The Parish of Saints Philip and James
The Parish of Saints Philip and James
The Parish of Saints Philip and James One Carow Place, St. James, NY 11780 With Philip and James we pray to live lives worthy of the call to be Apostles of Hope. Masses Saturday evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Saturday: 9:15 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration in the Church Thursday 2:00pm - 4:00pm Friday 8:00pm - 9:00pm May 8, 2016 Seventh Sunday of Easter The Parish of Saints Philip and James PASTORAL MINISTRY: FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY: Rev. Thomas J. Haggerty, Pastor Father Patrick Osei-Poku, Associate Pastor Deacon Ronald Blasius Deacon John Keenan, Deacon Kenneth Maher Ruth E. Testa, Principal of SSPJ School Christine Ewald, School Secretary Deacon John Keenan, Religious Education Moderator Suzanne Fitzgibbon, Administrative Assistant Frank Brancaccio, Youth Minister Elizabeth Calvano, Summer Camp Director OUTREACH MINISTRY: Elizabeth Wittish, OFS, Dir. of Parish Social Ministry LITURGICAL MINISTRY: Margaret Adams, Director of Music Michele Familette, Sacristan RECTORY STAFF: John Cordes, Director of Facilities Virginia Portanova, Business Manager TRUSTEES: Jerry Linder & Tina Cafaro PASTORAL COUNCIL: Rita Byrne Ryan Doyle Bryan Gill Lou Guerra Cassie Hall Glee Hoonhout Martin Marut Carmela Montesano Mary Ann Pose Noel Rannazzisi Margaret Remhild Tom Sica Robert Thompson Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrated twice a month. In order to participate in this celebration, parents must register at the Pastoral Center for our pre-baptism program. Sacrament of Marriage: Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastoral Center before visiting a reception hall. The preparation process is nine months before your proposed wedding date. Call the Pastoral Center for further information. Sacrament of Confirmation: Children in the seventh and eight grade are prepared to celebrate this Sacrament through programs of the SSPJ school or the SSPJ Religious Education Office. Adults prepare for this Sacrament through the RCIA process. Call the Pastoral Center for further information. Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession, Penance) Available Saturdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Church or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: In the case of serious, unexpected illness, please contact the Pastoral Center to arrange for a priest to pray with the ill person. For those about to enter the hospital, Anointing of the Sick is held on the first Sunday of the month following the mass at 12:00 p.m. R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (non-Catholic adults desiring to become Catholic). Please contact the Pastoral Center for information. Pastoral center office hours: Monday—THURSDAY: 9am—8pm Friday—9AM—5PM Saturday: 9am—2pm Sunday: 10am—2pm Parish Office: 631-584-5454 Parish Fax: 631-862-9675 Religious Education: 631-584-3204 Youth Office: 631-862-SSPJ E-mail: [email protected] Web: School Office: 631-584-7896 School Fax: 631-584-3258 Dear Friends, Do you think of yourself as God the Father’s gift to Jesus? That’s what we are according to today’s gospel. Poet Anne Osdieck reflects on this: Jesus, you said, “Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I am they also may be with me.” Christ Jesus, the Father sent you because he loved us. Give us an understanding of the infinite love that makes us one. If we are the Father’s gifts to you, then let us be gifts to each other. “Let us be gifts to each other.” A beautiful thought – one we must put into action. Sometimes this giving of ourselves to one another seems easy. It comes naturally. But there are also times when the giving is more challenging. Yet, even - or especially - during challenging times, we are strengthened and encouraged by the love of God - Father, Son and Spirit. May we open our eyes, ears, minds and hearts to the love of God within us, enabling us to share that love, giving that gift to others. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, mothers-to-be and all who have loved and guided us with a mother’s love. May is a month traditionally focused on Mary, the Mother of our Lord. Let’s continue to pray that Mary, Blessed Mother and Queen of Peace, will guide us to be peacemakers in our families, our communities and our world. This weekend our First Communion celebrations conclude. We are happy to welcome more of our young ones to the Table of the Lord. We pray in thanksgiving for them, their families, their catechists, and all who helped prepare them for First Eucharist. We'll be chronicling in pictures the work being done in our parish as we move forward with our Today's Apostles of Hope Campaign. It’s not the most exciting first picture to begin with, but it’s important – the filling in of the 100+ year old cesspool for the old church and the installation of a new one! As I write I am hoping that the needed deconstruction of the church air conditioners project will make it for picture time next week. We are still looking for writers to join in the recommencing of “The Gabriel”. Please see the description and invitation to share your writings in today's bulletin. Special thanks to Lisa Stephen for last weekend’s Square Dance. It was an absolutely delightful, fun filled experience for the parish! While partners of all ages were out dosey-doeing, it was just the young ones who ventured to ride the bull. More parish fun activities are in the planning. If you'd like to help as Apostle of Hope in the preparations for one, we are trying to form a “Helping Hands