lower rogue river basin watershed condition assessment
lower rogue river basin watershed condition assessment
LOWER ROGUE RIVER BASIN WATERSHED CONDITION ASSESSMENT Lower Rogue River Watershed Council Febniarv7 1995 LOWER ROGUE RIVER BASIN WATERSHED CONDITION ASSESSMENT Prepared for: State of Oregon Watershed Health Program and Strategic Water Management Group Prepared by: Mark Weinhold Lower Rogue Watershed Council Staff February 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMLA.RY .1.................................................1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................ 4.............. CHAPTER lI PHYSICAL ASPECTS ................................................. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION .............................................. CLIMATE ................................................. GEOLOGY ................................................. TOPOGRAPHY ................. ................................ HYDROLOGY ................. ................................. VEGETATION .................................................. 5 5 6 7 9 9 11 ................ CHAPTER III WATERSHED RESOURCE VALUES ............... COMMODITY VALUES .................................................. Mining ................................. ................. Timber Harvest ............................................... Fishing ................................. ................. Agriculture & Ranching ................. .................. Special Use ................................................. AMENITY VALUES: Scenery ............................................... PUBLIC USE VALUES ................................................. Access and Travel ............................................ Recreation ................................................. Municipal ................................................. Land Ownership & Management .......... ............ TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM HEALTH .............. ................. AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH ......................... .............. Landslides and Surface Erosion .......... ............. Water Quality ................................................. Large Wood Supply ................................ .......... Stream Flow ................................................. Fish Habitat, Distribution, and Populations ..... Estuarine Environment .................. ................. 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 19 19 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 31 CHAPTER IV SUBWATERSHED ASSESSMENT .................................. LOBSTER CREEK ............................................................ SHASTA COSTA CREEK ................................................... QUOSATANA CREEK ....................................................... FOSTER CREEK .............................................................. LAWSON CREEK ............................................................. INDIGO CREEK ............................................................... MULE CREEK ................................................................. LOW ELEVATION PRIVATE TRIBUTARIES ......................... Jim H unt Creek ............................................. Saunders Creek .............................................. Edson Creek .................................................. Indian Creek .................................................. Silver Creek ................................................... 39 40 43 46 49 51 53 55 57 57 59 61 62 64 CHAPTER V WATERSHED HEALTH STRATEGY ................................ 66 CHAPTER VI MONITORING PLAN ................................... ................. 71 CHAPTER VII PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT STRATEGY .......... ................ 77 CHAPTER VIII MECHANISMS FOR UPDATING ASSESSMENT ......... 78 References ............................................................. 79 Appendix A Linkages to Existing Programs ................ ......................... 81 Appendix B Review of Pertinent Regulations ............... ........................ 83 Appendix C Cooperative Problem Solving .................. .......................... 89 Appendix D Building Local Capabilities .................... ......................... 92 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Lower Rogue Basin Boundary and Stream Network .............. FIGURE 2 Lower Rogue Basin Geologic Substrates .............. FIGURE 3 Rogue River Yield at Agness .............................................. 10 FIGURE 4 Lower Rogue Basin Road System ....................................... 18 FIGURE 5 Lower Rogue Basin Land Ownership .................................. 20 FIGURE 6 Lower Rogue Basin Coho Salmon Distribution .......... ......... 34 FIGURE 7 Lower Rogue Basin Fall Chinook Distribution .......... .......... 35 FIGURE 8 Lower Rogue Basin Winter Steelhead Distribution ........ FIGURE 9 Lower Rogue Basin Sea-run Cutthroat Distribution ............ 37 6 ............... 8 FIGURE 10 Lower Rogue Basin Resident Trout Distribution .......... ...... 36 ........ 38 FIGURE 11 Peak Counts of Fall Chinook Spawning in Lobster Creek ..... 41 FIGURE 12 Peak Counts of Fall Chinook Spawning in Shasta Costa Creek ...................................................................... 44 FIGURE 13 Peak Counts of Fall Chinook Spawning in Quosatana Creek............................................................................... 47 FIGURE 14 Peak Counts of Fall Chinook Spawning in Jim Hunt Creek............................................................................... 58 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY L GENERAL The lower Rogue basin as defined herein includes all of the Rogue River and its tributaries downstream from river mile 55, including the Illinois River and its tributaries below river mile 6.6. The basin lies entirely within the Klamath Mountains Physlographic province, an area noted for steep, rugged terrain, narrow winding valleys, and sharp divides. Due to the geologic substrates present, most of the region is subject to varying degrees of instability. The topography of the basin reflects long-term erosion of a slowly rising upland; the result being a ridge system of roughly uniform elevation. Due to the climactic and geomorphic conditions, the streams in the basin have evolved with high sediment loads and highly variable stream flows from intense rain storms. Land use within the basin is primarily forestry related. No major urban areas, industrial centers, or agricultural operations are present In the lower Rogue basin. II. RESOURCE VALUES The evolutionary history of the physical and biological aspects of the basin have given rise to a wide variety of watershed resource values. The most notable include: Commodity Values such as mining, timber harvest, fishing, agriculture & ranching, and special use. Amenity Values or scenery. Public Use Values such as access & travel, recreation, municipal, and land ownership & management. TerrestrialEcosystem Health Aquatic Ecosystem Health Of all the resource values associated with the lower Rogue basin, those values that are most at risk are aquatic in nature. The most visible example of aquatic resources at risk are anadromous fish, several runs of which are currently in decline. Consequently the bulk of the restoration and protection activities focus on maintaining and improving the overall aquatic ecosystem health of the basin. Those major tributaries that help to maintain the health of the basin, especially related to anadromous fish, are listed below. Tributary Watershed Lobster Creek Anadromous Miles Species Present Contribution to Rogue Habitat Value 24.2 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Shasta Costa Creek 8.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Quosatana Creek 4.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Foster Creek 3.6 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH 1 Tributary Watershed Habitat Miles Present to Rogue Value 5.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH MOD HIGH HIGH Lawson Creek Indigo Contribution Species Anadromous Creek Mule Creek Private Low Elevation Small Tributaries CH ST CT 32.8 12.1 CO ST MOD MOD 8.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH LOW CH = Fall Chinook; CO = Coho; ST = Winter Steelhead; CT = Sea-run Cutthroat III. WATERSHED HEALTH STRATEGY The watershed health strategy supported by the Lower Rogue Watershed Council includes three complimentary components: Education, protection of high quality areas, and restoration of degraded areas. Any approach that does not incorporate all three of these components is likely to be unsuccessful over the long term. Education The educational component will focus on bringing about an awareness of current watershed conditions and trends and how these conditions are affected by societal pressures for commodities. Protection Much of the remaining high quality riparian and aquatic habitat within the basin has been protected to various degrees in order to provide the cornerstone refugia and populations to recolonize and eventually restore disturbed areas. Areas receiving particularly high levels of protection are shown below. Subwatershed Designation Relevant Land Allocations Shasta Costa Creek Key Watershed 99% Late Successional Reserves Quosatana Creek Key Watershed 75% Late Successional Reserves Lawson Creek Key Watershed 70% Late Successional Reserves Indigo Creek Key Watershed 91% Late Successional Reserves Mule Creek (West Fork) (Arrasta Fork) Wildemess Wilderness Restoration Watershed restoration is an attempt to recover damaged ecosystems faster than they would actually do so themselves. The goal is to contribute to the restoration of the historic composition and biodiversity of ecosystems, and bring disturbance regimes back into their natural range. Restoration treatments to be employed include hillslope restoration, riparian area restoration and stream channel restoration. 2 Restoration activities on federal lands have begun under the President's Forest Plan. The USFS is completing the watershed analysis for Lawson Creek with upland and riparlan treatments to be implemented soon after. Watershed analyses and associated restoration activities for Shasta Costa, Quosatana, and Indigo creeks will follow. Priority basins and restoration activities for the privately owned lands are shown below. Subwatershed Probable Limiting Factors Lobster Creek Rearing Habitat Sediment Add Complexity Storm Proof Roads Land Stability and Sensitivity Mapping Jim Hunt Creek Temperatures Sediment Riparian Silvaculture Storm Proof Roads Habitat Surveys Monitor Temperature Macroinvert. Samples Sensitivity Mapping Saunders Creek Temperatures Sediment Rearing Habitat Riparian Silvaculture Storm Proof Roads Add Complexity Habitat Surveys Monitor Temperature Macroinvert. Samples Sensitivity Mapping Edson Creek Temperatures Rearing Habitat Riparian Silvaculture Add Complexity Habitat Surveys Monitor Temperature MacroInvert. Samples Sensitivity Mapping Silver Creek Temperatures Sediment Rearing Habitat Riparian Silvaculture Storm Proof Roads Add Complexity Habitat Surveys Monitor Temperature Macroinvert. Samples Restoration Opportunities Data Needs Sensitivity Mapping Indian Creek Sediment Fish Passage Rearing Habitat Treat Landslides, Storn Proof Roads Remove Barrier Add Complexity 3 Habitat Surveys Monitor Temperature Macroinvert. Samples Sensitivity Mapping CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Lower Rogue Watershed Assessment is the initial step for providing a framework for all members of the community to address natural resource issues in the basin. The objectives of this process, and the Lower Rogue Watershed Council are to: - protect, enhance and restore the watershed for all species, including humans. - promote the recovery of anadromous fish stocks in the Rogue Basin by improving habitat conditions and restoring natural processes in the Lower Rogue River and its tributaries. - involve the community in caring for their watershed. - provide educational opportunities. - prioritize restoration and educational efforts. - provide avenues to accomplish our objectives. The assessment was prepared by the Lower Rogue Watershed Council coordinating staff for the State of Oregon Watershed Health Program and the Strategic Water Management Group. Assistance was provided by the Watershed Health Field Team and many local experts who sit on the Council and make up the technical advisory team. The accelerated schedule imposed on the assessment process did not allow necessary public input from the community. In the near future this input will be requested and incorporated into the next updated version of this living document. The preliminary draft of the assessment was reviewed by the watershed council and the technical advisory tearn. Although a watershed consists of countless relationships in and between the aquatic and terrestrial arenas, this assessment will largely focus on the aquatic component. The reason is that the primary resources and watershed values at risk are aquatic in nature. It is important to note that the integrity of the aquatic ecosystems within the watershed depend on the integrity of the riparian and upland areas, as well as the multitude of energy transfers and processes among participants to maintain ecological health. Species, stands, streams, landscapes, and regions compose an inter-linked system in which the health of the parts cannot be considered separately from the health of the whole. Therefore, as time and new information permits, this document will be updated to provide a more holistic focus. Additionally, while this assessment will focus entirely on watershed conditions and restoration potential between the estuary and tributary headwaters, we realize the importance of ocean conditions on the life cycle of Rogue River salmonids. Ocean conditions are outside the scope of this assessment and our area of potential influence. 4 CHAPTER II PHYSICAL ASPECTS I. LOCATION & DESCRIPTION The lower Rogue basin includes all of the Rogue River and its tributaries downstream from river mile 55, including the Illinois River and its tributaries below river mile 6.6. The boundaries of the basin are the Umpqua River Basin to the north, the Middle Rogue and Illinois River drainages to the east and south respectively, and the South Coast Basin and Pacific Ocean to the West. The Rogue River divides the South Coast Basin into two sections. The watershed boundary and associated stream network are shown in Figure 1. II. CLIMATE The climate of the Lower Rogue Basin is generally mild as a result of moderating effects of its proximity to the Pacific Ocean. The coastal climate is characterized by high precipitation and humidity, abundant fog, and a more limited range of temperature extremes. Mean temperatures during winter months are in the low to mid 400 F range, with infrequent short period extremes as low as 00 F. Mean summer temperatures are in the mid 600 F range with infrequent short period extremes ranging near 1000 F. Temperature fluctuation in both degree and duration tend to increase with distance from the coast and its moderate marine influence (USDA, 1979). The average frostfree period varies from 205 days at Illahe to 300 days at Gold Beach (OWRD, 1985). Deep low pressure systems from the Pacific Ocean bring heavy rains and strong winds during winter months. The general movement of nearly all large moist air masses crossing the area is from southwest to northeast. Local wind patterns influence rainfall distribution by funneling rain up specific drainages. Average annual precipitation is high in the Lower Rogue Basin, ranging from about 80 Inches at Gold Beach to 120 inches in the northwest corner of the basin. Rainfall averages along the river generally increase from 80 inches per year at the mouth to 100 inches per year at Marial. Precipitation levels begin to drop past Marial down to about 50 inches at the mouth of Graves Creek. Snowfall along the coast Is minimal and transient. With increasing distances and elevation from the coast, snowfall becomes more common and more persistent. However, the last traces of snow have usually melted by mid to late spring (USDA, 1979). Summers are relatively dry with only 20 percent of the average annual rainfall occurring between May 15 and October 15 (OWRD, 1985). Summer fog is common on the coast, providing important moisture along the coast range and up into river valleys. Late summer typically produces extremely dry conditions and fire hazards above the influence of the coastal fog. 5 . * *.-. :. AREA5 NTH LIMITED DATA AVAILAULE FOR LOYtORDER 5TREAMS NORTH NT. FIGURE l; LONER ROGUE BA51N BOUNDARY AND 5TREAM NETW4ORK JAN m. GEOLOGY The Lower Rogue Basin lies entirely within the Klamath Mountains Physiographic province, which contains some of the oldest rocks in western Oregon and may contain some of the oldest rocks in the state. The Klamath region is typically mature and rugged with narrow winding valleys and sharp divides. The region has experienced multiple successive cycles of erosion and considerable faulting, folding, and weathering. The result is a very complex geologic structure with a wide variety of geologic units present. Natural forces have further complicated these formations by obscuring both age and geologic history, making interpretation difficult. Due to rock types present and their formative processes, most of the region is subject to varying degrees of instability. The most apparent geomorphic processes occurring in the basin are fluvial erosion and mass wasting. Fluvial processes are most evident on the steep, rugged slopes which dominate the terrain of the basin. Mass wasting is widespread and commonly occurs along geologic contacts, fault zones, in highly fractured parent material, and in areas of moisture accumulation and stream channel cutting of toe slopes (USDA, 1979). Although the ecosystem has evolved under these constraints, the time frames and numbers of disturbances are directly proportional to the intensity of human activities in the area. Geologic substrates In the basin are dominated by the Colebrook Schist, Otter Point, and Dothan (Franciscan) formation, and to a lesser extent Rogue formation, Galice formation, Serpentinite and peridotite, and marine sedimentary rocks of cretaceous and tertiary origin. Geologic substrates for the basin are shown in Figure 2. Colebrook Schist is a diverse assemblage of quartz-mica phyllite, and schist, well foliated sandstone and meta-volcanics. The unit is highly contorted and sheared (USDA, 1979). The rocks in this formation were metamorphosed in the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous time period . Hazards include mass movement and surface erosion (Beaulieu and Hughes, 1976). Otter Point formation is a complex structural association of highly varied rocks of diverse origin and is commonly referred to as a "melange" due to its pervasive shearing and apparent lack of structural continuity. Rock types include poorly sorted sandstone and siltstone, submarine basalts, chert, conglomerate, and pods of medium to high grade metamorphic rock called blueschists. This formation is dated to the late Jurassic period. Hazards include mass movement on irregular or moderately steep slopes and severe earthflow along shear zones (Beaulieu and Hughes, 1976). 7 H - COLEBROOK SCHIST (MESOZOIC OR FALEOZOIC? c5 Tm5o - MARINE SANDSTONE AND sILTSTONE OF UIMlPUA FORMATION (MIDDLE EOCENE) - SEDIMENTARY ROcKS OF &ALICE FORMATION (J.UPAr-lIC) b KJds - SEOIMENTARY ROCrKS OF DOTHAN FORMATION (LOER CRETACIOUS AND UPPER JJRASSIC) mll NOm K - MYRTLE 6ROUF CLOER CRETACIOUS AND UPPER JRAESIC) J-op - I OTTER POINT FORMATION ANV RELATED ROGKS |OJFFER JUSRA5I1C) - ULTRAMAFIC AND RELATED ROCKS OPHIOLITE SEOUENCES (JWRASSIC) Agd - 6RANITE AND DIORITE (JuRAssIrc AND TRIAE',51E) NC LaE Tt - TYEE FORMATION (MIDDLE EOCENE) acl - ALLWVIAL DEPOSITS (HOLOCENE) Tmc J - MARINE SILTSTONE, SANDSTONE, AND2 CON&LOMERATE (LOrER eocENE) - VOLCANIC ROCKs (JJRA551C) NORTH NT.S. SOURCE, 5EOLOGIC MAP OF ORE60N BY 56A rALKER AND N5. MACLEOD (I) MAFPED AT 1I500,O SCALE, FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION BY' L. RAMF. SeE 6EOLC61C MAP OP cuRRY COUNTy, ORE6ON (IqTr) FIGURE 2 LOVIER ROGUE BASIN GEOLOGIC 5UB5TRATE5 .AN,.