September 19th, 2011 - Evart Public Schools


September 19th, 2011 - Evart Public Schools
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
The Cat Chronicle
The Strength of the School is the Community
Al Kullman
Principal, Evart High
A Freshman First…
I began my career in Evart Public Schools in 1995 as a science
teacher and football coach. I’ll never forget my first Friday night
football game when Coach Dave Schlaack began with an extraordinary
pregame tradition called the “Champion’s Creed.” I still get goose
bumps thinking about Coach Schlaack bringing the guys in circle around
himself and erupting with the “I am a Champion …” He had a tone and
a fire that was second to none. Then the football players would repeat
the creed as the emotions and excitement for the game amassed. My
text box.]
heart is pull
as I recall this tradition. I’m certain that any
player who was a part of this custom feels the same way. Some of those
young men then, are my close friends now. We will never forget!
Prior to the creed, sometimes Coach Schlaack would read a
poem by Rudyard Kipling called “The Law of the Jungle.” He was
skilled at saving this poem for just the right moment. Perhaps it was a
big game like the Highland Conference Championship against Beal City
in 1996, or maybe when the team needed a focused reminder about the
importance of teamwork and camaraderie. Moreover, he read the poem
with great intensity and presented the critical message of the poem.
Poem as follows:
Now this is the law of the jungle As old and as true as the sky;
and the wolf that keep it may prosper,
but the wolf that shall break it may die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk,
The law runneth forward and back And the strength of the pack is the wolf
And the strength of the wolf is the pack
Continued on page 8
By: Marissa Maney and Kelli Moore
The first day of school
can be challenging. But, when it
comes to your first day of High
School it can be really nerve
wracking. Freshmen really do not
know exactly what they should
expect when walking into a place
that is so new. Students
experience a gambit of emotions
concerning their first day of high
school. Freshman Virginia
Kunitzer said, “I was scared,
excited and nervous.” Caleb
Henson commented, “The
thought of coming into the high
school didn’t phase me at all.”
Well, no matter what you
felt on the first day, we hope that
the newcomers soon realize that
high school is not as scary or
intimidating as they thought it
would be. We hope that they
learn to enjoy their time spent
here and make their four years in
high school worthwhile, because
they go by fast and we do not
want them to miss out on a real
“Wildcat Experience.”
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Guidance office News
By: Misty Miller and Teila Nun
By: Mrs. J
Aries: It pays to plan ahead. An
upcoming journey will be much more
enjoyable if you do so.
Leo: Gratitude is a necessary
ingredient in a healthy sense
of pride and acknowledge.
Sagittarius: You'
re the crucial voice
of reason, which is good. You relate
well to other people.
Welcome back students and staff! I hope you are adjusting
to the new school year and enjoying your classes. The counseling
office exists to be a helpful support to your education here in
Evart. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help
you with transcripts, scheduling, dual enrollment, career center,
applying for colleges and financial aid, finding a future career
path, interventions with staff or parents and help with personal
issues. My schedule is a little different this year. I am at the
middle school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, and
spend the rest of the time here at the high school. Please stop by
and help us get to know you!
One of the things students seem to struggle with during
their first few weeks each trimester is how to get and stay
organized. The strategy I recommend is to have a folder for each
class. Separate work to be completed from work that is already
finished. This makes it easier to stay on top of your assignments
and use your time more effectively. Instead of looking for “that
paper” you can actually be working on it. This strategy leads to
higher grades, happier teachers, and more free time. Winning!
Have a great trimester and PLAY DODGEBALL! Sign-up in the
counseling office.
Taurus: Try not to act surprised when
you receive positive feedback today.
You deserve it.
Virgo: Today, offer constructive
criticism instead of being just
plain critical. Have tact.
Capricorn: Changes are a good thing
in your life but today, don'
t make too
many of them.
Gemini: You'
ll be exposed to more
than one new point of view about a
touchy topic today.
Libra: Sometimes it'
s easier to have
fun when you are not trying so hard.
Just relax!
