR ULTIMATE CELEBRITY STYLE SHOPPING GUIDE! INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Chatelaine 12 issues for only $22 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 0220 Chatelaine Digital 12 issues for $17 ELLE Canada 12 issues for only $16 Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 7450 24 issues for only $32 Newsstand: $108 | Code # F795 Code # D086 PAGE 13 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA LouLou 8 issues (1 YR) for only $20 Newsstand Price: $45 | Code # 6789 LouLou Digital 8 issues for $15 Code # D092 InStyle Each issue brings you the hottest trends in beauty and fashion, latest celebrity looks, and exclusive discounts. (11x) 13 issues (1 YR) for only $63 Newsstand Price: $102 | Code # 1232 The latest fashions, expert beauty advice and intimate looks at your favourite celebrities. (13x) 11 issues (1 YR) only $35 Code # 10WB 22 issues (2 YRS) only $59 Code # F789 BEAUTY & FASHION CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Allure ..................... 2577............................ 12............ $68............... $37 The beauty expert, with celebrity tips and secrets from the pros. Free stuff every month! (12x) CODE # CODE # ..................... 0620............................ 10............ $51............... $38 The Magic of Fashion, The Power of Beauty. It excites. It transform. It empowers. (10x) 2234............................ 12............ $81............... $24 Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating design and style. (12x) ..................... 0300........................... 12............ $58............... $54 The magazine for millions of fun, fearless females. FOR READERS 18+. (Monthly) Elle ..................... 9335........................... 12............ $54............... $33 A leading fashion magazine. (12x) 6789............................. 8............. $45............... $20 ▼ LOULOU DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D092..................8 digital issues....................... $15 Filled with all the must-haves of the season and tons of shopping tips on how to look like the hottest celebrities for less. (8x) Lucky ..................... 7250............................ 10............ $56............... $37 The ultimate shopping magazine with the best looks, best buys and best trends. (10x) Marie Claire ..................... 1581............................ 12............ $68............... $29 More than a pretty face. Marie Claire—the style and fashion magazine for you! (12x) ELLE Canada INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Instyle 13 issues (1 YR) for $63 7450............................. 12............ $54............... $16 F795............................ 24............$108.............. $32 Canada’s fashion magazine with cutting edge style. (12x) D Essence 0402............................ 12.............$67............... $55 The voice of African-American women, delivering solutions on money management, career, and health. (12x) %AND 2 7 T E SS V EW A S FF N O Code # 1232 Flare Flare 12 issues for $20 Code # 0960 Flare Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D087 0960............................. 12............ $68............... $20 ▼ FLARE DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D087.................12 digital issues.......................$17 Canada’s Fashion Authority. PLUS, get exclusive shopping discounts, VIP invitations and access to exclusive contests! (12x) Glamour ..................... 0530........................... 12............ $68............... $41 Glamour gives you the best hair and beauty tips, fashion do’s and don’ts, and more.(12x) PAGE 14 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Martha Stewart Weddings ......................6144............................. 4............. $31............... $24 Detailed planning information - from the engagement to the honeymoon. (4x) D People Stylewatch 10WB..............11.............$74............... $35 F789............... 22............$148.............. $59 Each issue brings you the hottest trends in beauty and fashion, latest celebrity looks, and exclusive discounts. (11x) Siempre Mujer ..................... 105D............................ 6............. $27............... $21 Siempre Mujer®– ¡Inspira tus sueños como Latina y te ayuda a lograr aun mucho más en Estados Unidos! (6x) Vogue ..................... 2000........................... 12............ $68............... $55 The world’s fashion authority. Before it’s in fashion, it’s in Vogue. (12x) W Magazine ..................... 3592............................ 10............ $68............... $51 Fashion, beauty, society, art, culture, travel and entertainment. (Monthly) One year ONLY 14 $ 10 ISSUES FASHION Magazine 5199................ 10............ $51............... $14 Canada’s most-read fashion magazine featuring fashion news, expert beauty advice, product information, where to shop and what’s hot. (10x) CODE # Loulou Chatelaine Cosmopolitan CODE # .1232............................ 13............$102.............. $63 T . he latest fashions, expert beauty advice and intimate looks at your favourite celebrities. (13x) Canadian House & Home Code # 7450 D InStyle ..................... 0130............................. 6................................... $46 The complete guide to planning your perfect wedding. (Bi-Monthly) ELLE Canada 12 issues for $16 NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Harper’s Bazaar Bride’s 0220............................. 12............ $68............... $22 ▼ CHATELAINE DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D086.................12 digital issues...................... $17 Discover the inspirations, everyday pleasures and useful solutions in Chatelaine. (12x) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Canada’s most read fashion magazine! • The best shoes, bags and accessories • Runway reports from around the world • Beauty trends and tips CODE # 5199 D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. Get 8 issues of the celebrity style guide you can’t shop without! It’s filled with all the must-haves of the season and tons of shopping tips on how to look like the hottest celebrities for less. DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D092 PRINT EDITION CODE 6789 15 $ 20 $ GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries You’ll receive activation instructions via email · · 8 ISSUES | 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 108 $ 32 $ Best Deal! 24 ISSUES | CODE F795 MAGAZINES MAKE GREAT GIFTS! Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. SAVE 70% 1 YEAR 54 $ DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D087 PRINT EDITION CODE 0960 17 $ 20 $ 12 ISSUES | 1 YEAR Get 12 issues of the best in style – the hottest looks and how to put it all together. FLARE magazine brings you fashion and beauty inspiration from every corner of the world. GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries You’ll receive activation instructions via email · · KIDS Every subscription sold gives you a chance to WIN 1 of 30 iPad mini prizes 16 $ 12 ISSUES | CODE 7450 Spirited | Stylish | Smart | Canadian Details on back page SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 15 ENTERTAINMENT & HOBBIES CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX American Patchwork & Quilting ..................... 0681............................. 6............. $54............... $40 Quilting projects with full-size patterns, easy-to-follow instructions. (6x) American Photo ..................... 0033............................ 6..............$41............... $36 All about creative photography. (6x) BBC Music Broken Pencil 26 issues for only $22 Newsstand Price: $175 | Code # F745 NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) 52 issues (1 YR) for only $41 8019............................. 8............. $54............... $37 Guide to underground culture and the independent arts. (4x) Canadian Art 9157............................. 4............. $45............... $28 Offering a national perspective on painting, sculpture, film, video, architecture and photography. (4x) Newsstand Price: $351 | Code # 2332 Canadian Coin News 9929............................ 26............$103.............. $51 Latest in Canadian mintage figures, current numismatic price trends, show & auction listings, and more. (26x) Canadian Musician F847........................... 12............ $47............... $28 The magazine for all Canadian musicians, amateur & pro. (6x) Canadian Stamp News 9930........................... 26............$103.............. $51 Insightful, up-to-date philatelic articles, worldwide new releases, reports on new finds, errors & varieties. (26x) Cardmaker ....................................................Visit to order Creative Knitting INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Hello—Canadian Edition People 26 issues for only $62 Newsstand Price: $176 | Code # F775 Hello Digital 26 issues for $46 Code # D093 Code # F749 12 issues for only $42 Code # F778 22 issues for only $77 Code # 3313 53 issues (1 YR) for only $186 PAGE 16 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA ....................................................Visit to order Crochet World ....................................................Visit to order Crochet! ....................................................Visit to order Crochet, Quick & Easy ..................... 9464............................. 4................................... $49 Over 64 easy crochet patterns. (4x) Cross Stitch Gold ..................... 118X............................. 6............. $85............... $57 The world’s most beautiful cross stitch designs. (6x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Dance International Magazine ..................... 12U6............................ 4............. $34............... $30 Your ticket to the world of professional dance and ballet. (4x) Dance Magazine 3630............................ 12............ $68............... $58 From Broadway to ballet, tap to hip hop, Dance Magazine has been top of the dance world for over 80 years. (12x) Dance Teacher INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION 9 issues for only $20 ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Bead & Button ..................... 1542............................. 6............. $54............... $45 Fast, fashionable & fun jewellery projects! (6x) Newsstand Price: $50 | Code # 128U CODE # Dance Spirit Bead Style Entertainment Weekly CODE # ..................... 4072........................... 13............$163............ $113 The world’s best-selling classical music magazine. Each issue comes with a complete works classical music CD. (13x) ..................... 1302............................. 6............. $54............... $49 The #1 magazine for beading enthusiasts! (6x) Zoomer .5333........................... 10............ $56............... $47 The must-read magazine for aspiring dancers. (10x) .4634........................... 12............ $68............... $47 Become a better artist, educator and business person. (12x) Decorating Digest (formerly Craft & Home Projects) ......................4158............................. 4................................... $49 Dozens of projects to enhance your home. (4x) Digital Photo ..................... 5234............................. 7............. $55............... $34 The guide to the fun and affordable world of photography and home computers! (7x) Digital Photo Pro ..................... 2451............................. 7............. $63............... $40 .The magazine for the serious digital photography enthusiast and professional. (7x) D Entertainment Weekly F745............................ 26............$175.............. $22 2332............................ 52........... $351.............. $41 Complete coverage of TV, Movies, Music, DVDs, Books and more! (52x) Fantasy & Science Fiction ..................... 0443............................ 6................................... $76 One of the genre’s premier magazines. (6x) HD Video Pro ..................... 111M............................ 6..............$61............... $40 The professional’s guide to giving high-def. (6x) Hello—Canadian Edition .F775........................... 26............$176.............. $62 ▼ HELLO DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D093.................26 digital issues...................... $46 .10TG........................... 53........... $359............ $120 ▼ HELLO DIGITAL EDITION ▼ .D094................53 digital issues...................... $91 Provides readers with news about and intimate access to lifestyles of the top international and Canadian celebrities. (53x) Just Cross Stitch ....................................................Visit to order Love of Knitting ..................... 12SK............................ 4..............$41............... $34 Love of Knitting gives you inspiring projects, techniques, and tips for the everyday knitter! (Quarterly) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Love of Quilting ..................... 5072............................. 6..............$61............... $34 Wide range of projects—with instructions, colour diagrams, patterns and photos of the completed project. (6x) Maisonneuve 3691............................. 4............. $31............... $29 Each issue covers cutting-edge culture, arts and literature. (4x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Quilter’s World ....................................................Visit to order Quiltmaker ..................... 8495............................. 