Ministry”. Please leave your name and number at the rectory to be contacted with more information. Don’t forget to wear your RED!!! Next Sunday we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. A great way to signal the feast and our sharing in the life of the Spirit is to wear the color traditionally associated with the Holy Spirit - the color RED! I'll be going on a silent retreat at Jesuit Campion Center in Massachusetts. I ask your prayers. Please know you will have mine. Please welcome back a good friend, Franciscan friar Fr. Kevin Cronin who will be at SSPJ while I am gone. On this Mother’s Day, on the following page you’ll some beautiful thoughts someone sent me. Peace, Apostles: we who are sent...Hope: God's constant gift of new possibilities Beautiful Thoughts for Mother’s Day When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day....... An angel came by and asked." Why spend so much time on her?" The Lord answered. "Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?" She must function on all kinds of situations, She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, Have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart, She must do all this with only two hands," She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day. THE ANGEL was impressed. Just two hands.....impossible! And this is the standard model?" The Angel came closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord". "She is soft", said the Lord, "But I have made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome. "Can she think?" The Angel asked... The Lord answered. "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate. The Angel touched her cheeks.... "Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her. "She is not is her tears" The Lord corrected the Angel… "What's it for?" Asked the Angel..... . The Lord said. "Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride."... This made a big impression on the Angel, "Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything. A woman is indeed marvelous" Lord said. "Indeed she is. She has strength that amazes a man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid. She fights for what she believes in. Her love is unconditional. Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life. The Angel asked: So she is a perfect being? The Lord replied: “No. She has just one drawback. She often forgets what she is worth." Parish Restoration Campaign Improvements Begin Thanks to the generosity of Our SSPJ Parishioners It is with the dedicated assistance of our Capital Campaign Committee, Bishop Murphy and the Diocese of Rockville Center (DRVC), numerous Vendors, and most importantly, the generous and supportive Parishioners of Saints Philip and James, that we are pleased to identify the work that will begin here at SSPJ. Thank you, for your prayers, generosity and sacrificial donations to the SSPJ Capital Campaign. MAIN CHURCH AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM: With approval from Bishop Murphy, we signed and entered into a contract with Lewis Energy to replace the air conditioning system in our church. Demolition of the old system and associated duct work will begin during the week of May 1, 2016. The projected date of completion is June 3rd, 2016. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we move forward with this project. There will not be any disruption with the Mass schedule or school activity. OLD CHURCH ROOF AND STEEPLE: The work required to repair the roof and steeple of the Old Church has been identified. Three potential Contractors were contacted, and their proposals have been returned to DRVC . These bids will be reviewed with DRVC. It is anticipated that the contract for this work will be awarded to the approved Contractor in early May, 2016. CARBON MONOXIDE AND FIRE UPGRADES: We have thoroughly reviewed the requirement codes of The Town of Smithtown and the Smithtown Fire Marshal. We have submitted specs for all carbon monoxide and fire requirements that need to be addressed. Four vendors submitted proposals that are being reviewed by DRVC. We anticipate that the work required at the school will be accomplished by the end of the Summer, 2016. OIL TO GAS CONVERSION: MARY MONTE BUILDING AND OLD CHURCH: We have begun the process of converting the Mary Monte Building and the Old Church from oil heat to gas. The original oil tanks will be removed from the grounds and properly disposed of. OLD CHURCH CESSPOOL: It has come to our attention that the original cesspool at the Old Church requires immediate attention. The old cesspool will be properly filled-in and a new cesspool will be installed. This work is scheduled to begin in early May, 2016. NEW CHURCH SIGNAGE: The badly deteriorated signs in front of the Old Church have been removed. It is our hope to replace these signs with those that are welcoming and representative of Saints Philip and James Parish. We hope to accomplish this very soon. The neglected sign in front of the Monte building on 25A has been taken down. The NYS Dept. of Transportation has addressed the safety concerns of a diseased tree on the premises of the Monte Building and removed this tree. It is our hope to beautify the front of this building with new landscaping and signage. Parish Restoration Campaign “Responding to the Call as Today’s Apostles of Hope” Total Pledged: $1,237,233 Paid to Date: $ 527,083 571 # of Gifts: Avg. Gift $ 2,165 % of Goal 83% (As of 5/2/16) Father Tom and the campaign committee would like to thank all parishioners who have made a gift to our capital campaign. We deeply appreciate your generous response. A