Aquarius: Today, your high energy
will help a friend. You have the
power to cheer them up.
Cancer: You and a partner are out of
sync. You are more emotional, they
are more aloof.
Scorpio: Unguarded communication
will be very fruitful today -- enjoy
unexpected outbursts.
Pisces: Are you getting caught up in
someone else'
s dreams or life goals?
Focus on yourself.
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Week One NFL Scores
By: Dani Gray and Kasey Park
Football Highlights
By: Raquel Hyden and Brittany Woodbury
Junior Varsity lost their second and third
games, but won their first. “We could be a little better
at what we’re doing,” said Sophomore Dean Marsh.
But, with practice and determination the team plans to
forge ahead towards more victories. The team is
working well together to make sure they accomplish
their goals.
Saints vs. Packers
Eagles vs. Rams
Steelers vs. Ravens
Falcons vs. Bears
Bengals vs. Browns
Titans vs. Jaguars
Colts vs. Texans
Giants vs. Redskins
Varsity won their second game and lost their
first and third games. However, there is anticipation
for this being a great season with the talent the Varsity
team has. Senior Jarek Van Order said, “There are
thirteen seniors, a lot of great juniors and a couple of
key sophomores. There is a lot of heart that will carry
through the season.” So, support your Varsity Cats and
watch Van Order and others tear up the field as they
head toward a winning season.
It’s All About Spirit
By: Kelly Lloyd and Megan Green
"Get some"...spirit that is. Bring out your true
WILDCAT and support this week. The winning theme this
year is NFL Red Carpet. Participate and be the winning
grade for a Wildcat Victory! Guidance Counselor Mrs.
Jancek said "I love it! It'
s my favorite week of the school
year!" There are many students with mixed emotions about
the theme. But, that should not stop anyone from showing
their school spirit and making Spirit Week the best ever.
So, let’s show our Wildcats that we support them by
dressing up the entire week.
Bills vs. Chiefs
Seahawks vs. 49ers
Lions vs. Buccaneers
Vikings vs.Chargers
Panthers vs. Cardinals
Cowboys vs. Jets
Patriots vs. Dolphins
Raiders vs. Broncos
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Welcome Back
Joke of the Month
By: Dayna Casey and Janey Cruikshank
By: Ashlee Storch and Makayla Wiltse
Welcome back to the beginning of another school year.
Some seniors are already having senioritis and the freshmen are
just beginning to experience life as a high school student. This
school year will be filled with games, dodge ball torments, dances,
pep assemblies and a talent show.
A senior and a freshman in high school
are running a ranch together in
Louisiana. They decide they need a bull
to mate with their cows to increase their
herd. The senior takes their life savings
of $600 dollars and goes to Texas to buy
a bull. She eventually meets with an old
cowboy that will sell her a bull. "It'
s the
only one I got for $599, take it or leave
it." She buys the bull and goes to the
Unfortunately, life as a high schooler is not all fun and
games. We do have to attend classes. So, let’s make the best of it.
To ensure that you stay focused and can concentrate throughout
the day you need to make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. But, if
you are running late or if you woke up early and had to catch a bus,
don’t worry. Once you get to school you have enough time to still eat
breakfast in the school’s cafeteria before the first bell of the day. Did you
know when teenagers skip breakfast it can affect your mood and
concentration for the rest of the day? So, make sure to stop in to the
cafeteria to get a pop tart, or a granola bar and some juice or milk.
Head our advice and start your day with a tasty morsel. And,
remember to make it a great year. So, if you are a senior make this year
count and cherish every last moment. If you are a freshman, hang-on it
can be a bumpy ride, but you will have a lot of memories. And, if you
are a sophomore or junior you are almost there.
Danielle Gray & Kasey Park
Do you like the theme for homecoming?
Freshmen Raquel Hyden -“I think it should be changed to 50’s.”
Freshmen Nolan VanOrder- “I like the theme, but I think 80’s theme
would be sweet.”
Sophomore Taylor Martin - “I think it is a good theme.”
