Decoy News - The Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association
Decoy News - The Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association
Decoy News The The Official Newsletter of the Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association May, 2012 MDF Exhibit at the Minnesota Lakes Maritime Museum Held Over in 2012 2012 Show Highlights This year’s exciting show included: Room to Room starting on Wednesday Big show Friday and Saturday The Minnesota Lakes Maritime Museum in Alexandria, Minnesota will once again present it’s wildly popular duck hunting exhibit. If you did not get a chance to see this collection in 2011– you need to get it on this year’s calendar. The exhibit features rare duck boats, Ducks Unlimited “Living Lakes Initiative” Story, wooden decoys from The Minnesota Decoy Foundation Collection, Oxley’s vintage photographs, original John House commemorative painting and much more. If you enjoy hunting and the outdoors do not miss this exhibit. In addition to the rare duck boats and decoys, the exhibit features the story of Sam Fertig, a market hunter who spent a great deal of time hunting on Lake Christina. Auction Friday night Best Bird Contest Saturday Youth Carving Contest Saturday Hospitality room for exhibitors Friday night Several authors signing their books Minnesota Display Friday and Saturday Great socializing with fellow decoy collectors Exhibit Continued on Page 5. Inside this Issue: cont. on page 5 Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving President’s Letter 2 MDCA Contact Info 2 2012 Show Photos 3 2012 Minnesota Display 4 Best Bird Results 4 Table Talk 4 Maritime Museum Hi-Lites 5 Auction Hi-Lites 5 MDCA Bulletin Board 6 Jupe Houman Memoriam 7 Youth Contest Results 8 1 MDCA 2012 Newsletter The “High-Ball” Greetings Members. thoughts from our President At the end of every one of our Minnesota Decoy Association shows, I always sit down and do this letter to all of the members of our association, to tell you about our most recent show. Well, here I go again. The weather is something I don’t think about too much, but because it was show time, I was hoping that it would be smiling upon us, and it was. The weather was perfect for traveling to the show, and the locals in the Twin Cities area showed up in very good numbers to take in the experience. The room to room trading on Wednesday and Thursday was well attended by not only our members, but also by the public who happened to read about the show. We had exceptional coverage in the local newspapers, and various other newspapers geared to the outdoor minded people. The attendance over the four day show was wonderful. We had all of the tables in our exhibit hall sold, and the amount of decoys and related items was very impressive. Our Best Bird contest, which brings out the best examples of decoys on collectors shelves, featured the Bluebill this year. This years Collector’s Choice display highlighted some birds from Jim Krebsbach’s wonderful collection. Every year, we do our best to give our members the opportunity to experience one of the best decoy shows in the country. We owe so much to all of you who attended this year’s show, and especially want to thank all of the exhibitors who helped make our show a very successful and exciting event. In just a few weeks, we will start planning next year’s show. Mark your calendars and plan on attending! . S . P I just want to mention that the hotel is going to be making some very nice changes to the interior of the hotel, and that should be a wonderful change for all of us. This should improve many areas and make our stay much more pleasant. During my conversation with management, they asked that I go over a subject with all of you. All of you that attend our annual show and book rooms for the Wednesday and Thursday room to room events, are being asked to possibly alter the way you set up your rooms. It was brought to my attention that several members who were selling out of their rooms were bringing in such a large amount, that they took it upon themselves to remove some of the room furniture and deposit it in the hallway. According to the hotel staff, these people were informed this cannot happen due to fire codes, hotel policy, etc. Unfortunately, the situation was not corrected, and the manager of the hotel reported to me that their requests were ignored. We have held our annual show at the Ramada MOA for over 20 years, and they welcome us and appreciate us giving them our business. They just want to let us know that moving furniture to the hallway, or setting things in the hallway for sale, is against the fire code. If you cannot put a display together without moving furniture to the hall, simply leave some of it at home. Fo rg etf!o r o n ly Do n’t m is s io n d Ad E a r ly Bir b e rs h ip + mem M 0 .0 0 2 $ gets you in at 11:00 A Best Regards, John Southworth John A. Southworth MINNESOTA DECOY COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION Board of Director Contacts: Dues and Larry Thomforde (507) 732-7074 Table Reservations................................................................................................... [email protected] Bob Sauer (952) 949-9880 Auction Information.................................................................................................... [email protected] Wally Wegleitner (651) 771-8926 Best Bird Contest Carter Stenberg (320) 796-5684 MN Display.................................................................................................................................................................Andy Anderson (651) 464-8861 Advertising & MN Decoy Foundation Donations and [email protected] Marty Hanson (952) 440-4767 • Mailing Address: Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association, P.O. Box 144, Zumbrota, MN 55992 • 2 Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving MDCA 2012 Newsletter Photos from the 2012 Show Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving 3 MDCA 2012 Newsletter Table Talk 2012 Minnesota Display showcases factory decoys featured in Minnesota decoy book. Table Chairman Bob Sauer The purpose of the Minnesota Display is intended to be an integral part of the learning experience of the public attending the yearly Minnesota Decoy Collector’s Association show. The display is a venue for Minnesota makers of decoys, carvers and factories – contemporary and vintage. Once again, our long awaited (M.D.C.A.) Show is over. What pleasant memories! Visiting with collectors, the raffle, the collectors’ choice and Minnesota decoy displays, the new 2012 button, the super auction, and the Marv’s carving demo were all great memories for me. There were incredible entries in the best bird contest too. Thank you all for traveling from near and far to attend our show. I always have a wonderful time seeing old friends and old decoys. As in year’s past, all exhibitor tables were taken. Over 91% of the tables were rented before the last week of December. Nine new members exhibited this year. Our bright lights and spacious room was comfortable for visitors and exhibitors. I thought visitor attendance was up this year. Sales were high for some exhibitors. I sold a few, bought more, and added four to my collection. I did my annual trade too. Minnesota carvers, Marv Meyer and Marv Bernet showed us how to carve away that “extra” wood to find the hidden decoy and duck head. They are always fun to watch and a highlight at our show. Thank you again for attending our 2012 Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association show. See you at the next show here in Minnesota in 2013. Keep up the hunt! Spread the word! Bring a buddy next year! Do a trade! This years Minnesota Display showcased decoys featured in Doug Lodermeier’s book: Minnesota Duck Decoys – yesterday’s and today’s folk artists. This years display consisted of factory decoys and was well received by those attending the 2012 show. Next years 2013 display will showcase Minnesota Miniature Decoys also featured in the Minnesota decoy book. Vaughn Walters Photo Best Bird Contest Results - Bluebill One of the fun events of the show is the best bird contest. It is open to all members of the MDCA and their families. We have four divisions. They are antique factory, antique hand carved, modern working and modern decorative. This year our show species was the Bluebill. There were 72 birds entered in this year’s event. The judges had their hands full trying to pick the winners in all categories. After the judging was over, the winning decoys were put on display with their well earned ribbons. The members flock around the display area looking to see which decoys won. Start looking at your decoys on those shelves – 2013 Best Bird Contest will feature the Mallard. 4 The Winners Are: Bob Mason Challenge Vaughn Walters Antique Factory: Mason Challenge – Vaughn Walters Antique Hand Made: Don Reed Marty Hanson Don Reed – Marty Hanson Modern Working: Ben Heinemann – Carter Stenberg Modern Decorative: Ben Heinemann Carter Stenberg Dick Schiebel – Bob Beugen Youth Carving Competition: Olivia Rooney – Bluebill gunning bird Congratulations! Dick Schiebel Bob Beugen Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving MDCA 2012 Newsletter Thank You! Jay Rendall, one of MDCA’s own member and outstanding water color artist has graciously donated his talents to the MDCA. His beautiful rendering of a Bluebill decoy is featured on the 2012 show button. The original artwork based on a Lexow decoy was auctioned on Friday night of the annual show and gaveled at $220.00. We are very fortunate to count Jay as a member and for his very generous contribution. We would also like to thank Paul Mikkelson for his continued efforts in coordinating the project and for the outstanding results year after year. Proceeds from the auction and button sales are vital to the MDCA’s ability to finance the yearly show. This year’s button as well as past buttons are available for sale. See the bulletin board on page 6 for details. Auction Highlights Wally Wegleitner