6............. $47............... $41 Ultimate pattern magazine for today’s quilter. (6x) Rolling Stone 1487............................ 26............$176.............. $52 The definitive source of music, information & pop culture trends. (26x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX TVW Magazine ..................... 11BD........................... 52........... $293.............. $63 BC’s Entertainment & Lifestyle Magazine. BC addresses only. (52x) Us Weekly ..................... F855........................... 26............$147.............. $65 ..................... 1957............................ 52........... $293............ $124 Celebrity photos, breaking news and exclusive interviews. (52x) Watch ......................1103............................. 6............. $54............... $34 For quilters of all skill levels - a variety of complete, how-to quilting projects. (6x) Sampler & Antique Needlework ....................................................Visit to order .....................119W............................ 6................................... $32 ..................... F860........................... 12.................................. $58 Official magazine of CBS, gives readers a window into the world of glamour & celebrity through their favorite stars. (Bi-Monthly) Model Railroader Sew News Wood McCall’s Quilting ..................... 0978............................ 12............ $98............... $69 World’s most popular railroading magazine. (Monthly) Opera Canada 2918............................. 4................................... $31 The excitement of opera across Canada and around the world! (4x) D People F749............................ 12.............$67............... $42 F778........................... 22............$124.............. $77 3313............................ 53........... $298............ $186 PEOPLE, America’s most popular magazine, delivers your favourite celebrities and real-life heroes every week! (53x) ..................... 8424............................ 6............. $47............... $34 Tips and techniques, pattern and fabric previews. (6x) .7345........................... 52........... $323............ $142 The #1 selling celebrity news magazine, weekly stories and exclusive photos. (Weekly) D Threads ..................... 8980............................ 7............. $63............... $47 For woodworkers of all skill levels. (7x) Woodworker’s Journal Star ..................... 9586............................. 6............. $54............... $46 The magazine for people who love to sew. (6x) ENTERTAINMENT & HOBBIES ..................... 8431............................. 6..............$41............... $39 Projects for woodworkers to build, plus coverage of woodworking tips, tools and techniques. (6x) ZOOMER Reader’s Digest 12 Issues (1 YR) for $32 Code # F800 INCLUDES 1 YEAR (7 ISSUES) OF BEST HEALTH! 128U............................. 9............. $50............... $20 Lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT D People en Espanol 5387.............................11............ $49............... $27 La revista mas fascinante y al dia para los Latinos. Written in Spanish (11x) 26 ISSUES D People StyleWatch FOR ONLY 10WB...........................11.............$74............... $35 F789........................... 22............$148.............. $59 The hottest trends in beauty and fashion, latest celebrity looks, and exclusive discounts. (11x) 22 $ Pointe CODE F745 6786............................. 6................................... $35 Celebrate ballet at its best. (6x) OWL 5 Issues for $29 Code # F852 10 Issues (1 YR) for $39 Code # 4829 Popular Photography ..................... F734........................... 12............ $75............... $42 Most widely-read photographic magazine. (12x) GET 1 YEAR POV—Point of View Magazine ..................... 1893............................. 4..............$41............... $23 ..................... F859............................ 8............. $81............... $46 Canada’s premiere magazine about documentary film culture. (Quarterly) 52 ISSUES FOR ONLY 41 $ Quill & Quire 1802............................ 10.................................. $90 Canada’s Magazine of Book News and Reviews. (10x) Quilter’s Newsletter ..................... 6030............................. 6............. $54............... $41 Time-saving tips, patterns, photos, trends, museum quilts and quilting events in each issue. (6x) CODE 2332 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Best Health 7 Issues (1 YR) for $28 Code # 11GL APPUYEZ VOTRE ÉCOLE. ALLEZ AU: QSP.CA ENVOYEZ 12 COURRIELS AUX MEMBRES DE LA FAMILLE ET RECEVEZ CE Ventilateur de poche mignon! EXCELLENTS TRANSMETTEZ RABAIS LE MESSA GE! sur les magazines les plus vendus! Tout le monde que vous connaissez peut aider et ceci demande seulement quelques minutes! IN EVERY ISSUE... Explore the most stylish homes across Canada... Discover the latest trends in home design... Solve your decorating dilemmas with helpful advice from our editors... Organize, simplify and banish clutter for good SAVE 70% off the cover price Shop for the products you see using our extensive Source Guide... 12 ISSUES(1 YR) - ONLY $24 CODE 2234 SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 19 HOME & GARDEN Chatelaine Family Handyman Code # 0220 Canadian Home Trends Newsstand Price...................$68 Code # 130P Code # 0440 11 issues for only $30 Newsstand Price...................$50 12 issues for only $22 Chatelaine Digital Do it better and faster with tips from America’s best do-ityourself magazine. (11x) Canadian Gardening Code # 2495 6 issues for only $25 Code # F793 12 issues for only $45 Code # D086 12 issues for $17 Get the best in home décor inspiration, DIY projects, recipes and more! (4x) Code # 8032 6 issues for only $28 Newsstand Price...................$47 Enjoy the lake year round and get practical advice, easy recipes, and inspiring design ideas. (6x) Style at Home 12 issues for only $24 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 4168 24 issues for only $45 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Newsstand Price: $162 | Code # F798 Free: Get Organized Booklet This Old House Coastal Living Code # 1719 Code # 5232 Code # 136P 6 issues for only $46 10 issues (1 YR) for only $33 10 iss (1 YR) for only $34 4 iss (1 YR) for only $23 Newsstand Price...................$73 Newsstand Price...................$27 Affordable ideas to turn your house into a home —perfect for mom and dad! (10x) Code # F784 Inspiring & informing Canada’s gardeners. (4x) Code # 4168 12 issues for only $26 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 2234 Canada’s magazine of home & style. Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating & style. (Monthly) Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 9399 24 issues for only $48 Newsstand Price: $108 | Code # F794 Free: Modern Casseroles Recipes Booklet PAGE 20 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Garden Making Newsstand Price......................... $67 12 issues for only $24 12 issues for only $24 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Code # F738 STYLE AT HOME Canadian Living INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Organic Gardening Trusted tips, advice and techniques for passionate gardeners. (6x) Canadian House & Home 4 issues for only $19 Newsstand Price...................$25 Cottage Life 20 iss (2 YRS) for only $40 Newsstand Price.................$146 CANADIAN HOUSE & HOME 24 issues for only $45 12 issues (1 YR) for only $24 Create your own personal style with the latest design trends, home fashions, inspiring décor projects and stylish entertaining ideas. (Monthly) Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating, design and style. (Monthly) Code # F798 Code # 2234 CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Alberta Home & Gardener Living CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX D Coastal Living 5232............................ 10............ $73............... $34 F784............................ 20............$146.............. $40 Bring the coastal lifestyle into your home—with shore-inspired ideas for decorating, remodeling and entertaining. (10x) ....................................................Visit to order Architectural Digest ..................... 0037........................... 12............ $95............... $59 Every issue illustrates how designers and decorators transform rooms into breathtaking beauty. (12x) Cottage Life .8032............................. 6............. $47............... $28 Enjoy the lake year round and get practical advice, easy recipes, and inspiring design ideas. (6x) Azure Magazine 8327............................. 8............. $72............... $40 Azure Magazine: Design, Architecture, Interiors, Curiosity (8x) CODE # Cottage Life West ..................... 11BC............................ 6............. $34............... $23 A must read for people seeking to reinvent their homes. Fresh ideas & non-stop inspiration-decorating tips, trends, & more. (6x) ..................... F869............................ 6............. $40............... $23 Experience recreational living in the West and get practical advice, recipes, design ideas for your cabin, cottage or chalet. (Covering BC, AB, & SK only) (6x) Better Homes & Gardens Country Living D BC Living ..................... 0080........................... 12.............$61............... $40 America’s favourite home and family magazine. (12x) Birds & Blooms ..................... 1745............................. 7............. $39............... $32 Vivid full-colour photos, reader-shared stories and practical advice, tips and do-it-yourself projects. (7x) Cabin Life ..................... 8076............................. 8............. $54............... $45 Have a getaway? Dreaming of one? Get ideas, inspiration and information with Cabin Life magazine! (8x) Canadian Gardening 2495............................. 6............. $37............... $25 F793............................ 12............ $75............... $45 Down-to-earth, practical information and advice for beginners to seasoned gardeners. (6x) D Canadian Home Trends 130P............................. 4............. $25............... $19 Get the best in home décor inspiration, DIY projects, recipes and more! (4x) Canadian House & Home ..................... 6867............................ 10............ $79............... $46 Redefines modern living by exploring innovative home design. (10x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE HOME & GARDEN House Beautiful ..................... 0690............................ 10............ $62............... $36 The magazine of style to inspire your own. (10x) Log Home Living ..................... 4028............................. 9............. $71............... $45 The comprehensive authority for building your log home. Covers design, planning and financing. (9x) Manitoba Home & Gardener Living ....................................................Visit to order Old House Journal ..................... 3197............................. 8............. $63............... $41 How-to restorations of the pre 1950 home. House styles, detailed techniques & suppliers list. (8x) Ontario Home & Gardener Living INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION This Old House 10 issues (1 YR) for $33 Code # 1719 ....................................................Visit to order ..................... F738............................ 6................................... $46 Trusted tips, advice and techniques for passionate gardeners. (6x) D Real Simple 6468............................ 12............ $81............... $42 REAL SIMPLE brings you smart, realistic solutions to everyday challenges. (12x) D English Garden, The ..................... 5228............................. 6............. $53............... $48 For everyone who loves beautiful gardens. (6x) Style at Home 4168............... 12............ $81............... $24 F798.............. 24............$162.............. $45 Latest design trends, home fashions, inspiring décor projects and stylish entertaining ideas. (12x) Free: Get Organized Booklet D English Home, The ......................6714............................. 6............. $53............... $48 Celebrating the essence of English style. (6x) Family Handyman 0440.............................11............ $50............... $30 Do it better and faster with tips from America’s best do-it-yourself magazine. (11x) D Fine Homebuilding D Fine Woodworking .............. 8458............................ 7............. $71............... $49 A must-have resource for every workshop. (7x) D Garden Making ..................... 136P............................ 4............. $27............... $23 Inspiring & informing Canada’s gardeners. (4x) Gardens Illustrated ..................... 0558............................ 12............$174............ $102 The world’s most beautiful gardening magazine. (12x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Sports Illustrated 20 issues for $24 Code # F742 56 issues (1 YR) for $56 Code # 1730 D This Old House .1719............................ 10.............$67............... $33 Affordable ideas to turn your house into a home— perfect for mom and dad! (10x) D Fine Gardening ..................... 8764............................. 8............. $81............... $54 Homebuilding magazine for field-tested, unbiased information. (8x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX ..................... 6974............................ 12............$136.............. $85 Where Classic meets Contemporary. (12x) ..................... 