p6stp fl
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8 PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. Buah & Jjwmaa, Tarentum postioffioo. Dunn A & Co, Sharpsburg postoffico, flour anrf feed, class 14 •! - 7 oo dry j?oods, class 14 . . . 7 oo Campbell Joseph & Son Woodville Benziehausen H H, First ward. MoBlrney John T & Co, Limited, T^ Hunlc«leFP, First wanJ, 413 Mar14 . • v • .. • ^7 °° Egli Vanght &. Co, Sharpsburg pottKeeaport, dry goods, class 13 .10 00 rentum pofttoffice, hardware, class 7 00 ••Bark' Henry, Gihaonta postomoe, poatoffioe, flour mill, class 14 .f/ ket Btroet, grocery, class 14 office, lumber, class 13 .10 oo Davis Beiber Ferd & Bros; First ward, 415 . 12 ' * grist mill, «lass H. ' . • . 7 oo Darld, Joint postoffice, RroHunter W W & ifions, First ward, Market street, hardware, class 14 . 7 00 Enael H, Sharpaburg postoffice, groBiehl Bros, Tarentnm Gibson B M, Gibsonia postoffice, G 0 Market street, undertakers, eery, class 14 . • • * 20 oo cery, class 14 . . . 7 oo Horamel L, Putnam postoffice, «rogeneral merchandise, class 14 . . 7 oo clothing, class 10 . . class 11 • ' • • • 7 00 Boehm John, First ward, 519 Market 7 00 Centinued From Seventh Pag«, Flinn Samuel, Sharpsburg postoffio% Hauaernaan John, Bakerstown poststreet, confections, class 14 Bartoh H, Tarentum postoffic*, Happ Charles, First ward, 51G Mareery, class 14 • • •' groceries, fish and oysters, class 7 oo office, flour and feed, class 14 . . 7 oo ing machines, clasa 14 ket atreot, harness, etc, clasH 14 . 7 00 Rover & Willousrhby, First ward, 1 Lea T N, Woodville postofu.ce, gon14 . . . . . . ' . . , 7 oo 7 00 Bell William M, First vrard, 324 McK«esport, hardware, class 14 . Harbison 8 B, Bak«rsbown postoffic", Camp Bros, Tarentura Horn Martin, First ward, 212 Mareral merchandise, class 13 .10 .10 oo Fifth arenue, real estate agent . 9 00 general mtirchandise. class 14 . .10 oo Forsaith J L & Co, Sharpsbnrg postgeneral merchaadUe, ciftis 13J 7 03 Bodda& Co, Sacond ward, 613 Waiket str-ec, furniture, clasa 14 7 oo Morgan Frank, Putnam pofttofflce, office, grease, etc., class 14 . 00 Bixchman & Marx, First vard, 213 nut street, boots and shoes, class 14 i Chapman A L, Tarentum postoftlce, BteinerP C, BAkerstown postoflice, Hunter G W, Second Ward, 713 grocery, class 14 , » «* Fifth avenue, clothing, class 13 - , 10 00 general morchaudise, class 14 . . 7 oo Fisher John Or, Sharpsburg postoffice, drugs, class 11 . . j . 7 oo Jeuny Lind street, grocery, class 14 7 00 Bodeors Mrs Mary, Third ward, Millholland C.Mt Lebanon postoffica, oo grocery, claas 14 . . . Demmler postoffioe, grocery, class Bachtnau Charles, First ward, 119 Cooper J A, Tarentum poetoffice, Waddle William, Bakerstown postHare Bros, Second ward, 909 Walnut grocery, class 14 . « • • " 7 00 Finegold Louis, Sharpsburg postFifth avenuff, clothing, class 13 10 00 oonfectiona, class 14, . i . 7 oo office, general merchandise, class 7^00 street, Grocery, class 14 . Mctntyre William, Putnam post7 office, clothing, class 13 . .10 oo Koed William, Third ward, 851 Fifth Bonlim William, First ward, 451 Clark J N, Tarentutn postoflice,| gro14. • • • • v °° office, grocery, claaa 14 . • • Hitchens M A, Second ward, 917 Graw John, Sharpsburg postoffioe, avenue, grocery, class 14, . * < 00 Fourth avenue, grocery, class 14 7 oo cery, class 14. . . j . 7 oo Zimmerman A P, Bakerstown postWalnnt «troet, confections, class 14 7 00 McQuade P, Joint postoffice, grocery, grocery, clasa 13 . . . 1° oo oflice, general merchandise, class Brooks L A, First ward, 607 Locuat Byan A M, Third ward, 535 Fifth rf^ Calpass W W, Tarentum postoffice, class 14 . . . «7 Hmrell Jyhn, Second ward, IGKlnth Gibson A H, Bharpsburg postoffice, street, grocery, olasa 14 . . 7 00 14. . • . . . 7 oo stationery, clasa 14. . . 7 oo avenuo, auctioneer • • • 7 00 atreer, coal, ere, class 14 Sanford & Co,Woodville postoffice, general nierchandine, class 13 . 10 oo Brooks J H, First ward, 251 Fifth Conner A D, Tarentum post^ffice, Sceckftl ifrod, Firat ward, 112 Fifth Holland Robert, Third ward, 569 general merchandise, class 14 ,7 Gibson 0 K, Sbarpsburg postoffice, RESERVE. TOWNSHIP. grocery, clasa 14. . ,| . 7 oo avenu«, notions, class 14 . . 7 00 avenue, dry yoods, class 14 • < Fifth avenue, general merchandise, dry goods, class 14 . ' . ' . . . . 7 oo Duerr G H, Tarentum poetofficej groBowman Bros, First ward, Melees7 00 Schoaf J W, First ward, 120 Fifth class 14 . . SNOWDEN TOWNSHIP. Beck Fred, 175 Ohio street, AllftGraualWilliam 8, Sharpsburg postcery, class 14. . , ! . 7 oo avenue, hardware, claw 14 . ? port, coal, eto, olasa 14 . . 7 00 Ham mitt J K, ThirJ .ward, 769 NORTH VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP. ghony postoffice, grocery, class 14.f7 00 : office, confections, class 14 . 7 oo Aber I B, Bpton postoffice, grocery, Dawsou Edward, Tarentum poatBailey Bros, First ward, 6*22 Market Fifth avenue, grocery, Cia8s 14. « 7 00 Skelley J A, First ward, cor Walnut Fitter Daniel, 400 East »treet, AlleHartraan B P, Sharpsburg postofflce, 7 00 aud Fifth avenue, real Estate agent 6 00 Dirapaey James, Wa^ .postofflce, offioe, notions, class 14. .] . 7 oo street, undertakers, clasa 14 .17 Hunter W F. Third ward, 601 Fifth class 14 gheny post-office, hotel, class 14 . 7 oo clothing, class 14 . . . 7 oo RHnerui merchaudise, class 14 . .f7 00Bromerhausen Jacob, Tareiitum Baker Frank, First ward, 514 Maravenue, restaurant, class 14.. . 7 00 Swartwood F J, First ward, 206 Glenn Saranel Jr, Brougbwm postHeyl Frank, 4 f O East street, Alle7 00 HartungI, .ajfenfc, Bharpsbur* posfcpostoffloe, con/«otionsf class 14. . 7 oo ket street, restaurant, class 14 Fifth avenue, queenswarfl, etc, Davis J L, Port Perry postoffloe,genoffioe, general merchandtse, class Jones 0, Second ward, 323 Shaw gbeny postomce, Krooery, class 14u 7 oo offi.ce, grocery, class 14. . T oo Baohman & Marx, First ward, ^iftli _ oral merchandise] clasa 14 . . 7 00 .10 Dyer George H, Tarentam postclass 13 . • • • • 10 00 avenua, grocer r, claaa 14. . .7 13 - House Philip, Sbarp«burg postoffice, street, clothing, class 13 . .1000 Jackson William, Third warft, 5i7 office, furniture, class 14. ,| . 