Revision of the Ethiopian species of Cerceris Latreille, 1802


Revision of the Ethiopian species of Cerceris Latreille, 1802
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Revision of the Ethiopian species of Cerceris Latreille, 1802
(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
I. A synonymical checklist of the described species
24 Elray Street, Raedene, Johannesburg
Over the past 15 years the author has been collecting and studying wasps of the
genus Cerceris Latreille, 1802 in southern Africa. A large collection has been accumulated
and, as familiarity with this large and interesting group was acquired, it became
necessary, for the determination of material, to consult authentic representatives of
described species. Through the kindness of many workers acknowledged below, this
phase of the work eventually led to the examination of most of the type material of
Arnold, Brauns, Schletterer, Kohl, Cameron, Dahlbom, Smith, Turner and others.
As a consequence, numerous changes in the existing classification were found to be
necessary. The changes include new combinations of names and new synonymies,
which are reflected below. Redescription of inadequately described and poorly known
species, as well as descriptions of apparently new species, will constitute subsequent
parts of this revision.
Wasps of the genus Cerceris Latreille, 1802 belong to the tribe Cercerini of the
Philanthinae, a subfamily of Sphecidae; Cercerini comprises two genera: Cerceris and
Eucerceris Cresson, 1865, the former cosmopolitan, the latter limited to the Nearctic
A few subgenera of Cerceris have been recently proposed; these are considered
by the author as artificial and insufficiently distinct to separate them from the nominal
genus. It may be more prudent to subdivide Cerceris into species-groups based on the
clypeal structure, form of the petiole and other important characters shared by a group
of species.
The present location of type-specimens has been included below as far as
known. Abbreviations used for types and their depositories are as follows:AM
Albany Museum, Grahamstown, Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA.
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, BELGIUM.
British Museum (Natural History), London, UNITED KINGDOM.
Mochi Collection, ITALY.
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, EAST GERMANY.
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale (Giacomo Doria), Genoa, ITALY.
Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universitiit, Berlin, EAST GERMANY.
Lunds Universitets Zoololgiska Institutionen, Lund, SWEDEN.
Leningrad Museum, Leningrad, RUSSIA.
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ent. Soc. sth. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
PM - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, FRANCE.
RM - National Museum of Rhodesia, Bulawayo, RHODESIA.
SM - Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, SWEDEN.
TB - Musee Royal de I'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, BELGIUM.
TM - The Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, Transvaal, SOUTH AFRICA.
UH - Zoologisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle, EAST GERMANY.
The United States National Museum, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
UT - Instituto e Musco di Zoologia, Universita di Torino, Turin, ITALY.
VM - Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
(?) - Unknown type depository.
H-typc - holotype; A-type - allotype; P-type
para type ; L-type
lectotype; LP-typelectoparatype;
M-type - metallotype;
MP-type - metaparatype;
N-type - neotype;
syntype; T-Ioc. - type locality.
Subfamily: PIllLANTHlNAE
Genus Gercens Latreille, 1802
Type Philanthus ornatus Fabricius, 1790 (designated by Latreille, 1810, and which is a synonym
of Sphex rybyensis Linnaeus and Soderberg, 1771)
Cerceris Latreille, 1802: 367
Diamma Dahlbom, 1843-1844: 225 (not Westwood, 1835)
Didesll1us Dahlbom, 1845: 502
Cerceris (Apiraptrix) Shestakov, 1923: 101 syn. nov.
Cerceris (Apicerceris) Minkiewicz, 1934: 253 syn. nov.
Cerceris (Bucerceris) Minkiewicz, 1934: 253 syn. nov.
Head large, often wider than thorax, ovoid when viewed from front, wider than long.
Eyes large, marginate, elliptical, reaching mandibular base. Inner orbits parallel or divergent
below. Ocelli in triangle, posterior two about in line with the back of eyes. Maxillary palpi with
six, labial with four segments. Mandibles robust, often dentate. Antennal insertions in line with
or above median eye level. Interantennal carina prominent, often acute. Antennae twelvesegmented in female, with thirteen segments in male, shorter than head and thorax combined,
segments separated. Temples wide above, attenuated below. Occiput short, truncate posteriorly.
Female c1ypeal process usually margined from lateral sclerites; is convex, concave, porrect,
excised, truncate, detached or partly so. Male process is usually convex, elliptical, seldom flat;
the apical margin is either truncate, arcuate or feebly tridentate.
'Thorax compact, longer than high, higher than .....-ide. The neck is short. Pronotum
truncate anteriorly; collar flat, convex or torulose, sometimes sulcate medially; scapulae either
flat or tubercular. Mesoscutum moderately convex, sometimes medially longitudinally impressed.
Epimerum convex or produced into lateral processes. Mesosternum gibbose, sometimes with
lateral protuberances. Scutellum moderately convex. Metanotum transverse, narrow, torulose.
Metapleura depressed, between posterior coxae. Episternum depressed between gibbose mesosternum and lateral pronotum. Propodeum cordate dorsally, declivous posteriorly. Saeptum
triangular, separated by a sulcus from propodeum. Anterior and middle femora thickened
medially; posterior femora clavate, bilobate apically, lobes enveloping tibiae. Anterior tibiae
fimbriate internally, middle ones spinose externally and posterior tibiae spiniferously serrate on
external margins.
Abdomen slightly convex laterally, segments distinctly separated, constricted between
segments, first segment petiolate. Pygidium longer than wide, quadrangular in male; eliptical,
pyriform or trapezoidal in female; well defined in male, laterally fimbriate in female. Female
bypopygium impressed, medially excised; male sometimes bispinose caudad. Female sometimes
with medio-apical denticles on apical margin of fifth sternite. Mediobasal platform often and
sometimes an anticlinally formed longitudinal process present on second sternite; this is variable
within any particular species and the subgenus Apiraptrix is based on this character.
Puncturation usually coarse dorsally, finer ventrally. Saeptum either smooth, shining,
dull, medially grooved, punctured, striate to costate longitudinally, transversely or obliquely;
sometimes rugose or carinate-in contrast to smooth metanotum and punctured propodeum.
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Empey: Revision of Ethiopian Cerce1is
Wings usually subhyaline, infuscated apically and often entirely fuscous. The frenal
hooks, in continual row, number 12 to 36. Radial cell three to five times longer than wide,
apically rounded. Second cubital cell petiolate, triangular, sometimes trapeziform. Recurrent
veins received by second and third cubital cells.
Colour variable, usually black with yellow, white or ferruginous bands or maculae.
Sexes usually similar in colour.
FIG. I. Generalized diagram of a female of Cerceris sp.: I. Mandible. 2. Eye. 3. Clypeal process
Median area of clypeus (Arnold) = Clypeus (Brauns, etc.). 4. Scape. S. Pedicel. 6. Segment of
flagellum. 7. Interantennal carina
Antennal keel (Cameron). B. Ocellar area. 9. Posterior
ocelli. 10. Occiput. II. Pronotal collar. 12. Scapula. 13. Left tegula = Squama (Brauns).
14. Mesoscutum = Mesonotum (Arnold, Brauns, etc.) = Scutum (Scullen). IS. Right tegula
Squama (Brauns, Kohl). 16. Scutellum. 17. Metanotum = Post-scutellum (Cameron). lB.
Epinotal area (Brauns) = Cordiform area (Kohl, Brauns)
Epinotal triangle
Triangular area of epinotum (Arnold)
Metanotal area (Cameron)
area of propodeum (de Beaumont) = Enclosure (Scullen). 19. Propodeal spiracle
of epinotum (Arnold). 20. Propodeum = Epinotum (Brauns, Arnold). 21. Propodeal declivity
Declivity of epinotum (Arnold). 22. Petiole = First tergite (Arnold, de Beaumont)
abdominal dorsal segment (Kohl)
First tergum (Scullen). 23. Second tergite = Third
abdominal dorsal segment (Kohl)
Second tergum (Scullen). 24. Pygidium
Pygidial area
Epipygium (Cameron). 25. Cheek. 26. Temple. 27 Anterior ocelli. 28 Neck.
Episternum of mesothorax
29. Prosternum. 30. Pronotum. 31. Anterior coxa. 32. Episternum
Pronotal tubercle (Arnold). 34. Epimerum
Epimerum of
(Arnold). 33. Pronotal spiracle
mesothorax (Arnold)
Pro-pleura (Cameron) = Epimera of mesopleura (Brauns). 35.
Mesosternum = Sternum of mesothorax (Arnold). 36. Middle coxa. 37. Metapleuron =
Metasternum (Brauns). 38. Posterior coxa. 39. First sternite. 40. Second sternite. 41. Ultimate
tergite. 42. Ultimate sternite. 43. Hypopygium.
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J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.
Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Fossorial in nesting habits, storing paralysed Coleoptera or Hymenoptera as larval
food. Entrance to nest usually an open vertical shaft, often in hard open ground but sometimes
in banks. Species of Meria Hliger, 1807, Brau.nsomeria Turner, 1912 males and Halictus Latreille,
1804 (Hymenoptera) as well as Tanymecus Germar, 1817, Sphenoptera Dejean, 1833 and Leurops
Marshall, 1919 (Coleoptera) have been observed as prey. The female usually flies with her
prey. In some species the males appear some weeks before the females. Most species visit flowering
plants and trees for nectar and their prey.
Cerceris aemula Arnold, 1945
Cerceris aem.ula Arnold, 1945: 37 (¥, 0'). ¥ H-type, 0' A-type (PM); ¥ and 0' P-types (RM).
T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Bekily.
NOTES: All types have been seen by the iluthor.
Cerceris africanula Brauns, 1926
Cerceris africanula Brauns, 1926: 307 (¥, a): Arnold, 1931: 143, 148 (¥, 0'); 1942: 24
(¥, 0'). ¥ H-type, 0' A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: Types have been seen. This species is known only by the types.
Cerceris albicincta Klug, 1845
Cerceris albidncta Klug, 1845: PI. 47 (0'); Magretti, 1884: 598; Schletterer, 1887: 373
(d', ¥); Andre, 1889: 267 (d', ¥); Morawitz, 1893: 419; Giner Mari, 1941b: 218 (d', ¥);
1945b: 220 (d'); De Beaumont, 1951b: 328 (0', ¥). d' H-type (HB). T-Ioc.-SUDAN:
NOTES: The female described by Schletterer is probably in the Vienna Museum. The species is
widespread, inhabiting the Palaearctic area of North Mrica as well.
Cerceris albifrons Smith, 1856
Cerceris albifrons Smith, 1856: 449 (d'); Arnold, 1931: 184 (0', ¥). d' H-type, ¥ M-type
(BM). T-Ioc.-AFRICA: ?
NOTES: Both the holotype and metallotype bear no labels definitely indicating their locality.
Cerceris albigena albigena Cameron, 1905 stat. nov.
Cerceris albigena Cameron, 1905: 217 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 191 (¥). ¥ H-type (BM).
T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Pears ton, Cape Province.
Cerceris discrepans Brauns, 1926: 314 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 143, 144, 151 (¥, d'), syn. nov.
¥ H-type, d'M-type (TM). T-Ioc. -SOUTH AFRICA: Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: The shape of the apical margin of the c1ypeal process, peculiar to the females of Cerceris
albigena Cameron, clinches the synonymy of Cerceris discrepans Brauns. The species are not too
plentiful and have been found only in the arid Karoo regions of the Cape Province. The females
are slightly variable in coloration. The types have been seen.
Cerceris albigena perplexa Arnold, 1931 comb. nov.
Cerceris discrepans perplexa Arnold, 1931: 153 (0'). d' H-type (BM);
T-Ioc.-SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: As Cerceris discrepans Brauns, 1926 and Cerceris albigena Cameron, 1905 are synonymous,
perplexa automatically becomes a subspecies of Cerceris albigena Cameron, 1905.
Cerceris albispinosa Arnold, 1952
Cerceris albispinosa Arnold, 1952: 469 (¥). ¥ H-type (BM); d' unknown. T-Ioc.-KENYA:
NOTES: This unusual species is related to Cerceris egena Arnold, 1931, and shares the character
of having bold metapleural teeth. The type has been seen.
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Empey: Revision
if Ethiopian Cerceris
Gereeris albolineata Cameron, 1910
CercerisalboUneataCameron, 19IOa:279(~);Arnold, 1931: 144, 196(¥, if).
if M-type (BM). T-loc.-KENYA: Kilimandjaro.
NOTES: The type has been seen.
Gerteris albotegulata Arnold, 1945
Cerceris albotegulata Arnold, 1945: 40 (~, if). ~ H-type, if A-type (PM); ¥ and if P-types
(RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Bekily.
NOTES: All the types have been seen. This species may be a synonym of G. argentifrolls Guerin,
Gereeris alcyone Arnold, 1951
Cerceris a1cyone Arnold, 1951: 115 (if). if H-type (BM);
NOTES: The type has been seen.
unknown. T-loc.-ETHIOPIA:
Gereeris amakosa Brauns, 1926
Cerceris aDlakosa Brauns, 1926: 305 (~, if); Arnold, 1931: HI (~); 1942: 5 (if). <jl H-type,
if A-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Lichtenburg, Transvaal.
Cerceris vansoni Arnold, 1935a: 173 (<jl, J), syn. nov. ~ H-type, if A-type (TM). T-Ioc.SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Ngami.
NOTES: The types of Gerteris amakosa Brauns, 1926 and Gerceris vansoni Arnold, 1935 were studied
together and were found to be identical.
Gerceris amatoria Arnold, 1931
Cerceris _toria Arnold, 1931: 141, 147, 173 (<;!, if). <jl H-type, if A-type (RM). T·loc.RHODESIA: Bulawayo.
NOTES: Both types have been seen.
Gerceris andersoni Turner, 1915
Cerceris andersoni Turner, 1915b: 467 (~); Arnold, 1931: IS8 (<jl). <jl H·type (BM); if
unknown. T-loc.-KENYA: Aberdare Mountains.
NOTES: This unique type has been seen.
Gereeris argentifrons Guerin, 1844
Cerceris argendfrons Guerin, 1844: 444; Saussure, 1892: 555; Arnold, 1945: 19. H·type
(GM) ? T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
NOTES: The author has not been able to locate the type of this species, of which sex is unknown.