2329............................ 10............ $68............... $33 A home style magazine with international flair. (10x) Canadian Living 0220............................ 12............ $68............... $22 ▼ CHATELAINE DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D086.................12 digital issues.......................$17 Discover the inspirations, everyday pleasures and useful solutions that are found in Chatelaine. (12x) CODE # Homes & Antiques Elle Décor ..................... 4868............................ 6............. $54............... $42 The magazine for people who are passionate about gardening. (6x) Chatelaine CODE # Organic Gardening Dwell 2234............................ 12............ $81............... $24 Canada’s magazine of home & style. Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating design and style. (12x) 9399............................ 12............ $54............... $26 F794............................ 24............$108.............. $48 Be inspired by great ideas on food, health, beauty, home decor, life and more! (12x) Free: Modern Casseroles Recipes Booklet D ..................... 3653........................... 10............ $62............... $33 Provides you with inspirational ideas on decorating, antiquing, gardening and entertaining. (10x) Timber Home Living ..................... 8074............................. 6............. $47............... $39 Your complete guide to timeless wood homes. (6x) Traditional Home ..................... 2220............................. 8............. $63............... $37 Tours of exquisite homes and gardens, decorating and renovation ideas, entertaining and collecting. (8x) Urban Farm ..................... 12GX............................ 6..............$41............... $25 The guide to urban gardening & sustainable living. (6x) Veranda ..................... 2524............................. 6............. $44............... $41 Veranda is the premier magazine for the trendsetters who KNOW design. (6x) PAGE 21 Style at Home 12 issues (1 YR) for $24 Code # 4168 24 issues (2 YRS) for $45 Code # F798 Save 72% 2 YEARS 45 $ 1 YEAR 81 $24 162 $ $ Best Deal! 24 ISSUES | CODE: F798 12 ISSUES | CODE: 4168 You’ll find hundreds of inspiring and accessible ideas to make your home truly yours: PAGE 22 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA • Step-by-step decorating projects • Accessible design trends • The latest Canadian home fashions • And more… YOURS FREE! LIFESTYLE & CAREER INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION (IPAD ONLY) Men’s Fitness Code # 9540 10 issues for only $40 Newsstand Price..............$68 The performance magazine with training, nutrition, and relationship advice to help you realize your full potential. Adult content. (10x) FREE: 2-FOR-1 COUPON BOOK Toronto Life 12 issues for only $28 Newsstand Price: $132 | Code # 1875* Health NUVO Code # 4478 Code # 3668 Real Simple Code # 6468 12 issues for only $42 4 issues for only $59 10 issues (1 YR) for only $21 Newsstand Price..................$62 Newsstand Price..............$68 Newsstand Price..............$81 Code # F785 Canada’s premier lifestyle magazine on celebrity, fashion, art, travel, food/wine and more. (4x) Real Simple brings you smart, realistic situations to everyday challenges. (Monthly) 20 issues (2 YRS) for only $24 Newsstand Price..................$124 Reader’s Digest Style at Home 12 issues for only $24 *Includes 10 issues of FASHION Magazine Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 4168 To order without FASHION Magazine Newsstand Price: $162 | Code # F798 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # F791 FREE: Get Organized Booklet 12 issues for only $28 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION 24 issues for only $45 Code # F800 12 issues for only $32 Newsstand Price...........$89 Zoomer Best Health Code # 128U Code # 11GL 9 issues for only $20 7 issues for only $28 Newsstand Price..............$39 Canada’s healthy lifestyle magazine. Look great, get healthy, eat well, and embrace life! (7x) Canada’s most read, most trusted magazine. (12X) INCLUDES 1 YEAR (7 ISSUES) OF BEST HEALTH! Newsstand Price..............$50 NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) SAVE 56% Canadian Living 12 issues for only $26 Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 9399 24 issues for only $48 Modern Casseroles Chatelaine 12 issues for only $22 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 0220 Newsstand Price: $108 | Code # F794 FREE: Modern Casseroles Recipes Booklet PAGE 23 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Chatelaine Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D086 Baked Eggs | Braises & Bakes | Pasta & Pot Pies | Slow Cooker 1 YEAR $54 $26 2 YEARS $108 $48 12 ISSUES CODE: 9399 Be inspired by great ideas and bring them to life with Canadian Living. 24 ISSUES CODE: F794 FREE GIFT! Modern Casseroles. More than 20 delicious and simple recipes for everyday weeknight dinners. FREE with your paid subscription. Best Deal! YOURS FREE! Tomato, Zucchini & Goat Cheese Clafoutis LIFESTYLE & CAREER CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX American Cowboy 1072.............................. 6............. $47............... $39 Western living, ranching, rodeos, music, art, fashion and more! (6x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX GQ D Health 4478............................ 10............ $62............... $21 F785............................ 20............$124.............. $24 Trusted information/advice to help you stay fit, banish stress, save money, and live a healthier life. (10x) 11GL............................. 7............. $39............... $28 Canada’s healthy lifestyle magazine. Look great, get healthy, eat well, and embrace life! (7x) Herizons FREE: GET ORGANIZED BOOKLET 9399............... 12............ $54............... $26 F794............... 24............$108.............. $48 Be inspired by great ideas on food, health, beauty, home decor, life and more! (12x) Free: Modern Casseroles Recipe Booklet Style at Home 12 Issues for $24 Code # 4168 Chatelaine 24 Issues for $45 0220............................. 12.............$67............... $22 ▼ CHATELAINE DIGITAL EDITION ▼ D086.................12 digital issues.......................$17 Discover the inspirations, everyday pleasures and useful solutions that are found in Chatelaine. (12x) Code # F798 ..................... 136Q............................ 4............. $31............... $34 ..................... F870............................ 8..............$61............... $57 A lively Canadian women’s magazine charting the progress made on the road to equality in Canada and around the world. (4x) D InStyle 1232............................ 13............$102.............. $63 The latest fashions, expert beauty advice and intimate looks at your favourite celebrities. (13x) Martha Stewart Living ..................... 2738........................... 10............ $68............... $30 Endless possibilities & pure inspiration for Entertaining, Decorating, Gardening, Cooking, Celebrating and more. (10x) Country Woman ..................... 4641............................. 7............. $39............... $32 The favourite life-style magazine of country-loving women. (7x) Code # 2234 ..................... 0400........................... 10............ $51............... $23 For the man interested in politics, literature, Hollywood, sports, humour and fashion. (10x) 3668............................. 4............. $68............... $59 F823............................ 12........... $203.............. $99 Canada’s premier lifestyle magazine on celebrity, fashion, art, travel, food/wine and more. (4x) O, The Oprah Magazine ..................... 6799............................ 12.............$61............... $51 Get the best ideas, solutions and inspirations to live your best life! Come join us! (12x) D People en Español D Essence FREE: MODERN CASSEROLES RECIPE BOOKLET Canadian Living 12 Issues for $26 Code # 9399 24 Issues for $48 Code # F794 0402............... 12.............$67............... $55 The voice of African-American women, delivering solutions on money management, career, and health. (12x) Good Housekeeping ..................... 0560............................ 12............ $68............... $30 The go-to source for quick tips, smart advice, fun ideas and inspiration for today’s woman. (12x) PAGE 24 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA D Robb Report —Includes Digital Access (iPad & Nook Only) ..................... 9591............................ 12............$144.............. $92 For the luxury lifestyle, brings you the best life has to offer. (12x) Sélection du Reader’s Digest 3187............................ 12............ $58............... $32 Sélection va adroit au but, et au coeur, et vous permet de…Vivre le monde ensemble! (12x) She Canada 1994............................. 6............. $34............... $14 A luxury fashion/lifestyle glossy for South Asians in North America. (6x) Style at Home 4168.............. 12............ $81............... $24 F798.............. 24............$162.............. $45 Create your own personal style with the latest design trends, home fashions, inspiring décor projects and stylish entertaining ideas. (12x) FREE: Get Organized Booklet Men’s Journal ..................... 4685........................... 10............ $62............... $39 Men’s magazine about fashion, style, celebrities, music & more (10x) Esquire ..................... 1440.............................11............ $62............... $29 Balancing family, work, love and time for you. (11x) The performance magazine with training, nutrition, and relationship advice to help you realize your full potential. Adult content. (10x) NUVO TWO FOR ONE D D This Old House 1719............................ 10.............$67............... $33 Affordable ideas to turn your house into a home perfect for mom and dad! (10x) Toronto Life 1875............................ 12............$132.............. $28 A “must read” for getting the most out of Toronto! Includes a FREE 2-for-1 Coupon Book. Get 10 issues of FASHION Magazine with 12 issue offer. (12x) ▼ TO ORDER WITHOUT FASHION MAGAZINE ▼ F791............................ 12............ $81............... $28 5387.............................11............ $49............... $27 La revista mas fascinante y al dia para los Latinos. Written in Spanish (11x) Town & Country Reader’s Digest + Best Health Woman’s Day F800............................ 12............ $89............... $32 Subscribe to Reader’s Digest—Canada’s most widely read, most trusted magazine—and get both: a year of Reader’s Digest (12 issues) and a year of Best Health (7 issues)! INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Redbook —Includes Digital Access (iPad Only) ......................0211............................ 12............ $95............... $30 Cutting edge fitness, health & travel choices for adventurous men. (12x) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX 6468.................... 12............ $81............... $42 REAL SIMPLE brings you smart, realistic solutions to everyday challenges. (12x) D Men’s Fitness Details Canadian House & Home 12 Issues for $24 CODE # 9540............................ 10............ $68............... $40 D Coastal Living 5232............................. 10............ $73............... $34 F784............................ 20............$146.............. $40 Bring the coastal lifestyle into your home - with shore-inspired ideas for decorating, remodeling and entertaining. (10x) CODE # D Real Simple ..................... 0529............................ 12............ $81............... $38 GQ is the premier men’s fashion and lifestyle publication. (12x) Best Health Canadian Living ..................... 1880............................ 10............ $62............... $30 Luxury living, sumptuous style. The parties, people, and places of the life well lived. (10x) ..................... F762............................ 12.............$41............... $30 Personal news magazine for over 20 million American women. (12x) ZOOMER .128U............................ 9............. $50............... $20 NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) Save 72% You’ll find hundreds of inspiring and accessible ideas to make your home truly yours: • Step-by-step decorating projects • Accessible design trends • The latest Canadian home fashions • And more… 2 YEARS 162 45 1 YEAR $81 $24 $ $ 24 ISSUES | CODE: F798 YOURS FREE! Best Deal! 12 ISSUES | CODE: 4168 MAGAZINES MAKE GREAT GIFTS! Canada’s magazine of home & style. Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating design and style. (Monthly) 12 ISSUES (1YR) ONLY $24 CODE 2234 SAVE 70% off th cover preic e 7 ISSUES (1 YR) FOR ONLY $28 CODE 11GL SAVE 53% Canada’s healthy lifestyle magazine. Look great, get healthy, eat well, and embrace life! SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 25 HEALTH & FITNESS Fitness Prevention 10 issues for only $23 12 issues for only $45 Newsstand: $51 | Code # 0614 Newsstand: $62 | Code # 1390 The authority for women who want to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. (10x) The #1 choice for smart ways to live well. (12x) Zoomer Natural Health Muscle & Fitness Elevate Code # 128U Code # 3539 Code # 3850 Code # 11R6 6 issues for only $21 9 issues for only $20 6 issues for only $37 12 issues for only $42 Newsstand Price..................$50 NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) Newsstand Price..................