Sophomore Jacob Fortune -“I think NFL Red Carpet is a stupid theme. It
should be polka dots.”
Junior Megan Walters - “Heck no, it’s dumb. It should be Alice In
Junior Josh Swales - “Yeah, it’s awesome.”
Senior Sara Stevens - “I like the theme. It is really cool.”
Senior Matt Mishler -, “The theme is mediocre, but it would be really
cool if it was hunting and fishing.”
local telegram office and says, "I'
d like
to send a telegram to my friend in
Louisiana that says: Have found the stud
bull for our ranch, bring the trailer." The
man behind the counter tells her,
"Telegrams to anywhere in the U.S. are
$.75 per word." She thinks about it for a
moment and decides. "I'
d like to send
one word, please." "And what word
would that be?" inquires the man.
"Comfortable," replies the senior. The
man asks, "I'
m sorry miss, but how is
your friend going to understand this
telegram?" The senior replies, "My
friend is freshman in High School and
reads REAL SLOW. When she gets
this, she will see COM-FOR-DA-
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Morgan Composting Supports Evart
Public Schools
Gas Prices Affect High School Students
By: Telia Nun and Misty Miller
Al Kullman
Principal, Evart High School
Evart High School begins year four
of the greenhouse and sustainable
agriscience curriculum. Courses are
taught in Plant and Soil Biology.
Students will explore such concepts as
organic farming, integrated pest
management, horticulture, hydroponics,
and aquaponics. Additionally, an Applied
Algebra/Biology class offers a hands-on
curriculum that integrates the algebra and
biology standards required for graduation.
Students may also conduct
independent research projects. Two years
ago, current senior, Jarek VanOrder
qualified for the National Science and
Engineering fair for his work with the
effects of various greenhouse lights on
plant growth. Jarek received an all
expense paid trip to San Jose, California to
participate in the international
competition. Last year, current
sophomore, Rachel Rounds also qualified
for the International Science and
Engineering Fair for her work with dung
beetles. Rachel also took first in the
Young Naturalist Competition and
traveled to New York City to present her
research findings. It is important to note
that synthetic chemicals and conventional
methods of pest and weed management
are forbidden in the greenhouse.
Continue on page 6
Quoteable Quote
By: Kelly Lloyd and Megan Green
"People May Doubt What You Say, But
They Will always believe what you do!" -
Gas prices are at an all time high. With the price of gas
costing as much as $ 3.83 it has made a huge impact on high
school students that drive as a means to get from one place to
High school students are the suffering from gas prices.
With gas costing almost four dollars a lot of students have cut
back on their driving, which means not a lot of students play
sports or go to as many school events as before because they
simply do not have the money to pay for it.
Senior Arry Hamilton said, “It costs me forty-seven
dollars to fill up my car and I do not like the gas prices at all.”
High school is supposed to be a fun filled time. However, in
this era of high gas prices students are working just to fill their
Balancing School and Extra Circular Activities
By: Mariah Brown
Have you ever been stressed out about school? If you answered
yes, here are some tips on how to keep your schedules
balanced. Organization and being prepared are very important.
Doing your work and coming to school is also a very important
part of school; put forth an effort to get things done. If you are
working, the days you have off could be used to catch up on
your work. If you are in sports, you could be doing your home
work on the way to the far away events, instead of talking to
your friends. You should tell yourself you can, instead of
saying you can’t. If you ever need help, don’t be afraid to ask
someone. You could also try to coordinate with your teachers,
(on your assignments) or try to get assignments a couple of
days ahead and then you would actually get time to get the
assignment done. You could also tell your teacher the things
you struggle with. How well you do is up to you.
