while supplies last - Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Reform Movement


while supplies last - Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Reform Movement
Published six times per year
by the General Conference
• Doctrine
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• Life experiences
• Inspirational themes
• News from around the world
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RELIGIOUS LIBERTY PUBLISHING ASSN. • 9999 E. Mississippi Avenue • Denver, CO 80247 • 916-765-3389
Holy Bible
Santa Biblia
Santa Biblia
Deluxe Family Bible,
King James Version.
Large print, red letter
edition, illustrated, Bible
dictionary, concordance.
Black, 1,021 pages.
B#1010 $54.95 each
Biblia familiar. Antigua
Versión de Casiodoro de
Reina (1569), revisada
por Cipriano de Valera
(1602), otras revisiones
(1862 y 1909), con breve
concordancia temática.
Negra, ilustrada, 1,500+
B#8011 $59.95 each
Antigua Versión ReinaValera actualizada en 1979,
con referencias, estudios
bíblicos de los adventistas,
referencias junto al texto,
cronología, tesoro de
nombres bíblicos, cinta
marcadora, caja de regalo,
letra ultra grande. 1,900
B#9402 $35.75 each
Santa Biblia
Santa Biblia
Holy Bible
King James Version, Gift and
Award Bible. Topical subject
headings, illustrated Bible
maps, words of Christ in red.
Black, 640 pages.
B#162R $7.95 each
Santa Biblia familiar.
Antigua Versión ReinaValera con una breve
concordancia temática.
Ilustrada, 1,500+
B#8001 $54.95 each
Versión Reina-Valera, 1909
actualizada en 1979 con
unos estudios bíblicos de
los adventistas sobre “El
Maravilloso Plan de Dios.”
Piel, azul, 1,011 páginas.
B#0211 $12.95 each
Holy Bible
King James Version. Large
print, red letter edition, thumb
index. Dark blue, 1,952
B#9718 $29.95 each
Holy Bible
King James Version. Large
print, red letter edition, thumb
index, with Adventist Metcalf
Bible study helps. Black,
zippered, 1,952 pages.
B#9714 $35.95 each
Santa Biblia
Santa Biblia
Biblia familiar. Antigua
Versión de Casiodoro de
Reina (1569), revisada
por Cipriano de Valera
(1602), otras revisiones
(1862 y 1909), con
estudios bíblicos de
los adventistas y breve
concordancia temática.
Blanca, ilustrada,
1,500+ páginas.
Versión Reina-Valera, 1909
actualizada en 1979 con
unos estudios bíblicos de
los adventistas sobre “El
Maravilloso Plan de Dios.”
Piel, roja, 1,011 páginas.
B#0221 $12.95 each
B#8201 $59.95 each
Santa Biblia
Holy Bible,
King James Version, compact.
Concordance, translation and
explanatory notes, maps.
Cornflower blue, leathersoft,
864 pages.
B#2163b $29.95 each
Antigua Versión Reina-Valera
actualizada en 1979, con
referencias, estudios bíblicos
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Maravilloso Plan de Dios,”
cronología, índice temático,
tesoro de nombres bíblicos,
caja de regalo, piel curada,
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B#9221 $34.95 each
Santa Biblia/Holy
Bible, Bilingüe
LBLA/NSB Biblia Bilingüe.
Tapa dura, 1,721 páginas.
B#7313 $20.95 each
Santa Biblia/Holy
Bible, Bilingüe
Versión Reina-Valera/King
James Version. Pasta azul,
1,807 páginas.
B#9800 $27.95 each
Pasta vino
B#9810 $27.95 each
Find inspiring, truth-filled books and magazines that make wonderful gifts for friends and acquaintances.
The Great
By Ellen G. White
The foundation of God’s
kingdom and the end of
the rebellion begun by the
great adversary in heaven.
Paperback, magazine size,
illustrated, 271 pages.
GC $9.50 each
Joy in the Morning
By Ellen G. White
Thoughts from the Mount
of Blessing. Principles
Jesus taught in the
sermon on the mount.
