Wildcats Roar (Student Newspaper)
Wildcats Roar (Student Newspaper)
Wil dcat s Roar Spr ing Thing even mor e sar cast ic t han usual t his Apr il Fool 's Day Thu rsd a y M a rch 17th, 2016 Editorial Advisor: Mr. Palmer Chief Editor: JacobHerold AssociateEditor: Jada Sonnenberg Junior Editor: Sarah Borkowski Ar t icl es mar ked wit h * ar e sat ir ical I n Honor of apr il f ool 's Day What Sarah Said The follow ing questions have been pr ovided by the lovely Daisy M eyer because no one puts any questions in the box w hich r esides, has alw ays r esided, and w ill r eside FOREVERM ORE, in the school libr ar y. Right on the desk . On the opposite side of M r s. Neise. Right ther e. Q: Should w e give Easter gifts? A: Do w hat you w ant. Q: How old should people be w hen they?r e told w hen the Easter bunny is not r eal? A: Just let them find out on their ow n. Q: W hy do w e celebr ate St Patty?s Day? A: Hallm ar k and stuff. Q: W hy don?t w e do pr anks on Apr il Fool?s? A: Because w e w ould get in tr ouble. @ The M an. Q: W hy do w e alw ays give candy? I?m tr ying to get in shape. A: Holidays aim to sell to childr en because they have no im pulse contr ol. Har - har - har oscopes The signs as t hings I f ind f unny By Jada Sonnenbur ger Ar ies - ov er weight cat s Taur us - inf omer cial s Gemini - when peopl e scar e babies Cancer - ?Guy On A Buf fal o? Leo - v ines of scr eaming goat s Vir go - st ock phot os Libr a - t wit t er f ight s Scor pio - when chil dr en fal l down Sagit t ar ius - spel l ing er r or s in t ext s Capr icor n - when Mr . Hudson y el l s at peopl e f or being dumb Aquar ius - bad comebacks Pisces - t ur t l es on t heir backs * Ma k e Amer i c a , 'Mer i c a Aga i n By Dylan Ludeman You know this country has to deal with a lot of problems these days. Foreigners at our gates, terrorism running rampant, and I can?t tell who the Muslims are just by looking at them. Luckily there is one man who can make 'Merica great again. President Trump will keep these foreigners from taking our jobs, and no Trump supporters aren?t racist, we just wanna make America great again by keeping out the brown people. Like Trump said we?re not saying they?re all bad, just that most of them are rapists, thieves, and murderers, what?s wrong with that? Don?t believe the liberal lie that twenty percent of my fellow Trump supporters don?t support the emancipation proclamation, after all what kind of crazy backward people would we have to be to hold on to something that happened over a hundred years ago? Trump loves the blacks, and women for that matter--he did say that if his daughter was not his daughter he would probably be dating her; see Trump is a family man, too. But most importantly we have to remember Trump has the biggest heart of any candidate, and that is why he threatened to commit international war crimes and label Muslims like the Jews in 1930s Germany. Trump cares you guys. *Buf fal o 4 Pr ez by Donovan Gaf f eney Guy on a Buffalo would be the most qualified presidential candidate in the campaign since General George Washington if he would just announce his campaign. He?s a great navigator and an American hero, too. He has fought off bears and cougars. He and his running mate, Buffalo, also care for the children and safety. They would make America great again by protecting the people of the United States with all their might. Only you can make that choice, only you can make America great again. Write in Guy on a Buffalo for president. M ov i e Rev i ew - Ki n gsm an : Th e Secr et Ser v i ce by Ol i v i a Beh m W ho doesn?t love a good spy m ovie? Well, even if you do not, Kingsm an: The Secr et Ser vice w ill get you hopping on the bandw agon in no tim e. Ser iously, this m ovie is unr eal. The stor y is basically this: A young m an, nam ed ?Eggsy,? fr om England is r ecr uited to com pete against his peer s for a position in the secr et ser vice