D: LTO: IVE MAIL: ME RESS MANuFACTuRER’SMAIL-INREBATEFORM One (1) Bed Armor™ gallon kit for more than $79 paint(2-gallonpails,architecturalandprofessional and one Bed Armor Aerosol for more than $11.99 at a participating MANuFACTuRER’SMAIL-INREBATEFORM Buy: uptoten(10)gallonsofDutchBoy DirtFighter ® ® retailer between May 1 and September 30, 2011. products,andquartsnoteligible)ataparticipatingretailerbetweenApril16andMay2,2010.* ® ® ptoten(10)gallonsofDutchBoy u DirtFighter paint(2-gallonpails,architecturalandprofessional 1. mail-in rebate form filled out completely and clearly (both front and back), including name, address SEND: 1.TThis hismail-inrebateformfilledoutcompletelyandclearly(bothfrontandback), MANuFACTuRER’SMAIL-INREBATEFORM products,andquartsnoteligible)ataparticipatingretailerbetweenApril16andMay2,2010.* (no P.O. Boxes without accompanying street address), city, state, and ZIP code. includingname,address(noP.O.Boxeswithoutaccompanyingstreetaddress),city,state,andZIPcode. 1.T hismail-inrebateformfilledoutcompletelyandclearly(bothfrontandback), 2. The original dated store receipt with the purchase price circled. 2.Theoriginaldatedstorereceipt(s)withthepurchaseprice(s)circled. Buy: u ptoten(10)gallonsofDutchBoy®DirtFighter ®paint(2-gallonpails,architecturalandprofessional includingname,address(noP.O.Boxeswithoutaccompanyingstreetaddress),city,state,andZIPcode. 3. Fill in the UPC number(s) on the reverse side. The UPC number can be found on the outside of each kit carton and 3.FillintheuPCnumber(s)onthereverseside.uPCnumberscanbefoundonthelabelofeachpaintcontainer.youmustinclude products,andquartsnoteligible)ataparticipatingretailerbetweenApril16andMay2,2010.* the back of the aerosol label. 2.Theoriginaldatedstorereceipt(s)withthepurchaseprice(s)circled. aon llduplicateuPCnumberswhereyouhavepurchasedthesameproductmultipletimes. SEND: 1.T hismail-inrebateformfilledoutcompletelyandclearly(bothfrontandback), 3.FillintheuPCnumber(s)onthereverseside.uPCnumberscanbefoundonthelabelofeachpaintcontainer.youmustinclude Rebate MAILTO: Dupli-Color DutchBoy“EarthDay”Rebate,DepartmentH136385 includingname,address(noP.O.Boxeswithoutaccompanyingstreetaddress),city,state,andZIPcode. allduplicateuPCnumberswhereyouhavepurchasedthesameproductmultipletimes. Dept. H237780 P.O.Box100516 2.Theoriginaldatedstorereceipt(s)withthepurchaseprice(s)circled. WhiteBearLake,MN55110-0516 PO Box 100451 DutchBoy“EarthDay”Rebate,DepartmentH136385 3.FillintheuPCnumber(s)onthereverseside.uPCnumberscanbefoundonthelabelofeachpaintcontainer.youmustinclude White Bear Lake, MN 55110-0451 P.O.Box100516 ® DirtFighter ®paintthatyoupurchase,youwillreceivea$5rebatecheck. RECEIVE ForeverygallonofDutchBoy allduplicateuPCnumberswhereyouhavepurchasedthesameproductmultipletimes. WhiteBearLake,MN55110-0516 ByMAIL: Limitten(10)gallonsperperson,household,and/oraddressexceptwhereprohibitedbylaw.Maximumrebateis$50. ® For purchasing®DirtFighter a kit of Dupli-Color Bed Armor™ ond one Bed Armor Aerosol, you will receive a $30 rebate check. Limit one (1) rebate MAILTO: DutchBoy“EarthDay”Rebate,DepartmentH136385 ® RECEIVE paintthatyoupurchase,youwillreceivea$5rebatecheck. ForeverygallonofDutchBoy P.O.Box100516 person, household, and/or address except where prohibited by law. Maximum rebate is for kit $25 and $30 for kit and aerosol. By MAIL: per Limitten(10)gallonsperperson,household,and/oraddressexceptwhereprohibitedbylaw.Maximumrebateis$50. WhiteBearLake,MN55110-0516 