Paperback, magazine size,
illustrated, 128 pages.
JIM $9.50 each
The Seventhday Adventist
Reformation of
By Henry Dering
Basic history of the
Reform Movement after
World War I. Paperback,
illustrated, 94 pages.
Ref1914 $11.95 each
The Coming Kingdom
The most important issues
that everyone will face in
the days just before Jesus’
second coming. The spiritual
foundation for individual
choice. Paperback, 84 pages.
TCK $4.95 each
Hope of the Ages
There is hope for everyone,
but it is not found in the
places where most people
are directing their attention.
Paperback, 100 pages.
HTA $4.95 each
Now and Forever
By Ellen G. White
Is a better life possible? Main
events in the story of salvation,
from the books in the Conflict
of the Ages Series. Paperback,
illustrated, 100 pages.
NAF $9.95 each
Ahora y para Siempre
Por Elena G. White
¿Es posible una vida mejor?
La historia de la salvación,
extraída de los libros de la
Serie “La Gran Controversia.”
Encuadernación rústica,
ilustrado, 116 páginas.
AYPS $9.95 each
And Follow Their
By Hans Fleschutz
Experiences of Reformers who
died for their faith in World War
II, including personal letters
and black-and-white pictures.
Paperback, 60 pages.
AFTF $4.75 each
Seguid su Fe
Por Hans Fleschutz
Experiencias de Reformadores
que murieron por su fe en
la Segunda Guerra Mundial,
incluyendo cartas personales,
y fotos en blanco y negro.
Pasta rústica, 60 páginas.
SsF $4.75 each
Ha Cambiado la
Por Henry Dering
La posición histórica versus el
nuevo punto de vista entre el
adventismo en temas como el
servicio militar, la salud, entre
otros. 28 páginas.
HCLV $1.25 each
The Christian and
Marie: Woman of
Beauty, Mother of
By Antonino Di Franca
Biblical views on weapons and
military service. 18 pages.
CaW $2.35 each
By Margie Holmstroem Seely
Gripping stories of escape
from war. 220 pages.
MWB $14.75 each
English edition. 784 hymns.
Includes traditional favorites,
contemporary pieces, and
inspirational translations
from other languages.
Responsive readings. Black
leather cover with gold
edges, 879 pages.
IHEL $47.95 each
Edición española. Contiene
733 himnos antiguos y
nuevos, y traducciones de
himnos de otros idiomas.
Pasta dura, 832 páginas.
IHSHC $41.95 each
Pasta piel
IHSL $47.95 each
Edición española sin notas.
Pasta piel, 832 páginas.
IHSBL $16.00 each
Pasta plástico
IHSIL $10.00 each
History of the S.D.A.
Reform Movement
Written in approximately
1925, the book was found at
Andrews University. Edited
for consistency and today’s
usage. 96 pages.
HRM $5.95 each
Historia de los
Adventistas del
Séptimo Día
Movimiento de
Historia del Movimiento de
Reforma, libro encontrado
en la Universidad Andrews,
Berrien Springs, Michigan. 96
HdlASD $5.95 each
Visit the Store at sda1888.org to find quantity discount prices and pay your order with a debit or credit card.
Bible Study Handbook
50 studies on basic Bible
subjects, for personal study and
for giving Bible studies to others.
Hardback, 148 pages.
BSH $7.95 each
Bible Study
50 studies on basic Bible
subjects, for personal
study and for giving
Bible studies to others.
Looseleaf, one or two
lessons per sheet, good
for copying and giving to
BSHL $7.95 each
Know Your Bible
25 lessons on basic Bible
doctrine for study by
correspondence or with
an instructor or group.
Bound set of lessons with
separate questionnaires
KYB $8.35 each
Curso de
Conozca su Biblia
Compendio de 25
lecciones bíblicas básicas
y cuestionarios.
CSB $8.35 each
Study Course
20 lessons on the
history and issues which
brought about the Reform
Movement. Bound set,
with questionnaires.
RSC $8.35 each
Curso de
Reforma y
20 lecciones sobre la
historia y los puntos
que trajeron a la luz el
Movimiento de Reforma.
