ACADEMY HOBBY MODEL KITS M113A1 A.P.C. VIETNAM M113A1 1/35th Scale In production over 30 years. longer than any other armored vehicle. M113 and its many sub-types serve in the armies of more than 50 countries. As this is written, over 40,000 M113's or variants have been built and delivered by FMC or its licensees. Battle proven in Vietnam, the M113 enabled a ten-man squad of infantry to travel behind protective armor in an amphibious vehicle that carried sufficient weapons to be considered an offensive weapons system. Its ability to ford streams or even cross lakes made it an extremely useful vehicle in the waterlogged jungles of Vietnam. As experience was gained with the use of the M113 in combat, numerous modifications were made to the vehicle to increase both its firepower and crew protection features. M132 self-propelled flame-thrower was used by U.S. Army and ARVN units. M132 had a small turret equipped with a flamegun and machine gun, A number of M113s were also used during the Vietnam war by the Australian armored unitsThey decided to mount a T50 Cadillac Gage r ine gun turret. The Republic of Korea Army units sent Vietnam acquired a number of M113s on permanent loan ' the U.S.Army. The Korean Army's M113s did not have ina! designed gun shield kits as applied to U.S.Army's one. Instead, they did without the gun shield for the .50 caliber and had heart-shaped armored shields for the two .30 caliber light machine guns fired fforn rear personnel compartment. 13266 sife 21 7i# is MU32r a a~ s*::••• FMCl?orci ± S^t §51 y~ Lh*!E SICK M113S g«°7| A'ilt Zfg gsg S£§ |,:i lr - mi §as ^ojj E! *H as 171 ffSi T-«i ^ SW= 501 1*1 a«is si f Sti ¥I«B E^ 1 £5^ §«? H|S^ as? w§§ s°s ast *j S|5|0j, tS£Joj bfj-^ 2| ig§ ?l4£ 3 1 Hgwoj 57W Sit ^ ?!MOilA1^ yaj Sgf ^ «£S n ^-SfSl tOrfi^K ^ifA-7.2: i-'jtis-oi s*rg A,5- M i 3 / I;S ; =. ^ .!}'. 2J5.-A a*is ffsai f::;*.r>;l~ "iii".1^}' :^yi A|§5(-2it MH3S- ^SSS 7I£S -S1:^ -I; ?%^ ST^ t sas tta. sasoi s& 4^21 H| so jI^§4 s°oj ^e a wo) 1E;U1 35a §gSf 12,! ga : fc Painling scheme number Numeros de la lists de peintures Lackierschemanummer <READ THIS BEFORE YOU BEGIN> <LISEZ CE QUI SUIT AVANT DE COMMENCER LE MONTAGE> - Etudier les schemas d'assemblage. - tonfroler que chaque piece sort bien conforme avant de la collar a sa x - N'utilisez pas trap de colle pour reunir les pieces. - Ne famais manipuler la colle ou peinture a proximrie: ,-T - Aerer soignejsement la piece ou vous peignez(ouvrir la fenetre). - Apres avoir sort! les pieces du sac en :oastique, dechirer le sac afin devter que les entants ne le mettent sur a • et ne s'etouffent. - Study the instructions before assembling. - Check the fit of each piece before cementing into place. - Do not use too much cement to join parts. - Never use cement or paint near open flame. - Open a window or make area well ventilated when cement or paint is in use. - Tear up and throw away the empty plastic bags to avoid danger of suffocation for little children. <ALLGEMEINE H1NWEISE> - Die Anordnung der Bauteile 1st aus den Zeichnungen der Anleitung ersichtlich. - Die Teile vor dem Verkleben ungeleimt zusammenhalten, um ihren paBsitz zu prufen. - Klebstoff nicht zu dick aufragen. - Klebstoff und Farben niemals in der Na'he einer Flamme verwenden, - Wahrend der Bemalung mil Spritzpistole oder Pinsel fur frische Luftzufuhr, z.B. offnen des Fensters. sorgen, - Bausatz von kleinen Kindern fernhalten. Verhilten Sie. da!3 Kinder irgendwelche Bauteile in den Mund nefi-men oder Plastiktuten iiber den Kopf ziehen. saspi ami J» t a -S*|«f7| soil YSS 5 jj0 n ~ Choose between the Royal Australian Army Version, M132A1 Flametlwower, R.O.K Army Verelon, S U.S. M113A1 ACAV with l{»mm R.R. cemefit «Sg Cwnwrt s «| s ACAV • Engine: > Metallic Gray -.: . •..'-; - a E4 E2 ^Metallic Gray + Fiat ftowrt m ES • Intarior. »UgM tntertor aio|« C46 CM C31 >• Silver + Blue St " {.'* -?»' 