NAME RECEIVE TO CHECK ForeverygallonofDutchBoy®DirtFighter ®paintthatyoupurchase,youwillreceivea$5rebatecheck. Go to, or call 1-877-514-4996. (NoP.O.Boxes STATUS: ByMAIL: Limitten(10)gallonsperperson,household,and/oraddressexceptwhereprohibitedbylaw.Maximumrebateis$50. withoutaccompanying ADDRESS (NoP.O.Boxes streetaddress) withoutaccompanying NAME streetaddress) CITy STATE (NoP.O.Boxes withoutaccompanying ADDRESS streetaddress) PHONENuMBER STATE CITy NENuMBER E-MAIL(Optional) ZIP ZIP STATE ZIP Plus,automaticallygetenteredintotheRolltoAruba Sweepstakesforachancetowinapremiumall-inclusive6-nighttriptoArubaatTheWestinResort,Aruba. PHONENuMBER AIL(Optional) Nopurchasenecessarytoenterorwin.SeesweepstakesOfficialRulesavailableatwww.rolltoaruba.comforfulldetails,includingalternativefreemethodof ™ entry.SweepstakesendsonOctober1,2010.Opentoresidentsoftheu.S.whoare18orolder.Voidwhereprohibitedbylaw. automaticallygetenteredintotheRolltoAruba Sweepstakesforachancetowinapremiumall-inclusive6-nighttriptoArubaatTheWestinResort,Aruba. purchasenecessarytoenterorwin.SeesweepstakesOfficialRulesavailableatwww.rolltoaruba.comforfulldetails,includingalternativefreemethodof (Optional) E-MAIL y.SweepstakesendsonOctober1,2010.Opentoresidentsoftheu.S.whoare18orolder.Voidwhereprohibitedbylaw. yes No Would you like to receive future information™Sweepstakesforachancetowinapremiumall-inclusive6-nighttriptoArubaatTheWestinResort,Aruba. about Dutch Boy® paint programs? Plus,automaticallygetenteredintotheRolltoAruba yes No Would you like to receive future information and®special offers from Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association? Nopurchasenecessarytoenterorwin.SeesweepstakesOfficialRulesavailableatwww.rolltoaruba.comforfulldetails,includingalternativefreemethodof ® yes No paint programs? uld you like to receive information about Dutch Boy Would you likefuture to receive future information about Dupli-Color products? entry.SweepstakesendsonOctober1,2010.Opentoresidentsoftheu.S.whoare18orolder.Voidwhereprohibitedbylaw. ™ IdoNOTwanttoentertheRolltoAruba Sweepstakes.Ionlywanttoparticipateintherebateportionofthisprogram. yes No uld you like to receive future information and special offers from Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association? See reverse side for additional information. *Seereversesidefortermsandconditions.Filloutbothsidescompletelyandlegibly. 400-1122-00A yes No Fill out both sides and™future legibly. doNOTwanttoentertheRolltoAruba Sweepstakes.Ionlywanttoparticipateintherebateportionofthisprogram. Would you likecompletely to receive information about Dutch Boy® paint programs? ™ DB3BAR110 yes No Would you like to receive future information and special offers from Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association? 400-1122-00A reversesidefortermsandconditions.Filloutbothsidescompletelyandlegibly. IdoNOTwanttoentertheRolltoAruba™Sweepstakes.Ionlywanttoparticipateintherebateportionofthisprogram. Up To $ 30 Rebate Mail-In with the Purchase of a Bed Armor™ DIY Truck Bed Liner Kit and Aerosol Can Or 25 $ When You Purchase Sample just the LEdigits Sample bar code P–12 M SA Please write in UPC number for product(s) purchased. E LISTBARCODEuPCNuMBERS PL Bed Armor™ Gallon Kit for $25 rebate M SA 0 3 5 0 3 2 5 6 7 9 7 1 7 6 Sample bar code - 12 digits BAK2010 BED ARMOR™ GALLON KIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 71 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 