Collagenous Sprue - A Clinico-pathological Study of 9 Cases A
Collagenous Sprue - A Clinico-pathological Study of 9 Cases A
Slide Seminar BDIAP MAY 2010 Prof Kieran Sheahan Pathology Dept, Centre for Colorectal Disease St Vincent’s University Hospital Dublin Academic Medical Centre & UCD CLINICAL HISTORY • • • • 57 year old male History of coeliac disease since childhood Mesenteric lymphadenopathy on CT At laparotomy: stricture 30cm proximal to ileocaecal valve • 15cm length of small bowel • Circumferential mucosal ulceration 10cm long with focal stricture formation. MICROSCOPY Masson’s Trichrome CONGO RED MARGIN A C B D E Figure 3. Case 12. A. CS and ulcerative jejuno‐ileitis (H&E). B. Masson’s Trichrome. C. Non‐ ulcerated mucosa showing CS and increased IELs (H&E). D. CD3. E. CD8 loss. Diagnosis = Collagenous sprue • Rare form of small bowel enteropathy. • Pathologic lesion consists of subepithelial collagen deposition associated with variable alterations in villous architecture. • Characterised clinically by chronic diarrhoea and progressive malabsorption. • It has traditionally been associated with significant morbidity ‘Collagenous sprue-an unrecognized type of malabsorption’ Weinstein et al., NEJM, 1970 • 51-year-old woman thought to have refractory coeliac disease • Transient improvement with steroids • Post mortem - villous flattening with thickened sub-epithelial collagen layer • A similar lesion may have been described by Schein (1947) and Hourihane (1963) Patient Profile • • • • 8 females, 4 males Age range 41-84 years Symptoms: weight loss, chronic diarrhoea History of Coeliac Disease and/or positive serology in 4 cases • Negative serology in 4 cases without CD JEJUNAL BIOPSYSUBEPITHELIAL COLLAGEN VARYING DEGREES OF VILLOUS ATROPHY EPITHELIAL DETACHMENT SUB-EPITHELIAL COLLAGEN DEPOSITION . ENTRAPPED LAMINA PROPRIA CELLS AND VESSELS WITHIN COLLAGEN BAND CD3 VARIATION OF INTRA-EPITHELIAL LYMPHOCYTOSIS CD3 LAMINA PROPRIA LYMPHOCYTES, PLASMA CELLS, EOSINOPHILS AND NEUTROPHILS COLLAGENOUS GASTRITIS LYMPHOCYTIC GASTRITIS COLLAGENOUS COLITIS Small bowel histology Gastric histology (4/7 bx) Colonic histology (7/9 bx) Collagenous sprue Collagenous gastritis Collagenous colitis Lymphocytic colitis Collagenous sprue Chronic gastritis No biopsy Collagenous sprue Lymphocytic gastritis Normal colonic biopsy Collagenous sprue No biopsy Normal colonic biopsy Collagenous sprue Collagenous gastritis Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue Normal antral biopsy No biopsy Collagenous sprue No biopsy Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue No biopsy Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue No biopsy Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue Collagenous gastritis Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue Reactive gastropathy Collagenous colitis Collagenous sprue Ulcerative jejuno-ileitis No biopsy No biopsy CVID A B C D Figure 2. Associated GIT findings. A . Collagenous colitis (H&E). B. Lymphocytic colitis (H&E). C. Collagenous gastritis (H&E). D. Lymphocytic gastritis, lymphocytes highlighted by CD45. Treatment and Outcome 6 patients improved clinically - 1 improved with GFD - 2 treated with GFD and immunosuppressants - 2 treated with immunosuppressants alone. - Follow-up small bowel biopsy normal in 3 cases. 3 patients died - 2 died from complications of malnutrition (despite treatment with GFD and immunosuppressive therapy) - 1 pt with multiple comorbidities died of intercurrent illness - Unknown in 3 cases Our case No patient has developed lymphoma - 5 new cases of collagenous sprue and extensive literature review AJSP 24(5):676687, May 2000 - 13/30 patients known to have died from complications of disease - 7 cases of collagenous sprue. The Lancet - Vol. 356, Issue 9225, 15 July 2000, P 203-208 - Clonal TCR gamma configurations were found in 5/6 - 3 of these patients died from malnutrition. Gut, Oct 2007; 56: 1373 - 1378. 23/50(46%) patients with RCD type 2 died from Enteropathy Associated T cell Lymphoma 2010 • • • • • • • • Mayo Clinic, n = 30 Gluten-free diet and steroid treatment are effective therapy for most patients with collagenous sprue. Rubio-Tapia A, Talley NJ, Gurudu SR, Wu TT, Murray JA. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Apr;8(4):344-349.e3. Epub 2010 Jan 6. Memorial-Sloan Kettering n =30 Collagenous sprue is not always associated with dismal outcomes: a clinicopathological study of 19 patients. Vakiani E, Arguelles-Grande C, Mansukhani MM, Lewis SK, Rotterdam H, Green PH, Bhagat G. Mod Pathol. 2010 Jan;23(1):12-26. Epub 2009 Oct 23. Take home message • F>M, middle aged and elderly • Some cases likely to represent a complication of coeliac disease • Most cases part of a collagenous enterocolitis • ? End-point of different biological insults • Risk of clinical lymphoma low in this series • Role of molecular studies needs more investigation • Longer follow-up needed on PCR positive cases • Prognosis is unpredictable
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