Juego atado, con
cuestionarios de repaso.
CRR $8.35 each
Principles of Faith
Brief summary of beliefs–37
basic points of doctrine and
prophecy, with supporting
Bible texts. 34 pages.
PoF $2.35 each
Principios de Fe
Breve sumario de las
creencias básicas–37
puntos básicos de doctrina y
profecía con textos bíblicos
apoyantes. 34 páginas.
PdF $2.35 each
Seventh-day Adventists at
the crossroads. Chapter titles
include: “Ancient and Modern
Israel,” “Defending Morality,”
“Weighed in the Balances,”
“The Wheat and the Tares,”
“Be Ye Separate, Saith the
Lord.” Paperback, 77 pages.
REFb $6.95 each
God’s Unchanging
By Ellen G. White
Excerpts from The Great
Controversy. 12 pages.
GUL $1.00 each
Explanation of the issues that
brought about the Reform
Movement. 8 pages.
RB $.50 each
La Reforma
Explicación sobre los
temas que provocaron el
Movimiento de Reforma.
8 páginas.
RB $.50 each
Thoughts, Critical and
Practical, on the Book
of Daniel
By Uriah Smith
1873 edition. “No sublimer
study can occupy the mind,
than those books in which He
who sees the end from the
beginning … gives through His
inspired prophets, a description
of coming events for the benefit
of those whose lot it would be
to meet them.” Paperback, 383
TCPD $15.35 each
Thoughts, Critical and
Practical, on the Book
of Revelation
By Uriah Smith
1865 edition, verse by verse
explanation of the book of
Revelation. Paperback, 328
TCPR $15.35 each
Symbols from
Daniel & the
40 full-color, full-page
illustrations by Bulgarian
artist Plamen Monev,
for presenting Bible
prophecy studies. Plastic
binding, 44 pages.
PSDR $29.95 each
Study Guide–
Prophetic Symbols
from Daniel & the
Compiled by Henry Dering
Descriptions and studies
explaining the prophetic
symbols. Paperback, 72
SGPS $6.95 each
Make group a order with your friends, and save. Go to www.sda1888.org to find quantity discounts.
Encyclopedia of
Foods and Their
Healing Power
By George D. PamplonaRoger, M.D.
3-volume set with 4 parts:
(1) The Science of Foods,
(2) The Healing Power of
Foods, (3) The Healthy
Kitchen, (4) Recipes That
Prevent and Heal. Hardback,
illustrated, 1,310 pages.
EFF $179.95 per set
Foods That Heal
By George D. PamplonaRoger, M.D.
An ideal diet that maintains
health and prevents
disease. Paperback,
illustrated 94 pages.
FTH $11.95 each
Plants That Heal
By George D. PamplonaRoger, M.D.
Cells and plant functions,
a foundation for benefiting
from healing plants.
Paperback, illustrated, 93
PTH $11.95 each
The Maui Vegetarian
By Brian Igarta
Cooking with Aloha–vegan
recipes. Paperback,
illustrated, 154 pages.
MV $18.95 each
The Maui Vegetarian
Hana Hou
By Brian Igarta
Health tips, diet information,
home remedies, and
gourmet recipes. Paperback,
illustrated, 158 pages.
MVHH $18.95 each
Easy Gourmet for
Gluten-Free Vegans
By Crystal DuBoyce
Advice on Celiac Disease,
diet, and lifestyle practices.
Gourmet recipes. Paperback,
illustrated, 104 pages.
EG $14.95 each
Health Power
Tobacco Speaks
By Aileen Ludington, M.D.,
and Hans Diehl, Dr.H.Sc.,
M.P.H., F.A.C.N.
Foundations of good health.
Paperback, illustrated, 237
HP $17.95 each
African-American ed.
HPAA $17.95 each
By Jose Vicente Giner
Tobacco tells its story; reasons
why people smoke and steps
to overcome the addiction.