agency, Kingsm an. Ther e is he tested w ith life-thr eatening situations to pr ove that he has w hat it takes. M eanw hile, the villain, nam ed Valentine -played by Sam uel L. Jackson-, is thr eatening to m ur der billions. So, it?s basically the Hunger Gam es m eets Jam es Bond, r ight? Wr ong. This m ovie br ings som ething new to the spy genr e. It keeps the genius of the classic spy film s w hile updating it w ithout m aking it dated. I per sonally loved how m ost of the fight scenes ar e one-take so that you can r eally appr eciate the chor eogr aphy. Not to m ention that one of them is set to the guitar solo of Lynyr d Skynyr d?s ?Fr ee Bir d.? Aw esom e. This m ovie is r ated R (for a reason) so don?t w atch this, fr eshm en! But if you?r e seventeen or older , I?d r eally r ecom m end this. Check this out if you?r e looking for a bit of excitem ent w ithout actually leaving the com for t of your hom e. Review er ?s r ating: 5 out of 5 bulletpr oof tailor ed suits. Prank Videos Now, I honestly can?t decide on what?s worse on YouTube, prank videos, or reaction videos. They are both pretty bad, but I'm not here to talk reaction videos, I?m here to talk about Prank videos. Now, some of you may be asking, ?Timmy, what?s a prank video?? Well, if you?ve been living under a rock for the past three years, prank videos are pretty self explanatory - they're basically videos about people playing pranks on innocent bystanders. Now what are some of the pranks they do? Well, you're in for a treat, some examples include "Stepping on Jordan's in the Hood Prank!", "Killing my Best Friend Prank! (GONE WRONG)", etc. Now, I must ask you guys, does stepping on people?s shoes count as a prank? Or what about a prank where a guy goes around pretending to fart in people?s faces? Or how about a prank where Sam Pepper pretends to kill a guy?s best friend? No, IT DOESN?T. Now before I continue, I have say that NONE of these pranks I mentioned are real. In fact, I think almost all the pranks on YouTube are fake. And that?s the problem. Some people who don?t understand that try to copy these pranks and end up getting into a lot of trouble. Now don?t get me wrong, I do enjoy prank videos, ironically. Sometimes they do tend to go a little too far though. Like a school shooting prank, a bombing prank, hanging myself prank, etc. Now guys, don?t give these pranks attention, because that?s what they want. They're fear mongering people into getting more views on their YouTube channel. The site is actually taking action against these pranks by taking down the offensive prank channels, which I am glad they did, because some of those pranks broke so many rules on YouTube, it was ridiculous. * Spr ing Snick Snacks By Jada Sonnenbur ger Ex t r eme Peeps 1. Buy 5 packages of Peeps and a dr y er ase boar d ( mar ker may not be incl uded) 2. Put al l said Peeps in your mout h al l at once 3. Wr it e ?I am t he new Supr eme. Bow down peasant s? on t he dr y er ase boar d since you cannot speak because of al l of t he Peeps in your mout h 4. Rul e t he wor l d wit h your Supr eme Peep Power Jada's Cal l -Outs @ peopl e w h o sti l l pi nch peopl e w h o aren?t w eari ng green on St. Patri ck ?s Day Real l y? A re you 12? Wh y? I bet not one of you k now w h at St. Patri ck ?s day i s actual l y ab out w i th out l ook i ng i t up. A nd i f you?re not predomi nantl y I ri sh on one si de of your f ami l y th en you sh oul dn?t ev en b e cel ebrati ng. ?But Jada, I ?m actual l y 43.5%I ri sh , 29%Sw edi sh , 16.87%b l eh b l eh bl eh ,? Yeah , and I ?m 100%done w i th you. *Student Interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What?s it like being a minority? Do you think you are a minority? Why don?t you have a soul? Are you Irish? What?s the worst sunburn you?ve ever gotten? How many freckles do you have? Freshman: Aydin Kroeger It sometimes is not fun. I consider myself a minority because regular