- Dothan Formation consists of hard, thin to thick bedded sandstone and mudstone with minor amounts of volcanic rock, chert, and conglomerate. This formation is not pervasively sheared like the Otter Point Formation, nor is it as varied in rock type in most areas. This formation is dated to the late Jurassic period. Hazards include debris slides on steep slopes, caving and gully formation on moderately steep slopes with thick weathering zones, and locally highly variable mass movement (Beaulieu and Hughes, 1976). Soils in the basin are derived from granitic, metamorphic, and sedimentary substrates. The variety of the rock parent material results in high variability of the soil types. Soil productivity ranges considerably based on parent material, slope, aspect, disturbance history, ect. (ADD MORE FROM NEW CURRY COUNTY SOIL SURVEY AS AVAILABLE) IV. TOPOGRAPHY Topography of the basin reflects long-term stream erosion of a slowly rising upland. This has resulted in a ridge system with a roughly uniform altitude. Although stream patterns are locally controlled by geologic structure, the basin's general drainage patterns are dendritic. The elevations of the Klamaths are typically higher than the Coast Range. This basin is nearly all mountainous with slopes up to 30 degrees being common. River bottom elevations range from mean sea level at the mouth to 400 feet near river mile 55. The highest point in the basin is Brandy Peak, elevation 5316 feet, located near the Curry-Josephine County line at the head of Shasta Costa Creek. Elevations within the basin are generally less than 3000 feet. The main stem of the Rogue River above Agness has a gradient averaging 13 feet per mile. The lower 28 miles to the mouth drop a total of only 100 feet. Gradients in most tributaries are orders of magnitude larger. IV. HYDROLOGY The lower Rogue basin as previously defined drains approximately 530 square miles of land. Significant tributaries adding to the flow of the mainstem include Lobster Creek (44,253 acres), Quosatana Creek (16,416 acres), Illinois River (634,000 acres), and Shasta Costa Creek (23,256 acres) Peak flow in the basin typically occurs in January as a result of winter rains. Snow melt in the Cascades has little effect in the Lower Rogue Basin compared to the effects from heavy winter rains. The only active gauging station with historical data is at Agness, operational since 1961. The annual yields and associated monthly distributions through 1982 are shown in Figure 3. The completion of Lost Creek Dam in 1977 and Applegate Dam in 1980 have added considerable flow augmentation to the Rogue mainstem during the dryer portion of the year. 9 tjn ti) m I"IO 0 o I4 PERCENT OF AVERAGE ANNUAL RUNOFF z 0 Cf 0 z 0 n co 0 0 -4 I 0 I I I I 4 ----- I U I ± - i > I a K a) m > z C r > Z Z z OD I mm * ± 0 I 1 ;z II , 4 I Ml moloMm Ia-s=am I I I __I- F ---- w ACRE-FEET IN MILLIONS +------ N c/) cl) CD W CD z (D 2:) CD 0 co -n 0 Water quality in the mainstem Rogue and the Illinois is still an issue in late summer due to high water temperatures. Recent temperature monitoring by the USFS show peak temperatures in the Rogue at Crooked Riffle (RM 25.1) and the mouth of the Illinois (RM 27.1) at 72.30 F and 72.00 F, respectively (USDA, 1993). The December 1964 flood produced the highest peak flows recorded on the Rogue River at the Agness gauge. The peak discharge was estimated at 290,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). The 1964 flood was considered a 100-year return frequency flood for the Rogue River and was due to a rain on snow storm event. Historic accounts prior to the Agness gauging station note floods of a similar or slightly higher magnitude in 1861 and 1881 (OWRD, 1985). V. VEGETATION The Klamath region supports a complex pattern of natural communities in relation to steep climatic gradients, diverse parent materials, and a transitional geographic location where species common to the Pacific Northwest and California merge (USDA, 1979). The large variation in climatic conditions and soil types combined with a severe fire history have led to a comlex vegetative cover in relation to site, density, and species composition. Red alder dominates along draws and waterways, especially in wet disturbed areas. Douglas-fir is the dominant timber species. Port-Orford-cedar and western hemlock are found on the wetter, more protected sites. Huckleberry, ceanothus, salal, rhodendron, and Oregon myrtle are common understory species. Peridotite and Serpentine bedrock areas display dramatic species composition changes. Jeffrey pine and incense cedar become dominant overstory species. Stocking is usually low and crown closure seldom exceeds 10 to 40 percent. Whiteleaf manzanita, sedgeleaf ceanothus, silk-tassle, western azalea, and grasses are common understory species (USFS, 1977). Occasional oak forests with grassy prairies on drier, south facing slopes and ridge tops may have existed naturally. Burning by Native Americans and grazing by early settlers have maintained these grassy prairies until recently when fire suppression has become the norm (Curry County, 1990). Private land within the basin has typically seen intensive management, especially for timber production. Consequently, these lands contain young stands or Douglas fir or red alder. Much of this land which was harvested in the 1950's was naturally reforested with alder. These stands are currently being converted to fir tree plantations. Land within Federal management shows considerably more diversity in terms of successional stages and plant communities. This is primarily due to 11 management history, distance inland from the coast, and variation in elevation across ownership. Lower elevations typically are home to the tanoak and Douglas-fir associations, with true fir associations in the upper elevations (USDA, 1991). Successional stages run the gambit from pioneer stage following recent disturbances to relatively undisturbed climax forests. The watershed also includes brush fields, dry grassy meadows, wet meadows and bogs, and pure deciduous woodlands as geology, climate, elevation, etc. dictate. 12 CHAPTER III WATERSHED RESOURCE VALUES Commodity Values Amenity Values Public Use Values Terrestrial Ecosystem Health Aquatic Ecosystem Health I. COMMODITY VALUES Mining Timber Harvest Fishing Agriculture and Ranching Special Use The lower Rogue watershed was first inhabited by several tribes of native americans, most notably the Takelman at Marial and above, and the Tututunne on the lower river. These early inhabitants lived for thousands of years prior to European influence, subsisting on salmon and other fish, shellfish, game, roots, acorns, etc. They regularly burned the hills, especially near the mouth of the river, to produce better forage and hunting for game. Early European explorers to reach the area were charting new territory and later looking for furs. Vessels from several countries navigated the waters off the Oregon coast in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Early explorations were primarily accomplished by the Spanish and later the English. In the 1790's British and American maritime explorers visited the coast looking for furs, but found them lacking in the numbers necessary for a profitable trade. The beaver trade never flourished along the Rogue as it did in other portions of the west, although the sea otter did provide a short term trade before becoming scarce. Mining - It was the lure of gold that brought the first settlers to Curry County and the mouth of the Rogue river in the early 1850's. Gold had been discovered first in the eastern portions of the Siskiyou Mountains, but in 1852 it was discovered in the beach sands along the southern Oregon coast. Starting at the beaches, it was not long until the miners headed up the Rogue river to find the source of the gold. Most of the mining during the 1850's and 1860's was placer mining using pans, rockers and sluice boxes. While this did muddy the streams and make salmon fishing difficult for the Indians, it in no way compared to the devastation to occur from mining years later. By the mid1880's hydraulic mining was widely employed. The giant "monitors", huge 13 nozzles that looked like a cannon, washed the gold bearing materials in the river banks. These operations are believed to have had serious detrimental effects on the aquatic environment. Hard rock mining also occurred for chrome, nickel, silver, borax, asbestos, and several other minerals. These generally occurred on a smaller scale than gold mining and never provided a large, continuous market supply. Present day commercial mining activities are limited to sand and gravel operations or rock quarries. Alluvial deposits of sand and gravel along the lower river are mined and crushed for aggregate, road construction, and commercial and residential building construction. Several rock quarries operate within the watershed and provide stone for fill, road construction, and revetment depending on the quality of the material. The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries projects a continually increasing supply of sand, gravel, and stone for the near future (Curry County, 1990). However, any federal threatened or endangered species listing on any element of the Rogue River fishery will likely have large economic impacts on instream gravel operations. Timber Harvest - Very little sawed lumber was used by the earliest settlers in the 1850's. Necessary lumber was shipped in from San Francisco. The first mills in Curry County were near Port Orford in 1854. Some small scale logging was done on private lands along the Rogue all during the 1900's but it wasn't until the 1950's that the industry blossomed. Following World War II the Siskiyous became more accessible to vehicles and by 1960 Curry County was the fastest growing county in the state. A mix of private and government timber fueled the logging boom such that almost every little valley had a saw mill or plywood mill. One of the largest mills was located along the Rogue River near Gold Beach. By the 1970's most of the better private oldgrowth forests had been logged. Forest Service and Bureau of Land management timber sales supplied logs to the mills until the late 1980's. Harvest levels on federal lands were curtailed due to court injunctions to protect old-growth habitat for the threatened spotted owl. By 1990 second growth logs from private land constituted the majority of logs entering the few remaining mills. With the implementation of the Record of Decision and Standards and Guidelines for Management of Habitat for Late-Successional and Old-Growth Forest Related Species Within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl (herein after called the President's Forest Plan) by the federal agencies, some limited amount of local timber harvest is expected to occur within the watershed. Due to the land allocations defined for the lower Rogue watershed, harvest levels from federal lands will be considerably lower than historic levels. Private lands will undoubtedly continue to play a large roll in the timber supply for the area. Fishing - Salmon became a commercial fishery in the Rogue in 1857 14 when A.F. Myers established a fishery in Ellensburg (later named Gold Beach) for taking, salting, and barreling salmon. Riley and Stewart bought out Myers and began a canning operation in the late 1860's or early 1870's. The operation was eventually sold to R.D. Hume in 1876, whose brothers has run similar operations on the Sacramento and Columbia Rivers. Through his tenure, Hume witnessed the decline of the once immense salmon runs which he attributed to civilization in general (Hume, 1893). He was a proponent of hatchery propagation and started the Indian Creek hatchery in attempt to supplement the wild populations. The cannery used seining and gill nets to catch fish up into the 1930's. No inland commercial fishery for salmon exists today. Conversely, the Rogue River has become famous for salmon and steelhead fishing. Employment and income associated with the sport fishery vary from year to year, but continues to be an important and highly visible part of tourism and recreation in the basin. An estimated 30,000 people per year take commercially guided fishing trips on the lower Rogue. Declining fish runs and an uncertain economy have hurt this industry in the last few years and it will likely get worse with several stocks of anadromous fish being petitioned for listing as threatened or endangered species. Agriculture and Ranching - Agricultural activity is and has been relatively light in the lower Rogue basin, largely due to topography and population. In a 1985 study of the Rogue Basin, the Oregon Water Resources Department inventoried only about 800 acres or potentially irrigatible land. The actual irrigation of these lands may be Infeasible due to lack of water or some other limiting factor (OWRD, 1985). Agricultural activity is generally centered at Agness and the lower four miles of the river. Livestock grazing was historically larger than current levels, especially in the surrounding hills. Small numbers of cattle graze along the lower few miles of the river and at some scattered locations near Agness. Total population is less that 200 animals. This is not likely to increase radically in the future due to development pressure in suitable grazing lands. Special Use - The last several years has shown an increase in the harvest of renewable forest products on a small scale. The most notable are collection of Port Orford cedar boughs for seasonal decorations, beargrass, and commercial harvest of several varieties of mushrooms. Although these activities account for a very small financial Impact on the area as a whole, they do provide livelihoods for many area residents. In conclusion, the economy still depends on the area's natural resources, though not as completely as in decades past. As logging and commercial fishing decline, tourism has increased. The scenic Rogue River jet boat excursions attract thousands of visitors annually. Ridership has increased from 35,000 in 1970 to approximately 60,000 in 1993. Additionally, retired 15 persons have moved to the area because of its mild climate, sparse population, and natural setting. Service and construction employment remain steady, and there is a growing arts community. Intensive land use practices between 1900 and 1970 have accounted for a disproportionate amount of degradation within the basin. Hydraulic mining, timber harvest with associated road construction, and over fishing in conjunction with severe fire and several large floods altered the ecological systems and still affect ecosystem function today. II. AMENITY VALUES: Scenery The scenic quality within the river corridor and watershed results from a combination of rock formations, water clarity, water features, vegetative features and landforms. The variety of vegetative types in the watershed creates visual diversity. Large old growth conifers, big-leaf maple, red alder and other deciduous trees and shrubs, meadows and moss covered rocks within the corridor provide variety to the setting. The most popular sections for scenery are from or along the river. This is primarily owing to the opportunity for access along the Agness road or down the Rogue River by boat. The Rogue River above is federally designated as a Scenic River between Slide Creek (RM 18) to Blue Jay Creek (RM 25.1). The Stretch from Blue Jay Creek to Watson Creek (RM 35.2) is designated as Recreational. Watson Creek to Grave Creek (RM 68.5) is designated as a Wild and Scenic River. These designation limits certain activities within that area in order that visual quality is maintained. Consequently, the scenic values of the river corridor within these designations should never be impacted by intensive land use activities. Additionally, the federal land adjacent to the river above mile 36 is within the Wild Rogue Wilderness. III. PUBLIC USE Access and Travel Recreation Municipal Land Ownership & Management Access and Travel - In prehistoric times, trails along the Rogue River corridor provided a travel route between the coast and the interior. Current foot travel now occurs via the Lower Rogue Trail, running along the north bank from just above Silver Creek to Agness. The main road between Gold Beach and Agness was developed in the early 1960's, primarily for transportation of logs. As the logging industry developed, roads were developed that connected Agness to Galice and Powers. The Galice road is the main travel route between the coast and the Interior of 16 the Lower Rogue watershed. It receives local use from private landowners, logging companies, tourists and recreationists. There are nearly 1200 miles of road within the lower Rogue watershed, the vast majority owned and maintained by the Forest Service. The primary purpose of most of these roads was to facilitate timber harvest. Most roads, with the exception of the North Bank and Agness road, have a rock or nativesoil surface. An issue of particular importance within the watershed is the existence of early vintage logging roads built on steep, unstable terrain with side cast construction. This, coupled with a trend toward decreasing maintenance, will likely result in chronic sediment yields to adjacent steams. The existing road network for the basin is shown in Figure 4. Some forest roads have recently undergone seasonal closures in attempts to curtail the spread of phytophthera lateralis, a pathogen affecting the roots of Port-Orford-cedar. The fungus quickly kills the tree. Mortality is highest in riparian areas where the water-borne disease has easy access to cedar roots. Additionally, the fungus is prevalent along roads where vehicles transport the spores in wet or muddy seasons (USDA, 1994). Closures are typically met with opposition from recreationists, but are one of the few practical options available to stop the spread of the disease. Recreation - Recreational use within the river corridor has increased over the years, largely due to better access to the river mouth with the completion of highway 101 in the 1920's. Recreational use varies considerably depending on season and the persons involved. Opportunities are afforded by several RV parks along the river, guided horse trail rides, to wilderness hiking expeditions. The dominant form of recreation is fishing. Local residents and visitors fish from boats or from the banks throughout the entire length of the river. Most activity is typically concentrated in the lower river near the estuary. Hunting of large game (deer, elk, bear, etc.) is also an extensively practiced recreational opportunity. Guided jet boat trips from Gold Beach to Agness, Watson Creek, or to Blossom Bar are a large attraction for summer tourists. Summer float trips through the lower canyon are also very popular, with a limited number of trip permits being allotted in a lottery style selection process. Nearly 10,000 people raft through the Rogue River canyon each year. Many people camp and hike in the area, especially along the lower Rogue trail, but these activities are limited by wet winters and steep terrain. Developed, well used campgrounds are found at Lobster Creek, Huntley Park, Quosatana Creek, 1llahe, and Foster Bar. Dispersed camping is available at Elko and Game Lake and a variety of other locations on the Siskiyou National Forest. 17 , I DA51N DRAINsASE DRAINAGE DA~~IN LOBSTER CREEK 1, ROAD DENSI1TY (MILE5/SO. MILE) 3.6 SHASTA COSTA CREEK 2.1 GIOSATAA CREEK 2k FOSTER CREEK 3.4 LAYiSON CREEK 1.1 ItVI&o CREEK 1k MULE CREEK 25 JIM HUNTCREEK 3.7 SAUNDER5 CREEK 2.4 EDSON CREEK 2.7 INDIAN CREEK 3.b 5ILVER CREEK 3.5 NORTH NT5 FIGURE 4: I LOWER ROGUE BA51N ROAD NETWORK M R yq IAN. IqqS The Siskiyou National Forest Plan FEIS (1989) identified four classifications of recreation experience along the Lower Rogue River corridor. The classifications are based on an inventory system which recognizes the quality aspects of recreation experience. The first class, Semi-Primitive NonMotorized (SPNM), is characterized by a predominantly natural or naturalappearing environment of moderate to large size. User interaction is low, but there may be evidence of other users, this area includes the wild section of the river. The second type is Roaded Natural (RN), which includes most of the watershed and the Recreation section of the river. The third classification is Rural, encompassing the section near Agness. The remaining classification is Wilderness (WRS-Semi-primitive) where recreation opportunities are predominantly unmodified and user interaction is moderate. This includes the Wild Rogue Wilderness section above river mile 36. Municipal Use - The Rogue River as a whole serves a variety of municipal uses including but not limited to domestic and industrial water supply, irrigation, and discharge of treated domestic and industrial wastewaters. The Lower Rogue basin sees the results of each of these activities, albeit somewhat diluted, by virtue of its downstream location. Within the lower Rogue basin itself, municipal water use affecting the river consists of public drinking water withdrawals for the City of Gold Beach and the Nesika/Ophir water district. The intakes draw from the porous gravel substrate, well below the water surface. Water rights for each of the users are administered by the Oregon State Department of Water Resources. As population continues to increase in the upper basin, water quality affected by increased withdrawals and effluent discharges will likely become a primary issue of concern in the entire basin. Land Ownership and Management Policy - The US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and a variety of private land owners manage the land within the Lower Rogue Basin (See Figure 5). Of the 530 square miles within the basin, approximately 80% of the land base falls under federal jurisdiction. Private lands within the basin are managed primarily for timber production, with a small amount of livestock ranching and farming. Land uses and zoning on private lands within Curry County are generally dictated by the Curry County Comprehensive Plan. Federal management of the Siskiyou National Forest is subject to multiple use, and consequently sees a larger variety of uses. Major land allocations set forth in the President's Forest Plan for the Lower Rogue basin are as follows: Congressionally & Administratively Withdrawn: Late Successional Reserves: Matrix: 12% 74% 10% Currently, cumulative effects analysis relating to watershed health pertaining to either federal or private land use activities are poorly coordinated across ownership boundaries. 19 L-EGEND . 7 Z m PMVATE OV1NERSHIP U.S.FOREST U.S. SERVICE EMJU OF LAND MANA6EMENT NORTH N.TS. IFIGURE 5; LOW4ER ROGUE 1A51N LAND OMNERGHIF ,` - JAN, IV. TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM HEALTH The overall health of the terrestrial system is a complex web of interconnected processes, many of which are not fully understood. These processes of growth, nutrient cycling, and decay have all evolved within a specific range of geologic, climatic, and disturbance characteristics. Typical attributes which are key to ecosystem are abundance and ecological diversity, process and function, and connectivity. Abundance and ecological diversity refer to the acreage of a particular successional stage present and the occurrence of the full range and distribution of associated species. Processes refer to ecological changes or action that lead to the development and maintenance of a successional stage while function refers to ecological values or components that maintain populations of species within that ecosystem and contribute to the diversity and productivity of other ecosystems. Finally, connectivity is a measure of the extent to which landscape patterns provide for biological and ecological flows that sustain animal and plant species across the region (FEMAT, 1993). The FEMAT assessment addressed these three attributes in detail for the federal lands within the range of the northern spotted owl. Consequently, a region wide strategy and series of land allocations were designed to allow some preferred level of ecological, social, and economic benefits to co-exist. This plan is largely structured to promote the attainment of late-successional and oldgrowth characteristics, niches which were noted to be lacking or threatened in relation to other seral stages across the region. It should be noted, however, that while this plan recognizes the role of private lands to overall ecosystem health, it does not evaluate their function. This may be a significant concern since private holdings are typically lower in elevation and occupy different ecological zones that federal lands and many species of plant and animals inhabit both areas. Since the federal plan cannot dictate private land management, it tended to protect more federal land in contiguous blocks, assuming private lands would be harvested or developed. Lists of threatened, endangered, and sensitive animal and plant species within the Lower Rogue watershed are as shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The Lower Rogue Watershed Action Plan has no restoration strategy for any of these T&E species or their habitat. Refer to local USFS and BLM offices for additional information on these and other species of interest. Continued viability of the sensitive plant and animals will depend largely on the land allocations and land uses implemented across the landscape along with the future disturbance regime. 