It is most probably in the Genoa Museum, where most of Guerin's types are.
Gereeris armaticeps Cameron, 1910
Cerceris annaticeps Cameron, 191Ob: 149 (<jl); Brauns, 1926: 325 (<jl, J); Arnold, 1931:
139, 146 (<jl, if). <jl H-type, if M-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Warmberg (Zoutspansberg Dist.), Transvaal.
NOTE.: These types have been seen. Arnold considered armaticeps a subspecies of Gerceris rujiseulis
Cameron, 1910 but, in the opinion of the author, after the study of the male genitalia ofrujiscutis
and armaticeps and taking into account the distinct differences in the structure of the female
clypeus, armaticeps should be reinstated to specific rank. Gereeris armaticeps Cameron, 1910 is
closely related to Gerceris rujiseutis Cameron, 1910, Gerceris mossambica Gribodo, IS96 and Gerceris
decolorata Arnold, 1931.
Gerceris arnoldi Brauns, 1926
Cerceris arnoldi Brauns, 1926: 299 (~); Arnold, 1931: 141, 146, 151 (~, not if); 1942: 14
(J). ~ H-type (TM); if M-type (RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Sawmills (H-type), Matetsi
NOTES: The male Arnold selected and described in 1931 as that ofCerceris arnoldi Brauns, 1926
is, in fact, a male of Gereeris armaticeps Cameron, 1910; Arnold corrected this in 1942. All the
relevant types have been seen and studied by the author.
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ent. Soc. sth. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris arrogans Arnold, 1931
Cercerili arroganli Arnold, 1931: 139, 147, 164 (';l, not 6). ';l H-type (BM); 6 known, but
undescribed. T-Ioc.-SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: The male, described by Arnold as the allotype of Cerceris arrogans, belongs to an undescribed species. The true male of Cerceris arrogans Arnold, 1931 will be described elsewhere. The
holotype has been seen by the author.
Cerceris aterrima Arnold, 1942
Cercerili aterrima Arnold, 1942: 18 (6). 6 H-type, 6 P-type (RM). T-Ioc.-UGANDA:
Cerceris ftavobillneolata Soika, 1942: 199 (';l), syn. nov. ';l H-type (UT). T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: NW Region.
Cerceris rama Leclercq, 1955: 411 (6), liyn. nov. 6 H-type (TB); 6 P-types (TB), (BI), (US).
T-Ioc.-URUNDI: Bururi.
Cerceris styrax Leclercq, 1955: 415 (';l), syn. nov. ';l H-type (TB). T-Ioc.-URUNDI:
NOTES: The study of the types has shown that Cerceris flavobilineolata Soika, 1942 and Cerceris
styrax Leclercq, 1955 are the true females ofCerceris aterrima Arnold, 1942, the female of which
has hitherto been unknown. Cerceris rama Leclercq, 1955 is undoubtedly synonymous.
Cerceris augagneuri Arnold, 1945
Cerceris augagneurl Arnold, 1945: 20,21,34 (';l, 6). ';l H-type, 6 A-type (PM); 6 P-type
(RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Antsirabe.
NOTES: The types have been seen.
Cerceris barnardi Brauns, 1926
Cerceris barnard! Brauns, 1926: 317 (';l); Arnold, 1931 : 142 (';l). ';l H-type (TM) ; 6 unknown.
NOTES: This species is known only by the type, which has been seen.
Cerceris basiornata Cameron, 1910
Cerceris basiornata Cameron, 191Oa: 273 (6); Arnold, 1931: 198, 199 (6). 6 H-type (?);
'i? unknown. T-)oc.-KENYA: Meru Rainforest.
NOTES: Cameron inadequately described this species; a redescription is necessary and will be
undertaken when the type has been located by the author.
Cerceris bequaerti Brauns, 1926
Cerceris bequaerti Brauns, 1926: 328 (';l); Arnold, 1931: 144 (';l). ';l H-type, ';l P-type (TM);
6 unknown. T-Ioc.-CONGO: Kilombo.
Cerceris adulatrix Arnold, 1933a: 53 (';l), S)'D.o nov. ';l H-type (TB). T-Ioc.-CONGO:
NOTES: The types of Cerceris bequaerti Brauns, 1926 and Cerceris adulatrix Arnold, 1933, when
examined, were found to be identical.
Cerceris bicarinata Arnold, 1935
Cerceris bicarinata Arnold, 1935a: 500 (6). 6 H-type (TM); ';l unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
NOTES: The type, set'n by the author, is the only representative known of this species.
Cerceris bicava Shestakov, 1917
Cerceris bicava Shestakov, 1917: 316 (6). 6 H-type (LM); ';l unknown. T-Ioc.-ERITREA:
NOTES: As yet, the author has not been able to examine this type.
Cerctris bicuspidata Arnold, 1931
Cercerili biculipidata Arnold, 1931: 144, 154 (6). 6 H-type, 6 P-type (BM); 'i' unknown.
T-Ioc.-SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTEs: The type has been examined.
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Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
Cerceris bothavillensis Brauns, 1926
Cerceris bothavillensis Brauns, 1926: 327 ('1'); Arnold, 1931: 139 ('1'); 1942: 23 (~). '1'
H-type (TM); ~ M-type (RM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Bothaville, Orange Free State
(H-type). LESOTHO: Mamathes (M-type).
NOTES; A fairly common species in the topotypical areas. The types have been seen.
Ceruris hredoi Arnold, 1958
Cerceris bredoi Arnold, 1958: 130 ('1', ~). '1' H-type, ~ A-type (RM). T-Ioc.-ZAMBIA:
NOTES: The types have been studied. The species is closely related to Cercerisjackal Brauns, 1926,
a Cape species.
Ceruris hulawayoensis Brauns, 1926
Cerceris bulawayoensis Brauns, 1926: 281 ('1', a); Arnold, 1931: 138, 145 ('!', a). '1' H-type
(RM); 6 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Bulawayo (H-type), Victoria Falls (A-type).
NOTES: This species is scarce. The types plus a few specimens have been seen by the author.
Cerceris campicola Arnold, 1942 stat. nov.
Cerceris DlonncoJa caDlpicoJa Arnold, 1942: 14 ('i'). '!' H-type (RM); 6 known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-CONGO: Walikale.
NOTES: Arnold (1942) placed campicola as a subspecies ofCerceris monticola Arnold, 1931, giving
a brief description of the type female. The male is now known, and evidence will be presented
elsewhere to show that campicola merits specific rank. The holotype has been seen.
Cerceris campsomeroides Arnold, 1951
Cerceris caDlpsoDleroides Arnold, 1951: 109 (a). ~ H-type (BM); '1' T-Ioc.GHANA: Accra.
NOTES: An unusual species, known by the type, which has been seen.
Cerceris celaeno Arnold, 1951
Cerceris ceJaeno Arnold, 1951: 118
NOTES: The type has been seen.
(~). ~
H-type (BM);
unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:
Cerceris chirindensis Arnold, 1932
Cerceris chirindensis Arnold, 1932: 12 ('!'l. 'i' H-type, '1' P-type (RM); '1' P-type (TBl;
~ known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Chirinda Forest.
NOTES: Numerous females, including all the above types, have been examined by the author. A
few males have also been discovered and their deseription will be presented elsewhere. It is
interesting to record here that an abundance of females were initially found and no males,
contrary to the usual emergence behaviour of the common species of this genus.
Cerceris clypearis Saussure, 1887
Cerceris clypearis Saussure, 1887: 25 ('1'); 1892: 541 ('i'); Arnold, 1945: 22 ('i', ~). ¥ H-type
(?); M-type (PM). T-Ioc.--MALAGASY: Behara (M-type).
NOTES: These types have not been seen.
Cerceris congesta Soika, 1942
Cerceris congesta Soika, 1942: 203 (~). H-type (CM); Q unknown. T-Ioc.-SOMALIA: ?
:'\foTES: The author has still to see this type.
Cerceris curvitarsis Schletterer, 1887
Cerceris curvitarsis Schletterer, 1887: 499 (a); Brauns, 1926: 308 (~, '1'); Arnold, 1931:
142, 147 (6, Q). H-type (VM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Province.
Cerceris oneill Cameron, 1905: 220 Cl', ~); 19\Ob: 150, Brauns, 1926: 308.
H-type, ~
A-type (BM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been seen and the examination of the curved basi tarsi of the middle
legs of the male indicates the close relationship to the North African species, Cerceris capito
Lepeletier 1845.
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J. cut.
Soc. sth. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris cuthbertsoni Arnold, 1946
Cercerill cuthbertlloni Arnold, 1946: 86 ('fl). 'fl H-type (RM); & unknown. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Siloozi (Matopo Hills).
NOTES: The type has been seen.
Cerceris decolorata Arnold, 1931 stat. nov.
Cerceris rufiscutis decolorata Arnold, 1931: 182 ('fl, 0); 1942: 15. 'fl H-type, 0 A-type (BM).
T-Ioc.-KENYA: MagadiJunction.
Cercerill rufiscutis var. decolorata Arnold, 1942: IS; 1951: 105 ('fl, 0)'
NOTES: An examination of the male genitalia of a topotypical specimen in the Rhodesian Museum
has revealed that, although very similar, they differ from those of Cerceris rufiscutis Cameron,
1910. Furthermore, there is a distinct difference in the clypeal processes of the female types. In
view of these differences, deeolorata is given full specific rank.
Cerceris dljecta Arnold, 1931
Cerceris dejecta Arnold, 1931: 139, 162 (
NOTES: This type has been examined.
'jl H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-KENYA:
Cerceris dentWentris Arnold, 1945
Cerceris dentiventris Arnold, 1945: 35 ('fl, 0)' 'fl H-type, 6 A-type (PM); 'jl and 6 P-types
(RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Bekily (H-type), Ivondro and Behara.
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Cerceris dwdonta dWdonta Schletterer, 1887 stat. nov.
CercerisdiodontaSchletterer, 1887: 451 (0); Brauns, 1913: 218; 1917: 239; 1926: 278 (0, 'jl);
Arnold, 1931: 138, 145 (0, 'fl). 6 H-type (VM). T-Ioc. -SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province.
Cercerill nlitrata Bingham, 1902: 215 (6); Arnold, 1931: 204 (6), syn. nov. 6 H-type (BM).
T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Middelburg and Johannesburg, Transvaal.
Cerceris me1anollpila Cameron, 1905: 221 ('jl); Brauns, 1913: 218; 1917: 239. 'jl H-type
(BM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
Cerceris jansei Cameron, 191Ob: 149 ('jl); Brauns, 1913: 218; 1917: 239. 'jl H-type (TM).
T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Waterval (Zoutspansberg District), Transvaal.
NOTES: The author has seen the above types and is satisfied as to their identity. It is interesting
to record that the holotype and the female type of Cereem melanospila Cameron, 1905 represent
the coastal melanic form of this subspecies, whereas the lighter-coloured "highveld" form is
represented by Cercem mitrata Bingham, 1902 and Cerceris jansei Cameron, 1910, both sexes.
Females from the highveld plateau are also lighter in their abdominal coloration, somewhat
yellowish compared to the coastal form of ferruginous. Furthermore, neither form has been
found inhabiting the other's territory; this in itself seems to indicate the possibility of subspecific
separation. The two forms are very similar structurally and further study with more material
will be necessary, especially females of the topotypical form, before deciding their taxonomic
Cerceris diodonta barbifera Bischoff, 1911 stat. nov.
Cerceris barbifera Bischoff, 1911: 222 ('fl); Turner, 1919: 50; Arnold, 1931: 187 ('jl, 6).
'jl H-type (?)-Germany ? T-Ioc.-CONGO: ?
Cerceris bagandanun Turner, 1918b: 465 ('jl, 6); 1919: 50. 'fl H-type (BM). T-Ioc.UGANDA: Kasindi.
NOTES: Turner suspected the subspecific relationship between his species and Cerceris dwdonta
Schletterer, 1887; specimens identified as barbifera when compared with dwdonta confirm this
relationship. The constant difference in the shape of the nasal clypeal processes between females
of the nominal subspecies and the subspecies barbifera, the different coloration and the different
areas of habitation are the main factors separating Cerceris diodonta diodonta Schletterer, 1887 and
Cerceris diodonta barbifera Bischoff, 1911.
Cerceris dwdonta sodalis Turner, 1918 comb. nov.
Cerceris bagandarum var. sodalis Turner, 1918b; 466 ('fl, 6); 1919: 50. 'jl H-type (BM).
T-Ioc.-KENYA: ?
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Empey: Revision of Ethiopian Cerceris
Cerceris barbifera var. sodus Turner, 1919: 50; Arnold, 1931: 188 ('i', 0)'
NOTES: This subspecies differs from the nominal subspecies in colour, having variegated yellow,
ferruginous and black markings on the tergites instead of the orange yellow, which is characteristic
ofCerceris diodonta diodonta Schletterer, 1887. The female clypeal process is similar to that of the
nominal subspecies but the five denticles on the medio-apical margin differ in arrangement.
Cerceris dissona Arnold, 1955
Cerceris dislIOna Arnold, 1955: 753 ('i'). 'i' H-type (TM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
WEST AFRICA: Cnambeke.
NOTES: This species is represented only by the unique type, which has been examined.
Cerceris dominicana Brauns, 1926
Cerceris dominicana Brauns, 1926: 302 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 142 ('il); 1942: 24 ( 'il). 'i' L-type,
'il LP-type (TM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH A.FRICA: Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: Brauns based his description of Cerceris dominicana on three females from Willowmore;
these are syntypes. The author has selected a lectotype and one lectoparatype from this series
and has labelled them accordingly.
Cerceris dondoensis Brauns, 1926
Cerceris dondoensis Brauns, 1926: 275 (7); Arnold, 1931: 137 ('i'). 'i' H-type (RM). T-Ioc.MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo.
Cerceris ephippiorhyncha Arnold, 1940: 109 (7,0); 1942: 15.
H-type (TM); 6' A-type
(RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Chirinda Forest.
Cerceris dondoensis var. ephippiorhyncha Arnold, 1942: 15.