The annual Friday night decoy auction proved to again be a huge success. There were 88 decoys consigned with many Midwest & factory decoys to choose from. The variety gave the new and veteran collector a nice selection to bid on. Many duck decoys sold in the $50-$100 range with opportunity for some great bargains. There were also a good number of high quality decoys. Some of the top decoys included a pair of Mason blue wing teal with a winning bid of $3,000. Also, a fine pair of very early Heron Lake Mallards with a final bid of $2,200. The turn out was strong, and the bidding spirited, making for a very fun evening. Doc Baillie, our in house auctioneer, does a great job with his fun, humorous manner. The 88 lots this year with many pairs, proved to be no problem for Doc to breeze through. The bidding crowd pretty much stayed right until the very last decoy. The consensus among members indicated the new 6 PM starting time was positive. Many thanks to our auction Senior Executive Paul Mikkelson, Barb Hanson, Justin Wegleitner, Sherrie Wegleitner & Larry Thomforde, our Treasurer. The Minnesota Lakes Maritime Museum, cont. from page 1 clerking crew does an unbelievable job to facilitate both buyers & consignors to settle up in less than 30 minutes after the auction ended. We are blessed to have such talented and gifted people involved on the auction committee. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! p.s. As a reminder to all members: 1. All decoys must be picked up immediately after the auction is completed. 2. Please wait until after the auction is completed to pay for your decoys. If you are unable to stay until the end of the auction, please make arrangements for someone to pay & pick up your decoys. 3. Pick up your consignment checks immediately after the auction. With your cooperation and patience, the crew can maintain their awesome efficiency. Other show highlights are listed below: • Extensive Collection Of Rare Duck Boats On Display • Ducks Unlimited “Living Lakes Initiative” Story Bringing Life Back To Shallow Lakes And Marshes In Minnesota And Iowa. • Wooden Decoys From The Minnesota Decoy Foundation Collection • Oxley’s Vintage Photos: 1900s - 1940s Professional Vintage Hunting Photographs • Sam Fertig Exhibit - Market Hunter In The Late 1800s - 1920s. • Original John House Commemorative Painting Learn more at: Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving 5 MDCA 2012 Newsletter MDCA Bulletin Board Pa st Sh ow Bu tto ns For Sa le e c oy ki n g of a D T h e Maarver c • Re n o w n e d e r in a ctio n ! ey M rv a M te s lo n g ! • 41 m in u ll m a kin g ! a • In c lude s c A lim ite d num be r of pa st MDCA sh ow bu tt on s are av ai la ble fo r pu rcha se . Ca ll Paul to fin d ou t ab ou t av ai la bi lit y. HS V 0 0 . $15 DVD 0 0 . $18A H pe & .00 S d $3 Ple a se C a ll : Pau l M ik k e ls o n (320) 235-03 67 er r o rd Ad Ma ke C h ec ks To: MD C & Se n d Orde r To: fo In g S h ippin MD CA 4 PO B ox 14 M N 55992 , a t o r b m u Z Suggestions? ed your help! Please $5.00ea . ! Lo g o C apCasps DF MD CA & M s! ide re d lo g o w it h e m b ro c k h u ntin g, du Pe r fe ct fo r g, do g t ra in in g tin up la n d h u n e a r! w o r c asual On ly We ne send photos, articles, and suggestions for your Newsletter to: s Lo o k fo r c ap h ow at va r io u s s Stops ! Doug Lodermeier 5700 Beard Avenue South Edina, MN 55410-2342 – or – [email protected] The On ly D u c k C a ll Ma kin g of a ks Ma ke C h ec To: MD CA To: Se n d Orde r $15.00 $18.00 6 VHS er Add $3.00 S&H per ord MD CA 4 PO B ox 14 55992 N M , a t o r Zu m b p e r CA P! Joi n the Fl o c k! Do yo u k no s h a re s y w s o m e o n e w h o o u r i nte r es h o bby? I n v ite t h e t i n o u r m o u r o rg a n iz atio n to j o i n ! • Co 45Mins C a ll Ma ke rs Re n o w n e d in Actio n ! n g lu n d • Pa u l E a n s o n H • Ma r t y eye r M v r a •M $20.00 DV D lle cto r • A n n u a l Net wo r kin g D • News le ire cto r y tte r • Fre e S h o • App ra is w Ad m is s io n a • a n d M u l As s ist a n c e c h M o re Ma i l D u es t o: MD CA PO B ox 1 Zu m b ro 44 t a, M On ly $15.00 p e r ye a r N 5599 ! 2 Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving MDCA 2012 Newsletter In Memoriam: Jupe Houman The decoy collecting fraternity just lost one of our dearest friends. Jupe Houman of Hudson, Wisconsin passed away on June 1st, 2011. Jupe was a long time collector of Wisconsin decoys with a very special fondness for Evans decoys. His Evans collection is one of the best in the nation, and he was exceptionally proud of that fact. Jupe was a long time member of the Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association, and looked forward to each show by counting down the months, and then days until the next show. He was also a member of the Midwest Decoy Collectors Association. He attended all of the Oshkosh Decoy Shows, and recently was reminiscing about the show this past March. Jupe always looked forward to every get-together with all of his decoy buddies, and always had