the angry birds movie
the angry birds movie
VOL 10.16 YOUR ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ON ETIHAD AIRWAYS STAR TREK BEYOND TO SURVIVE, THEY MUST GO BEYOND © 20 201 016 P 01 Param Pa amo mo oun o unt Pic icctu tures tur ures ure ur u r 0867ɜ6((029,(6 (ɜ%2;7(/(9,6,21 + INDEPENDENCE DAY: + BEST OF STAR TREK RESURGENCE + HOUSE OF CARDS + FINDING DORY + RIO 2016 HIGHLIGHTS + THE SHALLOWS TUNE IN + STEVEN TYLER + BLINK 182 + /6ɝ%(5/,2= ROMEO ET JULIETTE CONTENTS EDITOR’S CHOICE CONTENTS $UH\RXDIDQRIDOOWKLQJVVFLHQFHƻFWLRQ"2UGR\RXSUHIHU 2 This Month... HQWHUWDLQPHQWZLWKDPRUHVXSHUQDWXUDOVODQW"(LWKHUZD\ 4 Latest Releases you’ll love what’s in store on E-BOX this month. We’ve got three 6 Favourites & Classics 8 European Cinema 10 Indian Cinema celebrating Star Trek’s 50th anniversary with a selection of the 14 Movies Listings VKRZŧVEHVWHYHUHSLVRGHVDQGWKH:LOOLDP6KDWQHUGLUHFWHG 16 Movies Feature Documentaries 17 TV Prime Time 30 TV Listings Horror ThemesDVZHOODVRXUXVXDODUUD\RIWKHEHVWQHZPRYLHV 33 Audio Tune In 79VKRZV&'VWDLORUPDGHSOD\OLVWVDQGUDGLRVKRZV 36 Just 4 Kids 38 Games 39 Wi-Fi and Mobile Services RIWKLV\HDUŧVELJJHVWVFLƻUHOHDVHVť,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\ Resurgence;0HQ$SRFDO\SVHDQG6WDU7UHN%H\RQGťDVZHOO DVFODVVLFVLQFOXGLQJThe MatrixDQG0LQRULW\5HSRUW3OXVZHŧUH GRFXPHQWDU\&KDRVRQWKH%ULGJH. You can also choose from DVHOHFWLRQRIVSRRN\WLWOHVLQFOXGLQJThe Conjuring 2Ash vs (YLO'HDGWKHZKROHƻUVWVHDVRQRIOutcastDQGThe Story of... = (%2;5HFRPPHQGV = 0RYLH$FFHVV&RGHV BOXSET = 79$FFHVV&RGHV = %R[VHWV 12 + 29 Asian Cinema and TV Entertainment in your language 普通话电影及电视节目 ೠҴച߂57۽Ӓ۔ মୁभधॸঞঅੌ Etihad Airways Entertainment Guide For comments, questions and advertising please email [email protected] Designed and produced by Global Eagle Entertainment on behalf of Etihad Airways. While Etihad Airways will do everything within UHDVRQDEOHPHDQVWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHLQƼLJKW HQWHUWDLQPHQWLVDLUHGDVUHƼHFWHGZLWKLQWKH JXLGHWHFKQLFDOSUREOHPVDQGƼLJKWWLPHVPD\ prevent viewing of the programmes as listed. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader’s particular circumstances. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review. 1 THIS MONTH… 6&,ɜ), 100 /$7(675(/($6(6 ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\5HVXUJHQFH GHQFH 'D\ 5HVXUJHQFH G Cast/LDP+HPVZRUWK-Hƺ*ROGEOXP%LOO3XOOPDQ Twenty years after Independence'D\UHGHƻQHGWKHGLVDVWHUPRYLHJHQUHWKHUH are more FourthRI-XO\ƻUHZRUNVDV(DUWKEDWWOHVDJDLQVWDQHZDOLHQ threat. Sci-Fi / 120 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, R, As 025(6&,ɜ),029,(6 IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE 101 Star Trek Beyond Sci-Fi / 122 Mins / PG-13(*,3&V 120 Allegiant Sci-Fi / 120 Mins / PG-13()*/6S As To mark the release of Independence Day: Resurgence and 6WDU7UHN%H\RQGZHŧYHDOORZHG(%2;WREHLQYDGHGE\ VRPHRXWRIWKLVZRUOGVFLƻPRYLHVDQGGRFXPHQWDULHV And to help you get in the Halloween spirit, we’ve got a few creepy treats up our sleeves too! oo! 125 Gravity (2013) Sci-Fi / 91 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, I, J, As 127 Minority Report (2002) Sci-Fi / 145 Mins / PG-13 / E)*/6S E)*/6S &V 136 The Matrix (1999) T 131 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Sci-Fi / 122 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, I, P, As C Cast.HDQX5HHYHV/DXUHQFH)LVKEXUQH V VKEXUQH & &DUULH-Anne Moss The Wachowskis completely broke T k the mould with ke WWKLVJDPHFKDQJLQJVFLƻWKULOOHUŤDQLQJHQLRXV Ť ŤDQLQJHQLRXV ccombination of Hong Kong-style martial arts action and innovativeVSHFLDOHƺHFWV a D HƺHFWV DOHƺHFWV and still as impressive 17 years on. a n. 107 )$9285,7(6 )$92 )$ 9285 92 85,7 85 ,7(6 ,7 (6 Sci-Fi / 135 Mins / R()*,&V S ;0HQ$SRFDO\SVH ; Cast-DPHV0F$YR\-HQQLIHU/DZUHQFHMichael Fassbender C /$7(675(/($6(6 2 %U\DQ6LQJHULQWURGXFHVWKHZRUOGŧVƻUVWDQGPRVWSRZHUIXO % PXWDQW$SRFDO\SVHIRUKLVIRXUWK;0HQPRYLH$QG P XQIRUWXQDWHO\IRU3URIHVVRU;DQGKLV\RXQJSURW©J©HV X he h doesn’t play nicely with others. Sci-Fi / 144 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, I, As S 126 Inception (2010) Cast/HRQDUGR'L&DSULR.HQ:DWDQDEH -RVHSK*RUGRQ/HYLWW Starring an all A-list cast and some incredible visual HƺHFWV&KULVWRSKHU1RODQ VPLQGEHQGLQJWDOHRI GUHDPLQƻOWUDWLQJWKLHYHVZLOONHHS\RXJXHVVLQJULJKW up to (and possibly even beyond) the very end. )$92 )$ )$9285,7(6 9285 92 85,7 85 ,7(6 ,7 (6 Sci-Fi / 148 Mins / PG-13 / E, *35&V Chaos on the Bridge 479 :ULWHUGLUHFWRUDQGWKHRULJLQDO&DSWDLQ-DPHV T. Kirk, William Shatner, boldly goes back in time to the tumultuous early years of Star Trek: The Next Generation and talks to the writers, actors and execs to get the real story behind the chaos. '2&80(17$5< 60 mins / PG-13 / E 292 The Story of... Horror Themes -RLQ&ODLUH6WXUJHVVDVVKHH[SORUHVVRPHRI I the most experimental, iconic and spineWLQJOLQJKRUURUƻOPVRXQGWUDFNVLQFOXGLQJ PDVWHUZRUNVE\WKHOLNHVRI-RKQ&DUSHQWHU Goblin and Phillip Glass. &/$66,&&20('< That ’70s Show T Halloween AUDIO &HOHEUD &HOHEUDWH+DOORZHHQŦVVW\OHDV)H] & OHEUDWH+DOORZHH discovers of trick-ordis scovers ers the delights d treating treati g and the gang gan uncovers some VXUSULVLQJVHFUHWVDIWHUƻQGLQJWKHLUROG VXUSULVLQ QJVHFUHWVDIWHU perm permanent manent records in their burneddown elementary ele school. 22 mins / PG-13 / E Ť $VK9V $VK9V(YLO'HDG 6(SŤ Reprising his role fr Reprising from Sam Raimi’s (YLO'HDGWULORJ\%U (YLO'HDGWULORJ\%UXFH&DPSEHOOLV nsaw-wielding comedy c back for more chain chainsaw-wielding horror— and it’s just as gory and groov groovy as fans of the franchise could hope for! 41 mins / R / E 3 MOVIES LATEST RELEASES 101 Star Trek Beyond S Cast&KULV3LQH=DFKDU\4XLQWR=RH6DOGDQD C With J.J. Abrams busy rebuilding the Star Wars empire, Justin W //LQLQMHFWVVRPH)DVW)XULRXVDFWLRQLQWRDQHSLFJDJƻOOHG adventure penned by Scotty himself, Simon Pegg. a Sci-Fi / 122 Mins / PG-13(*,3&V S The Conjuring 2 105 Cast9HUD)DUPLJD3DWULFN:LOVRQ)UDQFHV2ŧ&RQQRUU 106 James Wan presents another spine-chilling story from m WKHƻOHVRI(GDQG/RUUDLQH:DUUHQ([SHFWMXPS scares aplenty as the famed demonologists go to /RQGRQWRKHOSDIDPLO\WKDWŧVEHLQJSODJXHGE\ malicious spirits. Drama / 134 Mins / R / E, F, G, I, As 025(/$7(675(/($6(6 100 ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\5HVXUJHQFH Sci-Fi / 120 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, R, As 107 ;0HQ$SRFDO\SVH Sci-Fi / 144 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, I, As 108 Alice Through the Looking Glass Family / 113 Mins / PG / E, G, I, J, As 109 7KH+XQWVPDQ:LQWHUŧV:DU Action / 114 Mins / PG-13()35&V The Shallows Cast%ODNH/LYHO\2VFDU-DHQDGD%UHWW&XOOHQ 2USKDQGLUHFWRU-DXPH&ROOHW6HUUDŧVslick shark thriller, VWDUULQJ%ODNH/LYHO\DVDVXUIHUZKRmust use her wits and determination to survive a great white attack and make it safely back to shore. Action / 0LQV3*()*3&V 4 110 Me Before You Drama / 110 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, J, K, As 111 The Angry Birds Movie Family / 97 Mins / PG / E, F, G, P, As 112 Criminal Action / 113 Mins / R / ()*/6S&V 103 Finding Dory Cast: Ellen DeGeneres, $OEHUW%URRNV(G2ŧ1HLOO Pixar’s long-awaited sequel to the oceanic odyssey that was Finding Nemo. Dory, the friendly but forgetful blue WDQJƻVKHPEDUNVRQDQHSLFDGYHQWXUHWRƻQGKHUORQJ lost family, with a little help from Nemo and Marlin. Family / 97 Mins / PG / E, )&6S-$V Now You See Me 2 104 Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, 0DUN5XƺDOR 025(/$7(675(/($6(6 113 The Nice Guys &RPHG\Mins / R()*,&V 114 The Man :KR.QHZ,QƻQLW\ Drama / 108 Mins / PG-13 / E, *,&6S$V Proving the series still has plenty up its sleeve, the all-star magician crew return for a twistƻOOHGVHTXHODQGWKLVWLPHƻQGWKHPVHOYHV SLWWHGDJDLQVWDQHYLOWHFKZL]DUGSOD\HGE\ 'DQLHO5DGFOLƺH Action / 129 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, R, K, As 115 &DSWDLQ$PHULFD&LYLO:DU Action / 146 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, K, As KEYS 116 The Boss &RPHG\0LQVR(*,5&V = E-BOX Recommends 117 Money Monster Drama / 98 Mins / R / E, F, G, J, As 118 Keanu &RPHG\0LQVR / E, *3/6S&V 119 %DWPDQY6XSHUPDQ'DZQRIJustice Action / 151 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, J, K, As 120 Allegiant Sci-Fi / 120 Mins / PG-13()*/6S$V 121 3HO©%LUWKof a Legend Drama / 107 Mins / PG(*&V 122 %DUEHUVKRS7KHNext Cut &RPHG\0LQVPG-13(3/6S&V 123 Eddie the Eagle &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / E, F, G, R, As 124 Deadpool Action / 108 Mins / R / E, G, P, J, As 102 Central Intelligence Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Amy Ryan Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart team up for this odd couple action FRPHG\IURPWKHGLUHFWRURI:HŧUHWKH0LOOHUV%XOOLHGteen-turnedWRXJKJX\&,$DJHQW%RE6WRQHVLJQVXShis old classmate, fastWDONLQJDFFRXQWDQW&DOYLQ-R\QHUWRKHOShim on a case. &RPHG\0LQV3*()*/6S$V CSp = Castillian Spanish G = Deutsch E = English F = Français I = Italiano J = 日本語 K = 한국어 LSp = Latin Spanish P = Português R = ƩnjNJNJǃǁǂ As = إ ا Cs = 中文字幕 5 MOVIES FAVOURITES & CLASSICS 128 Pretty Woman (1990) Cast: Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Jason Alexander The modern-day fairy tale from the late director (and creator of Happy Days) Garry Marshall, featuring a career-making performance IURP-XOLD5REHUWVDVFDOOJLUO9LYLDQDQGDQ excellent comic turn from Richard Gere as her businessman beau, Edward. Drama / 119 Mins / R(&V 140 Chariots of Fire (1981) C C Cast,DQ&KDUOHVWRQ%HQ&URVV N Nigel Havers The universally acclaimed, hugely T LLQƼXHQWLDOSHULRGdrama, based on WWKHWUXHVWRU\RI(ULF/LGGHOODQGHarold Abrams, an unlikely pair of young A athletes who ran IRU*UHDW%ULWDLQLQWKH a 11924 Paris Olympics. (%2;LVQŧWMXVWDERXWDOOWKHODWHVWPRYLHV ZHŧYHDOVRJRWDQDPD]LQJOLEUDU\RI )DYRXULWHVDQG&ODVVLFVWRFKRRVHIURP FRYHULQJHYHU\WKLQJIURPFKLFNƼLFNVWR action hits, superheroes to sports, and even a few titles that fans of George &ORRQH\PLJKWHQMR\ Drama / 123 Mins / PG / E 142 Dirty Dancing (1987) D 141 Cool Runnings (1993) C Cast3DWULFN6ZD\]H-HQQLIHU*UH\ C Cast-RKQ&DQG\/HRQ'RXJ('RXJ C 7KH VFXOWFODVVLFWKDWPDGH3DWULFN 7 N 6ZD\]HDVWDUODXQFKHGDVPDVKKLW 6 VVWDJHVKRZDQGJDYHXVWKH26&$5n Golden Globe and Grammy-winning G VVRQJ, YH+DG7KH7LPHRI0\/LIH & &XOWFRPHG\EDVHGRQWKHWUXH story of the four fun-loving Jamaican o athletes who becameWKHƻUVW a JJamaican bobsleigh team ever to ccompete in the Winter Olympics. Drama / 82 Mins / PG / E D &RPHG\0LQVPG()*&6S & )$6+,21029,(621(ɜ%2; 130 Coco Before Chanel (2009) C C Cast: Audrey Tautou, %HQRLW Poelvoorde, Alessandro Nivola P )RUPHU&KDQHO1RƻJXUHKHDG$XGUH\ ) \ Tautou shines in this biopic of the T woman behind the "little black dress", w the t world’s most iconic fragrance and a fashion label synonymous with style and a elegance. Drama / 105 Mins / PG-13 / F, Es 135 T Devil Wears Prada The ((2006) Cast: Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway C Every fashionista’s dream, this hit E DGDSWDWLRQRI/DXUHQ:HLVEHUJHUŧV D bestselling book features a fabulous b $1,000,000 wardrobe donated by the $ OOLNHVRI&KDQHODQG3UDGD (of course), DQGRXWƻWVSXWWRJHWKHUE\DZDUG D winning super-stylist Patricia Field. &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / E, F*,&V 6 137 ;0HQ'D\VRI)XWXUH Past (2014) Cast: Hugh Jackman, -DPHV0F$YR\-HQQLIHU/DZUHQFH :KLOHƻJKWLQJ a future war against the mutant-killing Sentinels, Wolverine’s consciousness is sent back to the past in order to change history and prevent the event that will lead to the destruction of man and mutant-kind. 138 X0HQ)LUVW&ODVV Cast: Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, .HYLQ%DFRQ 139 X2 (2003) Cast+XJK-DFNPDQ+DOOH%HUU\ Ian McKellen Following a mutant attack on the 3UHVLGHQW&RORQHO:LOOLDP6WU\NHU 0DWWKHZ9DXJKQŧVVOLFNVL[WLHVVHW initiates a war on all mutants, prequel to WKH;0HQVDJDUHYHDOLQJ VSHFLƻFDOO\WKH;0HQDQGWKH\ the origins of the mutant superhero join with their sworn enemy, teamDQGKRZEHVWIULHQGV&KDUOHV Magneto, in order to take him on. ;DYLHUDQG(ULN/HQVKHUUbecame Action / 134 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, J DUFKHQHPLHV3URIHVVRU;DQG Magneto. Action / 132 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, /6S&V Action / 132 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, P, K, As 131 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Cast&KULV3UDWW=RH6DOGDQD 0DUYHOŧVJDPEOHRIƻOPLQJRQHRIWKHLU OHVVHUNQRZQWLWOHVWRWDOO\SDLGRƺ James Gunn’s cheeky space epic charmed cinemagoers and critics alike and gave us a new leading man in the (newly slimmed-down) shape RI&KULV3UDWW SUPERHEROES 129 & &DSWDLQ$PHULFD7KHFirst A Avenger (2011) C Cast&KULV(YDQV+XJR:HDYLQJ 'RPLQLF&RRSHU ' 7KHGHEXWPRYLHRXWLQJIRU&KULV 7 Evans’ star-spangled superhero. After E vvolunteering for the U.S. Army’s “superssoldier” experiment, Steve Rogers is iinjected with a serum which transforms him into the ultimate human weapon and America’s “First Avenger”. Sci-Fi / 122 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, I, P, As 134 Action / 125 Mins / PG-13 / E, F, G, J, As 025($&7,21 *(25*(&/221(<6+2:&$6( 126 Inception (2010) Sci-Fi / 148 Mins / PG-13(*35&V 125 Gravity (2013) Sci-Fi / 91 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, I, J, As 133 Rush Hour (1998) &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / E, F, G 132 Ocean’s Eleven (2001) Action / 117 Mins / PG-13(-&V 136 The Matrix (1999) Sci-Fi / 135 Mins / R / E, F, *,&V 117 Money Monster Drama / 98 Mins / R / E, F, G, J, As The Dark Knight (2008) T C Cast$DURQ(FNKDUW+HDWK/HGJHU & &KULVWLDQ%DOH Usually to be found at the top of U ““greatest superhero movie” lists, The Dark Knight is as smart, dark and D brooding as its hero, but it’s Heath b //HGJHUŧVSHUIHFWO\FUDIWHGSRUWUD\DO of the Joker that lingers well after the o credits have rolled. Action / 145 Mins / PG-13 / E, G, J, R, &V 7 MOVIES EUROPEAN CINEMA 194 Un Homme À La Hauteur U Cast-HDQ'XMDUGLQ9LUJLQLH(ƻUD&HGULF Kahn C Just separated from her husband, Diane receives a call from J Alexandre, a charming architect who has found her lost phone. A 7KHWZRKLWLWRƺDQGGHFLGHWRPHHWEXWWKHLUƻUVWGDWHWDNHV 7 an a unexpected twist. &RPHG\ Mins / PG-13 / F, Es & 191 190 Cast&ODXGLD Eisinger, Katja Riemann Schrotten! A tragicomedy about love, life and therapy adapted from Sarah Kuttner’s KLWERRN.DURLVƻUHG from her job but she is not one to give up easily, so she opts for radical change and goes into WKHUDS\WRƻJKWGHSUHVVLRQ Cast/XFDV*UHJRURZLF] )UHGHULFN/DX$QQD%HGHUNH Mirko left his family and their rundown scrapyard long ago%XWZKHQ his father dies and leaves him the family business, Mirko and his brother, /HWVFKRUHXQLWHWRIXOƻOWKHLU dad’s last wish: to rob a train like real professionals. &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / G, Es 192 &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / G, Es 193 The acclaimed feature debut from German writer-director Thomas Stuber. While working as a bouncer and debt collector, former East German boxing FKDPSLRQ+HUEHUWLVIRUFHGWRUHƼHFW on his life when he is diagnosed with a fatal disease. %RWKGLDJQRVHGZLWKDWHUPLQDOLOOQHVV Andi and%HQRHVFDSHIURPKRVSLFH and embark on a life-changing African road trip in this comedy drama from writer, director and star Florian David )LW] Drama / 111 Mins / PG-13 / G, Es Drama / 110 Mins / PG-13 / G, Es 8 La Dream Team Herbert Cast/LQD:HQGHO(GLQ+DVDQRYLF, Peter Kurth Der Geilste Tag Cast)ORULDQ'DYLG)LW], Matthias Schweighöfer 195 Mängelexemplar 196 Les Tuche 2 – Le rêve américain Cast*©UDUG'HSDUGLHX0HGL6DGLRXQ Cast: Jean Paul Rouve, Isabelle Nanty After breaking his leg, arrogant star football player Maxime is sent back to his home village to recover, and as he coaches the local children’s team he rediscovers his love of the game, makes peace with his dad, and even ƻQGVORYH /RWWHU\ZLQQLQJ\RNHOVWKH7XFKHVƻQG themselves in the States in this sequel to the 2011 hit comedy. While studying LQ/$'RQDOGPHHWVWKHdaughter of DZHDOWK\ƻQDQFLHUEXWWKHUHODWLRQVKLS could hit the rocks when his family comes to visit. &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / F, Es &RPHG\Mins / PG-13 / F, Es E = English Es = English Subtitles F = Français G = Deutsch I = Italiano P = Português R = ƩnjNJNJǃǁǂ S = Spanish 198 Perfetti Sconoscuitii Cast: Giuseppe%DWWLVWRQ$QQD)RJOLHWWD0DUFR*LDOOLQL How well do we know the people closest to us? When seven old friends decide to share all the texts, calls and emails they receiveGXULQJDGLQQHUSDUW\ZKDWDWƻUVWVHHPHGOLNHD harmless game soon threatens to expose some toxic secrets. &RPHG\ / 97 Mins / PG-13 / I, Es 197 Babysitting 2 B Cast: Philippe /DFKHDX C $OLFH'DYLG9LQFHQW'HVDJQDW $ 199 The