NOTES: There are slight differences between dondoensis and ephippiorhyncha, insufficient to wararnt
subspecification. The types have been examined.
Cerceris duchnesei Arnold, 1945
Cerceris duchnesei Arnold, 1945: 31 ('il, 0). 'il H-type, 0 A-type (PM);
(RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Antananarivo (H-type) and Bekily.
NOTES: All the above types have been studied.
7 and 0 P-types
Cerceris eburneofasciata Brauns, 1926
Cerceris eburneofasciata Brauns, 1926: 273 (7, 0); Arnold, 1931: 137, 145 ('i', &). 7 Htype, 0 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Transvaal.
NOTES: This species appears to have very fine limits to its habitation as only topotypical specimens are known to the author. The types have been seen.
Cerceris ~gena egena Arnold, 1931 stat. nov.
Cerceris egena Arnold, 1931: 167 ('il); 1942: 8 ('l', 0); 1958: 132 (0)'
H-type (BM);
'i'M-type (RM) T-Ioc.-MALAWI: Mlanji (H-type); RHODESIA: Bulawayo (M-type).
NOTES: This species has a wide distribution from Congo to Natal. The types have been seen.
Certens egena mombasae Arnold, 1942
Cerceris egena rnornbasae Arnold, 1942: 8
T-Ioe.-KENYA: Mombasa.
NOTES: The types have been examined.
'il H-type, 'il P-type (RM); 0 unknown.
Cerceris electra Arnold, 1951
Cerceris electra Arnold, 1951: 113 (<j'). 'i' H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-GHANA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris emeryana emeryana Gribodo, 1894 stat. nov.
Cerceris erneryana Gribodo, 1894: 129 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 149 (<j'). <j' H-type (GM); 6
unknown. T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Magnarra River.
NOTES: The author hopes to see this type in the very near future in order to check the determination of Arnold's Rhodesian specimens.
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J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. Vol.
32, No.2, 1969
The author can recognise at least five subspeeifie divisions, four of which are recorded
in this paper. The species is common where found and has a wide distribution across southern
Africa from South West Africa to Mozambique.
Cerceris emeryana bechuana Brauns, 1926 stat. nov.
Cerceris varllineata form bechuana Brauns, 1926: 322 ('i!); Arnold, 1931: 149. 'i! L-type,
'i! LP-types (TM); <3 known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-BOTSWANA: Pudimoe.
Cerceris em.eryana var. bechuana Brauns, 1926; Arnold, 1931: 149.
NOTES: The author considers four females taken at Pudimoe by Brauns as the syntypes of this
subspecies of Cereeris emeryana Gribodo, 1894. A lectotype and lectoparatypes have been selected
and labelled by the author.
Brauns' form, bechuana is considered of sufficient distinction to be elevated to s'lbspecific
rank. The females differ from other members of this widespread group in colour and the formation
of the clypeal process. Males are difficult to separate from males of other subspecies.
Cerceris emeryana multicalar Arnold, 1946 stat. nov.
Cerceris m.ulticolor Arnold, 1946: 85 ('i!); 1955: 752. 'i! H-type (RM). T-Ioc.-LESOTHO:
Cerceris emeryana var. multicolor Arnold, 1955: 752 ('i!, <3). <3 M-type (AM). T-Ioc.LESOTHO: Mamathes.
NOTES: In the author's opinion, multicalor should be considered a distinct subspecies of Cerm'is
emeryana Gribodo, 1894, for it differs in the formation of the clypeal process in the females. The
coloration is very much like that of the subspecies Cerceris emeryana varilineata Cameron, 1905, but
darker. Here again the males are difficult to separate. The lateral propodeal maculae are boldly
evident in varilineala, but generally absent in mullicalor.
Arnold did not select an allotype ofCereeris emeryana multicolor, so the author has labelled
a topotypical male specimen from Lesotho (Mamathes) as the metallotype.
Cerceris emeryana varilineata Cameron, 1905 stat. nov.
Cerceris varllineata Cameron, 1905: 218 (<3); Brauns, 1926: 320 (<3, 'i!); Arnold, 1931: 149.
<3 H-type (BM);
M-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth (H-type) and
Willowmore (M-type), Cape Province.
Cerceris emeryana var. varllineata Cameron, 1905; Arnold, 1931; 141, 147, 149 (<3, 'i!).
NOTES: The females of this subspecies have different coloration from other subspecies; the insect
is larger and has a differently formed clypeal process. The mesoscutum is punctured as in the
other subspecies, but is shining like beehuana in contrast to the dull mesoscutal surface of mullica/or, the dullness being due to the superimposition of microscopic puncturation over the entire
Cereeris erynnis Arnold, 1931
Cerceris erynnis Arnold, 1931; 137, 159 ('i!).
MALA WI: Mlanje.
NOTES: The type has been seen.
'i! H-type, ¥ P-type (BM); <3 unknown. T-Ioc.-
Cereeris erythrosoma Schletterer, 1887
Cerceris erythrosom.a Schletterer, 1887: 450 ('i!); Brauns, 1926: 276. Q H-type (presumptive)
(VM). T.1oc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province.
Cerceris pictiventris Gerstaecker, 1857: 509 (J) (not Dahlbom, 1845); Peters, 1862: 474
('i!); Brauns, 1913: 218; 1926: 276 (<3, 'i'); Arnold, 1931: 137, 145 (<3, 'i!). homonym. nov.
<3 H-type (HB). T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: ?
Cercerls onlativentris Cameron, 1905: 219 ('i!); Brauns, 1913: 218; 1926: 276. 'i! H-type
(BM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: There is a male and female specimen in the Vienna Museum, determined by Kohl as
"pictiventris". The female could well be the holotype of Cerceris erythrosoma Schletterer, for most of
Schletterer's types are deposited there; in the absence of any other label indicating its true status,
it would be wise to treat the female specimen as the presumptive holotype of Cerceris erythrosoma
Schletterer, 1887. The male specimen is as Kohl has determined, originating from the "Sichel"
collection, and the female presumptive holotype bears a locality label: "Holub, S. Africa".
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Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cercens
Dahlbom's (1845) use of Cereeris pietiventris for a Javanese species makes Cerceris pietiventris Gerstaecker, 1857 a homonym.
The male allotype of Cerceris ulcerosa Arnold, 1936 is an aberrant male of Cereeris
erythrosoma Schletterer, 1887.
Cerceris erythroura Cameron, 1910
Cerceris erythroura Cameron, 1910a: 276 ('i', 0); Arnold, 1931: 139, 145, 191 ('i', 0)'
'i'L-type, 'i' LP-type (BM). T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro (L-type) and Kibonoto (LPtype).
NOTES: Cameron placed the wrong labels on the two females in the British Museum, for he
named them Cerceris erythrospila Cameron, 1910 instead of Cerceris erythroura Cameron, 1910; this
most probably came about because he was describing both species at about the same time, but
in different papers. However, the female syntypes in question are definitely those on which
Cameron had based his original description of Cerceris erythroura; they are now labelled lectotype
and lectoparatype.
Cerceris erythrospila Cameron, 1910, a male, was described from Transvaal Museum
material (Cameron, 191Ob) and it is assumed that the type is in this museum. There is a single
male specimen there, determined by Bischoff as: "erythrospila Cam."; this may be the missing type
and the author has labelled it as the presumptive holotype of Cerceris erythrospila Cameron, 1910.
Cerceris eulalia Brauns, 1926
Cerceris eulalia Brauns, 1926: 326 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 149. 'i' H-type (TM);
known, but
undescribed. T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Transvaal.
Cerceris rafiscuds eulalia Brauns, 1926; Arnold, 1931: 149; 1942: 15.
Cerceris rafiscutis annadceps var. eulalia Brauns, 1926: Arnold, 1942: 15.
NOTES: Arnold reduced eulalia to the rank of a subspecies ofCerceris rujiscutis Cameron, 1910;
in 1942 he reduced its status further to that of a variety of armaticeps Cameron, 1910, with
armaticeps placed as the southern subspecies of Cerceris rujiscutis Cameron, 1910. Arnold was
justified in assuming this relationship, for only colour and minor structural differences were
known to exist between the two species; but the male of eulalia is now known, clearly indicating,
by genitalia comparison, a close relationship but distinct difference in the two species. The
description of the male of Cerceris eulalia Brauns, 1926 will be presented elsewhere.
Cerceris facela Arnold, 1951
Cerceris faceta Arnold, 1951: III ('i', 0). 'i' H-type,
NOTES: The types have been seen.
a A-type
Cerceris jingo Brauns, 1926
Cerceris lingo Brauns, 1926: Plate XLIII ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 141, 149 ('i'). 'i' H-type (TMl;
known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: WilJowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: Arnold (1942: Plate II, fig. 26) confused Cereeris jingo Brauns, 1926 with Cerceris latifrons
latifrons Bingham, 1902 and subsequently published the figure ofthe genitalia of a male which he
erroneously assignedto latifrons; in fact, these are the genitalia of the undescribed male of Cereeris
jingo Brauns, 1926. The two species resemble each other in coloration and have similar structural
characters; they are related, therefore difficult to separate. The holotype has been studied.
Cerceris flavifrons Smith, 1856
Cercerisftavifrons Smith, 1856: 448 (Sl); Arnold, 1931: 193 ('i'). 'i' H-type (BM);
NOTES: This type has been seen.
a unknown.
Cerceris flavofemorata Arnold, 1942
Cerceris ftavofeD1orata Arnold, 1942: 22 (0).
P-type (RM); l' unknown.
T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Chirinda Forest (H-type) and Matetsi (P-type).
Cerceris maia Arnold, 1951: 114 (0), syn. nov. a H-type (BM). T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:
NOTES: There should be doubts about this synonymy; the types have been seen and compared.
The species is widespread, for specimens are known from the Transvaal as well.
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J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.
Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris flavonasuta Arnold, 1951
Cerceris flavonasuta Arnold, 1951: 105 (Cf, 6). Cf H-type, 6 A-type (BM). T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA: Aselle (H-type) and Lekempti (A-type).
NOTES: These types have been seen by the author.
Cercerisformidolosa Saussure, 1891
Cerceris fonnidolosa Saussure, 1891: 261 ('1'); 1892: 547 ('1'); Arnold, 1945: 41 (Cf, 6).
Cf H-type (?); 6 M-type (PM); 6 MP-type (RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Behara and Rogez
(M-type and MP-type).
NOTES: The author has not, as yet, been able to locate Saussure's holotype; but the male types
have been seen.
Cercerisformosaformosa Dahlbom, 1845 stat. nov.
Cerceris fonnosa Dahlbom, 1845: 499 (6); Arnold, 1931: 135 (6). 6 H-type (SM). T-Ioc.SOUTH AFRICA: Durban, Natal.
Cerceris su.rnptuosa Arnold, 1931: 142, 146,160 (Cf, 6); 1942: PI. I (6), syn. nov. Cf H-type,
6 A-type (BM). T-10c.-SOUTH AFRICA; Port St.John, Pondoland.
Cerceris ntarleyi Arnold, 1949: 272 (Cf), syn. nov. '1' H-type (RM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Durban, Natal.
NOTES: The author has examined all the types above together with specimens of both sexes
from the same locality, and concluded they represent one species, the nominal subspecies,
Cercerisformosaformosa Dahlbom, 1845.
Cercerisformosa nigrifemur Arnold, 1955 cosnb. nov.
Cerceris su.rnptuosa nigrifesnur Arnold, 1955: 751 (Cf, 6). Cf H-type, 6 A-type (TM).
T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province.
NOTES: This subspecies is distinct and automatically becomes a subspecies of Cerceris formosa
Dahlbom, 1845. The types have been seen and compared.
Cerceris fnrticula Arnold, 1955
Cerceris forticula Arnold, 1955: 751 (Cf). Cf H-type, Cf P-type (RM); 6 unknown. T-Ioe.ZAMBIA: Abercorn.
NOTES: These types have been examined.
Cerceris fulviventris Guerin, 1844
Cerceris fulviventris Guerin, 1844 (6); Guiglia, 1948: 187 (6); Arnold, 1951: 107. 6 H-type
(GM). T-loc.-WEST AFRICA: ?
Cerceris bicolor Smith, 1856: 447 (Cf); Turner, 1918b: 467; Arnold, 1931; 137, 183 (Cf, 6);
1951: 107. Cf H-type (BM). T-Ioe.-GAMBIA: ?
Cerceris fossor Smith, 1856: 447 (6); Turner, 1918b: 467. 6 H-type (BM). T-loc.- GAMBIA: ?
NOTES: Guerin's holotype is a male, not a female (Guiglia, 1948: 187); the author has not been
able to see this type. The other types have been seen; the type ofCercerisfossor Smith, 1856 is in
a decapitated condition.
Cerceris gallienii gallienii Arnold, 1945 stat. nov.
Cerceris gallienii Arnold, 1945: 32 (Cf, 6). Cf H-type, 6 A-type (PM); Cf and 6 P-type (RM).
T-loc.-MALAGASY: Fort Dauphin (H-type) and Rogez.
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Cerceris gallienii bekiliensis Arnold, 1945 stat. nov.
Cerceris gaUienii var. bekillensis Arnold, 1945: 34 (Cf, 6). Cf H-type, 6 A-types (PM);
Cf and 6 P-types (RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Bekily (H-type) and Antananarivo.
NOTES: The variety bekiliensis differs sufficiently to warrant subspecification. The types have
been compared.
Cerceris gomplwcarpi Brauns, 1926
Cerceris gosnphocarpi Brauns, 1926: 306 (Cf, 6); Arnold, 1931: 142, 147 (Cf, 6); 1942:
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Empey: Revision
if Ethiopian Cerceris
Plate I (J). 'i' H-type, J A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTHAFRICA: Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: The types have been studied.
Cereeris grata Arnold, 1931
Cerceris grata Arnold, 1931: 143, 170
WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: This holotype has been seen.
('i'). 'i' H-type (BM); J unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
Cereeris guigliae Soika, 1942
Cerceris guigliae Soika, 1942: 204 (J). J H-type (CM);
NOTES: This type has still to be seen by the author.