Campaign Donors List’ to recognize all those who have participated in this Parish Restoration Campaign will be created in the near future. Please reach out to the campaign office via phone (584-5454 ext. 208) or email ([email protected]); if you do not want to be listed and would like your gift to remain anonymous. Happy Mother’s Day! Happiness, Is Wanting What You Have… And We Have, A Beautiful Old Church Repairs Are Under Way at SSPJ! New Cesspool, and Sheetrock Removal for The Old Church Excavating for New Cesspool Locating the Broken Cesspool Thanking God for those whose labors are hard...AAA Cesspool Hardworking Staff A foundation crack has been identified and will be addressed immediately. Successful removal of water damaged dry wall in the basement of the Old Church A Twisted Floor Support Beam in the Rear of the Old Church has been identified and will be immediately addressed. Saints Philip and James Parish Calendar For the Week of May 8th , 2016 SUNDAY, May 8, 2016: 7:00 am 9:00am 10:30am 7:00pm Gala Ticket Sale RCIA Catechetical Session Children's Liturgy of the Word AA Meeting School Lobby Philip & James Room School Language Room Old Church Catholic Communication Campaign Collection This Weekend MONDAY, May 9, 2016: 1:15pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Senior Group Meeting Boy Scout Meeting Circle of Women Philip & James Rm Auditorium Philip & James Rm TUESDAY, May 10, 2016: 1:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Spirit of Prayer Meeting St. Monica Group Impact 8th Grade Chords of Faith Respect Life Meeting Parish Council Meeting Church Cantina Old Church Choir Loft Cantina Downstairs Mtg Rm. This Campaign helps the church spread the gospel through media. Half of all collections stay within our diocese to support media and television programs. This effort helps us to spread the good news of the gospel and our faith. Please support this effort. WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2016: 10:00am 3:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm Yoga Daisy Troop Meeting Communion Rehearsal Youth Ministry Old Church Old Church Church Old Church Thursday, May 12, 2016: 2:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Adult Choir KOC Business Meeting Church Church Old Church FRIDAY, May 13, 2016: 3:15pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Kindergarten SSPJ Daisy Troop Meeting SSPJ School Drama Club Play AA Meeting Wash Kit Gang Eucharistic Adoration Old Church Auditorium Old Church Philip & James Room Church Wedding Banns 2nd Edward Vincent Sorrentino, Jr. Saints Philip & James To Ashley Alexis Ortiz Saints Philip & James Steven Tambone St. Louis DeMontfort To Diane Dirige Saints Philip & James 3rd Jonathan Ebel Saints Philip & James SATURDAY, May 14, 2016: 11:30am First Communion 2:00pm SSPJ School Drama Club Play 4:30pm Gala Ticket Sale 7:00pm SSPJ School Drama Club Play Church Auditorium School Lobby Auditorium To Nicole Chiappetta Saints Philip & James The Parish of Saints Philip & James 1 Carow Place, Saint James, New York Invite All to Celebrate Mass In Honor of All Uniformed Services Personnel On, Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 At 10:30am All Police, Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Court Officers and Military Personnel Are Welcome and Invited to Attend This celebration of the Eucharist . Surrounded by the SSPJ Parish Family, We will extend a blessing upon all of the Uniformed Men and Women who work and serve us in Countless ways through their heroism and service Upon all the lives they touch. For further information Please contact: Roger Urce at (631) 682-1677—SCPD Retired Fellowship reception to Follow the Mass in the Parish Auditorium Kindly contact the Parish Center at 584-7257 to rsvp. We look forward to having you join us at this special celebration. All Denominations Are Welcome. Please wear your uniforms for this celebration! All Nominations for SSPJ Pastoral Council Are Due by Tuesday, May 10, 2016 A Nomination form can be obtained in the Parish Center Office. Thank you. Together, We Walk As Apostles of Hope W e will be launching a new version of our wonderful SSPJ GABRIEL in the months ahead. This publication will be available several times a year. I have asked Elena (Atkins) Mingione to be my CoEditor. We will need help. Please consider joining our Gabriel Team as a contributor of your time and talent. Can you proof read, write, sketch, brain storm? Do you have a great memory? Do you have a story to tell? Do you have a refreshing anecdote, or have some great photo's to share? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, please consider joining our team! Please call the rectory office 631 584 5454 and leave your name and phone number and Elena will contact you. PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY GANG SUNDAYS “When did we see you hungry and feed you?” What is this? A service opportunity aimed at feeding the hungry on Long Island by making sandwiches for distribution to local social service agencies. When? Sunday – May 15, 2016 Time? 10:15 am to 11:30 AM (sign in at 10:05) Where? Auditorium Who? Any person or family with a desire to make a difference in the community. **Volunteers are asked to bring three loaves of WHOLE WHEAT bread, one jar of jelly and two jars of peanut butter. In addition, any youth volunteers are to be picked up in front of SSPJ School on Clinton Ave. at 12 noon. If you are interested in joining us on Peanut Butter Sunday, please complete the registration form, at the Parish Center. If you have any questions, please contact us at 584-5454. We will return your call as