some information to share with everyone at the Evans Society meetings. Besides being a very avid collector of decoys, Jupe was a very accomplished wood carver, and decoy maker himself. Through the years he made many beautiful things that he would make for friends, family members, and for special donations to many different organizations. Going to Jupe’s house, was like going into a museum. Besides decoys, Jupe enjoyed his parrots, doves, his garden, and goldfish pond in his park-like backyard. He was also a very avid fisherman. He loved the local lakes and the St. Croix river. Jupe was a wonderful family man. He was always going places and doing things with his wife, Helen, kids, and grandchildren. Jupe was one of those special people that everyone just enjoyed being around. His kindness and generosity will long be remembered by all of us who knew him. He was a special friend to many. He took the time to teach and mentor me and many others about decoy collecting, and carving. We will all miss him. Thanks Jupe for being such a good friend, and for sharing all of your decoy knowledge with everyone in the decoy fraternity. Gene Davis Photo Jupe Houman at the Minnesota Decoy Show. John Southworth Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association MDCA Member Carl Melichar featured in Illustrator Magazine Illustrator Magazine, the official publication of Art Instruction Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota–of which Melichar is a graduate– recently featured the artist in a recent issue. An original work by the artist; Orange & White Brittany graced the cover. Inside spreads featured many of Carl’s works and a thoughtful biography. Congratulations on your recognition and continued success! Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving 7 MDCA 2012 Newsletter Carvers Share their Talents Marv Bernet – was on hand to talk decoy carving and give demonstrations. We have been very fortunate to have carvers in the MDCA who have been willing to take time to demonstrate their talents at our show. A big thank-you to carvers including Marv Bernet, Marv Meyer, Marty Hanson, Richard Schiebel and the guys from The Minnesota Decoy & Wildfowl Carving Club to name just a few who have help kindle an interest in carving over the years! MWA Co-Sponsers Youth Carving Contest Olivia Rooney, age 9, of Andover was the first place winner at the Minnesota Waterfowl Association (MWA) and the Minnesota Decoy Collectors Association (MDCA) co-sponsored youth decoy carving contest this past February 4th. Brother Luke Rooney, age 7, was the second place winner and Wyatt Wiseman of Prior Lake placed 3rd. The Bluebill or Scaup was the featured specie for the 2012 contest. The winners received ribbons from the MDCA and art prints and other prizes from the MWA. This was the 9th year for the contest started by the MDCA. The MDCA holds their annual decoy show at the Ramada Mall of America in Bloomington the first Saturday in February and the preceding Friday afternoon and evening. But, serious collectors arrive on Wednesday for the start of the ever popular room-to-room trading. Dealers buy, sell and trade antique and contemporary waterfowl decoys, hunting and other sporting collectibles in their rooms. To continue and promote the great heritage of decoy carving in Minnesota, the MDCA held a youth carving contest on the Saturday of the show. The MWA participated by promoting the contest at state and local chapter events and by word of mouth and provided prizes for the carvers. Olivia and Luke Rooney – with their 2012 youth carving contest 1st & 2nd place winning entries. Keep up the good work. Wyatt Wisemann (photo page 3, top left) took 3rd place. Nice going Wyatt!! MDCA Board of Directors President – John Southworth Vice President – Steve Handevidt Secretary/Treasurer – Larry Thomforde Board Members: Howard Anderson Doug Lodermeier John Baillie Pat Meneely Alan Bakke Paul Mikkelson Dick Brust (Founder) Bob Sauer Marty Hanson Carter Stenberg Jeff Hedtke Dick Tyrrell Bruce Hoaglund Wally Wegleitner Mike Valley (WI representative at large) MN Decoy Foundation Who We Are The Minnesota Decoy Foundation was formed as a nonprofit organization in 1991 to encourage the preservation of decoys from Minnesota carvers. The foundation accepts donations of decoys, and related hunting collectibles, artifacts and documents as well as monetary donations to expand and fund a permanent exhibit. Anyone interested in helping to promote the foundation’s goals should contact any of the foundation contacts listed on page 2 or any of the contacts listed on the enclosed show flyer. MDF Board of Directors President – Marty Hanson Vice President – Larry Thomforde Secretary/Treasurer – John Southworth Foundation Members: Dick Brust (Founder) Steve Handevidt Doug Lodermeier Dick Tyrrell We’re on the Web! 3 G et 201 o Sh ow I nf ! H e re Check us out at: Newsletter & Website Design and Layout by: 8 Preserving and collecting the folk art of decoy carving
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