21 Table 1. Threatened and Endangered Vertebrate Species of the Lower Rogue Watershed Status Animal Species Name L L L L C C C C C American peregrine falcon Bald eagle Northern spotted owl Marbled murrelet Northwestern pond turtle Clouded salamander Pacific western big-eared bat Pine marten Brown pelican Data Source: Oregon Natural Heritage Program L=listed species C=candidate species Table 2: Threatened and Endangered Plant Species of the Lower Rogue Watershed I Plant Species Name Status L C C C C C C C C C C Umpqua mariposa-lily Bensonia Howell's camas Clustered lady's slipper Umpqua swertia Large-flowered goldfields Slender meadowfoam Rogue River stonecrop Western senecio Western sophora Leach's brodiaea a_ can .didate T_1io~ol ,=emoors: ___ A X~z.._1 ]:+z D#S Data Source: Oregon Natural Heritage Program L=llstecl specles %_=can species The lower Rogue basin is a collection of distinct ecosystems that form an ecological mosaic. This mosaic is largely a product of disturbance history, climate, topography and geology. Vegetation types differ from variations in location, climate, topography, and geology. Plant habitats result from differences in exposure, soil moisture, and parent geology. Finally, wildlife diversity results from this habitat composition (USDA, 1991). Disturbance history, frequency, and severity are the major components of the ecosystem mosaic that can be significantly altered by management. The primary agents of disturbance within the Klamath province are fire, winds, insects, disease, and timber harvest and road construction (USDI, 1992). Fire 22 has had the greatest historical influence in the area. Timber harvest and related management activities have played an increasing role in the last fifty years. Insects and disease play a small but important role while wind is typically only a significant agent of disturbance in coastal areas. Each disturbance agent operates at various temporal and spatial levels, each serving a role in energy transfer and resetting of successional characteristics to maintain diversity across the landscape. Watershed disturbances, however, are not isolated events. Rather they are catalysts for change that ripple throughout the environment, especially downhill under the influence of gravity. The current disturbance regimes that offer the largest likelihood of causing large scale impacts to both the terrestrial and aquatic environments are fire and timber harvest. The probability of large, stand replacement fires resulting from excessive fuel build up from decades of intensive fire suppression looms large on the horizon. Such a disturbance could have significant impacts on landscape patterns and vegetation distribution, which may affect lower elevation aquatic environments susceptible to changes in hydrology and sediment input. Wildfire intensity and effects are likely to be exacerbated by the current drought cycle in southern Oregon. Given the land allocations for the federal lands in the basin and the young age of private timberlands, effects from new timber harvest should be moderate. Of greater concern are future landscape effects from past harvests. A large portion of the logging and road construction in the basin has occurred after the 100-year storm of 1964. The largest flow event since that time is a 25-year recurrence interval storm in 1974. Not only have the newer stream crossings and road fills not been subjected to a storm of significant size, but the stream crossings were generally sized to handle a 25 to 50 year event with associated debris. Without further storm proofing and upgrading of these facilities, devastating amounts of sediment could be released into the aquatic environment in a major storm. These conditions will be discussed further under "Aquatic Ecosystem Health". V. Aquatic Ecosystem Health Landslides and Surface Erosion Water Quality Large Wood Supply Stream Flow Fish Habitat, Distribution, and Populations Estuarine environment Each of the above components relating to aquatic health will be generally discussed below at a watershed level. A more specific evaluation (as available data allows) will occur at a subwatershed level for the larger tributaries. Landslides and Surface Erosion - Sediment entering stream channels may be transported or stored, depending on the amount, particle size, and 23 timing of input. Increase sediment loading can cause channel widening and braiding, increased bed mobility, decreased pool frequency and depth. These effects are typically manifested in low gradient reaches with typical velocities too low to transport sediment out of the reach. Consequently, the stream storage of sediment serves a buffering capacity by delaying downstream sediment transport until very large flow events. This is typical of many tributaries in the lower Rogue that have received large sediment inputs during recent storms, and are still slowly moving that sediment through the system. Although landslides and fluvial erosion have acquired a negative connotation in regards to stream health, both are natural and essential elements which help form the landscape. Problems occur when sediment yields are substantially increased over background levels by management related activities. As an example, management related landslides in the Elk River basin delivered 2.2 times more sediment to the river than naturally occurring landslides from 1952 to 1986. Road and timber harvest related landslides and surface erosion differ from naturally occurring processes in timing, amount of sediment delivered to a stream channel, amount of large wood included, and degree of disruption of the surface and subsurface flow of water (USDA, 1994). Roads significantly alter the hydrology of a basin by increasing soil disturbance and intercepting surface and subsurface water, both of which can cause landslides or erosion. Actual sediment delivery to streams from road related failures depends on the steepness, substrate, concave/convex slope, and proximity to an active water course. Timber harvest can also affect sediment delivery to streams via landslides induced by loss of root strength and changes in patterns of soil moisture (USDA, 1994). Additionally, harvests in or near riparian allows more sediment delivery by eliminating buffering and filtering capabilities. A proactive watershed level approach should be implemented to remove unstable road and landing fills and storm proof stream crossings to allow the road system to tend toward "self maintaining" since future maintenance funding will likely be shrinking. Water Quality - Water quality has components ranging from temperature and sediment loads to chemical constituency and pH. The primary concerns within the lower Rogue basin relate to thermal problems and their associated negative impacts on stream health. Stream temperature is a function of several factors including solar intensity, climate, channel morphology, and shade from either vegetation or topographic features (USDA, 1994). Large storms and management activities have the potential to influence stream temperature by changing the amount of shade producing vegetation and by changing the channel width to depth ratio in low gradient stream reaches (Frissell and Liss, 1986). Water temperature is a determining factor in the composition and 24 productivity of the stream ecosystem and typically reaches its peak between mid-July and mid-August. Elevated temperatures affect levels of dissolved oxygen and pH of the water. Sustained temperatures above 700 F will result in mortality for anadromous salmonids. When under stress from water temperatures above 700 F, fish populations may have reduced fitness, greater susceptibility to disease, decreased growth, and changes in behavior, activity level, and time of migration/reproduction (Beschta et al., 1987). The availability of thermal refuges in cooler stratified layers of pools, undergravel seeps, and tributary junctions can partially compensate for such effects (USDA, 1987). Perhaps a more immediate and direct indicator of stream temperature problems (as well as other water quality problems) is the abundance and diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The USFS has recently implemented a macroinvertebrate sampling program on a five year rotation. The most critical temperature problems occur in the mainstems of the Rogue and Illinois Rivers. The USFS 1993 temperature monitoring program shows peak summer temperatures (7 day max) of 72.3 degrees on the Rogue at Crooked Riffle (RM 25.1) and 76.0 degrees on the Illinois at Kerby. The dams at Lost Creek and Applegate have led to substantial improvements in summer peak temperatures in the upper Rogue, but lengthy exposure to high ambient temperatures through the canyon during low flow periods still causes excessive heating. Tributaries with cool water are critical in helping to lower mainstem temperatures in the lower Rogue (See subwatershed section). The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have noted decreases in prespawning mortality from disease in spring chinook as a result of flow augmentation from upstream dams. However, there is some concern that changes in seasonal water temperatures from historic levels have led to changes in migration and spawning timing of spring and fall chinook. Competition and other effects of such a timing shift have yet to be fully evaluated by the department. The 1988 Oregon Statewide Assessment of Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution indicate that water quality is severe in the lower Illinois River and moderate in most of the lower Rogue and lower sections of Lobster Creek and Quosatana Creek, largely due to the effects of sediment and temperature. Large Wood Supply - Large woody material is an important component of streams, influencing the form and structure, or morphology, of a channel. The size and location of pools are strongly influenced by the position, location, and flow around large wood, boulders or other geomorphic constraints. Large wood located in pools provides hiding cover for fish and shelter in high flow events. It also provides shade and nutrients as well as habitat for aquatic insects. Inorganic and organic sediments stored upstream of large wood serve several functions for fish populations including development of food production sites, formation of spawning areas, and retention of fines. The storage of fines and organic matter also influences the sediment transport rate, which buffers the channel against rapid change in sediment loading (Bisson et. al. 1987). 25 Large wood is delivered to channels by landslides, by falling from adjacent riparian areas, and by transport from upstream sites as debris flows. Decreases in the recruitment of large wood to streams is largely due to timber harvest in riparian areas and adjacent geologically unstable areas which would have delivered wood upon eventual failure. The loss of Port-Orford cedar in riparian areas due to infection from phytophthera laterals will likely have long term negative impacts on large wood supply in many streams. Riparian areas in many tributaries of the lower Rogue are dominated by small hardwood species such as red alder. These are generally too small and decay too rapidly to create any long term habitat complexity. Large wood occurrence in specific tributaries will be evaluated more specifically in the subwatershed section. The mainstem of the Rogue and Illinois rivers have minor amounts of large wood because the high stream power during storms flushes the wood through the system. Stream Flow - The average annual yield for the Rogue at Agness (Figure 1) is estimated to be 4,455,000 acre feet. Low mean monthly flows of 1500 to 2000 cubic feet per second (cfs) occur between July and October. Peak flows occur between November and April. Low flows are largely determined by releases from Lost Creek and Applegate reservoirs. Because of the large undammed portion below the Rogue Valley, high flows at Agness in the winter are only moderately affected by dam releases. Stream flows for the tributaries are currently extrapolated from the USGS gauge on the South Fork Coquille at Powers, Oregon. However, a new gauge is being cooperatively proposed by the USFS and BLM on the South Fork of Lobster Creek in an effort to more accurately quantify discharges in smaller streams in lower Rogue and southcoast watersheds. Significant storms within the lower Rogue basin (from Coquille gauge) are shown below. Year Recurrence Interval 1964 1969 1970 1971 1972 1974 1980 1981 1983 100 year <5 <5 10 5 25+ <5 5 <5 Several aspects of stream flow have direct effects on the aquatic environment. Low flows restrict migration and reduce available habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms. Peak flows affect channel morphology and fish survival. The magnitude of peak flows in relation to the frequency of channel forming events has direct bearing on the viability of various aquatic 26 populations. Throughout the basin, the 1955 floods had the most dramatic effects on the tributary streams. The result was aggradation and loss of riparian vegetation in the low gradient reaches. All aspects of stream flow and the associated hydrology are affected by timber harvest, road construction and other significant natural or anthropogenic disturbances. Road surfaces and cutslopes intercept water, and road ditches act as intermittent streams. Both mechanisms tend to transport water more rapidly than natural processes, thus changing the timing and magnitude of peak flows. The potential for effects from increased peak flows are the greatest where road densities are high and stream banks are unstable (USDA, 1994)) Harvested areas can increase snow accumulation. If harvested areas are located in the transient snow zone, a rain on snow event could cause rapid melting of snow and radically increase peak flows. In the coast range of the Rogue basin the transient snow zone is above 2000 feet in elevation, a small percentage of which has been harvested. Consequently, it is not likely that peak flows have been greatly affected by existing harvested areas that may be susceptible to rain on snow events. Additionally, typical snow packs in the coast range are not large. This phenomena is likely to be more significant higher in the Rogue system. Fish Habitat, Distribution, and Populations - The Rogue River supports one of the largest and most diverse runs of anadromous fish in the Northwest. The major anadromous species found in the Rogue basin are spring and fall chinook salmon, coho salmon, summer and winter steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout. The following is a brief description of the anadromous species present, along with relevant life history characteristics and requirements, and population status. Figures 6 through 10 show the distribution of various salmonids in the basin. Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): Coho salmon have been considered the most important commercially caught salmonid in Oregon. Adult coho migrate into fresh water in the fall, migrate upstream and hold in the main river until rains allow them to move into tributaries to spawn in December and January. Spawning and rearing of juvenile coho salmon take place in small low gradient (generally <3%) tributary streams. During the summer, coho prefer pools in small streams, whereas during winter, they prefer off-channel alcoves, beaver ponds, and dam pools with complex cover. Complexity, primarily in the form of large and small wood is an important element of productive coho streams. Little Is known about residence time or habitat use of estuaries during seaward migration, although it is usually assumed that coho salmon spend only a short time in the estuary before entering the ocean (Nickelson, et.al., 1992)). Historical coho spawning occurred primarily in the tributaries and upper third of the main Applegate, Illinois, and Rogue Rivers. Currently, the bulk of the wild run spawns in the Illinois River basin. The majority of coho entering 27 the upper Rogue River are of hatchery origin. Coho salmon use of the lower Rogue Basin, other than as a highway to and from the ocean, is slight. Known distributions of coho are shown on Figure 6. They are primarily found in Lobster, Quosatana, Silver, Foster, Shasta Costa, Lawson, Mule and Billings Creeks. Excluding sea-run cutthroat, coho salmon are the least abundant native anadromous salmonids in the Rogue River basin. Due to such factors as ocean conditions, degraded habitat, unscreened diversions, irrigation withdrawals, commercial ocean and freshwater fishing, the abundance of wild Rogue River coho has had major impacts. The coho is currently listed as a sensitive species by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and is expected to be federally listed as threatened by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in the near future. Current status of wild coho populations in the Rogue River are summarized in Table 3. Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Adult spring chinook salmon enter the Rogue River from March through June and spawn from September to mid-November. Juvenile spring chinook rear in the mainstem for a short period, migrate downstream, and enter the ocean in August and September. Once in the ocean, the juveniles migrate south to rear off the coast of California (Fustish, et.al., 1993). Nearly all wild spring chinook spawn in the main stem or major tributaries above Gold Ray Dam, while most of the hatchery fish return to Cole Rivers Hatchery at Lost Creek Dam (Fustish, et.al., 1993). Spring chinook salmon do not enter the tributaries of the Lower Rogue, and use the mainstem as a transportation link between the upper river and the ocean/estuary. This species of salmonid in the Rogue basin is one of few considered to have a healthy population. See Table 3 for current status of Rogue salmonids. Fall Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Adult fall chinook salmon enter the Rogue river from July through October and peak from mid-August through mid-September. They spawn from October through late January, peaking in the mainstem Rogue and Applegate rivers in November, and in the Illinois and tributaries of the lower portions of the Rogue and Applegate rivers in December (Fustish, et.al., 1993). Only a small portion of the run (around 10%) spawns above the fish counting station at Gold Ray Dam. This run is considered by ODFW to be comprised of two distinct populations based on run timing and differences in life history characteristics. The early entry adults are upper river fish that spawn most heavily between Grave Creek (RM 68) and Gold Ray Dam (RM 127) and in the lower 25 miles of the Applegate River. The late entry adults typically spawn below Watson Creek (RM 35) and in the Illinois basin. The fall chinook have the same general habitat requirements as the spring chinook, although river conditions (especially water temperature) play a different role in their life cycle. Prespawning mortalities attributed to low flows 28 and high temperatures were as high as 85% in 1979 (Fustish, et.al., 1993). Fish are susceptible to various fatal bacteria while under stress from elevated water temperatures. The early entry fall chinook which utilize the mid and upper Rogue river are considered to have a healthy population. The late entry fish of the lower river are severely depressed from historic levels. See Table 3 for current status of populations. ODFW has conducted redd counts on the mainstem of the lower Rogue River at 20 year increments since the 1950's. While the data set is scant, and conclusions may be skewed due to a variety of factors, the general trend is noteworthy: Survey Year 1953 1954 1974 1976 1993 Method Boat Boat Plane Plane Helicopter Redds/Mile 5.1 5.7 4.0 4.3 0.2 Production in the major tributaries of the Lower Rogue will be evaluated in more detail in the subwatershed section. Known fall chinook distributions are shown in Figure 7. The Indian Creek Fish Hatchery, located approximately one mile from the mouth of the river, is currently being operated to "rehabilitate" the fall chinook population in the lower Rogue River and tributaries below Watson Creek. The hatchery is operated and maintained by volunteers under the STEP program in conjunction with ODFW. The hatchery has yet to achieve its projected impact due to low numbers of returning adults (Fustish, et.al., 1993). ODFW is currently evaluating the benefits of the hatchery and STEP programs in relation to possible negative genetic impacts on wild stocks from hatchery supplementation. Winter Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Steelhead are rainbow trout that migrate as juveniles to the ocean to rear and then migrate back as adults to fresh water to spawn. Unlike salmon, steelhead can spawn more than once but the number that actually survive to do so is small (Nickelson, et.al., 1992)). Winter steelhead enter the Rogue river from November through March with a peak in late January. Since steelhead occupy most of the Rogue basin, spawning can occur from December to May. Winter steelhead spawn primarily in tributary streams of the Rogue, although they may use the mainstem when a barrier blocks their preferred tributary or when elevated winter flows do not occur. Their swimming ability allows them access to habitat that salmon are unable to reach. Juvenile residence in fresh water can vary from one to four years, making them very adaptable to changing habitat conditions. Recent drought and associated low 29 flows in tributaries have forced more mainstem spawning throughout the system with lower juvenile survival as a result. Within the lower Rogue basin, relatively small populations occur in many tributaries. While selected populations may be small, each is significant to the overall numbers. Steelhead are currently active in Saunders, Edson, Kimble, Jim Hunt, Lobster, Quosatana, Silver, Fox, Lawson, Horse Sign, Indigo, Shasta Costa, Two Mile, Foster, Billings and Mule Creeks. See Figure 8 for known winter steelhead distributions. Populations of winter steelhead are considered healthy in the Rogue basin and meet the guidelines of ODFW's wild fish policy. See Table 3 for general status of anadromous fish populations in the Rogue basin. Summer Steelhead (Oncorhynchus myktss): Summer steelhead enter the Rogue River starting in late spring through summer. This run is comprised of both adults and half pounders. The majority of adult summer steelhead spawn between the mouth of the Applegate (RM 95) and Gold Ray Dam (RM 126). No summer steelhead use the Illinois River to spawn, although they may take refuge there when temperatures in the Rogue River are too high. Half pounders reenter fresh water three months after first entering the ocean as a smolt, but do not spawn that year. Rather they will reenter the ocean and migrate upriver a year later. Half pounders typically over winter within the lower 50 miles of the Rogue mainstem before returning to the ocean. Over 95% of the summer steelhead have a half-pounder life cycle (Fustish, et.al., 1993). Winter rearing occurs more uniformly at lower densities across a wide range of fast and slow habitat types. Summer steelhead juveniles often move Into larger tributaries and the mainstem river to rear because the streams in which they spawn go dry by early summer. Current runs of summer steelhead are declining, likely are result of increased domestic water use and irrigation withdrawals within their preferred small spawning and rearing streams. While winter steelhead populations appear healthy, summer steelhead is listed as a species of concern by ODFW. See Table 3 for general status of summer steelhead populations. Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki): Coastal cutthroat trout exhibit diverse patterns in life history and migration behavior. Population characteristics range from anadromous to nonmigratory. The fish tend to spawn in very small (first and second order) tributaries. Juvenile habitat preference of low velocity pools and side channels with large wood tends to be affected by interactions with other salmonids. Juvenile and adult cutthroat trout spend considerable time in the estuary during spawning and feeding migrations. Large wood is likely an important habitat component for cutthroat trout during their estuarine residence (Nickelson, et.al., 1992). Many tributaries of the lower Rogue support their largest populations of cutthroat trout above migration blockages for anadromous fish, largely because of competition. Little research emphasis has been dedicated to these 30 populations, consequently no quantifiable information on status and trends is readily available. See Figures 9 & 10 for general distribution of trout in the lower Rogue Basin. Table 3: Current Status of Wild Fish Stocks in the Rogue Basin Species Present Nehlsen et. al. Nickelson et. al. Fall Chinook Lower Rogue High Risk of Extinction Depressed Fall Chinook Upper & Middle Rogue N/A Healthy Spring Chinook N/A Healthy Coho Salmon High Risk of Extinction Summer Steelhead Moderate Risk of Extinction Depressed Winter Steelhead N/A Healthy Sea-Run Cutthroat Moderate Risk of Extinction N/A * * Depressed Believed to have high probability of introgression with hatchery stocks. Estuarine Environment - Among Oregon coastal rivers the Rogue River is second only to the Columbia River In size of drainage basin; however, it has one of the smallest and least productive estuaries of the entire coast. The Rogue estuary is typical of those located in the Klamath Mountain province in that the geological faulting and folding of the rocks in the coastal area have resulted in the recent uplift of the coastline thereby limiting the landward extent of the tide and hence the size of the estuary. The Rogue estuary is a drowned-river valley estuary with head of tide 4.5 miles up river. There are no broad tidal flats, marshes, or bay and slough subsystems typically found in other coastal estuaries north of Cape Blanco (Curry County, 1990) The sediments in the estuary are predominantly terrestrial in origin. High river flow and sediment deposition in the river channel prevent large scale deposition of marine sediment within the mouth of the river. The estuary floor is characterized by sand and gravel sediments and a lack of silts, mud and organic substrates. A sand spit at the mouth historically formed from marine sediments prior to construction of the jetties in the early 1960's. The estuary is subject to critical stream bank erosion and areas of geologic instability. The most pronounced area of erosion is along the south bank of the river for approximately a mile and a half east of Indian Creek. Most sites of bank erosion have typically been protected with riprap. The most 31 pronounced site of geologic instability is located on the south side of the Rogue River from the bridge east to the mouth of Saunders Creek. This area is a steeply sloping hillside which has failed in various places. Remedial measures have been taken to stabilize the failures and the problem has become less critical in recent years. The Rogue estuary is dominated by river flows. The construction of the jetties and dikes along the boat basin have channelized the flow in relation to historic conditions. Consequently, salt water intrusion is limited. Water quality within the estuary is generally good and is maintained within DEQ standards even during low flows. The poorest area for water quality is the Port of Gold Beach boat basin due to its limited flushing (Curry County, 1990). Two general biological subsystems define the Rogue estuary; a marine subsystem and a riverine subsystem with the dividing line near the Highway 101 bridge. The Marine subsystem is almost continually influenced by the ocean with some salt water penetration during each tidal cycle. Sands and fine gravel in this area, especially near the Coast Guard dock, contain benthic fauna that are important to the diet of juvenile salmonids. Subtidal areas within the riverine subsystem are prime feeding and rearing areas for fish with juvenile salmon and cutthroat trout being abundant. The Rogue estuary lies in an area that has a combination of land uses. The lower part of the estuary lies within the City of Gold Beach Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The part of the estuary outside the UGB generally has resource related uses in upland areas with clustered residential uses in various places along both shores. The combined impacts of various land uses and economic development activities have altered the historic form and function of the estuary. These alterations have apparently changed the productivity of the estuary. The historic shoaling at the mouth of the Rogue which occurred before construction of the jetties may have increased estuarine productivity, providing more food to enable juvenile chinook salmon to attain optimal size prior to ocean migration. A comparison of 1945 and 1975 adult scales indicate that juvenile spring and fall chinook spend much less time rearing in the estuary than they did twenty years ago. It is possible that channelization at the estuary mouth has reduced estuarine productivity and, consequently decreased the residence time by juvenile chinook salmon. If an extended period of estuarine rearing increases the probability that juveniles will return as adults, then extensive modifications to the mouth of the Rogue may have had significant impacts on the chinook populations in the river (Curry County, 1990). Additionally, large woody material, characteristic of low velocity estuarine areas, is currently at very low levels. This is likely due to the velocities associated with the current channel configuration and also to wood removal operations conducted by early commercial freshwater fishing operations near the mouth of the river. Large wood in an important component for anadromous fish by providing cover for migrating adults and 32 rearing juveniles. More detailed information regarding the Rogue estuary is available from the Gold Beach office of ODFW and from the Curry County Comprehensive Plan. 33 | .. | AREA5 NITH LIMITED DATA AVAILADLE FOR LOYWO9DER STREAM5 NORTH NT. _________. - COHO SALMON P1IETRIBUTION FIGURE 6: S=URCE. VS1` LOPER ROGUE BA51N COHO SALMON D15TRIBUTION &OLD EACH 4 &ALICE RD. MEDFOWD DIST. BLH, AN* ODFA L40V4 JAR I<<% I I I- i i k- I I I- r-- F- 17- I I I r- i AJEA5 WITH LIMITED DATA AVAILADLE FOR LON*Y ORDER STREAMS NORTH N.T.5 FALL CHINOOK D15TRIBUTION I F1TURE 1. SCURCE. LOkNER R06UE BASIN FALL CHINOOK ISTRIBUTION VCFS &OLD DCACH * 6ALICE RD, MEDFORD D15T. D1LM.AND OD1FI H.R.YN. .JAN. I-S1 AREAS WITH LIMITED DATA AVAILAVLE FOR LONYORDER STREAMS NORTH NT5. - ~YiINTER STEELHEA1 V1TRI BUTION IFI&URE 5. LONER ROGUE BASIN 5TEELHEAD SOURCE. ULFS SOLD VEACH ISTRIBUTION * 6ALICE R D1 ME7FORV DIST. ELM, AND ODrA . JAR -- I II I s - t- - - I I t-- -- I I - APZA5 WITHLIMITEP DATA AVAILADLE FOR LON ORDER STREAMS NORTH N.TS. - - SEA-PUJN CUTTHROAT P15TRIBUTION FIG)URE SCUKRE 1 LONER ROGUE BA5IN SEA-RUN CUITHROAT P15TRIBUTION V5F51750 L DEACH 4 6ALICE RD- TEDFORD DIST. DLM, AND OVFH MR.N. JAR I-M5 - AREAS WITH LIMITED DATA AVAILAVLE FOR LONt ORVER STREAMS NORTH NT.S. RESIDENT TROUT 11STRIEiUTION FIURE 10: LONER ROcUE 5A51N RE51DENT TROUT D15TRIBUTION SOURCEG V5F5 &OLD BEACH 4 CALIC.E Rnw MEDFORD DIST. ELM, AND OPFY1 '-' JAK '--- CHAPTER IV SUBWATERSHED ASSESSMENT Salmonid fish production at a watershed scale is driven largely by the production of the tributary streams. Tributaries are particularly important for species such as coho and steelhead whose life histories have evolved to avoid competition with other salmonid species by using smaller streams. Tributaries with protected side channels and low velocity areas also serve as refuge for juvenile salmonids during high flow periods. Larger tributaries that maintain adequate flow serve as summer habitat. Of the approximately 80 tributaries to the lower Rogue basin, only a handfull will be evaluated in detail. Realizing that all tributaries and intermittent steams are sources of cool water, nutrients, and sediment, only the larger salmonid producing streams with reasonable potential for restoration are evaluated further. These wtill include: Lobster, Shasta Costa, Quosatana, Foster, Lawson, Indigo, and Mule creeks. Additionally, several smaller streams on private lands in the lower basin will also be evaluated to the extent that available information allows. While each of the small streams make a small contribution to the aquatic health and fish populations of the Rogue, their cumulative effect is significant. These smaller tributaries include Jim Hunt, Saunders, Indian, Edson, and Silver Creeks. See Chapter V, Watershed Health Strategy, for a more detailed analysis for prioritizing restoration efforts. Table 4 below provides a generalized description of tributary characteristics and contributions to the Rogue system. Table 4: Generalized Characteristics for Selected Subwatersheds. Anadrornous Miles Species Present Contribution to Rogue Habitat Value Lobster Creek 24.2 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Shasta Costa Creek 8.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Quosatana Creek 4.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Foster Creek 3.6 CH CO ST CT HIGH HIGH Lawson Creek 5.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH MOD HIGH HIGH Tributary Watershed Indigo Creek Mule Creek Private Low Elevation Small Tributaries 32.8 CH ST CT 12.1 CO ST MOD MOD 8.5 CH CO ST CT HIGH LOW CH = Fall Chinook; CO = Coho: ST = Winter Steelhead: CT = Sea-run Cutthroat 39 LOBSTER CREEK Lobster Creek is a northern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 10. The drainage basin ownership Is roughly split with the headwaters under USFS management, and the mainstem under private ownership (see Table 6 below). The Lobster Creek basin has undergone significant surficial change due to timber harvest within the last 50 years. Yet, with the exception of the Illinois system, Lobster Creek is arguably the most important anadromous fish producing tributary on the lower Rogue River. Despite recent and historic sediment producing events, habitat conditions and water quality with respect to sediment are fair to good. Since the ownership is roughly divided, no comprehensive inventory of road and harvest histories and landslide sensitivity mapping exists for the entire basin. Road construction in the lower basin is quite dense with a large number of low- and mid-slope roads. Road construction in the upper basin is less dense and are typically located on ridges. The large number of roads within the Colebrook schist geologic substrate allow for the potential of large sediment inputs from road failures in a large storm event. Habitat quality within the mainstem varies from poor at low gradient aggraded reaches to good at diverse pool habitat. Structural diversity is largely due to boulders as few conifers remain in the riparian area. Rearing habitat is lacking in the lower mainstem. The headwater tributaries show considerably less management and typically contain more diversity of habitat. Large wood is the most common structural element contributing to complexity. A macroinvertebrate sampling program was Initiated in 1992. Results are not yet available. In 1993, the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of Lobster Creek was 65.0 degrees fahrenheit. The 7-day average maximum temperature at the mouth of the North Fork was 62.6 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature at the Old Diggins on the South Fork was 60.0 degrees. Each of these temperatures fall within the range of less than optimal for fish but are well below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). Fall chinook smolts were released in Lobster Creek under the STEP program from 1979 to 1981 with varying levels of success. Chinook fry were also released during the early 1980's. Coho fry were released several years between 1979 and 1987 with no recorded indication of success. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. 40 Table 3: Lobster Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION HABIT* TRENDS"* Fall Chinook 17.1 Decreasing Coho 17.2 Decreasing Winter Steelhead 22.8 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 18.6 ? Resident Trout 33.1 Source: * USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map. ** (Unterwegner. et.al., 1994) The only quantitative evaluation of salmonid numbers on anl annual basis are fall chinook peak count spawning surveys and peak counts of coho observed on chinook spawning surveys. Since 1989, peak counts for coho inIcude six fish observed in 1991 in upper Lobster Creek while lower Lobster Creek had one coho In 1990 and seven in 1991. Systematic data collection for fall chinook by ODFW began in the mid-1980's with the results shown below. LCBSTER CREEK SPAWNING SURVEYS 300 S P 200 A W N R 100 S RUN YEAR I UPPER LOBSTER E LOWER LOBSTER] Figure 11: Peak Count of Fall Chinook Spawning in Lobster Creek. 41 Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. Table 6: Lobster Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: Basin Road Mileage: 44,253 ac 250 mi USFS Ownership: BLM Ownership 60% <3% Private Ownership: 37% Percent Harvested: 15% Percent Harvested: ? % (high) Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: 24% 74% 2% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 5% 95% 0% The Lobster Creek watershed is likely to see more intensive timber harvest and related management in the future, especially on private land. Private lands harvested in the 1950's and 1960's that naturally reforested with alder are currently being converted to fir plantations. This represents a possible sediment source due to the extensive ground disturbance involved. Possible restoration activities within the basin are storm proofing the existing road system and planting conifers in the lower reaches to stabilize banks, add shade, and provide a future source of large wood. Adding instream complexity for rearing habitat to the lower mainstem may be appropriate. Available Data/Analysis: Stream habitat surveys for 1991 and 1993. Juvenile smolt trap records for the last few years. Macroinvertebrate sampling for 1992. Data Gaps/Needs: Coordinated cumulative effects analysis across ownerships. Road system and condition inventory. Geologic sensitivity mapping. 42 SHASTA COSTA CREEK Shasta Costa Creek is an eastern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 28.8. The drainage basin is almost exclusively within USFS management, with some of private land on the lower portions (see Table 8 below). The Shasta Costa basin has historically produced large sediment volumes to the stream. The largest single source is the Shasta Costa slide, a natural feature reactivated in the 1980's. Additionally, other landslides in the steep inner gorges of tributaries contribute large sediment volumes. The basin has seen small levels of timber harvest with relatively small, localized adverse aquatic effects. Early vintage roads built with side cast construction (Bear Camp road) continue to be chronic sediment sources on a yearly basis. The most significant effects to the stream channel occurred as a result of the 1955 floods. Aerial photo analysis as part of the Shasta Costa EIS revealed aggradation and channel widening of 30 to 40 feet in the low gradient reaches near the confluence of the Rogue. This reach remains aggraded today. Due to the relatively light harvest levels, riparian areas have not been widely impacted. Large wood in the stream and recruitment of wood In the upper reaches are at good levels. The aggraded nature of the lower reaches are not favorable for recruitment of large wood over the long term. Stream surveys by ODFW in 1974 characterized the surveyed area as having diverse habitat conditions. Habitat quality was generally described as good to excellent (USDA, 1991). An aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling program was initiated in 1992. Results are not yet available. In August of 1989 the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of Shasta Costa Creek was 67.8 degrees fahrenheit (USDA, 1991). The 7-day average maximum temperature in 1993 was 67.9 degrees fahrenheit. Both of these temperatures fall within the range of less than optimal for fish but are well below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). The ODFW STEP program planted coho fry in the early 1980's. In recent years, fall chinook were planted in 1984 and 1986. Winter steelhead were planted in 1984, 1985, 1987, and 1989. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. 43 Table 7: Shasta Costa Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF HABIT* POPULATION TRENDS** Fall Chinook 3.3 Decreasing Coho 3.3 Decreasing Winter Steelhead 9.2 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 3.3 Resident Trout 10.6 9 Source: * USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map ** (Unterwegner, et.al., 1994) The only quantitative evaluation of salmonid numbers on an annual basis are fall chinook peak count spawning surveys and peak counts of coho on chinook spawing surveys. Since 1989, peak counts for coho include four fish in 1990, six in 1991, and one in 1992. Systematic data collection for fall chinook by ODFW began in the mnid- 1980's with the results shown below. I-IIt TA COSTA CREEK SPAWNING SURVEYS | 80 70 S p 60 A 50 N 40 E R 30 S 20 10 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Figure 12: Peak Count of Fall Chinook Spawning in Shasta Costa Creek. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. 44 Table 8: Shasta Costa Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 23,536 ac Basin Road Mileage: 101 mi USFS Ownership: 99% Private Ownership: <1% Percent Harvested: 10% Percent Harvested: ?% Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: <1% 99% <1% Land Zoning Forest/ Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% The Shasta Costa Creek watershed was designated as a key watershed in the Presidents forest plan, therefore a watershed analysis will be performed on this basin in the near future. This designation, in conjunction with the large percentage of late-successional and riparian reserves, significantly reduces the likelihood of future negative anthropogenic change. Possible restoration activities within the basin are storm proofing the existing road system, planting conifers and hardwoods in the lower reaches to stabilize banks and add shade to the area aggraded by the 1955 storm, and monitoring and rehabilitating the instream structures placed by the USFS in 1985 and 1986. Data/Analysis Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1974 and 1990. Shasta Costa Creek EIS, 1991. Watershed analysis in progress. Macroinvertebrate sampling for 1992. Data Gaps/Needs: 45 gUOSATANA CREEK Quosatana Creek is a southern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 14.0. Two thirds of the drainage basin are within USFS management, the private lands occupy the middle portion of the basin (see Table 10 below). Sediment production has played a large roll in the history of Quosatana Creek. A number of large historic landslides within the Colebrook schist have been identified within the basin, one of which blocked and diverted the mainstem for a period of time. Consequently, the lower gradient reaches near the mainstem Rogue are wide and aggraded. The entry point at the Rogue is in slack water so sediment is not readily discharged to the Rogue. Additionally, summer stream flows are not adequate to move sediment out of Quosatana Creek. The result is loss of surface flow during the late summer. This strands juvenile salmonids within the system, exposing them to increased temperatures, water quality problems, and predation. Riparian areas have been considerably more impacted on the private lands than on federal. However, large wood in the stream and recruitment of wood in the upper reaches are at good levels. The aggraded nature of the lower reaches are not favorable for long term recruitment of large wood. An aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling program was initiated in 1992. Results are not yet available. In August of 1991 the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of Quosatana Creek was 66.4 degrees fahrenheit (USDA, 1992). The 7-day average maximum temperature in 1993 recorded at river nmile 2.5 was 69.7 degrees fahrenheit. Both of these temperatures are less than optimal for fish but are below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 9: Quosatana Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION HABIT* TRENDS** Fall Chinook 2.7 Decreasing Coho 2.7 Decreasing Winter Steelhead 6.3 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 2.7 ? Resident Trout 6.3 ? Source: * USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map ** (Unterwegner. et.al., 1994) 46 The only quantitative evaluation of salmonid numbers on an annual basis Is fall chinook peak count spawning surveys and peak counts of coho on ch~iook spawning surveys. Since 1989, peak counts for coho have been one in 1989, one in 1990, 13 in 1991 and two in 1993. Systematic data collection for fall chinook by ODFW began in the mid- 1980's with the results shown, below. IQUOSATANA 120 -- A . ................. ....- ...... ............... I IC100 g0 S P: 80- CREEK SPAWNING SURVEY . .-.--- ... ...... .-.- ........- ..... . .- ...-... -... ...._ -..........- 1............ ...- ..- --. ....... ...... 4 -- .* . .. . .-.-. . ... .. .. . .... 1 ------.-. 70 60 - ...... .. . I.... R 40 - 0-1 10 01986 1987 1988 1989 1990 RUN Y{EAR 199 1 1992 19935 Figure 13: Peak Count of Fall Chinook Spawning in Quosatana Creek. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. 