people don?t know how much it sucks to wear sunscreen with SPF 10,000 and still get burnt in ten minutes. I don?t have a soul because I was blessed to have my ginger-ness, but it cost my soul. No, I?m German- OF COURSE I?M IRISH!! Can?t you get that from the hair? The worst sunburn I?ve ever had was when I was eight and I had baseball and was outside all day and got so burnt that I had to spend two days indoors just to heal. Too many to count. An ungodly amount. Junior: Tiffany Pelltier Being a minority is fantastic. You stand out without really standing out. But hey, gingers are making a comeback, so watch out. Because I am Satan. Duh. I was at the beach with my family and I put sunscreen on and everything but the next day I was super burnt and in so much pain but hey # gingerproblems # gokatz A lot, but not as much as other gingers. Alumni: Meghan Straight (Class of 2014) I don?t consider myself a minority. The ginger population has grown quite a bit. I don?t have a soul because I had to make room for all the souls I steal. Yes I am Irish. Most gingers are, but some are Scottish, or fake. I can?t talk about my ?worst? sunburn because I?m constantly sunburnt, it never goes away. I also cannot count the number of freckles I have. Each freckle is a soul that I?ve stolen. Sometimes I do it on accident. Like I?ll make eye contact with someone and oops, new soul. Sophomore: Allison Williams It is hard knowing that red heads will be extinct soon # redheadstrong I don?t know but stealing other people?s soul is vital for ginger survival No, but I particularly enjoy St. Patrick's Day with my fellow leprechauns Just a couple of blisters here and there One for every soul I?ve stolen Senior: Andrew Behnfeldt It feels so annoying to know that I am one of the few most beautiful red heads. Yes, I do think I am part of a minority, and I have no problem with it at all. It is said that gingers are tools of the devil. We are marked with the color of our master. Theologists have theorized that gingers were an attempt by God to rid the world of smurfs. We are nothing more than empty shells and our only purpose is to annoy and wipe out the humans. Am I Irish? What!?!? Is that because leprechauns have red hair? I think that is a stereotypical question, I am German. The worst sunburn ever? How about just that every sunburn is no fun for me, at all! I?m not really sure how many freckles I have. Care to start counting them? We could play connect the dots! Staff: Mr. Palmer It can be trying at times, but there are scholarships out there for us gingers. Look ?em up. I?m not a real fan of KIA vehicles, I only buy American. To an extent, yes. I?ve had sun poisoning three times in my life. To my fellow gingers: never clean a pool in mid-July without wearing sunscreen. Or better yet, ya better make that a full body snow suit to protect yourself from the sun. - July 2006 IT?S AN UNEVEN TAN! *Spring Int o Act ion Hel l o my spring bunnies... sounded bet t er in my head. I am Noah ?McBunbun? Azinger, and around spring peopl e t end t o be much more act ive. Whet her t hat is men who shoul dn?t be riding smal l bikes riding smal l bikes, or peopl e t rying t o do backf l ips and, wel l , ceasing t o be f ert il e, one t hing t hat is best t o record is a good prank. And speaking of which, I got a f ew f or ya. Enjoy. Or not , t hat ?s a you t hing. They aren?t in any part icul ar order so you can?t bl ame me if you don?t l ike t hem. 1. Tel l your ?special someone? you are going t o prank t hem. Then never do. I rat e t his a ??/ 10. It depends on how insecure t hey are. 2. If you know what t o do, get t ing a hol d of someone?s l apt op and swit ching set t ings l ike l anguage, sensit ivit y, orient at ion and l ight sensit ivit y is a f un way t o be hat ed. To f ind t hese set t ings, hit Command and Q. 7/ 10 3. Buy st ickers and just put t hem everywhere. EVERYWHERE. *I am not responsibl e f or st ickers in t he school .