soon as possible. SSPJ IS SEEKING TO FILL THE FOLLOWING POSITION: WHO: We the Par ish of SSPJ ar e for ming a new ministr y and we ar e calling it “The Helping Hands Ministry” WHAT: Help is needed with Shopping, Event Set-Up, Food Preparation, Decorating, and Clean Up after various Parish Events. WHERE: Her e at Saints Philip & J ames! WHEN: On Occasion, On an “AS YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP” basis. HOW: Just offer the hands you were given, when you are able….The rest is Up to God!! If interested, kindly contact the Parish Center at 584-5454. We will be scheduling a Informational meeting in the near future. Many thanks for considering this “Ministry of Help.” Religious Education News Our Parish Family wishes to Congratulate all the children who received First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 7, 2016. Blessings upon our SSPJ School Second Grade First Holy Communion Class as well as all the children in Peggy Koepplin, Carolyn Smith and Christine Sullivan’s classes. First Communion Rehearsals for Ms. Stack and Ms. Zarra will be held on: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 4:30pm in the Church. First Communion Date for these classes is: Saturday, May 14th, 2016 at 11:30am May you always feel the love of God’s blessings in your hearts. A special thank you to all of our Second Grade families and Religious Education Teachers for preparing these beautiful “2nd Grade Apostles of Hope!” SSPJ DRAMA CLUB PRODUCTION OF A LION KING COMING SOON! Tickets for The Lion King Jr. are now on sale! Adults $10.00 Children (12 and under) $5.00 ______________________________________________ Friday: May 13th @ 7:00 pm #Adults:_____ #Children_____ Saturday: May 14th @ 7:00 pm #Adults:_____ #Children_____ Family Name: __________________________ Total: $______ Please make checks payable to: SSPJ School Parish Social Ministry To All The Wonderful PSM Volunteers, If you haven't completed a Screening Consent Form for the Diocese of Rockville Center, please come to the Parish Center to complete one. If you have completed this form for another ministry, you do not need to complete another one for PSM. Thank you for all that you do! CATHOLIC CHARITIES – EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Are you looking to do something meaningful with your life? If you are seeking to provide compassionate and heartfelt care for people in need, while experiencing fulfilling work, please consider joining the ministry of Catholic Charities where we offer “Care With Dignity…Life With Hope.” Parish Social Ministry Is In Need of Drivers The SSPJ Parish Social Ministry assists Parishioners in so many wonderful ways. Our current opportunities include: Administrator – Senior Services – Hicksville Medicaid Service Coordinator – Disabilities Services – Amityville Social Worker (LMSW/LMHC) – Mental Health – Medford Psychiatrist – P/T – Mental Health – Medford Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – Mental Health – Bay Shore Residential Nurse – Disabilities Services – Amityville Residential Nurse – Teaching Family –Suffolk/Nassau Weekend Supervisor – Regina Maternity Services Freeport For additional information, a full listing of jobs and their descriptions, and how to apply, please go to: and click on the “jobs” tab. Catholic Charities – An Equal Opportunity Employer They are currently seeking persons available to bring Parishioners to Sunday Mass as well as to local Doctor appointments. If this is something you might be able to assist with, kindly contact the Parish Social Ministry office at 584-5454. Music Happenings On Sunday, May 29, 2016, at 4pm, Sts. Philip & James will be hosting The American Guild of Organists Scholarship Recital. The Featured Organist will be Don Fellows. Don is the Organist and Music Director at St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburg, PA. Scholarship awards will be presented to this years Candidates during the recital. A light reception will follow in the Auditorium. Please join us and show your support for these talented Organists. All Are Welcome! For further information, please contact Margaret Adams, Music Director at 584-5454. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION IS UNDERWAY! SSPJ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Registration for the 2016-2017 School Year is now underway for our Religious Education Program and being conducted by mail for all students being re-registered in Grades 2 thru 8. RE-REGISTRATION FOR GRADES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: Make checks payable to Sts. Philip & James. Registration forms without payment or not completely filled out will be returned. You must be a registered member of the parish to be in the Religious Education Program. For parents who are re-registering their children and also have a 1st Grader, register in person at the Pastoral Center. Do not send in the r e-registration separately. THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS July 1st, 2016 This is the only registration for the school year. Classes are being formed now. All classroom placements will be done by the Religious Education Office. In order to secure placement in a class, have your registration in by the deadline. For parents of upcoming 2nd graders (Communion II classes), please note that all classes will be held in the parish schools on MONDAYS at 4:30-5:30, 5:45-6:45 and WEDNESDAYS at 4:30-5:30, 5:45-6:45pm. REGISTRATION FOR GRADE 1 AND NEW STUDENTS: Registration for these students must be done in person at the Pastoral Center –Mon., Tues. & Wed.,& Fri. between the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm. 