T sequel to the 2014 French comedy hit. While on a friends and c family holiday LQ%UD]LO)UDQFNGHFLGHV f to t lead an excursion to the $PD]RQ MXQJOH%XWZKHQKLVJLUOIULHQG6RQLDŧV M grandma joins the party, things take g a disastrous turn. IIo Che Amo Solo Te C Cast: Riccardo Scamarcio, //DXUD&KLDWWL Events take an unexpected turn for E 1LQHOODZKHQKHUGDXJKWHU&KLDUD 1 announces that she’s marrying a Damiano, the son of her great love D and the man she planned to marry a yyears before. &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / F, Es &RPHG\0LQV / PG-13 / I, Es 200 Cien años de perdón Cast/XLV7RVDU5RGULJR 'HOD6HUQD5DºO$U©YDOR 201 Cast0DULR&DVDV$GULDQD8JDUWH A stylish, action-packed crime thriller set against the backdrop of the Spanish economic collapse. A seemingly cut-and-dry bank robberyLQ9DOHQFLDJRHVZURQJ and in the repercussions that follow, a web of corruption, greed and lies is unravelled. The discovery of a forgotten letter amongst her uncle’s possessions OHDGV&ODUHQFHIURPWKH mountains of Huesca to the island of Fernando Po, where she unearths a long-buried family secret and a story of forbidden love. Drama / 163 Mins / PG-13 / S, Es Drama / 97 Mins / R / S, Es 202 Remember Or Not Palmeras En La Nieve 203 30 Svidaniy Cast: Natalia Medvedeva, Polina Maksimova, Konstantin Kryukov Cast'PLWUL\%RJGDQ3\RWU &KHUQ\DHY1LNLWD']KLJXUGD Alyona is a shy female librarian who dreams of playing Shakespeare’s -XOLHWLQDWKHDWUH/LVDLVD rich, shallow and beautiful blonde. Their paths would normally never cross, but one day their worlds collide in an unimaginable way. Dasha reads on the internet that if she has 30 dates in 30 days she ZLOOGHƻQLWHO\PHHWWKHPDQRIKHU life. So she decides to give it a try! Drama / 87 Mins / PG-13 / R, Es &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / R, Es 9 MOVIES INDIAN CINEMA HINDI 172 Housefull 3 Cast: Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, $EKLVKHN%DFKFKDQ-DFTXHOLQH)HUQDQGH] 6XFFHVVIXO/RQGRQEXVLQHVVPDQ%DWRRNGRHVQŧW want his beautiful daughters to get married, so their boyfriends have no choice but to lie and fake their ZD\DJDLQVW%DWRRNŧVUXOHVDQGLQWRKLVKRXVH. &RPHG\Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 166 Aligarh A 025(*5($7,1',$1029,(6 C Cast0DQRM%DMSD\HH5DMNXPPDU5DR 169 Dil Dhadakne Do $VKLVK9LG\DUWKL $ Director Hansal Mehta tells the D ttrue story of Professor Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras, who was suspended R ffrom his university job because of his ssexual orientation. A milestone in IIndian cinema featuring a compelling SHUIRUPDQFHIURP0DQRM%DMDSD\HH as Siras. Drama / 109 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 167 Bajrangi Bhaijaan Cast: Harshaali Malhotra, Salman .KDQ1DZD]XGGLQ6LGGLTXL.DUHHQD Kapoor The story of one man’s quest to reunite a little lost girl with her family, against all odds. Starring Salman Khan in a move away from his usual action roles, this multi-award-winning drama is also WKHVHFRQGKLJKHVWJURVVLQJ%ROO\ZRRG movie of all time. Drama / 120 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 168 Band Bajaa Baraat (2010) Cast: Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma The hit romantic comedy starring 5DQYHHU6LQJKLQKLVƻUVW ever movie role. A chance meeting leads to nononsense6KUXWLDQGIXQORYLQJ%LWWRR starting a wedding planning business, and their partnership begins to turn into something else. &RPHG\ / 134 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 10 Drama / 166 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 170 Ghayal Once Again Action / 118 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 171 +ROLGD\$6ROGLHU,V1HYHU2ƺ Duty (2014) Action / 120 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 173 Laal Rang Action / 113 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 174 Rocky Handsome Action / 94 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 175 9HHU=DDUD2004) Drama / 187 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 176 Fan Drama / 132 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 177 Wazir Drama / 99 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 178 Phobia Drama / 103 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 179 Waiting Drama / 88 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 180 Karz (1980) Drama / 150 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es 181 Rangeela (1995) Drama / 107 Mins / PG-13 / H, Es MOVIES INDIAN CINEMA REGIONAL 184 Nenu Sailaja Cast: Ram Pothineni, Keerthy Suresh Sailaja and HariDUHGHVWLQHGWRIDOOLQORYH%XW6DLODMD doesn’t know how to express her feelings, which means things are going to be far from straightforward. &RPHG\0LQVPG-137(/(V 182 Darvinte Parinamam D 183 $VWKHRƽFHULQFKDUJHRIWKHFDVH $ of a missing famous actress, Sreebala o DQGKHUFROOHDJXH;\OH[FDWFKWKH D cculprit in no time. However, they soon rrealise that the case is far from closed. R Ruthless gangster “Gorilla” Darvin and rregular guy Anil are brought together tthrough circumstances beyond their ccontrol, and it turns out to be a lifecchanging event for both of them. Drama / 109 Mins / PG-130$/(V D Action / 120 Mins / PG-130$/(V 185 Nannaku Prematho 186 Writer, director and star Upendra’s W ssequel to his eponymous award-winning KLW+DYLQJKHDUGDERXW1HHQXŧVVHOƼHVV K existence, psychology student/DNVKPL e JRHVLQVHDUFKRIKLP%XWLV1HHQXUHDOO\ J what he seems to be? w Abhiram agreesWRIXOƻOKLVG\LQJ father Subramanyam’s last wish and seek revenge on Krishnamurthy, who made his name as oneRI/RQGRQŧV richest entrepreneurs by cheating Subramanyam out of his fortune. Action / 114 Mins / PG-13 / KAN, Es Drama / 123 Mins / PG-137(/(V 188 Bangalore Naatkal B C Cast$U\D6UL'LY\D%REE\6LPKD, 5DQD'DJJXEDWL5DDL/D[PL3DUYDWK\ 5 Samantha Ruth Prabhu S 025(*5($7029,(6 187 Ram-Leela Drama / 120 Mins / PG-13 / KAN, Es 189 Thoongaa Vanam Action / 120 Mins / PG-13 / TAM, Es KAN = Kannada MAL = Malayalam TAM = Tamil Uppi 2 U Cast: Upendra, Kristina Akheeva, C Parul Yadav P Cast: N. T. Rama Rao Jr., Rakul Preet Singh, Rajendra Prasad, -DJDSDWL%DEX E = English Es = English Subtitles H = Hindi Vettah V Cast.XQFKDFNR%REDQ0DQMX:DUULHU C C Cast: Prithviraj Sukumaran, & &KDQGLQL6UHHGKDUDQ TEL = Telugu A remake of the Malayalam hit %DQJDORUH'D\V&RXVLQV'LY\D % Kuttan and$UMXQƻQDOO\IXOƻOWKHLU K cchildhood dream of relocating to %DQJDORUH, but as they embrace the % warmth of the city, they also face challenges that transform their lives. Drama / 135 Mins / PG-13 / TAM, Es 11 MOVIES ASIAN CINEMA 210 ĂċྜྷŔ ǂӲ뻭ॄӚᛔ뺮፪வவ뺮Ɠ ĕˌڇĉɍ۩뺮ѸުƋʒժಘĀǛههŰǦϑৠĢঙƓNJĀęɶ ĕ Ňĸ뺶उ҃Āʃʾ뺷뻟ǦġĂʞਬХࣔΧŢĂċƄŝĻ࠱͠Āݡ Ň ՎڇşąĂΪಚă˶Ƃɫ뺯 Վ هŰ95œѨPG-13ޏʙƸ뺮ġӅNJϹ ه 212 ̖ʕިި ̖ Ӳ˳뻭ᆤ̇ɱ뺮؞ϻ Ӳ 211 ᮂ ᮂന֡Ӳŀെŭ뻟β؏܌ɪᆤ̇ ɱ ɱĢ֡ĢӲĂǩਮĘഁটग़Āǡܥ ݧ ݧө̝៵뻟ȂĦđݡŜȺŭΛƤ ĉ ĉ뻟Ʀੌ΅നąĀༀǻ̛̼뺯 ƁĉDŽ Ɓ Ӳ˳뻭ֿĐǑ뺮ᅭၤ뺮ྖࢥݙ Ӳ Ƙ ƘǟǦę̃ᆙჸĀֽķƘሟǖ̊뻟 ن نŰϮۅĂǩѕʌִؘŀ̡ණǏĂǩ ܔ ܔӍĂǩߘȶɩ˻ĀᇵᆂƥǍĀܒ ؗ ؗ뺯 Ƙ Ƙǟ90œҙPG-13ᇡД뺮řД뻟 ġӅNJϹ ġ Ƙ Ƙǟ뺮نŰ99œҙPG-13ᇡД뺮 ޏʙƹ뻟ġӅNJϹ ޏ 213 뺶ЀҷқĘɞݔʏƥăȕŰΒ뺷 ǂӲ뻭ࡿީ뺮ఐলࡌ뺮εӅ 214 ֢ӲৠᦽهᏃŭĄ̄֍ıŰ ه뺶ЀҷқĘɞݔʏ뺷ȌīNjʌŪ β뻟ǕǦקĄȺ҄ɩʿαĀφמ뻟ϭ ۅąĂǩ෯ɠɁȔȱȉĂʞȀӆŞ мǁĉʙĿΒƱϰĎ뻟ŖͥϑȻą ͨĢŀƜƆɢĀтƂ뺯 ఐ ఐഘӡۄࢎز݃ਸ োઁള߅Ӕഋ ӓ ӓଲਸ߉Ҋחr֙ࣗזsхة प पੋו৬ܰझܾ۞֙ नযܳפݠ೧ೠթܳ ୶ ୶ೞزחউࢎ݀ఐੋഘӡز ഻ ഻ঁ؊ࢎѤীൃ݈ܻѱػ ঘ ঘ࣌125࠙PG-13ೠҴযয ݄ BAH CAN C Cs E 12 = = = = = Bahasa Indonesia Cantonese 普通话 中文字幕 English Es IND J Js K = = = = = English Subtitles Indonesian 日本語 日本語字幕 M MAN SIN TAG = = = = Malay 國語 Sinhala Tagalog ıŰ뺮هŰ130œѨPG-13ޏʙ Ƹ뺮ӅNJϹ뺮ġNJϹ 215 दрఎ োࣻઑࢳ ֙ীҊחҊ١ҮҮࢎ৬ ֙ীࢎחъ۱҅ഋࢎо नٜࢎیೞחৈࢿࢤݺਸ ҳೞӝਤ೧൨ਸחदрਸ ୡਘೠݔ۽౮झܾ۞ ݔ۽झҕ࢚җ107࠙PG-13 ೠҴযয݄ 205 204 My Name Is Bandu M Cast%DQGX Samarasinghe, C Anusha A Damayanthi, Roy de Silva, Rodney Warnakula R Just The 3 Of Us Cast-RKQ/OR\G&UX]-HQQ\O\Q0HUFDGRRichard Yap $IWHUDRQHQLJKWVWDQGZLWKƼLJKWDWWHQGDQW&-SLORW Uno is faced with the possibility that he might be the father of her unborn baby. As they’re forced to live XQGHURQHURRIZLOOWKH\ƻQGlove? After being spurned by a rich man, A a matchmaker gets the lowly %DQGXWRSRVHDVDPLOOLRQDLUH % and a marry the man’s daughter in i order to teach him a lesson. &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / TAG, Es &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 & / SIN 207 206 Cast%DEH&DELWD5DGLW\DDika, &KDQGUD/LRZ Always Be My Maybe A Ebi, a naïve 27-year-old with no MREVWUXJJOHVWRƻQGURPDQFHEXW when he meets the beautiful Angel KHƻQDOO\EHFRPHVGHWHUPLQHG to change. However, another suitor, Joe, is also interested and WKHWZRƻJKWto win her