$47 The authoritative guide to nourish your mind, body and spirit. (6x) Newsstand Price..................$122 Workouts, science of muscle growth, and nutrition for dedicated weightlifters. (12x) Canadian Running Men’s Health Shape Code # 11QD Code # 4852 Code # 4496 7 issues for only $52 Code # 104G 12 issues (1 YR) for only $38 10 issues (1 YR) for only $33 Workout guides, nutrition advice, success stories... inspiration to help you reach your full potential. (12x) It’s good to be you! (10x) 7 issues for only $26 Newsstand Price..................$68 Tons of useful stuff to help you look good, feel great and take control of your life. (10x) Newsstand Price..................$47 Dedicated to Canadian runners of all abilities. Inside you will find training tips, recipes and nutritional information. (7x) Newsstand Price..................$34 Code # F841 12 issues for only $34 Newsstand Price..................$68 Women’s Health Newsstand Price..................$81 Newsstand Price..................$68 SPECIAL DEAL! ONE YEAR INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Health 10 issues (1 YR) for only $21 (9 ISSUES) Best Health 7 issues for only $28 Newsstand: $62 | Code # 4478 Newsstand: $39 | Code # 11GL 20 issues (2 YRS) for only $24 Canada’s healthy lifestyle magazine. Look great, get healthy, eat well, and embrace life! (7x) Newsstand: $124 | Code # F784 PAGE 26 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA SAVE 60% OFF THE COVER PRICE JUST $20 CODE #128U Canada’s Best magazine for men and women 45 plus: health, money, travel, gardens, culture, profiles and more! CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Best Health 11GL............................. 7............. $39............... $28 Canada’s healthy lifestyle magazine. Look great, get healthy, eat well, and embrace life! (7x) Canadian Running 11QD............................. 7............. $47............... $26 Dedicated to Canadian runners of all abilities. Inside you will find training tips, recipes and nutritional information. (7x) CODE # CODE # Fit Pregnancy ..................... 4006............................ 6............. $47............... $30 Practical information for healthy mom and baby: safe workouts, nutrition. (6x) Oxygen ..................... 6037............................ 12............ $95............... $52 Your ultimate guide to the invigorating world of women’s fitness. (Monthly) Prevention 1390............................. 12............ $62............... $45 The #1 choice for smart ways to live well. (12x) Psychology Today....................Visit to order Reader’s Digest + Best Health F800............................ 12............ $89............... $32 Subscribe to Reader’s Digest—Canada’s most widely read, most trusted magazine—and get both: a year of Reader’s Digest (12 issues) and a year of Best Health (7 issues)! TWO FOR ONE Runner’s World CODE # CODE # D Health 4478.............. 10............ $62............... $21 F785.............. 20............$124.............. $24 Delivers trusted information and advice to help you stay fit, banish stress, save money, and live a healthier life. (10x) Men’s Health ..................... 4852........................... 10............ $68............... $52 Tons of useful stuff to help you look good, feel great and take control of your life. (10x) Muscle & Fitness ..................... 3850........................... 12............$122.............. $42 Workouts, science of muscle growth, and nutrition for dedicated weightlifters. (12x) Natural Health ..................... 3539............................. 6............. $47............... $37 The authoritative guide to nourish your mind, body and spirit. (6x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT HEALTH & FITNESS Triathlon Magazine Canada ..................... 11QE............................ 6............. $34............... $24 Everything you need to know about Canadian Triathlons, from the latest gear, to the best races to the most interesting people and places to race. (6x) . Weight Watchers 2016............................ 6..............$41............... $29 Succeed and feel great about yourself with our recipes, tips and solid advice in each inspiring issue. (6x) Women’s Health 104G.......................... 10............ $68............... $33 It’s good to be you! (10x) Yoga Journal ..................... 3218............................. 9............. $71............... $39 Nobody is more in touch with the world of yoga. (9x) Today’s Parent 12 Issues for $22 Code # 4786 Today’s Parent Digital 12 issues for $17 Code # D088 ..................... 1505............................ 12............ $81............... $39 Running is easy. Let Runner’s World show you. (12x) ZOOMER Running Times 128U.............. 9............. $50............... $20 NEW lifestyle magazine for Canadians 45 and up. Stay healthy, active and at your best with Zoomer! (9x) Self ..................... 1637............................ 12............ $68............... $36 For women who want to be healthier, happier & more fit. (Monthly) Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. 0614............... 10............ $51............... $23 The authority for women who want to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.10x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE 4496........................... 12............ $81............... $38 Workout guides, nutrition advice, success stories... inspiration to help you reach your full potential. (12x) ..................... 3656............................ 10............ $79............... $52 The competitive runner’s resource. (10x) Fitness ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Shape ..................... 136X............................. 6............. $34............... $26 OptiMYz is a health and fitness magazine that focuses on real solutions for real people. (6x) Elevate 11R6............................. 6............. $34............... $21 F841............................ 12............ $68............... $34 Anti-Aging, Enhancement & Wellness. (6x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE OptiMYz Consumer Reports on Health ..................... 2236............................ 12............ $68............... $42 Clear recommendations, reliable advice, and useful facts to improve your health & well-being! No advertising. 100% unbiased. (Monthly) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX MAKES EVERYDAY EXTRAORDINARY DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D086 PRINT EDITION CODE 0220 17 $ 22 $ 12 ISSUES | 1 YEAR Get 12 issues of Canada’s leading women’s magazine, including recipes, health, style and decor. In every issue, you’ll find inspiring ideas and practical tips and tools to make the most of your busy life. Parents 24 Issues for $21 Code # F766 GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries You’ll receive activation instructions · · via email FamilyFun KIDS Every subscription sold gives you a chance to WIN 1 of 30 iPad mini prizes Details on back page 10 Issues for $30 Code # 3079 SCIENCE & DISCOVERY INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION (IPAD ONLY) Air & Space Smithsonian British Columbia Magazine Code # 9924 Code # 2682 7 issues for only $46 The history, culture and technology of flight. Includes membership in the Smithsonian Institution. (7X) Discover Canadian Geographic Newsstand Price: $73 | Code # 3469 A magazine of science and technology: their wonders, uses, their impact on our lives. (10x) Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 2912 An exploration of Canada’s geography, people, wildlife and culture. Special issues of Canadian Geographic Travel included. (6x) 10 issues for only $36 4 issues for only $23 Wired Traveler, Condé Nast Code # 1353 Code # 9170 12 issues for only $39 12 issues for only $34 Newsstand Price....................$81 Newsstand Price....................$81 Technology and how it shapes innovation in business, entertainment and communications. (12x) An exciting look at world travel and adventure. (12x) Newsstand Price....................$31 B.C.’s photo, award-winning, geographic, travel and outdoor recreation magazine. (4x) 6 issues for only $33 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION (IPAD ONLY) Popular Science Scientific American Smithsonian Code # 1370 Code # 1580 Code # 1699 Code # 6054 12 issues for only $42 12 issues for only $45 11 issues for only $55 6 issues for only $23 Newsstand Price....................$81 Provides the latest science and technology information that is shaping our world. (12x) Outpost Magazine Newsstand Price......................$95 Newsstand Price................... $74 Newsstand Price....................$31 Enlightening coverage of science and technology for business leaders, students, and informed citizens. (12x) Share a cultural adventure with history, nature, science, travel and art with Smithsonian. Includes membership in the Smithsonian Institution. (11x) Outpost covers the world: adventure travel, jungle trekking, cultural exploration, off-the-beatenpath travel destinations. (6x) TIME INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Travel + Leisure Canada’s History Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 8423 Newsstand Price: $47 | Code # 7471 24 issues for only $35 12 issues for only $59 Newsstand Price: $162 | Code # F759 Newsstand Price: $94 | Code # F866 12 issues for only $30 56 Issues (1 YEAR) for only $46 Code # 1850 6 issues for only $33 PAGE 28 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION What Matters: TIME makes sense of the most important issues, people and trends affecting your world. (Weekly) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX D Air & Space Smithsonian 9924............................. 7................................... $46 The history, culture and technology of flight. INCLUDES MEMBERSHIP IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Discover 3469.............. 10............ $73............... $36 A magazine of science and technology: their wonders, uses, their impact on our lives. (10x) Astronomy ..................... 3491............................ 12.............$94............... $67 Space news, tips for observing,monthly skycharts, and more! (12x) D Discover Britain ..................... 0554........................... 13............$188............ $102 The action-packed panorama of discovery, conflict and intrigue that is world history. (13x) ..................... 2518............................. 6............. $53............... $48 Celebrating Britain’s rich past and historic present. (6x) CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX SCIENCE & DISCOVERY ..................... 1580............................ 12............ $95............... $45 Enlightening coverage of science and technology for business leaders, students, and informed citizens. (12x) Scientific American Mind ..................... 4249............................. 6............. $54............... $29 Breakthrough in psychology, neuroscience, and human behaviour. (6x) Scotland Magazine ..................... 8071............................. 6............. $45............... $42 For Everyone Passionate about Scotland. (6x) Explore 2916............................. 4............. $27............... $21 Canada’s outdoor adventure magazine. (4x) Britain ..................... 9820............................. 6............. $50............... $45 Official Magazine of Visit Britain. (6x) CODE # Scientific American —Includes Digital Edition (iPad only) BBC History France ......................1812............................. 6............. $52............... $48 North America’s biggest-selling magazine about France. (6x) D Smithsonian —Includes Digital Edition (iPad only) ..................... 1699.............................11.............$74............... $55 . hare a cultural adventure with history, nature, science, travel and art S with Smithsonian. Includes membership in the Smithsonian Institution. (11x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION TIME 56 issues (1 YR) for $46 Code # 1850 British Columbia Magazine 2682............................. 4............. $31............... $23 B.C.’s photo, award-winning, geographic, travel and outdoor recreation magazine. (4x) Good Old Days Canada’s History Islands 7471.............................. 6............. $47............... $33 F866............................ 12.............$94............... $59 Enjoy entertaining & insightful stories, plus historic photos, maps & illustrations. (6x) ..................... 9018............................ 10............ $68............... $16 Islands that are tropical & temperate, famous & virtually undiscovered. (10x) National Geographic Magazine Canadian Geographic 2912................ 6............. $54............... $33 An exploration of Canada’s geography, people, wildlife and culture. Special issues of Canadian Geographic Travel included. (6x) Cruising World ..................... 3122............................ 12............ $81............... $44 Cruising World addresses sailors with a keen interest in exploring the world’s coastline. (12x) Current World Archaeology ..................... 111G............................. 6................................... $45 Digs and discoveries from around the world. (6x) D Time Magazine 1850............................ 56........... $379.............. $46 What Matters: TIME makes sense of the most important issues, people and trends affecting your world. (Weekly) ....................................................Visit to order Trains ..................... 1885............................ 12.............$94............... $69 The #1 magazine for railroad enthusiasts. (12x) 1140............................ 