1st Graders and New Students cannot be registered by mail or on the Re-Registration form. For 1st Graders, a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate (not birth certificate) is required if he/she was not baptized at SSPJ. For New Students, a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate, sacramental information, and a record of previous religious instruction are required. Families must be registered in the parish before their child can be registered in our program . Catechists are needed in all grade levels for our program Communion II to Confirmation II and Special Needs. If you have a desire to become a Catechist, please contact The Religious Education Office at 584-3204. Religious Education Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:30am-4pm Please Note: Religious Education Hours for the Month of July: Are Mondays & Tuesdays 9AM to 4PM ONLY The Respect Life Committee News The Respect Life Committee ANNUAL BABY SHOWER On MAY 21st & 22nd, 2016 IN THE SCHOOL LOBBY AFTER ALL THE MASSES. Suggestions for needed items include baby clothes (new and gently used) for ages newborn to 4 years, diapers all sizes including size 4/5, wipes, formula, bottles (not the liner type, just the screw on nipple plastic bottle), legal cribs and car seats, baby shampoo, burping bibs, gifts for new mom’s such as lotions and powder. Any questions, please call 862-9370 Do not leave items in the church lobby at any time please call the phone number above for any needed pick up The St. Monica Group Will be meeting on Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 at 7pm In the Parish Center Cantina Please join us to pray together for our families in the tradition of St. Monica the mother of St. Augustine who prayed her son into sainthood. The Respect Life Committee INVITES YOU To join us on Tuesday, May 10th , 2016 at 7:30pm In the Cantina of the Parish Center Please join us we plan activities which benefit families in need as they welcome new children or struggle to provide for those already born. Our patron is Saint Gianna Beretta Mollla a recently canonized wife, mother and doctor helps us live our ministry among the difficulties of modern times. All are welcome! WHEN: SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 TIME: FROM 1PM—3PM WHERE: 403 LAKE AVENUE, ST. JAMES,NY We collect new and gently used baby items and deliver them to the Life Center of Long Island. These items benefit mothers, children and expectant mothers in need. Your donations build a community that supports mothers who choose life for their unborn children under difficult circumstances. Suggested donation items: Gently used baby and toddler items such as car seats, high chairs, strollers, clothing, toys, etc. New baby and toddler items including diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, clothing are also appreciated. Together , With Philip and James, We Are Church MASS INTENTIONS For Week of May 8, 2016 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm SUNDAY, May 8, 2016: Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Novena Mother’s Day Novena Mother’s Day Novena Collective Mass Mother’s Day Novena Together, Let Us Mourn the Passing Of: Mary Csepp MONDAY, May 9, 2016 7:30am 9:15am Mother’s Day Novena Walter Schnell TUESDAY, May 10, 2016 7:30am 9:15am Mother’s Day Novena Frank Lombardo WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2016 7:30am 9:15am Mother’s Day Novena Douglas DeWeerdt THURSDAY, May 12, 2016 7:30am 9:15am Mother’s Day Novena Collective Mass: Robert Remhild Maria Talamo Suzanne Louise Lawlor Roderick Smith Jules Koerner FRIDAY May 13, 2016 7:30am 9:15am Mother’s Day Novena Anthony Szymanski SATURDAY, May 14, 2016 9:15am 5:00pm Mother’s Day Novena Peter J. Byrne SUNDAY, May 15, 2016: 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm For The Parishioners of Sts. Philip & James Mother’s Day Novena Mary Bufkowsky Collective Mass Marie Cohen Jennie Pirri Thomas L. Bourguignon Frank Esposito Jean Clarke Reverend Richard Hendel May 8, 2016 Our Bread & Wine Are Offered, In Loving Memory... Tu Es Sacedros In Aternum Colene Young Requested By: Thomas G. McCormick KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GOLF OUTING The Wash Kit Gang will meet on Friday, May 13, 2016 in the Sts. Philip & James Room From 7pm until 8pm. Donations of trial size soap, trial size shampoo, zip lock sandwich bags, wash cloths, band aids, and hard candy are always needed and appreciated. All are invited to attend. Children must be accompanied by a parent, but are always welcome. Please help us to help those in need. Keeping You In Our Prayers…. HELEN McDOWELL VICTOR BLUM (2years old) MARY BROWN LEE KRAUER VALERIE GEYE COSTAS HELEN MCDOWELL LORRAINE HANLEY CAROLE HENNESSY KITTY CRONIN BRADLEY SHUTKA JOHN REIF RUTH WEICK MARIA CIPRIANI HELEN ASTIN RICHARD CASIO GEORGE SESERIAN MARGARET MONFORT ROSEMARIE CASTORO HELEN MCDOWELL THOMAS MOONEY RICHARD BELARDO BARBARA SEE MATHEW DIPIETRO JOEL RAPZKER JULIE MCDOWELL CAITLYN SINCLAIR SHARON WILLIAMS ROBERT MICHAEL CARR LAURA MICHELSEN KAITLIN CAHILL JOANNE ISREAL JACK C DONALD STANTON JOHN & MICHELLE BONGIORNO JOHN C NATALIE MORGAN JOSEPH (CHICK) MARTIN VITO MONTELLO KELLY BIGLIANI AMY DELGADO JOHN C. MATHEW WHITE KAY N ELINOR GLASSER FRANK ORLIK FRED ZAPF PETER AMBROSE SANDY POLSTER DOLORES CEA JEANINE ESPOSITO-TANSEY PATRICIA NIDDS TERRENCE EMDE JULIA MCDOWELL SCOTT PATRICIA NIDDS VIVIEN CORDES ANTHONY MALATESTA BERNADETTE ESPOSITO ELLEN MARY NEWILL BOYD DIANE WEIDNER CAROLANN OREFICE EDWARD ALTMANN TERRANCE MARTIN CAROL WALZ DOLORES LACY GRACE GIORDANO ALFRED FOX HOLLIE SRAMEK