From the - Chrysalis Society
From the - Chrysalis Society
From the Wings AN ALBERTA SOCIETY FOR CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES Leave a Legacy More and more Canadians are discovering estate planning is an excellent way to leave your mark on the organizations that mean the most to you. Have you ever thought what type of legacy you want to leave at Chrysalis? To talk more about this please email [email protected] Features 1st Annual Gala Breakfast in Calgary Annual Achievement Awards in Edmonton Annual Chrysalis Appreciation Event CEO Address 2014 Chrysalis Calendar Inaugural Online Art Auction 2014 Spirit of Chrysalis Information Session Schedule Leaving Your Legacy Winter 2013/14 Spirit of Chrysalis Gaining Momentum Chrysalis’ 1st Annual Gala Breakfast in Calgary a Great Start! Over the past two years, the Spirit of Chrysalis has been slowly growing at Chrysalis Calgary. Monthly information sessions have been running since late 2011 and plans for the first Calgary Gala Fundraising Breakfast started to take shape in mid 2012. After over a year of planning, the 1st Annual Gala Breakfast was held on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 in Calgary. The Calgary Petroleum Club played host to our first event and over 80 people woke up early to join us downtown for the 7:30 am start. Through the efforts of our Charitable Foundation board members in Calgary, and the generosity of companies like the Haggett and Rogers Group of Companies, Ecco Recycling and Energy Corporation, Long Run Exploration and other private donors, we had raised $10,500 before sitting down to eat. Janzen all spoke about the different ways Chrysalis has has impacted their lives or the lives of those around them. A brand new video produced by Lindisfarne Productions was unveiled as well which really showcases the strengths of the organization and the will and determination of the people with disabilities accessing Chrysalis services. The video evoked a wide array of emotions throughout the audience as a few tears and a few laughs were shared throughout the 7 minute feature. Before the hour concluded, Chrysalis Society board member, Kristen Read, relayed the importance of community support to ensure Chrysalis can continue to provide the type of personalized services that are helping our individuals live full and meaningful lives. Thanks to the generosity of those in attendance, the event raised nearly $23,000 to help enhance our services! No doubt this total will continue to grow in the c o m i n g weeks but more importantly, Chrysalis gained a number of new Calgary’s 1st Gala Breakfast should friends who we hope will spread be the start of something big! the word about the work we do. The Gala Breakfast, sponsored by The Strategic Group, featured a wide variety of heartfelt speeches detailing the difference Chrysalis has made to those whom we serve and the community as a whole. Charitable Foundation Board Chair, Mary Pat Barry, Chrysalis CEO, Lynn Groves Hautmann and parents Subah Sadiq and Wendy Special thanks to everyone who played a role in making this event happen and a MASSIVE thank you to those who attended and have lent their support to Chrysalis. 2014 Spirit of Chrysalis Information Session Dates Here is a list of Edmonton and Calgary information session dates. We’d love to show you around some time! Each Information Session is 100% free of charge, runs from 11:30 - 12:30 and lunch is provided to all who attend. Edmonton Dates: Calgary Dates: • September 18 • May 15 • January 16 • May 18 & 23 • September 11 & 25 • January 23 • October 23 • June 26 • February 6 & 20 • June 19 • October 16 & 30 • February 13 • November 20 • July 25 • March 6 & 20 • July 17 • November 13 & 27 • March 13 • December 18 • August 28 • April 10 & 24 • August 21 • December 11 • April 17 Page 1 2014 Art Calendars Available Now! As you should be well aware of by now, Chrysalis has a number of amazing artists participating in the art programs in Edmonton and Calgary. Throughout each year, these talented individuals create an abundance of wonderful artwork which generally doesn’t stick around in either studio for too long before it is sold and hanging on somebody’s wall. Over the past few years, Chrysalis has been producing wall calendars featuring the artwork of a number of talented artists participating in the Art Programs. These calendars have grown in popularity and drawn rave reviews from the different Chrysalis supporters who have proudly displayed the calendar in their homes and offices. Chrysalis is happy to introduce the new 2014 calendar which features 15 paintings from 12 different artists. Each month features a unique painting selected to best represent the month in which it is displayed. The 12 artists who are featured within the calendar include Edmonton artists: Marvin, Mark, Charlie, another Mark, Corey, Jennica, Ann, Kristine and Kelly. From Calgary, Wayne, Kasia, and Shelly are the featured artists. Biographies for each artist are also displayed in their feature month to provide a clear background as to what the art program has meant to their own personal development. Calendars are being sold at a first come-first serve basis for $5.00. If you are interested in purchasing the 2014 calendar, please contact Matt Mandrusiak at 780.482.0348 or via email at [email protected]. Quantities are limited so please do not hesitate to call. Thanks to Capital Colour for their hard work and expertise in designing and printing this calendar. 