47 Table 10: Quosatana Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: Basin Road Mileage: 16,416 ac 67 ml USFS Ownership: 84% Private Ownership: 16% Percent Harvested: 21% Percent Harvested: 100% 22% 73% 3% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: The federal portion of the Quosatana Creek watershed was designated as a key watershed in the Presidents forest plan, therefore a watershed analysis will be performed on this basin in the near future. This designation, in conjunction with the large percentage of late-successional and riparian reserves, significantly reduces the likelihood of future negative anthropogenic change. Possible restoration activities within the basin are storm proofing the existing road system (especially mid-slope roads in Colebrook schist), planting conifers in harvested riparian areas, and monitoring the effectiveness of the 36 instream structures placed by the USFS in 1986. Data/Information Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1990 and 1994. Quosatana/Bradford EIS, 1992. Watershed analysis in progress. Macroinvertebrate sampling for 1992. Data Gaps/Needs: Cumulative effects analysis of land use practices across ownerships. Watershed sensitivity mapping. 48 FOSTER CREEK Foster Creek is a northern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 33.6. The drainage basin is primarily within USFS management, with some small amounts of private land on the lower portions (see Table 12 below). The majority of the basin is underlain by serpentine or Colebrook schist. Beaulieu and Hughes (1976) identified approximately 30% of the basin as earthflow and slump topography. One large natural slide associated with this area annually contributes significant sediment volumes to the stream. Sediment appears to be a problem in the low gradient reaches. Habitat surveys in 1991 identified high bankful width to depth ratio (20+) and residual pool depths less than 3 feet. The lower mile of the stream flows primarily over exposed bedrock. An aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling program was initiated in 1992. Results are not yet available. In 1993 the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of Foster Creek was 65.0 degrees fahrenheit. This temperature falls within the range of less than optimal for fish but is well below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 11: Foster Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION I HABIT * TRENDS** Fall Chinook 3.5 Decreasing Coho 3.5 Decreasing Winter Steelhead 3.5 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 3.5 ? Resident Trout 5.3 ? Source: * USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map ** (Unterwegner, et.al., 1994) Peak spawning count information for fall chinook is only available since 1989. Since that time, a peak count of seven adults was recorded in 1989, three adults in 1992, and one in 1993. Additionally, peak counts of coho sighted on fall chinook spawning surveys have been recorded since 1989. The only recorded coho was sighted in 1991. 49 Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. Table 12: Foster Creek Land Use Data. Basin Road Mileage: Basin Acreage: 7,736 ac 41 mi USFS Ownership: 95% Private Ownership: 5% Percent Harvested: 11% Percent Harvested: ?% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% Land Allocations 0% Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: 100% 0% Withdrawn: Possible restoration activities within the basin are storm proofing the existing road system with special attention to historic construction techniques in unstable areas, planting conifers in disturbed riparian areas, and monitoring, rehabilitating or removing the instream structures placed by the USFS and private landowners. The 1991 habitat survey spoke of several failing instream structures. Data/Analysis Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1991. Macroinvertebrate sampling for 1992. Data Gaps/Needs: Watershed sensitivity mapping. Road inventory and condition survey. Analysis of riparian conditions. 50 LAWSON CREEK Lawson Creek is a eastern tributary that enters the mainstem Illinois at river mile 4. The drainage basin is almost exclusively within USFS management, with some private land on the lower portions (see Table 14 below). The 1990 habitat survey conducted by the USFS spoke of significant numbers of natural stream side slides, especially in ultramafic rock formations. Despite the number of slides, residual pool depths in each of the reaches were greater than 3 feet. Sediment loading has affected the riparian vegetation structure in a number of reaches with a subsequent effect on stream temperatures. Large wood is scant in the lower reaches, with an increasing trend upstream. The 1990 stream survey identifies considerable amounts of future large wood in the upper most surveyed section (mile 9 to 10). Habitat structure and diversity are very good above mile 4. In 1993 the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of Lawson Creek was 67.2 degrees fahrenheit. The 7-day average maximum temperature at section 16 was 61.9 degrees fahrenheit. Both of these temperatures fall within the range of less than optimal for fish but are below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). Considerable warming occurs in the last 5+ miles of Lawson Creek. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 13: Lawson Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION Fall Chinook HABIT* 4.1 Coho 4.1 ? Winter Steelhead 6.1 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 4.4 Resident Trout 20.0 TRENDS ? ? Source: *USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map No spawning counts have been discovered to date. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. 51 Table 14: Lawson Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 25,241 ac Basin Road Mileage: 76 ml USFS Ownership: 99% Private Ownership: 1% Percent Harvested: 15% Percent Harvested: ?% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% Land Allocations 27% Matrix: 70% Reserves: Late Succ. 3% Withdrawn: The Lawson Creek watershed was designated as a key watershed in the Presidents forest plan, therefore a watershed analysis will be performed on this basin in, the near future. This designation, in conjunction with the large percentage of late-successional and riparian reserves, significantly reduces the likelihood of future negative anthropogenic change. Possible restoration activities within the basin include storm proofing the existing road system, and planting conifers and hardwoods in the lower reaches to stabilize banks and add shade. The opportunity also exists for adding instream habitat complexity within the lower reaches although high stream power and lack of suitable anchor points may preclude this. Data/Analysis Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1990. USFS Watershed Analysis in progress. Data Gaps/Needs: Aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling. 52 INDIGO CREEK Indigo Creek is an eastern tributary that enters the mainstem Illinois at river mile 6.5. The drainage basin is almost exclusively within USFS ownership, with some small isolated private holdings in the lower section. A small area in the headwaters is controlled by the Bureau of Land Mangement (see Table 16 below). A major contact zone between the Dothan formation and units of Rogue formation, Umpqua group, and gabbro runs north-northeast through the North Fork and lower mainstem. Relatively small natural landslides are common throughout the basin although sediment is generally not a limiting factor for fish. The 1964 storm triggered a natural lanslide on the West Fork that blocked the stream and created a lake which is still present. Due to relatively light harvest levels, riparian areas have not been widely impacted. The 1987 Silver Fire did burn throughout the watershed with some localized effects on riparian vegetation. Stream surveys by the USFS identify adequate amounts of large wood and short term recruitment potential is high from trees burned in the 1987 fires. Indigo Creek is considered one of the most important tributaries of the Illinois River drainage in terms of fish production, natural flow, and cool summer water temperatures. The Galice District of the USFS classifies the lower reaches of the East Fork as good fish habitat with no real limiting factors. Anadromous fish habitat was described as excellent for both the East and West forks. The mainstem habitat and fish populations were also described as excellent. A monitoring program for macroinvertebrates was Initiated following the Silver Fire of 1987. In both 1988 and 1989, results showed the aquatic macroinvertebrate community to be in good to excellent shape. There is some speculation that nutients from burned areas in the watershed increased the macroinvertebrate community with a correponding increase in juvenile fish. In 1993 the 7-day average maximum water temperature recorded at the mouth of the North Fork was 64.0 degrees fahrenheit. The 7-day maximums recorded on the East Fork above Breezy Creek and above Chiefton Creek were 60.6 degrees and 59.3 degrees, respectively. Temperatures less than 60 degrees fahrenheit are considered optimal for fish. No peak spawing counts have been discovered to date. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. 53 Table 15: Indigo Creek Fish Data. MILES OF POPULATION TRENDS HABIT* FISH SPECIES 8.2 ? Winter Steelhead 32.8 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 27.3 ? Resident Trout 42.3 ? Fall Chinook Source: * USFS Galice R.D. Stream Surveys, West Indigo EIS. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. Table 16: Indigo Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 48,962 ac Basin Road Mileage: 123 mi USFS Ownership: BLM Ownership: 99% <1% Private Ownership: <1% Percent Harvested: 10%± Percent Harvested: ? % Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: 8% 91% 1% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% The Indigo Creek watershed was designated as a key watershed in the President's forest plan, therefore a watershed analysis will be performed on this basin in the near future. This designation, in conjunction with the large percentage of late-successional and riparian reserves, significantly reduces the likelihood of future negative anthropogenic change. Possible restoration activities within the basin include storm proofing the existing road system and restoring riparian corridors burned in the 1987 fires. Data/Analysis Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1970 and 1988 through 1991. Macroinvertebrate sampling for 1988 and 1989. 1990 Wildfire and recovery and monitoring. West Indigo Draft EIS. Data Gaps/ Needs: Fall chinook spawning surveys. Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. 54 MULE CREEK Mule Creek is a northern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 48.4. The drainage basin is almost exclusively within Bureau of Land Management ownership with some dispersed private holdings (see Table 18). A major contact zone between the Rogue formation and Dothan formation runs north-northeast along the Mule Creek drainage from Marial to east of Mt. Bolivar. As a result, the entire unit east of Mule Creek is prone to translational and rotational slides. The southern most portion of the drainage near Kelsey Creek also shows considerable soil movement in the past years (USDI, 1994). The only physical and biological data available for Mule Creek is a 1970 stream survey of the lower mainstem. Numerous references are made to bedrock dominated channels with little available spawning gravel. No recent detailed information on key components of stream habitat (flow, temperatures, large wood, pool depths, and instream and riparian cover) have been collected for any of Mule Creek. However, fish habitat conditions are generally described by the BLM as excellent in the West Fork, good in the mainstem and Arrasta Fork, and fair in the East Fork (USDI, 1994). A monitoring program for macroinvertebrates was initiated in 1993 at the mouth of Mule Creek. No data from this monitoring is available yet. No systematic temperature monitoring Is occurring within the basin. The 1970 habitat survey listed the stream temperature in the lower mainstem near the confluence with the Rogue at 620 F. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 17: Mule Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES Fall Chinook Coho MILES OF POPULATION HABIT* TRENDS 0 ? 2.4 ? Winter Steelhead 12.1 Resident Trout 14.6 Source: * (USDI, 1994) No peak spawning counts have been discovered to date. 55 ? Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocation are shown below. Table 18: Mule Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 19,990 ac Basin Road Mileage: 77 mi USFS Ownership: 99% Private Ownership: 1% Percent Harvested: 30%± Percent Harvested: ? %(High) Land Allocations Matrix: 50%± Late Succ. Reserves: 10%+ Withdrawn: 40%± Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 100% 0% Approximately 40 percent of the Mule Creek drainage is within the Wild Rogue Wilderness. The remainder, primarily the mainstem and East Fork, has seen very intensive timber management. Road densities in this area are 3.3 and 4.9 miles per square mile, respectively. These represent some of the highest densities within the Lower Rogue Basin. Harvest has disturbed riparian habitat along small headwater streams by removing future sources of downed large woody debris and drastically reducing structural diversity. Future consequences of this activity may be accelerated erosion from roads and down-cutting of small, steep stream channels. It is probable that sediment may be limiting aquatic productivity in some of these areas (USDI, 1994). Other areas within the basin are lightly roaded or unroaded and are not significantly influenced by human activities. The portion of Mule Creek outIside of the wilderness area will continue to see intensive timber managment due to its designation as matrix in the President's forest plan. Restoration opportunities within the basin include storm proofing (and possibly reducing) the existing road system in the mainstem and East Fork areas to reduce or eliminate accelerated sediment input to the stream. Addtionally, riparian function could be restored by planting conifers in the harvested areas to stabilize banks,add shade and provide a future source of large wood.. Data/Analysis Available: Stream habitat surveys for 1970. Preliminary BLM watershed analysis for 1994. Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Program initiated in 1993. Data Gaps/Needs: Stream temperature monitoring. Stream habitat and spawning surveys. Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. 56 LOW ELEVATION PRIVATE TRIBUTARIES Several small low elevation tributaries enter the mainstem Rogue that historically sustained sizeable populations of anadromous fish. Each are primarily under private ownership and have seen intensive management activities. While each subwatershed has a relatively low contribution to the Rogue system as a whole, collectively they have the potential to greatly help in the recovery of both coho and fall chinook. The subwatersheds to be discussed in more detail below include Jim Hunt Creek, Saunders Creek, Edson Creek, Indian Creek, and Silver Creek. I. Jim Hunt Creek Jim Hunt Creek is a southern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 5. The drainage basin is primarily privately owned, with some small amounts of public land in the headwaters (see Table 20 below). No comprehensive information has been gathered on harvest history and slope stability for the basin. The lower section of the basin is in the Dothan formation. The headwaters are in a mixture of serpentine and Colebrook schist. Beaulieu and Hughes (1976) identified approximately 15 percent of the basin as being earthiflow and slump topography. These areas are inherently unstable and management activities should be tailored accordingly. The two primary areas of earthflow and slump terrain are at mid-slope on both sides of the main channel and at the bottom of the basin along the east bank. Basin road densities are high. Riparian cover is variable so high summer temperatures are likely a problem. The channel is deficient of large wood and the potential for future recruitment is poor. The stream flow goes subsurface at the mouth during the summer. Root wads and boulders were recently added by ODFW to create a more defined channel in the aggraded reach near the mouth. The work occurred on John Hancock Insurance Company property. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 19: Jim Hunt Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION HABIT TRENDS** Fall Chinook 1 Winter Steelhead 1? Sea-run Cutthroat 1? Resident Trout 1? Source: * (Confer, 1995) ** (Unterwegner, et.al., 1994) 57 Decreasing Jim Hunt Creek is an index stream for the lower Rogue system. Therefore, peak spawning count data for fall chinook salmon is available since 1964 and is shown below. Peak counts of coho sighted on fall chinook spawning surveys are also available since 1989. One coho was seen in 1990 and six in 1991. The stream historically has had light coho use and ODFW has not recently documented the presence of any juvenile coho. IJIM HUNT CREEK SPAWNIING SUR VEYSI 10 ----11:L11 100 90 S 60 P A 70 I I - I 3 w 60 N 50 E 4 s Mo 20 IN I I r -- 2I : El a 4--L-4II I I I I __i ""ElIM -1 ~~~~~~~~4414- I I0E,010. 10l I.'.'.' Ii 1 k I; _-§ i I I t I I i 10 0 i II I I FT- 1965 1I I0 I I I 1T- J rn i I 1I M I I I I I 1* I I 1I I 1990 1993 Figure 14: Peak Count of Fall Chinook Spawning in Jim Hunt Creek. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocations are shown below. 58 Table 20: Jim Hunt Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 3,625 ac Basin Road Mileage: USFS Ownership: 27% Private Ownership: BLM Ownership: 7% Percent Harvested: ?% Percent Harvested: Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: 21% 79% 0% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 21 mil 66% ? % (High) 0% 100% 0% Possible restoration activities within the basin include planting conifers in harvested riparian areas, storm proofing the existing road system, and monitoring the effectiveness of instream structures placed by ODFW. Data/Analysis Available: ODFW spawning surveys for fall chinook. Data Gaps/Needs: Stream habitat surveys. Stream temperature/water quality monitoring. Road system and condition survey. Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. Macroinvertebrate sampling. H. Saunders Creek Saunders Creek is a southern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 2.8, within the estuary. The drainage basin is completely privately owned (see Table 22 below). Riparian cover in the lower reaches is good although the channel is deficient in large wood. No information is available on stream temperatures. No comprehensive information is available on management history and stability. The primary geologic substrate within the basin is the Dothan formation. Beaulieu and Hughes (1976) identified approximately 20 percent of the basin as being earthflow and slump topography. These areas are inherently unstable and management activities should be tailored accordingly. The primary area of earthflow and slump terrain is along both sides of the channel for approximately 60% of Its length. There are also small isolated areas in the headwaters. There is anecdotal evidence that the low gradient reaches of Saunders Creek once supported relatively large runs of anadromous fish. The lower part of the basin has significant residential development while the headwaters have 59 all been harvested by private landowners and timber companies. Rearing habitat is limited in the low gradient reaches. An eroded culvert outlet beneath Jerry's Flat Road was a fish barrier for a number of years. This culvert was recently upgraded to allow fish passage. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 21: Saunders Creek Fish Data. MILES OF POPULATION FISH SPECIES HABIT * TRENDS ** Decreasing Fall Chinook 1.5 Winter Steelhead 2 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 2 ? Resident Trout 3? Source: * (Confer, 1995) ** (Unterwegner, et.al., 1994) Peak spawning count data by ODFW for fall chinook salmon are available since 1988. Only two years showed records of spawning chinook: 15 fish in 1988 and 1 fish in 1990. Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocations are shown below. Saunders Creek Land Use Data. I Basin Road Mileage: Basin Acreage: 3,725 ac Table 22: 14 mi BLM Ownership: 1% Private Ownership: Percent Harvested: ?% Percent Harvested: ? % (high) Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 0% 90% 10% Land Allocations 100% Matrix: 0% Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: 0% 99% Possible restoration within the basin includes restoring riparian vegetation and function in residential and harvested areas, adding instream complexity for rearing habitat, and storm proofing the existing road system. More habitat, population and land use information is necessary to prioritize any other restoration. Data/Analysis Available: ODFW spawning surveys. 60 Data Gaps/Needs: Habitat surveys. Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. Temperature/water quality information. Macroinvertebrate sampling. III. Edson Creek Edson Creek is a northern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 4.6. The drainage basin is completely privately owned (see Table 24 below). Edson Creek is unique in the lower Rogue system in that the topography of the subwatershed is relatively flat. The lowest reach of the creek passes through flat alluvial deposits of the Rogue. This area is primarily used for grazing cattle. The upper portions of the basin are comprised of primarily second growth fir and rolling meadows over serpentine substrate. Riparian cover in the lower reaches is poor due to grazing. Some alder and brush line the channel but thermal protection is limited. Although no water temperature information is available, summer temperatures are likely a problem. The stream channel is narrow and deep and has multiple areas with vertical, unstable banks; rearing habitat is limited as a result. Due primarily to the low gradient of the channel, ODFW considers Edson Creek to have good potential to support coho. There are anecdotal reports of coho use in recent history, but no systematic spawning surveys have ever been conducted. Historical chinook usage is considered to be low. The STEP program released unfed coho fry into Edson Creek in the mid-1980's with no success. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 23: Edson Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES ________ ______ ________ MILES OF POPULATION HABIT * Coho Winter Steelhead Sea-run Cutthroat Resident Trout 5 ~ax~fl~P. * I TRENDS 2 2__ ? 2 2 ? I Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocations are shown below. 