7 oo Skellay H C & J K, Firat ward, 208 Frecleriok Wniiami Port Perry post-v 00 Nneso Andrew, 400 East street, All*Kolan & Glenn,Broughton postoffioe, n jjh-riy postofflce, grooery, class 14. 7 oo 1 pool table . . . . 30 oo .lumbar, olasa 14 ,'BHgh Patrick, Second ward, corner offica, one pool table . ^ . 7 00 Bkas 0 W, Tarenfam postoffice, Jerome streot, grocery, class 14. . 7 00 ' Fifth avenue, dry goods, class U.u SO Pannier Christ, East street extension, Holtzheimar Joseph, Sharpsburg ' Tenth and Locust, grocery, olasa 14 7 00 Jones K D, Third ward, Demmler Schmidt Adolph, First ward, 23G^ grocery, Class 14. . >| . 7 oo FaiiHett George, Braddoek postofflos, Allesrheny poatofftce, . grocery, postofflce, undertaker, class H . 7 oo Fifth aveuue, drills, claas 14 . i 00 genaral merehandjlse, class 14 ,. 7 op Eokles J M, Tarentum postoffioe, l^lakely J F, Second ward, Penn jiostofflce, general merchandise, 7 oo Huckensteln F & T, Sharpaburg clasa 14 . • • ' grooery, class 14. . .]-... . 7 Oo 7 00 Bkelly Bros, First ward, 143 Fifth ; street, grocery, olais 14 . . 7 00 Goldstroin A, Brinton postoffice, class 14. - * . Ri pperberger, Ferd, 430 East street, 7 00 postoffice, bottling house, class 14 7 oo Chartlers BlpQk Coal aveuuo, stationery, class 14 .7 Fulton J B & Bro, Taren tarn J><fetI'BlaokburH J W, Second ward, Mehotel, class 14 . • • ,°° Kelly ML, First ward, McKeesport, Allegheny postorace, grocwry, Hays T B, Sharpsburg poitoffloo, office, general merohandifle, glass s iKewport, real estate »x«a 6 . . 3 00 Federal postoffice, Graham C M, Wall postoffloe, Kene-_ drugs, class 14. . . . • „ • • " 00 Starsardter.& XJnger, First ward, 141 7 oo claxs 14 • ' . . fl.5 CO crobery, class 14 . • . 7 00 Fifth avenue, hoots and shoes, _ 10. . . . • ' '! -20 oo ohandise, claws 11 "tBray Joseph, Second ward, 611 Marral merchandise, 6l»sa 14 . • < °° StftUrnaKle L, 400 East street AlleKnauss Charles, First ward, 417 Hoeller Gnorge, Sharpsburej post- j clasa 13 . • . . . . . . 10 00 Joyce Peter, Port [Perry postoffloe, Fleming & Elsor, Tarentum postMankedick F, Sturgeon postoffice, 5 ketttwv grooery, olaas 14 « . 7 00 Market street, confections, class 14. 7 00 gheny postotlfioe, jrrooery, class 14. 7 oo office, harness, eto, class 14 . 7 oo .gfjneral merchandbo, class 13 .10 oo office, drugs, clauB 13 « .10 oo Sh d w J A, First ward, 127 Fifth av- ^ , Borrman O A, Third ward, 753 Fourth grocery, class 14 . • • 7 oo SohuW John, 400 East street, AlleKell Phil P, First ward, 5')4 Market enu«, real estate agent . , . b uu Morriflon John, Port Perry poatofftce, _ H«t»derson Joseph, Sbarpsburg post Flick H W, Tareutum postoflice, unMcLarn & Stewart, Oakdaie postof* avenue, grocery, class 14 . .7 7 00 street, music, etc , class 14. gheny po»tofflce, confectlona, 7oo office, grocery, class 14 flee, gauoral merchandise, class 11.15 C O dertaker, c'asa 14 . .! , 7 oo Soles WC, F.rst ward, 251 Fifth avgeneral rnerchandjiae, class 14 . 7 oo DBrewer J «T, Third ward, 11 Pearl Kant M, Second ward, 723 Jenny class 14 . . • • 7 oo JawKeman, P P, Sharpsburg post- O'Bourke James, McDonald postofenue, real estate agent • ... , * ow Goodwin W F, Tarentum postofflce, street, grocery, class 14 . .7 MoCue John, Port Perry postoffice, Lind street,'grocery, claaa 14 ' 7 00 . ,1250 flee, general merchandise, class 14 7 C O 7 oo Sicmund Elizabeth, East strost exofflcp, grocery^ class 13 hardware, class 14 .. '.!• . 7 oo Stimmell & Co. First ward, Railroad 3Buwe Bndolph, Third ward, Demmgrocery, class |14 « Eunze, Gu«, .Second ward, 1148 tension, Allegheny postomce, hotel, Patterson James, Sturgeon poatofKopp John B, Sharpsburg postoffioe, and Fifth avenue, fish and produce, George & Lei less, Tarentam p'pstler iwitoflfioe, general merohanNeils James, Port Perry postoffloe, Walnut Btreet, grocery, class 14 . 7 ••-..class 14 . . « . 7 oo fice, general merobandlse, class 14 7 7 00 Confections, class 14 . • 7 oo class 1 4 . . - • - ' . . . - -.7 00 oflice, grocery, olaas 13 . ! . 10 oo chiie, claas 14 . . grocery, class 14-' . • • Kayser Fre<l, Third ward, 609 Fifth _ Tschurno Fred, 502 East street, AlleSanford & Co, No 2, Federal postK u h n s F H, Sharpsburg postofflce, Shale & Shurpless, First ward 413 Grant John, Tarentum postoffice, jailing Mrn M, PortjPorry postofflce, fcox Mrs M A, First ward, 220 Fifth avenue, restaurant, claas 14 .7 gheny postoffice, grocery, class 14 . 7 oo office, general merchandiuo, claaa Market stroat, grocery, class 13., . lu uu jewelry, class H . . - 7 oo 7 DO dryigooda, class 13 . ' .10 oo general merchandise, claas 14 [ ftrenne, dry goods, class 14 . . 7 00 Kay E, Third ward, 576 Fifth Wapner Christ, Ease street exten13 . . . . . . -10 Koil J J, Shftrpsburg postoffice, , G F, .First ward, cor WalGoetz J M, Tarentnm postoffioe, Scott Kobart. Turtle Creek pootoffico, fCoyle S C, First ward. 211 Fifth avenue, flour and feed, class 14 . 7 00 Biorern Blon, Allegheny postomce, srocery, nut and Fifth avenue, fruits, etc, drugs, classic . . . 7 oo boots and shoes, class 14 ,"" . 7 oo 7 00 grocery, class 14 . « • 7 oo class 14 . ./•• . . . 7 oo Leppte, O M, First ward, "Fifth 7 00 SOUTH VERSAILLES TOWNSHIl class 14. Lowry J L, Shstpsburg postoffice, Houitoa J & Son, Tarentam postSt»co P G, Port Porry postofflce, genMOrozior J TV. First ward. Fifth aveAvenue Hotol, hotel, class 14 . 7 00 Sims A, Fir.it ward, fill Walnut notions, :class 14 . . . 7 oo office, furniture, class 12 . } .12 50 eral merchandise, blaas 13 . .10 oo [ nue, gentr furnishings, class 14 . 7 00 Lueckert John, First ward, 2-)9 Fifth ROBINSON TOWNSHIP, 7 00 Black J B, Duncan postoffice, drugs, street, grocery, clasa 14 . Lennard J M, Sharpsburg poatoffloe, Hemphttl J W, Tftrantum postotttoe, ftJoursla J P, First ward, 301 Locust Tillbrook & Co, Wa' 1 poBtofftoe, genCO avenue, confections, class 14 , 7 00 . . • •** 7 oo Smiley .K,.First ward, 506 Walnut grocery, cla»s 14 . . . 7 oo class 14 gents' furnishiog, class 14 >. street, undertaker, class 14 . . 