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Rewind (Movie Review)
By: Dayna Casey and Janey Cruikshank
Movie: Adventures in Babysitting
Genre: Comedy, Action, and Adventure
Rating: Pg-13
3 ½ stars
Continued from page 5
Evart Public Schools would like to thank
Brad Morgan and family for their support to the
agriscience curriculum. Brad is the owner of
Morgan Composting and the creator of “Dairy
Doo.” Brad and family have given countless
hours of expertise and mentoring to our students
and faculty. Morgan Composting has donated
thousands of dollars of composted soils and soil
amendments to our agriscience curriculum and
athletic fields. Brad also hosts numerous field
trips to his facilities and operations. Finally,
Morgan Composting employs many local students.
Last May, Brad and his daughter-in-law, Missy,
conducted live job interviews on the high school
campus. Student volunteers interviewed in front
of the entire 10th grade class (approximately 80
students) as part of a career readiness unit.
Several students were employed as a result of the
Brad and family, Evart Public Schools
greatly appreciate your support!
Mystery Staff
By: Mariah Brown
I am part of the high school staff. I have animals in
my classroom and I like to go hunting and fishing.
I have children. I have a family pet, and he is very
important to me. I used to be a realtor, before I
became a staff member at the high school.
In this column we will be writing about movies
that were popular during the 80’s and early 90’s. Why
you might ask? The reason behind writing reviews that
aren’t current is to broaden your movie viewing
horizon. We want to help people discover old movies
they could like and to see the difference between
technologies in movie making in 1980 compared to
2011. The graphics are different, the storylines are
different, and of course the music is different. Even
though the movies have some major differences, it
does not mean the movie is not good. The movies are
rated from one to five stars, with five being the best
and one being the worst.
I believe this movie is a must see movie from
the 80’s. This movie shows what it’s like for a high
schooler, Chris Parker (Elisabeth Shue), who decides
to help her neighbors by babysitting their daughter,
son, and their son’s friend. After Chris’s boyfriend
stands her up on their date, she thinks the night will be
boring and uneventful. However, this is not the case.
Not long after the parents leave Chris receives a
distressed phone call from best friend Brenda
(Penelope Ann Miller) who is stranded at the bus
station surrounded by sketchy characters (After making
the decision of running away from her step-mother).
Chris and the kids; Sarah (Maia Brewton), Brad (Keith
Coogan), and Daryl (Anthony Rapp) get into the car
and leave the safe suburbs and head into the heart of
the city of Chicago to save Brenda.
This is where the trip starts to go bad. There
are a series of unfortunate events that will take you on
a hilarious adventure with Chris and the kids. For kids
from the "burbs” they find this night filled with gang
members, car thieves and mafia more than they
bargained for.
Can they escape the mafia leader, save Brenda
and make it home in time before the kids parents get
home? Watch this movie to find out.
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Dear Penelope
Dear Penelope,
This girl has been very dramatic lately with
all of my friends and I. She thinks I want my
ex-boyfriend back, who is her current
boyfriend. She is really annoying. What do I
Sincerely Annoyed
Dear Annoyed,
I’m very sorry you are having these issues
with this girl. Hopefully, she will soon
realize she cannot be jealous over something
so insignificant. Try and talk to this friend
and discuss the issues the two of you are
both having. Tell her your feeling about the
situation and still want to be friends. If this
bickering doesn’t stop, you need to realize
you don’t need people like that in your life.
Wish you the best of luck!
Sincerely Penelope
Dear Penelope,
My ex and I broke up a few months ago,
and I jut realized how much I miss him.
What should I do?
Sincerely Heartbroken
Dear Heartbroken,
Relationships are never easy; the best thing
to do is communicate. Confront your ex
about the lingering feelings that you still
have. Once the two of you have talked
everything out take the first step in fixing
your relationship; become friends. Then the
two of you can work things out from there
and hopefully your relationship will grow
from friends. Hope all works out!
Sincerely Penelope
By: Ashlee Storch and Makayla Wiltse
We are entering the anniversary of 9/11. This was a
dark day in the history of the United States. However, not all
students remember the events because they were too young at
the time. So, here is what happened on that dreadful day.
September 11, 2001 hijackers intentionally crashed
two planes into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and
a failed attempt at a target in D.C. Suspension quickly fell
on al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who soon went into
hiding and was found May 2011, ten years later.