Cereeris hamiltoni Arnold, 1931
Cerceris hanilltoni Arnold, 1931: 140, 167
YA: Magadi Junction.
NOTES: The author has seen this type.
'i' unknown. T-loc.-ERITREA: ?
('i'). 'i' H-type (BM); J unknown. T-Ioc.-KEN-
Cereeris haramaiae Arnold, 1951 stat. nov.
Cerceris rhodesiae haratnaiae Arnold, 1951: 108 (J). J H-type (BM); 'i' unknown. T-Ioc.ETHIOPIA: Haramaia.
NOTES: Arnold never saw the male genitalia ofCereeris rhodesiae Brauns, 1926; he thought he had,
for he confused the male of rhodesiae with a similarly coloured species existing in Rhodesia, a
species which is, as yet, undescribed. In fact, the only known male of Cereeris rhodesiae Brauns,
1926 is the allotype of this species, which is in the Transvaal Museum.
Further male specimens of both haramaiae and rhodesiae with genitalia extracted have
been examined; these comparisons clearly indicate that haramaiae is a distinct species. The types
have been studied.
Cereeris hausa Arnold, 1931
Cerceris hausa Arnold, 1931: 142, 174
NOTES: The type has been seen.
('i'). 'i' H-type (BM); J unknown. T-Ioc.-NIGERIA:
Cereeris heterospila heterospila Cameron, 1910 stat. nov.
Cerceris heterospila Cameron, 1910b: 148 (J); Brauns, 1917: 239 (J); Arnold, 1931: 198
(J); 1942: II (J, not 'i'). J L-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Transvaal.
Cerceris tnacololo Brauns, 1926: 295 ('i', J); Arnold, 1931: 140, 149 ('i', not J); 1942: 12,24
('i', not 0), syn. nov. 'i' H-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Transvaal.
NOTES: There are three male syntypes in the Transvaal Museum labelled by Cameron as:
"heterospila" (one is labelled var.). Brauns (1917) saw them but Arnold (1942) saw only two. One
specimen, from Doornfontein (Johannesburg), has been correctly determined by Arnold as
Cereeris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith, 1856; the second specimen bears no locality, but has a numbered label: "4125"; the third specimen, in a decapitated condition, carries Cameron's label:
"heterospila var. Cam. type". The specimen numbered "4125" and the decapitated syntype
are the same species and agree with Cameron's description, notwithstanding the contradiction
of the petiole ratio (pointed out by Arnold in 1942) and the wrong sex recorded by Brauns in
The author designates the syntype numbered "4125" as the lectotype of Cereeris
heterospila heterospila Cameron, 1910 and has labelled this specimen accordingly.
The female, described by Arnold in 1942 as heterospila is definitely not the female of
this species but the female of an undescribed species, the male of which Arnold confused with
Cereeris rhodesiae Brauns, 1926.
Specimens of both sexes ofCereeris heterospila heterospila Cameron, 1910 have been taken
by the author near Johannesburg; the females are, without doubt, identical with Brauns'
maeololo, which leads to the synonymy of the latter. The male allotype Brauns erected for macololo
is, in fact, the true male of macololo, for Arnold had identified this type male as Cereeris heterospila
heterospila Cameron, 1910 (correctly determined) but at that time he did not consider the male
correctly correlated.
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ent. Soc. 5th. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris heterospila capensis Arnold, 1931 co:rnb. nov.
Cercerls macololo capensis Arnold, 1931: 146, 152 (9, a). 9 H-type, a A-type (BM).
T-Ioc.-SOUTH AF'RICA: Aliwal North, Cape Province,
Cercerls piqua Arnold, 1942: 10 (9, a), syn. nov. 9 H-type, 0 A-type, 9 and 0 P-typcs
(RM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Ormiston, East Griqualand.
NOTES: The male genitalia of capensis and the nominal subspecies are identical. This subspecies
differs, not only in its larger size but in the shape of the petiole, shape of the pygidium in the
females and the form of the c1ypeal process in the females. The types of griqua. hardly differ from
Cerceris hildebrandti Saussure, 1891
Cercerls hlldebrandti Saussure, 1891: 261 (9). 9 H-type (?); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
NOTES: The author has not been able to trace this type.
Cerceris holconota Cameron, 1905
Cercerls bolconota Cameron, 1905: 205 (9); Brauns, 1926: 312 (9, al; Arnold, 1931: 143,
148 (9, a); 1942: Plate I (0).9 H-type (BM); aM-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA:
Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been studied.
Cerceris horus Arnold, 1931
Cercerls horus Arnold, 1931: 143, 148, 177 (<;" a); 1942: Plate I (a). 2 H-type, a A-type
(BM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: The types have been seen. This species is very closely related to Cerceris hypocritica Brauns,
1926, structurally having much in common.
Cerceris hypocritica Brauns, 1926
Cercerls hypocrltica Brauns, 1926: 315 (5;', a); Arnold, 1931: 143, 147, 152 (<;', a); 1942:
24 (a). ¥ H-type, 0 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Sundays R. Valley (H-type)
and Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: The types have been examined.
Cercuis illustris Arnold, 1931
Cercerls illustris Arnold, 1931: 137, 146, 158 (<;',0), <;' H-type, 0 A-type, <;' and 0 P-types
(RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Penkridge (H-type) and Umtali.
NOTES: All the above types have been seen.
Cerceris inconspicua Arnold, 1931
Cercerls inconspicua Arnold, 1931: 143, 166 (<;'); 1942: 9 (9, a). ¥ H-type (BM); 0 M-type
(RM). T-10c.-MALAWI: Chiromo (H-type); RHODESIA: Bu1awayo (M-type).
NOTES: The species is fairly widespread, having been found in the Transvaal as well. The types
have been seen.
Cerceris iniqua iniqua Kohl, 1894 stat. nov.
Cercerls iniqua Kohl, 1894: 288 (2): Arnold, 1931: 138 (9); 1951: 110.9 H-type (BI);
unknown. T-Ioc.-SIERRA LEONE: ?
NOTES: This holotype has been studied.
Cerceris iniqua arida Arnold, 1931 stat. nov.
Cercerls arlda Arnold, 1931: 139, 163 (9); 1935b: 5 (0). 9 H-type (BM); 0 M-type (RM).
T-Ioc.-NIGERIA: Zungeru (H-type); MAURITANIA: Nema (M-type).
NOTES: An examination of the types of arida and comparison with the holotype of Cerceris iniqua.
iniqua Kohl, 1894, prove these to be members of the same species. The females differ in pygidial
shape, coloration and slight differences in puncturation and form of the clypeal process-sufficient
to separate them subspecifically.
A single male, in the Rhodesia Museum collection, has a locality label: Soudan, Nema
(de Lepiney) as well as a pencil-label: "arida" by Arnold. This specimen fits Arnold's male
description of arida, but is without Arnold's type label; it is without doubt the metallotype of
Cerceris iniqua. arida Arnold, 1931 and has been labelled as such by the author.
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Empey: Revision of Ethiopian Cerceris
Cereeris iniqua eratoeephala Cameron, 1910
Cerceris cratocephala Cameron, 191Oa: 275 (¥); Brauns, 1926: 333 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 149.
¥ H-type (BM); 0 known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: ?
Cerceris iniqua cratocephala Cameron, 1910; Arnold, 1931: 149.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cereeris iniqua deeeptrix Brauns, 1926 stat. nov.
Cerceris cratocephala form deceptrix Brauns, 1926: 334 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 149. ¥ H-type
(TM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Salisbury.
Cerceris iniqua cratocephala var. deceptrix Brauns, 1926; Arnold, 1931: 149.
NOTES: The author doubts whether Arnold ever saw the female holotype of Cereeris iniqua iniqua
Kohl, 1894. However, deeeptrix should be considered a distinct subspecies of iniqua and decidedly
different from the subspecies eratoeephala, differing by the shape of the nasi form clypeal protuberance and coloration of the face, these differences being constant. Cereeris iniqua deeeptrix
Brauns, 1926 is more closely related to the southern subspecies, Cereeris iniqua libitina Brauns, 1926.
Cereeris iniqua libitina Brauns, 1926 stat. nov.
Cerceris cratocephala form libitina Brauns, 1926: 335 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 149. ¥ H-type
(TM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Durban, Natal.
Cerceris iniqua cratocephala var. libitina Brauns, 1926; Arnold, 1931: 149.
NOTES: The variety libitina should be elevated fo full subspecific rank. This subspecies differs
from deeeptrix in the shape of the nasiform clypeal process. The abdominal complex is much
darker, somewhat blackish in parts and there are other minor structural differences that clearly
distinguish this subspecies.
Cereeris insignita Arnold, 1951
Cerceris insignita Arnold, 1951: 104 (0)' 0 H-type (BM); ¥ unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:
Cerceris insignita var. opulenta Arnold, 1951: 105 (0), syn. no~. 0 H-type (BM). T-Ioc.ETHIOPIA: Moggio.
NOTES: There is hardly anything to separate the variety opulenta from insignita except the colour
of the tergites; therefore, the author considers opulenta as an aberrant form of this species.
Cereeris invalida Kohl, 1907
Cerceris invalida Kohl, 1907: 205 (0). 0 H-type (VM);
ARABIA: Ras Fartak.
NOTES: The author has seen and studied this type.
¥ unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
Cerceris isis Arnold, 1931
Cerceris isis Arnold, 1931: 143, 144, 178
DESIA: Sawmills.
NOTES: The types have been examined.
(¥, 0)' ¥ H-type, 0 A-type (RM). T-Ioc.-RHO-
Cereeris jackal Brauns, 1926
Cerceris jackal Brauns, 1926: 310 (¥, 0); Arnold, 1931: 143, 147 (¥, 0); 1942: 5 (¥, 0).
¥ H-type, 0 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: The types have been studied. The species is related to Cereeris bredoi Arnold, 1958.
Cereeris kalahariea Bischoff, 1913
Cerceris kalaharica Bischoff, 1913: 118 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 149. ¥ H-type (?); 0 known, but
Cerceris africana kalaharica Bischoff, 1913; Arnold, 1931: 138, 145, 149 (¥, not 0) (misidentification of 0 Cereeris nasidens nasidens Schletterer, 1887 of which Cereeris afrieana karooensis
Brauns, 1913 is a synonym).
NOTES: Arnold confused Cereeris nasidens nasidens Schletterer, 1877 with Cereeris kalahariea Bischoff,
1913, and in his work (1931) placed Cereeris afrieana karooensis Brauns, 1913 (the synonym of
Cereeris nasidens nasidens Schletterer, 1887) in synonymy with Cereeris kalahariea Bischoff, 1913; he
included the female of kalahariea but the male of karooensis in this key to the species.
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}. ent. Soc. sth. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Superficially Cereeris kalahariea Bischoff, 1913 and Cere,ris nasidens nasidens Schletterer,
1887 are alike in coloration; the same applies in puncturation but, even though sculpturally
alike, the females can be separated by the shape of the corneal clypeal protuberance; the males
are even more difficult to separate, but the shape of the ultimate segment of the flagellum will
distinguish the two species. The genitalia of the males arc vastly different. The type of Kala~
hariea has not been seen.
Cerceris katangae Brauns, 1913
Cerceris katangae Brauns, 1913: 237 ('l'); 1926: 288 ('l'). 'l' H-type (TB); J unknown.
T-Ioc.-CONGO: Kibimbi, Katanga Province.
NOTES: This holotype has been seen by the author.
Cereeris kilimantijaroensis Cameron, 1910
Cerceris kilbnandjaroensis Cameron, 191Oa: 277 ('l', J); Arnold, 1931: 140, 185 ('l', J).
'l' H-type, J A-type (?). T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro.
NOTES: The author has not been able to trace these types. This species is very closely related to
Cereeris heterospilll Cameron, 1910, and may eventually be proved to be the northern subspecies
of heterospila.
Cereeris kobrowi Brauns, 1926
Cerceris kobrowi Brauns, 1926: 271 ('l', J); Arnold, 1931: 137, 146 ('l', J). 'l' H-type,
A-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Transvaal.
NOTES: A common species in the vicinity of the topotypical area. The types have been examined.
Cereeris lllnguida Cameron, 1905
Cerceris languida Cameron, 1905: 218 (a); Brauns, 1926: 292 (J, 'l'); Arnold, 1931: 140, 147
(J, 'l'). H-type (BM); 'l'M-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Pearston (H-type) and
Willowmore (M-type), Cape Province.
NOTES: A very common species in the Karoo regions of the Cape. The types bave been seen.
Cereeris lateridentlltll Arnold, 1945
Cerceris lateridentata Arnold, 1945: 26 ('l', a). 'l' H-type, J A-type (PM); 'l' and J P-types
(RM). T-loc.-MALAGASY: Ivondro (H-type), Peri net and Rogez.
NOTES: The author has seen all these types.
Cereeris latifrons latifrons Bingham, 1902 stat. nov.
Cerceris latifrons Bingham, 1902: 214 ('l'); Brauns, 1926: 303 (':j2, J); Arnold, 1931: 140, 146
('l', J); 1942: Plate II, fig. 26 (not a). ¥ H-type (BM); J M-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Volksrust, Transvaal.
NOTES: Arnold confused Cereeris latifrons latifrons Bingham, 1902 with another closely related
species, Cereeris jingo Brauns, 1926, having been misled by Brauns' misidentification of IlltifTOTlS
in the first place (Brauns supplied jingo, both sexes, determined as lalifTOns to Arnold in the
Rhodesia Museum, prior to his 1926 monograph); secondly, only a figure of the female Cereeris
jingo Brauns, 1926 appeared in the Braunsian work, the description being omitted from the text.
Arnold subsequently undertook the female description in his 1931 monograph of this genus. In
consequence to this misidentification, Arnold published the figure of the male genitalia ofCereeris
Jingo Brauns, 1926 erroneously as that of Cereeris latifrons latifrons Bingham, 1902.
The male specimen Brauns had selected as the metallotype of Cereeris latifrons lalifrons
Bingham, 1902 is, in fact, the true male of this nominal subspecies. These types have been studied.
Cereeris latifrons sedula Arnold, 1940 stat. nov.