heart. Cast*HUDOG$QGHUVRQ$UFL0XQR] C A chance meeting leads to heartbroken makeup artist Tintin h and jilted playboy Jake helping a each other forget their exes. e Drama / 115 Mins / PG-13 / TAG, Es D &RPHG\Mins / PG-13 / IND, Es 209 208 )LORVRƻ.RSL Cast: Rio Dewanto, Julie Estelle, &KLFFR-HULNKR %HQDQG-RG\RZQDFRƺHHVKRS When a businessman challenges them to make “the perfect cup”, they embark on a soul-searching adventure that forces them to visit their troubled pasts and re-examine their lives and relationships. Single Love, Supermoon Cast: Nadiya Nissa, Farid Kamil, Rita Rudaini After their relationship turns sour, 7UL]DQG5D]DNRQO\ ever hear about each other through their mutual friends. Will gossip eventually bring them together again, or are they destined to stay apart? &RPHG\0LQVPG-13 / M, Es Drama / 117 Mins / PG-13 / IND, Es 13 MOVIES LISTINGS Plan B Cast: Khaled Al Nabawy, Taim Hassan, (]]DWAbo Ouf /DZ\HU$GHO$EGHO$]L]JHWVFDXJKWLQD spiral where he pays dearly for his honour and integrity. After facing an accident that changes the course of his life, Adel makes it his mission to get revenge for what he has lost. Drama / 93 Mins / PG-13 / A 147 123 Eddie the Eagle E, F, G, R, As 124 Deadpool E, G, P, J, As LATEST RELEASES 100 ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\5HVXUJHQFH E, F, G, R, As 101 Star Trek Beyond (*,3&V 102 Central Intelligence ()*/6S$V 103 Finding Dory E, )&6S-$V $5$%,&&,1(0$ 104 Now You See Me 2 E, G, R, K, As 100 Please note some of our A319 and A320 aircraft may feature a reduced selection of movies. (%2;RƺHUVD3DUHQWDO/RFNIDFLOLW\ A member of the cabin crew can help you activate this service. . أي– اا ة أ" أاد ﺎ$ﺎ% )( '& ا .*ه ا,- / ة0ﺎ1ا 14 125 Gravity (2013) E, G, I, J, As 126 Inception (2010) E, G, P, 5&V 127 Minority Report (2002) E, F, G, /6S&V 129 Captain $PHULFD7KH)LUVW Avenger (2011) E, F, G, J, As 105 The Conjuring 2 E, F, G, I, As 130 Coco Before Chanel (2009) F, Es 106 The Shallows E, F, G, 3&V 131 107 ;0HQ$SRFDO\SVH E, F, G, I, As Enter the channel number LQWRWKH48,&.$&&(66ƻHOG on your screen to go straight to the movie mov of your choice. FAVOURITES 108 Alice Through the Looking Glass E, G, I, J, As 109 7KH+XQWVPDQ:LQWHUŧV:DU E, F, 35&V 110 Me Before You E, G, J, K, As Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) E, G, I, P, As 132 Ocean’s Eleven (2001) (-&V 133 Rush Hour (1998) E, F, G 134 The Dark Knight (2008) (*-5&V 135 The Devil Wears Prada (2006) E, F, *,&V 111 The Angry Birds Movie E, F, G, P, As 136 The Matrix (1999) ()*,&V 112 Criminal ()*/6S&V 113 The Nice Guys ()*,&V 137 ;0HQDays of Future Past (2014) E, F, P, K, As 114 The 0DQ:KR.QHZ,QƻQLW\ E, G, I, &6S$V 115 &DSWDLQ$PHULFD&LYLO:DU E, F, G, K, As 116 The Boss (*,5&V CLASSICS 117 Money Monster E, F, G, J, As 128 Pretty Woman (1990) (&V 118 Keanu E, G, P, /6S&V 119 %DWPDQY6XSHUPDQ'DZQRI Justice E, G, J, K, As 120 Allegiant ()*/6SAs 121 3HO©%LUWKRID/HJHQG (*&V 122 %DUEHUVKRS7KH1H[W&XW E, P, /6S&V 138 ;0HQ)LUVW&ODVV E, F, G, /6S&V 139 X2 (2003) E, F, G, J 140 Chariots of Fire (1981) E, 141 Cool Runnings (1993) ()*&6S 142 Dirty Dancing (1987) E 208 )LORVRƻ Kopi IND, Es 209 Love, Supermoon M, Es 174 Rocky Handsome H, Es 175 9HHU=DDUD H, Es FEATURE DOCUMENTARY 143 Iris E 144 Serena E 145 I Am Ali E 146 Next Goal Wins E ARABIC CINEMA 147 Plan B A 148 Hadeed A 149 Ebn El Konsol A 150 Assal Aswad A 151 Bingo A, Es 152 4G-Back to School A 153 Elli Khtachou Matou A, Es 154 Cash Flow 2 A, Es 155 El Basha Telmeez A 156 *KHVK(O=DZJH\D A 157 Kedbet Kol Youm A, Es 158 Khanet Al Yak A 159 Min Nazret Ain A 160 Al Alami A 176 Fan H, Es 177 Wazir H, Es 210 A Fool 0$1(V&V 211 Three &$10$1(V&V 212 The Bodyguard &$10$1(V&V 213 Book Of Love (Finding Mr. Right 2) 0$1(V&V 178 Phobia H, Es 214 Phantom Detective K, Es 179 Waiting H, Es 215 Time Renegades K, Es 180 Karz (1980) H, Es 181 Rangeela (1995) H, Es FAMILY 182 Darvinte Parinamam 0$/(V 103 Finding Dory ()&6S-$V 183 Vettah 0$/(V 108 Alice Through the Looking Glass E, G, I, J, As 184 Nenu Sailaja 7(/(V 185 Nannaku Prematho 7(/(V 186 Uppi 2 KAN, Es 187 Ram-Leela KAN, Es 188 Bangalore Naatkal TAM, Es 189 Thoongaa Vanam TAM, Es 111 The Angry Birds Movie E, F, G, P, As 216 Frankenweenie (2012) E, F, G, I, As 217 Max (2015) (*3/6S$V 218 Space Jam (1996) (*3.&V 219 The Incredibles (2004) (),3&V EUROPEAN CINEMA 190 Schrotten! G, Es 191 Mängelexemplar G, Es 192 Der Geilste Tag G, Es 193 Herbert G, Es 194 Un Homme À La Hauteur F, Es LANGUAGE KEYS A = ا 195 La Dream Team F, Es As = إ ا 162 El Thaman A, Es 196 Les Tuche 2 – Le rêve américain F, Es Canadian CF = Français 163 The Idol A, Es 197 Babysitting 2 F, Es 164 Bolbol Hayran A 198 Perfetti Sconoscuiti I, Es 165 Amreeka A 199 Io Che Amo Solo Te I, Es 161 Eyal Harifa A, Es 200 Cien años de perdón S, Es INDIAN CINEMA 201 Palmeras En La Nieve S, Es 166 Aligarh H, Es 202 Remember Or Not R, Es 167 Bajrangi Bhaijaan H, Es 203 30 Svidaniy R, Es 168 Band Bajaa Baraat (2010) H, Es ASIAN CINEMA 170 Ghayal Once Again H, Es 204 My Name Is Bandu SIN Holiday$6ROGLHU,V1HYHU2ƺ Duty (2014) H, Es 172 Housefull 3 H, Es 173 Laal Rang H, Es Cs = 中文字幕 CSp = Castillian Spanish BAH = Bahasa Indonesia G = Deutsch E = English 169 Dil Dhadakne Do H, Es 171 C = 普通话 Es = English subtitles 205 Just The 3 Of Us TAG, Es F = Français 206 Always Be My Maybe TAG, Es H = Hindi 207 Single IND, Es I = Italiano Js = 日本語字幕 K = KAN = Kannada P = Português LSp = Latin Spanish R = ƩnjNJNJǃǁǂ S = Español SIN = Sinhala TAG = Tagalog TAM = Tamil MAL = Malayalam T = Turkish TEL = Telugu CAN = Cantonese MAN = 國語 IND = Indonesian M = Malay J = 日本語 15 MOVIES FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES 145 I Am Ali Cast: Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Ali Jnr, Hana Ali An intimate and heart-warming look at the man behind the legend from the makers of the multi-award-winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man, featuring excerpts from Muhammad Ali’s audio journals and interviews with friends, family and fellow boxers. Documentary / 111 Mins / PG / E 144 Serena Cast: Serena Williams, Patrick Mouratoglou, Jill Smoller A raw and authentic glimpse into the world of athlete, designer and businesswoman Serena Williams, painting a portrait of the often controversial sports icon and exploring the uncompromising pressure that comes with being the world number one. Documentary / 120 Mins / PG / E 143 Iris Cast: Iris Apfel With her mantra of “more is more and less is a bore”, New York nonagenarian Iris Apfel is a largerthan-life style icon with a lust for OLIHDQGRYHUVL]HGDFFHVVRULHV and here she shares her story and insights with documentarian Albert Maysles. Documentary / 83 Mins / PG-13 / E 146 Next Goal Wins Cast: Thomas Rongen, Jaiyah Saelua, Nicky Salapu 0LNH%UHWWDQG6WHYH-DPLVRQŧVXSOLIWLQJ documentary following Dutch coach Thomas Rongen’s attempt to transform American 6DPRDRƽFLDOO\WKHZRUOG VZRUVW international football team, from perennial losers into winners. Documentary / 97 Mins / PG / E 16 More than 290 popular and award-winning TV shows to suit every taste. TV PRIME TIME Ť Best of Star Trek The Original Series / The Next Generation / Deep Space Nine 50 mins / PG / E ,WŧVEHHQ\HDUVVLQFH6WDU7UHNƻUVWEHDPHG onto our screens, bringing with it a whole new world of WUDQVSRUWHUVSKDVHUVZDUSHQJLQHVDQGHYHQ79ŧVƻUVWHYHUVFULSWHG LQWHUUDFLDONLVV$QGKDYLQJVSDZQHGƻYHVSLQRƺVHULHVVL[LI\RXLQFOXGH6WDU7UHN Discovery, due to premiere in January 2017) and 13 movies, the show, in the words of Mr Spock (well, DOPRVWKDVOLYHGORQJDQGSURVSHUHGLQGHHG4XLWHUHPDUNDEOHFRQVLGHULQJLWDOOJRWRƺWRUDWKHUDURFN\VWDUW &UHDWRU*HQH5RGGHQEHUU\IRXJKWIRUWZRZKROH\HDUVWREULQJKLVLGHDOLVWLFYLVLRQRIWKHIXWXUHWR79DXGLHQFHVWKH ƻUVWWZRSLORWHSLVRGHVZHUHUHMHFWHGE\WKHQHWZRUNDQGORZUDWLQJVPHDQWWKDWWKHVKRZZDVFRQVWDQWO\DWULVN RIFDQFHOODWLRQťZKLFKƻQDOO\FDPHLQDIWHUMXVWWKUHHVHDVRQV%XWOLNHDSKRHQL[IURPWKHƼDPHV6WDU7UHN ZDVV\QGLFDWHGDQGZRQRYHUDZKROHQHZDXGLHQFHZRUOGZLGHZKLFKFRQYLQFHG1%&WRUHODXQFKWKHVKRZZLWK 6WDU7UHN7KH1H[W*HQHUDWLRQLQ0HDQZKLOHWKHVXFFHVVHVRI6WDU:DUVDQG&ORVH(QFRXQWHUVRIWKH7KLUG .LQGFRQYLQFHG3DUDPRXQWWKDWVFLƻZDVDELJGHDODWWKHER[RƽFHDQGWKH6WDU7UHNPRYLHIUDQFKLVHZDVERUQ +HUHRQ(%2;ZHŧUHZLVKLQJ6WDU7UHNDYHU\4R6OLM'DWOYMDM.OLQJRQIRU+DSS\%LUWKGD\E\VKRZLQJWKHWRSWKUHH fan-favourite episodes (found after much internet