Wanna get real time access to all the Latest News and individual


Wanna get real time access to all the Latest News and individual
Wanna get real time access to all the Latest News and individual times of your favorite
swimmers on Your Digicel Mobile Phone!!!?
Now there is a Way.... Digicel in association with the ASAJ presents SWIM ALERTS, the
fastest way to get swimming information on your mobile.
Send an SMS to INFO (444-4636).
Introducing DigiINFO - the WIRELESS way to keep informed!
DigiINFO is an information service delivered over SMS gives real time access to over 300
swimmers from all the swim clubs in Jamaica. Whether to keep score, to evaluate your time or
just to keep an eye on what’s happening while you’re away from the pool, people want
information in real time and on the go, DigiINFO is perfect to fill this need.
So How Does it Work? ............................................................................................................................. 2
What information will I get when I subscribe? ......................................................................................... 2
Why do I sometimes get more than one message? .................................................................................. 3
How many messages will I get? ............................................................................................................... 3
When will charging begin?....................................................................................................................... 3
How often will I get messages? ................................................................................................................ 4
What time will messages be delivered ..................................................................................................... 4
When will I be charged for messages? ..................................................................................................... 4
How do I exit the service?........................................................................................................................ 4
Where does the information come from? ................................................................................................ 5
Can I sign up to multiple swimmers? ....................................................................................................... 5
Can I exit to multiple swimmers? ............................................................................................................. 5
Can I sign up while roaming? ................................................................................................................... 5
Can I sign up on another network? .......................................................................................................... 5
So How Does it Work?
It couldn't be easier. Just send a Digicel Text!
 From your phone menu Select "Messages"
 Select Edit or Write Message
 Check your DigiINFO promotion sheet for the code for your favorite swimmer.
Type the keyword in that message, in this example it would be asaj461
Now send this message to 444-INFO (4636).
and there you go!!!!!!, you are now connected to your favorite swimmer.
And that's it! You'll get the Digicel Text within a minute with the information you asked for.
What information will I get when I subscribe?
Race Summary
Personal Best
Swimmer’s Final Time
Top 3 finishers in this race
Why do I sometimes get more than one message?
DigiINFO offered premium content that will be interesting yet concise. There are some pieces
of content that will require us to send more than 1 message for the information to be as
effective as possible therefore; from time to time you will get content with up to three
How many messages will I get?
DigiINFO is billed per instance and not per message. DigiINFO in Jamaica cost only J$10 per
instance. The content of some information you request may require the service to send you more
than one Digicel Text for the information to be complete. However even if the content is
delivered in three messages you will only be charged J$10
When will charging begin?
DigiINFO is a premium service delivered by Digipoint in conjunction with our mobile network
partners Digicel, the swimming content will remain Free until March 31st 2013. We do review
our promotional offers from time to time and may extend the promotional period, so please
look out for further updates on our future promotions.
How often will I get messages?
Messages are delivery almost instantly after the end of each race, so in a typical swim meet you
may get an average of about 4 messages depending on the number of events that your
swimmer is entered for.
What time will messages be delivered
Messages are delivered almost instantly after the end of a race.
Where there are
disqualifications in a particular race, the messages may be delayed until after the release of the
official results.
When will I be charged for messages?
After the promotional period ends, you are charged when messages are delivered to your
phone, so if there is no message delivered then there will be no charge.
How do I exit the service?
Each service has an option to start and to stop. To stop any service, there are three options:
1. Manual Exit
a. Type X in front of the original keyword. In the example above when you signed
up, the keyword was asaj461 for Joshua Mignott, to exit the service, add an X
in front of the keyword so in this example, you would send xasaj461
2. Contact Customer Care
a. Customer is available 24 hours a day to support you will all your queries
including exiting the DigiINFO services.
Please contact your customer care
center by dialing 100 from your mobile and ask them to remove your mobile
number from the service. Be sure to remember to give them the name of the
service you want to be removed from.
Where does the information come from?
Digipoint is a Gold Sponsor of the ASAJ and therefore we get our information directly from the
ASAJ systems during all ASAJ events.
Can I sign up to multiple swimmers?
Yes, you can sign up for as many swimmers as you would like to.
Can I exit to multiple swimmers?
At this time, you would not be able to exit all swimmers in a single action, you would be asked
to exit for each swimmer one at a time.
Can I sign up while roaming?
Yes, if you are a Digicel customer roaming you will be able to sign up for the service and get
alerts as if you were in Jamaica.
Can I sign up on another network?
Currently, the service is only available on the Digicel Jamaica Network; we do not support any
other local or International carriers for this service