12............ $95............... $63 Covers the universe, environment, distant lands and people. (12x) D Travel + Leisure 8423............................ 12............ $81............... $30 F759............................ 24............$162.............. $35 Readers discover hot deals on travel and insider tips to help them save money, and reduce travel headaches. (12x) Outpost Magazine ..................... 6054............................ 6............. $31............... $23 Adventure travel, jungle trekking, cultural exploration, off-thebeaten-path travel destinations. (6x) ..................... 9170............................ 12............ $81............... $34 An exciting look at world travel and adventure. (12x) Popular Science Wired ..................... 1370............................ 12............ $81............... $42 Provides the latest science and technology information that is shaping our world. (12x) Entertainment Weekly 26 issues for $22 Code # F745 52 issues (1 YR) for $41 Code # 2332 Traveler, Condé Nast Popular Mechanics ..................... 1350............................ 10............ $62............... $43 Answers for curious minds. (10x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION ..................... 1353............................ 12............ $81............... $39 .Technology and how it shapes innovation in business, entertainment and communications. (12x) Reminisce ..................... 2767............................. 7............. $39............... $32 America’s best nostalgia magazine with fond memories and vintage photos. (7x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Sports Illustrated 20 issues for $24 Code # F742 D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT PAGE 29 56 issues (1 YR) for $56 Code # 1730 ALL ABOUT CANADA CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE CODE # Canadian House & Home 9399..................12................. $54.................. $26 F794..................24................ $108................. $48 Ideas on food, health, beauty, home decor, life and more! (12x) FREE: Modern Casseroles Recipe Booklet Geist .................... 136L...................4.......................................... $31 Geist is a Canadian literary magazine of ideas and culture. (4x) TWO FOR ONE Sélection du Reader’s Digest Newsstand Price: $132 | Code # 1875* *Includes 10 issues of FASHION Magazine To order without FASHION Magazine 12 issues for only $28 5243...................6.................. $34.................. $30 The most proud-to-be Canadian magazine ever. Join us and celebrate Canada! (6x) 12 issues for only $26 Newsstand Price: $54 | Code # 9399 24 issues for only $48 Newsstand Price: $108 | Code # F794 FREE: Modern Casseroles Recipes Booklet Prairies North .................... 12XQ...................4.......................................... $31 A beautiful Saskatchewan magazine featuring our amazing people and places. (4x) 1875............................. 12............$132.............. $28 A “must read” for getting the most out of Toronto! Includes a FREE 2-for-1 Coupon Book. Get 10 issues of FASHION Magazine with 12 issue offer. (12x) ▼ TO ORDER WITHOUT FASHION MAGAZINE ▼ F791............................ 12............ $81............... $28 nd Up Here: Explore Canada’s Far North .................... 7229...................8.................. $45.................. $33. Winner of The National Magazine of the Year! (8x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT ORDER CODE 1875 2 Canadian Magazines, 1 Low Price. off ne ss ta SA V w E pr 78 % Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # F791 Toronto Life 3668...................4.................. $68.................. $59 F823..................12................ $203................. $99 Inspired by quality, NUVO is Canada’s premier lifestyle magazine. (4x) ice 12 issues for only $28 3187...................12................. $58.................. $32 Sélection va adroit au but, et au coeur, et vous permet de…Vivre le monde ensemble! (12x) NUVO Our Canada F800...................12................. $89.................. $32 Subscribe to Reader’s Digest—Canada’s most widely read, most trusted magazine—and get both: a year of Reader’s Digest (12 issues) and a year of Best Health (7 issues)! D Saltscapes 12QD..................4.................. $36.................. $25 For discerning, cultured Vancouverites. It features eclectic editorial, including fashion, culture, food & wine, travel, art, design & more. (4x) Canadian Living NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE .................... 8322...................7.................. $47.................. $31 If you love Atlantic Canada, you’ll love Canada’s East Coast magazine. Includes Bonus Travel Guide. (7x) MONTECRISTO FREE: 2-FOR-1 COUPON BOOK ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Reader’s Digest + Best Health 2234..................12................. $81.................. $24 Every issue delivers the best in Canadian decorating design and style. (12x) Canadian Living Toronto Life CODE # NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX 1 year only $28 1 Our Canada 6 issues for only $30 year (12 issues) 1 year (10 issues) BONUS GUIDE All included in your subscription: • 1 year of both Toronto Life and FASHION magazine • Best Restaurants Guide • FREE 2-for-1 Coupon Book FREE GIFT 6 ISSUES (1 YR) FOR ONLY $30 ORDER CODE 5243 Reader’s Digest 12 issues for only $32 Newsstand: $34 | Code # 5243 Newsstand: $89 | Code # F800 The most proud-to-be Canadian magazine ever. Join us and celebrate Canada! (6x) Canada’s most read, most trusted magazine. (12X) Includes 1 year (7 issues) of Best Health! PAGE 30 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA SAV E 33% —Stories and photos by Canadians for Canadians —A reader inspired and created magazine celebrating the best of our country 6 ISSUES (1YR) FOR ONLY $30 ORDER CODE 5243 SAVE 60% UPTO —Stories and photos by Canadians for Canadians —A reader inspired and created magazine celebrating the best of our country SAVE 33% KNOW YOUR GAME. • First-hand coverage and behind-the-bench close-ups • Hard-hitting opinions • Team-by-team coverage • Full-colour action shots and profiles of the game’s biggest stars R E T OS P E FRE + fu ssy G lo ll c o ” 21.5 .5” x 3 2 e: , siz l our PLUS: Schedules, Rosters, Predictions, Stats, Scoops, and so much more... Subscribe Now and Get 2 Years (48 Issues) for just $85 CODE F799 1 Year (24 Issues) for just $45 CODE 5003 Best Deal! The Hockey News publishes 24 issues a year with some combined expanded or premium issue which count as two subscription issues SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 31 SPORTS & LEISURE INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Bicycling Canadian Cycling Ski Canada Code # 0082 Code # 12FV Code # 5065 11 issues for only $39 Newsstand Price..................$74 World’s leading bicycling magazine. (11x) Sportsnet 26 issues for only $30 Explore Newsstand: $176 | Code # 12RN 4 issues for only $21 Sportsnet Digital 26 issues for $23 Code # D095 Newsstand: $135 | Code # F742 56 issues (1 YR) for only $56 Newsstand: $379 | Code # 1730 12 issues (1 YR) for only $30 Newsstand Price..................$40 Canadian Cycling has the bikes, the personalities, the training & the news to keep cyclists fit & motivated. (Bi-Monthly) Newsstand Price..................$27 Newsstand Price..................$81 Get lessons and tips from pros, tour coverage, courses to play and the latest on equipment. (Monthly) The Hockey News 24 issues for only $45 Newsstand: $108 | Code # 5003 48 issues for only $85 Newsstand: $216 | Code # F799 FREE: NHL Poster PAGE 32 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA Code # F753 8 issues for only $28 Newsstand Price..................$54 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Outdoor Canada Prospects Sports Illustrated KIDS Boating Code # 5050 Code # 0802 Code # 2110 Code # 0100 Newsstand Price..................$45 For the traditional outdoor sportsman, from the most authoritative fishing and hunting experts in Canada. (6x) Newsstand Price..................$28 Official Publisher of the Canadian Hockey League. (5x) Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. 20 issues for only $24 4 issues for only $17 Canada’s outdoor adventure magazine. (4x) 6 issues for only $20 Sports Illustrated Code # 0550 6 issues for only $24 Newsstand: $27 | Code # 2916 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Golf Magazine 5 issues for only $23 DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D095 23 $ 30 $ CODE 12RN PRINT EDITION 26 ISSUES (1 YEAR) 12 issues for only $30 10 issues for only $43 Newsstand Price..................$81 The sports magazine that kids love to read. Packed with stories, posters, trading cards, and more. Ages 6-14 (12x) Newsstand Price..................$68 Most widely read boating magazine. (10x) The magazine for Canadian sports fans Get 26 issues (1 year) of world-leading photography, stunning design and storytelling Canadians have been asking for, by Canada’s top sports journalists. GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE ·Get bonus videos, content and photo galleries ·You’ll receive activation instructions via email Sportsnet magazine is published biweekly except for occasional combined, expanded, or premium issues. CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX American Snowmobiler ..................... 2594............................. 6............. $40............... $26 For Snowmobiling enthusiasts. Buyer’s Guide, tech tips and more. (6x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Golf Digest ..................... 0540........................... 12............ $95............... $37 World’s largest selling and most preferred golf publication. (12x) Baseball Digest D Golf Magazine 0550............... 12............ $81............... $30 Get lessons and tips from pros, tour coverage, courses to play and the latest on equipment. (12x) Bicycle Times ..................... 122K............................ 6................................... $36 Dedicated to fun and enjoyment of the sport of bicycling. (BiMonthly) ..................... 0082............................11.............$74............... $39 World’s leading bicycling magazine. (11x) Black Belt ..................... 8525............................. 6................................... $52 The world’s leading self-defense magazine! (6x) Boating 0100............................ 10............ $68............... $43 Most widely read boating magazine. (10x) CODE # CODE # Breathe ....................................................Visit to order Canadian Yachting Magazine ..................... 5080............................ 8............. $63............... $37 Dedicated to serving the information needs of Canada’s cruising & racing sailors. (8x) Dirt Rag ..................... 7688............................. 7............. $47............... $39 The forum for mountain biking enthusiasts. (7x) Explore ..................... 0802............................. 5............. $28............... $23 Official Publisher of the Canadian Hockey League. (5x) Sailing World ..................... 4370............................ 8............. $54............... $20 For experienced sailors. The official magazine of U.S. Sailing. (8x) D Score Golf 8965............................ 5............. $28............... $21 Canada’s premier golf magazine! (5x) ..................... 2944............................ 38.................................. $46 Preferred by serious golfers—is the sport’s esteemed journal. (38x) GolfWorld ..................... 3554........................... 33............$147.............. $69 Best weekly news magazine of golf—33 times a year. (33x) . Scuba Diving 3322............................ 6............. $34............... $52 The magazine divers trust: equipment reviews, travel, great photos and more! (6x) Gripped: The Climbing Magazine Ski Canada 5065............... 4............. $27............... $17 F753.............. 8............. $54............... $28 Canada’s #1 alpine skiing magazine! Includes annual gear Buyer’s Guide. (4x) Includes annual Buyer’s Guide! Hockey News, The. 5003............... 24............$108.............. $45 F799............... 48............$216.............. $85 NHL expert opinions, hard-hitting analysis, colour photos of the stars. (24x) Free: NHL Poster! OSM (On Snow Magazine) ..................... 11BK............................ 6............. $40............... $29 Everything you need to know about snowmobiling. (6x) Outdoor Canada 5050............................. 6............. $45............... $20 For the traditional outdoor sportsman, from the most authoritative fishing and hunting experts in Canada. (6x) Pacific Yachting .2359............................ 12.............$94............... $55 Canada’s leading boating magazine - power, sail & cruising. (12x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION 20 ISSUES FOR $24 Code # F742 ..................... 11QF............................ 6............. $40............... $30 Compelling stories, great photos and all of the latest climbing news from Canada and around the world. (6x) 56 ISSUES (1 YR) FOR $56 Code # 1730 Ski Magazine ..................... 1680............................. 6................................... $33 America’s leading ski magazine and the authority on techniques and equipment. (6x) D SkiTrax ..................... 7199............................. 4............. $22............... $16 The best of Nordic skiing - Buyer’s Guide, events, products, destinations and more! (4x) Snow Goer Canada ..................... 