research!). Plus you can get the inside scoop on all the behindthe-scenes backbiting during the early years of Star Trek: The Next Generation in William Shatner’s thoroughly HQWHUWDLQLQJ&KDRVRQWKH%ULGJHDQGWXQHLQWRWKHODWHVWLQVWDOPHQWLQWKHPRYLHVHULHV6WDU7UHN%H\RQG 17 TV COMEDY Ť 2 Broke Girls 6(SŤ And the InsideOutside Situation / And the Escape Room / And the Not Regular Down There 22 mins / R / E $/626+2:,1* A recipe for success (YHUVLQFHLWVSUHPLHUH%URNH*LUOVKDV divided the critics, but they’ve all agreed on one thing: the excellent odd couple chemistry between FRVWDUV.DW'HQQLQJVDQG%HWK%HKUVZKRSOD\ %URRNO\QZDLWUHVVHVDQGDVSLULQJFXSFDNHTXHHQV 0D[DQG&DUROLQH3URYLQJWKDWQRERG\UHDOO\ listens to what critics say, the show’s premiere pulled in an incredible 19.4 million viewers—the biggest crowd for a fall comedy for more than ten \HDUVťDQGZRQWKH3HRSOHŧV&KRLFH$ZDUG IRU)DYRXULWH1HZ79&RPHG\DQGDQ(PP\WR boot. Now in its sixth season, the show has proven all the doubters wrong and is still pulling in a huge audience hungry for a good serving of sharp, snarky comedy. Ť 258 9LFH3ULQFLSDOV6(3Ť 9 E Eastbound & Down creators 'DQQ\0F%ULGHDQG-RG\+LOO ' tteam up again for a dark ccomedy series that focuses on two vice-principals battling o iit out for the top spot at the high school where they work. h 222 mins / R / E 259 F Family Guy (QF\FORSHGLD*ULƽQ ( 3 3HWHU4XDJPLUH-RHDQG &OHYHODQGIRUPDQHLJKERXUKRRG & detective agency, and are stunned d WWRGLVFRYHUWKDW&KULVLVDWKLHI 0HDQZKLOH/RLVLVZRUULHGDERXW 0 &KULV GHOXVLRQDOUHODWLRQVKLSZLWK & his new girlfriend. h 22 mins / R / E 025(*5($7&20('< Ť 263 ŤAsh Vs. Evil Dead6(SŤ 41 mins / R / E 260 South Park Handicar 22 mins / R / E Ť'U.HQ6(SŤ 22 mins / PG-13 / E Ť*DODYDQWS2 (SŤ 22 mins / PG-13 / E Ť0RGHUQ)DPLO\6(SŤ 22 mins / PG-13 / E ŤRaised by :ROYHV6(SŤ 30 mins / PG-13 / E Ť5XVK+RXU6(SŤ 22 mins / PG-13 / E 18 &XFNRR6(SŤ Greg Davies (The Inbetweeners) DQG7D\ORU/DXWQHU7ZLOLJKW PDNH79ŧVXQOLNHOLHVWFRPHG\ duoLQWKLVKLW%%&FRPHG\ DERXWDORQJVXƺHULQJIDPLO\ and their left-of-centre house guest. 26 mins / PG-13 / E Ť 284 7 7KH%LJ%DQJ7KHRU\ 6(SŤ 6 “ “The Geeks Shall Inherit the E Earth”, indeed. Not only is & &KXFN/RUUHŧVVFLHQWLƻFVLWFRP A America’s most popular 7 79VKRZEXWWKHFRUHFDVW members now command a m m massive $1 million per episode!. 22 mins / PG-13 / E 3KRWRFUHGLWNHYLQPD]XU 256 Comedy Central Roast -XVWLQ%LHEHU 84 mins / R / E Baby, baby, baby no! 2YHULWV\HDUKLVWRU\&RPHG\&HQWUDO5RDVWKDV 'LG\RXNQRZ" KDXOHGPDQ\79PRYLHDQGPXVLFVWDUVRYHUKRW &RPHG\&HQWUDO5RDVWKDVVHHQPDQ\ FRDOVDQGQRZDJHGMXVWZKHQLWZDVƻOPHG everyone’s favourite delinquent pop star has just URDVWHUVFRPHDQGJRLQFOXGLQJ6DUDK become the show’s youngest “victim”. With all of 6LOYHUPDQ6HWK0DF)DUODQH:LOOLDP %LHEHUŧVKHDGOLQHJUDEELQJDQWLFV5RDVW0DVWHU.HYLQ 6KDWQHUDQG%URNH*LUOVFRFUHDWRU Hart and his celebrity panel (including Snoop Dogg, :KLWQH\&XPPLQJVEXWWKHPRVW 6KDTXLOOH2 1HDO/XGDFULVDQG$QFKRUPDQŧVYHU\ IUHTXHQWKDVEHHQFRPHGLDQ-Hƺ5RVV RZQ5RQ%XUJXQG\KDGSOHQW\RIDPPXQLWLRQIRU ZKRKDVQRZDSSHDUHGLQDWRWDORI their onslaught of comedic barbs. And lifestyle guru Martha Stewart even shares some tips on how to VXUYLYHOLIHLQSULVRQťMXVWLQFDVH%LHEHUGRHVQŧW 025(*5($7&20('< clean up his act in time! Ť6LOLFRQ9DOOH\6(SŤ 30 mins / R / E Ť7KH*ULQGHU6(SŤ 22 mins / PG-13 / E Classic Comedy 291 Blackadder II %HOOV /RUG%ODFNDGGHULVGHHSO\ GLVWXUEHGZKHQKHƻQGV himself falling in love with KLVQHZPDQVHUYDQW%RE A surprise relaxes his fears and they agree to marry, but could a visiting guest come between the happy couple? 30 mins / PG / E Ť 299 The Fresh Prince of Bel$LU6(SŤ 7KHFXOW VVLWFRPVWDUULQJ a pre-Hollywood Will Smith as a street-smart Philly teen who is sent to live with his UHODWLYHVLQRQHRI/$ VPRUH DƾXHQWQHLJKERXUKRRGV and featuring one of the best 79WKHPHWXQHVHYHU Ť9HHSS5 Ep Ť 28 mins / R / E 025(&/$66,&&20('< 292 That '70s Show Halloween 22 mins / PG-13 / E 293 Absolutely Fabulous Job 28 mins / PG-13 / E 294 Everybody Loves Raymond Frank, the Writer 22 mins / PG-13 / E Ť)ULHQGV6(SŤS4 Ep 1 22 mins / PG-13 / E 300 Twenty Twelve /RRVH(QGV 30 mins / PG-13 / E 22 mins / PG / E 19 TV DRAMA Ť Mr. Robot 6(SŤ / / eps2.1_k3rnelpan1c.ksd 50 mins / R / E Control is an illusion MORE GREAT DRAMA Ť%LOOLRQV6(SŤ 60 mins / R / E Ť(PSLUH6(SŤ 42 mins / R / E Ť*RWKDP S1 Ep Ť 42 mins / PG-13 / E ŤGrey’s $QDWRP\ 6(SŤ 42 mins / PG-13 / E Ť 306 7KHƻUVWVHDVRQRIWKLVKLWWHFKQRWKULOOHUSLFNHGXS multiple awards and was one of the most talked-about shows of 2015, so you’ll be relieved to hear that the second season is just as good. To keep things spoilerfree, all we’re going to say about it is that creator and director Sam Esmail has delivered on his promise that it would be even darker than its predecessor, Rami 0DOHNDQG&KULVWLDQ6ODWHUDUHEDFNLQWKHLUDZDUG winning roles of vigilante hacker Elliot Alderson and Mr. Robot/Edward Alderson, respectively, and viewers expecting all of seasons one’s mysteries to be neatly tied up are going to be left wanting! Bates0RWHO6(SŤ A murderously suspenseful, modern-day prequel to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, starring Freddie Highmore as D\RXQJ1RUPDQ%DWHVRQH of the most iconic characters in movie history. 45 mins / R / E Ť 350 *DPHRI7KURQHV S3 Ep 9 / S4 Ep 9 / S5 Ep 8 / S6 Ep 9 Satisfy your bloodlust with our choice collection of clashes from the last four seasons of WKH(PP\ZLQQLQJ+%2KLW from the biggest and best battles to the most memorable massacres. 50 mins / R / E Ť312 House of Cards 6(SŤ The backstabbing moves from Westminster to :DVKLQJWRQ'&LQWKLVH[FHOOHQW U.S. adaptation of WKHDFFODLPHG%%&VHULHVIHDWXULQJ.HYLQ Spacey as political ladder climber Frank Underwood. 50 mins / R / E 20 TV DRAMA BOXSETS Ť Outcast (SŤ A Darkness Surrounds Him / (I Remember) When 6KH/RYHG0H$OO$ORQH1RZ$:UDWK8QVHHQ 7KH5RDG%HIRUH8V)URPWKH6KDGRZV,W:DWFKHV 7KH'DPDJH'RQH:KDW/XUNV:LWKLQ&ORVHWR +RPH7KLV/LWWOH/LJKW 50 mins / R / E Ť 370 Roots6(SŤ A powerful, universally acclaimed remake of the blockbuster 1977 slavery saga DQGWKH3XOLW]HU3UL]HZLQQLQJ novel it was based on, starring Forest Whitaker, Anna Paquin, /DXUHQFH)LVKEXUQHDQG Jonathan Rhys Myers. 50 mins / PG-13 / E Ť 404 :D\ZDUG3LQHV 6(SŤ The seemingly idyllic town of Wayward Pines holds a secret— you can enter but cannot leave. Matt Dillon stars in this creepy psychological thriller from the pen of The Sixth Sense writer M. Night Shyamalan. Possession is nine-tenths of the law As the creator of the pop culture phenomenon The Walking Dead, comic book writer Robert Kirkman already has one hit drama to his name, and this dark tale of demonic possession looks VHWWREHWKHVHFRQG3LFNHGXSIRU79ZLWKLQDZHHN RIWKHƻUVWLVVXHEHLQJUHOHDVHGWKLVFRPSXOVLYHO\ creepy series is headlined by former child star 3DWULFN)XJLW$OPRVW)DPRXVDV.\OH%DUQHV a loner plagued by bad memories and dark forces, and comes complete with an atmospheric score E\26&$5nZLQQLQJFRPSRVHU$WWLFXV5RVV 44 mins / PG-13 / E 025(*5($7%2;6(76 Ť/LYH$QRWKHU'D\6(SŤ 46 mins / R / E Ť%ODFN:RUN6(SŤ 60 mins / R / E Ť And Then There Were None 6(SŤ &KDUOHVDance, Sam Neill, Aidan Turner and Maeve Dermody star in WKLVWKULOOLQJ79DGDSWDWLRQRI$JDWKD&KULVWLHŧVFODVVLF mystery story. It’s 1939, and ten strangers are alone on an island when a series of killings begins to occur... 