7 00 LeArnJP, First ward, 105 Fifth oral merchandise, el ass 14 . ; ' 4 .7 oo Harper C W, Cliff Mines postoffice, Gibbons Horace, Duncan poBtoffice, 7 00 Btroot, grocery, class 14 . Moyer W H, Sharpsburaj postoffice, Wood J 1C, Port Porry postoffice, _ FCoon O O, First ward, 421 Walnut griaD mill, clans 14' . • .$7 00 avenue, dry goods, class 11 .15 00 Storm & Erchson, First ward, Margeneral merchandise, clasn 14 . ™ oo real estate agent . . • 9 oo hardware, etc., class 14 . . 7 oo grocery, class 14 . . . 7 oo Palmer John, Bohiington postoffice, , «tre«*, tf pool tablet . . .SO 00 London & Teplitz, First ward, 465 7 00 Hackett Thomas Ss Co, Duncan postket House, restaurant, claas 14 . . Meyer W 0, Sbarpsbur,: postoffice, Humphreys J H, Tarentutn pbst'€oohran W H, First ward, 410 Walgeneral merchandise, class 11 . .. 7 oo • Fourth avenue, gents' furnishing, office, general merchandise; class 14 7 do J K, First ward, Market dry goods, class 10 . , • .20 oo 7 00 o£5c«, 5 pool tables . .70 oo O'HARA TOWNSHIP. nut stteet, restaurant, class 14 class 1 4 . . . . 7 00 Snyrler 7 00 Le^ch James, Duncan postofflce, Houae^ produce, class 14 . . . • McCtine 8s Coulter, Sharpsburg postW G, Tareatum. postomce. "Cramer Mrs G, First ward, Market ROSS TOWNSHIP. o Lanoy Boston, First ward, 601 Logeneral merchandise, class 14 . 7 < Brlndley Mrs Lona, feharpsburoc post- _'. . offioe, real estate »gent» ' • . .3oo tobacco, etc, oias» 14 . | . 7 oo House, produce, class 14 . 7 00 7 00 tlayers Alexander, Firat ward, Marcust street, grocery, class 14 MyerS John. Duncan postoffice, gonKt-t House, butter, eggs and cheese, , hotel, class U • '. . . • . . » » 00 English John, Pcrrysvillo postoffice, O'Donnell Oharle«, SUarpsburg postKennedy John, Jr, Tarentam post€hisholra TTD, First ward, Market Leizure & Lowry, Firat ward, Wal7 00 Bort Peter, Hobokonj postotfloe, genoral merchandise, class 14 . . 7 00 class 3 4 . . general merchandiie, clans 10 . .530 00 offic/1, hotel, class 14 . .Too 700 office, real estate agent . I . 3 oo House, produce, class 14 . nut street, real estate atrents . 9 oo Smith Osceola Coal Company, Duncan J C. Firat ward, 425-Market . eral trnrchandise, class 14 . . 7 oo Hilliard Bros, IJoas poHLofnce, general Kennedy James & Sons, Tarentam Pearce James, Sharpsburg postoffioo, Canore A, First ward, 421 Market Le^zor J G, First ward, McKeesport, poatofflO, general mcrohanaise, Btreet, drugs, class 14 . . « 7 00 Dapan. Baukrotz, SJiarpsburg postoo postoffice, lumber, class 13 . 1 10 oo V merchandiso, class 14 . . 7 oo 7 00 grocery, class H. . . . 7 straet, confections, class 14 , 7 00 lumbar, class 14 class 1 4 . . . . 7 (>o Log»n & Sons, Parnassus poatoffice, . 7 oo Serena John & Oo, First ward; Mooflico, ffrooery, class 1.4 . . ' • . Priczo, . John, SJiarpsburg postHariltuiyer E A,'West View postof'Clark John Wt First ward, 230 Long P, First ward, 228 Market 7 00 Hetzol J & Bro, Hohpken postomcn, Mr* D, Duncan poatoffice, Keesport, coal, class 14 . . Westmoreland coauty, lumber, offlcp, hotel, class U. . . 7 00 Sharter tice, grist mill, claas 14 . . 7 oo Market street, furniture and hardstreet, grocery, class 1.4 . . • • . . . 7 00 Shaffer James V, Second ward, 1001 general m«rchalttdise, class 14 . 7 <o yenoral merchandise,'class 14 . 7 oo Ivory Peter, Wist View post-office, class 14 , . . I . 7 oe 7 00 Latta B S, Second ward, Box 704 Peterson H E, Sharpsburg postware, class 14 . , Sneddin ElcUard, Duncan postofflce, Walnut street, grocery.class 14 . . 7 00 Mover Christian, Sharpshurg poitLcucks I P, Tarentum po»fcofftcef general merchandise, class 14 . . 7 oo office, oue pool table . . .30 60 general merchandise, claai 14 Crow Whariboat Company, Firtfe 60 McKeesport pottofflce, grocery, . 7 7 60 general merchandise, class 13. i .10 oo olfico, grocery, class'14 ' . ward, KcKeesport, produce, class Pilgram F 0, BharpSburg poatofflce, 7 00 Smoleii»ki & Geariau:, Second ward, Jbiuiy M.ardu'8, West View postofficfl, clasa 14 . . . . Christ, Duncan postoffica, 1124 Walnut itreet, grocery, clusa McLauphliu Jameli, Sharpshurpf 700 Meredith & Hess, Tarentum postli a uorsahd restaurant, claMsl* . 7 oo Wiogand boiel, cla»s 14 . . . 7 oo 14 . general meroliRndiBOj class 14 . 7 Larson A P, Second ward, 1129 Lo7 00 7 oo 14. . . . . . . postoQiof, grocory,! clasa 14 office, general merchandise, class Carman .Frank, Second ward, 1325 Keithmlller Charles, Shatpaburfir Keating J F D, West View posoffice, cast street, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 Spoer 1 T J:un«s M, Second ward, 1050 10. . . . . . . ! .20 oo Thomas 'Henry, iUna poafcoftice, 7 00 Leizure T H, Second ward, 222 Penn . postofflce, grooery , clasi 13 . .10 oo Locust street, grocery, class 14 hotel,-class 1 4 , - ' - . > '• °° Walnut street, grocery, claas 14 . . 7 00 7 oo Iveown William, PerrysTllle postofMarvin W A, Tareutum postoffice, hotel, class 14 j. ' . •-Carroll Thomas M, Second ward, Eobinsoa J A, Sharpsbttfg postSPRINGDALB TOWNSHIP. aveune, grocery, class 14 . . 7 00 Stratron Diiniol, Second ward, Me- . flour and feed, cla'sa 14 . .7.00 - 821 Jenny Lind street, grocery, rico, hotel, class 14 . . . 7 oo offioo, coal, etc, class 14 . . 7 oo John, Second ward, 1122 Keesport, lumber, class 14 . . . 7 00 7 00 Lueokert Michel Edward, Tareutum postAlsbach ..W W. Sprlfcgdale postoffico, OHIO TOWNSHIP. class 14 . . . . • 00 Muckle WUliam J, Wes* View postBamaey & Co. Sbarpsburg postLocust street, confections, class 14. 7 Smith A W , Third ward, 507 Fifth office, confections, claefl 14 . 7 oo lumber broker . ••-..-. <U 7 oo ollice, ceneral merchandise, class Calhoan A, Second ward, 825 Waioffice, drugs, class 14 . Leibold Casper, Second ward, 1334 7 00 avenue, harness, etc, cluss 14 . Moyle William & Son, Tarentuta Zoder August, .Glonfleld . postofficfli • •• Barnes M E, Springdale postoffi.ee, nut itreet, grocery, class 14 . . 7 00 Walnut street, grocery, class 14 . 700 14 . '." . / . . ' . . . • ,-7.'oo Robinson William, Sharpsburiz postgeneral morobandiau, class 14 .5700 Mockla John, West View postoffice, .1000 Sellers P J, Third ward, 1402 Filth general merchandise, class 14 . 