ANNA CAPIZZIO KYLIE QUIGLEY STEVE WHELAN CHRISTOPHER PAUL EILEEN BARANNOW WILLIAM LANAGAN PAMELA JOHNSON MARTIN D’AMICO JENNIFER CHRISTOPHER TALLARICO PATTY ARGENTINO ELLIE I. NICOLINA SANTUCCI LISA MESSANA CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL ANTONIO FECCA EVA ALAIMO DYLAN MURPHY MARY ANN CESARSKI AMY GINOCCHIO CHRISTINE SHAW ELAINE STOWE LAURA ANDRUCKI JULIANNE ROSEMARIE PASTORELLI LAURA IACOVETTI EILEEN ZINCK PATRICIA FONTANA PETE THOMPSON REBECCA DEVAN JOHN BONGIORNO MICHELLE BONGIORNO JACK KATHLEEN N EDWARD MC CORMICK FLORENCE DUNN JAMES SCHREIBER HELEN MCDOWELL THOMAS MOONEY THOMAS JOHN COLLINS Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen “We pray for peace in the world” and for those who serve…. LCDR. MEGAN M. SHUTKA-VIK, USN CDR. D. WILSON MARKS, USN CAPTAIN MICHAEL DOLAN, JR. LT. COL. JOHN KAIRES LT. COL. STEPHEN A. SCHNELL SPC. NICOLE A. CANNON SGM. MICHAEL P. BORRELLI (US ARMY) CDR. JOHN TULLY, USN LT. COL. JAMES TULLY, US ARMY JOSEPH SAGGIO, USN LT. PAUL WILLMS STAFF SGT. MICHAEL LONGHENRY LT. COL. PAUL T. JACKSON, SR AIRMAN E4 ALEXANDER PARRELLA RICHARD SOTOMAYER, USAF CPL. CONNOR F. SCOTT, USMC LCPL. DANIEL P. STEELE, USMC SGT. CORY O’HARA USMC JAMEY ALAIMO, U.S.C.G. BRITTANY ALAIMO, U.S.C.G. CDR. ROBERT J. MARSH, USN PFC. CHARLES CHRISTOPHER HOWELL JOHN VINCENT KNOBLOCH, USMC STEVEN CAVA, USN ERIC SEELIN, USMC CW2 CHRIS MUNZ CW2 NATASHA WORTMAN JAMES T. CASEY, USMC GREGORY DEVANEY, USMC SGT. JOSHUA MAHONEY, US ARMY Weekly Collection: Sunday, May 1, 2016 Sunday Collection: $16,161. Faith Direct: $3,823. Children’s Jug: $61. Tomorrow’s Hope Collection: $2,812. Total Collection: $22,857. Many thanks for your generous support of SSPJ. If you are able to take a step in your sacrificial offering it would be greatly appreciated. If you are using a collection envelope, with sincere gratitude, we say, Thank you! Kindly write the dollar amount of your contribution on the front of the collection envelope. Celebrating the Liturgy- With Grateful Hearts We Serve PRESIDER SCHEDULE—FOR May 14th & May 15th, 2016 Sunday, May 15th, 2016 Presider Schedule may be subject to last minute changes. Saturday, May 14th, 2016 5:00pm Father Kevin Cronin Father Patrick Osei-Poku/Dcn. John 7:30am 9:00am Father Patrick Osei-Poku/Dcn. Ron 10:30am Father Kevin Cronin/Dcn. Ron 12:00noon Father Kevin Cronin/Dcn. Ken EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE –FOR May 14th & 15th, 2016 SATURDAY 5:00PM R. Willms I. Arevalo C. Boyen L. Brown R. Byrne B. Carey K. Consenz P. Damato D. Doran J. Duffy SUNDAY 7:30AM J. Primavera E. Sica T. Sica W. Van Gostein A. Troutman C. Czujko R. Fabian M. Ferguson J. Harvey J. Henson SUNDAY 9:00AM B. Luna M. Morbillo D. Mulhall C. Napolitano K. Rapp M. Sehne D. Sharkey M. Spina P. Agoglia J. Alternative SUNDAY 10:30AM M. Tangel D. Uy G. Amen G. Beisel L. Beisel R. Bleggi D. Bleggi J. Garvey J. Giacalone B. Gill SUNDAY 12NOON D. Coppola E. Law M. Lebrun J. Linder M. Loughlin M. Napoli T. Pace A. Santo E. Calvano H. Collins ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE -FOR May 14th & 15th, 2016 SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY 7:30AM SUNDAY 9:00AM SUNDAY 10:30AM SUNDAY 12:00 NOON A. Suchy M. Suchy G. Knott O. Knott J. Henson C. Haff W. Haff B. Keese K. Keese R. Rock R. Rock M. DeStefano D. Schultz J. Schultz M. Stephen K. Tomasic M. Tomasic Sanchez-Rinco D. Regan G. Romero A. Conforti I. Cole LECTOR SCHEDULE -FOR May 14th & 15th, 2016 SATURDAY 5:00PM SUNDAY 7:30AM SUNDAY 9:00AM SUNDAY 10:30AM SUNDAY 12:00 NOON E. Seidell L. Halluska P. O’Hara E. Dobres B. Luna A. Dinnigan A. Foster J. Borelli M. Hoonhout Youth Ministry Impact News SSPJ YOUTH MINISTRY 8TH GRADE IMPACT SPRING EVENTS. MAY 10TH- SPECIAL EVENT MAY 17TH- REGULAR MEETING MAY 24TH- REGULAR MEETING MAY 31ST- REGULAR MEETING SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH– SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE!!! JUNE 7TH- CLOSING NIGHT BBQ 7PM-9PM All regular meetings are 7:30-8:30 pm in the Old Church Please call 862-SSPJ or visit for more info. CAMP SSPJ Day Camp Program and Vacation Bible Camp Is seeking a Part -time Nurse Monday thru Friday 9am-12:30pm For, June 27 -August 12th, 2016 Registered Nurse Wanted, However, we are open to other certifications. Please contact Frank Brancaccio or Elizabeth Calvano at the Parish Rectory at 584-5454 or email us at [email protected] ARE YOU READY FOR THE SUMMER? The Spirit’s Gifts are many... Spiritual Reflection by Ron Rolheiser, OMI Daniel Berrigan – RIP Before you get serious about Jesus, first consider how good you’re going to look on wood! Daniel Berrigan wrote those words and they express a lot about who he was and what he believed in. He died yesterday at age 94. No short tribute can do justice to Dan Berrigan. He defies quick definition and facile description. He was, at once, the single-minded, obsessed activist, even as he was one of the most complex spiritual figures of our generation. He exhibited both the fierceness of John the Baptist and the gentleness of Jesus. An internationally-known social justice advocate, an anti-war priest, a poet, a first-rate spiritual writer, a maverick Jesuit, he, along with his close friend, Dorothy Day, was one of our generation’s foremost advocates for non-violence. Like Dorothy Day, he believed that all violence, no matter how merited it seems in a given situation, always begets further violence. For him, violence can never justify itself by claiming moral superiority over the violence it is trying to stop. Non-violence, he uncompromisingly advocated, is the only road to peace. Like Dorothy Day, he couldn’t