8544............................ 5............. $28............... $19 The inside source with “attitude” for active snowmobile enthusiasts. (5x) Soccer 360 .....................11CW............................ 6..............$67............... $57 Soccer 360 is the best soccer magazine for fans of the game. (6x) 2916.............................. 4............. $27............... $21 Canada’s outdoor adventure magazine.. (4x) D SPORTS & LEISURE ..................... 7192............................. 6............. $34............... $24 The ultimate bicycle accessory - Buyer’s Guide, events, tips, products, tests, profiles and more! (6x) Golfweek Canadian Cycling 12FV............................. 6............. $40............... $24 The bikes, the personalities, the training & the news to keep cyclists fit & motivated. (6x) NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Pedal Boating World ..................... 2943............................. 9............. $50............... $33 ..................... F780........................... 27............$151.............. $78 The definitive family boating lifestyle magazine. (9x) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX D Prospects ..................... 0126............................. 6................................... $63 Full color player profiles, rosters, and schedules. (Bi-Monthly) Bicycling NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 33 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION 12 ISSUES (1 YR) FOR $30 Code # 2110 SPORTS & LEISURE CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Sportsnet Magazine. .12RN........................... 26............$176.............. $30 ▼ SPORTSNET DIGITAL EDITION ▼. D095.................26 digital issues...................... $23 Sportsnet is the magazine for Canadian sports fans produced by an all-star team of Canada’s top sports journalists. (26x) D Sports Illustrated F742............... 20............$135.............. $24 1730............... 56........... $379.............. $56 The most respected voice in sports journalism, delivers up to the minute sports news, scores, statistics and in-depth analysis. (56x) Trailer Life CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX WaterSki ..................... 8629............................. 6................................... $48 The ultimate authority on all aspects of water skiing. (6x) Yachting ..................... 2070............................ 12............$122.............. $42 Travel destinations, chartering options, latest accessories & more. (12x) ..................... 1884............................ 12............ $68............... $36 ..................... F808........................... 24............$135.............. $64 America’s #1 RV magazine. RV information and ideas. (12x) D Sports Illustrated Kids Outdoor Canada 6 issues (i YR) for $20 2110............... 12............ $81............... $30 The sports magazine that kids love to read. Packed with stories, posters, trading cards, and more. Ages 6-14 (12x) WakeBoarding ..................... 1049............................. 8............. $54............... $52 The magazine devoted to the fastest-growing water-sport around! (8x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT Code # 5050 Canada’s #1 Alpine Sking Magazine! Save up to 4 issues (1 yr) just $17 Use Code 5065 8 issues (2 yrs) just $28 Use Code F753 Includes annual Buyer’s Guide! INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION PAGE 34 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA 12 issues (1 yr) for only $30 64% Offer Code 0550 D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT HUNTING & FISHING CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Adventure Kayak .................... 8017...................4..................$32.................. $21 Enjoy the freedom of kayak touring. (4x) Our Canada 5243......6..................$34.................. $30 Our Country, Our Stories. Join us—and celebrate Canada! (6x) Backpacker 0068....................9..................$61.................. $38 The outdoors at your doorstep. (9x) BC Outdoors 7673....................7..................$51.................. $30 British Columbia’s authority on fishing and hunting. (7x) Outdoor Canada 5050....................6..................$45.................. $20 For the traditional outdoor sportsman, from the most authoritative fishing and hunting experts in Canada. (6x) Bowhunter .................... 0109..................10.................$56.................. $36 Tips from bowhunting legends. (10x) Bowhunting .................... 2226..................10.................$56.................. $36 The expert tactics, techniques & tools you need for sure-fire bowhunting success! (10x) Explore 4 issues for only $21 12 issues for only $36 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 0450 Canada’s outdoor America’s #1 sportsman’s magazine. (12x) adventure magazine. (4x) .................... 1230..................12.................$68.................. $36 The most authoritative how-to hunting and fishing magazine. (12x) Outdoor Photographer .................... 9715..................11.................$99.................. $34 The world’s leading landscape, wildlife, sports and travel magazine. (11x) Field & Stream Newsstand Price: $27 | Code # 2916 Outdoor Life Explore 2916........4..................$27.................. $21 Canada’s outdoor adventure magazine. (4x) Outside Magazine .................... 3172..................12.................$95.................. $46 The world’s favourite outdoor sports, fitness and active travel guide. (12x) Rapid .................... 8313...................4..................$32.................. $21 Canada’s whitewater kayaking and canoeing source. (4x) Family Camping & Canoeroots .................... 10CX...................4..................$32.................. $21 Canada’s canoeing and family camping magazine. (4x) Salt Water Sportsman Field & Stream Sport Fishing .................... 0450..................12.................$68.................. $36 America’s #1 sportsman’s magazine. (12x) .................... 1515..................10.................$79.................. $46 The Voice of Marine Fishing. (10x) .................... 9877...................9..................$71.................. $43 The ultimate resource for saltwater anglers. (9x) Kayak Angler .................... 11RF...................4..................$32.................. $21 Kayak fishing tips and tactics to catch more bass, walleye, pike and trout. (4x) Marlin .................... 8531...................8..................$63.................. $43 Complete source - offshore fishing information. (8x) Outdoor Canada Our Canada 6 issues for only $20 6 issues for only $30 Newsstand Price: $45 | Code # 5050 Newsstand Price: $34 | Code # 5243 For the traditional outdoor sportsman, from the most authoritative fishing and hunting experts in Canada. (6x) Our Country, Our Stories. Join us—and celebrate Canada! (6x) Western Sportsman 6439......6..................$44.................. $29 The prairie province’s authority on fishing and hunting for over 40 years! (6x) Ontario Out of Doors 9401...................10.................$70.................. $35 The premium outdoor magazine written to inspire, enable and inform the angling and hunting community of Ontario. (10x) SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 35 ENTERTAINMENT WHEELS & WINGS& HOBBIES INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION (IPAD ONLY) Air & Space Smithsonian Canadian Aviator Code # 9924 6 issues for only $30 7 issues for only $46 10 issues for only $17 Motorcycle Mojo 10 issues for only $17 Newsstand: $56 | Code # 2910 Newsstand Price: $67 | Code # 11AX Canada’s most complete motorcycle magazine. (10x) Newsstand Price: $134 | Code # F821 Code # 5025 10 issues for only $29 10 issues for only $29 New innovations in Canadian aviation plus flying adventure. (6x) Newsstand Price...................$56 Canada’s most popular motorcycle magazine. (10x) Newsstand Price..................... $68 Canada’s largest car tuning magazine. (10x) Canadian Biker Car and Driver Code # 2910 Code # 0170 10 issues for only $17 12 issues for only $30 Canada’s most complete motorcycle magazine. (10x) Most widely-read automotive magazine. (12x) Newsstand Price................. $56 20 issues for only $32 Cycle Canada Code # 12HC Newsstand Price.....................$47 The history, culture and technology of flight. INCLUDES MEMBERSHIP IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. (7x) Canadian Biker Performance Auto & Sound Magazine Code # 8368 Newsstand Price................. $68 CAR RACING & MOTORCYCLE MAGS INSIDE TRACK MOTORSPORT NEWS INSIDE MOTORSCYCLES MX AND OFF-ROAD # # # 1 STOCK CARS, DRAGS, ROAD RACING & MORE Plane & Pilot 11 issues for only $34 for NASCAR, IndyCar, F1, Grassroots & More! 1 WE TEST THE NEWEST BIKES & ACCESSORIES for Bike Tests & Gear Reviews! 1 CANADA’S SOURCE FOR MX & OFF ROAD NEWS for Motocross, Off Road & ATV’s! ATV Trail Rider 6 issues for only $16 Newsstand: $99 | Code # 3311 Newsstand: $34 | Code # 10BU The best resource for private pilots—budget aircraft, pilot reports, and more! (11x) ATV Trail Rider will bring you the latest about ATV’s. (Bi-Monthly) PAGE 36 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA 19 12 issues (1 yr.) $ Order Code #1733 15 10 issues (1 yr.) $ Order Code #1722 15 10 issues (2 yrs.) $ Order Code #F864 CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX D Air & Space Smithsonian —Includes Digital Edition (iPad only) ..................... 9924............................ 7................................... $46 The history, culture and technology of flight. INCLUDES MEMBERSHIP IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. (7x) ATV Trail Rider .....................10BU............................ 6............. $34............... $16 ATV Trail Rider will bring you the latest about ATV’s. (6x) ATV World ..................... 11BL............................ 6............. $40............... $29 The most-read, all-terrain vehicle magazine in Canada. (6x) Canadian Aviator .8368............................ 6............. $47............... $30 New innovations in Canadian aviation plus flying adventure. (6x) Canadian Biker 2910............................ 10............ $56............... $17 Canada’s most complete motorcycle magazine. (10x) Car and Driver ..................... 0170............................ 12............ $68............... $30 ..................... F725........................... 24............$135.............. $47 Most widely-read automotive magazine. (12x) Cycle Canada .5025............................ 10............ $56............... $29 Canada’s most popular motorcycle magazine. (10x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Motor Cyclist 1045............................ 12............ $81............... $32 Streetbiking’s biggest mag! Road tests, products & more. (12x) Motorcycle Mojo CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX PRN Ignition Magazine ..................... 12V3............................. 6............. $34............... $29 ..................... F848........................... 12.............$67............... $40 A Canadian motorsports magazine that covers the best racing! (Bi-Monthly) ..................... 11AX........................... 10.............$67............... $17 ..................... F821........................... 20............$134.............. $32 Amazing travel articles, captivating photography, first-hand product reviews, a vintage feature and riding techniques round out this 84 page full colour award winning magazine. (10x) Road & Track Motorhome ..................... 8219............................. 6............. $54............... $51 Offering the motorcycle enthusiast first-hand touring experiences and exciting bike destinations. (6x) ..................... 1044............................ 12............ $68............... $38 ..................... F804........................... 24............$135.............. $69 Product advice & information guaranteed to make RV travels fun! (12x) D MX and Off-Road ..................... F864........................... 10............ $56............... $15 Motocross and Off-Road. Hare Scrambles, Enduro, Trials and MX. Newest bikes and products reviewed and tested! (5x) Performance Auto & Sound Magazine ..................... 12HC........................... 10............ $68............... $29 ..................... F845........................... 20............$135.............. $40 Canada’s largest car tuning magazine. (10x) D Plane & Pilot 3311.............................11............ $99............... $34 The best resource for private pilots—budget aircraft, pilot reports, and more! (11x) WHEELS & WINGS ..................... 1470............................ 10............ $56............... $30 ..................... F735........................... 20............$113.............. $60 America’s leading automotive authority. (10x) RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel Sport Rider ..................... 0338........................... 10............ $68............... $26 In-depth tests of new sport motorcycles, project bikes, apparel & accessory reviews + technique, skills & rider training. (10x) Super Trax ..................... 6709............................. 4............. $23............... $17 ..................... F853........................... 12............ $68............... $26 The world’s #1 snowmobile magazine. (4x) FREE NHL POSTER The Hockey News 24 issues for $45 Code # 5003 Trailer Life ..................... 