23rd Annual Achievement Awards On Sunday, October 27, 2013, Chrysalis Edmonton hosted the 23rd Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony presented by Servus Credit Union at the Nova Hotel Yellowhead. This annual event is easily one of the most highly anticipated events of the year for the individuals accessing Chrysalis programming as it is their big chance to be recognized for the hard work, dedication and accomplishments witnessed over the past year. This year nearly 80 total recipients were recognized at the ceremony including over 60 service individuals, DATS drivers, community partners and volunteers who help make Chrysalis the organization it is today. Nearly 230 people filled the ballroom at the Nova Hotel including recipients and their families. Special guests included Chrysalis Society and Charitable Foundation board members, hoards of Chrysalis staff and Scott Lundell who brought greetings on behalf of Servus Credit Union. The highlight of the program was the presentation of our 8 Major Awards which are handed out each year to very deserving winners. This year’s Major Awards winners are as follows… Abram Gibson, Growth and Opportunity Award Jill Capham, Bradley Bidlock Award Ry a n Ty r l i k , M i l e s t o n e s t o Achievement Award Glenda Tarapaski, Chrysalis Long Term Service Award Nordic Systems, Chrysalis Partnership Award (Employment) West Jasper Place, Chrysalis Partnership Award (Volunteer) Erica Richards, Servus Credit Union Dressed in their Sunday best, award Community Award recipients happily accepted their Louise Harvey, Chrysalis Champion certificates and trophies during the Award two hour program and we more than happy to smile for pictures which Charlie Weinzierl, 2013 Chrysalis were taken by Linda Patterson of Artist of the Year Timeless Edge Photography. The afternoon festivities were enjoyed by all who attended. It was great to welcome some local news outlets provide some media coverage of the event and highlight not only Chrysalis as an organization, but some of the amazing people we have the privilege of serving on a daily basis. Big thanks to Servus Credit Union for their continued support of the Annual Achievement Awards and to everyone else who played a part in another successful event. Charlie Weinzierl Artist of the Year Page 2 Planning for the 24th edition of this event is already underway! Chrysalis Launches Online Art Auction In an effort to continue to showcase the tremendous talents of the artists in both the Edmonton and Calgary Art Programs, we came up with an idea to broaden our reach in the form of an online art auction. Along with proud sponsors, Plastics Plus Ltd. In Edmonton, we announced in mid-October that our inaugural auction event would launch in early November featuring two dynamic and unique paintings and run for close to four weeks. The auction went live on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 9 a.m. The auction ran through November 29, 2013, closing at 5 p.m. All proceeds raised from this auction will directly benefit the programs and services offered the individuals with disabilities accessing Chrysalis services in Edmonton and Calgary. Throughout the campaign, we specifically used our website blog, our Facebook page ( and our Twitter feed ( to not only plug the auction, but to feature unique vignettes about the artists whose work was up for bids, the art programs themselves and the future directions of the ever-evolving arts based programs offered at Chrysalis. Photo galleries of each painting were showcased on our Facebook page and detailed bios of the artists were posted on our website blog. Each program has an artist featured as part of the inaugural auction campaign. In Calgary, Chi was the artist selected to get the ball rolling and her painting entitled Controlled Chaos was revealed on the auction site From Edmonton, accomplished and highly sought-after artist Arron was selected and his recently completed painting entitled The Bridge was available to the highest bidder. After getting off to a bit of a slow start upon launching the auction, our social media posts started to pick up traction with numerous shares, re-tweets, like and comments and after a day or two bids started to really pick up. Controlled Chaos seemed to be the popular pick at first tallying a couple of bids one after another. Surprisingly The Bridge was quiet until a flurry of action had doubled the starting bid of the painting by the end of the first week. Bids continued to filter in throughout the campaign eventually ending with the winning bids of $87 for Controlled Chaos and $140.27 for The Bridge! Congratulations to the winning bidders who secured an amazing deal for two great pieces of art! There will likely