Cerceris sedula Arnold, 1940: 104 ('l', J); 1942: Plate II, fig. 27 (J). '? H-type,
'\> and J P-types (RM). T·loc.-RHODESIA: Vumbu Mountaim.
NOTES: Due to the confusion over Cereeris latifrons latifrons Bingham, 1902 and Cereeris jingo
Brauns, 1926, Arnold innocently described sedull.l, which is undoubtedly a subspecies of latifrOTlS,
there being sufficient differences between sedula and the nominal subspecies to warrant su~
specification. The coloration of the tergites differ slightly and appear to be a useful subspecific
character. All the relevant types have been studied.
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Empey,' Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
Gerceris leucochroa Schletterer, 1887
Cerceris leucoc:hroa Schletterer, 1887: 407 (Cf); Andre, 1890: 335 (Cf). <;! H-type (?); <J
unknown. T-loc.-SUDAN: Kordofan.
NOTES: The author has not been able to trace this type.
Gerceris lobala Kirby, 1900
Cercerislobata Kirby, 1900: 18 (<;!); Forbes, 1903: 245 (<;!); Kohl, 1907: 211 (<;!). <;! H-type
(?); <J unknown. T-loc.-SOCOTRA: ?
NOTES: This type has still to be seen; it is most probably in the Oxford University Museum.
Cerceris longilabris Arnold, 1946
Cerceris longilabris Arnold, 1946: 83 (<;!). <;! H-type (RM); <J unknown. T-Ioc.-ZAMBIA:
Mweru (Kaputa).
NOTES: This type has been studied.
Gerceris longitudinalis Soika, 1942
Cerceris longitudinalis Soika, 1942: 206 (<J). <J H-type (CM); <;! unknown. T-Ioc.-SOMALIA: ?
NOTES: The type has not been examined.
Cerceris longiuscula Arnold, 1951
Cercerislongiuscula Arnold, 1951: 101 (<J). <J H-type (BM); <;! unknown. T-Ioc.-GHANA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Gerceris lunigera Dahlbom, 1845
Cerceris luuigera Dahlbom, 1845: 499 (<;!); Arnold, 1931: 135. <;! H-type (SM). T-Ioc.SOUTH AFRICA: E. Cape Province.
Cerceris whiteaua Cameron, 1905: 225 (<;!); Brauns, 1917: 240; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1961: 12
(<;!), syn. nov. <;! H-type (AM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Graharnstown, Cape Province.
Cerceris holconotula Brauns, 1926: Plate XLIV, fig. 13 (<;!); Arnold, 1931: 143, 148,150
(<;!, <J), syn. nov. <;! H-type, <J M-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth,
Cape Province.
NOTES: The holotypes of Gerceris lunigera Dahlbom, 1845, Gerceris whiteana Cameron, 1905 and
Gerceris holconotula Brauns, 1926, all females, were examined simultaneously by the author and
these were found beyond doubt to be specimens of the same species; thus Gerceris lunigera Dahlbom. 1845 will have date priority to this specific name.
It is interesting to record here that Gerceris whiteana Cameron, 1905 was placed in synonymy with Gerceris spinicaudata Cameron, 1905 by Brauns in 1917, the types of these two being in
the Albany and Transvaal Museums respectively. These two types were compared again by the
author and it was discovered that Brauns was wrong. Brauns complicated matters further by
describing holconntula, which is a synonym of whiteana.
Gerceris macalanga Brauns, 1926
Cerceris macalanga Brauns, 1926: 294 (
12 (<;!, <J); 1951: 116 (<J). <;! H-type (TM);
(H-type) and Victoria Falls (M-type).
NOTES: These types have been studied.
Arnold, 1931: HI, 148, 151 (<;!, not d'); 1942:
M-type (RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Sawmills
Gerceris manifesta Arnold, 1952
Cerceris manifesta Arnold, 1952: 470 (<;!). <;! H-type (BM); d' unknown. T-loc.-KENYA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Gerceris maritima Saussure, 1867
Cerceris maritima Saussure, 1867: 91 (<;!). <;! H-type (?); <J unknown. T-Ioc.-MAURITIUS:
NOTES: The author has not been able to trace this type.
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J. ent. Soc. 5th. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, J969
Cerceris mazimba Brauns, 1926
Cercerls JDaZhnba Brauns, 1926: 295 (Cf'); Arnold, 1931: 140 (Cf'); 1942: 9 (Cf', 0'); 1951: 112
(Cf',0'). Cf' H-type, 0' M-type (RM). T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo (H-type); RHODESIA:
Matetsi (M-type).
NOTES: These types have been examined.
Cerceris merope Arnold, 1951
Cerceris m.erope Arnold, 1951: 115 (Cf', 0'). Cf' H-type, 0' A-type (BM). T-Ioc.-GHANA;
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Cerceris militaris Dahlbom, 1843-1844
Cerceris mllitaris Dahlbom, 1843-44: 224 (Cf'). Cf' H-type (LI); 0' unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Cape Province.
NOTES: The author has examined this holotype, an unusual unique specimen of a species related
to Cerceris egena Arnold, 1931 and Cerceris albispinosa Arnold, 1952. The mammiform metapleura
are strikingly evident. Dahlbom's description of this species is reasonably clear but a redescription
will appear elsewhere. This species does not seem to fit the pattern of the species inhabiting the
Cerceris mochiana Soika, 1942
Cerceris m.ocbiana Soika, 1942; 205 (Cf'). Cf' H-type (CM); 0' unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:?
NOTES; The author has still to see this type.
Cerceris moestissima Guiglia, 1941
Cerceris Dloestissim.a Guiglia, 1941: 116 (Cf', 0'). Cf' H-type, 0' A-type (GM). ? T-Ioc.ETHIOPIA: ?
NOTES: The description and types of this species are unknown to the author. Further research is
necessary to locate the types and possible examination of them.
Cerceris moggionis Arnold, 1951
Cercerls n:J.oggionis Arnold, 1951: 102 (cl'). cl' H-type (BM); Cf' unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA: Moggio.
NOTES; This type has been seen.
Cerceris monocera Kohl, 1898
Cerceris Dlonocera Kohl, 1898: 341 (Cf'); Arnold, 1931: 204 (Cf'); 1942: 19 (0'). Cf' H-type
(VM); 0' M-type (RM). T-Ioc.-SENEGAL: ? (H-type); LIBERIA: Moala (M-type).
NOTES: Both the above types have been examined.
Cerceris monticola Arnold, 1931
Cerceris m.onticola Arnold, 1931: 140, 160 (Cf'); 1942: 13 (Cf', 0'). Cf' H-type (BM); 0' M-type
(RM). T-Ioc.-MALAWI: Mlanje (H-type); RHODESIA: Sawmills (M-type).
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Cerceris morula Soika, 1942
Cercerls BlOnda Soika, 1942: 202 (0').0' H-type (CM); Cf' unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA;
NOTES: The author has still to see this type.
Cerceris mossamhica Gribodo, 1896
Cerceris lDossalDbica Gribodo, 1896: 354 (Cf'); Arnold, 1931: 200 (Cf'). Cf' H-type (GM) ?;
d' Known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Lorenzo Marques ?
NOTES: Gribodo's description of the female, as translated by Arnold, is very clear and specimens
from Mozambique and Natal were found to fit this description perfectly. The species apparently
inhabits the Natal and Mozambique coasts. In the past, this species has been confused with its
nearest ally, Cerceris rujiscutis Cameron, 1910, as seen from the collections under study. The
holotype has still to be seen. The male is known to the author and will be described elsewhere.
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Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
Cerceris multipicta Smith, 1873
Cerceris lDultipicta Smith, 1873: 411 (ii', a); Schletterer, 1887: 430 ('i', a); Andre, 1889:
310 ('i', &); Brauns, 1926: 323 ('i', &); Arnold, 1931: 144, 147 ('i', a). H-type (BM). T-Ioc.ANGOLA: ?
Cerceris simoni du Buysson, 1897: 358 ('i'), syu. nov. 'i' H-type (PM) ? T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Vryburg, Cape Province.
CercerisspecuJata Shestakov, 1916: 317 (&), syu. nov. & H-type (LM). T-Ioc.-SENEGAL:?
NOTES: The descriptions ofCerceris simoni du Buysson, 1897 and Cerceris speculata Shestakov, 1916
fit specimens of Cerceris multipicta Smith, 1873 perfectly. Shestakov's sperolata comes from Senegal
and du Buysson's simoni is from Vryburg, South Africa; this presents no problem for Cerceris
multipicta Smith, 1873 has an exceptionally wide distribution south of the Sahara. Du Buysson's
figures of the c1ypeus and mandible of simoni support this synonymy. The types of both simoni
and speculata have not been seen by the author.
Cerceris mutabilis Arnold, 1931
Cerceris lDutabills Arnold, 1931: 147, 157 (&); 1942: Plate II, fig. 32 (&). & H-type (BM);
'i' known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Harrismith, Orange Free State.
Cerceris etnpeyi Arnold, 1962: 848 (&), syu. nov. & H-type (RM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Strubens Valley (Florida), Transvaal.
NOTES: Arnold described empeyi from an aberrant male specimen of Cerceris mutabilis Arnold,
1931, a common species variable in coloration. The types have been seen.
Cerceris nasidens nasidens Schletterer, 1887 stat. nov.
Cerceris nasidens Schletterer, 1887: 452 (&, 'i'); Arnold, 1931: 195 (&, 'i'). & H-type (presumptive) (VM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province.
Cerceris africana karooensis Brauns, 1913: 230 ('i', &); 1926: 283 ('i', &); Arnold, 1931:
149, syu. nov. 'i' H-type, <5 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Willowmore, Cape
NOTES: This is the species which Arnold confused with Cerceris kalaharica Bischoff, 1913, synonymizing Cerceris africana karooensis Brauns, 1913 with it in 1931. He was wrong for Cerceris kalaharica Bischoff, 1913 is a distinct species, superficially resembling karooensis in coloration.
The types of Cerceris nasidens nasidens Schletterer, 1887 and Cerceris africana karooensis
Brauns, 1913 (presumptive holotype of the former and aUotype of the latter) have been compared
by the author and were found to be identical.
The male specimen in Vienna Museum bearing Schletterer's handwritten, red ink
label: "nasidens Schletterer" is to be regarded as the presumptive holotype of Cerceris nasidens
nasidens Schletterer, 1887 and has been labelled as such by the author.
Cerceris nasidens obscura Schletterer, 1887 stat. nov.
Cerceris nasidens var. obscura Schletterer, 1887: 453 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 195 ('i'). H-type
(presumptive) (VM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province.
Cerceris africana Cameron, 1905: 222 ('i'); Brauns, 1913: 228 ('i', a); 1926: 282 ('i', a);
Arnold, 1931: 138, 145 (9, a); Soika, 1942: Plate II ('i'), syu. nov. Two 'i' S-types (BM);
& M-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: Cerceris nasidens obscura Schletterer, 1887 differs from the nominal subspecies in coloration
and in the shape of the nasiform clypeal processes of the females; they are also separated ecologically, nasidens preferring the arid regions of the Karoo while obscura inhabits the eastern Cape
coastal belt, continuing up the Natal coast. They are members of the same species, but, as there
are sufficient differences to separate them, obscura should be given subspecific rank.
The female in the Vienna Museum, determined by Schletterer in his usual red ink label
as: "nasidens Schletterer", should be regarded as the presumptive holotype of Cerceris nasidens
obscura Schletterer, 1887 for it agrees with the description; this specimen has been labelled by
the author accordingly.
There should be no doubts as to the synonymy ofCerceris africana Cameron, 1905; types
have been compared.
Cerceris natalensis Saussure, 1867
Cercerisnatalensis Saussure, 1867: 96 (<;f');Arnold, 1931: 137, 145, 149 ('i',
T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Natal Coast.
'i' H-type (?).
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ent. Soc. sth. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris :morosula Brauns, 1913: 226 (<;" d'); 1926: 280 (<;" d'); Arnold, 1931: 149. <;' H-type,
d' A-type (TM); <;'-cotype (TB). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Durban, Natal.
NOTES: The types of morosukl have been seen but the holotype of Gerceris natalensis Saussure, 1867
has still to be found. The morosula cotype has no abdomen.
Gereeris nenitra Saussure, 1887
Cercerisnenitra Saussure, 1887: 25 (<;" d'); 1892: (<;" d'); Arnold, 1945: 42 (<;" d'). <;' H-type,
d' A-type (?). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
NOTES: The author has been unable to trace these types.
Gereeris nenitroidea Bischoff, 1913
Cerceris nenitroidea Bischoff, 1913: 1I8 (<;', d'); Arnold, 1931: 194 (<;" d'). <;' H-type, d'
A-type (?). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Kalahari?
NOTES: This species may eventually prove to be a synonym of Gereeris holeonota Cameron, 1905.
The male, judging from the description, could more likely be a male of Gerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons
Smith, 1856, a common southern African species. The types of nenitroidea have still to be traced.
Gereeris nephthys nephthys Arnold, 1931 stat. nov.
Cerceris nephthysArnold, 1931: 144, 165 (<;,). <;' H-type (BM); d' unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
WEST AFRICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Gereeris nephthys pkltyrhyncha Arnold, 1942
Cerceris nephthys platyrhyncha Arnold, 1942: 20 (<;', d'). <;' H-type, d' A-type, <;' and d'
P-types (RM). T-loc.-RHODESIA: Matetsi.
NOTES: All the above types have been examined.
Gerceris nigerilU Brauns, 1926
Cerceris nigeriae Brauns, 1926: 287 (<;') <;' H-type (BM); d' unknown. T-Ioc.-NIGERIA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Gerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith, 1856 stat. nov.
Cerceris nigrifrons Smith, 1856: 450 (d'); Brauns, 1926: 319 (d', <;'); Arnold, 1931: 142, 144
(d', <;'); 1942: Plate I, fig. lJ (d'). d' H-type (BM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: ?
Cerceris trivia1is Gerstaecker, 1857: 510 (<;'); Peters, 1862: 475 (<;'); Magretti, 1884: 598
(<;'); Brauns, 1926: 320. 'i' H-type (ZM). T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: ?