1884............................ 12............ $68............... $36 ..................... F808........................... 24............$135.............. $64 America’s #1 RV magazine. RV information and ideas. (12x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT Cycle World ..................... 0316............................ 12............ $68............... $35 America’s leading motorcycle magazine. (12x) Dirt Rag .7688............................. 7............. $47............... $39 The forum for mountain biking enthusiasts. (7x) Sportsnet Magazine 26 issues for $30 Code # 12RN Dirt Rider 4075............................ 12............ $81............... $28 Focus is on off-road motorcycling enthusiasts for all ages & abilities. (12x) Dirt Trax Magazine ..................... 134U............................ 4............. $23............... $12 ..................... F854........................... 12............ $68............... $17 From the producers of Dirt Trax television. (Quarterly) Hot Bike ..................... 0586........................... 12............ $81............... $37 Technical articles, high quality custom bikes, event coverage & more. (12x) D Inside Motorcycles ..................... 1722............................ 10............ $56............... $15 ..................... F863........................... 20............$112.............. $26 All the latest motorcycle reviews and tests! New accessories & gear! Street, track, dual sport, adventure and touring! (10x) D Inside Track Motorsports News ..................... 1733............................ 12.............$67............... $19 ..................... F865........................... 24............$134.............. $30 NASCAR, F1, IndyCar, SportsCar, IHRA plus Canadian stocks, dirt , roadracing and rally! (12x) Sportsnet Digital 26 issues for $23 Sports Illustrated Code # D095 20 weekly issues for only $24 ORDER CODE F742 56 issues (1 yr) for only $56 ORDER CODE 1730 Save up to 85% INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Sports Illustrated KIDS 12 Issues (1 YR) for $30 Code # 2110 NEWS, BUSINESS & MONEY CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE Alberta Oil ..................... 134T............................ 12............$102.............. $68 Readers meet the individuals who are shaping Alberta and Canada’s energy industry. (12x) Alberta Venture ......................7671............................ 12............ $81............... $32 Keeping you up-to-date with key business trends and new developments in Alberta. (12x) CODE # Maclean’s Canadian Business Code # 0870 16 issues for only $30 52 issues for only $79 Newsstand Price.......$470 Maclean’s Digital 52 issues for $51 Code # D089 Code # 5005 Fortune Newsstand Price.......$144 10 issues for only $28 Canadian Business Digital 16 issues for $23 Code # D090 Code # 0510 20 issues for only $54 (1 YEAR) Newsstand Price........ $157 NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE ..................... 136Q............................ 4................................... $34 ..................... F870............................ 8................................... $57 Herizons is Canada’s most popular women’s magazine dedicated to activists, artists and agitators. (8x) In These Times ..................... 4314............................ 12............ $47............... $25 Progressive News and Views of world events. (12x) D INC. Magazine 3403............................ 10............ $68............... $29 Provides managers with hands-on tools and information needed to grow small to mid-size companies. (10x) ..................... 2904........................... 12.............$67............... $29 BC’s business authority & the most widely read business publication in the province. (12x) Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Maclean’s 0140............................ 50........... $338.............. $66 The power and reach of Bloomberg, the history and journalism of Business Week. (50x) 0870............................. 52........... $470.............. $79 ▼ MACLEAN’S DIGITAL EDITION ▼. DO89.................52 digital issues...................... $51 Maclean’s entertains, enlightens and engages you with a strong investigative reporting, exclusives, and mind-jolting opinion. (52x) Code # F728 Newsstand Price..........$78 ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Herizons D BC Business INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION CODE # NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Canadian Business 5005............... 16............$144.............. $30 ▼ CANADIAN BUSINESS DIGITAL EDITION ▼. DO90..............16 digital issues............ $23 Find out what’s happening and why it matters; what to expect and when to expect it. (22x) D Money 1012............... 12............ $81............... $25 F731............... 24............$162.............. $40 Trusted advice to help you and your family successfully earn, plan, save, and invest. (12x) Connected World ..................... 12G8............................ 6............. $34............... $27 Provides need-to-know information on the latest devices and apps keeping you connected with family, friends, and on the job. (6x) MoneySense. 6194................ 8............. $72............... $30 ▼ MONEY SENSE DIGITAL EDITION ▼. DO91..............8 digital issues............. $23 Topics as: How to save thousands on your next mortgage; borrowing money to invest; credit card confidential; buying vs renting; getting financially fit at any age. (7x) Consumer Reports ..................... 3321............................ 13............$103.............. $42 Expert ratings and advice on products and services. (13x) Economist, The INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Money Sense Code # 6194 8 issues for only $30 Newsstand Price..........$72 Money Sense Digital 8 issues for $23 Code # D091 Money Code # 1012 12 issues for only $25 (1 YEAR) Newsstand Price.......... $81 Code # F731 24 issues for only $40 (2 YEARS) Newsstand Price........$162 PAGE 38 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA ..................... 3204............................ 51........... $460............ $147 Each week, The Economist analyzes the important happenings around the globe. (51x) D Fast Company Reader’s Digest Code # F800 3724........................... 10............ $68............... $29 The how-to magazine that keeps managers abreast of emerging business trends and ideas. (10x) D Northwest Business ......................1767............................ 10............ $56............... $25 ..................... F861............................ 20............$112.............. $40 Full-colour regional magazine that focuses on developments in the North. (10x) 12 issues for only $32 Quill & Quire 1802............................. 10.................................. $90 Canada’s Magazine of Book News and Reviews. (10x) Newsstand Price......... $89 Canada’s most read, most trusted magazine. (12X) Includes 1 year (7 issues) of Best Health! D Fortune F728.............. 10............ $78............... $28 0510.............. 20............$157.............. $54 The best in business news and personal investing. (20x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Reader’s Digest . + Best Health F800............ 12............ $89............... $32 Subscribe to Reader’s Digest—Canada’s most widely read, most trusted magazine—and get both: a year of Reader’s Digest (12 issues) and a year of Best Health (7 issues)! TWO FOR ONE Reader’s Digest Large Print CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # ISSUES CÓDIGO # EDICIONES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE ..................... 11RL........................... 12.............$67............... $33 Nominated for Magazine of the Year. (12x) NEWS, BUSINESS & MONEY Vanity Fair ..................... 7020............................ 12............ $81............... $58 .An inside look at the movers and shakers in contemporary culture. (Monthly) Walrus, The .....................103M........................... 10............ $79............... $30 Fearless. Thoughtful. Provocative. Canadian. An award-winning magazine of wit, intelligence and good writing. (10x) Your Workplace 8391............................ 6................................... $67 Inspired People. Outstanding Results. (6x) Sélection du Reader’s Digest 3187............................ 12............ $58............... $32 Sélection va adroit au but, et au coeur, et vous permet de…Vivre le monde ensemble! (12x) D Time Magazine Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. PRECIO Up Here Business INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION ....................................................Visit to order 1850............................ 56........... $379.............. $46 What Matters: TIME makes sense of the most important issues, people and trends affecting your world. (Weekly) QUIOSCO D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT TIME INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WHAT MATTERS: TIME makes sense of the most important issues, people and trends affecting your world. Money 12 Issues (1 YR) for $25 Code # 1012 56 issues for only $46 24 Issues (2 YRS) for $40 Code # 1850 Code # F731 The magazine for Canadian sports fans Get 26 issues (1 year) of worldleading photography, stunning design and storytelling Canadians have been asking for, by Canada’s top sports journalists. DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D095 23 $ 30 $ CODE 12RN PRINT EDITION 26 ISSUES (1 YEAR) GO DIGITAL AND GET MORE Get bonus videos, content and · photo galleries receive activation instructions ·You’ll via email DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D090 PRINT EDITION CODE 5005 Sportsnet magazine is published biweekly except for occasional combined, expanded, or premium issues. 23 $ 30 $ 16 ISSUES (1 YEAR) DIGITAL EDITION ONLY CODE D091 PRINT EDITION CODE 6194 23 $ 30 $ 8 ISSUES (1 YEAR) Tablet not included. #90210 ©2014 Rogers Publishing Ltd. KIDS & TEENS INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Discovery Girls People StyleWatch chickaDEE Code # 7611 Code # 10WB Code # F580 6 issues for only $41 11 issues (1 YR) for only $35 5 issues for only $29 Age appropriate and empowering articles on friendship, building confidence and school challenges, plus more! Ages 8-12 (6x) Newsstand Price.................$74 Code # F789 22 issues (2 YRS) for only $59 Code # 4830 10 issues for only $39 Newsstand Price.................$148 Teen Vogue Code # 8143 10 issues for only $32 The #1 magazine for fashion, clothes and trends for teenagers. (10x) INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Sports Illustrated KIDS 12 issues (1 YR) for only $30 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 2110 The sports magazine that kids love to read. Ages 6-14. (Monthly) Chirp 5 issues for only $29 Code # F851 10 issues for only $39 Code # 5374 (Ages 3-6) Sports Illustrated KIDS 12 issues for only $30 ORDER CODE 2110 Ages 3-6 10 issues (1yr) only $39 Code# 5374 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Save 34% Puzzles, crafts, comics, amazing animals, stories and much more. Ages 6-9 Girl’s Life 6 issues for only $68 HighlightsTM 10 issues for only $57 Code # 1493 Friends, fashion, advice, quizzes, self-esteem. Parent’s Choice Award Winner. Ages 10-15 (6x) Code # 2029 Fun with a Purpose® in every issue! Ages 6-12 (10x) PAGE 40 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA 10 issues (1yr) only $39 Code# 4830 Science experiments, fun and challenging puzzles, comics, animals, stories and more. CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Action Comics ...........................................Visit to order Adventure Box ...........................................Visit to order American Girl ..................0494..................... 6................................... $29 Fun and friendship, party plans, crafts, real girls’ stories, advice, quizzes and contests,including a super summer issue. Ages 7-12. (6x) Appleseeds ..................5886..................... 9................................... $65 Explore your world! Go behind-the-scenes, meet kids around the world, more. Ages 7-10 (9x) ASK ..................8033..................... 9................................... $65 Investigate the world of science and ideas with topics that really appeal to kids! Ages 7-10 (9x) Babybug ..................1319...................... 9................................... $65 Begins a lifelong love of reading for infants and toddlers with pictures, rhymes and stories. Ages 0-3 (9x) Boys’ Quest ..................5590..................... 6................................... $78 Award-winning stories, cartoons, computer, puzzles, math, science & more. No Ads! Ages 6-14 (6x) BYOU “Be Your Own You” . 2TR.................. 6.............$34................ $31 1 Positive messaging for girls 8+ with celebrity tips, games, fun & more (6x) Calliope ..................4289..................... 9................................... $65 A perfect passport to learn about the people and events which shaped world history. Ages 9-14 (9x) chickaDEE F850.................. 5................................... $29 4830................. 10.................................. $39 Jampacked with games, comics, simple crafts and science experiments, chickaDEE is a must read for grade-schoolers. Ages 6-9 (10x) Chirp F851.................. 5................................... $29 5374................. 10.................................. $39 Activities, puzzles and read-along stories for pre-schoolers and their parents. Ages 3-6 (10x) Click ..................5335..................... 