7 cjo1 postoflice, furniture, class 1L Cooley F F, Second ward, 1328 Wai. office, real estate »jtQttt . .. . 1 60 Lang Anton, Second ward, 601 Mar00 avenue, grocery, olafta 14 . . . 7 700 Melvill* & Goldimith, Tar*n<Jum I nut street, grocery, claas 14 . Clements D M, Springdal* postgeneral merchandize, class 14 . . 7 oo Boach B H; Shafpsburg , postoffice, ket street, queensware, claa* 14 . 7 00 Schul.tz Mrs Mary, Third ward, Rtvpostoffice, drugs and wall paper, OWN SHIP. > Cowan J D, Second ward, 1100 WalSclumzenbacli Christ, West View real estate airent „ . . . 1 50 office, central merchaudise, class A, Second ward, 815 Mar-; ftrton street, general merchandise, claas 13 . . • J -10 oo nut street, coufeotions, class 14 . 7 00 Lanninc 13 . . . . .10 do postolHce, hotol, class 14 '.' . 7.oo Boach G D , Sharpsburg po»;offic8, hut street, grocery, class 14. .700 class 14 . . - ' " . • • ' • • 7 00 W B, Turtle Ci(eek,postoffioe, _ . Mahafley W H, Tarentum postoffice, Meyers Georga Sr, Springdale post'Cauehey Joseph T, Second ward, 625 SSehner & Khpe, Perrysvillo postrial estate ajjent . . . 1 50 Lindsay Mrs H, Third ward, 755 Sdfz William, Third ward, 810 ceniectious, claas 14 . j 7 oo general uior(;handia<j>, olass 13 .* 10 00 "omce,- general merchandise, class office, general merchandise, cla«a Markes street, grocery, claaa H . 7 lieithmiller C Br, SharDaburg 'post-;'. Fifth avenue, grocery, Clasa 14 . 7 00 Union avenue, general merchan1 MahafFey R H, Tare u tuna postoffice, 14 . , ' ; , . • , • 7 o> Carroll H F, Turtle Greek p ' ,13 . ' ' . . ' . .'.' .lO-oo Car other* S E, Second ward, Mcdffide, Kfocery, claas 13. . . .10 oo Ludwig Jftrob, Third ward, 607 7 00 dise, class 14 . 7 oo grocery, olaaa 14 . . . 7 00 tin and hardware, class 14 Thompson ; Jamus M, Springdale KeesporJ, drugs, class 14 . .7 Smith J B, Sharps burg postoffico, Fifth avenue, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 Stolnacke John, Third ward, Sha\v postofflce, auctioneer . . 1 60 McGbwan & Boyd, Tareatum PjCribbs William M, Turtle Creole SEWICKLEY BOROUGH. 7 oo '-Connolly John, Third ward. 521 socbnd hand dealer, class 14 . . Lovenll William H, Third ward, avenue, erocery, class 14 .... • . 7 00 office, farm implomeuts, claaft 14 . 7 oo postoffice, drugs, class 14 . . 7. oo Wnkook, Deens & Co, Sprit .. Fourth aranae, grocery, class 14 7 Summers & Son, Bharpaburfi!; post1386 Fifth avenue, grocery, class V Thomas E S, First ward, 113 F fth ^ Abercromlite Mrs M, _.^. po8ioMce, drugs, class 14 . , 7 qo McKainht & Otterrnau, Tarontuiu ColdasMer S, MonroaVjlllo poatoflloo, oo Craig William, Third ward, 617 office, under takon*, oUris 14 . . 7 14 ' . ' - • . « • 7 00 arenup, boots and shoes, class 12 .12 50 pofitoffica, «rooery t plas* 14 .57 00 general murchaudlae, class H . ,7 oo postoflSlce, grocery, class 14 . i . 7 oo Shaw avenue, grocery, class 14 . 7 Schaney J C, Sharpsburg postoffioe, Limner Alexander, Third ward, 936 Toooiey.Con, First ward,! 403 Fourth ! Boll EH, Sowiokley postoffice, groSTERRITT TOWNSHIP. McAyeal James, Tareutum postoffico, Cooper JamoH I, MoiU'oavill^ p >st7 oo O>enny W J, First ward, 2i8 Fifth etc, class 14 . . Union avenue, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 aven'ue, grocery, claas 14 " - ' . . . 7 00 cery, class 14 . .'•...• , 7 oo Salharness gi)M«ral raerc/handiso, claes 14 j . 7 oo oilioo; general merchandise, olaas • avenue, restaurant, class 14 . 7 00 Miller S O, First ward, 200 Fifth lade & Davis, Sharpaburg postTorreyson F M, .First ward, 431 Mrs E, Brushton avenue, East 14 . • . : . . - . i . ,- ' v7-oo- Chamberlain & Bobhyer, Sewlokloy Norria B B, Tarentum poutoflioe, J>rew M & Co, First ward, 320 Fifth office, Bowing machines, class 14 7 oo Cnrry n,v«inie, drugs, claaa 14 • . : « "7 00 Fourth avenue, jjrooory, class 14. . 7 00 Huntor & Cyphors, Turtle Crook End, Pittsburgh, grocery, clasa 14.97 00 poMtomco, gorieral merchandise, ueaoral merchandise, claas 14 . 7 oo avenue, flour and feed, claas 11 .15 00 Morgan J W, First ward, 800 FiftU Ballade & Davis, Sharpsburg postThomsm William H, Second ward, class 10 . . • •-.. 20 oo Dcrinitt W V, 407 Grant sweet, Pitt&| Petfor C G JD, Tareutunx postofSoa, poatolnoe, Uru^s, clas« 14 . . - 7 oo JOonno-raa & Peterson, First ward, oirlce, real estate agents . ' . 3 oo avenue, ooufeetiona, olaas 14 . 7 00 .9.J7 Walnut street,, »rooery, ol.iS3.14 7 00 Huzlep. J B, Tun.la Craek p o s t - - " . bur^h, grocery, class 14 . . 7 oo Cooper Charles T, Sewlckiey postgeneral meroliandise, clasjj 10 j .20 oo 147 Fifth avenue, boots and shoes,, Snoin Henry, Sharpsburg postofSce, Mars Gtjorce, First ward, 239 Fifth rt} 8 ao Toomny C, Sacond ward, 1105 Walnut .' ptlice, dr-upf», -class 14 . . 7 oo Greaves J W, Brushton avenue,East [ Pioh«)l Louia,-Tareutum pouto ffice, offico, coneral merctihndi«o,ola * -. ^°^ class\ 1 2 . . . -12 S O avenue, stationery, cla«>« 14 hotel, class 14 ;. . . , 7 oo . 7 00 Btreet;, boots and shoo?, class 14 . 7 00 Kidd • AndreW, Turtle Creek postEud, Pittsburgh, grocery, class 14. 7 09 Camptiey B F, Sawickley postoffice, clothing, clasa 12 . , .12 50 Peeraaoi J K, First ward, 145 Fifth Mahoney J R, ajrent, First ward, 207 7 oo Sp'.'er 'J 8, Sharpaburg postoffice, Tillbrook Thomas, Third ward, 574 Jones Robert,Wilkinsburg p6stoffloe, ! Rudert Paul, Tareutum postofiico, procery, ql.ifls 14 . otttcp, grocory, cla>M JL4 . . 7 oo wT..- genta" furnishing, class Fifth avenue,"" gents' furnishing, drugs, clafsa 14 . . . 7 oo 00 Fifth avenue, auctioneer . ..3 grocery, class 14 . |' .. . . 7 oo Chapman W H, Sowickloy postoffico, Lan« Wiliiam, Turtle! Creok^uoBtjewelry, clasa 14 . . | . 7 oo olasa 13 . . • «10 00 Vorstine & . Son,"First ward, 312" grocery, claaB 14 , • . 7 oo Sau«r Mrs Dor;», Sharprtbiir^ postLenkner C L, Brushtou avetiue! East ntlice,.general uiorchandlso, ehiaa Schwariss M. Tarentum postofij.ee, Davidson L M, First ward, 133 Fifth . Moyle 11. First warft, 514 Locust office, confttctloas, clarts 14 . . 7 oo Fiith avunue, drugs, clasa 14 . 7 00 Ead, Pittsburgh, claaa 14 . . 