Paperback, illustrated, 79
TS $8.35 each
The Optimal Diet
By Darlene Blaney, M.Sc.,
N.C.P.., and Hans Diehl,
Dr.H.Sc, M.P.H., F.A.C.N.
Health Power companion
cookbook. Hardback,
illustrated, 176 pages.
TOD $22.95 each
A Better Way to
Basic principles for getting
healthy and maintaining good
health, including plants that are
readily available and how to use
them. Paperback, illustrated,
182 pages.
BWTH $9.95 each
Vida Sana
Principios básicos para tener
salud y mantenerse saludable,
incluyendo plantas disponibles
y cómo usarlas. Pasta rústica,
ilustrado, 182 páginas.
VS $9.95 each
Amazing Health
Eight powerful Biblical
health principles backed
by modern research.
Illustrated, 56 pages.
AHF $2.75 each
Asombrosos de
El Tabaco Habla
Por José Vicente Giner
Historia del tabaco y ayuda para
dejar de fumar. Pasta rústica,
ilustrada, 79 páginas.
ETH $8.35 each
Natural Remedies
By Vance Ferrell and
Harold M. Cherne, M.D.
Arranged topically, with
more than 11,000 home
remedies for more than
730 diseases. 905 pages.
Sixth edition, 2009.
NRE $69.95 each
Enciclopedia de
los Remedios
Por Vance Ferrell y Harold
M. Cherne, M.D.
Agrupados por tópico, con
más de 11,000 remedios
caseros para más de 730
ERN $69.95 each
Radiant Living
Steps to health, lifestyle
and attitude changes
that make it possible
with God’s help to gain
control of one’s well being.
Illustrated, 32 pages.
RL $1.25 each
Vida Radiante
Ocho principios
poderosos de salud
bíblica respaldados por
la investigación moderna.
Ilustrado, 56 páginas.
Pasos hacia la salud, como
también cambios en la
actitud y el estilo de vida
que con la ayuda de Dios
hacen posible obtener
control del bienestar.
Ilustrada, 32 páginas.
AHFS $2.75 each
VR $1.25 each
Superpower of
By Ellen G. White
Excerpts from The Great
Controversy, showing
where the United States
appears in prophecy.
Illustrated, 32 pages.
ASOP $1.25 each
A Time for Joy
The foundation of the
Biblical Sabbath in
creation and the beauty
and inspiration of the day
Jesus said He was Lord
of. Illustrated, 32 pages.
ATFJ $1.25 each
Alternate Cover:
ATFJ-R $1.25 each
Momentos de
El fundamento del sábado
bíblico en la creación y la
belleza e inspiración del
día, del cual Jesús dijo
que era Señor. Ilustrado,
32 páginas.
MDG $1.25 each
Whispers of His
The Bible story of sin
and how God will restore
His original plan for
the world; includes
presentations on the
sanctuary and prophecy.
Illustrated, 32 pages.
WL $1.25 each
We Have This
Prophecies concerning
Jesus’ return and hope
for a fallen world, mostly
taken from the writings of
E.G. White. Illustrated, 32
WHTH $1.25 each
The Power of His
Explanations of the
prophecies of Daniel and
the Revelation. Illustrated,
80 pages.
AP $3.50 each
By Ellen G. White
Excerpted from The Desire
of Ages, on the mission,
sacrifice, resurrection,
and ascension of Jesus.
Illustrated, 32 pages.
TPOP $1.25 each
Peace above the
By Ellen G. White
The love with which
God created the world
and man continues to
be poured out to all.
Originally Steps to Christ.
Illustrated, 32 pages. PATS $1.25 each
Messengers of
By Ellen G. White
The judgment and the
three angels’ messages
in connection with the
final events. Excerpts from
various books. Illustrated,
32 pages.
ML $1.25 each
The Touch of Love
By Ellen G. White
Excerpted from The Desire
of Ages on the birth
and mission of Jesus.
Illustrated, 32 pages.