Cerceris erythrospila Cameron, 191Ob: 148 (d'); Arnold, 1931: 197 (d'), syn. nov. d' H-type
(presumptive) (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Kalahari ?
NOTES: There is a small male specimen of Gerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith, 1856 in the Transvaal
Museum which bears Bischoff's label, "erythrospikl Cameron". The type of Gereeris erythrospikl
Cameron, 1910, presumed to be in the Transvaal Museum, is missing; it is possible that Bischoff's
determined specimen is the missing holotype as it fits the description perfectly and could well be
the specimen on which Cameron based his description. At this stage the author regards this
male specimen as the presumptive holotype of eerceris erythrospila Cameron, 1910 and has labelled
it accordingly. There should be no doubts as to the synonymy of erythrospila. The author has not
been able to see the type of Gereeris trivialis Gerstaecker, 1857.
Gerceris nigrifrons amaura Kohl, 1891 stat. nov.
Cercerisamaura Kohl, 1891: 16 (<;'); Arnold, 1931: 200 (<;,). <;' H-type (BI). T-Ioc.-CONGO:
Cap van Gele.
Cerceris theryi Arnold, 1932: II (<;'), syn. nov. <;' H-type (RM). T-Ioc.-CONGO: Gundji.
Cerceris nigrifrons ancilla Arnold, 1942: 7 (<;', d'), syn. nov. <;' H-type, d' A-type (RM).
T-Ioc.-LIBERIA: Gbanga.
NOTES: The holotype of Gereeris amaura Kohl, 1891 is in a dccapitated condition. The specimen
has a label, "Gereeris amaura, n. sp., Schlett., Type"; it is assumed here that Kohl had received
this type specimen from Schletterer and did the publishing himself, thus becoming the author.
The holotypes, all females, of Gerceris amaura Kohl, 1891, Gerceris theryi Arnold, 1932 and Gerceris
nigrifrons ancilla Arnold, 1942 were compared simultaneously and were found to be identical and
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Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
subspecifically related to Cerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith, 1856. The author doubts whether
Arnold ever saw the type of Cerceris amaura Kohl, 1891. This subspecies appears to inhabit western
Cerceris nigrostoma Brauns, 1926
Cerceris nigrostoD:1a Brauns, 1926: 301 ('1', a); Arnold, 1931: 141, 147 ('1', a); 1942: 24 ('1').
'1' H-type, & A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Willowmore, Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been examined. The species is related to Cerceris dominicana Brauns,
1926, also a Cape species.
Cerceris nobilitata nobilitata Cameron, 1905 stat. nov.
Cerceris nobilitata Cameron, 1905: 216 ('i'); Brauns, 1926: 313 ()l, &); Arnold, 1931: 143,
147 ('1', &); 1942: Plate I, fig. 3 (&) ; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1961: II ('1'). '1' H-type (AM); & M-type
(TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: Both these types have been studied.
Cerceris nobilitata sordidula Arnold, 1931
Cerceris nobilitata sordldula Arnold, 1931: 153
SOUTH AFRICA: Ceres, Cape Province.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
('1'). '1' H-type (BM); & unknown. T-Ioc.-
Cerceris nohilitata walegae Arnold, 1951
Cerceris nobilitata walepe Arnold, 1951: 110 (9). )l H-type (BM); & unknown. T-Ioc.ETHIOPIA: Gambeila.
NOTES: This holotype has been seen.
Cerceris nugax nugax Arnold, 1931 stat. nov.
Cerceris nuga" Arnold, 1931: 145, 176 (&); 1951: 112 (&). & H-type (BM); 'i' unknown.
T-loc.-N. NIGERIA: Zungeru.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris nugax insularis Arnold, 1951
Cerceris nugax lnsularis Arnold, 1951: 112 (&). & H-type (BM); '1' unknown. T-Ioc.RED SEA: Dahalak Island.
NOTES: This holotype, originally designated by Arnold as a paratype of Cerciris nugax Arnold,
1931, has been seen. Arnold did reconsider its position, after further study, declaring its subspecific relationship.
Cerceris orangiae Brauns, 1926
Cerceris orangiae Brauns, 1926: 331 ('i', &); Arnold, 1931: 141, 146 (9, &); 1942: 5 ('i', &).
'1' H-type, & A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
Cerceris orangiae var. korana Brauns, 1926:
• nov. '1' H-type, 'i' P-type (TM).
T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Bloemfontein, Ora
NOTES: These types, together with the types of the variety korana have been studied and the
conclusion is that korana is merely a melanic aberration of this species.
Cerceris oraniensis Brauns, 1926
Cerceris oramensis Brauns, 1926: 329 ('1', &); Arnold, 1931: 139, 146 ('i', a)· '1' H-type,
& A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
Cerceris lingnaul Arnold, 1933a: 54 ('i'), syn. nov. '1' H-type (DI). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Wepener, Orange Free State.
NOTES: The author has seen the relevant types and is completely satisfied with this synonymy.
Cerceris osiris Arnold, 1931
Cerceris osiris Arnold, 1931: 143, 148, 172 ('i', &). )l H-type, & A-type (BM). T-loc.-SOUTH
WEST AI-'RICA: Okahandja.
NOTES: These types have been seen.
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J. ent. Soc. sth. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris paleata Saussure, 1891
Cerceris pa1eata Saussure, 1891: 262 (<i'): 1892: 543 (<i'); Arnold, 1945: 24 (<i', 0). <i' H-type
(?). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
Cerceris carmlria Saussure, 1892: 545 (o); Arnold, 1945: 24. 0 H-type (?). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
NOTES: These types have still to be traced.
Cerceris pallida Arnold, 1935
Cerceris paWda Arnold, 1935b: 5 (<i'). <i' H-type (RM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-MAURITANIA: Nema.
Cerceris pallida var. lutulenta Arnold, 1951: 102 (<i'), syn. nov. <i' H-type (BM). T-Ioc.MAURITANIA: Boghe.
NOTES: This species is apparently variable in coloration. The types have been seen and there
seems to be nothing to separate the variety lutulenta except the colour differences of the tergites.
Cereeris pearstonensis pearslonensis Cameron, 1905 stat. nov.
Cerceris pearstonensis Cameron, 1905: 223 ('i'); Brauns, 1926; 297 (<i', 0); Arnold, 1931:
140 ('i'); 1942: Plate II, fig. 2 (0). 'i' H-type (BM); 0 M-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTHAFRICA:
Pearston (H-type) and Willowmore (M-type), Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Cerceris pearstonensis bantu Brauns, 1926
Cerceris pearstonensis bantn Brauns, 1926: 299 ('i'). <j' H-type (RM); 0 known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Sawmills.
NOTES: The holotype has been studied together with the types of the nominal subspecies and
males of both subspecies. The male of Cerccris pearslonensis bantu Brauns is known and will be
described elsewhere.
Cereeris per.fida Saussure, 1891
Cerceris perfida Saussure, 1891: 262 (<j'); 1892: 549 (<j'); Arnold, 1945: 23 (<Jl, 0». 'i' H-type
(?). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: ?
Cerceris spinifrons Saussure, 1891: 262 (0); Arnold, 1945: 23. 0 H-type (?). T-Ioc.MALAGASY: ?
NOTES: These types have sti!! to be traced.
Cereeris per:foveata Arnold, 1947
Cerceris perfoveata Arnold, 1947: 167 ('i'). <j' H-type (PM); 'i' P-type (RM); 0 unknown.
T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Ivondro.
NOTES: These types have been examined; they may be dark forms ofC. nenitra Sau~sure, 1887.
Cerceris petiolata Saussure, 1891
Cercerispetiolata Saussure, 1891: 271 (0); 1892: 555 (0); Arnold, 1945: 38 (0, <j'). 0 H-type
(?); 'i'M-type (PM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Fianarantsoa (<i'M-type).
NOTES: The author has still to see the metallotype. The whereabouts of the holotype are unknown.
Cerceris pieta Dahlbom, 1843-1844
Cerceris picta Dahlbom, 1843-44: 222 (9); 1845: 500 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 203 (9). 'i' H-type
(LI); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-SENEGAL: ?
NOTES: This species is known by the unique type, which has been located and seen by the author.
Cereeris pictifacies Brauns, 1926
Cerceris picti£acies Brauns, 1926: 316 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: \43, 147 (<j', 0)' 'i' H-type (TM);
oM-type (RM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Uitenhage, Cape Province (H-type); RHODESIA: Bulawayo (M-type).
NOTES: The author has examined both these types.
C.rceris pictinodu. Cameron, 1910
Cerceris pictinoda Cameron, 191Oa: 277 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 199 (9). 9 H-type (?); 0
unknown. T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Empey: Revision
of Ethiopian Cerceris
NOTES: The author has been unable to trace this type. Cameron's description of the female is
Cerceris placida Arnold, 1931
Cerc:eris placida Arnold, 1931: 143, 148, 171 ('il, 0).
N. NIGERIA: Azare (H-type) and Kano (A-type).
NOTES: These types have been seen.
¥ H-type, 0
A-type (BM). T-Ioc.-
G'cruris placita Arnold, 1931
Cerc:eris placita Arnold, 1931: 139, 163 ('il). 'i' H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-KENYA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris podagrosa Kohl, 1907
Cerc:eris podagrosa Kohl, 1907: 206 ('jl, 0)' '? L-type, LP-type (VM). T-Ioc.-SOCOTRA:
Ras Shoab.
;\IOTES: There are two females of this species in the Vienna Museum, labelled by Kohl as "type";
these are syntypes. The author has labelled the specimen from Ras Shoab as the lectotype and
the other as lectoparatype of Cereeris podagrosa Kohl, 1907. The male specimen on which Kohl
based his male description is still to be seen by the author; it is most probably in the Vienna
Cerceris polychroma Gribodo, 1896
Cerc:eris Gribodo, 1896: 355 ('?); Arnold, 1931: 201 (,?). '? H-type (GM) ?;
known, but undescribed. T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Howick, Natal.
NOTES: The author has still to see the holotype of this species. However, the description is very
clear and identified specimens reveal a very close relationship to Cerceris variancta Cameron,
1905 and Cerceris mutabilis Arnold, 1931. The male will be described elsewhere.
CereeTis ponderosa Arnold, 1931
Cerc:eris ponderosa Arnold, 1931: 142, 174 ('il). 'i' H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.KENYA: Embu.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris proteles Brauns, 1926
Cerc:eris proteles Brauns, 1926: 290 ('il); Arnold, 1931: 137, 149 (<i'); 1952: 469 (Q).
type (TM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-CONGO: Kiborno.
NOTES; The author has examined this type.
Cerceris pseudoproteles Arnold, 1952
Cerc:eris pseudoproteles Arnold, 1952: 467 (9).
T-Ioc.-KENYA: Makindu.
NOTES: The author has seen these types.
H-type, '? P-type (BM);
0 unknown.
G'crceris purpurIJ(J. Schletterer, 1887
Cerc:eris purpurea Schletterer, 1887: 453 (0); Arnold, 1931: 195 (0)' 0 H-type (VM); <i'
unknown. T-Ioc.-SENEGAL: ?
NOTES: This holotype has been examined by the author; here again a unique representation of
a species.
Cerceris quadridentata Arnold, 1931
Cerc:eris quadrideDtata Arnold, 1931: 141, 169 (,?).
NOTES: This type has been seen.
H-type (BM);
0 unknown. T-Ioc.-
Cerceris querula Kohl, 1907
Cerc:eris querula Kohl, 1907: 210 (0). 0 H-type (VM); '? unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
ARABIA: Ras Fartak.
NOTES: The author has examined this holotype.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
]. enl.
Soc. sth. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris raplor Smith, 1856
Cerceris raptor Smith, 1856: 449 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 139, 186 (¥). ¥ H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-loc.-WEST AFRICA: Whydah ?
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris rasoherinae rasoherinae Arnold, 1945 stat. nov.
Cerceris rasoherinae Arnold, 1945: 29 (¥, 0). ¥ H-type, 0 A-type (PM); ¥ and 0 P-types
T-loc.-MALAGASY: Bekily (H-type) and Behara.
NOTES: These types have been seen and examined.
Cerceris rasoherinae debilis Arnold, 1945 stat. nov.
Cerceris rasoherinae var. debWs Arnold, 1945: 30 ('j', 6). ¥ H-type, 6 A-type (PM);
¥ P-type (RM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Bekily.
NOTES: These types have been seen. There is sufficient difference between debilis and the nominal
subspecies to warrant subspecification.
Cerceris reginula Brauns, 1926
Cerceris reginula Brauns, 1926: 304 (¥, 6); Arnold, 1931: 141, 148 ('i', 6); 1942: Plate I,
fig. 19 (6). 'i' H-type, 6 A-type (TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Sundays River Valley
(H-type) and Willowmore (A-type), Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been examined by the author.
Cereeris repraesentans Turner, 1919
Cerceris repraesentans Turner, 1919: 49 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 137, 183 (¥). 'i' H-type (BM);
o unknown. T-Ioc.-KEI\TYA: Masai Reserve.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris rhodesiae Brauns, 1926
Cerceris rhodesiae Brauns, 1926: 330 ('i', 0); Arnold, 1931: 13S, 146 ('i', 0); 1942: 20;
1951: lOS. ¥ H-type, 6 A-type (TM). T-Ioc. RHODESIA: Salisbury.
NOTES: These types have been examined.
Cereeris rigida Smith, IS56
Cerceris rigida Smith, 1856: 449 (0); Arnold, 1931: 192 (0). 6 H-type (BM). T-Ioc.SOUTH AFRICA: Durban, Natal.
Cerceris charimorpha Brauns, 1926: 322 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 140 (¥), syn. nov. ¥ H-type
(RM); ¥ P-type (TM). T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo (H-type); SOUTH AFRICA:
Durban (P-type).