be another online auction held in the future, this time with more paintings to bid on and likely a shorter time frame to bid. Stay tuned for more details later in 2014! CEO’s Address As we come closer to the end of 2013, it is time to reflect on all we have accomplished in this past very busy 12 months. As part of Vision 2013, much work has been undertaken with the Chrysalis team to examine all aspects of its programs and services with the goal of ensuring continuous improvement and review of current best practices to facilitate the best possible opportunities for effective community inclusion through recreational, volunteer and employment experiences all geared to promote the well being and development of the individuals being served. A number of activities including “organizational conversations”, mapping of appropriate community experiences and activities to help expand the variety of volunteer and engagement opportunities, and adoption of an “employment first” philosophy have opened the door to many new and exciting opportunities for the individual served by Chrysalis. A variety of learning opportunities have been made available to our staff all of whom feel enriched in their practice, and more of these will be offered in 2014 beginning as early as January as we explore the integration of the “Being Becoming Belonging” quality of life model as one that fits well with Chrysalis values and will resonate with individuals, families, and staff. In addition, thanks to support from the Chrysalis Foundation Board we have been able to expand our Creative Arts Program by introducing weekly drumming session as part of the Music Therapy program in Edmonton. It is amazing to see how this lively and enthusiastic approach has captured the hearts and minds and bodies of the participants. We are blessed with an outstanding team of staff in both Edmonton and Calgary, and a wonderfully supportive and engaged Society Board without whom ongoing positive change could not occur. We move into a New Year and another New phase of ongoing change and transition and we are excited and committed to working closely with families and PDD to ensure implementation of change is achieved in ways most beneficial to individuals served by Chrysalis. Lynn Groves Hautmann President and CEO Chrysalis: An Alberta Society for Citizens with Disabilities Page 3 Annual Chrysalis Appreciation Events for 2014 As has become rather customary in Edmonton over the past several years, we are in the planning stages for our annual Appreciation Event which will likely take place at our Edmonton facility in late January or early February. This annual event is our way of thanking all of the amazing support we have received throughout the past year from our generous donors and sponsors, volunteers, volunteer or employment site coordinators, board members and our hard working staff. It’s one of the few times throughout the year when we try to get everyone together and showcase the many ways their support has made a difference in the lives of the individuals whom we serve at Chrysalis. A date for the Edmonton event will likely be set before the holiday season and invitations will start to be sent out as soon as a date is secured. Our art studio will once again play host to this event and we are planning to showcase some very unique and emerging talents that are starting to surface through our new photography program. Of course there will be plenty of great food and refreshments on hand for our guests to enjoy as well. We will also be planning an appreciation event in Calgary for some time in 2014 so please stay tuned to future editions of the From the Wings newsletter or keep in touch through our website blog, Facebook page and Twitter feed! Board of Directors Society Patty Whiting—Chair Robert Baldauf Lois Cassie Nancy Cumming Cathy Evanochko Andrew Laycock Lorree Magee Shafyn Manji Lorri D Martin Garth Norris Kristen Read Chris Yatscoff Foundation Mary Pat Barry—Chair Paul Brown Leona Colijn Allison Dennis Ray Gosselin Debra Lawrence Scott MacEachran Mavis McKay Krista Mitton Melanie Nakatsui Sandy Parravano Maureen Royer Contributors Lynn Groves Hautmann Matt Mandrusiak From the Wings Would you prefer to receive our From the Wings newsletter by email? If so, please send us a message at [email protected] and write “FTW by email” in the subject line. Write your full name and email address in the body of the email. Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: 13325 St. Albert Trail Edmonton, AB T5L 4R3 Canadian Publication Agreement #40013250 This publication is distributed to friends and stakeholders of Chrysalis. It is an opportunity to share success stories and organizational change that has occurred over the past months. For more information or if you would like to contribute to an upcoming issue, please contact Chrysalis: Edmonton Head Office 13325 St. Albert Trail Edmonton, AB T5L 4R3 Phone: (780) 454-9656 Fax: (780) 451-0168 Calgary # 7, 6020-1A St. SW Calgary, AB T2H 0G3 Phone: (403) 258-1501 Fax: (403) 258-1577 [email protected] Page 4
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