TTOL $1.25 each
El Toque de Amor
Por Elena G. White
Extractado de El Deseado
de Todas las Gentes sobre
el nacimiento y la misión
de Jesús. Ilustrado, 32
ETdA $1.25 each
Steps to Christ
A Love Stronger
Than Death
By Ellen G. White
The love with which
God created the world
and men continues to
be poured out to all.
Illustrated, 52 pages.
SCmag $1.75 each
Mysteries of the great
beyond. Answers to many
questions concerning
death and the hope of
eternal life. Illustrated, 32
LSTD $1.25 each
El Camino a
Un Amor más
Fuerte que la
Por Elena G. White
Responder al amor de
Dios es un acto de fe que
comienza la experiencia
más grande de nuestras
vidas. Ilustrada, 52
ECAC $1.75 each
Los misterios del gran
infinito. Las respuestas a
muchas preguntas sobre
la muerte y la esperanza
de la vida eterna.
Ilustrado, 32 páginas.
UAMF $1.25 each
“Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters,…” Isaiah 32:20.
Bible Heroes
By Arthur S. Maxwell
Nineteen Old Testament
stories of great men and
women of God in the
Bible. Written in easyto-understand language.
Paperback, illustrated,
100 pages.
BH $8.25 each
The Cat in the
Baby Moses
By Jerry D. Thomas
Thirteen stories dealing
with issues facing
children every day and
teaching values to help
them learn to make good
decisions. For ages 4-12.
Paperback, illustrated,
100 pages.
CatC $8.25 each
By Rose Tooley Gamblin
The Bible story of baby Moses
in English and Spanish.
Includes a vocabulary list,
reading comprehension
questions, and special
activities pertaining to the
story. Especially for early
readers. Illustrated, 32 pages.
BM $2.95 each
Real Heroes
By Merlin L. Neff
Sixteen Bible stories about
the faith and courage
of ordinary people God
called to be His heroes.
Contains interesting facts,
thought questions, and
Bible texts which bring
the characters to life. 96
RH $9.95 each
Por Merlin L. Neff
Dieciséis historias de la
Biblia acerca de la fe y el
ánimo de la gente común
que Dios llama a ser sus
héroes. Contiene datos
interesantes, preguntas de
pensamientos, y los textos
de la Biblia que traen
vida a los personajes. 96
HV $9.95 each
The Prince of
By Merlin L. Neff
Bible stories about Jesus,
the world’s Redeemer.
The way to salvation is
presented through the
most important stories
from His life. 96 pages.
RH $9.95 each
Jesus, Friend of
Esther, the Brave
Queen (Bilingual)
By Arthur S. Maxwell
The life of Jesus from His
birth to His ascension.
For children ages 4 and
up. Favorite chapters
taken from The Bible
Story series. Paperback,
illustrated, 100 pages.
JFC $8.25 each
By Rose Tooley Gamblin and
Oscar Hernandez
The Bible story of Queen
Esther for early readers in
English and Spanish. Includes
a vocabulary list, reading
comprehension questions, and
special activities that go with
the story. Illustrated, 32 pages.
EBQ $2.95 each
The Story Book
Joash, the Boy King
By Arthur S. Maxwell
Seventeen true stories
containing moral and
lessons. Selected from
Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime
Stories. For ages 4-12.
Paperback, illustrated,
100 pages.
SB $8.25 each
Thirty stories that will
reinforce the values that
we all want our children
to learn and will inspire
them to grow into people
of integrity and purpose.
Filled with beautiful color
pictures. For ages 6-12.
Paperback, 96 pages
ST $9.95 each
By Rose Tooley Gamblin and
Oscar Hernandez
The Bible story of Joash, the
boy king, for early readers in
English and Spanish. Contains
a vocabulary list, reading
comprehension questions, and
special activities related to the
story. Illustrated, 32 pages.
JBK $2.95 each
King David (Bilingual)
By Rose Tooley Gamblin
The Bible story of King David
in English and Spanish.
Contains a vocabulary list,
reading comprehension
questions, and activities that
go with the story. Especially
for early readers. Illustrated,
32 pages.
KD $2.95 each
To order, call 916-765-3389, or go to www.sda1888.org and click on Store.