58 mins / PG-13 / E 21 TV SPORT 406 Rio 2016 Highlights $OOWKHEHVWDFWLRQIURPGD\VRILQWHQVH FRPSHWLWLRQDJDLQVWWKHVSHFWDFXODU EDFNGURSRI5LRGH-DQHLUR PLQV3*( 407 World Rugby Special W 7 7KHUHŧVVRPHWKLQJIRUHYHU\ 409 UXJE\IDQLQWKLVVWDQGDORQH UX VVSHFLDOLQFOXGLQJWKHEHVWRI WK WKLV\HDUŧVVL[1DWLRQVIHDWXUHV RQVRPHRIWKHZRUOGŧVLFRQLF R SOD\HUVDQGFRDFKHVDQG S DJOLPSVHLQWRWKHKDOIWLPH D ORFNHUURRPRIWKH86$WHDP OR PLQV3*( 025(*5($763257 Inside Manchester City PLQV3*( Azzam & The Winds of Change PLQV3*E Etihad Guest Ambassador Golfer Martin Kaymer PLQV3*( Euro 2016 Highlights PLQV3*( ŤGlobal City Fans:(SV PLQV3*( ŤSimulator Challenge: (SV PLQV3*( 422 The Circuit PLQV3*( 405 ICC Cricket T20 Highlights $UHFDSRIWKHWRXUQDPHQWWKDWVKRZFDVHVWKHELJ PDWFKXSVDQGUHOLYHVWKHUHVXOWVWKDWPDGHWKLVHYHQW RQHRIWKHEHVWHGLWLRQVRIWKH,&&:RUOG7 PLQV3*( 22 C Cricket's Greatest Imran Khan Im $ $SURƻOHRI3DNLVWDQŧVIRUPHU FFDSWDLQIHDWXULQJVRPHRI WKHJUHDWHVWPRPHQWVRIKLV WK FFDUHHUDVZHOODVLQWHUYLHZV ZLWKWHDPPDWHVFRDFKHV Z IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ IU PLQV3*( Os Oscar O Pistorius: T h Interview The $Z $ZRUOGH[FOXVLYHRQHRQRQH LQWHUYLHZEHWZHHQIRUPHUSROLFH LQW GHWHFWLYH0DUN:LOOLDPV7KRPDV GH DQ DQGGLVJUDFHG3DUDO\PSLDQ2VFDU 3LVWRULXVDQGDQXQƼLQFKLQJ 3LV XQFRPSURPLVLQJLQVLJKWLQWRWKH XQ PLQGRIDRQFHJOREDOVSRUWLQJ P VXSHUVWDU PLQV3*( THE BIG MOMENTS FOR OCTOBER WATCH THESE EVENTS LIVE WITH SPORT 24, THE INFLIGHT SPORTS CHANNEL ON E-BOX* SAT 1ST FORMULA 1 MALAYSIAN GP 09:00 RYDER CUP 12:00 WORLD CUP OF HOCKEY 23:00 SUN 2ND TUE 4TH SUN 9TH WED 12TH FORMULA 1 JAPAN GP ATP TENNIS SHANGHAI PREMIER LEAGUE 05:00 05:30 11:30 THU 6 NFL EUROLEAGUE 14:00 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP QUALIFIER 17:00 19:00 UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 16:30 18:45 NFL 00:30 TH 18:45 FRI 7TH 20:00 MON 10TH NFL THU 13TH ATP TENNIS SHANGHAI 05:30 NFL 00:30 NRL 00:25 08:00 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP QUALIFIER ATP TENNIS SHANGHAI 17:00 05:30 19:00 PREMIER LEAGUE 11:00 13:15 RYDER CUP 15:00 MON 3RD 18:45 SAT 8 TH FORMULA 1 JAPAN GP 06:00 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP QUALIFIER 18:45 TUE 11TH NFL NFL 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP QUALIFIER 00:30 16:00 ATP TENNIS SHANGHAI NRL 18:45 05:30 08:00 00:30 EUROLEAGUE SAT 15TH NFL EUROPEAN RUGBY CHAMPIONS CUP 18:45 SUN 16TH MOTOGP JAPAN GP NFL 00:25 ATP TENNIS SHANGHAI 05:30 BUNDESLIGA PREMIER LEAGUE 12:30 15:00 20:00 18:30 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP QUALIFIER 16:00 18:45 * Sport 24 can be accessed through Live TV on E-BOX. Live TV is only available on selected flights. Timings of events are in GMT and are subject to change. NRL start times may vary. MON 17TH NFL 00:30 PREMIER LEAGUE 19:00 WED 19TH UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE THU 20 TH 11:30 00:00 14:00 02:30 EUROPEAN RUGBY CHAMPIONS CUP 18:45 PREMIER LEAGUE UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE 12:30 18:00 NFL 20:00 17:00 00:30 00:25 SAT 29TH PREMIER LEAGUE 16:30 SUN 30TH NFL MON 24TH BUNDESLIGA NFL 14:00 20:00 NFL FRI 28TH 11:30 15:00 00:25 18:30 NBA START OF THE SEASON SUN 23RD 18:45 NFL 17:00 WED 26TH 16:30 FRI 21ST NFL SAT 22ND PREMIER LEAGUE 00:30 06:00 FRI 14TH TUE 18TH 14:30 18:00 21:00 TUE 25 TH MON 31ST NFL NFL 01:30 00:30 PREMIER LEAGUE 20:00 ALWAYS IN THE MOMENT @Sport24live #Sport24 23 TV DOCUMENTARY 480 Chasing Niagara 3URND\DNHU5DID2UWL]ŧs decision to paddle over the Niagara Falls sets in motion a series of events leading his team on a two-year journey from the rainforest rivers of Mexico to the towering waterfalls of the U.S. Northwest. 75 mins / R / E 486 482 A Conversation with Paul Smith P Genius By Stephen Hawking &DQ:H7UDYHOLQ7LPH" World-famous scientist Stephen Hawking sets three ordinary people a series of mind-blowing challenges. &DQWKH\WKLQNOLNHDJHQLXV" &DQWKH\ZRUNout if time travel is possible? T world-renowned The ffashion designer Paul Smith WWHOOV0DQXV&UDQQ\about tthe future of menswear, e expanding his brand in Asia and why he’s backing young a % %ULWLVKGHVLJQHUV 60 mins / PG / E 22 mins / PG-13 / E 025(*5($7'2&80(17$5,(6 483 Cameraman to the Queen 120 mins / PG / E 484 David %HFNKDP,QWRWKH8QNQRZQ 90 mins / PG-13 / E 485 (OVD7KH/LRQHVV7KDW&KDQJHGWKH:RUOG 58 mins / PG-13 / E 489 Rock Legends Prince A fascinating look back at the life and music of the late legend, and a celebration of the ƼDPER\DQWDUWLVWZKRVH 1984 album, Purple Rain, sold more than 13 million copies in the United States. 60 mins / PG-13 / E 488 Rio Carnival 52 mins / PG-13 / E 491 :LWK*UHDW3RZHUThe Stan Lee Story 90 mins / PG-13 / E 481 /HJR7KH*ROGHQ%ULFNV Over seven million sets are sold every hour and all of them bear WKH/(*2VWDPS)URP the company’s historic headquarters in %LOOXQG'HQPDUNWR/(*2VWRUHVZHWDNH\RX behind the scenes of the most famous toy brand in the world. 52 mins / PG-13 / E 24 TV LIFESTYLE 493 The Story of Spice The history of spice conjures images of faraway lands, struggles for supremacy and the rise and fall of empires. Judith Jones and some of her fellow travellers discover the extraordinary story of the world’s most aromatic culinary ingredients. 50 mins / PG / E 495 494 Brain Games Imagination Michael makes a pit stop at the giant mineral mines of Minas Gerais, where he meets people dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of the state. In Rio itself, Michael learns how to celebrate a goal like a %UD]LOLDQradio commentator. Get ready to separate fact IURPƻFWLRQDQGSXWDQHQG to common misconceptions about the brain with a series of interactive games and experiments. 30 mins / PG / E 025(/,)(67</( 55 mins / PG-13 / E 497 496 &HOHEULW\&UXLVH%HQFogle 1 mins / PG / E F Fierce IIndonesia 6 6WHYH%DFNVKDOOWUDYHOVWRWKH wild islands of Indonesia. He w has a close call being chased h b by a komodo dragon, and has KLVƻUVWHYHUHQFRXQWHUwith K an unusual predator, the aptly a QDPHGƼDPER\DQWFXWWOHƻVK Q 498 Fine Dining 3 mins / NR / E 499 *UDQG'HVLJQV+RXVHRIthe Year 60 mins / PG / E 60 mins / PG-13 / E 500 Red Bull Car Park Drift 25 mins / PG / E 501 Red Bull Flugtag 24 mins / PG / E Brazil with Michael Palin The Road to Rio 504 502 6XUƻQJWKH0HQX7KH1H[W*HQHUDWLRQ Whitsundays 25 mins / PG / E The Story of Tea Join foodie travellers Rosie /RYHOO%REE\&KLQQDQG3HWHU Gordon as they embark on a globe-trotting journey to discover the fascinating history of the world’s favourite hot beverage. 45 mins / PG / E 492 First Dates Experience all the nerves, pleasure and pain of the dating experience as cameras capture a range of couples on blind dates at WKH)LUVW'DWHVUHVWDXUDQWZKHUHWKH\KRSH&XSLGŧVDUURZZLOOVWULNH 52 mins / PG-13 / E 25 TV EXPLORE ABU DHABI Azzam & The Winds of Change *HWRQERDUGZLWKWKH$EX'KDELWHDPDVWKH\WDNHRQ WKHŤ9ROYR2FHDQ5DFHWKHSUHVWLJLRXVURXQG WKHZRUOG\DFKWLQJFKDOOHQJHDQGDQH[FHSWLRQDOWHVW RIVDLOLQJSURZHVVDQGKXPDQHQGHDYRXU PLQV3*( 457 W Welcome to the Home We Share W Abu Dhabi Global Market A : :LWKWKHRSHQLQJRI$EX'KDEL * *OREDO0DUNHWWKHFDSLWDOLV SRVLWLRQLQJLWVHOIDWWKH S IIRUHIURQWRIWKHUHJLRQŧV ƻƻQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVVHFWRU , ,QRXUQHZVRQJSHUIRUPHG E E\0HKDG+DPDGZH FFHOHEUDWHPDQ\RIWKH WWKLQJVZHORYHDERXWWKH 8 8$(DQGWKHYLGHRDOORZV YYLHZHUVWRH[SHULHQFHWKH PHDQLQJRIWKHWLWOH P PLQVNR( PLQV3*$ 529 Abu Dhabi the Capital A 7 7KLVDZDUGZLQQLQJ ƻƻOPRƺHUVDJOLPSVH RIWKHFLYLOL]DWLRQDODQG R GHYHORSPHQWDOSURJUHVV G LLQWKH(PLUDWHRI$EX 'KDELLQDOODVSHFWVRIOLIH ' PLQVNR( 496 Celebrity Cruise: Ben Fogle 7DNHDMRXUQH\WKURXJK$EX'KDELDQGDORQJWKH $UDELDQ&RDVWZLWK&HOHEULW\&UXLVHVŧ'HVWLQDWLRQ ([SHUWH[SORUHUDQGDGYHQWXUHU%HQ)RJOH PLQV3*( 26 Yasalam Concert 2015 Y < <DVDODPLVWKHODUJHVWFLW\ZLGH HQWHUWDLQPHQWSURJUDPPH H UUXQE\DQ\)UDFHKRVWFLW\ 6SDQQLQJPRUHWKDQGD\V 6 WWKHH[FLWHPHQWUHDFKHVIHYHU SLWFKDVVXSHUVWDUDUWLVWV S SHUIRUPDFURVV$EX'KDEL S PLQVNR( TV 539 DESTINATION FILMS Where Life Rules Everything Thailand is the perfect place to go for a stylish, luxury holiday. Find out why as we showcase some of the exclusive resorts, ƻQHGLQLQJDQGƻYHVWDUH[SHULHQFHVYLVLWRUVFDQHQMR\ 3 mins / NR / E 531 Abu Dhabi Arrival Video A guide to help you navigate Abu Dhabi International Airport including guest facilities and transportation options. 8 mins / G / E (;3/25(025( Ť 535 Restaurant Australia Earth, Fire and Water / Art and Produce / An Experience to Remember &KHIV1HLO3HUU\%HQ6KHZU\DQG Peter Gilmore come together to create a uniquely Australian menu, using produce from some RIWKHFRXQWU\ŧVƻQHVWIDUPHUV and artisans in order to impress some tough critics including +HVWRQ%OXPHQWKDODQG$$*LOO 60 mins / NR / E 536 UK Border Control 5 mins / NR / E 537 UK ePassport Gates 5 mins / NR / E 538 US Customs and Border Protection Facility 7 mins / G / E 532 Malaysia The Essence of Asia Get a taste of this beautiful and unique country as we take you on an unforgettable journey across Malaysia. 0RKG.KDLULO;6KXWWHUVWRFNFRP 3 mins / G / E 27 TV INDIAN 459 Ť The Kapil Sharma Show The Great Indian Rasoi %DQDUDV -RLQFKHI5DQYHHU%UDURQ a journey to discover the ƼDYRXUVRI,QGLDWKURXJKLWV diverse cuisine and culture. +RXVHIXOORI0DVWL7HDP&,' in Kapil’s Mohalla .DSLOŧV&RPHG\1LJKWVteam of Sunil Grover, Kiku 6KDUGD$OL$VJDU6XPRQD&KDNUDYRUWK\and &KDQGDQ3UDEKNDDUHDOOSUHVHQWDQGFRUUHFW in this brand new talk-show series. 