NOTES: There should be no doubts about this synonymy for males of Cereeris eharimorpha Brauns,
1926 from Durban, when compared with the male holotype of Cereeris rigida Smith, 1856,
were found to be identical. The holotype of Cereeris charimorpha Brauns, 1926 from Dondo,
Mozambique, is considerably larger than the specimens found along the Natal coast (quite one
and one-half times larger); this female could well be a freak specimen and, in the absence of
any further females from Mozambique, it should be regarded as such. Furthermore, there are
hardly any structural differences between this Dondo specimen and Brauns' co-type from Durban,
the topotypical habitat of Cereeris rigida Smith, 1856. The species has been discovered by the
author at Nelspruit, E. Transvaal (numerous females and males); these and typical specimens
from the Natal coast are idehtical. The male is much coarser in sculpture than the female.
Cereeris rostrifira Brauns, 1926
Cerceris rostrifera Brauns, 1926: 335 (¥); Arnold, 1931: 138 (¥); 1942: 24 (¥). ¥ H-type
(TM); 6 unknown. T-loc.~SOUTH AFRICA: Sundays River Valley, Cape Province.
NOTE,: This holotype has been studied.
Cereeris ruficauda rufieauda Cameron, 1905 stat. nov.
Cerceris ruficauda Cameron, 1905: 224 ('i'); Brauns, 1926: 296 ('i', 0); Arnold, 1931: 138,
146 ('i', 0)' ¥ H-type (BM); 0 M-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Stellenbosch (H-type)
and Port Elizabeth (M-type), Cape Province.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Empey: Revision
rif Ethiopian Cerceris
Cerceris lumbunda Arnold, 1931: 146, ISS (0), syn nov. 0 H-type (BM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Harrismith, Orange Free State.
NOTES: Brauns apparently did not designate a type for the male of this species; Transvaal
Museum do not have records of there ever having been one (the Braunsian collection was purchased by the Transvaal Museum about 1926). Among the males of this nominal subspecies in
the Transvaal Museum collection there are some males collected by Brauns at Port Elizabeth,
the locality of the male described by Brauns, 1926; the author has selected a male specimen
from this lot and has labelled this specimen as the metallotype of Cerceris ruficauda ruficauda
Cameron, 1905.
The nominal subspecies occurs from the Cape coastal belt into Lesotho and into the
Orange Free State of South Africa.
There should be no doubts as to the synonymy of Cerceris ludibunda Arnold, 1931. All
the relevant types have been seen.
Cerceris ruficauda barbara Arnold, 1931
Cerceris ruficauda barbara Arnold, 1931: 152 (,?). '? H-type (BM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.KENYA: Mogorr River.
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris ruficauda lichtenburgensis Brauns, 1926 stat. nov.
Cerceris lichtenburgensis Brauns, 1926: 291 (<;',0); Arnold, 1931: 149. '? H-type, 0 A-type
(TM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Lichtenburg, Transvaal.
Cerceris ruficauda var.lic:htenburgensis Brauns, 1926; Arnold, 1931: 149.
NOTES: The study of numerous specimens, together with the types of Cerceris lichtenburgensis
Brauns, 1926 and Cerceris ruficauda Cameron, 1905 from Cape and Transvaal habitats has revealed a constant difference in the structure of the clypeal processes of the females, sufficient to
warrant subspecific differentiation. The two subspecies are also clearly different in coloration.
Cerceris rufifrons Arnold, 1932
Cerceris rufifrons Arnold, 1932: 10 (0). 0 H-type (HM); '? unknown. T-Ioc.-CONGO:
Duma (Ubangi District).
NOTES: This type has still to be seen by the author.
Cerceris rufiscutis rufiscutis Cameron, 1910 stat. nov.
Cerceris rufiscutis Cameron, 191Oa: 278 (,?, 0); Arnold, 1931: 139, 146, 181 (<;',0); 1942: 15.
<;' H-type (BM). T-Ioc.-TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro.
NOTES: The type has been seen.
Cerceris ruforotis conradsi Soika, 1942 stat. nov.
Cerceris fufiscutis var. conradsi Soika, 1942: 206 (,?). '? H-type (CM); 0 unknown.
NOTES: Giordani Soika described this variety conradsi, stating that it was allied to rufiscutis. The
male of conradsi is unknown and at this stage it would be wise to treat this variety as a subspecies
of Cerceris rufisrotis Cameron, 1910, until proved otherwise. The author has not been able to see
this female holotype.
Cerceris rufocincta Gerstaecker, 1857
Cerceris rufoclncta Gerstaecker, 1857: 510 ('?); Peters, 1862: 476 ('?); Arnold, 1931: 202
(,?). '? H-type (HB). T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Inhambane.
Cerceris variclncta lDanicana Arnold, 1931: 154 (,?, 0), syn. nov. '? H-type, 0 A-type, '?
and 0 P-types (RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Umtali.
NOTES: Arnold suspected this synonymy in 1931, making a note to that effect. However, females
collected in the Transvaal, Rhodesia and Inhambane (Mozambique) compare favourably with
Gerstaecker's description, which is quite clear; furthermore, males from Mozambique are
identical with Arnold's manicana.
Arnold initially placed manicana as a subspecies of Cerceris varicincta Cameron, 1905;
the two species are distantly related and superficially have similar characters but, even though
the male genitalia are similar (suggesting this relationship), Cerceris varicincta Cameron, 1905 and
Cerceris nifocincta Gerstaecker, 1857 are two distinctly different species. There is a vast difference
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. Vol.
32, No.2, 1969
in the structure of the mesopleura of the two species and the fifth sternite of the females differ;
in fact, Gerceris varicincta Cameron, 1905 is more closely related to Gerceris mutabilis Arnold, 1931,
for these species share the feature of having epimeral crests as well as fifth sternite denticles in the
All the types of Gerceris varicincta manicana Arnold, 1931 have been studied, but the
author has still to see the holotype of Gerceris rufocincta Gerstaecker, 1857.
Gerceris schoutedeni Brauns, 1913
Cerceris schoutedeni Brauns, 1913: 235 ('f', 0'); 1926: 286 ('f', 0'); Arnold, 1931: 138, 146
('f', 0'); 1942: 24, 25 ('f', 0'). 'f' H-type, 0' A-type (TB); 'f' and 0' P-types (TM). T-Ioc.CONGO: Elizabethville, Katanga Province.
NOTES: All the above types have been examined.
Gerceris seminigra Taschenberg, 1875
Cerceris sem.inigra Taschenberg, 1875: 401 ('f'). 'f' H-type (UH); 0' unknown. T-Ioc.SUDAN: Khartoum.
NOTES: The author has not seen this type.
Gerceris severini Kohl, 1913
Cerceris severini Kohl, 1913: 207 ('f'); Brauns, 1926: 289 ('f', 0'); Arnold, 1931: 149 (0');
1942: 24 ('f'); 1951: 107 ('f'). 'f' H-type (TB); 'f' P-type, 0' M-type (BM); 0' MP-type (TM).
T-Ioc.-CONGO (H-type); ZAMBIA: Ndola (M-type).
NOTES: All these types have been seen and studied.
Gerceris sryrigi Arnold, 1945
Cerceris seyrigi Arnold, 1945: 27 ('f', 0'). 'f' H-type, 0' A-type (PM). T-Ioc.-MALAGASY:
Rogez (H-type) and Bekily (A-type).
NOTES: These types have been examined by the author.
Gerceris sokotrae Kohl, 1907
Cerceris sokotrae Kohl, 1907: 207 ('f', 0'). 'f' L-type, 0' A-type (VM). T-Ioc.-SOCOTRA:
Ras Shoab.
NOTES: The female has been chosen by the author as the lectotype of this species from two
syntypes (one female, one male) in the Vienna Museum. The male (abdomenless) becomes the
allotype. Both types have been labelled by the author accordingly.
Gerceris somalica Arnold, 1940
Cerceris sODlalic:;a Arnold, 1940: 106 (0'). 0' H-type (UT); 'f' unknown. T-Ioc.-SOMALIA:
NOTES: This type has not been seen by the author.
Gaceris spectrum spectrum Arnold, 1936 stat. nov.
Cerceris spectruOl Arnold, 1936: I ('f', 0'). 'f' H-type, 0' A-type (RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA:
NOTES: These types have been examined.
Gaceris spectrum multipictoides Soika, 1942
Cerceris spectruOl Dlultipictoides Soika, 1942: 208 ('f', 0'). 'f' H-type, 0' A-type (CM).
T-Ioc.-KENYA: ?
NOTES: These types have still to be seen.
Gerceris spinicaudata Cameron, 1905
Cerceris spinicaudata Cameron, 1905: 216 ('f'); Brauns, 1917: 240; 1926: 336 ('f', 0');
Arnold, 1931: 143, 148 ('f', 0'); 1942: 5 (0'); 1951: 113. 'f' H-type, 0' M-type (TM). T-Ioc.SOUTH AFRICA: Pearston, Cape Province.
NOTES: Both these types have been studied.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Empey: Revision
if Ethiopian Cerceris
Cereeris spirans Saussure, 1892
Cerceris spirans Saussure, 1892: 553 ('i', 0); Arnold, 1945: 19. 'i' H-type, 0 A-type (?).
NOTES: These types have still to be traced.
Cereeris splendidissima Soika, 1942
Cerceris splendidissitna Soika, 1942: 198 ('i'). 'i' H-type (UT); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.TANZANIA: ?
NOTES: The author has still to see this holotype.
Cereeris sterope Arnold, 1951
Cerceris sterope Arnold, 1951: 117 (0).0 H-type (BM); 'i' unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cereeris stevensoni Brauns, 1926
Cerceris stevensoni Brauns, 1926: 300 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 140 ('i'). 'i' H-type (RM); 0
unknown. T-Ioc.-MOZAMBIQUE: Dondo.
NOTES: The author has examined this type.
Cereeris synagroides Turner, 1912
Cerceris synagroides Turner, 1912b: 413 ('i'); Arnold, 1931: 186 ('i'). 'i' H-type (BM); 0
unknown. T-Ioc.-MALAWI: Mombera District.
NOTES: This type has been seen. The species is the largest in the genus, known by a few females
Cereeris taygete Arnold, 1951
Cerceris taygete Arnold, 1951: 119 (0). 0 H-type (BM); 'i' unknown. T-Ioc.-ETHIOPIA:
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cereeris tenuiventris Arnold, 1958
Cerceris tenuiventris Arnold, 1958: 132 (0). 0 H-type, 0 P-type (RM); 'i' unknown.
T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Victoria Falls.
NOTES: This type has been examined.
Cereeris triehionota Cameron, 1910
Cerceris trichionota Cameron, 191Oa: 275 (0); Arnold, 1931: 199 (0) 0 H-type (?). T-Ioc.KENYA: Meru Lowlands.
Cerceris schultzei Bischoff, 1913: 116 (0); Arnold, 1931: 138, 144, 149 ('i', 0), syn. nov.
H-type (?). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Kalahari.
Cerceris transvaalicola Brauns, 1913: 232 ('i', 0); 1926: 284 ('i', 0); Arnold, 1931: 149,
syn. nov. 'i' H-type (TM); 0 A-type (BM). T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Lichtenburg, Transvaal (H-type); MOZAMBIQUE: Lorenzo Marques (A-type).
NOTES: Notwithstanding Cameron's badly phrased description of the male of Cereeris triehionota,
synonymy was evident when the male of Cereeris sehultzei Bischoff, 1913 and its synonym, Cereeris
transvaalieola Brauns, 1913 were found to fit the description of triehionota perfectly. A structural
character of importance in the male of this species is the peculiar form of the ultimate segment
of the flagellum, unique among species of this genus from the Ethiopian Region.
The types of Cereeris transvaalieola Brauns, 1913 have been studied but the author has
still to trace the types of triehionota and of the other synonym, sehultzei.
Cereeris tshontandae Arnold, 1946
Cerceris tshontandae Arnold, 1946: 82 ('i'). 'i' H-type (RM); 0 unknown. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Tshontanda (Wankie District).
NOTES: The author has examined this holotype, a unique specimen.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
}. !!nt. Soc. sth. Aft. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Gerceris tumeri Arnold, 1931
Cerceris turneri Arnold, 1931: 142, 144, 168
NOTES: These types have been seen.
Gerceris tyrannica Smith, 1856
Cerceristyrannica Smith, 1856: 447
T-Ioc.-GAMBIA: ?
NOTES: This holotype has been seen.
H.type, 6 A-type (BM). T·loc.-
Arnold, 1931: 193
Gerceris ugandensis Arnold, 1931
Cerceris ugandensis Arnold, 1931: 144, 179
UGANDA: Unyoro (Budongo Forest).
NOTES: The author has seen this type.
(~). ~
(~). ~
H·type (BM); 6 unknown.
H·type (BM); 6 unknown. T-loc.-
Gerceris u/cerosa Arnold, 1936
Cerceris ulcerosa Arnold, 1936: 4 (~, not 6). ~ H-type (RM); 6 unknown. T-loc.-RHODESIA: Matetsi.
NOTES: The male Arnold erected as the allotype of this species is, in fact, an aberrant male of
the common and widespread species, Cerceris erythrosoma Schletterer, 1887. The holotype of
Gerceris u/cerosa Arnold, 1936 as well as this misidentified male specimen have been examined.
Cerceris umhlangae Arnold, 1942
Cerceris wnhIangae Arnold, 1942; 15 (~). ~ H-type (RM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
AFRICA: Umhlanga Rocks, Natal.
NOTES: This holotype has been studied by the author.
Gerceris uncifera Arnold, 1931
Cerceris uocifera Arnold, 1931: 145, 156 (6). 6 H-type (BM);
NOTES: This type has been seen.
Cerceris uncta Arnold, 1931
Cerceris uocta Arnold, 1931: 142, 175
NOTES: This type has been seen.
(~). ~
unknown. T-Ioc.-N·
H-type (BM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-GAMBIA: ?
Gerceris vagula Kohl, 1907
Cerceris vagula Kohl, 1907: 209 (~). ~ H-type (VM); 6 unknown. T-loc.-SOUTH ARABIA: Ras Fartak.
NOTES: This holotype has been examined by the author.
Gerceris varicincta Cameron, 1905
Cerceris varicincta Cameron, 1905: 224 (~); Brauns, 1926: 318 (~, 6); Arnold, 1931: 143,
148 (~, 6); 1942: 7 (6). ~ H-type (BM); 6 M-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Port
Elizabeth, Cape Province.