$1.40 each
Primary: First Year (Ages 7-9)
Primary: Second Year
Primary: Third Year
1. Creation to the Tower of Babel (SSL111)
2. From Abraham to Jacob (SSL112)
3. Joseph and Job (SSL113)
4. From the Birth of Moses to Sinai (SSL114)
1. The Church in the Wilderness (SSL121)
2. In the Wilderness (SSL122)
3. Conquering Canaan (SSL123)
4. The Time of the Judges (SSL124)
1. The Life of Samuel (SSL131)
2. Kings (SSL132)
3. Elijah and Elisha (SSL133)
4. The Life of Daniel (SSL134)
Junior: First Year (Ages 10-12)
Junior: Second Year
Junior: Third Year
1. The Bible (SSL211)
2. The Godhead (SSL212)
3. Angels (SSL213)
4. Victory over Sin (SSL214)
1. The Promised Messiah (SSL221)
2. Christ’s Parables (SSL222)
3. Christ’s Miracles (SSL223)
4. Christ’s Second Coming (SSL224)
1. Following Christ (SSL231)
2. The Fruit of the Spirit (SSL232)
3. Power for Christian Living (SSL233)
4. Steps to Christ (SSL234)
Earliteen: First Year (Ages 13-15)
Earliteen: Second Year
Earliteen: Third Year
1. What Is Prophecy? The Basics (SSL311)
2. Christ as Mediator–the 2,300 Days (SSL312)
3. Preparing for Christ’s Return (SSL313)
4. The Advent Movement (SSL314)
1. The
2. The
3. The
4. The
1. The Nature of Man (SSL331)
2. The Supernatural (SSL332)
3. Man and the Earth (SSL333)
4. Saved by Faith (SSL334)
Youth: First Year (Ages 16-18)
Youth: Second Year
Youth: Third Year
1. The Sabbath (SSL411)
2. God’s Church–Eden to Eden (SSL412)
3. Church Membership (SSL413)
4. Christian Virtues (SSL414)
1. Personal Daily Living (SSL421)
2. Courtship and Marriage (SSL422)
3. Christian Stewardship (SSL423)
4. Career Building (SSL424)
1. Revival and Reformation (SSL431)
2. The Christian and Civil Government (SSL432)
3. The Final Crisis (SSL433)
4. Christ Our Righteousness (SSL434)
Seven Churches (SSL321)
Seven Seals (SSL322)
Seven Trumpets (SSL323)
Last Warning (SSL324)
The Coming of Christ
God’s Love for Man
The Time and the Work
A brief description of what
will occur when Jesús comes
and what eternity will be like.
Contains Bible verses and
paragraphs from The Great
Controversy. 6 panels.
TCC $.13 each
By Ellen G. White
Introduction to God’s great love
for those who were made in His
image. The first chapter of Steps to
Christ. 6 panels.
GLM $.13 each
1920 edition, showing E.G. White
statements and expectations
concerning reformation among
Seventh-day Adventists. 30 pages.
TtW $.95 each
La Venida de Cristo
Esta es una breve descripión de
lo que ocurrirá cuando Jesús
venga y lo que será la eternidad.
Contiene versículos de la Biblia
y párrafos del Conflicto de los
Siglos. 6 tableros.
LVC $.13 each
Law of God
Basic points concerning God’s
law, including “Who wrote the
Ten Commandments” and “The
Ten Commandments and the New
Testament.” 4 panels.
LOG $.08 each
La Ley de Dios
Los puntos básicos concernientes
a la Ley de Dios, incluyendo
“Quién Escribió los Diez
Mandamientos” y “Los Diez
Mandamientos y el Nuevo
Testamento.” 4 tableros.
LLdD $.08 each
The Ten Commandments
A pocket pamphlet about the Ten
Commandments with an explanatory
paragraph from Patriarchs and
Prophets about each commandment.
8 panels.
TC $.12 each
Los Diez Mandamientos
Un folleto sobre los diez manda­
mientos con un párrafo del libro
Patriarcas y Profetas sobre cada uno
de los mandamientos. 8 tableros.