122 C45 E1 C33 £25 E15 C32 E17 ^-Metallic Gray * Hat *«* 012 C11 G2 C1 E18 E27 >• Metallic Gray C21(C21) Is opposite nyi ! } ?»9i air. e---»B ¥»s "Decal apply Interior: »UgM Interior : Decal 18 ij.a.tj ig Decal 8 MA|« s Decal 12 PainUiig C14 . Blad C18 ^ Olive Drab C39 D6 D16 -D11.D12 ^-Olive Orab l«.Rat C24(C26) »( ) Is opposite number, c ) aaj 834 • Painting D29 »Flat Red D32 :•-:; • Drive Sprocket i Idler Wheel i Road Wheel 3S -MO -Poly Cap 2 Black - AS -A14 A13 ©10 AtS~ Open or Closed Af 1 M.2 *6 A5 A6-1 A5 A6-1 D23 D23 Idler Wheel 6 8 i<M V D33 »Olive Drab D16,D17,D18 E8 C28 »Flat Black Painting C29 :.-' • Painting B27 Flexible Tracks as Melt pin heads with a heated screw driver blade and immediately press pin head by finger. jw»^» 28*1:2 »eii as s.eioiBia a* ! e si'=' Individual Tracks From the tracks within 30-60 minutes of applying cement, sati 8! Assemble the tracks against edge as shown. o; ; — • : • • ",:•!! U31 C43 E13 E12 B18 • Painting B28 E BIO ^ Black- U31 C49 e 15.(B28)2| ^-Metallic Gray >• Silver * Do not ftc C49, when yoy assembte -.' position, ' '-\' : ' :-..! -;:". > = B8 D39 *Do not attach B38, when you assemble to W6. ; i :-"r,,-,,:.; ,<;»•*, :,;•• ' »( } is opposite number. ' ', »si tttt 9HHS ?S* vn(wio) Open or Closed B37 D41 Brown ^Metallic Gray >• Rat Brown >• Metallic Gray D40 Royal Australian Army Version & M132A1 Flamethrower H M132A1 ff * Choose between the Royal Australian Army Version, M132A1 Ramethrower, R.O.K Army Version, & U.S. M113A1 ACAV wfth 106mm R.R. Oj ?1BS 3.«rS M-JWSISf MI32A1 ifgg.v*|J,K V16 V22 V14 106mm fita 0|5 «A¥ Sfl*t8.'£« i'MiK-l i:?;§ T V12 W3 >-O!ive Drab VS V17 y^g V15 yg2 W1S Vi^ >-Gun Metal •V20 V4 V8 V9 KGun Metal am* V10 i Cadillac-Gage Cupola W17 Flamethrower Cupola *»a«Ai *{ ) Is opposite number. S3 . .-, U.S. M113A1 ACAV & R.O.K. Army Version MH3AI D|5 i iCal. 50 Machine Gun Cat 50 D2 >• Olive Drab 04? D1 1J) R.O.K. Army Version te-? sifi-T-tH AI-SXHJ i Gal. 30 Machine Gun Cal. 30 Attached V23 V232| U27 >-Gun Metal V23 • 106mm Recoilless Rifle U33 U.S. M113A1 ACAV D37 M113A1 ACAV D44 • Make Holes US: tmm. U33: 2.5mm D36 U6 ttstfji a ,, ' f" D48 D25 035 Vi"' U6 Metal —U28(U30) U20IU21) U10 »( } is opposite number. ' :" W16 * Not* the direction, 83 » ( ) Is opposite number. { S Zffl H2,tr fMS« rt» . I II fig' Z10 Z4 Z23(Z22) •zt Drab Z21 Z18 . Z9 Y2 Z2 214 Z1 Blac* • Jacket & Troysar: ^Olive Green Y10 • Helmet: *• Olive Drab , , , „ .,; = ,*. • M1855 Body Armor; ^ Olive Green • Holster: ^Hat Black *ft S^-rr "-!} ggw • Boots: >>Rat Black ?*l "-S £S^I • Canteen: ^ Olive Drab Z15 Z26 >• Olive Drab | JACCESSORIES fr-Gun Metal yetlt Metal ?.:»IK H9K711 U4e,Z13 Metal »Ra* Black ?! ^Olivt Drab G1 62 U29.Z12 >-Flat Blsc-k '"*' Q3 o ?; .;•" *" >• Olive Drab .':r: V19 > Olive Drab vie U8 >•- I flfflfflfflfflfflfflffl ^Rat Black W2(W2) V2IV25) V21{V21) *« ia ! f^^k W41 jjW4(W20) W40 >• Olive Drab W V3(V24) • i( » Is ^ Olive -W5{W21) nuinbw. •« 2 r; ^':,'"! 10 I Painting & Decal placement U.S. M113A1 ACAV 25(26) 16(16) M113A1 ACAV D| • Body Color: * Olive Drab 38(38) ©29 ©27 24 21(21) » Olive Drab 5"»*U R.O.K. Army Version 1^5 SSS^M • Body Color: ^ Olive Drab >• Flat Yellow 22{22) Royal Ausfralioi Army Version 2^2 • Body Color: ^ Forest Grean O „ 4288—~36 M132A1 Flamethrower M132AI S|-S gi-A(-*Hf • Body Color: ^ Olive Drab 11 20(20) I Parts Locating Diagt = .: . .3 , 4 :;'. {—1 8 : , .' ,' -• J a •- . , - -! ": a f _ ; ?• 17 j 20 ;". " -'' 1 S 5 ZlT '26/' I HhL !~ L.139C I ° | 33 - : 36 «"-"^^- •:- " : •. • • Y* 1/16 19 »& ., ^ 1? °»»° <>§_ r£ 18 15 »4M «Q4;;BI18 O -•<$*• 13 ; _ i4j . 24o ^ RE , J J.LL v, 19 o- 23 ; 0 1 lie' o 13 ' ! if.g!n.SiS m. a«<1 1 HI - !| -OD-. ©„ ZO Lower Hull"1!, Poly capxi. Flexible track >. 2, Individual trackfX part) • 2. Clear partfG part) • 1 , Figure pal^Y.Z part! • 1 each. Decal •• 1, Inst ..... io IW -. ! UPM»l. 3S *H£(ia<»?. ««•:•• -it:-;. '-=". PCI. J!i!M«! • Unused Parts A3, A4, A7, B2, B4, B7, B13, B14, B22, B24, B25, B30, B40, B41, D?, E7 Poly cap 1,2x2 v -.".-•-> - •! x , " r 19 -a ACADEMY RCRDEmU ACADEMY PLASTIC MODEL CO., LTD. I HOBBY MODEL KITS 12 Copyright 1998 Academy Plastic Model Co.,Ltd.
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