7 oo 14 , . . . - T o o Ellis W A, Sewicklftj postofnce, confoctiohs, class 14 \> . 7 oo avenue, broker . . 4 60 siredt, grocery, clasa 13 • -10 00 Vulk Bros, First ward, 25* Fifth Saint S J, SbarpHbar^ ' postoffico, . boots and shood, claaa 14 , . 7 oo McMinn C W, Bruahton avenue.Easc Stewart J C, Tareutum postoffice, Larirn'or J M, TiirMri Crook poat2>evlin Neil, First ward, 409 Fourth hardware, cla^s J3 . . -10 oo Millar T A, Ftrnfe ward, Walnut avenue, furniture, class 14 . 7 00 ' oftioe, lumbor, claas.J4. End, Pittsburgh, grocery, olaas 14. 7 oo . . 7 00 Gritnoa S O , Sewickluy postoffice, ciothtng, class 10 . . j ;-20 oo avenue, second-hand store, classl4. 7 00 street, ro;tl onUftf agtms • - . - ' - . 9 00 \talsb W E, •'-First ward, 50'J Silvcrraan Mrs M, Sharpsburg pout;. 4 grocery, class 14 . • - ' . ' ' . 7 oo Staley James, Tarentuin poSfcofllce, Larimer J M, TurtliJ Crock '.post- . , oflko, dry Kood^class H . .Too Diamond Lumber Company, MoMnthewa E B, First ward, Market Market streut, sewing machines, Heuler Joseph, Sowickley postoffice, ofliue, jzoneral merchandise, olasn STOWE TOWNSHIP. drugs, clans 14 . . J . 7 oo keasport, lumber, class 8, * . 30 00 00 House, grooery, class 14 . •7 7 00 7 oo Schrarnin M J, Sharpsburg postclaas J4, . confectionn, clatt* 14 . Simons W G, Tarentum poatofS.ee, ofiice, ^rooftry, class 14 . . 7 oo Millar W J, Second ward, 614 SinPoraey J M & Co, First ward, 253 Martin William, Mortroovllle po.stArmstrong W F, McKeea Bocks White Jamea E, First ward, llfi Hwtftiar George H,, Sawickl^y poslgrocery, ctasrt 14 . - j . 7 oo tfifth avenue, confections, claas 14, 7 00 Jacob & Son, Shiirpubure postclair street, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 . 7 00 postoffictf, hotel, claaa 14 . $ 7 00 Thompa..a Janierf, Tarentam ppst* ofHco, general morchandlse, class Fifth avenue, drills, claas 14 oUioo, boots and.fihoos, cl!i»a;l4. «, 7 Oo St.eiu oftice, gouts' furniahlutiB, class 14 7 oo Brandt F, McKees Bocks postoffico, J>eaninger John,First ward, 411 WalMoody S E, Second ward, 1135 Wal14 . ..'" . • .1 . . . ' . ' ' ' • • ' . 7 oo Hays A F, Sewickley postofllcc, coal James H, First ward. 118 oirico, flour &ud ieed broker, class nut atrtiofc, grocery, class 14 . . 7 00 Wyant nut eireefv stationery, class 14, . 7 00 .10 00 Myers Eli, Monroevjlle poatofEce, Fifth avenue, grocery, class 13 grocery, class 14 . L . 7 oo 7 oo Schultz Mra L. Sharpsburg postantl builders' HUppHe«,claSH 14 14. . . • . ! . 7oo oftio?, millinery, ^ctass 14 . . 7 oo Delong J L, First ward, 503 Market Miller W J, Third ward, 843 Fifth 7 oo Johnston J G, Sewickloy posroffice, -raorchaudise, ola»s 14 Fifth Buck B, McKees BOOKS poatoffict>, Wolkostey Bros, First! ward, s Thomas, Tarentura poatoffiloe, 00 street, real estate agent, . . 18 00 avenue, i.&ijeral mor'dise, olaa» 14 7 .15 00 Mctntonh Flndloy, Pur tie' Creok flour aod feed, class 14 •!.- . 7 00 7 oo 7 oo Saint W J T, Sharpsbur^ postoflioc, uvenue,. clothing, claas 11 shooting nailery, class 14. (jrucery, cU^s 14 . . lumber, claan 11 . . .W oo Culp J M, McKoes B'>oks postoffice, uDecker John, First ward, 32 Second Moffat Gftorge, Third ward, Fifth general merchandise, postollice, W«idar Robert, First ward, 447 Fifth -tea Johnston J G, Sewickley poatoffice, J F, Trantutn pOstoffloe, Tilghman G W, Sharpsburg poststreet, grocery, class 14, . . 7 00 avenue, flour and feed, class 14 . . 7 00 .10 oo tobacco, etc, cifcsa 14 . . . 7 00 avenue, boots and shoes, class 14 . 7 00 class 13 7 oo real estixte a«unt . . > . .; .1 store, class 14. . . office, clovh in cr, cluss 11. . .J5 oo Curry X>unmeyer Mrs K, Third ward, 600 ? McCaw W Jv. First ward, 134 Fifth 'Nicholson F, Turtle'Gnek post-office, G jtf,MoKeesEockspdstolfioe, Winklevoss Louin, First ward, 249 Me'rt-z A, Bowtckley postomco, jowYoegelev J G, Tareatum postoffijja, TJrwiu WE, Sharpaburg poatofflce, Fifth avenue, grocery, class 14, » 7 00 arena*, harness, eto, class 14 . , 7>OD 7 oo grocery, cla=jH 14 . boots and slioos, class 14 ' . . 7 60 Fifth aveuuo, con faction a, class 14. 7 00 dry goods, clads 12. . . . j .12 50 olry, clu,d» 14 . , . 7 00 grocory, class 14. . . » 7 oo Campbell pean C & M, Third ward, 861 Fifth MoKniKht J G, First ward, 445 Fifth Seaman William, Monroeville, postD B MoKeas Kocka pofttWatson G, First ward, 337 Fifth r Willftr J D & Co, Sewicfctey poatVoe^eley James, Tarantum pustofflce, Union Coal and Lumber Company, avonue, grocery, olasa 14, . . 700 avenue, grocery, cla«j»13 .. .10 00 oiHce, coueral "merdhandlso, class onice, undertaker, class 14 . 7 aveuue, grocery, class 13 ( . .1000 .oilice, boots anil shoes, class 13 .1.0 oo grocery, class 14. . . . 7 oo Sharpsburg postofiice, coal and 7 oo McKay William^ First ward, corner Eramoni 0 0, First ward, 800 Market 14 . • . . . • WaHower J F/ First ward, 2W Firth Ohartieri Lake Ice Co/ McKeefl Mayor Mrs E, SowicJcby postoffice, Wood W P, Tarentum po8toffi.ee> lumber, class 11. . , .15 oo Jeroma and Locu»t streets, restaustreet, sewing Machines, claw 14, 7 00 Bocks postoffioe, ice, class 13 . W ward, shooting galU-ry, class 14 . 7 00 Trjix: Frank, Turtle Crank :postmillinery, class 14 . . . . 7 oo Walter George L & Co, Sharpoburg grocery, claaa 14. . . . 7 oo rant, claaa 14 . . . . 7 00 West W H , First ward, C06 Locust JBJrhmaa & Selg*l, First ward, 131 ollice, shooting nailery,'clasa 14 . 7 oo Miles C • P, Sftwickley postofflce, Durham O T, McKeea Bocks .postWeyliwauH H, Tarentuta po6toffice, postoflice, lumber, class 14. . 7 oo McKay-WilUam, First ward, corner Birth avenue, boots and shoes, offlce, gents' furnishing, class 14 , 7 EX) street, grocery, class 14 . . 7 00 Wwlfal George, Tu'rfciri Creak postjewelry, class 14. . j - . 7 oo .dniffs, class 14 . .. . 7 oo WalHs .William, Sharpsburg post- , Jerome and Locust streets, four class 13, . . . -1000 7 oo onico, grocory, claas 14 Davis T D, McKeea Bocks postofWallace Joseph, First ward, 512 MarUtt J W, Sewickley postoffice, Wylie & Ambrose, Tarentnm postoffice, grocery, class 14. . . 