61 Table 24: Edson Creek Land Use Data. Basin Road Mileage: Basin Acreage: 3040 ac Private Ownership: USFS Ownership: 0% 13 mi 100% Percent Harvested: N/A Percent Harvested: 40%± Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: N/A N/A N/A Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 80% 0% 20% Possible restoration within the basin Includes restoring riparian vegetation and function with fencing and plantings in the lower reaches and adding channel complexity for rearing in the low gradient reaches. More habitat, population and land use information is necessary to prioritize any other restoration. Data/Analysis Available: None Data Gaps/Needs: Habitat surveys. Temperature/water quality information. Spawning surveys. Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. Macroinvertebrate sampling., IV. Indian Creek Indian Creek is a southern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 1.3, within the estuary. The drainage basin is completely privately owned (see Table 26 below). No information is currently available on management related activities in the upper basin. The stream does have high suspended sediment and bed load during large storms, so stability may be an issue upstream. Beaulieu and Huges (1976) identified approximately 25 percent of the basin, primarily in the south-west corner, as being earthflow and slump topography. These areas are inherently unstable and management activities should be tailored accordingly. Anadromous fish passage is blocked at mile 0.5 by a water diversion dam constructed in the late 1800's. Riparian cover in the lower reaches is poor due to residential and recreational development. Some alder and brush line the channel in the lower reaches but topography provides considerable shade. No 62 information is available on summer temperatures. The stream channel is relatively steep and velocities below the hatchery are high. There is limited pool habitat and no large wood. Some wild chinook may spawn in Indian Creek below the blockage although most returning adults are hatchery fish. The hatchery had over 200 fall chinook return to spawn in the winter of 1994. Winter steelhead and searun cutthroat also use Indian Creek; their historic range was reduced by the construction of the diversion structure. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 25: Indian Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF HABIT* POPULATION TRENDS Fall Chinook 0.5 ? Winter Steelhead 0.5 ? Sea-run Cutthroat 0.5 ? Resident Trout (Exclusive) 2.5 2 Source: * (Confer, 1995) Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocations are shown below. Table 26: Indian Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 2670 ac Basin Road Mileage: 16 mi BLM Ownership: 10% Private Ownership: 90% Percent Harvested: ? % Percent Harvested: ?% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential/Recrea 75% 20% 5% Land Allocations Matrix: Late Succ. Reserves: Withdrawn: 100% 0% 0% Possible restoration within the basin includes restoring riparian vegetation and function with plantings in the lower reaches, removing the unstable road fill just below the diversion structure, storm proofing the existing road system and replacing the failing diversion structure to provide flow to the hatchery while allowing fish passage. More habitat, population and land use information is necessary to prioritize any other restoration. 63 Data/Analysis Available: None Data Gaps/Needs: Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. Habitat surveys. Temperature/water quality information. Spawning surveys. Macroinvertebrate sampling. V. Silver Creek Silver Creek is a northern tributary that enters the mainstem Rogue at river mile 14.4. The drainage basin is predominantly privately owned (see Table 28 below). Private land within the basin is heavily roaded and has seen intensive timber harvest activities. No stability information is available although the entire basin is underlain by Colebrook schist. The USFS conducted habitat surveys in 1992, but only on the lowest reach of the stream (publicly owned). This section of the channel has a well developed hardwood canopy in the riparian area. In 1993 the 7-day average high stream temperature recorded at the mouth of Silver Creek was 67.4'F. This is considered to be with the range of less than optimal for fish but well below the lethal limit (USDA, 1993). Several in-stream structures were added by the USFS in the mid- 1980's and the majority are still functional. Rearing habitat is limited above the USFS boundary. Silver Creek currently supports coho salmon. No spawning data is available for any of the fish species present. Fish species presence and habitat availability are shown below. Table 27: Silver Creek Fish Data. FISH SPECIES MILES OF POPULATION HABIT Fall Chinook Coho 1? 3 Winter Steelhead Sea-run Cutthroat Resident Trout (Exclusive) 3 3 4 * TRENDS ? Source: * USFS Gold Beach District Fish Distribution Map. (Confer, 1995). 64 Basin land ownerships with corresponding zoning or land allocations are shown below. Table 28: Silver Creek Land Use Data. Basin Acreage: 6170 ac Basin Road Mileage: USFS Ownership: BLM Ownership: 5% 10% Private Ownership: Percent Harvested: ?% Percent Harvested: Land Allocations Matrix: 67% Late Succ. Reserves: 33% Withdrawn: 0% Land Zoning Forest/Grazing: Timber Residential 37 mi 80% ? %(High) 0% 100% 0% Possible restoration within the basin includes inter-planting conifers in the riparian area, adding instream complexity for rearing habitat, inventorying and storm proofing the existing road network and monitoring the effectiveness of the instream structures placed by the USFS. More information is needed on stream channel and riparian conditions on the private land. Data/Analysis Available: USFS stream habitat survey for federal lands, 1992 Data Gaps/Needs: Watershed sensitivity and stability mapping. Habitat surveys of private lands. Spawning surveys. Macroinvertebrate sampling. 65 CHAPTER V WATERSHED HEALTH STRATEGY I. GENERAL While the actual health of the Lower Rogue watershed is dependent on countless components, the watershed health strategy to be employed by the council has but three components: Land owner and public education, protection of remaining high quality habitat, and watershed level restoration. Any approach that does not incorporate all three of these components is likely to be unsuccessful over the long term. Due to the geographic location of the watershed in relation to the remainder of the Rogue system, upstream watershed conditions and trends (both good and bad) eventually appear in the lower Rogue basin. As a result, a vital part of the effective implementation of the watershed health strategy for the Lower Rogue Watershed Council is cooperation and communication with all upstream watershed councils. II. EDUCATION The educational component will focus on bringing about an awareness of current watershed conditions and trends and how these conditions are affected by societal pressures for commodities. Although educating the community can occur on a variety of fronts, the primary means of public outreach will be through media coverage of council events, local school involvement, and demonstration and interpretive projects. The Council currently is planning to distribute educational literature on caring for streams and aquatic systems. This project is in conjunction with the USFS and ODFW and will target local schools and landowners within the watershed. Additionally, a demonstration project for biotechnical bank stabilization and an interpretive wetland viewing site are also planned for the lower river. The USFS, in conjunction with the State and private land owners, is currently evaluating the feasibility of an overall interpretive plan for the entire lower Rogue River. III. PROTECTION OF HIGH QUALITY HABITAT Within the watershed, federal lands have assumed the responsibility of ensuring the existence of large areas of high quality aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Privately owned lands within the basin have been developed into ranches, farms, urban areas, transportation corridors, and industrial forests and are typically expected to create an economic return to the land owner. As a result, private land owners may not have the same management options available as federal land managers. The Forest Ecosystem Management and Assessment Team (FEMAT) evaluation and the President's Forest Plan recognized this condition and the 66 importance of the Lower Rogue watershed to the long term success of various aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Consequently, Quosatana Creek, Shasta Costa Creek, Lawson Creek, and Indigo Creek were all federally designated as key watersheds. The vast majority of USFS land within the lower Rogue basin is also designated as either riparian reserves, late successional reserves, administratively withdrawn or congressionally withdrawn. These areas will not see any significant road construction and timber harvest related activities under the President's Forest Plan. Barring widespread, stand replacement disturbances such as fire, the subwatersheds under federal ownership will provide the cornerstone refugia and populations to recolonize and eventually restore disturbed areas. With the adoption of the new Oregon State Forest Practice Rules, riparian areas on private lands in the watershed will receive considerably more protection than in the past and will undoubtedly benefit aquatic life in the associated streams. IV. WATERSHED RESTORATION Watershed restoration is an attempt to recover damaged ecosystems faster than they would actually do so themselves. While individual restoration projects are very specific, they must be part of a comprehensive approach that attempts to address the entire ecosystem and/or watershed. It quickly becomes obvious that some types of restoration that are desirable may not be feasible due to fiscal constraints. Practical restoration must start by identifying all restoration needs, then sifting through these for the most important processes of concern. Next such factors as treatabilty, cost effectiveness, funding expectations, management constraints, and socio-political considerations must be applied to arrive at the best implementable program (FEMAT, 1993). General guidelines to determine the suitability of a particuar restoration activity are as follow (Adapted from FEMAT, 1993): - Restoration projects should be preceded by a watershed assessment. - Projects should provide a broad range of benefits to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. - Projects should address causes of degradation rather than symptoms. - Projects should have a well defined life span. - Completed projects should be self-sustaining, requiring minimum maintenance or operation. - Projects should contribute to the restoration of historic composition and biodiversity of ecosystems, and bring disturbance regimes back into the range of natural variability. 67 - Projects should restore linkages between refugia and other isolated habitat units. - Projects should integrate watershed protection, including adjustment or cessation of management practices responsible for the habitat degradation. Within this context, restoration activies on federal lands will primarily focus on identifying and correcting existing and potential sources of degradation from past management activities. Restoration on the private lands will focus more on speeding recovery of damaged systems and implementing land use activities more conducive to ecosystem health. It must be pointed out that watershed restoration within any ownership is not mitigation for the continuation of damaging land use practices. General restoration opportunities and their effects on associated watershed resource values are shown below in Table 29 *. Table 29: General Restoration Opportunities. WATERSHED VALUES PROJECTS TOPICS All Projects Contribute Commodity Amenity Scenery Decomission Roads Restore View Points Public Use Recreation Upgrade Recreation Facilities Terrestrial Environmental Quality Vegetation Eradicate Non-Natives Control POC Root Disease Vegetation Management Prescribed Burns, Thinning Disturbance Frequency Maintain Meadow Habitat Aquatic Environmental Quality Landslide and Erosion Large Wood Supply Stream Temperatures Streamflow Fish Habitat * Adapted Storm Proof Roads Plant Conifers Plant Conifers, Hardwoods Storm Proof Roads Stabilize Road Drainage Storm Proof Roads Stabilize Road Drainage Plant Conifers Install Structures from (USDA, 1994). Of the five watershed resource values listed above, the primary restoration focus of the Lower Rogue Watershed Council will be directed toward aquatic ecosystem health. The types of restoration treatments affecting the aquatic ecosystem generally fall into three categories: Hillslope restoration, riparian area restoration, and stream channel restoration. 68 Hillslope Restoration - Hillslope restoration consists of activities such as upgrading roads to control and prevent erosion, deommissioning or obliteration of unneeded or unstable roads, and controlling erosion on bare slopes or areas where soils have become impoverished. An inventory of the existing road network and stream crossings is the precursor to any hillslope restoration. This process must identify the past, present, and potential future effects of each road on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This process has been initiated on federal lands as part of the President's Forest Plan, and to a much lesser extent on private lands. Potential for hillslope restoration exists throughout the basin. Heavily roaded basins within suspect geologic substrates such as Lobster Creek will receive primary focus. Specific hillslope restoration activities for various tributaries are described more completely in Chapter IV, Subwatershed Assessment. Riparian Area Restoration - Planting, thinning and other vegetation management in degraded riparian areas to restore the natural succession of riparian plant communities is necessary for restoring sustainable salmonid habitat (FEMAT, 1993). Restoration prescriptions most applicable to the lower Rogue are fencing, interplanting multiple species of native conifers among even-aged riparian hardwoods such as alder, thinning to promote growth and vigor of riparian trees, and planting on disturbed areas such as streamside landslides, hot-burned streamside areas, skid trails, landings, degraded meadows, etc. Fencing of the riparian area is primarily an issue on Edson Creek and the lower mainstem. Most of the lower tributaries on private lands have simplified vegetative structures in need of conifer interplantings. Both hardwood and conifer plantings are necessary in the low gradient, aggraded reaches in many tributaries such as Quosatana Creek, Shasta Costa Creek, and Lawson Creek to provide shade and bank stabilization. Specific riparian area restoration activities for various tributaries are described more completely in Chapter IV, Subwatershed Assessment. Stream Channel Restoration - In-stream restoration activities that are based on accurately interpreted watershed, stream, and biological processes and deficiencies can be an important component of an overall progam of restoring fish habitats. In-stream restoration measures are inherently shortterm and must be implemented within the context of a comprehensive, longterm restoration and protection strategy (FEMAT, 1993). Stream channel restoration projects were commonplace in the mid1980's. These projects, primarily on federal land, had varying levels of success. The basin has not had a sizeable storm since the placement of many of these structures. Recently, ODFW and John Hancock Insurance have collaborated on projects on Jim Hunt Creek and Lobster Creek to add habitat complexity to the channels. While the need exists for stream channel restoration within the 69 lower reaches of several tributaries, future in-stream structures will only be implemented after a complete and specific biological and physical evaluation of the subwatershed in question. Specific stream channel restoration opportunities for various tributaries are described more completely in Chapter IV, Subwatershed Assessment. 70 CHAPTER VI MONITORING PLAN (Adapted From Coquille Watershed Association) I. BACKGROUND The Lower Rogue Watershed Council will be coordinating activities among many individuals, organizations and agencies and will be helping these groups vie for public moneys to address resource management issues. Any program that spends large sums of public money must be accountable to the public and to interest groups affected by the program. The best way to provide that accountability is through a coordinated monitoring program that recognizes the importance of trend and program effectiveness (cumulative) monitoring on a basin-wide level, and defines an implementation strategy to accomplish these kinds of monitoring. A monitoring program should include: identification of what conditions need to be monitored; summary of existing monitoring efforts; identification of overlaps/gaps; a strategy to address gaps, including coordination of priorities, funding, and staff from existing agency programs; and, recommendations on achieving funding of monitoring strategy. Following is a description of a monitoring program for the Lower Rogue watershed. In developing a monitoring program, a basic understanding must be reached on the kinds of monitoring. There are at least four different and distinct kinds of monitoring relevant to a watershed monitoring program. Ambient monitoring provides information on current and past conditions and trends over a broad area (sometimes called baseline or trend monitoring). This level of monitoring looks at indicators of watershed health as measured over space and time in a defined sub-basin or watershed. It involves collecting samples (to be analyzed for many parameters) from a specific location on a defined schedule, usually for a period of many years. Because of the need for an ongoing commitment of resources, this kind of monitoring is generally done by permanently funded agencies at a limited number of sites. For example, DEQ maintains an ambient monitoring network for water quality. This network provides for only a few sampling locations in a given watershed. It provides general information on the quality of water but it usually cannot provide detailed information on subtle changes caused by an individual program or project. Other agencies do similar kinds of monitoring for fish, range conditions, etc. This kind of monitoring is outside the scope of a watershed association. The Council should, however, be aware of this monitoring, provide input on sampling plan design, make use of acquired data, and provide a coordination role for information storage and distribution. 71 Program effectiveness monitoring provides information on changes in conditions that result from carrying out a plan of action designed to improve conditions (relevant to specific parameters of interests; cumulative effects). This involves the collection of samples (to be analyzed only for specific parameters of interest) from several locations within a limited geographic area on a defined schedule for a period of a few years. This is the only way to measure effects of action plan implementation, including groups of projects on a cumulative basis. It does not necessarily require the establishment of many new, dedicated monitoring sites. Data being collected by a variety of agencies for similar purposes may be used. In most cases, however, some new sites will need to be established (especially on or below private land) in order to evaluate change resulting from implementation of a program of restoration and resource management activities. Project effectiveness monitoring provides information on whether or not a specific project resulted in the environmental change it was intended to produce. This involves tailoring monitoring strategies to each project, but as a general rule, the parameters of interest are easy to measure and require infrequent data collection. The intent is primarily to monitor localized project benefits such as the re-establishment of streamside vegetation. Site specific project benefits can often be detected within a few months to a few years. In contrast, cumulative program benefits such as a reduction in summer stream temperatures may take many years or decades to show improvement. Project implementation monitoring provides information on whether or not the elements of a project (structures, practices, seminars, etc.) were actually installed or carried out on a previously agreed to schedule. This generally involves site visits, taking photographs, reviewing billings and reports. Implementation monitoring is the only way to document that grant agreements or contracts have been adhered to. If done properly, and if some assumptions are made, it can also provide some qualitative information about effectiveness. This is a relatively inexpensive type of monitoring. II. MONITORING STRATEGY Ambient Monitoring - Long term ambient monitoring is important and should continue (or be established) to be promoted to maximize the Lower Rogue Watershed Council's ability to document watershed conditions and contributions to improvements as a result of Council activities. Since conducting ambient monitoring is outside the scope and ability of the Council, agencies and organizations that have historically done long term trend monitoring will be encouraged to continue these activities. In this regard, the Council can play an important role by contributing to program direction and giving support to agency requests for budgets to continue long term monitoring. Program Effectiveness Monitoring - Program effectiveness needs to be coordinated with the organizations and agencies presently doing ambient monitoring. The Lower Rogue Wateshed Council needs to become involved in and provide input to their program of work for this reason. 