imagine Jesus with a gun. Berrigan lived by the principle of non-violence and spent his life trying to convince others of its truth. This got him into a lot of trouble, both in society at large and in the church. It also landed him to prison. In 1968, along with his brother, Philip, he entered a federal building in Catonsville, Maryland, removed a number of draft records and burned them in garbage cans. For this, he was given three and a half years in prison. But this also indelibly stamped him into the consciousness of a whole generation. He was forever after known as a member of the Catonsville Nine and once appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. I was in the seminary during those tumultuous years in the late 1960s, when anti-war protests in the USA were drawing such huge crowds and Daniel Berrigan was one of their poster boys. Moreover, I was in a seminary where most everything in our ethos was asking us to distrust Berrigan and the anti-war movement. In our view at that time, this was not what a Catholic priest was supposed to be doing. I wasn’t a fan of his then. I’m a late convert. That conversion began when, as a graduate student, I began to read Berrigan’s books. I was gripped by three things: First, by the gospel challenge he was spelling out so clearly; next, by his spiritual depth; and, finally, not least, by the brilliance and poetry of his language. He was, flat-out, a very good writer and a very challenging Christian. I envied his vocabulary, his turn of phrase, his intelligence, his wit, his depth, and his radical commitment. I began to read everything he’d written and he began to have a growing influence on my life and ministry. I had never before seen how non-negotiable is Jesus’ challenge to act not just with charity about also with justice. Father Larry Rosebaugh, an Oblate colleague who also went to prison for anti-war protests and who was later shot to death in Guatemala, shares in his autobiography how, the night before he performed his first act of civil disobedience that landed him in prison, he spent the entire night in prayer with Daniel Berrigan. Berrigan’s advice to him then was this: If you can’t do this without becoming bitter and angry at those who arrest you, don’t do it! Prophecy is about making a vow of love, not of alienation. There’s a thin line here, one that’s too often crossed when we are trying to be prophetic. Ironically, for all his critical counsel on this, Berrigan, by his own admission, struggled mightily with exactly this, namely, to have his protest issue forth from a center of love and not from a center of anger. At age 62, he wrote an autobiography, To Dwell in Peace, within which he candidly shared that he had never enjoyed a healthy relationship with his own father and that his father had never blessed him or his brother, Philip. Rather his father was always more threatened by his sons’ energies and talents than proud of them. With this admission, Berrigan went on to ask whether it was any wonder that he, Daniel, had forever been a thorn in the side of every authorityfigure he ever encountered: presidents, popes, bishops, religious superiors, politicians, policemen. It took him 60 years to make peace with the absence of his father’s blessing; but, God writes straight with crooked lines, the radicalness this fired in him helped challenge a generation. In his later years, Berrigan began to work in a hospice, finding among the dying a depth that grounded him against what he so feared in our culture, shallowness. His own generation will give him a mixed judgment: loved by some, hated by others. But history will speak well of him. He was always on the side of God, peace, and the poor. Daniel Berrigan RIP. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website Now on Facebook God writes straight with crooked lines… COMMUNITY NEWS: Eucharistic Retreats On Long Island With The Missionaries of The Most Holy Eucharist At the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington Preached Retreat: Sunday May, 29,2016 (Corpus Christi) For more information, please call: (631)629-6514 Or visit: [email protected] For Information regarding Silent Retreats: Call: (631)423-0483: Ext: 128 SHRINE OF Our Lady of the Island: 258 Eastport Manor Rd. Manorville, NY Our Lady of Fatima Day Friday, May 13, 2016 10:00 Rosary Procession 11:30am Mass at the Rock 12:30pm Lunch Break 1:30 Conference 3:00 Holy Hour Www. (631)325-0661 The Silver Chords 2 Free Concerts! Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 2pm At Kings Park High School Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 1:30pm Town Hall West, 401 Main Street, Islip Frostiana & Other American Songs Join us and support one of the children from CLW Event Information When: Sunday, May 22, 2016 Where: Sunken Meadow State Park Kings Park, NY 11754 Time: 9:00 AM Registration - 10:00 AM Walk Kick Off Peter G. Moloney • Francis D. Moloney, Jr. D.M. Illuzzi D.P.M. Podiatrist/Foot Specialist Most Insurance Accepted 61 Rte. 111, Smithtown Office - 631.360.7733 House Calls 631.724.4959 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Suffolk Plastic Surgeons, PC 631-751-4400 You ... Only Better Hilton C. Adler, MD, FACS Stephen F. Coccaro, MD, FACS Kenneth C. Kneessy, MD, FACS Board Certified Plastic Surgeons Specializing in: Breast Enhancement • Facial Rejuvenation • Body Contouring On-Site accredited Surgical Facility and Medical Spa Visit Our Luxurious Spa Belle Meade Located on Premises Cesspool & Sewer Services • Plumbing • Aeration Kitchens & Bathrooms • Main Line & Storm Drain Cleaning 24-Hr Emergency Service • FREE Estimates 631 – 277 – 2800 Allettante Salon & Spa Experience the Difference... 