7 oo pooli table* . . . . .60 00 sjBnglaod Calvin, First ward, 224 fice, general mercnandia*, class 14 7 oo Locust Btreet, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 office, ceueral merchandise, class uiidortatcer. class 14 . . . 7 00 Wagner P, Sharpaburg postoffioe, Market street, grocery, claw 14 . 7 00 McCracken H J Jr, First ward, 523 PENN TOWNSHIP. Walker W J, Firat -ward, 509 Locust Denmarsh P F, McKees Bocks ""** McMillon John, Pewickley poabomce, 13, " . . • • f -W P« boots and shoes, class 11. . .15 oo Walnut straet, dry goods, class 11.15. 00 3£kin K W, Second ward McKeasoffice, 4 pool table! ptroijt;, general inerchandiBo, class ; SO 00 Zimmerman, Henry, Tarentara postlumber, -cliiss 14 . , . 7 Wanner tieorjjeJr, Sharpsbnrg posfA.Bh postoffioo, • B .F, White port, grocery, class 14 . » 7 00 McCltary Samuel,-First ward, Mar7 flo 14 . ' . .-.'-. '. '" • 7 00 Biiutz Davis John, McKees Bockn postofoflioe, coufeotlons, class 14. McKlwaln J & Co, S^wickley postoffice, notions, clasa 13. . .10 oo 00 ket House, produce, class 14 , . 7 00 drugs, class 14 It oo i Erlckson C J, Second ward, 1125 LoWnrren Mrs S B, First ward, 519 floe, lumb«r, olasa 13 ; office, flour, and f«eJ, class14 . 7 oo Walser Xouls, Oharpsburg postoffice, Haffey .Alfred,. Yoroua poatoSio . McKeesport Wharf Boat Company, 7 00 j: oust street-, grooery, class 14 Walnut street, millinery, clasa UNION TQWNSHIPJ general inorchanill8r|, class 14 . . 7-oo McEhvaln J & Co, Sowickley poathotel, class 14. . * . . 7 oo FrenzerB, McKees Bocks poatoffice, 00 First ward, McKeesport, produce IJ2<? maud son L M, Second ward, 921 14 . . • . • 7-00' ; omoo,genttral !nercbaQdi8e,claa9ll. IB oo Wittman J M, Sharpsburg postoflice, and teed, class 13 . L .10 00 Warren Bros, First ward, 307 Ireland JBobert Jr, WhUo Ash post-. [:• Jemny Lind street, grocery, class 14 7 00 Grey & Bell, Banksville grocery, class'-.14. . - . . . . ' • » . 7 oo office, general inercbjaudl.se, class 14 7 oo McGrew F H, Suwickloy postoflica, Me Allistnr James, Second ward, 815 genorAl merohaudlse, class 13 •] .$10 00 William, Second ward, 937 Market street, produce, claas 00 oflice, hotel, olaas 14. 7 oo Yerkins Andrew, Sharpsburg postsewiuy machiuos, class 14 . 00 Grant street, grocery, class 14 . .7 Longrton John, Vo^oiia postofflce, Walnut street, hardware, «tc, 14 ' ' . . - . . . . . ••' • 7 00 Hartley & Marshall, BanksTlllo postGlvena & Co, McKdefl Rocks office, real estate agent. • . . 3 oo general'merohaodlse, class 14. . 7 oo Prentice Jamec, Sewicklny postoffloe, WlHiam, Second ward, postoffice, ceneral merehandli*, Warren G B, First ward. 411 Market class 14 . . • 700 McDonald 00 office, dtngs, class 14. grocery, class 14, . . 7 oo Young P H, Sharpaburg postoffl.ee, 1041 Walnut street, grocery, class Musgravo J 1C, Noglay postoffice, .26 oo street, grocery, class 14 '.. . 7 00 claaa 9 nglert Mrs Kate, Third ward, 1S06 iurniture, olasa 14. . . . 7 oo Hanenberg J, McKeee Bocks postgeneral tnerahandisp, -class 14 . . 7 oo Bftilwrt John, Se.wlokle.v postoffioe, 14 . . • • • 7 00 Wallace B P, First ward, 513 00 Fifth avenue, grooery, class 14 . 7 00 office, boots and shoes, olaps 14. . 7 7 oo grocery and ico, claafl 14, Mover Robert, Whito|Ash poBl;bnioe, McKay Henry, Second ward, 922 UPPER ST. CLAXR TOWNSHIP. Market atreot, music, eto, claaa L, First ward, 423 Fifth ave- • Hammond H, McKees Roo|ks postSPRING GARDEN BOROUGH. geueral' merchandise, class 14 . . 7 op Eitchey S C, S'jwickl.ey poatoffloe, I Walnut street, general merchan_ ft* _*L ___ ^. M.f>* ^vir^ At V»l o aril 1 a 14 . . . . . 7 00 00 nue, broker . , - .' . 3 00 oflioe, don factions, class 14 grocery, olass 14, . . . 7 oo MuColgan Mrs S, White Ash postAilender W )S, Bridceville postoffioe, dise, class 13 . . . -10 00 Watkins B H, apent, First ward, indley Samuel F, First ward, 205 Amraons M W, care of M Lappa postKramer H D, McKees general merchandise, class 14 j ,?7 00 ollice, .-general inorcjha'naise,olasn 14 7 oo Budiffill Goor.ro F, Sowickloy post617 Market utrooc, hoots and shoes, Tannnry, real estate ag-nt . ,fl 50 Fifth arenue, dry goods, class 8 .30 00 McGraw Thomas, Third ward, 737 office, drugs, class 14. office, real ostata a-^ent, . . 3 oo McCurdy D,. Whitoj Ash p6stp.ffl(ie, Boadlin* Bros, Esaozi poatofftoe, genJerome street, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 cUnsH . - • . ; ' - , • - . . 7 00 Buddrusa G C, 69 Spring Garden areKirkwood B L, MoKees Books postPeter, First ward, 437 Fourth eral merchandise, clasa 14 9 j .. 7 09 general merohandis'o, class 13-'. .10 oo Bu-tt-kamp B,l Sowiokloy pontoffico, Wells & Stone, First ward, 416 McCord Thomas, Third ward, 630 nue, Allegheny postoffice, grocery, 00 7 00 aveBue, confections, class 14 -, office, hardware, class 13. . .10 confi'Ctions,} class 14, . , . 7 oo MoMillen Andrew. VVhlto Aah post- • Donaldson H A, Bridgevilie ppfttShaw aveaue, grocery, claas 14 . 7 00 Market street, furniture, class class 14 , . ; . . 7 oo Kennedy Edward, McKees Books _.___ WilJiam, First ward, 3 >1 MarShoop S & Son, Sewickley poatoffice, ..office, general maroaaudise,.class 14 7 oo offlce, drugs, ciasa 14 . , 7 oo» 10 . . . ' " = ' . . . . -20 00 National Ho^e, First ward, 126 Matthea George L, 343 Spring Gar00 postofflce, general inerobaudJAs, ket street, grocery, class 14 .7 tin and hardware, class 11, . . 7 oo By an Uriah, Verpnal'-posfcoflloo.'auo-3 oo 2 00 Foster S A, BrMgevlU* postoolf5«» Werteubach J A, First ward, .412 Fifth avenue, hotel, class 14. . 7 00 dett avenue, Allegheny pqstomce, Stewurt & Lake, Sewiekley postclass 10. . • • «' 'awofttt. J W. Third ward, 701 general itterohaodiw, Qias» 13 j .10 oo tionewr . . I • '••• . Market street, boots and shoes, .._ & Wampler, First ward, Me-' dry good a, class 14 . .. . 7 oo Lantnger F, McKees Boots posto{tioe,gpneralmerchandise,clasal4, 7 oo Fifth avenue, drugs, class 14 . 7 00 Stoner Kaufman. White Aah postFryer Amoa, BrldsEeviUe postofiiooA class 14, ... . • 7 0 0 Keesport» lumber, class 10, .20 00 O.'sterle George, 224 Ohio street, AlSchlumpi' C W, Sowickley postofflce, office, general merchandise, olaas piHce;general merchandise, class 14 7 oo 'ritz G E, Third ward, 505 Fourth lumber, class 14 . , . 