76 7 7 7 7 7 7 Sample bar code –12 digits Kit LISTBARCODEuPCNuMBERS Bed Armor™ 16.5 oz. Aerosol for $30 rebate (when combined with Gallon Kit) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1) $30 REBATE OFFER: Maximum rebate $30 per person, household, and/or address except where prohibited by law and is limited to one (1) Bed Armor™ DIY Truck Bed Liner kit and (1) Bed Armor™ Aerosol can purchased at a participating retailer between May 1 and September 30, 2011. Rebate offer not available if product purchased for less than $79.00 for the kit and $11.99 for the aerosol. 2) $25 REBATE OFFER: Maximum rebate $25 per person, household, and/or address except where prohibited by law and is Please UPC for every product purchased. YouMay must limited to one (1) Bedwrite Armor™in DIYthe Truck Bed number Liner kit purchased at a participating retailer between 1 andinclude have purchased same product multiplefor times. September 30, 2011. Rebate offerthe not available if product purchased less than $79.00 for the kit.Requests from P.O. Boxes without accompanying street address and lost,$50 late, damaged, incorrect, illeg- except w TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Maximum rebate per person,misdirected, household, and/or address ible, incomplete, mutilated, or postage-due requests will not be honored, acknowledged, or returned. Com® containers,ortwo[2]5-galloncont (ten[10]1-galloncontainers,four[4]2.5-gallonReadytoRoll mercial or group requests willinnot be honored. Originalfor receipt mustproduct be submitted with rebateYou form.must Void ifinclude Please write the UPC number every purchased. pails,architecturalandprofessionalproducts,andquarts)purchasedataparticipatingretailerbetw copied, transferred, purchased, orthe sold.same May not be combined with any other offer. Cash redemption value: have purchased product multiple times. purchasedinmultipletransactions.Allrebatematerialsmustbesubmittedinone[1]envelope.Req 1/100 cent. Void where prohibited, licensed, restricted, or taxed by law. Offer only available in the United and lost, late, damaged, misdirected, incorrect, illegible, incomplete, mutilated, or postage-due CONDITIONS: rebate $50 person, and/or address States. OfferTERMS expiresAND September 30, 2011. Maximum Must be postmarked byper October 30, household, 2011, and received no later except w Commercialorgrouprequestswillnotbehonored.Originalreceiptsmustbesubmittedwithreba ® containers,ortwo[2]5-galloncont (ten[10]1-galloncontainers,four[4]2.5-gallonReadytoRoll than November 15, 2011. Allow 8–10 weeks (unless specified by law) for delivery of rebate check by mail. notbecombinedwithanyotheroffer.Cashredemptionvalue:1/100cents.Voidwhereprohibited pails,architecturalandprofessionalproducts,andquarts)purchasedataparticipatingretailerbetw PROOF OF PURCHASE REQUIRED. If you wish to check on the status of your rebate, call 1-877-514-4996. theunitedStates.OfferexpiresMay2,2010.MustbepostmarkedbyJune2,2010,andreceivedno purchasedinmultipletransactions.Allrebatematerialsmustbesubmittedinone[1]envelope.Req bylaw)fordeliveryofrebatecheckbymail.PROOFOFPuRCHASEREQuIRED.Ifyouwishtocheck and lost,Products late, damaged, © 2011 Dupli-Color Groupmisdirected, incorrect, illegible, incomplete, mutilated, or postage-due Commercialorgrouprequestswillnotbehonored.Originalreceiptsmustbesubmittedwithreba Aruba is the island of 90,000 friends you haven’t met yet! Take advantage of special travel offe