On 9/11there were 2,996 people killed, including
the hijackers. The press quickly started letting the world
know what had happened to the World Trade Center and the
aftermath that occurred. The destruction caused serious
damage and heartbreak all around the world. President Bush
declared that we would strengthen our resolve and fight
anyone who brought terror into the lives of US citizens. This
brought us into our war on terrorism.
Spending Time With The Coach
By: Skylar LeGue and Crysta Whitehead
Mr. Craven has coached and taught here at Evart
High School for eight years now. He loves his job and his
team. When asked if it was hard watching his senior boys
go, Coach Craven answered, “Where are they going??” “Off
to college Mr. Craven,” said Skylar LeGue. “Oh yeah, you
do form a special bond with the boys. They have a large
amount of school pride I am very proud of their school spirit,
they are a good group to work with.” Coach Craven expects
the best from his boys. He wants them to work their hardest
and do the best they can. But, he also feels that more
students could share in their school spirit. He said, “There’s
always room for more school spirit. There should be face
paintings, people singing 2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate?” He
believes that it is not possible to have too much spirit. The
more spirit there is proves that there is pride in our school
and sports teams.
September 2011 Vol.1 No.1
Continued from page 1
In the poem, Kipling speaks about the law of the jungle and how intricately the wolf and the pack work
together. In a pack, these graceful and skillful hunters must act together in perfect harmony in order to
survive. They have refined the skill of pack hunting to such perfection that they can defeat a foe many
times their individual strength and size.
Well, I think a school and community have the same relationship. The strength of a school comes from
the support from the community, and the strength of the community is improved by the effectiveness of
the school. If either the community or school is not working in harmony, both may suffer.
Parents, faculty, and community members, I don’t have to tell you that times are tough. But I do need to
tell you that Evart Public Schools need your support more than ever. I’m extremely concerned when
students leave to go to a neighboring school. I understand that sometimes this is due to circumstances
outside of your control such as transportation or work. If you are leaving because you’re upset with
Evart Schools, I’m sorry that we have lost your trust and confidence, and I regret that we didn’t listen to
your concerns. That being said, we may not always agree on issues, however, we can have respectful
dialogue and reach productive compromise. I want our school to be like one big family. As you know,
families have conflict. However, healthy families don’t just quit on one another. They work together to
solve problems.
If you’re leaving because you believe your child will get a better education in another district, I will
argue that with the fury and passion of Coach Schlaack’s Championship Creed. Evart Public Schools
have remarkable kids and incredible educators. Those who work hard will achieve greatness. On the
other hand, we have significant challenges and must continue to improve our teaching effectiveness. I‘m
very encouraged with new reforms in teacher tenure and evaluation procedures for administrators and
teachers. The effectiveness of school personnel will be closely scrutinized as required by new law.
Here is my primary concern if you choose another school, and please, I don’t intend to disrespect
anyone, nonetheless, I know my comments may be a challenge to some. Parents, when you remove your
children from our school system, we lose significant funding that may lead to drastic cuts in programs.
This becomes a viscous cycle that has upsetting consequences. If you leave, you are spending money in
other communities and often taking away one of our brightest stars. This hurts all of us in the
community of Evart, whether you’re directly affiliated with the school system or not. If our enrollment
declines, I am uneasy with the natural consequences that may follow: more cuts to curriculum and
programs, lower property values, loss of revenue to our local businesses, and the difficulty of keeping or
recruiting highly effective teachers.
My daughter starts high school this year. Evart is her home town. I’m proud of the education and
opportunities she has received from Evart Public Schools. When she goes on for higher education, she
will have the tools and skills to do whatever she wants to do.
Parents and community members, Evart Public Schools will continue to improve, we will give your child
an excellent education, and we will listen. If you have left, I sincerely hope you will consider coming
back. Evart Wildcats must follow the “Law of the Jungle” and stick together. If you would ever like to
discuss your issues or concerns, please stop by the high school or call (231) 734-5551.