7 oo Wertenbach J A, .First ward, 408 ill J P, Third ward, 315 Huey ^ • ' i,, class 14,, 7 oo legheny postofflov hotel, class 14. 7 oo 12, . . . . .1 avenue, gracery, class 1 4 . 7 00 Sanderson W B & Co, White Ash Mayer & Shulty, BridKevlle poutMarket street, clothing, class street, malt liquor dealer, class 11.15 00 iSttrm David, 374 Spring Garden aveLewis J D, MoKees Books postoffice, Sowickley Ice Co, S»vriokley postmerchandlso, uiser & Haben, Firat ward, 222 ; postofiieo, ofdce.general merchandise,clas» 11.lit oo 14 . .. • • . 7 00 nue, Allegheny postoffice, grocery, ofdco, ice, class 14, • • • grocery, class 14. . 1 « -:" 7 60 Fifth avenue, dry goods, class 13 . 10 00 Nipcamp Henry, Third ward, 603 clasa 14 . Mu rray A B, Brielflevilla postoflloe, W illiams Morris, Socoud ward, 1133 00 Fourth avenue, grocery, class 14... 7 Stevenson '.Tamps, Sowlckley postLament G T» MoKoes Bocki post- • ' Griffiths H, First ward, 459 Fifth Bmii'h.C H,-''.White Asn po.Htoffico, general merchandise, class 14 ! . 7 oo Walnut street,general merchandise, 00 7 oo omce,-coal, etc, class 14, . Nil! Dennis, Third ward, 501 Fourth oflioe, hardware, class 14. . . 7 7 oo avenue, general merchandise, general iuorcha't»d,ise, class U MoNay James, Harrlotsvllie postclass 14. . . . °° ; • avenue, boots and shoes, olasa 14., 7 W) Rocka Tracy Bruce, Sawickloy p08toffi.ce, SHALER TOWNSHIP. i class 14 . . . 7 CO O'Donovau M C, office, geaenvL inerchandioe, claa» Weatbay J E, Second ward, 1134 One Price Clothing House, First general mere landi&e, lumber, class 14, . , . . 7 oo poatofflce, baraffG F, First ward, 457 Fifth avWalnut street, erocery, class 14. . 7 00 PINE 14 . . V . . 7 oo oo ward, 108 Fifth avenue, clothing, Brodmerkel George, Glenahaw, poitT Vanoleye John B,. Sowickley post' class 14. .. ' en ae, confections, class 14 . S 00 Pollot H W & Sons, BridgevUle Wild £ Armstrong, Second ward, class 9.*. . . -2500 office, real estate agent, . 3 oo office, grocery, class 14 . .1700 Perkins J T, MoKces Rock* post* j-Gleason W G, First ward, 139 Fifth Callahan P, Wexfoiid postnffic ^ postoffice, hardware, class 14 . 7 oo 603 Market street, furniture, class 00 Walker A C, Sewickley postofflcu, Beyerly H. Etna postoffice, ice, class afiice,dru«s, class 14 7 eriil taorchandlaej class 14 . .»7 00 ,. avenue, dry goods, class 14 . 7 00 O'KeilJD & Bro, First ward, 216 Saaford & Co, Bswn postoffica, 14. . • • • • °° 00 Fifth avenue, dry goods, class 14. 7 drujis, clasfj 14, • • . 7 oo 14 . . • • - 7 oo Reuterkiss C J, McKees Rocki post ^Gleason F 8, First ward, 135 Fifth general merchandise, clasu 13 j ,10 oo Williams Eobert, Second ward, cor. office, confections, class 14 . 7 00 Winters J E, Sawickley postoffice, Bauerloin Brewing Company, Ben.^ avenue, clothing, claas 14 . 1 00 O'Neill, J 0, Firsi ward, 227 Fifth PLU M T,'0 WN S HI R : Twelfth and Bailroad, grocery, grooery, class 14, . . . 7 oo avenue, notions, class 14. . 7 nett postoffice, brewery, class 7 .40 oo Steedlo TPj /MoKees Rocki pootrGoldman S Jj, agent. First ward, class 14. . . • - 7 00 VERONA BOROUGH. & Scott, First ward, 226 Fifth offioe, restaurant, class 14 . 7 00 Farmarie W H, Etna .poptofilce, Geialer J, Kew Texjis postoffice, gen125 Fifth avenue, clothing class 13.10 00 O'Neit Worfcinfrmen's Co-Operative, Tliird 00 avenue, real estate agent, .3 Bright D*vM, Button postoifice, eral merchandise, class 14. . .|7 QO Schmidt J & H, McKees Rocks posthotel, clussjfi ,. . . ' . v « o° SHARPSBURG BOROUGH. ward, 619 Fifth avenue, grocery, Gross John, First ward, 246 Fourth Oabprn W E & Go, First ward, 210 00 grooery, claas 14 , , t .97 00offlce, flour and feed, class 14 . 7 Fincke Wiwlim, Etnia poatoffi.ee, ice, Hunter H K, Now Texas poatoffice, class 13. . . • .1000 avenue, .1 pool Uble . . 30 00 Market street, oommiasion, etc, Ainold Mrs C, Sharpsburg poatofflco, ; 7 Boiaert 0 M, Hultou postoffioe, Schindehett John, McKee* ^ocks auctioneer. .j • • • • . • *." •.°°.- • *""" • '• °° . GoldbJatt & Rosenberg, First ward, "• '• .-grocery,.biaas 14 . . «*7 00 v class U- 4^ ". ,7 00 Walp, Joseph, Third ward, 1180.Fifth class 14. . . . : hardware, clasa 1A . . | . 7 oo postoftice, bofcttl, clasa 14 j . . 7 00 Glenshaw Coal Company, Glenshaw 433 Fourth aronue, 2 pool tables .40 00 Pusoy & Korr, Jffirat ward, 2H avenue, grooery, class 14. . , 7 00 Latnont John, We\v; Texas postoffice, AHmayer Jno, Sharpaburg post50 , postofflce, coal, olasis 12 . .12 Blssett Joha, Holto» pofltoffifl^ ooftl, Smith, T, McKees Rocks postofnce, general merohandl«X class 14. . 7 oo 'GeyerVF, First -ward, 511 Locust offios, two. pool tables .••'. .40 oo Fifth; avenue, carpeta, etc, class 12.13 50 Weitjiel Adara, Third ward, 741 Fi fth 00 Gillosplo J M, Bennett pestoffice, grohotel, class 14 . I • eto, claas 14 . • • I • ' °° street, grocery, class 14 . . 7 00 Pritchard BE, First ward, 323 Fifth avenue, boots and shoes, clana 14. 7 00 Logan H J, JLocan'fl Ferry postofUce, Auatln G E, Sharpsburg postoffice, Ban n en J G, Varana postoffltai, drags, general merohauditto, class 14. > 7 oo cery, class 14 . . ' . 7 . 00 Waloh J & N, McKecs Rooka postGood & Edle, Second ward, 1111 jewelryj; class 14 . .,' . 7 oo avenue, drags, class 14 . . 7 0 0 Wiegering C, Third ward, 301 Huey ola»B 14 . • , ; . 7 oo offico, ice, class 13 . . . 1006 Moxon Georgf, ^ew Tft.xa,8 postHeuer William, Bennefct postoffice, • Walnut streot, drugs, class 14 ' . 7 00 street, grocery, class H, ". . 7 00 Brauu Peter, Sharpsburg poatoffice, Pittsburgh Tea Company, First oo Beal*f«ld » W, Verona postofflce, office, general merchandise, claas WenaeU C ^ Co, McKeoa Rocki post* dry goods, class 14 , . . 7 GalvinMrdTF, Second ward, 720 Tester P G, First ward, 302 Piffch grocery, cla.ss 13 . . • -10 oo -wardi 1117 Jflfth avenue, tea, etc, real estate »g«»6 . . ; . 3 oo office, grocery, class 13 i . . 10 00 . '- ; -=. •-••-'. • • . : : ; • • 7,00 Beck HohHLiyer George, Etna ppetofflce, . Market street, grocery, class 14 . 7 00 . . 7 00 14. Charles S, Sharpsburg postclasa 13 . . . .10 00 avenue, jewelry, claas 14. oo Walter Mri M A , MoKees Rocks \. ColliniJ A, Y*?on* postomo^, gooMcLanshlin K, l?rosrl"y poatoffice, _ grocery, class 14 . . . 