72 Project Implementation and Effectiveness - Project implementation and effectiveness monitoring provides a role of illustrating and documenting the success of projects implemented as a result of activities associated with the Council. Project monitoring provides a means by which individual land owners and organizations can prove to themselves and interested parties that they have indeed made a difference. For these reasons implementation and effectiveness monitoring for individual projects should be promoted in such a way that individuals and organizations can document the results of their projects without these efforts being excessively burdensome, either through time or expense. Examples of project monitoring that would be acceptable would be photo documentation, and plant, animal and pool counts. Copies of these monitoring efforts should be maintained by both the individual(s) associated with the project and in a centralized location that can be managed by the Council. The following information is provided to assist in the identification of appropriate monitoring of projects. Monitoring design will vary per project based upon the project goals. The parties responsible for monitoring will also vary per individual site proposal. As a result, monitoring commitments and what entity the information will be reported to will be identified in detail on individual project applications. Monitoring plans need not be elaborate but should answer the following questions: * What are the monitoring objectives? * What agencies and/or persons will conduct the monitoring? Specific responsibilities? Phone number or address? Who receives the data? * What parameters will be monitored? On what frequency? How long? * What are the proposed number and locations of monitoring sites? * In what form and at what location will the data be stored? * Where data quality assurance measures are required, identify measures to be taken such as replicate sampling and instrument calibration? III. MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION Project Effectiveness Monitoring. Physical or "on-the-ground" restoration projects will be in place for years. The Council will need to keep this perspective when selecting monitoring parameters. This guidance focuses on monitoring conducted within the stream channel and/or riparian zone, but these concepts are applicable to upland sites. These kinds of project often require years or decades to fully achieve their goals. Monitoring is our only means for measuring progress and determining project success. The equipment needs of most monitoring methods are generally quite minimal (e.g. 73 measuring tape and rod), but they require trained personnel and consistency in application. There are three main criteria that may assist in parameter selections: 1. Applicability to the projects objectives. 2. Objectivity and ability to detect change. 3. Cost and labor requirements. Photo documentation is an important component for any project which will produce visible changes in the environment. The establishment of set photo points increases the value of photographic data. Permanent markers make excellent reference points for long-term photo documentation. For example, a marker on the bank can be used as a reference point for a cross-channel photo. A tape stretched between opposing markers can be used to locate a reference point for upstream and downstream photos. This site-specific information needs to be recorded when the photo point is established. All photos M!UST be dated. Following are examples of restoration objectives and the parameters and/or methods that should be considered for monitoring. All work will be approved by and in coordination with the landowner. 1) Riparian restoration: Define who and how stocking surveys will be done. Survival of plantings will be monitored by landowners and/or agency personnel on an annual basis and follow up treatment will occur as needed utilizing volunteers, landowners, or agency resources as funding allows, until the outlined survival goals are achieved. Water quality monitoring will target stream temperatures and flow. Evaluation will occur on a yearly basis during the summer months at selected sites as continued staffing allows. Long term monitoring may be included in landowner agreements. This information will be compared to established baseline data to evaluate temperature reductions. Canopy coverage/shading will be measured by densiometer at the time of project implementation to document baseline conditions. These conditions will be monitored on a regular basis (annually, every three or every five years. 2) Riparian Planting Protection: Protection of newly planted riparian areas will be accomplished by whatever means may be necessary including fencing and individual tree protection. Riparian protection shall be deemed a success if a healthy and diverse riparian area is protected during establishment and through the time specified in the landowner permission document. 74 3) Off Channel Habitat: Seeding levels and spawning surveys will be generated at selected sites on a yearly basis to determine resource use of this habitat component. Water quality monitoring at these project sites should include dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, and flows. 4) Instream Structure: Selected instream structures will be inspected to determine resulting functions. Any changes in structure will be documented including recruitment of woody debris and sedimentation. Follow up habitat surveys will document changes in pool riffle ratios within restored watersheds and instream fish counts will document fish usage around these structures. Water quality monitoring parameters should include temperature, flow, and turbidity. 5) Upland Vegetation: Status of upland vegetation will provide a landscape perspective of changes in plant community structure and diversity. VI. DATA COORDINATION The following units of measure will be utilized for tracking and recording restoration projects implemented within the Lower Rogue Watershed. This information should be provided on a sub basin as well as basin scale. All units will be defined to the nearest 0.10, unless otherwise specified. 1. Fencing: linear miles per drainage. 2. Off channel stock watering: number of sites developed per drainage. 3. Planting: hardwoods/acre, total acres per drainage. * conifers/acre, total acres per drainage. * shrubs/acre, total acres per drainage * stream miles per drainage of riparian diversification . techniques. * live-staking/acre, total acres per drainage. 4. Riparian setbacks: acres/stream mile, total acres per drainage. 75 5. Instream structures: structures/mile, total structures per drainage. * log weirs. * boulder deflectors. * scour structures. * cover structures. 6. Off-channel alcoves: * number/size, total structures per drainage. * sediment removal, cubic yards (cy) per project, cy per drainage 7. Pool development: * total projects per drainage. * sediment removal, cy per project, cy per drainage. 8. Culvert treatment: number of culverts treated per drainage. * miles of stream reach opened to fish. 9. Road treatment: sediment prevented from entering stream channel, cubic yards per project, cubic yards per drainage 10. Soil bio-engineering (resloping, willow waddles, rock barbs etc.): * acres/stream mile * total acres per drainage * miles of roads and skid trails stabilized * acres of erosion control initiated 76 CHAPTER VII PUBLIC INVOLVMENT STRATEGY The mission of the Lower Rogue Watershed Council is to help foster, develop and coordinate a basin-wide approach to resource planning and management so as to protect, enhance and restore the natural resources of the basin. The only conceivable way to accomplish this goal is to enlist broad public support and involvement. In order to educate the land owners and the general public in a non-threatening way about watershed restoration, a multi faceted approach will be employed. The first component of the public involvement strategy is to encourage public attendance at watershed council meetings. People in the community need to become more knowlegeable of the council and its purpose. This will be accomplished using local radio and newspapers to advertise council activities and accomplishments. Additionally, the Lower Rogue Watershed Council, in concert with the Coos and Coquille Associations and the Southcoast Council, will develop a newsletter to be printed and distributed by local newspapers. The articles within this newsletter will be suitable as "stand alone" information pieces on individual subjects. The council will also continue to utilize existing technical information delivery systems such as the OSU Extension Service and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. The second component of the public involvement strategy is to contact landowners within the watershed and assess their willingness to participate in restoration projects. This can initially be accomplished by mailing flyers or by contacting local landowner associations, but personal contact by telephone and field visits will be most effective. It must be made clear to the landowners that the council will not engage in any activity that may limit control of their land. The third component of the public involvement strategy is to showcase successful restoration efforts within the watershed. This is the best method for displaying the effectiveness of the council. The local newspaper will be the primary avenue for disseminating this information. The final component is to provide educational opportunities for the local schools and general public. This will be accomplished through establishment of interpretive displays at appropriate projects, distribution of educational literature, and solictiation of student and teacher volunteers for participation in project development, implementation, and monitoring. 77 CHAPTER VIII MECHANISM FOR UPDATING THE ASSESSMENT I. BACKGROUND Watershed Action Plans are "living" documents, subject to change as new information becomes available through monitoring and assessment, and as projects are completed. Revisions of the Action Plan will be brought before SWMG at planned intervals or as updates and amendments are made. In addition, novel or problematic projects may be directly referred to SWMG. II. NEW INFORMATION Improved information on the condition of the watershed and actions required will accumulate continually. The watershed coordinator will be responsible for storing or being knowledgeable about the location of such information. As watershed analyses and other watershed-level information are generated, this information will be analyzed by the Technical Advisory Group and the coordinator, which will make recommendations to the Council. Additional information will be available from a variety of sources, such as federal agencies (as watershed analyses mandated by FEMAT), state natural resources agencies, private interest groups, large industrial landowners, and other groups. On a voluntary and cooperative basis this knowledge will also serve as a basis for an update. All council members will be responsible for reviewing research publications and other sources and providing the coordinator with references or copies of pertinent documents. New information needs to be included in the watershed action plan at all levels, especially the working assessment and watershed health strategy. This will be a fixed discussion item at the periodic Technical Advisory Group meetings. The watershed coordinator will be responsible for accumulating information that will be used to update the Action Plan. III. COUNCIL APPROVAL PROCESS The Council must reach concensus on all proposed changes to the Action Plan. IV. SCHEDULED UPDATES One annual update will be scheduled. A timeline for review and approval of this update will be set such that it can be done at the February SWMG meeting. Interim updates will be scheduled to take advantage of funding opportunities or important new information. 78 REFERENCES Beaulieu, John D.; Hughes, P.W. 1976. Bulletin 90: Land use geology of western Curry County. State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Portland, Oregon. Beschta, R.L.; Bilby, R.E.; Brown, G.W.; HoItby, L.B.; Hofstra, T.D. 1987. Stream temperature and aquatic habitat: Fisheries and forestry interactions. In: Salo, E.O.; Cundy, T.W., eds. Forestry and Fisheries Interactions. Contributuion Number 57. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington, Institue of Forest Resources. Bisson, P.A.; Bilby, R.E.; Bryant, M.D.; Dolloff, C.A.; Grette, G.B.; House, R.A.; Murphy, M.L.; Koski, K.V.; Sedell, J.R. 1987. Large woody debris in forested streams in the Pacific Northwest: Past, present, and future. In: Salo, E.O.; Cundy, T.W., eds. Forestry and Fisheries Interactions. Contributuion Number 57. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington, Institue of Forest Resources. Confer, Todd. 1995. Personal communication. Assistant district biologist, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Southwest Region. Gold Beach, Oregon. Curry County. 1990. Curry County comprehensive plan. Curry County, Oregon. Fustish, C.A.; Satterthwaite, T.P.; MacLeod, J.R.; Unterwegner, T.; Haight, D.R.; Nemeth, D.; Mullen, B. 1993. Rogue basin fish management plan Draft. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, Oregon. FEMAT. 1993. Forest ecosystem management: An ecological, economic, and social assessment. Final report of the Forest Ecosystem Management and Assessment Team. Frissell, C.A.; Liss, W.J. 1986. Classification of stream habitat and watershed systems in south coastal Oregon, and an assessment of land use impacts. Progress report prepared for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oak Creek Laboratory of Biology, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon. Hume, R.D. 1893. Salmon of the pacific coast. Nehlsen, W.; Williams, J.E.; Lichatowich, J.A. 1991. Pacific salmon at the crossroads: Stocks at risk from California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Fisheries. Volume 16. Number 2. 79 Nickelson, T.E.; Nicholas, J.W.; McGie, A.M.; Lindsay, R.B.; Bottom, D.L.; Kaiser, R.J.; Jacobs, S.E. 1992. Status of anadromous salmonids in Oregon coastal basins. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, Oregon. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. 1988. Oregon statewide assessment of nonpoint sources of water pollution. Portland, Oregon. Oregon Water Resources Department. 1985. Rogue River basin study. Salem, Oregon. Unterwegner, T.; Nemeth, D.; Confer, T. 1994. Fish management review. Southwest Region. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1979. Siskiyou National Forest soil resource inventory. Siskiyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1989. Final environmental impact statement: Land and resource management plan. Siskiyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1991. Final environmental impact statement: Shasta Costa timber sales and integrated resource projects. Siskiyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1992. Draft environmental impact statement: Quosatana/ Bradford timber sales and integrated resource projects. Siskiyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1993. 1993 Temperature monitoring report for the Rogue River basin. Siskiyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 1994. Elk River watershed analysis. Sisklyou National Forest. Pacific Northwest Region. Portland, Oregon. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992. Recovery plan for the Northern Spotted Owl - Draft. Portland, Oregon. USDI Bureau of Land Management. 1994. A preliminary analysis of the Rogue Frontal West watershed analysis unit. Glendale Resource Area. Medford District. Medford, Oregon. 80 APPENDICES APPENDIX A LINKAGES TO EXISTING PROGRAMS Below is a list of cooperating agencies and programs generally involved in watershed level restoration. Although the focus of each organization varies, each possess valuable insights and information on the condition of particular aspects of the watershed. In order to maintain the restoration momentum begun by the USFS and ODFW, the Lower Rogue Watershed Council will work to coordinate this wide array of existing restoration programs across ownerships in order to promote a basin wide focus. Interagency and interprogram coordination has been initiated and will be invaluable to accomplishing the proposed restoration efforts. * The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) * US Army Corps of Engineers * Oregon Division of State Lands * Oregon Water Resources Department * Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). * Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). * Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (STEP). * Natural Resource Conservation Service. * Curry County Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD). * Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). * Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF). * Bring Back the Natives. * Port of Gold Beach. * Oregon State University Extension (OSU), Sea Grant. * Oregon State Department of Agriculture (ODA). 81 * Curry Anadromous Fishermen. * Curry County. * The Presidents Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT) * Coastal Zone Management Act - 6217 (CZMA). * Governors Watershed Enhancement Board (GWEB). * South Coast Coordinating Watershed Council. 82 APPENDIX B REVIEW OF PERTINENT REGULATIONS Different state and federal agencies are required by statutes to regulate activities such as archaeological disturbances, confined animal feed lots, and activities that affect the waters of Oregon and the United States. An important and necessary component of watershed restoration and enhancement work will be identifying pertinent statutes and the associated regulatory agencies and obtaining the necessary permits to conduct restoration and enhancement activities. Permits are required for activities such as removal or dredging and fill of waters, wetlands and waterways. Watershed restoration or enhancement work requires any of several permits prior to beginning work beyond the planning stages. Removal-Fill permits for dredging and fill of waterways and wetlands are regulated by the Division of State Lands (DSL) and The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). A separate permit process is involved though it may be a joint permit. Send a copy of the application to each agency. Public review is a statutory requirement for individual permit approval. A Nationwide Permit issued by the COE does not have to go out for public review; thus, the approval is faster. However, the decision for individual or nationwide permit process is made by the COE. According to the details of the project, contact the regulatory agency listed below for an application and a packet of information. The packet will contain examples of what details are expected in the application, especially for Removal-Fill applications. Follow the instructions in the packet to the letter, or expect delays. Apply and pay fees upon request to the agency. Do not begin work in the field without approval of permits. Permits contain special conditions within which work is to be conducted. Follow these conditions. By law, approved Removal-Fill permits should be displayed on the work site. The following State and/or Federal agencies issue permits (some include fees) that may be required prior to beginning any work in waters of the state: The Division of State Lands (DSLQ. Environmental Planning and Permits Section. 775 Summer Street NE. Salem 97310: phone (503) 378-3805 _ * Prior to conducting excavation or fill activities (this includes in-stream structures, logs, and boulders, but see Fish Habitat Enhancement below) in any waters of the state of Oregon, you will be required to submit an application for a removal-fill permit from the Oregon Division of State Lands (DSL) if the materials to be removed or for fill in waters of the state (wetlands included) exceed fifty (50) cubic yards. The threshold for the number of cubic yards may be far less for the COE permits. This review and approval process could take from 90 to 120 days. 83 Permits include special conditions for work with time limits for work in-stream. If the area has endangered species, then special conditions will apply. There are several different types of removal-fill permits for which to apply depending on the proposed project: the removal-fill permit and two (2) types of General authorizations. General authorizations are free of charge and include wetland enhancement/ restoration, and fish habitat enhancement. Be advised that removal activities are within an annual limit, but fill activities are cumulative over the years. For an overview of the Oregon Revised Statutes pertaining to these issues see ORS 196.800-196.990. For more information contact: DSL. * Any removal or fill activities in Oregon Scenic Waterways have to be approved by the State Land Board. Most state Scenic Waterways overlap with the Federal Wild and Scenic Waterways; thus, requiring approval from the managing agency. This review and approval process could take 120 days or more. If the work consists of fish habitat enhancement and an Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife representative is the applicant for the General Authorization, then Land Board approval is not necessary. For an overview of the Oregon Revised Statutes pertaining to these issues see ORS 390.805-390.925. For more information contact DSL. * If the overall project is designed for fish habitat enhancement, then only a Fish Habitat Enhancement General Authorization is required unless the total volume of materials used for fill or to be removed from waters of the state exceeds one hundred (100) cubic yards per individual site. Contact DSL or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Submit a completed form. This review and approval process could take up to three weeks, but is usually sooner. If the number of cubic yards of materials exceeds one hundred (100) per site, then a regular Removal/Fill permit is required from DSL. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). RegulatorU and Resource Planning Branch. Attn.: CENNP-PE-RP. PO Box 2946. Portland 97208-2946. phone (503) 326-6995. * The U.S. Congress has given the Corps the responsibilities under sections 404 of the Clean Water Act and section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 for regulation of construction and other work conducted in the waters of the United States. A permit may be required for any excavation and fill activities in navigable waters of the United States, or for the placement of any structure in waters of the United States. This includes coastal and inland waters. Permits are required even when land next to or under the water is privately owned. Both the property owner and contractor may be held liable for violation of Federal law if work begins before permits have been obtained. Typical activities that require a permit are the following: * Construction of such structures as piers, wharves, bulkheads, dolphins, marinas, ramps and floats. 84 * Placement of wires and cables over the water, pipes or cables under the water, and intake and outfall pipes. * Dredging, excavation and depositing of fill and dredged material. * Transport of dredged material for the purpose of dumping into ocean waters. * Any construction of revetments, groins, breakwaters, levees, dams, dikes, tide gates and weirs. * * Placement of riprap and building site fills. For more information contact: the COE. Any project requiring a federal permit or license also requires under section 401 of the Clean Water Act a certification by the State of Oregon as issued by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This process is initiated under the DSL-COE joint Removal/Fill permit. Additional statutes that affect the COE regulatory policy decisions are: * Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 regulates transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping into ocean waters. * The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 defines the national policy for encouragement of productive harmony between man and his environment, as evaluated through Environmental Impact Statements. * Under the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, the Corps coordinates efforts with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. * The Endangered Species Act of 1973 requires coordination to insure protection of endangered species. The Corps coordinates with U. S Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service whenever a waterway or area with threatened and endangered species are involved. Under the Endangered Species Act, an applicant is required to demonstrate that the proposed project will have no adverse effects on the threatened or endangered species; otherwise the permit is denied. * Under the Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, any dredging or fill activities in these designated areas also (COE approval too) require approval of the Federal agency that manages the area: i.e., U.S. Forest Service, or Bureau of Land Management. There are about 40 river segments designated in Oregon. 