30 mins / PG / H 60 mins / PG / H 462 458 A upbeat collection of An d dance, Indipop, rock and rromantic songs from some of the top movies coming o RXWRI%ROO\ZRRG R Neighbours Josy and Riddhi are madly in love, but belong WRGLƺHUHQWFRPPXQLWLHV so their lives revolve around hating each other in front of their families and loving each other in secret. 330 mins / PG / H 60 mins / PG / H Hindi Music Videos H 464 463 Adaalat 2 Ep 1 Ronit Roy returns as the suave, sophisticated, witty and unconventional lawyer KD Pathak for a second series of the popular courtroom drama. 60 mins / PG / H 28 Yeh Hai Aashiqui Secret Marriage B Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant K Rajni, Shaan Pick A Fight R S Scientist Shaan creates a robot, Rajni, which he iintroduces to his family as his wifeŤDVLWXDWLRQZKLFK h ccauses constant chaos and cconfusion. 30 mins / PG / H TV ASIAN 477 ੋӝоਃ &Q ,౼झఋ#54ࣗ֗द౭פ ੋೖפթഅೞ࠻झ ঈޭز࣌١ੋӝחঈ ߑ࣠ޖীࢲҕোೠ 70 ࠙GೠҴয 465 ֗ሺĎą ֗ 55*'ljˌœ 466 β܌ɺڄljמ β β β܌ăّĄĂֻֿƳĀݱ 뻟ƑȶđĀĄ뻟̋ጠߒŏ ġ ġŚĉĀŀԪ࿐ƓŠŢŀЄ Ā Āư̑뺯ɑʵğ뻟ą̛β ܌ӍȺጠߒĀ࿐ȗ뺯 ܌ ĸėƕŔȹDŽӲсغʸ뻟ǷϘ ϵĞėĀĻĩďĄ5*'뺯Ģ ŭȢКŜƆŘŶ뻟ŝ ᩪ뺮ॵᵧᓷ뺮ॄౣᦼǢԍ̑ 50œѨGޏʙƸ뺮ġNJ 5 Ϲ Ϲ ˚ʗ٧뻟ǜĴńǁ˩ŜӲǗ˸ ˄هǂ̰ෞۨΆϝ뺯 46œѨGޏʙƸ뺮ġNJ Ϲ 469 ɪɪ੦ʢ֤ljȕמ 470 ȰɞଫߔljĂמ ʈȕʞۧĉڿȹಥŝৌ੦ ʢ뺯Ӳ˳ࣱ༷ۮಥƫఁ̖ϙ ُ뻟Ʀࠑуঌѓृᅩצƫ ėѹվϻ뺯 ͚ōᆙƧɤņȰɞǃɩ༄ڸſ θƥӄ뺮ɅԤֿōןˀǑٚӍ ɍʐę뺮ҷĝӍŠЕͫĀٵ ҐЌѠ뺯 30œҙGᇡД뻟ġNJϹ 30œҙGᇡД뻟ġNJϹ 473 ॼ ॼথॹঔ્୵બৄैऎ ठूऎ॔آছইज़شਙभ ठ ಗૡউটএش६পਅ ಗ উ উটএش६॑ୄठਢऐथফ ৯भೀमؚधअधअঽীऊै ৯ ষपলॊ؛ટञखथउৼুभ ষ ೀमَॖग़५ُधअऊء ೀ 225ীGমୁ 474 ढ़ ढ़জ५ঐॳগॽشথॢعএ ঝ३ख़عਸ਼ ঝ ও ওढ़ॽॵॡॹؚ२ॖॼؚشএঝ ३ख़ఎੇदँॉؚ5:%भ৻ ३ दँॊর੩ཟपഡାघ ॊ؛5:%मএঝ३ख़௧॑ί ॊ ढञ༉खःॳগॽشথॢ३ঙॵ ढ উदؚ০ृढ़বपऽदঅ४ উ ॿ५भႸ॑ઁऑथःॊ؛ ॿ 330ীGমୁ 025($6,$179 467 ŭɸ͆؏ɪεɃۨĩę॓뻛ljtˌœ뻜 60œѨGޏʙƸ뺮ġNJϹ 468 ҈ȉີ 50œѨGޏʙƸ뺮ġNJϹ 471 ̿ĞǪϻljמ 30œҙGᇡД뻟ġNJϹ 472 ūӺ̞ʺġſljמ 30œҙGИʀƹ뻟ġNJϹ 475 ଽોষऌਈીഔਸ਼ਵ 30ীGমୁؚরবୁஊొ 476 আढ़ॖ॔ग़আ९عॻش 30ীGমୁ 478 ۠ݔಞ 75࠙GೠҴয 29 TV LISTINGS (QWHUWKHFKDQQHOQXPEHULQWRWKH48,&.$&&(66ƻHOGRQ your screen to go straight to the TV show of your choice. COMEDY Ť *UH\ŧV$QDWRP\6(SŤ ISLAMIC Ť %URNH*LUOV6(SŤ 357 Ť $VK9V(YLO'HDG6(SŤ Ť 1&,66(SŤ 256 Ť 3UHWW\/LWWOH/LDUV6(SŤ 434 Learn Your Rituals of Hajj Ť 5RRWV6(SŤ 435 Virtues and Ethics of Hajj Ť 6XLWV6(SŤ 436 Khatatoun Fee Rehab El Nour Mahmoud Salama 437 5DPDGDQ+DZO(O$ODPEp 23 Night of 1000 Moons &RPHG\&HQWUDO5RDVW-XVWLQ Bieber Ť 9LFH3ULQFLSDOV6(SŤ 0DU\7KH0DNLQJRID3ULQFHVV 259 Family Guy (QF\FORSHGLD*ULƽQ Ť 7KH/DVW.LQJGRPS1 Ep Ť 260 South Park Handicar Ť 7KH1LJKW0DQDJHU6(SŤ Ť &XFNRRS3 Ep Ť Ť 7KH6HFUHW5LYHU6(SŤ Ť 'U.HQ6(SŤ Ť 9LNLQJV6(SŤ Ť *DODYDQW6(SŤ Ť Wayward 3LQHV6(SŤ Ť 0RGHUQ)DPLO\6(SŤ Ť 5DLVHGE\:ROYHV6(SŤ SPORT Ť Rush +RXU6(SŤ 405 ICC Cricket T20 Highlights Ť 6LOLFRQ9DOOH\6(SŤ 406 Rio 2016 Highlights Ť The Big Bang 7KHRU\ 6(SŤ 407 408 409 410 Ť The *ULQGHU6(SŤ Ť 9HHSS5 (SŤ CLASSIC COMEDY 411 433 Buyout Al Rahman The Great Mosque ARABIC 438 Ask The Nation Ep 20 Ť ,IWDK<D6LPVLP(SŤ 441 The Comedy Sameh Hussein 442 <DZPH\DW=DZMD0DIURXVD Awi 2 Ep 3 World Rugby Special 443 Min Byaaref The Finals Azzam & The Winds of Change 444 Action Ya Eyal Ep 13 Crickets Greatest Imran Khan 445 -RHOOHS8 Ep 103 Etihad Guest Ambassador Golfer Martin Kaymer 446 $MHHE*KDUHHES2 Ep 3 Muscles 447 Mumdo Shorts Euro 2016 Highlights Ť Nasiby W Qesmetek Sabea El 6REHK3DUWŤ 291 Blackadder II %HOOV Ť Global &LW\)DQV5 Eps 292 That '70s Show Halloween 417 Inside Manchester City 293 Absolutely Fabulous Job 451 Akaber 7KH9RLFH.LGV 418 2VFDU3LVWRULXV7KH,QWHUYLHZ 294 Everybody Loves Raymond Frank, the Writer 452 Live Pop Concerts Ť 6LPXODWRU&KDOOHQJH3 Eps Ť )ULHQGV6(SŤ6(S Ť 7KH)UHVK3ULQFHRI%HO$LU S1 (SŤ 300 Twenty Twelve /RRVH(QGV DRAMA Ť And 7KHQ7KHUH:HUH1RQH 6(SŤ 422 The Circuit KIDS 423 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey’s Monster Musical 424 SpongeBob SquarePants Scaredy Pants / I Was a Teenage Gary 425 Austin and Ally Grand Openings and Great Expectations Ť %DWHV0RWHOS1 Ep Ť Ť 5DJHO:D6HW6HWWDW6(SŤ The5XOLQJ3DUWŤ 455 Wonho Around the World 9HQLFH 456 0DVUDK0DVUEp 13 The Talents 457 Welcome to the Home We Share INDIAN 458 Hindi Music Videos 459 The Great Indian Rasoi %DQDUDV Ť %HVWRI6WDU7UHNThe Original Series / The Next Generation / Deep Space Nine 426 Kidzone 427 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy %DG0RRQ5LVLQJ Ť +RXVHRI&DUGV6(SŤ Ť The Kapil Sharma Show Housefull of Masti / Team &,'LQ Kapil’s Mohalla 428 Playtime TV Ť 0U5RERW6(SŤ 462 429 The Batman 7KH&DWDQGWKH%DW Yeh Hai Aashiqui Secret Marriage Ť 2XWFDVW6(SŤ 430 The Lion Guard The Rise of Makuu 463 Adaalat 2 Ep 1 464 Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant Rajni, Shaan Pick A Fight Ť /LYH$QRWKHU'D\6(SŤ Ť340 %LOOLRQV6(SŤ Ť Black:RUN6(SŤ Ť (PSLUH6(SŤ Ť Game RI7KURQHVS3 Ep 9 / S4 Ep 9 / S5 Ep 8 / S6 Ep 9 Ť *RWKDPS1 Ep Ť 30 431 432 Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 Hydra Attacks Ť3DUW2QH We Bare Bears Nom Nom / Shush Ninjas ASIAN 465 KangXi is Crossing S.H.E Part 1 466 Kung Fu Shaolin Ep 1 467 2016 Super Star Part 2 3OHDVHQRWHVRPHRIRXU$DQG$DLUFUDIWPD\IHDWXUHDUHGXFHGVHOHFWLRQRI79VKRZV TV LIVE TV KEYS S = Season Ep = Episodes Macan and the Eagle 469 A Starry Homecoming Ep 2 470 Kansai Raider (S Nice Wheels (S 472 Backpack America (S We Make Your Wish Come True! (S 474 Custom Tuning – Porsche Ep 2 475 Last Train Bound for Nagoya 2016 (S 476 Pikaia! (SDQG 477 The Music Trend (Inkigayo) (S Running Man Ep 297 DOCUMENTARY 479 Chaos on the Bridge Chasing Niagara Lego: The Golden Bricks A Conversation with Paul Smith Cameraman to the Queen David Beckham: Into the Unknown Elsa: The Lioness That Changed the World 495 Brazil with Michael Palin 7KH5RDGWR5LR 496 Celebrity Cruise: Ben Fogle Fierce ,QGRQHVLD Isle of Wight Festival Fine Dining 522 499 Grand Designs: House of the Year Katy Perry: The Prismatic World Tour Lang Lang in Versailles 500 Red Bull Car Park Drift 524 3RS3URƻOHV Red Bull Flugtag 525 Superstar DJ’s Annie Mac 'LSOR 502 6XUƻQJWKH0HQX7KH Next Generation :KLWVXQGD\V 526 The Last Lennon Interview The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration EXPLORE ABU DHABI 504 The Story of Tea 505 Top Gear 506 Video Fashion Collection 0LODQ$:ŧ 507 Yoga for Stretching & Relaxation at Six Senses Yao Noi Charlie Puth – We Don’t Talk Anymore 509 Chase & Status Ft. George The Poet – Spoken Word Justin Bieber – Company Making the Movies: Captain America Martin Solveig Ft. Tkay Maidza – Do It Right Matoma and Becky Hill – False Alarm PARTYNEXTDOOR – Come and See Me Rio Carnival Rock Legends 3ULQFH 490 The Balmain Style With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dark Necessities SG Lewis Ft. Gallant – Holding Back Tiesto Ft. John Legend – Summer Nights The Story of Spice 494 Brain Games ,PDJLQDWLRQ Azzam & The Winds of Change 457 Welcome to the Home We Share 496 Celebrity Cruise: Ben Fogle Abu Dhabi Global Market 529 Abu Dhabi the Capital Yasalam Concert 2015 DESTINATION FILMS MUSIC First Dates Bestival 2015 – Summer of Love 497 Genius By Stephen Hawking &DQ:H7UDYHOLQ7LPH? 492 Glastonbury 2016 +LJKOLJKWV LIFESTYLE 520 Tinie Tempah – Mamacita Adele: Homecoming Abu Dhabi Arrival Video Malaysia – The Essence of Asia Ť Restaurant Australia (DUWK)LUH DQG:DWHU$UWDQG3URGXFH$Q ([SHULHQFHWR5HPHPEHU UK Border Control UK ePassport Gates US Customs and Border Protection Facility Where Life Rules Everything LIVE TV $FFHVVSUHPLXPQHZVDQGVSRUWVFKDQQHOVE\VHOHFWLQJ/LYH79IURPWKHPDLQPHQX(XURQHZVLVDYDLODEOHLQ(QJOLVK )UHQFK*HUPDQDQG7XUNLVK)RUDVFKHGXOHRIOLYHVSRUWLQJHYHQWVRQ6SRUWUHIHUWRSDJH 3OHDVHQRWH/LYH79LVRQO\DYDLODEOHRQVHOHFWHGDLUFUDIW TV MUSIC 518 $GHOH+RPHFRPLQJ A look at the incredible career so far of Grammy-winning, UHFRUGEUHDNLQJ/RQGRQHU$GHOH%OXH$GNLQVRQHof Time 0DJD]LQHŧVPRVWLQƼXHQWLDOSHRSOHLQWKHZRUOGat the tender age of 28. 60 mins / PG-13 / E 025(086,& 508 Charlie Puth – We Don’t Talk Anymore 4 mins / PG-13 / E 516 T Tiesto Ft. John Legend – Summer Nights T video to the EDM giant’s The llatest collaboration with Grammy-winning artist John G //HJHQG 3 mins / PG-13 / E 517 Tinie Tempah – Mamacita 7KH%ULWLVK1LJHULDQUDSSHU DQG:L]NLGKHDGWRWKH Dominican Republic for the video for their recent teamup. 