Redirecting Our Life Choices
Redirecting Our Life Choices
B est Yes — Redirecting Our Life Choices SISTERS IN SERVICE A CONTEMPORARY RETREAT FOR YOUNG AND YOUNG AT HEART WOMEN MARCH 14-15, 2015 RIVER PLANTATION CONVENTION CENTER 1004 PARKWAY, SEVIERVILLE, TN A Program of Holston Conference United Methodist Women HOW TO SAY YES TO A LIFE THAT WILL FEED AND IMPACT THE WORLD AROUND YOU Are you living a life of chaos? Does a calendar or your phone dictate how you spend your day? Do you have trouble getting unplugged from social media around you? If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you just need time away with other women, then this retreat time is for you. Maybe it is time to have an examination of your life. During this retreat, we will spend time looking at how we spend our time. As moms, as wives, as young adults, as church members, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and find ourselves spinning our wheels. We will use the book by Lysa TerKeurst titled The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands as a framework for our time together. Our topics will include: Cure the disease to please with a biblical understanding of the command to love. Escape the guilt of disappointing others by learning the secret of the small no. Overcome the agony of hard choices by embracing a wisdom based decision-making process. Rise above the rush of endless demands and discover your best yes today. Please join us as we continue our theme of 2015 by saying YES to the things in our lives that will feed the lambs in our lives. You will not want to miss this. Featured Speaker Kim Mink is Director of Family Ministries at Concord UMC in Knoxville. She is leader of several women's groups and family programming . Kim has taught women’s studies, organized the TREKK kid’s ministry and performed throughout East TN.Kim, a mother of four young children and wife of Bill, is abreast of the challenges faced by today’s women. You will be inspired by her spiritual presentations around the theme of “Best Yes — Redirecting Our Life Choices” and “Feed My Lambs.” Musicians Sarah Clapp Gilpin & Kirk Wynn lead contemporary worship music at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville. Sarah is proficient in a broad range of music and performance, winning several awards and performing with notable musicians. Sarah balances her Christian service with raising two small children with her husband Brian. Guitarist Kirk Wynn is a singer/songwriter who, in addition to his gig at Cokesbury UMC, is a member of the country duo Crab Apple Lane. Both Sarah and Kirk are lively witnesses to an upbeat approach to the Christian life through music. Retreat sessions will be held at River Plantation Convention Center at 1004 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862. Session registration includes a slider buffet dinner. Saturday’s first session begins at 1:00 –3:00, dinner served at 5:30— 7:00. Session II will begin at 7:30 followed by the optional Hands On Mission Project and Sing-A-Long at 9:15 p.m. Session III begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning. To participate in the optional Hands On Mission Project, include $2.00 with your Event Registration Form to cover the cost of supplies. Chalk/whiteboards as the Hands On Mission Project will be made after the Saturday night session. The boards will be delivered to children’s hospitals in Knoxville, Johnson City, and Chattanooga. EVENT REGISTRATION FORM — PART I — REQUIRED Registration postmarked on or before March 1, 2015 is $15.00. Registration postmarked after March 1 is $20.00. Mail this form with your check to Registrar: Beverly Smith, 118 Crawford Lane, Fall Branch, TN 37656 . Make checks payable to Holston Conference UMW. The Room Reservation form is to be mailed separately. See Part II. Event Site Childcare for ages 3-10 will be available if the registration form is postmarked by March 1st. Cost for childcare is $10/child. Forms for childcare are available online at Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City ____________________________State _______ Zip ____________ Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Church (If Applicable) _________________________________________ District (If Applicable) _______________________________________ Is this your First Time to Sisters In Service Retreat: Yes _______ No _______ I plan to participate in the Hands On Mission Project and I am enclosing my $2.00. Yes _______No_______ Contact in Case of Emergency: Name/ Relationship/ Phone Number _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ......................................................................................................................... HOTEL INFORMATION AND RESERVATION—PART II Lodging, at a special rate of $80/room, including a complimentary breakfast, is offered at Governor’s Inn located in the area of Governor’s Crossing Shopping Center (Red Light 13.4) at 121 Nascar Drive, Sevierville TN. Room reservations, in the block of rooms reserved, will be on a first received basis by sending your money and registration form—listing all who will be in your room—to Karen Adair, PO Box 80802, Chattanooga, TN 37414. Checks should be made payable to Holston Conference UMW. These rooms can easily accommodate up to 4 persons (double queens or a king + sleeper sofa.) Please send names of all that will be in your room. Room reservations in this block of rooms will be on a first received basis until all are gone. Please note your preference of room and Karen will try to accommodate. Other lodging may be secured direct by you but will not be eligible for the tax exempt rate. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City ____________________________State _______ Zip ____________ Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Church (If Applicable) _________________________________________ District (If Applicable) _______________________________________ Room: Indicate 1st and 2nd Choice Double Queen ________________________ King & Sleeper _________________________________ Names of All in Room ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Needs Information____________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information contact Peggy Dalton, by email [email protected] or call 423.581.4743 or check us out online at Non-Profit Org. US Postage Amy Thomas Sisters In Service Brochure 80 Splatter Creek Road Limestone, TN 37681 PAID Jefferson City, TN Permit No. 87 Return Service Requested HOLSTON CONFERENCE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 2015 CALENDAR OF CONFERENCE EVENTS March 14-15 Sisters in Service Retreat – River Plantation Convention Center and Governor’s Inn, Sevierville TN April 18 – 25 Mission Trip to Sager Brown, Baldwin LA April 25 - 26 Spiritual Enrichment Experience, Lake Junaluska NC May 23 Mujeres en Accion Worship Event for Women, Children, Youth Mt. Zion UM Church, Afton TN June 7 -11 Holston Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska NC July 16 - 18 Holston Conference Mission u Event, Central UMC, Lenoir City TN August 8 Social Action Workshop – First UMC, Sevierville TN September 19 - 20 Conference UMW Annual Meeting and District Officer Training Lake Junaluska NC Each District United Methodist Women of Holston Conference have events scheduled. Please refer to the district calendar for more information. United Methodist Women’s Day should be observed on a Sunday selected by the local unit in consultation with their church’s pastor.