* 4. Saran wrap doorways. Or duct t ape. Or supergl ue? 5. The nuke of al l pranks. Feed your f riend a del icious snack of Haribo sugar f ree gummy bears and wat ch t hem burn in agony. *If you don?t want f riends, t his is your pick* 6. Bury t he eggs during an East er egg hunt . It ?s your job t o hide t hem, t heir job t o f ind t hem. Who wil l win? 7. Dress as a rabbit and f ast bal l carrot s at peopl e. 8. Googl ey-eye everyt hing. A bit l ike st ickers but much more sat isf ying. 9. Screamin?smoot hies. In t angent wit h t he haribo, boil t hose demon bears down and put t hem in a smoot hie. You wil l be hat ed and go t o a dark pl ace af t er. Pu n Tim es by Sar ah Bor k owsk i ft. Katie El l in g W h at do you cal l a fak e ston e in Ir el an d? Fl ower s don 't h ave fr ien ds, th ey h ave bu ds. A sham r ock Th e botan ist was so excited abou t spr in g h e wet h is pl an ts! W h at did on e egg say to th e oth er egg? H el p, I'm dyein g. W h at did th e egg say wh en h e was sick ? W h y did th e ol d wom an pu t wh eel s "I feel r otten" on h er r ock in g ch air ? Is th er e a m on th of spr in g th at's best? So sh e cou l d r ock & r ol l ! Th er e M ay be. Proud To Be A Wi l dcat by Jacob Herold Everyone t hat is af f il iat ed wit h Napol eon High School , st udent s, t eachers, al umni, and even members of t he communit y, shoul d f eel proud t o be a Wil dcat af t er t his l ast mont h. Napol eon High School has/ wil l send 57 st udent s t o a t ot al of seven St at e compet it ions in t he mont hs of February and March. Sw i mmi ng & Di v i ng Bow l i ng The divers st art ed t he Cat s out wit h Hunt er Rex, Compet ing at t he st at e l evel was Brit t ney Meienberg, and Lexi Henricks. Rex went t o t he bowl ing, which sent t he girl s St at e Meet f or t he 3rd year in a row and ended up t eam and Dyl an Brown. Brown pl acing 7t h and made Al l -Ohio. Meienberg made school pl aced 26 out of roughl y 130 hist ory by being t he f irst ever Napol eon High School ot her bowl ers. The Ladycat f emal e f reshman st at e qual if ier and ended up wit h a bowl ers, which incl ude MaKayl a 20t h pl ace f inish. Henricks went t o t he st at e meet f or Horner, Mariah McKenzie, Tayl or t he f irst t ime and pl aced 24t h. Next came t he Gonzal ez, Hannah Badenhop, swimmers, st art ing wit h t he girl s 200 Medl ey Rel ay Bl ayre Beck, Brooke Bal dwin, and which consist ed of Amanda Hudson, Kat rina Tran, Lydia Wacht man, made it al l t he Andrea Edl and, and Abby Al l ison pl aced 18t h. The girl s way t o t he st at e f inal s where t hey 200 Freest yl e Rel ay pl aced 13t h wit h Al l ison Wil l iams, became t he St at e Runner-Up f or Eadyn Mil l er, Jenna Pil kingt on, and Al l ison. The girl s t he second year in a row. Beck 400 Freest yl e Rel ay pl aced 15t h wit h Edl and, Mil l er, made f irst t eam Al l -Ohio. Pil kingt on, and Hudson. Tran pl aced 22nd in t he 100 Awesome job bowl ers! Breast st roke. The boys 400 Freest yl e Rel ay pl aced 24t h I ndoor Track and consist ed of Aaron Carrol , Aaron Drewes, Mat t hew Buchhop, and Kyl e Kreinbrink. Kreinbrink al so pl aced Napol eon al so had f ive at hl et es at 17t h in t he 500 Freest yl e. Jon Creager pl aced 13t h in t he indoor st at e t rack meet which t he 500 Freest yl e and 18t h in t he 100 Breast st roke. incl uded Peyt on Lee, Sam Meece, Congrat s t o al l of our Wil dcat st at e swimmers and Tyl er St uber, Garret Ricket s, and divers! Pabl o Mont al vo-Rodas. St uber pl aced 10t h in t he l ong jump. Wrestl i ng Mont al vo-Rodas pl aced 9t h in t he 60 met er dash, 5t h in t he 200 The Wil dcat Wrest l ers made school hist ory as t hey sent f our wrest l ers t o t he st at e meet , breaking t he previous record of met er dash (onl y 0.02 seconds of f t hree wrest l ers in 1964. Al ex Andrews, Charl ey Bohl s, Angel f rom 3rd pl ace), and 5t h in t he