7 Gross Peter, Third ward. 511 Fourth office, drusa, ;oVaHa 14 . 7 oo Yflllig J. A, First ward, 406 Walnut Michaelj First ward, 457 «*ai raerchaadiM, claw H . i . 7 oo general meroh'indise, class* 14. . 7 oo postoffice, general merchandise, .Kopf John, Bennett postoffioa, groavenue, grocery, clasa 14 . « * 00 pirosko street, confections, class 14. . 7 00 Bleemiing Jacob, Sharpsbarer psst^ ' Fourth avenue, grooery, class 14. 7 00 oo oo Crulfcshaak Wiliiam, Verona postMcLaughlin 0 M, Ne^'ioy postofflce, class 14 • • . . T eery. -class 14 • , -T Harrison Bros, First ward, 301 Fifth V office, boots and «hoe*, class 14 . 7 oo Yerstner Frank, Third ward, 703 I M, First ward, 821 Walnut general morchandise, class 14. . 7 oo Wood* EV, McKee» Rooks post, i office, general Kearns A D, Etna pofltoffice, ice, avenue, boots and shoes, class 12 ,13 oO Pollock Fifth avenue, hoots and shoos, Bt-llman G & Son, Shtrpsburg poatstreet, dry g^ods, claw 11 . -15 00 .10 oo office, drugs, clasa 14 , . 7 00 13 Treesa I T, New Texas postofflce, class U • , . . 7 oo classll . . .,./. .7^00 Buber Joseph W, First ward, 234 office; stationery, class 14 . • . 7 oo Phillips F J, Second ward, 337 Shaw Caluoun B L, Verona pastoffice, Yonker John, MoKees Eocke postflour mill, claasj 14. . . 7 oo Brill & A'nglin, Sharpaburpr postKelly James M, Glensbavr postofflce, Fifth avenue, jewelry, class 14 . 7 00 avenue, grocery, claas 14 . ',-. 7 OQ office, grocery, class 13 . . 10 oo drugs, cl*s* 14 . • | . 7 oo oo 'ice, ^ class H « . • . 7 Hotel White, First ward, 310 Fifth office, three pool tables . .50 oo W H, Second ward, 217 Tenth BOROUGH. Orookstoh Joao, Verona poBtofl5,cc, Zimmerman J J, McKeea Rooks M'CANDLESS TOWNSHIP. Krauss Andy, Etna postoffice, ice avenue, hotel, class 14 . . 7 00 Brad berry Thomas J, Sharpsburg street, grocery, claas 14 , .7 00 general m*rch*udl»*, class 10 .! .20 oo poatoffice, grocery, class U , 7 00 class 14 . . • . 7 oo Hassey Edward, First ward, 22V poatofficc, hardware, class 14 . 7 oo Cunningham Mrs J M, Hero postG J, First ward, 231 Fifth iCeo.wn Tnomas F, Kqown postoffice, Cribbs J B, Veroa» postoflice, general Krauss W, Etna postoffioej ice, olaa* Fifth avenue, confections, class 14. 7 00 Beigner office, grocery, class 14 . .f7 00 Boehm A, Shnrpsburff postomce, avenue, grocery, claas 12 . .1250 general merchandise, class 14 . .17 00 morchandijw, oi&ss 13 • « I • >10 oo 13 . - , . . ' ' . . . . 1 0 oo 1 Hartman Bros, First ward, 215 Filth boot» and allots,,class 14 ^. ' . . • • • oo Chew & Thompson, Hero poatoffice, ByanJ F& Son, First ward, 229 Pinfcerton J A, Wexford pbstoffice, CribbsJ B, Verona postoflice, lumTARENTUM BOROUGH. MillhpHand Joseph, Bennett postavenue, hardware, olaas 11 .. 15 00 Fifth avenue, hardware, claw 10 .20 00 confections, cla88J14 , - ' - ; - . . 7 oo Bra^g Jacob, Sharpsburg postoffice, general merchandise, class 14 . 7 oo (• 00 ber, class 14 . . . I r. 1 oo office, grocer r,. cla*s 14 . . T HitzrotC H, First ward, 133 Fifth two pool tables . -40 oo Gross M, Hero pWoffic.e, general A W & H A, First ward, Anchor Bros, Taieutum po»toffice, Diamond W A, Hulton postofllce, McMlllen F B» Glenn haw postoffice _ . avenue, drags, class 14, . . 7 00 Belnainan NORTH FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. merchandise, clans.14'". . 7 oo Campbell Mrs E, Sharpaburg post217 Fifth avenue, jewelry,, class 12,12 50 . .$10 00 lamber, class 14 . . , . 7 oo general mercU»ndise»olaM 1*. • • < °o . boots and shoes, class 13 Hamilton's Palace of Music, First office, grocery, class 14 , . . 7 oo Roth Joseph, First ward, 238 Fourth Maines F E, Hero Anderson Francis, Tarenfcum post£»oH«DB A L, Voroaft poslofficse, ^aWotttr Andrew, Bennett postoflac*. ^ ward, 129 Fifth avenue, inuaic, etc, Henry, Oakdale postoffloe, 7 oo Casey Corrielluv Sharpsbarg postavenue, beot» and shoos, class 14. 7 00 Adams office, auctioaesr . . . 3 oo eral mercaandisa, olaas 14 . j . 7 oo dry goods, class 14 ; . • . T oo class 14 • • . « 7 00 lumber, class 1.4 . . .|7 00 Smith H S, Hero r,'" natiouery, class 14 , . 7 00 Roth Joseph, First ward, 240 Fourth Becskwith Jf C, Tarenttim postoffico, Baton Bros, V«roaa »ostoflic», hftrd« HorrMrs K, First ward, 244 Fourth Watson E P, Glenshaw poatoffic*,. r C8ry Davis P Ci Oakdale postoffice, drugs, John, Sharpsburg; post7 oo 7 00 class 14 general Twerohandiie, cl^ii 14 . 7 oo avenup, x ° » claas 14 cl«8«13 . ,10 oo t avenue, general merchandise, olast lumber, class IS °° nifectijgtns, class 14 ;.. , . 7 ,00 olaas 14 . '• • • T °° Toomey Con, Hero poatoffice, general Eosenberg & Faierstoin, First ward, 7 00 Black & BftnihaWa Tareatiim poatBro* & (3o, Limited* V«*ton* 14 . WHtmer& Co; Elliott Martha, Hoblestown postan, Sbarpsbuve postoffico,- > ' • merchandise, class 14 , r, a , . 7 oo 7 oo 4G3 Fourth avenue, general mer" ' r, ola*slO v .'..Sft-:oilHill Knox Ct First ward, 525 Walnut office, ceneral merchandise, class ,7,00 chandise, class 14 , » * . .,>Tawnturn. street, drjTfoodf, class 10 . ' • Earnest, 14 7 oo; RICHLAND! TOWNS^P, 7 oo Eicoiotti A & Qo, First v*"^. corner hardware, clasi It fy Wi««n<1,' Fir»t" ward; Ci?noral merohandlae, class 14 Koflfraan G W, Ifeblestown poatoffiee, ) 7 oo :y, class 14 Fifth avenue and Walour, fruits, Boyd, McCulIough & Co, Bakerstown class f eneral merchandise, clasa 13 . .!» oo etc, class 14 . . . . 7 00 12 Mochlcr P A, OfikdaJe po»toffioe, hardware, class 14 • ..:• .Too Mathews J J & C}>, Oakdale post-, office.'furniture, class 14 . . T oo Montour store Ko 2 Limited, Bsaoh Cliff pofltofftca, general morchan. 25 oo , class 9 MoFadand & Co Limited, Oakdale postoffice, peneral merchandise, class 11 . I • • •'•* McLarn £ StewaJt, Oakdale posto, gdueral merchandise, crass. . . , National Coal Company; Nobles. town poptoffice, ieneral .merchandise, clasd 12 • . ' - . . .? ' . - i3 50 Short & Wade, Noblestown poat-^ .office, lomb«r, claiss 11 • .15 oo Waiter P, Noble'stown, postoffice, . / merchandise, class 13 . .10 oo '' mfltofficiv lumber and feed, class '