4 mins / PG-13 / E 509 Chase & Status Ft. George The Poet – Spoken Word 7KHQHRQƻOOHGYLGHRWRWKH (QJOLVKHOHFWURRXWƻWŧVVLQJOH featuring spoken word artist George the Poet. 3 mins / PG-13 / E 510 Justin Bieber – Company 3 mins / PG-13 / E 511 Martin Solveig Ft. Tkay Maidza – Do It Right 3 mins / PG-13 / E 512 Matoma and Becky Hill – False Alarm 4 mins / PG-13 / E 513 PARTYNEXTDOOR – Come and See Me 3 mins / PG-13 / E 514 Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dark Necessities 4 mins / PG-13 / E 520 Bestival 2015 – Summer of Love 60 mins / PG-13 / E 521 Isle of Wight Festival 90 mins / PG-13 / E 522 .DW\3HUU\7KH3ULVPDWLF:RUOG7RXU 60 mins / PG-13 / E 523 Lang Lang in Versailles 90 mins / PG / E 524 3RS3URƻOHV 26 mins / PG-13 / E 525 Superstar DJ’s Annie Mac Diplo 30 mins / PG-13 / E 526 The Last Lennon Interview 24 mins / PG-13 / E 519 Glastonbury 2016 Highlights Get right to the heart of all the action from Worthy Farm as the %%&FDSWXUHVSHUIRUPDQFHVIURPIHVWLYDOKHDGOLQHJUDEEHUV $GHOH0XVH&ROGSOD\DQGPDQ\PRUH 60 mins / PG-13 / E 32 AUDIO 3KRWRFUHGLW.HUU\.H\&UHDWLYH&RPPRQV$WWULEXWLRQ6KDUH$OLNH*HQHULFOLFHQVH TUNE IN &KRRVHIURPRYHU audio options including UDGLRFKDQQHOV&'V and playlists. Blink-182 &DOLIRUQLD Of all the records that could have dislodged Drake’s 9LHZVIURPLWVQLQHZHHNWHQXUHDWWKHWRSRIWKH %LOOERDUGDOEHLWIRURQHZHHNRQO\LWŧVSUREDEO\ safe to say that nobody thought it would be a 20+ \HDUROGSRSSXQNDFWŧVFRPHEDFNDOEXP<HW%OLQN 182’s long-awaited follow-up to Neighbourhoods did H[DFWO\WKDWJLYLQJWKHPWKHLUILUVW/3VLQFHŧV Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, their first #1 single %RUHGWR'HDWKVLQFHŧV,0LVV<RXDQGEHFRPLQJ 2016’s third-best-selling week for a rock release behind 5DGLRKHDG V$0RRQ6KDSHG3RRODQG'DYLG%RZLH V %ODFNVWDU+RZHYHUWKHURDGWR&DOLIRUQLDKDVEHHQ a rocky one, to say the least. 2015 saw bassist Mark +RSSXVDQGGUXPPHU7UDYLV%DUNHUJRLQJWKURXJKD “friendly divorce” with frontman and founder member 7RP'H/RQJHDIWHUKHFRXOGQŧWRUZRXOGQŧWFRPPLW WRUHFRUGLQJDQGWRXULQJGDWHVWKHQLWEHFDPHDPDWWHU RIILQGLQJDZRUWK\UHSODFHPHQW/XFNLO\WKHLUSDWKVKDG already crossed with Matt Skiba, whose band, Alkaline 7ULRKDGWRXUHGZLWK%OLQNVHYHUDOWLPHVDQGZKR KDVEHHQIULHQGVZLWKWKH6R&DOWULRIRU\HDUV(DUO\ in 2016, Skiba entered the studio with Hoppus and %DUNHUDQGDOWKRXJKWKH\ŧGDOUHDG\ZULWWHQRYHU songs before the sessions, once they started working with producer John Feldmann (5 Seconds of Summer, *RRG&KDUORWWHWKH\VRRQGLVFDUGHGDOOWKHROG material. "We hit the ground running so hard that we just kept writing and writing," Hoppus has said, while 6NLEDKDVGHVFULEHGWKHZKROHSURFHVVDVũDFUD]\ dream-come-true feeling". 33 AUDIO ONBOARD RADIO RADIO Tune in to our 16 exclusive channels, including these highlights: Etihad Horizons Et Easy Listening E In this t edition we take a visit to one RI$EX'KDEL VJUHDWHVWWUHDVXUHV RI WKHKLVWRULFZLOGOLIHSDFNHG6LU%DQL WKH Yas island—for mountain biking, Ya safaris and more! saf 8 8SOLIWLQJPXVLFIURPWKHZRUOG V ƻƻQHVWSHUIRUPHUVLQFOXGLQJ ttracks from Norah Jones, Michael Kiwanuka, Elton John and Sam K Smith. S Classical C Rock F Fiona Talkington presents an exclusive selection of the a ƻƻQHVWVRORLVWVDQGRUFKHVWUDV performing music from the great p ccomposers. Nicky Horne brings you the best in rock music new and old with an exclusive selection of virtuoso SHUIRUPDQFHVIURPWKHOLNHVRI/HG =HSSHOLQ$&'&DQG%ODFN6DEEDWK PRESENTER SPOTLIGHT &/$,5(6785*(66ɝ7+(6725<2) &ODLUHVWDUWHGKHUUDGLRFDUHHUDWWKH%%&ZKHUHVKH presented the Radio 1 Rock Show, was part of the Sony Gold Award-winning team that put together 8 V=RR5DGLREURDGFDVWVDQGHYHQSUHVHQWHG the legendary Top of the Pops. After moving to WKHDOWHUQDWLYHPXVLFVWDWLRQ;IP&ODLUHKRVWHG her own evening broadcast as well as becoming a sometimes stand-in for Karl Pilkington on Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s cult weekend VKRZ$VWKHUHJXODUKRVWRI(%2;ŧVRZQ7KH 6WRU\RI&ODLUHKDVFRYHUHGHYHU\WKLQJIURP URFNDQWKHPVWR%UD]LOLDQEHDWVDQGWKLV month is celebrating Halloween by exploring the strange and spooky world of horror ƻOPWKHPHV 34 AUDIO 3KRWRFUHGLW'DLJR2OLYD&UHDWLYH&RPPRQV$WWULEXWLRQ6KDUH$OLNH*HQHULFOLFHQVH HIGHLIGHTS Steven Tyler We’re All Somebody from Somewhere The former Aerosmith singer delivers KLVƻUVWHYHUVRORHƺRUWŤDFRXQWU\ album featuring the songwriting WDOHQWVRIVRPHRI1DVKYLOOH VƻQHVW London Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Chorus, Guildhall School Singers & Valery Gergiev %HUOLR]5RP©RHW-XOLHWWH 9DOHU\*HUJLHYDQG/RQGRQ Symphony Orchestra are joined by soloists Olga %RURGLQD.HQQHWK7DUYHU and Evgeny Nikitin for this SHUIRUPDQFHRI%HUOLR] V Symphonie Dramatique. Deep Forest Evo Devo Grammy-winning ethnic electronica pioneer Eric Mouquet returns with a new collection of meditative moments, ambient sounds and uptempo dance tracks. Various Artists V Metronomy T The legendary dance brand g st gathers together the biggest VVXQGUHQFKHGGDQFHƼRRU ssmashes of the summer sseason. Frontman and founder member Joseph Mount goes VRORIRUWKHƻUVWWLPHVLQFH V3LS3DLQH3D\WKH £5000 You Owe) to return to his old school indietronica sound. JJul Pritam P The Marseille-born hip hop T sstar has reached #2 on the French charts with his last F ttwo albums, and Emotions has gone one better, h ttopping the charts iin July 2016. 7KHSUROLƻFFRPSRVHU V 7 ssoundtrack to the 2016 action adventure, featuring a lyrics by Kumaar, Mayur Puri ly and Asish Pandit. a +HG.DQGL,EL]D + Emotions E Summer ’08 Dishoom D 35 JUST 4 KIDS MOVIES 216 (2012) Frankenweenie DUD RU W&DWKHULQH2ŧ+ GHU0DU WLQ6K Cast:LQRQD5\ RUŧVRQO\SDOLVKLV dPRYLHJHHN9LFW is Science-obsesse ur-legged friend fo ky, so when his ar Sp g G do DQ ed LQV lov be KLVEUD FLGHQW9LFWRUXVHV involved inDQDF ash” of life. “le w ne a him e imagination to giv / PG / E, F, G, I, As Family / 87 Mins 219 111 108 103 The Angry Birds Movie The Incredibles (2004) Finding Dory Cast: Jason Sudeikis, -RVK*DG'DQQ\0F%ULGH Cast%UDG%LUG+ROO\+XQWHU 6DPXHO/-DFNVRQ Cast: Ellen DeGeneres, $OEHUW%URRNV(G2ŧNeill When an island populated E\KDSS\ƼLJKWOHVVELUGV becomes overrun with mysterious green visitors, LWŧVXSWRRXWFDVWV5HG&KXFN DQG%RPEWRƻQGRXWZKDW they’re up to. Mr Incredible and his wife, Elastigirl, are trying to raise a “normal” family when they suddenly receive a mysterious call for help. Dory, the friendly but forgetful blue WDQJƻVKHPEDUNVRQ DQHSLFDGYHQWXUHWRƻQGKHU long-lost family, with a little help from Nemo and Marlin. Family / 115 Mins / PG / E, F, ,3&V Family / 97 Mins / PG / E, F, &6S-$V Family / 97 Mins / PG / E, F, G, P, As Alice Through the Looking Glass Cast: Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska Mia Wasikowska’s ever-curious Alice returns to Underland, where she travels back in time in order to help her friend the Mad Hatter. Family / 113 Mins / PG / E, G, I, J, As Did you know? With over 25 million likes, Dory is the most liked character on Facebook IURPDQ\'LVQH\RU3L[DUƻOP 36 +LJKOLJKWVRIRXUFKLOGUHQŧVIDYRXULWHPRYLHVDQG79VKRZV6HHOLVWLQJVSDJHVIRUPRUHJUHDWHQWHUWDLQPHQW JUST 4 KIDS TV SpongeBob Squa Scaredy Pants / 424 rePants I Was a Teenag e Gary The legendary Fly ing Dutchman m ak es an appearance at Mr . Krabs’ annual +DOORZHHQSDUW\ 6SRQJH%RElear ns what it is like to be a snail. 23 mins / G / E The Batman Mickey Mouse Clubhouse %DWPDQŧVXWLOLW\EHOWJHWV swiped. With his belt in the ZURQJKDQGVKHPXVWƻJXUH out how to ƻQGWKHFDWEXUJODU before she puts his belt to no good use. Mickey’s Monster Musical 3X]]OHU3HWHchallenges Goofy and his friends to solve his Super-Duper 3X]]OH 22 mins / G / E, A 430 429 7KH&DWDQGWKH%DW 4233 22 mins / G / E The Lion Guard 432 4 We Bare Bears The Rise of Makuu Nom Nom / Shush Ninjas Kion is dismayed when upstart crocodile Makuu wins the Mashindano for leadership of the crocodiles. 7KH%HDUVKHOSNom Nom after he loses the title of cutest Internet star ever. The %HDUVSROLFHDPRYLHWKHDWUH to keep it quiet. 23 mins / G / E More Great Kids’ TV )URPWRGGOHUVWRWHHQVZHŧYHJRWNLGVŧ79WRWDOO\FRYHUHGKHUHRQ(%2; &KHFNRXWVRPHRIRXUJUHDWWLWOHV 22 mins / G / E, A $1'7+(5( 6025( Never get bored on board! 425 Austin and Ally Grand Openings and Great Expectations 426 Kidzone 427 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy %DG0RRQ5LVLQJ 428 Playtime TV 431 Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 +\GUD$WWDFNVŤ3DUW2QH .ذواق5 ا6ــ& ــ8)ــﺎك ــﺎ )ﺎ- .ﺎت 'ــ$ــﺎ% );ــ$ </ــ8 =ــ/ا*@@ــ ?ــﺎل وا ُ ــBC'/ اDاــEم واGــ5ــة ــ اE ــ$H ــﺎ ــB/ــﺎل ا5ــ اI/' 37 GAMES ON BOARD Want to play? With our selection of up to 60 games* you can choose from some of your old arcade favourites, popular puzzles or try something new! Game controls can be found on the reverse of your handset. 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