9................................... $65 Begins a journey of discovery about a child’s world, sparking a lifelong love of nature, the sciences, and the arts. Ages 3-7 (9x) CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE CODE # NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Cobblestone Highlights HelloTM Cricket Highlights High FiveTM ..................4080..................... 9.............$92................ $65 Tells America’s story by making historical events and figures exciting and relevant to today. Ages 9-14 (9x) . 2WH............... 10.................................. $57 1 Introducing Highlights Hello, for parents and children ages 0-2. (10x) ..................0309..................... 9................................... $65 Delivers intelligent, imaginative content that encourages readers to develop their own, unique creativity. Ages 9-14 (9x) Discovery Box ...........................................Visit to order Discovery Girls 7611................... 6................................... $41 Age appropriate and empowering articles on friendship, building confidence and school challenges, plus more! Ages 8-12 (6x) Disney Junior ...........................................Visit to order Disney Phineas & Ferb Humpty Dumpty Magazine ..................0700..................... 6................................... $45 Encourage early readers to develop skills with fun stories, hands-on activities, recipes, crafts and more! (Ages 5-7) (6x) I Love English For Kids Disney Princess FASHION Magazine 1493.................. 6................................... $68 Friends, fashion, advice, quizzes, self-esteem. Parent’s Choice Award Winner. Ages 10-15 (6x) He-Man and the Masters of the Universe ...........................................Visit to order Highlights TM . 029................. 10.................................. $57 2 Fun with a Purpose® in every issue! Hidden Pictures®, Goofus and Gallant®, science fun, great stories for young readers, hands-on crafts and activities, jokes and riddles. Ages 6-12 (10x) . 370................. 10............$79................ $43 8 Packed with great animal and science stories, games, trading cards and more! Ages 6-14. (10x) National Geographic Little Kids . 0VS.................. 6.............$47................ $43 1 National Geographic Little Kids teaches through captivating stories, interactive games, and much more!! Ages 3-6 yrs. (6x) Odyssey ..................3492..................... 9................................... $65 Creates excitement about science in kids’ everyday lives with the hottest trends in science, technology, and more. Ages 9-14. (9x) OWL . 852.................. 5................................... $29 F .4829................. 10.................................. $39 Loaded with fascinating articles, comics, doit-yourself activities. OWL is a must-read for preteens. Ages 9-13 (10x) D People StyleWatch 10WB............... 11............$74................ $35 F789................ 22...........$148............... $59 Brings you the hottest trends in beauty and fashion, latest celebrity looks, and exclusive discounts. (11x) ...........................................Visit to order Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids 10EA......... 4...........$23.......... $20 F867.......... 8.......... $45.......... $33 Filled with stories, games, contests & much more! Ages 7-12. (4x) ..................7554..................... 6................................... $78 Action packed with fun-filled activities for boys and girls. Loads of things to do. No Ads! (Ages 6-14) (6x) Girls’ Life National Geographic Kids Justice League Fun For Kidz NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE ..................3947..................... 9................................... $65 For kids interested in everything –technology, science, math, history, the arts, and more. Ages 9-14 (9x) ..................0780..................... 6................................... $45 Engage young readers with entertaining stories, interesting kid profiles, challenging activities and more! Ages 7-12 (6x) 5199................. 10............$51.................$14 Canada’s most-read fashion magazine featuring fashion news, expert beauty advice, product information, where to shop and what’s hot. (10x) ISSUES NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Muse ..................0331..................... 6................................... $78 Beautifully illustrated stories, crafts, cooking, science, cartoons, activities, penpals & more. No Ads! (Ages 6-14) (6x) Jack & Jill ...........................................Visit to order CODE # Hopscotch for Girls ...........................................Visit to order Disney Sofia the First CODE # . 0R7................. 10.................................. $57 1 Bursting with stories, poems, action rhymes, counting games, simple crafts and fun activities geared to the emerging skills of young children. Ages 2-6 (10x) ...........................................Visit to order ...........................................Visit to order Ladybug ..................2458..................... 9................................... $65 Opens the door to reading for young children with characters, songs, and more. Ages 3-6 (9x) Looney Tunes ...........................................Visit to order MAD Preschool Friends ...........................................Visit to order Scooby Doo, Where are You? ...........................................Visit to order Scooby-Doo ...........................................Visit to order Sesame Street ...........................................Visit to order Seventeen ..................1640.................... 10............$45................ $23 ................. F844.................... 20............$90................ $37 Scoop on style, friends, stars and love. (10x) ...........................................Visit to order Marvel Super Heroes ...........................................Visit to order D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA | PAGE 41 CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Shine Brightly ..................1835..................... 9.............$48................ $32 Exciting stories, articles, interviews and crafts to inspire girls to live their Christian faith. Ages 9-14 (9x) Smart Tab CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Strawberry Shortcake ...........................................Visit to order Superman ...........................................Visit to order ................. 10TP.................... 12.................................. $45 About careers and post-secondary education in the west. (4x) Sparkle World Teen Vogue ..................8143.................... 10............$45................ $32 The #1 magazine for fashion, clothes and trends for teenagers. (10x) ...........................................Visit to order Thomas & Friends Sparkle! ...........................................Visit to order ..................102F..................... 6.............$34................ $28 Stories, crafts and games to help girls discover who God is and how He works in their lives. Ages 6-9 (6x) Spider Save 34% Zamoof! ................. 11AU..................... 6................................... $39 Zoom to a city on Planet GLAK! Creativity, stories, comics, puzzles, & stuff by kids! Ages 8-12 (6x) ..................0793..................... 9................................... $65 Stories, poems, and nonfiction articles for newly independent readers, plus riddles, puzzles, and games. Ages 6-9 (9x) D Zoobies . 1VE.................. 6................................... $46 1 Cuddle, laugh & learn with a new animal every issue. Toddler tough pages, lift-the-flap fun, finger plays, poems & activities. (Ages 0-2 yrs.) (6x) D Sports Illustrated Kids D Zoobooks 2110.......... 12........$81........... $30 The sports magazine that kids love to read. Packed with stories, posters, trading cards, and more. Ages 6-14 (12x) . 040................. 10............$56................ $46 7 A child’s guide to fascinating animals full of wild learning fun. Subscriber-only website. (Ages 6-12 yrs.) (10x) D Zootles . 0EE.................. 6................................... $46 1 A new animal every issue inspires young learners and nature lovers! (Ages 2-6) (6x) Story Box ...........................................Visit to order D Ages 9-13 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT ly $39 n o ) r y 1 ( s e u s 10 is de# 4829 Co he Introducing t all new OWL! nology, s, science, tech w ie rv te in s, le re and rtic nd figures, natu a Loaded with a s ct fa g n ti a d ities, fascin s creativity an e ir sp in t a hands-on activ th n o ore. nt — informati s, and much m ke jo s, the environme le zz u p lus, comics, re-teens! imagination. P d for today’s p a e -r st u m a is OWL PAGE 42 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA INSPIRATIONAL CODE # CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE CODE # NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Angels on Earth 1818............................. 6................................... $33 An inspiring magazine about God’s messengers & their work. (6x) CODE # ISSUES NEWSSTAND OUR PRICE NUMEROS PRIX EN KIOSQUE VOTRE PRIX Group Magazine ..................... 3925............................. 6............. $54............... $49 ..................... F818............................ 12............$108.............. $63 Articles and ideas for leaders of Christian Youth. (6x) D Books & Culture ..................... 3931............................. 6................................... $52 Christian analysis of the books, media, & ideas shaping our world. (4x Print + 26x Digital) Guideposts 3318.............. 12............ $44............... $29 True first-person stories by everyday people and well-known celebrities. (12x) Buddhadharma 10D2............................. 4............. $43............... $34 For everyone with a passionate interest in Buddhism. (4x) Catholic Digest .0201............................. 9..............$61............... $46 Discover faith, hope, courage, and inspiration for Catholic family living. (9x) Charisma ..................... 3471............................ 12............ $81............... $52 Christian news from around the world, hard-hitting editorial and insightful teachings from trusted Christian leaders. (12x) Angels on Earth 6 issues for only $33 Guideposts 12 issues for only $29 Code # 1818 Newsstand Price: $44 | Code # 3318 An inspiring magazine about God’s messengers & their work. (6x) True first-person stories by every day people and well-known celebrities. (Monthly) Children’s Ministry ..................... 2763............................. 6............. $54............... $42 ..................... F817............................ 12............$108.............. $81 Changing the lives of children together. (6x) Christian Retailing ..................... 2953............................ 12............ $95............... $85 Trade journal for retailers and suppliers of Christian products. (Monthly) Guideposts Large Print ..................... 8904........................... 12............ $44............... $29 Easy to read Large-print edition (for visually impaired). (12x) D Leadership Journal ..................... 3955............................. 4................................... $50 Smart, honest perspective on ministry & the Christian leadership experience. (4x Print + 12x Digital) Liguorian ..................... 0845........................... 10.................................. $37 Award-winning articles and columns communicate a timely pastoral message on matters of the faith, practices, Christian living, and social justice. (10x) Men of Integrity ..................... 6683............................ 6................................... $34 Daily devotions to guide men in Bible study & personal life application. (Bi-Monthly) Ministry Today D Christianity Today .4320............................ 6............. $68............... $33 Thought-provoking articles and columns to address every part of ministry life. (6x) ......................3111............................ 12.............$67............... $50 Commentary & analysis on the issues, people & events impacting the Church. (Monthly) Shambhala Sun D Faith Today ..................... 10D5............................ 6............. $37............... $33 Canada’s premier magazine for evangelical Christians. Founded 1983. (Bi-Monthly) Ministry Today 6 issues for only $33 Newsstand Price: $68 | Code # 4320 Thought-provoking articles and columns to address every part of ministry life. (6x) Charisma 12 issues for only $52 Newsstand Price: $81 | Code # 3471 Christian news from around the world, hard-hitting editorial and insightful teachings from trusted Christian leaders. (12x) PAGE 43 | SHOP ONLINE QSP.CA 6780............................. 6............. $54............... $39 Buddhist-inspired wisdom for life’s challenges. (6x) D INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION WITH PRINT READER’S DIGEST CANADA’S MOST READ, MOST TRUSTED MAGAZINE 12 issues (1 YR) only $32 CODE: F800 SAVE 61% OFF Plus you get 1 year (7 issues) of Best Health! TWO FOR ONE QSP FAVOURITES Chatelaine Code # 0220 12 issues for $22 Chatelaine Digital Code # D086 12 issues for only $17 INCLUDES DIGITAL EDITION Men’s Health ELLE Canada People Stylewatch Code # 4852 Code # 7450 Code # 10WB 10 issues for only $52 Tons of useful stuff to help you look good, feel great and take control of your life. 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