NOTES: These types have been examined.
Gerceris vegeta Arnold, 1940
Cerceris vegeta Arnold, 1940: 108 (6). 6 H.type (RM);
Chirinda Forest.
NOTES: This type has been studied.
Gerceris verecunda Arnold, 1958
Cerceris verecunda Arnold, 1958: 132 (~).
Kaputa (Mweru).
NOTES: This holotype has been examined.
unknown. T-Ioc.-RHODESIA:
H-type (RM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-ZAMBIA;
Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
Gerteris vemayi Arnold, 1935
CercerisvernayiArnold, 1935a: 501 (6).6 H-type (TM); ~unknown. T-loc.-BOTSWANA:
Kuke Pan.
NOTES: The male holotype of Gerceris vernayi Arnold, 1935 is in a decapitated condition. This is
unfortunate, but, notwithstanding this serious setback, the author has managed to identify a
male with certainty from his private collection, taken in the N.W. Transvaal, South Africa, as
this species.
Cerceris vigitans pervigitans Turner, 1912
Cerceris vigilans pervigilans Turner, 1912a: 744 (~, 6); Arnold, 1931: 136, 145, 149
(~, 6). ~ H-type (BM). T-1oc.-KENYA: Kirja Valley (H-type) and Simba.
CerceristriHneataBischoff, 1913: 1I6 (~); Arnold, 1931: 149. ~ H-type (?). T-Ioc.-SOUTH
Cerceris fongosi Brauns, 1926: 272 (~, 6); Arnold, 1931: 149. ~ H-type, 6 A-type (TM).
T-Ioc.-SOUTH AFRICA: M'fongosi, Natal.
NOTES: The author has examined the types of Gercerisjongosi Brauns, 1926 but has not been able
to locate the type of Gerceris Irilimala Bischoff, 1913 in order to confirm Arnold's synonymy;
the type of Gerceris vigilans pervigilans Turner, 1912 has been seen. At some later stage of this work
the author will compare the nominal subspecies (i.e. Gerceris vigilans Ligilans Smith, 1856) with
this Ethiopian subspecies, pervigilans in order to confirm their relationship.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Gerceris waltoni Arnold, 1940
Cerceris walton! Arnold, 1940: 107 (~).
A}'RICA: Grahamstown, Cape Province.
NOTES: This type has been studied.
Gerceris xanthogaster Arnold, 1942
Cerceris:m:nthopster Arnold, 1942: 21
RHODESIA: Spongweni.
NOTES: These types have been examined.
H-type (TM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-SOUTH
(~). ~
P-type (RM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-
Gercem xanlhosligma Arnold, 1945
Cerceris xanthostignla. Arnold, 1945: 39 (~). ~ H-type (PM); 6 unknown. T-Ioc.-MALAGASY: Rogez.
NOTES: This holotype has been studied by the author.
GeTceris xosa Brauns, 1926
Cerceris xosa Brauns, 1926: 274 ('i', 6); Arnold, 1931: 137 ('i'); 1942: 14 (~, 6). 'i' H-type,
6 A-type (TM). T-loc.-SOUTH AFRICA: Malvern, Natal.
NOTES: These types have been seen and studied. The species is fairly widespread.
Cercerisyalensis Turner, 1912
Cerceris yalensis Turner, 1912a: 744 (~, 6); 1918a: 91 (~, not 6); Arnold, 1931: 189 (~,
not 6). <f H-type (BM); 6 unknown. T-loe.-KENYA: Yala River (S. of kakunga Forest).
Cerceris wmr Leclercq, 1955: 417 (<f), syn. nov. <f H-type, <f P-type (TB); ~ P-type (BI).
T-loc.-RUANDA: Dendezi.
NOTES: Turner described the male of Gerceris yalensis in 1912, but later, in 1918, identified this
type as the male of Gerceris cratocephala Cameron, 1910 (now known as a subspecies of Gerceris
iniqua Kohl, 1894); Gercemyalensis Turner, 1912 is therefore without a described male.
The female holotype and para type of Gerceris uxor Leclercq fit Turner's description of
the female of Cerceris yalensis; subsequent comparisons with all types concerned confirm their
Gerceris yungvei Cameron, 1910
Cerceris yungvei Cameron, 191Oa: 273 (~); Arnold, 1931: 142, 146, 190 (<f, 6); 1951: 112
(~, 6). ~ H-type (BM). T-loc.-TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro.
Cerceris Dlassaica Cameron, 1910a: 274 (6); Arnold, 1931: 190. 6 H-type (BM). T-loc.TANZANIA: Kilimandjaro.
}. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
Cerceris vumbui Arnold, 1931: 142,146, 180 (~, &); 1942: Plate II, fig. 20 (&), syn. nov.
'i' H-type, & A-type (RM). T-Ioc.-RHODESIA: Vumbu Mountains (Umtali).
NOTES: Female specimens studied from Kenya and Tanzania compare favourably with the description of the female of Cereeris yungvei Cameron, 1910; these specimens are also undoubtedly
the same species as Cerceris vumbui Arnold, 1931, when compared; comparison with the type of
Cercerisyungvei Cameron, 1910 confirms this position of synonymy.
Ceraris zavattarii Guiglia, 1939
Cerceris zavattarii Guiglia, 1939: 58 (&); Arnold, 1951: 107 (&). & H-type (GM);
NOTES: The author has not seen this type.
Cereeris uthiformis Soika, 1942
Cerceris Soika, 1942: 201 (&). & H-type (CM); 'i' unknown. T-Ioc.-SUDAN:
NOTES: The author has still to see this type.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Cereeris .<;)IX Leclercq, 1955
Cerceris zyx Leclercq, 1955: 413 (&). & H-type (TB); & P-type (BI). T-Ioc.-URUNDI:
Cerceris molesta Arnold, 1958: 129 (~, &), syn. nov. ~ H-type, & A-type (RM). T-loc.ZAMBIA: Abercorn.
NOTES: All these types have been studied. When the male types ofCercer;s .<;)IX Leclercq, 1955
and Cereeris nwlesta Arnold, 1958 were compared, they were found to be identical.
Cereeris solitaria Dahlbom, 1845
Even though this species is almost exclusively North African (Palaearctic), the author
has listed it here for completeness, as there are instances where the species has infiltrated into the
Ethiopian Region, entering the Sudan as far as Khartoum, and on the west side into Mauritania
as far south as Nema. The synonym, Cerceris selifera Schletterer, 1887 is recorded from East Africa.
De Beaumont (1950 and 1951) recorded some synonymy, placing solitaria above
Dahlbom's other species, Cereeris erythrocephala Dahlbom, 1845; this is correct for solitaria precedes erythrocephala on page 502 of Dahlbom's work. However, a recent publication (Bohart and
Menke, 1963: 98) has revealed that the 1845 section of Dahlbom's work appeared later than
the 1845 paper by Lepeletier but, due to homonymy and misidentification, none of LepeJetier's
three names are available for this species, even though these names head the list of synonyms of
this species, as follows:Cerceris nasuta Lepeletier, 1845: 6 (~) (not Latreille); Lucas, 1849. 'i' H-type (PM). T-Ioc.ALGERIA: Oran.
Cerceris laticincta Lepe1etier, 1845: 18 (&) (not <f); Lucas, 1849.
Cerceris fasciata Lepeletier, 1845: 30 (&) (not Spinola); Lucas, 1849. & H-type (PM). T-Ioc.ALGERIA: Oran.
Cerceris solitaria Dahlbom, 1845: 502 (&); Schletterer, 1887: 479 (&); Andre, 1890: 324 (&);
Beaumont, 1950a: 322, 323, 325; 1951b: 391 (&, <f). & H-type (SM). T-Ioc.-EGYPT: ?
Cerceris erythrocepbala Dahlbom, 1845: 502 ('i'); Schletterer, 1887: 393 ('i'); Andre,
1889: 257 (<f); Kohl, 1907: 206 (&); Schulthess, 1926: 150 (<f); Mochi, 1938: 146 (<f, &);
Honore, 1941: 148; Mari, 1941b: 244 (~, &); Arnold, 1942: 23; Beaumont, 1950a: 322, 323,
325; 1951b: 391. ~ H-type (SM). T-1oc.-EGYPT: ?
Cerceris rufa Taschenberg, 1875: 400 (<f): Andre, 1890: 336 (<f), syn. nov. <f H-type (UH).
T-loc.-SUDAN: Khartoum.
Cerceris variegata Taschenberg, 1875: 401 (&); Andre, 1890: 336 (&), syn. nov. & H-type
(UH). T-Ioc.-SUDAN: Khartoum.
Cerceris selifera Schletterer, 1887: 454 (&): Kohl, 1907: 204 (&l; Arnold, 1931: 196 (&);
Beaumont, 1951b: 391. & H-type (VM). T-Ioc.-EAST AFRICA ?: Suakim.
Cerceris a1gerica Schletterer, 1887: 464 (<f) (not Thunberg); Beaumont, 1951b: 391.
Cerceris tuberculata var. Morice, 1897: 304 (<f, &); Beaumont, 1951b: 391.
Cerceris delepineyi Arnold, 1935b: I ('l'); 1942: 23, syn. nov. 'l' H-type, 9 P-type (RM).
Cerceris nemaensis Arnold, 1935b: 3
; 1942: 23, syn. nov. & H-type (RM). T-loc.MAURITANIA: Nema.
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Empey: Revision
cif Ethiopian Cerceris
Cerceris erythrocepbala var. delepiDeyi Arnold, 1935; Arnold, 1942: 23, syn. nov.
Cerceris erythrocepbala var. gynochroma Mochi, 1938: 149 (0); Beaumont, 1950a:
322,323,325; 1951b: 391.
Cerceris gynochroma Mochi, 1938; Mari, 1941b: 224 (0); Beaumont, 1950a: 322, 323, 325;
1951b: 391.
NOTES: Cereeris solitaria Dahlbom, 1845 has been named and synonymized many times over the
years, as is evident from all the references listed under this species, and this synonymy is partly
due to the abnormal colour differences in the sexes; there is also a considerable amount of colour
variation in this widespread species whose distribution ranges across North Africa.
Arnold described nemaensis and delepin~"i from Mauritania while Taschenberg made
the same mistake as Dahlbom, Arnold and others by describing TUfa and variegata, a male and
female of Cereeris solitaria Dahlbom, 1845, taken at Khartoum in the Sudan. Taschenberg's
descriptions of Cereeris TUfa and Cerceris variegata are quite clear and the author has no hesitation
in synonymizing these two species.
I. Cereeris matabele Brauns
During the course of the study of some collections, the author noticed that there were
specimens ofCerceris emeryana emeryana Gribodo, 1894, determined by Captain R. H. R. Stevenson
as Cereeris matabele Brauns. This specific name was never published by Brauns, and it is assumed
that Brauns used this name tentatively for the Rhodesian specimens of Cereeris emeryana emeryana
Gribodo, 1894, supplying Stevenson with determined specimens as "rnatabele".
2. Cerceris illustrissimus Mari
According to the research kindly conducted by Mrs Elvira Mingo (Instituto Espaiiol
de Entomologia, Madrid), this specific manuscript name, as well as the three other Mari species,
listed below, were never published by Giner Mari. Unpublished descriptions of the four species
concerned have been found in the manuscripts of the late Jose Giner Mari. However, Mari
indicated types of Cerceris illustrissimus, as follows: (i) Type <j', type 0 and co-type 0 (Deutsches
Ent. Institut). (ii) Co-types (Instituto Espanol de Entomologia).
These specimens are undoubtedly Cereeris heterospila heterospila Cameron, 1910, and have
been determined by the author as such.
3. Cereeris pseudoillustris Mari
Refer to 2. above regarding this unpublished name. Intended types were labelled by
Mari, as follows: (i) Type 0, co-typeo (Deutsches En!. Institut). (ii) Co-type 0 (Instituto Espanol
de Entomologia).
These specimens represent a new species, the types of which (both sexes) will be deposited in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown; the description will appear elsewhere.
4. Cerceris amakosa Brauns var. lutetifasciolis Mari
Refer to 2. above regarding this unpublished name. Intended types were labelled by
Mari, as follows: (i) Type <j', type 0 (Deutsches Ent. Institut). (ii) Co-types (Instituto Espaiiol de
Entomologia) .
These specimens are undoubtedly Cereeris amakosa Brauns, 1926, a widespread species
with hardly any variation.
5. Cerceris rectinodes Mari
Refer to 2. above regarding this unpublished name. Intended types (type '1', type 0)
were labelled by Mari and deposited in the Deutsches Ent. Institut. These specimens are Cereeris
xosa Brauns, 1926, and have been determined by the author as such.
The author gratefully thanks all responsible persons from the Museums and Institutions
who have helped him by arranging loans of specimens and types to study. Special thanks to the
following:To Professor Jean Leclercq (Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de I'Etat, Gembloux,
Belgium) for his interest and generous supply of literature, unobtainable in our science libraries.
]. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. Vol. 32, No.2, 1969
To Dr A. S. Menke, U.S. National Museum, Washington, for reading this paper and
making valuable comments and corrections.
To Mr Anthony Bannister, a friend of the author, for his generosity and genuine interest
taken in the whole project, especially the superb photography of the numerous types seen by
the author.
To Dr Elliot Pinhey, National Museum of Rhodesia, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, for his
interest and kind supply of their extensive collection, including the numerous types of Arnold
for study.
To the Director and Staff of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, for the freedom given
to the author to their library and access to their extensive collection, which contains most of
the types of Brauns.
To Mr C. :F. Jacot-Guillarmod, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, for advice and in.
terest shown in this work.
To Dr I. H. H. Yarrow and Mr Colin Vardy (British Museum, Natural History) for
their kind co-operation in the study of types and specimens.
To Dr D. P. Annecke (Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria) for his patience
and kind advice in helping to arrange this paper, especially the help given on the finer points of
systematic presentation.
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
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Empey: Revision if Ethiopia" Cerceris
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Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2009).
Empey: Revision qf Ethiopian Cerceris
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Manuscript received April 12, 1969