85 * Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 requires that activities comply with and be certified by a local coastal zone management program. The Department of Land Conservation and Development determines whether the local program is consistent with the Federal law. * The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires coordination on matters concerning historic and archaeological preservation Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) office; or DEQ. Water Quality Division. Standards and Assessments Section. 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland. 97204: phone (503) -229-5279. * If five (5) or more acres are disturbed for construction, then a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit may be required under Section 402(b) of the Clean Water Act. This review and approval process could take about two weeks. For more information contact: nearest regional DEQ office; or the DEQ, Water Quality Division. Water Resources Department (WRD). Commerce Building. 158 12th. Street NE. Salem. OR 973 10-0210. (503) 378-8455. or Water Master (WRD) or regional office (1-800-6243199). * A permit from the Water Resources Department is required to appropriate waters of the State of Oregon. To appropriate means to pump, store, or divert or otherwise use water from ground or surface water sources. State statutes and administrative rules may prevent or restrict new appropriation from some water sources. This review and approval process time varies for different areas. For more information contact: the nearest Water Master or regional office (1-800624-3199). Local Planner, contact local City or County offices * Approval by local city or county planners for any activities in the Coastal area will be required to meet the Coastal Zone Management Act and to insure that activities are consistent with the local comprehensive plan. The local city or county planners may be of assistance with these guidelines. For example, local city or county planners review all Removal/Fill permits under current procedures; this is included in the permit review process at the Oregon Division of State Lands. Watershed council representatives should contribute to the local periodic review process for land use as a method for incorporating watershed restoration and protection into the comprehensive plan. For additional information contact the Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1175 Court Street NE, Salem 97310-0590. 86 Oregon Department of Forestry. 2600 State Street. Salem 97310: phone (503) 9457200. * A plan and/or permit is required for any removal of commercial timber products during land clearing, and related forest management activities such as road construction for timber harvest, chemical application, slash disposal, and for the operation of heavy equipment. This process takes about 15 days. For more information contact: nearest District Forester; or the Salem office. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). 2501 SW First Ave.. P.O. Box 59, Portland 97207: phone (503) 5403. * Any work requiring in-stream or in-water blasting requires a permit from ODFW. For more information contact: the district biologist at the nearest regional office of ODFW. Further assistance from state office in Portland is available at (503) 229-5403. * ODFW sets guidelines for in-water work periods for protection of fish and wildlife resources. Guidelines are available from the ODFW, or DSL. For more information contact: the district biologist at the nearest regional office of ODFW. * A Permit is required from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife if fish are to be transported or released into any body of water, including storage reservoirs; or for the propagation of Pacific salmon; or to release domestically raised wildlife; or for the release of wildlife brought into the state. * Projects that may impact threatened and endangered animals on state lands will require a permit from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. No fee is required to obtain this permit. For more information contact: ODFW Habitat Division in Portland at (503) 229-5454. Oregon Department of Agriculture. 635 Capital Street, NE. Salem 97310: phone (503) 378-3810. * Projects that may impact threatened or endangered plants on state,county, or city lands require a permit from the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Rare species databases should be consulted prior to initiation of work to determine if additional site inspections will be required. No fee is required to obtain this permit. For more information contact: ODA Plant Conservation Biology Program in Salem at (503) 986-4700. Permits are required for Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). 87 * If at any time, water is diverted from a stream that does not both originate and terminate on same single private property, then a permit for water withdrawal is required. This is coordinated with the Water Resources Department and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. A fee is required. For additional information contact ODA or WXRD. Department of Parks and Recreation. State Historic Preservation Office. 1115 Commercial Street NE. Salem 97310-1001: phone (503) 378-6508 ext. 232 * The staff manages the use of lands in state parks, on ocean beaches (ocean shore permits), and in state scenic waterways ( in corporation with DSL). * Prior to beginning work that disturbs the ground a permit may be required from the State Historic Preservation Office. Upon disturbance of any archaeological artifacts the State Historic Preservation Office should be notified immediately: * Archaeological Sites and Historical Material: Permits and conditions for excavation or removal of archaeological or historical material. (1) (a) A person may not excavate or alter an archaeological site on public lands, make an exploratory excavation on public lands to determine the presence of an archaeological site or remove from public lands any material of an archaeological, historical, prehistoric or anthropological nature without first obtaining a permit issued by the State Parks and Recreation Department. Pursuant to ORS 358.920 (1) (a) A person may not knowingly and intentionally excavate, injure, destroy or alter an archaeological object or remove an archaeological object located on public or private lands in Oregon unless that activity is authorized by a permit issued under ORS 390.235. For an overview of the Oregon Revised Statutes pertaining to these issues see ORS 358.905 to 358.955; 390.235; 97.740 to 97.760; and 192.501 to 192.505. * Archaeological sites means a geographic locality in Oregon, including but not limited to submerged and submersible lands, and the bed of the sea within the state's jurisdiction, that contains archaeological objects and the contextual associations of the archeological objects. * Other rules may apply as set forth by the Department of Parks and Recreation. Contact Leland Gilsen, Department of Parks and Recreation, Salem at (503) 3786508 ext. 232 for additional information. The Oregon Department of Transportation. State Highway Division. 135 Transportation Bldg. Salem 97310: phone (503) 378-6546. * A permit may be required prior to placing any signs on State highway right-ofway. 88 . APPENDIX C COOPERATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Building understanding and networking among individuals with diverse needs and beliefs is one of the major goals of the Lower Rogue Watershed Council. State agencies, local governments, and concerned citizens throughout the Rogue watershed and Oregon are being faced with complex natural resource issues which historically have been resolved through costly and frequently combative litigation. This has led to increased polarization of interests and less communication and negotiation. Resolving disputes through channels other than litigation promotes the understanding and networking among individuals in the watershed who represent diverse needs and beliefs. The Lower Rogue Watershed Council shall make decisions on the basis of consensus. Consensus is an agreement that is reached by identifying the interests of all concerned parties and then building an integrative solution that maximizes satisfaction of as many of the interests as possible. The process does not involve voting but a synthesis and blending of solutions. Consensus does not mean unanimity in that it does not satisfy all participant's interests equally or that each participant supports the agreement to the same degree. Instead, consensus is considered to be the best decision for all participants in that it addresses to some extent all interests (from Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission). Ways available to assist in resolving disputes about natural resource management and public policy outside of litigation that can be used by the Council include negotiation, mediation and facilitation. These methods of resolving disputes focus on overcoming issues through collaborative problem solving. I. NEGOTIATION Negotiation is a bargaining relationship between two or more parties who have a perceived or actual conflict. The participants join voluntarily in a temporary relationship to educate each other about their needs and interests, exchange specific resources or resolve one or more intangible issues such as the form their relationship will take in the future. Negotiation can be approached from a basis of scarcity or abundance of resources (Leritz, 1987). The former yields negotiations based on fear while the latter yields negotiations based on understanding (Krueger, 1992). Krueger (1992) suggested that by changing a negotiation for resources from allocation of scarcity to sharing in abundance, we can find a way to move from limiting peoples' wants through allocation to meeting peoples' needs through abundance of resources'. By approaching natural resources negotiations with a philosophy of abundance and open communication among citizens with common interests in the land, it is possible to come to a common understanding and work toward consensus on understanding the potential of the resource. 89 II. MEDIATION There are some instances in which the council may reach impasse in its negotiation over natural resource issues. In such circumstances, mediation is an alternative available for resolution of the issue. Mediation involves the use of an impartial third party to facilitate discussion in a way that helps parties generate solutions that meet their respective concerns. Unlike court, arbitration, or settlement conferences, the mediator does not make decisions or impose settlement terms. The mediator, who is impartial, serves as a third party negotiator. The advantages of mediation are: * * * * * * It is fast. Many disputes are resolved in a single three hour session. It is cost-efficient. Much less than litigation. It is less adversarial. More time is spent on how to resolve future issues instead of establishing the "facts" of the past. It produces more winners. An agreement is signed only if all parties agree to its terms. It addresses the 'real' issues that may be driving the dispute. It gives parties control over outcome and procedures. The parties can chose the time, place, ground rules and the mediator. ILL. FACILITATION Facilitation is the use of a third party, who is impartial toward issues being discussed, to provide procedural assistance to group participants to enhance information exchange or promote effective decision-making. Facilitation can assist in negotiated rulemaking sessions, administration, multi-party discussions and intergovernmental relations. The facilitator does not necessarily help the parties resolve issues. Instead, the facilitator works to keep the group focused on their agenda and goals. IV. RESOURCES AVAILABLE The Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission is a state resource available for resolving disputes over Watershed Health issues. The Commission's program objective is to support the use of collaborative dispute resolution and problem solving in all aspects of public policy development and implementation involving conflicts between public agencies or between citizens and agencies. Oregon's Public Policy Program was established in 1990 to promote the use of means other than litigation for resolving disputes affecting the public interest. The program provides technical assistance, training and information services to organizations and all state and local government agencies in Oregon. The program: 90 * * * * helps agencies and citizens evaluate cases and use the dispute resolution process as an alternative to litigation or contested case proceedings; helps agencies obtain the services of trained mediators or facilitators; sponsors training seminars to improve the collaborative problem solving skills of public employees; and informs and educates government officials, interest groups, and the public about alternative means for resolving their disputes. The program's dispute resolution services may be requested by state agency officials, local government officials, legislators and the public. The program staff can perform one or more of the following tasks: * * * work with all parties to assess the potential for settlement; advise parties on the most appropriate dispute resolution procedures based on the characteristics of the dispute; assist in selecting a qualified, impartial, third party or team of neutrals; provide parties with grants to fund dispute resolution services; and provide administrative and case management support until the collaborative dispute resolution process is concluded. More information about the Public Policy Program and the services provided can be received at (503) 378-2877. V. VOTING AS A LAST RESORT If after all attempts at dispute resolution a consensus is not reached, the issue can either be laid aside until a future date or it can be resolved by a majority vote of the members. Because voting on issues leads to polarization and because laying an issue aside until a future date allows individuals to synthesize information, develop an understanding and respect for other individuals viewpoints, and generate unique alternatives to perceived issues, the Council strongly recommends that voting be held to a minimum and as a last resort . VI. REFERENCES Leritz, L. 1987. No-Fault Negotiating. Pacific Press. Portland, OR. 293 p. Krueger, W.C. 1992. Building Concesus For Rangeland Uses. Rangelands. 14: 38-41. Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission. 1994. Program Information. 91 APPENDIX D BUILDING LOCAL CAPABILITIES Although the formation of the Lower Rogue Watershed Council was initiated by the Watershed Health Program, the Council's long term success will depend entirely on the its ability to continue future restoration efforts independent of State guidance and support. The Lower Rogue Watershed council needs to become an organization where people come to get ideas and help for resolving their resource based issues and opportunities. The Council needs to effectively work with regulatory agencies and their permit processes and help landowners and others accomplish their work by providing on the ground guidance. The Council must know the general conditions within the watershed and have a prioritized list of projects ready for implementation that will cost effectively expend public and/or private funds. Knowledge of the availability of such funds and skill in applying for them will be vital to the continued success of the Council. Refer to the table below for a summary of some potential funding sources. 92 Potential Funding Sources Agency Program Assistance Recipients Purpose Comments Federal FmHA SCS Watershed Protection & Flood Protection Loans Resource Conservation & Development Loans Small Watershed Program (P.L. 566) Municipalities, SWCD's. Local Nonprofit Watershed projects including irrigation, flood control, organizations recreation, and storage States, Counties, Cities, & Local Nonprofits Water storage facilities, water-based recreation facilities Technical Assistance and Grants State Agencies, Municipalities, Districts Planning and construction of projects which utilize resources of small Resource Conservation & Development Advisory Service and Construction Grants States, Local Governments, Nonprofits Rural Clean Water Program Direct Payments Private Landowners Agriculture Conservation Program Direct Payments Technical Private Landowners Land and water conservation Up to $30,000/yr/produced. Covers 75% of out-ofEconomic incentives for 10-year contracts. Annual rental payment limited to $50,000 per Used in conjunction with SCS's Small Watershed Program Used in conjunction with SCS's Resource Conservation and Development Program Covers up to 100% flood control and up to 50% for most other purposes watersheds ASCS Flood prevention, erosion control, waterbased recreation, fish & wildlife development & Available only for RC&D authorized areas. Pays up to 100% for flood control: up to 50% for other projects. Up to agricultural pollution $50,000/year To solve water problems resulting from agricultural non- Cannot be used as local cost share on Federal projects point surface pollution Assistance pocket costs Conservation Reserve Program Contracts Private Landowners Plant permanent vegetative on highly erodible cropland Water Quality Special Projects Direct Payments Private Landowners Assist large water quality projects involving many Emphasis on hot spots identified by Water Quality Board, National participants Competition Water Quality Incentive Program Direct Payments Private Landowners operator Direct incentives for improvement measures, no cost share 93 Agen Program Wetland Reserve Recipients Purpose Cities, Counties, Irrigation Districts, Water Flood control, fish & wildlife, recreation, irrigation, and Districts hydropower Grants Technical Private Landowners Restore and/or enhance wetlands A ssistance __ Assistance Oregon Program USBR Small Reclamation Projects Act USFW Partners for Comments Not yet available in Loans and Grants Cannot claim other Federal funds as local cost share for SRPA funding Wildlife Program Wetlands Restoration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State OEDD OWRD Regional Strategies Program Water Development Loan Program Governor's Watershed Enhancement Program Grant Lottery Funds Loans GWEB Grants to Districts Grants, Technical Grants, Technical Assistance Counties Economic Development l Municipalities under 30,000 population Individuals, Municipalities, Agencies Irrigation or drainage of agricultural lands. or municipal Nvater Watershed improvements Districts Watershed improvements Local entities Developing and implementing integrated stream restoration plans for subbasins Gather data to develop strategy and costs for conservation project Important to have secondary benefits of recreation, flood control, or hydropower Must have potential to improve water quality or increase water holding capability of stream banks; priority given to non-state finded and quality improvements Assistance Stream Restoration Program ODA Grants, Technical Assistance Grants Planning of Soil and Water Conservation Practices (SB617) Grants Implementation of Soil and Water Conservation projects $1,000 annually to each district for water quantity Soil and Water Conservation Districts Pilot programs being proposed for 1990 funding Projects to consider erosion control, water conservation and development and water quality enhancement SWCD's Construction & startup costs for conservation and development projects Practices 94 (See above) Agency ODFW [ Program Restoration and Enhancement Program [ Assistance Grants Green Forage Program General Habitat Improvement DEQ Clean Water Act Section 319 ODF Forestry Incentives Program 1 Recipients Public or private non-profit organization { Comments Planting, seeding Public owned and Develop or enhance Private habitat for wildlife ownerships Grants (1991 Oregon target is $537K) State or Federal governmental entities Private. Nonindustrial Landowners Technical Assistance Stewardship Incentive Program Purpose Restore/enhance fish production. Provide additional public access. Support on-theground non-point source water quality projects. Grants Woodland Owners with 51.000 acres of forest land Improvement of natural watershed and quality of surface and ground water Assist in planting forest trees and improve production of timber and related forest resources Improve land management Sites should have potential for establishment or maintenance of perennial forage. Includes forage seeding, tree and shrub planting, vegetation control, etc. Basin must be in State's Clean Water Strategy. 40% non-Federal cost share required Ownerships of 10-1,000 acres. Cost share up to 65 percent of average annual cost of practice Ownerships of 5-1,000 acres Cost share is 50-75 percent and up to $10,000/owner/year. 9 program practices including riparian, wetland, and fisheries protection Regional NPPC (BPA) Fish and Wildlife Program Direct Payment State and Federal agencies and Tribes Blue Mt. Ntl. Res.Inst Blue Mountains Elk Initiative Restoration projects Varies 95 Planning, construction, and 0 & M of fish and wildlife projects Restoration of Elk habitat Can be used as local cost share on Federal projects Partnership of 22 tribal, governmental and private organizations Agency Assistance Recipients Purpose Comments Private Nature Conservancy Direct Payment State or local entities Water Heritage Trust Direct Payment State or local entities State or local entities Direct Payment, Volunteer Oregon Trout Assistance Isaac Walton Volunteer Assistance League Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Trout Volunteer Assistance Unlimited Potential source of funding for land purchase I 96 . . , Planning, construction, and 0 & M of watershed enhancement projects. Land and water purchase/lease Planning, construction, and 0 & M of watershed enhancement projects. Land and water purchase/lease ;