Granados, and Set h Beard al l made it int o t he second day of l ong jump. Meece pl aced 8t h in t he shot put and won t he st at e t he st at e meet , however, Beard was t he onl y one st il l al ive championship in t he weight going int o t he semi-f inal s. Beard wrest l ed Tyl er Warner in t he semi-f inal s, who was a t hree t ime st at e champ and who t hrow. The boys as a t eam t ied f or 4t h pl ace out of 81 t eams. Lee had beat en him f or t he t it l e of St at e Champ his f reshman year. Beard st opped Warner f rom get t ing his f ourt h st raight pl aced 5t h in t he 60 met er dash, 4t h in t he 200 met er dash, and st at e t it l e by def eat ing him in t he semi-f inal s, making not onl y became st at e champ in hist ory in t he ent ire st at e. Beard went on t o become Napol eon?s f irst ever St at e Champ af t er qual if ying in t he t he 60 met er hurdl es, but al so set st at e meet al l f our years, once again making school hist ory. a st at e record of 8.81 seconds. Awesome job t rack at hl et es! He al so was made t he MVP of t he Division II St at e Meet . Congrat s t o t he f our st at e wrest l ers! Proud to b e a Wi l dcat cont. DECA Speech Coming up f or Wil dcat s is t he st at e DECA Napol eon hasn?t just had st at e compet it ion, which wil l st art t omorrow and l ast qual if iers in at hl et ics; we had t hree unt il Sat urday. The individual st at e qual if iers members of t he Speech Team go on t o are: Zoey Hol brook, Connor Sehl man, Sara Bohn, t he St at e compet it ion. Ol ivia Behm Bl ake Musshel , Sean Parker, Aaron Drewes, pl aced 37t h in Humorous Connor St ef f ey, Sarah Borkowski, Grace Garber, Int erpret at ion, Lena Zeebuyt h pl aced Andrea Edl and, Lexi Eis, Andrew Bischof f , Shawn 23rd in Inf ormat ive Speaking, and Grewal , Cl oe Smit h, and Zarin Carr. Team Ol ivia Sherman pl aced 13t h in qual if iers are Krist en Laws & Isabel Hit chcock Dramat ic Int erpret at ion. Congrat s and Cameron Dickman & Josh Buchenberg. l adies! Final l y, going t o st at e wit h an individual project is Ryan Parker. Good l uck t o al l DECA st at e *TheN ight ofOurL ives bySarahBorkowski People say that your w edding day is the m ost im por tant day of your life. False. It?s pr om . It?s r eally the only r eason to go into high school, tr uthfully. Spor ts and extr acur r icular s ar e just som ething to take up tim e. Your diplom a is m er ely a slip of paper that you pay for over the cour se of four year s. In this m oder n age w ho has that kind of tim e? I could pr obably teach myself calculus via YouTube videos in less than a school year , w hile still getting my 8+ hour s of beauty sleep - w hich school is really cutting into r ight now. But pr om . That one night m akes it all w or th it. The glitz, the glam our , the m onths spent picking out a dr ess w or th hundr eds of dollar s to only w ear once, the w eeks spent planning exactly how you?r e going to ask your date, the days deciding w her e to take pictur es befor ehand, and the hour s spent on the day of getting r eady and m aking sur e ever y last detail is per fect. All that pr epar ation for one night. People com plain and say that it?s too expensive, but I don?t think w e spend enough on pr om . Fifty dollar s for a ticket is too cheap! Tickets should be at least $250, and gener ously discounted to $490 for a couple. Boys shouldn't be r enting tuxes; that?s so plebeian - they should buy a new tux each year. I?ve hear d gir ls talk about how expensive their dr esses ar e, w hen they?r e only $300. Gir ls should be spending at least $500 on a dr ess. I m ean you can get a w edding gow n for that m uch, and pr om should cost a lot m or e than a w edding, w hose aver age cost is $26,444. I?m not sur e how m uch Napoleon spends on pr om , but it should be tr iple, if not four tim es as m uch. You can get m ar r ied as m any tim es as you like - pr om you only get to do tw ice.