LDM $.12 each
One Way
Brief answers to questions such
as, “Why do I need somone to save
me?” “What does it mean to believe,
or have faith?” 6 panels.
OW $.10 each
El Tiempo y la Obra
El Amor de Dios por la
Por Elena G. White
Introducción al gran amor de Dios
por aquellos que fueron hechos a
Su imagen. Extractos del Camino a
Cristo. 6 tableros.
EAdDplh $.13 each
The Sinner’s Need of
By Ellen G. White
Responding to the Saviour is the
key to our existence. Excerpts from
Steps to Christ. 6 panels.
SNOC $.13 each
Hemos Hallado un
Por Elena G. White
Responder al Salvador es la clave
para nuestra existencia. Extractos
del Camino a Cristo. 6 tableros.
HHuS $.13 each
100 Facts on the
Sabbath Question
60 Bible facts about the seventh
day and 40 Bible facts about the
first day of the week. 8 panels.
100-F $.13 each
Edición 1920 presenta
declaraciones y esperanzas de
Elena G. White tocante a reforma
entre los Adventistas del Séptimo
Día. 30 páginas.
ETylO $.95 each
L’Amour de Dieu
By Ellen G. White
Introduction to God’s great love
for those created in His image.
The first chapter of Steps to
Christ. French, 6 panels.
LAdD $.11 each
Le Dernier Message de
Misericorde au Monde
Succinct explanation of the three
angels’ messages, Revelation 18,
and the final issues in the plan of
redemption. French, 6 panels.
LDMdM $.11 each
La Loi de Dieu
God’s law in history, in the plan of
redemption, and in relation to His
second coming. French, 6 panels.
LLdD-F $.11 each
La Vérité A-T-Elle
“Has the Truth Changed?” How
Adventists related to issues in
the past and how those same
issues appear today. French, 32
HTTC-F $1.25 each
100 Verdades sobre el
Tema del Sábado
60 datos bíblicos sobre el séptimo
día y 40 datos bíblicos sobre el
primer día de la semana. 8 tableros.
100-V $.13 each
Brief explanation of the issues
that brought about the Reform
Movement. French, 8 pages.
RB-F $.50 each
CDs & DVDs
The S.D.A.
Reformation of 1914
Experiences in
Latvia and Germany
By Henry Dering
The origin of the S.D.A.
Reform Movement with
documentation of what
created the movement. Video,
74 minutes.
SDA1914-DVD $12.00 each
A first-person interview with
Ilse Dering chronicles the
faithfulness of people who
honored God under severe
circumstances. 32 minutes.
ELG-CD $7.00 each
The S.D.A.
Reformation of 1914
By Henry Dering
Same as above in audio
format, 74 minutes.
SDA1914-CD $10.00 each
Los Adventistas
del Séptimo Día
Reforma de 1914
Por Henry Dering
Esta presentación en video
trata con el origen del
Movimiento de Reforma
y presenta más de 200
diapositivas con comentarios
y fotografías de pioneros
Adventistas y eventos
importantes en la historia de
la iglesia. Video, 74 minutos.
RS-DVD $12.00 each
A Tour of Nepal
By Henry Dering
A picture gallery from Henry
Dering’s visit to Nepal, with
music. 7 minutes.
TN-CD $5.00 each
Twentieth Century
Documentation from Adventist
history as well as important
issues relating to reformation.
Includes the Reformation
Study Course, And Follow
Their Faith, Reformation
Handbook, and other material
of special significance to
Seventh-day Adventists.
TCR-DVD $12.00 each
An inspiring testimony by
Sabastien Guillaume, a former
ordained Catholic deacon,
then an ordained Episcopalian
priest, after that a Seventhday Adventist, then becoming
a Reformer. Video, 33 minutes.
SGT-CD $7.00 each
Who Will Rule the
World in the Future?
By Henry Dering
Many people are wondering.