737 Middle Country Rd. Saint James, NY 11780 Visit us on Facebook 631.656-3363 La Famiglia 10% Parishioner Discount with this ad FAMILY STYLE RESTAURANT Private Party Rooms Available for Communions, Confirmations, Rehearsal Dinners, Bereavements, any type of party 250 West Main Street, Smithtown Tel: (631) 382-9454 Catering Available On and Off Premise for All Occasions Call John for details • Unlimited Champagne and Mimosas Served • Fresh Homemade Baked Muffins • Smoked Salmon, Bagels and Cream Cheese • Assorted Tossed Green and Cold Salads • Two Roasts Carved to Order • Omelettes Made to Order • Breakfast and Lunch Chafing Dishes • Fresh Fruit Platter • Chefs Dessert Table • Coffee and Tea Service Sunday Buffet Brunch $33.95 per person Children under 12 half price Join us for Brunch 11AM to 3PM with the Family after Mass. Every Sunday Ideal for Showers, Christenings, Birthdays 631-751-0555 150 Main St., Stony Brook Anniversaries, Large Groups Welcome The Parishioners of Saints Philip and James Parish Thank These Advertisers for Making This Bulletin Possible #214 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • ~ Please Patronize our Advertisers Branch Funeral Homes FUNER ALS & CREM ATIONS Smithtown 190 East Main Street Trust. Quality. Affordability. (631) 724-9500 Owned by the Vigliante Family - Henry Vigliante • John Vigliante • Paul Vigliante [email protected] Simple Repairs to Total Renovations 631-742-7442 Licensed & Insured (631) 744-9700 TRUSTED CREMATION WITH CARETM PROVIDER HARRY GANG PLUMBING 4th Generation Plumbers Miller Place 551 Route 25A 724-7000 Harbor COLLISION Auto Damage Experts Insurance Claims Specialists 24 Hour Towing 931 Middle Country Road St. James, NY 11780 Jon Pedone Mercedes Benz of Smithtown BMW of Smithtown 265-2204 265-2208 Regina E. Brandow, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, Elderlaw Planning, Special Needs Planning and Real Estate Call for Courtesy Consult 1352 Stony Brook Rd., Stony Brook, NY Tel: 631-675-2540 Fax 631-675-2541 [email protected] Smithtown of Infiniti of Smithtown 361-4636 Family Owned Come see St. James’ Family Podiatrist DR. MICHAEL McAULEY D.P.M., P.C. PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY 418 N. COUNTRY ROAD 584-6969 Lawrence M. Just, CPA St. James, NY Taxes, Retirement, Investments New York Life and Health Insurance Advance Planning [email protected] 631-862-9627, C 428-4829 17 Manor Rd., Smithtown ALPINE PASTRY SHOPPE Specializing in Custom Wedding Cakes “Cakes Cookie Trays For All Occasions Cassata, Cannoli, Tiramisu Family Owned & Operated The Cuccia Family, Parishioners 59 Route 111 Village Center, Smithtown 631-265-5610 GREGORY J. SKRAPITS, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTISTRY COSMETIC - IMPLANTS SLEEP APNEA 436 North Country Rd., St James, NY (631) 584-5605 OFFICE HOURS - BY APPOINTMENT LAW OFFICE OF Fred’s Joseph A. Bollhofer, P.C. 291 Lake Avenue, St. James Est. 1959 Carpet . East Northport 318 Larkfield Rd, Breakfast • Lunch Dessert Crepes Espresso Beverages 721 Hawkins Ave. Smithtown 631 648 4430 L OW E D R U G S 14 LAWRENCE AVE., SMITHTOWN TEL: (631) 265-7888 FAX: (631) 265-6935 NOTARY PUBLIC Stephen DeMaio, B.S., RPh Parishioner Free Delivery Thomas M. Sapienza, D.D.S. OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Comprehensive Cosmetic, Implant, and General Dentistry 2500 Nesconset Highway, Building 10B, Stony Brook, NY 11790 Parishioner of SSPJ 368-1850 Custom Area Rugs, Runners & Broadloom Window Treatments Wood, Laminate & Vinyl Floors Wood Floor Refinishing Liquorium Wine&Liquor 430-04 N. country Rd., St James Hrs: Mon-Thurs 9-8 Fri-Sat 9-9 Sun 12-6 Open 7 Days a week 631-862-7020 Branch Auto Care, Inc. Villa Sorrento Kenneth J. Maher Carmela T. Montesano, Esq. Wills, Trusts & Estates AƩorney Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C. 990 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 592-5720 I [email protected] ~ A Hom e for Fun erals & Crem ation s ~ Owner, Licensed Manager & Director Longtime Dedicated Parishioners of Sts. Philip & James R.C. Church ~ In Loving Memory of Aelysche M. Maher ~ J.C. BRODERICK Restaurant & Caterers “Come Taste The Experience” Full Service Personal Party Planning Cocktail Parties Tent Weddings - Showers Family Gathering Backyard Barbeques Corporate Affairs Foreign/Domestic 383 East Jericho Tpke. Smithtown, NY 11787 Mike Dray “Personal Attention & Dignified Service - Our Continuing Tradition” 15% off any bottle of wine w/ad 584-0100 MEMBER OF K OF C (631) 360-9826 St. James F u n e r a l H o m e , I nc. Phone: (631) 751-7100 265-1810 829 Middle Country Road (Jericho Turnpike) Route 25. St. James Office: (631) 584-5200 Kerry J. Maher Director & ASSOCIATES, INC. DUANE S. SHANK, D.D.S. Brendan G. Broderick 1775 Expressway Dr .N Suite 1 - Hauppauge,NY Phone (631) 584-5492 JCB Fax (631) 584-3395 (631) 265-3666 Environmental Consulting & Testing 631-265-9865 823 Middle Country Rd. St. James Pediatric and Adult Orthodontics TMJ Treatment 200 E. Main St., Smithtown, NY We Buy Gold, Silver Coins A &D GOLD SILVER 35 years Family Own 428 Lake Ave., St. James 631-584-7070 Ask for John or Peter Pat Spates Owner Deanna Chassen 415 N.Country Rd. St. James, NY11780 C - 1-347-267-8059 O - 1-631-686-5075 E - [email protected] PERSONALIZED BABY GIFTS & APPAREL Lic/Ins. parishioners Rick Nappi Owner 631-686-6868 430-10 North Country Rd., St. James Purchase 1 lb of any salad get 1 free of equal value w/ad excludes meat or seafood salads #214 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • ~ Please Patronize our Advertisers