A look at Bible prophecy
gives us assurance. Video, 11
WWRW-CD $3.00 each
Loud, Fast and Shiny
Henry Dering tells his
personal experience in leaving
a love for racing fast cars to
join Jesus in the journey to
eternity. Video, 20 minutes.
LFS-CD $7.00 each
Church Manual
Guidelines for church
administration at the local
church, field, union, and
General Conference levels.
Contains forms for the local
church and for reporting.
148 pages.
CM $5.95 each
Manual de Iglesia
Pautas de administración
eclesiástica a nivel de
Iglesia Local, Asociaciones,
Uniones y en los niveles de
la Asociación General con
formularios. 148 páginas.
MdI $5.95 each
Certificate of
Certificate of
Contains spaces where one
can write in the person’s
name, date of baptism,
baptismal verse, name of
local church, and minister’s
name. Also contains three
significant Bible verses about
baptism, a brief statement of
beliefs, and suggestions for
Christian growth. Churches
may also request from info@
sda1888.org a Word file so
they can fill in their own
details and print out the
form. 4 pages (1 sheet folded
in half). Also in Spanish.
CB-Blank $5.00 for 10
Contains spaces where one
can write in the person’s
name, date of acceptance,
acceptance verse, name of
local church, and minister’s
name. Also contains three
significant Bible verses about
baptism, a brief statement of
beliefs, and suggestions for
Christian growth. Churches
may also request from info@
sda1888.org a Word file so
they can fill in their own
details and print out the form.
4 pages (1 sheet folded in
CA-Blank $5.00 for 10
Cocina Fácil y Sana
El Amor y su Lucha
Preparación de alimentos
saludables, y recetas.
Regular $14.95 each
El amor de Dios en la obra
para salvar al hombre,
tomado de los libros de
Elena G. White.
Regular $9.95 each
Special $6 each
La Salud
Depende de la
Las leyes naturales que
gobiernan la salud, y recetas.
Regular $11.50 each
Special $5 each
Tú, Que Eres
Por Gerhard Hunger
Asesoría sobre el
matrimonio, la familia y las
Regular $8.40 each
Special $4.25 each
Thoughts from the
Mount of Blessing
By Ellen G. White
Inspirational thoughts from
Jesus’ sermon on the mount.
MBb (Book)
Regular $6.95 each
Special $2.00 each
Treasury of Bible
Best-loved Bible stories
for children ages 6 and
Regular $10.95 each
Special $5 each
Special $5.50 each
Las más Bellas
Historias de la
202 hymns in three
languages–German, English,
and Spanish.
Regular $9.95 each
Las historias Bíblicas más
queridas para niños de 6
años y mayores.
Regular $10.95 each
Special $6 each
Special $5.50 each
Nutrición Sana
Salud Ya!
Buena comida, preparación,
conservación; alimentos
para la curación; terapias
Por Raul Escobar
Principios y ayudas para la
curación natural.
Regular $8.40 each
Regular $8.40 each
Special $4.25 each
Special $4.25 each
Has the Truth
Quotations from the Bible
and writings of Ellen G. White
on reformation.
Regular $4.95 each
By Henry Dering
What doctrinal changes are
there in Adventism?
Regular $1.00 each
Special $3.25 each
Special $.50 each
Ruidoso, Rápido y
100 Facts on the
Sabbath Question
Por Henry Dering
El Pastor Dering cuenta la historia
de su cambio de intereses desde
los coches rápidos al servicio
para Jesús.
Regular $.13 each
100 Verdades sobre el
Tema del Sábado
60 Bible facts about the seventh
day and 40 Bible facts about the
first day of the week. 8 panels.
60 datos bíblicos sobre el séptimo
día y 40 datos bíblicos sobre el
primer día de la semana. 8 tableros.
100-F Box
Regular $.13 each
100-V Box
Regular $.13 each
AU Project–FREE (Pay postage
only for box of 1,400–$18.00)
AU Project–FREE (Pay postage
only for box of 1,400–$18.00)
Special $7 per package of 100
To order, call 916-765-3389, email [email protected], or go to www.sda1888.org and click on Store.